; C i fa. Tf J , " i ;$-TW- &SXA'- - iXSXZirWSF.- ' 1)jpF T" i ..A&v ..,v N2 , .s y lie latii ??wi MKW afaaal mlleftu. VOL. V11I. NO. 1101. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 18U4. PRICE 5 CENTS. the daily bulletin PH1NTRD AND POBU80BD KVERY AFTERNOON tXCSfT SONDAT BI THS Daily Bulletin Pabllsfalng Co., L'd., 4T Ttt orstcs (26 A 320 tfrr.tuat St, Buotata, 8. 1. MUIISOHIITION-- Bll Doi.Iaia YsAt. Delivered Iti Uonnliilu at Kirtr Casts a VloKTU, In advance. m mm bdllbtin i -I- H PUItl.tBHE- D- j U1VHJH.-- TtTBJSDAY tf t.tfffc ft..t.t.. MM . Vk.II Ijl tkltllMtllV lint Kivs DiitLAiMtu Knrttit Suliscrllwrn, imyabtM in advance. BOOS AND JOB PRINTING imihe 111 surssioa ttrtt. .. - 110 Dl TELEPHONE! tuf ttf v.o. hox ty. Ilia Daily Hl'LLKTiM I printed and pub- lished by the Dally Itultclili 1'ubltshlliK :iiuiiny. I.lniital. at Its oll'.cs. Mer- - ilu-el- , Il- - viitaia iil'iniilli'i limtwiiuu A'i&aVft1. " ! atlreM leltefi. for Hie pAiwr ' K,llt..r Ui'i.LKriN," and iifliisit iKtten " Manager Dally llullctln I'liblNhlnK Company." umni! a iMronai aaoreaii may rinie uviny in tttu()im. Uuatnoaa Oorda. ;l L.UWEU9 A COOKE. iu..i4riiA" ,ki IlkAiriv in l.nwxci nii o.i. ihu- - ir IliTii uira'o MTtvi4iji f'mt ritrei, Honolulu. H. HAOKFHL.D A 00.. (ni I'uMtiinaiDi. Aor. '"lift I'vtt riinl tj.itrti Htrn!, Honolulu. tUO. S. SKITB1K8. VI-- lIHkKt i . !(.,. lliivmsM Amni. Mahiikoiia, Knhala, Hawaii. W1LUAM FOBTER. Arranv-4r-l.r- f mn Nutaiv fvruf. Nis 13 Kaahuiuaiiu Bt., Honolulu. TH03. L1ND8AY. tNirTi'Mim, Jawaiik Mli WTI'M. DAKIIi. Kutui JrAelry a eiireiiilty. I'artlcilla tl"iitlon Mld to all kltuli of n'palrk. Mclneriiy Hlock, Fort HtroiU I. J. WHJLIAM8. ! PHOTOORAP H m R. r ooii csiuctioo or imud 7i VI H0N'0LTJI.O RON WOUKS, .,, .u !."........ U... .. i. un..ln. nvnti ii hi lioil.tk- - lli.kU.. lUllh. liHtM. 41.11 I, (Ah lU'TIKil. MiiOlimery ul Kvery lei.crlptloii Made Ui i Outer. I'artiauiar mieiitlmi paidtoBlnp' UhiclckiulthiiiK. Job Work AWfju.! at t ouiin ,m iiv. K. A. JACOBSON, Watuiimakku A.N'I) Juwki.kh Fori Blrwt, Huuiiliiln, H. I. 1'. 0. Hon 3)7. Mutual Tele. iN DR. C. W. MOOKE, Uoo Van Nem Ave., H. F Cat. Elngant Apartmonls (or Patients. KIKOfHIl'M V IK MKHVOI'H Dr. MiHin ollnrH Invalids all the yoiiifurm of home, with constant und care- ful tretttmeul. Kof.'rs tu II. II. Mucfurlane. tssf-t- f CHAS. GIRDLER. - UIKKI1 IMI'ORTSR Of KMII.1HII ANU CONTINENTAL 3Dry O-oocit- s Vl, h KI.MIII)lt tVMh, Cement Sidewalks & Gia-nit- e Curbing Laid. KMlmatee given on all klmlu ol HTtlNE.CONI.MtETE .V I'l.ASTElt WOHK iBBw. rONttHRr A "IKl'UUTV H JOHN K. BOWLER C. B. RIPLEY & ARTHUR REVKOLDS, AROHITBOTB. Vlrrius. New Bafe DeHinl IIuIIiIIiik. Fort rtreet, Huimlulil. 11. I, I'laiik, hpivlllcAtlouii and Burluiein. em Kiveii for Every DexTlpllou of 11 ill lit. IliK. Old llllildlliKO miiK'extfutly ItemiKl. sllmi and KllUrcil, D.tnltMia for Interior Decoratlomi. Main or Meeliauiral Draw. Inc, TrseiiiK ud lllne I'nntliit:. Drswluye for liook or Newiiir Hliistrstiun iM. g. Irwin & co. j (Ijlnaltcsd OKrKll FOK HAt.K Fl UTILIZERS tilt. I'SOM "OSf Celfibrated HUb Grade Caoe Saourfis. We are aluo prepared to take urder (ur UHnin. N. OniM.ndt a Oo 'a I Ftsi'tlUxerc. i I Insuring prompt rtellverv Tim ii a iniifrlor 1'altit Oil.roo. I tUIIllDf leS pltflutetit than Uned Oil. and ItlllK lading brilliancy to colors. Ubm with drlet It Rlvr a splendid fliHir urfae Lime, KKKINKDrtllOAttB MAI.MON W'tani Crag Co.'. Coruud Bm.l Rooflog k Papers, Ittd'i Piteai Steam Pipe Comfiot Jartwet' OUond, Enamol A Etui--UbUh- PaJnl ltn.'lally itel(iix for Vanunin run., FIRE, LIFE AND Hartford Fire lasuraace Co., Auott, 17,109,825.49. London a Laacaabire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, 14,317,052. Tbaraoaaod Mersey Marine Ins, Co., IMuilted) assets, 16.124,057. Now York Lite Ins. Co., Assets, S137.49U.I98.99. G. 0. General Aaent for Hawaiian Islands. I IIO.VOMM.U. G. & Co. iUMITKUi Wm. u Irwin, Freitldaiii ami Manager Claim BiireokeU W M.OiUHrd. iHerretary and I'reaturer n,0 p,,,, ' AndlUir Sagra.r Paotors AMI ComtnlSHlou Aunu J okntn or rna j Oceanic Steamship Company, j IF BAN FUANCIBCO CAL, C. k GO. aiMITED) General Mercantile AM. Commission Agents I. O. JoiieN I'reaideut 0. H. KolmrtK.m. . .Manager E. F. Illnhop. . .Beoretary ,lc Treasurer W.F.Allen . .. Auditor 0. M. Cooke H. Waterhouse Mlr Inra 11. U Carter -- I Jl'I'V ( I A l?lf I 1UI," ,C iiruer Klim and llethel Bu BOTB TELEPflONES 113 Fine CarriagMB &c Civil DrivarH . o u.,1 at an imiira. . .1 . ..'. AN I) It A ll'Ji lur-- t it .MniiHuei Atlas Co. Or ASSETS, . . 110,000,000. II. W. SOI IMM)T&iSONS, 1 JUST ARRIVED ! IKMLKD LUC()L!!Sewinfl Machines, Oement. Compounds, MARINE INSURANCE. BERGER, Wm. Irwin BREWER Assurance AawilUlulHaaalUulslail.lt, HKK ttAKK "0. I). IIKYANT ' A UABY CARRIAGES or ALL STTLMt Carpets, Rugs and Mats call In tlif Latent Paltertm i "HOUSEHOLD HAND SEWING MACHINES, 111 with Hie Letem! ttnprovemeiiu call - ALSO 0 UAS- D- r VKSTER.MAYKK tii i i n j i I). mnm mm rianos' p.rQr rtpojmr GdIUR. , u f - ,M orHlk- - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOK BAI.K Kn. HnFFsr. . LaKfiKK n r.n w, MW. wwua.iauvx.i w vwtl Klriat Buret, opim. Cantla A Cooke. Vio-t- f 4U - UOTH TKI.KI'HUNKH 414 II L'STACE &CO.! I COAL All lliiiln lii any itiautlly from bnK to a ton. CHARCOAL K'ihii one bait to any itianlity FIPlETrVOOID In lenxthi and Baweit or Split from a Una to any quantity; alwt WII1TB & BLACK SAND W7U-- tt i ! N"A.TI02Sr.AJ I IRON WORKS QTJHjrON BTRBET, BtwsD AUkst and Rlciuudi Straats. 'pilK UNDEKH1UNEI) AKE 1'HK- - I. pitred to ninktj all kind of Iron, , llrt. Ilronm. .I HO. Tin and T.al l!.l. I lni. AUo a Uuueral Iteimlr Bhop for , HU'iiiu EiikIiim. Klce Mill., Corn Mill., water wiieeu, Wind Mills, etc. Machine! f.,r th. i:lifi!ilni .tt iiirte ib... .,nu Iteituy, Kamle, BIkhI, I'lneapple Leaves ami other Fibrous I'l.iiitu and l'air Hlock. AUo'Machine for Estracilinr Blarch fnim the MbiiIk, Arrow IUkji, eta. All orderii promptly aittniet u WHITE, RITMAN fc CO. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lnuch Id Town. fPrafiL T&n H.txdL Oofre T ALL UOL'aa rilK FINEST BUAND.s l)K Cigars and Tobacco LWAVb ON UANI ,H. J NOLTE, Prop, "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside Resort Watklki : Honolulu. Ij u?iffm ttturt nch uUMtuhiiMtd thinm cty MCtHcru, fJiflVf. tjiis1 riiV. rlttr mn uiilrr, yiuHl fmi nuil htnrtnly tututt hum) on I bfj'urt hit tytt n,rry nentiii( vtr the icl- - tij ...,.f I.m .I.VI....J 1.111. ..f ll'..V - f -- .- I uutut Mi eoullnlly tii tht "Kmi&mel." , ! T. A. 8I3PS0H, aUoiger. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, rM-- - JV.1 -- TTWV M7..T-- B KING SI ylblMH mmk M m Milim AND - NAVY CONTRACTORS. Q, J, Wauih, t i Mauajior, Pacific Mail S.S. Go. AND THI Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go, ) for TOKOHAMA u4 H0N01UNQ. Htvanirr of the above Conipanlri will at Honolulu on their way to the ahovn IKjrta on or about the following datea: 8tiur"0HlNA".. .B.tnibr 3, lM 8tmr"0(JKANIO". October t, 1WI BtinfUllINA" November 112. 1MH' Btmr "OCE AN 10".. .December 11, I8!H Btmr "CHINA" .. January SI, IK Stiur'OOKANIC" February 19, 1W3 fltmr I1JIINA" AprilS.tKflft rw SAN FRANCISCO Htaatntr of the above CottiHUiiet will at lionoiuia on their way Iroiu HonK- - koiitf and i uKvimuii w the above port on anoui tbe following dtei! Stiur "UKI.OIC" AilK-iioti- l, iH 8tmr"ClTYOFlERlNU'' . Octobet . IINI Stuir "OCKANIir' Novemlr 19, lm4 Btmr "CHINA" Occembur .11, IKl Btuir"OAKI.lO' .. Kcbrunrv in, Wis Stmr-l'KK- U" March , USOi Btmr April 28, WS R.TKS Or kU IS FOLLOWS: ro toto ro NANA uibm IIM) III II7SUU Cabin, round trip I monini t II art mi (w, round un.u flIJniUI lit. Itaropean BtMraitn V) Ul H 00 Of FawvnKeri paying full fare l be nllowwl II) iwrrent ol! ret'jrn fa If 'eturn- - N. nir ithln twelve nuintli ,.., Krrlriht n.l l'm.Kr i'nj l H. HACtFELD k CO.. aim Aoea!a.!ONE "jONE Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Service. For San I be Mew and Flue Al Bleel Uuainiii " M MARIPOSA Ill the Oreanle Bteamnhlp will hedueat Honolulu from Sydney and Aiiek. land on or about August 23d And will leave fur the above port with .Malltaud I'aMnnKerionorabout thatdatw. Por Sydney tad dl- - New and Finn A I fiUel Hlenli.ehli M " ALAMEDA Ol the Oreanio rileaumblp Coiiilmuy will b due at Honolulu, from Han Fraiuiiimo, mi or about August r Ami will nave prompt depaieii UtJ iau ami ranenner or me l. piiru The undMraiKtuMt are uoa prepainl to leene rHKOUGU TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UMIKl) STATES Km further oattlrillan leuanllue ereiut or I'aaaaxe apply Ui WM. Q. IRWIN A CO., Lit. ''' Otosral agsate. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Table LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arriv Honolulu lMVe UoimllllU from b. F fur b. F. Auu It Auk. is Hepl. h . 8vpt. Ift Oct. 11 . . . .Oct. 13 Nov. .1 ...Nov IU Den. 1 Ilea b THROUGH LINE Kroiii h FrancihTo From Byduey Im for Bytlney Ian Franci'MMi. .lrrti llurulllthi i.civt Jlwuitulu MONOWAI. Auk. -- ' Al.AMEDA.July'Jil .M.A.Mr.llA, AUK !UI MAKII'OHA.Anp.ffl MAHll'OBA.Bvpt.'.T MONOWAl.Bept.au MONOWAI Oct. 35 ALAMEDA II. NoUry Public, G'olloclor and Oaoaral BoslDSU Agent. hul,.K'nl for Heverul of the llni FI1IE INHl'llANTE OOMI'ANIEB. ( p,nl 0, 1,,., okemloal CoaapouBd lor Olarliylng Uane Jolea. Milliiul relepluiiit' S, V. O. lUn 3.IS. Mi'nil lin nt Sirerti, Honolulu. M Up Boll. Telephones 122; rim Baggage Express, stand al HollltiK.T'HlMelii Rhop, gieii t r- -l near Foil ' u MU1CB I'Ol.LOOK, Canadian-Australia- n eieatuer nf the aIniv,. l.tne. rutinltiit In connntuun with lrt CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Between Vancouver II. 0.. and Bvilnpy, Honobiln ami A.R.E DUE -- A.T (In or about thn Ante From Sydnoy mid Sum, for Victoria and Vancouvnr. B 0.! Bttnr"WAnRIMOO" . BrilmbiT I Htmr-ARAW- A" .(Vtnber'J ' ... November 1 i Tkreagb Ttekab taaiaa (rem Soaolala rttlOHT ANII rAKKCKIIIR AHOTKi , I). Mi'NIOUl.1.. Montreal, Cannda KOI1KKT KKKK. WlimHi;, Canada M. M. BTEKN. Ban Fraiirrrrn, Cal I G. McU IIKUWN. Vancouver. II. V. HONOLULU SOAP HOUSE MODERN TIMES PRICES! 17 II of tho BEST QUALITY of SOAP. fi.2:i( lu Canos of lOOIbs., IJouiAt Woiubt, HbO; SUM OJLIsriDXjBS : TKU'I.F. I'UKHHKI) BTKAUIC M1NIN0 CANDLES, Mautiracttiied by thr F.m-- r) Camllr WorLi. of Clncliuiatl, at 1.1 (Vutn iMr I'miml. ! Y. MAIIITH I'lllA'KKIX.En WAHHINU SOU A which Ill.)l In .'old Witer. I .1 CentH a I'liiind BAI.T, liuib. llKr r) Vnt,. IWIIt.K SALT, Olvitn Away. Klawe Flre-wooci- , lO OO per Cord ClURCDAf., 10 CENTS I'Elt HAD, Delivered Fr-- to Any I'ait of the City KOI? DEPOT : DOZES QUAUT BOTTLES. DOZEN l'INT BOTTLES, "OAKI.IC" PASSAGE Kail Francisco: I'ouipni.y Auckland: 30th. LOSE, KITCHEN Thla is All 1ST. MUTUAI. TKI Mil lIUi'i Wilders Steamship Go. riME TABLE W. O. WiLUsa. 1'rca. b. 11. hex a Mm, Cam. J. A. Kisii, Fort Bupl. Stmr. KINAU, 0L1BKC, Coauuadsr. Will leave Honolulu al 'i t. .. louufalug at lAbalna, Mualaea liny and Makena the am day; Mahukona, Knvtaihae and Uu the followiint .lay arrlviinr at illo al nildiilUt. LEAVE HONOI.lll.il Tuewlay ..AUK.M Friday Aim. n i Tueaday ,..Bept. 4 nua, r.l. 14 Tue fay . Mipt. 'a l rridav .Oct, 6 Tuesday. .. OcU W1 Friday ...Oct. i Tiiufay. . . . Nov. ti Friday.., ...Nov. IU 'fuenday . .Nov. 27 Friday ,.. llec. 7 Tuenday . Dec. IS Returning leave! Hilo, touchliiK at Uu- - , Kawalhae a. m., 10 a. m.; Makeu I r, s.; Msalaea llayll f. m.; Lahaina 9 r. u, the following day; artivlnM at Honolulu ii a. m. Weilnee-day- s and Saturday. j AUItlVEK A'l HONOI.lll.il Uaturday.. ... Auk. U : Wednesday . .Aug. &' Saturday ., Bcpt. 1 Wednenday .Kept. U Haturday... .Hept. Si Wetlnekday . . .OCU J Haturday ... .Oct. 13 Weduesday . . ..OcU 21 Baturday..,. ..Nov. 3 Wednesday . . . Saturday .N Haturday Wednesday . . . III WedneMlay . ..Deo. 2. No Freight will b after U noon on day of talllns Stmr. CLAUDINE, 0AME80N, CoauuDdar, Will leave Houolilltl every Tileedav at 6 r. h., touchlni' at Kahulul. Huelo, Haua, Hamoa and kit hulu. ItetuniiiiL' will arrive at Honolulu every rtunday uiornliiB. aa No FreiKht will tw to-iv- i after t r. m. on day of salliiiK. t'oiielKUeee miliit be al the lauding to receive their Freiuht, an we r. Ill nut hold ourselvea rentoUHltile after mtch Fretuht hae lieeu landed. While the Comnanv will line due dill- - ' Kenue in handllnK Live Ktock, we decline to assume any responsibility in nan of the Iom of earae. The Company will not he reapoimihle for Money or Jewelry unleae plaueif in the care of I'uriiera. LIOSSONS IN Drawing and Painting. D. Howard Hitchcock DrawliiK and I'iiIiiIIiik Isught hy the lal-e- i Euroenu melliodn, rianres every Wed neMlay and rlalurduy fonmoon frmii a m. to 'i noon, n, lonii lor Private Pupil Iu spe-ri- Tlnei of aork aUo Kiveu. faV The Htmlio will be uwi Ui vliltnrt vary Friday sfuruooi.. lUko U Steamship Line BEER, N. 8. W., anJ railing At Vlntnrla. H. 0, 8tiva (Fl)l, K03STOI-.IJL.X- J Iwlnw utatat. v1a.i From Victoria, and VnncouvHr, B for Suva and SydnMyt I Blmr"AKAVA" ... . Anut24 BttiifWAKIlIMOO" September' Btmr "AKAWA"... . Octol)r to OaaMU, Oallaa ItalM ta Birepa. faV" For Freight and I'nre ami all Ueneral Information, apply to Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd, itfrnUof tht lltwnHan ItUndt. I I' I HUM', ID tins Of 4ZD-H- ., fl.Vi I 11.00 M cla. for To-da- y '. - BREJHaJlVE, Known ns the HoliBoap Mun. tf IIF.THKI. BTItEKT. HOP H1NG &CO., UU HOTEL BTKEKT, COMMISSION MEBCBANTii Wholerals llealeri In Lipors aDd Manila Cigars AB- t- General Chinese Mercbaia'tse SBCH u... Jlll lll. tld.l.... ChlneM Bilks, KUj.. Kui., Kto Eaglisa ui Ast-rio- aa OrocerlM By Every Coant Btraiuer MIITUAI. TKI.EI'HIINK 147 ll.tM-- li SOMETHING NEW I PACIFIC TRANSFBR CO., igL 87 King SL luioil Tel. 662. lUKKKn Checked from Hotels and Iteei. deuces direct to deetluatlon. No UecbecklnK at staamet. KaK,KK layi put In Htate Room. OliEtrgea loclera.to T. C. McGUIKK, ni iiu MauK"'. BEGAN VaFOB I PACIFIC OAS tones tt J(l c. u THE BEST IN TBE MARKET. Tlicy cannot Im siiriaBiI for motive powor. BEND FOK OATAl,OOUK- - JOS. TINKER. lUtt--tt Bole AKent, Nlinaun UrU California Fruit Market, (Virner EIiir A Alakea BU s u liy Kvery Hleanier from Ban Fran oIh'o with Preah Fruit, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry, Kir, Kt.. Etr.. KU-- . lUVI-t- f Consolidated Soda Water Co, L'd K8PLANADE: Oor. AUsb Pert Sta., . . loaalala. IIOLLISTIflK & CO., IUt U AgsiiU. CHURCH SERVICES ST. ANOtlCW S CATHEDRAL. ' ElereuthSuuitav After TrlultT.Thw I services of St. Amlrevr'n Cathedral will bo aa follows: G0 a. tu., Holj Comimiulciiij 11 a. m., Morning Fravur and Sermon. 8:30 p. m. va-- ! souk (Hawaiian). 7:!I0 p. m., Even i song and sermon, HECIIND COXORROATIO!. Thrt wrvlcuB of Ihe Socood Con-gnKftti- of St. Andrew's Cathedral (Sunday) will bo aa fol- lows: 9:15 a. in.. Holy Cummunlon with sermon; kyril and Sanofus, Maunder iu G; hymns 317 and 213; Nunc Ditnittia. Beethoven, in H flat. o(i(l:30p. m., evensong with sermon; Magnificat, Gibbons in E; Nunc rti. ..!..!. ti i.. n....ik. ii r ....1 Ll lull l in, lioitT, ill v, niiiiiouj, uuiut V.j Fray Thee," ItornTts; hymns 540 and 23. Hev. Alex. Mackintosh, pastor. All are cordially invited. CENTBAL UNION CHCIICU. Mr. IVuroso will preach in Cen- tral Union Church on Sunday mora-in- g, the subject being "Tho Fear of the Lord. The subject for the evening sermon will tw "The Flesh and Mood of Christ." All are cor- dially in tiled to attend. Sunday School at U:15 a. in. Strangers are cordially invited to all services. CATHOLIC CATIIKIIHAL. At 6 and 7 o'clock a.m. low MassM as usual. At D o'clock Children's Mass with English instruction. At 10:30 High Mam with nativo and Portuguese instruction. 2 p. in., ttosary and Catechism. 4 p. m., in winter season (Xorember to Febru- - arr), 4uM p. in., iu summer se&aou (ti'bruary to Nuremlier), Ueuedic-- I tiou of the M. II. Sacrament. Week ly services u and i a. in., I.our Mas to. CIIIIISTIAV MIS1ION. im..:.i:. ti..:.... it.. nv ii.ii V uiin.inii .uin'.i'iii, ainiiaiiij a.mi. on King stnvt, In t ween rort anu Alnkea streols. T. G Garvin, etan-gelis- t. Preaching at 11:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme: "Despise uol the day of small things;" even- ing, "Should A iuau I mi condemned for nut believing tho Bible." Seats free. All will be cordially welcome. T. M. 0. A. HALL. Services at Y. M. C. A. Mission Service at Brito Hall Saturday avau-iu- g at 7:30 o'clock. Bible Claaa iu V. M. C. A. parlor, Sunday afteruooa at 3:30. Praise Service Sunday even-iu- g iu Association Hall al .:3U. Ser- vices iu Oahu Jail, Sunday 11 o'clock, Bible class on Tuesday evening 7:30. EVr.NTII DAT AtlVK.STISTS. Seventh Day Advetitisl Church, corner Punchbowl and Beret aula streets, iu G. West's cottage. Sab- bath school, 1:30; social meeting af .... CI.I..II. ....I...nl till. I.. .....It.... h:Lsr," " -- - sr.osoANiZKti rucacii. The lteorirunized Church of Jesus Christ of letter Day Saints, Mill-- I laid Hall, rear of Opera House. Ser-- I vices will I held Sunday as follows: iu a. m., moio cinss; 11:10 a. m. auu 7:30 p. ui., preaching. OOLliiaiON AT BKA. Ths Bark Alex KcNoil and Bchooner James Towusond Injured. A surious collision Tuts-da- v owning jmt oiilH'ilo tbo Heads bolwiHiu llui wUiKiiicr Jnmi'sTowns-eo- d anil I ho bark Alnx McNeil, Both voioiols worn niiicli daraaxed, tho hark.Alux McNeil Mng cut to tho water's 1ko. Tin Jainos Towns-ou- d, Captain Jensen, starltnl uu to. 21st for Fort Brat.'Ki lmr sho was to lake on a cargo of lumlmr. She hail not got far outside tho Heads wlitui she collided with an unknown vessel oil tho uiglit of tho 24th at 9:45 o'clock. Her jihliooin and Load-K?- ar were carried away. When sUei arrived bore Tuosdaj night tho cap- tain had not I our ned Urn name of the vessel with which ho had collid- ed. Last I'veuing tho American bark Alex McNeil, Captain .lorgeusea, arrived minus her tuizzeu rigging ami with nearly half her port side stove in to the water's edge. Tho bark was from Seattle, loaded with coal. There was a very heavy foif at the time of the accideut. No lives were lost,- - -- .S'uu 7tiorii'ofVrun-UU- , July sitt. When moving into our present home I found a bottle of Cliatntwr-latn'- s l'aiu Balm left by a former tenant. Ou the label 1 found the statement that it was good for cuts and burns. I uau testify to the truth of this. Nothing iu all my experience hus found its equal for treating blisters or burns. F. E. IIarhl-tt- , manager Lu Suour Souti-ue- l, Le Sueur, Minn, l'aiu Balm la also a sure cure for rheumatism. For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Bell Tkl. 881. Mctcal Til, 607. I'. O. UOX 321. HONOLULU 1arriagu Manufactory l A VM FOUT BI'HKET. Carriage Builder AND KKl'AIHF.H. BUckunitbiog ,N a.Iieb. Order from the other UlatnUhi Sallalug, TrtMulng, Palatlag, Eto , Etc, Promptly Attended to, W. W. wklGHT, Pitop. tSuwiMMr to 0, Wi.) 7

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Tf J , " i;$-TW- &SXA'-- iXSXZirWSF.- ' 1)jpF T"





.s y lie latii ??wi MKW afaaal mlleftu.VOL. V11I. NO. 1101. HONOLULU, H. 1., SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 18U4. PRICE 5 CENTS.

the daily bulletinPH1NTRD AND POBU80BD


Daily Bulletin Pabllsfalng Co., L'd.,

4T Ttt orstcs(26 A 320 tfrr.tuat St, Buotata, 8. 1.

MUIISOHIITION-- Bll Doi.Iaia YsAt.Delivered Iti Uonnliilu at Kirtr Casts aVloKTU, In advance.

m mm bdllbtin i

-I- H PUItl.tBHE- D- j

U1VHJH.-- TtTBJSDAYtf t.tfffc ft..t.t.. MM . Vk.II Ijl tkltllMtllVlint Kivs DiitLAiMtu Knrttit Suliscrllwrn,imyabtM in advance.


imihe 111 surssioa ttrtt.

.. - 110 Dl TELEPHONE! tuf

ttf v.o. hox ty.

Ilia Daily Hl'LLKTiM I printed and pub-lished by the Dally Itultclili 1'ubltshlliK:iiuiiny. I.lniital. at Its oll'.cs. Mer--

ilu-el- , Il- -viitaia iil'iniilli'i limtwiiuuA'i&aVft1. " !

atlreM leltefi. for Hie pAiwr ' K,llt..rUi'i.LKriN," and iifliisit iKtten " ManagerDally llullctln I'liblNhlnK Company."umni! a iMronai aaoreaii may rinie uvinyin tttu()im.

Uuatnoaa Oorda.;l


iu..i4riiA" ,ki IlkAiriv in l.nwxci niio.i. ihu-- ir IliTii uira'o MTtvi4iji

f'mt ritrei, Honolulu.


(ni I'uMtiinaiDi. Aor.

'"lift I'vtt riinl tj.itrti Htrn!, Honolulu.


VI-- lIHkKt i . !(.,. lliivmsM Amni.

Mahiikoiia, Knhala, Hawaii.


Arranv-4r-l.r- f mn Nutaiv fvruf.

Nis 13 Kaahuiuaiiu Bt., Honolulu.

TH03. L1ND8AY.

tNirTi'Mim, Jawaiik Mli WTI'M.DAKIIi.

Kutui JrAelry a eiireiiilty. I'artlcillatl"iitlon Mld to all kltuli of n'palrk.

Mclneriiy Hlock, Fort HtroiU



r ooii csiuctioo or imud 7i VI


.,,.u !."........ U... .. i.un..ln. nvnti ii hi lioil.tk- -lli.kU.. lUllh. liHtM. 41.11 I, (Ah


MiiOlimery ul Kvery lei.crlptloii Made Ui iOuter. I'artiauiar mieiitlmi paidtoBlnp'UhiclckiulthiiiK. Job Work AWfju.! at t

ouiin ,m iiv.


Watuiimakku A.N'I) Juwki.kh

Fori Blrwt, Huuiiliiln, H. I.1'. 0. Hon 3)7. Mutual Tele. iN

DR. C. W. MOOKE,Uoo Van Nem Ave., H. F Cat.

Elngant Apartmonls (or Patients.KIKOfHIl'M V IK MKHVOI'H

Dr. MiHin ollnrH Invalids all theyoiiifurm of home, with constant und care-ful tretttmeul. Kof.'rs tu II. II. Mucfurlane.

tssf-t- f



3Dry O-oocit- s

Vl, h KI.MIII)lt tVMh,

Cement Sidewalks & Gia-nit- e

Curbing Laid.KMlmatee given on all klmlu ol




AROHITBOTB.Vlrrius. New Bafe DeHinl IIuIIiIIiik.

Fort rtreet, Huimlulil. 11. I,

I'laiik, hpivlllcAtlouii and Burluiein.em Kiveii for Every DexTlpllou of 11 ill lit.IliK. Old llllildlliKO miiK'extfutly ItemiKl.sllmi and KllUrcil, D.tnltMia for InteriorDecoratlomi. Main or Meeliauiral Draw.Inc, TrseiiiK ud lllne I'nntliit:. Drswluyefor liook or Newiiir Hliistrstiun

iM. g. Irwin & co. j

(IjlnaltcsdOKrKll FOK HAt.K


Celfibrated HUb Grade Caoe Saourfis.

We are aluo prepared to take urder (ur

UHnin. N. OniM.ndt a Oo 'a I

Ftsi'tlUxerc. i


Insuring prompt rtellverv

Tim ii a iniifrlor 1'altit Oil.roo. I

tUIIllDf leS pltflutetit than Uned Oil. andItlllK lading brilliancy to colors.

Ubm with drlet It Rlvr a splendid fliHirurfae



W'tani Crag Co.'. Coruud Bm.l

Rooflog k Papers,

Ittd'i Piteai Steam Pipe Comfiot

Jartwet' OUond, Enamol A Etui--UbUh-


ltn.'lally itel(iix for Vanunin run.,


Hartford Fire lasuraace Co.,

Auott, 17,109,825.49.

London a Laacaabire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 14,317,052.

Tbaraoaaod Mersey Marine Ins, Co.,IMuilted)

assets, 16.124,057.

Now York Lite Ins. Co.,Assets, S137.49U.I98.99.

G. 0.General Aaent for Hawaiian Islands. I


G. & Co.iUMITKUi

Wm. u Irwin, Freitldaiii ami ManagerClaim BiireokeUW M.OiUHrd. iHerretary and I'reaturern,0 p,,,, ' AndlUir

Sagra.r PaotorsAMI

ComtnlSHlou AunuJ

okntn or rna j

Oceanic Steamship Company,j


C. k GO.aiMITED)

General MercantileAM.

Commission AgentsI. O. JoiieN I'reaideut0. H. KolmrtK.m. . .ManagerE. F. Illnhop. . .Beoretary ,lc TreasurerW.F.Allen . .. Auditor0. M. CookeH. Waterhouse Mlr Inra11. U Carter


I Jl'I'V ( I A l?lf I 1UI," ,C

iiruer Klim and llethel BuBOTB TELEPflONES 113

Fine CarriagMB &c Civil DrivarH.o u.,1 at an imiira.

..1 . ..'. AN I) ItA ll'Jilur-- t it .MniiHuei

Atlas Co.


ASSETS, . . 110,000,000.



IKMLKD LUC()L!!Sewinfl Machines,






Wm. Irwin







Carpets, Rugs and Mats call

In tlif Latent Paltertm i



111 with Hie Letem! ttnprovemeiiucall- ALSO 0 UAS- D-



tii i i n j i I).mnm mm rianos'

p.rQr rtpojmr GdIUR.,u f



Kn. HnFFsr.. LaKfiKK n r.nw, MW. wwua.iauvx.i w vwtlKlriat Buret, opim. Cantla A Cooke.

Vio-t- f



COALAll lliiiln lii any itiautlly from

bnK to a ton.

CHARCOALK'ihii one bait to any itianlity

FIPlETrVOOIDIn lenxthi and Baweit or Split

from a Una to any quantity; alwt





BtwsD AUkst and Rlciuudi Straats.

'pilK UNDEKH1UNEI) AKE 1'HK- -I. pitred to ninktj all kind of Iron, ,llrt. Ilronm. .I HO. Tin and T.al l!.l. I

lni. AUo a Uuueral Iteimlr Bhop for ,HU'iiiu EiikIiim. Klce Mill., Corn Mill.,water wiieeu, Wind Mills, etc. Machine!f.,r th. i:lifi!ilni .tt iiirte ib... .,nuIteituy, Kamle, BIkhI, I'lneapple Leaves amiother Fibrous I'l.iiitu and l'air Hlock.AUo'Machine for Estracilinr Blarch fnimthe MbiiIk, Arrow IUkji, eta.

All orderii promptly aittniet u



The Best Lnuch Id Town.


T&n H.txdL OofreT ALL UOL'aa


Cigars and TobaccoLWAVb ON UANI

,H. J NOLTE, Prop,

"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seaside Resort

Watklki : Honolulu.

Ij u?iffm ttturt nch uUMtuhiiMtd thinmcty MCtHcru, fJiflVf. tjiis1 riiV. rlttr mn

uiilrr, yiuHl fmi nuil htnrtnly tututt hum)on I bfj'urt hit tytt n,rry nentiii( vtr the icl- -tij ...,.f I.m .I.VI....J 1.111. ..f ll'..V - f -- .- I

uutut Mi eoullnlly tii tht "Kmi&mel." ,


T. A. 8I3PS0H, aUoiger.


rM-- -JV.1 --TTWV M7..T-- B


mmk M m MilimAND -


Q, J, Wauih, t i Mauajior,

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.


Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go,



Htvanirr of the above Conipanlri willat Honolulu on their way to the ahovn

IKjrta on or about the following datea:

8tiur"0HlNA".. .B.tnibr 3, lM8tmr"0(JKANIO". October t, 1WIBtinfUllINA" November 112. 1MH'Btmr "OCE AN 10".. .December 11, I8!HBtmr "CHINA" .. January SI, IKStiur'OOKANIC" February 19, 1W3fltmr I1JIINA" AprilS.tKflft


Htaatntr of the above CottiHUiiet willat lionoiuia on their way Iroiu HonK- -

koiitf and i uKvimuii w the above port onanoui tbe following dtei!

Stiur "UKI.OIC" AilK-iioti-l, iH8tmr"ClTYOFlERlNU''. Octobet . IINI

Stuir "OCKANIir' Novemlr 19, lm4Btmr "CHINA" Occembur .11, IKlBtuir"OAKI.lO' .. Kcbrunrv in, WisStmr-l'KK- U" March , USOi

Btmr April 28, WS


ro toto roNANA

uibm IIM) III II7SUUCabin, round trip I

monini t II art mi(w, round un.uflIJniUI lit.

Itaropean BtMraitn V) Ul H 00

Of FawvnKeri paying full fare l benllowwl II) iwrrent ol! ret'jrn fa If 'eturn- - N.nir ithln twelve nuintli

,.., Krrlriht n.l l'm.Kr i'nj l


aim Aoea!a.!ONE"jONEOceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Service.

For SanI be Mew and Flue Al Bleel Uuainiii

" MMARIPOSAIll the Oreanle Bteamnhlp willhedueat Honolulu from Sydney and Aiiek.land on or about

August 23dAnd will leave fur the above port with.Malltaud I'aMnnKerionorabout thatdatw.

Por Sydney taddl- - New and Finn A I fiUel Hlenli.ehli

M "ALAMEDAOl the Oreanio rileaumblp Coiiilmuy willb due at Honolulu, from Han Fraiuiiimo,mi or about

August rAmi will nave prompt depaieii UtJiau ami ranenner or me l. piiru

The undMraiKtuMt are uoa prepainl to leene



Km further oattlrillan leuanllueereiut or I'aaaaxe apply Ui

WM. Q. IRWIN A CO., Lit.''' Otosral agsate.

Oceanic Steamship Co.



Arriv Honolulu lMVe UoimllllUfrom b. F fur b. F.

Auu It Auk. isHepl. h . 8vpt. IftOct. 11 . . . .Oct. 13Nov. .1 ...Nov IUDen. 1 Ilea b

THROUGH LINEKroiii h FrancihTo From Byduey Im

for Bytlney Ian Franci'MMi.

.lrrti llurulllthi i.civt Jlwuitulu

MONOWAI. Auk. --' Al.AMEDA.July'Jil.M.A.Mr.llA, AUK !UI MAKII'OHA.Anp.fflMAHll'OBA.Bvpt.'.T MONOWAl.Bept.auMONOWAI Oct. 35 ALAMEDA


NoUry Public, G'olloclor and OaoaralBoslDSU Agent.

hul,.K'nl for Heverul of the llni FI1IEINHl'llANTE OOMI'ANIEB.

( p,nl 0, 1,,., okemloal CoaapouBd lorOlarliylng Uane Jolea.

Milliiul relepluiiit' S, V. O. lUn 3.IS.Mi'nillin nt Sirerti, Honolulu.

M Up Boll. Telephones 122;


Baggage Express,stand al HollltiK.T'HlMelii Rhop,

gieii t r--l near Foil' u MU1CB I'Ol.LOOK,

Canadian-Australia- n

eieatuer nf the aIniv,. l.tne. rutinltiit In connntuun with lrt

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver II. 0.. and Bvilnpy,

Honobiln ami

A.R.E DUE --A.T(In or about thn Ante

From Sydnoy mid Sum, for Victoriaand Vancouvnr. B 0.!

Bttnr"WAnRIMOO" . BrilmbiT IHtmr-ARAW- A" .(Vtnber'J '

... November 1 i

Tkreagb Ttekab taaiaa (rem Soaolala


I). Mi'NIOUl.1.. Montreal, CanndaKOI1KKT KKKK. WlimHi;, CanadaM. M. BTEKN. Ban Fraiirrrrn, Cal I

G. McU IIKUWN. Vancouver. II. V.


17 II of tho BEST QUALITY of SOAP. fi.2:i(lu Canos of lOOIbs., IJouiAt Woiubt, HbO;


OJLIsriDXjBS :TKU'I.F. I'UKHHKI) BTKAUIC M1NIN0 CANDLES, Mautiracttiied by thr F.m-- r)

Camllr WorLi. of Clncliuiatl, at 1.1 (Vutn iMr I'miml. !

Y. MAIIITH I'lllA'KKIX.En WAHHINU SOU A which Ill.)l In .'old Witer. I

.1 CentH a I'liiindBAI.T, liuib. llKr r) Vnt,. IWIIt.K SALT, Olvitn Away.

Klawe Flre-wooci- , lO OO per CordClURCDAf., 10 CENTS I'Elt HAD, Delivered Fr-- to Any I'ait of the City












Thla is All



Wilders Steamship Go.

riME TABLEW. O. WiLUsa. 1'rca. b. 11. hex a Mm,

Cam. J. A. Kisii, Fort Bupl.

Stmr. KINAU,0L1BKC, Coauuadsr.

Will leave Honolulu al 'i t. .. louufalug atlAbalna, Mualaea liny and Makena theam day; Mahukona, Knvtaihae and Uu

the followiint .lay arrlviinr atillo al nildiilUt.

LEAVE HONOI.lll.ilTuewlay ..AUK.MFriday Aim. n i

Tueaday ,..Bept. 4nua, r.l. 14

Tue fay . Mipt. 'a l

rridav .Oct, 6Tuesday. .. OcU W1Friday ...Oct. iTiiufay. . . . Nov. tiFriday.., ...Nov. IU'fuenday . .Nov. 27Friday ,.. llec. 7Tuenday . Dec. IS

Returning leave! Hilo, touchliiK at Uu- - ,

Kawalhae a. m.,10 a. m.; Makeu I r, s.; Msalaea

llayll f. m.; Lahaina 9 r. u, the followingday; artivlnM at Honolulu ii a. m. Weilnee-day- s

and Saturday.j

AUItlVEK A'l HONOI.lll.ilUaturday.. ... Auk. U :

Wednesday . .Aug. &'Saturday ., Bcpt. 1Wednenday .Kept. UHaturday... .Hept. SiWetlnekday . . .OCU JHaturday ... .Oct. 13Weduesday . . ..OcU 21Baturday..,. ..Nov. 3Wednesday . . .

Saturday .N

HaturdayWednesday . . . IIIWedneMlay . ..Deo. 2.

No Freight will b afterU noon on day of talllns

Stmr. CLAUDINE,0AME80N, CoauuDdar,

Will leave Houolilltl every Tileedav at 6r. h., touchlni' at Kahulul. Huelo, Haua,Hamoa and kit hulu.

ItetuniiiiL' will arrive at Honolulu everyrtunday uiornliiB.

aa No FreiKht will tw to-iv-i aftert r. m. on day of salliiiK.

t'oiielKUeee miliit be al the lauding toreceive their Freiuht, an we r. Ill nut holdourselvea rentoUHltile after mtch Fretuhthae lieeu landed.

While the Comnanv will line due dill- - '

Kenue in handllnK Live Ktock, we declineto assume any responsibility in nan of theIom of earae.

The Company will not he reapoimihle forMoney or Jewelry unleae plaueif in the careof I'uriiera.


Drawing and Painting.

D. Howard HitchcockDrawliiK and I'iiIiiIIiik Isught hy the lal-e- i

Euroenu melliodn, rianres every WedneMlay and rlalurduy fonmoon frmii a m.

to 'i noon,

n, lonii lor Private Pupil Iu spe-ri-

Tlnei of aork aUo Kiveu.

faV The Htmlio will be uwi Ui vliltnrtvary Friday sfuruooi.. lUko U

Steamship Line


N. 8. W., anJ railing At Vlntnrla. H. 0,8tiva (Fl)l,


Iwlnw utatat. v1a.i

From Victoria, and VnncouvHr, B

for Suva and SydnMyt I

Blmr"AKAVA" ... . Anut24BttiifWAKIlIMOO" September'Btmr "AKAWA"... . Octol)r

to OaaMU, Oallaa ItalM ta Birepa.

faV" For Freight and I'nre ami allUeneral Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd,itfrnUof tht lltwnHan ItUndt.




HUM', ID tins Of 4ZD-H-., fl.Vi


11.00M cla.

for To-da- y '. -BREJHaJlVE,

Known ns the HoliBoap Mun.tf IIF.THKI. BTItEKT.



Wholerals llealeri In

Lipors aDd Manila CigarsAB- t-

General Chinese Mercbaia'tseSBCH

u... Jlll lll. tld.l....ChlneM Bilks, KUj.. Kui., Kto

Eaglisa ui Ast-rio- aa OrocerlMBy Every Coant Btraiuer

MIITUAI. TKI.EI'HIINK 147 ll.tM-- li



igL87 King SL luioil Tel. 662.

lUKKKn Checked from Hotels and Iteei.deuces direct to deetluatlon. No

UecbecklnK at staamet.KaK,KK layi put In Htate Room.

OliEtrgea loclera.toT. C. McGUIKK,

ni iiu MauK"'.


tones tt J(l c.


Tlicy cannot Im siiriaBiIfor motive powor.


JOS. TINKER.lUtt--tt Bole AKent, Nlinaun UrU

California Fruit Market,(Virner EIiir A Alakea BU


liy Kvery Hleanier from Ban FranoIh'o with

Preah Fruit, Oysters,Salmon, Poultry,

Kir, Kt.. Etr.. KU-- .

lUVI-t- f

Consolidated Soda Water Co, L'd

K8PLANADE:Oor. AUsb Pert Sta., . . loaalala.



ST. ANOtlCW S CATHEDRAL.' ElereuthSuuitav After TrlultT.ThwI services of St. Amlrevr'n Cathedral

will bo aa follows: G0 a. tu., HoljComimiulciiij 11 a. m., MorningFravur and Sermon. 8:30 p. m. va-- !souk (Hawaiian). 7:!I0 p. m., Even

i song and sermon,HECIIND COXORROATIO!.

Thrt wrvlcuB of Ihe Socood Con-gnKftti-

of St. Andrew's Cathedral(Sunday) will bo aa fol-

lows: 9:15 a. in.. Holy Cummunlonwith sermon; kyril and Sanofus,Maunder iu G; hymns 317 and 213;Nunc Ditnittia. Beethoven, in H flat.

o(i(l:30p. m., evensong with sermon;Magnificat, Gibbons in E; Nuncrti. ..!..!. ti i.. n....ik. ii r ....1Ll lull l in, lioitT, ill v, niiiiiouj, uuiutV.j Fray Thee," ItornTts; hymns 540

and 23. Hev. Alex. Mackintosh,pastor. All are cordially invited.


Mr. IVuroso will preach in Cen-tral Union Church on Sunday mora-in- g,

the subject being "Tho Fearof the Lord. The subject for theevening sermon will tw "The Fleshand Mood of Christ." All are cor-dially in tiled to attend. SundaySchool at U:15 a. in. Strangers arecordially invited to all services.


At 6 and 7 o'clock a.m. low MassMas usual. At D o'clock Children'sMass with English instruction. At10:30 High Mam with nativo andPortuguese instruction. 2 p. in.,ttosary and Catechism. 4 p. m., inwinter season (Xorember to Febru- -

arr), 4uM p. in., iu summer se&aou(ti'bruary to Nuremlier), Ueuedic-- Itiou of the M. II. Sacrament. Weekly services u and i a. in., I.ourMas to.


im..:.i:. ti..:.... it.. nv ii.iiV uiin.inii .uin'.i'iii, ainiiaiiij a.mi.on King stnvt, In t ween rort anuAlnkea streols. T. G Garvin, etan-gelis- t.

Preaching at 11:15 a. m. and7:30 p. m. Morning theme: "Despiseuol the day of small things;" even-ing, "Should A iuau I mi condemnedfor nut believing tho Bible." Seatsfree. All will be cordially welcome.

T. M. 0. A. HALL.

Services at Y. M. C. A. MissionService at Brito Hall Saturday avau-iu- g

at 7:30 o'clock. Bible Claaa iuV. M. C. A. parlor, Sunday afteruooaat 3:30. Praise Service Sunday even-iu- g

iu Association Hall al .:3U. Ser-vices iu Oahu Jail, Sunday 1 1 o'clock,Bible class on Tuesday evening 7:30.


Seventh Day Advetitisl Church,corner Punchbowl and Beret aulastreets, iu G. West's cottage. Sab-bath school, 1:30; social meeting af.... CI.I..II. ....I...nl till. I.. .....It....h:Lsr," " -- -

sr.osoANiZKti rucacii.The lteorirunized Church of Jesus

Christ of letter Day Saints, Mill-- I

laid Hall, rear of Opera House. Ser-- Ivices will I held Sunday as follows:iu a. m., moio cinss; 11:10 a. m. auu7:30 p. ui., preaching.


Ths Bark Alex KcNoil and BchoonerJames Towusond Injured.

A surious collision Tuts-da- v

owning jmt oiilH'ilo tbo HeadsbolwiHiu llui wUiKiiicr Jnmi'sTowns-eo- d

anil I ho bark Alnx McNeil,Both voioiols worn niiicli daraaxed,tho hark.Alux McNeil Mng cut totho water's 1ko. Tin Jainos Towns-ou- d,

Captain Jensen, starltnl uu to.21st for Fort Brat.'Ki lmr sho wasto lake on a cargo of lumlmr. Shehail not got far outside tho Headswlitui she collided with an unknownvessel oil tho uiglit of tho 24th at9:45 o'clock. Her jihliooin and Load-K?- ar

were carried away. When sUei

arrived bore Tuosdaj night tho cap-tain had not I our ned Urn name ofthe vessel with which ho had collid-ed. Last I'veuing tho American barkAlex McNeil, Captain .lorgeusea,arrived minus her tuizzeu riggingami with nearly half her port sidestove in to the water's edge. Thobark was from Seattle, loaded withcoal. There was a very heavy foifat the time of the accideut. Nolives were lost,- - -- .S'uu 7tiorii'ofVrun-UU- ,

July sitt.

When moving into our presenthome I found a bottle of Cliatntwr-latn'- s

l'aiu Balm left by a formertenant. Ou the label 1 found thestatement that it was good for cutsand burns. I uau testify to thetruth of this. Nothing iu all myexperience hus found its equal fortreating blisters or burns. F. E.IIarhl-tt-, manager Lu Suour Souti-ue- l,

Le Sueur, Minn, l'aiu Balm laalso a sure cure for rheumatism.For sale by Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Bell Tkl. 881. Mctcal Til, 607.I'. O. UOX 321.

HONOLULU1arriagu Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND KKl'AIHF.H.

BUckunitbiog ,N a.Iieb.Order from the other UlatnUhi

Sallalug, TrtMulng, Palatlag, Eto , Etc,Promptly Attended to,

W. W. wklGHT, Pitop.tSuwiMMr to 0, Wi.)


Page 2: ;$-TW- lie latiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10674/1/1894080401.pdf · 4U-UOTH TKI.KI'HUNKH 414 II L'STACE &CO.! COAL I All lliiiln lii any itiautlly from bnK to

yH TrP,""1

WW' vmrr


rfip&yt ;r $ljijpm' in'


Slit gniljj ntlrHn.

PIMgtA to nriOir Srct nor I'nr1

Hut Rtablhhr,t far th JVrwif f All.


Captain Hawes, tlio now BritishCommissioner, haviug been appoint-ed by telegraph, bring' no oretlon-tial- s

to tho Hawaiian Oovorniuont.

It would givo moro satisfaction tosympathizers and supporter? of theGovernment if tho organs couldfurnish favorablo news of thuir owncause instead of denials of allegedgood news received by royalists.

Professor Houry Berger ha thooordial congratulations of the lk'f

trriN, with those of the communityt large, on attaining his fiftieth

birthday in hale and hearty condi-

tion. Two years ago tho twentiethanniversary of his ongngetuent asleader of tho Government band wascelebrated by a complimentary con-

cert at tho Opera House. Thocream of local musical talent was onthe stage, and all Houolulu societywas in the house. On tho presentoccasion an outdoor tuuieal demonstration, with tho guest of tho even

conducting it, afford all Sarstl,,aria. George M.people an snow vueir 1.aloha for Prof. Dorger as a musicianand as a man.


Edito Bclletin:Another oxaniplo of

American "liberties" has just beenproclaimed by the powers that be.and to an outsider a more suicidalpolicy for a newly-forme- d "llepulilie" to pursue it would bo hard toconceive. Comment unneces-sary, tho following edict speaks foritself:

Board of Education. Ily oruVr of(the Czar of all tho ltussia) W. It.Castle. Esq President, I am instructed to inform you that allteachers aud other employees of theaboro board, male nr female, musttake the oath of allegiance aud sup-port tho constitution aud laws oftho Government of the Uepublic ofHawaii, or loe their bread and but-

ter and their jobs.Such uncalled for aud extremely

arbitrary and obnoxious measuresare calculated to speedily bring the"oligarchy" into ridicule aud con-tempt. Are our educational audreligious liberties to be caerilU'eiland trampled upon in order to (tryto) keop tho family compact inpower a little longer?

lias tho country got to such aatage that if is found really uccesaary to instdl into our vT.r childieuthe poison of Hawaiian politico?

if so I would udvi.--e every motherand father of a family to tihtiu, (furthe dear children's cake) bothchurches and schools where ooliticaro mado the solo qualitlcatlons, asthoy would Ore.

How many of the teachers arowilling to forfeit their totheir own flag, to support ami xwearallegiance to such a inointriity it

the Hawaiian I don'tknow aud don't care, hut if

cannot fecuro a feudecent votorn to swell their mod;register without stooping to Mididisreputable means the soouer lliogivo up the ghost the better for allconcerned. Gooo Gow.unmc.nt.

To Whom It Muy Concern.

At the urL'ont remiest of a numberof tho citizens of Honolulu,

T. D. Gait in, hasto prolong his May upon the

island. During tho time he remainsiu this city, he will preach everySunday, beginning August 5th, at9:45 a. m. aud 7:1(0 p. in. m NarinontHall, on King street, between Foriand Alakea streets. Tho seats w illbe Tho gospel will bo preach-ed in its primitive simplicity. Allwho have uo regular church homewill find a very cordial welcome andwill be beuelitcd by their at tend-ance.

All classes are kindly urged tohear the new method of telling the"old, old story of .lsus aud Hislove," by which the lliblo becomes anow book, easily understood. Ongiual charts aud diagrams will beused to illustrate tho lectures ontho Biblo aud church history. Tinmovement contemplates a plce ofworship for the people, uliorn allolasses may feel at home. Umno amisee and hoar, (on

The price of tallow has dropped10 percent and M. Urehmn oll nowseventeen (17) bars of tho very bestsoap for $1.2."). Also try his own im-

ported German cnstile soap inatiiitactured by Kraus ilros., Mannheim,Germauy.

G. Ft. Harrison, practical pianoand organ maker aud tuner, can fuinish best factory references. Order?left at Hawaiian News Co. willueive prompt attention. All workguaranteed to lie thnsaiue as doneFn factory.

By Ja. F. Morgan.



On MONDAY, An- -. 01 h,AT 10 O'CLOCK A M

At my ftVesrouiu, I will it'll it t I'nhl o A

Hull, fur ucontllil f whom itlimy concern,

600 Bbls MKT..W Grown Flour !

mm-- tkhmh uakii;


JLU. 1'



Leigh Irvino Writes a Story WithMany a Moral.

Leigh IT. Irvine's work, "Told inWhispers," has reached us. As astudy in tho caucus which load toanarchism and socialism, ami themethods which those follow wholean to tho newer doctrines in suchlines it is both realistic and sensational. Asa love-stor- it ha thocommonplace ending of "and sothoy married aud lived happy everafter." As a picture of men audminds in tho working classes of theUnited States it is a success though,wo hope, rather strongly touchedup in its contrasting lights audshadows. As a contribution tomodern social science it is valuableas tho work though ideal of atrained observer, To alluo say read it, from its thrillingpreface, with its fervont allusion toIvilatiea in its nrcsent condition, toits characteristic liuale in tho shapeof an alleged newspaper interview.It will interest you and uiay possiblvbo the means of causing you tothink of many things that are below the ordinary surfacoof tho socialorganism.

Nothing Llko Hood's.

"I have used Hood's Sarsaparillaand find it ery beneficial. My wifewould not bo without it. She suf-

fered from loss of appetite for thoInst vear but since she has takenHood's Sar.aparilla she has gained.at leat. live pounds in weight am;

!.!..!... .( . t. ....1 1.1.... lit... tl.wwl'.1:

ing will the Totten,opportunity to i Tottuuvillo, o.







lie- -




Hood's Pills euro sick headache.

By Lewis J. Levey.

Executor's Sale1 nm liitrnotil hv Meirs Time Cart

tMljjlit ntiil II K Mrltityrr KiiviitO'S o!Hie h'taii" of tho tnlc lr. 'I rouftu-ati- in

II tit I'uillf Amnion, at my Salesrooms,

On WEDNESDAY, Aug. 8,to 0'flflHK A. M.,

Tin-- Whole el the Stock of

Drugs, Medicines, SurgicalInstruments I

An I ft I.nrj;o Vnrlotr of

Groceries and ProvisionsI'lltlMMltlk' Of

IriiU. I'oiil'rv. Vcc"tillcs. Fruit. CluiiiWIiihs, Klo . htc., IIung- -line to Alil Kutnte.

tw Tli attention nf epicure' Is rolledlo the htxive line stuck of I'rovUloni luttort'il -- pr. Ijlly li) late doctor tor hl

Wtl III".

Mill 1l





!, wis J.



nil VVAMiUllin

Tin- - sliois (IculiM'S inu- -t Ihj

loi- n- ti good biiHinosH, jwltf-in- jr

from tlic amount of llo-sio- ry

w a iv tc'lliny, for nt'urlyall the haivfoots in town havetaken advanla- -f of our stock.ml prices, while there is a

that the more extensive buyers intend lo lay in ahtock tor future use it's allright, wc bought them to selland knew you could not resistthe temptation. Saturday,

ug. 4th, wc will jnake an-- oi

her run on Hosiery aud willinclude some for hubby FastI Hack Sucks that he is fool-

ish enough to pay 3 a dozenfor; you can make pin moneyby buying them of us at 8- - u

dozen, timl get yourself a sup-ply of Tan Colored Hosieryto in.it ch your pretty little tanboots they will please him nswell as yourself ; and talkingabout pleasing, more oomfoitaud smiles have found theirbirthplace in 1 D. Corsets,than wt arcris of other corsetsarc aware of. Did you evertry thcinV If not do so byall mcaiih in the meantimelit the little one and yourselfout with S'Mue of the follow-ing : Compromise ilodiccWa hts, Equipoise Ladies'Waihts, Jeaness MillerWniht- -, Children's DoubleVe Waists in Summer andWinter weights, Children'sLo g Oasluneiv Coats, thesegoods will receive an awfulcut Another thing let ussay, there is no use fixingyourself up unless you do thehome Tusore Draperies for(.Uutains and Divans make aroom more cheerful than itwotdd without tiiem and yetif we were to quote you theprice her you will say, "Oh,well, Killers is selling them socheap everybody will havethem," to which we say, Yes,the liiht come will, for thestock is limited. DoubleWidth Serges, all wool, go ato() cents a yard this week.

U. F. KIIliKltS & CO.

Hawaiian Hiriint Co., I'd

Saturday, July 28. MH.

There is a hole out near thegovernment quarry at Kamoiliili containing an inexhausti-ble supply of pure sparklingfluid, sufficient to meet the de-mau- ds

of all Honolulu. Thewater has recently been ana-lye-d

and showsBatirbruntirnArip'illnorusj .line..MninilaO. P. S....



. 1

It will be seen at a glance thatthis is a much higher grade ol

water than we are now gettingfrom either Nuuanu or Makiki,and we believe the governmentcould take no wiser course thanto run pipes from the pool tothe city mains only a mile distant. A pumping plant at thespring would force the waterin all directions between Ka-lt- hi

and Waikiki, aud the expense would be insignificantcompared with the benefits dcrived by the public.

If this is a charitable government it will be done if for noother reason than to relievethe Superintendent of the Wa-

ter Works of the severe mental strain caused by his attemptto figure out a way to give thepeople more water and lessearth. An abundance of watermight also have an effect uponthe rose bugs in so far as itmight drown the larva: whichmay be found around the rootsof the bushes. We arc mak-

ing these suggestions withoutconsulting the owner of thewater, but we believe it willmeet with his approval, as he is.t man with philanthropic mo-tives.

For a consideration we be-

lieve he can be approachedand an arrangement enteredinto whereby all water diflicul-tie- s

could be obviated. Sometime would, of course, be ne-

cessary to complete the plantand means should be devisedto supply individuals with whatever water they wish. Wehave trif'd everything from astraw to a Corliss Hnginc inlifting fluids but nothing worksbetter, or can be run with lessexpense than an Aennntor.You just erect the mill andgive it a dose of oil occasion-ally and let her pump, Wehave small ones that will answer admirably bar irrigatinglots up to five acrns: we haveothers that will pump ten thousand gallons of water an hour,sufficient to irrigate a riteplantation.

The "Pansy" is king of alliron cook stoves. For goodbaking and little fuel there isno other like it. We couldfigure up where we have solda couple of thousand of thesestoves but cannot find a singlecomplaint' from our customersYou can get other stoves, lotsof them, but what's the use ofinvesting your money in anarticle you know nothingabout. A stove is somethingyou nave to live with threehundred ami sixty-fiv- e days inthe year, and it's somethingyou want to be on pretty goodterms vviih You can't be if itwill not bake or if it burns toomuch co il; if the upper truston your pie or cake is burntto a crisp arid the lower oneunderdone some one is goingto kick aud it won't be thestove.

Our stock of cheap lamps


mentioned last week is worthlooking into. We have openedall of the casks and put someof the goods where they canbe seen by the people.. henonce examined they are asgood as gone because theyare cheap In these times whenpeople's imagination drifts to-

ward poverty low priced goodsare needed. We have otherlamps to suit the masses notafflicted with flattened purses.


We have them for both classeshere because we cater to thepublic, irrespective of party,creed or present condition offinances.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'd

llpionH Ufr'X'knll' Hllml


KDWAY & l'OKTEU, leading Purulturo Dealersf the Hawaiian Inlands.

odium mi MI'H'k, bxtwovu I'ort aud Xiniatiii.ight hand side ui Hotel street going wtt

irect importers of Finn furniture.trt cheap lor cash. We have ou ban,




Icker Ware, Sofai, Uocliititf Chairs, Eteill you call aud price these goods.

iiytbing you want in OiuliiK-rooi- n Furniture,nythinij you want in Undrooui Furniture.

on can alru be supplied with Cribs aud Cradttou will liie I a complete stock to select from.

nd at priies to suit the poorests as the richest inirehiuwr.

o home in complete ivithmit Mnttrwroa,o houxe in lionululu ahIIh tbee KimmU otioaiwt than do.

nii't ) "ii ned Hiimu UveGeew, Feather or Milk Fiona! They makeami) rillown ami Luihionn.

rettv Window Shade In alt color and lrolen (or your window in Wood or Brann TrimnititK

f eourv vn iuut out fortret to mentionur liaiiilnotne Uamxi ifcxirooin botn tu nollil (lah

epalritttt at reriiiiah! ratefcoteriiiK or Lphotertl furniture iptaMally.

ry our Iwy Chair iiire tniyluir elfewnnreSiiliilx'ianU to inaiehL ble" of all i.A with Chads and

verylMl htiotr we tnalH a featur(of Interior Decorating,erlKHly kmiun .Mr. Us. Ordway who utakon thin a uncial feature.

" ih'olmiI.imI an the eheapeit houne Iu Honolulu,aJLa --liatnlitj, I'romptueM and Dinpatob in our motto

Bkli. ;V25 -T- KLCPnONKS Mltual 4fi

The Best Place to BuyIs Where You Can Get

Pure Goods 1 Prompt, Reliable

Attention! Low



Smith A Co.

Oorrxor Fort & Hotel Sts.Our Soda Water is the Best &X


Have imnli1 aiutthur Laro Iiuptiilutioii of

MANILA CIGARSIt.H.nl ..I l., ami Kl t'OMKTA


l.t;e AnKOi'trAi-iu- (i Shap ami 8ixfbcr tt in Kmi.i nr Oiifv Patf Cnr fnr Hi St'wit

Valuable Lands For Sale Valuable Land ForAT PUBLIC AU0TION.

In Hir'tiuiii'uotnn Older iuoil out ol the i In iiiirsiiancu nf nil order Issued out ofCircuit liitirt of ilin i, tliu mi- - the Circuit l.'uurt of tho hirnt Circuit, the

will ell at I'uliilc Am-tlo-'

umiursluncil will I lit l'ulillu Auction

On SATUItUAV, AiiRiist


and Prices!




Nt the front mitrn"ro to the Jmllo'ii yII illilliii!. nil tlio(i tvo iilut'i-- (if l.niii'l


ownud in I'oiiiimin liv Mr fo. 111.. Arim'il ' iho (Ul.-t'af-

inl tlm M. Iv .Nowin mliior. Iu i tiftntn. thcunrncr of I

KiihnvnliliH--. lion Jul i, ('iiiilia't ou ami Hlri'ittn. In l'uiiuhou,Vlfil.Vllt.l llin wflln.. I... tilt, lit ' lulu 1 1... uti mi. ...iiit.iliil.ii. nn .inn. if OTlWl '. . .. r.....v "'... ... .. . ....I., ..... V..II.IMII .... M.W.. ... I'.WInun .tin iwi)oi run in .n. in, i.iiiiiiiuii iiiiirH let-- t uiiiruiir litsiiihiion .AMiiui iu, mini, n in i ii iviiihu.

mil fi r M kiihiiu'1'Ikmi iipitias liiii ulth'n n fow inln.

illei' walk from tint I'est Ollli'i,, mu nio-- tfor liuusilots, mid tilt-I-

Ik vimdI'lio npHt irii-- t will tin 'jki for iiiiani 2

nit'l fill) 'or Hutm3. Tn !o Mild wiur-n'rl- y

Tie-nru- i In ii'itnn lUUUuuiuin,inu'oor inns. M.auu a, llu..7U niiaiiu, more

"'I HUMS CAB1I Iu United RUten floldColli, anil iIci'iIh lit i)Xm-iim- i of iinrliii'irnKilu lo lin illijH-- t tu rtiiitlriiliitloii of lht1,'mirt,

imr For fiirilur iwrtUnilnrM inuiiilro olIIK.MtY h.MITII

CoiiiliiliiHiiiiiiir of Hule, Judiciary lliiildluu.linn III


I.I. I'KIWtiNa AKK NOIIf-IKI-) MirA to u red It miy urn on my ivouutwllhoul my wrllltui ordu,

JOUKI'H I'AIKU, Hkiult 4 lM tfttft lm


18, 18111, Ou August 25.

AT 12;3U O'CLOCK P. Jl



Of raid dny on tliu irmnihe-i- , tlmt cortalii.lrci) of lilld nuluiiKlliK to tint eat-lt- of

Into Aiiiinilo Muuti-lio- , In- -

iititmv fltuutuouiimr Mctralf llnnn-- I

ktr.lt fltiHU rMl.iW



i'roiK'rtv cikmI for u housulot. mid In Inu Ino.illiy

Tn'iiik nru and ilredn nt exnenvo ofliiiruhiiMr. Kiilu to liu tuihjtutio coutlrin-iit- l

ii of the l 'on it.far For further partleiilnrw riumtru of

UKNUV SMITH,foiniuli'xlouur of Side Jiidlulnry IIiuiiIIiiKi

UJCl-'J- Ilt

A New Fad !

I'letun-- tii ken In Mrtciu'rni(i Cotumi'iint Itedllred Hull". Thn lilluilnrof niHi'miiiem nlrindy mndu for M-ilium vsl I iineii-lliit- )our I'llltii; amiiiuikliiK uu nioliiliut'iit.

J. J. WILLIAMS,102 Foil Street.


Grocery, GrainAJtsrn -


From a lingo and varied slock tho undersigned would drawparticular attention to tho following :

FEED STUFFSComprising California Hay, Barley, Rolled Barley, Bran,

Middlings, Oats, Corn.

C3? t' addition to our usual stock of them we are nowcarrying Washington Bran, Oats and Holled Barley.These arc each possessed of strong feeding properties andare well worth a trial by all interested in stock.--fTp f s XT' TPP Ctlilornlan wtia i f K.J .CV, WjuhltM Stat

Royal and "Cleveland" Baking Powto!KIC-K-

Nil - it in ) i .iimi iimrkl fttf'ir

SAI.'- P-

Sn, , tor -- i iil.lTeriHml i t- Ill ibtiOnrm,Kliimb Pitlry. Mi It. '



California Ium1rt


I T Mirtuu' fclitfliati Ittovnri,BlnvkwU' EntflUh OrorHn,I.IMiy. Btt-N-u-l & t,lbbyn Hoau.

HlcUrdaort Uohtiiti'a OatitiMl tt.tt.FKUIT.S

I'lu. Tahlf ih !


7K in.t to th

HllOOil- S-

a In tic ,n(,

Kerosene "Aloha" & "Star" Kerosenet.AltllK Hl'K Kb OH

laeiiiiiiiD knK. Mmn, Dry MiGrocRery, Pinltan. Be it,


Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.

- - I Ki

I H .

- c I hi5 3. M

g J g. I 11

zr I 1I . J i

C 3 ' 'I

? I' J

.fa II i

C' hi !

r5 'I ,

' 1 i I ;

Krr I . ;4 i

e w

? OLs-zZ- f, i

WoI o 57 ? S- f.


II Z? fZO 1 mm

0 , v !--& .

i '! t . - " 5 1 w'!- - "tx--i "5 :



rp S p -J

mil.K AilKNT lfK

iTagawa Coalhi-i'- i ii


riLLIM CUNM.S'UIINM, MAN.Ii ('-- r ui llii Alii hor hiilooii, In keep-Ill-

Up (lli the tliii'x At Hid Amdioryourun "wet ) mire) ' mIIIi uu tauter

mid tMtth llduMii with ii Frederick.Uirii llHi--r Oyiter I'oeltalU niivutlty



Hnrrtil tint Hnl' IUmi.Tinncil



Uott, Kun.'I'luiifcr '' Pol"' m ttti toil irm.


tllGAKS- -

rbotm ou .it i.Hk tnu.li




ttmwn Wiape'(



Kir fr

tiKittn AT




"CLEYELANDS"In tbc Coming Races !



H. E WALKER,Auriit. Huunlula, H. I.

CuiMulOJ Block, MtfCbtOl SI.


Visitors, Picnic Parties, Luaus



At Smitii'h IUip and Livkuv. Stahlks, Kino Stuklt,lAdJuliiins MutroHilltan Ment Mrkrt,l

U tlm Clieaiet I'luco In Town you rau(jet JtiieK, WHuonotiUK, lltiKcies aud

i KhiIiIIh Ilnrcos. It will nv you to callnun k'c ouioru you try untuwiierts



Lager Beer !


L.lK- - ,1

KC. DEE,PwuHmhi

pnn i

HUIipk nud (llniinre WauIhIICloi'kK, Wittiihi'H and Jewelry VtitllOld (lold mill hllver Wanted I

HT Blknl Prlcei PaWI JU114 Kin 8lrt, Oorawr of AUkM



Page 3: ;$-TW- lie latiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10674/1/1894080401.pdf · 4U-UOTH TKI.KI'HUNKH 414 II L'STACE &CO.! COAL I All lliiiln lii any itiautlly from bnK to





r" r" jf nr t i V'W vnyw- - 1lpVjpWW"! !t ny


$lu gnUj) UUiin.


MA.K.I3ST23 2ST2SWSfor

Arrivals.Sm'RtM, A'iR. 4.

CASS Amwu. Elnnrt, 5 days from thoi'olonlP

Btmr Mokolll from Mnul, I.annl anil Molo- -knl

8nir J A Cummin (mm KoutnuHtiur Knaln (rum Kitliiikiihtmr Iwnlattl Irum Kuilat

DHpftrtur. byHATtmnAV, Aug. 4.

0 A S 8 Arawn, Stttnrt, for VnncoiiTi-- r

Vessels Loavlng Monday.

Btmr Walalcnle for Iilmtlin, Kukullinclcan I Jlonokmi lit im m

Btmr Waini.nmlo lor Vt alanau, Mokutrta, toWnlahui ni 11 m

Btmr Kanla for I'uimluii and Kntiuku atymBtmt Mokolll (or Molokol ami Unal


IRMRTIHIU.Kor ami Vnticmi irr, pe' 0 8S

Am nit, Aug 4 1'rof I A llo.tmmtiil wire,T liatlo. Mrs M Kciiiifr, O White, fountllttmnrk, Kil.h H Foster, .MIm Kuiter, Mrmid Mrs J K llnuMrl'l. child and iiuroo,Ml Alice Winter uii'J si


KKKtMANO -- In ilil-oil- y, AnKut 1, totho wlfrt of 8.1HUK-- I h. Kckuiuino, A



Sua Brings tba Now BritUb Ropre- -


Tho Canadian-Australia- n linerArawa, Caotaiu Stuart, arrived earlythi morning. 15 days from Sydneyvia Suva, rijl. Pleasant weatherwas experienced all the way. Theonly puisengers for this port wereCaptain A. O S. Hae.cs and servant,aud ouo Chinese steerage, a reverendgentleman. Mr. Unwes comes tosucceed, as Commissioner, Major J.H. WudehouHC, Hritish Minister.When the Arawa (looked CaptainPatterson of the harbor police wasuotiGed that there were betweon tenand fifteen stowaways on board.Consequently a strict watch naskept on the vessel by a couple ofpolicemen up to the time of herdeparture. According to tho chiefollicer, the htowaway were vaga-houd- s.

Mr. Stewart, formurlr of tho S. S.Miowera, is now Ulth otllcer on thoArawa. He joined the vessel atSuva. Fiji. While at the latter placeMr. Slowart hail a cevere attack offever aud ague. Although recoveredhe shows evidence of milTering.

Interviews with several of thoollicers of the Arawa elicited tho

that probably wheu thattau)er returns to the Colonies th

Miowera will lx met tlioro. Jt isexpected that she will thuu resumeher trips to Honolulu and Van-couver. Tho Wairimoo will bo laidup for extensive repairing and thoArawa will continue. The meu ontho Arawa are disHatitficil with theirtreatment in regard to wages. Ablefeumeu on the Warriuioo and Mio-wera are getting $3.) a mouth, whilethose nu tho Arawa aro only getting

0.The Arawa left for Victoria and

Vancouver, 11. (J., nt l::tt) o'clock tinAfternoon, tli Uovurumout buudgiving her a nond oil'.


Ditxivowtd Uoort Doclnred OoiiulnuAnother Oood Ouse.

I udgo Cooper lias rendered a deci-sion in Agatha T. Nott, Jr., vs.Charles T. Uuliuk, guardian of A. A.Doirou. It was a bill to cancel adeed. Mrs. Nott testified she nevorsignod or acknowledged the docd.Tho Court does uot consider thosignature a forgery, thinks Mrs. Nottis mistaken in saying it is not hersiguatuie, uud dismibses tho bill. C.W. Ashford for plaiutiffs; W. A.Kinney for defendant. J. V. Kaluaof Maui was tho uttorney who tookacknowledgment of tho deed, audho swore to its authenticity.

W. F. Allen and Samuel Parker,administrators of tho oMato of tholate John P. Parker, havo renderedtheir annual account. Receipts55750, expenditure!! :107.1'J, balance$3IU81.

Argument wax reuched Fridaybefore Judge Cooper in the

Kulnkaua-Mahclo- na alleged fruudulent deed case. Hatch for QueenKupiolaui the plaiuntr; C. W. Ash-ford for Mhnliinii thu defendant.


0. R. Uishnp Retires from thu Bunk-ing BiuineBB.

Mr. C. R. Rishop has granted anopt inn for four months to certainSan Frauuinco and local capitalistson most favorable terms for tho pur-cha- n

of his bunking iutcroxts in thewell-know- banking business solong conducted by him, he retain-ing a considerable interest himself.Tho proposition is to establish ajoint htoek Imuk under the RankingAct of 1881. A swon as certain pre-liminaries ure arranged applicationsfor Mock will be received. Theseparticular1 aie obtained from Mr.Ctodfrey Hroivu, v,ho iMprexeuts atprehent the Sm Francitco promot-ers of the scheme.


Thu DourhtB" uud "IJIooni" ofUnunlulu'd Knowing.

Sown litis Iicimi rt'i'iiivctl nt Itocli-(.iniilo-ii

from Valpirniso, payt tluSviini'v Star, tlwit tho M'hoiiner llouKh', in which Hell mill D.ivN friMpoilfrom Suluoy, in ouiioyi in llmVnlpnrnlpo conMnl trmlo, timl t lint

'Ho) niul Divi tlii'iiiHolvi nro inL'pner Jloliviu.

llio vinll of tlioso hunk wrnnkorHto Honolulu two or tliroo yau a(?o

'will bo ruuiiitubttred bjr inuy rutduN.


A young gentleman advertises far I

a situation.Prof. II. Burger's birthday Gfty

ycara to day.K.ScrimRoonrlin"btjcu Itnprfaonoil

twouty tlnyy.

Tho Arawa brought fifty tons offreight from tho Colonies.

A Chinese missionary arrived bytho Arawa to-da- y from tho Colouios.

Tlioro will ho a erand combinedconcert at tho Ilawatiau Hotel this '

ovoning. !

1'rof. F A. Hi?mr mid wifo leftthe 8. S. Arawa this afternoon

for Victoria, B. C.

C. I). Jlipley will lead tho praisemeetiug at tho V. M. C. A. at 0:30


H. U. M. S. Hyacinth is expectedrelievo tho Champion here about

tho middle of tho month.

Rnlph R. Foster aud Miss Fosterwent passengers on tho S. S. Arawato-da- y for Vancouver, 11. C.

J. F. Morgan will sell five hundredI

barrels of Crown (lour at his sales-room at 10 o'clock Monday.

D. M. Crowley, crawling over thostern Hue oi the Arawa to get onhoard, ono oi mo siguts on tue ' mont tropical weather, but tho spa-cit- y

front ttMlav. i cious stato rooms with their largon,...i...l l.nnt . portholes. ami,. thorough VOtlt la .Oil "' " " '"" v.igeldacltsou uas a , t.l,nrms aud volcauoes largest in

1A TlnJu2uLS Ttotot'h world-- are too well known to,f bear reference IIawam.riSd.,i7lwW1rdL,UL'U - Promptly every morning to any

- uotince, " our bath ready, sir," and , f.f.i,t.i um .. u,i)tiri, uu tuuiiuoy iu iro aiiMuk auuiit

fortnight, bho is going to dosomo sounding for tho ptojectcdPacific cable.

A sad catastrophe happened to an

T'" '" .so' ..:'" ",":!..1 1 m ' f.;,f .Zr"t I.:,-.- "pare), indispensable, fell.

J. W. Chapman caters for Hanquets. Socials, I'rivatv Dinnor Par-lies, Wedding or Garden Parties,etc. Ho will lioplcaxed to call uponany ladies or ircutlomcii who willkindly address him thrnnli lliI'llSt OIIIlh


Tho whole of the stock of drugs,medicines, surgical instruments, provisions and wines belonging to thoestate of the late Dr. Troitsi-ea- willbe sold at auction by L. J. Levey nt10 a. in. Wednesday next. As thepiotisious, etc., were cipcchtlly

for his own inu bv the latedoctor, they are of a rare quality.



Tho l'irat Entertainment in thoNow Hull.

There was n crowded hall for the '

concert of the Thistle Club l:tnight. Everything passed oH pleas-antly


and tho audience evinced theirappreciation by unthuviastiu upplanse. G. L. Ritmnu, tienides play-ing tho banjo in duet with J. Pol-lock's tin whistle, sang a topicalsong in his illimitable style. )rMooro made a great hit wllh histalking images, ami for an eucorogave in re good ventriloquism. W.U. Ash plajed pretty iiedoihes onbolls and buttle. Chester A. Uoylesang the "Prodigal Sou," with atopical addendum on tho Club andits members, et ling the houe in nroar. Robert More ruvo a Scotchsong that evoked a cull for another.James Llojil played a violin solo ina uifiKtcrly fashion, producing rarevocal-lik- e tones on the instrument.It. L. Finney gave a beautiful exhi-bition of Indian club swiuginu'.

greeting ma'y of the ligunxout in Jthe air. He had to give nrepetition. Misi Nellie MoLeuiinu ,

opened the concert with a finelypiano solo. Mrs. Dr. Mc- -

vi'iiiiHii recited ''Tho Actor's Story"with great power, particularly in thepathetic parts. L. Rarsotti gave oneof his over delightful flute tolo,having to repeal in roipouso to applause. I'mf. Herger played theaccompaniments on tlie piano, whicliis enough to say that they were well(louo. no also luruished piano i

iiiiirIo for dauolug, with a violiuibtossijtitif,'.


Movumont for Annexation of thoIsUnds to Ourmnny.

An Ativklnuil ilcxpntrh of .Inly IDto tho Australian Star Mtyn:

Tho latest from Samoa rlmwH thattho wnr ih Mill proceeding in a

nuil interniittent iiianuor.On Juno '2A ouo of tho rnlmltt ofAttn was soon rrcoiiuoitriue; from ariieoaniit tmo, and wan U. dead,anil lii.t oars were cut on" andbrought to Aiiia. On tho follmviii",day n ttkiriuiMi took place at Tuntii,anil roulli'd in favor of tho Govern-ineu- t

troops. A Government soldierwas found wandering in llioliuxli bythree rebels and idiot and be-headed. Young Tamneso is takingan nulivo part in tho hostilitieri.Tlioro is n growing dissensionntnoiig the Government forcen, audno concerted plan of campaign canbo agreed on. Klglitnou prisonern,sentenced for participation in thoMutnnfu revolt and pardoned, im-

mediately joined the Aanu robotsA petition to thu German Emperor,praying him to nnue Samoa, unssent home by tho Inst mail, and wasciguoil by tl'J p'TKons, including onoAmerican and two ltiiti-.l- i siibjei-tH- .

m mm

Au ICatray Younalur.Aii eight-yon- r old nntiro boy

named Konwo was iiiihmhI from ln.shomo nt Aala yesterday afternoon.The pnreutH cpenl several liotir-looki- ug

for the lad, but lio couldnot bo found. Hotli spent n restlessnight. This morning they worngratified to loam t lint t ho boy hadbee i found. He hud walked to neartho Kloclric Station, where ho waspicked up by n Chinaman ami lain uto Wnikane, Koolnu. I'lio fatherimmediately took a horo and rodeover to tho plaeo. It is tho llrsttime Kenwo has ever acted in thato?y. 11 in grand wot lior llvos atWhika.




By tho American and AustralianBouto 'fho O. b. S Co. and U.S, B. Co.

Tho followintr aro a few improsI

sions the writer would liko to placo ,

on record in your columns abouttho splendid service of steamers

:.... i...i o... i? s ....1the Australian Colonies. Many poo- -pie in (he Australian Colonies haveflitted homeward to England bv tho ,

Orient lines, tho comfort of which '..no ouo cau gainsay, hut that por--tion of their routocommouciui; withtho Rod Sea and ending at PortSaid from Juno to November is areal peril from excessive heat to anyone not up in the normal stato uihealth. Uut with tho advent of thoA. & A. routo tho discomfort of ex-- i

co?sivo heat ami cold is avoided. It I

is with the object of making knownto any intending travelers tlie safetyand comfort of this track across thebl.to ocean, I havo been promptedto lot, down a few items of our triocompleted by the It. M. S. Monowai. i

o lejt brcliioT on Juue 5, callingat Auckland (X. '..). Samoa aud Hotutllllll WTitlt lin .i...kll IrtM rt n

few hours just after leaving Auck-land, when wo uiet a moderate gale,the whole voyago might be called asmooth water excursion. On reach I

iuir Samoa wo oxoerieuced the usual '


IMHIIIUUUn IIUIUl.lt IIU9 U PIIIUUU1U...t I.... .... ..'- -. - i'..iV 3""il" "", ," 1V.r..u."u...ru.u"in a "' i"ll MU " IWI'O

handy for either hot or cold water, I

fresh or salt, at one s option. After .

il.t. ll... ...... ..r ... ..fT.... ... ...!!.. l I

nun uiu uuui ir, viiuci.' ur iiiiiin iuUU up thogap until tho welcome

."? ff breakfast.uroth and beef tea served at 11 a.

in. Tho menu on hoard all throughwas a generous one. At dinner itwas n teal pleasure to sco tho deftway each steward at tho sound oftho bell -- a signal which is given by '

the foreman steward before eachcourse wliNkod the covers off varioits dishes a if o.ich stow aril reck- -

oned hiuioelf ns an artist at coujur-- ,iug. What would Nelson or anyother old dead and gone salt junkmasticator think of our degenerateday with its menu of soup, soles,lloutider, mullet, salmon, pheasant,gooc, turkey, mutton, icm ctc.ctu.,with the soft mellow electric lights,the palms, ferns ami llowers gracingour tables.

Tho Monowai is a vessel calculatedto put the most nervous traveler athis ease. Tho deck itself, on whichouo cau walk from Mem to stem, af-fords n noble promenade in nilweather, colored from end toeudfrom Fun and rain. No fault cau bnfound by tho most fastidious oldmaid it being kept ns clean undfresh as a new pin every whero. Infact the usual tidy bachelor acctis-- 'tomed to hang his clothes on tiefloor would llud the neatness ofiivervlliinir .ilfeelinir his habits so

4 ' .." ". . .. . - -much that ho would liud himselfusing llio uumroiis hooks and ruckadorning his cabin walls.

Captain Carey, tho well-know- n

commander of tho Monowai, is apopular captain with tho colonialtraveling public. He looks after thocomfort of every passenger. Hisgenial "good morning" to a nervousp.isifiigcr would make tho latterthink a heavy squall merely a cats-pa-

on the water) it has such areassuring tone about it.

Tho machinery, boilers, etc., inuMhe all that could tie desired, but uot

I I TCP f 171el U M Altlin l--U

Pnr Bararntln " lrw?an "

EfRESH.- .

--f A V


Q-jjJP- J

rr-- Wl -- 1

CAUF0RR1A FEEDCorner ucfii .V Niiietini Kin.



A YOU NO OKNIU'.MVNv urriveil in leun. ilulrii n in me m

in an oitice or fUrnvniTo. KxpuriiMiivilllijuU'KffiM-- r mill will ueinnihiii'ii with1Juinn'mmn AildreHi i

"HOOK Kr.KI'Klt."Cure nl Olllfe.

Wanted in Oil Veneering.

I AM roiMIOll.VKNKKIl1 Work to nntiT nulil llku to jut n1'iirtier In (In lmilii- -, to fiirni-.l- i inn.rlihi'rj nml, If tciru tin lnilih'k- - llnvi wiitnr Hiwvr. Suiep m nl tlnAll k I'HII "t't'll tt' lltw lll'I.I.CTIN Olllrf,

liril In. vvn.t AM VUNKN


Vir Tills will dlvAjs Do

knowing tho complox tprms med forbowold of tho Rhip I can ouJy saythat tho gonial cltiof engineer, Mr.McCaig, at any time between nuu-ris- o

and sunset would bo ouly tooK'd to show visitors all over hisdepressing mnehinery and guarantotholr wouiu never uavo a".V .8ln OI uir,y

It contributes to thecomfort immonselv to meet withofl!cors llk .th.e s, ready to

?"JJ jnk nt tlmo ful1 ofliutnor ami free from starch.

A groat advantage hi raveling bythe A. Si A. route is that the monotony of tho usual sea voyago isbroken about onco a week until SanFrancisco appears over "tho rim ofthe world." Tho visit to Samoaalone..... is worth tho .


wilu 'V, ""K0", 0I. v Va K,reon n?'ug'p ,mo T01 l TV 'ltll)r n,,(,vo ''? "' V10, mi8t,amlratojiowa of tho trade c

! of Samoa with theirplundlil muscular development

smooth, light amber sk n, whitet1". plnt nilloi and musical

cs w'n " iryeiors iiean.-- ; T":,; t; ,.Z.

liniina tti t vin VHl, siwub uvwaist down. Life to anyone borntired would como easy in Samoa.Many varieties of tropical fruits arogrowu there, such as oranges, man- -

ii"'s potatoes, yams, breadfruit,tnro, bananas, cocoauuls. Every--

thing growing in profusion, withbalmy seas and skies, etc. Tho Ha--

... T.I..... I. ...til. Il.nt. I.,tnl.l

IT. VtfMcon!.

. Pr night: fl and ll.'2T, per

''J. J.

614 Fort Street."Tit. philosopher who

M gouitf to do hoiiumure tuning. .itiHt re ! th-- f

prici'H and ct'iitpitiv tlii-- witho'hr uilnTtiM.'inciit.s uF a liketiatiirc. 'Tis iihi1ih for wto dtcl.irit every day uCluarimee .!. know ! iterNo limine ran mII tfoods at uloss cotitinuiilly. Von how-

ever, will hot gie iik the lilu hhtv hiiyih"; every piece of goodsin our stoie at' tho prices we

to you. I have(.finghamt (no to tellyou they are not nhoddy ; youknow it), 1!J yards for L.

Yon don't have to come anyespecial day to buy our Col-ote- d

All-woo- l l)rcst Goods.You have always paid Toe.for these wodfl, never lessthan 50c. We are now fiell- -,,

' m" TIIUIIJ at 45m. and themore you buy the 1

must have room for mynew fall We have afull Urn of Scotch OiiutrhuiiiB.Thuo have been sell- -uiiX m Honolulu at ; cro- -in und most all gone at myplace for JJ)c. Our VictoriaLuwiiK, which are of the veryliiiost quality (thcuc are thebeift value ever ot'f red). 10yardH for 50c. You will findnothing but cold fact in thiscolumn, but it is to your ad- -vantage to huy mini mer- -i

who mve the niontgoods for the least money.I am offering myLawns aud Muslin at 10c,Kivnch Sateens, former price50c.., going at 2.r)c, and my

$1.50; .?! Suits for !?2.t();J?;J HO Suits for !?1 ; just thinkof it a complete suit for 1.These are unheard of bai-gai- ns

and as our stock is aslimited as it is fine, au earlycall will be to your advantage.

Yours for business,J. tl.


Dentist,WH.l. IlKKUMi; IMlAeTIt'K

Borotania St near Emma.IIIKI lw


luunil RclUhlb und Good Vdluh. vi

J IwiMircd .Mvihs Muslin at the1"' - Andfigure. your boys,

' t'10 1"' r'f their mother'sheart, no excuse for their be-

ing shabby after reading thesepi ices. Suitn $10 reduced to


















intend quoteneed














UHirhnll ,a Pft.rtrMOTi OOAMt AnlH

Hon, Wm. S, Warner

Cordially Endorses Hood'sThe Jlent Mood furtltr.

n"Z&yr.--r.'i: '. "'WiZJ

H S?W-- i.

m Atmm&ci y" vy$rftt. ".'

K UXiXZ-uK-t-

ti7" j 7i

&tih&Pft'jM&'i'lV. iV'I1' w''.T.'1m(M)sw&&

Jm. "i jVS s. MV;v,H!i

lion, irif'ftm S. Wartwrt'oud du Lac, VI,.

The followhig li fromWarner, gctitlrmnn highly esteemed by

11 nhn knew him:"I on truly t.ijr tlist t cotnliW rfcxxl's Sr-psrltl- a

ttio bet incdlolue for purlt) Ing tlio blood.It dl'l mo pood when pliyt lilanl ami other mdtrlnn failed. It hat Increase I my appcUU sat


tetntd to renew my youth. Tlili ll sbiolutetyttue." W. 8. WAiwr.rt, Kond Du Ijc. Wit.

Hood's fills euro Constipation by reitae-tn- g

Uic prUUIUo seUonof the slttntnlary eaasi

HOIIRON, NKWMAN A CO..Agents for Hawstlsn hlsnita

"Stock Chief," 13,444.'tKl

Hslqht. 10.2. Welflut, 1,300.

Standard BredHMH'lnly w.'lc.'tiil for lliln Country.

PAIITIKSCONTKMI'I.A I INO KN(iA(l-- liulilil out

full to fxnnthiu IIiIk bviiiiilfnl aiilnml. Korhiillvlihinlltv ho li tie cvr In tlion

UU ultc, color,linn hri'i'illiiK mill iiH-r- l trotting

iinllllvk pluce hi in hi tint (orvmusl runk.

FEE, 323. OO.Cy t'uynlile nt tlino nt Ite-tri-

irlvilTP Knuitcil, lnloriiuitlon I,

npply toA. It. KOWAT. I). V. H

Vetrrltmry lnllruinry,'jn Klnupt , llonn-liil-u

liHiif.rt K


Bicycle Meetat


AUGUST 11, 1894,Commencing at 2:30 P. H. Slurp.


The Band will h Id Attendance

Admlnlon, . 30 Genu.

Grand Stand, ZScts Extn.

KritrlM nloif on Auunit nth, at IV

o'oliMk noon, at tie-- OillcHof tl. K. Uulkir, Mfrohnnt atrrHt IKI7IU


'I'HKKK Mt'KIA KlIH1 lilrlinit ItiNimsat No.

I (lrifii Ijtiif W II


'IMIHKK MICKl.Y KU ll1 eihlifil KuniiiN at Wul

kltcl mi tlie Turiils fcMri'UHinuhl.. Aiiiily itImiplHof Kasljlim, Kori ftrctt JtlM-- tt


A I.AKOK KUIINISIIKU a wt :--ItiMiiii tor niK

tlxuiHii bit iiutol onUnl.i Htrriit, 16 milillU-ti- ' Wj ' 'ii r"immmr

walk from i'ost UIUi:u AitJrtii. e.,tills ullit-e-. Wi tf


t r AIKIKI ON Til R A Jmm -lluanh comfortnlilfr

iUttrlm (or one or two Kin-ul- n ESMfg.l''MCtBHOAiitleiiiKit: Ixmrit uik

tlonal; lintlilni! (jimhI Kor partitmiamvniniir

llilH tl Hltl.l.KTIN IIKKIIIK


COMFOItTMH KClOOI. Nfutlv Kiirnlaln-i- ll oMhk". opiiolin Hon I unitCuii'ml Union I hnri'li T.'l

lteritiilil.l hired II Kli "llilu, I iU(;u !

iet-- , cplcnillil IaiiiiI, unit every c.mvcnl-ini'i- .

i;iK)iiiru on prmlM's or Mil uilTuluphuiiK ism itriA lw

Fine House and LotFOR SALZ1.

I'pill'. UNDKIIKlUNKI) OKKKKS KOU1 hhIii tlmt Kuif llnnifbtpail on lln

nmnkn tiilt ol lliirrtiinlii 'trift, lti Ifi't(ait ol IVmchi'o'u btri'-- t. Tim lAt lm aIroiitnl iKitM-Hin- l mli'ptli ol llih'i-- t A(loixl DmcIIIiii: Iiiiiin- - In . rontnltiii I'urjnr, IMiililu-ri-u- ii Kllcln'li, I'an.

i try. Ilpilrttim, llmh .inl WhIit I'Ion"! hiiiI. in otlli'non tlie lower lloor wtli Four do il

lli'ilroonia on i" ntnl lloor Tlicn In u tnli--

UntUI Hiicn, ronlnlniiiK Two hiulln, rMimlor to rurriuK-- , Mhki hiii'il ami nvrvant' KiHim, a HiTvuiitu' W (S. ami 1'woOimmI emH.iooU, KiutlitT partluulara olW. tt CatU, nr of


Adeline Black Stockings !

Now Shipment to


8BO roia strt,

Are certainly TIIK 1IRST. They re very K'stlc, Fast Dlack nl awab'olutelr Btalnfrss We havo them for

In all Sires and Qnslltles, In Plain Cotton, In ListsThread, In Open Work and J)m( Utltch ....



Warranted Kait Dlark, for Udl In all Site which we are tellln1 M a iKueii fair.


M. S. LliVV will

Just Hand

1ST. S. SACHS'Honolulu

The Adeline Black Stockings


Call for Adeline Black Stockings


Removal Notice

from hi present slore on Hotel stivet to theplace formerly occupied by Henson, SmithtVr Co., on Fort street. After gel settlid it

will be to your advantage to note the prices,tte.., that will appear in this column.

KwoDg Sing Loyi40) Ilif SI.. Tbioit Block.

iQloaJ Tek 338 p. 0. Boi 207. so





on Auuimt 1st

SING1 ltn St., inr liuailM $1

HQta&l Tele. 68ft P 0. Roi

T 1

JnpaiKtHO ant! Indian ..ih!Indian Silks, Luces aud Linens,

Tupanese Crapes, Chinese Matting,Silk Shawls and Scurfs,

Grass Cloth, Rattan Chairs, Kto., Kto.

rjf--A Complete ESTABLISHMENTwith Competent Cuttera und a complete line of English andAmerican Suitings. Perfect fit guaranteed.


Ladies' -:- - Black -:- - Sailor -:- - Hats 1


Trunks, Valises, Willow Ware,Table Cloths, Oil Cloth, Kt, hV..

51-5- 3 King Street






& 407 King Street.

A .t)K.

CliiilHHo, ()..






and Surub Just

OuodH, Fancy OoodH,




OuKhiiiurtsH Um-uivo-


frou 1 4 rjrzLawns, Etc, Etc.. Ku

of Every DescriptionllriWSm

Temple of FashionBl ffon Street

j Ladies' Underwear, Boy's Clothing,Urgi iMortatot ol Lidlii' and OtUldnn't Shoa.

Large Line of Summer Goods I

IjiifKo lino of WikiIhhii nt 2Th FlnniiIittnn. lt rnnU for f l.lkiHrown aiuI liito (Jottous, from to 1AI yimls, II.UO pur uuh'a,AuiiNikeAg tiluKlaanm, ,12 yartln for ll.(X). OmiU' And MW HathliiK .Sutuhilk, .SAtlna, !wr((iw, Law ii a utl UriM OimmU of ovry dtMutrliitiou

M. O.I '




-SILV.A., Proprietor.

"BTH-W- m iiDaily liullotin 50 ContH ior Month.

Page 4: ;$-TW- lie latiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/10674/1/1894080401.pdf · 4U-UOTH TKI.KI'HUNKH 414 II L'STACE &CO.! COAL I All lliiiln lii any itiautlly from bnK to

lUK'nIlu ' r-4- ' w,T , ? MJsJT'ltMi is?" WPFMBggpP


National Cane ShredderfATKNTKU UPHKK THK I.AWH

z&w 'is&&:SK

PHK UNUERH1UNED HAVE UKfiNthese Kiirkdukks rtint now

The great advantages derived





areto bo

The large number of Planter tusluir tin in .n tbe United Hutos, Cubi, yonngttcr happy. i

Argentine Republic, 1'ertt, Australia and re, bear wittiest to Hit- - j

ah ThJ & Typewriter U, makeuwol the 8HKK..1.KK very UtfiAy augment the uii.tilr of ,.. j

the mill can grind (25 to oOA), also the extraction of juice (6 to 12,). Iht btiAines man happy.tl in great safeguard, making known at once the pri-sone- ol an

pif-co- a of Iron, stakes froui oar, or anything which would he liable to tl.itnagi tv-...- -. v.,f. l0 ..'.ill., mill, and all-wi- ng ample time to remove mc before il.tinaglng the mill. "'" 1"""VThe KiiKKiiDKR if very strongly made, and from the manner of it opera- - men and maiden In achieve hap-lu- u

it euU or to.irs thosu piece of wood or irou without often hreaklug the nffutm, I

MlhKDiiku; and if anything break, it in simply nunc of the knives or cullers.vliicu can be quickly and economically replaeed. The Smhkddkr, an it i

name ludioatfn, lean tlie eane into elm ds of varying lengths, perfectly Open- - rnrn and Onrd G'asr U niaki '

Iuk it and allowing the. mill to thoroughly press out the juices without n- - your bct airl hnvvii.quiring the immense extra power to grind or crtirli the wholecane. The Shukmikk rpreadr the slm-ddc- eaui uniformly and evenly toihe mill rolls, and doo away with the necessity of spreading the bagurre by ValUt and I'nekrt Ihntk to'huud botween Ihe mill., whom grinding ir in um-- . No gieater anmunt of makf yonr ftf y h ,

boiler capacity ir required to operatt tho Siihkukkk thau thai which wat , ' 'lutfieient for the mill, for the above leucoun. We furuirh full workingdrawlugr for the itmallatinu of our SliHKDDKiir, enabling an eompiU'iii en llaeball Snpptif U malu "ourgineer to riiccerrfully inrtall and Urt them. hour" havnu. '

In ordering SlihKDiiKKH from iix, pb'iue Keml miall -- ketcli, nhowiug tindhujieter and width of the mill tollr with which snitMiiiKK Ik lobe couneeud, ' J

alao the nide (either riglil or left hand ae you Ukm tte delivery idde of the ' Vtniting Card and Sorictymill;, uiM.ii which the null engine ir loutted, aln. the height from Uoor line j Stationary to convey haupinr


to i.euter of (runt mill roll -- baft, and dixtance e.ntuf this nhaft to front end j ,

oi oeu piaie. Iliccu HlikkliKKr are now uiu ny me lino Migar iohad llawi Mill, Kohala, ahere they an giving great -- atinfai lion.

&T I'riioi- - and fiutiier prtlonl.irn may be had by applying ui

WM. Goe-t- f

YKUCfHOMf iu- -




Fresb Calllornla Roll Butter and Island Butter

tT ALWAVS ON HAND 3l6i Goods ReceUed by Every Steamer trom Sun PraociM

MT All Ontrr fatthfally utta-ni- l u. itlifHitloti riiiarmiUwl lin.l or4tiMiiKiiWfl ami tAckcU with ear

Linooln Block, Kino Siiikkt, Drr Kokt and Alakra Srurrra.

ttUld 1'KI.KfHUNKH .' - O IIO.X irt


Importers, Wholesale i Retail (Jims

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFreb Goods by Efery California Steamer.


luaaiM OiDKRfl SoueiTcn ft 10 SATi.rAcriUN Ocarantkkd.

lki.KfHONK W- -

11. MchM'YKL: ,V: WliiK

Groceries, Provisions




ahana. Einpire Saloon,1

Merchant Tailor,933 17uunu


Kogllsb, Scotch and American Goods,

Btylf Kit

Cleaning & RopuinurMutual Tele. 668. 0. Bot 144

HH2-ii- w

J. EGANB14 StreetAl.WAYB

Latest Styles in Millinery-- THK I.ATKBT IN

Wiltt ui Colored Wonted Goods



DreuaiklDl Done bj Mrs. Rentier.



Tiisstitbs, Plimbino, Etc.



APPOINTED SOLE FoilpiepArcd to receive order.

(rum the 110 of the National Hank i

IRVIN & CO.. L'd..Itlr .liiritl' fi lilt llfiUHittnii iiiU

r imx 5


- I W)X UA

Center UoUl Rdiudq StrU.


my Wines and Braodies


POUT SriEKKYas Yeaa-i'- a Olci

E3. 1ST. RBQUA,m.'-i- t IOiii

WM. DA VIES,Rigger & Stevedore,



Thi Stinr WA M A N A LO'Will run regularly lie! ween (hit ortiiiilWnlnlim Mokuleld, Kawimil nnl I'uulkl on the Inland nf Oaliu.For Krelnht, eta,, nily to Cilln.t. Illiiln At olllr of J, H. Walitr

Hiriti'krli' Hank, Kurt ntrrrt M7tt


KO TO INKOIIM THK IMIlll.il'1 Dint I tia?r oixined my Hlorr at No. VINitiiatui atrt-f- l with (Vylon ManiifarliirntJtwulry avt with tlnlilra, Hnpiililren, IVarli,

J list rroelTi-i- l auinv I'urr (Viylon Tatry It. A Uo, Indian Haliaua and IianxuiIJlr lit tr)aiiitc.ii of my iluck I anil-HI-

W. J. kUDKIUia4-- n riu w Nuoann itrt


and Feed.- - -N Goodn )tivt-i- ) hy Every I'arkm fruiii thr Knririn uuun ua Kurvp


A.U Ortlcra Ulthtuily utb-uitf- lo xiul OinxIi lhllvfrii.1 u,Hurt nf Ji iMiy HtKK





itnd (nirittitel.






YEN CO.,(I NmiHiiii

-- 3













Golden lule B(141(1i7nni

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop, i


The Domrnlir Sewing Machine,make happy wive and wret- - !


All kind Machine SecdU andAttachment to make every womanhappy.

Outturn to charm with vmg midleave a happy urn He.

Spectacle and Eyeg1ae to fital1 $'" M thal bot,i old audyoung may be happy.

Ojjiee Stationery and BlankHook, and to rompUu the. hnppi-ne- t

of all

liny a Strm Winding, StemSetting Nickel J'lattd Watch,guaranteed a good timekeeper

for $3.60.

mohahaIazaar,Corner Nuojdq & Hotel Street!.

New Goods! New Goods!


Silk Dress Goods,- .M.UCUI.OKH- -

.IAPAaNKSK silk CRAPK.I'laln mul Hro'iutnl:


Silk Shirts and Night Shirts.Hllk tloHMi. Hllk Necktlm.

HanitknrclilMN. hlinwl, Nnnlieii,KoKlory ami Oliinlm-- c

Vill- - ii ml I nftnn li iinnrim I

OllhdllUlUUUUUIIIIUllUMJnunif Tniys, IUmlMH Horrrim,

T finU, Klowrr I'oU, lite., KU- -

Prices Cheaper than Ever !

71 Mutual

Bell Telephone

Telephone JlConsolidated




Com pan j,



3dFurniture Dealers

HfK to Inform the imhlir tlml llieyliftv iined h

, m Sl0re a( jj0 322 Mooana Street,

Whre tliy rarry uiiiini)lHU lliit-o- l


BTANDB, KUi Km.. K.I..

Pnrultara Repilrsd and Oeoaral JobbingI RMionibl Rata.

VINO FAT CHAN,lMm- - 3TJ Niiiiunu Btr-- l


The Hawaiian Messenger Service

L M JniiNHia, MaimiirktHtnal SBS --TCLCPRONLB Ball 550

Oltlo in Maaonli HulMllig.

Wr arr iirrpaml In IiimMi lnlliiriniilMaMCiixaraat all lionm. l'roiiiiiiiit andlalUlaclInn Kdarantrril, Ymi rluir lit iiand w will do the rctt,

ffW Hourly rafa 40d. Kor itUtamvraUi t ilMiaii(r'i Wa, IU74--


Th ftueition of Its neeoRnltion by j

th United Btatos.

New Yonn, .Inly 23. A Waihing-- 1

fou derpnteh to the Herald rajs:Tlio AdniiniMrAtion has threodayuin which to deternuno whother torecofjuizH the new Hawaiian repub-lic promptly or to withhold its for-

mal recognition nnotlior fortnight.The quesMon will probably coinsbefore, the Cabinet to morrow, andif decided then iu the nlllrtnativoformal inMrucliomi to MinisterWilli may Im telegraphed to SanFrancisco and forwarded to Hono-lulu by next Thursday' Meatnor,otherwise they will wtlt for thonteainer of August 8th.

Them is au impression that for-mal recognition will not bo madowith undue hate, on account of thoAdministration's contention thatAmericans were too active in over-throwing tho old Government, andit would therefore be advisable tolet somu moro disinterested nationtake the initiative.

8uaku 1'olaou mid llumnn Poison

Tho bitu of tho rattlcsnako is al-

most nlnajft fnt.nl to man. Yut thissunko is nuvor nlTcutcd by tho iujuu-tiu- ii

of its ouu poixon into its ownblood, noillicr uhuti onraKod il bitositKolf nor whun its runout is injectedI iy artilioial menus to tho ijiios-tio- n.

.Stionkinu on tho latter pointDr. S. Wlr Milcholl, an oxpcrL onsuaku poioou, says: "I havo over andovor tried this exporiinent, but in noease huo I seen death result. Whyahould this bet"

Dr. Mitchell further says: "Thoin any noxioiu coinpounds iimu car-ries iu his livor and g.tfttrie ((laudsvtbo ototuaeli) aro fatal if thoy entertho blood iu uny luro ainoiiutThere is hcnreely an oran iu uiauVUod whieh is not a pioil)lo Miureoof poihou to 1 j In. Suiull doKus aroeoimtnutl; aniiin into mid out ofbib blood. I'lie question is whetherho e.nu net rid of it as fust as it ac-cumulate."

Alluding to death by rheumatism,uout, anil kidney dbeace, an eminentLoudon plolcfau mjm "Thus manif poisoned by tho products of hisown body."

Now lot us c.ito a pairaue from nman's eipcriouco as related by him-self. Tho lime extends ovor a periodfrom March, Ib&MoMay, 18MI, morethan a yvtir. lie saM "My headneed to whirl around, and 1 had fre-quent bouts of faiutncsn and giddi-ness anil ui ui7i llmrt I ind to fullilown, Hit ui'tttir whrrr 1 um. Thinuoitlil occur tut) or thru1 timn u ilay.For thri'o Hks 1 wa confined toin IiimI. 1 frew (r.idually weakeraud weaker and lost a deal of sleep.I fell worM) tiled in tho morningthan whun 1 went to bed. After awhile 1 beeamo nervous, and my legstrembled ami shook under mo tosuch a decree that 1 feared to walkout. 1 had grat pain iu my kid-no- s,

aud the secretion which I void-ed from them wa thick and yellowas tho xolk of an eir. Month aftermouth passed and i failed more amimoro. aud could hardly crawl about.

"I had a doctor ut tending me, buthis medicines did not benefit mo.ilo suid my livvr nut! kid ueys woreiu a bail way, aud that ho never sawsecretions paed iu such a state.After trehtiut,' mo six mouths, hotold mo that medicine could do uomore for mo and advised inn to goto a hospital. I ueul to tho Peter-borough Hospital, but tfot wortowhile there. The hospital doctorsrefused to tell mo what ailed inc.Having spent two mouths there, 1

got anxious and returned to myhome, utterly disheartened. 1 continned to bond to the hospitul formedicines, which 1 took for threemonths longer. 1 was now ho ema-ciated that my friends who enmo tobee me aid I would ntwor got well.

"In this condition I couliuuod un-til May, IHb'J, when one day an tunbrella vendor called al my house,and, teeing how ill 1 was, said hinwifo had boon cumd of a serious ill-uo- s

by Mother Soigel's Curativuby ru p. uo spolco so earnestly of itthat I determined to try it. Aftertnkiug tho Syrup for toil da) a 1 feltiu bettor spirits; my food agreedwith mo, aud from that time 1 gain-ed strength daily. Persevering withit, 1 was soon able to return to mywork as health aud otiong as ever.Since thou 1 havo been iu tho bestof health. You are at liberty topublish tho above facH, and I willgladly reply to any inquiries. Yourstruly (Signed), Ktu uu'.u.i:, Itim-fe- y,

St. Man's, Hunts, FebruaryIUiIlIWU."

No brief comment can do justiceto this remarkable cum. What thepublic needs to know ami to remein-lio- r

in this: Mr. Welfare's whole sys-tem wus poisoned by tho productsof a torpid and inactive digoMion.Those had entered his blood, as Dr.Mitchell describes. Tho nervoussystem was disordered and haltparalysed; hence the faint uess andfalling (its. Jlaltlesuako poisonkills by paralysing tho norves whichactuate the luiigs; il kills by suffo-cation. Human puixou, arising fromindigent iou and dyspepsia, alwaysoperates iu the same direction, cairn-,iu- g

asthma iu its worst forms. Itthen attacks tho heart aud hidings,causing the statu of things Mr.Welfare mentions. Nothing moreuoxious, or, in tho end, surely fatalexists in any poisonous replile. Andyut people trille wit li the disease! auddoctors seem not to midorstaud it.

Mother Soigel's Curative Syrupcures by stimulating tho kidneys,skin, aud bowels, ami toning thegastric glands.

Who, then, is man's most deadlyeueiii)f Careless aud ignorant manhimself. Use the remedy uheu theearliest symptoms appear.


A '' PKIIhONb INTKNDINO TOlake im.kiiuK on hlriiiiii'U ill ihe

Inler-lsliiii- bti'iilii Navigation Co,, liomiiiiiioiiiin. um iiertiiiy rifiioii'ii in iiiir.i'Iiiimi linked ui thi' Wharf Olllio of theConi.my k'toret'iiiluirkiuit, aud mi) ummiiKiir IiiIIIiik lo do m hliuli be iililcct toimy .'. .cf('i.il ol tliuri'KMiiiir fare iu aildi.lion tin r Hi thin rule will be Ulitly in-- Ilori'ed trout and alter tin lt.la ot Aiii'imtprotlino. V, It. UODJltlJY,

I H..Mi.K,btsj'y K.iJut.llouolulu, Jul; 17, la'd. Il4u.)w


1U nkUUliniJJ-- -

Fancy Dress BalliOK THK


-0- 1VKN A- T-


Monday Evening, Aog. 6.

FlMt t'rlto-S- llk Dn-M- , by J. J. Kgan,for MoU Orlf-ln- Kcnrnlc Com nine.


Second l'rlte Ktchlng flold Frnme, bytlm l'ncllic Hardware Co., tor ltejt KrtintlpCharacter Costume.

Third I'rlio Fancy llanglnc Limn, byHnnnllati Hardware Co., fur llniidsonie.tt'ostuine.

Fourth l'rlte Student bmti, by CatdteA Cooke, lor Hctt (ientlcuinii Dancer.

Finh I'rlro-Hll- yer Vac, by K. 0. HallA Son, ror lleM luly Dancer.

Sixth l'rlte OoM Clmnn.by B. A. Jacob-so-

for .Mori Oritnal Male Commie.Seventh Prite-O- old Bcnrf Pin, by It. K.

Wlcliman, for Ilct Male Character Co-t- u

me.Klghtti I'rire-P- alr of Sllpj-'- r. by Mann-fnctiirie- tt

Shoe Co., ror Second ltesi FemaleI'liaracieruoMutne.

Ninth l'rlte Hut, by Tracy, tor ltesi '

Hard llmei Coatiuue by Ueiitlemati.Tenth l'rlte Photo. Allium, by Hawaiian

News Co., tor IWt Hard Time Cotumeby hiily.

Klcveiilh l'rlte- -3 8hlrt, by Mi lllc. torBicond Uet Male Character Ooitniim.

Twellih l'rlte Dottle Perfume, bv Iten-fo- il

Smith .V. Co.. for Second Desl" LadyDancer.

Thlrfenlh l'rlte t Doren I'nrU PrtiiItor tlie HikI Aionmrit Female CoMimie, byJ. J. Williams. riioto to bo Ukon In Cos-tume.

COXMITTRG Or AMIANnGMENT:Jovpli l Carter, Chtlrmsn: U M,

Johnon, J. Klllnccr, It. Zcrlw, Kd.Towte.ntcr.PTioN comjiittkk:

F. II. MrHtiM-kcr- , Chairman; K. o.While, K. A. JncoliMin, Win Katnu, Knit.Lyons. J. J. Kan,


Oeo. 0. Stralemeyer.JtJDors:

J II. FUher. John Kldw-l- l, ('has.Hawkin. U 0. Abies, J. B. Martin J. K.Wilder.

rtoon ootiMiTTEic:J. W. I'rott. T. 1. Severln. J. Walter

Jones, Tlios. Wnll.

floor manaokr:l. T Keniike.

Tickets Admitting Gentleman and Ladles

tSLOOCan ba Proearal froai any Maaibar ol

OoamlttaM.ini wi

LUCOL -- :




The following tfrtliinoiiiulIiuh been received from u pro-

minent plantation owner andmanager :

11osoi.hu:. H. I May 'JU, IKU.i'Aririr Hakdwabk Oo. I.'u, llouolulu.Wfiif'eiwnr

You auk my opinion nf I.ucol at a I'alntOil.

I hare experimented with l.nrol Oil forouUiide and inkldtf work, alto on Iron work,(minting my vacuum pan, machinery nndcentrifugals, with It aud the retnilt hahbeen most MitUlactory. Il dries harder,makes a belter llnluli, j;os farther ami ifmore ratlKfactory in every way than lln-ee- d

oil.f'urtaln paint work which was alway

sticky with llieed oil, dried hard when1. co l Oil wan nied.

Yimry truly, Ano. DuaitH

Direotion for Use.Use bucoi, in every resjiect in tin

sitinu munner us you would linseeiloil, with the biugle exception that youmay add fully ono-ipi.irl- mote be-cot- .

to the suiiic ijuaiuily of pigmentthan you would of liiicd.

In Heine uiet.dlie, Venetiiin red, theoehros, nnd other dry pigments, it in

ailvimdile to mix Up the paint at lettMone ihiy before it is to he lined, thenmill a third more biicoi. uml the pdutwill he found to cover wll and hitvi.i unoil c,lon.


Whero liuril surfaces eiieh n tliMire

mopi", etc, are reiptireil usi liiluirponly, never use .lupuus


Kiel sssiitte their working ni imj proves tlicit appciiriiuci) mil TIIEV

FIIOIU.ll UK IIHKI) BAMK IMV TIIKV AUK' MlXhD, otherwist the gum of tho var

niidi limy he pri'iiipiuii il ir the mixture cuidlcd.

The uihlilion of limn to j) ol be' col. u varnishes does nut rediiee tlmii

lii-t- n; nor retard their h.irih ubig umlI drying uml ii prevents llieir ernekinc



Afjcots (or (lie Uawaiiao hlaudIM.f

"I)AT NIPPON"Hot81 8tfeel im.nm mi)

JuRt uCC0vei nnotlior tnrelce of

Japanese Fancy Goods


ITtocq rirrrlc !

pJan ftnil nKured Bilk and Cr.MORNIHC GOWNS 'lPlain Silk slid ttrubrofderetl.

Silk and Cotton KimonosBilk Fans, Ort'lilnns,Knibroldcred Silk Tea OoleTablo Corers. lied Covnri.811k Sashes, Neckwear.

Jtaantifnl., . China Ware! ,

Salad Howl", llon-bo- n Dl.shes. i

1'laU-s- , Ktc.. KtA, Kte. '

Smoking Jackets !

Silk and Col Ion I'atanin. '

JiPMESE SCEEBHSi'Hues. Lamp Shade?,

ItAtnhoo Ones. I.niicli nnklsIUiiiImw) Valliw Jajinn'rH tray.

Mt MC, MC nic.

Mrs, J, F, P. Collaco, Proprietress.!

n j

" ,$ ll.jrf K." ' I

Wholesale Retail.i

- Kill. I. LINK K

Japanese Goods!

Slit and Cotton Drts Goods,

Kin. Kti. Kte. Kle.

Silk, Liiimi Mil 1'r.ipe Sliii'ls

-- OK COMI'L-KT- rMIK -Made by Yntiialoya of Yokohama

0W When yon are In tiwd of stir lineol Jniiini'M' OiKtitM, lvn us tlrn call andMir pntiK all around towu.

ITOHAN,aOO Xort OX--. nu Cvutoni 2Tov.




Pioneer Furniture Co.

N and nil Kltll! HtrretUt Il

A. F. Medeiros & Co.

Merchant H Tailors.

Hotel St., meter ArliUKIOli Hotel.

Latest Patterns in Suitings

Itwelved hj Kry fiteaiiier,



Agent to Take AckoowlcdgineDls

- WILL ATTK.ND To -Uanemtnt and Sale ot rrupertj


Collecting in All Its lit anches.Orriea. No. 4i' Men-hi- t it Hi' iel,

UVTVAL TEI.XIT'SXOirss 300,i7r. ii

TO 9 .A.. "ML.

Ii not lori'i't tlm tunn to riuu up

152 MuIimI To! ephon 0-- 152.

J. F-- . J3TrR,clS3Sis -- oil prepsred - r pair Oardeii lloi-w- .

sprinklers, Water I'npi, Klliim Saws amihlntriienliiK ail 1 Inns lucindliii: Csrv-tli-

kid von ud '. l.nwn Mowtrn uAlxo hrlltlM 'l'-b-. in furl all

Kllia. til Jiin'wnu vvora einmi i'ir ana re.nniH.I llr.'M If

PACIFIC "HOTELI'oruer Kllic .V Niliiauu tils.

Kiim. Womhk, : i ; : Msiiai;er.

Fiucst oi Wines & LiquorsBilliard & Reading Room

rilKK 111



I Ih-- i to Inform HMirtlii(- - .Men and Ihe(leilerill I'ulille Hint I mil to tn.pair slid Iteunviite eery deMirllitlnu el

Oiiiu, lUllni und Hevolverklllfiilly illtiKliiuaud llrovMi-ili-

iloie- - In all) liade. I'l'i-l-rln-

ttiiarsutiSHl, 1'in.ionii r promptlyattended to

CW AddresiUNION HftlKKI. ltlltiOI.lll.il





--TSKJ:ltmiaTBT Ual iiM

mmMrae&i"rn. i g jay ""g


Oahll KllilW iS Uo4 1'O.


Another Great Opportunitj

To Sturo Home Ui Oue of th Moat

tMLhtnil LocaIIUm to bs.

Konnd In tho Purmtlao

of tho Pacific.

A a healthy reeort Pearl Olty baanlready rnUhlisheit an enviable reputation..Many Kod ultltcnt Iu this communityImvo experienced the wonderful etTect pru-ilnc- ed

by few days sojourn In that dry,cool atmosphere, and give itratefill tentl-nion- y

to the relief tliey have almott In.etautly gained u Kivure and loiiK con-

tinued attacks of silhiua. Physiciansaispiaiiiled with the climate of Peart Cityrecimiiiieud it Asa natural sanlurltim.



And can be Increawsl to meat lh ueeda ola K)pulatiou equal to the iHTfrrit city Inthe world.

I'kor. A. It. I.rune ot Oahti College laour authority for Hating that tbe watersupply Is tbe purvet yet dlncovered In thlicountry.

Special liiuiiccio(& 10 i'aily hitlers:

Kor iilnet) ilaye from daiese iil i

LOTS OS rtPKClAl. IKHMts Mviirnble u,Isina.tlde kettler. Kor a term ot tbie-mon- ths

from dale, lumber and all build-Iti-

materials will and dllv-e- d

at I'curl (!lty at iimch lowwr prhi-thu-

ever before obtained.Kor further particulars, call at this ollca

or on any of the lumber dealers ID thiscity. Those who now own lots aa well astheie who propose to become resident ofthat uroHlni; city, will do well to embracethis opportunity. Tho who avail them-elvv- a

ol this otter, within tlm time named,all) be entitled to, ahd will receive tbefollowlUK Iwnetlt:

Kor a term of ten yeara, thla Companywill carry siiuh reildeuts and their faniiliefrom Pearl City to Honolulu In the room-ing arriving u little before aevvn o'clock,and from Honolulu to Pearl City iu theevening (leavlui; Honolulu station a littlealter live oV-lou- , tor tun centa each way,a rato let than one cent per mile. Therute on all other psswnger trains runuingdiiriut; the day oi night will be 1J ceutaiwr mile tint class, and 1 cent per lulietHwond class.

A good echool la about to be opened tuthe Peninsula, Iu the flue, large, newhcli"o)-liou-- e ereeted by Air. J, T. Water-Iiuiih-c

Itcildeuls living at Pearl Cityheights, ulove Pearl City station andtho-i- liuvllig homes on the Peninsula, willbe allowed to ride free on regular trainsbetween lVarl City Hlatlonb Ui aud fromthe l'uultiaulu.

j Those who want toconlinuH to send theirchildren to tsuhoolb In Honolulu, can havutrautporlrttlou on ull regular trains to andfrom Pearl City, for the purpose ol atumd-lu- g

kchool, ut live cents each way for eachpupil. This is to 31 to M miles ridefor ten cents.

Kipuil Inducements for those deal ring usecure homes iu this country have neverbefore Is-e- olio rod to Ihe public.

This Company has been requested fromuhroad to name the price of all their d

laud In thai locality.

Should a clearance sale be made to a

syndicate, no oportuiiliy like the presentwould again occur for the purchase ofhoiiiet ut Pearl City.

"'A Word to tbe WUe is

j Sufficient."i



uav ti Ueuaxal Manageri