- Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

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Page 1: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

- Scoops on American hit-makers



Page 2: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS


The elEACH 80'1"5 dur ing • v l1h to London lata las.I ,YHr (I to r) MIK I! LOVE, DENNI S WILSON a nd br11ther CA•L, AL .JA■ OI NE 11 n d ■ RUCII!" JOHN SON ,




April 19 NJJI Bermudc., Short1 thi1 1ummer - and tells you how to leorn ta like them without really trying. Poge1 of troJ1ers, loi,,1, 1hoe1 and dren111, too. Follow the leader -ond be in fa1hion. Who! happens if you become pregnant -uclu1ive new 1e1ie1 begin1 thi1 month in 19

Today'• g/rk have

BRUCE JOHNSON phones NME "t1,1g wr·vr dnnt•, the flut WH · Then I Klued Hf' r ,' dn ynu rf!• mt'mh.!r th•I one?"

Our i:unvcr11tlnn wu tcmpnn rlly lnte rrupl cd h)' lhc arriYIII a l lhtl

~;•nt11 cs;i;1 u~r!o!'.or~~0:Cl~t,. rlf~.~ manor houat' . Equc11rl1n manru 1or1rd nu t we r t'11u m1•d our t·hat a nd Rr ucl' cnmmtnlrd : ·• I Ju~I found (lUI l hc Rl'IC'h Rny1 hllVI' IUlld 11 lot murc r1:1•o rd 11 lhan l ht• Wonken, I dldn'l know l h ■ t

.~J.ir~~nu~1,.,,:h~!10 w~~out'hftu:~~ ml\llon murc rt•1•ur1h."

Rr~~~n •=~~~·h~=: a·~bJ1•~11 yo~ul~~llf 11 b11u 1 lhl' llund1 hcr el None of u• w11 11feC'Ud bu! th1•re'• 1tonn• be 1n f'llrlh qu11t, bt'lwcen April I and 13.

· ·We'll bt: on luur U1t>n . I 'm Just 1:unna cln1t' the door, I ' m nnt worry, Ing 1bou1 It. yuu nn 1lway• ,:r t • nl'W T \ ' ur rior :•


On sale, Friday, week end March 22, 196'1


F0u:,orh:~ :::-c.~~ Bl~~t:;; curying out I forinid1bl• ch■rt battl• fo, th• No. I posit ion .

Thr rcrord wa1. ol courae, ·• You'"" Lo,:1 That l.ovln' ►·tttln1," for mo. unl' of lhe a ll tlmr 1real

~~,::~. NB~'::re;ea~ucln:, th=

Chlnt'I". Aftl'f • II . dldn·t our CIII•

h•B~t h:'hr 0:~.l~:f1~~fs:~:~1

~ro-du1.1Jon won out In 1he t.nd, and

f,!'r\~!1,!fn"' ~oro~hrc:::01~"f;;;d•:ec::'r1. ~~:' :!t~lrt'd on Ht'ry TV • how In

Rl,thlly, or pcrhap1, rl~hlcuu■lyll). t hl' Amcrlcan1 h i d lhe C'hut 1up­p, , .

d:uo1b~~c~11al~~el:, r~•~~!u':tvrau~t~

tn n11ll1n1 lc telephone one cvirnl nr Jut wcelt.

•• I r emcmlH'r enrybudy think• lnr Clll1 was 1otni t o have !he

~j\~cvh~:•~r ro; ':."1:~t":.:::fri~ ':~:~ for that wt'elt ,

arGHTEOUS ■aOTH ■RS •• th,, Wt,. Whln lh1y r1<1rd1d " Yau'u Lnl Thal Levi n' F111111•: · ■ILL MIDLEY (ll p) and ■o■■Y HAT• FIELD.

then, wu I lendency ror our rt cord• lu be nw-e1-produced. It I,, 1 very lhln Unc between 11n cxcllln.: :f,!.ruducllon , and an ovcr·productd

" The IOni• thcmsel,e:1 hll'f ch1nrcd II well. Wllh Bill 1hr

:!,,~~~u•J1!~tc:~d '1"~ rcbl~•rl!i~; more numbers wllh a counlry IN!I • ■obby told m • that I:• wauld

dHrly lov• to .,_. U. •1 n- putntr• ship 11 1wccndwl HU.• ola .

•• It would ubvl•, UJIJ be • \lt'I ) 1 ruu¥y penono11 t'Jlna fo r ine," h, Aid. •• People thuuiht wllhuu1

::.~111:r~!h,1~,1 :::11:,11:i: ~ii "~~~111: ,. r. rovc ot hrr"Wlle. But I ha¥t' IU('h ,1

ot of olht"t lhln1• 1oln1 for m,· now.'' GORDON COXH ILL



Page 3: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

On sale, Friday, week end March 22, )P69 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS 3


the music ) SETTING

NME~clusiJJe II was a neord of • ••n p1c1n1 bad! ind for th , a loud 111p a nd the aound of a b aby crylncl from ANN

MOSES TALKING with Glen Cam·pbell is like sitting leisurely on

the front porch of a farm over a gl,111 of iced tea on a hot summer's day. It's relaxirig and fun and as comfort­able as can bel Like Clen will say, " Some people think of me as a country-and-western singer, but I think of myself as a country boy who sin fl."

It's just this touch of country

~j~!~1(01k~~,i•th!e~~~• ak~oc~~~ Glen 10 1he s uccess he 1, today.

And lt 'I lnlerulln1 lo nole thal hll 11,, In Ille bu1lne11 wu ltrlrtl J on 11 11 • wn effortt .

,·e~~•.lr :: •::, a ~~~evrlnta •t~f::..':;

111 uiman. In 1'13 a lone h e did Ht rHord1n1 1e11ton1 H a 1 ulta rl ll pl1)H1£ had:1rouncs for neryone

''i:1 ~'i:~kh!~"~~~e1Yn L~~~el l~~'~i1

cJr t'tr lhan betn1 a n ucelhmt, bu t un•nown, 1ull1 rl l l.

· Two years a1u 1h11 June I dended lo do Whll I wan ted t o do 1n51ud of 1111enln1 to mana1en or producen or wh alever.

'" I 9tt a bad taste when I tint came to Hollywood and I ftnally duldld lo 1111 lham au to Ill 1011 111d do what I wlnlld IO do for a chH!II ,

Country clubs 1cuuld hue1oneou1 1 ndpl1yed

Hit hUle country club• l or 300 buck1 ~ night, uoo on weekends. but 1h11 "~1n t 11,·hat I wanted to do

I lhink b1 d ol nt IO many rtr1>rd1nc 1t11lon1 o,er th e per iod lflllll IH2•1H7 It 1ne mt a lo t t.iroadr r 1:11neeptlon ol •hat I wanted

,, d~ if/:-~•~a nt 10 91t lied Into one b19, bu:1u11 I don ' t Ilka to put m1111tl na ba9llk1 1 lotofptopl1 da."

8111 cnn when Clen lln1Jly d t• cl1rul hLJ lretdum. ht didn't h aYt a rlr•r p1rtur11 o l where he wu

~~:~;d •. ;· ~h.•~l :?Ile·,,~~ ~~d. '°oi Jt(u rd l b)' me . I WII jull lr)'I R I lhlPJI out a nd IHI RI what lht)' 111undrdll kt . '"

Til t 1on11 that rully hil blc for G!tn hid • deftnlh: c:Gunlry ft1Yuur. T•ll,nl: wllh him In hl1 CBS-TV da•~1n,: roum I asked Cltn U ht felt


" A lot or 111,1 an atlll ncordln1 lhlH klnd1 of son91, b11t th1y',a

~=!~1~ bi, 11f 1

c!:~-:::•· m1u1



b1ca1111 II ... 1111 , I p11t-on for 10 lon1,"

On lhlli YU)' popular week ly ltht•

f~!1"~er1r uo~ ~~~-,r~1


~: lovu 10 well, Into the ru1m of t'Clntempurar y m111lt.

" John Hartford and I do a lot of ■1aU11 llllff on lhl show, b11t WI do II ■l1111ra11 J111l bec:11111 th1t'1 th• WI)' WI lllta to da It.

•• ft eally, they ' ve wrllttn soma

r~ l~~I! m~~,f:~n~:llco~~~l ~!''~rJ ' I Dun' l Wini To Spvll The Party;

!1~?n11web11~fJ':1 ■1;1n6g,r ,:~•h ln~ rnftvf~

• l,l,eW/r~d;~nn a du ' l ' Yt: Ju1 t Seen

f re~~e : baonu~ •~•:[le Jr:: •w~~efri::j

~~°tuet :rrt ;;up"?eus~c, ,1• .. h~~l ,~:~ makt: ol themselYH. '"

What Clen had mad e nf hlm1tlf 11

& THE ALL STARS Road Runner and Shotgun Tam la Motown TMG69t



GLEN C.AMl"■ liLL plct11rad when ht wl1hacf London IHI ytar for pron,0Uo1111l 11pp11r11nc11,

a min so in de mand on 10 m1ny different luel1 ol th t enter tal nent bu1\ne11 he c1nnot poulhly mee1 all the nquesta,

For U:l mpl l!, he'1 j UII ftnllhed

f:'~k::::::~ ~::·:,ir!~f. ~~t:;~f-:t~~l ra teoruo.ooo per nlcht plu1 IOper

ft1;;,11n:' h\~e 1~~!~1d h.! ovii

11 c::r:~ ·· Norwood. '"

In bet ween he 11 mall:lnc 1uut a ppearances on th e •• Smother Broth• er, Comedy Hour :" i nd dol n 11 u:hlblt lon 1011 matches for eharlty .

Oh, )'II Ind h1 ractntly b1c•m1 a fllhlr for th a third llma whan hl l wife S11111 pr111nted him with • baby boy which thay "•med W11ley Kana Campbell.

For the very 1pecl1I even,. he i nd Suite sent ou t we ry 1ptclal bl r lh :announcement1, ind very orl11 lnal-

CIID I• 1H1htly reluetanl to talll: freely •bout hi• l1mlly, IISICI! h e doesn't ••nt Utt \m11e. for ,om■ rauon, of a llrlctly fa mily m•n. Bui, with • little 8ncoura1emenl, Clan 1dmltted to mt " I ' m a 'l try d eep• Hated family man.

•· 1 lhlnk II 1tem1 lrom belnt btou1h1 up lhe wa)' I WH raised by my mom a nd dad ;" Thou1h h ll time

~·,.:·!~t.:m~ -~f'ti~0:.:~e:tm:·1o~· .:; wife. Th• 11:lda - I ' m just 1onn1 let them 1row up. They ean do what they want to do.

" I hue a Ille to ll•e a nd I ' m 1onn1 rain them the bell way I

~~:,: ::t•·1 n::'':he1,':orf3"~~d n,~:

~~~- 1r?on~r·11~ed~;' 1ife

1, :r


" If t.h17 want t. .. wlt.h ma fl"Oat, I ,..,. to hava 'am, but I' m "°' IOflltl Ilka i..lla 'am \o DIH11yland OflCI a mont.h. I ...... ffllldt .. t.hat . I ' ll,. .... u.,m th• ••• I WU ralwd .

" Wt could do 1nythln1 we wer, bll enou1h 10 d o II kid• , 11 Ion a 11 11 •11n' I · 1lnr111 or •rl n' the law' a, Mama would ,ay; •

lf11 only other Interest oulllde or

:.':f1fh:~r.:!r~I~~ b.:011~~1filk



profe11lon11 1olfu . H11 ■ ecret ambl• tlon, In fact, 11 to 1hoot 1crateh 1011 t1hootln1 par on the eoursel .

" I ' m not • perfec1lonl11. b ut when I d o 1omethln1 I lllte ID de It •ell ,

~?t:{~.•t r:~::=\:t :~~1;::ht=~:i~~:~ every t ime you 10 out, but I ' d 11 kt to hll'e a HfO handlnp."

on, other hop, ha ,n1ntlon1d to ma durhtl our con'larsatJ•n 11 to play ICOftClrtl In En1land. ,.,,... .. al


1';:i;E ... o: " The En1ll1h 1udlencu are like

pl1ylnt ID 11tlrtly ceunlrJ••nd•Wllt• e rn audiences here , like •hen I'd 10

~~1r1: nH1


1rh o~:h:: 11e~::,h -~~

11 loyal. Thay come 10 1ee you

:~;~~P~¾:::;:~j~if'0.!~1i[~!~!1: h ere .

" The rock a nd roll audlenc:11 In the Unlltd StllH a r e reau , d OII t o play lo, The, 11)", • Hey. l hOW m e whal you ca n do. baby, I p1ld my



My whole world ended (The moment you left me) Tamla Motown TMG689

I've got to have your love Sta, 11 6

(■dltor _, 'Tl91r ••at')

in Hollywood fl•e buct1 to lte )'OU.' 11 '1 ROI 1111:P that.

" The country 1udlenc:e1 ara very humbl e. 'l tr)' nice and •ary 1lncere people."

Hurn . and 10 11 Ghn C•rnpbtll -•ery humble, 'ltry nice, H'J' ■Incera.


GEE ROBIN F°~':~!'!e~b~~l <:.~~ end that he It 10 quit the &ell Gees, Robe.rt Stlawoc,d - the poup•s •aent,-..,slated on Wed­nesday lhat he la to sue him. EarUtr In lbe Wffk, a apoket­man for the Stlpood Orpnl­aalion claimed thal Robin -•nd aU olher memben of the sroup-were contracted to the company for the next two

rr:;~s1b:' f~~·!n:1 o:"°i:.ldm :

leave except by mutual ap-ee­menL

The statement U.tued on

=~~~•te::~s~r ·:.s:=~ Stlprood OrpnlsaUon ban lnued a writ aplnst Robln Gibb and Robin Gibb Ltd. clalmln1 a dtdantlon, d1ma1ea and lnJunctioru. This ls now belna ""ed. 1'be com­pany's aollclton - Meura. Wrl&ht and Webb - have re­tained fth, Quintin Hoa. Q.C. and Mr. Dnkt Sulllvu, Q.C."'

The Wonderful Season of Love

Columbia D88546

THE BLUEJEANS Hey Mrs. Housewife Columbia 088555


How many more hearts must be broken

Parlophone R5769





B.B.KING Don't waste my time Stateside S52141

ROGER JAMES COOKE Stop 'Co1umbia 088556

HU lillfATln lllCOII.DlNli

One of the nicer things Stateside/Dunhlll 558016

THE AllllltlCAJI IIIUD TltllultJ9'••1dllClty Doi LPO/Sll05ll

[MIRtcords(Tb16n1110Pllon1C.. l1d.)


20 Mtldlnllf S4ivar1. l1111N1 W1A 1U

Page 4: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

4 NEW MUSl<.;AL EXPRFSS On aalc, Fr iday, week end Marc:h 22, 19M

DAVE DEE REPAYS FANS' L·OYALTY •. YOU'RE overweight, ill , ruddy awfu l and you haven't

got the vaguest idea what questions you are going to ask us." Thus spake Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich when I visited them at the Colders Green BBC TV theatre last week.

So wh.it the hell am I doing wrltlnu abou t the offensive Rve• some? I h•d only jus t entered the ~roup'1 d rnslng r oom when I was met wllh an avalanche of ahusc that covered everyth ing from my ~i:1~, ~~es08~~n:::e!dubious his•

f"urtun~h·I)', Dave o ~ .. rl al and mytt' lf h:.iv" httn on ln-ul11ni:: 1.-rin1 lur. CCIU(III' " ' Yl'UI nuw

Thl' 11roup w.-re In lh,• J e wi1h Heh ir 111 l ,ondu n tu plug their IIIHI 1htl'1' mlnutn uf fun t nUl\ed ·• Dnn Juan ·· "on ·• t.:fiu,'IH•rj adi: ."

Wh 11 I, I 11•1nlt'd lu ltnow. 11 1hr ru·urd all a huu1•

'' Tu bf! hnnU I," llealtr ad mlurd n 11·r w1ndurd d n 11· n 1t ■ l r,; fr om th r drn1in1 ruom t u 1hr •1udln for ■ run ,thruuah, ·• I don ' I r u llr ltn ow."

Dorr •lch1:d - at n o one In p..rUc:ul 1 r. ·· Marvellous l1n '1 11!

·· Oun Juan II• f■ mou1 bullllghle t

~~ ~r 11~ri/nn,r .!'i'11t~hol'nntiuli. ~n"d r~~,.

lhm kt n g the nnly reunn hr ri11t1 his 11 ft l'Yt'r)' Wt' t lt ti fnr hl l a: irl .

" The ne1t thlni; he ll't'J Is !ht' hird up In lh t' fivr Pt'll' III \l"ith annl hrr hl ulw Ht 11 Inn 1h01:lt1:>d to ser1J1rbullehargln i;t11 .. ,"

ou~o;r. ~o,-,::,•d1n:11

c.hh1e,~~•d •!r•~~c.t~

who let out ■ hl11h•pltch ed 1hrl1 k ■nd n ■d down 1t■ l r1 .

The run l hruua;h w■1n · 1 very sutttllful . The group w,u: enm­p\ 1l nlnr ■ bout the lru mpets. ~,hey w■ nl td the m lcfl nlf whc,n 1hr t hO\I' went nn tho ai r .

Move about Sieve Ruwland , tl:, e boys ' reeord

&~~~~~~id a ;.~C'~u1dne; UiC'~h,10F':nmol!~ about ■ bl!.

" You 101111 u If y<1ur le11• u-, !ltd tuge th er ," he u l11 .

Lllh: r , In \he U nlrt•n , DIYt a nd I hid I quiet 11111 , The 1 r oup h■vt

w::/~~U:"::11!~~m■: ftr~~~d~~ J,~P';e h■ Vl' betll led 111 bellevr?

"' \'H, It's tru t,"' Dave r epll td . ·· The J■p■nne are very poli te. You don ' 1h 1ve 1nlilt ■ llncer yout1ell .

" II w11 run over th tre. bul we art glad lo be batlt . ll' s been a whll t

t4H·i-♦ti:■i;li Wuk beginning March 21

NINA SIMONE: Cardiff Sophi■

~2•2~~e:~n~t•J; , e~ o&:~o~':~13•1~1 ll all

al nai the IHI returd , •ow, are1ol n1 to ■pend ■ lo! of time s nd effort promo1ln1 lhls one . "■ting out of U11 country II Ylr)'

good for th• group. Aplrl from H ehtg the world, we cnlll ■ d1mand In 1h11 country merely by not b1ln111v■ ll1ble1ll lh1 lime,

" When • dub owner or a bc,oter

phon u our 111en1 and 1111 ■ II w, "•" play for a wee ll: al hi ■ d uh, ht> ' II wa n! UI a ll lht mote If We IITC nul a round Jus t It th■ l tlmu." De■plle htl n1 one of 1h1 few

1 roup1 who esn count on a slieable thafl hit wllh every r rcc, rd , there I ■ no tompl1eeney 1buu t Dave Dea, Do1.y, Btalty, Mick and Tlch.

They work the whole ytar r ound : tours, d11bs , pi nto. and lhey an li l lll

pl~~~.~ 1i~v~•l~o~11~1~!!r/'·a theut

H Iid fr om a maehlnc, and dl1c11 rded the H lad eres m u heln1 l1 tten1n1.

:1::i~ :J:.~rn'/W!~i~l ~l~I~ p~~.ir.

Oavt 0 11 growp during re• Cini " Top Of Th■ .-ops " spM fer Ut■lr lalHl hit " Don .J11an " (I UI r) 00:1.Y , TICH , OAV■ DEE, 8EAKY and MIC K.

" I dun' l tnow of a 11n1h: h11l1r , .. In fffhlin we huen ' I playrd ·• u ld, " In fact we Pl ■yrd lho:on I

1boul th ree llm u over helnrt ,..,, 1, 11 our llrsl hit Tht thh111 u,, • ·•• t.u 1notd to:·

My r ■ llt'd o:yebrnws hrooghl f)., IWl1 from hl l l t. llU C'I! and thrd ll

Can't afford " 11•1 true," h t' m■ ln lalned I ~,.•

:r,ta• ,r.0~:,~., 1~




a fford 111 pact up b1llroum, S11 11 lhc hell can 111 lh ,• ulher 1roup-

co: ,',.•f;;:i,:~~=1111~10b~t.~1'!.;c:!

th~ c~t~~-~• ,,:!u!!!~t!:"1h1: .,,:~ : ~:

~h:n •,~iecord1 , ,. much )'OU II H•

" It would n' t b<' fai r uf u; ,., fnt 1 th ,.m. We •till en joy pitying h, u., tld•. In l ■ C1 , (IUT l"lbtrtl ~ ,a blllfllom ,cu lrt.-n ' I IU dllftrl'nl •

11 ·• 1t~" ~~'.t thr!inu,t~~:~ 1i:ic~1 ~-"~~

ltnnw e vt' ry ~trell"h uf lh111 rn~d ,


dt~•110~ni:f. ,!•·~~" .~J:;•" :ii~'·,


0~~!~·• .. •u'."':'u r~~u.~e • II ri1h1 ," •••1

NUNPEIIOINCK/ NOPklN : Woreutcr Gaumont 12 1) , Blrmln11h1m Odeon (221 . Jl a mm ,rs111Uh Odcon nu, Chcllu ARC U.5J , Slodton ABC 1211 , Csrllale ABC 1271 , C:IHIOW Odtnn 1281 , Ne wtnlle Odtan 12'1 , Coventry Th11a trt 1301 .


t:~~~~mf1~1"bury ~=~.:n:~:nr la :m: Coventry Thcstre 1231 , Slou1h

12d5~•.Pr.~w1~t5.'m oCci'e'!!~r:~,~- R tg ■ I CA■AIIET

•t~.~-KIN(; : Middlesbrnuich lihuW •

DAVE DEE c;11ou.- : Stotklon Fluta. JOE ■IIOWN ANO ■IIUVVEIIS :



h 11ve lo k1u:11 y11or, c \l 101,:c llh• r IIUd you l lte p in I l"& b nr II plaff1• /1f

=~~~I~:: •. 1 v':~,n !i~.1 '?a!~111\ !d st'.~,:

Wonde r opt'nlin ' un 11 1umul ~ ::u

1'l~'J ot 20,00D nnuhy-11.,,.lm·•

We Ult I IIOut lffllJI ■ ■ lld he goe, lnlo a smll■ and a bit ■bout S101f

;,~:~F~~~c:'~i,: · :~1:i:.it~:.:~0:1 far rnon■y ,

Int i. the a.1ud i(l1,_ :"h,vlc on n,1

:.'i:do~~-li~hc a. i':••:y o•ei~1h: r" ilr~~:~:n~

rnom, lh cn hf' 11 1• • down, i llll h ll l' JJ) 11 nd 11 t11 r ll'- drumn1lnl: lh,· l•llh· 111! suddenly lhl• Tyml'I 11ppu r In 1hr dour 11nd lhf'n II '• Wl'II hi m11n ~nd whi:r.· lhl• hell YHU all bin

Wlllefteld Theatre Club.


Mui k Composed And Coodut.lcd Ky

Michel Legrand .... -~ ..

Not-I ll•n lwn


ALAN SMITH STEVIE WONDER plct11 rtd dvrlng h is cur•

rent lo11r with Fo11ndatlon1 ,

Wh■n u,, nunlons ■n onr I 1 1~ Sl ■wle 9bo111 h l l act ■ nd h1 UJl

:•~\.~~!! ,~:•:~n';i:m~':t1; p~=:11


~!~:f:u · g°uy'. h:,': ntt~~ ri!,' 1!11::

STEVIE WONDER 'S long ligu,e looms out of the lilt at the Kensington Gardens Hotel , and he stands ta ll in

the warmth of the winter sunshine streaming through plate glass. Friends surround him . " Well -well -well , for once in my li -yi -yife," he belts out suddenly, stretching himself up and arching one leg to the beat of some unseen but magnificent orchestra . We' re all startled , but we smile. The man breathes music .

111ccu1r111 In th ' world, a nd In 1h11 CO\lntry, Tht n I go lo !he mlkt ilnd I 11)' WIii h 't llo l1d l11 il r'ld g• ntlt• ro'n'::fo~~••C•~ .. 7a. n ice b•ln11 her e "'

" No , •l·lu111ly I •t11 t1 uff \1 1111

~~:1\~~:r~n!'.~n~ •~npl:)'Jll:~il~>illl~ljt,, ~

" Hey ," say■ S te vie 10 a friend , •· you ever have illusions? "

. . " _Yjudo'::·~•:1,cd~~:1~~~~ ! .~o. m 1u1 " No," ••1• St■vle, " whit I m ■an

~u~::::~-.ir::■ ~t:~h~i=i~ti;;:~ hllf ■wak, '"' )lllf a1let p, ,1n'

~d:;:.::i1~f• ,//"''o.~")1 ,!~~•Pia~~~':.~

min. It waa • •lrd ." End of COOVf'f.lll llon btCIUlit' S l ll Vil:!

!~l:~~n ·~~;~rl;~t::.~~!?i: ~r,:., ;~~:~~ ¥.'":~i;~ h!t!:~.t ~;u-'h!1,:~:c!\1 1,1,k"t• 11 , , .

I Hit how many tl111,•a. he"a: been lo £n1l1nd and he m a kl:'ll wllh lhf' Jolly Brlllu attcnt a nd ash where'vc I bei:11, o ld 1·h 11p, whcrc· vc

: ,a~:!" • 1hf11•r•:;:~~•r~• 11:1. ttld~f,:11 ~

Even II he ot n hnmh-nul 1h•• Jul llm\'11,


1hlr'lg t,"' ' Wt1en lh,• rnum th'ar• h,• ,:, I••

lltl h· mor.• 11•, 1• ,us and Ill" ll•lls 1111 h1111• he Ith!• IU t,~• 11 \1'11tm pur, ,n lmw hr luv.,, pcu111t•. how ht 111w .. 1• lr i<.'d In bt• lrulhtul 11nd how h,• n1d lndct'd hlv<' • li lr"i-1 bl'll,• f 111 (: •d

Wt, 111 tkerl II long -.:- hll f', 11 nd tit ..

lfllH II tin t• t'IU dcll lincd lnr lh t• T\' • ludln!> a l Shc phud11 Ru11h,

~n~• ~1/11 u~¼·. •.~",.~~""':;,. 1"::i~~~ ~~

lnlu lhhi phllui.ophlt-'• I lhln1t nu,r, d1•cply '' Nu old l"h ep, " III YI S lcvle I Ud•

':.'':i'1 11~~11!n"1~~~~.} ff.u;l~11my I • ce~~J~~ " I don 't 11su1lly t■ lk ,1bo1,1t 1urh

th ings, but l1t'1 mHl and lillk u vt!ry m,wh.

" Y11u i.t'l', I fi n i.lccp Jus1 11 hout 1 nywh t> t1• Ynu,1nrt ul a ll t>t a whlle

r,t:lnlo ~:;~u~· .. l~r:.f• thing, l 'cl

Yes ,tr .

'I'm training for the future'

Did Pennock {21) from Thornnby-on-Tccs, Yorkshire

is a driver jwi re/eu operu tor wi1h the Groen H oward.s . H is Army

1rainin1 wi ll be useful in or uu1 o r1he forces , He's married : has good

quurters, says the pay·s good too. H as visilcd placa like Libya, H o ngkon~.

Ca nada . Germany. Jr you like the

\ , so~ nd1~rs~"::~~e, post __ ._,,. .... ,..

r-------------r-----, 1 Join the ProfesSIOIIClls 1 I PorFREEArmy k 11 ne1 1end10 ArmrC11recrs MP6'A). I I M~=ownc: ll ousc. lkrktlcySquarc, ondon. WIX 6AA I I ,.,. ················•···•··· I -- I I •- ···················· .. ·······-~ I I ..... , .... · ····· ·········· ········ ····· ARMY;i!~ I L--------------------~

Page 5: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

On sale, Friday, week end March 22: 1969 NJ::W MUSICAL EXPRESS

hey're illMonkee business I "Teardrop-City"

c/w "A Man Without A Dream" RCA1802


Page 6: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS



CHAMBERS BROTHERS: t Are You Rc.ady IDirec fio n ) THIS i1 ~ disc to t.ali.e ~o u hr the scrutf of the neck , 1h1e yo~ , iood

1hai11n1, lu"e you limp and breillthlu1 - .and still hne you com ­in ,111 bad, for morel

Music-hall favourite

DANNY LA RUE : I Peggy O' N•ll (Page Ont). EXTllliNELY dlflic:ult to H •

•n•, th is one. I s u1pert lh lt lht JUCCtll of " Molhtr k t lly '1 Doontep" Cl'n lug, I)' b, • t1r lbu11d 10 the rnormou, ,mount of TV 1•po1ure D•nny La Rue 1ecurtd on ll-and If he c • n p romo1, 1h11 new on e JuH II el'l'ec t lwt ly , lh•n h1 '1 deOnlte ly In wi th I ch ance .

■ec•u•• 11'1 another • Id mutiC•h• II f•wriurlte - lh l

:::n1T1·,~~··b:.,·:h.~~:. ',~'.~!r~:; b, famlllu with th e lun e . s,1 lo lilt ing ••Ill-l ime, w llh

ff:'if ' :!o;~Y~~·.:\~•n;~:,q~:t 11 th,,- Ctm P- but we,y hum• mable and lmmenuly com •

. mercltl .

BLUUEANS : H•)' Mr1. HO UH:Wlft (Ctlumbl•) .

Th,•M· Ut' al'IU ,1 lly th1• Swl nginll IUu,· J1•1n1 un d r r their new , nd

~~1~1:~•11~-;t'!~:, n;t~~;l.:~(l~~nll b6'n T;~~ Run " -1nd unt·•• you' r u 1cq u:alntt•o 11·111, l h111 f lcl. lt"ic t'U)' In 1,1clr. oul 1-.•rl11tn icl mllull h:,. in am11tru•·llu11 b,: IWl"t"n lhls lind lhc M1m lr.-d•" hll.

A full Jl t' m •trlllna sound ■ nd 11 f1•dna1i111,1: harmon ic bll'nd . Dt•I lh1J' II ijt' I II le•• Spin¥ un th t• •• Jl nm1)' V11ung Sh11• ·! .,

A bludc•bu1l in" J, a h•a n lr rn1·k•1>uul rnu 1ln1•, II bu llduJ.l'II alun it irrl'o;l11, lbl y until yuu lhlnk nuth lnM t•n evur l lf1p II - 1rnd 1pp11n•ntly l' \tt•n th1• C h .,mbcr,; F:lro l hl'l'.II t"uuldn ' l i.l o p bt• · <" ■ UH' th1·y h Rd l u bl.: hidt-d ou'I. A • lld ran•r . 1111:h•n 1nlh 1,hnu11, and lcrom~. 11 hh an lnllihl cn t lhr,ili­blni;: b\'a l lh 11 I :i ln'IU lil hy1,1null1cM lh., li1'1t•n•· r And lhc ;rrouo '1 r urr,•nl R r ll11>h •"IMI 1·.,uld b0t11'1 ii

VINCE HILL : ITh e Won derful 51a5e1n Of Lawe (Columbia) ,

I r .-v1cw1•d thlJ lhrcc Wt'l·k• , 1,; n . but ii w11, icub,i.-qucnlly wl1 hdr11wn Ind uni )' now tC•IPJl<'llr•, ,n lhlli I• by w1y or I r.-n, lndt•r . Vinci! llill 'J Vr r•lnn <J I lh.- llli!!m,. from TV' I c\'t' f •

r.,•~~~~.'1, ·;ti~:,':."1t/:~<;1;c 11 :~:~~ ~tllt l .

JERRY LEE LEWIS : Ta Mike Low, SwHllr For You {Mercur y).

Allhnuaih he t'll n 11111 i; h1lr.c II 11kt: ('f,U)' . Jury L .-.- Ll'Wbi h11 dr·

t·~:?ir:1~~i'::-Jt ::u:~~· .. Hr~:~1~:;~;!i In lh ll l lil)'lc.

A phalnli vc t'-ll nd•W bll lle d with I

~•.~~nl~/~;!r~:m~11 ~·,d"11 11~-~~, ~;':!.•1~ IUI. p l1nu ~ln•I 1t nd llt"l>USllc ,.:uillrli, 1md buekr,:ruu 11d hurnmtnii . Vl't)' lk'n• llmt'n l1 I, bu l anod

PEGGY MARCH : What Am I Gonna Do With You ( llCA) ,

h111d •,~~:~ll':~~~~ 'i'!~~d~?"tu~at~~

.... Wllll'd r l~hl hl' tl' . A l..l'!I Recd· 811rr)' lil aMm IMlni,;, with II Joh n ny Arlht)' u r 11 n1 t rnt•n1 . A m t' lud1 c sins • 11 lun~ . wllh a l)t.l\ld.up 10 lht e :1pan•

~:~,:h•~~~=-~1.01 c~c~W~: f~.,c~:i';: l!UI hardly I hil, llil'lhlnlu.

NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sa le, Friday. week entl Ma rch 22, 1969


Billy J. better with Ryan song

BILLY J. KRAMER : t C~our Of M, Lo .. fMCM ). yES, ::i~11

• !:~: ~:,' :;:: :::~_I, Kn~, - and urtainlr the b11 t

A fu l muvlna,: n umtM-, wrl ll t•n by

~,;~~r~;~~ t,,!~j~t :,11':~\~l~lll':!~~'. i,:ruu nd 11rl1111. wll h d1mhll' •llmt' 111mb .. url11c .-n~u r ln11 1h111 !ht• rhy thm

:•;,~l't8l~rt:~~t~ir~ I ';'~r~•n(':1~,•, :1~~ ph n~,• 1h,• tun1• 11 11im p h •, rcpcll• li Vl' - :and 1/w r••fnn, clllll)' 10/ml• l111t•tJ . DE E DIE WARWICK : Full1h Faol (M• rcury) ,

Dh1n111•·• .u,e.·r . t1 ,•mplh11,1: 1111' b i t¢ brf'•k •ll1noui,t, I~" 1olul,1 111 hN own rl ai: hl . A mld•h ·mpo ba ll a d with ~y b~~~~noc1!:•1~11 ~~~c:'.111lfull)' lnhml•d

In: =~:~111:~ ~r~~~~"h~::~r J1~~1-ti~~:

~~!~~~:1.111~11~ 111 ':..r:i•~I', ,~;,• ":S.!t-~,~~d 11rch•••1 ra l ln1mducll1>n:'i!


REVIVAL JNR. WALKER C, T'HE All STARS: t Road Runner (Tamla Motown).

WR~o:~:- H:ri,n~h: .. :.0


JAZZY SIMONE SWINGS should be sufficient to let rou know that th is Ii b;nlc Motow".

Thl io I& 11 rt••tch•11,i,• u f I tcl111lvrly JC UC't'O'tui lUI IIU w1111nx by Jr. W1 lkl' t, ;and h1 JC nbvlnu~I)' bo•••n p u l un lh•· m ukN b1•t·1111,, u f lht• 1riumph• w h lct, l'llmla hu t••p1•rl .-nn.•d with old trarlr. ic by lil a rlha Rf"l• Vt'I 1nd !ht• l11lt1yl

NINA SIMONE : * Revolution (RCA) . LIKE MAD Al I Hy, 11'1 l )'p l('ll l Moluwn, wlll1

II hi:-11vlly lt"t·t•n lll lll'd bt•a l Ind 11 bcn1•1·hln11: r -1 nd •h wnc11 I, Nnl muth tnl'lnd)'. bl/I p,:r l ,'1'1 lnr d11nt<lnJ¢. And l>t.•11 rln11: 111 mind T1 ml ,1'ic 1·11rrt'nl pop11l11rlly, 11 mu~t l>t.· in wl111 "' t"hlll('<'.

TH ~ea~1e,~0

~~itn~ :~a:~I !:w d:u:;~:, ~~~ written by Nina Simone herself. And inci­dentally, she also arranged and conducted it. The tempo is muGh faster than her last two hits - it'1 an up-beat blues with a philosophic lyric , set to an electrifying fin ­ger-popping beat.

h:rvent ly encou raging Nina to even g reater len1:ths. It 's a disc that swings like mad, and is much more jazz-slanted lhan her 01her recenl singl es.

I ccmld h•\'o' d nn,, • ' llhuu t lh t· >l a rll1ni: d\1Ct,1rd11n 1 1ud11 , "'''"Urnably ln l i,nd.-d In Ji mul:r t, a r,·vulu1 lot1

Backing comprist:S ,;uilars, organ and a n in ­spired rh ythm section - plus a cha nl inJt group

i!~: f,~~• l'o v;; ◄bt'.n: ~: : :JC. "f 1!1 l!I l~r~ ~ 1~,7m ~lg:; II~ n I r:l.: I~ 1:n,t II hlJ!' hll.

Roe hopeful with U.S. No. 1

TOMMY ROE: t Din , 1s11te.ide) '

AN"e":.: : : ::nt:i°he 1N~: ;~~'!:,n ; ~:~~e~gt



b::nr q!~t1e :--w:i~: :~";e0

he last • ppcared in it . II'!! II /I\Jd ·h •m11" ll.111;,d •llh "'"

ln•1d1ut1> 11nd lli1:hl) rt•po•IIU\t' c lmrus. In •· lul'h lh ,• h;,, ·k1 nai t,:rnup l'h•nb l h,• l1llt· word""'' ;u,d 11n·r T t1r b••:11 ,~ 11:1111,:hii,: :inti d:mu i+ bll' -but I Y.uuldn' I IUlllO'~tl )' l mv,• ~,m -!lid,•fl•d II lu tw y.•urlhy u f t' h.arl ·

=~-•{.'..'} ,·;1·',


1.! ~~•,1~\i.~~;•· ut"'::~ ri1•;·




::.:, 11:::r•·;t11~n;~ r p~\•','m~


m•tely. lhln gl•11 t u t whh the big belt•• the orc.h11tr1 1w e ll1 t• ih p•lplt1Hn1 cum .. ·.

1,-~:•n'::~d •:•r;i,~,f.'~~/~"iu~::11::~;~:;• ~!·;~•· .. rth1· lhal '• n•,, ",IS) UII Ow

Recommended • •hk h rt·udwd Ntt I , wh1h• l ht·

• fu lluw up lillkd ,·11111 11h•ld)' - ll u.:t1 NATT MOI\I RD: All Or A Sudden Mnnl l'nt•~ru IUrn~ h1 , ll llt•nll"'' ' " lhl~ {C1piHI) . Hl'lll' II Ho)' • 1p1•rll•hl) In II • n r ig1n11I l•Jrm , 1111• • ·11~ ;i

T ake n 11 1 t ur-up pin , II luturn Nu I hll fur 1111 11 Munr u In Suull• JUDY COLLINS : ~rnlt'dl<)' Smut the Chorus •Hemptfng lo •mulal• ":''~•tin. ind ;.,111• 1 ll'a brrn ~upplll-d

~~~!i'.~:J !r~~~1~ 11111

~11~::i;,•;d :~~,, : !!'i:h ~::t.~,0~0!!~ ~~:~.,~ ... ~~"!:~:~~ F~~rlr.1::1~~~:it1~1: ~k~!!!~',~!,t hb,tir~~::;

ri.~,I~•~ n~;,il~',I, ,!h>;!~::i:,, lyT h~•11:lu~!: .. ~~: l~rl .~~~~~-~~,t.:"'a~:~~ni;1 ~p•:~ !i:'.;:~·::~,n"ll M1tll '11 ~inuulh p r 11h:•

x~:~;Jt1bu/:;:~~••·r;~~ )' , n~;;•~,~~Cl~r :li:~~h ~!!':ii';: l~~;~~-i;,H~,~ l lo~~dlr~~,: A lu~h c-um·,•m,,•l)'lt'd urcht:~lr;,I

MlkE ■ LOOMFIELO & AL KOOPElt : ~~r;u::;,ll~;;~:-;~•~r,, rlu ln UH• •Pi•d . ~i~~:~:2;:.~~~!:~:i~~~:~ift~~t, l11h!111:rd 11:~,11• c:~~~ n u~;;~~~'. ~ r--=--'-==------....:..::....:..::....:..:::.:..::....:..::::.:..:::::.....:..::c::.::.._ t'U Urlo' - ii '• 11 l tt•1o dy h•'"/\ 111 lh t' Chari KIii d11 It ) lu hl'llr thb ' e•('l ll n.: ln1lrum,nl 11I '"'ti lun by Al H'll•fllt•1d. SWt' III And T1·.1r• I lllld M1k,· h'l•f. ll'tllit· Plun

COLOR S OF LOVE : lilulhn n f Cun• Vf'n l lnn tPIIJl't' ()fw) . Th,• 11•11111 l hli l wu,id .. l ' IYI A 'Tri.In " Wilh .. • parkll1111 h11no•d11pplni: l,ll lln• Amrnc.in rnulln ,•, p, nnrd h) 111,• wr1 tn1 nf ·· 1,11 1k Arr.lW• ·• Wun• do•rfully h11ppy d i~,. ,1nd sn•;, 1 lnr d11ndnic

ROGER JAMES COOKE : Slup 1C11I• umb!11) . Cn•wrl l lt'n wi th JhlJlt'r , ; ,t' l' n llWII)', lht ~ II ii hvt"ly r ll)' lh­n,k b11 II Md With Ir p1111·,·rhuu11• bt•11 1. Sun11 with ~u~lu, H h1• a 1011 rl11 i: ordw~lnl hllt'lr.1111.. fn•n • 'lit'd 1·h1111llnll iond ;, hlltly ~lrn11g m,•lod)'

TASTE : 811r11 On 1·111 Wrom11 Sid•• Of Tlmt• 1P•1lydur1 A n,y.•, ,,,.,ilJy a;,,u nd ltum lhb hh1t•• ,ont•nl ilh'd 11roup. Jlrud , Thhk 11 11d dn1tn1,; -llll'n, Unl'llpt·('h•dly 1h,· r1• '1 a p11~• ~:.a:~~:.::::~~cnr:~ dl:•.~i_.:.~•;r.ni: .':11~

ICALE IOO SCOP'E : llo II Ai,;am t·.,r Jt•flu•y f t"1m11,na1 Tlw llrh• uf 11 1n1m who lrh•~ 111 ~prt•~ d llw me•• lllll•' nl frt·t'd11rn 1111d p1·:at1·, Mnd lhl• l• 1 ph•11 lnr lh,· ,...,rid tu l ll ke nnllr, • uf l,1m filn•lnK lnu• m<1nk11, 111•11dv ho 11 1 iond ~ Imm "!Nhlo· 11111\' ,


Page 7: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

On sale, Friday, week end March 22, 1969

YEARS AGO Top Ten H ... WHk ••dint Mer 211 ) l LITTLE CHILDREN , BIiiy J .

Knlml'r fP•rlophune) J Z ANYON E WHO HAD A

HEART, CIII • Bilek 11-'arlu• ptmnel

S l NOT FADE AWAY , Rollln,r: '-ton1•• IDt'cca)

2 4 BITS AND PIECES , Dnvt• Clark rive ICo\umblll)

7 5 .JUST ON E LOOK, Jloll\cir

4 • :,';~~?,h0J1:~ht' lon (Decc11l

14 7 I LOVE YOU BECAUSE, .J im Reevu IRCA )

II I I TH INK OF YOU, Mt•tll')' • bc1111 O'nn1 1 n■ 1

I t BOYS CRY , Eden Ka ne (,..,,n1 an11•1.indon>

ll 10 THAT CaRL BILONC.S TO YESTl!IIOAY, Germ Pllncy CUnllcd Artl1!~)



IIIJOP30 (W-k ending Weclnesdoy, March 19th, 1969)

WHERE 00 YOU GO TO ••. .. .. . Peter Sarstedt (IJnited Artislsj I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE

llar,in Gaye (Tamla Motown) 3 SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SORROW Cilia Black (Parlophone) 4 THE WAY IT USED TO BE ...... Engelbert Humperdinck (D1<ca)

WICHITA LINEMAN ......•.•..•.. .... .•.. Glen Campbell (Ember) GENTLE ON MY MIND ... .... .•.•.• .. ... .. Dean Marlin (Repr~ej 4 · 6 MONSIEUR DUPONT •.•... .............•.•.. Sandia Shaw (Pye) 6

12 8 FlRST OF MAY ....... .......... .. .... ....... Bee Gees (Polydor) 9 l'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME Diana Ross & the Supremes

& the Temptations (Tamla Motown, 4 10 HALF AS NICE .•....• .......... ..••.. Aman Comer (lmmediotej-

17 10 SORRY SUZANNE ...•••••..... ..... , .....•. Hollies (Parlophonej 11 2 YOU'VE LOST THAT LOVIN' FEEUN ' Righteous Bros. (London) 10 13 PLEASE OON1 GO .•. .... ..... .•..•.•. Donald Peers (Columbia) JS 14 IF I CAN DREAM .•....... .. .. ......•..•.•...•. Elv~ Presley (RCA) 14 JS GODO TIMES ......••....... .... ...... ... Cliff Richard (Columbia) 13 16 I PICK A ROSE FOR MY ROSE Mar, Johnson (Tamla Motownj 20 17 WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND •..•...•. .•. Noel Harrison (Reprise) 30 18 THE BAO BAO OLD DAYS ..•.• ..•.•••...•..•• Foundations (Pye) 17 19 SOUL SISTER, BROWN SUGAR ... ..•.••• Sain & Dave (Atlantk) 19 20 GAMES PEOPLE PLAY .... .... .... .. .... ... .. .Joe South (Capitol) 2S 20 BOOM•BANG•A-BANG ......... .... ...... ....... lulu (Columbiaj 21 22 I CAN HEAR MUSIC. .•••.•.•.•.......•..•.. Beoch Boys (Capitol) 24 23 ONE ROAD .•...•.••.•..•.••.•.•..•.•.••.•... .• .. love Affair (CBS) 22 24 GET READY .•.....•.......•..•.•. Temptotions (Tamlo Motown)

OANONG IN THE STREET Martha & the Vandellas (Tamla Motown)

PINBALL WIZARD ..•.....•.• .........•....•.•.••.•• Who (Trackj 1rs TOO LATE •...•..•....•.•.•.••.•.... long John ialdry (Pye) DON JUAN Dave Dee, Oozy, Beaky, Mick and Ti<h (Fontana) AU THE LOVE IN THE WORLO .. ... .... .... ... Consorlium (Pye) PASSING STRANGERS

Billy Edcstine & Sarah Vaughan (Mercury)

.... .. , .... Cream (Polydor) THE BEST OF THE SEEKERS .•.•....•.••..•.•...•.•. (Columbia) lB DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES JOIN THE TEMPTATIONS

(Tamla Motownj _ 4 ENGELBERT ....... .... ...• ... Engelbert Humperdindt (Decca)

POST CARO ... .•. .... ... . . .. .. .. ... Mary Hopkin (Apple) SOUND OF MUSIC. .... ...... .... ... .. .... ... Soundtrodt (RCA)

11 HAIR ... .. .... .. . London Cost (Polydor) 9 I LOVE YOU .... ... .... . Rock Machine (CBSj

• PETER SARSTEOT .. .... ...... ... ..•. .. .... ....... (Uniled Artists) 7 10 THE BEATLES ...•. .. •... .• ... ..... .......... .. .. .... ... .. (Apple) 16

STONEDHENGE •..•.•.•.....•.....•. ... Ten Years Ah,r (Oeram) THE WORLD OF MANTOVANl... •........... .... ...... ... (Oecco) 19 THE WORLD OF VAL OOONICAN ..•.•..... ... ... .... ... . (Decca) JS THE FOUR & ONLY SEEKERS .... .......•.. (Music For Pleasure) 1 14 GENTLE ON MY MINO ... .. . ...... ...... Oeon Martin (Reprise) 1 JS



Herb Alpert·& The Tijuana Brass Zazueira (Za-zoo-wher-a)

AMS 7411 •



Page 8: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

• On 11le, Friday, week end March 22, 1969

DOODY SUMMER SEASON U. S. STARS JN ·AUTUMN MARY WELLS TOUR SET Ken Dodd Is to 1lar In a lenathy sum.mer Edwin Sta" Oefl) b one of maay U.S.

11an belna lined up fM autumn loun of Britain by London Attraetlona Ltd. Club, college and ballroom data are belftll HI fCT him - and tor Chubby Cbedl:er, the Royal Cuard11nen. the Bo• Tops, Timi Yuro, the Crlekeu, Clarence ' Froaman ' Henry, tbe Token1, Doris Troy, Major

Mary Wells will be touria,a Britain for 2, weeks In May. Dattt lO f1r set are F.,dsware White Uon and London Fis• mlngo (2), .Chn ter Clockwork Onnxe and Nantwich Chic Hall (S)i Derby Clouds

::!re~ i:::::.t.a~:'m ;~I)' e::.::.ou~ which means that Fnnkle Vauah•••• Bournemouth 1uson wut now be 1ta1ed at the nearby Pavlllon Theatre. Mu B)'lrans wilt 1tar In a lenathy summer IUIOD at Torquay Prince.a The.atre. An­other bl& summer show announced this wed: 11 "Summer Spectacvl&.r" which ope111 a 16-week season at London's Vic• torla Palace on July 12 - produced by Dick Hurnr.. It 11 hudllntd by the Bachelors and Dtck Emery.

:.1:eeMa~~.:t;::;l~e <ij{low~s~~~ Show5toppe.n. Amonc blues 1ln1en beln1 brouaht In by the same agency In the. autumn are Joe Turner, Jimmy Rushing. Ivory Joe Hunler and Jimmy Reed.

~am':(~ To~~ ~tyal ~:r::::o~ lmparial and r.tlnth6ster Twll':ed Wheel (10). Wolverhar.1pton Pat1t and

~::f'-.'!t = ... ~~). dJ::'j~e UYarpool Mardi Gras and Vk:torbna ~1al• Manchester New c.ntury and Doncast,; Allk (17). No1tlngh1m Britannia ( 18).

JACKIE PRODUCES DISC Jackie Trent made htt debut as a record

rh:ct:Ji~~ 7; ::: .tn:i!"bym~ Of Each - the aroup which Include.a JackJe'a younaer abler Mally &r1e11, II It a Trent-Hatch compo1fllon tit.Jed " Trinity Strut " for Pye releau wllbln

~:,c:e:~e '::"w ~&JneJ'{:/e. ;:S,.!':t Austndlan tour alartJna on J uly 17, dw-. In& which they wlll play cabaret. In three le■ dln& venues and star In a TV 1pKtacu­Jar-and Two Of Each will accompany them on the tour ■a voc:al backlna 1roup.



POLL CONCJ,,,'IIT HAVE you secured your tkkU1 yet for the

" Crutu 1 Show On Earth .. _ lhe. NME

:~I :',.lnS!~ay~f~~00a~. ~=;i~i:t• Empire Supply or the highest-price seata has almost

been e•haus ted, so do not de.Jay in making your reservations for this colonal all-star event.

A• announced lul week. lhe lin e-up ao far for 1h11 concert (In alphabellcal order) Is: AMEN CORNER. TONY BLACKBURN, FLEET-


Many more 1 reat names will be takin,: part, ao watch for detall1 in future i11ues of the NME. Meanwhile, don't delay in completing the coupon below for this show or shows.

BOOKING FORM r-;:-;;:;;·;,::rt~·:~ ;;:--;;:·::··· ....

La11dOfl, W.C.2.

Please reu rve for me ........ 1kkct1 11 ........ . for the Pollwlnne.u' Conte.rt on Sunday,

r~UI 1!~pt tlckel1 prlted 11 .................. .

:r1c':yof0:!r:•~o.~~o~;:.: 1;os~

11s.~~1i os. &d.;

7s. tel . J enc.Joie! re.mln■ nce (payable to .. New 11u1lc1I Espreu Ltd. "I torether wllh 111mp1d addrnaed envelope.

Name .... A.ddresa ..... ..................... . (CAPITAL •..•••.•.•••.•. . .•.•.....••.••.

Ll'Tl'J:U) .....• , . ... .••.. . ...... "------------.. ,

FARLOWE DROPS CROUP Chris Farlowe hu parted company from hi. baddna 1ro111>, lhe Thundffb&rds. He new to America lut week, prtmarlly to cut a new alnale and LP-allhouich he Is con1lderin1 the po11Jblllty of settlln&

~~·amr!':'~~ec':::-~:;r i::,!1~%~ a'ttd, and he has become the flrat al1nJn1

~~ ~Y:::Wll~or:!:~ b~m!~:!" ~~vi~= U.S. reeordlna• will be lasutd. The future of the Thundt:rhlrda la not yec dettr­mlntd, but It la probable that they will con tinue a1 an attraction on their own.

J. J. JACKSON RETURNS American r-aod·b 1ln1er I . I. laekson returned to Britain lu t weekend, and plans 10 stay here for a t Ju.at sl.s months. He la spendlna the ttmalnder of this month usemblln1 and reheanlna •

!:ii~=,~~'ii t~e8u!~s~.X:1'!~"Ji

I u •• J . J • .lackaon aod t he Creatat Utlle Showband On Earth." To1ather, they will spend 20 weeU tourln& dubs and ballrooms In Brita.In and Eu~, and

::,. e;=: ~lo~ ::. c;::Ji'!a r:{:f the band durln1 hl1 8rttl1h visit.

CLIFF'S OWN BBC- I SPECIAL Herman, Dave Dee, Noel Val Bossey dates "N° .. ::!y•!0

rHe!~~~t ~o ~; "Mummy's Only Looking For 1~, Hand In The Snow .. are thre ol the John Lennon•Yoko no tradu on their tecond LP h, rollow•up lo their •· Two Vir,:f 1 •· -which Is 10 be re. leased h) Apple on May I , An Apple re· pre.1entaUve said the cover fll the new album would not he u controversia l " as the las1

NINA SIMONE AT TALK OF THE TOWN? CLIFF RICHARD ls to star In his own BBC-I showcase, to be screened as one of the highlights

of Whitsun viewing - and his Scottish-TV special, " Cliff In Scotland,'" ls being fully net­worked next month. Also scheduled ls a Shlrley B assey special, which was filmed ln America with Noel Harrison guesting. It ls probable that Nina Simone will star In her own show from London's Talk Of The Town. The Andy Williams special which BBC-2 has already screened - with Ray Charles and Mama Cass among the guests - ls being repeated on BBC-I. Hennan's Hermits and

In a hid to give the la l's Jackie Loma• a first hit 11 I~. Paul McCartney hu produc 1

the Dave Dee group have been booked to guest In AlV's new Mike Yarwood series - and more guest stars have been booked for the Liberace, Vlkkl Carr and Scott Walker series. Val Doonlcan's HERMITS-series will coincide wlth the opening of that channel's colour servlce.

The Shi rley Bassey-Noel Harrison special is scheduled for .--------------------­BBC•l's Saturday.night spot on April 12. The Cliff Richard showcase is set for the same slot on May 24. The Saturday variety spot will continue to feature individual s hows every week until June · 28, when the new Billy Cotton ser ies - with Vince Hill resident -begins a six-week run .

Scott l1h-TV'1 "Cli ff In Scotland " 11 being entered In the Hors Concou r1 1e.ctlon or this year·• Mont~ux TV Festival. British viewers :'~!I be.~~ 1~.rl~~tr~ :'!p!~1e~~act date is currently being worked

own ~:Cl~0~to:Cea::,~~cheo!:~i~

0.! ~~:n:t ~~o;:U:00;'~ 'io~

!:n!~/!cr~e:,'.!t1~e,8 :C,;k~0 V:;t.~•~=l~i;:-"lmed at the wne On Wednesday, April 2, BBC•I Is repeating Andy WIiiiams' •i>«lal

~ .. ':'h;:~ ~ ~=~r~~~.uiTu:~ Ji~•~~~~~!~~~="~. ~~1~;!e~1t1!::

Kale~'nf00f: p';~=~I~~" a short series of three Mike YarwOOd shows

~i;,odm ,:erl~a~e A~I g;;;;~er:~h: s~=~~1J\~er.t!~t 1::ok~~ ri:urhnt same company', Liberace series-now in production-Include Frankie Vaughan, t he Sandpipers. Moira Anderson and Nina and Frederik.

Full running order of guests In LW•TV'1 " Vickie Carr Show" 11:

~ : nn;e•~=r~. (~=~=~· (tlJ:11 L:~. R~~rt:l~rr(~~) (~~d ~~lnn<;_asU:c::t~ and lhe Dallas Boys (May 3). Frank lfteld is a late bookln~ for the fina l edition of the aame company's "Corbett"• Follles" tomorrow

(Sal~::r>ffanl10n ue.111 In BBC-1 '1 Scoll Walker ahow on Tuesday, April I , ~plaeln1 l:ther Ofarlm who Is not now available-and BIiiy Preston Joins Klkl Ou In the April 8 edition.

Soun~· c~yrirai; i~!!~ar~ ;:c~~-.2~\:~ :~:s0h s~~i:~ ~dth':el}~!

channel, t~ e Chambers Brothen join Jon Hi1eman'1 Colosseum In •· How Late. It Is" on March 28.

Val Doonlcan- who Is a late booking for BRC-1 's "Rolf Harris Show" tomorrow (Saturday)--returns with a new series or hl1 own In the autumn. II wlll coincide with the openin,: or BBC-1·1 colour service. probably starting on November 15.

Improve your playing with a Hamilton

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Hca\l) quality felt pad protects instrument neck . Long-wearing plastic

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11,c mos! \ltn.alilc capodas1ra ever built -

1hc Hamilton. ~ - and you can get one at your loca l

p :::;....iiill" music dealer for only 2 1/ -.

M 5 ELMER ~,:,~r:.:~ t.:: '-:J, Tel. Brainlree 219 1


D USTY SPRINGFIELD'S project" June cabaret sea10n ■ t New York's American• has been postponed-to enable her to make an earlier


8~t: ~"no!hTt ~ 0~~naJi1K:"~~db:n~e~~:.!!~~ the 1ranaml11lon date ol the aeriel-4ttardlnaly, DUsty wUI !Main work on the shows on lune 17, with Stl'ffnln1 Umed to commence two or three week■ la ter.

Du1ty'1 ot her ovenu1 CGtnmll• 11ulon1 for A1l1ntlc. ment, ■ re unaffec.-led. She wa1 Jc■• · Her ftr11 Atlanllc album ".o1.111y ln,i London yu1e.rd1)' CTh11 r■d1y) In Memphis "-rtt0rdtd 1111 suiumn :~nt"..,:;~~tr~l11t" ::b1~f1~.::1•,:; p~ru;:.• a'i,t w n!~,l~:n,~el~~T:'11:e~: concerta In Hawaii, C1n1da and the 1he wUI hn111 ■ new 1ln1tle tnued United Slate ■ lu l record ln tt, forc retu rn.In lo her travel■.

Val, Danny film news VAL DOON ICAN-wbo 1ln&1 lhe tllle aona on the aoundtraclr. of the

new fllm "Rina of Bri1ht Water ".-wlU be one of the peats when the ftlm hu lta Royal Premiere !Mfore the Dvke of Edinburgh on April z. 11 London•• LelcHter Square Odeon. General release la tentatively aet for.Easter.

h1~111~~r k1~ 11

~o~c~·~ eb1:n,:1tr:: i'~! .NMI HEmlll, JACK BRUCE

r;r1 .. °Ji!, '~lt ~ h°J:~d~~~.ml,•~rc:: JAM SESSION FOR U.S. TV pruduccd by Lord Ted w11111· com, J lmi llcndrlx and Jat'II Bruce pan)' World Wide Pltluru:. Produt·• Jammed with Jan udsi llobnd Kl r ll lion 111rt1 In the 1umme.r. I I Staine. Sludl0i 1h11 WCl!k. when

• The I IICt'HlfU I U.S. T\' cumcdy severa l noll'd m11 li(' 1 ■ n1 tpcnt two !Cli m or Dkk Rowan and Dan Marlin dl)'I ll lmrn g I C.>IOur l ')CC :J I for u s have been 11!1 for their movi e dibul. TV. AIIO l1kln11 part wrre Sieve

:r M~~~ W~fl~:~odh•:. J~1'c:1 . b~~~ ~~~~ J~~ltr.·1I~/PJ~~f!'~~~Ci~u:~: of the ll lm Is •• The Strange Cuc Did; llu111II-.Sm1 th m l Jon 11,~c• OJ •• ! t h ,C ? •• man•, Colouwm) .


f ... sh• dows drummer Br11 Bennett wlll play fo r To Jones durin3 the. ain,:~r• world tour In the sprlng-1h1 Inc ludes appearances in Aus tra lia, Hawaii, Boston, Nr York, Las Vegas. Ch1t111:n an Toron10. Muaica l dirertn Johnni e Spence and .,ui11:ms Jim Sullivan ar~ also 10 ;ac comp.any Tom on the tour

on this week's n There·s an utlerly lovely record th is v.r , that sends me into a delicious day •drcil where I picture myself takmg a sleek SJKI

car to the airport and hoppmg on a plJ '

bound for exotic places Llstenuvi 'Number one theme· by THE JO SHAKESPEARE ORCHESTRA you' really imagine that you·re one of lht' It set l This hig'1 wide and beau11ful sound on Decca. number F 12896. AUSTIN GAFFNEY (I love that n;,m I sounds rather lovely on a song called 'I I

return·. which 1s on Rex A 11043. Hope you·ve caught FRANK !FIELD latest which ,s a very powerful biill ti tled 'Let me into your life ·. Owlt' 1

loveltest single he's done m some ttme ' Decca. the number 1s F 12893.

• s rpmreco1d10Th1 Cece• Rec:o,d Company Limned D1cc1 Ho1111 AIIMII [mb1nkmen1 SC •~------r

Page 9: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

EXPRESS On ale, Friday, wttk end March 22, 1969 9

MOVE'S 30 • PIECE BAND ANITA LOSES TONSILS! FAME'S NEW DYLAN DISC Anita Hanls had her toMll" remoYtd I• =o•~~ !1~1v~~:1 w':ilet:.!!:•~!,1:1 n: wer:k.l of con.-altattMe In Majorca. She bc>pea to be back In acllon In May, and he:r voice: la unJlkeJJ to be affec:Led by the operation. She ha■ altudJ pre-re-­corded 1uut ■pota In ATV'■ .. na. h

!~e':. "::" ;~,.\1° •. ~:~. 1ft i.o::! realon only on Aprll 4) and the .. Ubt.raee Show'' (for probable tranamlHlon on June I). Release c-.r her out ■ID1le wtll be delayed untll 1he retum1.

ROSKO IN TV PROJECT Ernperor Rosko I■ to be the compe.1?.

~rEl:Y■~:'° ~•~"¥:,'e ,;:y -n:~ t~U~ kldependrntly prod~td by Vicki W1dl• ham and .John Collet.a. Vicki - formerly director of the .. Rudy StMdy Go " 1trlts - has been runnlna the Tout rtt0rd label ualU lul weekend, W'beft It dosed down, She nlt'a to Amwlea not month fo r dlKU.Hloaa whh • ludlna U.S. 1V com~oy reaardlq her new proJecL The TV ■how, whkb wUI be abot In ~our, I■ ln~ded pdndpally for the Amttlun ma,ket-but may be seen Mtt.

~rate Fanw: haa: rKOnMCI two S. Dr• compo1IU.t Wider the .uPtfflfloa al Dyln'• disc l)f'Oducer. loll Johut.on.. 0.. of these tncks wlD N Mkclad by Jolla­"°" u Pante'• new •ll'IIJk. No ,....,._ .._ hu yu. bet:n set 1,y CBS, but It wm t.

~r.:m!sttd~~lo~-:: -=--~ Jolluton - who Is ■ lao rnpom•le for ~ eon11n1 hhnay Cw ud Slmoa ad Gat­funhl-ft"9 bade to Aintrica to edit _, nus th■ tapes. The ftlp aide ol lll• MW Fam• llnale hu already Mffl cboMll--ft ll the tbm1e aon,a from the aew et. "'Soom. •

RAY CHARLES CONCERTS fll'II dstn for the autumn tour by Ray Charles, hie Orebutn and the JlH.leU han now betn lei by hnpreurk> Kaold O.•laon -they are Brlatol Col1ton Han (September =~· Lo.::i.~o:1 F~t!:!r "~L <2ll'r!= .(lty HaU (I) and ~rmtnl,bam OdeoD (4~ Davllon k abo pnHfttln1 ELIA nt1.,. GERALD at London Royal F•tlnl Hall on May 17, followed t,y a dub appeannee at Stockport Poco-a-hco oa May 22. For Uae

~PM=~erH!?1:/~~b,1::'~ ollt.let of a rwo-wee.k Brllltb coae111't tour.


;, ju Staies 1~: new record for him. Paul took no his new wife and 11ep-dauahter

:~ ~~ ~h~ h~e:::~~:• ■~d ~h~neyfl~d! h) to America to meet his parenll• rt· m•IBW. 11f He now p111n1 to stay In the n U.S. for IWO week1, a nd will

then return to Britain to discuss •!'s 1he completion or the Bcatlet' le. nex t alhum, severa l tracks of a which wl!re uclu1lvely revealed

In last week's NME.

w;r::eJ :~kre1ei!:1!:.!:~~n!~W1c~ future be managed by Justine de

·~~~en~.u~~m~i:;•~ °.{ld~l&g Leiber and Stoller. Another Ulle co-produced by George Harrlaon, 11 "Gol nR Back to Liverpool,"

Rln10 Starr Is a lso off to New York shortl y. The final sequences or the ftlm "The Magic Ch ris­tian," in which he CO-lllrl with Peter Sellers, are bei ng shot In that city.

. . . And buys up its old tracks F°L'!~'.':t ~~~;; .:;:1:~:r!-:J .::k~ir!!:e:,~:~c ~ ~~,:.~~~t~~'!: l&yed follow•up to u Albatross " will now be Jssued on Its new label on April 4 - It ls a Peter Green composltlon "Man or The World," originally scheduled for Issue by Blue Horizon In February. Mac has succeeded In purchulng from Blue Horizon the stockpile of nearly 100 numbers previously recorded by the group for that company - and lmmedJate Is expected to Issue an album or 12 of these tracks In the near future.



However, Blue Horizon hu re­tained the rights to two albumi cut by Fleetwood Mac du ring IU recent U.S. tour, u well as another LP-recorded at the s:ame tlme­o:, which the 1roup backs blues s ingers Otis Spann and Willie Dh,on.

Tha gnup le ■ 'l'H for a nlnt-claJ Scandl11a.,la11 tour tomorrow (Sat• urday), lhtn Ai.Urn, ta Britain far unu11tratH radio utd TV promo-

NOEL HARRISON'S follow•up to hit "Wladmlllt Of Your Mlad,. hit - c:urrently at No. 17 In this wtell'1 NME Chart - ma, be a

Gong 11 i,ec:l.1lly written for him by Paul MeCartney. ll It one ol tb. numbtts a t present under conslderallon ror hit new alaaJ,e - altbouah II 11 unllkely the disc wUI be lllued before late MaJ, OWin& to Harruon'• fllmlna commltmenu. Mc:Cartney became friend ly with Noel after N'Wffal visits lo London's Blue An1el, when Hamson wu nsldut then. d Lhe Love Affair are to co-star in a short concert tour next

will be played, none ol which Is ln Lq_ndon-altbough the laraest , have been selected for the itinerary. Dave Beny has also been · d 01 her supporting attractions are currently being set. This wUI , conce rt tour this year, due to his extensive overseas commitments

~:.:'.,j;'.:"..:::W ..!';\t·• ;;~:."':: R V" 7\T AROTTJ\Tn ETTr-o,nv Ju ly 1' ud "'"' unlll the end at I., .t-1.J l LJj f.V LJ.il. T .£.,

, 1:I E

f;r::mt':.'~~~,:~,::: :t'rJ last ta"'• e Rumourl' that Amtrlc.in bu,ineu•

man Allan Klein 11 lo lake a ftn an• da l lnlerHl ln Immediate RrrordJ were dmled lhls week by company CJttUllve'T'On~

: I llendrix9 lsleys9 t}uo SAIISTEDT IN EUROPE Cha,t.topper Pit.er SarMedt hu

bNn -..11ed to 1uHt In Owtc.h 11nd Germaa TV 1hOW11 n11rt wnk - h• n ln to /uMten:lam nut Thurs.day (ll), and ... lb BrefTIIHI ,_ dan lat.r. lanltdt- wlto II ll1Y1111 d ls­c:uulons with a fllm producer Uu ■


c, releases from Decca

t~·~• ~11:.:..:~t.r .!~T. :r.··~ vnd1rtakH a shNl t~r of North.,n Inland from Aprll S.

Dawe Dee dates abroad Dl\'e Dff. 0011. Bukr, NIC"t and

Tlch hive ~m llnl'd up lt,r iwvera l owerscu v■ll-they play seven d1y1 of cunttr11 In Gennany f rom April S and return lo lhal tounlrJ on

~~:J!~i:~;:~t;~~~rd~ ~~i~a~~ AlfO set are trip• tu lnHI !June U·20) and Hunca,y Uunc %2•24 1. p\01 an Auru11 1r11lon In Majorca.

BURDON BACII TO BRITAIN Eric ew rdo11 retwrn• to ■rltaln

,arl r nt•l month for • u,rH•••tk 11.ar, dwrh111 which ht will ncord a, a 1o,lobt wnd1r Mickle Nott'• 1wp.,. vl1lon , Ht wlll also und■rtakl TV 1pp1artnu1 dw,1111 hi ■ vlslL

If you were ever a part of the folk cIrcu1t. then a song ca lled 'Cruol war· will be familiar to you. SUGAR AND SPICE, an Amencan group wi th five guys and two girls, handle n with great sensIIMty. So_me beauti ful harmomsmg in front of swoopmg strings and plaintive brass. This 1s on London HLU 10259 . And of coUJse. 1f you hke a h1 tle soph1sti• ca ted ska (and who ciocsn·t) then the latest from DONNIE ELBERT 1s l or you. Super-smooth and rid iculously catchy. 'Without you ·1s on Deram. OM 235 .

Keep informed.

\I •l !Bd;J group records\

B ARRY RYAN will continue to t.onc:entrat.e on Europe.an datea for the

whe:eb! ~ti! ~ ~~e!t i:r~~~~~e -~~u~~,:,~.w:1r:.,e::;1 c:..~:~:n,~ Berlin. Then, after a 1hon ballroom tour of Ireland, be ftlet to Madrid for a c:oncert. •

Barry wlll spend much c,,f April mall.ins promotional TV a.ppearantta on

Uw.~•mr::~ci :~: ~n"'~~• ... co11'e"i:n ai'!! :: ~~"~•: ::M0~uf,~~: ~r~ l~

a TV 1p«11cular. 10 be filmed In Nunleh durlns the l!rs\ week of llla7.

Cilia Blad< will bo the

1':~ •~~!eG~ theatre clo,a /or demoJf... tlo.,_.he head, the "Star­time" bUI thua J:r the

5~1,cg,.~~'t F~

~,~,h::'ih°':~l=r: /:;;. Moy 5. Ken Dodd II ,et for the week of April 28.

ROYAL GALA STAB CAST Franltla Vauahan, Harry

Secombe. Moira And2non

~G:;-ii ~ ~ a golo " Foll ln The Stan" Royal Charity Performance. at the London Paltodium on Monday, April 14. It will bo

~~~~!';=:: There ore no plona at pre,. sent for the ~t to Ill' televtsed.

Page 10: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

10 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sale, Friday, week end March 22, 1969


NM Exclusive Track-by-track review ROLF HARRIS : a111 11 r Tha11 Bh•• (C.lumbla) .

A llrhl • h•• ■ rh'tl dill)' With I Jul'• 11lunJ: rhvlhm . p ln~antl)' arid p~r• a.nnahly •■ rbll'd by R" lf llluri•. Wrltll!n b)' lhl' Hnwo1d-Bl,dkh•y 1t•11m wit h Bll rry lih111on, II hJI a f lllrl )' c-■ lrhy IUnt·. a l'llll'frrt' l1appy•111• Judi)' lyrll , 1md 111 i,.u11 11hly 11,h1 and nowuu: ba,:kln11

a t, k l·1rnn1ry Influ ent-.: in h l1 wor ll ,

u~~.' ll~h~~ -~~~er~• u!' Yo'i!u~~ T~h.~ -a cha rming lyr ic, l"lh1rtl tnly h and­lrd, with a rlppllnK. IICOUSllc back• Ing. Not a• calr hy n sar,tcd rt Nu. I , lh11ui;h

BARRY RYAN SINGS PAUL DAVID RUFFIN : fMy Whol■ World •nded (T;am l■ Motown ) ,

Thi.' tint 1n lo dl JC ln11n 1111.' lormer Tcm pta Uom; lc1d •inicn And In ,•lrw ol lh,· f1ct ltnl h t•'1 b11t• ll .-d by ch11n!ln1: •which I l11nt7 he has mu ll1•tr1('itl"d hlnudfJ. lhc au 1t., ,ml.' Is n111 unllk t' 1 Tl.'mp111 ion1 d lac.

IT is a measure of the composing talent~ of Paul Ryan that even before the release of the album II Barry Ryan Sings

Paul Ryan " in early April , Jack Jones , Francoise Hardy, Billy J. Kramer, Tony Blackburn and Jeffenon have de­

- its tl,e perfect tombination says produter Bill Landis

Alto,:l l\' t' wilhotH llcln¥ ►t•n •11 hnnal. And •llh 1,n1y IWU IU'l'llli u f tlli, TV ll'tl.,. I n iru, Rulf wun ' I hli\' \' mut"h thanu• In p lu; ii

MAMA CASS : Mou 111 A Little

Cl~:;,·~: '~~u~ij\d:,~::dh;'ILnm,r lh la numbtr, of rourM- - lnd1•cd lht• hit "rulon by H1rm•)O)' CrH5 hlli only Ju1t diJl ppt!■ rf'd frnm lhl' Chari. And u m an:- d ilc•bu yl'n, wlll l lrl'&dy hU'l' purt·hH11d lh:il v.ir■ lon Mama Call'• Ir undl'r a ha n tl lcap f rum lh.-a-t■ rt.

Ttte ■ rr•"lltfflent ii" ld1"1iu1I la th1 Cr■H wa•lng. a"d-wtlh Cus

sln1lng In dual•lracll, s upporte d by a voca l 11,.up In 1h1 ca tchy chor11-

U!~ ~~rn"kd ::a;b:r .~~~=~k1~1:·· 1. a 1illl11t m orc blllni: a nd punl'hJ' here -but lllhtrwlu•, 11 ·.- JUII Ulle a gl rl -1 ruup vtrsion of lh l' Harmony CrHI" d ltc. And U such. do,1n ' I rul\y du Mam■ full Jus lli;,.,

STEPPliNWOLF : Roell Ne (S&al•• sld .. Dunhlll) .

Allhouch 1r,mend1,u1ly bfg In the

;:.!':!ct In i-::~ff"!:~\fry. ha.-n ' l ye l

■ul lit• fut U!.at 0th ""I umu

~"i: ~-f~:i;•l:~( ·i, E!f~,~~ ft1 Ulln9I Ttt■ MU"d Is r-&nd•b, whh all u,, trapping~ of twangs, hand· claps utd naMI vocal.

Wllh the e:ra.-p tlon of 1m c1clUng con1a•drum break. iOUnds like a p~r lmltallon of the c11r ly Stunn .

CORDON LICHTFOOT : Th1 Clrclt II Small (United Artlsu). I 1uppoa,t )'OU ml1ht l"lll Gordon

Ll1 htrwt " Can1d1 '1 anl"wcr lo Pe te r Sarttl'dl "-If It wun' t lur lhl' Ill•! th.II he"1 bel'n ■ round loni;"r than Ptle AI IIU lhete'I a more nollct•

A ¥" 1 1■ 1 lhntaly sol■ of a rumbling

i:,!~~~mla"'n~~~II --;,r1:'u1t 11!:!~cll~==

bolh m■ 1•a<l'H 1nd l.1mbovrln■ • m • phuill"II Iha bu t.

And a mul'h m or e ml'llldk number lh11n many Ta mla d ill"I. A ve r y KW d pap di111c lndl'l'd, dt•1,uvlng Chari hc,nours.

WILLIAM ■ELL : EHr)" Day WIii ■e Lilla A Holiday (Atla "llc).

Perh1 p1 II WU Wlllt1m Bl' ll 'lli ml•• lo rlune 1h11 I hcartl lhis lmmedl• a l t l)' Iller th l" new Si mone dill' -a nd I ' m 11fr.ld 11 palt'I lntn ln-

~pnn~~.u~~rc~~rgt~mJ!~~~ with NtHrlh1ln1, l "allfllrnH■, I m ul l

admit that ll'I a ffl ■ IIIY hunk of h■lrtfalt a nd lmpa11lon1d sou l

•11:t". Tci wt1h blUI'• ball■d, • llh a

plod bc111, bnu and rmotio,ia l chan 1i nv. 111.1 lh■ t h,he rcnt c-utourt"d IH I In ■ bund antt , bul la unllkdy 10 have a pronnunC'NI lmp,rt be· nu~ the liOff/1'. II.e ll tpcnnl"d by B,11 and BQ(lllt•r T . ) i. very, very ordin1ry.

J\~~r i,1~;·1n1~n:

0: 10\~:=~up

0r~!i wtll do as well H " While linnet", JM:ky lriH hl'r luck U II film 50ng­lhl1 comes from 1he " Lo11 lng red· lnK " m ovie.


tho"::rdn;:r,1~:: :~•r~~ •:~:••,!::r::!~11d1 ~ctl~~c.hlY•

,e::,~l~S, 'tt~a :h:t~fi~fful ';~~1~1 ;~i form ant·t 1h11 would re-ally bl.' belttr l\lll('d .. :m I. P track lhan u a Ch-,1 con1cndl'r .

TONY ■IINNETT: P .. ple (C■S} . The T)'ml'I ' VHSiun of this bt-llull•

ful ba llad frum •· F\.lnny <Hrl " sut• ceedrd bN:au llC! it Wll.1 bell!)' and hu111ly pi,p-a lanled. II hu ln5t1nl. but nut 111111lnr, appea l.

On ! he ol h t' r hand. th lt Tony Bennl" II 1tyltn11 11 a di~ !hat w\11 stand lhe Int of llmr - • rt'l:i! rd

r1'n~~ft::rnn:u~:::.h:~(! ',.~11a1n~l:~ni;'t;

the chances arr h wun'I l,!l'I lntn lhe Chart.

Tony·, a rt i5l ry, pulilh, lnd lY\dual• lty a nd 1huwman•hl p ■ re a ll in 1"111 · dence In thla lmpec-ta ble re ndll lun -which brlnp uul thl" t r u e qua llly uf th l1 h auntlni: aon 1.

cided to cover various traClts . I go1 o sni?ak preview or the

LP at Harold Davison·• o ffice when It was played to me t,y producer Bill Landis. I must admit that I went alon& with certain trepidat ion

~~~ k!e~e o ~w!t,u"~' h~~1te~~d~std

1"T11t·k by l r.ick, with o« ·:niona l commtnll by Bill , lht alb11m ls :

l"i~;~~:1n l~l n .u~i!'~!tir, 1!.i~'l an1:

rain (' ' M und e lfcn, l'Ourteay o r IBC ") , 11 hl•avcn ly choir and 11 1uggl.'t l lon of Hol1il'1 Plam1t1 Sult!!. Rt•mln ll"«nl uf • Ruman .-pie fllm lhtme 11nd Ra rry 'a 110\c1• nnl 1100 clearly hl" llrd II times.

la~~~/f,, ~!~~::~._:o811f one o l m y


1 •• This Is iculng 111 be franrollle ll11rdy '1 nl'Xl •Ingle and I ' m 1onn• pul II on Tuny Blai-kburn'1 next

:~!".~-•;ian: a n~~~:';;!~hr lnl~~ Y11!! ll'ilh lo t• n l don-don•doo'1.

A l' han11 t of tempo a nd Darry'a voice dttpcna to sound litre 11 , muulh U.S. caba re t pc rfnrmrr w hich I 11m IUh' 1, • l"l'nd up. (" WC" won't Ul"I" th.at part with Frant-obr a nd Tony." ) The tempo 11eppcd 11p aa;,tn 10 th l.' end.

THE COLOUR or MY LOVE. t " BIiiy J . and Jt•ff ellllon ha11e d one 1h11 one. "I Al fi rl l II sound.?, JUII a p lcaSllnl LP Inell with nolhlng spel'la l IU lt'l'Omrnt nd 11, lhl"fl II btt11ml'a quite emo!IQ(l ■ I . Mld•tcmpo

:1':ur' p';:i~/~; -~r~•vfuv~c~~~- ~~·:

l')'H and thin,_-,_ Could be- a I Ur· p rise hit .

CRAZY OAYS . Happy JO lucky lhln1 !ha t ,om eune like Bobby Vee m ll(hl have done a few years •to, Ver)' high voice,:, violins In 1reat u se, Bouncv with a ·• 111 la la " churu1. A weird " R11ce With The OCl' il " lauach a t !he end l l' ■dl" Vtr)' c-lnerly Into

ELO ISE. Thh, Ii; th t· loni;llr, Con• tlnental 11eulon , aOOut 1we111.i ICt'Ondl kln,:t'T, In lac! . Barry 11 01'!1

F•nd out about □narl•e. □ountr4 joe

and Flowers □f cu•L. i · .................. ·::::::::::.::]


□nari.e musselwn•te Blues Band


""Whal he loves and whal he perfnrms solelv 1sblues -no1hing but s1ono blues··

musicassettes available ~


" Hotd sound 1ha1 v1bra1es m vour soul"

PAUL (lalt) an d ■ARRY •YAN and elLL LANOIS who produced t.ht twins nnt al oum pr■¥" 1 ■- ■d htre,

quil l! berrerk Il l !he .ind . 11'1 l1 r wilder than thl' British No. I.

1r!c11H:~~ ~~I r:~~: • ~~ I srdc:.~~ him . When I tlu Fra n t'OIS<.• 1111d Tony It ' ll be I lo t more Spet·tur-lah. I a lwaya u ,ce two drumml'rli, bul I ' ll 11'1 !he rim 1hola wllh ii lot m ure tc-hu ,"

8111 beC'■mr 8 11 rry's pruducer a ller Harold Da1i iwn heard a n album he d id lo r W1yne Thumat.

" He Mid Pau l and lSarry werc i;phlllni and would I lllle lo havl' 11

so." he l'J:p la lncd. " I did • Good­nl1h1 ' "'hlrh Cli ve We1ll11lle wrote' , lhtn 'ElulH!.'

" I lhln ll lhe 1Jmll.rl1y betwcen ' Elolae' and • LGV'e I• t.011, ' Is un t he t low fade ,· Ttla l ' ■ !Cally nbout th t' on ly connection, "

Side two bc11ins wllh MY MANA . , •• Jack J one1 h as recorded thl• but Pau l hH Tt'•Wrlll l'n the ly rlci ru, him .") Solt with• harp µ ickln11 a way

~~ 11;~c a:dclll!:~;d;.ei:e .!~!rt~~~~ rt;!:.•u~:-~nl~ar~~·;, ·i~t ~n~h

11~~ ri:~

lhe way In which · · E lo l5C" Clol'S. I 'd love lo heir whit Jacll doc, with It,


:pc:: i~,~:~:" ·p ,~~~)' !~i~t','"'r~uri.•; playing, Lill e • apeedl'(( up 11erslon of •· Be Ir!)' Baby:• lndtl'<t, quilt a r aver , "I will bring you Ion•, h gives me pleasure," 1\n5:J J;urry,

LOVE IS ON TIIE WAY , A m i> lo•

t~~~hii~iJ:;~.:~•ltt·1=*~ ~i t' horu•- Il l' whl11pers 11 1 lht' e nd Into a l ad t•, •hkh doran' t l.lccomr a la dt• oul but l■sd• ~t nil&hl lnlo

WHAT'S THAT SLF.EPINC TN NY BED, No l f'.IIICtl)' II memorabl t! 1raclr.-tnt.'dlum tempo wit h pluclllng 11rlnJ.1 and the' rholr •Jain. Can ' I lhlnk of much lo H)' about lhla nn,. H.,mfru enough, bu~ I tlldn ' t rully llllcl II .

YOU •DON 'T KNOW WHAT YOU ' RE DOING. Thia la a 1low plea lo h i• vlr l lu llh hltn b11tll-11nd all ve ry

r:,~-r •~"~r~ 1:::1~ :i.,~: M!~': t!: and lhl' SupretnH dnlni w1' 11 with th l1 one. Thure &r.i penllve vlolln 1 aJ'd l hl' drum hH a muffltd sou nd . -IUl!e 11 11 d , appullnJ aonll'. rea lly

Subdued KRU.'TAN ASTRA BELi. A, " I dun ' I

knuw what th e 11111' mt•an1, 11 ·• somt•­th lnt,: o l P• ur•:· In the a.am .- vein 11s .. ElnillC " lhou&:h mo rl' 1111bdurd . Lola o l echo. The 1o rt n l 5001: !ha t I

~~~- wJ~~\'~lln l~~:Jlry~ t,i~ri",:S.'atn

The C.indy Choir - &Utp rlllnKIY, 11 group of bnya •ht• n you llsltn tu 1hl' pllch uf th,•l r voice,: - &rt' on every lrack u ·t·cpl " Yuu Dun'! Knuw Wh■t Ynu ' n 1 Uoln1 " a nd " I WIii Brln11 You l.ovl' " whll'h 11 the N1JoritY.

Of lhc ll lbum , BIii lo ld rne : .. P1 ul hH a ll lh.- ld1•11.1 , In the a tudlu B11rry Is YU)', ve ry re laxed a nd dUMin't lakr long lo lall:h on tu Wh11I 11 nct'dl-d I th ink Paul h H JIYtn Barry the Idea 111 \he way he wlnlJ hl l Vnkc bl'lu r.-h;ond .

•• Wt•'Yt never h11d an arguml.'nl In lhl' alud lu yet. II '• a i:IJKlt•. Barry aomcllml'J: brlnK• a lrw fnt•ntls ■ lone In th~ nrrhl',. lra 111c••111 lona.

'" P11UI luM C'hl'I" lh1• b11t·klng a:ruup lhe par11_. l it- cum l'I up wllh 111m1• l ll nlHl lc ldeH. Nu, lhc re' a nn c-h lln«­ul r11111 11 nd R1rrr cv('r t-om lnx tn• 11tther fo r II YUl'II I ag•ln. raul b happy wllh •rlllnv 11nd Barry h H K<>I lhl" pl'r l11rrnm.« w ried out . Really. 11 '• a perfect l"tunlllnallon ."

lu '\i:i'~,nt~r:!n!!,;k~ lbum. I' ll dr1 n ll


Flowers of cu•l (Les fleurs du mal) By Charles Baudelaire YVETTE MIMIEUX, Narra tor UST AD ALI AKBAR KI-IAN, Sarod SBL 7845

··rhe crco1ion of 1one poems"


I You ahondy know ab,,., John.

- The Fool, & Mo1hor Eanh

• .......... Mother Ear1 h

■ .. l1v1ngw11h1heAn1mals - SMCL20143 ~

The fool SMCL20138~

John Dummer Blues Band Cabal SMCL20136~

Page 11: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

( h l srtll', Friday, week end MHrch 12, 196!) NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS

SCOTT TALKS ABOUT -SCOTT 3 TO ,,.,e , Sc:ott . Walker ~as a lwa ys represented something more than a fin e singer with

the potenhal _of a Sinatra or a Benne tt , r1nd has the looks that send even my ageing gr,1nd rnother into r,1pturous sighs.

1• 11 BII Y, Scoll i!I lo h11mun 1, I , ,,, p1t y inK th t· wor ld ~nd Yt' I

11 I f som~ 1hlnk hon und 1 nn,:~ Ulfl morbid and 11h,e1oscd

,1ti hurn11n failinK!I, il is ht:ca11N..­;·, ,t r:, -.11 hi, in•plratlo n s and in • 1 ,. ,.., from lite ll selr.

11 ,. , .,nEr., whllf' pr11Yldln1 a n 1 , 1,1 1nScull'• rnlnd . •pt•111t furur. '. ,.., ~nrruw• . unr df•p1lr. our ,,_, d hlllllty 1 nd 1n • dt'1U l t:y.

~- ,u l " fr••h-iilht:d tud ~)' , 1 ,, 1, ,, 1, a n•lunl pru11reuhm fru m

j:{}:}ti1:]i;:,:~;::~~\~:~:~ 1; ••1.;~• :,'!~~:-,.:;,1~ b~:b;~~I uld,.t1•~~!!

,. _, I i\ J ai:riun fl r c: I. 1nolb.-r wh u 1,, f, r• ludnl in rti1illty nlhtr lha n

Ir;:,:~:. 1hrr1• Hrel nutnbtra c-uuld ht' 1 ••• I r. uni,r• by lht 8Plrl1n Senn

.. ,1 u· cnrd

•• tt1el I• II l)'rk Write,, " St'11II <'•ll lMinl'II , ;u b~ Ph) cd ll1 t' all,um lu '"" fur 1h11 flnl llm.- , In lh1· rceurd llliruf h i' fondly call, hl1 n u . " ll .­duo n 1 _.,Ill' ii:m,d "lfiudtrs, and tu,null• I 1m nnw j1111 u c:on1:ern11d Wllh lh l' n1u1h- •• Well II ly r li:1, II I• ln,puu ibll' fo r me lu rtc:ord any more nf Brrl'I matrrl•I ."

Th i• lhl'n , 11 wh• I " Smit S" II all ahoul . 11 1h1p tuwu,11 pa rfl'tllon In rnta lc, Ktt'ltl)' tnhanred bf l hl· 1upub 1rra n11' n1 t' nl1 uf Willy Stull and P11 te r Knlfh l. p o: rh:rllnn nn ~•;~,:r m~•~~ I' . PNfl't' llun In t.'U1T1pll'lt'

At th l' m11ml'nl , !it<1II ran llll r n lo It Wllhnul ftndina many mllllllH .. I 1u,u a fl r r I fr_. m nrr hfl r ln111, I

r;.\'_, 1fl~1dj ~~e l~~1t~flh 1~w~·~;u::::t: ;

St>~~t " 1 ~d •,11,"/~~1.,•;n~: ::::t's1 .. ~l{

Upl'nl with 11' 1 Rain ing T•d1r, a m r lan t h 11ly t•lr uf a w1ndl' r u and hi1 tl'tnl1tt>llnn• o f 1umm,•r • nd luvr II'. btautlful

rt ~•r,i:!:11:ht, ~~~r:~~~:nn 1b':r c:1~!~

;l~~~iful:~ti.:.~:e:on:'r, n~•t~r1pl n1r~~

Ind IOYt II 11 tlly lb ..... hi• brul II lnlhl1

Ou!Jlde h l'r window, • do1 • 1r1ln1 un I IUlh. Ind •e11m1ry hl!arl I

r:ir.:; ~~~ .. :1"~~, b::d~;,~l'rm~:~t~~

Onn.- a lrlHll lnr 1 ■le1m1n happ•n•d

Another NM Exclusive Track- by-track review

11,) . •nd HIii hu ph .. 1011:nph nn lh l' ••II •Pr•h 111 h11r

Dupalr 1nd rr•i1n11iun ar l' tn • ,:rau•d nn hl'r hl' • rl •t1d 11n thb 1<1011

' · Th 11 I• m, lnuur/1•• t riwk ," whl~~•·rl'd Sntll, a , ■lg

~!i~'~p::.~;,. 'S"'~;n~ .. ►~1:r:;~':"11 1 ~: • " rf'qulmn fo r 11n aic,•1 111 hnmn, JUu•I. " Th lJ a ne lallu IIDfflf' llall•n• hir 111, but II wnn ' I lllllr lnn1 11> 1(1'1

~hl.u~=~•~ 11~n~':'J~II fa!p~• ;hkh ny1 " ltl him jUdll' wbu hH nol ~I nned," Thr prople In hll(b Pllf'I'• a r.. nn bcnn than u, . Wt t'lffll' lhruurh , d Upll~ fu n lb t' Co,h C ::;,~··:::ch~! ft:i~~II do:::,..'.rnm lh.-l r

n/~U 1!~'.'J~,: t'h1!~rtlt .. :C~b:n ly~~~

.lluulh u f f'nnc-c, 1.;11 .. n lo 111 .. •umm .. , m1111c cunjur.-d up by W1tll ) S111\1 Wtu,n b.., 11 rf' did you ht•ar • bullnffy Nyf

h11~io.'i~~~j~d~:~J~«,m\~! '";~:i, :~

::i~fi:Y 1J~ri·1 •:::~•!n111: .. " Tc::;;1:~;

!~•,::11:::h s::,:1•::,r;"n~l'•,1u;hey Whlla Scali Chlnft'd lht lapH

11Yer, h e lold ml' bow he nmt l1.1 write th• ftnl lnc:ll con lldl" J

" II w11 nt1d1d In a hurry, 111' Tl'Cllll"d . " I WH •Inned 11 0,1 lime,

:!:J:•£,?:;~!~i~~,~~ :~£u~~:1rito~ Th• min I• fruun all•e i nd e111erau

~.~~ndc~:,r:.ar~!''c!a~~l:ha~." ,~!nd! feellni: hl' ' ll al••Y• bl' around," JOited Stall. Or maybr hi' w11n ' t J111l ln1 .

; ~ LPs /reviewed by ALLEN EVANS Ne•crthtll'H , 1h11 II II matt UR•

UJUal lfld 1nd I Scutt Wallll'r 0,11 will prob•bl7 newar be h r1rd 1111n

Wlnt rr Nllkl I• the H d Ill e of II bu)' whu ca n ' I pierce his 1i rl'• hurl . which hu 1urn, d to Ice. !l' ■n h n lt luu are H rflld 11 1now d ropa.

*•** BEACH 8OYS 10/ 20 (C:.p i• 101 E•ST Ul) ,

'fh,· 1111•• n•h'r • In 20/20 Vl•iun ,nd Ith· • h•t•\'o• ha• a fr11n l pk • tu n · ur lht• ■,ach ■er• In fot>u• "" ttw l runl 111\d OUI nf IIICUI

:·::11 ::\,.~:~k111!1'!:°llk~ 11t'~,. a e r~~.~!

~" wrllkn, A11t 1tlway11t, t he- buy1, 11:,rm.,n1~,• "''llh " ro:a l lklll I nd .. pp,·111 l11roo"l111u1 . II I- lnll'n'li l · rn i: 111 11 1 !ht• p ruduclinn l'r t.-dlh!, ,. wdl •~ lhl" l"Um pu•ln1 crt'dlls,

;' [,', 1:::."::,'.~~ . dfn'l~~~1~d a:l~~uuJn: u 11 , whn u,u11 1ly d,,.., 111 lht• 1r11dU\'in1, ,~ only , ... pun1lb lc for 11 w,• 1r11c:h. wh ll t' 0 1nnls WIIIOn 111 ud1w,·~ lwo of hi~ own com, ,, .. ,1 11 .. 11• - H,· With Jill- a nd All 1 \\'1111 1 To 1>11, •hill' ■ r11ca .John• 1en p rtt rlU t'<'I on two lr1t·ll1. Carl Wlllon on luu r . 1111d 111, on. Thr: tfr11 r h lh >,),< ko·c plhln111 ni1:l•1t nd " mph·, th,· W•Y J1n1 11111' ii ,

Olhn IIUn : Oe II Again , I C:ln Hur Music , ■ lutblrd1 Ovar Th • Haunlaln, Th i" N11rnt F1r1way Placr, C:olton Fleld1, I Wint Te Sleep, T im 1 To G•t Alen•, Newrr L11,n Net To LIVI, 0111' Pr1r1r , C:1b lnuHnct ,


<•;~[~'llw-~Jn 1ruui, b11 uural IHcll - cump111u1 John WhU1111 1sul111r, ur11n. pl1nu1 , llog1r Ch1pm111 1pl'rru11lnn. W'Ot' ■ l ,1 . 1nd llllll Gnch 1h1u, wlolin ,

r,;~• l:~r!~11:~11

tp\h ca ~J :w~• I~~ uthl'n, llob Townnnd 1dru m11

::: .. 1.lm h~~~! .. ~:::"' -~~d a;r.'::,: lh l'y pul uw-1•r \h i' numbeu well , Nn \ "'' war uUI yuu t·•n ' I " ·"' your h -t't lapptn1 111 lh l' lr mUl lt. And ln~idr lbl' ~ICCVl' lhl'h' ,~ II huic c po1tc,r , on lht hack 111 whkh a rt' lhl' ly rl a< uf th i, suns~ T IUu : Th• W11var 'a An1w1r,

~:'~':!~~;· .. :::.-:, ~.r.11~.:~~r. Tht- l l, s ,und Gtnrr1t lon Woman, Fr•m f"ast Archh,u, Dim , ,roc•nlen1, F1u In Th• Clo1.1d1, Emotion, .

*** FREI. : TON S OF 508

(l~la:!11 1~L:5

... .''::;/n r lead , uil •r


cs~!~':''J i,k11), ~!'1::·;~a r~~n':

blll) (And1 Franr) ind the

~!1~1; •r:!t

1i1ut'" ~:~~~~i f~dad;~~

hu .. riuur a prom b in 1 n r • · bluu

1r 11up. with p,nl)' u l drl w., and •uu abuul It• 1111cktn1 dellwuy. Apn l fr om l•a numben . lht'


11~:f.; ,r,d 111 and •harlnc three othen. TIUu : Onr Thi GrHn MIiii f'U,

1 Ind 2, Werry, Walk In My Sh•d•w, WIid lndl1n Woman, G•ln' Dewn Slew, l',n A Novrr , Th• Huntlr, Noon1hlna, SwHt TooU1,

**** THli NAHTOVANI SCENE ( D"c1 $KL aH,)

Th.,n, ha• newtr bt'en • lu1he r • M1 undln1 111 rtn1•ftllcd nrc:hn tra lhan 1h11 of )!lntov1 nl '1i ind llkt• old wine. It 111'111 bt lltr wl lh a il' I' In 1h11 ICI uf 11: 1unu, ) "UU Md li Uch wlnnc: r1 u Lnw-r: b ll\uc, Oc llla h A Ma n Wl1h11 u1 1.uw-,• 11 n11 nOney. Hut tb t1c arc Ju ,1 Pl'n.un•I fawourl l u . El'll'r)' lrlCk

i'i~~~ c:1~:!i : Thon Wrr• The 0 1,1, •• Ih a Time I G•t Te f'hHnl1 , C:hllly C:h lnr B1n11 81ng, •oth Sldn Hew, Ir I W•r• A ll lch MIii, C:o rnr S•p,, te m bar, For Dnca In Hr Llh , Lu a1c,c1eun da ■•h lu.

* ** " C:ANOY ' ' (Statuldr SSL 10l1')

Thll 11 !hf! 1oundl r10 muslt' ,

and •c:ry anrp.,wutn1 11 I• In

&!~cc: .... ~ml,o::.~ ·ro~ ':'11"edu~11~ " Ca nrty," Thl1 I• ultn •m odc:rn sound ln 1 , wllh ple n ty of nln . nolfH 1ddl"d, And for IOOd mtuur• lhl'tl' 11 one WOCII lr l l'll

~iw~~:e, •:::•,.,!c!::~~. ~~" IT~; lbc ll1pp1nweU fro up CM11k Carpel Sid i" And Rot'k Ille) ,

*** THIS IS TOUCH (D1r1m, 5ML l0JJ)

D1nord1n t ,11und1, JDfl 1ounds. luud no!JI'•, qull"I no\Jl'I - lh la American 1roup c1\ltd Towch , five boy, nen ftyln1 nailed owu lht 11'1 an 1hr lleHe, do lhelr bu t lo t1 1te you out of 11,11 wor ld Wlth lhe lr my111nr muJ IC' , Nolh · ln r 1lnl1hlfur wa,d 1bt1UI It. 11 1• hard lo ll1l t n to, Ju1t H lhl' l l l't'We nn1cs, wrlll tn In Ions h1tnd. II hard lo fea d, Bui 1om ellmH thins, th at t Offl l' 100 l'Hy aren ' t appreciated. Orrin• 1,l1n11 man Don Galluccl i nd gu1!1r111 J oar N1wm1n compo1ed 111011 (If lhf lra t'k J . Thin : Wt FHI Fin•, Frlandly

8 lrd1 , Min THCh, Splrlt111I 0 111h or Heward c;,..,, Oown At Clru1 l'laca, Alnh1 And

Oth trs, IH1nlw Flv1, HA.MONICA C:OUHE

TOMMY REILLY, lhl' man Who hn compn•l'd many harmonln lune, 1ndlJ 1vlrtuoaoon lhl' lnJlrumtnl , hll dHIH·d a nd wrill l' n I couru 1wl1h .llmH ai~l~i::,f~:111fi: f£fk~= 1r1«1mmendl'd price ~ 1ulne111 and II dHl&ned ID m11l t ynu I

~::..1::!:? :❖,;:,:.~r•o~~;!~ nln•.


One a,c.rds, f"OLJ OU) 11 1n ln,putorm1nce a lbum, rtt0rd,a


11u'~: ... "'f!~~~b11~: !1b1i dlfflcult lo hur 11 !he IOUnd 11 I bit hlnh at tlrnt'I, Lou

°.Jo:.:~• 1~":,.°o1

~• ~1


ifd!°":n~' • ,~rl:dc:'10."'

1.:na~•n the opu• "Carml'n," Lnlla 5., ... , •• Ahyn,n, and Any Old l r11n . And •,ldl' two •• a alnf. 1 lnn1 nf 2f numb""· 1nchlld lnr

~:~~1/ D~~~::/11· On llolhl' r

You llnuw lhe feelln1, lhe loneli •

ru":: :.".d w~l~":d ~~t""i:r'°,~e wl!"r 'r0:! •ae•• Slnca Y•w've G•ne au11es11 Scou hu been lhrourh II IOII. A luuly Hnl, 1ITen just !hf rl1h1 d ewre,of 1.-\l , pl1 y.

Shattering Peler Mnlahl arnn1l'd S.111 Of, th.­

ft"! of 1wa 1h11terln1, 1'11al aonp by Brei , II lllrtS al owly, HIit I lull aby and build• Into I Cl'Ulhln1 CTl'ICl'nda

:~,:.~"f4ine' :~~~•,e: nd11 po~:.~1;.~ m,u .. , •ho , ••• birth 10 UI, . .. rf 1 11 lhl' llfflt In lhe llna l 1n1lyats.

Brei 1111n . H1YI' you eYer wanted 10 bt prue nt II your own fun aral?"

r~~:.=~::.:!:~!~:~r.r:;1;::;:':;J Scotl ' a 1neerl n1, Ironical 1onn.

Fl n1lly. u Y•u C:.• Awa,-. 11·1 not Brtl ' a bnt aon1, bul 1h11 11 1 far ,uptrlor HIiian lo 1n7 I hlH heard .

" Thl'tl' have bet'n ,o many dta , bollcal Wl'r&lona," said Scoll, " I lhou 1 h1 I rnllhl H well h r1'1' • 10. "

And h ad • ro h t> tt11. "Scott s" la •• ntar a pleee of mDdl'm ct,utnl muslt: II I hl1'1' heard .



1.a u.,•~ r ttr .,:l~l•~f:: 1'i~d b!

plll'I' In enry c:olltc:llon. that in • dude• 1h1 tnlerprillnr, lhf bold ind lhe honnl.

Page 12: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

12 NEW MUS ICAL EXPRESS On sale. Fr!day, weeJt en'-' March 22, 1969

FOUNDATIONS WERE SINGING WAITERS WITH their tour with Stevie Wonder under way - and

mighty werld sales of " Buttercup " under their belt .:u well as a new hit in the NME Chart with " Bad , Bad Old Days " - it's been one of those weeks in which the Foundations have been only too happy to sit back and smile at the memory of those bad. bad old days before they made it.

Wo uld you believe, for instanct, lhe Foundations as 1inginJ,; wailers working nigh l and d11y In lhe da rk depths of a We1thou rne Grove, London coffee b11r? Or a 1ln1e when they had Arthur Brown, he ol lhe fire and hrimuone and psyche­delict, sock ing it along whh them 0'!..l'.l"O~~~n!0~.~ ~~:Kt~.~~s .~~~:::Ihm t;:!:[ d~-:rh~;h•11,'h,:,r~~,~rl-: ~f~~-1 I~ lh•• Dullcr ft }', whil·h IJC the n11m,• or lht· t .. ,1t,•1• bur ju~t up lhc ro11d lrum

lh~,l ~:••!~~1~ n::"~f!'!: ''t'::~~~." he told me, "Uve ther e, H t there, play lhere, Hrve c:offe, ... th e lot . Som1UmH •• Uld ID b, In there

::~ ~1t •;::r d~=!•t•~:::'•!,t'::~:r uri Will nl11h1 or d1y.

" We w,•r1: li tllrlini,: to ,•xpcrlmenl with 11ndcrll'round mu1lt· when Wt' w,•n• With Arthur 11 1 th1u tlnw. 1md I -uppost• 1h1U ii 1n• 'd s tuck 11, II .

:;:~t.~111i'n b:.,'"fn"''!•·r drn!::n, B~~r~l'~ 111111 I nd ht• w,•nl in hli,.

Freaky •• Nm that Wl' 'Vr ~h•t·n up our

lh ,-, h• fu r II bit 11 1 lht• tlld fn:alr.)' unth'r;round . Li• h•n tu II h: w n J uu r i-lnglt••. on lht• ' fl' 1ild1:. 104 you ' ll lln<i vuy <! lffrrenl 1luff l rom ' Buller• c-up,' ' B11d, Ba<! Old 01y1 ' and • R• br Nnw Tha t l'Vt• t'uund Ynu . •

" Wc'n• ch11ni,1ni,i •II lhl' !lmt•, 11'1 d lfficu\1 In pul a 1118 nn " 'h at Wt•' rl' dnlni;; 11n s lna:lt•li a l lhc mu,n,·nl , a lUmui,:h I r an' \ ll'C :any 11 h11mt• In <1oln1i good l'Offlml'rdat numben W1:'Vl' 1101 11 gllOd ldenll· ll l bh• sound , and I Lhlnk lhal 'I K ~u11d thlnir

" AJ; for th• lulure , thou11h ..• wi ll , I don't know. I ' ll tell )'OU th b: In ftve y1ar1 t hne I don't want to be b11tln11 up a nd do•n lhe motor• wa,1.

" lt ' J runn) When w,• 1,1arh •d uul . w1· •cH' lr.not·kt-d h )11• mad, bu! I lhi11k lhlll by l:l'l'lllni: our uwn wu nd - 11nd dnlnl!C IUrth:lhl n" dltll'rl.'111 nn llw ' II ' 11idt•1 - ,..e•v,• •·on a kind " I rr~p,•t•I, And 1h111 '1 impurt11111 1., i. 11mup th 1< t wan•~ 10 5111)' 11tut·n•U• lul.

" 11 ·- .11 1111 dlffit'Ult lor Il l Ill t t'a llst•

111,1 huw hi¥ th,• f'ound11tlnn1 hil\'c ,ctt.,mr 11ru11nd th l.' wurld

ALAN SMITH hears about the

bad old days Ju~t ":~in:"~

1.K~l~n! .



, .. on u,11 • Bwuucup ' 50ld mll• llon1, and 1111111, a n d 1h11 th e 11roup 11 now one of th • blggnt thin 11 lntunallon•IIJ.

" Wc' \' t• hid hilli In :Ill C1>Ullltkli - murc than II lol of ut h,•r bl" n11m1•11 - :ind In th•• twn years 11inc..­wc',•c bct•n 1nln11 • •e' \•e 11 lri•1dy dum• 11 f11 h bit o r 1r:.v,•lll n11,

" Thi~ p1u::ka11,· wllh S 1e,,vlt· Wondf'r

\J. al~• 501nc1 hlni: of ■ landmark fur UJ, lie'• an • rtl1t -chu r ea lly w11rkJI a l hl11 at" I, 11nd il 'a- 1 ch1t llen 111• i:nlnlf on and t ryln11 to bllllt' I I out

From Ann Moses in Hollywood (Fdllor of ' T l11er a .. 1 ' J

J U~:e b~~C:::e l 1! r~~o~0 ::::e ~::,:Er:p~~ ~=re ':~rebel~~II:;

them the new reeord " Round Goin Round" looks like becoming a hil. This h::id only been .short ly preceded by lhem a ll rea ding Derek Johnson's review In lhe NMF~

"Tt'II th,: funs we lo\'t' !hem?" ~hnu led John. " Tt•II l'\'l' f )'bod)' "''-' c•11 ·1 w•ll In 11e t home lu prurnoll' lhe m,,.. rel'flrd'" ye lled Grolf.

Tl1c,r a rt, 1hc l(fl•ellng1, I re•

~~,I:~•: :: ! e ~~~i!lti~%,1:~rt~! llollywnod.

\'l'J ; /x~11c~ht~1J~~•lih1•th~f1 ;:::,.~

P l'Clluf the ne"'' •l n11 1e, Thtv had been In Hollywood

nnrly a wtf'lr. , JuH rc l1xtng a ft er their grut'1Un11 t wo,and ·a•hall we,•k 111ur of Sou1h Amcr k11 .

.. II', a virtually un1appcd lcenl' lhtre." Gl'nlf luld m fl' , " The: a udte111:n were really WIid . b1•cauJe the)' neur 1•t 10 1e:e any poµ i:rciup11 :·

Ju,., lht• U IOl', lht• Grapcfruil 111·1m '1 bt• rc1urnln11 thcrt• 111111n Tra,·tdllni: w11, ve ry dlnicu lt and

l hiht::.a~n •1i:._nyth~~\~~• b:::~c~~ ...


GRAPEFRUIT 11111 11ruup1 al the Whisk,·c A Gn C:11 and only lhc nl,;ht bt<forc had bt•t'n 11• 11 parl)' a l lhl' Muthen, of lnumtiun IM1U l 1· In Laurel Clln)'on .

Durln11: the: d11y1, lhey· rc brcalr. , 11111 In l>c tt· S••c111•nh:. m ·1 re , pllH'l! ffl CII I. Bob Wale. Tht'y p\1111 Ill return In Ei'ii:land on lhl' 26111 · of 1h 11 monlh.

~ W'Wll


The Best Of .-•-. The Lovin' Spoonful Vol 1 'b.lOimlHeveToBeSoNice -Su-TwnerlnlheCily .k,a Ba,d Music . ~ -And Othltl

I---- ·


JJWllU\~/ ~

_ ...... - 4~1 111 ,.,., __ c: _ _, _ w,

The Best Of The Lovin' Spoonful Vol. 1 MAL lll!J{MI •

r~ The Kasenelz-Katz. 6 ~ Singing Orches•ral Circus


The Kasenetz-Katz Singing Orchestral Circus MAL 1111 (M l

•Ith him, Jull un II frl endly basil " I wouldn ' 1ay we were on lht!

11n1e 1c:,:r,e 1111 him, a nyway, bu t you Ir.now wha t I mt•a n .

w•~;::~:s l~fbeEe:;l~nha !~:~~~•'i~gl!m"!~r:. d~tl~!r!0 1~::' l~t o;e~~~

home-1rown outfits - undoubtedly ( .. I have said before many a lime In this column), Blood, Sweat and Tears 11 the one fo r a ll.

If you l'hel'k the, Amerk11n charl1, you' ll nole the lncredl bh•

;;:!ri:t:~7~:1::.~?,~~Jb~!:,~r: Blood group MIi So Very ll 11ppy ,"

~l~r~!~{~":rfn~::~u~=ii~:~:i\~~~: - so together one who'• d:1 rt\ng 11u1 !or 1hr flrl l llme : •, • k • I , u!~:r


11~11:y \~p:c~:;'. It S SIC en1ng .

~:~e! r~~~~~1hi;:-ln~uv1~r .. l'~!IC~lan: ~ound bli; bund rot;k - lhc m1,s t t•1dtlni; I 'd c1•c r ht•ard

Tht'Y have :i It-ad 1h1i,: t' r In o a vld Cl11yrnn Thomu la Can­:idian), who llatly rcluliel lo pul himseH In • ba;. "''un'I 111rn up tu th,: l11ct lhal he'• a aex Idol

~~u:l~~fft~~:niir UI! ' tnicl~~!lu~~r)'~ 001 1111 1111 anhnul ll'vcl when l hCYl'OmC IOlel'UI . , " nnd

11:roup 1,1111 weelr., tr11vellln11 b1rlt tn•

"''lltdl New York In a hull'• • ~ir .. rlllble Umou~hll', David ln ld

"We bttlleve that lhe peupl.t• who lbtt•n 111 us, want to ll1ten 111 mu51c They're nol trying In 1:ilr. t• 11ny1hlnr. lrom u1 or 111 trMnll' rlbt underwrtth:n ffll'lllil'I frum 111,r r nnrd 111ruc111 rc.

Irie, lo rcm11l 11 lmpcn•lnui1 10 th •• " We hope they' re not lrying to

~~!t,c r~f:1 c:~~ol:~ef 1\~e:.

1,!~t'':t~~: i~i:rin~~•~11:hr h:t •r~ .. :!1:~II ~:i~nll;;



Ame rlc:an U,lng. I th in k that •hat • • d•· n- kind •r c:rOHH the 11\1 lf

" Wrllti our uwn 1ina,k• ? w .. 11, .,, do ' B ' 11dl'5, i.nd U would bl· nl r,

:.t:::::y U~a:1:!!c~

11~!1~1r b~~ -r:m1

1om~ h,rrlflc •tu R, 111 who :in• w,, to 11r1ruef lt,, '1 told u• t hat II w,

~l~l:,~~1fi~-n:;E:~:°F,~:: ":; 11 . "

Pctrr drew It d1i11rctt,• trim, 1h,· p11ell111, loolr. a c.-rl1p ftVt•r fru,r, tu, w111e1 , and moved low1rdJ lht: tll'l , Irle Jiu: on lht• WIIII ,

" Rh .. lly,'' he uld suddtlllJ 1 11 NOii Coward, and makln11 11 II to u H th1 fiver II a 1ll11hUJ-more•

::e:~•~:.:h::,:•:i.•• u'::,•:.~~• ~~~! thlnt abo1tt U'le Faundlllan1 being IIHh ."' Then h e h1trrledlJ ball-ed out th1 flnl glimmer al a flame .

Tht: rumour wa, - nbvl11u1ly -untrul" ,

t'Vl'rJ l te p Ol lhe ... y. .. Vr.'5, we ' rl' 101111t1er, Two ol

lhe JU}'II h:avr d eJree11 In mu11t---1hcy dl11 doln11 their awn lhlng - lht.')' llno'I' Whffe lhey' r,: II,

~~~, W!1iatkJ~~n a::erhef:1

fiu1~~~ m,:nt~. nut !heir mlndli "

A ru111th :in11 ly1,I~ u f Whll m llkt' • H1011d , sw.,11 a nd Ttllltl the blK• itt!~I i,roop In Aml•rlt-1 !Odll)', earn ing S111.n110 11 nti:111 11nd up­w1rd1. drawlnlf exul111n1 r11 vL.,, from mu,k 111011 nf all d1•1r er1

And Eniclaml will l"om,•. Th,• 1o:ruup lccht II'• impur111n1 ,•n11uxh ' " rnulr. l· ii h:appl•n UV"r•.,a• fur Uwms,· lvt••· Th.,y 'r,. mulling 11~•,:r 1111',•r,; for IOt· lall , lh11u•wr. riKhl no,.·. f.n11:and or nol , I undrr• ~111 nd tl1J t lhe) Ii" far h11 V1• 11v,•t h:ilf 11 11111li1111 d11ll11U wurth o l l'nllKlll'llll'nb l'l'I lnr Ith• !h'll ,11 munlh~•

The Best Of .-•-. The Lovin· Spoonful Vul. 2 OilrqBeHomeSoon l..ow1' Vou N.l1hVilll!C.111o VOunol'lf Genarolon A.Ml On The Roof And Othoi•

fm Safe As Milk lM!J Captain Beefheart

fnd His Magic Band

The Best Of The Lovin' Spoonful Vol . 2 MAL 111t lMI

• Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band Safe As Milk MAL lllJ (M )

g~The=:e::. .. Lo.BudaAn:tMedllatlon , I WMNoeBomToro10,,,

N9110fO..MaiN!amt And00.1

The Lemon Pipers MAL 1110

Page 13: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

lln sale, Friday, Wl"ek end March 2i. 1009

MARV STILL WORKS -··,is'' ''iAMLA CLERK Who try to

ward off trouble


TEACH YOURSELF THE HARMONICA WITH TOMMY REILLY The great MthfacUon of playl"9 o mu1ical lnlfrvm.nt t.an now be youn.

With the Tammy l•llly Harmonica CourM 17 LP, and Courw lookl Y041 qukkty learn to play this foklncrti"II lmtrument properly ond In tM comfort of your home. Full.,. detailed brochu,. on Nqued.

And he gave label its first ever hit!


MARY JOHNSON plctund durh19 ai, ,..nt vl-.lt to U11don .

C'Opler,, lhlnJJ llh th•I ..• tilt> requltltlont. ardJT JIDCt Nolh-

lnL.t~ •• b•!:,1cal IHlff now run lrum stralpil pap lo Hui l u show

~~~· u,• .. "te,~nl~~=•or w,l~~th!:e~~J blun and lhelr tfflp•M on the r enenl mu11c 1c-rne ·· ThJI kind of music.' ' he H1t ... " II come"I fram deep ln,ldt ..

Hr 1,. 11 1hr umr lime, • slaw • nd

1ulet,1pe•lllnJ m•n wllh a p•11lon or detail a nd lor com·

putmenltilltlnJ hi• curer. f'or In· 1l•nce hit nut record , HJ• llhn. II cr::.~~

10yCu~t~"af £ulu•led by Tami•

On thJI nQlt> I bid hlffl JuodbJI'

~h",tu:~·rhe hJ:, ~·.'!oil·::" 111nt! 1l:

cloom • nd 1 IH hlffl 1lnllln1 llowly b•" ~nuth the theela, He 1,.- 1 ,u,peC'I. naw eYaluatlnc

the qu1!11y c-ontral of dHp, derp 1leep .

Page 14: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS


··1 ~us:.~ .. •=•i~• ::.,:it~:t,d:!it1a:~ il t , Rn 8r1yle1, H •• ordered chocolate e-clain and coffff in a ,mall cahi off Ch,rlna Crou Road.

Havina worked for 1he 1roup H • publldat for several months, I c■ n vouch for the truth of the ■hove s la tementl

"Ther.·, no point In dtnylnc It," ht c-onUnutd . " W■ were 1uddtnly 1t1r1 with • !•erl11tln1 IAlwe,' and we wanted everyone tit 111:now 11 , np11cl 1lly ourulvu.

" I lhl nt b11lc1lly, the r e11on WI wt-rt 11.1 offha nd wi th 111e ryone •11 to

r',~"o'r11~01. ~~~~clrhe: 11:n:1110':: b~;:~ ;;.:p:n:~.~~e1W:.1r~d.,,. p:,:::· ::le."'

" But wl' re lua.ed to H• how lmporllnl the papen were. Wt thou1h1 they needed u1 more than we needed lhtm, 5uddtnly, we woke

·•· " Our m1n11,,.. HW that th ing• •tr• 11uln1 out of hind, ll1port1n dhhl' I Wint I I lnltn'IIW Ill, Ind wlltft 11111 hid 11, 11111 101 It o,,1r

wi.,,\:· .-:-;o," .. ~?.lb!!id Rel , •ho 1, loollt na IHI 1111• a mlnl•En1tlbut lhan hi ute:d lo. "and •• dllC'OHrtd

:~!' L!!~ •:;~f~°We h:!.°1~u!.°d 11,~~C:

ver, nice people In the bu1l ne11, 1mne th ln1 WI btllotd didn ' t HIii ,"

·· Jtemarlllbly honu1," I smiled , " Put It down to 1rowln1 up," ht

npllt11, •II of 20 YHrl old. " Bui let's face It, tht Love Affair ar , s lau To1ether wllh the Amen

NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On 11le, Frklly, week end March 22, 1969

AFFAIR OF A BIG HEAD GROI -and /,ow they wised up

"HJ;,;•~: t:E:,N ~ : :::~u~~t:J= o:n:,!

:f~~;:1~4/ . e:~:


1~~~:ld J:u~-:

~{:~:-~~en~!~r::u~:.m~!r,' r:;~~: Grul Brllllh Public by 1tllin1 his 1eal or a ppronl on 1h11 In• 111tu1lon?

1110D Alltl:.ENT (St Albi ni, Ntrts) : Al a member of the Zomblu who hne not played ll ve far over 1 year, I s hould like 10 1t1te 1h11 lht s roup now 1ppearln1 In £n111nd under that nam e h u no connection wllh us or any or our worll . I •ould remind th em th at II the

~::r,~~~ ~!ri!';b~~d i!d ~~ ~IY~tl~

l~l;h~lc'i~ry 5l~111

!i1~r:nt~ufn 11


tu p rotect bath publlc and pro,

~:~:~:,, n:f~t•!e fn~!~~leto ::~~ action a1a1n11 the a ra up .

J, b~tLL~! m\c,~~1,::t°'ft ,50

.. ~~,.:1~

donna " because he dot1n' I apprr•

::~~•?Mrl Fe;':Jn lnJ~~chca~~:~ ~h':1 nonHnH ! The man h11 had more than hl1 fair share ti f llnocllln1 1lnce " Rtlt11t Mt," e nd there CClfflH I Ume •hen turnln1 lht other cheek 11 not tnou1h - and

It •• ,. lhem ,11mt1hln1 ' " lhlnll 1bout."

Do the Love Affair •orry about lht I UCCHI of lhtl r 1ln1Jt1?

.. The othen uh II for 1nn1td that every record 11 111ln1: to be I bi& hit bUI I chi ltnd Ill w11rry I bit. Maybe' bttaUll' I'm 1ll1hlly ol der th an the ru t.

"Steve Is I ll'Cflll •orrltr . !I t ' ll ae1 depreued 1bou1 one thl ntr or a n111hcr and we !ah It In turns lo

lrt ;~~ ~~~e; ~ '.ml ~fv·a for Iha Lava Affair. AU tha tlma, It's Iha group,

Edited by TONY BROMLEY ~! n'J:~~--,t~ri 1r~! ~:

1 mnao~; ~,:o~

1110,y rtmark1 about Mr Hum perdlnck'I lllndlnf In !he lnde 11 1 lure radio 1udltnce, •h11hou' d ht object to Mr Humperdl•,cll ~:~1:r\,: ree to C'Ommtnl au uld

CWYNETH AN■alDC E ( ■u ry Sl Edmund.1): Wllh rt1ard to Mr and Mrs f'r1pw1e11'1 ltller t FVTU March 10, Maybt the choice Df Moira Anderson 11 ■up purllnr 1c1 on 1h e Roy Orbllian tour will II ltnt pull Uack the a udl rncu wh o 11kt 10 sit bacll a nd 1111en ta Roy•• bu utUul 1ln1ln 1, n lher lha11 have lheir eardrum• 1pllt by lht 1cr t1 mln 11 ptupl e pre■ ent 11 1om1• rttrnt shows!

N. T. NAa TIN (WIIIHnd on Tyn1): Alllr seeing the r..cenl 1ppear1nc1•

=~d '~fs ;~1:1;d. 11:,dt'rCS..l'!!~1~-. p~~~~ Ball It •al qullr obvlo1t1 lo me 11\(t Qlhers why lhtlr lratlf'r I• COIi• fr onltd rt&ularly with iii' mUl'h unrl'lt and ch1nJa•1 In hi • 1rnups membtr1.

... ., ,1,trr1,.,. .. ... , ~r.U.ars ••• slllars, ln,t .... ""•· I Nllht 111 It, a1ul ,_ ft u11 M arsu.ad , ., IJUltl I U- '9 C....._ " 1, .. ,., out In rront . b••• 101 1.e bl, he's lhe 1Jn11r. But lh11'1 no ruun •by tha rut of u.a should IIIJ rl,tlt In th• b■dl1Tovnd Uh 1luff1d dummlu."

I Hllad ... u LIi• .. ,,, Lo.-. Alfslr mania •11 1ho•ln1 ■ny 1l1n1 of t1111n1 off.

" A lot of It •at 1UrrNI up bJ the ld'ftrN publlcttJ •• •en 1ettln1 II th t tlma," h1 an1warN1. " Al, .. , a• lht naUonal papen llnochd Ill lh• fan mararl nes printed bis C'Diour plcturt.1 and touldn'I use 111 enourh

Levelled out " But now I.hit lhlnp have Intl ,

lad out. the rHI mania h11 died down. But lt can 11111 111 out or hand

::;:;:":~:?:: .. ,~ :::l·J.~-~~~:: pulll,i1, a.ad walUnt eutalde th1 dr111ln1 ,...m In OH p1urln1 rain.

" P'1n1 are very, verJ lmport1nt 10 "'·" llll emphatlHd, paus1n1 for I uccind \o watch tbl •alltl'II •&Ill :::er !'.0n:n,~·, -~"!'ft J\1

• c!'~:v~! notbln1 If nobody buy1 our re~rd1 or C'Oma lo ... Ill.

" I thlnll •• must be one or the It• 1roup1 •ho hlYe I hard ~,, or ,.,, fan ■ • ThtJ •Ill bUJ uuy rtC'Otd



JI mu■t catch I.he attention ol the ~::·.~~~: r tC'Ord buyers lo ltl In

Now that th e Lon Affair lrt an u t1bll1hed sroup, are thtre any 11p1ct,: of l ime that R11 could dn •llhout? , anlJe .~!'::'t!'i~ ~~~d~ few momeni., ,

" None t hat I un think DI," hi' 11\d , 1enln 1 up. "Can I drop you oft' anywhe,ef" ht added With all lhe 1uurance and ,u■ ventu of .a iw-uon u1td 10 yura or uardom .

1111 allltude toward• them •as mo11

~~•"•~,. h!:11oT:n::~r:::~11fo"1:~~

IIXly minute ICl noncha\tnt. II seem• 1uch a plly 1h11 Prl«, a

hlftlly taltnttd or1.1nl11 and 1ln1cr should be lllffltd con11,n11, by

Cl~~n P,e~n:1 ,::::•i~r!:~\f'~ove on

onre more from Combo to 1111, P'rtend.- to Eneml11 - ytt anolhtr ftnt' nutfl t lo lah UbtrU ts wi th

JULIAN NILLl!II (Odord ): Tht• prlnlcd lyrln of Peter S1nlrdt'1 .. Whtn! Do You Go To Ny Lovely? " In NM£ Feb 21 11vr us the opportunity 10 IH jUl l ho• ba nal lh t y a r t.

Full of brand hl ffll'I, lht' song II • shop a lrl'I Idea ol hlt:h llvini: , II people want .uphl11lcallon tn 1oni,:1 thuy 1hould try llllenlni: to Nocl Cuward Dr Lawrence liar!!

JO,.Hh~ ! ~ ~ N!!:N:u~r:~t~w •:~uw worth w1tchln1 11 BBC 2'1 Coluilr

:h.p:r.: t"o't :~a:~.1~!r.rf!v: !he,o: l~:

lo reach I wide r audltnce and Ilk) 1\10 ciYe •ell known a roup11 an oppurtunlly to play aomtthln,i apart from the ir 111t11 hit.

Anolhtr lhoui,:ht - why can't ,.,. have a proaramme llkc .. Top

~!! 't1'~cnw;:::el':ner,~]1r!i:f'o"n1: rlly

DISCOTHEQUE EQUIPMENT ~ Reliable ~ High Quality

12] Powerful 12] Professional

[21 Impressive l2l Robust

Portab .. , butollatlon or hire - It mok•• Hnte to have the v■ry beat

'::.::" NEWHAM AUDIO, 52 ROMFORD RD., E.15. 01-534 4064


sa.11;,, . 71;. Sl,pl,,ll/• r£r S/0 , plitt l/, p 'P

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Page 15: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS

on sale. Friday, week end Ma rch 22, 1969 N'EW MUSICAL EX PRESS

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is a long.long way Jheleotlftho-,a,~. .... , wi,,, WM•• m• they heodittg ftOtll?

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SEE ■ -citing NEW catour


OUT NOW 2/ 6 ,

_r___ - -- - ·- ------1 Why not Hk your Newucent to reserve • copr of the NME Heh weftl 111 the ewent of any difficulty , I ::n;,~le!~;.he o':rbsr'::!~:~cf:rm y~~wcl~ :l'K~ I SURE OF YbUR COPY EACH FRIDAY IY POST I NAME ···· ·· ··· ·· · ···· ·· I ADDRESS . ... . ..... . ... . (BLOCK CAPITALS!

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Tick pe riod required: 12 months (£2 14s. Od.) : 6 I months .£1 7s. Od: Oveneas £2 14s. Od. (furface m,il). Post to : ''New Mu1iul E■pras", Tower I

_ _ House, Southampton Street, Lon4011, W.C.2 _J

Ill SALE 1/· Of'.r word

RECORDING II· ..... ..

lDlN nuo1os. l op Qw•lll, reco1 d ln111 t a H IO d!K kn1l tl le • •IU - 1 1 [ ckfl ~~ r •, s;~ltCI\IOrt • Ull<'rt • l rtl mM 5.,.,.,, 0 1

MUSICAL SERVICES "' '" • .,, lAAN MDNlY SONGWA lt lN G. Amil •

or,g l •tt _, l rll , t,o"" L55 10 •11X. 0,.,0.11 C~&MIM'1 t 119 O,lo,d 51rtt1. loll · 0 011 W I

L YAICIS, AlQUIIIU GCIDd ComllOM'< 10 lo,,n o•• IMIIIIIP - ao , No 269 1

MUIIILO MUSIC , L l ffl t •t<k h•l.lnd. ,..,U ..,..., .,ow• l•H 110C>kle l ,1 t,ou1 , ..,1, d • • O tt'~l,~'oJ':" '""'' (H,111 ' D[MO•

QUALIIY OtMDN51 AA ft ON AlCOA DS -•woo l• H ot - 0c-e M u1k Co , W• II ·

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50NGWAtf(ll5. 0.-fflet l lrDM 1.215 • 5 •nllt• • • ., • .,, • ..,, nu A ff i "tltr - '" Lu•"""' H,11 l nt.r lll , MIOd le .. • :l6 l l OH• '"'°'"'"''I


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FAN CWBS 1/ 3 per word

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oa.,, 10 io ln 11,ouo, Fr•ak, or Cou111,. "'"'" Al"" M ok• Ian 1116 1655


•oull~h -S.. · G"'uH W1111..i •


CHlrT ATICIWS with MAJlV REEVES, w lh of Ult tr19lca!ly IIIUU J im, when thty aU..nd td lh t nnnl opining 11lghl of ro11nlry•11td•wHl1m t1111.r1 Th• Na1hwll\1 Ro-om In So11lh Wnt London , Ow■ r 700 peap l•

ll lhe fin.I n lghl ,

,._.. )'Hr c11u•lfhlp which bqan wh•II lh• y rnd In eot .. 111 , lla ly. 1nd•d 111 m1rri111 on Monday fer C111>1l'1 bin g1,1 ilarl1t A.LAN TAVLO II Ind 2l•YIU-Gld Italian modal PAOLA VACCAlll:1 . ■1C11tH U!• INIUp 1, n- bu1y t11tllo1 l hlir first L P end plaflllll'II naleas• of a - Ll•1I• , •• hnm1dl1t• hNIJfflN" w11 pas,.

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PAPWORTHS OF ·NOTTINGHAM 32 Atfr■ toll lood, ~. N07 3 ... Intl-cl

Page 16: - Scoops on American hit-makers GLEN CAMPBELL BEACH BOYS






11 DINMAaK JTMIT, W,C.1 01-IHJe.H:

vo:r~,:,•; .. N;:.~c::i~ ~~c 1il1c~~ 6~/i:i~~~t~~lu~~: Dionne Warwick (Fema le Vocalist), Glen Ca mpbell (Year's Best LPj Simon and Garfunkel (Vocal Group), 0115 Redding .(Rhythm anc: Blues Composer), J udy Colllns (Best Folk Performance), Aretlu: Fnnklin (Rhythm and Bluf>S Female Singer) and J eannie C. RIie)· 3nd Johnny Cash (Country 'iingers) . . . Acting debut of Marvin Gay~ in "Corporal Cocker " tilm, with Bobby Hatfi eld and Jimmy Dean nlso fentu red ... Georale Fame and Alan Price excell enl double act on Lulu's BBC-TV show .

Improving: Tom Jones' 1V 11eries - although Paul Anka spoiled last progra mme ... Isn't Gordon MIiis' rela t ionship with Solomon King straining? .. .In America, Glen Campbell's "Wichita Lineman" No. I LP .

Isn't h time Ken Howard and Alan Blalkley fou nd ne ~• fo rmula for Da"' Dee group sing les? . . . Withou1 wlg1, Papu Dolls decid­edly lmoroved . . . Chart ex plosion for Lulu•• " Boom-Ban1•A-Bang." awaited .. .

British bandleader Jay WIibur died in Sou1h Afrlco .. . . If he re-

~~~~~ r.~!~fn SGa~~l r!~e~~:r1~1

~~~~ed Sa~dl~1s°~~w,9H~C\::~t:'e~~

eloes 11nd Tony Blackbum "Top Of The Pops" omission last wttk .. . .

How many 1imes have Tony


A-:-i i r ·can Arouo, , tho IIASCALS, o lctund hlrt l,i LofldOn thll wHk (I u, r) DINO DAN •LLI , FELIX CAYALl ■ II, ■0D1 5 BIII OATTI a,id CENI!! CORNISH , m a .. ,tar In IU own TV urlu ll•r. thl1 1ummer - It would be o, roduced bv Granad•-T\I fo r • cru n ln A hart 1,id

~"amE,~~~11:_ T~;_nA:::p:~,.~~i:::; :~~ns~:1~"~


the project.

Hatch and Jacki e Trent t-e~ let Gluson ahow didn't materlallui. down by Frank Slnacra? . . . . .. Country home for Maurice Bl111est U.S. chart jump by Fifth Gibb and Lulu sough! near Lon• Dimension thi, wt-ek . . .. You r don . . . . .\lley Ca't thanks Surrey readttii, Judy Garland'• m!!lrrla3e to

;~~ct~~efic s:~11:en;( p::~e.A~~ . for :::;kfor~:~nietr~;dln~~ln ~~~I~ How about Val Doonlc■ n duet- .. . Enitagement of P. J . rroby and

~l:r,e7;t ~.•Pral~1Sf~~wM1:/:~~:;~: actress V■nCIH Forsyth ca ncelled

replacement or U.S . TV Jack ie Mi1~k!:[1t:1arll•~ncfinali;rl~lv~~~

NME POPWORD Compiled by Chrlstlne Webb, fae t er, Devon.


I . c~?}i.rliruio~~-: • tj:tj=t==~=~=~~:tj:t1;tj:t~ S. One of • T•ml a

irl rl bactlng t,:roup 11 . lndlan . born folk

1ln1cr (5,8) 12. Jull like . ... llw

old rock star? u . See I ACrOH

,. u . ss Oo•n•• record

Tin Lind -Air • .c.ord Centre - a ToU•nhlm Court •oad 1lore for disc: a nd h i.ft • "thullHlS - had a -lntlng, If cr-d•d, op•nl nt l1sl Frldl)', Amonft t hoH altlndl ng th • ch1mp1gn • lau nch w•r• MART REEVES , BRIAN ,ooLE, NEIL McARTHu•. TAMMY ST, JOHN ,

label 17. some mu•lch1ns

18. P.1~hc~f. 1J,! 1lner r making U . S . CClfflt' • back U .!I)

24, " Bans B•nl: Stu1 n1i: A Lane " 1troup

25, Where Bnh Dyhm"II Band '• musk came from 1!1,41

27. Briti sh undcricround ~~o~:li •!1'h:~.,m111lc

?f. AlnNIClln 11 lngln1r 1lar wllh • ••Vcra l

30. t tlr~r:d a,1111:~1k :tW•.Y

from Four Tops? !II and SI. DQwn 32. f'1:,r::,: Pllf,!'~ gr~~~

A men Coriwr·a; 2 lla wn·s hll t' 11mlly fa vuur th•

THI! ,uvCROUND a nd GARY HAMILTON. " Hous-, " ? ----------------------, SS ~ lnn'a; rl'rord la be l

dc1•j1y 23 Terry 21. And 42 Acruu

rolf. harr1s b1Cl8rthan blue Columbia 088553

a::=:: .:=:-:a ~ . / E.MJ...-.(l'lt~C.. lli'I I.M.J "-t, lt ........._S.-1. LMIIIIWIA1l$

'· -

34. A rol'ket-, f a f l'lil• ful ktna ?

SS , Formt•rly •• Clrcu~ Boy"

st. Sletpy 11roup mem­ber?

40. ~: ~~a/ e'd , h1• B~~j,~ compo1i1lon, orl,:ln • ally 1ung by l'aul

41 Orchn lr• leadrr

42 . s~~ ¥6 11~!~:: 45. lr'!1trum1•nt11.I trlu 41. A recent hit - Ju11

a 1fnglt l11dy? (4, s.

" 41! Hit with "Sunny " SO A Charle!I Chaplln

happy lila ndnrd SI Sln l(J with B1• 11

CLUES OOWM l , A rtlHUl'd hi! O ,SI 2 ~·icry a. ln5:c r :i. Rr ch1Jl1• Ul•hlnd lh' t

m, n

:: :~~~?~ lo t 14.1 ) 7 En&a 1t:mt n1 i; I . Pop btldt• t . Orrant11

10. Brotherly nemt• U . llri:akf11Jl l t t m e

irroup? 14 . Amerlu n ac-tor /

coml'dlan / 1ln1.-1, I O<'lwn mli;ht h1•lp

16 E••Yll rdhl rd Ill , Thl' Il a n c,Y bu II

muldn ' t 1ct her go 20. G II ry Wl lk<'t 'J

ll11ckln1r i: tllllp

Bl'll llc's hn 211. Tun,· 30. Sou l dl.'t· )o1y l :? lf o1 1, 11 hll wil h J in,

W l'bb Mlnjl 35 . TIii' mu~tt•r 1,un11•

111·rltu 31 Sec SI ACTll!il, S7 Snul 111r! SIi. Hc,uri., mhmlCli , liCl"•

und•! ti . Pl a y• with

ACUII~ n . Chllrl II.I PJ)\' f m l• tt• ... U Dr lan. J ;ll'k . Puul ,

l'l r . O . llu II fam ous d11 u 41. Wind lns lrUln l' nl 47. Mis• llo r nc 49. Soul pit rlnl'r

Answers next week and here is last week's solution ACROSS: I Pt'l l' r Allhcr : • Small

t f ~ccs) : & " P1•opll' " ; 10 IJ1ckic) Trt nl ; 11 Traff!<' ; 12 .• On o Nlahl ":

OOWN : I Popwurd ; 2 " T1111 ~1• WL• rn Thi' Day~" : S l\ullln k'. Sto ne~ . 4 ll rarL !i Rnll 11 :i rril: 7 )l :i rt• t Bola n) : II I.en ll llWkf',;, 10 T1n :i . 11 " Tht t.1!1' T1 mt' ": 14 1'1'1 . JS " Ularpt•r Vli ll l'y) PTA ": I& Ci111,

U " ffl n t 00 May " : 14 Pap11; II En1elber1 : 17 lkt•, Ill 1' r,ck ; 20 lken u: 21 RSC: 23 1Fnur) T, p1; 25 Ler IDor~ly ); 27 Na t / Kini; Calel, 21 Theme; 2' " I Pick A ROIO (For My Rl"lltl " ; SO Alln 1Frecman) ; :II P, n ')' s 1,d11e: Sl Simone: 31 Mick

:!~'i,geot:r ~~"~t1~'o' ~~a~ ,5/.~fhk{

:1:ipk/1n! ~: R~r~~~l~! n~~n.•;. 1 ~~ln:•t:J ;

Proby. S2 / Peter) Grt•tn ; H 11n (Andcr1on1 : SS Ewa (Aulln l ; 31 Mi a rFarrowl ; :n Kim .


----~'I Windy WO 7119

ONLY 5 - DOWN for 3 IPs I~ S/. Wffkiy,) TIii I LP.1, fr~,.,_ tt. _...,._ - ........ te ,-u, •)'• ......,. ,. Gt ...... Jvaf....., !I/· ,.o. with .... el LP.1 •Ml , •• • L m-i,t 1 PIINT he- e'4t-"1, chrhlloR R• .. "• 111rR•- fM,./Mrt./Mlu), GR4 yew .... Ovw11~. c.-tyc-rt.....,.' etWr-Mt--,...i.

.,,, popt,,kor Lr. l,icl~ HATllS, om IEODINO, JIMI HlNOlll(, fOUI TOl'S, CH.AM, SUPHMU, lfACN IOYS, I . STONES, OYtAN

All STOfO LP.1 fllnleu Mono .. ~) T,. G. A. LONG PLAY CENTRE (Dept. A9D1, 42-44 GT. CAMBalOGE ROAD, LONDON, N.17

On tale, Friday, week end March 22, 1969

~l(Iq CA](]( 'WithCfbn In<Hand


Ronnie C■noll lh! week ... . In Belgr11vla, Lulu and her hu•·

h1nd Maurice Gibb near-neigh• hou rs of Peter and Mlrellle Noon, . . . . Presumably new Hank Maniln r ' n1t:e dedicated tu "Lauah In's" Dick Martin, " Goodbye Dick " . .. Have you noticed Fnnkle L■lne back tn U.S. TO!) 30? .. . .

Andy Wllllarnt has management lnterett In J ose Fellcbno ..• Hb TV ahow hlahllghted bv Scott Walku'a movlnt version' of Mitch Leigh'• " Jmpou!b1e Dr~am" .. . Your AJJey C.I amu.ed how cur­rent Barry Ryan 1in1111le missed Top 30 . .

U.S. succe11 for Pe.ter Sanltdl British hll l\kel)'. . . . Sollcllor Mic.hat! Balln'a latest client• an Jlml Hendrix and Kenny Ba ll ... Uke old 1imu: EMt Pruley batt· ll ng against Cllff Rlt:h a.rd In hit psude .. .

Last Thursda)', why was Val Doonlcan included by producer Co'. ln Charm■n on shortened " Top or The Pops? .. . . . Ray Conniff'• Chrlstma" c:ird jus t received by Andy Gr■)'! . • • Telegram from Pye'• Lc.1 Cocks suggests Israel stuts own " Lau1h In " now they hove Goldie as: Prime Minillcrl . ..

Release of first KeMy Everett LP planned b)I Dcram .. . • Gordon MIiis did not produce Solomon Kina'• new single . . • . II current Clll■ Black hit dedicated to Arsenal?! ...

Self-penned tu ne flip1lde of Simon Dee'• first single .... On

~ 1°n!irh t•.nuaT:r:ar<:i:ds•,~~ll~r~ model Paola Vaccul. .. . His wife

(ac1reu Obna Coupland) vis it~ composer Monty Norman in Israel this weekend .. .

11 Tamm)' Jones the poor man•1 Mar)' Hopkin . . . Pttul• Clark competes a1alns1 Andy Wllll1m1 with "Happy Hurt " ... Ne111 Brl• n H)'la,td release written by BIii Medlely of the Rlghtcou1 Brothen, "A Million To One" •.

U.S. "Grammy " Bts1 Son,i Bobby Ru11elr1 "Uttle Grttn Apples," which Roser MIiier Intro­duced ... Top 30 Monkees return expected . . . Next Pn.nk Sinatra ~~t'.~. ~n.ed by Pa ul Anka, " My

In French Top 10, Barry Ryan side by side with Claude Francois '• "Eloise." . . . Music publisher Johnny Matb luon'a death 11d; he considerably helped Se.affold'11 re.

~~!, ;:!m;;1~n•• ~~~~ pt.c~:r~~~ Ocath or Cyril Stapleton'•

mother . ... On Ma)' 3, Dave Cash

_m~r~ifac~!f1/~~1:~1i ~!;' ~.!! <>Ok llko • '6~ Jon.,, .

Screenplay and mu1lc11I ,core by Llonel Bart for .. RUIRICS Of Red Gap" film. . . . Vlralnl■ 1.e;wi1

~~,a~~~n~erM11~!~n)M~:~r ''1i aulst Ton. · Macarthur (208 pro­gramme director) . . , . Mani John-

so~~~l~!hcd ,::~8o1~er. N~rfflan Newell hospitalised . , . Guest stars Scott Walker and Matt Monro helped make Yorkshire TV Ton>• :·~c:i:a~k-~. TH~~ :=t 's~~:,::~ Kfui•s " She Wears My k ing of Confide nce ' '?! .

J Friday2&• Man:1t DESMOND IIIIKfll 7-JO · n-JO 1•a 1






HAMMERSMITH • ODEON SUNDAY, 20 APRIL, 6.0 & 8.45 p.m. SUNDAY, 27 APRIL, 6.0 & 8.45 p.m.

!VIOORIA • New V(doria Theatre( FRIDAY, 25 APRIL, 6.45 & 9.05 p.m. TUESDAY, 29 APRIL, 6.45 & 9.05 p.m .

TICKETS: 10/- 13/6 16/6 21/- 25/- 30/· Now ovoiloble /ram , HAROLD DAVISON LTD .

235 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.1 (stomped, addressed envelope with postal opplicotions}