LEFT A walk on the beach is good for mind, body and soul. TOP Michael Phelps; Christie Brinkley; Richard Branson; Anthony Robbins; Beyonce; Rachael Ray par-a-gon • a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence Our Paragon Healthy Living department spotlights Paragon Societies™, wellness products, cutting-edge treatments, exer- cise and nutrition paradigms, mind-body philosophies, experts in the field of aging, and scientific breakthroughs that we con- sider to be paragon in nature. Knowledge is power. Our goal is to inspire the public by providing facts (avoiding hype) and offer a choice of weapons to help battle the aging process including age-related diseases that often accompany longevity. We will take you on a new and ex- citing adventure to communities across the globe that thrive on living longer, healthier and happier lives. Our Paragon Healthy Lifestyles department is here to provide es- sential building blocks for healthy lifestyle choices, explore products, nutrition and fitness philosophies with proven results, interview experts in the field, as well as deliver educational pieces on economic empowerment. These are just a few of the topics that we will be fishing out of the fountain of youth. Our mission is to provide engaging subject matter that will help you make informed decisions on how to perpet- ually live your best life—a Paragon Healthy Lifestyle. The key to living healthier and longer remains in taking an active role in managing your own well-being. We often spend hours each week at the gym exercising to stay fit and support healthy muscle mass or following a specialized diet to sustain optimal gut health and brain fitness which, of course, helps us to function and feel better. With so many new technologies and treatments available to us, radical life extension is becoming a reality. Educating oneself on what is new and available to each and every one of us provides opportunities to embrace a lifestyle that is truly paragon in nature. Live Long & PROSPER BY REBECCA GRAY GROSSMAN 78 JULY | AUGUST 2019 WLM

pointinfusion.com. PROSPER...like Chris Brown, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, all said to be fans of a healthy drip fix. PointInfusion has fast become the

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    Healing vibrations support mind-body health ; Vitamin infusions target specific ailments while also aiding in overall well-being.LEFT A walk on the beach is good for mind, body and soul. TOP Michael Phelps; Christie Brinkley; Richard Branson; Anthony Robbins; Beyonce; Rachael Ray

    Becoming a Paragon SocietyMore and more Southern California regions are embracing various elements of the seven-step Paragon blueprint for living healthier, longer lives including the Malibu and Santa Barbara areas. One new trend that has taken off here in America, after years of being provided in other countries, is vitamin and mineral treatments using intravenous therapy. Case in point, in Malibu and other communities throughout the greater Los Angeles region, PointInfusion centers are providing concierge patient testing as well as pain-free Intravenous Therapy (IV drips) that may greatly benefit one’s health. The Hollywood Reporter said these types of drip treatments have become more popular thanks to celebrities like Chris Brown, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, all said to be fans of a healthy drip fix.

    PointInfusion has fast become the gold standard when it comes to strategically infusing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and nutri-ents into the body while, at the same time, relaxing in a spa-like atmosphere.

    Its Malibu location provides a stress-free sanctuary with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean while acquiring the benefits of clinically proven, scientific medical treatments. These cutting edge treatments help clients to detoxify, nourish and hydrate with immediate and long-lasting results. Treatments are designed to enhance one’s overall well-being utilizing vitamins and healthy “cocktail infusions” created to address specific needs while also boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation and easing chronic pain as well as fighting against viruses and disease-related symptoms. Furthermore, they have a number of protocols that have shown remarkable success with regard to healthy weight loss, skin irregularities including acne, chronic headaches and allergy relief remedies among others. All of their centers offer specified testing that support preventative maintenance and

    address common areas where an underlying health problem may compromise daily function or lead to a larger problem if left untreated. Areas of focus include the heart, thyroid, hormones, cholesterol, folic acid, heavy metals, food sensitivities and more. Learn more on how to get your drip on at pointinfusion.com.

    Another So Cal region that strongly embraces new and exciting healthy lifestyle practices is magnificent Santa Barbara County. The Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara is now offering a new treatment called “Sound Mind Sound Body.” A full-body massage is enhanced with healing sounds and vibra-tions utilizing Peter Hess singing bowls (originally a Tibetan ritual) specifically designed for this extraordinary treatment. The singing bowls are placed on the body while a certified therapist manipulates the bowls to create a blissful vibration and soothing sound that is harmonic and void of frequency jumping, ambi-ent noises and unpleasant secondary tones. Peter Hess singing bowls are an alloy of 12 metals. Vibration quality of the sound from a bowl is mainly determined by high-quality bronze. The bowls also have additional metals with health benefits, which include:

    Zinc – Efficient against states of stressMeteor iron – Supports energy and activityBismuth – Supports the digestive systemGalena – Protects against arthritisPyrite – Strengthens the lungs

    Healing through sound and vibration is known to reduce stress, improve concentration, reduce blood pressure, improve immu-nity, increase blood circulation, diminish joint pain, synchronize the brain hemisphere, remove mental and emotional negativity and enhance creativity. fourseasons.com/santabarbara

    par-a-gon • a person or thing viewed as a model of excellenceOur Paragon Healthy Living department spotlights Paragon Societies™, wellness products, cutting-edge treatments, exer-cise and nutrition paradigms, mind-body philosophies, experts in the field of aging, and scientific breakthroughs that we con-sider to be paragon in nature.

    Knowledge is power. Our goal is to inspire the public by providing facts (avoiding hype) and offer a choice of weapons to help battle the aging process including age-related diseases that often accompany longevity. We will take you on a new and ex-citing adventure to communities across the globe that thrive on living longer, healthier and happier lives. Our Paragon Healthy Lifestyles department is here to provide es-sential building blocks for healthy lifestyle choices, explore products, nutrition and fitness philosophies with proven results, interview experts in the field, as well as deliver educational pieces on economic empowerment. These are just a few of the topics that we will be fishing out of the fountain of youth. Our mission is to provide engaging subject matter that will help you make informed decisions on how to perpet-ually live your best life—a Paragon Healthy Lifestyle.

    The key to living healthier and longer remains in taking an active role in managing your own well-being. We often spend hours each week at the gym exercising to stay fit and support healthy muscle mass or following a specialized diet to sustain optimal gut health and brain fitness which, of course, helps us to function and feel better. With so many new technologies and treatments available to us, radical life extension is becoming a reality. Educating oneself on what is new and available to each and every one of us provides opportunities to embrace a lifestyle that is truly paragon in nature.


    78-83_paragon JulAug19.indd 2-3 6/14/19 1:43 PM

    78 JULY | AUGUST 2019 WLM


    Healing vibrations support mind-body health ; Vitamin infusions target specific ailments while also aiding in overall well-being.LEFT A walk on the beach is good for mind, body and soul. TOP Michael Phelps; Christie Brinkley; Richard Branson; Anthony Robbins; Beyonce; Rachael Ray

    Becoming a Paragon SocietyMore and more Southern California regions are embracing various elements of the seven-step Paragon blueprint for living healthier, longer lives including the Malibu and Santa Barbara areas. One new trend that has taken off here in America, after years of being provided in other countries, is vitamin and mineral treatments using intravenous therapy. Case in point, in Malibu and other communities throughout the greater Los Angeles region, PointInfusion centers are providing concierge patient testing as well as pain-free Intravenous Therapy (IV drips) that may greatly benefit one’s health. The Hollywood Reporter said these types of drip treatments have become more popular thanks to celebrities like Chris Brown, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, all said to be fans of a healthy drip fix.

    PointInfusion has fast become the gold standard when it comes to strategically infusing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and nutri-ents into the body while, at the same time, relaxing in a spa-like atmosphere.

    Its Malibu location provides a stress-free sanctuary with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean while acquiring the benefits of clinically proven, scientific medical treatments. These cutting edge treatments help clients to detoxify, nourish and hydrate with immediate and long-lasting results. Treatments are designed to enhance one’s overall well-being utilizing vitamins and healthy “cocktail infusions” created to address specific needs while also boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation and easing chronic pain as well as fighting against viruses and disease-related symptoms. Furthermore, they have a number of protocols that have shown remarkable success with regard to healthy weight loss, skin irregularities including acne, chronic headaches and allergy relief remedies among others. All of their centers offer specified testing that support preventative maintenance and

    address common areas where an underlying health problem may compromise daily function or lead to a larger problem if left untreated. Areas of focus include the heart, thyroid, hormones, cholesterol, folic acid, heavy metals, food sensitivities and more. Learn more on how to get your drip on at pointinfusion.com.

    Another So Cal region that strongly embraces new and exciting healthy lifestyle practices is magnificent Santa Barbara County. The Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara is now offering a new treatment called “Sound Mind Sound Body.” A full-body massage is enhanced with healing sounds and vibra-tions utilizing Peter Hess singing bowls (originally a Tibetan ritual) specifically designed for this extraordinary treatment. The singing bowls are placed on the body while a certified therapist manipulates the bowls to create a blissful vibration and soothing sound that is harmonic and void of frequency jumping, ambi-ent noises and unpleasant secondary tones. Peter Hess singing bowls are an alloy of 12 metals. Vibration quality of the sound from a bowl is mainly determined by high-quality bronze. The bowls also have additional metals with health benefits, which include:

    Zinc – Efficient against states of stressMeteor iron – Supports energy and activityBismuth – Supports the digestive systemGalena – Protects against arthritisPyrite – Strengthens the lungs

    Healing through sound and vibration is known to reduce stress, improve concentration, reduce blood pressure, improve immu-nity, increase blood circulation, diminish joint pain, synchronize the brain hemisphere, remove mental and emotional negativity and enhance creativity. fourseasons.com/santabarbara

    par-a-gon • a person or thing viewed as a model of excellenceOur Paragon Healthy Living department spotlights Paragon Societies™, wellness products, cutting-edge treatments, exer-cise and nutrition paradigms, mind-body philosophies, experts in the field of aging, and scientific breakthroughs that we con-sider to be paragon in nature.

    Knowledge is power. Our goal is to inspire the public by providing facts (avoiding hype) and offer a choice of weapons to help battle the aging process including age-related diseases that often accompany longevity. We will take you on a new and ex-citing adventure to communities across the globe that thrive on living longer, healthier and happier lives. Our Paragon Healthy Lifestyles department is here to provide es-sential building blocks for healthy lifestyle choices, explore products, nutrition and fitness philosophies with proven results, interview experts in the field, as well as deliver educational pieces on economic empowerment. These are just a few of the topics that we will be fishing out of the fountain of youth. Our mission is to provide engaging subject matter that will help you make informed decisions on how to perpet-ually live your best life—a Paragon Healthy Lifestyle.

    The key to living healthier and longer remains in taking an active role in managing your own well-being. We often spend hours each week at the gym exercising to stay fit and support healthy muscle mass or following a specialized diet to sustain optimal gut health and brain fitness which, of course, helps us to function and feel better. With so many new technologies and treatments available to us, radical life extension is becoming a reality. Educating oneself on what is new and available to each and every one of us provides opportunities to embrace a lifestyle that is truly paragon in nature.


    78-83_paragon JulAug19.indd 2-3 6/14/19 1:43 PM

    JULY | AUGUST 2019 WLM 79


    Human evolution is speeding up. What once took a millennia now takes centu-ries, and what now takes centuries will soon take decades. The exponential in-crease in speed of informational technol-ogy, biotechnology and nanotechnology will lead to evolutionary changes in the betterment of health and, as a byproduct of that, radical life extension. No single individual has led the charge for this evo-lution more than Dr. Aubrey de Grey.

    Even if we accept our ultimate demise, most try to cheat death at all costs. Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a leading Cambridge researcher, published author and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS

    Research Foundation. The foundation is focusing on aging and extending human longevity, and de Grey believes that the first humans to live to be 1,000 years old have already been born. De Grey is also the chief editor of the academic journal, “Rejuvenation Research.” He’s the author of “The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging” and the co-author of “Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs that Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime.” He’s given exceedingly successful TED Talks and has been interviewed on most major news sources including: CBS, 60 Minutes, BBC, The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, The Washington Post and Popular

    Science to name a few. His nonprofit organization is focused on extending the quality of life and helping human beings to live longer, healthier lives. And he thinks we can do it! This is an incredibly interesting interview—something I personally am very passionate about, as I believe all of us are. If we can gain extra years on our life, especially good-quality years maintaining cognition, mobility and aesthetics, we would give—well, anything—as long as we live healthy and feel good, right?


    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSPeter Grossman: In the field of biogerontology, there is no one who has generated more discussion and controversy than you when you say that humans can achieve radical life extension. Your principal thesis, “The 7 Deadly Things,” has yet to be disproven, and if we focus our attention on scientifically addressing those “things” for human aging, we may indeed live to 150 or 200 years of age—or even longer. If you accept my initial premise, that most of us don’t want to die, why do you receive so much resistance to your ideas?

    Aubrey de Grey: So many have convinced themselves that aging is absolutely inev-itable. In order to cope with that, people had also convinced themselves—and, this is a problem that still exists—that aging was some kind of blessing in disguise, that there was some kind of huge amount of tragedy that would occur if we, by some miracle, did actually eliminate aging and dying, that it probably would create as a result, a world that would be even worse. And all of this has, of course, been built up over the history of civilization, and I believe that it’s been built up as a result of our knowledge that aging is this absolutely ghastly thing—and our psychological need to put it out of our minds. And even today, when obviously medicine and medical research is advancing so rapidly, people are still, with some justification, very hes-itant to get their hopes up. And you know, it’s all very well getting your hopes up, if you don’t mind your hopes being dashed because at least you tried, which is my at-titude—but of course, a lot of people take the view that having one’s hopes dashed is really not much fun and therefore they’d prefer not to get them up in the first place. And that is a huge part of the problem that we face today.

    PG: What has SENS Research Foundation done to demonstrate the possibility of extended good health and thus, as a side effect, radical life extension?

    AdG: We pioneered the whole field of research on what we like to call “compre-hensive damage repair” as an approach to medically controlling aging—which es-sentially consists of a divide and conquer approach of identifying a manageable but non-trivial number of types of damage that the body does to itself throughout life—and figuring out and developing ways to repair that damage, so as to put the molecular and cellular structure of the body back into a state resembling how it was at an earlier age.

    PG: You’ve talked about the different types of damage that come to both body and, I imagine, mind. Can you break it down a little bit more with regard to what aging actually looks like from your perspective?

    AdG: So what are these types of damage? Well, normally we divide the damage into seven major categories. We talk about things like cell loss. In other words, cells dying and not being spontaneously replaced as they die, by the division of other cells. This is a very generic idea of course. But it’s a concrete idea; it’s not just a theoretical, abstract thing. It really does happen in a variety of different tissues. And it happens progressively during life. So of course, eventually one ends up with an affected tissue not having enough cells to do its job. And we all know what we can do to fix this. We simply inject stem cells, which are prepared in a laboratory into the right kind of state. So that they know what to do, to divide and transform themselves—differentiate, as we say—into replacements for the cells that the body is not replacing on its own. Simple idea, of course much easier said than done, but it is something people get. Most of the other categories are not so fortunate. They are much less well-understood and appreci-ated, and the approaches to repairing the damage are very challenging—so we work on developing at least the early stages of therapies that repair the other type of damage.

    Essentially the body is set up to tolerate a certain amount of its own self-inflicted damage without significant physiological impact in terms of physical and mental performance, and therefore without

    substantial risk of death. And all we need to do, therefore, is to keep the overall load of damage—the amount of damage we’re carrying around—below that point. And we can do that incrementally. By that I mean we can develop first-generation therapies that remove most of the damage that someone aged—let’s say 60 or 70—has accumulated. And then we’ve bought ourselves time—you know, let’s say 20 or 30 years—before the level of damage becomes that kind of level again. At that point, the damage, of course, is more difficult to repair by definition, because the damage that’s going to have accumulated is the damage that the therapies didn’t work on—but that’s an awfully long time to develop better therapies that do repair some of the damage that we couldn’t repair initially in the first generation.

    And of course we can apply those second-generation therapies to the same people that the first-generation therapies were applied to. So all we need to do is keep one step ahead of the problem and keep improving the therapies fast enough to be able to keep the overall damage load low. The term that I’ve coined for this is “Longevity Escape Velocity.”

    PG: If we do reach “Longevity Escape Veloc-ity,” and we live several hundred years, can this planet sustain us?

    AdG: The carrying capacity of the earth is far greater than many recognize. Whether it’s renewable energy or artificial meat or desalination or artificial intelligence for automation—all of these things can profoundly change the human condition, the quality of life that people have and of course, in some cases, the quantity of life. But as I say, quantity is a side effect of quality.

    To learn more, please visit SENS.org.


    Dr. Peter H. Grossman is a board certified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice covers cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and burn care. Dr. Grossman was the President of the Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons (2013-2018) and Clinical Instructor of Medicine at UCLA. He has been a guest host on EXTRA and featured on Oprah, CNN, ABC Primetime and Good Morning America. He is also President of The Grossman Burn Foundation, a charita-ble organization supporting burn survivors locally and globally.

    Anti-aging and longevity research is not only about extending our time, but also maintaining good quality years in terms of mobility, cognition and aesthetics.

    TOP Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a leading Cambridge researcher, published author and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Re-search Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on extending the quality of life and helping human beings to live longer, healthier lives.

    78-83_paragon JulAug19.indd 4-5 6/14/19 1:43 PM

    80 JULY | AUGUST 2019 WLM


    Human evolution is speeding up. What once took a millennia now takes centu-ries, and what now takes centuries will soon take decades. The exponential in-crease in speed of informational technol-ogy, biotechnology and nanotechnology will lead to evolutionary changes in the betterment of health and, as a byproduct of that, radical life extension. No single individual has led the charge for this evo-lution more than Dr. Aubrey de Grey.

    Even if we accept our ultimate demise, most try to cheat death at all costs. Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a leading Cambridge researcher, published author and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS

    Research Foundation. The foundation is focusing on aging and extending human longevity, and de Grey believes that the first humans to live to be 1,000 years old have already been born. De Grey is also the chief editor of the academic journal, “Rejuvenation Research.” He’s the author of “The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging” and the co-author of “Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs that Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime.” He’s given exceedingly successful TED Talks and has been interviewed on most major news sources including: CBS, 60 Minutes, BBC, The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, The Washington Post and Popular

    Science to name a few. His nonprofit organization is focused on extending the quality of life and helping human beings to live longer, healthier lives. And he thinks we can do it! This is an incredibly interesting interview—something I personally am very passionate about, as I believe all of us are. If we can gain extra years on our life, especially good-quality years maintaining cognition, mobility and aesthetics, we would give—well, anything—as long as we live healthy and feel good, right?


    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSPeter Grossman: In the field of biogerontology, there is no one who has generated more discussion and controversy than you when you say that humans can achieve radical life extension. Your principal thesis, “The 7 Deadly Things,” has yet to be disproven, and if we focus our attention on scientifically addressing those “things” for human aging, we may indeed live to 150 or 200 years of age—or even longer. If you accept my initial premise, that most of us don’t want to die, why do you receive so much resistance to your ideas?

    Aubrey de Grey: So many have convinced themselves that aging is absolutely inev-itable. In order to cope with that, people had also convinced themselves—and, this is a problem that still exists—that aging was some kind of blessing in disguise, that there was some kind of huge amount of tragedy that would occur if we, by some miracle, did actually eliminate aging and dying, that it probably would create as a result, a world that would be even worse. And all of this has, of course, been built up over the history of civilization, and I believe that it’s been built up as a result of our knowledge that aging is this absolutely ghastly thing—and our psychological need to put it out of our minds. And even today, when obviously medicine and medical research is advancing so rapidly, people are still, with some justification, very hes-itant to get their hopes up. And you know, it’s all very well getting your hopes up, if you don’t mind your hopes being dashed because at least you tried, which is my at-titude—but of course, a lot of people take the view that having one’s hopes dashed is really not much fun and therefore they’d prefer not to get them up in the first place. And that is a huge part of the problem that we face today.

    PG: What has SENS Research Foundation done to demonstrate the possibility of extended good health and thus, as a side effect, radical life extension?

    AdG: We pioneered the whole field of research on what we like to call “compre-hensive damage repair” as an approach to medically controlling aging—which es-sentially consists of a divide and conquer approach of identifying a manageable but non-trivial number of types of damage that the body does to itself throughout life—and figuring out and developing ways to repair that damage, so as to put the molecular and cellular structure of the body back into a state resembling how it was at an earlier age.

    PG: You’ve talked about the different types of damage that come to both body and, I imagine, mind. Can you break it down a little bit more with regard to what aging actually looks like from your perspective?

    AdG: So what are these types of damage? Well, normally we divide the damage into seven major categories. We talk about things like cell loss. In other words, cells dying and not being spontaneously replaced as they die, by the division of other cells. This is a very generic idea of course. But it’s a concrete idea; it’s not just a theoretical, abstract thing. It really does happen in a variety of different tissues. And it happens progressively during life. So of course, eventually one ends up with an affected tissue not having enough cells to do its job. And we all know what we can do to fix this. We simply inject stem cells, which are prepared in a laboratory into the right kind of state. So that they know what to do, to divide and transform themselves—differentiate, as we say—into replacements for the cells that the body is not replacing on its own. Simple idea, of course much easier said than done, but it is something people get. Most of the other categories are not so fortunate. They are much less well-understood and appreci-ated, and the approaches to repairing the damage are very challenging—so we work on developing at least the early stages of therapies that repair the other type of damage.

    Essentially the body is set up to tolerate a certain amount of its own self-inflicted damage without significant physiological impact in terms of physical and mental performance, and therefore without

    substantial risk of death. And all we need to do, therefore, is to keep the overall load of damage—the amount of damage we’re carrying around—below that point. And we can do that incrementally. By that I mean we can develop first-generation therapies that remove most of the damage that someone aged—let’s say 60 or 70—has accumulated. And then we’ve bought ourselves time—you know, let’s say 20 or 30 years—before the level of damage becomes that kind of level again. At that point, the damage, of course, is more difficult to repair by definition, because the damage that’s going to have accumulated is the damage that the therapies didn’t work on—but that’s an awfully long time to develop better therapies that do repair some of the damage that we couldn’t repair initially in the first generation.

    And of course we can apply those second-generation therapies to the same people that the first-generation therapies were applied to. So all we need to do is keep one step ahead of the problem and keep improving the therapies fast enough to be able to keep the overall damage load low. The term that I’ve coined for this is “Longevity Escape Velocity.”

    PG: If we do reach “Longevity Escape Veloc-ity,” and we live several hundred years, can this planet sustain us?

    AdG: The carrying capacity of the earth is far greater than many recognize. Whether it’s renewable energy or artificial meat or desalination or artificial intelligence for automation—all of these things can profoundly change the human condition, the quality of life that people have and of course, in some cases, the quantity of life. But as I say, quantity is a side effect of quality.

    To learn more, please visit SENS.org.


    Dr. Peter H. Grossman is a board certified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice covers cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and burn care. Dr. Grossman was the President of the Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons (2013-2018) and Clinical Instructor of Medicine at UCLA. He has been a guest host on EXTRA and featured on Oprah, CNN, ABC Primetime and Good Morning America. He is also President of The Grossman Burn Foundation, a charita-ble organization supporting burn survivors locally and globally.

    Anti-aging and longevity research is not only about extending our time, but also maintaining good quality years in terms of mobility, cognition and aesthetics.

    TOP Dr. Aubrey de Grey is a leading Cambridge researcher, published author and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Re-search Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on extending the quality of life and helping human beings to live longer, healthier lives.

    78-83_paragon JulAug19.indd 4-5 6/14/19 1:43 PM

    JULY | AUGUST 2019 WLM 81

  • The blueprints of a Paragon Society include sustainable practices, limited stress, physical wellness, scientific breakthroughs and zest for life.

    • MaryRuth Organics is a fast-growing vegan supplement company and is based out of Los Angeles. The passion project of MaryRuth Ghiyam—Certified Health Educator, Nutritional Consultant and Culinary Chef—was brought about after the tragic and unexpected passing of her brother and father, and her mother’s diagnosis of two benign brain tumors. The concept was to formulate a wholesome multivitamin with vegan, non-GMO ingredients, safe for the entire family to take; this vision grew into an entire line of liquid supplements and probiotics, gummy vitamins and, last but not least, face and body products. maryruthorganics.com.

    • FLOURISH Body, Mind, Soul, a company founded by television personality and best-selling author Cristina Ferrare, alongside her daughters Arianna Thomopoulos and Alex Thomopoulos, recently launched a line of food product goods that health conscious consumers can’t get enough of. And good they are. FLOURISH offers four different organic products: Non GMO and Gluten Free, Vegan Granolas including Original, Turmeric, Chocolate Chip (yes you read that correctly), as well as Original with CBD.

    Although available at local markets like Erewhon, you will soon be able to access these healthy and yummy granolas through Amazon. Additionally, the company not only raises awareness of the benefits of health and wellness through healing foods and eco-friendly products, but they also provide recipes that include foods that everyone loves to prepare and eat in a way that is gut, heart and brain healthy, with hardcore studies to back it up using the latest up-to-date medical research. flourishbms.com

    • We all know the dangers of excessive salt intake, including high blood pressure, heart trouble, kidney disease and eczema. But few know how simple the solution is. With more and more health-conscious people seeking out healthier alternatives to traditional table salt, many are discovering clean Pacific sea salt from the California-based New Zealand importer Pacific Resources International. All of PRI’s sea salts are harvested from the pristine oceans around New Zealand, while also being naturally dried, containing no additives and retaining all of the natural trace elements. More specifically, the company’s Pacific Sea Salt is obtained from the energy-efficient method of solar and wind evaporation of seawater. This all-natural, age-old process—only where clean oceans can be found—retains the key minerals that play a role in keeping the body’s electrolytes in balance for a healthy lifestyle. shoppri.com

    “Lord make my words as sweet as honey for tomorrow I may have to eat them.”- Unknown• What is “real” manuka honey? Here

    are a few things to look out for to ensure you’re not only getting the best nutritional and medicinal benefits but also your money’s worth!

    First off, it comes from New Zealand, just like real Champagne comes from France. New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) recently set new standards for what can be exported as “manuka honey.” This means that in the future, manuka honey from New Zealand will have met a threshold for

    the honey’s unique chemical markers. Secondly, it is monofloral (not a “blend” of multiple floral sources) from the manuka flower, ensuring its unique properties. And lastly, real manuka honey has the UMF™ (Unique Manuka Factor) independent certification, guaranteeing specific levels of manuka’s three key compounds. This also ensures it has been sourced, packed and labeled in New Zealand and meets MPI’s standards.

    Since 1974, one trusted leader in manuka honey is the company brand Comvita. With over 40,000 beehives, Comvita is committed to growing relationships with beekeepers and is now known as the number one manufacturer of manuka honey in the world. Not only is its product known for its astronomical benefits, but it is also being used to impregnate bandages that are used for wound care considering that the honey contains natural anti-bacterial properties. comvita.com

    • Combine the number one selling frozen bone broth with MCT oil, and what do you get? California-based Bonafide Provisions’ new Keto Broth collection—the first bone broth designed to help the body digest fat and thereby turbocharge the transition into ketosis.

    The line blends organic bone broth (the best whole food source of the fat-digesting amino acid glycine) with MCT oil (a type of fatty acid that helps the body produce ketones) to help people reap the full benefits of the fat-focused ketogenic diet. Brilliantly packaged, it comes in several flavors in eight ounce heat-and-go cups. The broth has no gluten, grain, additives, preservatives, stabilizers, fillers, powders or sweeteners and contains 15 grams of healthy fats, 9 to10 grams of protein and no sugar. Finally, it comes in a convenient, portable container meant to function like a bone broth coffee cup. bonafideprovisions.com

    “Live long and prosper” is an abbreviated version of a traditional Jewish religious blessing; however, most recognize this phrase from the “Star Trek” TV series, where it was used by the character Mr. Spock as the greeting of the Vulcan people. Paragon Healthy Lifestyles added a few significant words to that phrase to help broaden the blessing as we pass it on to our fellow mankind.



    In closing, we hope you have enjoyed this issue’s Paragon Healthy Lifestyles department. Stay tuned for exciting new topics including the goods on CBD products, skin care treatments and serums, the health benefits of laughter and being mindful, as well as interviews with various wellness experts to name a few.

    To learn more visit: paragonhealthylifestyles.com.

    Live long and prosper!

    Rebecca Gray Grossman has worked extensively in the healthcare field for more than 25 years as a researcher, journalist, and television correspondent. Among other shows, she was a guest host on a weekly morning news segment entitled, “Stop The Clock” for ABC7 Eyewitness News in Los Angeles. She was the Publisher and Editorial Director for Westlake Magazine for more than a decade and launched West Luxury Magazine and Paragon Healthy Lifestyles Magazine in 2016. As Chair of The Grossman Burn Foundation she dedicates her time to supporting burn survivors both locally and globally and exploring new technologies in healthcare.


    FROM TOP Comvita’s Manuka Honey; Bonafide Provisions’ Keto Broth collection.

    CLOCKWISE Mary Ruth’s multivitamin; Pacific Resources International’s Pacific Salt; Quinoa salad (recipe available on flouishbms.com)

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  • The blueprints of a Paragon Society include sustainable practices, limited stress, physical wellness, scientific breakthroughs and zest for life.

    • MaryRuth Organics is a fast-growing vegan supplement company and is based out of Los Angeles. The passion project of MaryRuth Ghiyam—Certified Health Educator, Nutritional Consultant and Culinary Chef—was brought about after the tragic and unexpected passing of her brother and father, and her mother’s diagnosis of two benign brain tumors. The concept was to formulate a wholesome multivitamin with vegan, non-GMO ingredients, safe for the entire family to take; this vision grew into an entire line of liquid supplements and probiotics, gummy vitamins and, last but not least, face and body products. maryruthorganics.com.

    • FLOURISH Body, Mind, Soul, a company founded by television personality and best-selling author Cristina Ferrare, alongside her daughters Arianna Thomopoulos and Alex Thomopoulos, recently launched a line of food product goods that health conscious consumers can’t get enough of. And good they are. FLOURISH offers four different organic products: Non GMO and Gluten Free, Vegan Granolas including Original, Turmeric, Chocolate Chip (yes you read that correctly), as well as Original with CBD.

    Although available at local markets like Erewhon, you will soon be able to access these healthy and yummy granolas through Amazon. Additionally, the company not only raises awareness of the benefits of health and wellness through healing foods and eco-friendly products, but they also provide recipes that include foods that everyone loves to prepare and eat in a way that is gut, heart and brain healthy, with hardcore studies to back it up using the latest up-to-date medical research. flourishbms.com

    • We all know the dangers of excessive salt intake, including high blood pressure, heart trouble, kidney disease and eczema. But few know how simple the solution is. With more and more health-conscious people seeking out healthier alternatives to traditional table salt, many are discovering clean Pacific sea salt from the California-based New Zealand importer Pacific Resources International. All of PRI’s sea salts are harvested from the pristine oceans around New Zealand, while also being naturally dried, containing no additives and retaining all of the natural trace elements. More specifically, the company’s Pacific Sea Salt is obtained from the energy-efficient method of solar and wind evaporation of seawater. This all-natural, age-old process—only where clean oceans can be found—retains the key minerals that play a role in keeping the body’s electrolytes in balance for a healthy lifestyle. shoppri.com

    “Lord make my words as sweet as honey for tomorrow I may have to eat them.”- Unknown• What is “real” manuka honey? Here

    are a few things to look out for to ensure you’re not only getting the best nutritional and medicinal benefits but also your money’s worth!

    First off, it comes from New Zealand, just like real Champagne comes from France. New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) recently set new standards for what can be exported as “manuka honey.” This means that in the future, manuka honey from New Zealand will have met a threshold for

    the honey’s unique chemical markers. Secondly, it is monofloral (not a “blend” of multiple floral sources) from the manuka flower, ensuring its unique properties. And lastly, real manuka honey has the UMF™ (Unique Manuka Factor) independent certification, guaranteeing specific levels of manuka’s three key compounds. This also ensures it has been sourced, packed and labeled in New Zealand and meets MPI’s standards.

    Since 1974, one trusted leader in manuka honey is the company brand Comvita. With over 40,000 beehives, Comvita is committed to growing relationships with beekeepers and is now known as the number one manufacturer of manuka honey in the world. Not only is its product known for its astronomical benefits, but it is also being used to impregnate bandages that are used for wound care considering that the honey contains natural anti-bacterial properties. comvita.com

    • Combine the number one selling frozen bone broth with MCT oil, and what do you get? California-based Bonafide Provisions’ new Keto Broth collection—the first bone broth designed to help the body digest fat and thereby turbocharge the transition into ketosis.

    The line blends organic bone broth (the best whole food source of the fat-digesting amino acid glycine) with MCT oil (a type of fatty acid that helps the body produce ketones) to help people reap the full benefits of the fat-focused ketogenic diet. Brilliantly packaged, it comes in several flavors in eight ounce heat-and-go cups. The broth has no gluten, grain, additives, preservatives, stabilizers, fillers, powders or sweeteners and contains 15 grams of healthy fats, 9 to10 grams of protein and no sugar. Finally, it comes in a convenient, portable container meant to function like a bone broth coffee cup. bonafideprovisions.com

    “Live long and prosper” is an abbreviated version of a traditional Jewish religious blessing; however, most recognize this phrase from the “Star Trek” TV series, where it was used by the character Mr. Spock as the greeting of the Vulcan people. Paragon Healthy Lifestyles added a few significant words to that phrase to help broaden the blessing as we pass it on to our fellow mankind.



    In closing, we hope you have enjoyed this issue’s Paragon Healthy Lifestyles department. Stay tuned for exciting new topics including the goods on CBD products, skin care treatments and serums, the health benefits of laughter and being mindful, as well as interviews with various wellness experts to name a few.

    To learn more visit: paragonhealthylifestyles.com.

    Live long and prosper!

    Rebecca Gray Grossman has worked extensively in the healthcare field for more than 25 years as a researcher, journalist, and television correspondent. Among other shows, she was a guest host on a weekly morning news segment entitled, “Stop The Clock” for ABC7 Eyewitness News in Los Angeles. She was the Publisher and Editorial Director for Westlake Magazine for more than a decade and launched West Luxury Magazine and Paragon Healthy Lifestyles Magazine in 2016. As Chair of The Grossman Burn Foundation she dedicates her time to supporting burn survivors both locally and globally and exploring new technologies in healthcare.


    FROM TOP Comvita’s Manuka Honey; Bonafide Provisions’ Keto Broth collection.

    CLOCKWISE Mary Ruth’s multivitamin; Pacific Resources International’s Pacific Salt; Quinoa salad (recipe available on flouishbms.com)

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