THE LOUISVILLE DAILY DEMOCRAT. UME XXII. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1865. NUMBER t r$m ESS ( A 1U)S. 4^TKL\iS0X & CO, Gtn.. mission Merchants >V\A IAL NOTICES Ayvr\ Cathartic PIILh t«io. 11 Itrontl Mntti M APT ON (flN^liiNMFVP* X II e.r«W« In htiy or li"M or <i |»niin|»tlt etteiicl.sl in i»ti Will alio* Ii'xthI interest on tier* secant, vlilc ' Kv t»»ie. are n r. thom \s * on, i^mi. scent*. »-irl will nnike nil WHOLESALE cry and Commission orclinnts. •*... MM "• « MM OUIHVIL.I..F.. KY. AUK TIIK MOST I'EKFKIT nsallve wjiii h «e lire able to pro- c. or whleh we iliink lias ever I lieeu mailt* by nnylwwly. Their rem have atsinilanlljr alunrn In f community lints- much Uieyrji- rr[ Hie orttlrmry in.illcines in osc. »n<1 pleasant lotakc. |wni't rat In k pmrtert vital n.-ttriii.-. of the bortr. remove the olist ructions of lis ornsns. purify the blood. awl expel disease. Thc.\ pun.-e <Hii I In- foul hnmors which hi-ssl mi.! fro*- distemper, stimulate stticg'-h or ilisorrlertsl nr- *""*" I"** 'heir natnrrl action, and Inipnrt a healthy tone with strcnclh lo the whole system. Not only <!• thev rme t iie every .l;<ve..mpliihit of cverylHsly. bnt also fnrmldattle and kMMi discasea. While they produce powerful effects, Ihry ar» al the same time, in diminished d.*n*s, the safest and ts-.t physic that ran Ik- employed lor children. i>ing siit-ir routed they an' pleasant to take; and. twin* purely Veigeintiie, are fns* from any n.k Af harm, tuns ha vi' Issn mad.* which surpass lielief, were I hey not 'iu'h .tailed pt^ltion and to forbid lb* suspicion o? untruth. Ma- ny eminent clergy ni n and physicians have lent their names io certify to Hie pnblir the reliability of our rein. while ..tli.ss have sent its. the aasnruni-e of Un ir oonvlrtlon thm nor rreparation contrlLute laim.ifly to the ,. .*.' ,.f«.ur aflli.-leti. sUtTerlnc Wlonmra. The A rent below named If pleased tofurnlsh gratia onr American .Miii«u.h . coutainiiiK dini -lions fur the use and certificate*, of their t are* of the follow- Jlniln democrat. TERMS OF THK DAILY DEMOCRAT TO T1IE COUNTRY. To onr Country Patron*. Please to register yonr letters containing remit- tances, aa we hold onrsel yea responsible for all losses to as when letters are registered. We are not re- sponsible for losses in the malls, letters are registered. I UllllH'-IIlM i s-^hii, aim mi s^ "r." the dogmatism whirli charmt. i i/..s J«'ri|Hliri K Inn l TOO. MM wstlW H- C ost Iveness. Hi ions I)ni».y. Heart the IV Complaints, Rbenmatism. Headai he arising frowi foul I re CROPPER, PATTON & CO., So. 11, ud II* Fourth timl Loci«\illr. ky.. rodace and Grain Us. CKI'.r «X»NSTANTI.T OX HANP ANH "pared te fill ordr .n -l„ the In and i. I.ard. ns «f""i. heese. Hilt- MMMI KI'Mir. Kbip-Mt«e t'aiiiKsl and Prieil I'ruit- I mi. and < . in. lit « ..|.|» *•»! Whriky. Win.-. I i- r- < "igar- und Tobai ju. Ag-nt. f..r fthulu.'. . elebrausl Ait* in liatri Kand lialf Panels. All k>«nI« eon- it ii'"' I" onr an for -.i'r or t"*H- for tlte. all I >is. a«<-. wbii-h rispilre an evne- Bant nieiln lne. They also, by purifying the blood and atimalating the system, cure many complaints tMkkMM not be snpiioxHl tbeyconld reat h, su. Ii as Is sfn.^-. Partial Hlir.dnem. Neuralgia and j Nervous Iriilablllty, Herangements of the Mver | and Kidneys. <;.-nt. and other kindred complaints ' arising from n low state of the Ualy.or obstruction of Its MMM Ihi not Ih- pi t nfThv nnprlnripleil dealers with other preparations tt hb-h they make more profit on. I>e- man.! Avi k s mid take no others. The hi. k want the beat aid there is for them, and they should have k Prepared by lir.'j. C. Avkb * Co.. taiwell. Mass., and sold by E. W1LIJKR, Ixmisville, Ky.. and by all my*.!* Receiver >iti.Vnt« in KiN.k kis<-ping. Writing. *c.. at anv lino- .,,» „r. I'npils m other sehia.ls a lii lind our. a pli .is..nl and wbleb to s t a.n.l theii va.-.ition. < nil. lia.iu.-. ii •lilt I uf fett lm hi it r «ii>» a.—Ail MM school at For particulars call "Terson and Third J. J. BOTD. rM«t -1 I. M l"r Young Men. it for I>i-r«s.-N of tin l"rl- rntug mid reliable ti and s-Mii,: sys|..||.. s,. nI fr(v , j n scaled en- Addi. ss Dr. J. SKI I, I. IN IIOLUHTON, Association, Fhiladelphia, Pa. » win H.I.K. Tun. irrn.i s. is |\ n. Ferrsn * M. infer, J TlMMIi 1 Oi . V i»in4 Ihm MH H. Mellvain * Bon. Wiggmtoii A Co.. - _Mj tL J.« ««Tt y. H Ii. Kewcotub & Bro . .lames T.-bl, M. W Wiefcs. Ung!, |i _ ... ... i n.. «< K «Mm, A H. l>.-.u. I".': lm* i-uunty. laMiieVlll. . K) >. «J Pt vis. I*te with llaelps. t aldwe'.l & to. TUCK, DAVIS & CO., Clio* i;itr-» a, tii;>x;iiAi^ Commission Kerchiats l,«»t 1st II i i BT. Rkfi HTM » -Ph. Caldwell * Qa niorer * « o ^pratl A Ci . i.... \\ Wi.'k. Ib.nald A Bro 1'siisvilb : MeKe\ii.4ds. Mis...tt..n A «o Nets York ; R W.^I.<-f«e. l lark.silb . Tent.. »el4 tf M. A. PARRiSH | CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION H. W. WILKES, JL m Main xlrrri. norlti side urnr Fourth ItekLte Belt ins. Btltiftf ( loili. (oKoii Warps, aefehM Cards, Hose siihI Packing:. Mill. Factor). Railroad and 01 VFcfl Stipplio of all kinds. ( VRUI\« MACHINES. » \SII » ll.l.J.. TI.NK. w J. L. SHOWER & CO., r Third «t . « itsh imnierniis i.^eien.ss IMMM M*i 4 IwthM. Frrn» h. I < n d < n and Hlffl dtf and Vexing*. ing all Ilie latest novella's of Amirl.an i.ooA>>. CIGARS. TOBACCO AND PIPES. tton. lot « hu h w< . „n ft th r..ii, -b. mt KiutiMky, M ssouri. cvrrai sm. All sl/en, from to M aaws. for hand or power. M riothinf. Bdtin: and Bnltin:-riol!i r.-i .,t., . ,-s giving ftill description and prices sent by mail. H. m >\ i i i. i s j r., HHM 4M Main str.s t. near Voin th. NOTICE. A rlvflrtiiring WagOH. M€ K 9IOORK "It,I.. ON Mi MC'liOLAN l,i;>IOS' J. B. ALEXANDER & CO., B A N K E n ! AY. JCXK IMV. 8TABT AN .g.'ii In th.- eantre. in the vi cinttt of i tie t i:>. Merchants and Mm MrfttM on. of III.' best advert fu-metlt* ru t gotten ML WW leavt Ibelr oi.l. t> at the loama Salts.n. a.t-oiuiiu- tbe iMtMrHh Tfce»«e». Monra'sXdvMtksiiig Wagon III haves l«sl!v ,...t loiig.aiid I" fi^l high, am « ill he rim ilirtmgh Hie cttv and to lb*- . .n>,|.. evert dat thnaigh the tte. k. Meicbantsa'id otb. is wisli plain i ugi.ii. rorte ill b i hk-fc ,Sh.S-t |K liib II I- on It,. of the 11 ilinuediately as ala.ve -tabsl. My* MJWkFrM Sr«tiee to I>rovc k r». M*. 17 Wlllla i alfsr-et. Hew York. fOV KRVKIA'T SU CK I T I Vs. ' I HiiNirs and <»<»!. I> Issigbl and r inission < 4 ,||.s tmn- mad. on all a.ts .s-nili ales i -sii.hI if desired. Ks. i on, .'Mils at Law, WASHINGTON, 1>. OL B BtM.i-. mrmt of I 1 1 I. si revt. »flBKRTJ. BRKNT OF HAI.TIM'iHK. > nd Richard T. Merruk. of < In. -ago. I si a rsssamirrsliip^and will (>r». 1 1. . I^»v> n .l -i'lnr t .sill Of Lk. iaini-. and the v. niuuibis. and attend 'ore tin- Departnit TH V. I'NDKRSK : NKH KK- fx-etiullv Informs bis friend*' HafiUaCBMfgk drlv rs to this rket that In- is |,i. |tarod at Hons.. st.« k Vard. In furnish iii<slata.iu-l..a:i ttho M li. uatmn. He has iil.nndant | grimnds. immediMlelv ii.lji.luiug the cllv. tvitbin us half Bille Alive nf the st«ck pens. The pens an- vituat.st in tbe cnttal part of the stock market, and ais- well Moons! , «s.v.-re>l and sup|.||.sl with hy- drant water in every pen, and a No. I Vairliauk « ale fin Meiithmg M<M-k. Hi.s fat ililit-» are unsur passts! ant « bit... 'liiaiikfiil for I he many yeoMI patrmisge be ha. hen totoiv enjo} tsl. he bnis-s for a "out nam of the uaic a,, rjenrteo II F. VIssMAN. l'Jct'f ion IVotice. •Hit afla. »n t'ounly: il l. ME AN RUKTfOIl HI1.HA1 in.g pr. i in. is in sittd tsiinity and eitt . iv of August, las.., fur a Cn. iiit Conn sew nib Jii.ll.al liistrl.i. in the place Miiir. re.igu.sl; also, for a Judge o! Ap|» al-. in the Thir l Ap|»'llate pis. .f tin j oil tile Tib MdjBF, l-r of Hon. r. >-t. In fa 1 thi >n. Joshua F. Hit. lilt IT' t -on < ourt of « 'o i :. it in . of Keii ih ; and al-... for J union Pleas, cn-ated by th. tin ky, W. A. RflNAI.O. S. J.C iasi l^.gtsl. _jv I" sA'dl' INTELLKiKM E AND DL S. ( LA1.M -A. O 313 3\T T . ••TOfrice near eornerTliird and Main «ire":*. north side Man.. ii| stair-, over llroker'a Ofliis., ad- Joiulnc Hank of Kentucky. / «Ain. It r. WAVNK. I.ATK <JI"A KTVKM AS s i. r m th. f s. Armv.hasois lied uiiflin In th. ft all 111.-, te III. n-i ib. n « ..lleeli •r tin I ills. Optician. KPHKRK BRAZILIAN ItBIJ'sPKi r.\< U£B.whhh will be sclen aoluiatl hr htm aioae to the iinpaJretl and ves A brlUlIU i nrfaec' of Micruaf OJiM, as, Surveyors' footpaces, Translu. Mathe- Insiniment-, Tbeimnnteters. iWr .m. lers. •Mtm, FM<I and f>|» ra i.iaaaes. Artlhclal rM laorrted aitbotit pain %fMMteaJ I uslrumeuu A full asscrtment To ( iMtrai tors and Builders. gaTtljni Pl'.'ipiis Al.s Mjm TIIK VARlOl of a NKW - ti. i| ||i n s..\ enteenth and lluntmli - by the undorsiKtnfl. „t the Bro.. an bll. t-. Main str.-et. -sin r. K, on thr th. of the III he recelve.1 ltl<s' of Brad-haw * ..hove Thltd ntitil I: ...on tin ad day of August Plans and specltli 'l"v nam"'l "r"| k i" 1 ^ """"j"' l llos. SHANKS. H MnXUOF ITIatd aabMng Committee. B T. P. Eclipse Fast Freight Line. Thi A F.XI'KKM* COHPANT.') illx. Jane n. las}. / pREIfiH SDRGEON tfffg^ DENTIST. 1KB. Ageou . Acting Agent, aloor a tbo .e s tile. By. -KLDSB D. T HENDKRUON I> iMrhaun. Dr. Neat. .aT Hew _j * Bennett. Dr. Brady. Capt. M. I K Hays and layout 4t Bro. vejr Jm BURR H. .ttornc TRIPLETT. Hi.sTi'i'anr. I. n "t "f lln I-.. Ii|is/ Vi-- Ki.'igbt I. tin- .... Bmadwav. west of the {xiuisvllle and Nashvillt depot ttbeie r.-i-etpt- i.« u.u-uloi it. No tick eta are renolred. Freight lo No.Bsllle ft| psr Hundred. D. W. C. ROWLAJ PHIL nCeiTON. Ice! Ice! The mnmrnaumcp having a larof atot k o' pure Ohio river Ice. eijoal in quality to any Lake I. u and thankful to the citlK-ns lor past favor- ti- tin- line, would solicit tbeir patronage, a* our price will he uni urm throughout the season a* heretofore, and not advance the price lu tbe middlt -r a.- some of the parties engaged in this are in the habit ot doing. Orders left at Collins' office, on Third street, near Jerfer ill be promptly attended to. m mi I M|»tBrtnerBlaip« THK ' OPAKTNKRsHIP HKRETOFOHV KX 1 ming t>et» ei-o the uadervlgned, under tin stvle or IC«H»:.V d V<»l"N -'..- :. i.- i I by mu- tual etaoaeitl. Ail pvnjona hat ltuc claims "yf'' said Drm wtl! present thesuiueat their nfli. .-. corner Of Fifth and Green rtri. o f.ftr luimedlate payment : and ti.saes iudebttsl will uuke payui.-nt u<- early aa 5s* LonsviLt-v. July l»t. 1S65. oi Bum ui'-i . ae i* boaineoa are in Mr John Collin •OB. No. MV will AL'CJl'ST EI.E1TION. ROBERT MALLORY, or oi I'M .H JAMES H. (JARRARD, OF < LAV CofNTT. rulit iniElec- First DiMrict Sotsintl Di-itrict .. Third District Kotirth 1'istrict .. Fifth District Sixih District s.'v»-nth District F.iR-hth District ... Ninth District.... ....Hon. L. S. Trimble. . -Hon. II. a Ritter. ....Mon. ll»nry firider. ...Hon. A. Harding. ...Hon. Koh'tMitllory. ....Hon. A. H. Ward. ...Hun. <J.S..Shnnklin. ...(ion. T. T. Garrard. ...Col. J. Smith Jlurtt. K fO* ML c. OHMMftay, mm of iho <>st MBMMMt NMBftflM South, is BOM MMMMMMaMg liimsflf to the powors that in the must Mataettra way. He is a I msi njr tho iKiiimratifl parly. Hi snv- lin y itdopttsl tha ri soliitiuiisui 17!^, whi< li im-ati Kt^-ssioii. Su tin- old Federalists said at that time, lint Jnmes Madison said ulli'Twisf. He wrote the n 'solutions, hut never hold the right of si-eessinn. \',nl < ialluway is MT.v indignant at the Demo- cratic party for misleading him, the Gallo- way aforesaid. Uedespises such a party. That is capital. He will fret a pardon; no danger of him. If he w ill jiersevere in abusing the Democratic jmrty, he may liet an olliee or two, in jitldit ion to a par- don. It show s that some nWi are inge- niouK, and know just how to get along ami wrigjfle out of it bad scrape. Grant his right of s.vession, and that his ( unfederacj- w as an independent Gov- ernment. The remaining States were also an independent Government, and had a right to iiink. ar« on the oilier indejieiid- ent Government and conquer it. Then ihis independent Government has to sub- mit lo lip' will uf the eonipteror, and come bnek again w here it was bMMMt| as a con- lit ion of peace. Such is the end of the liM-iritie of si ssion. It is of no pMMttoBl is... se.sede, if you can, is the tlottrine. If you haveilie power, you MM maintain the right : otherwise, you w ill Ih' contpier- sl. and must rets«le to w here you ststnled from. CtmBow iv A C..., however, didn't imdl |.f.i(s.ab|y. They ls.gan by jicts of war MMM the Hatted States. They did not de- pend on the riirht of BBtMBafon, but on the sword. BM it is nut worth while to rspljr to Galloway. It is not logic he deals in, hut policy, and we itiminend his skill, lie can save his utvk and win honors, ami, perhaps", rewards, if he will just n'msc sound! y the Democratic party. You are on the right track. Galloway, for your own comftirt and safely. ftvST'We xepublish this morning again the law ot i 'ongiess fbrbiddiaaj Uw inter- tor. nee a ith . lections hy the miliiiity. Ii is not lawltil to have soldiers at the pills, unless it lie necessary to repel the armed . in iiiios of the Tinted Slates, or to keep peace at the polls. There are now no anand enemies ( ,j the Uattad states, so that that pretext fee soltliers at the p.lls cannot Is. set up. It is not necessary Is keep |>ea.v at any ]s»lls in this State, as every one knows. A man cannot even get up a pretense of such in-cossity. The penally of transgressing this law is plain and none t.><> heavy. Of course the law lea:-* not allow an ollicer to assume a ne- is-ssit v to repel an armed enemy, or to keep peats' at the pills, and allow his own unfounded assumption to lie pleaded to xenipt him from the p-nalty. I>>t every brawn M* talis law be carefully noted, and -is- that the j in ail' is ample. There is BO limitation f> the law. Time does not ex- empt Ihe guilty from the aaaaltjr. The autJioritics of the 1'nitisl States ha\ e no right to interfere in any way for any r -ason in a Stttte election; but take the 1 1 w as it stands, and see that it is execut- ed, and there MM lx« no interference with impunity. *-»~In General Rousseau's sin-ecri at Sh. Ibyville he grows more indignant at Malloryand Harding, liecatise they didn't vole lor the appropriation bill and the lis. i iption bill, lie did not feel how- sinful these acts were two years ago. He /.•al. msly supported these men, notwith- standing these acts. Not only so, both the organs who now s«>o these acts af Harding and Mallory in new lights, zeal- ously supported them, knowing these sinful ads. Pettcr not - ipport sin h a party. Two years hence they may con- demn you for 8up|n>rting them this year. Tii'-y are a most uncertain set of men. There is no telling what will be right or wrong with them at the next change of the moon. I/ot it lie l>orne in mind that they belong to the Republican party, and get their in- spiration from it. Whatever party dic- tates they will do. They make them- selves ]><trficri>if crimtni-i for all the sins of party. What they will do, they don't know themselves. Their party in t'on- •-•ri'ss and in the free States furnish them their creed, which they will accept, and they will denounce till that oppose, no matter w hat is projxised. If we wish to know where they are going, ask Wendell Fhillips, Lloyd Garrison cV Co. THK BP I i. 1 > patronaci I render hli Notice. WII.I. BK A Mill endeavor Ui ouasif worUi) uf Uie tuie in the future. y. i.. J4UOJJV, I6ir The Iiouisvillo Journal repeats every day that we got oft* the train. The editor got off the same train, and railed at it vigorously. Four-tilths of his party then have got off; for they saw, as we did, that the train was running into the Abo- lition camp. But the Ixniisville Journal man, after railing at the engineers of the train and t illing them to come buck, at last took to his heels to catch up w ith it again. He has been trying to make him- self useful, and begging a passage ever since the Presidential election. The old conductors in this State seem rather re- luctant to take him on at all; but they will, perhaps, consent after a while, and stop a little while ut the next station, if he continues to make progress as he has done of late. Ho must, how ever, go for negro suffrage, and the equality of the nt- gro before the. law, or he will not get up iu time. 'ttaVBut adopt the amendment, and we shall be as free as the blacks themselves. [Liouisvillo Journal. Thm a white man will be as good aa a utsiro. U hu behavee himself. B*TV„Iii tlit Journal of Tuesday there is the repirt of a s|>eech made by General Frank Rlair at Lexington. It ismodestly and dilhdently liegun,and lacks through- out our _ or. While he confesses that he is not la- anttat with the debate in ipiestion, hi.s mind having MmB lately given entirely to ipiestions solvtsl l>y the sword, hp <«oes discuss with some plausibilitv, to the careless reader at least, the:subjects Nftn KentucUy. Me says: My friends, the topic which now en- uages jrOUf attention lias been eloipiently disciissisl by the gentleniiin who has pre- coded me. It is.whetheror not Kentucky will adotit thoConstitutional Amendment giving freedom to every human Is-ing upon lh<> continent of Ameri or at lenst that part of the continent which is swayed and governed by the United States of America. I sav thatit does not dep-nd upon what Keiitnckv will do; I MrJ that the tint has already gone forth, and wheth- er the people of Kent tick v will consent or not, it is fixed. It lsbevond thcireontrol : it is. faced. With due respect to General Rlair's opinion, whether the tint has gone forth or not, or where it went to, the ipiestion of the Constitutional amendment is v>t set- tled. It requires two or three more States to pass it, one of which Kentucky ought not to be. F.ven the petty pro-consular provinces, calhsl by courtesy Southern States, have not yet passed it, nor have they been acknowledged by Congress as Stales, ami probably will not lie while capital and ofliisys are plentiful, by keep- ing them in a "pupilary" condition. Still, if it is no difference; if the State is robbed of its guaranteed rights by those who have no sympathy or interest in it, we can not see why the people should in- dorse it. It is like a fellow who has stolen your horse coming to you and telling you that, as it is utterly impossible for you ever to recover the animal, as it sort of compromise to give him a bill of stile of it. Whenever Kentucky is ready to ap- prove that appropriation of portable pro|ierty, vulgarly called th-ft, she will vote for the Constitutional amendment, and not till then. He tells us that the proclamation of January, lsiii*,, frfs-ing the blacks, is con- ceded to be law in the Southern Stan's; that General Breckinridge had in North Carolina patastNUMad it to Ik> law, and professed his entire willingness to defend its legality before the Supreme Court. When the General gets before that court, he will have i|iiit(> enough to do without going out of his path to advocate a meas- ure condemned by the State and Consti- tution he deserted. But, recognizing his opinion as worth something from his ability, we do not sis? why Kentucky should lie inllueiiccd by it. Kentucky and General Breckinridge have disagreed before now . The hocus-pocus mode of bringing Slates into the Union is hardly worth discussing, except for Gen. Blair's statement that there are some who advo- cate that tho seeisled States will not Is- admitted into (lie Union until the amend- ment i* adopted. It is the bulk and rel- ume of his party that hold the opinion that they should not be. It is your purse or your life policy— give up your domes- tic institutions, or I will take all yon have. The General says it is claimed that the action of the Inst Legislature, in rej.fling the amendment, is binding on the State, and proceeds to argue, with some dema- goguery, that it ought not to Ih-. Hut, as (ioucral Itlalr ami his par- ty will not ha satisfied until it is trainphsl into the mini, the people of Kentucky will gratify them next August. It is to lie remarked that General Itlair docs not deny the truth of the assertion that the amendment, once rejected, ks al- ways rejected) bnt argues around it. ib- is too good n soldier to attack such a po- sition. He llally and pluinply denies the posi- tion taken by the Kentucky radicals that no one seriously thinks of granting the right of suffrage to the blacks. He says tln re are some who intend to enforce ne- gro suffrage upon the Southern States, and thinks that we are playing into their hands. How do we know? General Blair tells us to adopt the Constitutional amend- ment liecatise, whether wedo or not, some other States will pass it over our heads ; how do we know bill what he will come to us again next year and tell us to vote for negro suffrage, because, if we don't, sonic one else will pass it over our heads? We don't intend to betters the Repub- licans; to allow the Grecian horse within our walls, or trust the Greeks, even liear- ing gilts, in the hands of General I (lair. The |>eroratioii and rebuke of those who are for harsh measures towards a brave aad fallen foe, is noble and soldier- like. While disagreeing with General atf on other questions, we can but think of him among the jxiliticians as a stream riinningdevilish crooked, through arid and sandy soil, but whose source is pare, and some day, when it is passed out of the rubbish, it w ill acquire new depth and clearness in some pleasant land, called, iMipularly, the National De- mocracy. ft£~It should be remembered that when the bill requesting that white soldiers should lie substituted for black in this State to enforce martial law, the radicals in the liegislature either dodged it or voted against it. It should be borne in mind that their action was defended by the Journal, anil this expression of the general wish of the jieople charged as a party trick. That paper, the other day, charged that some negroes were defrauding employers by refusing to fulfill engagements to work and obtaining full wages by threat- ening employers with General Palmer, and, in effect, martial law. This is but one of the consequences of that martial law. Kstablish civil law, and it would M over at once. Negroes who violate the law—who are guilty of outrages and pilfering—cannot be punished by the civil authorities in this city. They are not held as amenable to it. Consequently, many outrages go unpunished. The cause is the resistance te the adopt iou of that measure. Some are disposed to Is? severe on Pres- ident Johnson for not putting white sol- diers instead of black in this State— for not removing the incubus of martial law; but whenthere isa large purtyin the State which advocates maintaining tho pres- ent condition of things, that party is more to blame than President Johnson. He ought to have taken the vote of the Leg- islature for the will of the State, but when he is told by those in the State that the Legislature did not projH»rly represent the feeling of the people, let us not be too harsh with him. The only remedy possi- ble is by defeating that party at the polls, and we are sure it will be done, and well done. Ifi^-The Louisville Journal now insists that British gold was used, and that was proved ; that there were carpet-bags about, Tbe editor forgot about the Pope and foreign hordes. He does not let us know whether this, tho most awlul of dungers, Is yet goue. lie bUU the evilsof squatter sovereignty. He does not still see the folly or sin of his aid to snecsfsioii in Wti, He still says that Wickliffe, Harney .V. Co. were with the reU ls in 1SU3. Why does he not get Jacob Y. Johnson to write another letter ex- pounding the whole matter? It would be a go<sl time now for startling develop- ments. We insist that we hear from Jacob, or from some of his heirs or as- signs. Ix«t them come forth; the Journal Heeds them. fkjryThen what means all Ihe nonsense put forth by the anti-amendment dema- gognesand newspapers, that, irthe amend- ment Is- adopted, we may soon expect to s«H. the niggers frequenting our parlors and marrying our sisters and daughters! [Louisville Journal. We don't know any anti-amendment demagogues, if the editor of the Journal knows any one who litis said this, let him publish it with the author's name. We have not seen any statement of tho sort, except in the sn.-ers of such pajH-rs as the Journal. The doctrine preached by the Journal's party, however, might lead to even that. IForthe Louisville iK-ntorrat.] Li:i!vnon, Kv., July in, IHfVi. At a convention of the Conservative Ilemiwracy of the Nineteenth Senatorial District, consisting of the counties of Washington, Marion, and Tavlor. held at Lebanon on the Ma day of July, is.t->, tot Ihe purpose of nominating a suitable per- son lo represent said district in the Senate of Kentucky forthe next term, each coun- ty being represented by its delegates- Oil motion, .1. P. P.arlauir was called to the chair, and M. G. Gorin appiintcd sec- retary. <>n motion of A. J. Gowdy, the follow- ing persons were apisi'inted a BOnittltttee to rejsirt upon tbe ratio of representation, and to determine the numlicr of votes each county would Ik< entithsl to in said convention", viz: A.J. Gowdy, J, H. Brown, and John Kobbards; and," alter a short al.seiice, said committee made the follow- ing report : "That in oaaHag the ruin for candidates in nomination, each county shall cast one vote for each one hundred voters and fractions over tidy in said counties, which will give to the county of Washington eighteen votes; to the county of Marion seventeen votes, and to the county of Taylor thirteen votes." On motion, said re|H.rtw:isunaniinousrr Bperored. The chair then announced that nomina- tions were in order, WMMfMBaa R. T. Mitchell, Esq., nominated the Hun. R. .1. Bran n. of Washington, as a candidate fur the Senate from this district, and J. K. Cowherd, Ksq.. nominated the Hon. Jos. II. Chandler, of Taylor, as a candidate for said otlie.'. and no MMM nominations being made, the vote was taken on said nominations When the Hon. R. J. I'.rown received lb votes, la ingtheentire vote of Washington county, and the Hon. Joseph H. Chandler received Ki votes, la dug the entire vote of Marion and Tavlor counties, which, giv- ing Mr. Chandler a majority of 12 votes, he was announced the nominee of the con- vention, On motion of J. G. Phillqis, of Marion, the nomination was then declared unani- mous, and the delegates pledgisl thcin- sol\ i s tu the support of the nominee. on motion of Mr. Cowherd, of Tavlor, T. K. Cowherd, J. ti. Phillips and It. C Palmer were paolated a coininiu.s. to inform Mr. Chandler of his nomination and conduct him to the stand; whereupon Mr. Chandler delivensl a uacefttl and appropriate address, thanking the con- vention for the nomination, and pledging himself to exert his hfMrf ability in furthcr- ani-e of the priie iples of tho pari v. During the sitting of the convention tbe lion. c. c. Hill delivensl an ehspient and characteristic speech to the convention. on motion, the pfrornedtna of this i-on- \ cut ion were directisl to la? sent to the Louisville liomocrat for publication. and then the convention adjourned. J. P. BlBMWIS, Chairman. W. (i. Gorin, Sec y. aaWohn s. ChntpbeU, Kaa^ an old and very highlv esteented citizen of Kansas City, died in that piaBS OB the llth inst. lie was born in Kentucky, and came to Missouri forty years asro. In ls}:j in married a daughter of Colonel Jns. 11. M.-Kee, who was the tirst or about the first settler in what is now Kansas City. Mr. CampUdl early became identifnsl with the interests of the latter, and has Is en one of its most useful citizens. [Missouri Ileuiocrat. Pa?* Gov. Sharkey, of Mississippi, has issued ;i proclamation orderiugan election |0 lm held on Monday, August 7, for dele- gates to it State Conv ention, for the pur- pose of alteringor amending the Constitu- tion so that the State may Ik- able to re- sume its Bnun in the Union— said Con- vention to assemble in the city of Jackson on Monday, August II. Cotton Iku.i-s.— A large cotton hall, al- most ready to burst, was handed us yes- terday by Mr. James Ik'rry, who pick- ed it from a field upon his plantation near Mound City, Ark. The cotton in that vicinity, and, in fact, through all eastern Arkanas, as near as we can learn, is in tine condition, and hopes are enter- tained of a large vield to the acre upon the amount planted. [Moat Argus, Nth, A. Harris, a noted rebel ..f Missouri, was lately captured in Flori- da, and is now in prison at Washington. ib was.* aaaaaaraf the chub. Jackson county, be- of the rels?l Congress, an.) then devoted hiniselfto de- stroying Northern property by infernal machines. BSLThe Memphis Bulletin of the 16th inst. says all monetary restrictions on trade are revoked, and the Provost Mar- shal is to call on the city for any moneys due the military from Memphis. When we reflect that there ain't any money in the City Treasury, we can't help think- ing that the military will haven good time getting money from it. BrtfOne of the features of the Sher- man serenade in St. Louis was the tiring of cannon, by which a large amount of damage was done, in the vicinity of the tiring, to windows, plastering and glass- ware generally. Many people left their houses for fear they would tumble down over their heads. The city will ht held responsible for the damage. 8&-Tho Oregonians are getting excited over the discovery of new gold diggin's, reputed to be the richest and most exten- sive ever found in the northern country. The new district is situated in the c ur d'Alene Mountains. Lot* of big strikes have lieen made— in one case *7,0tX) from •Six) pounds of rock. Tarn Crops.— We have the lx>st reports from all portions of West Tennessee. The crops arelookingexcseedinglv well. W heat and oatM afford a fair yield, but the <-ot- ton crop is particulary line. It is to be lamented that the deticlency of labor pre- vented all the land from being tilled. [Memphis bulletin. in HanV i. Ritter < andidiiteM for < ougress i lenburfc ( iiiuii,t--iii ssrs and Y cam an-- t'ol. H. P. love Tor the Ntntr Senate -The People ngiMiist thr Amendment. [Correspondence of the teMMflM Democrat.' Obkkxvii.lk, Ky., July 17, Is.,.".. Mew*. Kilitor*: We, the common peo- ple of this county, have generally made up our minds as to our duty at the polls in August. The sims-cIic* of the radicals, no less than those of the conservatives, have hel|»ed us to our conclusions. The same may be said of the effect of radical papers. We are opposed to the proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the United State*, and no outside pre-esiire, aaMMl speeches, ultra newspaper articles, threats, censures, denunciation as rels-N, or other |>otitical clap-trap detnstgogtH'ry, can change us. If you have any editors who feitr "incipient rebellions." or any w ho are more "at home'' in o/»it<(rir.i and l*j»k- •form Hum in editorials, tell them that they have "run their course" in this county. If you have any broken-down military men in your city, who want to lie doing something, tell them not to is.me here. They had lietter save their wind; they will need It after the election. Our minds an- settled, hut we are not Medhl- diced. We formed our opinions in the broad light of facts, with the full sin t,.-di of the argument on lsith sides 1* fore us. We have Iss-n addressed by Mr. Rhtet and Judge Yeaman, candidates for Con- gress, and by Co|. S. P. Live and Capt. I ». P. Johnson, candidates for the Senate. Yeaman and Johnson, unfortunate anas, show.-d us the rocks upon which thev were wns'ked. It was fortunate for lis they did, for it made us more careful to avoid the same fate. Mr. RMMr SBTMM Judge Yeaman's record l**forethe ptsiple and lighted up everv letter of it with truth, genius, aad eloquence, so that a child could have read it. We heard Yea- man confess thiit ha had haaMaa aa Ab- olitionist aad dear that tie is for aajra MasjpTfjf. We doubted the sinceritv of "his denial, and thought that, at the rate at which he had changed in the last two years, he could lie as MMBaj MB MM rv/M'r/>/i/ as Wendell Phillips beture the meeting of the next Congress. The old friends and supporters of Yea- man in this comity have h**t contidcin-e in his mtejjritv. The AboHtionhte hare raised the old'ery of "rrbrl" and " ./ <•/ \>/^H(Htttlizr>•' , against thieve who oppose them. They think to catch the unw ary by this. Itistoolate. Here is Col. Live, fr'esh from the battle-field, and the-laivs" who were with him, to give the BBteMSch falsehoods. Hy the way. Col. L.vc made ns a good sjieech. and we will send him to the Senate hy a thousand majority. Kest assured that Muhlenberg will give a handsome majority against the candi- dates who favor t lie amend i record her opposition to the ihxsl of radi- cal innovations which is now sweeping over the puritv of our poiltiea] fabric, and seems destined to carry away, iu a few years, the last vestige of civil lilierty and Ihe rights of freemen on this continent. If we can check the tide now, we can make it fad its level in 'Us, which is the isittom of perdition. We must stand firm. u Vktiritmtwimtmuu n The custom- ary way is the safe one; the lieaten p ith [C'orreMniHlene, of tho LontsTlll, Democrat.; Mivnw.ii, Kv., July 17, lstii. 31 \ CoJIMosrWEAI.TH OF KeXTTVKT. Ext ^ ITlVB DBTJaBTMBCT, July I'J, la**. 9 lion of abundant harvest. \, we had copious show* much needed and which have contributed largely in brighten in- tbe pr.sp.-ts of the planters in this region. The LmUville Is ni - -rat is in great de- mand here. It is nioro sought for and read than any other »niper that finds its way into this section of th.. st;it... s-rs. I.. S. Trimble and C. D. Pradly came up from Paducah to-day to till their apppoiutments at this place. Upon their arrival they found the big gun of the faithful in a horn Laetea M. An- derson, who has misrepresented Ins con- st itueucv in the last two fterwion* of Con- grt-KM, endeavoring to make a speech to a very limited nnmla-r, who were here to attend County Court. Poring the |, t st Presidential contest this man \ndersnn made a spst'h in this place, in whicfc he told the people that they should not have a d—d |H>und of salt if thev did not vote for Lincoln. Thank "iod, Anderson p, at hist fil'ti/rtl ""i. Salt won't save him ; he I could not Is* elected by the_pcople of this j district as shepherd tsiv. The discussion between Messrs. Trimble and P.radlv to- I day brought out a verv large auditme. Judge Trimble took the lead in a -|s e, |, of tine hour. The Judge is an eloquent i and logical speaker; his arguments in ft»- vor of the Constitution as it is and - he I laws As thev are were listened to with j profound attention ; his allusions to free' sfHsncn, a free prens and a free |s"uple were in ins happiest style, and lield the vast assemblage spell-lsMind, and his denun- ciations or the efforts to patih m> the Con- stitution of the United States in the new- fangled amendments, were received w ilh unmistakable manifestations of approval by the |«-op|e present. Judge Bradly. in reply to Judge TrimMe, tritsl to cnnviine the people of the "Old First" that to vole for the amendment was the only thing that could save them and the counlrv, but signally Mated. Judge Trimble raaa- pletely demolished his opponent, showing the people that his /'((•'.-. were fallacies, his reasoning moonshine, and his conclusions all fog. 'Hie fact is. this district will roll up an overwhelming majority at the Au- gust election for the is.nservative Union for Congress aud the L'gisla- Yo nty of the elective" franchise cart > reserve. I* by a faithful enforcv- the laws ture, tours. lib Ks. '*« ' Thep, only te* incut of Kin- their enforn held responsible. F.verv free- w hite male citizen, twenty- one years of ago, who tuts n-sated in Ken- tucky two years, and whose residence ban been in the district where he offers to vote* for -ixtv days next preceding the election - and each white mate citizen who, not hav- ing two years' residence ia the State, but has resided one year in the county, and sixty days in the precinct where he often* to vote, next precedina the election, isen- 1 to fte: pro-, id.- 1 he ha-s not •*.Tpat- nated himself and lost tbe elective fran- his.- by inning within the pro\ tsions of the following art: < M APTKB su». As Act to amend chapter U> of the Row vtesd Statutes, entitled "Citawns, La- patri itioii, and Aliens." See. 1. lie ,( . »<trf,;l l„, Ih, (irmTll A+- ... .»/,/./ nf th.- t ;,mif-»ir~t/th of KfT**trk*, That any citisea of this State who snail enter into the service of tlte so-called Con- federate States, in either a civil or mili- tary capacity, or into the service of the so- called Provisional irovemment of Ken- tucky, in either a > ivil or military c-a|M*c- itv, or having heretofore entered such vrrhf of either the Confederate mates or Provisional Government, shall continue in such service after thin act takes effect, or shall take up or continue in arms*, again-! the military for.-. - 'he I t«I State- or the State 'of Kentucky, or shall give voluntary aid and assistance to> those in arms against said forces, ste.il on deemed to have expatriated b**»»"elf. sikI shall no longer l*e a citiasa of Kentucky; nor shall he again I- » citisen, except bjr permission of th- I>*gislature, by a gen- eral or ipt» i»l statute. Sec. X That whenever a person at- tempts, or is calltsl on. to exercise any <f the constitutional or legal rights ant I privileges belonging only to citizens of Kentucky, he may be required to nega- tive, on bath, tbe "expatriation provided in the tirst section of this act; and upon his failure or refusal to do so, shall not Is* .ermitted to exercise any such right or privilege. ha I This act to be of force hi thirty lays from and alter its passage. All jiersons ehallenged as .timing with- in the provisions of this law, should hs) required to take the following istth. pre- scribed by my predet-eenor, aud which is> in conformity with tbe law: OATH. one. Keep it in view. |fsrr*Tiie Canadian Delegates to the De- Iroit Commercial Convention havcextend- ed their visit to St. Louis. They express themselves delighted with their reception, and predict the growth of more kindly feelings between the citizens of the United SUtes and Canada. •mTA mule, dray and a bale of cotton wont over the bluff at Memphis in a pile on Saturday last. The mule was alivo and kicking at last accounts. SriT-A 11,200 horse, that can go his mile in three minutes in harness, is to be raffl- ed off in Memphis on Saturday—sixty chances at $20. Mjr-W. H. Lindsay, Esq., Adams Ex- press Company messenger, has our thanks for favors. Im7*Two thousand bales of cotton ar- rived at New Orleans oil the llth in«t. T-iT-On Saturday night, a week ago, a ball was given iu lirownsville, Texas, by the ftsleral officers, whether or not iii honor of the staff olliis*rs of Cortinas we don't know; but such officers were prom- inently in attendance at the ball. X<> liquor was allowed, but all, notwith- standing, got decidedly mellow. One of Cortinas' otlii^rs, richly attired, but with- out his coat, not liking the stvle of rub and figure work, as .something better adapted to his taste, requested a sctiorita not to dance w ith the lankeos. This fad laying made known to the officers of negro regiments, one of them drew a pistol, and with it knocked Cortinas' chief stall officer entirely off his pins. .\ general muss came very near ensuing, but ended in loud and long-drawn curses, without further demonstrations of a knts k-dow n character. Whether tbe knoHthag down of Cortinas' chief of staff in the hoMM ti friends will affect .-ertain stealing trans- actions along the Bio Grande remains to Is? seen. Not OaaiBsSi.A correspondent at Soinerville, Favette county, informs us thai affairs in that county M county are still verv Baaritlai. The aid secession spirit issiil! alive and has not sense enough to ac- quiesce in inevitable destinv. On the 4th of July, two citizens, named Walker and Amis, raised a national flag on the court- house, but a party of paroled rete-l sol- diers tore it down and destroyed it. This act was acquiesced in by the citizens of Soinerville generally, and since that many have said that they didn't intend that a Hag should Is? "raised in Soinerville. While affairs are in this condition, the great batty of the people have taken neither the oath of allegiance nor the am- nesty oath, and say they will not take either even to save their property from confiscation. We are inclined to betters that this picture is overdrawn, and that Soinerville w ill come to her senses despite present appearances.—[Memphis Bulle- tin, July 14 . Tri K Cmsi i vmtv.— Kev. John W. Prat', professor in the University of Ala- bama, at Tuscalisrsa, preached in the Cen- tral Presbyterian church, in Chicago, on the nth inst. In introducing him, Bev. Mr. Brown, pastor of the . -buret), rose and ml thus said: "Kev. John W. Pratt, professor in the University of Alabama, at Tust-a loose, will preach to you this evening. Profes- sor Pratt was an old and intimate friend of mine in years gone by. He was a se- issssionist, but an honest one, ami on prin- ciple. Professor Pratt preaches this .-\ cu- ing at my sp«s i;d retpiest. lie consented reluctantly, fearing JOB would aol l>e w illing to hear him as the retail lion was over, and they had sulimittcd to the authority of the govern- ment, and iis he was now from heart a loyal Union man. there was not a man ..r woman of mv congregation but would Ykvi.x. «#re hr pVA iht>f i,f thr awnpn "/ '** aa** .>••"'* ».' '.;' ».'» «'„. •/»,•„ ns, / I,.,, . ,„,**>,/ '•/ Krii'iirtv,' iu r,lhrr n rnr>l or im •/ r"]>ncitt/, nifl tktU v»it hnrr mot frrn, >/t- ..'/./ .., ,.,.1.,-tmt';. VOLI NTAKY AID A N I > A ss I s T V M K TO T IP W K I N \ !: M S AGAIJIMT THK < .< >\ KKN M F.N T OK TUB U NIT K D ST A T KS UR THE S rATE •>r' KESTl'CKY, ;r th«*r trft; MfTS 14- i. ,„l.„.j h, if,r .trmnl fnrrr* t,f fte ><;.„f..lrr.,tr St.ltr,/ ..,«< t!.,,t y,,^ iriJI l>ftr irnriiHii ftnth/mf (%U,i)n$»te to xtutt t ../ /,. I , st„t, , ,.,' v-if«j i mf A'- Mncfa "> fWa OOn. Absents" from tbe place of reskteiHse in the service of the ennntry, or from any but I told him that other cause, where no intention existed to change the resident e, w ill not exclutle from voting, if pr where his is jud it by ris- welcoine him, and gladly h preach. If I am correct in tl ment, will yon please assent to ing lo your feet '.*" Instantly the congregation rose to th- ir feet, and it was easy t.. see by the lii'ht in the eyes of men tmd women that the welcome was from the heart. The Pro- fessor saw it and felt it. His sermon was M f great ability and btaalj of diction, and was delivered with earnest elo- quence. In his sermon he said: "I was honest. I thought an were right and put my all of money, |s»wcr and int!iieiiis> into the Confederacy. Cut the Confed- eracy is gone; the theory of secession is exploded; slavery is dead, and I am n»n- tent. lind saw we needed punishment aud discipline, nid has disciplined and punished us. I think era -hall now a letter, happier and pie than heretofore."- incinnaii Gazette. i*nt at the election pre- "r-si.l. n,... i,, ,,n 'he dav of Al»sence without any puri-ose of i liang- him i ing the resitlen such |>ei>»on in bi L.val men throughou jiiestisl to n port to tl disregartl of the expat ii|h.ii the |mri of offits-r ing tbe nani.-s of offend* l»* pns-et dcd against f. The ottits-r who shall fail t< nil disehar any •itber giv- iuay it ion. his to Sckkkrino Amom. Xki.rihs.- Almost every day brings to mir notice individual - s .f severe suffering among the ne- groes in this city. We know that these are no fault of the authorities. Perhaps they arise iu all cases, as we know they do in many, from the strong desire on the part of the country negro to trv cifv life. We have seen several negnsps of bite w ho said they had gone aw hole day without partaking of any ftssl. It will not he long, when the vitality of the Isndy is not kept up by sufficient foot!, ls»fore disease prt~.ses upon it: and in the absence , f jiroper medical attention, death must ensue. The negps-s have often I wen told to keep away from this city. We now tell them to keep awav— when thev are wanted thev will be sent for.-.Ma.-on Telegraph. THK iHm IIkko.-The famous Russian btoonhonad "llcru," kapt by the iahnn during the war as a guard agtiinsf the es- rge hit duty, is preserilssl by law, or the citizen win., not liemg entitled to vol*, shall tlo so in violation of law. should Is* prompt- ly rejsirted. tteit the pn.per stet^i nmy te taken for his punishment. These pUun words tire spoken that none may ad iip.rf the supposition that thev will be permi t- tetl. with impunity, to disregard the laws maile to guani and protect thepurii v ot i iie tslut Uvs franchise, nrm crrnte he iaw- fullv-establishetl sovereigntv ot the peo- ple. The military authorities will assist the . ivil officers in the enforcement of instructions, if any violate tt I it IVI %a let To prevent officers of the army and naw, and otli« r person, engaged in military ami naval servi.-e of the I nit»sl states, from interfering in the elections in the* States; if*- tt rmtctft Ay thr Sennit nnd JI'>tmt nf ti>l>i r*cutnt,rrjt ,,/ l/„ C„,t, .1 Stutr* ot ' "H- 7 HMttM/jfct, That it shall not »>e law- ful for any military or naval officer of tte* I nitetl states, or other person .-ngagetl in the civil, military or naval service of the) ('lilted Stales, to urder, tiring, k.-.-p .r have under his authority or .-onip-i my tnsips, or arnitsl men. at the place wbero anv gen< ral or special election is b«*M in any stat- of the I nitcd States of Ameri- ca," unless it shall be necessary to repel tbe arnitsl enemies of thel uited St o. -. you e know of g ladies perform y instances of daring feats of says the Cape ais- of our prisoners at Castle Thornier, s at Cleveland on exhibition. "Her.. - is '< r tokcp the at ihe HJ May Wive, |,u t we are now c;ilU*d upon to notice the most remarkablecase. Two misses, agtsl thirteen and fifteen, guests of Mr. J. C. Little, at the Otesin House SteamlsMit L'lnding, while bathing the other day, went to the outer end of the wharf, and, jumping off, they swam mer- rily to the shore. The distance from the wharf to tbe water, and from where they plunged in to the shore. Is so great that we never considered that any lady had the courage to put her tender life in such a perilous condition. Few men would ac- cept a challenge to perforin this feat. £-fy At the close of General Sherman's second speech at St. Ixmis, there was an alarm of fire. The Republican says: "At this point the bells struck an alarm of tire, and almost before the first notes of the bell had ceased to revcrls-rate upon the evening air, the steam fire engines •Mis- souri,' 'Underw riter,' 'Union No. 2,' and •General Lyon' were whistling and puff- ing under the General's nose, giving him. as was the intention, an opportunity of witnessing the admirable promptness of the St. Louis Fire Department." Champ Fkr<hsox. The gnerrilla Champ Ferguson's application for a con- tinuance of his case, before the military communion at Nashville, w as on Friday overruled. His special plea in bar of fur- ther proceedings was then read by his counsel. He pleads the right of a bel- ligerent, regularly commissionetl as a confederate officer; also the explicit terms on which he and his i-ompany sur- rendered, which terms, he avers, were pris. iselv those of the surrender of Lee. Should Ferguson prove these points, they will acquit him for acts of legitimate war- fare, but not for violations of the laws of war. "Ssji, A very tough story is told of a sol- dier who dropped from acaronthe North- ern C?ntral railroad, was run over, had both his legs cut off save a few tendons which he cut with a penknife; the bleeding of the stumps, train by tiring hie pistol, and was finally sucwred, after being exposed all night, his only society being his boots with his feet in them. Militaby Chasok.—Under the recent order, Mater General Pope takes com- mand ofthe department embracing Wis- consin, Mi nnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, and the territories of Nebraska. Dakotah and Montana, with headquarters at Fort Leavenworth. As he relieve* General Dodge, it is thought that head- quarters willlw retained at St. Louis. General Dodge has tbe proffer of a new couiwaud, but we understand he will prefer a short respite for the benefit of his health.—[Mo. Democrat. py "Canaan" and "Lady Moscow," two spirited trotters, had a race in Chicago on Tuesday, for U,000 a won. Time. Mm a ferocious 1. Hiking fellow, and while looking at him we stood where distance lent enchant ment to the view, lie i- a very large specimen of th" Russian dog. weighing upward of 2no poliosis anal measuring 7 feet 2' : inches frum tip totip. Another bhaalhound calltsl Jack accom- panies him. of U*s.s formidable proiior- t tons and entirely a ditlerent specimen. iviTW butcher in New York died, on Friday last, from the bite of a fly, which Hew from the lotck of a diseastsl bullock and bit him under the eyelid. In a tew hours a swelling covered bis face and <-x- teudtsl tlown l iie breast. In a few days be become delirious and ditsl in great agony. The Heal examination showed that death resulted from the absorption of morboritic animal matter deposited by the tly. 4>i7* A private letter, of recent date, from Mississippi, says: "Every negro that has ever lived in Kentucky will sis.n Is* upon you. The desire to rMiirii to old Kentucky is universal among them. Such is the f. eling of many others, who tear that they will not Is- as "safe in the thinly-settled South." A M AN Kii.lki>.— Just Iteforc g .ing to press we learn, without further particu- lars, that Henry Thomas, of Windfall, was vesterdav killed by fir. Armstrong, of the same place. As l«»th of the gentle- men were returned soldiers, it is hardly probable that the s.„| is-.-urren.-e was tbe result of political difficulty. [Tipton Kiixkp.— Hugh M. M. s>re, Lawrent*> county, Gs., fonnerb from that county ami secretary was killed by an ger. Klsinger tary on *i«Ml"«» js-jY' A Mr. Stone, of Illinois, was acci- dentally shot by tbediseharge of a pistol, while on a visit to his son, Hiram, af the firm of Stone A McCauley. at Fort Aber- i the 7th instant. The wound f Dublin. .* senator of FlRK AT PBTKBr*Bl'B/». Li1st Saturday night the furniture factory belonging to H. '. Coleman .v Co.. of Petersburg. Pike county, Intl., was consumed, with all its contents. Ix>ss «,iw; insured for sj.iTrt). 1 1th Illinois regiment was mus- tered out of service at Baton Kouge, 1-h-, ou the llth inst. and *>4 men left And that it shall not be lawful for anv otte^r of the army or navy of the I nitcd st.iti-- t.. prest-rita' or ri.\ by proclamation, order or otherwise, the) lualiticattons f voters in any Slate of Iho Tinted States of America, or in any manner to interfere with the free- dom of election in any State, or with tho . x.-r.-ise of the free right of suffraire iri anv s., aU,,,,- lht . i niusl States. Any offi- cer of tbe army or navy of the Tinted Slates, or other ]s*rs..n engage.! in tho civil or military service of the I nips! States, who violates this section of this act, shall, for every such onVnse, N* liable* to indictment as for a misdemeanor, and. on conviction then-uf, shall pay a tine* not exceeding live thousand dollars, and sutter imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than three months or more than five years, at the discretion of tbe court, trying them, and any person convicted as aforesaid shall, moreover. I*e listpial- ifted fri win holt ling any offi.-e of honor, profit or trust under ihe Tinted States. rroviitedth.it nothing herein contained shall be so isinstruct! as to prevent any officer**, soldiers, sailors or marines from exercising the right of suffrage in any Its lion district to w hich he may tielong. if otherwise ualified. a<-cor<ni.g to th*» laws of tbe Stale in which he shall offer to vote. Sec. 2. .lad '»• if further rnnttr<t. That anv officer or person in the military or naval service of the T nitetl States, who shall order or advise, or who shall, direct- ly or indirectly, by forts', threat, menace, i ut i initiation, or otherwise prevent, or at- tempt to prevent, any vialirted voter of | any State of the Tinted States of America from freely exercising the i-.ght •( suff- rage at anv general or speeial election in any State of the United States ;or who shall in like manner compel or attempt to turn- I pel any officer of mi election in any such | state to rets ive i vote from a person n.^ I gaily .pialifietl to vote.orwbo shall impos to impose, any rules or regitl ting said election Jiltere' prescribed by tew, or intorfhrnl in any manner with any officer i election in the discharge of shall for any such offense he liable lo in-| > filament as for a mtfaaanaanor, court of tbe U nited State* haviaa; «. tion to hear and determine cases of demeanor, and, on conviction shall pay a Ana not exceeding fire sand dollars, ant! sutler imprisonment in I the penitentiary not exceeding five years,! at the din-ration of the ennrt trying tha| same ; and any person cowneMd as afoi said shall moreover be disqualified frc e«r Ret ween 7.O00 and s.ooo ana and Texans, organixetl ai are under way for Mexico, to go into the service of Maximilian. fcgrThe telegraph Shreveport to is probably Ark. line ana ham i to) holding anv offits. of honor, profit or trv under the' t government of the Taiu-dj States. Approved February 2S, MmV srtr.\L PatixsBTs.—There ai patients te tbe Hampton general hospita at the prMent time. Tru ring the last four teen montha there have been sdraitt' ' into these hospitals 2R,122 patients; i turned to duty, 7.11M; transferred to other oapttala, s,.t?T ; died, 2.MH6; dischargetl, i,tr72. Tbe balance sdmitied are wT aad civilian*. Dr. Elim Listen has of theaa hospitals for nearly tl pgr*Jacob Wincet, a resident of Whire (loud. Kansas, waa kilted a few days since by the awidental discharge of a pis- tol, during a playful scuffle. A hard working clerk of Dea ht has, bv the death of an ancle in Wiscon- sin, ta.len heir to <bor good farms tnd *1<».iX»0 in 'ash. nobility at i Mm 1 1 id Lord WiUoaghby tbisi MBj-The will tie repreaented Uy Connt Johann dWL BriTMr. Smith, of Tioga, Ifaw York, hung himself, omibb » people mtoHMMl with bis busin-^B. ,'


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r$m ESS ( A 1U)S.

4^TKL\iS0X & CO,

Gtn.. mission Merchants

>V\A IAL NOTICESAyvr\ Cathartic PIILh

t«io. 11 Itrontl Mntti

M APT ON (flN^liiNMFVP*X II e.r«W« In htiy or li"M or <i

|»niin|»tlt etteiicl.sl in i»ti l

Will alio* Ii'xthI interest on tier*secant,

vlilc ' Kv .t»»ie. are n

r. thom \s * on, i^mi.scent*. »-irl will nnike nil

WHOLESALEcry and Commission

orclinnts.•*...MM "• «MM


AUK TIIK MOST I'EKFKITnsallve wjiii h «e lire able to pro-

• c. or whleh we iliink lias everI lieeu mailt* by nnylwwly. Theirrem have atsinilanlljr alunrn In

f community lints- much Uieyrji-

rr[ Hie orttlrmry in.illcines in osc.

»n<1 pleasant lotakc.

|wni't rat In k pmrtert

vital n.-ttriii.-. of the bortr. remove the olist ructions

of lis ornsns. purify the blood. awl expel disease.

Thc.\ pun.-e <Hii I In- foul hnmors which hi-ssl mi.!

fro*- distemper, stimulate stticg'-h or ilisorrlertsl nr-

*""*" I"** 'heir natnrrl action, and Inipnrt a healthytone with strcnclh lo the whole system. Not only<!• thev rme t iie every .l;<ve..mpliihit of cverylHsly.

bnt also fnrmldattle and kMMi discasea. Whilethey produce powerful effects, Ihry ar» al the sametime, in diminished d.*n*s, the safest and ts-.t physic

that ran Ik- employed lor children. i>ing siit-ir

routed they an' pleasant to take; and. twin* purely

Veigeintiie, are fns* from any n.k Af harm, tunsha vi' Issn mad.* which surpass lielief, were I hey not

' 'iu'h .tailed pt^ltion andto forbid lb* suspicion o? untruth. Ma-

ny eminent clergy ni • n and physicians have lent

their names io certify to Hie pnblir the reliability of

our rein. while ..tli.ss have sent its. the aasnruni-e

of Un ir oonvlrtlon thm nor rreparation contrlLute

laim.ifly to the ,. .*.' ,.f«.ur aflli.-leti. sUtTerlnc

Wlonmra.The A rent below named If pleased tofurnlsh gratia

onr American .Miii«u.h . coutainiiiK dini -lions fur

the use and certificate*, of their t are* of the follow-

Jlniln democrat.


• —

To onr Country Patron*.Please to register yonr letters containing remit-

tances, aa we hold onrsel yea responsible for all losses

to as when letters are registered. We are not re-

sponsible for losses in the malls,

letters are registered.

I UllllH'-IIlM i s-^hii, aim mi s^ "r."

the dogmatism whirli charmt. i i/..s

J«'ri|HliriK Inn lTOO. MM wstlW • H-

C ost Iveness. Hi > ions

I)ni».y. Heart

the IV

Complaints, Rbenmatism.Headai he arising frowi foul

I re


So. 11, ud II* Fourth timl Loci«\illr. ky..

rodace and Grain


CKI'.r «X»NSTANTI.T OX HANP ANH"pared te fill ordr .n -l„ the In


i. I.ard.

ns «f""i.heese. Hilt-

MMMI KI'Mir. Kbip-Mt«et'aiiiKsl and Prieil I'ruit-

• i . I mi. and < . in. lit « ..|.|» i

*•»! Whriky. Win.-. I i- r-. < "igar- und Tobai ju.

Ag-nt. f..r fthulu.'. . elebrausl Ait* in liatri Kandlialf Panels.

All k>«nI« eon- it ii'"' I" onr • an for -.i'r or t"*H- for

tlte. all I >is. a«<-. wbii-h rispilre an evne-

Bant nieiln lne. They also, by purifying the blood

and atimalating the system, cure many complaints

tMkkMM not be snpiioxHl tbeyconld reat h,

su. Ii as Is sfn.^-. Partial Hlir.dnem. Neuralgia and

jNervous Iriilablllty, Herangements of the Mver

| and Kidneys. <;.-nt. and other kindred complaints' arising from n low state of the Ualy.or obstruction

of ItsMMMIhi not Ih- pi t nfThv nnprlnripleil dealers with other

preparations tt hb-h they make more profit on. I>e-

man.! Avi k s mid take no others. The hi. k wantthe beat aid there is for them, and they should have

kPrepared by lir.'j. C. Avkb * Co.. taiwell. Mass.,

and sold by E. W1LIJKR, Ixmisville, Ky.. and by all


Receiver >iti.Vnt« in KiN.k kis<-ping. Writing. *c.. atanv lino- .,,» „r. I'npilsm other sehia.lsa lii lind our. a pli .is..nl andwbleb to s

t a.n .l theii va.-.ition.< nil. lia.iu.-. ii •lilt I uf

fett lm

hi it r«ii>» a.—Ail

MM school atFor particulars call"Terson and ThirdJ. J. BOTD.rM«t

-1 I. M l"r Young Men.it for I>i-r«s.-N of tin l"rl-


mid reliable ti

and s-Mii,: sys|..||.. s,. nI fr(v , j n scaled en-

Addi. ss Dr. J. SKI I, I. IN IIOLUHTON,Association, Fhiladelphia, Pa.

» win H.I.K. Tun.irrn.i s. is |\

n. Ferrsn * M. infer, JTlMMIi 1 Oi . Vi»in4 Ihm

MHH. Mellvain * Bon.

Wiggmtoii A Co..- _Mj tL J.« ««Tt y.H Ii. Kewcotub & Bro . .lames T.-bl,

M. W Wiefcs. Ung!, |i _ ... ... i n..«< K «Mm, A H. l>.-.u.

I".': lm*

i-uunty. laMiieVlll. . K)>. «J Pt vis.

I*te with llaelps. t aldwe'.l & to.


Clio* i;itr-» a, tii;>x;iiAi^

Commission Kerchiats

l,«»t 1st II i i BT.

Rkfi HTM » -Ph. Caldwell * Qa niorer *« o ^pratl A Ci . i.... \\ Wi.'k. Ib.nald A Bro1'siisvilb : MeKe\ii.4ds. Mis...tt..n A «o NetsYork ; R W.^I.<-f«e. l lark.silb . Tent.. »el4 tf

M. A. PARRiSH | CO.,


H. W. WILKES, JLm Main xlrrri. norlti side urnr Fourth

ItekLte Belt ins.

Btltiftf ( loili.

(oKoii Warps,

aefehM Cards,

Hose siihI Packing:.

Mill. Factor). Railroad and 01

VFcfl Stipplio of all kinds.

( VRUI\« MACHINES.» \SII » ll.l.J.. TI.NK. w


r Third «t .


itsh imnierniis i.^eien.ss


4 IwthM.

Frrn» h. I<

• n d < n andHlffl dtf

and Vexing*.ing all Ilie latest novella's of

Amirl.an i.ooA>>.


tton. lot « hu h w< . „n ft

th r..ii,-b.mt KiutiMky,

M ssouri.

cvrrai sm.All sl/en, from 1» toM aaws. for hand or power.

M riothinf. Bdtin: and Bnltin:-riol!i

r.-i .,t., . ,-s giving ftill description and prices

sent by mail.

H. m >\ i i i. i s j r .,HHM 4M Main str.s t. near Voin th.NOTICE.A rlvflrtiiring WagOH.

M€ K 9IOORK"It,I.. ON Mi

MC'liOLAN l,i;>IOS'


B A N K E n !

AY. JCXK IMV.8TABT AN.g.'ii In th.- eantre. in the vi

cinttt of i tie t i:>. Merchants and Mm MrfttMon. of III.' best advert fu-metlt* ru t gotten ML WWleavt Ibelr oi.l. t> at the loama Salts.n. a.t-oiuiiu-tbe iMtMrHh Tfce»«e». Monra'sXdvMtksiiig Wagon• III haves l«sl!v ,...t loiig.aiid I" fi^l high, am« ill he rim ilirtmgh Hie cttv and to lb*- . .n>,|.. evertdat thnaigh the tte. k. Meicbantsa'id otb. is wisli


• ugi.ii. rorte

ill bi hk-fc

,Sh.S-t |K liibII I- on It,. of the11 ilinuediately as ala.ve -tabsl.


Sr«tiee to I>rovckr».

M*. 17 Wlllla i alfsr-et. Hew York.

fOV KRVKIA'T SU C K I T I Vs.' I HiiNirs and <»<»!. I> Issigbl and r

inission < 4 ,||.s tmn- mad. on all a.ts

.s-nili ales i -sii.hI if desired.

Ks.i on,.'Mils

at Law,



BtM.i-. mrmt of I 1 1 I. si revt.

»flBKRTJ. BRKNT OF HAI.TIM'iHK. >nd Richard T. Merruk. of < In. -ago. I

si a rsssamirrsliip^and will (>r». 1 1. . I^»v> n.l -i'lnr t .sill Of Lk.iaini-. and the v.

niuuibis. and attend'ore tin- Departnit

TH V. I'NDKRSK : NKH KK-fx-etiullv Informs bis friend*'HafiUaCBMfgk drlv rs to this

rket that In- is |,i. |tarod atHons.. st.« k Vard. In furnishiii<slata.iu-l..a:i ttho M li.

uatmn. He has iil.nndant |

grimnds. immediMlelv ii.lji.luiug the cllv. tvitbinus half Bille Alive nf the st«ck pens. The pensan- vituat.st in tbe cnttal part of the stock market,and ais- well Moons! , «s.v.-re>l and sup|.||.sl with hy-drant water in every pen, and a No. I Vairliauk« ale fin Meiithmg M<M-k. Hi.s fat ililit-» are unsurpassts! ant « bit... 'liiaiikfiil for I he many yeoMIpatrmisge be ha. hen totoiv enjo} tsl. he bnis-s for a"out i

- nam of the uaica,, rjenrteo II F. VIssMAN.

l'Jct'f ion IVotice.•Hit afla.»n t'ounly:

il l. ME AN RUKTfOIl HI1.HA1in.g pr. i in. is in sittd tsiinity and eitt


iv of August, las.., fur a Cn. iiit Connsew nib Jii.ll.al liistrl.i. in the placeMiiir. re.igu.sl; also, for a Judge o!

Ap|» al-. in the Thir l Ap|»'llate pis.

.f tin


oil tile TibMdjBF, l-rof Hon. r.

>-t. In fa 1 1 thi

>n. Joshua F. Hit. lilt

IT' t -on < ourt of « 'o


:. it in . of Keii

ih; and al-... for J

union Pleas, cn-ated by th.tin ky,W. A. RflNAI.O. S. J.C

iasi l^.gtsl._jv I" sA'dl'


-A.O 313 3\T T .

••TOfrice near eornerTliird and Main «ire":*. northside Man.. ii| stair-, over llroker'a Ofliis., ad-Joiulnc Hank of Kentucky.

/ «Ain. It r. WAVNK. I.ATK <JI"A KTVKM ASs i. r m th. f s. Armv.hasois lied uiiflin In th.

ft all111.-, te III.

n-i ib. n «..lleeli •r tin

I ills.


ItBIJ' : sPKi r.\< U£B.whhh will be sclenaoluiatl hr htm aioae to the iinpaJretl andves A brlUlIU —


nrfaec' of MicruafOJiM,as, Surveyors' footpaces, Translu. Mathe-Insiniment-, Tbeimnnteters. iWr .m. lers.

•Mtm, FM<I and f>|» ra i.iaaaes. ArtlhclalrM laorrted aitbotit pain%fMMteaJ I uslrumeuu A full asscrtment

To ( iMtrai tors and Builders.gaTtljni Pl'.'ipiis Al.s Mjm TIIK VARlOlof a NKW - ti. i| ||i ns..\ enteenth and lluntmli -

by the undorsiKtnfl. „t theBro.. an bll. t-. Main str.-et.

-sin r.

K, on thrth.

• of the

III he recelve.1ltl<s' of Brad-haw *..hove Thltd ntitil I:

...on tin ad day of August Plans and specltli

'l"v nam"'l "r"|k


^ """"j"'


ITIatd aabMng Committee. B T. P.

Eclipse Fast Freight Line.Thi A F.XI'KKM* COHPANT.')

illx. Jane n. las}. /pREIfiH


1KB. Ageou. Acting Agent,

aloor atbo.es tile. By.

-KLDSB D. T HENDKRUON. I> iMrhaun. Dr. Neat. .aT Hew

_j * Bennett. Dr. Brady. Capt. M.I K Hays and layout 4t Bro. vejr Jm




• I. n "t "f lln I-.. Ii|is/ Vi-- Ki.'igbt I. tin- ....

Bmadwav. west of the {xiuisvllle and Nashvilltdepot ttbeie r.-i-etpt- i.« u.u-uloi it. No ticketa are renolred.

Freight lo No.Bsllle ft| psr Hundred.D. W. C. ROWLAJPHIL nCeiTON.

Ice! Ice!The mnmrnaumcp having a larof

atot k o' pure Ohio river Ice. eijoal in quality toany Lake I. u and thankful to the citlK-ns lor pastfavor- ti- tin- line, would solicit tbeir patronage, a*our price will he uni urm throughout the season a*heretofore, and not advance the price lu tbe middlt

-r a.- some of the parties engaged in thisare in the habit ot doing. Orders left atCollins' office, on Third street, near Jerfer

ill be promptly attended to.

m mi I M|»tBrtnerBlaip«THK ' OPAKTNKRsHIP HKRETOFOHV KX1 ming t>et» ei-o the uadervlgned, under tin stvleor IC«H»:.V d V<»l"N -'..- :. i.- i I by mu-tual etaoaeitl. Ail pvnjona hat ltuc claims "yf''said Drm wtl! present thesuiueat their nfli. .-. cornerOf Fifth and Green rtr i.of.ftr luimedlate payment


and ti.saes iudebttsl will uuke payui.-nt u<- early aa

5s*LonsviLt-v. July l»t. 1S65.

oi Bum ui'-i . ae i*

boaineoa are inMr John Collin•OB. No. MV will




.« rulit


First DiMrict

Sotsintl Di-itrict ..

Third District

Kotirth 1'istrict ..

Fifth District

Sixih District

s.'v»-nth District


F.iR-hth District ...

Ninth District....

....Hon. L. S. Trimble.

. -Hon. II. a Ritter.

....Mon. ll»nry firider.

...Hon. A. Harding.

...Hon. Koh'tMitllory.

....Hon. A. H. Ward....Hun. <J.S..Shnnklin.

...(ion. T. T. Garrard.

...Col. J. Smith Jlurtt.

KfO* ML c. OHMMftay, mm of iho

<>st MBMMMt NMBftflM South, is BOMMMMMMMaMg liimsflf to the powors that

l« in the must Mataettra way. He is

a I msinjr tho iKiiimratifl parly. Hi snv-

lin y itdopttsl tha ri soliitiuiisui 17!^, whi< li

im-ati Kt^-ssioii. Su tin- old Federalists

said at that time, lint Jnmes Madison said

ulli'Twisf. He wrote the n 'solutions, hut

never hold the right of si-eessinn. \',nl

< ialluway is MT.v indignant at the Demo-cratic party for misleading him, the Gallo-

way aforesaid. Uedespises such a party.

That is capital. He will fret a pardon; nodanger of him. If he w ill jiersevere in

abusing the Democratic jmrty, he mayliet an olliee or two, in jitldit ion to a par-

don. It show s that some nWi are inge-

niouK, and know just how to get alongami wrigjfle out of it bad scrape.

Grant his right of s.vession, and that

his ( unfederacj- w as an independent Gov-ernment. The remaining States were also

an independent Government, and had a

right to iiink. ar« on the oilier indejieiid-

ent Government and conquer it. Thenihis independent Government has to sub-

mit lo lip' will uf the eonipteror, and comebnek again w here it was bMMMt| as a con-

lit ion of peace. Such is the end of the

• liM-iritie of si ssion. It is of no pMMttoBlis... se.sede, if you can, is the tlottrine.

If you haveilie power, you MM maintainthe right : otherwise, you w ill Ih' contpier-

• sl. and must rets«le to w here you ststnled


CtmBow iv A C..., however, didn't imdl|.f.i(s.ab|y. They ls.gan by jicts of warMMM the Hatted States. They did not de-

pend on the riirht of BBtMBafon, but on the

sword. BM it is nut worth while to rspljr

to Galloway. It is not logic he deals in,

hut policy, and we itiminend his skill,

lie can save his utvk and win honors,

ami, perhaps", rewards, if he will just

n'msc sound! y the Democratic party. Youare on the right track. Galloway, for yourown comftirt and safely.

ftvST'We xepublish this morning again

the law ot i 'ongiess fbrbiddiaaj Uw inter-

tor. nee a ith . lections hy the miliiiity. Ii

is not lawltil to have soldiers at the pills,

unless it lie necessary to repel the armed. in iiiios of the Tinted Slates, or to keeppeace at the polls. There are now noanand enemies ( ,j the Uattad states, so

that that pretext fee soltliers at the p.lls

cannot Is. set up. It is not necessary Is

keep |>ea.v at any ]s»lls in this State, as

every one knows. A man cannot evenget up a pretense of such in-cossity. Thepenally of transgressing this law is plain

and none t.><> heavy. Of course the lawlea:-* not allow an ollicer to assume a ne-

is-ssit v to repel an armed enemy, or to

keep peats' at the pills, and allow his ownunfounded assumption to lie pleaded to

• xenipt him from the p-nalty. I>>t every

brawn M* talis law be carefully noted, and-is- that the j

in ail' is ample. There is BOlimitation f> the law. Time does not ex-

empt Ihe guilty from the aaaaltjr. TheautJioritics of the 1'nitisl States ha\ e noright to interfere in any way for anyr -ason in a Stttte election; but take the

1 1 w as it stands, and see that it is execut-

ed, and there MM lx« no interference withimpunity.

*-»~In General Rousseau's sin-ecri at

Sh. Ibyville he grows more indignant at

Malloryand Harding, liecatise they didn't

vole lor the appropriation bill and the

• lis. i iption bill, lie did not feel how-sinful these acts were two years ago. He/.•al. msly supported these men, notwith-

standing these acts. Not only so, boththe organs who now s«>o these acts afHarding and Mallory in new lights, zeal-

ously supported them, knowing these

sinful ads. Pettcr not - ipport sin h a

party. Two years hence they may con-

demn you for 8up|n>rting them this year.

Tii'-y are a most uncertain set of men.There is no telling what will be right or

wrong with them at the next change of

the moon.I/ot it lie l>orne in mind that they belong

to the Republican party, and get their in-

spiration from it. Whatever party dic-

tates they will do. They make them-selves ]><trficri>if crimtni-i for all the sins of

party. What they will do, they don't

know themselves. Their party in t'on-

•-•ri'ss and in the free States furnish themtheir creed, which they will accept, andthey will denounce till that oppose, nomatter w hat is projxised. If we wish to

know where they are going, ask WendellFhillips, Lloyd Garrison cV Co.

THK BPI i. 1 >patronaci

Irender hli

Notice.WII.I. BK

A Mill endeavor Ui

ouasif worUi) uf Uie tuie in the future.y. i.. J4UOJJV,

I6ir The Iiouisvillo Journal repeatsevery day that we got oft* the train. Theeditor got off the same train, and railed at

it vigorously. Four-tilths of his partythen have got off; for they saw, as we did,

that the train was running into the Abo-lition camp. But the Ixniisville Journalman, after railing at the engineers of the

train and t illing them to come buck, at

last took to his heels to catch up w ith it

again. He has been trying to make him-self useful, and begging a passage eversince the Presidential election. The oldconductors in this State seem rather re-

luctant to take him on at all; but theywill, perhaps, consent after a while, andstop a little while ut the next station, if

he continues to make progress as he hasdone of late. Ho must, how ever, go for

negro suffrage, and the equality of the nt-

gro before the. law, or he will not get upiu time.

'ttaVBut adopt the amendment, and weshall be as free as the blacks themselves.

[Liouisvillo Journal.

Thm a white man will be as good aa a

utsiro. U hu behavee himself.

B*TV„Iii tlit Journal of Tuesday there is

the repirt of a s|>eech made by General

Frank Rlair at Lexington. It ismodestly

and dilhdently liegun,and lacks through-



or. While he confesses that he is not la-

anttat with the debate in ipiestion, hi.s

mind having MmB lately given entirely

to ipiestions solvtsl l>y the sword, hp <«oes

discuss with some plausibilitv, to the

careless reader at least, the:subjects NftnKentucUy. Me says:

My friends, the topic which now en-uages jrOUf attention lias been eloipientlydisciissisl by the gentleniiin who has pre-

coded me. It is.whetheror not Kentuckywill adotit thoConstitutional Amendmentgiving freedom to every human Is-ing

upon lh<> continent of Ameri or at lenst

that part of the continent which is swayedand governed by the United States ofAmerica. I sav thatit does not dep-ndupon what Keiitnckv will do; I MrJ that

the tint has already gone forth, and wheth-er the people of Kent tick v will consent ornot, it is fixed. It lsbevond thcireontrol


it is. faced.With due respect to General Rlair's

opinion, whether the tint has gone forth or

not, or where it went to, the ipiestion of

the Constitutional amendment is v>t set-

tled. It requires two or three more States

to pass it, one of which Kentucky oughtnot to be. F.ven the petty pro-consular

provinces, calhsl by courtesy SouthernStates, have not yet passed it, nor havethey been acknowledged by Congress as

Stales, ami probably will not lie whilecapital and ofliisys are plentiful, by keep-

ing them in a "pupilary" condition.

Still, if it is no difference; if the State is

robbed of its guaranteed rights by those

who have no sympathy or interest in it,

we can not see why the people should in-

dorse it. It is like a fellow who has stolen

your horse coming to you and telling youthat, as it is utterly impossible for youever to recover the animal, as it sort of

compromise to give him a bill of stile ofit. Whenever Kentucky is ready to ap-

prove that appropriation of portable

pro|ierty, vulgarly called th-ft, she will

vote for the Constitutional amendment,and not till then.

He tells us that the proclamation ofJanuary, lsiii*,, frfs-ing the blacks, is con-

ceded to be law in the Southern Stan's;

that General Breckinridge had in NorthCarolina patastNUMad it to Ik> law, andprofessed his entire willingness to defend

its legality before the Supreme Court.

When the General gets before that court,

he will have i|iiit(> enough to do withoutgoing out of his path to advocate a meas-ure condemned by the State and Consti-

tution he deserted. But, recognizing his

opinion as worth something from his

ability, we do not sis? why Kentuckyshould lie inllueiiccd by it. Kentuckyand General Breckinridge have disagreed

before now . The hocus-pocus mode of

bringing Slates into the Union is hardly

worth discussing, except for Gen. Blair's

statement that there are some who advo-cate that tho seeisled States will not Is-

admitted into (lie Union until the amend-ment i* adopted. It is the bulk and rel-

ume of his party that hold the opinionthat they should not be. It is your purseor your life policy—give up your domes-tic institutions, or I will take all yonhave.

The General says it is claimed that the

action of the Inst Legislature, in rej.fling

the amendment, is binding on the State,

and proceeds to argue, with some dema-goguery, that it ought not to Ih-.

Hut, as (ioucral Itlalr ami his par-

ty will not ha satisfied until it is

trainphsl into the mini, the people of

Kentucky will gratify them next August.

It is to lie remarked that General Itlair

docs not deny the truth of the assertion

that the amendment, once rejected, ks al-

ways rejected) bnt argues around it. ib-

is too good n soldier to attack such a po-


He llally and pluinply denies the posi-

tion taken by the Kentucky radicals that

no one seriously thinks of granting the

right of suffrage to the blacks. He says

tln re are some who intend to enforce ne-

gro suffrage upon the Southern States,

and thinks that we are playing into their


How do we know? General Blair tells

us to adopt the Constitutional amend-ment liecatise, whether wedo or not, someother States will pass it over our heads


how do we know bill what he will cometo us again next year and tell us to vote

for negro suffrage, because, if we don't,

sonic one else will pass it over our heads?

We don't intend to betters the Repub-licans; to allow the Grecian horse within

our walls, or trust the Greeks, even liear-

ing gilts, in the hands of General I(lair.

The |>eroratioii and rebuke of those

who are for harsh measures towards a

brave aad fallen foe, is noble and soldier-

like. While disagreeing with General

atf on other questions, we can but

think of him among the jxiliticians as astream riinningdevilish crooked, througharid and sandy soil, but whose source is

pare, and some day, when it is passed

out of the rubbish, it w ill acquire newdepth and clearness in some pleasant

land, called, iMipularly, the National De-mocracy.

ft£~It should be remembered that whenthe bill requesting that white soldiers

should lie substituted for black in this

State to enforce martial law, the radicals

in the liegislature either dodged it or voted

against it.

It should be borne in mind that their

action was defended by the Journal, anil

this expression of the general wish of the

jieople charged as a party trick.

That paper, the other day, charged that

some negroes were defrauding employersby refusing to fulfill engagements to

work and obtaining full wages by threat-

ening employers with General Palmer,

and, in effect, martial law. This is but

one of the consequences of that martial

law. Kstablish civil law, and it would Mover at once.

Negroes who violate the law—who are

guilty of outrages and pilfering—cannot

be punished by the civil authorities in

this city. They are not held as amenableto it. Consequently, many outrages gounpunished. The cause is the resistance

te the adopt iou of that measure.

Some are disposed to Is? severe on Pres-

ident Johnson for not putting white sol-

diers instead of black in this State— for

not removing the incubus of martial law;but whenthere isa large purtyin the Statewhich advocates maintaining tho pres-

ent condition of things, that party is moreto blame than President Johnson. Heought to have taken the vote of the Leg-islature for the will of the State, but whenhe is told by those in the State that theLegislature did not projH»rly represent

the feeling of the people, let us not be tooharsh with him. The only remedy possi-

ble is by defeating that party at the polls,

and we are sure it will be done, and welldone.

Ifi^-The Louisville Journal now insists

that British gold was used, and thatwas proved ; that there were carpet-bags

about, Tbe editor forgot about the Popeand foreign hordes. He does not let usknow whether this, tho most awlul of

dungers, Is yet goue. lie bUU

the evilsof squatter sovereignty. He doesnot still see the folly or sin of his aid tosnecsfsioii in Wti, He still says that

Wickliffe, Harney .V. Co. were with thereU ls in 1SU3. Why does he not get JacobY. Johnson to write another letter ex-pounding the whole matter? It would bea go<sl time now for startling develop-ments. We insist that we hear fromJacob, or from some of his heirs or as-

signs. Ix«t them come forth; the JournalHeeds them.

fkjryThen what means all Ihe nonsenseput forth by the anti-amendment dema-gognesand newspapers, that, irthe amend-ment Is- adopted, we may soon expect tos«H. the niggers frequenting our parlorsand marrying our sisters and daughters!

[Louisville Journal.We don't know any anti-amendment

demagogues, if the editor of the Journalknows any one who litis said this, let himpublish it with the author's name. Wehave not seen any statement of tho sort,

except in the sn.-ers of such pajH-rs as theJournal. The doctrine preached by theJournal's party, however, might lead to

even that.

IForthe Louisville iK-ntorrat.]

Li:i!vnon, Kv., July in, IHfVi.

At a convention of the ConservativeIlemiwracy of the Nineteenth SenatorialDistrict, consisting of the counties ofWashington, Marion, and Tavlor. held atLebanon on the Ma day of July, is.t->, totIhe purpose of nominating a suitable per-son lo represent said district in the Senateof Kentucky forthe next term, each coun-ty being represented by its delegates-

Oil motion, .1. P. P.arlauir was called tothe chair, and M. G. Gorin appiintcd sec-retary.

<>n motion of A. J. Gowdy, the follow-ing persons were apisi'inted a BOnittlttteeto rejsirt upon tbe ratio of representation,and to determine the numlicr of voteseach county would Ik< entithsl to in saidconvention", viz: A.J. Gowdy, J, H. Brown,and John Kobbards; and," alter a shortal.seiice, said committee made the follow-ing report


"That in oaaHag the ruin for candidatesin nomination, each county shall cast onevote for each one hundred voters andfractions over tidy in said counties, whichwill give to the county of Washingtoneighteen votes; to the county of Marionseventeen votes, and to the county ofTaylor thirteen votes."On motion, said re|H.rtw:isunaniinousrr

Bperored.The chair then announced that nomina-

tions were in order, WMMfMBaa R. T.Mitchell, Esq., nominated the Hun. R. .1.

Bran n. of Washington, as a candidate furthe Senate from this district, and J. K.Cowherd, Ksq.. nominated the Hon. Jos.II. Chandler, of Taylor, as a candidatefor said otlie.'. and no MMM nominationsbeing made, the vote was taken on saidnominations

When the Hon. R. J. I'.rown received lbvotes, la ingtheentire vote of Washingtoncounty, and the Hon. Joseph H. Chandlerreceived Ki votes, la dug the entire vote ofMarion and Tavlor counties, which, giv-ing Mr. Chandler a majority of 12 votes,he was announced the nominee of the con-vention,On motion of J. G. Phillqis, of Marion,

the nomination was then declared unani-mous, and the delegates pledgisl thcin-sol\ i s tu the support of the nominee.on motion of Mr. Cowherd, of Tavlor,

T. K. Cowherd, J. ti. Phillips and It. CPalmer were paolated a coininiu.s. toinform Mr. Chandler of his nominationand conduct him to the stand; whereuponMr. Chandler delivensl a uacefttl andappropriate address, thanking the con-vention for the nomination, and pledginghimself to exert his hfMrf ability in furthcr-ani-e of the priie iples of tho pari v.

During the sitting of the convention tbelion. c. c. Hill delivensl an ehspient andcharacteristic speech to the convention.on motion, the pfrornedtna of this i-on-

\ cut ion were directisl to la? sent to theLouisville liomocrat for publication. andthen the convention adjourned.

J. P. BlBMWIS, Chairman.W. (i. Gorin, Sec y.

aaWohn s. ChntpbeU, Kaa^ an old andvery highlv esteented citizen of KansasCity, died in that piaBS OB the llth inst.lie was born in Kentucky, and came toMissouri forty years asro. In ls}:j in

married a daughter of Colonel Jns. 11.

M.-Kee, who was the tirst or about thefirst settler in what is now Kansas City.Mr. CampUdl early became identifnslwith the interests of the latter, and hasIs en one of its most useful citizens.

[Missouri Ileuiocrat.

Pa?* Gov. Sharkey, of Mississippi, has

issued ;i proclamation orderiugan election

|0 lm held on Monday, August 7, for dele-

gates to it State Conv ention, for the pur-

pose of alteringor amending the Constitu-

tion so that the State may Ik- able to re-

sume its Bnun in the Union—said Con-vention to assemble in the city of Jacksonon Monday, August II.

Cotton Iku.i-s.—A large cotton hall, al-most ready to burst, was handed us yes-terday by Mr. James Ik'rry, who pick-ed it from a field upon his plantationnear Mound City, Ark. The cotton inthat vicinity, and, in fact, through alleastern Arkanas, as near as we can learn,is in tine condition, and hopes are enter-tained of a large vield to the acre uponthe amount planted.—[Moat Argus, Nth,

A. Harris, a noted rebel ..f

Missouri, was lately captured in Flori-

da, and is now in prison at Washington.ib was.* aaaaaaraf the chub. Jackson

county, be-

of the rels?l

Congress, an.) then devoted hiniselfto de-

stroying Northern property by infernal


BSLThe Memphis Bulletin of the 16th

inst. says all monetary restrictions ontrade are revoked, and the Provost Mar-

shal is to call on the city for any moneysdue the military from Memphis. Whenwe reflect that there ain't any money in

the City Treasury, we can't help think-

ing that the military will haven good time

getting money from it.

BrtfOne of the features of the Sher-

man serenade in St. Louis was the tiring

of cannon, by which a large amount of

damage was done, in the vicinity of the

tiring, to windows, plastering and glass-

ware generally. Many people left their

houses for fear they would tumble downover their heads. The city will ht held

responsible for the damage.

8&-Tho Oregonians are getting excited

over the discovery of new gold diggin's,

reputed to be the richest and most exten-

sive ever found in the northern country.

The new district is situated in the c ur

d'Alene Mountains. Lot* of big strikes

have lieen made—in one case *7,0tX) from

•Six) pounds of rock.

Tarn Crops.—We have the lx>st reports

from all portions of West Tennessee. Thecrops arelookingexcseedinglv well. W heat

and oatM afford a fair yield, but the <-ot-

ton crop is particulary line. It is to be

lamented that the deticlency of labor pre-

vented all the land from being tilled.

[Memphis bulletin.

in HanVi. Ritter

< andidiiteM for < ougress i

lenburfc ( iiiuii,t--iii ssrs

and Ycaman--t'ol. H. P. love Torthe Ntntr Senate-The PeoplengiMiist thr Amendment.

[Correspondence of the teMMflM Democrat.'

Obkkxvii.lk, Ky., July 17, Is.,."..

Mew*. Kilitor*: We, the common peo-

ple of this county, have generally madeup our minds as to our duty at the polls

in August. The sims-cIic* of the radicals,

no less than those of the conservatives,

have hel|»ed us to our conclusions. Thesame may be said of the effect of radical


We are opposed to the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the UnitedState*, and no outside pre-esiire, aaMMlspeeches, ultra newspaper articles, threats,

censures, denunciation as rels-N, or other|>otitical clap-trap detnstgogtH'ry, can

change us. If you have any editors whofeitr "incipient rebellions." or any w ho aremore "at home'' in o/»it<(rir.i and l*j»k-•form Hum in editorials, tell them thatthey have "run their course" in thiscounty. If you have any broken-downmilitary men in your city, who want tolie doing something, tell them not to is.mehere. They had lietter save their wind;they will need It after the election. Ourminds an- settled, hut we are not Medhl-diced. We formed our opinions in thebroad light of facts, with the full sin t,.-di

of the argument on lsith sides 1* fore us.We have Iss-n addressed by Mr. Rhtet

and Judge Yeaman, candidates for Con-gress, and by Co|. S. P. Live and Capt.I ». P. Johnson, candidates for the Senate.Yeaman and Johnson, unfortunate anas,show.-d us the rocks upon which thevwere wns'ked. It was fortunate for lis

they did, for it made us more careful toavoid the same fate. Mr. RMMr SBTMMJudge Yeaman's record l**forethe ptsipleand lighted up everv letter of it withtruth, genius, aad eloquence, so that achild could have read it. We heard Yea-man confess thiit hahad haaMaa aa Ab-olitionist aad dear that tie is for aajraMasjpTfjf. We doubted the sinceritv of "hisdenial, and thought that, at the rate at

which he had changed in the last twoyears, he could lie as MMBaj MB MMrv/M'r/>/i/ as Wendell Phillips beture themeeting of the next Congress.The old friends and supporters of Yea-

man in this comity have h**t contidcin-ein his mtejjritv. The AboHtionhte hareraised the old'ery of "rrbrl" and " ./ <•/

\>/^H(Htttlizr>•' , against thieve who opposethem. They think to catch the unw aryby this. Itistoolate. Here is Col. Live,fr'esh from the battle-field, and the-laivs"who were with him, to give the BBteMSchfalsehoods. Hy the way. Col. L.vc madens a good sjieech. and we will send himto the Senate hy a thousand majority.Kest assured that Muhlenberg will givea handsome majority against the candi-dates who favor t lie amend


record her opposition to the ihxsl of radi-cal innovations which is now sweepingover the puritv of our poiltiea] fabric, andseems destined to carry away, iu a fewyears, the last vestige of civil lilierty andIhe rights of freemen on this continent.If we can check the tide now, we canmake it fad its level in 'Us, which is theisittom of perdition. We must standfirm. u Vktiritmtwimtmuun The custom-ary way is the safe one; the lieaten p ith

[C'orreMniHlene, of tho LontsTlll, Democrat.;

Mivnw.ii, Kv., July 17, lstii.



July I'J, la**. 9

lion of

abundant harvest. \,

we had copious show*much needed and which have contributedlargely in brighten in- tbe pr.sp.-ts of the

planters in this region.

The LmUville Is ni - -rat is in great de-

mand here. It is nioro sought for andread than any other »niper that finds its

way into this section of th.. st;it...

M« s-rs. I.. S. Trimble and C. D. Pradlycame up from Paducah to-day to till

their apppoiutments at this place. Upontheir arrival they found the big gunof the faithful in a horn Laetea M. An-derson, who has misrepresented Ins con-st itueucv in the last two fterwion* of Con-grt-KM, endeavoring to make a speech to avery limited nnmla-r, who were here toattend County Court. Poring the |, t st

Presidential contest this man \ndersnnmade a spst'h in this place, in whicfc hetold the people that they should not havea d—d |H>und of salt if thev did not vote

Ifor Lincoln. Thank "iod, Anderson p, at

Ihist fil'ti/rtl ""i. Salt won't save him ; he

Icould not Is* elected by the_pcople of this

j district as shepherd tsiv. The discussion


between Messrs. Trimble and P.radlv to-

Iday brought out a verv large auditme.

! Judge Trimble took the lead in a -|s e, |,

of tine hour. The Judge is an eloquentiand logical speaker; his arguments in ft»-

i vor of the Constitution as it is and - he


laws As thev are were listened to withjprofound attention ; his allusions to free'


sfHsncn, a free prens and a free |s"uple were|

in ins happiest style, and lield the vastassemblage spell-lsMind, and his denun-ciations or the efforts to patih m> the Con-stitution of the United States in the new-fangled amendments, were received w ilh

unmistakable manifestations of approvalby the |«-op|e present. Judge Bradly. in

reply to Judge TrimMe, tritsl to cnnviinethe people of the "Old First" that to volefor the amendment was the only thingthat could save them and the counlrv,but signally Mated. Judge Trimble raaa-pletely demolished his opponent, showingthe people that his /'((•'.-. were fallacies, hisreasoning moonshine, and his conclusionsall fog. 'Hie fact is. this district will roll

up an overwhelming majority at the Au-gust election for the is.nservative Union

for Congress aud the L'gisla-Yo

nty of the elective" franchise cart

>reserve. I* by a faithful enforcv-the laws

ture, tours. lib Ks.

T» '*« '

Thep,only te*

incut ofKin- their enfornheld responsible.

F.verv free- w hite male citizen, twenty-one years of ago, who tuts n-sated in Ken-tucky two years, and whose residence banbeen in the district where he offers to vote*for -ixtv days next preceding the election -

and each white mate citizen who, not hav-ing two years' residence ia the State, buthas resided one year in the county, andsixty days in the precinct where he often*to vote, next precedina the election, isen-

1 to fte: pro-, id.- 1 he ha-s not •*.Tpat-

nated himself and lost tbe elective fran-• his.- by •inning within the pro\ tsions ofthe following art:

< M APTKB su».

As Act to amend chapter U> of the Rowvtesd Statutes, entitled "Citawns, La-patri itioii, and Aliens."See. 1. lie ,( . »<trf,;l l„, Ih, (irmTll A+-

... .»/,/./ nf th.- t ;,mif-»ir~t/th of KfT**trk*,That any citisea of this State who snailenter into the service of tlte so-called Con-federate States, in either a civil or mili-tary capacity, or into the service of the so-called Provisional irovemment of Ken-tucky, in either a > ivil or military c-a|M*c-itv, or having heretofore entered suchvrrhf of either the Confederate mates orProvisional Government, shall continuein such service after thin act takes effect,or shall take up or continue in arms*,again-! the military for.-. - • 'he I t«IState- or the State 'of Kentucky, or shallgive voluntary aid and assistance to>

those in arms against said forces, ste.il ondeemed to have expatriated b**»»"elf. sikIshall no longer l*e a citiasa of Kentucky;nor shall he again I- » citisen, except bjrpermission of th- I>*gislature, by a gen-eral or ipt» i»l statute.

Sec. X That whenever a person at-tempts, or is calltsl on. to exercise any< <f the constitutional or legal rights ant I

privileges belonging only to citizens ofKentucky, he may be required to nega-tive, on bath, tbe "expatriation providedin the tirst section of this act; and uponhis failure or refusal to do so, shall not Is*

.ermitted to exercise any such right orprivilege.

ha I This act to be of force hi thirty• lays from and alter its passage.

All jiersons ehallenged as .timing with-in the provisions of this law, should hs)

required to take the following istth. pre-scribed by my predet-eenor, aud which is>

in conformity with tbe law:


• one. Keep it in view.

|fsrr*Tiie Canadian Delegates to the De-

Iroit Commercial Convention havcextend-

ed their visit to St. Louis. They express

themselves delighted with their reception,

and predict the growth of more kindly

feelings between the citizens of the United

SUtes and Canada.

•mTA mule, dray and a bale of cotton

wont over the bluff at Memphis in a pile

on Saturday last. The mule was alivo

and kicking at last accounts.

SriT-A 11,200 horse, that can go his mile

in three minutes in harness, is to be raffl-

ed off in Memphis on Saturday—sixty

chances at $20.

Mjr-W. H. Lindsay, Esq., Adams Ex-

press Company messenger, has our thanks

for favors.

Im7*Two thousand bales of cotton ar-

rived at New Orleans oil the llth in«t.

T-iT-On Saturday night, a week ago, aball was given iu lirownsville, Texas, bythe ftsleral officers, whether or not iii

honor of the staff olliis*rs of Cortinas wedon't know; but such officers were prom-inently in attendance at the ball. X<>liquor was allowed, but all, notwith-standing, got decidedly mellow. One ofCortinas' otlii^rs, richly attired, but with-out his coat, not liking the stvle of ruband figure work, as .something betteradapted to his taste, requested a sctioritanot to dance w ith the lankeos. This fadlaying made known to the officers of negroregiments, one of them drew a pistol,and with it knocked Cortinas' chief stall

officer entirely off his pins. .\ generalmuss came very near ensuing, but endedin loud and long-drawn curses, withoutfurther demonstrations of a knts k-dow ncharacter. Whether tbe knoHthag downof Cortinas' chief of staff in the hoMM tifriends will affect .-ertain stealing trans-actions along the Bio Grande remains toIs? seen.

Not OaaiBsSi.—A correspondent at

Soinerville, Favette county, informs usthai affairs in that county Mcounty are still vervBaaritlai. The aid secession spirit issiil!

alive and has not sense enough to ac-quiesce in inevitable destinv. On the 4thof July, two citizens, named Walker andAmis, raised a national flag on the court-house, but a party of paroled rete-l sol-

diers tore it down and destroyed it. Thisact was acquiesced in by the citizens ofSoinerville generally, and since that manyhave said that they didn't intend that aHag should Is? "raised in Soinerville.While affairs are in this condition, thegreat batty of the people have takenneither the oath of allegiance nor the am-nesty oath, and say they will not takeeither even to save their property fromconfiscation. We are inclined to bettersthat this picture is overdrawn, and that

Soinerville w ill come to her senses despitepresent appearances.—[Memphis Bulle-tin, July 14


Tri K Cmsi i vmtv.—Kev. John W.Prat', professor in the University of Ala-

bama, at Tuscalisrsa, preached in the Cen-

tral Presbyterian church, in Chicago, on

the nth inst. In introducing him, Bev.

Mr. Brown, pastor of the . -buret), rose andml thus said:

"Kev. John W. Pratt, professor in theUniversity of Alabama, at Tust-a loose,

will preach to you this evening. Profes-sor Pratt was an old and intimate friendof mine in years gone by. He was a se-

issssionist, but an honest one, ami on prin-ciple. Professor Pratt preaches this .-\ cu-ing at my sp«s i;d retpiest. lie consentedreluctantly, fearing JOB would aol l>e

w illing to hear himas the retail lion was over, and they hadsulimittcd to the authority of the govern-ment, and iis he was now from heart aloyal Union man. there was not a man ..r

woman of mv congregation but would



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r"]>ncitt/, nifl tktU v»it hnrr mot frrn, >/t-

..'/./ .., ,.,.1.,-tmt';. VOLI NTAKY AIDA N I > A ss I sT V M K TO T IP W K IN \ ! : M



i. ,„l.„.j h, if,r .trmnl fnrrr* t,f fte><;.„f..lrr.,tr St.ltr,/ ..,«< t!.,,t y,,^

iriJI l>ftr irnriiHii ftnth/mf (%U,i)n$»te to xtutti

t ../ /,. I , st„t, , „ ,.,' v-if«j

i mf A'- Mncfa "> fWa /« OOn.Absents" from tbe place of reskteiHse in

the service of the ennntry, or from anybut I told him that ' other cause, where no intention existed

to change the residente, w ill not exclutlefrom voting, if pr

where his r»

is judit by ris-

welcoine him, and gladly hpreach. If I am correct in tl

ment, will yon please assent to

ing lo your feet '.*"

Instantly the congregation rose to th- ir

feet, and it was easy t.. see by the lii'ht

in the eyes of men tmd women that thewelcome was from the heart. The Pro-fessor saw it and felt it. His sermon wasM f great ability and btaalj of diction,

and was delivered with earnest elo-

quence. In his sermon he said: "I washonest. I thought an were right and putmy all of money, |s»wcr and int!iieiiis>

into the Confederacy. Cut the Confed-eracy is gone; the theory of secession is

exploded; slavery is dead, and I am n»n-tent. lind saw we needed punishmentaud discipline, nid has disciplined andpunished us. I think era -hall now 1« aletter, happier andpie than heretofore."-• incinnaii Gazette.

i*nt at the election pre-"r-si.l. n,... i,, ,,n 'he dav of

Al»sence without any puri-ose of i liang-him i ing the resitlen

such |>ei>»on in biL.val men throughou

• jiiestisl to n port to tl

disregartl of the expat


ii|h.ii the |mri of offits-r

ing tbe nani.-s of offend*l»* pns-et dcd against f.

The ottits-r who shall fail t<



it ion.his


Sckkkrino Amom. Xki.rihs.- Almostevery day brings to mir notice individual- s i .f severe suffering among the ne-groes in this city. We know that theseare no fault of the authorities. Perhapsthey arise iu all cases, as we know theydo in many, from the strong desire on thepart of the country negro to trv cifv life.

We have seen several negnsps of bite w hosaid they had gone a w hole day withoutpartaking of any ftssl. It will not helong, when the vitality of the Isndy is notkept up by sufficient foot!, ls»fore diseaseprt~.ses upon it: and in the absence , f

jiroper medical attention, death mustensue. The negps-s have often I wen toldto keep away from this city. We nowtell them to keep awav—when thev arewanted thev will be sent for.-.Ma.-onTelegraph.

THK iHm IIkko.-The famous Russianbtoonhonad "llcru," kapt by the iahnnduring the war as a guard agtiinsf the es-

rge hitduty, is preserilssl by law, or the citizenwin., not liemg entitled to vol*, shall tloso in violation of law. should Is* prompt-ly rejsirted. tteit the pn.per stet^i nmy tetaken for his punishment. These pUunwords tire spoken that none may ad iip.rf

the supposition that thev will be permit-tetl. with impunity, to disregard the lawsmaile to guani and protect thepurii v oti iie tslut Uvs franchise, nrm crrnte • he iaw-fullv-establishetl sovereigntv ot the peo-ple.

The military authorities will assist the. ivil officers in the enforcement ofinstructions, if anyviolate tt

I it IVI

%a letTo prevent officers of the army and naw,and otli« r person, engaged in militaryami naval servi.-e of the I nit»sl states,from interfering in the elections in the*States;if*- tt rmtctft Ay thr Sennit nnd JI'>tmt nf

ti>l>i r*cutnt,rrjt ,,/ l/„ C„,t, .1 Stutr* ot ' "H-7 HMttM/jfct, That it shall not »>e law-ful for any military or naval officer of tte*I nitetl states, or other person .-ngagetl inthe civil, military or naval service of the)('lilted Stales, to urder, tiring, k.-.-p .r

have under his authority or .-onip-i mytnsips, or arnitsl men. at the place wberoanv gen< ral or special election is b«*M inany stat- of the I nitcd :States of Ameri-ca," unless it shall be necessary to repeltbe arnitsl enemies of thel uited St o. -.


e know of i

g ladies perform

y instances of

daring feats of

says the Cape

ais- of our prisoners at Castle Thornier,s at Cleveland on exhibition. "Her.. - is '<r tokcp the at ihe HJ

May Wive, |,u t we are now c;ilU*d upon

to notice the most remarkablecase. Twomisses, agtsl thirteen and fifteen, guests

of Mr. J. C. Little, at the Otesin HouseSteamlsMit L'lnding, while bathing the

other day, went to the outer end of the

wharf, and, jumping off, they swam mer-

rily to the shore. The distance from the

wharf to tbe water, and from where they

plunged in to the shore. Is so great that

we never considered that any lady had the

courage to put her tender life in such a

perilous condition. Few men would ac-

cept a challenge to perforin this feat.

£-fy At the close of General Sherman's

second speech at St. Ixmis, there was an

alarm of fire. The Republican says: "At

this point the bells struck an alarm of

tire, and almost before the first notes of

the bell had ceased to revcrls-rate upon the

evening air, the steam fire engines •Mis-

souri,' 'Underw riter,' 'Union No. 2,' and

•General Lyon' were whistling and puff-

ing under the General's nose, giving him.

as was the intention, an opportunity of

witnessing the admirable promptness of

the St. Louis Fire Department."

Champ Fkr<hsox.— The gnerrilla

Champ Ferguson's application for a con-

tinuance of his case, before the militarycommunion at Nashville, w as on Fridayoverruled. His special plea in bar of fur-

ther proceedings was then read by his

counsel. He pleads the right of a bel-

ligerent, regularly commissionetl as aconfederate officer; also the explicit

terms on which he and his i-ompany sur-

rendered, which terms, he avers, werepris. iselv those of the surrender of Lee.

Should Ferguson prove these points, theywill acquit him for acts of legitimate war-fare, but not for violations of the laws ofwar.

"Ssji, A very tough story is told of a sol-

dier who dropped from acaronthe North-

ern C?ntral railroad, was run over, had

both his legs cut off save a few tendons

which he cut with a penknife;

the bleeding of the stumps,

train by tiring hie pistol, and was finally

sucwred, after being exposed all night,

his only society being his boots with his

feet in them.

Militaby Chasok.—Under the recent

order, Mater General Pope takes com-mand ofthe department embracing Wis-consin, Mi nnesota, Iowa, Missouri andKansas, and the territories of Nebraska.Dakotah and Montana, with headquartersat Fort Leavenworth. As he relieve*

General Dodge, it is thought that head-

quarters willlw retained at St. Louis.

General Dodge has tbe proffer of a newcouiwaud, but we understand he will

prefer a short respite for the benefit of his

health.—[Mo. Democrat.

py "Canaan" and "Lady Moscow,"

two spirited trotters, had a race in Chicago

on Tuesday, for U,000 a

won. Time. Mm

a ferocious 1. Hiking fellow, and whilelooking at him we stood where distancelent enchant ment to the view, lie i- a

very large specimen of th" Russian dog.weighing upward of 2no poliosis anal

measuring 7 feet 2':inches frum tip totip.

Another bhaalhound calltsl Jack accom-panies him. of U*s.s formidable proiior-

t tons and entirely a ditlerent specimen.

iviTW butcher in New York died, onFriday last, from the bite of a fly, whichHew from the lotck of a diseastsl bullockand bit him under the eyelid. In a tewhours a swelling covered bis face and <-x-

teudtsl tlown l iie breast. In a few daysbe become delirious and ditsl in great

agony. The Heal examination showedthat death resulted from the absorption

of morboritic animal matter deposited bythe tly.

4>i7* A private letter, of recent date,

from Mississippi, says:

"Every negro that has ever lived in

Kentucky will sis.n Is* upon you. Thedesire to rMiirii to old Kentuckyis universal among them. Such is the

f. eling of many others, who tear that theywill not Is- as "safe in the thinly-settled


A M AN Kii.lki>.—Just Iteforc g .ing to

press we learn, without further particu-

lars, that Henry Thomas, of Windfall,

was vesterdav killed by fir. Armstrong,of the same place. As l«»th of the gentle-

men were returned soldiers, it is hardlyprobable that the s.„| is-.-urren.-e was tbe

result of political difficulty.[Tipton

Kiixkp.—Hugh M. M. s>re,

Lawrent*> county, Gs., fonnerbfrom that county ami secretary

was killed by anger. Klsingertary on *i«Ml"«»

js-jY' A Mr. Stone, of Illinois, was acci-

dentally shot by tbediseharge of a pistol,

while on a visit to his son, Hiram, af the

firm of Stone A McCauley. at Fort Aber-i the 7th instant. The wound

f Dublin..* senatorof

FlRK AT PBTKBr*Bl'B/».—Li1st Saturdaynight the furniture factory belonging to

H. • '. Coleman .v Co.. of Petersburg. Pike

county, Intl., was consumed, with all its

contents. Ix>ss «,iw; insured for sj.iTrt).

1 1th Illinois regiment was mus-

tered out of service at Baton Kouge, 1-h-,

ou the llth inst.

and *>4 men left

And that it shall not be lawfulfor anv otte^r of the army or navyof the I nitcd st.iti-- t.. prest-rita' or ri.\ byproclamation, order or otherwise, the)• lualiticattons . f voters in any Slate of IhoTinted States of America, or in anymanner to interfere with the free-dom of election in any State, or with tho. x.-r.-ise of the free right of suffraire iri

anv s.,aU,,,,- lht . i niusl States. Any offi-

cer of tbe army or navy of the TintedSlates, or other ]s*rs..n engage.! in thocivil or military service of the I nips!States, who violates this section of thisact, shall, for every such onVnse, N* liable*

to indictment as for a misdemeanor, and.on conviction then-uf, shall pay a tine*

not exceeding live thousand dollars, andsutter imprisonment in the penitentiarynot less than three months or more thanfive years, at the discretion of tbe court,trying them, and any person convictedas aforesaid shall, moreover. I*e listpial-


ifted fri win holtling any offi.-e of honor,iprofit or trust under ihe Tinted States.rroviitedth.it nothing herein contained

Ishall be so isinstruct! as to prevent anyofficer**, soldiers, sailors or marines fromexercising the right of suffrage in any• Its lion district to w hich he may tielong.

if otherwise . ualified. a<-cor<ni.g to th*»

laws of tbe Stale in which he shall offerto vote.

Sec. 2. .lad '»• if further rnnttr<t. Thatanv officer or person in the military ornaval service of the T nitetl States, who I

shall order or advise, or who shall, direct-|

ly or indirectly, by forts', threat, menace,i ut i initiation, or otherwise prevent, or at-

tempt to prevent, any vialirted voter of|

any State of the Tinted States of Americafrom freely exercising the i-.ght •( suff-

rage at anv general or speeial election in

any State of the United States ;or who shallin like manner compel or attempt to turn- I

pel any officer of mi election in any such|

state to rets ive i vote from a person n.^ I

gaily .pialifietl to vote.orwbo shall imposto impose, any rules or regitl

ting said election Jiltere'

prescribed by tew, or intorfhrnlin any manner with any officer i

election in the discharge ofshall for any such offense he liable lo in-|> filament as for a mtfaaanaanor, I

court of tbe U nited State* haviaa;«.

tion to hear and determine cases ofdemeanor, and, on convictionshall pay a Ana not exceeding fire

sand dollars, ant! sutler imprisonment in I

the penitentiary not exceeding five years,!at the din-ration of the ennrt trying tha|

same ; and any person cowneMd as afoi

said shall moreover be disqualified frc

e«r Retween 7.O00 and s.ooo

ana and Texans, organixetl ai

are under way for Mexico, to go into the

service of Maximilian.

fcgrThe telegraph

Shreveport to

is probably


line ana ham

i to)

holding anv offits. of honor, profit or trv

under the' tgovernment of the Taiu-djStates.Approved February 2S, MmV

H« srtr.\L PatixsBTs.—There ai

patients te tbe Hampton general hospita

at the prMent time. Tru ring the last four

teen montha there have been sdraitt'


into these hospitals 2R,122 patients; i

turned to duty, 7.11M; transferred to other

oapttala, s,.t?T ; died, 2.MH6; dischargetl,

i,tr72. Tbe balance sdmitied are wTaad civilian*. Dr . Elim Listen has

of theaa hospitals for nearly tl

pgr*Jacob Wincet, a resident of Whire

(loud. Kansas, waa kilted a few days

since by the awidental discharge of a pis-

tol, during a playful scuffle.

A hard working clerk of Dea ht

has, bv the death of an ancle in Wiscon-

sin, ta.len heir to <bor good farms tnd

*1<».iX»0 in 'ash.

nobility atiMm 1 1 id I

Lord WiUoaghby

tbisiMBj-Thewill tie repreaented Uy Connt Johann


BriTMr. Smith, of Tioga, Ifaw York,hung himself, omibb » people mtoHMMlwith bis busin-^B.

, '






Traix Kavkp fro* Dwtri-'Hox-N-.BI.K C«iM*n Of T«<> Vol NH LADIES.

On sVmIii.-mIh.v i< Ireiii.'ii.loii* rain foil in

lb.. iH-ichl«»rh<v«I of Klirj.»*tht4.wn, on

tr*» NM*hvill»> n«ilro.i<1. All the- ntnittns

s.KMu>wifl-'u«sl, aii'l a l>ritl>;«*, » ith a |*«r-

li. xi of tlx- trm-k, wa- cnUrvly *xx«»|»t

away, a «liorl <1isit«n.s» lidnw tow n. <'npt.

Tom lt<-rrv xx itli lii* p.-isseneror ln«in

•mwili^i villii«•< >]•!<• t-;itue tliuiiuVrini;

alone at it* usual «pe*d, ami would no

«iouht hwvflipwi thrown into tin- »wk of

IIm' bridjf »ii<1 strvain hud not two young

Indies walk. si alnxit one mite down th«*

r«md aii'l HtopiHil the train. Tlie-y told

<"t|»t. Horry that tin liriilfr? lia.l beon

Kwesrd mwnr. and had it not havo N^n for

thorn the a.vidoiit would havo ls-oii :it-

titin M. Intiif and Miss Lir/.i.- Vitt it.--,

to w li .in tho company and all tho |kis-

for tte'ir iu>l>te

-Pot.lt I I'llo

J ITi kxfi; I.IKH.Y TOl .r«rtfceLoo*.%iiio ix-.n- I'm.UK l'sVe'EKMNns— Thmxttay, Jul'/

Henry Turner,j

Tfce III.Idle- t* Urn* in to be Done| »,_i{oriah Rt-dbiU, lmrjrlHriously inter-

two young men, were trio.1 in this city

»ome time ago by a military aiouuit-

aion, and wntenocd to lw executed, on

th<" charge of l«elnp guerrillas. The time

set for the execution w an this afternoon.

Y«-wt.-rilny morning l'rit.ideiit Johnson

dispatched to Oenernl Palmer to lenow

the charge* against Davis, (.'apt. Harlan

•*ent them to him, whereupon the prvsi-

dent r.~].tt.sl Ihtvi* for one week from

to-day. He ha* the cnae of Turner underconsideration, and there is no douU but

dm an* the same us thoae of

for last night Iroin the president. If it

does not arrive Henry Turner will Ih> ex-

tbu military prison yard this

T«tM\-SlvTH Kentivky VeteraMB.

Ol. Thou. II. Fairleigh. with the veteran

l»ortion of the 'Jith KentU' ky, arrived in

the city yesterday. Among our friends•• e in. ( with Lieut. < ,,|. Ibx-ketl. who

,. ''tides! in the mouth tn the gieat

«M Vt'.. * ill''. We are glad to see

battle at Nasi. . "th and spirits.

Jli.u lie i- in good he. -obly through

Thi- p-pm- n* has acted ». -»rly a

the struggle, having

Iospii hard Imttl.^. WeJiappy fa.*- of Ma tor Jim A-h<T»ft, of

Ihiacity. Heby his


The non-vet. raiw of this n giment havo

Iss n paid ofl and lelt for Hi. ir h y.-s-

t. rd.iy. Th.- veterans will be paid off in

a fcw'dayfc afid w ill als.. leave us. Wevei. . ime home the gallant U»V» of the

IXtli. and ho|i>. they may live a thousand

y«>ar* to tell their chiMren and their chil-

•In'ti's ehildren tte licroi< ails they have

played so eolispi.'iioiis a part iu .lining

the bloody drama of the reU-llion.

t4T^ Mir bs-al rv|H>rtcr, noticing (lie ar-

j.-m of Messrs. M J. Gorman, J. H. tror-

man and <>. II. M n-liaiu yesterday, Mated

i luii t liev were eliarp-.) w itii swindling

:. ti.l <l..mg business under a fictitious firm

nam... Sn.-li is not t lie fa.-t. whatever

max ha\e been the i-upressioii of the au-


.si a -gift

^ fa I a* xx. know have always r-ondu.-ted

Hi. it l-usiii.s* to tlK' satisfaction of all

wli.liaxe dealt with them. Tlie lirm of

I'lmsl! A <o. is well known in Cincinnati

Miid N. w York.

They are only liable, if liable at all. welearn, t" the . harge <>f selling tickeis lor

tin- .-nterpriw in violation of some old

« Xl-dili;.- slatllte luxx of the State.

It seeins to us that if these gentlemensir.- obnoxious even to this charge tliev

.inpany tor manyand an'

W*m \ ii

the pi n.ii.

w nnj*


About 12 o'dork veaterday, m the1st ohio w ere Iteing embarked on stunn-

ers to N« taken home to l». mustered out

of the servi.-e, a portion of the regimentmade a raid upon several drinkinglions,... on tlie \x harf. The St. Louishouse was broken o|s n and two barrels

of l>eer carried off, w hieh w as drank upby the soldiers. The house adjoiningwna also entered and rifl.sl »f its con-tents, including a large niimlier of cigars. I

f,,r|" s, »

They then pr<>coed.»J to the house ofVonan, on llullitt str.s>t. which was also

rifled. The proprietor of the store re-monstrated with tl»e soldiers, when hexxas kimcked on the head with a chair.After this they visited several otherpla.-es and carri.d away whatever theyanted.

AxnxYXocn.—During the past month•ny <joantity of anonymous communitytions have lieen sent to the several miliUry oommanding ofneers in this department. Some of th-m thn-nUm assa.ssjnat,o„, death toth<»eina,.tte,rily, ifsiicln

These letters ,\,. „,, ( amount to

m brave man will exer w r

"d. and thovof that s...

, . . Uioso whopbsh no g<xKl, to. .

an- apt to i»ay t

mean than to write an anoffew*o*»s U^ter

of any kind.

Sick and Wopxhk.ii Sot.dikrs.—Hos-pital train No. 2, in charge of A. ting Staff

Surg«s.iiO. Herrick, I*. S. A., arrived

y night, withwho were

frillendrfi general hospital,

in this city, until they r.-tn Is- forwarded

with Them when They |»nt onAim?.Vcjuir... EiIHor*: There !s one thing

which to housekeepers generally, is lie-

coming .putc a serious matter. It is the

airs which the Kiddies in the kitchen puton nowsa-day*. Th*»y mmuu U> think it is

quite a privilege xve housekts>perH enjoy

to bo able to have them lioard and lodge

w ith us, ami give them three or four dol-

lars a xveek to do so. Xow, no one, weprawns xvill blame isiddy for obtaining

good, comfortable quarters, w here she can

entertain all her cousins, who -•in to lie

as numerous as the frogs of Kgy|»t. Butto some of us it is not always convenientto take hoanlcrs who have so much com-pany and pay them liesid.-s, and for one,

we protest against the custom, which, if

not soon chirked, will.lieconic the "pecu-liar institution'' of Ixmisvillo.

It seeiiis to us that housekeepers arethemselves much to blame for this stateof things. If the Kiddie* were n*<|uiredto produec a certificate of good characteras to the faithful porfornian.-o of theirduti.-s. from their late mistress, lieforethey xvere r.-eeivod by those xvlio x\ ish theserx i.vs of BUdy, there wonld l»e lessdis|M>sitioii to bundle up their elBs-ts and |

to answerleave just when they are most wantoil, orjust alter they have l>een nHiueated lopcv*

*BB xx hi. h they faithfullyllllse to ilo when they " engage to

Btmnj" And this is a very opjmrtnnetime t.i i«ontnteni<e this sx-s.:.

;;;, i2£ST ofQtO V- \ .

• k-.- i- is In the < itvhave from time Immemorial had thefroxvn colored serx auts, xx Ih>, under <ien.Palmer's jmss, have passi'd ii\vnv:nndthese housekis.pers thus left xx'itlioiii

"help" are glad to engage the first P.iddythev i hance to nus-t offering her services,and. from the nc^ssitx ol the ease, arewilling to give her u little more moneythan she is remixing, and double whather sorxi.-es are worth. Tlieae highxx ages are spread as if by* telegraphand half a dozen Biddies in the neighbor-hood will tell their mistress next morn-ing (hat she w ill hax e to "look out for an-other gin I" or give her more wages. Themistre.s may remonstrate with her, andtry to eonxim-e her that she is gatingwages fully .sqiial to her servi.-e-, Imt she(Man* eonvims. Biddy, bjm] her reply is,

ing the Southern Bank of Kentucky withintent to steal; continued till Saturday.

St. flair Trax ls, old and Infirm (seven-

ty years of age), but rather inclined to usespiritotts liquors too freely, was fined Jjfl

for drunkenness.

Michael ltevelin, a suspected felon; dia-


Klizals-th Williams, drunk and disor-

ly conduct ; fined and workhouse for

four days.

John (iihlions, drunk and disorderly—abuse of family; fund $ln „,,,! $lu0 for

ten daj'8.

James Hark was drunk and disorder-

ly-beating Mary Clark, a disreputable

woman; lined *ln and bail in ?W0 for tendays.

Mary Clark and Kate Watson, drunkand disorderly; *ln each and si'Hl for tendays.

Win. Biker (f. in...,, disorderly oon-dnct—carrying eonwaled a deadly weaponand threatening a colonsl woman; heldto bail in jinn to answer.John Williams xxas charged xvith stenl-

ingacoat from tJeo. Urn-h; held in

Eveline Boss and Anna Davenportwereehargisl xvith stealing ?Phi from Kil-

ty Noble. All Ihe parties an> iiimaU-s ofa ho»sv of ill-fame—Jenlijj i^i'xvs'r there

lH-ing no felouiovts intent, they xvere dis-


M. A. Pnrw'll, M. J. Gorman and T.

Merdiam xvere presented as venders of

lottery tirkots, with the intention to de-

fraud the purchasers; I'rtroell und «»or-W were each held in *'.<»o to answer.

S«piire Flowers, a little boy, xxas pre-

sented as a vagrant ; discharged.

to their homes. They are fnW frd-

lowing states; Indiana. 47; Michigan.:^*Illinois, l»hio, Js

; Pennsylvania, 10;

N.-w York, Wis.«onsin. 1»; Mississippi.

1: Kentucky, '<; Missouri, Iowa, J;

Maryland, 1. NunilsT not accounted for

on list, 17. Total. 17-V.

3<1 Kentu.'ky <nx"»lry ns»iment,

<'ol. King, xvill arrive here on Mondayfr«>m Ijcxington, X. C, to l>e imisten^l

out of s.tx i<<». Th<-«. gay and gallant

KeutiK'kians have s.vn much of the

world siiKi- the n-ls-llion, and done as

hanl tiirht ing as the most of them. Twobrigadier-generals haxe l<eon furnished

the serx i«-e by this regiment, Brigadier-

<.eneral Jackson and Brigsdier-< .eneral

K. H. Murray^

ce the pro-

i-orner of

robtied of

nade in the

Moeon-m, Kiddy, is getting — dollars aWk, and is a tmik Niter place nor thisentin-lv," ami oft sh^goes.

I'nder this system of oM^ining "plnies"xriiU.nu a ns\>minemlatioir, Md<fy will

d<> fcw "ork pr not just as v|„. pt,>a ses.

T)r^ mis-trs-'- H entirely in her jsixxer, »sdftiiMy know « h 'iiiife i"s well a*, she does,Tlris isno fmi< y «fcetc?», us many house-k'*fVrr will testify frfsn their own expe-rien.^', .'.'fid- sorne system should Is? adopt-«sl by which tW* mtis-in.-c win N> aUitcd.

A i


• v

xxork of dex-elopmg

1 xx ealth of Kentucky,incne.-ising ud. <»f in-

setting in from the«-ast tow ards our ri< h oil and .sjal fields.

We are happy to know however that ourown capitalists have appropriated a fair

Khan* of the more promising portion ofthe state, and almost the entin oil andmineral privileges on Highland < r.s-k

nnd Tradewat. r. whi.-h promise to lie. in

the language ot an oil . v.s«k man, "the• h.'i.-e spot of the western Kentucky oil

tel.K and the tut nr.- cent, r of tie- oil in-

lens.1 in that section • ! the state." Oneof <>ur well-known citizens p-oently re-

1 urn.d from a prosjieding tour throughI in hi. He seems quite enthusiastic.

Tim E.ji n.uu Lit t: Asst h\ nce S<^« ii ix or Nkw Yobk.—The annual state-

ment of this reliable and excellent institu-

tion mill l# found iu another column.The so. iei> is issuing policies on all thevarious plans of lite insurance, and its

' v <'l premium an? as low as Uiose ofanx othe, tirst-. lasv eoinpany. Th. en-

tire surplus of thes.- i.ty is divided in

the most .^putable maimer among th<

|sili. x holders, and . an Is- applied eitherto increase the insurant or .|.^ n a-e th.

ii mount of premiums. The society is welliepr.-seiii.il 1% their a. .umplishid agent,Mr. Alfnsl Pirtle, at :=it Main sUeet, tow hom we would n-fer our readers for all

information, rat.*, Ac

iib-tkd.—A few days si

prietor of the <»|K-ra lions..

Fourth and Water streets, wa*I.W*>, mention of which wasDemocrat. In addition to this a numberof the Ixiardors at the house were at vari-

robNd ofK.Ain. Yesterday tlf-

Hammon l and Anile arrested Jas.« 'unningham, charged with la-ing con-i-erned in the roblsry.

H^On Weilnesday, l!Hh, the stockhold


•is of the Lmisville furnitun> manufae-turlng isMii|tany el«s;«sl as dim-tors to

the following gentlemen:H. Walker, B. H. Thurmau, Jas.

H. Wehmhoff, and J. I.

a meeting of the dins tors

. Mr. Jas. W. Stok.s was

In addition to the uncertainly of keep-ing a Middy f<>r .1 whole week, they areI >o< oming so fon< I of "goMip out." that the

kitchen is cither minus its Biddy or it is

filled xvith a doren of them. ' *»>e of these

Utilities recently called ti|>on Mrs. V ,

Ifcflrhig th»t she wanted a ' -giirl," hi?* Isv

fo*e jP)ig||giug 1st services Inqnlni atwhat frfflrtll the afternoon shecould "goout." Anoll*ermv called iqion a neigh-bor of ours w ho wrmted « "gurl." she,however, spurned the ?<tea of )<eing aBiddy, though she Ism- every mark pe-culiar to the Biddy, for on being uskednername s|ie informed the ladvthat her niune !

was Mbs M .

While we xx ould t>e far from ailvocatinginsufficient wag»s< or excluding these bid-dies from all proper enjoyments, yet for

the well being of sociol y. and for bid-dy's own g.«*|, she ought to Is' taught toknow her plsoo. which is to iM-rforni thew ork she stlpulab-s to do, and if she "gm^sout" it should t«eat siMed limes, and notat any hour xvhich niny -^lit lerOHMMl*em*. H< i s

grjf' \ Mrs. Fleming was killed n t

LcavenxfoYJh city on the nth inst., by N>-

ing thrown from itHd draggetl and kickidby her horse.

SrntiKN Dkatii.—Mrs. Kerr, mother of

Hon. Joseph K. McDonald, died suddenlyat Covington, Indiana, on Sunday morn-ing last.

fiti?"T.«1xx-<.on the l.">th and tttfc ultimosixty thousand pounds of freight for Salt

Luke xvere sbipis-d from < 'arson City.

JkaSP'A large diiiuer xxas given to (icn,

SIi*thiuu, by Hm citiztMis of St. Louis,

last eveuing.

lien IN.

Nashxille train wasnight liefore last until midnight,by a bridge N-ingwash.il away



of the



morning a s.

not learn, fe]

dow ot Wolf<

-Alwut 4 o'cl.sk yesterday

ddier, w hos«- name we did

I from the third story win-'s tavern, corner ot Third and

Market stns.|s, to the pavement U-loxv,

He was wriously but not dangerous] v


ttiTL.uisx ille is flooded w ith counter-

feit treasury not. -s of the denomination oftitties, whi.-h are so well executed as al-

most to defy detection. Both the banksin Madison, Indiana, havelieeu victim-ized w-fth these counterfeits.

W fl'<' notiml quite a numlicr of sol-

diers on the street last night in a jollyiii.sid. One of them said, as he pa-se.l

our oftice, "Soldier to-night, citizen lo-

in, irroxv. Bully for Sherman.''

So. n-tary of War hasall th. tn.sips in Kentucky to bo paid off

as soon as |K»ssible. This w ill be gladnews to tlie lwiys.

•UP Ueutenant Babbitt, chief of ord-iuukm- i. pati ment of Kentucky, has gone^) Muufordsxille, Ky.. to insist an,l

bnak up the department at fhat pla.v.

.lining Li. ut, nam Itid.biu's^disem*-. Onin. return ol Lu ui.-naiit liabbm to tliis bitter against their late« itx

.la- will break u

{.t lie ,tepan ment here, .fused to follow the fortunes of the defunct

preparatory to taking charge of Fort Confederacy ox er the Rio (irandeA sue. -ii \ ei

, Washington territory,

vilte has I

pla.i |..r a

Military Commission-.—The only case

lls-fun- the military .nmmisKion yester-

day wa* that of John McMahon aiia*

"Wild Irishman." . harg.d with N-mg a

Iguerrilla. Twenty-two witnesses wereN.uiiined by the murt, and the .mitinu-

1st ion of the examination of wit ne-.se-

|vil! protyxd this morning.

I A. Bennett had bis .-ase concluded liefore

court -martial. He is charged w ith «-on-

du.i unlieooming an ofli<-or and a gontle-

|nuuL, and prejudicial to good order andlitary <bs< iplim-.

PMBmomai..—We had the pteaaaire yes-

Tday of meeting <V»1. T. B. Fairleigh,

Iw ho has niurned from the wars covered

[with glory and blessed with good health,

fhe colonel has not. evidently, fought un-lbrella or marched in the shade,

ins to have done more for himI rebels did—las him. We wwl-

colonel, l>ack among yourany triends again.

H kixi to AJfsw Kn.—In the Democrat of

• -sterday we made mention of a I signs

Htery and the arrest of the parties «n-tged in the same. They were yesterday... .. th i-ourt md held t. 'jit: m |t«m

) answ er. They offered to contess a fine

>i »luu but were not allowed to do so.

he n«l»els are scattering over Mexic-o, and the republi.-ans, lieaten by M.-i \

imilian, are coining to this country—


queer case of exchange.

##"The Home Journal advises ladies

w-ho ride on horselav-k to ride astride.

Th. idea is said to be |sipular among theladies.

ifc^Tlie ."51st Illinois regiment arrivedhere yi -sterday, r« route lor Springfield,

111., to ls» m ust er.-. l out of service.


last night by a bridgt

bh?1ow laizabethlow n

train was detainedlieing washed awaj-

fttT Watermelons have made their ap-

pearance in the Nashville

Price *1 50 and $Z

.i- ^- .n« n .rth for the benefit of hi*

eaJth. which has been very teeble for

«me tune past. We w ish the general a

aVaaasaat ttanax, and hope he may return

nth all the health and vigor he has teat,

|uid Wore too.

Oxrytn W awtko.—Othoer Amos Turner

aas iu bis posMtwsion a fine blank cloth

«aat, whM* has evidently ls*n stolen

6th and 7th Kentucky cavalry

will arrive here in a day or two

usual iiumU-r of negro passes

at the provost iiaatvual's

office yesterday.

trjP'A little child was run ovw by the

street cars in Chicago a day or two agoand killed.

Mi ni oi;i.-vn.i r. M art CtuCTMI'T,


KjmrUUKI, July li», IsifTf.j

UUtmn ttmmrtti: Having ohaanrdi

with inu< ?i pleasure that your piqMT man-if.-sts some inter. sf in tin- development of

the wealth of Kontm ky iso long dor

m int . permit me to ask the attention of

your n'aders to this region, which Is enn

,sde.| bypnu-tical and scientific gentle-

men to lie OKoeedingly rich in petroleum,

cnul, nipper, lend, etc. The county of

Hart, nt least that jsirtlon lying between(.ns'n and N.-bn riv ers, may lie equaled,

but cannot N- surpassed in oil. True, it

is not so tally dexelojK-.l aM ot»ier dis-tricts of this state, yet the attciiti'rtt ofpnrsjHi top-, adx cut un rs and capitalistsareask.il to its in*|>ectioti, and xve chal-lenge the world—even <»il

« 'm-k, < "herryHun, or anx other portions of Pennsylva-nia, W estern Virginia or Kentucky—to acomparison of oil ami mineral indica-tions; while our advantages of transpor-tation an- unsurpassed by any oil regionyet known.

I hat portion of territory lying lietxx-een

th.- tw.. rivers aliove named and runningsouth from the I/misville and Nashvillerailroad to their junction has l*^»n thor-oughly pros|m-ted and loiind to containthe most iiituplote and ptnttivM WtdMMHof rich oil deposits yet dis.iivensl. Thisentire .sinntry is 'well HMbtMi amiwatered, containing numerous waterpowers sufficient for any and all wellpuriioses. It is also being rapid I x takenup by leases..,-),., title purchases. Messrs.Hey ,V Taylor, tls- pioneer Nirers of thisrich district, are now sinking a well MMfixe miles south of this pla.-e and arenju- li delighte.1 with their suiys^is. hav-ing chosen as their maiden alMBOT M>atiou the most elevated s|sit in this r'g»'m.ami hax e, at a depth of two humli .il andnine f.i-t. and iu their second sand rook,struck a fine tloxv of superior oil. Theyare still progre>sing in their xvorkand art-

fully confident that ujkiii reaching thethird sand rock the tloxv of oil xvill

ha umipial.il. i Such is the opinion ofthoroughly practical men.. Messrs.Haker A Co., jn connection xvith M»-wrs.Taylor and others, of your city, are mak-ing further develonments south of thiswell a few miles. Fourteen miles south-east of Me-srs. Tayl-.r A Hoy's well arethe Biyd < 'reek, or OWMM wells, ofbarren county, already knoxvn to yourMMMnM* yet not apiiieclated by <-aplfal-

ists, who foolishly witnold capital in Manparatixe idlem-s's rather than to exertthemselves in search of safer and moreremunerative investments iu that whichwill enri.-h themselves and N-nefit everycitizen of the state. Why shoidd notKentuckians look to those home interestsat Meat Pnat.rn ami Kocthecn oanttal-ists Ml in and monopolize our largehidden xvealth.Already some .id venturers have obtain-

od large land leasisj here—among them aNew York company, represented byMessrs. Tylor, Baker, Craddock anilothers; also a Callfornlan has nventlypurchase.1 some twentv larins and tractsin f<-e title of oil lands. Messrs. TaylorA^ Hey aroaml have Ns-n investing largely.Froin appearann-s Kentucky capitalistsan. Imm valuable investments. It i

said that .astern parties are interestedwith the Californian, Mr. <;. C. Jones.Others think it is for his own account, helieinga native of this county, and ap-pears to say but little, though he secinsto have made selections of the mostehoi<-e lands onlv.

I hope you will give us a voice throughyour paper, as all we want is capital,tiive us this, and xve defy all of the restof America to surpass us, or even to ioui-pMMp. More anon. Pi ne.

H* Ia—a I Trsi-i.K.-To-nipl.i Mis. Kilty ni.in-

rlMrrt. xxh.i lis* wen lie- title of "Stur i.r the XV. si.-

will :i|>|M »r tonUie-laiiin ll«iy,or the White M.nn,"a pin e full it intcresi. Tin- inxwe xvill no iloiHn In-

aK»i" rrewrt>«I.MMIMM Tin- prent MM in tin-

eliy hi |ir.-s..|it i. Hi., y^y KUMiski lr..ii|«-. wlio iiIkIu-

f.r.lnov lar^t- auitletin-s al lies j>e|>nlur |ilsc- <.f

anllimuent. T.snlght Mllr. Itiristim- xvill BHpcaUinthe^m.l drama of I lie '-Krriieli S|>y." Th<««.

aa aai»aM M>asMi i»rt aaaaaaaws in-r melaai Kr. ni ii ajy aa He Ajaasteaa atapa

SrtrlnVlIJJI Thkxtkh.— Mis« A'!), «r»y \x-»s

pr. .IM trlrli nimtli.r l.trs.- ami fash reliable au<lienn>

last in^T. T«> itiflu sh." xvill n|>i«-ar a* Lyslali.in the

pi. *ft<

UtewnUI f»M^o.-The MatafmMMal pi»y-

inp at tht> pt.ui-. f BManaaM ar<...x<-..|l« nt. If ><iii

xx ish to laush Ml -Tmr fat. pn M theQM| Corner

of Kir^t aud Jetl. r-on atamU,

DIED,On the nuM-iiinp el" the ^x.th imt.int.at the reat-

draicpof J. t*. Hurler. Mr-. Mimniiir uaaooar,in th.- eipliiieili xe.ir «f her ape.

H.-r fiiiier.-I xvllt lake pl.ui. ..I fi', ..VI.i k on Kri-

•lav meriling. Tl^' frlnids of the family are no it.il


niess.il ar>- th-y who .tie in die t>xrd. •

On the Mi initi'SI. a! •"• nVlock 1-. S.WIUIIM<r«T<...Mi kx . Hiram -.hi of s. >. ami Ma lliish.

axul two years ate! six Dionttw.



feCailJa mid Fourth sin-ets,



Gents' Furnishing Goods.

Pjrtirnlnr attention rirrn to ilim ,• ... rj«d*n

\\ hu is UlrM. H insh.xx ••

Ah thi8 .nieslion Is fr«nliently askPil. we will sim-

ply say that she Is a lady w ho, for upwards of thirty

roars, has untiringly devoleil her time and talent-

as a Female fhysi. Ian and Nurse, principally

amoni; children. She has especially Htudted the

<sin-lilull..n and wan Is of this numerous class, and.

as a i. -.lit of this effort, and practical knowledge,

obtained in a lifetime spent a.s nurse and physician,

'he Iras cotniw.iiiided « essdhinK «yrnp, for children

MM) IMH maslc giving re>t ar«>

health, and Is, n».rr».^ef. sure to regulate the hoxv-

els. III con*e»|Ueuce of tl>»» article, Mrs. XVinslow

i« aaoanlM world -renown.il a* a Fs-nefai |..r «r her

race; children certainly do sisk i Can't bless her;

especially Is this the case in thfs city. Va«( .(iranfl-

ti.-. of the rVaJtafSa" «»Ttip are B^TT.V sold and nsM

UoTe. We think Mr-, f'.-slow has Immortalized

her name by Ibis Invaluable artl. ir , tsv» w« -In. ere

ly believe thousands of < hildrcn have iif»s sj,v.if

from nn early Brave by Its timely use, and that ">T

Hints yet unborn w ill share It-. U n. His. and unite in

catlbig her blessed. No moTIIKK han dl--< liari.-. <1 M<fulv to- her snfferimc lillle on«. in our opinion, uiiul

she lias given It the beneftl of .Mrs. Wln-loWs Sooth-

In? Syrup. Vtf It mothers-t»V IT Ml MM>Vultnr, Xrtr York r*.i/


sotil by all Druggist*. 3.TtM« » bottle. Jyr> Im




CIRCUS.A Graii'l Mimimoth Show.


DR. A. RICHARD JOXKS,rraip max known fwnww


i.twittI of the Army of the I'limlK-rhmd

years past located In Nashville, TenUMa\ Ky.. and has locat.sl al

No. 2" i« Firth at., be I. 'I .In anil 'IniLH.

I)r. Jones Is the only phy-dclan in the I nitedMMwho cures Syphilis and l.onorrh.ea without the u<-

of cansilc applications, or otherwise pr.Nlu.-im; pain

t<> the patient. His medicines are such that they

may la- used without arousing the su.pn-lon of v.-ur

al intimate fi lend . »>:d a t urr Ortaxtu l« nil

I aaes


Dr. Jones has. In the ln-t year. trea|e,t nion-thanlf«»i easM of Venerealrience. aheaM certainly enlire

Call and see him at his rooms. No. ?oi Fifth -lr.i-t.between Mam ami Market , weal side. JgrM ills If

To Soldiers !--Waltham Watches!

Lot every soldier, before lie returns home, provide

aMnM xvith an American Watch; no bott. r Mcan be made ..r money than to invest it ia one of

these durable and accurate Unio-pieces, It h u kind

of property that constantly returns p«»l interest,

and it . money value Is^o xvell kin.a n that a SSdnl

full of silver dollars w.nildu'l Is- us useful.

isold by all n-s,*ctable Watch dealers.



NKW A I >\ E RTISEM'TScr Fraf other New AdrtitUuanjaU.t


42t> M«ia street.


Men's and Boys' Soft Hats,

Men's and Boys' Cloth HatsAND

Men's and Boys' Straw Hats

In great x arV-ty and for -ale very low for cash at


M .4MONIC XOTK E I "IIsVII.LK R.*.A.M IHiti.k, No. ..will e—Ttat this

Kri.l.n .»Ill ..rdi i

|ra it*

M insi..al 7S o'clock.

S HII.I.M \\. s.., v.

H«Uce«rrinn m kmm orm1 herrtoi i 1 1., meet •

1. S.CLCB xm:I the Tomppert Mali

•d. m •lock precis-

is.rlauce will be transit. I.

t H ss.

Caaa. W. LAsaaaa, Hec'j

nice, as business of uil-Itv order ofA. POsVJUX, Pr.-. t.

J.v^l a»

» ( ;<MH> i.k.k. WASHES ANT IRONFt:-,'m. lierinan preterre«l. ,X|i|il>* on«"i bs.r east of s,n,n,| sire. I.

bra d j. xv.vAT. l.ri'.Td.V.

< o|»urtii<'r*hi|» \ollee.

*r«;rsT (oi.dk.xvky is rnon thirnil

its very little hnsiness

sarted at the i>rovost marshal's office j-es-


MT*The steamer freacent City was rob-lied at Cairo a few nights ago.

t/f Champ Ferguaon'b trial

progrvasiug in Nashxille


ia still

w»«e very few arrests madeyeaterrlay in the city.

V '..-ii. DoolitUeis

at Xaahville,of the

was in i

•i.vimi. Cut-BT-M.xaTiAi. Okkkss, No. ns.— I.

noforc a K. neral courtmartial which convened atLouisville, Ky., April 1. law, pur>uaiit to Spe, lal

Orders Na. 27. dated Jiarch 27, las..; »|ax-ui ordersNo. m, paraitraph ... dated March »i, lafij specialorders No. iwragraph :t, dated A prtl I

orders No. s.. |«ra«raph> 11 and 12, dated May.-*,Is*.; and special orders No.'.. 1. paragraph II, datedJune .,, iHSi, from headquarters department ofKeulink.. Ix.ui~vllle. Kentucky ; and s,„ital ordersNo m, paragraph «. dated May is. is«r,. frxmi WarDepartment. WaJilnrton. D. C.and of which Brigadler l^nerni Walter C. Whltaker, V. ti. Volunteer).Is president, the following were arraigned and tried


!». John Olenn, lieutenant colonel IMhregiuentI nited stabf colore.1 volunteer infantry.I'hshoi ls-r-r..ii.liici prejudicial to goo.1 order

.mil military discipline.< iiAH.ii- 2i. -Conduct unbecoming an ottii-er and

a gentleman.I I Bill T

To forfeit all rank, j»y and llSslau for twomonths, and to be reprimanded In orders by the

» he faii.u tnproperly ii.ntn.l his regiment. A .uni-manding oftt.i r n responsible fur acta of x-iotcuc*i-ouimltted by hlsBMNi.and a cuoUnuance of sucha. lo t In ni rciulu either fruni his neglect of dutvor hi- InetHcleucy to till hi- responsible iMr.|tion.

Jas. A. Kel«i, lltb cwuipany. 2d battalion V. B. C.t'ltsmiK 1—Absencet'UAKi.t I -I. 'undue!

military dbclptfne.

SLXTEXIT.To be confined in the guardhouse of his companx-

forttvf minnlti by the watch i.

>r«ak Whalen. company «, 7oth Illlnub regi-ment.Ca asoa—Sleeping on his pout.


ronnne.1 in such prison as the general com-ignate. f..r a period ofalxteeu daya.jeoeral cuurt-uartlal which con-

vened at draft rt-udeix-ous, IxsrlsrlUe, Kjr.. Jauuarv1», lati, p'jrsuant to special orders No. 1.!. paragraph

•Ute^ Jaiiu.ux !s, ]sv. froui lieadquarvrs depart-ment of the Ohio. I>MiKvilb

,Kentucky, and »t

wturh CSet. J !». TbonA as ereiKle


Tn hi i "i

" v'ii.'ib"

»nt, ««« arralKlierl and,iy onanistned recruit .

TobeconSned al hard labor at the Dry Tortugasir the term of three vears fr.m the anth d«" of la-,

(i-mber, ism ; la forfeii lo the U"

tut the term of threeaassa

SatfTat mjiiiM anmm


for their pa-le same will

naaklM aat Meaai nndtn.uage tn the i.l.l tinn, xxe ho)M- thatbe lrust.il to the new lirm hen-after.

SCIIKOJJT 4MMraw, July in. ishj.

JA< OH HcMItnIIT...J.»t. A. XVOKBkll


(.roci rlt's. Wint-s andFiire Spirits, (i-an.

liquors. Altohol.», Tobacco. At.

MM IXVIll.r. KT.


lilooity Flux, Chronic or Camp Diarrhea,

J'iIcs, Cramp (•lie, .Summer

And all other derangements of 1Mb,

C'awcin's Panavera.Sold In- all re-pect»ble Drugglata.

MfMM byWW. < AWEIN * «0..

Js rt tf Jefferson it.. op|w>*it.. i . .urlli. .iw.


Grand and Upright Square

PIANO FORTES.Factory Cor. Main and Fourteenth.Office and Wareroom, Jefferson St.. bet. Fourth and

mftb. IJyitl d*slm

S''' \ B


REKINKI) is| *uA Its.—roi bbls White mod Yellowisugars iu nlure aud for sale hy

jya # K. (1. WTOGINTON a oo.

RIO fOKFKK.—no bags prime to choice In storeand for sale by


I AVA UOFFKC—Ti bags old Government Java Intl store and for sale hvJy2l M K. U. WIUUtNTON A OO

/ > h KEN AMl)BI^( KTiUJi.-125|stcka»rain"-" I powder and Oolong Teas Juet received and for

"jyffl « E. a. WltiOtNTON A (X>.

hh.Ls fair to i he ice Porto Rk-o and

OS A to..Main street.

t ula, sugars In store and for sale byE. O. WlUUlNfON & tO.,


Portable iSteam Engines,

Boring and Extracting Tools,

!Pnmping and Tubing



Washington Fonndery,

Corner Mntn and Main streets.»P?r dtf


& Co.,

Bankers,4 No. 8 Broad Street,

New York.

Wc draw* at sight, and at sixty days,

on London, Paris, Frankfort, and dother principal cities of Europe.

Parties opening current accounts, may

deposit and draw at their convenience,

the same as with the City Banks, and

will be allowed interest on all balances

over One Thousand Dollars, at the rate

of four per cent, per annum. * Orders

for the purchase or sale of various issues

of Government and other Stocks, Bond:,

and Gold, executed on Commission.)••!• <l2nw2<ii>


Have removed to

U AVINO PrflCHA^KP TITK --TOt'K OF (5 EO.E. XVII.KEs. where they tin

aud very lai£e stock of

Glass, China, and Plated Ware,


Waiters, Table Mais, de.

Orm jKrrKR.so>-viLi.E Railroad t'o.,1

Jeffersonx-tlle, hid , July 2nth. !«•>. i

A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER C ENT. ON THEcapital stock of thia Company will be paid to

the stockholders, free of (ioverumeut tax, on andafter tbe 1st <Uy of August ntutt.

^vj, d.-. J If. Mct-'AMPBEI.I.. Treaa.


ALL PERwONb 1IAVINOtnre. or belna- kept by the

Flovd Parks,

STOCK ON PAS-ear, with the late

me forward, prove' k awayproperty, par rhai tree. »nd take »

thi-Vnlteil stales truopt. having destroyed the fences.

I w ill not be responsible fbr them should tln-y Is-

'Ty otino or Fioyd Park's, feck


\ I

j\ 2l fct

prime cooperage, iu store

WB INTON ACTAp.i< kases »v i.rte.l in tore ...^

K. O. WJtOOINTON ilt).


E. O. WKUIINTON *0O_pA f.M AND CASTILE SOAF.-Suo boxes In store


Commissioii Merchants,

No. 47 Broad Street, New York.

ADV x Nr FX MADFON CONSIGNJtENTS A WDthe necessary atteutton given Ui lorwardlna- t.y

* JAS. L, OLENN. A Kent,

Hamilton Xj Building. cor. fclath and Mainsta,apl» d.tmlim L«ail>TiH»


Cirnnd Matinee,Hi Di Diit.i'iiinu l\ Un"..

Corner Main and Second

Will he inlrodnred In thisCh-rns by Mr. I low.-, .-.n.l

may lie se.>ii tli.-re each.lav during the a'leruooup.'rformaii< e. It Is .me oftlie 1. 1. luteal t'arriaiteswhich fomiertv bet.«ure.lto Ul'EEN Vl<-n>KI.X.awl was MM for miinvyear^ l>v the H.irb-s< .if

Kent.mother of the< tiie^nIn Ihe erand pru.-eswlonwlii. li ..hvavs pisses fYomIt! i k I Null AM PA I.

A< K. throiich >t. t ir . »

l^irk. tmhe Hawse ..f Pa*liam. iil. wbere ller M i'

tatjr every year fo tn-atiClir.ile III.- rereni..LM.-s.Tin- carnage Is the sea-

. Jl l.Y 21

periorroed the Frenrh militarFRENCH ss|-Y

Malhilde D«- Meri.|ii^ ,

Il. nn -si. Alme ,J'Hamet I

Mfn eon.-ln.ilXV KIT "

Narami.llab ...


"Doors ,

»V» o clc

Ith the mel.Hdrama of theTHK WISH T02I xvis.ll

M lie Christine.

pen at 7 i o'clock; curtain will rise at

Second Tierr'Pan Kj.nr A imi—iox.t'lr. le and Parauelle T>ce-nts.

rBo* Ofloreopen from • ..'cl.- k ». w. until I r.md from p. y. until I r. v., when seats may

he ws tired without extra charze.

7Iasoiii<« Temple.

Id theritjITi

and p.r.ilix. It lh.- I.i-I ip|s ir-

« star of the We»t, M;ss Kirrx

lille.1 THE,.f |M B'w

« AM* IHj\V'!'t. Tu k 'xx'T




\ o

J -


I.OXIKIS Sere hy Mr.IIOWHS' A(<ntr who•.iir<-e( .<!e.| a'ter ^ 'mltrouble in getting porn;>s--t. .ii la t.nos it <Mit of beland, which he at la-t a.--

is.iupllshed at a .i-.t of


Lad} Kqiiesirirnne

In the win-Id.

MAD A M l.

nmn\ mmm,l'roin A.ll. v's Roval At.l-

phMheflOer, and the ai-mmi paoaee, t^.n.ion.

w h.-re she had the honor..! appearim: l»-for.- h.-r

ni«>-t gracious MaJ. .ty.the


Bait jut LeaperTh .t ex erappeared In any...u nl i v, « ill make hi.ttrsl ,.|.|s-..rHii<s- in l^mis-v. le. ui.l aoumpll-h the


Tiirain? I SomrrNaiill



pro.ltic.st. fr»r the rlr»t(• .'I •! .In.ma entltlr.1

THE » UB IViYJwl'sn. ih^ caMn l«.y

•« l o r'*< iitde with i


FDarthg th.. pi.-. .- aIkOOMJMSJ March

or. Tn v. XVuir. *,.xx r.

.Mi.« Kitty lll..ie Uanl.

i' musical fane of ther A l.i lY Kit.

Ms- Kitty r.lan. hard.

Shs Kirt-. ITten. ruint will slug

iMsirs .>i»e:i at

i Ibe sea."

M cell fa: R.-^rurtain rises »i •




A Rf'KN In the most eleg

i friends and the public u

Oiliv aftcrp»»n. All are


nt style, can proro-

;en..ral a pi. -want

i aiiendanca esery

led. m.^t resp»s l-

is. J. H Al'I'IIoKF


JktfP'Cifi'i\ .twrnttu, .s*>'UI)e totd H»r-

ne-i IIor*r, /V"'*". -v "«:/ -Va-

Virj'c'* <t,ul Fi'i n't'ii ',


AT *l CTIO».'Pltl-s MDRNIN... F!fll«AV JtXIJ. irrlivk, will l«- -.Id. In fv.oi ..f an. ri.

one rl lie sn.klte iml hiirie— Horse : .. Iter « .*n. h

generel ..-.sorimeul <if Furnitiir-. « — md clihwar*-, .-.ni-isiiutf in part »»f Kurenus. XV.ir.tr.-.'--. -*l

Table., Wa->hsi.ni.|., can.- ami »...!-. ,• I i

Mi.-.-.' f< I .mm:.--, tpritu.-. »li n k i•• <

I. .11 M..-I '.-»-.—. " hut.. ..nd •ila*-o\.ire. |-|..:.-| XV;.

new i:rus-e|s,Thr..--|.lv. Incrain and Slair C'ar|»hrillUiit c.l.^s. other ..ni. l.-ln lie- t»..<wte. .

St. Matthew's Kemak InMltnte.'I' HE M'STsRs loNoFTHIS INs.TITt'TI<«N.L uml.-r lb- Joint . barge <rf the Rev. ..e... ivekee*and the Ites. C. I'sk' . *dl c mnuiictoii X«Bd»r.•1 th September pexl.Foeetrrurar. gtxinr ftirther l»*vrmat'on artdre^s

Rev. c. Pagw ee Ibsv.71 eo. K.s k-u. -I. Matthew's T.> ... Jeo>rs«.n conn- b.». I>jr.d<ewtf

Kentuck) Mhool «r Medlrtne.


improvtsl its pr.


J..: Muatrl>4h Aug.. ti

aloeiie. ..r write t

I.eaJlhsaadlof J. s-.lt.

He IswIeghMwn. rtirwit wahohsjatI'M'I I>"m. *K i '/Tn' Pr n?

..r to MesHI'.t hNUWLES. esrceeUrv th«


C iLrars ar.nl Tobacco,

Hm .-eie-

brated Hit-wian Horse

< y.AU.Which i. a. knoxvledgedti; . very Isdlolder lo hethe m.~t l»-rl.et and l~-.ni-

tiful broke horse in thexvorl.i.

M'lle Josephine

The celebrated

T*m*w lcui. r

IAHs < A>n;i.Lo.

Willi his bndg>-t of funnvMteaasd aagarl M»v1-KI K.and OMM P..nv.The pony


will keep the

OUBUol PUKER,The Funny < loan.

MR. RtRILAT.The India Rubber Man.

I fit'.* niMOTT.The onlx- rix-al of James


Mr. RINKHART. thedout.le ^onier^tult man.hnlt.M i: Mi llnl.s

tl..- L-. ntl. nianly lilacMii-t-r.Mr TOl IINIER, the

Terms caeh. CM'. S.K.trKR.Jy.-| AiKta.iie.-r.

BY S. ii. HENRY * t'O.


I 11. t«iDKIr*H. MAC KKRKU tiOLl-LN

a.m. Huuurva >yri !•>.>< iaaoiAT Hdiom

'l'HIS Ml iRNI NO nUKAl \T Ot'LOCB.X Ml Auction Kootus. Also. r..r a.s-oiint of » Ihmii

it max- cem em. Rsir l».\.-s luefb li-s- Cl"tlin n




«-TA I * I . I S A N I > 1 ' V > « V




J. % IRllsTROMi N.

r onVred at

Reduced Pricetk

His. iif^t It X l-.I.K ^T<s K XVII.



UIE.IT RtRiaixx »i:t: ntn \*n

The I

Mm every Day at M A.

3 o'cloek P. X.

New York Stoie,

Bc'lnnln^ Momlay.Jiily ITth,


snnirR DRESS <,©0D>

In Mi)zaml)i'!U<*s, Hohain,

I ins

Invited to attend.

Terms cash.jy.N .*

BY C C. SPEJN ER.Su V'llu-ible M"in "tre> ' Lot*, m $tii< ,i, f»

AtM'l">n I; the < '<'./,

u tn TIOX.Tt'E-sp \Y AFTERNOON. Jt'l.T -'.-TH. AToel.s k on ihe Drembes. I will l-eremptorlll


>l all'-v.

tli at V

A MAGNIFICENT HOME,Residence and Improvements,

Viilii<-<t at <>«.00(>

led <

Addlli.art mWilli. .11


To be (dtrn lo some Poor 'Inn for Ihe

Six Thousand OttMM, at «1 (*) Ml\N OPlliRTl NITY is HERE PRESENTED

lo secure a splendid Residems-. OnHind and Im-provements for the nominal >um of si •<. Thisproper! v Issltimied In Indiana. «|>|Nwlte Louisellle,on Die i. <ad '•>: '\e< ii .l.-ITer-s.tix liieand New AHs.ni


for a pi sg D It hi

esidei he


ccssary *<r Ihe owner lo dN|s.iiouM* is a two-story brick dwclluur.s.ms. a is-Ilar, smokehfrtiM- and clstei

of g.aal water. A pleasant jh.p-Ii run-of the building. There is an orchard .

fruit trees on the place, with a ismmstable and carriagehoiw. and a ne.forty-Hve feet iong. all Inclosed « illnn

Ij ...l..|.|.d

I » geiltle-i.-o render


of it. TheI

vith -s x en .

and a wHI I

ie triangle I

lieMM ]

loos horseow stable.



axe- The ab..\e pn.|» rtv «serve, to the higlo-t bidder, and is worthy Ihe at-

tention of «-u|»»tnli-t«. The Main -treet railr.si.1 car.run In front of the !•**. and property in the nppwportion <>r tio- ell} i. rapidly im|<r..vin^ aud :ncr.

lug in value.Term, oue-lhird raah. balance In four aud eight

month., with uiter>->t and lien.

)ya, . . i SPKNC ER. Auctioneer.

BY B, m. HENRY A CO.Valuable Br<ek Ihrelling Home ami Lot,

ATIMM/ ,N WKI'NK-I'AV AFTKRNiHiN. JVTJLT\ t si ; ..Vl.s k. w.- will sell.

Meeoinl .tr.s.|, ea.t shle. belweC ol lege str.s-ts. a very d.-slr»We

Ttco-M»rn ami .lf.Hr Ur,ek I

Water and gas thronghonl the hA-c. st>..il-e

*ll Bre* k 1 ii ridge an.


I and well haill




it h l he

I per-O|o>

il tables and carriage-hisise. withs. r\aiiu r.s.ni- almxe. Ia>l si (eet front t>J 3m ileep

W a J» toot alley.Terme- 1

1 caah ; In * mouths, and '. Iu 21 month-,

with Interest and lien.I? .' After the ...le of ihe h.«i--. the parlor Carpet'

and some attHlcsof Furniiur.- will h.- sold.

Ijrl»_ s. Ii. II K.X'KV A I O.. Auctioneers.


at the residence of HarrvSide ot First -treet. lietwethe hosMehold furniture, coil'

Rureaus. Carpet-, Chair-.. Beds, kl*c. special alteution b. raM to this sale as 1! pre-s. i i, a rare chance tor petson. who wish to cmluence hou-ekeeplng. sale commence at le o'clock.)yl»Jt« THUev SHANKS. Anet.

BIC ARR SODA.—ISO kegs J arrow sksla :

InsJre^u'Mhr110 '

K. O. WiUCilSTO^ * to.

new picket fen-.-e. There is al~. a garden te>erva-tion. This is one of the fine«t locations for a Dairyanvwhere alsiiit ix>uisx ille.

This magnificent place will he drawn for publicly,

from a portico on Jelt>r«on .ir.s»t, ts-tween Thirdand Fourth, in full view of the public -ex ery nuiu-hcr helns: draw n - 'V l<i<t ill <nr; i Vi sersroipflei<. »». This will give an ojiportiuiity to ticket-hold-

ers to speculate on the last numbers draw ing, anduntil all atr drawn. . .

Persons abroad desiring tickets are assured thatthe drawing will be conducted impaitially and hon-orably, by a committee .elected of disintere-tednoa*. There can Is- nothing unfair, as lbmatter will be decide.] by the ticket-holders.Tickets xvill he sent to nil prunptiy, who may in-

close money lor that purpose, addressing their let-

ton to the troth-rstenei!Il b> hoped tn -ell the tickets hv Augma Uth. MO,

at which time It In prorssasl to have the drawing.If Ihe ticket- art not disposed of by that time, thedrawing will be postpone.) to a future day*, of whichdue notice w ill Ik- given iu Ibe papers. Should anything oceur to stop The jiroject. or unreaaonahllay It, Ihe money will he teturued to every ticket-holder.Mere, now . Ls a c hance for soni.' poor man or wo-

man to serine a home, aud a good one, worth at I \J Louisville aa auctioneer for the -ale •»/ Realleast «a.iM>. tale and Household Property. Charges moderate.Event person can get all the tickets they want a! I Worth side Jefferson st. near Fifth. )e? dim*

Tripp « Cragg's Mode Store, on Fourth, -street, be- i

twean Jefferson und Market. Dux- your tickets as-onn as vou ran. for you may nevorchance again.Tickets tor sale at oil the princtpal .«

UTh>- lirm i

a gt»>d deed and 1

tile luckV ticket.For further lnformatlu:i address

HENRY B. OREEX.Jyil dAnMAThtd Loul» x-: ile. Kentucky^

Auction and Sale Stable.I aX. l.lh»Xlill.l..

(Successor to Brawner A Knox , i Market st. , betweenSixth and Seventh.

OFFERS nib SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC.Auction daysWcMesday and Saturday, by D. L.

uian. Boarding horses solu ite.1.

j. a, aajfjankALJU


mil DynenteryMagulrc's Compound Extract of


lobe thecan be „

p. ii. iiiKMii- t:i.i».


IRiportCd H.n ana i is\nrs i« i mi r.urn.


NOXVLEIKJEDMe remedr thatIn's, add all rv-dther aarulta orrni-hed Dee, in

i our store and will glvo all I

IIAKKKH A ( < »-.

llel. Market uidJtfr.ii.

UTATIM i:> -r


Of Ike luil,d sutc*.

No. V9 Hrcswlwav, Now York.


For particulars .

'!' - . •

at Agent'- otBi-e.

uritin riRTi.r. igrsi.

PlanterN* >utional BankOf Itoxiisvillo.

niRCCTON.J. M. DTNCAN, V. F ARMsTRONti.J. F. sl'KEli xx xt t; ..h ! -.

l."l is UK 1 1 M.

Tltlv BANK Wil l OPFN THIS MONNINUtn the Feople - Bank hoilding. Hannasn block

s>i»th siresi. war Main. hK tb. pufBawe .if traji-a. »-

tag a o ioral Bwnkmg. YtsIi >islO sad CJoiksximgOaataasB.

March 1st.


LO.lX, now besaa rauaUF takea up.sslh anaf persaanent in-l*arties d—iring t<> make a -*fe are! persi

vestment, -boold call at onee. while theotJere.1 •( pag-<k m—toh>.H a sill III %Bankers.Ish. U J. 'V. BATC URLOR. ( .hJer.


Saddle, Haraen, Trunks, <fe

Ml Mala s*., bs*> OitahOioO TkMil oaaRoiilo) B%n "ssaldsa U

»e Havana at

Um it—

OB i f.ru.

inN«|hy J. * c

nigei-ta, aa.


FOR SALE. WANTED.»%.». RKKTHM'niR Till* l|..v<K

well ada|M.*l I., ||... . ultlir. of fruit. H. Mlunl.nl• Mi. i,i«ii<.t iii< an.

I lianktort I'.sltroad, u mile*.SiMslUlsVIJIc.lUld I" IlllllUI.-s w H |k Hon. rsinltir.

»' a. r.s. «.f land. Tbeitslern frarn, m *|nrk

\i » > n ii•




•i |« „


c*bs> rilH-i


III".! I*. ibe I I. Minis'.


I •. )< hi id servant*'lie. 11 HI. Moil.- dair.ImMI mil uvl ><l..i ti. <i

nano-uial wmt flow critic

..t. iiIh.UI•f IiiiiIht Cur. hwi. an. muted lows thewhen lb.- tern.- will be mad* kniinii |« the

?'*' MT K. VV MtHl i.ll.

'*'- arc ttatl

cal variety• ••»•

it ht'll-lrannt

•« »> 1 1 1 tii A ;tool all... kiiii.,i.s| . „ ibf cast «tde f< Nt>

"reel. '"-"W'ssn Walnut Mil chestnut. K „"I'Pl.v K. JAM K> K TW.KK A < <J ,„«.Ar-i"v Maiii«t Shi Konrth and K".,, '

1.Jy-" "

VT" "*,*•• K \ W..ah..SrJ«TlJv A ' ««*»«••> Harness


lO-tlKNTal I .flic

w ^asca

I |>art

ARY- AN 1 X PI 1.1

mil JcaVrwiii street*

iK^TI KM AN ANHled chr.l.il>.r. w-fthniit• MMr. Address M. S.,

Ivjn B"

from Uh city.

WHIT I b\ki;kus


TllllKr.I'll |.|- •!

Apply «"id 1^

l.-»H UUr"mn- «nli futures and furniture. «

'••1• I. III. .tcclic, ,, r ,11, v ,.!> .-, I.nsliicss

< 1 • |.i. uilse* i» iv, ... 1, ij„. |,«Mir» of 11 a«>r I and .. r. M .al No. »*, Jefferson st., iwt. Thirdand Fminh. north side. Jj IK «•

VMS WAl.i UK I \« H I M.IJT talnliur as- acre*, well improved, im. la ctitttva-lion

; ri> id house and all mi<i'.«irv mit-tMiildtnir*:swehard and g-»od water with the present crow Inn« rop It i» situated ik mil. - from Sew V>.*n . lessrProvid.-nis' lH-|~.i Would .•». I. hi.,;. t..i . Hi prop-CCt) rnii hvuraMe and . Ii.-a|.

Ij-tatt J H VVHITM A N. < Main street

i<,»«»*a.r. rati M.i icm nm an

arfc.1 «tr.*t and runiiliiK lav* I*. i-ci toaui alley.

Aiko.'llvp |,oi«, on th. north kid.- of Market «tn-oT.#»n\.^.|i «.i»i.,mil and lk. i .111.s i, Hi. Iionlliic eac hJa" t.^-t. and mnnii.c l.a. k ih, I.tI t..nn .

Ala... Ian |^.tk. mi III. «r.| s|,|. of ) ni'atrr.1 M>mi J. ff. r~..n and <4rav».n. fronlilm 2-.

..... I,.i,„d .n. ndiin; t.»r* lie loan allev.Alan, a Ua .

on tin- mmth. aM iurm r of KlicliUv" 11and <.rav«on : 1 s i-. fionliii* m f«-.-t on t;r. v--1 . llrt




wilh ''W' 1-" " sir«-i"i..i r«-i•'

L!i.i"m i V ''r."l" ^ •» •r..ilH-miilwr«kd. and will !»•

"oiU . iwnrt ^<>r oa-.li. or part ra.»h and

?r"~»tf^mR— M .» F.HinjTaiHl r*"l'h.

1 •• H killI dollar* ••rrkio.-k ol thA v.K'iat.on Applv |o JJk.rii Harkhmi^- * < o

TBOCMAKDMaiiiifa^tiinni;of Ho firm of

Nkl.R HOI'M - MY KrXI I N 1

JHr.TM.11 -4r.-. 1 . L i .«.-,•!, Kichi»-nth . nd-* iihf hoiii.-. with . Iioi.-.. fruit troi-. *.

i» -1 11 a v k «... uemm 0ooairt] aiikln two mlllok «,

nlU-k id" tl.rm- d..|^t«. on lhCl.wi rallr.«.d, that I will «.;

JV«'W « aat I. a 'id

i • - in-

line. 1

011 ai-.-onituodatliik'lo IDtludc my darrl

I/O* a. . i.rI TOW R«l*» % K..I SMIniorwifctioii)<<5t~> luxn

AT f 41.111 (Ml

ui.'i. r- _


fa*I W M>|| kMN-on*lI" 1 Milium |.a\Ui XV In

aALE OOBB MV HvllMK.K BBHat »!.••«.

•f*. No ill —utli kid^ ,rf Br- kinride* strwi.tvnt a

F. t. HA T.I.

VWR «*».r. vm.i aoI.k ukKD ihkr tlorairnod. rtivm.^s <w iha hut will at flrn.la»«n Jonrv rt.-^r-a -«1 . art- anthorlard and will »i»;i atl-. xaf sal.', all th>- real rtitatr hrlonKinc In aaid di-rwaaad. aiiuaKvt ad a.-.-nl milir man of Jnnr«v1ll.'en th" Jeffrrkouvllli' and I ndtanapoii* Kallr.aulCHitalm lie on« handrad and iwi-ntv-flvr- acrm ofWj Mil" In nd. all und.-r «ia«l U ni-r. and in roodcnmllnon to r. -alu*. c<««l . rnp* : ahont n. a. r<~ of 1

Wondlaiol |>aaiar>.a .11 timnnrrd. Any oiw dosirlnr

• aniall farm. P—TWaiaW to aciinoN. in thr hpst |air" r Indiana. m-||| Und It to t Jw.it lut. nrsl lupi»m n. thi« Ira. I hrfnrr |Mirrhatiiriv al«rwhrrp. IfD"

laMorr thr lal of Nrpu>mra»r n«>«t. tha.Id at jHllilic aaj«. on that nay. For par

1 land, inquiraof JohnBiruard. Jonaavillr;hMITII JON KS.C'HAS JONEK.

Enar'itora."*™''», Ind., Jona lai.. lac.. :««dxm

F+ r̂ kALR I.A ND VAI.rABI.E TIM R K Klandv In Ranhokmimr oounty. Ind. Wf hav^

F* am arm of rnoil pasture or meadow lands,within 1 s, ml lea of Jmvsvill*. on tha JeSarBonvill*Railroad. Alan, as acres, within T milaa of aamenintx . all apiendid irias- latidk. havlnc splendid llm-ker Theae lauda will la- offered together, or miIi


land, a .

videdtoauii |«ir< haaers. at private sale, until Mentemh-.r i«t. and If nm sold iwiora that dav. thev will•a offer. si at pnhli. aale. For nartlenlaisv apply toci address Um> uiidenusned. or bniiili Jonea. ( olam-kw, lad. WM. M. KWKN,

'•- im B F. JOMRH.

K*M iAU K K A K' . KA ss I.AM) -I WlMBlo aril r< a.-r.-s of the Iws-t R..jrtr:,„ Land 11.

oainiy. kilualrd on lb*Sbelhyvllle r.aid' an..'. r. -

A »>oo» 1 1 ai res nt t ha land ',« in tlmlwr, undarjaio•Wilhaflne hlue-rraaa '^.ture; the halanoa of lh<Irarl nea ground <„ rertilat 1 nltiranon. There i«

v""1 above land hut w hat i« fine and

tillable. b.-!nr level and well thaiied. To cardeners.V' a peraoo desirous of improving a neauti.ul roantry born' UiW plare E alm<««l nn~4 ualed. For 5Et•n<. jw aicuiars apply to me. at my resideiue. near«*« * air Ground., on the Hbelhyriile pike.•»•• dtf J. TIIATI'HFR.

1mm HALS HORKKhHarnesa, of my

of • ,.

>H NADliLK AKDJ. I kave a nnmtaT

or ei.-tam Way Idle Horses lor aale. and also well-•rained llarnes,. Horses, whi. h I would he pleaaed

wy'iTdi/lb°T.e.. :.-s.riiig to 1.111

I. i. I a 1K> KV . Jr.. KnnlxvUle. Ky.

KM «' AH Vts, feet1 •heatnntMrAte>r.'inh. or atmv» dtf

F«*RffAaaK -FARM - I OVTHI FOB * A i. r y YFarm in Oldham onanly. on the (ihlo river,

•now 21 mlleaHiH.ve the rttv. Fm- term*. Ac, In-quire of my broibcr, Charles'tr Jaodi, or meaelf.•'""'ll Uii li AKD T. JACOB.



»TK lis IW* I II A V

reft tioru off: mi- is r.i..-il

aje»i - h<*n- turn up al theVirj.-. is.w r.-.!. with w lute• s iiter ..r her tor. h. .id. Tto prox iiu; |.r..|H nk and


Ink id V* A Kir Kill UNpit. road, five aalks. fr.ni,

sthai111 ki:m ah


lasi. the I tth Julv. o• in. |. Mo hetl\ . Il.'.i

k ^lf same <s,|.H ....i.

TI.K - l"K< iMi. k MA, bIbMM .. mil. -

1 rsainty. ov, l'hurs.la>nsl is.w

. wanie aim.euif; 01,.. sii,;,il h.if. i

; and ma' nsl mi I u hv.i»rs old Noear mai kV» >A WHITE.

vThu r.n ok sToi.i x »«n Nin ird» M I L.I Kroru thu «ul>s. 1 lU 1 . a l.i«. k 1.1....1.

Muli ii. -rlk t.lack ahout U hands bleb, in fmr or-aT, uiishur' khoulders frmn ua... » few w titleliaira In. the mane from u-. ..1 1 he ...Mar . The..Ih.v. reward wii. ... ,., I t..r hi lueryl.i me.

..,,iea fr.HU the rll? . on Ihe Newhors nanl.)',» at K« HIT XiiVTimim KB>

cTRIllll Ok«Tiili V -I OXWEIIaeadak. Jul* lath, from Oakland, a ll.-.i Irtlten

rra) H.na , 0 yearn old. M hand* hljrh. inhsi-s well .

knm below il:. joint of I. - richt limd fi«^. AntI- 1 son d«-tt\ • 1 inc the aame to me w ill reoeive a re«ard "t tl»i- dollar* WM UKETON._

<k »• tie "spn nt . .i..„. lie (.,.'.

S.TA>I.»:^ MABE-FB.IM Ml KTABLK, ONthe l..«..-ville and Fiankfort pike, i,nl.» easi

«>r Iy.«nar1lle. «* the initht iMTtbe lllh of Jalv. ai.Tf- dark liav or brown mare. :,oi <. » .-ars old. small

". is ItTlilieord I and sliial la>lore. ward for Ii. r n turn to me. 1.1

I I ran eel herANN J NKTIIKBTON.

Ix>n« Kan. Ky.. July is. las.'.—Iyta«r»

cTRionoRkioin mi 111I -ni~ rilH i li\ im; on I aliel atreet. Isdw.- n Killloll and Ke..r;II hands hkfhrnarka rroollifor her return lo

J.vli if



'>—Holtm ..\ Till M0UNIN0..r th. istl, inst .a liay HUSME. 1 . . handshl«h.

'Id and spe»-k In the left eve. and sear oilleft html le^. The owner ran have him lo ap-

niir «H W. rlelil V N.lilr.wi s»i.\lb atnad'. hvt.ilkel and JefrerkHHi Jy*.lX

•MT H< \ KfHWT I I VI R KIKh \i;omy ami JoH NN Y . a years old. left ay r.-iden.s .

lowtiic a re«lmeiil of soldiers, and hi., not laa-nA.ik iiifminaiion inn. ernli, x |,in>reoive.1 l,y

'•r.n'H.i iniixs,MJ« lay at . south of Bnaulwav.


MM 1,011s.

VOR HIresidetie

INI• iihout hoard, on Sixthi.Ih ik r Walnut.

ri'RMsii y.

% 1

liuxMM mil other I

A NICE HI BTKIIANend of Broadway. withAnaam AppirinJA». < 'A I.I.A H A N.and Matraune str.-et«.

1 1 1. 1.INT It ONE FIRST-* LA>sApply immediatelv at

MAIL K. BlirRUERV,4;« Market «t.. bat. Koarth and Ftfta.

BV-TKAI III II o| MI -n-.To FILL11 vacant altmattmi, In a flourishing Kemale

. Ii.. . .111 give vikral andthe I'iiiiio. Uultar. and

given. Apply almis oaine. Jyliiat*

oraw iikNi^ rwicjm rivi wauII rymm alai kft« lalairera. ( all at the laaiis-

vlllr and Frankfort l>'|M>tsou atrisi-ts.

\l A Mi ll


. oiner Ibook and J.


hole or liv

of August and lbthepruaviil >.-ar.isilllj

f Ibe time,of < a-loher or Nov.-

K.-feri-n.ss. us 10 vhuraimpeli llrk . Will lie tiveil jr .

i.-d A. If

sflat.dy. A. s. W.. (six 7I», U.ui-\ Ille. KvJ}'I.VII.|a,i»iAva*

rK At 'II K H OFh KlMatlmi. w ithivaie fumlly. fmla-iw een I he I si


special Dispatches from New

Cortina Kstabllshes his Head-.luarters In Texas.

( onlederates Knterln? the Ser-

vice of Maximilian.

AMI II Oil. WELL noltKKtent

i OMPF11 oil well

per fiad. in I nt..n iiMintv, h'v.. may find employineiit hy applying hi liill-k i HoN.NYi AMI I.K.NllTHIJ of the KewtacKj and Illinois Oil and Min-iiik < 0111 pa im. at the sales' r.H.nis 1(r Tboa Anderson.«< ... on Mata. near HHth street. jyls d «vsl

BOA RDBJRM Hi 1 \KM NO. WITHthe market afforl'. may be had- al N<i. «.tJ Jrfferson stre.-i. in u111" sllltal.le for families. Jk I . •!

-WK •TILL QTVK Til Kst.-adv work to ten No. 1

ilbel ane Kim nwd. four

inn a mnsatJKtojf.

KM A Nil MAKES—(IKElit. si till-

ity lUii-stris

tile lasst fnmi moderatelentil .11. St.


The (otton Crop In Texas.

DlNturhance at a New York Kerrj

The New Jerse) Republican State

( "mention.

Arrival of the Conspirators at

About Rev. Mr. Walter's Visit to

Mrs. snrrat.

\\- IMI II 1

II hundred i.-.aal hoisassllaleli al the stables id the 1/

. i-orner Twelfth 1

J > 1 1 2w A

WAXTIU s |,„ u sFrank'mt Kalli.aid

Nashville Itaitraad Mock :

Kaiiroi.d Ronds; I 'milmereKank Ha* k. H.uik 01 Loat 'ity Jlnn.ta; Teuui^asi

WAMF.n III. A' kKMITHN TWOII Iha. k-iuiiiis. Inoalrr at AIKHL

HI KI.A.Ml. Mipt.

UMIf-VIM-K AMIshim k ; l^wiiaville mid

I>Hiisvllle and Nush vllleial Hank st.a-k : people',i.vllle stm-k ; I^aii-vlileo.s'nrla and AlabamaM A l/K.. IJi Main sc.

. o ... < -ill — . ..-' II;,, .k.

No. ON K

ithvaol corner of tin

at this otlie

, WOMAN TO DO>rt distance from the

tell dAtil'

Western Mi diral Offlre. HI Sarhct St.,

mar bci oiid, Louisville, £).,0« AT

\o. M Srcamore, Mnot, near Fourth.

And he mred. Private dlaraaes rnred In two to tendays, without cauat'.e. meretiry, or pain. Noi'HaR'.k t'XTIL ft-HKiv Dlaeaa.* peculiar to females

mr.'.l. Me.li. lne. sent to any |»Tsnn w rit-

I. tl.eynlvead.-svrlpt.onof their ailment,'

J. Charge*>»l« d*w:;m

WANTED.A (lark f Famtlj

. - «ia A MONTH.—A(»KNT8«.* <• •rorrorethe improved Shaw

i • Hy Sew Iiik Marhlue. the only lowBMpn. . nia. n iie in ll.e . ..unlrv whi.-h l« lu-ensed I

(.rover A p-ik.-r. Whissier A Wllann, Howe, Sinak .

A Co.. and Kaeheider. All other machinist now aold:orl.sssthan orty dollars eaa-b are inrnn^oments.and the seller and n.er liahle lo fine and Imprison-ment. Salary and expense* or larte vommisainnsallowed, lliusiraled circulars aent tree. Adrtr.-aa

KHAW A CLARK,mvii dAwidn Klddeiord. Me.

w A T E l> month.


I WANT•••II Flllren Articlea. tbe

.ffeied. Full tauihulan tree. AddresaOi ls T. (I A BEY,

myfdAwnm Biddelord, Mwlne.


Hon. BOBEKT M A I.IA3RY la a candidate for reelection to ( ..iiL-r. -s In tin Fi T.'i t miKriwi<inal l>ntnct at the ensiiiiiic August election. aplsdte

M'e are authorized to annoiimss Cointiel MARtMl'NUY a. a randldalt for Oaacraa in the Fi.tbDistrivl at the r.-i;:n; a.ik 1-1 elevtlon. aplndle

Hon H I.N KY < <1 Kl I'KK la a candidale form-elect ion lo I ontr.'.s 111 t he Third Congressional f>is-

tn.-i at the ensu.|iK August • l.vtmn. mylsdteWe are aiiil,oi i/e.t to announce tr* Hon. HRl"-

TI SJ.CI.AV a. a cand.ilalc jot Congreas In theLexington UiMrict. tuysi

y.lih. t I•> I - Please aniKMitice mea candidal*- lor the iseiiMe in ibe district ™i.,w~.|of th" iiainttes of I .arue, Nelsou and Spine, r.

J;m le WM. ELI.lt ITT.

MVarereqneated toai.nonnce Iir. J. B. ENiil.l<H.of (Iwen county, a - a c.iii.iidale for the nate. Kavres..U tiiig thecuutil..si of oweu, Carroll and Trimble. Jell dA-wte*

I»r. T. W. OWINOS i« acandi.'ale to represent Hieeoani-e. of gaUkt, H....!,n and Meade, 111 the stateSenate, at the ensuing Anjust el.vtloii. Jyile

Weareaiuhori/.sl lo at,it»ii!i>s. t 'nl. THOMAS F.COCH KAN a-s a candidate f. represidilrV-nate th>- dtatrtta composed of Shell.} . HOldham count lea.

FA. SMITH is aIn tin Konrtl. duri. t.

ry andmylkdte

of Hart. M. t. ..lie

and Barron coui.il.s.. at the en-uln- election, .iyll le


J Hop pp.li E i« the tHMnttn C, , candi-date |..r the lyetfisl.iturc. hi the Sc-ond di.trict inL..nlsvllle.an<l will nwn,. ti„- .upis.rt offtrMHf* MA.W VOT E KS.

SAMI El, PAHKER is t! t.serv.-itive rnioiicandidate for th. LegaAalaWi , in the Founh disttn 1

in Hie city of I^.uisk ill... al the ensuing Audi-lel.s ti.,11. and will r.ssd\e tbe mijHairt orjvllt.- MANY VOTKFs.JAMES s PI RTI.E I" a candidate for the I^c;..

latnre. In tie district .-om|*'»-ed af the tanKI andI/ail-ville. jk.te

andidate for re-.

Eighth ward, ol th' .

I'r WM. M. Al-I.E?to tbe la*K.s1atnre. in ,

mg August anatlaak



tM»K JI I>«JE or COTRT OF APFKAM.Hon. oanBUK W. KAVANAI OH is a candl

date for Judt'e of the ( ..urt of Ap|a-als. M rill the\ a. ai.ev .- .•aalnne ! hy the removal of Judge P.ul.itt

from the ..m..s'. jyll !«••

Hon. WM. SAMPSON l« a candidate for Judgeof the Court of Ap|» als. at the Augu«l election, tofill ti.e unexpired term of Hon. J. F. Bullitt. J.". 1...

We are aut lion/,.1 u. announce Hon. CHARLES<i. WIHTER.-M I I H as a i-andidntc for the Judge-ship of th. (our of A ppeals. 111 1 Ins th*- Third Apliellale Judicial I>:-lr., i ol tin- Stan ol Kk . J."^ te

Hon. W. K. HI LEV is announ<sr-d as a candidal"for Judge of the 1 ourt of Ap|a-als, In the Third Ap-pellate Judicial DfaaAoti aud -.in its tbe vote or thejaaiple. Je> te

I OH J I Ml « Ol RTI IPI MOM PLKAN.We ar.1 .ritlio: 7.-.! to announce L. A. WlKHlaai.

candidal.' 101 - the Judveslnpof th,. . ourt of CommonPleas, al the ensuing August elc tiou. Jyl.l le

£././„ , .,/ r'.< (.,«»*. I^mmml:lO.Nn.Kalk llavini; n—igued the oflice of Cir-

i-ult Judge lor I Lis, th. Sevvntb Jiulical Iiistrnl.>on u , ph-i.sc ..1111, mi.., me a candidate for theJcftersoii 1 ourt of C'.ruinon Pleaa.Jeia jteepprtfull)-. Ac, P. R. Ml'IR.

TOR J I !o . i OF < IR< I IT « IIIKT.lir/3. W. JOHNSON having resigned the.lndge

ship of the City Court, ia a candidate for Judge ofthe Circuit Court, sevvutb Jndle.al Histrlct. Jyi. le»

We are anthorixed 10 announie SAMl'EL HEH A V E.N, E. i.. 11. a candidate tar Ja4ge af Ui,-( it-

, nil Court, 11, tlila Judi. .aJ Instrlct, at the ensuingAugti-t el.-. : ,,i je-J6 te

FOR J I' IK. I" « ITY <(HRT.(..i.W. E. Woo! iRl'FF is a candidate for Judge

of the City 1 ourt. at the en -nine Augu.t el.srtion.toII tbe vacancy creattsi hy the ri stguaiioti of Hon.Oro. W. Join. .on. Jy> HPJ. R. 1*1IX'HKR isa candidate for Judge of tbe

City Cmirl of laailsvilie. at the August election, totill Ibe iin.'X|i;red term of Jlon. t.coigc Johnson, re-

jk • te


S. J. J. nkiacallist

(I. Jenkl... A1 11 < lianccry. No. ih.h.

i-llle ChaiKs iy Court. 1e11.ier.sl In the abovcum; tbe undersigned, or one of 11a, will, on

MON11AY, Jri.Y —


Ahont the hour of 11 o'clock a.m.. sell, at publicauction. U. the highest bidder

In the city of la.u

. M.. sell, at public. al Ibe (mirthonse

lajuisvllle. on 11 cr.slii or I andmullihs,

THE IXiriil'l.RnlMlIII pleading, meuthai.sl. viz:

A part of kaffi |f>aa. I~»

ty. in that |Hsri of l^aii.kland, la-tii e mi thelu. feet ea.t ,.f « best mn••ii Third street is; feetangles northwuidiv p.., n

1 he (Min ha-s. w ill Is-

approved sss urlt



1 Ol IS \ 1 1. I.K. KY. NEW YOBH.a iouaiut 111 1 1 1 aa im

Furnishing Goods,

Sutlers' Goods,




laud, aud a lien ill la

and 1X1, in Jefferson 0.un-file. Ky., known as port-noril. side of Third stns t.

sin, ;- thence easfwurdlv

.....| ot that width at rirh'tlloaaif.N.! slr.s.-t or alley,•••j ulred lo give Ism. I withi; mieiest front dat

lil. M.• 1.1 i 1 101 111


AN, M. I. C

C1oiinuiH8iouer,8 Halv.DTTIRTI For A JI'lniMKN'T ( IF THE 1IAR-

'.r:'"" ' """ '" !l" eas.. of John J Jcflrtcs

vs. W. H Herron . he,,-. 1 will sell „, the highest

IfON RIV. Ui.lkTai. IkMlay of the Hardin ( mini v Court••< onnlimis. d.air.ln Elfzahefb.low ii.mi cr.siit«of nliie.tw. lveand eighteen months

for e.juaJ Installments of tbe purchase money,

THREE I A 1,1 tRUIC I tRHVL.'ing

IM Hall Ste, bet Fourth 4l Fifth




a Lao aulxt* roa




Tobacco and Cotton Factors,

Gfifr&l foMaUssion Merchaots,


1, tin v> •:1 - .a Noim. in Hardin roantv«. ..» mile, from Ellzulathtow n. ..nd als.ut on.

mil. from the H-d Mill, mi- and a half mil-, f,Olendale station and two miles from Nolin st.itn.uon tbe L. « N. Raiiioa'l. aii.l in one of the mostptasalou. and le-at rndghlakrhood. in Hardin i-onntvNo 1 contain. a, res, aaaag H aj re. of which

is well timl.er.sl. with valuable and aaefa) timberfor building and farming purposes ; the balance iscleared and in a high slate of cultivation. The iMI „]1- remark a hi 1 ri. I. am, prmlu. live, and tl„ htnl.ling. tsmsisi of .suhstanlial hrlrk dwelling • .„,r ,

with 4 large rooms and a brick ell for kitchen. also

a mil W lions. .i^lile. isirn-cnh. and all i.e.


••ssmrk out l.iul lings Ttie a-a. .ng is good, and theland lays well, una in a very convenient iiuapr.No. JL,

1 -01. tain. a., , a< res. lavs ad>.lning*N.i. 1.ha« alajut 7" acres of timtier. of a similar nualltv totbat of No. I . and the balance is as rich ar anv (andmi Nolln. Tbe c earad laad U well fen.e t. lak»well, aomc of It Is set In clover, and. although It hssno bntlding.. at one of tbe beat and most valuabletracts of land in Hardin county.No contain* ahout IU acres, is all beavilv 11m-

asrtloo of which ia good land forBWfjHMMa. H lay* about three-fourth, of a

raUro.i l. and the w hole of It has aof tlniiier s iltahle for ••ties" and nre-hla accmiat Is very valuable his atiae

(ion. Rurnslde has an Interview

with the President.

(.old in New York li'i-.Vs.

.Spis lal lolhc iM-mocrat.-

Cairo, .Inly 20.

Bf Hie arrival of lh.- hmfQty w<- haveNew Orleans jiajiers ol Nitunlii vevening,the IMkTbe Tiinew' Hpeeial of the 14th savs thir-

t.v-thn>eth .uS.in ( | and seventy lialeR ofcotton Mere re. eivetl at Mobile to date.

Kns|iieiit roliherieft are oecurrinjr there.

The Matumoras le Coiniiieree of the sth

says that the tnaips untler i-onimiind of

'i<'i\. Lopez and < »1 vera went to clean the

country of hostile Lands returned on the

Tth in excellent condition, having metWilli brilliant stxi-i-ss.

The lam-ers of Colonel (iarcia are espe-

cially applauded. It continues—a OMaMMR of v. ry grave charaeter arises fromthe fact that Cortina has actually and al-

most officially establishml his head.piar-i. rsin Texas. His declaration of openwar could not be more plain. Cortina

•tjM . iistomhouse jiermits for Sabin. tte,

T. x.is, and d-livers safe conduct t..

plaifst twenty miles in the interior, onAmerican territory. He finds shelter for

himself, and a ready market for his la-wity

on the Texas 1 (order, all with the conni-

MM of the Mknl authorities, who en-ii|hiii him to commit no hostilities,

which amounts to nothing. Confederatesare tenilerini; their services! in consider-able numliers l<. Maximilian, one thou-sand have already Iks..,, sH.m by detach-ments into the interior.

At a public meeting at Mobile, on the

talk mmmm lor gallant eondnct in the• -ampaiefn atrainsi that city, were present-

Bi to Ca,it. Samuel M. •Council, of thel l!»th

Illinois infantry: Sergeant (Jo.. F. Holvinan, sjime; private John Whitmorc,same; Sergeant IMprar A. Pross, sth Iowainfantry, and private John II. Callahan,ISM Illinois infantry.

Ad\ ices from I ialveston say that alauit

7"',00n balca of cotiou have Iwh..|i re.-eived

there from West Trinity river. Thepn-s-tmt i:rowing crojis are largely in advanceof last year, but the scarcity of lalarr will

prevent its Mag Kalhertsd. The wheatcrop turned out gBfd.The (odveston Pulletin, of the 12th,

says lien. JSrown ha<l demande.1 of (Jen.

Mejia the return of the confederate liat-

lery sold l.y ( apt. Jones' men to Mejin.Also, the return of the Lucy (iwin, takenfrom Mata-jorda bay without palters.

Xkw York, July 20.

Abiiit -1 o'clock this a. m. a party ofm Iliaus attempted to cross from Williains-bairx, at the f.ait of S«„,th Seveulh streei.to New York, by the RoowviH stris t

I'eirv, without payiiient ot their fare. Theferry inasier ordered them back, wheniliey turipsd on him and lvat him severe-ly. The watchman and several of the


lerry hands eotatag to his ajariajtMMW


general tijrht ensued, during w hich then

I watchman was shot and several othersI la-aten so that they are ncd tMf&tktt to

rlive. The men WM made the attack than

... es4ii]ied and none have lasj-n arrested.

Xkw ToMC, July "Jo.

Tlie coniinitte.' on pensions has decidedthat the remarriage of a widow termi-nates all claims to a pension from thedate uf mm| reniarriay;!', BatoMMgll she( 1 1 »i v hMOaWi a widow a^ain.Tonlav's Chronicle, apMakbag of i 'olonel

(taker and the New York bounty brokers,staysevery one of the arrests compliiiiusi• I was made upon the direct authority OiI'r. si, |, hi IJiieoln himself, as we 'ran|M»silivi ly show. The Chronicle, on theauthenliciiy ol Col. Baker, denies that hehas ever, directly OT indirectly, receiveda penny from nnv of those who chargehim wiih false imprisonment, assault andbattery and with Meeiriag moiiev fortln ir release from coniinemeiit.

TltKNTON, V. J., Jlll.V J».

The Repablieaa stati-conv entionis verylarvrely alien. I, i| l.y delegates made up ofsiil.siantial men. Hon. J. T. Nixon wasappointed temporary chairman. He ad-rlri—td the convention, urging the sacri-luf of all side issues for the sake of se-curing sueeess. It. c. Ilelloville, of Mer-i-er county, was appoint.il temixirary sec-retary and ('apt. litn. llalsttsrl. assistantsecretary. The committee on resolutions,rules, organization, etc.. were appointed.A resoliuion to refer all resolutions onstale and national all'airs without deliatebrought out a stroiiy: speech from (Jeo.llalsie.1, of mmn county, in frvor of ele-vating the eohnl man to the right ofsuff-rage.

Xkw York, July JO.

Private dispatches from San Franciscomention the dealh of bishop Potter.A Fortress Monroe dispatch says the

sentenit .I conspirators Mudd, O'llaugh-lin, Arnold and Spangler arrived hereon the steamer State of Maine. Theywere in charge of Brig. CJen. Hodd, andwere in irons. When first placisl onlaiard itt Washington. They also had onmanacles. These latter lellows were re-moved after the steamer left her wharf atWashington. On the trip down Muddand Spangler were very cheerful and em-ployed the time in playing backgammon.< I'l.aughlin aud Arnold, on the otherhand, sisvmed much depressed in spirits

: and were reserved.tin her arrival in the roads the State of

Maine anchored, and (Jen. Dmld came on.here and communicated with Washing-ton by telegraph.Just at sundown the steam tug Cheese-

man went alongsitle the State of Maine,and the four prisoners were placed onlaiard of ber. The Cheesenian then steamed alongside the U. S. gunboat Floridaand the four prisoners were put on boardthe Florida and she immediately steamedseaward. The destination of the conspir-ators was not made known, but it is eon-jectured to lie the Hry Tortugas. Theonly person in possession of the i n Carina


lion w as Capt. Ittidd, of the Florida, andhe did not disclose it to anyone.The Commercial's Washington special

savs lien. Purnside had an interviewwith the President to-day.Secretary Seward and son have not vet

returned trom their trip dow n the river.

jvass signed by himself, as otherwisethere was a possibility of his being put to

the trouble of urtiing to the prison withoutbeing iiMo to secure admission!H was iilun a part or m~ deaign that

Mr. llitrry should impress upon K'.'V.

Mr. Walter the necessity of good faith

Lu the use of the pass when replaced. Af-ter thus sending Mr. liarry to the Hev.Mr. Walter, I went to the secretary Ofwar and asked his own signature to the


...... .1 referred to alsive, when upon his

signing it, I said to him that I was confi-

dent the pass would lie used solely for

the purpoas for which it was grn'ntcd,to make a visit to administer the sacra-ment and prepare lor death the personIn- visited. When mv messenger to the

Hev. Mr. Walter returned, he informedme of the excited language of rather

Watte* with regard to the trial and its

result, which he i Mr. Walter 1 had heardafter leaving the war depart nient. Onhearing this, I went lo see Itev. Walterto caution him, as his well-wisher, amiasafriendoflheehiiich. and in a pri-

vate capacity entirely with regard to theuse of language so inflammatory as that

he had indulged in at tlus time uf greatpublic excitement.

I introdiu-ed the conversation by stat-

ing that what he had said had made animpression on the mind of mv aWMaMgOTwno had rcixirted his remarks to me. I

explained to him. as I have said abive,that there might la' a possibility of hisnot getting into the prison upon mv pass,and that I therefore had asked the ' Secre-tary of War for a pass signed hy himself,•>n giv iug which I had said that I wasconfident it would not be used for anyother purpose than for which it was ask-ed, and I Wanted Mr. Walter to lie gov-erned so that I would lie safe on the as-sertion I had made. Mr. Walter had dis-played so much excitement and leaserthat it was a duly of charity on my part,in v iew of all the circiimstauces, to en-deavor to induce him to pursue a moredtacrael course, and to counsel him to lie

si lent as became his place.(in these terms 1 asked him in a friend-

ly way lo promise MM he would desistfrom talking abool the matter. Mr. Wal-lers convictions as to the innoeense of theprisoner and the use of any pro|wr ell'ortsto arrest her execution were not madematters of objection. It was the inflam-matory character and effect of his obser-vations at the j(eriod when the publicmind arae aaitatod that my attention wasdin, led. 1 unc.-essary, i'dle and angrydiscussions and harangues could not butU- misehievioiiH just at this moment, andsinisp it appealed that Mr. Walter couldnot approach the abject w ith ||ini|l(l—(1

discretion it was better he shonln let it

alone. This w as a confidential conversa-tion lietwis n myself and Mr. Walter. Ashas been seen the visit was entirely thatof a private individual.My motives were laudable. They were

to restrain imprudent and mischievousdiscussions and to insure the use of thepass fo lie given in the faith intendedwhen it was signed and then, to makemy HMUraiH-e good. The visit was notsuggested l.y the secretary of w ar or evenknow n to him until thep'n seni lime. Onthis poinl. alter w hat I said, 1 do not seehow Mr. Walter could have understoodineaslieing pr pted by instructions inmy conversation.

In replying to DM the Ber. Mr. Wal-ler was very violent and generally de-nunciatory. The range of his eonv'crsa-tion was very wide. I le harangued uponthe administration and the rehellion, andwhat with liitterncss, or what he tailedmilitary tyranny. Ac. He said prol.al.lvhe is reprceeutea in the fourth paragraphof the article in question, 11? having said,and very much more, that a prudentpriest, a loyal ciiizen, or a man of com-mon sens,., would hare said during allthis lime.

1 wasendeav oringtocounsel MOOOTattlonand instruct him against his expressions,and enjoining prudence. I do not knowthat I sought to patronize the Her. Mr.Walter at all and the phrases w hich al-lude to this and the indignant rejoinderof lather Walter do not luing to mv mindthe reoollectton of the mom desired.

I didn't tell fiitherWaiterthat he shouldnot promise to say nothing of Mrs. Sur-ratt's InnnnrnfiAnnoyed by w hat he hail said, I was

about to leave the room and defer givinghim the pass, and remarking that 1

would send word in tafBIM to thepass in two hours. Iliad intended with-in two hours to sis-, the secretary of war,and say lo him that I was convinced thatafter Whan taken place, that father Wal-ter was not in the ptapet disposition andframe of mind to be a MdtaOM religiousattendant upon the prisoner, and, underthe circumstances, the services of anoth-er priest should In- procured for her in-stead, when Mr. Walter said he promisedaHafaction, and that he had determine.


to lie governed by the consideration ofprudence. 1 (ban suggested that hewould perform what he End undertaken,and gave him the pass.

Sordid I when 1 designed to withdrawfrom Father Walter, w ithout giving himthe pass, by any manna intend that hisacts should have the effect to deprive theprisoner of the service ol the clergymen:but, on the contrary, it was only thatsoi 4het priest slimild go in. It haslas:'ii my fortune to lie the means of send-ing clergy to attend many, during thewar, in Bead of their services, and 1 neverput a straw in the way ofany faith visitingii penitent,loyal or disloyal,! i\ iug urdyingwhen his services are needed, for I couldnot aaa any paraon of any creed dyingwithout givingthe assistance in mv powerto procure the attendance ofa priest.

With regard to the denial ot passes toMr. Waller to visit the prisoner, where it

is referred to in the last paragraph of thearticle inijiiestion, father Walter stales tomy mmaantjer that he had lsvn requestedby Mrs. Surratt, shortly after she w as ar-rested and sini-o. to visit bar, hut that hehad refused to do so, notwithstanding hisnot desiring to have his name connectedw ith it until the trial w as over. I didn'tseek to meddle with Mr. Walter's convic-tions as to the innocence of Mrs. Surratt.nor did I attempt to restrain him from theuse of any pmUM efforts to hring his 00aVvictions to Mttee in quarters where hisrepresentations might lie of avail.So far from this, an hour or two after

the conversation referrisd to when hecalled 11 |m >ii me at the war departmentand told me he couldn't get atliiiiltaii.v.

with the daughter of the prisoner, to theexecutive mansion, and asked for my as-

sistance. I gave him a card to the sec-

retary of the president, asking lhat gentle-man to sec the Rev. Mr. Walter, trustingthat this means would assist him in get-ting his case liefore the executive

In conclusion I aver that the Secretaryof War readily assented to the visit of aCatholic clergyman to Mrs. & He madeno condition as to any convictions of theclergyman as to the guilt or innocence ofthe prisoner, or as to anything he mightsay on the subject.(Signed) Jas. A. Habiuk,lnsp. Oen.and liret. Uiig.Oen. F. S. A.

Xi:vv York, July J».

The Commercial's Washington specialsays the repotl that the reward for .toothhas ln-cn naiuicd over to Col. ilrker, is

untrue.Oold, to-night, US :.

[The lines are working horridly. Therejxirts come so broken up and in suchI tad condition that I can scarcalv get any-thing. ItKl'oltTKR.]


' <ia:.ntl

mm h ns the land wtUlily of timber la in (Teat ileaiand

for t» e thusbe aald iii grc


for railroa*. |.nrj>os«-s

!'•:• 01 ....1

-1 1 kk ;, -<:. 1 lie-. teMatawMMaauI will first olier tliethr.-e tracts of land tayaralely;afie; thai I will offer ihem in gnew. and ir anv per-

nore tban the a*grefcau- amon it tiki

tracts, for the whole nii acres, it willt not Hie p. raons biddmc tin liirh-

.-st; n for ti.. different tracts will bed-cUred tbe

lair. b»Persons wiabhiK to par. U;ss# W.U do wall to exam-

ine the land bafnw O" . <,r an it pcaaaata arare chaooe 10 |n:n liu.-e nl'lier tlir»e siiia'I Ujtuis ofiinaaraaaw-.! fer "frv. «r one nftfie »<-t larire rarrnain Mirld'e K< i.ttK k> . Wtu. Han, wba llv.-s on tbepremises, or J.I, :i J. Jeffrie*, who lives adjoin inc.will take pleas tie ta aiiow the I ind.Tlie pun-hawr- will lie requirerl to give ootid, with

approved samrit-,la afina mtereaf fn«n dar nt

sale, liavioc tlie foree of repli Tin bonds. r> i .in'nt alien on the land until ti e purrhaa.- n.oner I. fullyoaM, an I made payuM* u> the andavafMari.

T. H. til'NTKB,

Washinotos. July 20.

To thf Ar/Dit of the Axmtiatetl Pre**:Sir: Keferring to the siiecial dispatch totbe Xew York Tribune from Washington,l«th inst., published in their issue ofthe ITlh, relating tothe circumsUiK.-es at-tending the issue of a pass to the Rev.Mr. Walter to attend Mrs. SurroU. I begleave to state the facts in the caae aa fol-lows:On the tith inst. the Rev. Mr. Walter

.ailed at the war department and askedfor a pass to vfsit Mrs. S. in the militaryprison, saying if he was not mistaken shehad • v,'ies.cd a desire to see him. I sub-mitted the request to the secretary of war,who at onee said a pass might be given.Xeither the Rev. Mr. Walter nor myselfthen knew of the approval of the sentenceof the military commission in the case ofMrs. I sent Mr. Walter a pass, butafterward*, feariug the pass signed by my-self might not, under the circumstances,be accepted by the officer in charge of theorison, in oadur that there might be nojtofcsibility of disappointment in the ad-mt.ss.ion of a clergyman to afford theneoeieiary spiritual service. I sent Mr.Oarry, a clerk in my office, to see theBar. Mr. Walter and to tell him it wouldU U tter not to go on tbe pass sent, but Iwould again see the secretary ol war, and,as he had assented to the visit of theci^yuiao lu the urUouer, I would tj'

1 "

RIVER MATTERS.-The Allowing Is the Hat of

partu res since our I ant


Ahkivai.s st. afhtataa, from Cincinnati : den.Lytic, from ( inrinnati ; Major Anderson, from Cin-

cinnati: N'lola, Farkersbtirr;; Muff Vulley, fromMadison.

IiKr.\HTCB»-St. Nicholas, for Cincinnati: (Jen.

I.ytle, for ( im innati ;Major Anderson, for (Hn-

ciniiHll: Viola, for Cincinnati: Xew Stale, for Cin-cinnati; Sandy Valley, for Madison.

—The river at this point continued swelling yes-

terday, and »a*iis| iir unite Tast with .". fl^K In. wuter

in the canal laat evening by the murk, and .1 d 2 in.

in the pass on the falls, fluring the previous SI

hours, the river at t he bead of the falls hadrisen < inches kk hich is equal lo a rise or :t Inchesat Portland. The weather .luring moat or the dayyesterday wa* cloudy with raiu.

--We hail no advices from Pittsburg yerterday at

noon, and therefore are unable to -t.it- what theriver waa doing al that point.

—The river at Cincinnati, at noon yesterday .was

rising, with K. feet 3 Inches water in tbe channel

hence to this plais?. Injrlng the previous Jt In.urs

it haul risen i feet : in. There were heavy raiuathere during the previous 14 hour*.

STr.vMBo.kT Hobbkby.—The Cincinnati (labile

says that a negro named Edward Jones wa* before

the police court yesterday morning charged with

stenling property to the amount of tin from t lie

sleauiboat Potomac. The stolen articles, consistedof a valuable Mlfc dress,!wo breaslplus, a lable clothand some linen, all of which he pawned at a paw nbroker's oflice on sycamore street. He was held In

the sum of t-'**> for bis apoearan.-e belore Ibe courtor ...... a. mi pleaa, lu default ol whibh ho was com-muted.

- The Ht, Charlea Is tbe People s Line pachet

for Cincinnati at noon to-day. leaving the wharfboat at tbe foot or Fourth itreeL she connects with

all the early trains gninc Kant, and offer- aocomino-daliona whieb are furnished by no other line, libeIs lu couii'iafTd ol t'aptuin W. C. Walus, with ouryoung and clever frit u. I wttL Cafl'rey, lu the clerk's

a posl. The big fellow luttghed. hoi seeing thai thegentleman wa* determined upon a tl'ghl.die ihrewhimself Into the m.si approv.sl attitude and awaitedtlieoiiM't. The result was ils follows :

ilentli-tnaii a.fk nno~,, M itd after one ortwo feints, plain* a tr..i,ien.l.aj. bh.w u|»n the lf|M

MaJ pllr

* blch *ut ,ht ' Istter sprawling it\«>n»

J!::mi t, (llant. the picture of an infhrlaled wildbeast, !he vehds in his eye balls swollen kvitu tierv,angry IiI.snI, rushes furiously upon the gentleman.The latter spurs eautllHlslv. -|,rin.-in_ 'l-Mlv erront lht'sl<k.lge bHnimer lists of bis npiaineht, anduiinpimriniiity nfjering. hit. giant a*. ding whackillidi r Ihet'iir, which again doubles bim tip on thecoal pile,

'V ' '-"•/' "'«M> seenesl confusct, and

evidently of the opinion ili.il there wn« ,. niMakesomewhere. Ilenlletnau. c.hi| and isnlhs-led. appar-ently fearing a stroke of old sol more Hum a strokeof the bully, (limit crime* to the scratch with his"""'ll'l'l ling and swollen, and strike* wildle InhII directions. A Itlmv 111 the irtoblti staggers himand before he recovers bis balance uilnllict tth hi*limisisl |n »k and ear lavs him senseless In the ,|.u|This rinlslicd the light, and the rinuig gmitleniiiii

pn! on his cm! mid marched off, die admired of allidmirIfn .//.„ ni. Never begin Html her row

out knen Ing positively ,i1H , V(MI wh ,

....... ..r.iseertiilufiig that there Is not a nollceiuanwtUda call if you are geltin^ the worst J it.

[newunaani neita.

Pittsbcro.-The Commercials says that CaptainJaeob tfa/.lc|>, vk ho was comniittisl lo Jail in defaultof lw.il, on a charge of committing an Indecent a*,sault upon l-niilsnWermnth.was taken Is- fl.r.- JudgesSl-rrett mid Mellon on Sai.ir.Uy niorniug en an an-plieHtion to baxe the I. ril r.sluc.s.1. Ttn defeniiant scoiiiis.1 atatad n.ev najagdM bis n.*.. as having ikw „seriously Injur. -I by nenspa|H-r l.ul.li,;,ii.,ri- tbitunder Hie rt-presentatioiu. made, fils m.r.t Intimaterriends bail lurtusl their Isu ks ii|miii him and he" .is nunhle to llnd liail in the -uM demanded Tbastatement of tbe evamintiikt phvslcian llr Walkerwas read, which asserts I Isaac the offense consisted'only ,.f an • iiidci-cnt assault. fil.tri .t AttorneyKirkpairlck s,„ t e.| tbat ( ..plain Harjep had I*-. ;,eomniltted by the ataJTBf on H charge of "assaultmid battery with intent to ravish." and the onlv•pi.-silnu was wbem.-r the bull demanded waseXCCSKjve.

.Iiidg.- stetrett «uggest,s1 that there was reallvnoth ing In-fore tlic.sinrt. If it w.is.i.-.lred to hav'aI' "il re.luce.1, ibe defendant should bake beenbr.Hiitbt int.. court on a writ of liuls-as corpus and•in Ii siteta devel»|Nsl »< would bear on the i -gse' |.was then agreed that the esiis,. -hisild la- heard onsiiiiirdiiv in. .ruing next at at ten o'clock.

-The New state, from Parkersburg. yesterday,had on board the jr.lh Kentucky.

-The Kenton, from Pin-burg, arrived at St. I^aii*

R vx in.—The steamer Niagara lefl XewJuly M*. I o'cloik i: m. Iloats In |»jrt ami

iH.uiid for St. I/>uls -steamer (ieneral ilnilnian. to1 day; met Contlin-nlileave nest day: met (-ontinental at Curmllmn . iaii

met AtlaMlral Kills' Cliffs; Lady (lay,above Nal-rheZ: Mollle Able and Clara Uolseu, ,,°l Jeff Havis'i.la. il..'ton : l ab. met Henrv Vnn PI. ill at stackIsland. B.-ii. stickneyat Island M: l«h, met Pey-toiia almvc Helena, tilive llranch at PresidentIsland; r.tli, met Commonwealth at Kullon.




( INCINVATf Per steamer St. Nichola. n£i.k- hardware, .temple * Son : :>. bales bags. b., k-«baiting, li t Hunter; 3* ban. steal, VV II liraii 'er" I


burs I b.11 st'sd. Alaalcr .t Co; ii I.,. hardware I Uh.gow A C-; .». tide, butter. I Oris egg-. | au .s,,,, '.^ ,.„.Isbrls w hisky, Terllltli; i: hbds sugar, J Matin stils mds, ii do sundries, tidolaaitas, I.". do tobacco idodraaa, i ag eaanse,lui waae. I hrl I kg whtskv ib< . aii.ll. s. I do mail In -. : do oil, h ImIIs i . ii vcider. I do oyster*. 1 do* buckets, i do br<»nis '| aaa-tal.le si-u. br hrl.s le ers, Krwin * D; « bnils t.i"

barco, SpanlrMng a am : si ki* lisb, M hi tins aaaefc-ercl, -SI bis laisins, KJ lo;s colfee. I blids I bg sUraridarchrook A lim; I burs st.*.|. t bda. •iH.k.'s ",|oslolts, 1 kg lead. I springs. I In inds, f..v N I; i: agt ;M bs- t.,i. • do mils, a brls Hour. I do shoulders- 1. Indiana : 7 |.kgs sundries, 12 aju tTBe New \l-aaay Poiai Hon—; hjb |,ris Hour. J II Lumpkin: a|.kgs paint. Wataff a Pwg; In- can*, lame A i:-... do. j Terry .V; eaj tt du aaaflr, ll lliaaaain. s.-. a*har.lkk are, Maas A" Trigg | I., brls li.pior. ( H Flnck ;

I case, -ar.tine-. I hrl. T It: i;lu- candy, iT do can-.11.-. I bub- corks. .1 Itiickles; n casks xslu, Krack *no; I IT pkgs palter. A V HuiN.nl; pi iikgs | |,\ -«ln.Moor* a ,

; : ji ha aarlaara, Neai * N ; i i.ri.-oii wRack; obis coffee. II Lucking' I ilia implements.I kgs aorseanoes. I W Mnbley ; s hf kgs nail-, T WWebb: :• ls||, chair stuff. || Kabl ; 2 coil* h ad pitasItam-ev A .-o; | brl- c. n. .-nt < i Sack. II . J.. do vine.gur, Kent 4 n.; si hTs raisins, M do -imp, Ji do ovs-U rs. i sl.,,11/ it bxs nine, I card rack, ( lutus-r ,n>-II brl* kvbisky, Mitchell * A: 1 bales hops. |m-ii'llrien: brls li.pu.r, I In do. f f^nnb; ".tide, but-

. Austin n ti; In brls oil, J llal-s; -S. pkgs Is er. Is. * bXs lii.T.. ,. |« lA ..,pkgs fnrnltur.-. »» do

ding-. :. pkgs -iindrics. ewuers.

M.MHSiiX pHr sanity_Valley HMet lellan; Mafea

»l" II '1 TO aaalll\ri' jA Frank It It; I... Islle bos.ps. li « fc

corn, (.'apt Kt, rider; 4 pks, owder

Cincinnati p.t (iniM-rai Ijjti Paanani.1 Pavnr: I hhdJa lobarre, D simuiding Jt son

j Smtt.-s. J Kerr; II brl- Tlanjtat tlrifmil * VV ; U| ,,k ,Adams K i press co; 3> scwitig maeliine*, I.unak.-r Aco; :»; pkgs K s Knhinson : • hbds tobacco. Mil streetBouse; r brls eggs. k u.s batarr, <os. West; barrel*|H .irs. I \,x |ieiu-hes, F Hurrieon; .17 pkgs run. it. ireK Thorn: X da f tSaglin i pkgs anaaMaa, laiaanIron. 7" |>kgs Is , r, owner-.

CINCINNATI -P Maj.i Anderson - 19 In-. II. namnors; i u i>Ks conve. brls -imp. H 1> New-ooinb: llbxdry g.sal*. Trnbn A isi; 7 brls egg- ,

lulw butler. U«a waat ; al aaa ayaim, BCtarit Kea;i brls ri-h. MHimdrr; n pg> butter, a t aaavr; .t brl*hominy, smith A- bro; i..t< tin. I pkg do. ||ii-er Aco; ik bg liospital -tor' s, j K la.yd; *.i pkg* mils. Hc Itliiinan: .1 do K s Ib.liinsoii ; a. bale- hay. II HKiHiinson

; pg^ sitml r lee, owners.

KVANsvil.l.K Per Klnnray-17 hbds toba.etispra.I.vco: |.. do. lilover A- is.; I do Pli.-lp. Ac,I', do. Ilonald: .'d... T M Krw in ! 7 do. Win Tim '

J. bgs , .,lt. ,n yum. Thim Allllepaon; In liales sheet-ing, II Ii New nb; in liar's com, Cro|.|HT at F i J-ball-. Mill-r a M.s.re; ] i.t. tnd-. Smltb * Wade;I liuce pump. Aillslle At C01 1 h* llld-. Well, r ABackner; i arbeeia. Milter* Miaire; i brl b kanian,M stripi ; 1 arts aotatoea, J Hi.irifttth: l" do a he.it,-7 pkgs mils, i.'-liipiucii i center belt, Oarbaroux Acompany.

nv iiMt.RninLot ISVII.LI: A KI'.ANKKIUtT R.\ ILTtOA H—

.1 hor*>», il army wagons. I buttery Jbrgc, 1 wagon, Icaisson*,* lu-ptMindcr gun*, Cup! la f Verehhi; .t7bgswool. I. Richardson ; ji.i bgs corn. VerhnlT * l.m


.'.|» do Iswley, lira i idles A ,s,; ji7 do ear com. ( ropl~r.v P: ll j--- bacon. M.s.re It A co; ....

• ml . ..sk«. Mitchell A A; m piece*, bagging. II IIDavia; 1 mutes, vv M Uehoar/ a e»; 1 ear caatt* (u

laaac lau-on, c acaaatmr; MM baa* coru coin, jAnthony.

.1 I | . in i>k m- : r. . burn-. Pitkin. W A; co; :<i boxes

. Ins—.VV A H Burkbur.lt : ••.pkgs ale, A Tempi".

ion; i. ags cliis-s.,. Tail, son Ac: B da do cheeseand pro. le do sardines, li B * co: tasks oil, l-a-kk-conib a bro: i't fks rags. Kails! itv pauer mill; I

lili.l'-ngar. K W II A co: i sk- hair, i ' H Honarton ; .

mi lute, on ner: 3" kg* h sb,*--. I^.u Cltv It ll oi;lui- blacking. N.*a I A* W; J. In. rjnh, A Knglehard«(•; I bills gr laigs. F J Chotark : lficusk- |M.rter.V l> Haltano; .s, brl. !••> kitts fisb, laine <t- B; H bxsBtediciae, W H Fax ; Bean matches, w.--irurt Aco; i"i bx- tin, J Youse * ss.n ; 1 car -Mingles, \y IInix: -

i"> Islls spin*, i^mg A" bro; cars cattle, JBuri.side: :.pkg- drugs, 1 1 Bdltck ; pkgs, owners;I cask ens-kery, K A Robinson.



Wc arc

McKim or Portland Wheat Fan,

And can warran! them t<> be the best Wheat Fannow in nse. They have taken eighty-seven premi-ums and tXt silver medal-.Allordtrs protnptlv filled. A liberal discount to

Ibe trade. Price fjn and fc!*.


—The I'nited .Stat. - aud (ieneral Bueli are the

Cludiiaatl mail jaK ltets to-.lay. Uie former leavingat noon and the lutlej at 4 V. U.

Scievce v.s. nxt' te Force.—We yesterday ^sil

n. Hsed at the upper steamship landing, a forcible

illustration of the superiority of science over merephysical strength. A young, well dreaaed, aliui, but

sinewy and gentlemanly annevtug man, dressed Inconfederal,- grey. <r -s.iv iiisii|t«s| bv a hra>' nv,bull necked giant or a levee loafer. Al first tbeformer paid no attsiiiion in tin- afTrodt. hut upon an ivtiii- n of il. he calmly mi l deliberately told tbebully that "It «a« rather warm, but he Intended towhiphlai," "ud laklug off hie vOat h» biUal It upon,

Turnip Seed*

1,000 r< n NHs prnt'LK-TorTVRNirs;M) •• Flat Hutch


crop of aTaVJaataaan veilJa^^^amiaa


4-horse Lever Powers & Tlireshers;

2 do do do do;

2 do R.R. Power Tlireshers and


Tucaaaar afvaarinta. Jafy 3<h. laav {

There was but a limited amount of business doing

la cur general market to-day, the demand fur m>atof the leading articlea of trade being limited, owingto the advance In price*. The principal change wasIn provisions, the prices for all articlea of which ad-

vanced. The particulars of quotations, Ac. may be

found in our dally review below.

We have no change or Importance to notice lu

financial circles.

The following are the qnotations given by oar

hankers tor gold, silver, uncurrenl


BllverKentucky Bank.


Indiana and Ohio State Bank.Do and do Free Ranks

Eastern Banks... 2State Bank Tenneaaee 7".

Planters' Bank do aidI'nkin do do n diva —Eastern Exchange _ I Mi dlMi l onponsVJi BondsDemand Note*Uovernment Vouchers, cityDo do. outside

l.>-to Bonds

nr-Tiica. mni.tN«.. ma - nn*«-a -

7.. rll.

aid is

1-ln pr



Nashville, k.

tba Daily and WeeklyNashville, Tenn. Person

papar will always find it, at hia " N<

Dapot," and on aale by the nawabnya,

upon tba arrival ol the train. dtf

The Demorrnt During the

STEAMBOAT*Atlantic and M ia*w»»» p4 1

V r MciiipMaf, V.. k-Otir- airI >-w

a, ollcaUou at the clerk, s desg.

Jf• n s « shove on 1 ti i* t«ar.

1 " '

i5ar^E Agen«^_

For Pmlu'ttli

. r.


Ftxica-The demand Is confined principally tn

the city trade and pri.es continue Brm at our for

mer quotations. Hales of A>bh|* suiierHne at *«.

BM bbls Kx. family f7 ..wo ."si; plain extra at :<.•: aaCoaji-The transactions in this

Dealers obtain for corn In the ear

tide u -eiiing from store at fl.

Whkat Sales „f basli. l, prime re,! at *l an

Ost- Dealer, are purchasing and selling

(iais aaiKs Market nnchange.1. Hales of hatsRio coffee at »>sc; 9> bbls hard sugar at Jn'.c. x.O. sugar, by tbe hicl. commauda lw : a lower i;rade

may he hail at l*e. We quote C sngar at I«k,*«l7.-e.

extra C sngar 17'y*r.l*c, Cuba sngar 1V.I V, PortoRI«so sugar l."i*417c; plantation uiola^*.-* |i >><r.l z: ;

sirups range from ate to fl "V,

CocxTav PaonccK-Oreen apples f7«/«. choicebutter ease, In boxes and firkins tra.i.-*-. Beeswaxbuying at anw-VTc. Feathers, boyIng price SI*. ifcr..

Drl.sl apples. «„:, for ..id. FI.it • • ' f p...

for fresh. -

I'HKK.sK-Weatern R<-serve Is unchanged. Wequote prime article at l .rf 10 »cOoaL-There Is no change In this article. We ron-

tlnue to quote PIttsborg at JSC -at retail ; Pomeroy at:i< -

. to boats at 22c.

Iottoh Yaaxa -There Ma fair demand for cot-ion yarns and price, uvchan- d. VV . quote Ma; -

vllle yarna- v.i at .Wc,aa«i at :ac. 7>«i at .t!c; Tennesseeyarns V»i at :i7c, a»« al lie. is«. at .:|c.

P«ovisio*r*_T»ie market Is firm and prices arehigher. We qaiae mess pork at fj*.

Oivabcrim—Demand limited, and prices nomi-nal al .17 'sc.

FisH-We quote Xo. I mackerel atM 5S0IS; No.i at fl« smn.Balk RiiriAXii B.wiw-W. qoote bagging at

Jli.tiy; best machine manafartured hale rope 12 ,c.

Halt—Kanawha at sue by the quantity.VtRoiNiA Tobaiki -Holland s extra fl *v«l m :

Sutherland's brands $1 S>: Brown's brands fl 27.';

CromptoaV strawberry fl Mil 7"; Laugher u'sOronoko fl P.; Langhnm-s Bon Ton f2.marker AtM^r. e-ales of Htagg's hams at swacr.Wnrw.-Transaetions llghu We qnote price panl

hyaealers for unwashed at .IV; Inb washed at ec.

Whisk Y—There Is no change in prices. We quoteraw at fj tn, rectilled (t2 UH and .Simpson's superiorBourbon f2 Jo.

Telegrapa Bnrl

\-i ni* in Intlinnn.

J. r. Half <t Bro., newn n-.— nfs for the

New AH-nJiy and Chkngo railroad and

its various <-onn«*:-ti<>n», are axciita for the

sale of th«» I/i>iiisvillo Ik-mocrat at tb«*

New Alliany depot and along the line of

the railroad and 1


Persons residing In

along tlie roads can subatribe to

Kentlemen bv tbe w(*-k. month or ..uarter

and they W* promptly stipplr them with

tbe lietuocraU Ilia newsboys will always

have tbe Democrat on sale. Paaaengersover the road can obtain otir paper at all

times bycallinirontlienewslaiyslor them.

Mr. C. C Spencer wdl sell two

good pi.inos at auction to-day. tio and

look at them—they will j^jq cheap.

airTbe hou«keandl(»t on Seventh street,advertised to U> wild this afternoon bvMr. C r.s^neer. is withdrawn friwanla.

all wayDWARD

leaves aa I

I'di'pTra. p \ttow aro.. i

Regular Passenger Pa. keC

r Ptdtjcnh, I aim and Memphis.la pl.kce of Kobt. auras j

•*r . Jflllev. *ast«

_»iaa. from city «h,KtiPKKK. P\ rr»i> * < •>

For Cairo,

I?fDIA«A..leaves as

at U —

For Padu.-ah andR. L. WUODWARD-



metil nf Messrs. K. (i. Wiiririnton .V Co.,

in another column. They have one ofthe largest and U-st st.H-k* . t siicrar amicoffee to lie found in tbe city.

MJWU >» the Les,ro,i uf YoftkWhich Fate re.s.-rrca 0, » hr,,,ht Mavh^xt7"AovN ,n, .tneh tcir.f.rs K.\Il.!"

And in the history of dyspe. ti- manthen- need U> no gloomy futnra full of

Kegtibw Louisville ik KRokFIIITF.

a . from I

MKiKHMDalt).. .

. Ayer*. ]

leaves as above Thai Day .M in»t.e" .. from I- .r. i.i ii.



F>r Pad i. ah, Cairo andLIBERTY So. 1 Conner.

Leave* aa above Thai Dav. r ».. p>r.itivelv. fr-.m I

(X jatMITl A LM <>

Rejrular Tennessee River Packet.ypwhoTiilrla. al fenrn, for one ilr:ms;ht For Pndncaa, East port and war Points.

mtW YORK (iOLD M \ RK KT.Haw Yoaxt, July .>

liold eonUaiies iinsetlled. It ia genera IIstood thai Ihv pri. e is kept np bv -pe. ul.it.' .

ing large amounts i.fT Hie market; the ti.ntlii.iaiiccH-lt to be very



• nnde



Mnnevnrm.with ««5i^vail loans.sterling sMaaans

gold and nrst-claa* blHold eitsler and

M3 .. advancing to 14.: |, aVsrllaaM i'u,

etashag at i atS-• o.vernment alarka more art ive and tnwerst.« ks dull but steady ; t . and K. fa; Fort Wayne

sa' i : Northkve.teni l-7 . : .ti.. preferr. d .1 - f and,

, '-'" :i.Kr

'rl:,i,'ling tre.

: M ichlgan Centrallo.: Michigan s..iitberii s.1; < n m I- rlaud !•• < an-ion 1 1..; ..Iih, and Ml-is.ippl eeniticaie* j

.' '.

: Moc.M.',-..,




1 s-^ >i n",,,,",s

Special to the Western Prcsss •

Xrw York, July r. M.Stork market shows more animation with a ton-

era! rei-oyery „f ,«-lcs.. |„ railnmri and mlSTllamsMis list U,e uneasines* ei. it. si l.y the advance-Ing awak . and there Is

Sa r r

I* p,In momsitloii to Hianaaa aw rise and teaa li. ^.sellers oplfon. At the sio,.g evchang- thefe Is anincreasing demand for railroad -liar. s. Prices onthe se.jr.nd call were higher, ami after »tie „.•there was a Airther upwanl mm enient, and .mile anasli for stork*, (iovernment st«c** are a littleWeak lillll dull.


Xkw York, July a>-r.*.retmleum Is quiet, and the. market is with., .it al v

change. TlieAdlokklngar.- the .oioiatimis:VV etister 3.. : llnehanao Kami :: ; It. nd Kami

I ti; K ovlslor ii,;i||| t reek 7"; Southard :i ,.

S A I. I«V(. HF.lt>> KX i 11 A \< . K.

Xkw Yiikk. July .sv-p.jg.

(•old Hat,; Xew York fentra. 97,',; Frie BB.:R«Mlttg Wt : Pittsburg •*%; Risk Island H'7;Xort'jwealern prefrrre.)

; Fort 'e..

XKW YORK PRODITE MARK KT.Xkw York. July ai-r.n.

of the wonderful appetizer aud hea...

Plantation Ititters, will simtter tbe darkclouds of despondency ami l-i.l hor*> ••fell

li« r fl.ittermi: tale" again. For heartlmrn.d>-sptwMa, indisjestioii, heaviness, lan-

f?ti<»r, headache and low spirits, this is the

only remedy. Ifyou an- siifferiiijr frctndyspepsia or any ofit* attendant evils usePhintation Bitters, and voii will findthere is "no such word as fall!-'


FitriTs.—Messrs. Sherrill, Ihtvis A Co.are tbe agents for the celebrated Ferncn*?k nursery, and sell constantly the

earliest, ripest and choiis-st

vvu«>owa*l> WaaaaLeaves as above -ssturd

Forre I Mississippi steamship

Memphis, Vicksburg andOrl.


rea aa above I


BBsUrUB WEDSBaaf PIFor Cairo and Memphis.

LIBERTY Xo. i. Conner Master.

al _ ii-.veon Fralay, J*t ina*• —j* 1 1 . i • a

MimiKHK \l> « CO.. tgent*.

f #»ur rcad-

ihe adver-

- U-rA-( ....

fruits, will do well toon FourthMarket.

ajra?"-VVe invite the attention .

ers and the public ircrrernlly to

tisenieut of Messrs. Sshnalt.Win anotlrer coin in n. They hitv

ed with them in l.ii*in«-*s Mr.Way, a clever e^>ntleman and thoroughl.iisiness man. Th" in w firm still keepa fine and extensive st, a k of the purestli.pi. rs. to which thev invite the attentionof purchaser*.

Wheatox's Oixtmkxt—Will cure tbe

Itch in forty-eight hours; also, cures Salt

Rheum, Fleers, Chilblains, and all Erup-tion* uf the skin. Price, fifty cnts. Hy*en«lini< sixty rents to John I). Pank, ('iii-

cinnati, Ohio, it will !*• forwarded free bymail. F-.r sal,, l.y J..hn I». Park. Cincin-nati, Ohio, and drtiKgists >: ,*'> , 'r:illy. Be-ware of counterfeits. my ^sdecalfjiu

nrtwi lir wr.n<tir.aDkr p t< t* > r

For Paducah, Cairo and Memphis..IBKRTY Xo. ( ..nner. VlaXir,

Leave* aa above .n Kriday. the :lstInst-. al ". p. »., fei.m Portland.

ir..uah receipts diva aw treigbla to fena. —ariver. While river ami .New Orleans.lk-^ KRWIXa IhiXAHTE. Agenta.

Bi'.M iK ntauBWAf ptiarr.Ft>r Fvansville, t'airo, t'olumbns and

Memphis.LIBERTY Xo. % _ (Miner Master

• aa above .,n Friday. :is» laat.>m PnrllaiHl.. Agent. IV Wall «treet.

nd dns^iiug : for mlddtiug


vrrann nt account. ...... Iwl.-si7 . c for middliiiE fair: i|

- - K lorpayable in

2-horse Cleaners;

1 do R.R. Powers;

Improved Louisville Sugar Mill;

Sugar Evaporator.

F.nyers will do well to callpurchasing.»* "Send Ibr a Catalogue.

J. D. BOjyisdaa

and examine before

and Fonrlh.

follon dull, heaverand ii.v auction, forto-day >»a

i .r,,ordinaj-y


g"l<l.Ehair market Brm for grssl. and dull and dcelin

" » *7 iV,ri*mim.in brand.: fs i,, r estra state:*•> ^.1»*T P< Air common to g.«.| shipping brands1 ' .ra reund his.pllhin; «7 |.'«...s |u tor trad.- i. ran. Is.

Whi-*y shade tinner; £ In for western.WVeal MMSe lower, with fair hulai ixt; the decline

« aaore obsiTVable in spring; fair iu.purv for winterst arestern *1 UM 1 II for unsound ; «l m. for w interst; I l.lcai.-.. spring fl uwi.l «s: Milwaukee club «1is-i n; amb.-r Mawauee «1 aa£ I **. i.

Rye srtinv and Hrm; sales of kk. stern, to arrive.t :*•. Barley .juiet.

( orn urn-haiiged :s«.. s." re for unsound ; M« stc for

mud mixed wi—icm ; Sac for eaanaa dowtiats ic better; filiasi tor western.""

I dull.II.

t ofleedull. Ri.Sugar stinsdv : I

;...< |.. ic : Kio" HPetroleum quie

fiiieit in bond; fl

Pork dull, kanew mean; rtosiii



1 1 r*i -, Havana

• for re

•e-Try Dr. Bieknell's Svnip.r>ysi'nter>', liiarrhea, ('hiileniPain or Cramp in Stomach or Bowels. It

contains no t>p,nte*. Reliable, safe andpleasant. For aula by all druinrists.jel2 eodSm

Wa.ntkd.—< inc thousjind dollars want-ed for six months, on twelve j>er cent,

interest, seciir»*l by morl?age. AddressJ. B. W., Louisville Postotiiiv. jyJOtLi

Dr. I.. O. DOIIKIV,OtH.*? on Twelfth street, north of Walnut;Twelfth st

residence en Third.Chestnut strissrLs, Louisville, Kv.

iybi slvtdrj

DR W. M. UATKS,I> -N- T I S T .

Ketriiiar Passetnrer Packet.

For Pttdm-ah, Cairo and St. I»uis.J. ( J. BLACK E< iRI> Millan. Master.

Leave* as above .> Friday. Jt-t orst.I" w.. pceltivelT tfm\ do- wharf.IFPKR, K.TTIlXaili..

A : la mi.- and Missis*, p,,i steamship <

For Cairo, Memphis. Helena,Natchez and New Orl.

! W ILCVRTER Fuller. Master.

m. SPEED. SWPETY. roiFiiT. im.

LouU. 111c, Kv ;»n*Mllc. lalrn * XaBphtoParkft I ompurt).

Half square souih of Piotofflce.Jets dim



Is now ready. It emliracea over 4,000

volumes of all the standard and Miscel-

laneous books published, which

nm BOATS WILL LA.NH FOR FRFIOHTaad paaasncers at all way landings at regnant

naaniat mtaa.Freighr an t paaaen«ees n,r WHfTlt »nd A RK A N-

SAS KI VKRS re. -eipted throofb at reasenanle ratea,

Tbrooah receipts frtr freight and aaanaaa lo ittLOns at current rates.For .teiabt or paanac* annrv on hoard, or to

R J. t AFFRAY. >noORHKAI'arO.. Vjenta.ny" dtf KRW I N * I* . N \ It VK. > _

l*S«l.-i. 1 SH'4.


and birher: f. r; ,t the lowest publishers' prices.V ... for cash. ; *Tia..'T *i for si .

r. r

: *T(a.-'aim d... for prime; and *ii.«».. ~i ,»i for prime ,,i.— :

• •" n""'~ July and Ausual. sellers,'and biijers opti-kri.at fj»u.»t.

tUt f quiet al lliarda for plain mes»: »um is r„r , T

r.^:: ^..rjnr::,^ ; —Ij-Xil tinner a 1 17 -c I..;:R oiler .juiet at l*c to *)c ftir Ohio ; and .To to -. for

St ite.

Vlie.se steady at I*c for common to prime.

CINt'IXN.VTI-r. a.

Flour firmer and 2V hitlier: superfine |a Ti toT;m,1 demand troisl for prime clt v Laker*.Wheat quiet at •>«• for red. ( orn steady.

The largest and moat liberally condnot-ed establishment of the kind in theUnited States.We constantly keep on hand all the

standard and miscellaneous Nsiks pnl>-lished, which we sell at the lowest pub-lishers' prices, and a gift with each book,at the time of sale, worth from tiitv centsto one hundred dollars, CaUtloRues

lo any address upon tbe receipt of

at the store.

, Agent.Postofflce box 78.

Mtt'It you want a beautiful miniatureon ivory, or large pNitoreniphs paintedwith scenery, call on Mons. Alcan , a pupilof Mons. Charlet, of Paris), at the photo-graphic studio, southwest corner of Third

' Z. Z .'. — . . . and Main streets, where vi>u will also find^Tbe Frankbn Kank of Kentucky Mr. Oorbutt ready to paint-, in his pleas-


sells exchange on Montreal, London and ing style, life-size portraits in oil. Copiesfrom tbe moat Haded pictwith dispatch.

and demand gmol for prime clt

Oats admssf to ijw.klc. Rye advanced to »*W biskv hrmcr: bidders a.-kin» +1 nT. tvith sales.I'mvi-ioiis firm; mess pork fs» for city, and $ft> lor

country.Hulk meals steady with small sales.f.srd f* held at Sir.i.rn-erie* tlnu and In ipssl demand.liold Ml .(Alii


For Uwrntlwra. EraisTillr aid IrMeriVaVConnecting at Kvausville wttb tba

t » ; ko AMm t \ t ss> i llf. r at atari a.



al tbe Portland wharf before * o Lit r . aatbe boats will tot be detained after that boor onderan.' in. si.. I., o-rs. .1 * t adlnij na-k-ages. Ac . must he left witli the Agenla. oa K.ssribstreet, betwe.,11 Main and ine river before l o rkwfcr.n. ntyl-tanf) J. .JMTlW-K^snnyV. _

Kesular I. S. Hall

at Cincinnati with early Kaatern traianthe magniOcenl paawager sleamers

rvmantTn . whittk*j. Master

LTTU. OodbaS. Xaster.

OX« OF THK ABOVEally at 12 annnnnnnnnaamers MAJOR A !< HE rtst >M. I 'after.

- N KVKLLs Kaller. Master, will> same port at I o'clock r. a., daily. San-

daT exrepied.

Line Wharf boat, al *>M o# F -nrtamy* dtf

scon, DAVISON & €0.

i a coo

Wholesale and Retail Dealer, ii

Men's and Boys

J. D. WRIGHT, Aumojrxxn,Is prepared to sell real estate, furniture,

merchandise- and all kinds of property, atauction. Can be found at the auctionrooms No. 527 Market street, south side,

between Fifth and Sixth streets. Cbargea


J. c n'rua**. a, 1. 1


OMR OFTHR ABOVEleave as shove dally^at H

rlnnati with tha «:•»*. a.Kaatern riilea.

For freight .r

ny* .Wkstf



Yonnir Squirrel,


And all other seasonable lu.turies always on baud al

WALKEIt'8 EXCHANGE.lyl .'nAdlf




llshmeut to So. 41 THIRD NTKKET,between JefTetsoa and Oreen.He ins uow one of Uie laigest aud most cuiuplute

stocks uf

Furnishing CtioodsTo be found lu tbe city.ClotiiluK i<ut«aaij utaUe W order. Call and exam.

r-VRFAt 'II.ITI»»FORTHMtIAVDI.IN'; AND' k N are uuaorpaeard by anv

maiiiifa. tiriX^nTrie *,at? euabtrs us to sell

at tbe very lowest aifurea:

IStriecea j. w Saatk;at 1. 1. Todd;*t

P. M-ott;

at Power Loon;M lacklla;at Hamllloo;«4 Thornton;at Brute:M

JMrnisliing Goods,

s.1 •

JLrOUlavllle. Kfi


Hun«axtan swe4;WUet Sana;

Toe Oummi San : fbr saaa ar


THEOil and Mining Company,

or lonsMin kt.

(Cnpltavl -st....*

Divided in 60,000 sbarea, pax

WTt. OARVt!*, Frea. CHAs. »1LLEK.a. L. am iwsj


vuaa « m. tor tn*

Tan ii i i iint «j ^he

Bale Hope and B^Lnis.8.Saa etatla UmU nanttilaa «na»;

aa,aaa la* nana* t»i»».

atteoUou. Tue LutiisvU'.e and Sashville Railroad|

having- com menced to racstiva frei<hts in tbe fetrn-lar way, and not bet rut lntersanrd in any Trsnanurlatlon Line, Montb. enables ua u> jive good* promntattention. Onr eharje* Its* torwanllnai have beenreduced u> . oaunara wish ibe altered Treasury rea*a-

'"ii"*^P**C* ^"Hia0> A trtai k rtatnevirully nc-


ure-a R Ivat. aad anajpa Watto, »-.r*t-d

"TaVsurktce ra*«cat!niaa. tanetlw


rat aaainitoaa. arv aacA aa ta Joattf

gsalae »an.'ri«tWina af andaaa.

of Recent p-ablW attona la%n<! p! wtior^ . TntrTlVsliiig l-Kt^l**

flnm iiiiiifiin- aatnorav . leart

lhat th- territarv lattartranlas ta

and Traito Water. Btly., baam

a tow mllea

to the i ll i

era! imrr.

a special ssiniUaxttrHe eaau TM mm-

...i be auiua anaaa-puaeni of oil will eveut-• of ia* mate aa urn

.wifAia to IMninv


pgfi Democrat.


c-en the PresidentDelegation.

.south ( arolina Read) to Abolishh.a.er).

PnM-lamallon h) ftoTtrnor Perry

Speeeh by Him atVrrcmlllc. ». ( .

Forrest for

A lawyer from Newport l»v the i

w . ict«-r, who had I*-»mi galM in i

h«-1 »»v the ».-ni!H«1. followcst tho l

Marshal Sands' oili.*?. iiikIwrs nil

of.Nen iork.

7-30of the

Arhiuo* from Indian

Important ^nnouneementloTen.

W hat Gov. Murrj, of Ark., sa)sof

State of Soelety In

The Desolation In that State.

h ears of a (ieneral Insurreetlon.

( (immenremenl Kxercises at Har-vard ( ollese. Boston.

The Rebel ten. Kwell Liberated.

Nt:w York, July an.

TIm1 Time—' Washington siax-ial says theSouth Carolina dclc^alioii. In-ailed l.y

(•ovfrnnr Perry, hail an interview withtile I'n-M.l.'llt this i Wexlni-sila v I eveningat 4 u'i-Ik'I. « In. Ii ivsiiite<l to tin mutual»sVtisfH<i|on of partieK.

It appear hat the dele-ration was su^-i-cMc.l :,i -. Hrious town nns'linu* through«>u! the Stale, and the nt. mixers had l«-„- lexUil. and wen- on their way to this*ity In-top' the news p-at lusl IhVin that• •ovornor Perrv had lis-n appointed Pro-\ isional (tmifiior of the State, tiovernorPerry lirxt heard ot his appointmen t

w li<-n he had got seventy inile.s lrouiHome.

In tlie course of the interview this even-ing, governor Perry a-sMir-ed the pp-sideniihaf -Smith <'ar.>lina would l*c n-ppwntedl»v Iw t'omtrensinen in the month ofIh inlx i next, and doul't less l.v the tirsl

day of th« ae-Hsion; that the Slate would«d«it»t the amendment to the Constitutionalsilisbinj: slavery: thai the parish sys-tem will l«e als.)ishe<l; that the Pre-»i-

deiilial elcs-lor-. x\ ill h<-realter lie elects!I'v diwi vote o| (he |<oop)e. and in pon-•-ral the Slate laws will conform to thespirit and lorin of those of the NorthernMates ami to the f ederal < '"list Million.

tiovernor Perry ls-msl a proclamationtins exiiiing. which will l«e lorwai.l.sj l>y

T,arok Kmbww.kwknt, r.mii> timasin<-e. t.aptaiii Met'lung, quartermasteral tins point, diS'-otrered that the govern-ment had lieen defrauded, 1>\ falsi vouch-er* passed upon hia oflW, to the inwtof nearly flo.OnO. The fraudulent vouchers were for tutta, represented to havebeen furnished at this point and at Law-renoeliurg. Tbe Investigation whieh fol-

lowed tli*- di>wovery eaused suspicion to

la* had against one Daniel Pierce, wliohad l>een a clerk in the office, and at thetime of the fraudulent lousiness was in a

position to perpetrate I lie Mine. Atlida-* it apiin-,t PieP-e was made l<efop- theCniUsl State* authorities here, and a war-rant was issued for his arrest. The .sus-

pected party p-sided in Newport, and it

« a- •iinelitne liefore thw deiutty to whoMthe alfair had las>n intrusted could catch

him. With the assistance of a special

deputy, however, the arp-st was madeSunday morning, and the prisoner wasliptugbt to this side to he held for exami-nation liefore tVaiimisaloner Halliday.A lawyer from Newport l»v the name of

is conn-party to

allowed to

t-.ke Hi., prisoner into a IBSBI alone to

confer with him. of which indulgence tin'

prisoner took advantage, and KU.sceed.-d

in making his .•s.upc.

Tin- affair oertainlv reflects upon the I

lawyer, who would thus allow a client to

malic his es-ajs-, after having lieen per-

mitted to confer with him in private. 1 pto this time Pierce has not la-en rearrest -

ed.—Cin. Commercial.

Mr*- ir in Tchxkd Infidel.—Whowould have thought the enlightened State

of Missouri would have turned inlidel?

Ye*, the Imitated •'home of the lirave andthe i:ind of the free" hasdeclap-d in favor

of infidelity by making It highly crimi-

nal for tlie'ininistcra ofi.od to attemptto wait uj»on Him in their official capaci-

ty Is'fore they hasjrto the shrine of State

and take tin pres< ril»ed oath! The nn-thoritv of ilirist is ignored; His Itody,

the chur.-h. h treated as a secular thing.The anthority *»f the Almighty is virtual-

ly denied, and that of the State made su-

preme. No N-inp in heaven or earth is

to Is- honored IwfoP- the State; that

stands ulwve all that in called God, anddemands that humble ministers of thef'nwi shall make their first Isvw to it!

This act Hiirjiasscs the infamous decree ofl»arius, in tholays of Ihiiitcl. That wash i tiding for nnlv thirty days, hut this for

time unlimited. After tlie I2d day ofKepteml»er, !**>">, no ministrr nf Gotl dareo|M'ii his mouth within the limits of theState till he sulMcrihps to the constitu-tional oath! Other countries have estab-lished religion by law, and made jheState subservient M il ; Missouri has o'e-

throneil ndigion bv law, and made it

sn»>servient to the State.—[Missouri K«*publican.

The Kihkmkn Seiikxapk Obtc. Sher-man.— Alter the mammoth sep-nadingparlx win. h . ailed at the Lindcll, in St.

lyouis.lN't wis-n nine anil ten ofclock Mdii-dav ni^ht toMNBsasl I ien. Sherman hadPHired the alarm of lire was turned on at

the Missouri engine house, and in less

than thr<-e minutes all the engines jn thecilv arrived on the ground. The boyswi-retold that Ihev wep- calleil together to

show tiiMi. Sherman what St. Louis coulddo in case of a tip'. Ppon this hint thema.'hineK were draw n up in fpint. of theLindcll and each one commenced scream-ing and whistling at the top of its ln-nt.

fnf-t >ne of the Hothschilds won ^Jtm.iXNi

on the Fp-nch Derby.

Pro. I it runt ion.

Matob's On-u-K, 1/ot isvn.i.r.. Kt., )

June 17, 1^65. /

All persons owning or having dogs orhogs in their pexsession, are hereby re-

fpiip-d to konp ihem confined upon their

premises for sixty days from this date,

under penalty of twenty dollars fine andJoss of the animals found at large. Atthe suggestion of the military authori-

ties, all |»ersons are requested to keepslops and dirt off the stp-ets and alleys

particularly out of the putters. Theseason demands the utmost care on thepart of every one to prevent sickness,

and each should lie watchful of hia

jel'.i dnfl Phil.it ToMrrERT, Mayor.





I B̂ ,OTrHil

5a^,v,so A LARGE A8SORT"

I» I -A. NOS,Which I will sell thrfASH AT LESS THAN

I f oudVhKeKRS


Am"°* '


W M.KXABE&CO.ukl InviteMhJMM at-




PLANTERS' HOTEL,Corner Third and Broadway,

( l\(i»*TI, OHIO.

flMIIH HOTKI. IS NOW IN sf( CKHSFfL "f1 HWOa. At tills llotiv the BaVSttag imlillc- n tlt

mil only llml lirst class ncrdnimodations, hut nn»l-

i-rate rharges. Any nunits r nf boarders can be ac-

coniniiulatpil. Hay Hoarding |7 per w«-ek.

t> --Mf IIIM: A HKIITT. rr»|irli-lnis.

McKviizii's Hotel.1 or in.

iiounre to the rltlsoai of LsahvUlc and' [In- .siijie ofKentarkr, and to the traveling ooaimaaltjr k*-»)t-ily, thai lie baa oaaaada a,-.- ami cocnmodkHi^hotel, on tin. i i nf Heveath eel Mark'-t Hireets,in ibis an . when- in- Is |>D'|wrrd to rnruish 1.nIk Iiu:,day tMiarif and uicttls, in lUc S0B llj la, and si na-KOiiable rail's.This Motel b«s lieen i horoiichl v repnln-d. n-rnr-

nisbe.l. and titled lip in a mi|»tI> nnd eleKant m. in-ner, hi as to nffaftnw to the wants of the paMIcBi-nerally. Ttir boaae w ill lie kepi on lioth Ike Kn-iaaeaa and AniiTienn plans. Meals may In- had atany hour during the day, and MaiaaWttl fur

-^rniaiient and transient guests. I>ay

Knob Creek Petroleum Co.

Incorporated under the laws of the Stateof Indiana, ltWS.

0«/X->it«,l $200,00090O.000 Shares at »l per ishare. Pur Valae,

Working C a pi tul 930.000.

Ot'lil'KIH.A H. BOWKS. Cincinnati. President.

JOHN P.ANKS Mi ILVAIN, Louisville. Secreta-ry and TMHBBWi

no* itn or i) i it i « i o its.

A.M. Ilowen. Cinelnnati.Then. T. Kis-keler. Cincinnati.OBI. A. K. Jones, Cim lninal.1U.I.. II K Covle Colllllllius.

John lu-nks M'-llvaln. l/.nKville.

Oi orgeli. BUNS, Loulaville.



staaed to periboard fnrni.shisl on reasonable terms.

First-Class Instruments,

't to none In Ibis ronnlrr.il, and in sunn- importantrllKlts we t.ike pie—aredsan.l the put.Hi , that wew ith Mr. H. shuman, sole

iding MiAsuuii, by

In rrrrv ftnrtirttlar - «»but in all imoiii ~ fully e(s.ml* su|»t-ri. .r 10 A S Vn niinounring to our frieuhsve made arraiiL-enientsngelil l.ir I llts bOUlllWlstw hich Uie

A< IKNCY AND DEPOTFor ttw-ie truly maguitk-ent lustrumenta Is

ferred to onr aMMa,

>o. 310 Jefferson Htret-t,

Where a fine n««ortment mav tie constantly found.PiM»-.sliig » tone of niHrveliiii« |mwer. hi llllam-e,purity and volume, ami aMaea of great Blasts ity,

w ith taaaaehsj a< linn, (Ban Pianoa

< H A l.l.l M.i' t llflPrTITIOJf,

lid with all otheni In this or any


jan In JAM. McK KN/.l E, Proprietor.


rpHIS CELEBRATED ESTABLISHMENTI will tie open for lue leeepiiun or visKura un the1st of June, IwiVTliow in pur- ult of pleasure will here Hnd a « re,

cool and comforUible retreat, free from citv noise,dust and heat, with billiards, ten pins, good huntingami tlsbing io amuse them. Those in pursuit ofhealth will here find the host fitted up place ami therieat.i>t variety of mineral waters in the West; in

net, they are so varied in their o.intimations M toauit almost all Uteaiaesaai ll»s»h is heir hi.

»«*A dally line or bin ks will leave Orleans, onthe Is N. A. «fc c. It. H.. lor lb<> ai-commiHlatinn ofiicrson* fnun the Ea^t. Tti<*se romimr irorn theWest « ill leave the O. * M. K. II. at the shoals. By

routes they arrive at the springs the same day.- lallon address West Baden


myl9d:tmflaw West Baden, I nd.

Xin.MT PBOM AN EXTKNliEP BBTOBT•f sunev ami Exploration of the Ijiiid* nfthis

Company, t.\ C. \V. vvriglit. M.I).. Professor ••(

chetntstrv, in the KeatacKJ BchaoJ of Medicine,June ti!, one of the most experienced Petrole-um explorers in the West "Tb> sinuigesl evW1ei.<-e

of oil, Is the fart that tlie lands are hs aleil at thebase of the suh-cartionlfernns formHlinns, an. I tlie

comniews-ment of the licvonian. Thi*se formathuisalone vleld |M'lroleum in i|U:tnlity. Tlie oil regionsof Virginia and Penn-ylvaiila arc locatisl In thoseformations."The biaiks for suliscription of stock are now i.|»ne.I

St tbe ofBce of JOHN IS. M« ILVA I N E A HON, onlliew-ist side of Second street, betw een Main nndthe river, w lieie |MT«ins desirous of taking -lock in




remedy tor all those afflicliug i-oniplaliils iie. ii-

liar to the sex. whether "married or single.-^ Fe-males peculiarly situated, or thine supposing them-selves so, are caulioued against naing thes* pillswliile in i In, i condition, iisib^ proprietor assumes n.resinmslblilty, alter th- al...ve admonition, althongftheir mildness teniild prevent any mi*ch!»fio health


tde«l. Kull and ex

two years, and ta-ils has lieen knowntoil* proper i-aitn-

-r of health to the


WILSON & PETEB,aaeataors to WUaon, Startolrxl B Haulh,

"VSTliolesale Dim Lggisi s,AM> IMPOBTEB8 OB


Paints Oils, Wlndow-CSlaws Giamwarf, T»b«srr«, I

PBRFTIMURT, Cbo.,inisviiio ivy.

both roil


Or MR. SHI M \ Sthe all


~nre lii tryingxnd f.-

ifldent ib.<t claim in. I i

•arnestly Invite Inlakers. Tuners andsi. .ii. and all othersnsiitulea lirsl-elasn

•inpariMiu can re-Milt ill astMaa rise than the . Iii. ice by the jnu. lino-

of a scboniacker PI—u.

N. II. We partii ularlv ands|Hsilon ami Mai tiv pltno-n-palrers. by Hie musical prof<w I io iindei-taml what .| ...lid .Mar. B Piano" and other inslrniiietils tuned and re-

paired al sborl nolle, nod in the lust manner. Mr.MBB1B, w liu is a pr.i. ti. al Piauo-mnker for nearlyIweiily j ear-, w ill give eapefial attention to this bu-siness. Leave your orders nt "I" JeBer-on -tns't.

Mil ABBBU.B <t>..

Jyj st*.ltni Music publishers. :;in .lelTer st.

mi -sk a la isnsTBUMEirnA.t ICt-xllMMMl I»l-lf-<-SI.

-pjiti Ms. rim, BCraUBB VIOLINS. KI.CTES.I " UaBaca, Aosirdisms. and all other kinds ofMusical Hoods «t low priis's. w boles*.e or retail.

l>. P. I ttl liV2il Main at., bet. Second and Third ala.

n-ejtjst SONGtest pi ni.isiiEn BV i>. p. r.in.iw, tin.a• • M.llll >liee|. be|W< I II Sec.. ||. 1 it T I • I | 1 1 ; r< I St|. e|


mm im *s. BBnB his a Mailt no v


I > ill. i B B Will*. Hays Prs .

Rvfrtrhotty slmuld have a copy. Jy7

U. S. ilOTKL,IcOI ISVII.I.E. kt.

Most central horse.

HAL.1, «& 1IA1IKIM.



IsoniHYille jFoundery




Of the season on hand.

Brals Furni&hfd al rrivntc RcMiIenrr*.,

On short nolire.and all necessary wallers fli nil .lud.

Mniit street, bet. Fourth and ]

W. A. CLARK A CO., Proe'rs.


.. I Mon.Liv of S.-|d..|,.U-t, lor tho for

lion of h ih-w fonstitution. nnd for ibeisiiisirWatioii of tbe m-veral iiicteurt-s

ilicrt-in siipir,-.i,^,.

X ew York. JulyProvisional loivnior p.-rrv iiw<lo a r«-

markslic -|sss |, :„ <;r.s-„v,il. . S. C. nil

Hi. i,I mst.. U'lbn- lie know of his ap-ts.iiitiii.nt. Its ten. >r may Is- inlcrn-dlp«t tin' 1' >\\>>w ni"; i'\|<rensions:

'•Mr. I'bainnan, 1 >mI1 lion- frankly say.»« I hsvc often s:ii«l rl twine; tin- piisi four\ oars, tbai I bop- was not a man in the\ "nitxstl Siai<- who more il«*eply n-grctUtllis- »M»ssKe.|iin of the "south.-rii J"»Iatv»» than1 did at iIip U-pmniiip of tin- revolution,a;i<! tborr- is n..t n..\v in the SoilUi. rnMali's ntiy one »|n. |is-ls in. .re liitterly

tho hniuiliatioii ainl iloerra<1ation of ^oinv»>»< k into the 1MBB than I do. Still, 1

know I shall Is* more prosjwrous andhappy in the l"n ion than out of it,*


Hi ni so sal- 1 that J«-t1. l»a\is was notH|Ms:ially to blauio lor the failure of then-liellioii ; that the {ssiple, tiretl of fijtht-

inn, had skulked from the field; that.!..hnston had T.'i.tMu men on the muster-rolls of his aruiv. |>ut only 14,1 H* i in hisranks. He ih.n adds: •'( onpress, Mr.Chairman, an- pn-Htlv to Maine for theirexemptions. All Is-twii-n the hip** of*MRht«s ,n and forty-live should have boonfnrtsed into the a'nny and kept there. It

in. liter. .! not whether fa- was dnrtnr, law -

yer, preacher, politician, editor or school

Usichi r; it an alile-Usll>sl man he shouldhave |je<>n went to tlie army. Strnnpi' totsay. I ho thns- class.-s of in»-n who vercinsinly insimmental in plunprinp thiscountry in this mad revolution were all

exempted hy fonpr.-ss from riphting. 1

allude to flic ja.liticians, .slttors andpreachers. This was not fair: the manwho pets up a flpht should always takehis share of it."

He also said that President Lincoln's<le.«th was no loss to the South; that liewas a Whip and non -slaveholder, while.lohnson w as ; , Hemocrat. w ho has heldslaves, and, w hu vot.sl for lire, kinridpein isssi; then-fore the jieople should haververy oanfideti,,. in hnn. He rsnks J>s-lie*! to \\ ashmpton.

s|ss?i»i to the Tribune. 1

Washington, July 10.

General Porn-st. W. It. Hrooke, of Mis-sissippi, and W . 11. HloodK( .o<l, of Eng-Uuid, applied for jwtrdou yesterday.

s|s-u» to the H. rai.!

WashinotoN, JulyA spirit.sl contest is going on for naval

e.fheer of New York. Mr. <*lell isthoroughly urged, while the friends otMr. Ilanniston are active to keep him in.There are but forty-two and one-half

mil Hons of dollars remaining of the lastseries nf the 7-;jo loan.The t.nvcrnment intends to reduce the

suwiv to one hunslred Utousaud, if not tohfty thoiisantl.

A.Ui.'es from the Indian country arefavorable to an earlv onnsiiuirnntion ofamiemble relations w ith the tribes in the1 tiited Stat.-s api iicv.

The New York Time*'special has the following:Secretary Mot'ullough announces that

si pmentso! .inns, am munition. gray uni-Xonns and gray cloth may Isv made here-aJl«-r to snd within the State of Tennessee«*w. Murray, of Arkansas, has inform-

ed titt Proauluui Una bu wiU not herenOerrex-omni. u l ih< people for picrdon whoint. ip.it.

i t'.. r. - IlK'ti. Owing to th,«i«Monj*Uat-Aiw rnueb |s»ple made or (1k»1-ourth of July, be is satistie«| thevought to be kept tin long probation.

Xbw York. J„1 V It,.

The World'sKras-ial fnm. AlabsniasavsUiere is a deplorable a(Ate of society in tliecapital of that sstnle, resulting from tlielax j«<lDiitii«tiatioii of affairs I. \ (ieneralSmith. Tber»' are fears of a general negroiusiirnaiion. TYn-re hi a complete andterrible desolation in the country.

B*iKmN, July 20.

The oommencenient at Harvard Collegeyesterday attracted a nion- numerousgathering, with more manifestations ofmten-si. than has attended ita exercisestiuring the past four years.The lii.-rarx < \*r. is,s of the graduating

tiam are well spoken of. Gov. Andrewand start. «, on M- ade. and a number ofoiber distinguished soldiers and civilians"• re present. Tha degree of Doctor ofi>nw.s was .s.ud riisl ,.u «,eu. Meade.

« BowTON, July 20.Tlie wiJp of the reltel General Kwell

pnseeded to rort Warren, yesterdavmorning, w ith an order from PresidentJohnson for the reh-aae of her husband.

• th* oath of allegiance be wasleft lor tbe South ].«st

Ckamnutr, July 20.1 ue « omniiaaarv at this poat rejected all

t be bids made for pork yesterday, liecauae<a- <xi— xtunsi them too high.

< i.cvrxABn. July 10.

i h^eJulUlnf<,,1*bU nigbt~

. . - *!P^'U,',AT,

. July 20.

(.koiu.k ii. cumr & (0,


Augustu, C.ft.r-ctti,


(om mission Meicliauls,

RpoiM Accnts for thp Sale of


Wl.l send hy expri— . s.,niples of Tolsieco when

desired. Jv !• -M-.Ilm



"TM tnrOKBSKIBKD, MXX9BMMM ToHOTT. RIBROI R A TO., WNl OSBttMN UMbiisim-ssat the old

Nos. 107 and 109 Second street,

r*<totaeanai r—TT. Wt hmn atB,and is.mid solicit the continuance of the favei softhe is.lroir. and ct>rri-spon.letitft of the old bouse.


"!.. New York.J. P. Ft.AltO, bMBwVMBJ.H.ROI-KK,t. it. noun,

I^nisvilte. Ky.. July 1st. I—. || |1

\otkc to .(ariu iitcrs ItoM ftiul UrickMasons,

i r.ink li and Lex. and Krank'fllt .v I LROA l>?-s.

M l-KRlNTKMifVTV I IrrlCtti I

Un isvil l.ic, Kv., July Is. iKr... t

PBOPOSmoMB ABB Ask'i;p Kmk Tit Kerection of one or more MattM battdtmn on the

lu.e of the*.' mad-; for Ih. brick work ihei oiiiikhivfnriiisliuiK the brick, and ler the . i.rnenl. r undHoae work, the i onipunv fiirnl>hliii: the materials.Hher infermallou hi regard to plans, can behad at myfew r.t KAM I. ..II, I,, s.tp't


Corner -Main and Tenth street-s,

LOU1HV1LLE, KY.,Mannfactareand keep ronnUntly on hand

Portable and Stationary Steam En-gines,

Oil Well Tools and Rig complete,

Cordage and Belting,

Bellows and Smith-Shop Tools,

Oil Well Tubing, Oil Pumps, &c.

he sole right for this city to mann-

Othens iio. the puis areJi! it-it airecMMM eminpany e

ra 1.1Mm Imixcn have been solddies sav nothlnic like the ahov

I to .ntlel tbe nerves, re-tor- nai m l. and hrlnc hack the rwyiCbeek of tlie UIOM delieaU'.

1'Hil K ?l PF.H KOX-fIT BOXES FOR fi.

MOLD BT ALL 1) II I ( . ». I s Ts.And at wholBMile at the foil. .wine h.nuwx, hi tbecttyor L.aiLsville. Ky.: II. A. KoRINsOB A l-O . No.UaM street; J. s,Main street; K.HWINstreet, and fYtVKjl a s|Market :in.| l-'loyil streels.Ladies I,,- scii.fi.ijc *| hy malt can have the Pill

aent ronliilentiailjr, bet of po«lai;e, to any panthe eotintrv.U.S. LACBY, Oen«rnl Travellin; As-ent fer the

We-iern stun-., pr; Is.Kru.rn street. I °hicu(n. III.

N. ll.-Noue gvuuiue unlem the Uux is -ian.si s. D.Itowe. fein deodkm



Hi. W. lir«HFA


nr. i.orrsvn.i

Kailroad 4 •.



BoLle's Patent Flushing-joiiit

Cast-iron Driving-Pipe.•ilfWe have

who an- fully i

drill the well's

furnish anv partaw-AII In.orn


parttea | mr-nlnery, isI «e c an Joewa^es. Jl

mmnUy U

THK BOOKS OK Tllt-i roMPANY A It F NO\V1 open. PartieadesirinK losnharritH- n-r s|o. k .-an

sireei, bat,. Its Main st.



in rjrjirinn tnsiiharrilw

R. J. MKNK.lR. ATM OOP, Trensnrer.


>ee v.



e.x|K-ri.'iice. an entire mros. • simple, prompt,efllrlent and reliable. Thev are iheonlv Medicinesperfrcily aibipted to pomiUr use— so simple thatmistakes cannnt Ise mmle in nsinn tl.eni : <o harm-less a^ to In- free fiotn .lander, and so rfn.-ieiit a« tobe always reliable. They have raised the highestcommendation from ail, and will always rendersatisfaction.No. I'nres, Cents.

1 FEVERS, Congestions. Inflammations. .. sr.

2 WORMS, Wnrm-rever.Worm-.ollc 232 CRY INo-celic or Teething of Infants 234 DIABBHtTAof children or adults ;s5 DYSENTERY, (iripimr. Bilious I olio 2-->

<l Clftit.EP.A Moiiltt s. Na.i,ea, Vomiti7 COUGHS, ('..ids. Bronchitis,s NEI flA I.I.IA . T.« ilia< he. Ka» HBAHACHE, Meh Headache10 DYsl-KltslA. Weak stonis. Ii.

11 SI PPRESMKri, Heantv or Pair12 WHITES, too Profuse Perl.slsU CTtOrP. ("onrh, Dtffirntl BrealII 8A1.I lUIEt M. Kryslpelae, rIS BHKmt.vn.SM, Klieumalic I

M FEVER AMI \i • I' E. I hill F17 PILES. Bliiet or Bleedta*la Ol-H rilAI.MY. Bore, lafiaatM Byesl» CATARRAH, Acute, t bronlc, Iniiiieiixa.

WllimpiNti COIM II. Violent (on-lis...2i ASTHM A. Oppres— . I Rreathlaa

far IHhchA Ro Km, Impaired n< irtn«*l HCltOKVLA. Enlarged Ulmi. Is. SwelHmts.21 GENERAL DEJULITT, PajhBeal Weak


23 TIKI ip^Y, and Si antv Se. r. tlons27 BIDNI-.Y DLSKAsE, Oravela NEt: Vol's DEBILITY, HEM INA


EM ISM i ins. |n \ .In itarv Ins, bar ,-.-^


31 PAINFUL PERIODS, even with Sp;«ms:t2 HUFFEUI NUM at CBaace of Life

KPILRPMY. S|<a.snis, St. Veils' Dams- ..

I Throat. ..

OLMSTEAD I O'CONNOR,Bocceaaors to Joa, Robb,


and Prjtona Cannel tosl,Plttsbur?

tin ir ..ftV-rr. ia ch.t*n«has anv arraiiKement fi

a i>,. .leslre to ,blO, Tbepttimptnes, and .ii.ttistr

n.-> By •c:. r uf the K.

r-% :m JA 'THRIE. Prest.


And Se

tOAL.IE A HOVE COALSWtailDtlV tlllf.1 at tlie

n.'.r'keV'pri. es.""! on lan-ly on • „:') .

ii* peytoii.'x Cannel and Peacock I'. 1 c r ' ?which, mr kitchen, parlor or chamber SSe,

has no superior.mm orrn k- »i| Third St.. bi-t. Market and Jeffer-

son, at Kobh's old stand, ami 2£t souLhwe I corner ofRrniik and Matket streets. mrtt dlf


supplyCOA L



iiibta dairy except


r wl'NiiKIt TRAINggreea and



Vomilinx. 2'.

A i; ins*.

DIl Ut 11 EltlA. L'lcerale.1 s.,re:

I'ATHLl' « ASF.H.Ca-eof I i ials, ninro

•HE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTINO BK-1 tn isrn ibe nn.lerslKiii.il and James pars lull de-g—


*. nnder tin- Ina of HaabeaA Parkhlll, wasdi-solvisl by his death, on the .Hi dav of April, l«.s



has arrived, and rsn he consnlteil on the pes.. r»es-ent and flit n re. she will |M e'M | e riMBMBsMaa onall the com errs nf life, Mich as law-siiii>, love »'-

Ibirs. niRiilr^-es, Journeys and all business iransac-

Hons. All who have been unsuccessful and uu for-

tunate in this life should consult her. She will

bring success to all who have been deuelrrd byIh.ise Uiey loxe; she will bring bnck the absent

loved ones; she will make up .|iiarr"is, o? rvety de-

scription, and plr.is» ihriti ill ttirlr former Eden ; shewill makr you happy, when all others fall; and shewill honestly and frankly loll you what Is best foryou to do. This will save yon time •••! ::ioney. andkeep your mind content, tfe love affal rs she neverfall*. Sh« has the secret of winning the love and•dotation of the opposite sex. She will guide Diesingle to a happy marriage and make t»lt DU.nedbi»PPr ;

Mie will tell ofBWU friends, whether theyair living ot dead, or If they are In the war or not,or on the sea, or on the land, or If they will evercome home, when and how; she will bring newsfrom friends, no matter where they are. and makedelinquents answer letters; she Is a Mrl ttfMM-ance; she Is a per eet lady, and practices nothingthat Is not ris-onrllable to philosopher*. A slnslfvisit is sumcier.l toNxnvlnee tb* p.ou fciBrtlm,Coinr, UMBi an Mm e.e i!i tlmill sue has a wordof -i inpathy fer yon. and will piedge herself to do I Bagtlirn"* BMlnt Tnather very best for you. Hhe will describe the char- |

la bortn» B* OB aotHjajt

acter or your future or prese-u hit'batid or wire. If

you have tried otners, do not despair. There Is Iocs;

and hepptn««is yet rpr ye*. C~-'ii*", rnj try the

Mads.m, ff d s.' :'i ail your friends. In short, shecau do all that others do. and much more. She is

the seventh daughter of the seventh .laughter, andwas iM.rn with tbiee vails over her .'ai e. The poorslrk have her warmest sympathy. All who are suf-fering with asthma, scrofula, dyspepsia, pain in theside, rbeii!iiati . in, sure e> i s or ears, or pain In anypart of the be.lv, all chronic diseases, no mailerwhat their nam' s ate; she een ntw't!' e.iy c-o-e r.ll

chronic dl:-e-i- s. !.. t tic piv- ntlil. ;• . s,.'k i f'.oice.Thrir BkM has come, she is a pbysli ian by na-ture, and has been endowed from her birth withmany wonderful gifts. Her mission on earth Is toIlea! the mi k and comfort the aniirled. Ladies, If

eo case i

hi Moralplain.

Ml Vt as*' of s, ia,,.,. ,

Ca-e nf || buxe" Nie. I'to I . and Icaoo ofaay i boaea Baa. i io isi and tus,*..

SPKtHIt",Mnhognny < as -s, M vialsaincle vials, wilh directions ,

I'll. ~. reniedi. bv the . ise ,. r single is.x. araMM io anv tsiii oftbe isiumrv. by .Mails. r EsprOM,BM of CBMM>, "ii 'e. eiptof the Ma e.


S|Tfif!P Romirapafbie )iii!iriue

outer nn,l BmmB Mi Hronrtway. N. T.P..,- bv J. W sEATON A CQ..DBO. Il l A II



lor all form, ofap I", deislsm

Galcu s Head Dispensary



T AM MAXUF.U-IURINO ANP KEEP COB-1 stimtly on hand. Portable and



JCaUucky /or th' trnUmrnt of

TmrBKAI. 'U-r ,»IA,


ry used

Ji i.l i S iASBAIOVX,

..'../ ./ o.H Stnerntivt Oiu<in$

Jusl FuV'"ri»«t,


Vl.Sr.. LCAXi E7PJ»*BB8, INCLUOTIfOaorraaa, meet, Svpiitlis. Strii . l.'avel

e. Piles, PMnbv Urinary i>. iH-»it.s. a.„lo- tl.e K Mine vs. UleLI-r. Pr.~irate

alaateron PEMALM RIsEAABfUwItb

l.r>fRtL AOEBT.

ERE AW\RfiF.n THE HH.HI-T PBBlfllllus. ever all ether e. IC| .1 I... .. .,1 1 1-« P.II..VS

ing stale and County Fall . h;r the beuland Ma. luiie Wei k :

New York Stat" Fair,

In. liana statf Fair,

Vermont Stale Fair,

Ohio Mat*» Ftiir,

lown Stat»< Fair.Illin-'is sjpate Fair,

Kentucky Stnte F:tir,

Michigan Slate Fair,

Pennsylvania State F.tir,

Oreycon State Fair,Ore,micl.l. Ohio. UBBM Fair,<lintrrn Cotmtv, Ohio, Fair,

t hitt.-nilen County, Vt., AgriculturalSoci-lv.Franklin Cottntv. N. Y„ Fair,ChainpUin Vailcy, Vt., Agricultural

Soiiitr,llaitiixlon County, Mas

Srs- ieir,

WBaMnB>OB r..foifv, X. IT.. Fair,

Queen *s CoBBlT, ft. Y., Fair,

BBial(M*J| OOMbIt, X. Y.. Fair.

MDx-hBnlcs' Inatllate, I* i.. Fair,

BlontKoUiefj Coowty, CaL, Fair,

San .1, >,(f] it i n. CotWty, t'nl.. Fair,

Sjiii .!<«*• Oistriet. CaL. F.::r.

rpHK UBDEBsiaXEpHAVBTHJB DAY PUR.I chased the si.sk Of Oonda ot Hugh,-** Park

hill. and fonn.-d a . ..i.artner»klp under the -f|e amirirm . f Anderson. M.s; aiuptM l) * in,, an:t til con-tln.ie tb. WHOLKMALK t'!t> n'>ii|is Ill's IN Essal the old slaud of Hugh— A: Parkblll.


. , JOHN A. UKltJuly 1st, I•«.- Jvi im

MjmhHmmUm^ Oil.BAKBJttB

AM' Pfll.FB IN

P&ints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, and

Virginia, Mbs>ouri and Kentucky

TOU At Ct),

>o. H| Muln slrcct, Lonls.lllo. Kj.

W%5U|-rl> i TallowBBJIi lor which I will pay the bigh.sst market

price ehher hi cash or tra4e. plylm


Published my Morning an.I Evriiinr, ih

»IA< tL\, «li<»I*C#IA.By s BOMB * B, M it I It it. l' r .Trl.i.im.

Tnt. OLD JOURNAL AND MESSENGER, KS-latilish.Ml in ISEi.and riHs.^„rlv^n!1 *ri'TK;nce

lhat lime, has now tin l«er—• c'ailv and weekly cir-culation li< tm s-r.;. ..fOeorKia. and is a d.-slral.ieA MX r.|. , Islffii medium tor Nnribern and otherMil;. II A Nils. haxMiIK coods to wtspose of. Wvwill advertise on a« liberal terms as any, and partiess.-ndinrnv their ad\ ert Isements. with the monevw ill lie liwansl aatlsfa<'liou. Address|TBPB s. RUSK t ID., Karon, tit.

OgMi and Lamp LUntcrs.FIB FAIttLir UsK-Wll.L RAVE «r. PER

wot—a hew ann nwrtl article for ex-en bouse.

Tooth rn m


Hotels. Also a new stock ofby

^ A sAI.IAM.R.

D-l» Im Bel. F.sinh and^ullituT^nlcI'die.

Fine Ooodft.

i>nil BAR1 n# '1TRT REt BIVKD i»F Till"^\f\t nUoe eelebratisl laihrteaUna 0(1, P> WhU'hthe iindersi^n.il mils Ibe nttenllon .ir laaaxBM tor••r-. '1eaniho.it men. farmers, and all others astacItibri. IBta oil. Tkta OU l^ arkimu lis| t-e.l bv all whohsve used It to In' const if not Mipertor to lxrooIIfor all InbricatiiiK ptirpos.-,. and at abMM on. '-halfii.- m lea of lanl oil. B, it. EVA RTs * in..J\ I; :.v Main, one .l.s.r below Fourth st.

you are suUerini; with a I

flammallnn o' the womb,call ami set a Nix of her wConsultation t<s— LaBBi

nnlew they contain ti Ofon (Jreen -tie. i. ::u!Ui aiJt

tnyi.-. iStf

or In-or anytbini; of this sort,inder.til female pills.

B. No answer to lettersntir-ii" •'« 1w.fi. orticel thud do<ir below Ei. ib.


Attorneys at Law,Real Estate and Military Claim AftnU and

General Collectors.

..f all Bmbsi or cure, i

,. . k is aaland a Oulbis>k that (fivi

it t, an e»posl-qtiack anver-

s v'—l wrapper, ou r.sreipt

or one dollar. Thi»j- afflicteil wlih a:iy of the shove

Notice to Undertakers.

WE TAKE PLEASrRE IN ANNOUNlINO TOthe fnderlakers or Kentuekv. Indiana. Ton-

Mississippi, Alanne„.. .. . .t

lana. lhat in addition tn our|

I. t'. Sliuler A I ... 'h justlyvanlred .vromtht Iron CaikUjfttac

tatned. (MBaBOa, yu»iieraia.sier ami i UBiAMaryreturns, muster and pay rolls, cerlittcales and vouch-ers made oot.Chiiins 'or indemnity, extra pay. bounties. N-v k

pax-, pensions, prize money, nay for hur-es lost kill-

ed*or cnp'nrerf, vouchers, rrimial or iiuorma.. ;.-r

Qur.ner.iias.er sums, «... DhMmUsanr Maplaxi takenby and lor kaa useol tne Ari.iy . an.. :.;! In -s vu «tag out of the present war, whether puid in this

Department or at Washington.M'Wp will practice Ijiw betore the Military' (


r]m -

proved methfsts. »« prectitisl In lh>:t.,t"-: I A in", .si-i Hospitals, inir Hisiiensary

Is the oulv liis-,lt..t!on o' l.'i" kind in America « hichbaa beeti i-stabji^lieil hy nsf»«''al charter, and this

fact should rive il a prererence over the variousquacks or doubt.ul character to he ;otind in all largecities.PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE- Ry sending a

ineir nip;! ms.taBtiaa a list o.*


trnst-d tounr care. I,

I 'oiinress has directed that a Commissioner be ; j (apiMiiiilcd In the State of Kentucky, i liarijed to .

award to each // i,o/ ;.t.«,h to whom a colored vol- '


'. All con.suita-

>n Market and



el aniic.ll

and,.l bttBM Itixt * *t the riual pay

anCman arrangement

motintid lo th.

Vork, rbeith W



JylT ixrU. U. KVAH'I

lll l iixnan. AN" I.KKW Kt'CII X.VA.S


(ominlssionand ForwardloK Mcrrliants,N" lie Main street, LOflsVJLLE, H.V.

torn i

Noli«-c.4 LI. PERSONS HAVIXO LT.AIatR AO MN'sTA ii.the isoati' of Kalh'l Wolfe, ileo.as.sl. will pleirewni them for payment, at Ihe ofti.e of Wolfe Alays! Viler atrerl, oppoalt* tlu- t 'oAWtaaaat ; and

;l in rsor.s indebted to the estate will please come

forw-nitl and -utile.*f AR v V WOLFE. Adm «.

M»»I'I«T laBIBl KlNK-i DT I HEW-Init Tolwci-o. Ihe purest article in use,

m»niifacture.l tiv


BrBt Louisville, Ky.

INSANE ASYLUM.St. Tlncent'8 Insitutlon Tor the Insane,

St. I .... i is, M ....



BANNEns1 NO Himnniit (OUM BONEJ\ with nesttieasand dispatch at No. ty> north sideJefferson, belweeu Third and Fourth streetsty*tt i HAS t RRFNNER

Rop*», Bb«k1bb and Twine,


(iimenLa of ibeeae dlrw t fromII n.-i.


Dairies, whlrb we offer_to__t_he_tra<le^ at^ lowW. A JI Bl'KKHARUT,

.11 Main st.. la-t. Fifth and Mith.

w9 Tin i H La at presentlaw of aoMian, in in.- cityl>e«i tor some wwka pnat.Ut inforum bk that all

\*t-D n«fir-ix«f1 will bei'Uar)t«si t.y Kri«la\-

h* fik-Biiuei, link.

t x RAIN l.A'.s -. HALES BUST llKANIo INVT store and fur sale bjr

<?EO. t . HUNTER.tftf Agent lor Han.


E "quartet d^T"la<~ ,lllH«) I'ASEs PINTS AND

in ease, for sale byWIIJSOV 4 PETER.

Incted by Hied Anenst 1Kb. Its*. 1'h.all denomination of both s.

are admitted. For termsSuperior, or to Dr. J. K. BA UI)L' Vsiri;

of Charity; found-nsane. epileptic, Ac, ofes, and from every state

apply to tbe Sister1 Attending- Phy-

ap* dly*


F. VOLKINS.lea* tf No. ai Stale st. New Albany, Ind.


IVotice.<»E REFUOE Is tolti *n ' "

ready lo r.solve ln.ys nnd. i the picee clia- of the limitations or the charter


in tbefrom their maimiactt.ry, nt the current New Yorkprices, with rxirt o' transportation added %»-h1rh |sa'-..'.- •


,e. ,.! . -, man any oilier Metallic r.'i-

rial t'li-ecan be |.:is iir. .l for. The Cases of W. M.Raymond * Co.V manufacture possess great advan-tage* over anv ether cast metal t a-e In neatness offliiish and in havinir a tlange mvcrlne the cementlolnl entirely from view, thereby pcotCcUBjt t nPMtBfaM from the (aJartotM effects of the cementoozing out of tbe .oint, which everv t'nd. rtakerknows is a urent oh ectioti to tbe Metallic t ases inWiwm lis.- In this paet ot the eonntrv. With ourprpsriit ari...!e"nleiits We can n'.aice It In the Inter-est of Cndertakcrs to purchase the Metallic Casesfrom us. We are the only house In the t'uilislStates which can furnish tbe trade with the goodsof both these celebrated manuranurers at such lowprices.We bardlv d»em It nrcessarr at this dav. to no-

tice the superiority of the Metallic Cases over anywooden box that can be made in imitation of thorn.In which the remains are floating In water alter Hiefirst rain falls after Interment, oiten tor months andIn many Instances for years, lo say nothing of Ihedecay of wood, which renders the removal of re-mains an Impossibility, should it baOMM ii.ri-.inrv.We also keep on hand a general assortment nf

Our bin

ready for distribution. We can furnish them to

Agents in any iiiitiii*r, or direct to any personwhose negro lias enlisted In tlie service. All appli-

cations and letters nf inquiry promptly answered.We desire prompt and energetic Agents in each

(maty i-i ibe state.Me make no (lunges, nnlrw t-e a'e succcssrul in

making the collections.We would sav to all persons who desire to entrust

their claims to'onr care that if they know w in. ourAgents nr.- in their rc-.|a-ctive comities to placethem In their hands, as they are fully instructed as

to the manner of making out all the onper* requir-

ed. Tho-e w hud.iii.it know w ho our Agetiu are


r.-i.. .-^ THOSE AFTLK T ! DW'frtU TH £- , any cnaea i rMV.^«r. -- Zs-53 NATURE, su- n as OrV. JX £\ "Vw rl.ea. i. net. stricture,£ {t: , S m..ry. S ' .... Sypha <&+9SS£?^ iseininal Weakness, Se



hintstsemiiml W. s.'XM I

Deb'!!! v. or any disease o 1

Oeui'.af or I'rinarr Organtiffering In mi

vill ad al

'-sAi'-iriO'*' Poliution. before Imiwrtlng|r .


()i>> r( .. !o a|. ,,„„,!,]

Postofti.e lirawor LXV1L BB d.tw tf

o. m BMrjn1^,1. r.q.m.1.;Um Ky.Inf. o. .

eral calls In citywooden cofrlns". and are prepared lo alt"iid all lun-

' tot country UJ.'




ap?2 dtf

country by .l;vv or night.K1NH A OWEN,

Southeast cor. Jefferson snd Third

1 IS VERY POPULAR WITHvisitors as a


INI her nut..

Clairvoyant and Fortune-Tellcr.Mrs. It. Is aclnated by |hp desire of doing gtsrd

and giving coinflirt and comaltaBoa to Borrow Inahumanity. In all love affairs she gives the bestcounsel to lie had. Her scheme of winning the tin, stlei-lings of hiimanltv never fails. No. ats first st_.

btawtea Market ami Jefferson, oiii.-e hoars fraaia o'clock X. B. to » o'clock K a. JeiT .un


JEWELERS,2»3 Third Street, VJBrlsefii 91 (tin na«1 .ssrkft,


WWW & SMITH,119 Jefferson si., l>et. Fourth and Fifth np-stalrs)

l,ouihvii,l,l;, itv.

the s,, ret to anyfirst read our new Treat i n Sexual IVbillty anddiseases of the Oenltai Organs of both sexes; sent bymail lo any address in a scaled envelop, on receipt

thiits for Mad. Cap-

Collection of Government Claims,

nrixx amig Back Pay.L>f legitimate

SPECIAL ATTENTIONmaking up Officer*' Returns. 1

titicHtcs of Non-lndebtislness. rxWJOCMPensions-, llonntv. and all maimerclaims against the fulled stab's.

Our extensive eAiH-rienci' in tlie Service and ClaimRuslness with two experienced Partners atWash-laatan D C affnrds us operior facilities for the

.aiZ s jLLifal'urjjornillrn or aic business entrusted to

our care™ iJelsdAw:;ml DI NUAN A_SM 1TH^


SHOCKENCY'V STABLE.For hire ..r Horse and Buggy, per rtar,-', I 1


For hire of Horse and Buggy, per half.lay , eti

For lure of two Horses and Bnegy, l«er dav. —For hire ofone Horse and Rookaway. per day .

in no

For hire or Saddle Horse, per day • ™For one Ke-sl tor Horse JOFor two F. -.Is lor Horse over night


For three Feeds lor Horse, over night

Tunrani's Fremcilx*t!i-s. Obstrncttnns of Ihe Mens.-,. Whites,by mail, fi and one three cent stamp.CAUTION—These Pills should not he taken dur-

ing preguaacy, aa they are sure lo produce miscar-riage.Also, for M. Ia Croix's French Preventive Pow-

ders. By their use married ladies may limit thenumber of their offspring at pleasnre without theleast danger .>! in.ury to health. Price by mail t-and two lliree cut slamps.Rest qiiHlity « Fren. h M»leSa res. at eeenfseach,

or »s. j.er tl.tt-eii ; s.»nt by mail en receipt o.' prli'e.

I". isi - . ii ;i t.. (s.nsiilt us personally on anyof the above diseases or t" pris ure Plltsor Powders,will hnd ns al our office, nort beast corner of Thirdand Market streets; pi i vale entrance on Thirdstr'-ei. rem - A. M. to 1 P. M., and from i In S P. M.


S-tndaTs from r to it A. M. Con-ntlatinn r.«-ms rntireiv i>rivate. Secrecy in all caaea inviolable. Ad-dreaa all u ttcra to

DRS. H. O. MII.I.EB A COBM d.twtf l^.utsvllle. Ky.


6 percent. Military Loan.

S50G.OOO Unsold.OF HI Y

of Public \.-.«BHr.Y At'TIinniTY

> THOMAS K. BBABLKTTtill kv. the m.derslgl.iHl. Auditoroffers to the public Bends of theof .|.,... cai-h. hearing interest at » is r cent. |» r au-

uum. known as the

State of Kentuekv .» per cent.

Militar) Loan.

Tb~e Bonds are navable Thirty rears after date,

er Ten yean at the' pleasure of the state, at par.

The interest is p.,c:iiiie on the rirst >l I.e. 'n I in

nary and Jnlv. it'lbe Treii-surx ,in Frankfort, .'i at

the Rank of K-utncky. Umtsx ill.-.

K-utie ky stale Bends are a safe investment 1 be

Inter, -t Is'.ilw ij s pa.i.1 al ataiurily. and pen. 'p..

before if dc .Insl.

Persons wishing lo Invest should dep.~1t the

amount s.. desired in anv Rank in Kentucky, aminotify me thereof, and I will deliver the Bonds lo

Ihe eider of Ihe party making Um- dep—'-

«be st io tiafaM BKAaL.n-Tjibj«'ct she d beail-




Watches repaired. tdi:

Kagn, Ilag», Hags,


I.U A*w A . V^msTAItl

200 byBIiB F̂ ^*'L^I

™*UHTRK^K'VBDti pcwisco Al

CiHEEfsK.-' ami boxes Western Reserve Cheese


do HamburgIn store and for sale by

No. 1 EH- li-lt' kitlto.fTj» do do Hi

OEO. r. HUNTER., bet. Third and Fourth.


T> doSO do do Mackerel;


1 1> cans, lu store and for sale byJj'Htt DOW A Bl P.KHAIiDT.




KEEINEIJ SCOARS— 5»m RARRKLSCRl'SH KD.Powdered and tirauulated Sugars, ror sale bv

Jylaat M. D. newiumb a- BRO.

\ BLI/OW SCI IARS —leu BABRELHExtra C. Yellow Sugars f

B'"'aWsW .,..



5cw Shoe Manufaclory.

ON THE 1st OF MAT WE ENUAOED IN THEraanufactiire of Ladles', Misses' and lientlc-

men's Boot* and Shoes, which are made Io crder andof the very best material, at prices to suit the decline


d****'i*'Fotirth St.. bet. Market and .



until Saturday, July £2d. ltsv>. for building fourCottages and Porches, on Wnodlaw n Race t ours. .

Plans and specittcatuins can be seen al J, W. Bbock-ency>, on Seeond street, near Market. The work tolie commenced Immediately and be lini»ht-d by thelMh of September.Proposals must be addressed lo

Jyl.x id W. E. MILTON, soc v

Lo I is . 11 I I AMI NASJIX 1L.1.K R. R. Ca. 1

IMII8VILLK, Jtllv I<h. ISW. /

A DIVIDEND OF FOUR TER IENT.. FREEof Oovernment tax, was declared ou the 3d

Inst., on the stock and stock liabilities of tb<ComEny out of tbe six months earnings prior to the 1st

,t-, payable In "legal tender notes," ou and afterthe 1st of August next. The Stock Rooks will beclosed l rom tbe Hub tolhe.iin InsL.tsub

)ya.;w WIJ LIS KA NNE V.Sec'y.


'IM1E (X!MMF:RcIAL BANK OF K ENTt'i KVX has declared a seml-aunua! dividend of fourper

t. on the capital stock, fTve of Uovernment tux.able to stockholders ou and after l.'.th Inst.

JAS. L. DALLAM. Cashier.Psdttcah, July Mh.lsJB-lyll *a-

id Buggy, l>er week «

keeplns one horse and Rockawsy. per_

kstn'n*g*Vwin*-i*tt'-nWilf^*Tr^ v- *

For kei piug Drove Uorsesand Mules, pi r day,


^"storage '« Buray / wittioui ' HorseV per

moatb *

j. w. SHOtKKM Y, Proprietor,

dtrLouisville. Ky.

BACON HOUSE,c:rner ughti ahd jtttt&s.v sTf*xts


T^t ksep ettesUnlL' rn hand s luge etoci ol

Bacon, X.ard, *c.

: By Ute SB*,M bsn,! Baa or la Me f




II E LA ft< I ES r. HEAV1 E sT AND B KsT P K.N

_ ter the monev in the market. For Inn her par-

llcsnlars s, nd .or cirrular puce list. Pens re|ss.redXllnilais M'iir. .

every .lay. WatcB and Pen price list rar.ie.

OOLD PENS BEPOINTED lor a» cenu and statu

Watches and Jewelry.Tbe best at SB* Third street,

WATCHESRepaired In the best style on short notice

enced woi kmen and warrauK-d. TermsQCAdtf

Notke to Offlccrs and Soldiers.

MARKS A CO.. BANKERS, AND AUTHOR-i/.ed United stales Military Claim Ag-nts, No.

2uS west side Thud street, between Main and Mar-

ket. Louisville, Ky. Certificates of Li -it-indebted-

ness in.s urtsl lor iesi».|.s|. m.is|. re.1 nut dw. barged

ml ilbillilsitaa ofBcerv Tbe ou'y house In the city

making cash advances on mustered out and dis-

charge papers of oltlcers and soldiers. Hones or

oilier proper! v seize. I or pureha,sed by the V. S. Oot-erumcnl, with or without re.-etpt_s, collected on abort

notice, giiartermasiers' and CtMumtssary vouchers

Is.naht. and when Informally made oul are taken cucollection, and cash advances made. Inva-td pen-

sions, bounties, and back par procured ror soldiers

widows ami orphans or relations 01 deceased sol-

diers. Agents wanted in every town and cotiuty-my.il d.un

at. tn act


aad acquaintance* and Ibe ptiblio geuerally.

From one tooth to a mil set inserted on Oold. Silver

, r Vulcanite liase. Office on Urayson st. bet'



r. boxes Oarnet'-s

•s Ext. Ginger;Tooth powder;




wasa. - —

'NfiwMi choice brands N. Y. Syrop


1,. l,blsC. E. Bert rand's do;all kegs 1 10 galls , N. \. do;

B kegs tS »ai.- Buston du l

'jylTa!1'*' JLD.M^WCOMsBA-U.0,

or Vulcanite liase. Office on GraysonSeventh and Klgbth, u. ».. Louisville. tm«

IL. Ti

Copartuershlp Notice.HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH INbotrcees my sona-ai-law, Jaa. T. emilb and t has.

- -av! .FursBbrn

a my, !or. and will coa'

libIng busiuessjit mbetween Third andMathers A Cu.

Louisville. Jnly PHh, I

Foortb. style of .«


MBR"Hiv T TAiLOlNa 31* Jetrarsen st.. bet Thin! and Foortb.


stoxko' Furnishing i.<«sls. soitst

a large stock o. ready made I lothwlncliw-il he s..|.l . Meap .Xir caeh. « mlhlllii

s» to raster at the shortest msth-e.

I. all


ad-. A «sw«l Ta war

rant s!. All I h.»sc acquainted with Mr. Monlgomeryknow be H a sure eniler. Hive me a call and I .ra

sall-b.sl lwlil ple.-e you ... I doall t

numerous cnslemers.listim. nl to have yhcti

«ime Ailing anil al a lowstwlv yisrtrown Interest.He als.. ha* Clothing cleansed. dyed, and colors re-

st, ,r. , en a chemical principle. Pall and examineJhe work that isdone al hts^establiahsseu. and be

apt! .l.tsiui

f myest .1-

with a baasVis ibe t.me to



Light Summer Hat.STRAW HATH




sales Boom its Fl'th street, above AL BoorlierS

PRFKIHTTRAIN tKr T>-wBeast rm Mnaday. We.


» I.AT ION TBAIB B«to»o dally -x-epl suresxavs.

•-.tar. a. freight train me


Inggre^n aad l largrvfltst daily .days.






7*00 MO*XIX€* *etfTiFJsSt-rar_ciInd'esnapotts. i'hCalm,

2:30 T. M. -


AT IWDfABAFor Clevetsnd. Plttshnrg. Phi

Rststen. lUluui

rortCksufo. lH.tri.it. aud ail

ami Xorlhv. e

Fur Cairo, St. Loui

80S P. M.

llAiniibal. i4uiiM > . st.

.pt -atclavs i

AT aXTaara,For St. Lotus. Cairo, st. Joseph, and

AT INBXABFor all Eastern and North.F~r Toleil... l»-tr..it. ,t.-.

I'm > hH-aa» and Nm vest, -n

FoJ Cairo, st. Louis, skc.

aw-Fasaengers >y Ukinr 'hh, i

yeeahle anil Uuity OMNIBL-4 KULUC OF FiWBJ

!.»% SHORTER, and i"SS-d all



aa'Anv in nrmation can he obtained, er Ttrke»anurehased. at -.he efh.e of the company,corner o. Mains-id Third Mreeia, UsakwaBBi

Lou. ti r.&nd Id. & F. lUUroads.

NO. 1

.1 V/. - •


and Bellevlew. Leav.sjI r. ml, aud arrlrsaae

rBB>M 2: 3» P. v.. 'faandara•ppiaa al ail staUoaa e*.«Ma Baca Coarse. Brow v

s. r:n IUu-.il. I «.! l^S-a., and arnvee at Uu.

f a. lu: a a. avn c: o.latiin BBMa f agrange dale*ii. ..,.'.: ..; - s. ». M.. aesl

al s in ». M. I^avsavllle at f: m r. a., arrives al Lav

aracio- st *:


ts-n daily. Sumrix i M l' MILV I

Louis. lilOe* Aiuan) A thlrsco

ravwn BAILY TBAIBM I.EAVB sew alba>1 NY. opposite L«>U!s\ . M

Wi) A. M.

also M freesTer-- !1 el -.

s- - 1,-l.elll, Ji

9:20 P. M.

... - >. ii. ^ ...el .til

t.tral Illinois iuid Michigaa1MB, Lh.. ago and all point*

st. I/wii« and

and Third I isvi


B. F M ot: v - •


aeply. uw.sti corner Bales

e ky. office ..pea sua-•lib ">;.iw-»t • orner

ss s. PARKER. Ageat.mya




sprom.i: \ M1MJFVILLE,


MUitnry ClothinK.




OH ».ri't n


^JbwxbBsBi Ji-, tmm) sa

Bank Vaults, Prison Cells,




To »r«fera aad Traveler*.

V-is ks tb.it lua.found xf .1! I MplteA xv«a IBs best ia ibe—

*-^t«s to srare n. IJBfgtSmmt. rvtcxts naoSV


HAS ALWAYS ON HAND AND MADE TOorder a large variety of show Cases of all de-

scriptions, and will sell them .it

prices. Men-bants from I h.

where,attended to.

P. s. Particular atteut<ou paid to parkins;.

Me ta ssrtry particular.

. tbe times.Being very thank al -br past

rust aUautiOH to ear bust

ncaoflhesauie. la>ri.iausxri.' friends, and all cxuumu uicaiaioa c

i.tly aassaered.kf now ALI-si in * RRDnniMi

New Balhing Eatoblialimen*.TSrXS UNDERSIGNED HAS FITTBD UP A

Fine lUlh House en Third street, between Mar-

ket and Jefferson, eaat side, where be is prepared to

uive warm, cold and shower baths at all hours, arat

no rissfs-cxfiiUj- aakUia a liberal snare of tbe public

aU-ti' w*M- aPBAsULiNU. rroiixlstoc.

BEVJANIN GROVE.Topograph leal aad ir rafter)


ral Ceaieterlea, Rurali Ganleu Lou. .



u es, . .s ' • • •• -'r ..|v.;.' ,g.

"A' - - LA»J Roiii [NOsuau.b «4)^fir?

y .'\'T ste^ai'^oat acd rallraad BM are raspec:-

LfiV saBeBaa toS I «...l h.iui u- my . vsrVv-s*folly soliclte.1


/ -Hf 1

y. m m

TOMATOES,-f« Bi'X«KR. U.Ml.atSSSara^

ty-tUB SU H»iU St. BB.