We already know what conjunctions and adverbs are! Remember FANBOYS? Adverbs are like adjectives but instead they describe verbs! Now take a guess at

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We already know what conjunctions and adverbs are!

Remember FANBOYS? Adverbs are like adjectives but instead they describe verbs!

Now take a guess at what these 2 words combined could mean?????

Conjunctive adverbs are words that describe a relationship between two clauses.

They act as transitional phrases and connect ideas of one sentence or clause to those of a previous sentence or clause.

Conjunctive adverbs can appear anywhere in a sentence.

Thankfully we already learned about clauses!

Show Relationship - The primary purpose of conjunctive adverbs is to connect ideas by showing a time relationship.

  When two clauses are related by a

conjunctive adverb, they must be separated by a period or a semicolon.

We will use conjunctive adverbs to show time relationships in our

narrative writing

The twilight glides away. Soon night will awake.

First, get a pad and pencil. Next, find a quiet place to think

earlier next lastly later before

after then

now soon here there

first second third fourth

today eventually tomorrow

accordingly                 for example                 meanwhile                   otherwise

also                              further                         moreover                     similarly

anyway                        furthermore                 namely                         still

as a result                    hence                           nevertheless                 then

at the same time          however                      next                             thereafter

besides                        incidentally                 nonetheless                  therefore

certainly                      indeed                         now                             thus    

consequently               instead                         on the contrary            undoubtedly

finally                          likewise                       on the other hand