J Sci Comput (2016) 68:375–394 DOI 10.1007/s10915-015-0141-1 A Recovery Based Linear Finite Element Method For 1D Bi-Harmonic Problems Hongtao Chen 1 · Zhimin Zhang 2,3 · Qingsong Zou 4 Received: 12 June 2015 / Revised: 16 November 2015 / Accepted: 18 November 2015 / Published online: 26 November 2015 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Abstract We analyze a gradient recovery based linear finite element method to solve bi- harmonic equations and the corresponding eigenvalue problems. Our method uses only C 0 element, which avoids complicated construction of C 1 elements and nonconforming ele- ments. Optimal error bounds under various Sobolev norms are established. Moreover, after a post-processing the recovered gradient is superconvergent to the exact one. Some numerical experiments are presented to validate our theoretical findings. As an application, the new method has been also used to solve 1-D fully nonlinear Monge–Ampère equation numeri- cally. Keywords Biharmonic equation · Fourth order eigenvalue problem · Gradient recovery · Linear finite element Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 65N30 · Secondary 45N08 B Qingsong Zou [email protected] Hongtao Chen [email protected] Zhimin Zhang [email protected]; [email protected] 1 School of Mathematical Sciences and Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory on Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Scientific Computing, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China 2 Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100193, China 3 Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA 4 School of Data and Computer Science and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Computational Science, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China 123

recovery based linear finite element

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Page 1: recovery based linear finite element

J Sci Comput (2016) 68:375–394DOI 10.1007/s10915-015-0141-1

A Recovery Based Linear Finite Element Method For 1DBi-Harmonic Problems

Hongtao Chen1 · Zhimin Zhang2,3 · Qingsong Zou4

Received: 12 June 2015 / Revised: 16 November 2015 / Accepted: 18 November 2015 /Published online: 26 November 2015© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract We analyze a gradient recovery based linear finite element method to solve bi-harmonic equations and the corresponding eigenvalue problems. Our method uses only C0

element, which avoids complicated construction of C1 elements and nonconforming ele-ments. Optimal error bounds under various Sobolev norms are established. Moreover, after apost-processing the recovered gradient is superconvergent to the exact one. Some numericalexperiments are presented to validate our theoretical findings. As an application, the newmethod has been also used to solve 1-D fully nonlinear Monge–Ampère equation numeri-cally.

Keywords Biharmonic equation · Fourth order eigenvalue problem · Gradient recovery ·Linear finite element

Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 65N30 · Secondary 45N08

B Qingsong [email protected]

Hongtao [email protected]

Zhimin [email protected]; [email protected]

1 School of Mathematical Sciences and Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory on Mathematical Modelingand High Performance Scientific Computing, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China

2 Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100193, China

3 Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA

4 School of Data and Computer Science and Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of ComputationalScience, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China


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1 Introduction

This is the first in a series of articles in which we study using gradient recovery techniqueas pre-processing tool to solve high-order (higher than 2) partial differential equations andassociated eigenvalue problems. We start from the one dimensional problems in this paper.To fix the idea, we consider on � = (0, 1), the following string problem:

u′′′′ = f, (1.1)

and the corresponding eigenvalue problem:

u′′′′ = λu, (1.2)

associated with one of the following two boundary conditions at x = 0, 1:

u = g, u′ = h, (1.3)

u = g, u′′ = h. (1.4)

The conforming finite element method requires C1 space [3,4], which contains at least theHermite basis functions. Although this requirement is not too much a restriction for the one-dimensional case, it is indeed a “heavy burden” for higher-dimensional situations. Thereforethe C1 element was almost abandoned from scientific and engineering computing since the1980’s. As an alternative, nonconforming finite elements find their market, c.f., [3,4,13]. Thedisadvantage of the nonconforming method lies in its delicate design of the finite elementspace in order to guarantee convergence.

In this paper, we analyze a recovery based linear finite element scheme to discrete (1.1)and (1.2) along with boundary conditions (1.3) or (1.4). Our scheme only uses values at nodalpoints as degrees of freedom, thus has much fewer global unknowns than nonconformingfinite elements with the same convergence rate.

We notice a recent work [9] using gradient recovery operator in the finite element methodto solve the bi-harmonic equation. The novelty of our approach lies in that (1) we do notneed the orthogonal projection condition (R4), which is irrelevant for some popular recoveryoperators such as SPR and PPR; (2) our analysis does not follow the non-conforming elementframework; and (3) we provide some convincing numerical examples to demonstrate theeffectiveness of our methods (there is no numerical data in [9]).

Now we elaborate basic idea in some details. The variational formulation of (1.1) [or(1.2)] involves the term (u′′, v′′), which requires the second derivative from the discretesolution. Let uh be a C0 linear finite element solution. In general, u′

h is piecewise constantsand discontinuous across each element, and further differentiation is out of question. Herewe use a gradient (derivative in 1-D) recovery operator Gh to produce piecewise linear andglobally continuous derivative Ghuh to replace u′

h , so that further differentiation is possible.As a result, our proposed scheme is basically

((Ghuh)′, (Ghvh)

′) = ( f, vh) (1.5)

for (1.1) and((Ghuh)

′, (Ghvh)′) = λh(uh, vh) (1.6)

for (1.2), respectively.More details involving different boundary conditions will be discussedlater.


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Moreover, we consider 1-D fully nonlinear Monge–Ampère equation:

(u′′(x))2 = f, in [0, 1], (1.7)

u = g, on x = 0, 1. (1.8)

We use the vanishingmoment method to solve (1.7), the crux of which is that we approximateit by the following sequence fourth order quasilinear PDEs:

−εu′′′′(x) + (u′′(x))2 = f, in [0, 1] (1.9)

u = g, u′′ = ε2, on x = 0, 1. (1.10)

We use Newton method to yield a linearization of the PDE (1.9) before it is discretized.Given an approximation of the solution, uk , we seek a perturbation δu such that

uk+1 = uk + δu

fulfill the nonlinear equation (1.9).We insert uk+1 into nonlinear equation (1.9), and linearizethe nonlinear term to get

− εδu′′′′ + 2(u′′kδu

′)′ − 2u′′′k δu′ = f − (u′′

k )2 + εu′′′′

k . (1.11)

where we assume δu is so small that (δu′′)2 can be dropped.Multiply (1.11) by a test function v and integrate on interval [0, 1], using integration by

part to get the following weak form: Find δu ∈ H2 ∩ H10 (0, 1)

−ε(δu′′, v′′) − 2(u′′kδu

′, v′) − 2(u′′′k δu′, v)

= ( f − (u′′k )

2, v) + (εu′′k , v

′′) − ε3(v′(1) − v′(0)), ∀v ∈ H2 ∩ H10 (0, 1), (1.12)

where (·, ·) denote the inner product on interval. Note the perturbation δu should satisfyδu = 0 on x = 0, 1 since uk = g on x = 0, 1.

Then we use the gradient recovery operator Gh again to numerically solve (1.12) byfinding u ∈ Vh such that


′) − 2(Ghu′ku

′, v′) − 2(GhGhu′kδu

′, v)

= ( f − (Ghu′k)

2, v) + (εGhu′k,Ghv

′) − ε3(Ghv(1) − Ghv(0)), ∀v ∈ Vh,(1.13)

where Vh denotes a C0 linear finite element space.Note that generalization of the idea to higher dimensional setting is straightforward, i.e.,

(∇ · Ghuh,∇ · Ghvh), even though the underlying theory is much more complicated andinvolved.

Gradient recovery technique has been applied in post-processing and achieved greatsuccess in scientific and engineering computation [1]. As an example, the celebrated Super-convergence Patch Recovery (SPR) by Zienkiewicz and Zhu [18] are widely used incommercial finite element packages such as Abaqus, DiffiPack, Nastran, etc. More recentlythe Polynomial Preserving Recovery (PPR) by Naga–Zhang has been adopted by COMSOLMultiphysics since 2008 [5,8]. For theoretical aspects of the gradient recovery technique,readers are referred to [16] and references therein.

As described above, here we use gradient recovery operator in pre-processing. As indi-cated in [16], at each node,Ghuh is basically a high accuracy local finite difference scheme toapproximate the first derivative. As a consequence, at each node, (Ghuh)′ could be viewed asa finite difference scheme for the second-order derivative with a larger stencil. An importantfeature is that this “larger stencil” is produced systematically by the gradient recovery, andit works for arbitrary meshes.


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Some basic properties of various gradient recovery operators have been established byprevious works, e.g., [10–12,14,17]. The most important properties include the polynomialpreserving and boundedness

‖Ghuh‖0 � |uh |1. (1.14)

However, in order to invest stability and convergence of the recovery operator in pre-processing stage, some further properties needs to be developed, e.g., if the inverse of (1.14)is valid. It turns out that

|uh |1 � h−1/2‖Ghuh‖0, (1.15)

and a counter-example demonstrates that the factor h−1/2 is the best we can expect. There-fore, we need to re-examine the recovery operator and establish some further basic propertiesbefore pursuing stability and convergence of our proposed schemes (1.5) and (1.6). In Sects. 3and 4 our scheme will be proved to produce optimal convergence rates in the L2, H1, andbroken H2 norms.Moreover, using the samegradient recovery to post-process uh , the approx-imation solution Ghuh is superconvergence u′ under the L2 norm.

The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a gra-dient recovery operator and its new properties. Section 3 is devoted to the discretization ofthe string problem. We present a recovery based linear finite element method and deriveerror estimates in various norms. Section 4 applies the new scheme to the corresponding4th order eigenvalue problem. We prove optimal convergence rates for discrete eigenpairs.Some numerical experiments are presented in Sect. 5. Finally, we draw some concluding andremarks in Sect. 6.

Throughout the paper, the letter C denotes a generic positive constant, which may bedifferent at different occurrences. For convenience, the symbol � will be used: x � y meansx ≤ Cy for some constants C independent of the mesh size. Then x ∼ y means both x � yand y � x hold.

2 A Gradient Recovery Operator and Its Properties

Let Th = {[xi−1, xi ] : i = 1, . . . , N } be a partition of the domain � with mesh-size h. LetVh be the standard linear finite element space corresponding to Th of � with the followingapproximation property


‖u − vh‖0 + h|u − vh |1 � h2‖u‖2, u ∈ H2(�). (2.1)

We recall the gradient recovery operator Gh : Vh−→Vh defined by [18]

Ghvh(xi ) = 1

|ωi |∫



where ωi = (xi−1, xi+1) ∩ �, i = 1, . . . , N . Denoting the nodal basis corresponding to thevertex xi by φi , we have

Ghvh(x) =N∑i=0

Ghvh(xi )φi (x), x ∈ �.

By this definition, it is easy to obtain that

‖Ghvh‖0 � |vh |1, vh ∈ Vh (2.2)


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and when the mesh is sufficient uniform, we have [12],

‖u′ − GhuI ‖ j � h2− j |u|3,∞ u ∈ W 3,∞(�), j = 0, 1, (2.3)

where uI is the interpolation of u in Vh .In the following, we study the other properties of the operator Ghvh .

Theorem 2.1 If ci ∈ R, i = 0, . . . , N and di : i = 1, . . . , N satisfies the conditions:

ci−1 + ci = 2di , i = 1, . . . , N ,

then for all vh ∈ Vh,



ciGhvh(xi )φi (x)dx =N∑i=1

∫ xi


div′h(x)dx . (2.4)

Proof In fact,



ciGhvh(xi )φi =N∑i=0

ciGhvh)(xi )∫




ciGhvh(xi )|ωi |2







∫ xi


div′h(x)dx .

� Let

V 0h = {vh ∈ Vh : vh = 0 on ∂�}


V 00h = {vh ∈ Vh : vh = Ghvh = 0 on ∂�}.

Theorem 2.2 If Th is a quasi-uniform mesh, then

|vh |1 � h− 12 ‖Ghvh‖0, ∀vh ∈ Vh, (2.5)

‖vh‖0 � ‖Ghvh‖0, ∀vh ∈ V 0h , (2.6)

and|vh |1 � |Ghvh |1, ∀vh ∈ V 0

h . (2.7)

Proof Choosing di = v′h(xi− 1

2), i = 1, . . . , N in (2.4), we obtain

|vh |21 =N∑i=1

∫ xi


div′h(x)dx =


ciGhvh(xi )|ωi |. (2.8)


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We now let c0 = 0, ci = 2di − ci−1. By the fact that

|di | = h− 1

2i |vh |1,[xi−1,xi ],

we have

|ci | � h− 12 |vh |1, ∀i = 1, . . . , N .

Then by the fact that

‖Ghvh‖0 ∼(


|wi |Ghvh(xi )2

) 12

, (2.9)

we obtain (2.5).If i is even,

vh(xi+1) = vh(xi−1) + |wi |Ghvh(xi ) = vh(xi−3) + |wi−2|Ghvh(xi−2) + |wi |Ghvh(xi )

= · · · = vh(x1) +i/2∑j=1

|w2 j |Ghvh(x2 j ). (2.10)

Since for vh ∈ V 0h , we have

vh(x1) = |w0|Ghvh(x0),

together with (2.10), we get

|vh(xi+1)| � |w0|i/2∑j=0

|w2 j ||Ghvh(x2 j )|. (2.11)

If i is odd,

vh(xi+1) = vh(xi−1) + |wi |Ghvh(xi ) = vh(xi−3) + |wi−2|Ghvh(xi−2) + |wi |Ghvh(xi )

= · · · =i−12∑


|w2 j+1|Ghvh(x2 j+1). (2.12)

In summary, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ N − 1, we have

|vh(xi )| ≤N∑j=0

|w j ||Ghvh(x j )|

⎛⎝ N∑


|w j |⎞⎠

12⎛⎝ N∑


|w j ||Ghvh(x j )|2⎞⎠


� ‖Ghvh‖0.Consequently,

‖vh‖0 �(


|wi |vh(xi )2) 1


� ‖Ghvh‖0.

The desired result (2.6) is proved.


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Next we show (2.7). Denoting mi = (Ghvh)′(xi− 1

2), i = 1, . . . , N and h0 = 1,m0 =

Ghvh(x0) for convenience, we have

Ghvh(xi ) =i∑


h jm j .


|vh |21 =N∑i=0

ci |ωi |⎛⎝ i∑


h jm j



h jm j

N∑i= j

ci |ωi |

= 2N∑j=0

h jm j

⎛⎝ N∑

i= j

di hi


≤ 2N∑j=0

|h jm j |N∑i=1

|di hi |

� |vh |1|Ghvh |1,from which the statement (2.7) follows. �

Remark The following inverse inequality

|vh |1 � |Ghvh |0is Not valid in general. In fact, let N be even, xi = ih, h = 1/N , i = 0, 1 . . . , N and

vh(xi ) ={h i = 3, 5, . . . , N − 3,0 otherwise

Then one easily verifies that

|vh |21 = 1 − 4h, |Ghvh |20 = h/3, |Ghvh |21 = 2h−1.

Theorem 2.3 There holds∣∣∣∣∫

g(Ghvh − v′h)

∣∣∣∣ � h|g|1|vh |1, g ∈ H1(�), vh ∈ Vh . (2.13)

Proof For all i = 0, 1, . . . , N , we choose

ci = 1

|ωi |∫


g(x)dx .


‖g − ci‖0,ωi � |ωi ||g|1,ωi .


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By (2.4)


g(x)(Ghvh − v′h)(x)dx =



(Ghvh)(xi )g(x)φi (x)dx −N∑i=1

∫ xi





(g−ci )(Ghvh)(xi )φi (x)dx−N∑i=1

∫ xi


(g−di )v′h(x)dx .

On one side, ∣∣∣∣∫


(g − ci )(Ghvh)(xi )φi dx

∣∣∣∣ � |ωi | 12 |Ghvh(xi )| · ‖g − ci‖0,ωi

� |vh |1,ωi · |ωi ||g|1,ωi

� h|vh |1,ωi |g|1,ωi .

On the other side,∣∣∣∣∫ xi


(g − di )v′h(x)dx

∣∣∣∣ � ‖g − di‖0,[xi−1,xi ]|vh |1,[xi−1,xi ]

� h|g|1,ωi |vh |1,[xi−1,xi ],

where ωi = ωi−1 ∪ ωi . Therefore, by Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, we obtain (2.13). � Moreover, if g has more regularity, we can get an improved result than Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 2.4 There holds∣∣∣∣∫

g(Ghvh − v′h)

∣∣∣∣ � h2|g|2|Ghvh |1, g ∈ H10 (�) ∩ H2(�), vh ∈ V 0

h . (2.14)

Proof For any w ∈ H1(�), let wI = ∑Ni=0 w(xi )φi ∈ Vh be the Lagrange interpolation of

w. For all vh ∈ V 0h ,


(gGhvh)I =N∑i=0


g(xi )Ghvh(xi )φi



2g(xi )




∫ xi



2(g(xi−1) + g(xi ))v



∫ xi


gI v′h =


gI v′h .

Therefore, ∣∣∣∣∫

g(Ghvh − v′h)

∣∣∣∣ =∣∣∣∣∫

[gGhvh − (gGhvh)I ] −∫

(g − gI )v′h

∣∣∣∣� h2(|gGhvh |2 + |g|2|vh |1)� h2|g|2|Ghvh |1).

The declaration (2.14) is proved. �


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3 Recovery Based FEM for String Problems

This section is devoted to the presentation of a recovery based linear element scheme forsolving (1.1) and (1.3), which reads as: Find uh ∈ Vh such that uh = g,Ghuh = h and

ah(uh, vh) := ((Ghuh)′, (Ghvh)

′) = ( f, vh), vh ∈ V 00h . (3.1)

Taking in account the different boundary condition (1.4), the recovery based linear elementscheme for solving (1.1) and (1.4) is to find uh ∈ Vh such that uh = g and

ah(uh, vh) = ( f, vh) + (h(1)Ghvh(1) − h(0)Ghvh(0)), vh ∈ V 0h . (3.2)

Note that by (2.7), |Ghvh |1 is a norm in V 0h . Then by the Lax–Milagram theorem, (3.1)

and (3.2) both have a unique solution.We next analyze the convergence properties of the scheme (3.1). Similar results can also

be obtained for the scheme (3.2). Since the classic Lagrange interpolating function uI of uis not necessary in V 00

h , we introduce a slightly modified interpolation function u I ∈ V 00h

defined by

u I (xi ) = u(xi ), i ∈ {0, . . . , N } \ {1, N − 1}and by letting u I (x1), u I (xN−1) satisfy

Ghu I (x0) = Ghu I (xN ) = 0.

By this definition, it is easy to verify that the inequality

‖u′ − Ghu I ‖ j � h2− j |u|3,∞, j = 0, 1 (3.3)

also holds for u ∈ W 3,∞(�) satisfying u = u′ = 0 on ∂�.

Theorem 3.1 Assume u is the solutions of (1.1) and (1.3), uh is the finite element solutionof (3.1). Let u I be the interpolating of u in V 00

h , we have

|Gh(uh − u I )|1 � h(‖u‖3,∞ + ‖u‖4). (3.4)

As a direct consequence,

‖u′′ − (Ghuh)′‖0 � h(‖u‖3,∞ + ‖u‖4). (3.5)

Proof We first show (3.4). For all vh, wh ∈ V 00h ,

((Ghuh)′, (Ghvh)

′) = ( f, vh) = (u(4), vh) = −(u(3), v′h)

= (u(3),Ghvh − v′h) + (u′′, (Ghvh)

′)= (u(3),Ghvh − v′

h) + (u′′ − (Ghu I )′, (Ghvh)

′) + ((Ghu I )′, (Ghvh)



((Gh(uh − u I ))′, (Ghvh)

′) = E1 + E2 (3.6)


E1 = E1(vh) = (u(3),Ghvh − v′h),

E2 = E2(vh) = (u′′ − (Ghu I )′, (Ghvh)


We next estimate E1, E2 separately. First, by (2.13) and (2.7),

|E1| � h‖u‖4|vh |1 � h‖u‖4|Ghvh |1 (3.7)


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Secondly, by (3.3)

|E2| � h‖u‖3,∞|Ghvh |1. (3.8)

Substituting (3.7)–(3.8) into (3.6), we obtain that

|(Gh(uh − u I ))′, (Ghvh)

′)|1 � h(‖u‖3,∞ + ‖u‖4)|Ghvh |1. (3.9)

Letting vh = uh − uI , we immediately obtain (3.4). The statement (3.5) is a direct conse-quence of (3.4) and (3.3). �

In the following, we estimate the error ‖u′ − Ghuh‖0 by using the Aubin–Nitsche tech-niques and the improved result in Theorem 2.4.

Theorem 3.2 Assume u is the solutions of (1.1) and (1.3), uh is the finite element solutionof (3.1). There holds

‖u′ − Ghuh‖0 � h2‖u‖5. (3.10)

Proof Let w ∈ H10 (�) ∩ H2(�) be the solution of

(w′, v′) = (Ghuh − u′, v), ∀v ∈ H10 (�). (3.11)

Then‖w‖2 � ‖Ghuh − u′‖0 (3.12)

and‖Ghuh − u′‖20 = (w′, (Ghuh − u′)′). (3.13)

Moreover it is known that

‖w − wI ‖i � h2−i‖w‖2, i = 0, 1.

Then by choosing wh ∈ V 00h such that

Ghwh = wI ,

we have‖w − Ghwh‖i � h2−i‖w‖2, i = 0, 1. (3.14)

We are ready to estimate ‖u′ − Ghuh‖0.By (3.13), for all wh ∈ V 0

h ,

‖Ghuh − u′‖20 = (w′ − (Ghwh)′, (Ghuh)

′ − u′′) + ((Ghwh)′, (Ghuh)

′ − u′′)= (w′ − (Ghwh)

′, (Ghuh)′ − u′′) + ( f, wh) + (u(3),Ghwh))

= (w′ − (Ghwh)′, (Ghuh)

′ − u′′) + (u(3),Ghwh − w′h). (3.15)

By (3.14), (3.12) and (3.5), we have

|(w′ − (Ghwh)′, (Ghuh)

′ − u′′)| � h2‖Ghuh − u′‖0‖u‖4. (3.16)

On the other hand, by (2.14), (3.14) and (3.12)

|(u(3),Ghwh − w′h)| � h2‖u‖5|Ghwh |1 � h2‖u‖5‖w‖2 � h2‖u‖5‖Ghuh − u′‖0. (3.17)

Substituting (3.16) and (3.17) into (3.15), we obtain (3.10). � At the end of this section, we prove the usual H1, L2 error estimates as follows.


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Theorem 3.3 Under the same assumptions as Theorem 3.2. There holds

‖u − uh‖1 � h‖u‖4. (3.18)

‖u − uh‖0 � h2‖u‖5. (3.19)

Proof First by (2.7), (2.3) and (3.5),

‖uI − uh‖1 � ‖Gh(uI − uh)‖1� ‖u′ − GhuI ‖1 + ‖u′ − Ghuh‖1� h‖u‖4,


‖u − uh‖1 � ‖u − uI ‖1 + ‖uI − uh‖1� h‖u‖4,

which is the desired result (3.18).Next, since from (2.6), (2.3) and (3.10),

‖uI − uh‖0 � ‖Gh(uI − uh)‖0� ‖u′ − GhuI ‖0 + ‖u′ − Ghuh‖0� h2‖u‖5,

we have

‖u − uh‖0 � ‖u − uI ‖0 + ‖uI − uh‖0� h2‖u‖5.

Therefore, we obtain (3.19) and complete the proof. � Remark Compare Theorem 3.2 and (3.18), then we find the approximation solution is super-convergence to the exact one in H1 norm after recovery.

Remark If we replace the scheme (3.2) by

ah(uh, vh) = ( f, vh) + (h(1)v′h(1) − h(0)v′

h(0)), vh ∈ V 0h , (3.20)

the convergence rates for ‖u′ −Ghuh‖0 and ‖u′ −Ghuh‖1 will be one half order lower thanthe ones of the scheme (3.2), which can be seen from the numerical experiment in Sect. 5.

4 Recovery Based FEM for 4th Order Eigenvalue Problems

In this section we consider to discrete 4th order eigenvalue problem (1.2). The correspondingweak form for (1.2) and (1.3) with g = h = 0 is: Find (λ, u) ∈ R × V such that ‖u‖0 = 1and

a(u, v) := (u′′, v′′) = (λu, v), ∀v ∈ V, (4.1)

where V := H20 (�) = {v ∈ H2(�) | v = v′ = 0, on 0, 1}. And the corresponding weak

form for (1.2) and (1.4) with g = h = 0 is: Find (λ, u) ∈ R × (H2(�) ∩ H1

0 (�))such that

‖u‖0 = 1 anda(u, v) = (λu, v), ∀v ∈ H2(�) ∩ H1

0 (�). (4.2)


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The discrete eigenvalue problem for (4.1) seeks eigenpairs (λh, uh) ∈ R × V 00h with

‖uh‖0 = 1 andah(uh, v) = λh(uh, v), ∀v ∈ V 00

h . (4.3)

And the discrete eigenvalue problem for (4.2) seeks eigenpairs (λh, uh) ∈ R × V 0h with

‖uh‖0 = 1 andah(uh, v) = λh(uh, v), ∀v ∈ V 0

h . (4.4)

Next, we only consider the problem (4.1) and its discretization (4.3), and similar resultsalso can be obtained for (4.2) and its discretization (4.4).

It is well known from the spectral theory of selfadjoint compact operators [2,6] that theeigenvalue problem (4.1) has countably many eigenvalues, which are real and positive with+∞ as only accumulation point. Suppose that the eigenvalues are enumerated as

0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ3 ≤ · · ·and let (u1, u2, u3, . . .) be some L2-orthonormal system of corresponding eigenfunctions.For any j ∈ N, the eigenspace corresponding to λ j is defined as

Vλ j := {u ∈ H20 (�) | (λ j , u) satisfies (4.1)} = span{uk | k ∈ N and λk = λ j }.

In the present case of the 4th order eigenvalue problem which is the inverse of a compactoperator, the spaces Vλ j have finite dimension. From (2.7) it is known that ‖v‖1 � |Ghv|1for any v ∈ V 0

h . Therefore, the discrete eigenvalues for (4.3) can be enumerated

0 < λh,1 ≤ λh,2 ≤ λh,3 ≤ · · ·with corresponding L2-orthonormal eigenfunctions (uh,1, uh,2, uh,3, . . .). The discreteeigenspace corresponding to λh, j is defined as

Vλh, j := {u ∈ V 00h | (λh, j , uh) satisfies (4.3)} = span{uh,k | k ∈ N and λh,k = λh, j }.

Given f ∈ V , let u ∈ V denote the unique solution to the linear problem

a(u, v) = ( f, v), ∀v ∈ V .

Then define u = T f . Therefore (4.1) has an equivalent formulation

Tu = λ−1u = μu,

where μ := λ−1 and Vμ := Vλ. Moreover, T is selfadjoint, which can be seen from thefollowing equality: for any u, v ∈ L2,

(Tu, v) = (v, Tu) = a(T v, Tu) = a(Tu, T v) = (u, T v).

Similarly, define the discrete operator Th : L2 → V 00h ⊂ L2,

ah(Th f, v) = ( f, v), ∀v ∈ V 00h . (4.5)

Therefore, (4.3) has an equivalent formulation

Thuh = λ−1h uh = μhuh,

where μh := λ−1h and Vμh := Vλh . Moreover, Th is also selfadjoint, since we have for any

u, v ∈ L2

(Thu, v) = (v, Thu) = ah(Thv, Thu) = ah(Thu, Thv) = (u, Thv).


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Combining the error estimate (3.19) for the discretization of source problem with theregularity result for the solution of source problem, we have

‖T f − Th f ‖0 = ‖u − uh‖0 ≤ Chr‖ f ‖0,where r > 0. Then it immediately follows that

‖T − Th‖ → 0, if h → 0,

which induces μh,k → μk and λh,k → λk [15, Theorem1.4.5].Assume μ,μh �= 0 are eigenvalues of T and Th respectively and μh → μ. Since μ is

isolated, there exists a constant d(μ) > 0, such that provided h is sufficiently small it holdsthat

minμ j �=μ

|μh − μ j | ≥ d(μ).

Lemma 4.1 [15, Theorem1.4.6] Assume ‖T − Th‖ → 0 (h → 0), (μh, uh) are the k-theigenpair of Th and ‖uh‖0 = 1.μ is the k-th eigenvalue of T . Then μh → μ, and there existsu ∈ Vμ(‖u‖0 = 1) such that

μ − μh = 1

(u, uh)(Tuh − Thuh, u), (4.6)

‖uh − u‖ ≤ ‖Tuh − Thuh‖0d(μ)

(1 + ‖Tuh − Thuh‖20


) 12

. (4.7)

Using Lemma 4.1, we can estimate the error for the discrete eigenpairs as follows.

Theorem 4.2 Under the same assumptions as Lemma 4.1, we have λh → λ and there existsu ∈ Vλ, ‖u‖0 = 1 such that

λh − λ = λλh

(u, uh)((T − Th)u, u) + R1, (4.8)

‖uh − u‖0 � ‖(T − Th)u‖0, (4.9)

|u − uh |1 = λ|(T − Th)u|1 + R2, (4.10)

|Ghuh − u′|0 � λ‖(Tu)′ − Gh(Thu)‖0 + ‖(T − Th)u‖0, (4.11)

|Ghuh − u′|1 = λ|(Tu)′ − Gh(Thu)|1 + R3, (4.12)

where |R1| � ‖(T − Th)u‖20, |R2| � ‖(T − Th)u‖0, , |R3| � ‖(T − Th)u‖0.Proof Equations (4.8) and (4.9) can be proved by using Lemma 4.1. From (4.3) and thedefinition of Th , it follows that

|Gh(uh − λThu)|21 = ah(uh − λThu, uh − λThu) = (λhuh − λu, uh − λThu)

≤ ‖λhuh − λu‖0‖uh − λThu‖0 ≤ (‖λhuh − λu‖0 + ‖uh − λThu‖0)2.Together with (4.8) and (4.9), we obtain

|Gh(uh − λThu)|1 � ‖(T − Th)u‖0. (4.13)


|u′ − Ghuh |1 = λ|(Tu)′ − Gh(Thu)|1 + R3,


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where from (4.13) it induces that

|R3| = ||u′ − Ghuh |1 − λ|(Tu)′ − Gh(Thu)|1| = ||u′ − Ghuh |1 − |u′ − λGh(Thu)|1|≤ |Ghuh − λGh(Thu)|1 � ‖(T − Th)u‖0.

Therefore, we obtain (4.12).It follows from (2.7) and (4.13) that

|uh − λThu|1 � |Gh(uh − λThu)|1 � ‖(T − Th)u‖0. (4.14)

Hence,|u − uh |1 = λ|(T − Th)u|1 + R2,

where from (4.14)

|R2| = ||u − uh |1 − λ|(T − Th)u|1| ≤ |uh − λThu|1 � ‖(T − Th)u‖0.This is the desired result (4.10).

Finally, from (4.13)

‖u′ − Ghuh‖0 ≤ ‖(λTu)′ − λGhThu‖0 + ‖λGhThu − Ghuh‖0� ‖(λTu)′ − λGhThu‖0 + ‖(T − Th)u‖0,

which is the desired result (4.11). Consequently, we complete the proof. � Theorem 4.2 transfers the error estimates of eigenvalue problem into the ones of the

corresponding source problem. Therefore, from the known error estimates of source problemin Sect. 3 it immediately induces the following result.

Theorem 4.3 Assume that (λh, uh) is the kth eigenpair of (4.3), ‖uh‖0 = 1 and λ is the ktheigenvalue of (4.1), we have λh → λ and there exists u ∈ Vλ with ‖u‖0 = 1 such that

|λ − λh | � h2‖u‖5,‖uh − u‖0 � h2‖u‖5,|u − uh |1 � h‖u‖4,

|Ghuh − u′|0 � h2‖u‖5,|Ghuh − u′|1 � h‖u‖4.

5 Numerical Experiments

In this section, we perform a sequence of numerical tests to study the convergence behaviorand show the effectiveness of our algorithm.

5.1 Numerical Experiments for String Problems

We now consider the numerical experiments for string problem (1.1) with two boundary con-ditions (1.3) and (1.4). The results in Sect. 3 indicate that we can obtain optimal convergencerates under L2, H1 and discrete H2 norms. Moreover, after a post-processing the recoveredgradient is superconvergent to the exact one.

Test 1 In (1.1) and (1.3) choose f = π4 sin(πx), g = 0 and h = π cos(πx) such that theexact solution is u = sin(πx) . The convergence rates under each norm shown in Table 1 isexpected by the above theory.


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Table 1 Test 1

Mesh size ‖u − uh‖0 Rate |u − uh |1 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |1 Rate

1.56e−2 6.36e−4 3.17e−3 1.14e−3 1.01e−1

7.81e−3 1.62e−4 1.98 1.58e−2 1.01 2.89e−4 1.98 5.00e−2 1.02

3.91e−3 4.10e−5 1.99 7.87e−3 1.00 7.31e−5 1.99 2.49e−2 1.01

1.95e−3 1.01e−5 1.99 3.94e−3 1.00 1.81e−5 2.00 1.24e−2 1.00

9.77e−4 2.51e−6 2.00 1.97e−3 1.00 4.52e−6 1.99 6.19e−3 1.00

Table 2 Test 2

Mesh size ‖u − uh‖0 Rate |u − uh |H1 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |H1 Rate

1.56e−2 4.63e−4 3.01e−2 1.39e−3 9.38e−2

7.81e−3 1.18e−4 1.97 1.50e−2 1.01 3.57e−4 1.97 4.61e−2 1.03

3.91e−3 2.95e−5 1.98 7.49e−3 1.00 9.01e−5 1.98 2.28e−2 1.01

1.95e−3 7.51e−6 1.99 3.74e−3 1.00 2.25e−5 1.99 1.13e−2 1.01

9.77e−4 1.88e−6 1.98 1.87e−3 1.00 5.63e−6 1.98 5.66e−3 1.00

Table 3 Test 3 for the scheme (3.20)

Mesh size ‖u − uh‖0 Rate |u − uh |H1 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |H1 Rate

1.56e−2 7.37e−4 4.73e−2 9.30e−3 1.00e+0

7.81e−3 1.87e−4 1.98 2.42e−2 0.97 3.28e−3 1.50 0.72e+0 0.48

3.91e−3 4.71e−5 1.99 1.22e−2 0.98 1.16e−3 1.50 0.51e+0 0.49

1.95e−3 1.18e−5 1.99 6.14e−3 0.99 4.10e−4 1.50 0.36e+0 0.50

9.77e−4 2.93e−6 2.01 3.08e−3 1.00 1.45e−4 1.50 0.26e+0 0.50

Test 2 In (1.1) and (1.3) we take f = ex2(12+ 48x2 + 16x4), g = ex

2and h = 2xex


that the exact solution is u = ex2. We observe that the convergence rates shown in Table 2

is expected by the above theory.

Test 3 We compute (1.1) with natural boundary condition (1.4). Choose f = ex2(12 +

48x2 + 16x4), g = ex2and h = 2(1 + 2x2)ex

2such that the exact solution is u = ex


Table 3 shows the convergence rates under various norms for the scheme (3.20), whichindicates the ones under the norms ‖u′ −Ghuh‖0, |u′ −Ghuh |1 is one half order lower thanoptimal. As a comparison, we list in Table 4 the results obtained by the formulation (3.2).We observe that the numerical solutions converges with optimal rates in various norms asmesh size decreases. These results coincide with the above theory.

5.2 Numerical Experiments for 4th Order Eigenvalue Problems

We now consider the numerical experiments for 4th order eigenvalue problem (1.2) with twoboundary conditions (1.3) and (1.4).As indicated inSect. 4,weobserve once again the discreteeigenpairs achieve optimal convergence rates in various norms from the examples below.


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Table 4 Test 3 for the scheme (3.2)

Mesh size ‖u − uh‖0 Rate |u − uh |1 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |1 Rate

1.56e−02 4.34e−04 3.01e−02 1.07e−03 9.38e−02

7.81e−03 1.11e−04 1.96 1.49e−02 1.00 2.72e−04 1.97 4.60e−02 1.02

3.90e−03 2.80e−05 1.98 7.48e−03 1.00 6.85e−05 1.98 2.28e−02 1.01

1.95e−03 7.05e−06 1.99 3.74e−03 1.00 1.72e−05 1.99 1.13e−02 1.00

9.76e−04 1.73e−06 2.02 1.87e−03 1.00 4.21e−06 2.03 5.65e−03 1.00

Table 5 Test 4: error estimatefor eigenvalue

Mesh size λ − λh Rate

1.56e−02 5.30e−01

7.81e−03 1.34e−01 1.97

3.90e−03 3.39e−02 1.98

1.95e−03 8.52e−03 1.99

9.76e−04 2.14e−03 1.99

Table 6 Test 5 for j = 1: errorestimate for eigenvalue

Mesh size λ − λh Rate

1.56e−02 5.59e−02

7.81e−03 1.43e−02 1.96

3.90e−03 3.62e−03 1.98

1.95e−03 9.11e−04 1.99

Test 4 Consider the eigenvalue problem (1.2) with coupled boundary conditions u(0) =u′(0) = u(1) = u′(1) = 0. Since the exact eigenpair for this problem is unknown, choose237.72106753 as the accurate approximation of the exact smallest eigenvalue which wascomputed in [7]. The convergence rate for the eigenvalue error is shown at Table 5, which isas expected by the above theory. Also it is found that the numerical eigenvalue approximatesthe exact eigenvalue from below.

Test 5 It is easy to find the eigenvalue of the eigenvalue problem (1.2) and (1.4) is

λ j = (π j)4, u j = √2 sin π j x .

The convergence rates for the smallest eigenpair of the formulation (4.4) are shown at Tables 6and 7. Also it is found that the numerical eigenvalue approximates the exact eigenvalue frombelow, which is also seen from Table 8 for the second small eigenvalue.

The numerical results above indicate that the accuracy of the recovery based linear elementmethod is comparable with quadratic element method, since the proposed method achieves1st order convergence rate in discrete H2 norm and 2nd order rate in H1 norm after a post-processing. Moreover, the proposed method using linear element only has one half degreesof freedom than the known C1 element, e.g., cubic Hermite element.


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Table 7 Test 5 for j = 1: error estimate for eigenvector

Mesh size ‖u − uh‖0 Rate |u − uh |1 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghuh |1 Rate

1.56e−02 9.26e−05 0 4.47e−02 0 5.30e−04 0 1.43e−01 0

7.81e−03 2.26e−05 2.03 2.22e−02 1.00 1.45e−04 1.87 7.07e−02 1.01

3.90e−03 5.62e−06 2.00 1.11e−02 1.00 3.78e−05 1.93 3.51e−02 1.00

1.95e−03 1.40e−06 2.00 5.56e−03 1.00 9.65e−06 1.97 1.75e−02 1.00

Table 8 Test 5 for j = 2: errorestimate for eigenvalue

Mesh size λ − λh Rate

1.56e−02 3.57e+00

7.81e−03 9.16e−01 1.96

3.90e−03 2.31e−01 1.98

1.95e−03 5.83e−02 1.99

5.3 Numerical Experiments for 1-D Monge–Ampère Equation

Now we solve 1-D Monge Ampère equation (1.7) and (1.8) numerically. We provide sev-eral numerical experiments to gauge the efficiency of the scheme (1.13). We show rates ofconvergence for both ‖u − uε‖ and ‖uε − uε

h‖.Test 6 For this test, we calculate ‖u − uε

h‖ for fixed h = 0.001 but varying ε. Since h is sosmall that uε

h can be viewed as a good approximation of uε . Then ‖u − uεh‖ approximate the

error ‖u − uε‖ well. We set to solve the Monge–Ampère problem with the following testfunctions:

u = (1 + x2)ex2, g = (1 + x2)ex


f = (16 + 112x2 + 228x4 + 112x6 + 16x8)e2x2.

In this case, our experiments tell us the initial guess can be any convex function satisfyingboundary condition, where the convex property is necessary. Moreover, the convex propertycan be maintained at each Newton iteration by our algorithm. After having computed theerrors, we estimate the rate of convergence with respect to ε in various norms. Table 9 clearlyshows ‖u − uε‖0 ≈ ‖u − uε

h‖0 = O(ε). Similarly, we see from Table 9 that |u − uε |H1 ≈O(ε3/4), |u′ − Ghuε |0 ≈ O(ε3/4) and |u′ − Ghuε

h |H1 ≈ O(ε1/4).

We also note that in this case, we can compute the problem for the case ε = 0 since theexact solution is smooth. Note that the added boundary condition u′′(x) = ε2 can be changedto other boundary conditions u′′(x) = εα where α can be any positive real number or evenu′′(x) = 0.

Test 7 As Test 6, we calculate ‖u − uεh‖ for fixed h = 0.001 but varying ε in order to

approximate the error ‖u − uε‖. However, in this test we set to solve the Monge–Ampèreproblem with the following test functions:

u = −(1 + x2)ex2, g = −(1 + x2)ex


f = (16 + 112x2 + 228x4 + 112x6 + 16x8)e2x2,


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Table 9 Test 6

ε ‖u − uεh‖0 Rate |u′ − Ghu

εh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghu

εh |H1 Rate

1.00 1.81e−01 0 1.05e+00 0 1.35e+01 0

0.75 1.35e−01 1.02 8.88e−01 0.59 1.28e+01 0.18

0.50 8.56e−02 1.12 6.87e−01 0.63 1.17e+01 0.21

0.25 4.02e−02 1.08 4.35e−01 0.65 9.99e+00 0.23

0.10 1.66e−02 0.96 2.32e−01 0.68 7.93e+00 0.25

0.075 1.27e−02 0.92 1.90e−01 0.69 7.36e+00 0.25

0.05 8.78e−03 0.91 1.42e−01 0.70 6.64e+00 0.25

0.025 4.67e−03 0.91 8.71e−02 0.71 5.56e+00 0.25

0.0125 2.47e−03 0.91 5.28e−02 0.72 4.66e+00 0.25

0.005 1.05e−03 0.93 2.71e−02 0.72 3.70e+00 0.25

0.0025 5.46e−04 0.95 1.62e−02 0.73 3.12e+00 0.24

0.00125 2.79e−04 0.96 9.76e−03 0.73 2.64e+00 0.24

0 2.26e−06 1.15e−05 2.88e−02

Table 10 Test 7

ε ‖u − uεh‖0 Rate |u′ − Ghu

εh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghu

εh |H1 Rate

7.5e−1 1.56e−1 9.33e−1 1.31e+1

5.0e−1 9.09e−2 1.33 6.99e−1 0.71 1.19e+1 0.24

1.0e−1 1.66e−2 1.06 2.33e−1 0.68 7.93e+0 0.25

7.5e−2 1.27e−2 0.93 1.90e−1 0.70 7.37e+0 0.26

5.0e−2 8.78e−3 0.92 1.43e−1 0.71 6.64e+0 0.26

2.5e−2 4.67e−3 0.91 8.71e−2 0.71 5.56e+0 0.26

1.25e−2 2.48e−3 0.91 5.29e−2 0.72 4.66e+0 0.25

5.0e−3 1.06e−3 0.93 2.71e−2 0.73 3.70e+0 0.25

2.5e−3 5.46e−4 0.95 1.63e−2 0.73 3.12e+0 0.25

1.25e−3 2.79e−4 0.97 9.77e−3 0.74 2.64e+0 0.25

0 2.29e−6 1.08e−5 2.76e−2

where the exact solution only change the sign of the one in Test 6 so it becomes concavefunction. In this case the scheme should be changed to

εu′′′′(x) + (u′′(x))2 = f.

Now the initial guess should be changed to any concave function satisfying boundary con-dition, where the concave property is necessary. Moreover, the concave property can bemaintained at each Newton iteration by our algorithm.

After having computed the errors, we get the same rate of convergence with respect to ε

in various norms as Test 6 shown in Table 10. We also note that in this case, we can computethe problem for the case ε = 0 since the exact solution is smooth.

Test 8 The purpose of this test is to calculate the rate of convergence of ‖uε −uεh‖ for fixed ε

in various norms. We solve the problem with boundary condition (uε)′′ = ε2 being replacedby (uε)′′ = φ on x = 0, 1. We use the following test functions:


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Table 11 Test 8: ε = 0.01 Mesh size ‖u − uεh‖0 Rate |u − uε

h |H1 Rate

1.5625e−02 2.5598e−04 4.5257e−02

7.8125e−03 6.3079e−05 2.02 2.2608e−02 1.00

3.9063e−03 1.5918e−05 1.98 1.1294e−02 1.00

1.9531e−03 4.0272e−06 1.98 5.6410e−03 1.00

9.7656e−04 1.0123e−06 1.99 2.8195e−03 1.00

Table 12 Test 8: ε = 0.01 Mesh size |u′ − Ghuεh |0 Rate |u′ − Ghu

εh |H1 Rate

1.5625e−02 1.3594e−03 2.2298e−01

7.8125e−03 3.4871e−04 1.96 1.1225e−01 0.99

3.9063e−03 8.6976e−05 2.00 5.5326e−02 1.02

1.9531e−03 2.1030e−05 2.04 2.6396e−02 1.06

9.7656e−04 5.1765e−06 2.02 1.2918e−02 1.03

uε = x6, f ε = 900x8 − 360εx2, gε = x6, φε = 30x4.

After recording the errors, we estimate the rate of convergence with respect to h, and getoptimal convergence rate from Tables 11 and 12.

6 Conclusion and Final Remarks

In this paper, we have presented and analyzed a recovery based linear element method for theone dimensional bi-harmonic problem and corresponding eigenvalue problem.Moreover, wealso apply themethod to numerically solve 1-D fully nonlinearMongeAmpère equation. Themethod circumvents the use of C1 conforming elements, simplifies numerical schemes, andreduced the computation cost. In addition, it is easy to see that the proposed methods can begeneralized to time dependent problems such as ut = uxxxx , without any essential difficulty.

In the subsequence works, we will study higher dimensional bi-harmonic problem, thecorresponding eigenvalue problem, as well as related nonlinear problems.

Acknowledgments The first author is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaUnderGrants 11301437, theNatural ScienceFoundation of FujianProvince ofChinaUnderGrant 2013J05015,the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Under Grant 20720150004. The second authoris supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Under Grants 11471031, 91430216and the US National Science Foundation through Grant DMS-1419040. The third author is partially supportedby the National Natural Science Foundation of China through Grants 11571384, 11428103, and the NaturalScience Foundation of Guangdong Province (CN) through Grant 2014A030313179.


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