Voter ID Laws GROUP 24 Joyce Anderson, Douglas Grant Caitlyn Smith, & Alice Willis

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  • Slide 1
  • Voter ID Laws GROUP 24 Joyce Anderson, Douglas Grant Caitlyn Smith, & Alice Willis
  • Slide 2
  • Table of Contents Introduction / Background Information Define the Issue Establish the Decision Criteria Collect and Analyze Data Identify and Evaluate Solutions Defend and Implement Decisions Evaluate, Review, and Revise Conclusion
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  • Background Info What are voter ID laws? Why are they used? Why they are not used?
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  • Define the Issue Need to preserve the integrity of the voting system American voters diminished confidence in the voting system Arguments for and against
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  • Establish the Decision Criteria Will voter ID laws be effective in North Carolina? Four key decision criteria Improvement of voter confidence Elimination of fraud Equal voting rights Implementation costs
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  • Establish the Decision Criteria Improvement of Voter Confidence Importance of protection of voting rights Integrity of election process
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  • Establish the Decision Criteria Will it Eliminate Fraud? Few documented cases Honest mistakes Procedural errors
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  • Establish the Decision Criteria Equal Voting Rights Will it disenfranchise voters? Formation of barriers Discrimination
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  • Establish the Decision Criteria Implementation Costs Free voter ID cards Education Costs Administrative Costs Strapped Budgets
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Improvement of voter confidence Will it eliminate fraud? Equal voting rights Implementation Costs
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Improvement of Voter Confidence Fraud undermines voter confidence in representative government ID requirements are direct and effective States responsibility under 10 th Amendment
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Will it eliminate fraud? Fraud an over exaggerated topic Absentee-ballot fraud vs. Voter- impersonation fraud See Table 1 on next slide
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Will it eliminate fraud?
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Equal Voting Rights Not discriminatory Uniformly applied to all state residents No evidence where ID laws are already enacted
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Implementation Costs Costs taxpayers $18 - $25 million over three years North Carolinas itemized expenses See Table 2 on next slide
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  • Collect and Analyze Data Implementation Costs State ExpenseWhy its needed3 year Estimate- NC Educating VotersTV ads, mailings, other outreach to inform current and new voters $13-$15.8 million ID CardsID materials/equipment, increased demand at DMV $2.5-$4.7 million Administrative CostsHiring, training, printing ballots, updating procedures $3.5-$5.5 million Total Costs $18.5-$25.2 million for three years
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Four Possible Solution Alternatives Strict Photo ID Non-Strict Photo ID Strict Non-Photo ID No Voter ID
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Strict Photo ID Must provide valid form of ID Driver's license, passport, or state identification card If unable to provide valid form of ID May vote a provisional ballot Must provide valid form to county election officer By mail or electronic source Before the meeting of county board of canvasssers
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  • Pros Increases prevention of voter fraud Increases voter confidence in electoral system Cons Around 9.25% of registered voters in NC lack state-issued photo ID High costs providing free voter IDs to the 9.25% of voters who dont have the required ID Identify and Evaluate Solutions Strict Photo ID
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Non-Strict Photo ID Voters must present a valid form of personal photo identification Drivers license, passport, student ID card, or military ID If individual fails to provide proper ID they may sign an affidavit and vote a regular ballot
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Non-Strict Photo ID Pros Moderately increases prevention of voter fraud Increases voter confidence in electoral system Cons Still have issues with voters not having required ID Costs will still be incurred for those who dont have required ID
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Strict Non-photo ID Each voter must provide designated means of identification that do not need a photo Official vote registration card, birth certificate, passport, hunting/fishing license, current utility bill, etc. If individual fails to proper identification will be allowed to vote a questioned ballot.
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  • Identify and Evaluate Solutions Strict Non-photo ID Pros Slightly increases prevention of voter fraud Moderate increase of voter confidence Cons Still may have issues with voters not having required ID Still a possibility of voter fraud
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  • No voter ID law at all Voters not required to provide any personal identification at all Identify and Evaluate Solutions No Voter ID
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  • Pros No costs will be incurred Cons Voter fraud will continue to occur Voters not confident in the voting system Identify and Evaluate Solutions No Voter ID
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  • Weighted 4 decision criteria on a scale of 1-4 1 = not a concern, 2 = slightly concerned, 3 = moderately concerned, 4 = major concern Accessed the importance of each criterion and rated it on a scale of 1-4. 1 = no impact, 2 = slight impact, 3 = moderate impact, 4 = major impact Identify and Evaluate Solutions Decision Matrix
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  • CriteriaWeightAlternatives Strict PhotoNon-Strict Photo Strict Non- Photo No Voter ID Fraud Issues44331 Confidence34321 Costs23211 Equality Issues 11111 Total 35262110
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  • Defend and Implement Decision Recommendation Implement strict voter ID in NC Require all voters to present a government issued Voter ID card Applicant must fill out a Department of State application form and sign an oath/affirmation Info needed to obtain a free State Voter ID card Name, address, DOB, SSN (if issued one), county, & previous name/address if changed in past 12 months
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  • Defend and Implement Decision Advantages and Disadvantages of Solution Advantages Preventing fraudulent voting will cut cost Voter Fraud only detected after the fact Better to prevent than track down Help society by enabling people to Get to work Open bank accounts Other functions of society that are impossible without photo ID Disadvantages Population percentage with ID unknown Implementation could be costly 2 million in first year Smaller cost in following years
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  • Immediate Impact on North Carolina DMV Already have cameras & staff on hand More work for staff or more employees needed Financial Impact Assessed after a year and needed funds should be addressed by the legislation Impact on Voters Two year period to obtain Voter ID Card No cost Defend and Implement Decision Impact on Stakeholders
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  • Ethics & Morals Best for whole state of North Carolina Considered multiple perspectives Opposing parties opinions Diversity Discrimination Globalization Researched but did not play a big role Environmental Defend and Implement Decision Edge Perspective
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  • Evaluate, Review, and Revise When to review 3 years from implementation After 2016 Presidential Election How to review Establish a panel to observe Record voter turnout, number of provisional ballots, & number of voters turned down because of law Compare past election results with new results
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  • Conclusion We provided a solution to preserve the integrity of the voting system through the Use of the Decide Model Understanding of our decision criteria Use of Edge Perspective
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  • Questions?