THE EVENING ftfARi 1 W ASHIN QToiToiTY! ~ rtlSAT MAR OH 13, 1861, mr rra»I5S M«r;M OR STMT PA«I. Ml OCTSIDI FOR INTIRJWTIRQ T1LRGRAPHTO AMD OTHER If ATT SR. MT Tlw Ifew Dollar We*fclj Star, fnller thMi ev*c of Metropolitan newt and jto»»lp, anJ choice literary reading* 1* now on oar counter r*>H< * . tnik.n.WlU T V. - _ 1 . vwwy uum v c* j bw uso afc i » * ri «MJW J bees icT^atly enlarged and improved, and now undoubtedly presents much more mailer lor the srunc amount of money than any other vr nmklj ui ilia country. ¥ braced m its entertaining contents are the following articles: A wail-digested Budget of War New§, from evrry l>epartment of the Army; Confederate Raid upon Fairlax Court lions**,and Capture o! a Federal Qeneral; New* from Vicketrorg; Tlie Indlanola affair; Movenvnu in Oener.il Ornnt'i lirpAnment and About Yicicaour*;. Full Account of the Battle near Franklin, TfBne-ww Naval and Military Operations against Charleston and Savannah; and an Account of the Destruction of the Steamer Nashville. News from Rebel Sonrces; Rebel Accounts of the Position of Affairs at Vjcksbnrg: The Attack i pun Fort McAllister; (ren. Hunte/'s Flans, u seen through Rebel IF1mji««»h. I.au* Foreien News; American Affairs in Europe; British and French opinions; Affairs in Mexico and Central America; Domestic r«« ws; Kpfpnt Appointments find Oonflrmat .ou» of < *lnland Military Offlcf-r*: Editorial* lt~m* and Clipping* lrom the Press: Telecrapbic NVwi; faiurressinpal Proceeding Liocal fcewa; Deacriptire Read in* Matter and a column for the Farmer, Gardener and Huwkftpw. Thi* jnst the paper abore all others for persons sojourning in the National Metropolis to. end to their friends at a distance. Price only thre*> cent# per copy, »r SI per annum: postage prepaid by stamp* when so arranged. SPIRIT OP THE MORNING PRESS. Th« Intelligencer, noticing the legislation of * 'ooeress durinc the rccent session affecting .hf District, approve* the bill offered by Mr. I* iano, allowing the District a representative, *>nt expresses disapprobation of the Jaw reorganizing the courts. The Chronicle calls the compulsion of negroes to help fight the battles for th*» Union 11 practical philanthropy,'* as the exertions madt> und*r ^.orapolaton will eventually ennoble and elevate them. OUK MILITARY BUDGET. another blockade runner captured. Tli*- Navy par iment this forenoon receivd a difpAtch Irom rortree® Monroe announcing the arrival at Key West of the British blockade-running steamer Pett'rhuff, taken by the Vand«»rbilt off St. Thomas. The Peierho.T is a i.nrtre and very fine and fast vessel, and K known to have repeatedly run the blockad?. li»*r cargo is believed here to have been boots n»i shcM-s, saltpetre, jnilitary clothing, A:c. She inaitis the third of the same class of valuable *uium r», news of the captnre of which has rvached here in the ltu>t two days. RKVTTCVK* iRnrriin - - mm aa » Mm M. » 11 I/, Last eveninprthe following refuse* from th«» Sooth arrived here and reported to the Provost M r-hai. Via: T. H. Williamson, Jos. Morti, i'ta#. Cutcherson. J. Mclrmre and wife, l^anc, iH'nms Fain*, wife and child; Michael l)olet John Morrissey, wife and child; JoUn Kmmri, wife and child; Thomas Shannon, John Donovan, M. Woods, James dark. Mrs. 0 Haloy and two children, Mrs. J. Tomer and 1 wo children, John Dor»»»y. PRISON Eli OV WAR. P. W. Mayo, 10th Virginia, prisoner of war, w*» sent to LbeUentral ttnardhoase yesterday. ASOTHKR " I'KA'K" CA!tARI>..Ex-Mayor, new Ccrjr«Mnfn Weed, (Fernando) is oat with hnotbfr pve.c«» rr.nr.ifi *to. H^tp li is, to be liken lor \i bat is worth: * At a mp» tinsr bHd at Stamford. tJonneeti cut, on Tuesday er^nin^ last, I said 4ihat proIjoiiuot:!- for an armistice or peacp had b**en fubnitU-d to tbf Pnti irnt on the l-??h I>eceml«r la>t, which, had they be»-n accepted,would hate tfrminawd this war by the Xirat of April, ti j »n a bfl* ji satisfactory to the people JSortU slid rSoutb.' In referrin; to tliL» statement you , "Who made the 'propofcitlons tor an armi*i « or prac*,' the adoption ol which Mr.Wojd V'®tend9 to believe »vnjuld hmo i».« meter' by All-fools' day 1 Were th'*v mvl(> >y Davie and bin fellow* Reb**li I 11 mo. how <fo»s Mr. Wood know anything about tii *m ? I'm he been in secret corn-spond^nce with the « iH-my ? Or w*-re they mad** by a»ioe of the ault-war men here I If so, who authorized 'h*-ml And what are the Wrnia of the propositions from which Mr. Wou l ho;»"- so much ? 11 they are honorable to the nation.if they are such as patriotic Americans ought to favor. why not make th»-m public at once V To which I pay, in repiy, that the statement r"furred to Wras made by me deliberately, with a full and perumal knowledge of the facte, and hit 1 um con&ti&ined from the publicity of them only by the request of one of the principal officer# of the Government. Wh^n this mt. rdicuon >hall he withdrawn 1 will cheerfully gratify your curiosity. j Very respectfully, Jcc., Msn h 11, IHJ.T Fke.iasdo Wood. it will be rrm«-mhered that a "peace ptodo- l'.oii" canard waa stated to hava effect on the N«w York electioc, and this is doubtless inirixM to fca\e eflect on ti»*> Connecticut elec' w». It la Uvr CLa»< Barney story over again. Thkatkical.. ttfith tiie var;ety>of enteriainnow before the public here,it is not easy to k-cp or.e'» s*lf well po-Ud as to the merits of all, but w emu«t bear u stimony to the admirable i:nu»h of the jjerformaures of th* Ke«»n<» com- pa t now at (Jtot« r>, comprising such nairifn as I.aura Keene, Blakr, Walcut, Wheatieigli, j Mrs. Brnnrhim and " r n w>ic(« vi iiuvr. XV* uigui u »et apart for thp b^n^flt of Mrs. Lmra K^ne, ' au actress who affords *o gi*>d a mod-1 in e lt*arsnt of fBMcifttton, '.a«t»-, a*J a.-cnracy of costume, and freedom from rant, whicn go no far as a«x:liarv«» to h«r brilliant qualifies of mind to nuAk<i Ler (with omtj k&d«-raui physical ra- | dawncnU) one of the mo-»t delightful perform- ! cri now on th»* *ta#r. Yazoo Citt.-We have a razue report, til ! K»'inphiis of the r»pt«n< ol thin plwe hy thn K. dtral lorc4-». We bgj** it Ii true, but lik* n.o-» i«th» r report*, of late, it ne^d* j c. afin:atK>n. \ azoo City it a flourishing po»t » i.ijr" in l nzoci ro» nt j, .TrllS^., Sl'liaU'd OD lh* r! r of tk»-»au»f cam** about 50 miles N. Pf. Vv . of Jack*on. It located m a rich (fo'.ton f' win* rrtr: and, r,*:,.n* thu war, employ *d a larRf and Imiativc comm*re*. About CrO.OOO » » a ol cotton annually u^d to b* r#c«»it«*d a- Y»7x^» C-itv, and »tnp|#<t To N^vr Orl>-&a9 by -<ibI omi», vihu-h th»- river at all ol th# wati-r. TL« population anterior t*» tb*» whr v. hj» 3,u»*). %jr W> h'-ar nu'itlitg v*hat->o«»T>-r, r>y !h* Iain armral*, of th»* kri-at Nt-/ro Insurrectionary Ki|iidilu« thr TubuN*-'* i'ort Ri.yal cjrre»i «;i» rB; w *<ud in;- < &I.;to the interior awidle * ». ai d. h**t. ee, coi.elude that lb- wbob- thing 11.+' b<t\c Um the emanation of *om<* eraly b' III. AlToiNTi f..| hf l*reMd<*ist h:u» *ent to thu ; rn t'U.f uaa.e ol ]>r. Ku.mholl Sol-jer, of U., t 1;. I litv K»*i i»t«*r ol ii»»- 1'reaMirv, an 4 (.'ol. >t t «i h Harry. of Niw Yoiu, i.,r A*«isiant 'I u: "I Ul thr I Mat-a T li. a: >1 ILK. Ti»f TV*tou J.ur r.jj ...» {iii\a'.i* 1' i.«*i » fiom N' W Orb*an« : I 71 V t 11:- t l-.i- ri-K-l* tf M >blie havrt rrir ir r»-adii:e»... 'o n:nka a li'mon?ii 1 ' Wad:tilj ol' nat btur. itm aan{*: > IIi'ST UHM>ukt.III I V ,\ti ( .ykiiv.t.-liiii. liooner was exam, si *-- v> .1 > lore ih** War Ceaniitmt. The f . . . , . t .-H 1J l.ll'fl *»,*. M U-'iTt /VI11 .!> J- '.( J »«. Ik :ur« tl»»* iod',V!i. -lit on J lifin u. *.; "As. I f*;u jft m> ' t I n » *i » " '!» -itW'tioD. Tit*» failure t-l n*' m w s.- ov my to th* liip-inpi'* .. j >-t »:. roMui-.i., !}'iirri|.' S Tt fl«- if t. r w > T' *. ni ii - l:»,v b;«for* *J. W»r(Vmn;i'»H> d m Html hn«» ** rri»fl ' 1 i- f ni Artill* it ;h *!1 ik: » <*:tmn:iiKna t,| U.. Aru.y (<l t . H iTCJ-na. b;-« Ifnc* »ui l# tho no«t im;>ortiiiit y t sulvl*ao»-l t»> Ou uutt**' ip t«» tin- o|i«-r:«uo;iH »>t :a.*v t i:. 7 . C >T .V 1 7> Ot 9 4 THE LATEST NEWS. 81 TELBf.ttAPH W THB 1TKUJ8 mt IMPORTANT mux THK SOVTllWESr ^ HKroIiTHD BATTLH ON TUB TAA>0 FUflB I *J»THN THOUSAND UH'.tBL 1'BItffffBlU TUH1D. i TUB UNIONISTS OF \T \ Y v K COr*»TY ALABAMA, BECOMING ¥'.»RMI I»A BLH. ('INCI5HATT, March 13..A special Me:npUi« dispatch tu Ihe OattKt Hires the report of a tljrht on Yazoo riT*r, -with :he rap;nro of *ptpu th<m«ai.d pr»«oi»*»r» and transports. No p*r- titulars art* received. \ 1a44a. #w.vMk .ia Ala t A #1lA \f i l.> iriin Hi*lB j. ivi rnvrj nm., w »"r aiv Jiir li'fptt'r, saya Waym county i* full of renostyling themselves Union men, and joined by deserters tram the Southern army, tfcey hare become more formidable than ever. Cairo wm excited yesterdav over reports from Forta Henry and Don>dson. Nothing new from Vickaburg. REAL KSTATK I* flSfCINXATl TtELOXGING TO HEliELS SEIZED. Cincinnati, March 1:)..The U. S. Marshal je^terday seized a considerable amount of real property in thia city belonging to Albert, Willian A. and Thomas J. J^nlcins, officers in the rebel army. The Bogu» "Monitor" that Fooled the ftebt, The following is an extract from a private letter from Acting Rear Admiral David I>. Porter, commanding Mississippi Sqnadrou: " During the time of the running the blockade by ihe C|ueen of the West and the lndianola, five of the guns in the forte at Vicluburg were burst and dismounted; therefore it was an ob- ject to make the enemy fire as much as possible. I got a mortar in easy range, and open**! on ;hat part of the town where there wa* nothing but army supplies, and soon provoked a tire of four of tlieir heavy batteries. The «Lell at first fell over the mortar and aroand it, bursting close to our men, but the ran^e began to grow shorter, until they let us have it all our own way. "h inding mat tfiey could not be provoked to flie without an object, 1 thought of getting up an imitation 'Monitor.'" Ericsson ?aved the country with an iron one.why could I not save it with a wooden one. An old coal barge, puked up in the liver, was the foundation to build on. It was built of old boards in twelve lu urs-, with pork barrels on top of each other for svnok* stacks, and two old canons for quarter bonis; her t'urnao s wtrebnilt of mud, and ouly intruded to make black sinoke and not steam. ' Without knowing thut Brown was in peril, 1 letloi se our Monitor. When it wns d^seri»d by the d>m light of the morn, never did the britterie- of Yicksburg op^n with such a nin . tue earth lairly trembled, and th«* shot flew tV i1/ a I«aii *-» rl » - - * -1 ^ T " * 11 ' * niUUlJU U-r" ur * Ultll iVIUIilLOT. l^Sll ran safely past ali the batteries, though under fire ior "an hour, and drifted down to the low r moi.thol the canal. JShe was a mach Lft er looking v»ssel than the Indianola. ' When it was br<;ad daylight they opened on her Htain with ail the guns they could bring to hear, without a shot bitting her to do any h irm, because they dnl not make lier settle in the \\ai« r. though going in at one tide and ou- at © "tier. it is olr^idy full of natrr. Tho m>1oit-rs ol our army shouted and laughed like nr»d, hut th* Inrjrh was 'oaiewhatag^inst them wh< u tb«*v -i.b-^qu. ntly discovered the (^ueen i. i the Wi-st lying at the wharf :«.t Warren ton. Th»- ^ufstion was. a:-ked what liad happened to the Indiauola I llsd the two rauir- sunk her or captured h* r in the engagement we heard the ni.ht I) fore ? The sounds of cannon had reted' d down the river, which le;i t;» to believe that Urown wai« chasing the Webb and that the on: en had got up past him. ' One or two soldiers got the Monitor out in the stream again, and let her go down on the A > * » rans i^uwn: an me r ort commflnrcd firin? and signalling, and hh tlio "Monitor" approached j the fju^en she turned tail and ran down river j as last as she cou id go. the "M-onitor" after her, making all the spe^d that was given her by a five-knot current. The forts at Warren ton lired bravely and rapidly, hut the Monitor did not return the tire with her wooden pun." It serine by the above atatementof Admiral Porter that h.' did not know of the loss of the j Ieriiai.ola, and the bogus iron-clad ram was M*nt down the river to draw the fir* of the batteries, and to effect any other result that might turn np. Ansial kkkkm k Methodist Prut. K(>tast Ciii rch..Yesterday, this body in session at Baltimore, examined and pa»sed the | characters of the ministers. Thf report of the Rev. W. W. Reese, of the East Washington mission was read, showing the mission to be in apro?per-_>us condition, and | requested permission to retain their relation wiihont any appropriation from the mission- j nrv tund. "ftettrred to the Missionary (Join- I initfee. L'cvs. H. P. Jordan, John W. Kver^si and <J<crj:e S. Hamiltou, made applications to bn i relieved from active service for the enduing j j - ar. The various missions of the Church were re- \ i'iTi»n iu n pro-p» roii» con-nuon. Kev. James K. Nichols wasflpftr-d President c f the Conterence. Fiederick City was aelefted su tha place for holding the r.ext Conlerence. Of* Ar.nv Bkhai>, otherwise "hard tack," j- only fit lor the teeth and jaws of th» bone, cracking carnivor*. Why cannot the Govern- xrent give the soldiers crisp fiuston (jr:ick r.s, lnadeof new milk aud farina flour, such as J;uTenL«. I)fi> tou turns out at his great tiakery! Th< re have en many reforms of late in army matters; hut th 1 » standing cause of just complaint eeerns to have been overlooked. J rv-^ THE MALE MKMBRHS OF DNION CHAPlj_5 el are requ* uted t«> meet in th« said Caap^l . o: THIS i Friday) IVKN I S(1. at "7^ o'clock It* rv-s.HOlitL, RESTAURANT AND TAVERN LLJ? Ke»-p«rii are requested to roett at tbe City Assembly Koom*. corner t f Ohio »TeDae and li'tii street, r.i, MONDAY 16th inat «.t 1 oViajIt ». m mar 15 2t* TliKCQM MITIIk! fy-5^-iODNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN A8S03IA Lkjf tioit.. TH« annual inefttn* of thie Aai-jan ion will be held'on MONDAY, 16th mst.ata o ilick. foi th« tlaction of officers. Afullntt-u l ar.re of tbft members in df-xirtl. A i eetmx of tb« liUARb will be held THIS (Friday) EVKN1NG, P. M mar 13'at JO. C CL AYTON, Res 8 <?. ry-^=«bT. PATRICK'S DAY .1»*63..Tbia tlmeIJ_3 konorf-d anniT'-raa^T will rx« c*l*hrat^<1 in a W'.miox mtiiDer al G&utier'a, on Fruu, ai«Du«, urdei the auapioa of tb* t'hvDix Sociotf. Bap^-r on tb» tabic at half-patt * o'clock. Tick^ta 51 V). which may had at tha fr.ilwwlnp places: Qaatier Saloon. DatTy A 0'M-ara'» Union R-iUuraut, nwar th»- ratlrovi depot. an < at James La«'*ey> < m«r , cban: tailor.)7th atrret, oppobtte the Pont mar li-W F,MAT-4t* _ |V^»TI1K LADIKH OP TITH WKHTRRM J'RKrt LL3 BYTKRIAN riU'ROII wi'l hold a KA1R at Stott'e lluiWliua.i-erurf of Pt?nu »T'-uue and 2>tb etreet, ronitncmitiV on Mondar i-Teiilti* neat, (March y. land continuing through the »eiiiii*ii the week. mar A 7t* ry^-NEW HMiiN# CLABi -Profoawr AI.KX wOLOWMLl ia forming a o«w tfiftfbfttf Claaa Drfcia New and Simplified Method, and which will be th« last bef< re bia departure To b^gin that riant immediate)/ are wauitui only a few I* d)(*fl Voi^ttS T K * Uiliaa "K«. **- 1 .v.ii nuv wwUtU 1U(> M JUIII 1 that film clwi. and ou liberal terms, ran apply immediately at tne Prof*«»fr * r*eidene« and try the ir ice* I'roteaaorV r**U*tiee in No. 4'»1 T»ut}< etr»-*t, between K and F. llonref reception only l<et w<-»>n 2 a?.-4 .* o'clock p. m daily. marti lw rfs-* OlTTHUL,r«k. V.MB. Ii JF T11K AP8B890R3, h»vintf et :ipLot*1 the n.i-»r-iu<m*tit for l^i.1 wrlJ m««*t in th#ir room. City llail. a.- a Roaid of Appeal, from the 1.1th instant to tli«« 7th of March proximo. Inclusive, to h»ar comSlaifit* and to mate *urh correction* tht-y may wuj n«r«e*.arr. fe l7-2awtMar 17 j 4* riKn-Piiuj;! j I ODDISH HAKK 1,2 and 3 MACKKRKL, ! M LIT mid KAHTKKN HKKKIN'I, *M iit 11 «? «juaiily, lur raU- at tlm loo r^t piic«e, at KG aM A. PKBKIk'o, n».r J*. It Corr er N inth and K*t'e*ts. PFXCFLKB. MU8TAKDJ, Ae. 1CKLK8. f> KKNCI1 MUST A HO. BRANNY PKAC11K8 FRENCH CHKKhim, JKLI,Y. SV. KKT oil , HLACKHKRK> xIKJ I', TOMATO C>TH'P. Pl'RL OOCOA OHOCOLATK, HKOMA, VAMLLA, A<- , Ja*t recei» « a*. HI AN Be PKRRi E'8, n ar IS tt Com»r Ninth and K atrne*.«. i- CHKAP POP. CASH ' A »:oiCK OPP.KN »id ULACK TKAH. MO .'HA, JAN A Hi: I SI \kICAUtO COKKKK.(pur^hai«l hefor" th«- a-lvance in groodn.) i\rr now b»inj{ retail d ? t wVprir «. »'ur«> and frwah (jroun! 111!) TOKKKK. wrj low. Alno, CKKKtL aod R \ K MdKKK J OS. W DWIi*, If Corner Nint*» and Kntr«cl< 1 YORK uivkr *.v 7V J nxt arrlv^l-Cnut Mart-ha:!. with a of \ork. Riv«r Hyat^r*. lVr>on» r »( » o' «>M;irnus them will call on M .' At DON ALWON, at Weyli Wlmf It* % 1 a voa till, r . Thi. W fl 1 ittran - K ~ * - -. - . >"»8r " gj Ton*, i fl*- t'fKiu< * .rtto .double fTmmm w' r> <U< 'I ir> > v»t condition tm virig ^ T-*. : th-.io- «» Iv Ti»»h»nl»«l iu N w" * Hka 1ork.!*r<l w>iii«At th^f.vot'.f MS atr««t. will hi s<l<i ftt n I..;*- ti, Apply to liMILK I»UPR*, AMO P*. fctwit) Vf<*'rtii.guj*. m*r K»-lw * » i«» u ~<*.zne ; . ^ _ _j: -v . .j* ti .*!> V.- .. V JF Fi 3 HOC(Til JCHSSOI k CO., ^ 'Wv'"Vi« ^*5 v 1 . sz; w* *-* * PBT y »«» FBPrifSTL-TAIflA A.TEH*&.\ brrwiihs §r* 4 10th 3t* , t « f » « 9 * * . « (00MB3' BUILDING,) litre J*«t R*e**r«4 100 OAaHJ DE 5T.MAECEAUX CHAMPAGNE % "&E1> LA.U," IN QUARTS AND PINT*. Thii Wine is pronounced '»r eonno'Mean «tip#riwr to any other brand in the market, nn<i prominent on tho Wine lut of dr«t ci&M New York II0W4 *nd K**t*«r»uW. ALSO, 100 CASES GREEK SEAL, QUARTS. Reside* the ab.>Tfi Win**, we h**? coaaUnilyon hand t tu 1 supply of all other wuil-knowa bran lf». PIPER llKIDHIC'K, HXIDBICK A CO., MOHT \ CiiAHDOX OLI'iUOT. O. H. MCMM \ CO. Kt«. OUT" An iudpectiuD of our ntock, w^ich is now rc-p!et« in trerr branch, in r«*pectfu!Ir soli;ii.>d, AUG. JOHNSU^I k CO. m»r 14 If | | I A OROL tillJJ.i ! A L AK(J K ytock ol Hc-nt FAMI LT GROOERIK-S. cheaper tfaau any flora in town. KiD* Bhu-kJIVa, onljrjr1) ctiI.; best In.perial and wui:>owawr lei, oi:it »i ii; ooht Ti OrUtnfi Sa.ijar, enly 12S ct«.; good CofT>*e, 25 cts. Call and nen th« bargain*. New Fbel. Rarkfi, Caaned Frsitn. Native W in*«, Iiuported Wines, Liquors and Begara. STRAFFORD KVANS, niarl3 3t* 4**T_Ninth »t., betw. D *:id_H. JVUTIt M TO SUTLERS* AND OTHERS.-W« I^thari'in Store. Jtfidnymn FRY PANS *0 do TIN PLATES. art do PINT CUPS. :»«> do QUART CUPS 5>y do QUART £UPS, with eo»er« 7S do POCKET KNIVKH. Jaa do KNIVES and FORKS. 1U' do COFFEE POTS. Wb' lftRalo manufacturer* of Tin-^ Ware K II. & U. I GKKOORT. 3*^1 Penu. ,'ivfnti* Waahiugton, D. 0. mar !J !w [Chron.l nniUOOClDMITALHOTIL* RK taukas; Noa. 47 0 axv 47ii Focbtbzmtu ST., Direct'^ Ovpo.*ite Wt Harris1. Tki» eatabli* hment, having been fitted and fur- >ii»bed throughout in lh? most magnificent manner. will op«*n to the i*(n>lic on fcATUKDAY K\ KNINO, March 14,1P63. 1t will be the aim of the Proprietors to make it strictly KiR«.f-CL*Si« in all respects. mar lMt» C P. MCS8II.L A CO. ( .N HANL> AND cOR SALE.Smoked and * fait beef Tonguea, o.W* Sheep Tongues, 15,<*>0 lbs. of lh«- bent jjait Bi-ef, plate ana brisket, cured in the bent manner. For Dale lower than the t>ame article can be bought for elsewhere. AUo, a c >uutaiit bupply of Freeh Mi*a m. JOHN IIOOYER, corner 8th and D Jt«., miit 12 1m* and in Center Market. I^DW ABP WILL ARD. J ARMY AND NAVY BROKER, Lickssrd kiC.8. Uotkunmm.it. Claims and Loans Adjusted Collecied, Ca*hed ) and remitted. Information given on all subject* relative to the Army and Navy Reliable Agonta \\ an ed in every town and regi-nent in th* United States. Office,'214 Penn. avenue n«»ar WilUrd*' Uotel. mar If Jt* J p li O P O « A L a JTOK CO A L. AHSIOTAMT UCAKT3KMAST«H'd OKFICM, / Waskinrton Arsrnal, March 1'', libi. ( PROPurtALS will be received at thia office until 10 a. m. on the ar.h inxtant. for twenty nve (vft) toui i rui ill- - »» * ' r '* i«4T' ikpn. wu lou i oi mu ueii xcreened Anthracite Coal. To delivered at ibi§ Arnanal within ten'dayn after the uccoptanc* of the contract. Th« contract will be awarded to ta« lowent reKpvi.Mbie W'l<j«r, who will required to gift a botd < wi ih on« aeceptablu auretyk for the ism of %'Jf* tor the due performance of the contract. UKORiiH ELY, mar 11 Capt.and Afti't Unnrter master. 'I'llK NKW CITY DlfcliCrOSY..ThTwashing 1 ton and Geor«vtowu City Direct, ry,for lAod. Juht ijublithfcd ana for rale by PHI LI' Sl SOLOMONS mar 11 2t 3.VJ Peunaylvania avenue. KXTRA HUGAR^OUHKD HAM3, 12S UKNT8 PER LB., Kor »ale at kliAN A PKRKIIC'8, Family Grocer*. r>*r 11 It (Chronicle ) Cor. 9th and B ;t«. AKA(;r WUHr:i KNOWING !.That INDIA | BL UBKK UOOUtJ wf ©Terr description can be rcra r< 3 in the aeateat mannei and it »hnrt not.. -1 ti ».»».« - U. A. HAUL «a Rabbet War^honae, 310 Pa. nT^nue. mar 11 3t bet #een 9th an-1 lOthlM. t£B*T HlOVI DUUiK IN THE C1TT, 1**. CEN1S r*KH LB., EGAN A VERRIH'S, mar 11 4t I Chronicle. I Cor 9th and 8 nta. /'llAMfAGNt CIDER ON DRAUGHT, S . S CENTS VKR GALLON. KG AN A VKRRTES, Ml 11-41 | Chroniole 1 Oor. 9th and B sts. [V OTIC 15 TO SMALL LKAL EllS IN ~ BOOTS A>1) SHOES. A <fU'l»-ni*ij linn ftoriue, ftOti »>th street, sect to Parry NKSiI I ry Goods STorr, a email lot of HOOTS m ¥ HlOKS. which will be aold at New York' f^L pricc*. mar 11 tf J . IF YOU WANT THE LATEST UTILE rV gg SPRING HAT, VI m Black or Fancy, five a call. We hare^^ the bfttt stock wf belt Hats of any hjnae in the city. Alxo, SPUING GAPS. Plain ir Fancy, *nd k.t all BLRR A BKiril KK, jnarll St* 3*»S 7ih it., under Horry's Uo«el. m SPECIAL NOTICE I I IIP Large**,cheapest and boat »>ei*ctAd ntoek of I PHOTOOliAPH CARDS AND ALBUMS in toe city an* to be found at WILLIAM P. R1CHSTKIMS TtAJlONAl BOOKS TOH A'. V7* Pcnnt-yiTa'na ar»nne, prxr II M betw«i>n llth and lrth rt» { ' M1E AUTOMATON BATTERY.or ArtiU-riit^ 1 Practical Instructor. for all monntwl isantta- ' Tera iu ;he brld. By G. Pouglas Brewort m, U. a i A , fl. The Aut»>mwtcn tJnmpany. or Infantry .iiMif's Practical Instructor. t»r all company mwe'nouti iu'hf field. B) G Uu*I«j. Bre*irUu, 1*. 8 A : #126. lm4IiU FRANCE TAYLOR^' m >/\D U * V U a. 1 -* J » """ " * "" r vn rnijr.. A ipirniii rev BTKAM L5')iL<FE. v ;h all »h«' llxMir**. pip»n, A «s . form«rlf uM.rt it. h »iblmhini<nt f«»r »->y ' hBi will bf M»id cheap. Apply lit tl«» Oriel inj net N<^. VJ4? I'» avenue. u r/ r piiiiL. HBADQUA»T«m« PtOTOM M A13HAL1 OF IlOl. Wi*ilw<>Vr».0.,*»rc^ JMt. PrsetAfc fc»SM^Ho.7 .Sisewfe >nW«»m,1 end gtwp the iTjagirty offce gyeramdMroai : m ftroajrh Us nA«IUnneer*r rtai»uJa»«4 >f un UmIM 4M»riaclpl«d noldftie, ids ordered,that 1*1 «7Wr the «tt oaliefed mea of th r«<WaPU*M Am Mt yrvUMWd wMriM»d« arm! of anr kind, withia the Itmite of thie city. outbid# of their camp«, excepting opoa duty requir1 isg th« of »arh »rm«. All patrol* of the Pro TOftt Guard are directed to arroat and brlug to theee Headquarter*. or eoafine in the Central Guard Rente, the circumstances of the case may re; quire, all pollers ao fonn-l with arm* npon jLheir j person*. W ben thermre released ,'th#ir grma %-fll be retained, ud delivered up only an rmiiriUw of the oflleer# commanding the regiment, Battery or dotachment of whiofc the soldier may be a n»mber. A proper record win be kept by the oSloers ] commanding et guard stations of *11 arms thai re tsmpd, the parties from whom eeit»*d,en'i to whom and when returned. This order will not he construed interfering w.tb men actually m transit* to their regiment* j from detached service, hospitals, etc. By order : HENRY B. TODD, Capt. and Provost Marshal. A. 8. BAKER, Lieut, and Adj't. rah Olw a JNYALID BOLDIXBS. Suboeov Grniral's Orrici, I Washington, January SI, lftM.f It being reported that various parties hare obi tsined money from invalid soldiers unier the prej tence of assisting them to their discharge from the service, notice is hereby given that certificates of disability for discharge to soldiers in general hosj pitals and camps are only given by the surgeon in c'l&rgt- of such hospital or camp, and the obtrusive efforts of persons claiming to be special agents retard instead of hasten the preparation of discharge paiam. All soldier* are warned Against firing money on such plea to any person whatever. By order of the Surgeon Genera! : JOSBPI! E. SMITH, Surgeon C. S. Army. i .* %VAR bepaktmknt, WAsniNQTow, January M, 18RS. In eenseqnenee of the pressure ef business at the Y.'ar Department, pauses for citiieas to viait the Aituy ef the Potomac will be. given a* the oflloe of Lieut. Col. Cow rid, 13d Pennsylvania avenue above Nineteenth street. ^ ............. WANTS. V\'ANTKP.By a parmanebt tenant, a I10USI " < ontslnin« from 10 tol5 rooms. Address I> O. i CAHY. Post Office Uvk mar :3 3t* ANTED. A smart, actiV' BOY ta leara the vv bookbinding. A pply at Contention Boili| iug. K, bctwieu 11th and 12th st«., 3d story. It \\! ANTK1>.A whi e WOMAN" to cook and t'» v* irun. Apply at No. 'Jo'2 F street, between inh ' ! itl> - i<» <i»* j ..... III91 ANTED.A younf COLORED MAN that un* * dprfitand* making himself useful iu a Btoro. A i ply at 394 arrao*. It* \TJ£NT WAN TED.A largo Square Tent. Inqniie 30li Ninth 6treet, next to Perry'* Dry Good Sim. m*r !3 3t* II AKTED TO RENT.A FL'RMPIIKI) IK)UHi »* containing 10 or more room*; 1. ration bet srten 1 ifi h».d 15th Ftr< et-«. orrn >r m-nr i>nn, arenue. AddreHB ' T. A. H..M ^ullman's Hotel, Pa. av it* / '(.OK WANTED, (white . to do <;t>neral howseV work in h tQtki. f.mily German preferiet. Api-lj tofcMILK DUPKE. 3«1 Thirteenth street, » i.'f n L and M. mar ij IV'ANTED.Two or three ch*ap L'NPCKN ItllKD ROOMS in a central part ol the city, tjuiet And ruiac» nt tenant* and prompt jay. AdI itrefcg, statin* location, taring, Ac, Box 11 ft»r Offce. It- \A7 ANTKD.By h Iwiy employed in the Troaaury T? Department, BU ARD in a private family be tween 7th and 15th streets and Fa. avenue and K sts.; would furnish her own room if desired. Ad' dress, definitely stating terms. & c , "A. R.," Boi 4 1 8tar < ffice. It* 1V'1 ED. By the 1st of April on or near 7th » street, in a good naifhbornood, an UNrUlt NltfHKD I10US1C, containing from four to eight rooms. A good tenaat may M obtain* d for frem one to two yeara. Address "tt. W.,M Bo* 7£5 Washington. D. C. marl3 4t* II' ANTKD.A whita GIBL to do general housa' ' werk. Apply at 448 north D street, from 9 to 12 o'clock. m*r la-It* VV ANTKD-A CUAMBKRMAID at the~KbbiU »» Houne. Also, a SKAMbTHKSS who can werk on a sawing machine. mar lt-St* IV ANTKL-A dining room SBRvTnT, one who ' ' understands the business. Nonr other need apply. Herndon House, corner 9tk and P sta. marlrst* Wr ANTKD.A C<>US for oficera'mesa«a at Minor'* Hill, Ya hre milea from Georgetown. Apply to JOHN BUNT/., corner 8th and D ata. ui»r H 3t* Ur ANTKD T9 RKNT-A PLACK on PsT a7^^ suitable for a segrar and tobacco store. Ad turoii, ukaiiuf i«rmn klia location, "JS. K.,'' KooiB 1 3. CUrepdon Hotel. mar 12 lw* YV'ANTED.By a respectable young woman, a SITU aTIU.N as cook in a small private family. and wouM a»t>int in wa&hiuy and ironin* if required. Pleaas address "M. W.,M BoxNw. U at this ofiic*. _ inar 12-2t* YY" ANTED-EMPLOYMENT as clerk or copyist » * by a youna uiaa. a recent aduate of a Now Ei:i;lai.d collect; a g<>od penman and haviov «r 111 recm in»-n.ln'. ion*. Addr»"*». for S day*. "W./'BoxttJS VVashiuicton PostOdice. m:ir12 2t* YY ANTED.A four draw BKUAH CAsK, rose* wood or walnut. Apply at 470 llth street, opposite Willards' Hotel, immediately. C. P. MUNSELL A C ) . naar 12 2t* Occidental Hot*l. t C WANTED..The uudersicurd is aut, »),UUU thori??^ tw borrow four or dvs thousand dollars for Hv.- Tears to beherurrd by a j'.e (<e ot renl ertate w^rth five times the amount. App.y ti- K. P. J ACKfcON , No. loj Bridge st.. Oe«»r^etown. mar ii'-3* | II.'ANTK1).I5v a ; -- - ! ^ ^ babe 2 months old, a SITUATION i:i * s:i*U family to rooh, v&ih and iron. The molt undoubted references given as to cbara.rUtr, roli kb lity, and efficiency. Apply at ^til II stroet, h--tw.-eu IHth and 19th. mar 12 St* %%7 A.NTKD.A neat, handy colored BOY from K> v v to M years old. to clean boots, brush clotSes. &f Apply at U street, at h a m. war 11 *t* UJ ANTKJ' 1MMKi>lAi'aLV.A smart, active white BOY to ren errands. Apply toCdAJ. ( II LA N E, 4 U\ Penu. avenue. Bent of references I as to character, honesty, h c . required raarll-3t WJ ANTED.By two gentlemen, a suit or KUOX3 T ? en the first tloor, not uiorn than one square of either side of the avenus. Address letter B,*' fctarOfcce (Rep ] mar ll-3t*_ j li;ANTED.A partly PURNI8HEB H0U9B. v v north of Pa. avenue and west of l"th street. Rent not to exceed S5o per month. Adireaa"Il, B.," ii1>6 II strett, through oity Poat Office mar 11-3t* _____ VkJAM'ED .An experienced an. trustworthy " NU RSJl; city r«f»r«noea required. Apply at eighty nine (^9)Bant Capitol street, between 3d and ith south aid*. mar in tf WANTED. 10 0(10 houHekeepers to «*ve their cotton and woolen rags, boohs, newspapers, ; bottles, Ac., and we will send the wazon for them, weigh them at the door, and par thabirhast price r them. Be sore and send to the rigfct number, 37* D street, near 7th, MASON'S Paper and Rag Warehouse. mar 10 1m* YI/ANTKD TO RRNT-A good DWELLINQ vv HOUBKfor a private family, not over ten minutes' walk from Canterbury Hall. Wonld prefer a house with hati, one or two parlors, dining room and kitchen on flrst door, and not lesa than four chambers. Parties baring a suitable house will hud a yearly tenant by applying to WM. H. fel NN, Canterbury Ilall. a marP-At 11/ ANTED.A small white or colored 01RL, IS " or 14 yeaiMof age, to take care of ohiidren, I and to.do whatever elae she may be told. Apply at 504 14th St., between C and D. mhT-tf W'ANTJSD. A small or medium sited U0U3H, or part of a bonne, furnished or unfurnishod, < cnfurni«h<»d preferred,) situated in a respectable neighborhood.for immediate possession, or by the 8tr. ol April nest. Address, stating location and Wnii", "Prompt Tenant," Box No. 24. Star Office, mar 7 6t* *% ' A NTKD. By th* Ut of Api ii, a modern FUR>V NI8UKD liUUbB, in the ricinitr of Wii' rds', by a rentier-an from New York, for the encnmer. Address 8. M THAYJCR, through city Poet Office, No. 35 Maine avenae, Washington. 0. 0. ruh S2w* WAN TIC D TO SELL. The gtoca and Fixtures of a flrat-cla** O merry gtand in the e«utr*l part of the city. 8ati«f»cti>ry renHona given for selling. AMttW Morton," 8tar Office. fell WANTED TO RENT.By a permanent tenant, a email nnfumiahed DWELLING HOUSE. A !drcM.stating location description, and priee of i hiji.nr.* rwi umM. none but o* a«*rt or parti®* h in n»«d u«w»r. fa M-lm* rVDMIIIHIB HOUHK WANTHD.-Winted » r rei*t, for from our to three ye in Vurui»kt»4 nva'.'iii({ for a private rurally Location in the First or Second Ward ^rrfsrrmi Adirtuui Look Bo* 6ft. W**hin*f»on. L> 0. |\!0TICK..Those in want of iiisp.oymeni of ar.y i i kin-J would better rail on the n«-w Intelligence Ofirt, No. 511 Ninth at., wh*.re thu b«*t of pay will be e»*en to first-cl a-»i» cerv«ntg. I have always (ifpliMtiw* ad h*n4 t. i good f^oks, Laondr«*RS«3, C!mnt>«>rm«>ide, V.ait*rs i.n\ stress**; alar, for Vrun* M»ru to wait r>u tnl-Ie* : n priT.it* fani!!.-* or iint-wl* Farm Hand* w..at-d. Kir-ployem is waat of «ood he?j> will find it to their to <*ali, N. B.Hfin>w< wautrd. "*'h< bv«t ol t<*u*iatH cju: rx- obtains wiThcrt ri tr*r* bv ap .!v1tut .m \bnvr oc 4 tf W.1. MILLH Vi; an VKD- Ctit) , .rao% to *3 v ir.a*. I aia in the warKi-t. v«-»Ji f .=*; or^hro: *11 k.rticl-6 1* t-r b «»« *--iv.'.kTv. iint. th«* w* t V rf iiuvh.l' I! t'«r. » i 11 .'t . 11 4 "* v#.- v * i »» **-* «v r«r CK.il. A ni OK!** % 48^ 8AT?nvfcrtre*t bx-?wcm£ Q and D «*-» ».'«.> lWr tn Now ««nl fc<yv,nd Mil* Fnrni' tor.. W t/ IffllJII THKI1 O'Ot/H'K p. m. V AT CHUlrtRMBIX^t TH1 SB.f ATI. The Senat* Um fGfrenoon confirmed the foli lowing Presidential nominations for the r*r«| nue marine nerrice. Via: To h<* Captain*.Geo. MTalrten, Ilenrj D None*, A. Y. Kiaarr, Itouglah Ottln**r, The«| j Manila, Fraiiei# Martin, St-phen Cornell, Johu j McGov*an, Ot*o. Clarke, Jyin Fanui Johu S S. Chaddoek, John A. Webster, jr., John Carson, Amssa L. Hyde, Oro. R. Slieer, Oibert Ku&pp, D. C. Can*taM% JoknM. Joa«*, Tho«. M. Dupan. 4 . j , To be First Ij»u!flnanu-Jam« it. Uik«r, Penj. F5. Kellam, kicliaTd A J)tors?lf, Anwl S liogerv, Alfred P. I*aVl», Afran A. PlAncar, Jcbn F. iichult*, J. Wall William*, Uoberi U> ! Narrr*, Tunotby Treadwaj. j To be'id Lieutenants*. John O. Ilond, Dan'l i I). Tompkins, Jas. M. Selden, Jbhn K. Wilson, j lii nrj O. Porter, Edw'd A. Freeman, Sainuel | I'. G()lPKb» rrjr, John O. Haker, Sam'l 8. War. j ner, 1I» nry J. Benton, liob't fc>. Rolnton, Theo ! V. ^pi n«r, Jo». Amwn. To te :<d Lieutenants..Thos. W. Lay, Chass F. Shoemaker, Thos. Moiiltc, Morton Phillip*, Frank l&rr, Henry D. Hall, O. Everett Wub. ; ait*r, Augubtu* Q. Carey, Hugh R. Graham. Martin C. Roster*, l»an'l li. Hodgson, Wm. EI Halloway, Wentworth C. Simmons, Cyrus W. Prase, Georg® Walden. Edward 8. LMclrerson, Lav id Eik-hie, E.C.Gardner. THH PU8TAGR CCKREMCT. fin account of the '25 and 50 cent note* harla* i l**en counterfeited, the-Netrwary of the Trwa*i ury ha« directed that no more notes of thes*; denomination* be issued. The counterfeits in question are so well gotten up that almost any pernon liable to b«* duped by them. The en traviwg iR R shade coarser and the paper Is a i trifle thinner than the genuine. Letter* are received daily at the I>epartment inqniriug how the counterfeits inay be detected. Many are under the impression that the genuine has | the Koman letters A. B. Co., on the left lower corner ot th» back, and tho*e notes without th< se letters are often refused as worthless, it not being generally knwvrn that much the larg^ eet portion of the genuine does not bear the letters. The currency issued by the American Hank Note Ompany b ar* the letters A. B. Co., while that issued by the National Banlr Note Company has no mark of their own. It | these lacts were well-known to the public the J>j r.rMuent would be saved much trouble. l'ue j smaller notes..Vs and l "s.are yet issued to , meet ihe demands of the public. | OP IMPORTANCE To APPLICANTS |Q| PENSION*. Con press, by an act parsed March 3d, inst, < xpr. »ly exemptedIrora the necessity for usin~ j Internal Revenue stamps of any description, ail paper*. 01 whatever nature requisite in appl> nip lor jieusions. Previously, there was an intt rnal revenue tax required to be paid on ot thenj. TIjuh, it wx- requisite to aillx a dollar Stamp to the power of attorney, and a ten cent stamp on the certiticit« ot the clerk of the ccurt, ice. HI K REPORTED BATTLK ON* TIIK YAZOO The dispatch from Cincinnati relating to the fSpht on the Yazoo river, makes it uncertain as to which side has captured the prisoners and transport mentioned. A later dispatch states that the captured parties are rebels. We trust tnai some mobcqueni oiapsuu will explain what the Cincinnati telegraphist (who doe* not fce*m to bo an expert) means to say hn happened at Fort* £)on< lson and Henry to ^excite Cairo." Sixiik'iaut Sbwabd.-We hear that this rooming, when hhaving himself, Secretary Seward, in t-ndravoring to catch his raaor, that was falling lrom where he had placed it, ent the pain of hi* ri*bt hand so severely a* that ( h will probably require an amanuensis to do h.- writing for >ou.<- time come. TELEGRAPHIC, *LVY YORK STOCK MARKET. New York, March 13.. 11 % a. m..Fir«t Boaic- U. S. Coupon 6>, 1*1, 03; 7-30 Trea«uiy Notw, It**; Demand NaW, ! lW*,. CONGRESSIONAL. EXTRA SESSION |>F TI!E SENATE. Frii»ay. March 13. ^k"»atb .Immediately alter coming together th<- >er<aie went into Executive session on rnotuiu of Mr. Pumcroj. :tail wcrejo rap*ed til the fort-noon. rtp.Ki 8 is Eaktlks Kkn rrcKT.-A gentleman, direct from Owingsville. informs the I,. *. intt- n t)b-erverand Reporter that the r.*bel» in 1 ath cou»ty have recently b-en reinforced by Jtii ii T. Williams, \V»-st Cox, ami p rbipj c'Lriss. They are now encampe.l at Ficklin's tan-)&rd, on the main road b-a hug lroiu I»It. S:« rlinjr to l'onnd Gap. It is statod that thfy are awaiting reinforcement.-, with the design to march, if possible, into the interior of th* State. Tb»y have virtually had poj fion of Eastern Ki'iitucky for the last two months, &ays the ndormant, where they have don* "much tiama+re. They have stolon n< ariy all the hor<<»8 in that section. and in fact everything they wanted, which they carritd off with impnnity. lie represents the Union men in that section, as suffering much persecution at the hands of the rebels, and as really lying in a cou JIititioa but little better than the East Tennesson®. This slate of artairs, however, will not, we presume, will not be permitted much longer to oxi&t.. LounviUe Journal. Fieitiso i> tbk Fotoma< ..According to the adopted regulations, permit# to fish in the 11,.* .i »- ruiusi-.»c uJia (raaoo will De ;ir."VIUf*a only "to pen-oiis accredited in wri!ii;g, by some citiren of known loyalty. as loyal person*," and who > shall take the oath of allegiance. These persons thus obtaining permits are to take no articles on the \ irginia shore, except provisions for the hand* employed ; to allow no one to use their boats for communication between Maryland and Virginia, to employ no one to assist them I nrl» Ks loyal ; to register the names of all their ' employees in the office of the Military Governor Hi:d br appro>ed by him; to report "before fl»h- j ing to the commodore commanding the Potomac i llutilla; to give bond aad security in S1.00J not js to violate the terms of he permit. Restrictions 1: as to salt for curing shall not apply to the J persons residing in Virginia, and under the supervision ! the provost marshal general of the Army of the Potomac in cases where that officer shall grant the privilege of uting salt *1 Alexandria GattUt. s V SKCOND HAND - . 1 CH1CKKRIN0 PlANOSBMEa a for sal? very rhtsp, st the ransic st of wlflfi * m*r IS W Q. MSTZBROTT. ft VltAMKLIN A CO., -.» ^ . _QP~ y i" ii JE r\ ti i' 1 fit a ar . . p. \j r M. i i ifl/iij, *v_*- i S44 Pi*jrtTLTAi»i* Arnoi. I inorth ei*«,) ifttwwn 12th ud lata at*. ud 35S Pa. imhw, du N«itonal Hcul. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS and 11 CABTKS DB TI8ITS IT. S. GKNKH ALS-McClel'an, ilooker, Rjae £ erars Durn^id*, Fremont But!«r, Ac bTATKSMKN.Lincoln anl Oahinet, M C 'n,4t, KhHfcLS.Jeff I>»Ti8,L« J«k«on,fte *' TH K ATR1CAL.Mitchell, Laura Ke;:ue, ° Clarke. Florence, Ac. True Likena*«*« of I>istin*ni»hed Perar>n**.wi in ' a frr»t Turieiy. mar 13-i-otf ' (~ AsT~ANU> KKRO.*!NK~ LAMP SH AiKH, I LA MI'S. LANTKRNS, Ac A lar*« and beautiful variety Jmt received. at « low price#. C. W BOTKLKK A SON. ¥ Gt-neral II uBt-fumi*hi-« 8u»re, I rear 11 3t 31^.Iron Hall /OV l*A WN BIIOK KR PA WNBROKK.it >OV 1 '< X^JL NO. y9* C t»Th*KT. £ \ I»< O Q R#uw%(ith and l*Ji itrttlt. B Q (M*r.«y h<ivanc.«1 on Gold. 9ilT©r, Jewelry, IMnznotxle, nnJ artici** in *«od order. 11 im M lrn* JOHN fllU * OO. (VKW I HOTOGRAl'HK. 1> CAKTKS IIF VISITF f»P itK.N TOM THVMH OOMMODOftH NOT.", V / MV.K. OKS. TOM Til IT MR, MlAfES LAVTVIa AND JflNMK WA&ttKN, Just r^c* iv*l «lEC for *'» by 1'iiiLi' * soiomon*. u»*r P it Hi'i Pcuus sv«u»(i. r / M IKN V Is (H-tilt: 0*p*«. in nil; «W rs, ' Nt-Drar*^ :) fremiti F:r<i«*a ; Mm * tarn* Iinp*rKl.i; *.u4 V' noU Oli%«g, Autfaovif*: Htrui'ijtri M«ata.juM . i KINO \ BUHCilBUL. mm 1 tw Gofer M>4 t'^rwotjt xJ6cAJ*f pot»o» ! «** 9*+ iJm. On. -v** A ntrS' /> « »«..J. 1. XiFiiuu. orou* Sit. Jw K*aa»d7. rMtettaf afllo«r« do ' T Hall, boatmu wtthoat Ueaaa*; nn*<i M M l>r I*. TaniM' and 8. S. Vaaltta,dlaordtri y; 4* S3-50 each. »am*l Franrtet, drank; 4UraiM*d. IkaTld Jordon, dtsordeflT; Bn-d ft m l>aai«4 do.; dlamiMMl. AtM, for »*lltac Uqo«r w.tboat U<yaM>: n*od *».» Mirun DarU, ^lllnr ;inuor to -«< n" dUml-M. TWWoT Vord, l*ro»a/i J**1 . r '. fuurtk /Yeonc<.-P*Uick Ajau. dx«ak.fe«4 a£7a»d workb»«*a. H*ry Mvk utf<H«. rTew, drlTlPg onajpywpiyi. 4». JyUl S£?t5iard^dlaofderly: dc. «wdFortto«». That* f artKM, do.; do. fcl. l&it, dru.fc, Samuel Star*-#**. vuiiftunc ^ dS^fL JRJJMary I*c*»y, rrand >y^r ^t,Tal. ' thfT b^artnc Henry Ki>fi M«wn. iiiBMiii. l uov Jwk'»n, brutally beatin* and d««.runC rrr child- jail. J6*phln» S*ftltfc» l»rc«i»f; for P." h;i hi,?fnr. u <i"ydTiT,-.. I air. Tkeodor® Scholar, druak aad dWd I^Ueo Smltk. dr*k; flaad it, workhouw. MkrVB i vnu-nu-r rrand larc«ny; laM fo* court. Ju. rSff.&kSCS^^-«? a"*«i n""1-'1 MX- - * «' IT; HBW 7X.Wti JUUO 8WWWT, ao.. mud Sl.ll. .! hr. Swan, assault and t>at:ery. hail for conn. Win. Burke, do.: do. M. Savafe, drank; die. mist-*-*) Ann* Bush, disorderly; fined 91.94. Joe. Riley, larceny; jail. M. Nn'lty, drsil and disorderly, fined %$. Ah Attir* Patroi.(Captain Hton**<v>mma at the Centra! (Juard-honse, lnfjrmt wi that the book* of that prison show ?v00t com. roitments of straggling or drnnken soldiers, during the past nine mouths, by tike patrol of the 10th N. J. V. In addition to these, abont 5<0 poldiers hare b°en brought to the ofBce of the prison and discharged on their pledce of honor to return to their regimen Is. Abe at 501 officers were ordered to report undrr arreet te the Military ftonrnor of Washington. The same patrol hare brought before the civil authorities about 1,000 offenders; making aa aggregate of arrests by the patrol of the above regiment. Afraid or thb 1>rakt.Since the paeeag* ot the bill to call out the militia, in some sections of the city considerable excitement has prevailed, especially in Swampoodle, among the Irsh, mauy of whom think that tbe whole people are to b* called out. W ithin a few dm j»a*t several of the Irish hare made application to some of our magistrates to swear thai they are not cttijeena, in order to aecnre th»m»el *m from the draft. Y«t tney hare roted herr for Romf yean pact, pxercjsing the ri(bu of rmxnnt, whi :h ncrw they dewir* to !«doud««. Thia, howt'Tt-r, ir> not the pro vailing filing amonirtt our Iri*h fellow citizens t*rr* a proporlioa of whom have ibown their patxu>u»m im um most earnest manner. Raurkmk*.I>h*t nirht aboat 9 o'clock the rrv-ideuce of Mr. Kvhb»neek F street betwuec ' Klev«»nth and Twelfth, was entered an 1 rvbbad ot fl«» in Mirer and S*tW m paper money. The th»#refc effected their pn'mocw ihriuch a eetond story front window. One enured in* htore and kept the lady in conversation, while ano'her rot-bed the dwelling. The dwelling of Mr. Ostermyer, No. *>? F street, betw^»n Twelfth and Thirteenth, wu robb-d; ih* thi»v«»« obtained fl.'iO from & bed room. Ia til* flr*t caw, a man who wiu Mien a Soot the prfmtora wparinf a grvy coat was sn*p»cwd, but not y< t arrested: la th* other ca»e, uo oat is suspected. Real K-tat* Salw.-Yest^day, iMeOuirs A Co., Huctioiit-tTfc, sold a small Irxva. hou»« Kud let near the corner of Third and L street* north for S700. Purchaser, M. Sullivan (ireen A Williams sold lot No. I, in square K4, with the improvement*.a three-story frame dwelling.corner of Twentieth and E sT»#ta wfbt, for S2,150. Purchaser, John Cherry. Wall & Barnard sold lot No. 4a, is square No. 43J, west aide of Seventh, between L> aad K streets, improved by a frame dwelling, far to Ernest Voijrht. W apbiwotok Moxbt M AR*rr .<4,uotauots for stocks, coin and an current money, farnirLsd by Lewis Johnson Jt Do, Hauk*i-i<: Buying. Ssluag. V 8. Coupon Bonds, 1391 1U0J{ lo3 w U. S. 7.30 Notes lOSjf l<«3l U. S. Demand Notes 157 .a ^ uiuriitau uviu 1)7 . American fc>U rer 110&42 . Virginia bank notee, 25at* diacoant; Soath Carolina, Georgia, &.c~, 3&a«0 dis.; North Cartana, V>a40 discount. f ^OMMlbBlONSBa' BALB Ot TH1 RIAL IS I T AT H Of TBI LATB KlCI AID M Built - Bf virtu* of an order ef the Oircait Ooart ef the £>« trict of Columbia, bearing date the ICr^ dar «f ftbiuarr. 13dl. made iu a certain cau>« _ d ti e partition docket of raid conrt. the tae oe.a* Vo. 174 of kaid docket, and being a y-uiut) to 1c *i<1e the real + »tate ef Richard M. ftoy-r, l»t* »»f Wa#hinfton oovnty. deceased, wi'l at pnM«e auction to the hiffb»et bidder, on I rC 1 O A f. VJ d*r of April ut-xt, at K o'clock m ih? fo»«4.0*n. the fi.llcw.n* portions of the real e«t%** r-f which te* Hid Richard M. Borer died eeit 1. t -*oil b uag M.'lljLrpiD Georgetown. in the ra i D.«.-i©t, te .t: let. A honM> and let on the north ».^e ot W»'«r itreet. iioar Jefft-r»on rtreet, bet ween WanhiiiCtoe u.d Jefferfout-trteU nod fruii'mc about it fe»*t on Water atreet, and runtunc back of that wilth »b«ut 2d A warehouse and lot between Ch»»rr at.-eet #.nd the Chreapeake *nd Ohio G&aal. froutjj.c en ibe car *1, being the thiri kou*f from market 3d A pert of Lot to, in Beattr A H&wkinO addition to (rf<>rf«Uwi aitnat«*d at the aonth#a«» c%r uer of II i*h acd bftJl itrr*t». wtVL lb« t ura«-<( r; l«nck tavern ihereon. Thia ie one #f th« b»at slaadj ft r a tavern in GeorgeL. wn, anl ia an aid aid vmI known place of pnbne rosort. 4th. The wert 4ft f*et front r>n Beall street of Li>t No 6. id the « ir.br m f«>t d'.'p.w rir; .ii Lata II and U in Beatty A Hawkins'addition to G^orfa:tru Brit to and adjoining tho last mrotinn^d let. ri i t «i4 62 feet on th« norta aide of K«>atl nU»«t, icar the corner of Hi*b, together with the ioe iriUfBctu there.>n. 8th. A lot on the eoothweat corner of bri in ai4 A n>-hjLfU>n btreeta. fronting 3*5 1-et 1i iuom »b J. i Re f-treet and roaning back of that wi ivk oa WH*hinaU-n street (9 feet 1 inche*. Th kt'OTc lot- are Terr ralubbe and e'ig.blr leK>- *l f aie «fil worth the attention of bptWu<ta After the eafc of the G^rr Uiwn property W* »ill i-.if-o «ril. bp virtue or the «anae »utuor.tr. ft ii all farm aituat~d near TenfcllyV>wn, b«twe*n the AV«imio«t«r roa<l and tb« Ruekvitl* tarn pike. con ainii s abr.at 4j acre* of land, iu. proved by dwell l*. tarn, tkbie. kc bale of tl»e (arm vni tau »laee atS o'clock in th« afternoon. Ter«u* of sale: Om foftrtkeah; re«idu# i a etuel Armenia of 4, 13 and Id month*, with in rr**t from lay ef »alr. f>*r which the bond* of the purckater »i'h arproved eerwnty will be tahea. It the terma are not complied with fa fire dire he property will be reeold at riek and coet of the >u re hater. All cotiTeynncins at the eoet of tht tar*u»r. Fale will eommeDce at the lot on Water »*rM iud W adjourned frem lot to lot till all are aoU. I M. LIN TiilC C M, J NO. L E ID W ALL, UKO W. BK ALL. - H. L. OFfUTT, mar 11 eoA.d>- CHAS. A. TCKHT. 1>HI*9 PAT»NT OOAL OIL AND OAl r Nursery and Oookia* Lamp« ean now be eeea ia peratien at H. Barley's Lamp aad Ooal Oil Store. >76 7th rtreet. opposite the Port Ofloe T*«e izupe are worthy the attention of hoiuitala f*m iin, barb* ra. soldier* and bachelor* Th»>y wf i rUHe and can b* ob roar tabic, and ar* q valuable for th« siok room. C*al lh! Until. ?himney* Wick for aale wboloanl* and rel*ll 4 7 thatrret.H. BAYLBY k CO A BOT ytnwd. ' n»r U-lw* IU8T BBCBITKD.A lar«« rtook of Malv«* ' Thread and Yaior.ei«nnc (%llara an-1 8-t« W-.a nd Embroiderod lfandkM-obiefr, Infant &/>b»a a»4 Vainte Thread and Pu«ber Laoe Teii. AJ-».a .Rjtiiinont atock of lleadtfroM^a a&J Pancy u-n aa bttol JM and Tortciao Mb«Il P.an Btrr« |»- ana boitCla*p«. For*«uii-i.&ai»s. P%na, A , hich will b«» aold allow pri«««. A <-%!; illy Kolicitod. WM. H EUUKRtf, mtrq.li " . ..- - 'j i . m»i \»i " P * L^WR HLK-Tk» bMt toor borM ' RHi" far a sutler in the army. Inquire of G. J. N 4HM. P>. averoe m»r T M yonCK or REMOVAL UP STA1R8 Tb«» 1%.'.»*« »r;d public ar»* rfxp««et<ui;r infbcaaa* the i'Ht4»Mi»h:'irul *o m»li kuo»c a* lilBBd HAIR STORJt. ill in futar* be timed oo t*p Rtatr« in tf»» «» n'.dirjt. *b»r» i full tM/irtiiwftt of , 'i« fgn, Braids, Curl«, Vn^o. Ban l»»au*. Ac., w»il fce l^fcysou hand or made to order at th# K5*erV«^ otice. Alhif, fine Perfumery, Extrart»,Co:r.*M, HrweHea. oiJet Mirror*, 8oap«, Dentifrice*, JoMpb UH« arina Cciofiuo ai.vl Tailel Article* c-uer^lir. K OIBN. '-'45 Prim. m#u», ^"Hair worM iut*> UMai^aU, It i4.ri4.ll,4 c. Si > V.LROirKRIKS 1 I> K M HHOlVkJLl *w ' nnvr in etoreva&4 wi I witH wt %oj Ivtww on rid prirw, the followiac * <>< tf* AM BRIO auJ SWISS BAFrP. IK. do INSKMINU ao4 It lM> 1NOB, f»: I, yI.KXT |D1«U kadsiact* M'AM' ItrMKK-n.! R0H*8. ; N 1 »:u \ , s A ^ cli fc'V*" iia> >I*B rU1\.V^Vrf"' to/,fc af -1I,IR8* PMiKRttAtt «*M,r.« * * i " BiXir I*- M.rK^t >PAC*, ;ar4fr 4t,n.- Hi«« ' 1 1vt»r. 1 *U> «, 1 Vj -t» Lf u L M a: ?l . » I L lift ^ for * »* mvHI bro fD Mb}m>. jjM .aU -4 y-ri4« Wr(ti .t r ot. U^fiU Mu<« ,...1 *»7>rw 7f.»r h»«p or J U SQ1ETB. N M 3ii* T*Ji «u ro4, bet* iW II u4 I rti .

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · THEEVENINGftfARi 1 WASHINQToiToiTY! ~ rtlSAT MAROH13, 1861, mrrra»I5S M«r;MOR STMTPA«I. Ml OCTSIDI FOR INTIRJWTIRQ T1LRGRAPHTO AMDOTHERIfATTSR. MTTlwIfewDollarWe*fcljStar,

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · THEEVENINGftfARi 1 WASHINQToiToiTY! ~ rtlSAT MAROH13, 1861, mrrra»I5S M«r;MOR STMTPA«I. Ml OCTSIDI FOR INTIRJWTIRQ T1LRGRAPHTO AMDOTHERIfATTSR. MTTlwIfewDollarWe*fcljStar,


rtlSAT MAROH 13, 1861,


MT Tlw Ifew Dollar We*fclj Star, fnller thMiev*c of Metropolitan newt and jto»»lp, anJchoice literary reading* 1* now on oar counterr*>H< *. tnik.n.WlU T V. - _ 1 .vwwy uum v c* j bw uso afc i » * ri «MJWJbees icT^atly enlarged and improved, and nowundoubtedly presents much more mailer lorthe srunc amount of money than any othervrnmklj ui ilia country. ¥ braced m its entertainingcontents are the following articles:A wail-digested Budget of War New§, fromevrry l>epartment of the Army; ConfederateRaid upon Fairlax Court lions**,and Captureo! a Federal Qeneral; New* from Vicketrorg;Tlie Indlanola affair; Movenvnu in Oener.ilOrnnt'i lirpAnment and About Yicicaour*;.Full Account of the Battle near Franklin,TfBne-ww Naval and Military Operationsagainst Charleston and Savannah; and anAccount of the Destruction of the SteamerNashville.

News from Rebel Sonrces; Rebel Accounts ofthe Position of Affairs at Vjcksbnrg: TheAttack i pun Fort McAllister; (ren. Hunte/'sFlans, u seen through Rebel IF1mji««»h.

I.au* Foreien News; American Affairs inEurope; British and French opinions; Affairsin Mexico and Central America; Domesticr«« ws; Kpfpnt Appointments find Oonflrmat.ou» of < *lnland Military Offlcf-r*: Editorial*lt~m* and Clipping* lrom the Press: TelecrapbicNVwi; faiurressinpal ProceedingLiocal fcewa; Deacriptire Readin* Matterand a column for the Farmer, Gardener andHuwkftpw.Thi* i» jnst the paper abore all others for personssojourning in the National Metropolis to.end to their friends at a distance. Price only

thre*> cent# per copy, »r SI per annum: postageprepaid by stamp* when so arranged.

SPIRIT OP THE MORNING PRESS.Th« Intelligencer, noticing the legislation of

* 'ooeress durinc the rccent session affecting.hf District, approve* the bill offered by Mr.I* iano, allowing the District a representative,*>nt expresses disapprobation of the Jaw reorganizingthe courts.The Chronicle calls the compulsion of negroes

to help fight the battles for th*» Union 11 practicalphilanthropy,'* as the exertions madt> und*r^.orapolaton will eventually ennoble and elevatethem.

OUK MILITARY BUDGET.another blockade runner captured.

Tli*- Navy par iment this forenoon receivda difpAtch Irom rortree® Monroe announcingthe arrival at Key West of the British blockade-runningsteamer Pett'rhuff, taken by theVand«»rbilt off St. Thomas. The Peierho.T is ai.nrtre and very fine and fast vessel, and Kknown to have repeatedly run the blockad?.li»*r cargo is believed here to have been bootsn»i shcM-s, saltpetre, jnilitary clothing, A:c. Sheinaitis the third of the same class of valuable*uium r», news of the captnre of which hasrvached here in the ltu>t two days.

RKVTTCVK* iRnrriin- - mm aa » Mm M. » 11 I/,

Last eveninprthe following refuse* from th«»Sooth arrived here and reported to the ProvostM r-hai. Via: T. H. Williamson, Jos. Morti,i'ta#. Cutcherson. J. Mclrmre and wife,l^anc, iH'nms Fain*, wife and child; Michaell)olet John Morrissey, wife and child; JoUnKmmri, wife and child; Thomas Shannon,John Donovan, M. Woods, James dark. Mrs.0 Haloy and two children, Mrs. J. Tomer and1 wo children, John Dor»»»y.

PRISON Eli OV WAR.P. W. Mayo, 10th Virginia, prisoner of war,

w*» sent to LbeUentral ttnardhoase yesterday.ASOTHKR " I'KA'K" CA!tARI>..Ex-Mayor,new Ccrjr«Mnfn Weed, (Fernando) is oatwith hnotbfr pve.c«» rr.nr.ifi *to. H^tp li is, to beliken lor \i bat i» is worth:

* At a mp» tinsr bHd at Stamford. tJonneeticut,on Tuesday er^nin^ last, I said 4ihat proIjoiiuot:!-for an armistice or peacp had b**enfubnitU-d to tbf Pnti irnt on the l-??h I>eceml«rla>t, which, had they be»-n accepted,wouldhate tfrminawd this war by the Xirat of April,ti j »n a bfl* ji satisfactory to the people JSortU

slid rSoutb.' In referrin; to tliL» statement you ,

"Who made the 'propofcitlons tor an armi*i« or prac*,' the adoption ol which Mr.WojdV'®tend9 to believe »vnjuld hmo i».«meter' by All-fools' day 1 Were th'*v mvl(>>y Davie and bin fellow* Reb**li I 11 mo. how<fo»s Mr. Wood know anything about tii *m ?I'm he been in secret corn-spond^nce with the« iH-my ? Or w*-re they mad** by a»ioe of theault-war men here I If so, who authorized'h*-ml And what are the Wrnia of the propositionsfrom which Mr. Wou l ho;»"- so much ?11 they are honorable to the nation.if they aresuch as patriotic Americans ought to favor.why not make th»-m public at once VTo which I pay, in repiy, that the statement

r"furred to Wras made by me deliberately, witha full and perumal knowledge of the facte, andhit 1 um con&ti&ined from the publicity ofthem only by the request of one of the principalofficer# of the Government. Wh^n this mt.rdicuon >hall he withdrawn 1 will cheerfullygratify your curiosity. jVery respectfully, Jcc.,Msn h 11, IHJ.T Fke.iasdo Wood.

it will be rrm«-mhered that a "peace ptodo-l'.oii" canard waa stated to hava effect on theN«w York electioc, and this is doubtless inirixMto fca\e eflect on ti»*> Connecticut elec' w».It la Uvr CLa»< Barney story over again.Thkatkical.. ttfith tiie var;ety>of enteriainnowbefore the public here,it is not easyto k-cp or.e'» s*lf well po-Ud as to the merits of

all, but w emu«t bear u stimony to the admirablei:nu»h of the jjerformaures of th* Ke«»n<» com-pa t now at (Jtot« r>, comprising such nairifnas I.aura Keene, Blakr, Walcut, Wheatieigli, jMrs. Brnnrhim and "

r n w>ic(« vi iiuvr. XV* uiguiu »et apart for thp b^n^flt of Mrs. Lmra K^ne, 'au actress who affords *o gi*>d a mod-1 in e lt*arsntof fBMcifttton, '.a«t»-, a*J a.-cnracy of costume,and freedom from rant, whicn go no faras a«x:liarv«» to h«r brilliant qualifies of mindto nuAk<i Ler (with omtj k&d«-raui physical ra- |dawncnU) one of the mo-»t delightful perform- !cri now on th»* *ta#r.

Yazoo Citt.-We have a razue report, til !K»'inphiis of the r»pt«n< ol thin plwe hy thnK. dtral lorc4-». We bgj** it Ii true, but lik*n.o-» i«th» r report*, of late, it ne^d* jc. afin:atK>n. \ azoo City it a flourishing po»t» i.ijr" in l nzoci ro» nt j, .TrllS^., Sl'liaU'd OD lh*r! >« r of tk»-»au»f cam** about 50 miles N. Pf.Vv . of Jack*on. It i» located m a rich (fo'.tonf' win* rrtr: and, r,*:,.n* thu war, employ*da larRf and Imiativc comm*re*. About CrO.OOO »

» a ol cotton annually u^d to b* r#c«»it«*da- Y»7x^» C-itv, and »tnp|#<t To N^vr Orl>-&a9 by

-<ibI omi», vihu-h th»- river at allol th# wati-r. TL« population anterior

t*» tb*» whr v. hj» 3,u»*).

%jr W> h'-ar nu'itlitg v*hat->o«»T>-r, r>y !h* Iainarmral*, of th»* kri-at Nt-/ro InsurrectionaryKi|iidilu« thr TubuN*-'* i'ort Ri.yal cjrre»i«;i» rB; w .» *<ud in;- < &I.;to the interior awidle* ». ai d. h**t. ee, coi.elude that lb- wbob- thing11.+' b<t\c Um the emanation of *om<* eralyb' III.

AlToiNTi f..| hf l*reMd<*ist h:u» *ent to thu; rn t'U.f uaa.e ol ]>r. Ku.mholl Sol-jer, of U.,t 1;. I litv K»*i i»t«*r ol ii»»- 1'reaMirv, an4 (.'ol.>t t «i h Harry. of Niw Yoiu, i.,r A*«isiant'I u: "I Ul thr I Mat-a

T li. a: >1 ILK. Ti»f TV*tou J.urr.jj ...» {iii\a'.i* 1' i.«*i » fiom N' W Orb*an«

: I 71 V t 11:- t l-.i- ri-K-l* tf M >blie havrtrrir ir r»-adii:e»... 'o n:nka a li'mon?ii1 'Wad:tilj ol' nat btur.

itm aan{*: > IIi'ST UHM>ukt.IIII V ,\ti ( .ykiiv.t.-liiii. liooner was exam,si *-- v> .1 > !» lore ih** War Ceaniitmt. The

f . .. , . t .-H 1J l.ll'fl *»,*. M U-'iTt /VI11 .!>

J- '.( J »«. Ik :ur« tl»»* iod',V!i. -lit onJ lifin u. *.; "As. I f*;u jft m>

' t I n » *i » " '!» -itW'tioD. Tit*» failuret-l n*' m w s.- ov my to th* liip-inpi'*

.. j >-t »:. roMui-.i., !}'iirri|.'S Tt fl«- if t. r w > T' *. ni ii - l:»,v b;«for*

*J. W»r(Vmn;i'»H> d m Html hn«» ** rri»fl' 1 i- f ni Artill* it ;h *!1 ik: » <*:tmn:iiKnat,| U.. Aru.y (<l t . H iTCJ-na. b;-« Ifnc*»ui l# tho no«t im;>ortiiiit y t sulvl*ao»-l t»>Ou uutt**' ip t«» tin- o|i«-r:«uo;iH »>t :a.*vt i:. 7 .C >T .V 1 7>Ot 9






('INCI5HATT, March 13..A special Me:npUi«dispatch tu Ihe OattKt Hires the report of a

tljrht on Yazoo riT*r, -with :he rap;nro of *ptputh<m«ai.d pr»«oi»*»r» and transports. No p*r-titulars art* received.

\ 1a44a. #w.vMk .ia Ala tA #1lA \f i l.>iriin Hi*lB j. ivi rnvrj nm., w »"r aiv Jiir

li'fptt'r, saya Waym county i* full of renostylingthemselves Union men, andjoined by deserters tram the Southern army,tfcey hare become more formidable than ever.Cairo wm excited yesterdav over reports

from Forta Henry and Don>dson.Nothing new from Vickaburg.

REAL KSTATK I* flSfCINXATl TtELOXGINGTO HEliELS SEIZED.Cincinnati, March 1:)..The U. S. Marshal

je^terday seized a considerable amount of realproperty in thia city belonging to Albert, WillianA. and Thomas J. J^nlcins, officers in therebel army.

The Bogu» "Monitor" that Fooled theftebt,

The following is an extract from a privateletter from Acting Rear Admiral David I>.Porter, commanding Mississippi Sqnadrou:" During the time of the running the blockade

by ihe C|ueen of the West and the lndianola,five of the guns in the forte at Vicluburg wereburst and dismounted; therefore it was an ob-ject to make the enemy fire as much as possible.I got a mortar in easy range, and open**!on ;hat part of the town where there wa*nothing but army supplies, and soon provokeda tire of four of tlieir heavy batteries. The«Lell at first fell over the mortar and aroandit, bursting close to our men, but the ran^e beganto grow shorter, until they let us have itall our own way."h inding mat tfiey could not be provoked to

flie without an object, 1 thought of getting upan imitation 'Monitor.'" Ericsson ?aved thecountry with an iron one.why could I notsave it with a wooden one. An old coal barge,puked up in the liver, was the foundation tobuild on. It was built of old boards in twelvelu urs-, with pork barrels on top of each other forsvnok* stacks, and two old canons for quarterbonis; her t'urnao s wtrebnilt of mud, and oulyintruded to make black sinoke and not steam.

' Without knowing thut Brown was in peril,1 letloi se our Monitor. When it wns d^seri»dby the d>m light of the morn, never did thebritterie- of Yicksburg op^n with such a nin .tue earth lairly trembled, and th«* shot flewtV i1/ a I«aii *-» rl » - - * -1 ^ T " * 11 ' *

niUUlJU U-r" ur * Ultll iVIUIilLOT. l^Sllran safely past ali the batteries, though underfire ior "an hour, and drifted down to thelow r moi.thol the canal. JShe was a machLft er looking v»ssel than the Indianola.

' When it was br<;ad daylight they opened onher Htain with ail the guns they could bring tohear, without a shot bitting her to do any h irm,because they dnl not make lier settle in the\\ai« r. though going in at one tide and ou- at© "tier. itis olr^idy full of natrr. Tho m>1oit-rsol our army shouted and laughed likenr»d, hut th* Inrjrh was 'oaiewhatag^inst themwh< u tb«*v -i.b-^qu. ntly discovered the (^ueeni. i the Wi-st lying at the wharf :«.t Warren ton.Th»- ^ufstion was. a:-ked what liad happened tothe Indiauola I llsd the two rauir- sunk her orcaptured h* r in the engagement we heard theni.ht I) fore ? The sounds of cannon had reted'd down the river, which le;i t;» to believethat Urown wai« chasing the Webband that theon: en had got up past him.

' One or two soldiers got the Monitor out inthe stream again, and let her go down on the

A > * »rans i^uwn: an me r ort commflnrcd firin? andsignalling, and hh tlio "Monitor" approached jthe fju^en she turned tail and ran down river jas last as she cou id go. the "M-onitor" after her,making all the spe^d that was given her by afive-knot current. The forts at Warrenton liredbravely and rapidly, hut the Monitor did notreturn the tire with her wooden pun."It serine by the above atatementof AdmiralPorter that h.' did not know of the loss of the jIeriiai.ola, and the bogus iron-clad ram wasM*nt down the river to draw the fir* of the batteries,and to effect any other result that mightturn np.

Ansial kkkkm k Methodist Prut.K(>tast Ciii rch..Yesterday, this body insession at Baltimore, examined and pa»sed the |characters of the ministers.Thf report of the Rev. W. W. Reese, of theEast Washington mission was read, showingthe mission to be in apro?per-_>us condition, and |requested permission to retain their relation

wiihont any appropriation from the mission- jnrv tund. "ftettrred to the Missionary (Join- Iinitfee.L'cvs. H. P. Jordan, John W. Kver^si and

<J<crj:e S. Hamiltou, made applications to bn irelieved from active service for the enduing jj - ar.The various missions of the Church were re- \

i'iTi»n iu n pro-p» roii» con-nuon.Kev. James K. Nichols wasflpftr-d President

c f the Conterence.Fiederick City was aelefted su tha place for

holding the r.ext Conlerence.

Of* Ar.nv Bkhai>, otherwise "hard tack,"j- only fit lor the teeth and jaws of th» bone,cracking carnivor*. Why cannot the Govern-xrent give the soldiers crisp fiuston (jr:ick r.s,lnadeof new milk aud farina flour, such asJ;uTenL«. I)fi> tou turns out at his great tiakery!Th< re have b» en many reforms of late in armymatters; hut th 1 » standing cause of just complainteeerns to have been overlooked. J

rv-^ THE MALE MKMBRHS OF DNION CHAPlj_5el are requ* uted t«> meet in th« said Caap^l .

o: THIS i Friday) IVKN I S(1. at "7^ o'clock It*rv-s.HOlitL, RESTAURANT AND TAVERNLLJ? Ke»-p«rii are requested to roett at tbe CityAssembly Koom*. corner t f Ohio »TeDae and li'tiistreet, r.i, MONDAY 16th inat «.t 1 oViajIt ». m

mar 15 2t* TliKCQM MITIIk!fy-5^-iODNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN A8S03IALkjf tioit.. TH« annual inefttn* of thie Aai-janion will be held'on MONDAY, 16th mst.atao ilick. foi th« tlaction of officers. Afullntt-u lar.re of tbft members in df-xirtl.A i eetmx of tb« liUARb will be held THIS(Friday) EVKN1NG, P. Mmar 13'at JO. C CL AYTON, Res 8 <?.

ry-^=«bT. PATRICK'S DAY.1»*63..Tbia tlmeIJ_3konorf-d anniT'-raa^T will rx« c*l*hrat^<1 in aW'.miox mtiiDer al G&utier'a, on Fruu, ai«Du«,urdei the auapioa of tb* t'hvDix Sociotf. Bap^-ron tb» tabic at half-patt * o'clock. Tick^ta 51 V).which may b« had at tha fr.ilwwlnp places: Qaatier "»Saloon. DatTy A 0'M-ara'» Union R-iUuraut, nwarth»- ratlrovi depot. an < at James La«'*ey> < m«r ,cban: tailor.)7th atrret, oppobtte the Pontmar li-W F,MAT-4t*


|V^»TI1K LADIKH OP TITH WKHTRRM J'RKrtLL3 BYTKRIAN riU'ROII wi'l hold a KA1Rat Stott'e lluiWliua.i-erurf of Pt?nu »T'-uue and 2>tbetreet, ronitncmitiV on Mondar i-Teiilti* neat,(March y. land continuing through the »eiiiii*iitheweek. mar A 7t*ry^-NEW HMiiN# CLABi -Profoawr AI.KXwOLOWMLl ia forming a o«w tfiftfbfttf ClaaaDrfcia New and Simplified Method, and which willbe th« last bef< re bia departure To b^gin thatriant immediate)/ are wauitui only a few I*d)(*fl Voi^ttS T K * Uiliaa "K«. **- 1

.v.ii nuv wwUtU 1U(> M JUIII 1that film clwi. and ou liberal terms, ran apply immediatelyat tne Prof*«»fr * r*eidene« and try the irice* I'roteaaorV r**U*tiee in No. 4'»1 T»ut}<etr»-*t, between K and F. llonref reception onlyl<et w<-»>n 2 a?.-4 .* o'clock p. m daily. marti lwrfs-* OlTTHUL,r«k. V.MB.Ii JF T11K AP8B890R3, h»vintf et :ipLot*1 then.i-»r-iu<m*tit for l^i.1 wrlJ m««*t in th#ir room. Cityllail. a.- a Roaid of Appeal, from the 1.1th instant totli«« 7th of March proximo. Inclusive, to h»ar comSlaifit*and to mate *urh correction* a» tht-y maywuj n«r«e*.arr. fe l7-2awtMar 17

j4* riKn-Piiuj;! jI ODDISH HAKK N« 1,2 and 3 MACKKRKL, !M LIT mid KAHTKKN HKKKIN'I, *M

iit 11 «? «juaiily, lur raU- at tlm loor^t piic«e, at KG aM A. PKBKIk'o,n».r J*. It Corr er N inth and K*t'e*ts.



HI AN Be PKRRi E'8,n ar IS tt Com»r Ninth and K atrne*.«.


A »:oiCK OPP.KN »id ULACK TKAH. MO .'HA,JAN A Hi: I SI \kICAUtO COKKKK.(pur^hai«l hefor"th«- a-lvance in groodn.) i\rr now b»inj{ retail d? t wVprir «. »'ur«> and frwah (jroun! 111!)TOKKKK. wrj low. Alno, CKKKtL aod R \ KMdKKK J OS. W DWIi*,If Corner Nint*» and Kntr«cl<1 YORK uivkr *.v

7VJ nxt arrlv^l-Cnut Mart-ha:!.with a of \ork. Riv«r Hyat^r*.lVr>on» r »( » o' «>M;irnus them will call onM .' At DON ALWON, at Weyli Wlmf It*

% 1 a voa till,r .

Thi. W fl 1 ittran - K~ *- -. - . >"»8r " gj Ton*,i fl*- t'fKiu< * .rtto .double fTmmm w'r> <U< 'I ir> > v»t condition tm virig^T-*. : th-.io- «» Iv Ti»»h»nl»«l iu N w" * Hka1ork.!*r<l w>iii«At th^f.vot'.f MS atr««t. willhi s<l<i ftt n I..;*- ti, Apply to liMILK I»UPR*,AMO P*. fctwit) Vf<*'rtii.guj*. m*r K»-lw


» i«»u ~<*.zne ; .

^_ _j:

-v. .j* ti.*!> V.- .. V JFFi 3HOC(Til JCHSSOI k CO.,

%« ^ 'Wv'"Vi« ^*5 v 1

. sz; w**-* * PBT y

»«» FBPrifSTL-TAIflA A.TEH*&.\

brrwiihs §r* 4 10th 3t* ,

t « f » « 9

* *. «


litre J*«t R*e**r«4

100 OAaHJ


"&E1> LA.U,"


Thii Wine is pronounced '»r eonno'Mean «tip#riwrto any other brand in the market, nn<i prominenton tho Wine lut of dr«t ci&M

New York II0W4 *nd K**t*«r»uW.




Reside* the ab.>Tfi Win**, we h**? coaaUnilyonhand t tu 1 supply of all other wuil-knowa bran lf».





O. H. MCMM \ CO. Kt«.

OUT" An iudpectiuD of our ntock, w^ich is now

rc-p!et« in trerr branch, in r«*pectfu!Ir soli;ii.>d,

AUG. JOHNSU^I k CO.m»r 14 If


AOROL tillJJ.i !A L AK(J K ytock ol Hc-nt FAMI LT GROOERIK-S.cheaper tfaau any flora in town.KiD* Bhu-kJIVa, onljrjr1) ctiI.; best In.perial and

wui:>owawr lei, oi:it »i ii; ooht Ti OrUtnfi Sa.ijar,enly 12S ct«.; good CofT>*e, 25 cts. Call and nen th«bargain*. New Fbel. Rarkfi, Caaned Frsitn. NativeW in*«, Iiuported Wines, Liquors and Begara.STRAFFORD KVANS,niarl3 3t* 4**T_Ninth »t., betw. D *:id_H.JVUTIt M TO SUTLERS* AND OTHERS.-W«I^thari'in Store.Jtfidnymn FRY PANS*0 do TIN PLATES.art do PINT CUPS.:»«> do QUART CUPS5>y do QUART £UPS, with eo»er«7S do POCKET KNIVKH.Jaa do KNIVES and FORKS.1U' do COFFEE POTS.Wb' lftRalo manufacturer* of Tin-^ Ware

K II. & U. I GKKOORT.3*^1 Penu. ,'ivfnti* Waahiugton, D. 0.mar !J !w [Chron.l

nniUOOClDMITALHOTIL* RK taukas;Noa. 47 0 axv 47ii Focbtbzmtu ST.,

Direct'^ Ovpo.*ite Wt Harris1.

Tki» eatabli* hment, having been fitted and fur->ii»bed throughout in lh? most magnificent manner.will op«*n to the i*(n>lic on

fcATUKDAY K\ KNINO, March 14,1P63.1t will be the aim of the Proprietors to make it

strictly KiR«.f-CL*Si« in all respects.mar lMt» C P. MCS8II.L A CO.

( .N HANL> AND cOR SALE.Smoked and* fait beef Tonguea, o.W* Sheep Tongues, 15,<*>0lbs. of lh«- bent jjait Bi-ef, plate ana brisket, curedin the bent manner. For Dale lower than the t>amearticle can be bought for elsewhere. AUo, a c >uutaiitbupply of Freeh Mi*a m.

JOHN IIOOYER, corner 8th and D Jt«.,miit 12 1m* and in Center Market.

I^DW ABP WILL ARD.J ARMY AND NAVY BROKER,Lickssrd kiC.8. Uotkunmm.it.Claims and Loans Adjusted Collecied, Ca*hed )and remitted. Information given on all subject*relative to the Army and Navy Reliable Agonta\\ an ed in every town and regi-nent in th* UnitedStates. Office,'214 Penn. avenue n«»ar WilUrd*'Uotel. mar If Jt* Jp li O P O « A L a JTOK CO A L.

AHSIOTAMT UCAKT3KMAST«H'd OKFICM, /Waskinrton Arsrnal, March 1'', libi. (PROPurtALS will be received at thia office until 10a. m. on the ar.h inxtant. for twenty nve (vft) touii rui ill- - »» * ' r '*i«4T' ikpn. wu u« lou i oi mu ueii xcreened AnthraciteCoal. To b« delivered at ibi§ Arnanal withinten'dayn after the uccoptanc* of the contract.Th« contract will be awarded to ta« lowent reKpvi.MbieW'l<j«r, who will t« required to gift abotd < wi ih on« aeceptablu auretyk for the ism of%'Jf* tor the due performance of the contract.

UKORiiH ELY,mar 11 Capt.and Afti't Unnrter master.'I'llK NKW CITY DlfcliCrOSY..ThTwashing1 ton and Geor«vtowu City Direct, ry,for lAod.Juht ijublithfcd ana for rale byPHI LI' Sl SOLOMONSmar 11 2t 3.VJ Peunaylvania avenue.


kliAN A PKRKIIC'8, Family Grocer*.r>*r 11 It (Chronicle ) Cor. 9th and B ;t«.

AKA(;r WUHr:i KNOWING !.That INDIA |BL UBKK UOOUtJ wf ©Terr description can bercra r< 3 in the aeateat mannei and it »hnrt not..-1 ti ».»».« -

U. A. HAUL «aRabbet War^honae, 310 Pa. nT^nue.mar 11 3t bet #een 9th an-1 lOthlM.t£B*T HlOVI DUUiK IN THE C1TT,


mar 11 4t I Chronicle. I Cor 9th and 8 nta./'llAMfAGNt CIDER ON DRAUGHT,


Ml 11-41 | Chroniole 1 Oor. 9th and B sts.[V OTIC 15 TO SMALL LKAL EllS IN


BOOTSA>1) SHOES. A <fU'l»-ni*ij linnftoriue, ftOti »>th street, sect to ParryNKSiII ry Goods STorr, a email lot of HOOTS m ¥HlOKS. which will be aold at New York' f^Lpricc*. mar 11 tf J. IF YOU WANT THE LATEST UTILE rVgg SPRING HAT, VIm Black or Fancy, five u« a call. We hare^^the bfttt stock wf belt Hats of any hjnae in thecity. Alxo, SPUING GAPS. Plain ir Fancy, *ndk.t all BLRR A BKiril KK,jnarll St* 3*»S 7ih it., under Horry's Uo«el.m SPECIAL NOTICE II IIP Large**,cheapest and boat »>ei*ctAd ntoek of IPHOTOOliAPH CARDS AND ALBUMSin toe city an* to be found at


V7* Pcnnt-yiTa'na ar»nne,prxr II M betw«i>n llth and lrth rt» {' M1E AUTOMATON BATTERY.or ArtiU-riit^1 Practical Instructor. for all monntwl isantta-


Tera iu ;he brld. By G. Pouglas Brewort m, U. a iA , fl.The Aut»>mwtcn tJnmpany. or Infantry .iiMif'sPractical Instructor. t»r all company mwe'noutiiu'hf field. B) G Uu*I«j. Bre*irUu, 1*. 8 A :#126. lm4IiU FRANCE TAYLOR^'

m >/\D U * V U a. 1 -* J » """ " * ""

r vn rnijr.. A ipirniii rev BTKAM L5')iL<FE.v ;h all »h«' llxMir**. pip»n, A «s . form«rlfuM.rtit. h »iblmhini<nt f«»r »->y '

hBi will bf M»id cheap. Apply lit tl«» Oriel injnet N<^. VJ4? I'» avenue. m« u r/

r piiiiL.


Wi*ilw<>Vr».0.,*»rc^ JMt.PrsetAfc fc»SM^Ho.7 .Sisewfe >nW«»m,1

endgtwp the iTjagirty offce gyeramdMroai: m ftroajrh Us nA«IUnneer*r rtai»uJa»«4 >funUmIM 4M»riaclpl«d noldftie, ids ordered,thato» 1*1 «7Wr the «tt oaliefed mea of th

r«<WaPU*M Am Mt yrvUMWd wMriM»d«arm! of anr kind, withia the Itmite of thie city.outbid# of their camp«, excepting opoa duty requir1isg th« of »arh »rm«. All patrol* of the ProTOftt Guard are directed to arroat and brlug to theeeHeadquarter*. or eoafine in the Central GuardRente, a« the circumstances of the case may re;quire, all pollers ao fonn-l with arm* npon jLheir

j person*. W ben thermre released ,'th#ir grma %-fllbe retained, ud delivered up only an rmiiriUwof the oflleer# commanding the regiment, Batteryor dotachment of whiofc the soldier may be a n»mber.A proper record win be kept by the oSloers

] commanding et guard stations of *11 arms thai re

tsmpd, the parties from whom eeit»*d,en'i to whomand when returned.This order will not he construed interfering

w.tb men actually m transit* to their regiment*j from detached service, hospitals, etc.

By order : HENRY B. TODD,Capt. and Provost Marshal.

A. 8. BAKER, Lieut, and Adj't. rah Olwa

JNYALID BOLDIXBS.Suboeov Grniral's Orrici, I

Washington, January SI, lftM.fIt being reported that various parties hare obitsined money from invalid soldiers unier the prejtence of assisting them to their discharge from the

service, notice is hereby given that certificates ofdisability for discharge to soldiers in general hosjpitals and camps are only given by the surgeon inc'l&rgt- of such hospital or camp, and the obtrusiveefforts of persons claiming to be special agents retardinstead of hasten the preparation of dischargepaiam. All soldier* are warned Against firingmoney on such plea to any person whatever.By order of the Surgeon Genera! :

JOSBPI! E. SMITH, Surgeon C. S. Army.i .*

%VAR bepaktmknt,WAsniNQTow, January M, 18RS.

In eenseqnenee of the pressure ef business at theY.'ar Department, pauses for citiieas to viait theAituy ef the Potomac will be. given a* the oflloe ofLieut. Col. Cow rid, 13d Pennsylvania avenueabove Nineteenth street. ^.............

WANTS.V\'ANTKP.By a parmanebt tenant, a I10USI"

< ontslnin« from 10 tol5 rooms. Address I> O.i CAHY. Post Office Uvk mar :3 3t*ANTED.A smart, actiV' BOY ta leara the

vv bookbinding. A pply at Contention Boili|iug. K, bctwieu 11th and 12th st«., 3d story. It

\\! ANTK1>.A whi e WOMAN" to cook and t'»v* irun. Apply at No. 'Jo'2 F street, between inh' ! itl> - i<» <i»*

j ..... III91

ANTED.A younf COLORED MAN that un** dprfitand* making himself useful iu a Btoro.A i ply at 394 P» arrao*. It*

\TJ£NT WAN TED.A largo Square Tent. Inqniie30li Ninth 6treet, next to Perry'* DryGood Sim. m*r !3 3t*II AKTED TO RENT.A FL'RMPIIKI) IK)UHi»* containing 10 or more room*; 1. ration bet srten

1 ifi h».d 15th Ftr< et-«. orrn >r m-nr i>nn, arenue.AddreHB ' T. A. H..M ^ullman's Hotel, Pa. av it*/ '(.OK WANTED, (white . to do <;t>neral howseVwork in h tQtki. f.mily German preferiet.Api-lj tofcMILK DUPKE. 3«1 Thirteenth street,

» i.'f n L and M. mar ijIV'ANTED.Two or three ch*ap L'NPCKN

ItllKD ROOMS in a central part ol the city,tjuiet And p» ruiac» nt tenant* and prompt jay. AdIitrefcg, statin* location, taring, Ac, Box 11 ft»rOffce. It-\A7ANTKD.By h Iwiy employed in the TroaauryT? Department, BUARD in a private family between 7th and 15th streets and Fa. avenue and Ksts.; would furnish her own room if desired. Ad'dress, definitely stating terms. & c , "A. R.," Boi4 1 8tar < ffice. It*

1V'1 ED.By the 1st of April on or near 7th» street, in a good naifhbornood, an UNrUltNltfHKD I10US1C, containing from four to eight

rooms. A good tenaat may M obtain* d for fremone to two yeara. Address "tt. W.,M Bo* 7£5Washington. D. C. marl3 4t*II' ANTKD.A whita GIBL to do general housa'' werk. Apply at 448 north D street, from 9to 12 o'clock. m*r la-It*VV ANTKD-A CUAMBKRMAID at the~KbbiU»» Houne. Also, a SKAMbTHKSS who can werk

on a sawing machine. mar lt-St*IV ANTKL-A dining room SBRvTnT, one who' ' understands the business. Nonr other needapply. Herndon House, corner 9tk and P sta.marlrst*

WrANTKD.A C<>US for oficera'mesa«a at Minor'*Hill, Ya hre milea from Georgetown.Apply to JOHN BUNT/., corner 8th and D ata.ui»r H 3t*

Ur ANTKD T9 RKNT-A PLACK on PsT a7^^suitable for a segrar and tobacco store. Adturoii, ukaiiuf i«rmn klia location, "JS. K.,'' KooiB1 3. CUrepdon Hotel. mar 12 lw*

YV'ANTED.By a respectable young woman, a*» SITU aTIU.N as cook in a small private family.and wouM a»t>int in wa&hiuy and ironin* if required.Pleaas address "M. W.,M BoxNw. U at thisofiic*.


inar 12-2t*

YY" ANTED-EMPLOYMENT as clerk or copyist»* by a youna uiaa. a recent aduate of a NowEi:i;lai.d collect; a g<>od penman and haviov «r111 recm in»-n.ln'. ion*. Addr»"*». for S day*."W./'BoxttJS VVashiuicton PostOdice. m:ir12 2t*

YY ANTED.A four draw BKUAH CAsK, rose*wood or walnut. Apply at 470 llth street,opposite Willards' Hotel, immediately.C. P. MUNSELL A C ) .

naar 12 2t* Occidental Hot*l.tCWANTED..The uudersicurd is aut,»),UUU thori??^ tw borrow four or dvs thousanddollars for Hv.- Tears to beherurrd by a j'.e (<eot renl ertate w^rth five times the amount. App.yti- K. P. J ACKfcON , No. loj Bridge st.. Oe«»r^etown.mar ii'-3* |

II.'ANTK1).I5v a ; -- - !^ ^ babe 2 months old, a SITUATION i:i * s:i*Ufamily to rooh, v&ih and iron. The molt undoubtedreferences given as to cbara.rUtr, roli kb lity,and efficiency. Apply at ^til II stroet, h--tw.-euIHth and 19th. mar 12 St*%%7 A.NTKD.A neat, handy colored BOY from K>v v to M years old. to clean boots, brush clotSes.&f Apply at U street, at h a m. war 11 *t*

UJ ANTKJ' 1MMKi>lAi'aLV.A smart, activewhite BOY to ren errands. Apply toCdAJ.(II LA N E, 4 U\ Penu. avenue. Bent of references I

as to character, honesty, h c . required raarll-3tWJ ANTED.By two gentlemen, a suit or KUOX3T ? en the first tloor, not uiorn than one squareof either side of the avenus. Address letter B,*'fctarOfcce (Rep ] mar ll-3t*_ jli;ANTED.A partly PURNI8HEB H0U9B.v v north of Pa. avenue and west of l"th street.Rent not to exceed S5o per month. Adireaa"Il,B.," ii1>6 II strett, through oity Poat Officemar 11-3t*


VkJAM'ED .An experienced an. trustworthy" NU RSJl; city r«f»r«noea required. Apply ateighty nine (^9)Bant Capitol street, between 3dand ith south aid*. mar in tf

WANTED. 10 0(10 houHekeepers to «*ve theircotton and woolen rags, boohs, newspapers, ;bottles, Ac., and we will send the wazon for them,weigh them at the door, and par thabirhast pricef« r them. Be sore and send to the rigfct number,37* D street, near 7th, MASON'S Paper and RagWarehouse. mar 10 1m*

YI/ANTKD TO RRNT-A good DWELLINQvv HOUBKfor a private family, not over ten

minutes' walk from Canterbury Hall. Wonld prefera house with hati, one or two parlors, diningroom and kitchen on flrst door, and not lesa thanfour chambers. Parties baring a suitable housewill hud a yearly tenant by applying to WM. H.fel NN, Canterbury Ilall.a marP-At

11/ ANTED.A small white or colored 01RL, IS"or 14 yeaiMof age, to take care of ohiidren, Iand to.do whatever elae she may be told. Apply at504 14th St., between C and D. mhT-tf

W'ANTJSD.A small or medium sited U0U3H,?» or part of a bonne, furnished or unfurnishod,< cnfurni«h<»d preferred,) situated in a respectableneighborhood.for immediate possession, or by the8tr. ol April nest. Address, stating location andWnii", "Prompt Tenant," Box No. 24. Star Office,mar 7 6t*

*% ' A NTKD. By th* Ut of Api ii, a modern FUR>VNI8UKD liUUbB, in the ricinitr of Wii'rds', by a rentier-an from New York, for theencnmer. Address 8. M THAYJCR, through cityPoet Office, No. 35 Maine avenae, Washington. 0.0. ruh S2w*

WAN TICD TO SELL.The gtoca and Fixtures ofa flrat-cla** O merry gtand in the e«utr*l partof the city. 8ati«f»cti>ry renHona given for selling.AMttW Morton," 8tar Office. fell

WANTED TO RENT.By a permanent tenant,a email nnfumiahed DWELLING HOUSE.A !drcM.stating location description, and priee of

i hiji.nr.* rwi umM. none but o* a«*rtor parti®* h in c» n»«d u«w»r. fa M-lm*rVDMIIIHIB HOUHK WANTHD.-Winted »r rei*t, for from our to three yein Vurui»kt»4nva'.'iii({ for a private rurally Location in theFirst or Second Ward ^rrfsrrmi Adirtuui Look Bo*6ft. W**hin*f»on. L> 0.

|\!0TICK..Those in want of iiisp.oymeni of ar.yi i kin-J would better rail on the n«-w IntelligenceOfirt, No. 511 Ninth at., wh*.re thu b«*t of paywill be e»*en to first-cl a-»i» cerv«ntg. I have always(ifpliMtiw* ad h*n4 t. i good f^oks, Laondr«*RS«3,C!mnt>«>rm«>ide, V.ait*rs i.n\ stress**; alar,for Vrun* M»ru to wait r>u tnl-Ie* : n priT.it* fani!!.-*or iint-wl* Farm Hand* w..at-d. Kir-ployem is waatof «ood he?j> will find it to their to <*ali,N. B.Hfin>w< wautrd. "*'h< bv«t ol t<*u*iatH cju:rx- obtains wiThcrt ri tr*r* bv ap .!v1tut .m \bnvroc4 tf W.1. MILLH

Vi; an VKD- Ctit) , .rao% to *3 v ir.a*. I aia inthe warKi-t. v«-»Ji f .=*; or^hro: *11 k.rticl-61* t-r b «»« *--iv.'.kTv. iint. th«*w* t V rf iiuvh.l' I! t'«r. .» » i 11 .'t . 11 4 "*v#.- v * i »» **-* «v r«r CK.il. Ani OK!** % 48^ 8AT?nvfcrtre*t bx-?wcm£ Q and D«*-» ».'«.> lWr tn Now ««nl fc<yv,nd Mil* Fnrni'tor.. W t/

IffllJIITHKI1 O'Ot/H'K p. m.

V AT CHUlrtRMBIX^t TH1 SB.f ATI.The Senat* Um fGfrenoon confirmed the folilowing Presidential nominations for the r*r«|nue marine nerrice. Via:To h<* Captain*.Geo. MTalrten, Ilenrj D

None*, A. Y. Kiaarr, Itouglah Ottln**r, The«|j Manila, Fraiiei# Martin, St-phen Cornell, Johuj McGov*an, Ot*o. Clarke, Jyin Fanui Johu SS. Chaddoek, John A. Webster, jr., John Carson,Amssa L. Hyde, Oro. R. Slieer, OibertKu&pp, D. C. Can*taM% JoknM. Joa«*, Tho«.M. Dupan. 4 . j ,

To be First Ij»u!flnanu-Jam« it. Uik«r,Penj. F5. Kellam, kicliaTd A J)tors?lf, Anwl S

liogerv, Alfred P. I*aVl», Afran A. PlAncar,Jcbn F. iichult*, J. Wall William*, Uoberi U>

! Narrr*, Tunotby Treadwaj.j To be'id Lieutenants*.John O. Ilond, Dan'li I). Tompkins, Jas. M. Selden, Jbhn K. Wilson,j lii nrj O. Porter, Edw'd A. Freeman, Sainuel| I'. G()lPKb» rrjr, John O. Haker, Sam'l 8. War.j ner, 1I» nry J. Benton, liob't fc>. Rolnton, Theo! V. ^pi n«r, Jo». Amwn.

To te :<d Lieutenants..Thos. W. Lay, ChassF. Shoemaker, Thos. Moiiltc, Morton Phillip*,Frank l&rr, Henry D. Hall, O. Everett Wub.

; ait*r, Augubtu* Q. Carey, Hugh R. Graham.Martin C. Roster*, l»an'l li. Hodgson, Wm. EIHalloway, Wentworth C. Simmons, Cyrus W.Prase, Georg® Walden. Edward 8. LMclrerson,Lav id Eik-hie, E.C.Gardner.

THH PU8TAGR CCKREMCT.fin account of the '25 and 50 cent note* harla*

i l**en counterfeited, the-Netrwary of the Trwa*iury ha« directed that no more notes of thes*;denomination* be issued. The counterfeits inquestion are so well gotten up that almost anypernon i» liable to b«* duped by them. The en

traviwg iR R shade coarser and the paper Is ai trifle thinner than the genuine. Letter* arereceived daily at the I>epartment inqniriughow the counterfeits inay be detected. Manyare under the impression that the genuine has

| the Koman letters A. B. Co., on the left lowercorner ot th» back, and tho*e notes withoutth< se letters are often refused as worthless, itnot being generally knwvrn that much the larg^eet portion of the genuine does not bear theletters. The currency issued by the AmericanHank Note Ompany b ar* the letters A. B.Co., while that issued by the National BanlrNote Company has no mark of their own. It

| these lacts were well-known to the public theJ>j r.rMuent would be saved much trouble. l'ue

j smaller notes..Vs and l "s.are yet issued to, meet ihe demands of the public.

| OP IMPORTANCE To APPLICANTS |Q| PENSION*.Conpress, by an act parsed March 3d, inst,

< xpr. »ly exemptedIrora the necessity for usin~j Internal Revenue stamps of any description,

ail paper*. 01 whatever nature requisite in appl>nip lor jieusions. Previously, there was anintt rnal revenue tax required to be paid on

ot thenj. TIjuh, it wx- requisite to aillx adollar Stamp to the power of attorney, and aten cent stamp on the certiticit« ot the clerk ofthe ccurt, ice.

HI K REPORTED BATTLK ON* TIIK YAZOOThe dispatch from Cincinnati relating to the

fSpht on the Yazoo river, makes it uncertain asto which side has captured the prisoners andtransport mentioned. A later dispatch statesthat the captured parties are rebels. We trusttnai some mobcqueni oiapsuu will explainwhat the Cincinnati telegraphist (who doe*not fce*m to bo an expert) means to say hnhappened at Fort* £)on< lson and Henry to^excite Cairo."

Sixiik'iaut Sbwabd.-We hear that thisrooming, when hhaving himself, SecretarySeward, in t-ndravoring to catch his raaor, thatwas falling lrom where he had placed it, entthe pain of hi* ri*bt hand so severely a* that (

h will probably require an amanuensis to doh.- writing for >ou.<- time t» come.


New York, March 13.. 11 % a. m..Fir«tBoaic- U. S. Coupon 6>, 1*1, 03; 7-30 Trea«uiyNotw, It**; Demand NaW, !lW*,.


Frii»ay. March 13.^k"»atb .Immediately alter coming togetherth<- >er<aie went into Executive session on

rnotuiu of Mr. Pumcroj. :tail wcrejo rap*edtil the fort-noon.

rtp.Ki 8 is Eaktlks Kkn rrcKT.-A gentleman,direct from Owingsville. informs the I,. *.intt- n t)b-erverand Reporter that the r.*bel» in1 ath cou»ty have recently b-en reinforced byJtii ii T. Williams, \V»-st Cox, ami p rbipjc'Lriss. They are now encampe.l at Ficklin'stan-)&rd, on the main road b-a hug lroiu I»It.S:« rlinjr to l'onnd Gap. It is statod that thfyare awaiting reinforcement.-, with the design tomarch, if possible, into the interior of th* State.Tb»y have virtually had poj fion of EasternKi'iitucky for the last two months, &ays thendormant, where they have don* "muchtiama+re. They have stolon n< ariy all the hor<<»8in that section. and in fact everything theywanted, which they carritd off with impnnity.lie represents the Union men in that section,as suffering much persecution at the hands ofthe rebels, and as really lying in a cou JIititioabut little better than the East Tennesson®.This slate of artairs, however, will not, wepresume, will not be permitted much longer tooxi&t.. LounviUe Journal.Fieitiso i> tbk Fotoma< ..According to the

adopted regulations, permit# to fish in the11,.* .i»-

ruiusi-.»c uJia (raaoo will De ;ir."VIUf*a only "topen-oiis accredited in wri!ii;g, by some citirenof known loyalty. as loyal person*," and who >shall take the oath of allegiance. These personsthus obtaining permits are to take no articles onthe \ irginia shore, except provisions for thehand* employed ; to allow no one to use theirboats for communication between Marylandand Virginia, to employ no one to assist them Inrl» Ks loyal ; to register the names of all their '

employees in the office of the Military GovernorHi:d br appro>ed by him; to report "before fl»h- jing to the commodore commanding the Potomac illutilla; to give bond aad security in S1.00J not jsto violate the terms of he permit. Restrictions 1:as to salt for curing shall not apply to the Jpersons residing in Virginia, and under thesupervision ! the provost marshal general ofthe Army of the Potomac in cases where thatofficer shall grant the privilege of uting salt *1Alexandria GattUt. s


SKCOND HAND - .1 CH1CKKRIN0 PlANOSBMEa afor sal? very rhtsp, st the ransic st of wlflfi *m*r IS W Q. MSTZBROTT. ft

VltAMKLIN A CO., -.» ^ ._QP~y i" ii JE r\ ti i' 1fit a ar r».. p. \jr M. i i ifl/iij, *v_*-i

S44 Pi*jrtTLTAi»i* Arnoi. Iinorth ei*«,) ifttwwn 12th ud lata at*.ud35S Pa. imhw, du N«itonal Hcul.


CABTKS DB TI8ITSIT. S. GKNKH ALS-McClel'an, ilooker, Rjae £erars Durn^id*, Fremont But!«r, AcbTATKSMKN.Lincoln anl Oahinet, M C 'n,4t,KhHfcLS.Jeff I>»Ti8,L« J«k«on,fte *'TH KATR1CAL.Mitchell, Laura Ke;:ue, °

Clarke. Florence, Ac.True Likena*«*« of I>istin*ni»hed Perar>n**.wi in '

a frr»t Turieiy. mar 13-i-otf '

(~ AsT~ANU> KKRO.*!NK~ LAMP SH AiKH,I LA MI'S. LANTKRNS, AcA lar*« and beautiful variety Jmt received. at «

low price#. C. W BOTKLKK A SON. ¥Gt-neral II uBt-fumi*hi-« 8u»re, Irear 11 3t 31^.Iron Hall/OV l*A WN BIIOK KR PA WNBROKK.it >OV 1 '<X^JL NO. y9* C t»Th*KT. £ \ I»<O Q R#uw%(ith and l*Ji itrttlt. B Q(M*r.«yh<ivanc.«1 on Gold. 9ilT©r, Jewelry,IMnznotxle, nnJ artici** in *«od order.

11im M lrn* JOHN fllU * OO.(VKW I HOTOGRAl'HK.1> CAKTKS IIF VISITF f»PitK.N TOM THVMH OOMMODOftH NOT.", V/ MV.K. OKS. TOM Til ITMR,MlAfES LAVTVIa AND JflNMK WA&ttKN,Just r^c* iv*l «lEC for *'» by

1'iiiLi' * soiomon*.u»*r P it Hi'i Pcuus sv«u»(i. r

/ M IKN V Is (H-tilt: 0*p*«. in nil;«W rs, ' Nt-Drar*^ :) fremiti F:r<i«*a ; Mm *tarn* Iinp*rKl.i; *.u4 V' noU Oli%«g, Autfaovif*:Htrui'ijtri M«ata.juM .i

KINO \ BUHCilBUL.mm 1 tw Gofer M>4 t'^rwotjt

xJ6cAJ*fpot»o»! «** 9*+ iJm. On.

-v**A ntrS' /> « »«..J. 1. XiFiiuu. orou*Sit. Jw K*aa»d7. rMtettaf afllo«r« do ' THall, boatmu wtthoat Ueaaa*; nn*<iM Ml>r I*. TaniM' and 8. S. Vaaltta,dlaordtriy; 4*S3-50 each. »am*l Franrtet, drank; 4UraiM*d.IkaTld Jordon, dtsordeflT; Bn-d ft m l>aai«4do.; dlamiMMl. AtM, for »*lltac Uqo«rw.tboat U<yaM>: n*od *».» Mirun DarU,^lllnr ;inuor to -«< n"

dUml-M. TWWoTVord, l*ro»a/i J**1

. r '.fuurtk /Yeonc<.-P*Uick Ajau. dx«ak.fe«4a£7a»d workb»«*a. H*ry Mvk utf<H«.rTew, drlTlPg onajpywpiyi. 4». JyUlS£?t5iard^dlaofderly: dc. «wdFortto«».That* f artKM, do.; do. fcl. l&it, dru.fc,Samuel Star*-#**. vuiiftunc^ dS^fL JRJJMaryI*c*»y, rrand >y^r ^t,Tal.


thfT b^artnc Henry Ki>fi M«wn. iiiBMiii.l uov Jwk'»n, brutally beatin* and d««.runCrrr child- jail. J6*phln» S*ftltfc» l»rc«i»f; forP." h;i hi,?fnr. u <i"ydTiT,-..I air. Tkeodor® Scholar, druak aad dWdI^Ueo Smltk. dr*k; flaad it,workhouw. MkrVBi vnu-nu-r rrand larc«ny; laM fo* court. Ju.rSff.&kSCS^^-«? a"*«i n""1-'1MX- - * «'

IT; HBW 7X.Wti JUUO 8WWWT, ao.. mud Sl.ll..! hr. Swan, assault and t>at:ery. hail for conn.Win. Burke, do.: do. M. Savafe, drank; die.mist-*-*) Ann* Bush, disorderly; fined 91.94.Joe. Riley, larceny; jail. M. Nn'lty, drsil anddisorderly, fined %$.

Ah Attir* Patroi.(Captain Hton**<v>mmantiantat the Centra! (Juard-honse, lnfjrmtwi that the book* of that prison show ?v00t com.roitments of straggling or drnnken soldiers,during the past nine mouths, by tike patrol ofthe 10th N. J. V. In addition to these, abont5<0 poldiers hare b°en brought to the ofBce ofthe prison and discharged on their pledce ofhonor to return to their regimen Is. Abeat 501officers were ordered to report undrr arreet tethe Military ftonrnor of Washington. Thesame patrol hare brought before the civilauthorities about 1,000 offenders; making aaaggregate of arrests by the patrol of theabove regiment.

Afraid or thb 1>rakt.Since the paeeag*ot the bill to call out the militia, in some sectionsof the city considerable excitement hasprevailed, especially in Swampoodle, amongthe Irsh, mauy of whom think that tbe wholepeople are to b* called out. W ithin a few dmj»a*t several of the Irish hare made applicationto some of our magistrates to swear thai theyare not cttijeena, in order to aecnre th»m»el *mfrom the draft. Y«t tney hare roted herr forRomf yean pact, pxercjsing the ri(bu of rmxnnt,whi :h ncrw they dewir* to !«doud««. Thia,howt'Tt-r, ir> not the pro vailing filing amonirttour Iri*h fellow citizens t*rr* a proporlioaof whom have ibown their patxu>u»m im ummost earnest manner.

Raurkmk*.I>h*t nirht aboat 9 o'clock therrv-ideuce of Mr. Kvhb»neek F street betwuec '

Klev«»nth and Twelfth, was entered an 1 rvbbadot fl«» in Mirer and S*tW m paper money.The th»#refc effected their pn'mocw ihriuch aeetond story front window. One enured in*htore and kept the lady in conversation, whileano'her rot-bed the dwelling. The dwelling ofMr. Ostermyer, No. *>? F street, betw^»nTwelfth and Thirteenth, wu robb-d; ih*thi»v«»« obtained fl.'iO from & bed room. Iatil* flr*t caw, a man who wiu Mien aSoot theprfmtora wparinf a grvy coat was sn*p»cwd,but not y< t arrested: la th* other ca»e, uo oatis suspected.Real K-tat* Salw.-Yest^day, iMeOuirs

A Co., Huctioiit-tTfc, sold a small Irxva. hou»«Kud let near the corner of Third and L street*north for S700. Purchaser, M. Sullivan(ireen A Williams sold lot No. I, in squareK4,with the improvement*.a three-story framedwelling.corner of Twentieth and E sT»#ta

wfbt, for S2,150. Purchaser, John Cherry.Wall & Barnard sold lot No. 4a, is squareNo. 43J, west aide of Seventh, between L> aad Kstreets, improved by a frame dwelling, far

to Ernest Voijrht.W apbiwotok Moxbt M AR*rr .<4,uotauotsfor stocks, coin and an current money, farnirLsd

by Lewis Johnson Jt Do, Hauk*i-i<:Buying. Ssluag.V 8. Coupon Bonds, 1391 1U0J{ lo3 w

U. S. 7.30 Notes lOSjf l<«3lU. S. Demand Notes 157.a^uiuriitau uviu 1)7.American fc>U rer 110&42 .

Virginia bank notee, 25at* diacoant; SoathCarolina, Georgia, &.c~, 3&a«0 dis.; North Cartana,V>a40 discount.

f ^OMMlbBlONSBa' BALB Ot TH1 RIAL ISI T AT H Of TBI LATB KlCI AID M Built - Bfvirtu* of an order ef the Oircait Ooart ef the £>«trict of Columbia, bearing date the ICr^ dar «fftbiuarr. 13dl. made iu a certain cau>« _

d ti e partition docket of raid conrt. the tae oe.a*Vo. 174 of kaid docket, and being a y-uiut) to 1c*i<1e the real + »tate ef Richard M. ftoy-r, l»t* »»fWa#hinfton oovnty. deceased, wi'l at pnM«eauction to the hiffb»et bidder, on I rC 1 O A f. VJ d*rof April ut-xt, at K o'clock m ih? fo»«4.0*n. thefi.llcw.n* portions of the real e«t%** r-f which te*Hid Richard M. Borer died eeit 1. t -*oil b uagM.'lljLrpiD Georgetown. in the ra i D.«.-i©t, te*» .t:

let. A honM> and let on the north ».^e ot W»'«ritreet. iioar Jefft-r»on rtreet, bet ween WanhiiiCtoeu.d Jefferfout-trteU nod fruii'mc about it fe»*t onWater atreet, and runtunc back of that wilth »b«ut

2d A warehouse and lot between Ch»»rr at.-eet#.nd the Chreapeake *nd Ohio G&aal. froutjj.c enibe car *1, being the thiri kou*f from market3d A pert of Lot to, in Beattr A H&wkinO additionto (rf<>rf«Uwi aitnat«*d at the aonth#a«» c%r

uer of II i*h acd bftJl itrr*t». wtVL lb« t ura«-<( r;l«nck tavern ihereon. Thia ie one #f th« b»at slaadjft r a tavern in GeorgeL. wn, anl ia an aid aid vmIknown place of pnbne rosort.4th. The wert 4ft f*et front r>n Beall street of Li>tNo 6. id the « ir.br m f«>t d'.'p.w rir; .ii Lata

II and U in Beatty A Hawkins'addition to G^orfa:tru,Brit to and adjoining tho last mrotinn^d let.ri i t «i4 62 feet on th« norta aide of K«>atl nU»«t,icar the corner of Hi*b, together with the ioeiriUfBctu there.>n.8th. A lot on the eoothweat corner of bri in ai4

A n>-hjLfU>n btreeta. fronting 3*5 1-et 1 i iuom »bJ. i Re f-treet and roaning back of that wi ivk oaWH*hinaU-n street (9 feet 1 inche*.Th kt'OTc lot- are Terr ralubbe and e'ig.blr leK>-d*l f aie «fil worth the attention of bptWu<taAfter the eafc of the G^rr Uiwn property W*

»ill i-.if-o «ril. bp virtue or the «anae »utuor.tr. ftii all farm aituat~d near TenfcllyV>wn, b«twe*n theAV«imio«t«r roa<l and tb« Ruekvitl* tarn pike. conainii s abr.at 4j acre* of land, iu. proved by dwelll*. tarn, tkbie. kc bale of tl»e (arm vni tau»laee atS o'clock in th« afternoon.Ter«u* of sale: Om foftrtkeah; re«idu# i a etuelArmenia of 4, 13 and Id month*, with in rr**t fromlay ef »alr. f>*r which the bond* of the purckater»i'h arproved eerwnty will be tahea.It the terma are not complied with fa fire direhe property will be reeold at riek and coet of the

>u re hater.All cotiTeynncins at the eoet of tht tar*u»r.Fale will eommeDce at the lot on Water »*rM

iud W adjourned frem lot to lot till all are aoU.I M. LIN TiilC C M,J NO. L E IDW ALL,UKO W. BK ALL.

- H. L. OFfUTT,mar 11 eoA.d>- CHAS. A. TCKHT.1>HI*9 PAT»NT OOAL OIL AND OAlr Nursery and Oookia* Lamp« ean now be eeea ia

peratien at H. Barley's Lamp aad Ooal Oil Store.>76 7th rtreet. opposite the Port Ofloe T*«eizupe are worthy the attention of hoiuitala f*m

iin, barb* ra. soldier* and bachelor* Th»>y wfi rUHe and can b* ob roar tabic, and ar*qvaluable for th« siok room. C*al lh! Until.?himney* Wick for aale wboloanl* and rel*ll 4 7 *»thatrret.H. BAYLBY k COA BOT ytnwd. '

n»r U-lw*IU8T BBCBITKD.A lar«« rtook of Malv«*' Thread and Yaior.ei«nnc (%llara an-1 8-t« W-.and Embroiderod lfandkM-obiefr, Infant &/>b»a a»4Vainte Thread and Pu«ber Laoe Teii. AJ-».a.Rjtiiinont atock of lleadtfroM^a a&J Pancyu-n aa bttol JM and Tortciao Mb«Il P.an Btrr«|»- ana boitCla*p«. For*«uii-i.&ai»s. P%na, A ,hich will b«» aold allow pri«««. A <-%!; i«illy Kolicitod. WM. H EUUKRtf,mtrq.li " ...- - 'j i . m»i \»i " P *

L^WR HLK-Tk» bMt toor borM ' RHi" far asutler in the army. Inquire of G. J. N 4HM.P>. averoe m»r T M

yonCK or REMOVAL UP STA1R8Tb«» 1%.'.»*« »r;d public ar»* rfxp««et<ui;r infbcaaa*

the i'Ht4»Mi»h:'irul *o m»li kuo»c a*lilBBd HAIR STORJt.ill in futar* be timed oo t*p Rtatr« in tf»» «»

n'.dirjt. *b»r» i full tM/irtiiwftt of , 'i«fgn, Braids, Curl«, Vn^o. Ban l»»au*. Ac., w»il fcel^fcysou hand or made to order at th# K5*erV«^otice.Alhif, fine Perfumery, Extrart»,Co:r.*M, HrweHea.oiJet Mirror*, 8oap«, Dentifrice*, JoMpb UH«arina Cciofiuo ai.vl Tailel Article* c-uer^lir.

K OIBN.'-'45 Prim. m#u», T»^"Hair worM iut*> UMai^aU, It i4.ri4.ll,4c. !« Si

> V.LROirKRIKS 1I> K M HHOlVkJLl *w '

nnvr in etoreva&4 wi I witH wt %ojIvtww on rid prirw, the followiac * <>< tf*


f»: I, yI.KXT |D1«U kadsiact*M'AM' ItrMKK-n.! R0H*8.

; N 1 »:u \ , s A^ cli fc'V*" iia> >I*B

rU1\.V^Vrf"' to/,fc af -1I,IR8* PMiKRttAtt«*M,r.« * * i " BiXirI*- M.rK^t >PAC*, ;ar4fr 4t,n.- Hi«« .»

' 1 1vt»r. 1 *U> «, 1 Vj -t»

Lf u L M a:?l

.» I L lift ^

for * »* mvHI brofD Mb}m>. jjM .aU -4 y-ri4« Wr(ti .tr ot. U^fiU Mu<« ,...1 *»7>rw 7f.»r h»«p or

J U SQ1ETB.N M 3ii* T*Ji «u ro4, bet* iW II u4 I rti
