PROOFS OF GOD PROOFS OF GOD MUHAMMADI MADRASAH WORKBOOK P7 Year 7 Age 11-12 Name of Pupil __________________ www.madressa.weebly.com

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P7 Year 7 Age 11-12

Name of Pupil __________________


© Abid Bata




Some people say that they do not believe in God because they have never SEEN Him. They say: "We will only believe in God if we see God with our own eyes." They say: "What is the point of believing in something which we have not seen!"

These people are the same as the Companions of Musa. When, one day, Prophet Musa took his Companions to a mountain they began to say: "Where is your God? We want to see your God. We cannot believe in him unless we see him!" Musa explained that God was not like us. He said: “We are created things but God is not created. We are made of a body but God is not like us.” But the Companions refused to listen. Just then an angel came from heaven. The Companions got so frightened that they all died. Musa said: "Isn't it amazing that they wanted to see God but they couldn't even see an angel!"

People like the Companions of Musa exist today. They say they want to see God with their eyes but they do not use the eyes of their minds. They do not understand that if they want to see God then they have to see the wisdom and power of God which is seen everywhere. They do not understand that one of the greatest proofs of God is the marvelous creation we see everyday.


Imagine that you were lost in a jungle. There was nobody there to help you. You began walking through the dark


bushes and deadly swamps. But then you saw a beautiful house with lights, gardens, fountains, swimming pool and plenty of food. And yet there was nobody in the house.

Now say you had a friend with you who said: "There is nobody here and so nobody could have built this house. It built itself!" Would you believe him? Of course you would not believe him because houses cannot build themselves. So how then can the whole of the world be built by itself when the world is greater than a house! Of course God must have created it and those people who do not believe in God are like the person who saw the beautiful house but refused to believe that somebody must have build it.


Now imagine that there was a computer that could talk to you. It was able to listen to your questions and then think of an answer. In other words, the computer had artificial brain. Some great engineers must have made this artificial brain of the computer.

But you have a real brain more powerful than any computer brain – we hope! Surely somebody must have created you with such a brain! Everything in your body too is more wonderful than any machine or computer. Just look at your hands and feet! See how they are designed! So if a computer needs somebody to create it than your body too must have been created by someone.

Think again about the designs of creation. The beautiful designs in a flower, the designs in a leaf, the way the Sun moves, the waves in an ocean and a millions other things that exist. If God did not exist then who would have designed all these things?

Religion teaches that the designs of everything is a great proof that a Godly mind is everywhere in the marvelous creation. People who refuse to believe this are just refusing to believe in the truth that they see everyday. They do not understand that


even their eyes, ears and hearts are all proofs of a godly designer. In fact the tongues which they use to say ‘I do not believe in God’ is also created by God!


A. Say yes or no1. Is God like us? __________2. Is God in a place? __________3. Has anybody created God? _________4. Is God inside anything? ___________B. Say true or false1. God is the designer of all things? ______________2. God gave us intelligence to think? ____________3. A building proves there is a builder and so creation proves there is a God? _____4. To believe in God you must see him first? ________5. To know how intelligent God is we must look at the designs of things? _______

Answer these questions. 1. What did the Companions of Musa want to see?

2. Whom could they not even see?

3.How can we prove that God’s intelligence is everywhere?

4. What is the difference between artificial intelligence and our intelligence?

Thinking Questions1. If someone tells you that he knows who created God then what can you tell



2. What do we look for when we want to search for God in the universe? Explain your answer

3. One of he names of God is Khaliq. It means creator. To remember him you have to say Ya Khaliq. What kind of different things would you look in order to remember how great the Khaliq is.

Essay Task

Someone says that he had discovered that water is made from two things called Hydrogen and Oxygen. He says that because he knows what water is made from therefore he does not need to believe in the Khaliq. Another person says that he knows how clouds are formed and how wind blows. He says he does not believe in God because he knows these things.

You have to write an essay to explain to people like these that God does exist even if they know how he makes water and how he makes clouds happen.





Some people came to Mawla Ali and asked: “Who created God?” Imam Ali said: “God would not be God if he was created by anybody!”

These people did not understand that God is not like us. It is we who need creating, and not God. In fact all things in the world need creating but God does not need creating.

This is because God is not like a created thing. God is not a body, hands, legs, mouth, energy or anything else. He is uncreated. Everything else is created. And the things that have been created will one day end or perish. But God’s existence will never end because he is not a thing that can be created or ended. This means that God is EVERLIVING.

To say that God is not created we say that he is UNIQUE. This means that God is like nobody because everything else can only exist if it is created. But only God exists in a manner that does not need creating.

In Islam to say that God is unique we use the word ALLAH. It is for this reason that many Muslims will say Allah instead of God. But it is okay to say God because we all know what we mean.



A king once said: ‘How can you believe in things you can’t see! I will not believe in God until I see him!’ But then one day the king cried with great pain in his head. A wise doctor came. The king said: ‘I am in great pain. Help me doctor!’ But the doctor said: ‘I do not believe you are in pain because I cannot see any pain with my eyes. I refuse to believe what I cannot see.’The king looked at the doctor in great anger. But the doctor said: ‘You said that you should not believe in things you can’t see. So I cannot believe you have any pain.’ The king was left with his mouth wide open because he knew he had made a fool of himself.


There once was a man who was busy looking for where love was. He looked in the skies and in the seas. He even looked for it in holy places. But he did not find love anywhere. Little did he know that love was not like a person. It was not a thing to look for in the mountains or in the trees. Love was not like gold or silver. It was different.

Similarly Allah is different. To look for him you just need to use the wisdom he has given to you. Look around you and wherever you look you will see the love and wisdom of Allah for his creation. You will see the beautiful designs of God. You will see the patterns and colours God has created. You will then begin to love God by loving the things he has created.


In Islam we say that God’s beautiful creation teaches us about his beautiful names. In Arabic these names are called ASMA E HUSNA. Here are some of the names of God which teach us who God is

The All Merciful The All Knowing The All GreatThe All Powerful The All Creator The All Just



Say true or false1. God must be created? ________2. A created thing cannot be God? ________3. If God was like us then he would not be God? _______4. God is everywhere because his wisdom and power is everywhere? _______5. God is not made up of things? __________

B. Here are false statements. You have to change them to write the correct statements

1. God is like us

2. God has 99 names only

3. God is full of hate

4. When we remember God we must feel sad

5. We must believe in things that don’t make sense


c. Answer these questions1. What did Imam Ali say to those who asked: “Who created God?”

2.Why can you not look for God inside or outside things?

3. Why is God called Allah?

Draw: Here are verses from the Qur’an about the marvelous creation and God. Read them and then think of the pictures that can go with them. For one of them draw a picture and write the verse with the picture!1. "There is no animal on earth, nor a bird in the sky with its outstretched wings, that is not looked after by Allah who also looks after you."2. "Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky and produces fruits of different colours? In the mountains too there are rocks of various hues and shades."3. "Allah has the keys to all that which is in the galaxies and the earth."


RESEARCH From the internet research the the many beautiful names of God. There are more than 99! Try to memorise some of them in Arabic.



10The Truth is not CONFUSED!


Have you noticed how the truth always wins! Say for example a person lies and says that Islam is a bad religion. He goes everywhere saying: “Islam is evil” and he makes people believe in him. But a time will come when his lies will be caught out. Lies are always caught out at the end. This is because there is a God who will protect the truth and make sure that people find out the truth. We say that the Hand of God defends the truth.

The Holy Qur’an says: “God will make the truth win even if falsehood become attractive and powerful.” This means that even if the liars are strong and they confuse people they will still lose at the end because God will make the truth win.


There have been many evil empires which have tried to change the truth. For example the Pharaoh was a proud king who tried to make the people believe that he was born superior and that he had magical powers. He even made his people worship him. But finally everything of his power was destroyed because it was all wrong. Wrong things never survive no matter how strong they may become.

The way the lies always loses and the way the truth always wins shows how the Hand of God works in human affairs.


One way God defended the truth was by sending Prophets against the Powers of Lies. God sent Prophets to teach goodness and fight against lies. The Prophets are the shinning proofs of God. They are one way God helps the truth to win.


There have been 124, 000 Prophets and they have come to every nation on earth. These Prophets had been given godly wisdom and they knew things which others did not know.

The most important thing they taught was that we should not worship anybody but Allah. This has proved to be the greatest truth in the history of the world.

In our lives we see that if we worship other things like money, beauty, our country, our family or our name then we will lose the value and the meaning to our lives.

If we get proud of our exams, our cars, our clothes, our muscles, our beauty … then we will lose because we are trying to worship these things.

We should, therefore, learn to only worship God while learning to respect the good things God has given to us as his blessings.


One of the great signs of God is the miracles that have happened. One of the greatest miracles was that of Prophet Isa (Jesus). He brought the dead back to life. This made some people think that he was God. But remember God is not a person! Prophet Isa said: “I am one of the proofs of God. If you worship anybody else but God then you will be the losers. This is the greatest truth that I preach to you.”

Other Prophets too brought miracles. Prophet Ibrahim first killed some birds and when he called out to them they became alive. The miracle of Musa was that he made the seas obey him. When he commanded the Red Sea to make a path, the sea obeyed and made a path for him and his people. Prophet Sulaiman also had miracles where he could talk to animals. All these miracles prove that God is there and his Prophets were given the powers of miracles.



A. SAY YES OR NO!1. Evil always wins? ___________2. The Prophets are a proof of God? __________________3. Miracles are a proof of God? ____________4. If you do wrong you will see it’s punishment? ____________5. The designs of everything are proofs of God? ______________6. If you do good you will see the benefit of it? _______________


1. What is the greatest truth?

2.What are the 124,000 shinning proofs of God?

3.What is one proof in history that evil does not win?

4.To which places did the Prophets come?

5. What was the miracle of Prophet Sulaiman?

C. Write down what you understand from these


1. Respect means to care for something but worship means to live for that thing.

2.People who live for other things and not for God will never be happy.

3. To become a true Muslim you must only worship Allah.

TASKSome people believe in superstitious things and call them miracles. They say: “We saw a light or we saw a man walking without a head or we saw a ghost. Have you heard of such stories? Write down one such story

These superstitious things are not miracles. We must remember that miracles are possible only at the hand of masumeens. So things like a tree floating in the air are superstitions while someone’s prayer being answered immediately is a miracle. Here are some incident which you have to put in to two columns – Miracle or superstition

1. A ghost 2. A headless man walking 3. A boy being cured of illness


4. A man getting guidance 5. A stick walking 6. An idol talking7. An elephant praying 8. A dog barking

Miracle Superstition





God sent many books with the Prophets to guide the people. These books were miracles because they had such knowledge that changed the world. But then evil people changed the books and started writing lies in them. For example when Prophet Ibrahim came he brought his book called Saheefa E Ibrahim. In it was written that a man should never marry his sister.

But after Ibrahim passed away the kings changed the rules and said: “Ibrahim married his own sister.” This was a total lie. Many such lies were written against the Prophets of God in their own books.

Another lie was against Prophet Daud. The book Prophet Daud brought was Zaboor and this book was good. But after Daud the book was changed. It said that Daud killed a man to get his wife. This was a total lie!

Then finally came the Prophet Muhammad. He made sure that the truth wins. He brought the last book from God called the Qur’an. It was given to the Prophet Muhammad by an angel who was sent by God. Until today the Qur’an is with us and nobody has been able to change it. This is another miracle of the Prophet Muhammad.


The Qur’an will be a miraclefor all times


The Qur’an has got many amazing things. Here are some of them!

1. Long time ago the people did not know many things. For example they did not know how a baby grows in the womb of the mother. But the Qur'an explained this. This is one of the many amazing things of the Qur'an which nobody knew about until the Qur’an told them. Later when people became interested in science they discovered that the Qur’an had told the truth about how the baby grows inside a mother.

Another amazing thing is that at that time the Qur'an inspired Muslims to travel across the world to learn new things. It told the people to go in to the skies and the deepest oceans to learn about the marvelous creation of Allah. This again was an amazing thing because people at that time used to believe that human beings will never be able to go in to the skies or in to the depths of the oceans.

When you do science at school you will learn that plants have got two sections. One is called 'male' and the other is called 'female.' (FILAMENT & CARPEL) This has only been recently discovered but the Qur'an said this over a thousand years ago. This shows how the things in the Qur'an are indeed amazing. The Qur'an is, therefore, one of the great proofs of God.



Before the Qur’anKNOWLEDGE IS


After Reading the Quran


The story of Imam Jaffer E Sadik is interesting. He was from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Some people came to him and said: 'God came to us as a man and he died to save us.' The Imam immediately replied:

"God came to us through the Qur'an and he stayed with us through the Qur'an."

This saying of the Imam tells us that the God is talking to us through the Quran. We must, therefore, always read and understand it if we want to listen to God.



1.Hazrat Jaffer E Sadik said: "

2. Without God there would never have been a book like _____________________.

3. One of the amazing things in the Qur'an is that it told us to fly in to the sky and to go in to the deepest _______________ in order to __________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. The Quran told us of how a _______________ grows inside the mother.

5.The books of the Prophets were changed but nobody could change the __________________

TASKS1. Research and write down the books the following Prophets received

Prophet Nuh received _________________Prophet Ibrahim received _________________Prophet Musa received _________________Prophet Daud received _________________


Prophet Isa received _________________Prophet Muhammad received _________________

2. What did the evil people do to the books which they could not do to the Quran?

DRAWING TASK1. Draw a flower and write down ‘male and female’ in it. Then write down what

the Quran said about plants which nobody knew about.

PROJECT WORK5.1 Learn these proofs by heart . Then make a small chart to summarise these proofs. Include some drawings or pictures in the chart.

Proof 1God must have designed things because they can’t design themselvesProof 2


Created things like us need to be created. So someone must have created us! Only God is not in a created form.Proof 3The Hand of God means that the Truth Always WinsProof 4God sent his Prophets with knowledge and miracles. These were all proofs of GodProof 5.The Qur’an contains such knowledge that is miracle.

5.2 Why do some people not believe in God?

Have you noticed how people with wrong ideas stop believing in God. Here are some examples of such people:

1. A person says: “I will only believe in God if he gives me what I want.” 2. Another person says: “I want a God to sit in the sky whom I can see with my

own eyes!”3. Another person says: “If God is there then he must stop all the thieves from

stealing and all the children from falling over.”4. Another person says: “If God is there then he must help my country win all the

football matches!”

Your task is to write down 10 other things which people say that are wrong about God. Write down the title:

“Wrong Ideas about God Stop us from Believing in God.”