Roman expansion: Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

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Page 1: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator
Page 2: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

Roman expansion:Punic Wars

Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over

Mediterranean Sea Julius Caesar

Roman general who made himself dictator Assassinated (i.e. murdered) by Senate, who

feared he would make himself emperorAugustus & the Pax Romana

Augustus: first emperor Pax Romana: period of peace & stability that

lasted almost 200 years

Page 3: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

Video – “DE – The Pax Romana” (4:10)TAKE NOTES (I will be calling on students

to share what they learned) How long did the Pax Romana last? What happened during the Pax

Romana? When did Rome stop expanding? Why?

Rome stopped expanding in 106 C.E. b/c… What else did you learn in the video?

Page 4: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

Ordinary Romans got…New jobs, better housing, free grain (the

Dole), free public bathsMassive building program in Rome

Marble from nearby hills for palaces, theaters, shrines, and public baths

Page 5: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

Augustus (1st emperor, founded Praetorian guard) 27 BCE - 14 CE

Tiberius 14-37 CE Caligula 37-41 CE Claudius 41-54 CE Nero 54-68 CE Year of Four Emperors 69 CE Vespasian (Founder of Flavian dynasty)

69-79 CE Titus 79-81 CE Domitian 81-96 CE

Page 6: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

Nerva (96-98 CE) – became emperor at age 65 & tried to pass reforms in Rome

Trajan (98-117 CE) – extended Roman empire to largest size

Hadrian (117-138 CE) – Hadrian’s Wall in England, Pantheon

Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE) – reign was most peaceful during entire Imperial period

Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE) – philosopher-kingDeath of Marcus Aurelius marks end of Pax


Page 7: Roman expansion:  Punic Wars Carthage vs. Rome Romans won & gained control over Mediterranean Sea  Julius Caesar Roman general who made himself dictator

“Mixed bag” of Roman emperorsSome attempted to make changes/reformsLimit power of Praetorian Guard,

protect borders of empire, etc.Others made things worse

Costly wars with other peoples, slaughtering innocent people, etc.