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10TH Model American Congress

MAC Congressional Research Service Report

MAC CRS 2011

MAC 2011

A decade of Ventures

Honoring Our Virtues

Model American Congress 2011 dedicates this year to:

The inspirational Egyptian Revolution and the great Martyrs 2011


MAC 2011.a historical year in NEW egypt!!!

Ten years ago, the founding fathers of MAC have laid its pillars, hoping to have one of the strongest academic models among all students activities. And there, their wish turns out to be a reality; Model American Congress has proved year after the other that it is one of the most successful and prestigious students activities, not only in Egypt but also in the Middle East.

But this year is unique. Model American Congress is witnessing an unforgettable historical revolution that was no like any previous revolution all over the history. It is THE EGYPTIAN YOUTH that held the spark of freedom on their shoulders and called for their political, economic, and social rights. It is that youth that sacrificed with their blood for a better Egypt. And we shall be PROUD of the fact that we are from the revolutionary generation. Based on that fact, the social responsibility laid on our shoulders got heavier. Egypt needs us to act collaborativelyEgypt now needs more ambitious, knowledgeable, and skilful youth than before. This can be reached by many activities and tools and MAC is a main corner of those tools!!!

MAC introduces you to various experiences that allow you to be different. It is primarily established to develop the human capital in the Egyptian students. This is through raising your level of academic knowledge, fostering your skills This is accompanied by spreading political awareness among the Egyptian youth, leaching your potentials, improving your confidence and participation in your society. Being that skilful and knowledgeable entails you not to practice what you have learned only, but also to teach whoever comes on our way and pass what youve learned to others.

So, honorable senators and Lobbies, here is your time now to be different; experience the real political life, empower yourself with all necessary skills, act and debate as if you are a real decision maker, benefit from your experience to the maximum and pass it to others, and above all Dont forget that you are doing this for yourself and your beloved country, Egypt!

MAC 2011 High board,

MAC 2011 High board


Nada Fayez

President Pro-Tempore:

Yasmeen Oraby

Head of the Organizing Committee:

Ayman Mousa

Deputy-Head of the Organizing Committee:

Nahla Assaad




MAC 2011 High board.5


Rules of Procedure of MAC 2010....7

Committee on Foreign Relations16

Committee on Finance.................76

Committee on the Judiciary127

Select Committee on Intelligence179

Committee on Near East and South Asian Affairs..222

Rules of Procedure

Model American Congress 2011

United States Senate

A Decade of Ventures, Honoring our Virtues

Section I: Parliamentary Authority

-These rules shall be the official rules of the Model American Congress,

- MAC Rules of order Revised, may be used for purposes of definition, but in cases of conflict, these by-laws shall take precedence,

- No one may amend these by-laws except the members of the committee.

Section II: Senate members and officers

First, the duties of the chairman/lady of each committee shall be:

- T o declare the opening and closing of each committee meeting,

- To recognize all the speakers,

- To decide all points of order,

- To put questions to a vote and announce the results,

- To preserve order and decorum and to clear the floor of any disorderly persons.

Second, the duties of the Vice-Chair shall be:

- To chair the committee during the chairman/lady absence or when the latter yields the floor to,

- To read all bills and amendments,

- To assist in counting of the votes,

- To make sure that there is a quorum present at all times during which business is being transacted.

Third, the duties of the Ranking Member shall be:

- To advise the Chairman/lady in the decision of any parliamentary questions,

- To Direct the Academic flow of the debate,

- To act as source of all academic materials that needed by the senators during the congressional meetings.

- To make sure that the committee bills are issued according to all technical and legal specifications.

Fourth, the duties of the Party Consultant shall be:

- To arrange each and every party factions and wings,

- To work on the formulation of the party statement,

- To assist the Ranking Member in providing the Academic materials,

- To act as source of party and senators stances.

Fifth, the duties of the Senators shall be:

- To Work on the discussed committee topics, as well issuing a bill on the discussed topics to be taken to the senate floor,

- To assist the Chairman/lady in maintaining order and decorum.

Sixth, the duties of the Lobbyists shall be:

- To provide the senators with the academic materials and any technical or legal support,

- To work on the discussed committee topics,

- To lobby for or against the committee bills in the other committees and in the floor,

- To assist the Chairman/lady in maintaining order and decorum.

NOTE: the Chairman/lady may vote when it is necessary to break a tie, to complete a 2/3 vote, to make a quorum, or in any case where his/her vote would change the results, at which time he may vote if he/she chooses.

Section III: Standing Committees

- The committee Chairman/lady shall assign the senators prior to the opining of the Model American Congress Conference,

- There shall be one Chairman/lady and 20 senators for each committee,

- The Committee on the Rules shall consist of the Model American Congress President, President Pro-tempore and the Chairmen/ladies of the 5 Committees. Other senators may be arbitrarily admitted.

Section IV: Agenda and Order of Business

- The Agenda of the Senate Floor and each of the standing committees shall be drawn up in advance of the opining of the respective sessions.

- The Vice-chair shall see that each member of the chamber has received a copy of the agenda.

- Bills no on the agenda may only be introduced by a motion to suspend the rules.

- Bills passed in the committee should be forwarded to the Committee on Rules, Where they will be placed on the agenda of the Senate Floor.

- In Committee, the sponsor of the bill may make any changes on his/her bill by arranging them with the Ranking Member before the markup session.

Section V: Rules of Order

The following are some motions, which shall be used in Senate. If two motions are on the floor simultaneously, the higher numbered one shall take precedence..


A bill may be passed by acclamation only before debate has begun. It requires a simple majority vote. "I'd like to move to an acclamation voting procedure on the presented bill".

OBJECT TO CONSIDERATION (only on the floor)

This motion, if passed, has the effect of canceling the effect of the bill. It is used only if the body feels that the bill being discussed is frivolous, irrelevant, not within the bodys jurisdiction, or clearly unconstitutional. It must be done before debate on the bill has begun. It requires a 2/3 vote to pass I object to consideration of this question, having. "


If a delegate calls for a division of a motion, it means he/she wants the bill to be voted on separately from its amendments. 2/3 majority is required to divide a motion, it can be raise though in case we have an acclamation motion pre-discussing the bill.

"I call for the division of the committee" (And its asked for a vote by actual count to verify a voice vote for the bill without amendments)


This ends debate prematurely and brings the assembly to an immediate vote on the main motion. It requires a 2/3 vote to pass I move the previous question, to"


This motion suspends the rules of the chamber involved for a definite purpose, for a specified time. It requires a 2/3 vote to pass. I move we suspend the rules and consider the chairs authority"


If a breach of parliamentary procedure occurs, a senator may bring it to the attention of the chair. The punishment of the offender shall be at the discretion of the chair, as well it can be used to raise a motion for a caucus, mark up session or holding a congressional hearings and in that cas4e it always begins with I move that.. "I'd like to raise a motion to move to a "Or I appeal the chairs decision" or I move we postpone this meeting until".


A delegate may rise to appoint of privilege if there is a question concerning the rights of a member or the entire assembly. It can call for the reading of pertinent Bill, the opening of a window etc. "Point of personal privilege"


A senator may, at his/her discretion call for a recess/adjourn of any meeting. It requires a majority vote to pass.

I move that we recess until. or I move that we adjourn

Note: All motions require a 2/3 majority to pass except the recess, adjourn & acclamation both requires a simple majority to pass.

Only the point of personal privilege can be raised while a senator has a floor.


- All voting on the main motion shall consist of a show of hands of the ayes and nays but this is done only if there is a marked uncertainty as to the result of the vote. No division shall be allowed if any new motion has been made since the vote has been taken.

- The majority vote as well as the 2/3 vote shall consist of the number of senators present and voting.

- All motions and points shall be out of order once the vote has begun.

Abstentions shall not be counted where its only allowed in case of the amendments and the bill voting.

- All motions require a 2/3 majority to pass except the recess, adjourn & acclamation both requires a simple majority to pass.

- In case of having a miss-vote a re-voting procedure is taken by the chair, by which a voice vote for the motion is taken as in the case of the divided motion.

- Abstentions aren't allowed in case of a motion vote

SECTION VII: Debate Flow

The Congressional Committee meetings:

the Committee will come to order. We are meeting today to consider our congressional agenda the ".", the ".", and the "."

"thanks to the gentleman or the gentle lady" pointing to the ranking member, a quorum(10) being present, the committee will now proceed the consideration of the declared agenda for that congressional meeting, and now the floor will be yield to the vice-chair to have the roll call, senators attending should reply as present

the honorable senatorof.. Is recognized for two minutes

other members may submit opening statements comments for the record

honorable senators wishing to speak should raise their placards high and keep them high.

the honorable senatorof.. is recognized for two minutes

"thanks to the gentleman or the gentle lady"

and so on

point of order honorable.ofwhat's your point I'll move that we go to a hearing session forminutes

honorable senator thats in order, the question is on agreeing to the motion offered by the gentleman. to. Those in favor say "aye" those opposed say "no"

(if only no or ayes are heard then the voting had a consensus result whether yes or no while in case of nays and ayes are heard then a raising hands motion takes place)

In the opinion of the chair, the ayes [nays] have it and the motion is [is not] agreed to

The Mark Up Session:

the Committee will come to order. We are meeting today to consider S.111 the"..bill title..", a bill to..

A quorum (10) being present, the committee will now proceed the consideration of S111 the "..bill title.", I'll now call up the S111. The ranking member will report the bill.

(interrupt reading) the bill was circulated in advance. Without objection, the first reading of the bill is dispensed with.