'f 'I Ii · WI8B ANI). Oll'HB.RWI8B. An bolD a .ut. h faith and · that'e a wasJ,e ot, powder; the f&Il itaelf woulll. hay, killed \be squirrel." It ,ia imp0B8lble ' to 'haVe the last word with a chemist, because be alwa.JI ,baa & retort. One point of difference between a 'timid child and a sbipwreck(ld sailor . ta, tha' one .c1ings to ita ma and tbe other to iw spar. Wh,J is coal'the most coutradlctory . uticle known to commerce? Becaoae iWhen purehued, iustead of ping to bll)'er it goU to the cellar. · Two.persons of satiric tum II)!).\ a • eil{hbor, ami Bald, ., friend, "e ii-ive lIeeJi dillputing' ",bether yoo are moat knave or fool." The man took each oftbo queriata by t.he arm, 80 that he was in the mllidle. ,- lu truth," laid he. ,. I belleve I am betweeu\ the wo." . . "Bow many make a' fUrlong .. ked la rathllr of his 801i, a .faat Iirobiu, as he oume home tromlechool ODe day," ",ell I don't know, "'&8 the nPlY of the young .bopefUl, "but I . faDcy you'd, lhiok one rod made an aoIler if yoo such a taumlng as I , did from old Scroggins th1e aftel': MOD. ·'.. . 'Two Irishmen ",ere working ip a quarry. wheu oUhem fell ' into a hole. Tbe ot.her. nlarmed. _e to the ma.rgin of the hole and !lalled oot, ,. Arrah, ' Pat, are ye kilt .iIltirely? .f yelre dead spake." Pat . ftU8l1red bim ·trom· the bottom by Dying. in ' answer, "No. Tim, I'm ·ao' bot I'm spachleBB." Olie ot the old seWer,s on the Isles .r ShoaIe. seeing the Dame of Payche Op lhe holl of a yacht, speaed it out and &hen exclaimed, " Well if that aint tbe dumd.t to sjJell . WHDS TO WVL All good men'sbould live in A.rch- ,&lJgel; all angry men in Ireland. . · All murderers in Kildare j all cir- cus weD 111 Somerset. .A.iI broken in S&ock.bolm ;' all cold · men in. Chili. . . All geoInetriciane in COba;" all tools in Folly-jaland. All bonicul&uriBta in Botany«y ' all wag. in \be Bay or Fundy. ' All perfUmers, io )(uac:M or .Col- .e; all brewen in Malta. . , 101 All gluttons in Turkey; all beggars ip B1II18U:J. .' . . All ,laooaic men . in Laconia' all ' " All confectioners Candia' all oIailclftn in tile Cn-. ' All oil . specula&o .. in Qreece; all .. bien in &be Farro IsIea. . All amblen in ' Tripoli i all caJioaa men .ill Pekin. . All tbQMl1aul'II in Bootan; all 1OIcIie .. ill Annenia or W ... w. ... \ . ':a I V, JlB tl' 0 N. J 0 UIR N .A L. NBW"YO •• •. "CE. '.. --- ..... . .. , . , . l , .' . 8,ALE ONLY BY . , ' ." 1!:. ;& 1::1., ... . . . i -j ,,' .... ) 1 i ' QHESTNUT STREET" Pa . •• , J f t 'W & co'? LON DeN. i. , RQ,y '. BELFAST. ' . AMERICAN . Al.(llENCY, 61 .1 & 613 CHESTNUT ST., ·P: HILA . Ha.,e now ready for deli.,ery, worlel-reno. ned " . Cards. The Largest aDd Moet Varied Aeeonmeat in 'the Country. nD8ing from 5 cenw to $1.50 each. ALSO . CALEN. DARS j a daily date blOOk Caleud": WI&h qDOla&iOllB from Shakespeare tor eYery day. Price 50 cents. ' " DA Y DAY" · Cl.LENDAR; similar 10 abcWe with Sorip- \ani qaotationB. 50 cent&. ., . , Co "EVEQ.Y CALBNDARj. same ... aooft, with auitahle. qaotatioDB tor men. 50 cent... ' . . . .' PaRies remiUiDg will havB 'made U d-'-.a aftd ..... .:t, piaid. ' -' .- - I Crowning success or S. S. Hymn Books I . ..... c:..-. ........... ---'11 , TREAGER & I.aMB· , .. ' Book and Job PBINT!lBS t. . . &l Seventh St., ' . ............. .......... rr M ' " .Th._ am!i to lOme. eneil, .... ...s ..t. Jaollda1 at&lre j aDd &0 ... .... ' _aal l obi. server . the "'Te J (or lbe oomiqg. HuoD ,p.,..-e-.'. TM 19ft ... "r$i- "'1, i .. alive witb the 8iapadQ91 1 wboleeale- trade, whloh DatanJI1 more- or leu . .. "' :. lealOD' · I · adTaDCC8. Up toWD. &lie 8&0,.. a grand app;earaoe Wldfthelr bellut!- (aUy ... r'ruged Ie- .,eaUng &0 pU.e1'8 ' by :al.pjloent diaplaye · or lhe ':,)*re.lclllar line· ot goods 4n deata; ,. Wi&bID the o( u.at ponlon of tbe ,cit.y!.occapied. bI GaD qIIoiees, 011 . iQte' .. ".,. . devotla tbeir , of »y such. .!4Iiapla,. .. tOr · "'atirul lbinp' it ' i. .......088ibIeI rOrt one to't wilk without 1tiilbiDg he weN ·4!it.ber . ' rieh .. C,' __ or ... .. Diogonf'B. ,.. NO'one_untbnDiAr With NewlYori' GaD, form'a ).J)pret:iitioo;.of. ,tj. .. conveuience of lbe EleYMed· .&bnoe i. 'Domber,( On Bat 6tb' SDd 9th ' BaTing, a_tiona along I their"ro\l,tea .'from· five ' t& elgbt bloCks " apart, one &lwa,.. be ehoi'& walk ot ' a ' lItatioD; and 'U . ·trains : ran ,Wi"l bu, a' reW' iliomenw tDterftl, ,' he Is enablfl.l' &0 travel . ·dletauc4diil e'ee &han one-fift.. lbe time occqpied by the surraee- " .: roads. . 1 ;7 . Tbe r llClllOn{ from . the present out- look will 00 ' asgJ'lmd' II 8OOi:al » mercaatile 8uCt'e88,aDdeverything . eeeme. brigbtening witb increasing proeperity. Fiftbl a"euue during the- at\emoon: preeenw a lovely 'siglit, . witb ita long Ihie ot handsome equip-' agea J*!8ing aDd' repuaing the mag- , nifieent boaaee, .. hlcti baTe 80 ' Ioilg been closed ;' whilat their ,occupantl were out. of towa; , bat wliieb now being !&Opened make the Ik : ene more grand trom oootrut with · the sum· meraeuon •. .' B ..... ding. ot · aU 80118 are being actiTely. tn all' parts or city, prOminent among the resi- dpncee are tboee JIr. W. H. Van- derbilt ia erectiDl, for Iiimaelf' and two married \ " The theatres are all in actj.,e op-' eraloion, t he · pr.lnd.,.J being ., lIl .. : Bernhard\" ' aaH . Duel . Kine,' the latter .... JaM given its- repreeeot.a&lOll. . , day cOmes like a seC- . ODd 8wHl&y .... ill week. aDd 'Will be ob- eened t.broagbo· Dt tile city. , DOl'S: a . ' t -t'n-. '- .":'''':-' 'f b, ' =: ,='= ,\=. =i'i ,, :::;.;= " "1 l' i. . ow=w ,. :;;==:= , =;:==;::=====;:=;==.==.===;::::::=.==;:::::===:= J., 18, ; , CO.B.tB?IA!1 PO., . . S .. ,,1'., Ji:i I" . Druggis.ts · ( line df selected Druglt aod Toilet Articles, \ etc .. Medicines and. New RemedIes. Compressed pille 9, . ty. Physicians' Prescriptions care- fully compounded. · . PBIL1DA. AID LIInGa JUlilDA. For Tbniqb Tlckel.l to Fe"';dl...,· ;TacUon· .,1110. st. .. and Intermediate tandlnp on st"lo1iii'iI'JliYor and lDterlor. pofnta 'IIi 11b'rl .... by atDamlblp tAlSa""lI' DAhwr:.UiU'" Jif ,,aUroad ' or lt4iunboat, appl)' tAl .t..' J AllES, tHnoral Aaont. ]tAU ... ',.,. .. BotU ....... a B, 8." " ., . D& South Dola, .... , An., fbllL . , c. "PftOMAS, . DBAUB , • . ' CHOICE GRO, CERIES., ., ... , rt,; " Good. Neurel; pacllM ' aDd" C/O or Care rree. GI:.ORGE W. HULME, . ' A.en1 Cor tile Springfteld Gas ' Machine, Dealer lD Gaso'!pe for, Ga. Machines, ., , N9. 19 BotAl1l, ... cton .... , ;o ... UI .. Ho_; "0., Piped and Flttcld up eo.pleto. ·r CHBI811'IIA". l I , . bave muoh off. Th';'" at ,K one &ime lasted. with more or leU TbQ teut of Clirist.'s brillianoy until candlemas, aad ·witb cording to mapy critics; no.t,oclebrated great .. till night ;' but now in the fl.,.t the UbrlltilUl !&'meetipg,'oompoeed when (JOII8lble, of charch, as t.he Christian in tho various branchea and members of general, was to tilO (Jeath 4 tamily, ls all that diMln!lQlsbea lbe of remarkable penonl, mther than day othel'll, tbelr birth. . , Tbe custom or giving and receiv: . ,give ttw c,tab· oq Obristmas, is of!& in memory. ot.tllls . fro. u\I8P, pmct'oed evellt· . .t .oentury. the (eat ,t Of tlie birth of Sol, but whDe o.t.hers equally gopft clabn' ita It . haI beoome cOl'lNlCl'ated by ·ages, obaen>anoe I&S the aeco.ud and conttibutel a grdt -deal to nlake oentury. ' . " this rCl!tival all to It doea not appear, however; tbat fnmlliee. ' '. ' GI! there was , apy uni'(ormlty In the pe. . --0- nod of Qbserv.·og the natiMity among .the early oha,ohea; , BOIDe ' belft • the ' testivaUn tbe.\1Iont.h oUlay ,A prU; It it . appropriate c' tlJat middle in Janual')'. The 6th d"Y of month.'ot the winter should be named tile last beIDg tbe datil after Jauus, ,double-faced. 'l'wo of ita East. of his feur eYJ18 looked back on the infonoat.ion re8pecting past, an<J two peered for,ward Jato t.Jie 4,nf' ot Chrlat's blrtb exilte4, in the future . . It maiseem in advance the , fift;h century . the Western church of the date. to talk 4b;oot , ew Year's ( ordered)t to be celebrated forever tOOay. ' But aa tbe JOUBlfAL baa no on the 25th· of December; whiqh was notes or ' .c.bllgations ' to ,meet, it can the day of the) old Roman fea.t of atrord tp be ah!!¥! , of time. has the birth ot Sol. . .' met ,ta as . it It is, almost cl!ttain tippes, q,ll sorts of good thing!l trom that tbe 25th of D,eeemtier cannot be ib! 'friends, it. be .very willing W natal day of the Sav:iol!. tor it is aqtedate tll.eir . ... tny . thing then the height of the rainy Bea8On . that mip:ht .be said, a mopth hence" in l and the shepbercle could about the New Year "ould go to haretly' be f10cb by protest; by that time people night in the plaine. . . lf$U have ,000ome to wo'rd. are . , Like aie lJD.. mo$l Silal Wegg, W4t drop "lhtio pnetry : . l i .' To tbe talk ot cb&noei ... change. . ' . We liateD --b .... .1 .. ac ..... : Bqt really t;Iae ..... eba1IoIe ",re, limply. ..... . ..... : It. wdtteD bvone.of the""'" "'There nClliihg ' DJ '. alUi:'" t' . And , the 'world wblch is ' roamg· III Eightoy" '. , .' " . Will be .rollin.l In ''{ Tbe Items are cho.,pbIg and thlftltaBt , The , total .. wUl toot lip 1IUII8' The , The old maWlr with .. D_ ' ThooiJi ia heaVy, :' .• -::-T , 'To tJle end" ot hia ond" may,.raa, , Or tb,e mlP1, ,,l1o is Eigb'Ji May be W. .. J But .tbeir 1 fr9, *" . . old tUea. , . The au'ke IJia caoaal Aa eaihir biting- than ftllIIi f 'I.' I' On the iing of tbe mythical: aerp6D't Though May 'j. . The men love..ltricken, aq«i. 0.: maldene .. ' '. " From tbe Gospel f'f St. Llike it · 1881, . an!;!, 0 .. iroSTim, was'known that Christ was born dur- fUl 1880 was, 80 recently, ', ' . iog the nigbt, tberefore, divine:'ser- tbeir daDy . Are " wooed anel aDd au " 'tis. the 'old,'Old'.tb!fy' .. : I No matter to whom it ; Though the doubling ot ' two.. iii l& General · 11lS1U'a.nce Broker. ' . vic,e was performed on . the Dight. of We are not yet quite otr wltJa. M{ ' WALNUT 8T Phila from whloh cir- old yeAr. mal back- DOit I r' ,', l"!l ' 8,y the . magio ot lIYffl en . ". ' . cumetaDee Cbnstm&8 is called in the old Etrurian . German, Weihnachien; i•. e.. Holy or deity to review: tbe past. Among , IIIlurano& placed 'In uellablo Companlu on Consecrated Night. The of the notable of th.e year was .• yONblo tonnl. , . ' , r:: f h J thll,IIJaJ.jtJr Stephen and the Evangelist the..,.t ... 0 tiS' OUBlfAL. And the babe tbatis UnMrn iD -. May be'piphilfin , . L' Elfvor. '. , " .1 " . , " )' ... . ROY AL ROSE S' ; were ,unite4 witb ,It, and, a lis, may t.hat tl;Iel F Y FL . OUR. feast o( . three lIays contiouance was have yet learned. the J91- ...... d ,With bis a;..a' to see ' . ' .. What alone in the"t ' is , ·formed. ' The III88UOre of tbe of the three requisites ac- 'Tbe anut made In ) the United StatAll. EYor)' UUl' at Bethlehem,whichooour- oo-"-g to Dem08theu,ee:." Fir., Aa.- , 1UD1I)' Ibould nle It. · ........ - ·.,IJI red immediately anar tbe birth Df ·ti9"; 8eOOnd, third, keeping, .:\ . . BETBLBIID: ¥ JOS' EPH CAMPBELL, . pa___ '" oar Savlor,{ and which was The pabliBhet'a ' wadioc is Aud .. rated before the obaervanOCl'of Christ. flrst, aDd 'alI 'time. mas 11'&8 placed 00 tbe518th of De- Bqt t.he · pliblip will be pleased to flnd oember, to :eorrelpond with birtb one Journal not boast. the on tbe 25th. In the ecclesiastical largest clrculatl9n of any periodical lear, tbe ft!8tivl&l of Chrilltm&8 glvea . olltaide' p! tbe leading cities. ·Every name to II. pel'iud exteudlng from the reader is eatislled ,with the perusal Qf Il ... t S,mduy in Atlvent, to t.he reast on.e cqpy (alwaya provided it is not of Epiphany, January 6th. borrowed). and tb4t ia enough , for . And: "hat good' in the fULare I may' be: , . For Juetiee and tl'Qth are eternal, Whate'er may be sald or .,., Clone. ADd lbe ' coDBOieDce 'well gnarded in Eighti' , '. Will ,be kept good hi Eighty-One. ... . --<1- , 80m!! mnintaiu thllt. Christmas h.. him. No nurqbel' of readers, how-. P.IGRON Th' OelQraled rua,rr...P.., always been celebrated in the church. ever, is more enougb .for as; Tbe autumn meeting of tbe N. y.. ......... _.. 10 tbe Romrm Catholio Cburch, three and if t.he JOUBliAL doee not coont · Qon clOBed 00 SatoMay, No .1110. , •• .. ruta BDie.n, PNaorncl mauea are performed-one at mid- readers by teos of t.housandl. 80 vember 5l'lt.b. at tbe . club groDO., I'nlh •• l'u ... lI'ftln.J'w •• Bight, one at and one in That Bergen P .... N. J. ... Viii'w17 and Warerooml l Hoe. III a.d .. NORTH S!lOOND tn'R£ET, OAMDEN, _H _. _ J. ________ _ · ltIVDTOJr COAL !' !B.D, " AT :PBPOT. ' LBBIGII ao.u. ou baud, AT LOWEST CASH PRIOES. 8peclal ratH b, car load. LUULS COMNBB. J. B. ", ' SON8, , the morning, and · thia ia clearly the i8 All. · 8adil1llge-aside. the publlshers ' Long Bran@1 Maryland. . the origin ot tbe name, it being a acknowledge wit.. due gratitude, their ' sett. Orange, Phil&delpbia, fl,i.,erton, combination of the words Christ and reception bv the public. ' For tbe relit Staten bland and New York QUD , IDUI. ' . borro: the phrase- Clubs, andedWeatminster Kennel Clubr ' The Anglo-Catholic Church alio ology of a Yankee Shopkeeper: ., The wllre allow to oompele. . observeis it.; .pecial psalms are auo" largest lavors "101ft gratefully. re- In the Visitors' Match •• ten birds a special preface i.e made to the com- eeh'ed 'and amaller ooea in propor- eacb, Meal.... Stroud and Bally, ortbe- munion servloe, ant.! the At.hauaeiall tiOIl." Riverton GDO Clob. tied for the Il'IIt. oreed ls old 0 ... sung. Tbll Lutheran There has no recent year cloaed pri&e. eaoh kUling bll Cull numbel\ Cburch on Lhe contln\lnt obeervep under' more generlllly .pleasant ,eir- on 8hooting 011' lbe tie, Mr. aaQy Chriatmas; but thll Presbyterian CUD)8tanoea tban that to whiull are missed his Illth bird. Mr. F. C. Cbul'Cliee and Lhe whole of the Eog- now bidding adieu. At 110. time have Aruold, a1ao of the Riverton.,.nea liah diaaentel'll. rejl.'ct it, in ita religious the holiday indioatioue boen more oft' the second friae . Mr. AraoIcl _u ..peet .. a ., human hi and • cbeerful. Pritll4 facie evidenoe of the sucoeaafU oompet.itor "r "sayoring ot papill'ical ww.wor- t.his is aeen ID the aspect of all whom Barron Cup, on Friday, aDd ... won l hip," although in England, di.. we .meut in the crowded atreetl of t.he the Ill'llt priae ia t.he Matcb, senters .. well .. churcbmen keep neighboring city, It there are no OD Saturday. be killiug be. is birds. . &lid it .. a social Jtollday, on which there crowds in our village Just , It ia . ¥r. F. P: Sands of ' the Narraga.nsett ·" HIRDWIRE, CUruBY DO TOOLS', ia a complete ' oeuatlon "rom all busi- because the people are taking tlielr Club toOk the aeoond priae, killing neal , vacatioQ, and recuperat.ing tor ' 21 out ot i5, whUe Mr. Duter ot t.he " No. 1009 , .Mark.et Street, ,. P¥JL4DaLPl\l •• Wltbin t.he last Du' ndredyeara, ,tb.e tbe iummer campaign . in Riverton. New York Qun Club 8IOured Uaird tqUvitiea Ollce appropria\8 to Chriilt- More we might say-but, in proae, ()lace. , ',' . , . " .' " ' .. . ...

rivertonhistory.com JOURNAL/REEL... · Thogg~, no infonoat.ion re8pecting past, an

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An Irish~·upon.eeiJlgasquirrel • f~~ bolD a ,~ .ut. h faith and

· that'e a wasJ,e ot, powder; the f&Il itaelf woulll.hay, killed \be squirrel."

It ,ia imp0B8lble ' to 'haVe the last word with a chemist, because be alwa.JI ,baa & retort.

One point of difference between a 'timid child and a sbipwreck(ld sailor

. ta, tha' one .c1ings to ita ma and tbe other to iw spar.

Wh,J is coal 'the most coutradlctory .uticle known to commerce? Becaoae iWhen purehued, iustead of ping to • bll)'er it goU to the cellar.

· Two .persons of satiric tum II)!).\ a • eil{hbor, ami Bald, ., friend, "eii-ive lIeeJi dillputing' ",bether yoo are moat knave or fool." The man took each oftbo queriata by t.he arm, 80 that he was in the mllidle. ,- lu truth," laid he. ,. I belleve I am betweeu\the wo." .

. "Bow many ~s make a' fUrlong .. ked la rathllr of his 801i, a .faat Iirobiu, as he oume home tromlechool ODe day," ",ell I don't know, "'&8 the nPlY of the young .bopefUl, "but I .faDcy you'd, lhiok one rod made an aoIler if yoo ~ such a taumlng as I ,did from old Scroggins th1e aftel': MOD.·' ..

. 'Two Irishmen ",ere working ip a quarry. wheu on~ oUhem fell 'into a q~ hole. Tbe ot.her. nlarmed. _e to the ma.rgin of the hole and !lalled oot, ,. Arrah, 'Pat, are ye kilt .iIltirely? .f yelre dead spake." Pat

. ftU8l1red bim ·trom · the bottom by Dying. in ' answer, "No. Tim, I'm ·ao' d~, bot I'm spachleBB."

Olie ot the old seWer,s on the Isles .r ShoaIe. seeing the Dame of Payche Op lhe holl of a yacht, speaed it out a1~wly. and &hen exclaimed, " Well if that aint tbe dumd.t "'~y to sjJell Ieh~' .


All good men 'sbould live in A.rch­,&lJgel; all angry men in Ireland. . · All murderers in Kildare j all cir­cus weD 111 Somerset.

.A.iI broken in S&ock.bolm ;' all cold · men in. Chili. . .

All geoInetriciane in COba;" all tools in Folly-jaland.

All bonicul&uriBta in Botany«y ' all wag. in \be Bay or Fundy. '

All perfUmers, io )(uac:M or .Col­.e; all brewen in Malta. .

, 101 All gluttons in Turkey; all beggars ip B1II18U:J. . ' . . All ,laooaic men . in Laconia' all

' ~inSiberiaorWaia ' " All confectioners ~ Candia' all

oIailclftn in tile Cn-. ' All oil .specula&o .. in Qreece; all

.. bien in &be Farro IsIea. . • All amblen in ' Tripoli i all

caJioaa men .ill Pekin. . All tbQMl1aul'II in Bootan; all

1OIcIie .. ill Annenia or W ... w. ...

\ .

':a I V,JlB tl' 0 N. J 0 UIR N .A L.

'~ " NBW"YO •• t~R~D • . "CE. '.. ~ --- ..... .

. . , • t· •

. GfO.'WO·0f)3& 'CO.'~~PRIGHTPI:'NOS; ' , . l

, .' . ~OR 8,ALE ONLY BY . , ' ."

1!:. ~ l.1JCK~NBICIf ;& 1::1., ... . . . i - j ,,' .... Ual .~ta,

) • 1 • i '

~ QHESTNUT STREET" Philade)p~, Pa . •• , • J f t •

MA\RC~S 'W A~D & co'? LON DeN.



RQ,y A~ ~LSTE;R , ' ;W(}Rl~S, '. BELFAST. ' .


61.1 & 613 CHESTNUT ST., ·P:HILA . Ha.,e now ready for deli.,ery, fUlllltocks~ttheir worlel-reno. ned

" .

Chrutmu · and·· Ne:w ·Y~at Cards. The Largest aDd Moet Varied Aeeonmeat in 'the Country.

nD8ing from 5 cenw to $1.50 each.

ALSO . SBAK~SPEREAN CALEN.DARS j a daily date blOOk Caleud":

WI&h qDOla&iOllB from Shakespeare tor eYery day. Price 50 cents. '

" DA Y .UN~ DAY" ·Cl.LENDAR; similar 10 abcWe with Sorip-\ani qaotationB. 50 cent&. ., . , Co

"EVEQ.Y ~"&'Y" CALBNDARj. same .. . aooft, with auitahle . qaotatioDB tor ~lIIIlIIeBI men. 50 cent... ' . . . .'

PaRies remiUiDg will havB ~ta 'made U d-'-.a aftd ..... .:t, ~ piaid. ' -'.- -


Crowning success or S. S. Hymn Books I ...... c:..-. ........... ---'11 ,

TREAGER & I.aMB· , .. '

Book and Job ~


. . &l ~uth Seventh St.,

' .............. ~.-.......... rr M '


.Th._ am!i ~.l* a1M.d,~ to lOme. eneil, .... ...s ..• t. Jaollda1 at&lre j aDd &0 ....... ' _aal lobi. server .the "'Te 'p~'" J (or lbe oomiqg. HuoD ~ ,p.,..-e-.'.

TM 19ft ... "r$i- ~f, ,, "'1, i .. alive witb the 8iapadQ911wboleeale-trade, whloh DatanJI1 ~ more­or leu . dhDiD~~ .. "' :. lealOD' · I


Up toWD. &lie "'~I 8&0,.. P~Dt a grand app;earaoe Wldfthelr bellut!­(aUy ... r'ruged ~bo. rwiltdo~ Ie­

.,eaUng &0 pU.e1'8' by :al.pjloent diaplaye ·or lhe ':,)*re.lclllar line · ot goods 4n .-w~t.C"i b~ b~· . deata; , . Wi&bID the 'i~.~ o( u.at ponlon of tbe, cit.y!.occapied. P".~.J bI ~e re~il .wacle, GaD be'~ ~~ qIIoiees, p~Qctio";f'~ ' '''' eo.&ri~. 011 ~ . glo~, tpurobUeW.hy' ~'ofOOD'P" iQte' jad~,; .. ".,.. ~Ye' devotla tbeir, .~v~: fO" ~'~je, ~~y':anfc!dUc~ ti~~ of ~e. pabIJc.~.. »y such.

.!4Iiapla,. .. tOr· "'atirul lbinp' it ' i. ....... 088ibIeI rOrt one to' twilk without 1tiilbiDg he weN ·4!it.ber . ' rieh .. C,' __ or ... '~ .. Diogonf'B. , .. NO'one _untbnDiAr With NewlYori' GaD, form' a jbl~ ).J)pret:iitioo;.of. ,tj ... conveuience of lbe EleYMed· Rail~ ~, ' ot 'wbieh tIle~1are .&bnoe i. 'Domber, (On Bat 6tb' SDd 9th 'Aveuu~ ~vely. 'BaTing,a_tiona along Itheir"ro\l,tea \~giUg . 'from· five ' t& elgbt bloCks "apart, one ~I &lwa,.. be wi"iII~. ehoi'& walk ot' a' lItatioD; and 'U . ·trains : ran ,Wi"l bu, a' reW' iliomenw tDterftl,, 'he Is enablfl.l' &0 travel . ·dletauc4diil e'ee &han one-fift .. lbe time occqpied by the surraee- " .: roads. . 1 ;7 .

TberllClllOn{ from . the present out-look will 00 'asgJ'lmd' II 8OOi:al » mercaatile 8uCt'e88,aDd'· everything . eeeme. brigbtening witb increasing proeperity. Fiftbla"euue during the­at\emoon: preeenw a lovely 'siglit, . witb ita long Ihie ot handsome equip- ' agea J*!8ing aDd' repuaing the mag- , nifieent boaaee, .. hlcti baTe'· 80 ' Ioilg been closed ;'whilat their ,occupantl were out. of towa;, bat wliieb now being !&Opened make the Ik:ene more grand trom oootrut with · the sum· meraeuon • . .' B ..... ding. ot· aU 80118 are being actiTely. COD~ tn all' parts or ~ city, prOminent among the resi-dpncee are tboee JIr. W. H. Van­derbilt ia erectiDl, for Iiimaelf' and two married da~~t.el'll \ "

The theatres are all in actj.,e op-' eraloion, t he· pr.lnd.,.J ~tic)i1. being ., lIl .. : Bernhard\" ' aaH . Duel

. Kine,' the latter.... JaM given its-~8O&h repreeeot.a&lOll. .

, ~YiDg day cOmes like a seC­. ODd 8wHl&y .... ill week. aDd 'Will be ob­eened ~ra1ly t.broagbo·Dt tile city.

, DOl'S: a

. ' t -t'n-. • ' - .":'''':-'

'f ":~1~'~~ b,' ~' ~:;:;===b;=='~\ ===~::::;='==;;:==~I=" ~I;=:===:;:" =:,='= ,\=. =i'i,,:::;.;= " "1 l' • i . . ow=w,. :;;==:=, =;:==;::=====;:=;==.==.===;::::::=.==;:::::===:=

fHY~RTON, t~,,, J., .DEC~..MB~R 18, 18~O. ; ,

CO.B.tB?IA!1 ~ PO., . . '~ S .. ,,1'., Ji:i I" .

Druggis.ts ~ ' Pharmaci~t8, · ( A:\ful1,~ line df selected Druglt aod Ch~micaI8; Toilet Articles, \ ~ etc .. " P~terit Medicines and. New RemedIes.

Compressed pille 9, . 6pecia~ ty. Physicians' Prescriptions care-

fully compounded. · .

PBIL1DA. AID ~nKlur LIInGa JUlilDA. For Tbniqb Tlckel.l to Fe"';dl..., · ;TacUon·

.,1110. st. A~De; ISiulfOrd~lIlftMrDrl .. and Intermediate tandlnp on st"lo1iii'iI'JliYor and lDterlor. pofnta 'IIi 11b'rl .... by atDamlblp tAlSa""lI' DAhwr:.UiU'" Jif ,,aUroad 'or lt4iunboat, appl)' tAl .t..' J AllES, tHnoral Aaont.

]tAU ... ',.,. .. BotU ....... a B, 8." " ., . D& South Dola,...., An., fbllL . ,

c. "PftOMAS, . DBAUB , • .

'CHOICE GRO,CERIES., ., ... "l08 ' ~ket, It.'t~. , rt,; " Good. Neurel; pacllM' aDd" ~i~lyereli

C/O 8~eamboa' or Care rree.

GI:.ORGE W. HULME, . ' A.en1 Cor tile

Springfteld Gas ' Machine, ~nd Dealer lD

Gaso'!pe for, Ga. Machines, ., , N9. 19 N.,8eY'Dth.8t~ Ph.lIadelp~la.

• BotAl1l, ... cton .... ,;o ... UI .. Ho_; "0., Piped and Flttcld up eo.pleto. ·r

CHBI811'IIA". l I , . ~as bave muoh rali~n off. Th';'" at • • ,K ~ '.' ~. one &ime lasted. with more or leU

TbQ teut of Clirist.'s birf;l~ was,.~ brillianoy until candlemas, aad ·witb cording to mapy critics; no.t,oclebrated great .. pI~lt till twel~h night ;' but now in the fl.,.t cen~uril!s 'Qf the UbrlltilUl !&'meetipg,'oompoeed when (JOII8lble, of charch, as t.he Christian tu~," in tho various branchea and members of general, was to ~ebf&W tilO (Jeath 4 tamily, ls all that diMln!lQlsbea lbe of remarkable penonl, mther than day ~ve othel'll, tbelr birth. . , Tbe custom or giving and receiv:

. , ,~i;authonti8!l ,give ttw c,tab· i~g p'reaen~ oq Obristmas, is ~~rtved liah~l1t of!& f~t in memory.ot.tllls .fro. an, old' .hl!!'lb~ u\I8P, pmct'oed evellt · · ~luring, ' ~he fo.~~ . .t.oentury. ~. the (eat,t Of tlie birth of Sol, but whDe o.t.hers equally gopft clabn' ita It .haI beoome cOl'lNlCl'ated by ·ages, obaen>anoe ~ ~ly I&S the aeco.ud and conttibutel a grdt -deal to nlake oentury. ' . " this rCl!tival all intere.t~g e!~t to

It doea not appear, however; tbat fnmlliee. ' '. ' GI! there was ,apy uni'(ormlty In the pe. . --0- • •

nod of Qbserv.·og the natiMity among I~I"I • .the early oha,ohea; ,BOIDe' belft • the ' testivaUn tbe.\1Iont.h oUlay o.~ ,A prU; It it. appropriate c'tlJat th~. middle o~hers in Janual')'. The 6th d"Y of month.'ot the winter should be named tile last nlUl)ed,mp~th beIDg tbe datil after Jauus, ~he ,double-faced. 'l'wo of ita o~rvance ~ ~e East. of his feur eYJ18 looked back on the Thogg~ , no infonoat.ion re8pecting past, an<J two peered for,ward Jato

t.Jie 4,nf' ot Chrlat's blrtb exilte4, in the future . . It maiseem in advance the ,fift;h century .the Western church of the date. to talk 4b;oot , ew Year's

(ordered)t to be celebrated forever tOOay. ' But aa tbe JOUBlfAL baa no on the 25th·of December; whiqh was notes or' .c.bllgations 'to ,meet, it can the day of the) old Roman fea.t of atrord tp be ah!!¥! , of time. I~ has the birth ot Sol. . .' met ,ta "aej:ep~oo.;" ~d as . it

It is, never:th~leaa. almost cl!ttain tippes, q,ll sorts of good thing!l trom that tbe 25th of D,eeemtier cannot be ib! 'friends, it. ~,~11 be .very willing W ~e natal day of the Sav:iol!. tor it is aqtedate tll.eir . k~dces!l. ...tny .thing then the height of the rainy Bea8On . that mip:ht .be said, a mopth hence" in ~udtll', land the shepbercle could about the New Year "ould go to haretly' be w~tching ~their f10cb by protest; Sin~f by that time people night in the plaine. . . lf$U have ,000ome lIOO~to.rped to

wo'rd. are . ~ai\,~.: ,Like aie lJD.. mo$l Silal Wegg, W4t drop "lhtio pnetry : . l i ~ .'

To tbe talk ot TiiDes~ cb&noei ... change. . ' .

We liateD --b .... .1 .. ac ..... : Bqt really t;Iae ~ ..... eba1IoIe •

",re, limply. ~ ..... . ~ ~ ..... : It. w~ wdtteD bvone.of the""'"

" 'There ~,\ nClliihg ' DJ uDder '~ '. alUi:'" ~ t' ~ .

And ,the 'world wblch is 'roamg· III Eightoy" '. , . ' " .

Will be .rollin.l In Eli~t)'~. ''{

Tbe Items are cho.,pbIg and thlftltaBt , The ,total .. wUl toot lip ~ 1IUII8'

The th"g~t~ De";"'4""'~ , The old maWlr with .. D_ .~: '

ThooiJi lb~'~hoie ~k N.l~riQe ia heaVy, :' .• -::-T

, 'To tJle end"ot hia ond" may,.raa, , Or tb,e mlP1,,,l1o is baokr1lpt ,~ Eigb'Ji

May be .,plv~Dt W. ~ig~t1r:0~~!. '])~ Artl>f09~ .. are . bn~y, .l'" J

But .tbeir ~ta I}'e ,MrL~ 1fr9,*" . . old tUea. , . ~ The au'ke tii~ IJia caoaal &ppeli~

Aa eaihir biting-than ftllIIif 'I.' I'

On the iing of tbe mythical: aerp6D't The,st1Wg,.ot ,evg~ta iiJ .ltill,~,.

Though th8'f"'bio~ ~ .r.vo~.in ~iSllty., May ~ ~ishe<t l~ $i4~ty,~(j~~. 'j. .

The men ~ love..ltricken, aq«i. 0.:

maldene .. ' ' . "

From tbe Gospel f'f St. Llike it · 1881, .an!;!, ,ha~e (orgotten-aDgra~ "'l'BO~AS 0 .. iroSTim, was'known that Christ was born dur- fUl wo\,141~~hat 1880 was, 80 recently,

', ' . iog the nigbt, tberefore, divine:'ser- tbeir daDy re~embrancer.

. Are " wooed anel ~rrled aDd au " ' ~utYjlt, 'tis.the'old,'Old' .tb!fy' .. : I

No matter to whom it ~rau: ; ~ Though the doubling ot' two.. iii l&

General · 11lS1U'a.nce Broker. ' . vic,e was performed on . the Dight. of We are not yet quite otr wltJa. th~ M{' WALNUT 8T Phila D~ember i4th-~5t.h, from whloh cir- old yeAr. an~ mal ~rrow ~he back-

DOit I r' ,', l"!l '

8,y the .magio ot lIYfflen ~.d9#. . ". ' . cumetaDee Cbnstm&8 is called in ~tio~ spec~leslot the old Etrurian

. German, Weihnachien; i •. e.. Holy or deity to review: tbe past. Among , IIIlurano& placed 'In uellablo Companlu on Consecrated Night. The f~ of the notable event~. of th.e year was

. • yONblo tonnl. , . ' , r:: f h J thll,IIJaJ.jtJr Stephen and the Evangelist the..,.t ~P ... ~~ce 0 tiS' OUBlfAL.

And the babe tbatis UnMrn iD EiI~'i -. May be 'piphilfin, E~tity.One. · .

L' Elfvor. '. , " .1 " . , " )' ... . i~l.

ROY AL ROSE ~EX'TR'" S'; ~.,bn were ,unite4 witb ,It, and, a lis, p.ul1~ish!lrs may ~ret t.hat tl;Iel F AMl~ Y FL. OUR. feast o( .three lIays contiouance was have ,,~9t yet learned. the edi~ria1

~~ J91-~.our ~~n4\1 ...... d ~y. ~~~, ,With bis do~~e glan~ a;..a' ' ~8,11

to see ' . ' .. What alone in the"t 'is w~

, tb~ ·formed. 'The III88UOre of tbe ve~lop of the three requisites ac-'Tbe anut made In )the United StatAll. EYor)' UUl' ~ft._ at Bethlehem,whichooour- oo-"-g to Dem08theu,ee: ." Fir., Aa.-,

1UD1I)' Ibould nle It. · ........ - ·.,IJI red immediately anar tbe birth Df ·ti9"; 8eOOnd, Act~oJl' ;' third, ~otion:' keeping, .:\ . .



JOS'EPH CAMPBELL, . pa___ '"

oar Savlor,{and which was com~mo- The pabliBhet'a 'wadioc is Aud .. rated before the obaervanOCl'of Christ. oi~y, flrst, seco~, aDd 'alI ~e 'time. mas 11'&8 placed 00 tbe518th of De- Bqt t.he · pliblip will be pleased to flnd oember, to: eorrelpond with th~ birtb one Journal wbi~b 4~ not boast. the on tbe 25th. In the ecclesiastical largest clrculatl9n of any periodical lear, tbe ft!8tivl&l of Chrilltm&8 glvea . olltaide' p! tbe leading cities. ·Every name to II. pel'iud exteudlng from the reader is eatislled ,with the perusal Qf Il ... t S,mduy in Atlvent, to t.he reast on.e cqpy (alwaya provided it is not of Epiphany, January 6th. borrowed). and tb4t ia enough , for

. And: "hat good ' in the fULare I may' be: , .

For Juetiee and tl'Qth are eternal, Whate'er may be sald or .,., Clone.

ADd lbe ' coDBOieDce 'well gnarded in Eighti' ,'.

Will ,be kept good hi Eighty-One. ... . ~


, 80m!! mnintaiu thllt. Christmas h.. him. No nurqbel' of readers, how-. P.IGRON ~~90TINO. Th' OelQraled ~~ rua,rr...P.., always been celebrated in the church. ever, is more tha~ enougb .for as; Tbe autumn meeting of tbe N. y..

......... _.. 10 tbe Romrm Catholio Cburch, three and if t.he JOUBliAL doee not coont · Qon ~lub clOBed 00 SatoMay, No .1110. , •• ~ .. ruta BDie.n, PNaorncl mauea are performed-one at mid- readers by teos of t.housandl. 80 vember 5l'lt.b. at tbe .club groDO.,

I'nlh •• l'u ... lI'ftln.J'w •• ,Oa'-uP,~. Bight, one at d".Yb.~. and one in muchtbeworse(ort.hereaders~ That Bergen P .... N. J. Ilembe~jJ ot~e ...

• Viii'w17 and Warerooml l Hoe. III a.d .. NORTH S!lOOND tn'R£ET,

OAMDEN,_H_. _J. ________ _

· ltIVDTOJr COAL !' !B.D, " AT :PBPOT.

'LBBIGII ao.u. CoDatll~t1, ou baud,


8peclal ratH b, car load.


J. B. SHANNO~ ", ' SON8,

, the morning, and · thia ia clearly the i8 All. · 8adil1llge-aside. the publlshers ' Long Bran@1 Maryland. ~ar~- . the origin ot tbe name, it being a acknowledge wit .. due gratitude, their' sett. Orange, Phil&delpbia, fl,i.,erton, combination of the words Christ and reception bv the public. ' For tbe relit Staten bland and New York QUD , IDUI. ' . th~y borro: the matl~.;-of-tact phrase- Clubs, andedWeatminster Kennel Clubr '

The Anglo-Catholic Church alio ology of a Yankee Shopkeeper: ., The wllre allow to oompele. . observeis it.; .pecial psalms are auo" largest lavors "101ft gratefully. re- In the Visitors' Match •• ten birds a special preface i.e made to the com- eeh'ed 'and amaller ooea in propor- eacb, Meal .... Stroud and Bally, ortbe­munion servloe, ant.! the At.hauaeiall tiOIl." Riverton GDO Clob. tied for the Il'IIt. oreed ls old 0 ... sung. Tbll Lutheran There has no recent year cloaed pri&e. eaoh kUling bll Cull numbel\ ~ Cburch on Lhe contln\lnt obeervep under' more generlllly .pleasant ,eir- bo~ on 8hooting 011' lbe tie, Mr. aaQy Chriatmas; but thll Presbyterian CUD)8tanoea tban that to whiull ~e are missed his Illth bird. Mr. F. C. Cbul'Cliee and Lhe whole of the Eog- now bidding adieu. At 110. time have Aruold, a1ao of the Riverton.,.nea liah diaaentel'll. rejl.'ct it, in ita religious the holiday indioatioue boen more oft' the second friae. Mr. AraoIcl _u ..peet .. a ., human hi ventio~t and • cbeerful. Pritll4 facie evidenoe of the sucoeaafU oompet.itor "r ~ "sayoring ot papill'ical ww.wor- t.his is aeen ID the aspect of all whom Barron Cup, on Friday, aDd ... won l hip," although in England, di.. we .meut in the crowded atreetl of t.he the Ill'llt priae ia t.he Cham~ Matcb, senters .. well .. churcbmen keep neighboring city, It there are no OD Saturday. be killiug be. is birds.

. ~1If""'l- &lid ~u"'ID it .. a social Jtollday, on which there crowds in our village Just, ~ow, It ia . ¥r. F. P : Sands of ' the Narraga.nsett · "HIRDWIRE, CUruBY DO TOOLS', ia a complete 'oeuatlon "rom all busi- because the people are taking tlielr Club toOk the aeoond priae, killing

neal, , ~iDter vacatioQ, and recuperat.ing tor' 21 out ot i5, whUe Mr. Duter ot t.he


No. 1009, .Mark.et Street, ,. P¥JL4DaLPl\l ••

Wltbin t.he last Du'ndredyeara, ,tb.e tbe iummer campaign .in Riverton. New York Qun Club 8IOured Uaird tqUvitiea Ollce appropria\8 to Chriilt- More we might say-but, in proae, ()lace. , ~, ',' . , .

" .' " ' . . . ...

.. ..


-An Irlab~ ~poD_"gallqui~ ~'boa. a ,~ ~\ " ,faith , and ~'a a w" , of, po"er; \he fall ,&eelf woultl;ba!, ~Uled Ul~,lIqulrrel!~ '. n tll impoaalble ~ haft \he lut word w1Ua, a \ cheaala" 'Ibeoauae be

· alwaya ba. a reto"'" .:, .

Oae point of dltl'erence be'ween a Umtd chUd and a ablpwrecked aailor

· ta. \hal one eliDgB to ib IDa and the o\ber '0 lb-spar;


J •. '

'. 41,.

Q,RGANS , '.



. WGi ~ AIlQ11W , ~, . , .


'· u.n~a .. ~ .. Why'll ooal ~le .1801' contradleltory

~cle luiown to commerce r Becauee ·./Wben pun:b~"iDltead of ping &0

~~:~:=O:::f&ola::~~:'me' a .. GEe. WOO~.s·& to/S UPRfG:HT:.PllNQS,.~ .el,{bOOr, aDd aaid, " 'friend, we bave , . beeJl di"Putillg wbe\her you are mOlt " :reR B.lLS: ONLY BY . " . knan or fool" Tbe man took each .

~~~';r-:r.':~~:t~;.:: . G~ '_tuCKENBACH:. et'~" "'0:" . i;-

.' "Bow.y roda'mde a furlong ' . • . gea~ ~ta, ubd I. fat.btir of hia eon, a .¥ !!2! CH~TNUT ~:J:;RE:ET; Philade)'p~i~, 'P~: ' ',', ucbhl, aa be. OIIme home from eohool ;;...:==-==Z. :::!.::,:.:!, ::,,:::==:;::=_,,",,,!,,~;;...:..~~. _,;.' ~~ ~e day," .~ell . l dOll" know, 1(&8 \be ... , . '"PlJ' of \he young lIope1bl,." but I MA'RCU. S 'W A .. R .. D. & CO., ~y ,JOIl'd \hink ODe rod lUde .an 1(IIh .... it.yoa .. auch a UIling ul -4ld from old Scroggina Wa afteJI: ..MOD." .

: '~wo lriallmeia ·.-ere working ~ a . .. q1l&tTy, when one' of them fell iDto a

quarry hole. The o~ler, alarmed, ~ ~ the m&;rgin of the hole and· ~ ou" ,. Amih, p~ are ye ki" iBtiiely' If ,eire deaa spake." p~

· ftUiaured liim: ·treND \he bottom by · _ymg, tn aiuawer. "'No, Tim, I'm · ~ ilead, but I'm lip.chleaa."

0 ... of \be old aeWen OD the 1 .. _ .r Sb~aeeiDg the ~ of Paydte • the "WI or a yaCht.. spe:led 'it out

· al~~ly. and \ben q.cIai~ " ·Well if~ ain~ \be damchM ... y to spell Iab.," .

W .... ~ Lrn.



Ban, ~~w ready rol' deliYeJ7, .bn IItocb of their world-renoWned " "

. CluUtm~ ·and N~w Year . Cards. The Larged and MOlt Varif:!ll baortmen' in ' Ule country. Prices

JUgiDg from ~ ceata to 'l.I~O each. . .


AU goOd ... ahould lhoe in Arch-SIlAKESFERKA.N CALENDARS; a dauY date bIoc~ Caleodar:

.wi" q1lOtadODa 1'roIIl .8bakep.re rOl' fleI7 day. Price 50 cent&. ' . · M&el; all &DgI)' men in lftland. .

- All murdeftftt in Kildale; all cir­CQIIIDeD ia So.eraeL

AU brobr. ill StoekhoI.; all eokI aea ill. Chili. .

4U ~ la C ... ·" ... ' tboia ill ~ ,

All~""iIl Bo&uy~; aD ...... ~Ba~ of'Fwady. ' .

An . iD ..... 01' CGl-ape; all bte'ftn ill Maria. .

. 11 .~.".UioDaill 'hIbYi ail began iaB~_

All ~ _ iD I ......... • · ........ ill Siberia 01' Wale&. •

All ~ la ~ia; all eWWfta ill .... on....

All oil ~ ia 0 ... ; all p""hnialllle F ... ....

All ........ ia Tripoli - all ..... _·ia~ •

. All . ia "~'; • ......... ia'.&.r..ia or _ .. w.


"DAY UNTO D.&:Y" CALENDAR; aimiIar '- abo-fe 'with Scrip. tual qaota&iOllI: 50 ceDIL .

. ' ''EVERY D~Y" CALEl!mU; _ u abo"" with alli&ahle q ..... .,r Mai_ -. 50 _.. " .

• '- Pam. ~ will haft ..... .. ,.....pUd. ;; , ~111 aade - cJe.ind, &Del .. "


Book and Job


.. 82 South Seventh St.,


.The 8*' .~; life, ....... 1, to lOme' 'exkD" .... ' J" ~lday aWn; and to tIM .... ..... , ob-server ·t.be -acUTe 'p~ ., for

lIle oom~J .. ~P.. ~.,.~~Jl'., . The I~~ po"'~ ()f .. , ol'f. is.

alive wleh the .. .,.... .. wholeaale­trade, whi~ 1iatIl ..... , ~ more or I .. '" dliDl~J.'" .. tI,Ie; .8.IOD' .adyancea:· " . I' " .

, Up to1JD the Illidl .40 .... ~ preeeot a grand appelaraaoe' ,;Idllhelt lilaatt­f'ully .. ~ "'0. :W&dow" re. yealing to ""N ~y . ..... iaoent. ~laplaye of ' ,be .. 3Ic~)ine- or goods ·lin ."h~h .he ·~'''rae · deab. Within th.~ Il~i' ~r. ~ j)011ion of 'be city, ~apied, priDe,..ly b, &be

retail :~e, ~. IMi.~ ui~"oioea, . proda~io",9" au ,~ .. , 011 .... ,

glo",\P~lty/ llileD, elGOnIa~ mate j~d-'a,: ...... . ~T.o 'de~ theit hv~;:;-" the ~liay::~';d'~" ti~P. q(dae'.ipabH~:~. ' .By lacbr~

.dia~y of ~utiful .. tbingw lit t.: _,.O;e8iblfi for lone lo'SwaJk witbon wlabiDg he we~ 'ei~r ... rIeIt .. erCllB1illl.or ... }~,_'DiOgonee. ' . . ," No'blae ,uDfanlIlal' with NewlYoif.: ·e&JI.fonn a jnat ' appNCiadoD 0':.&)1. conYeDience or the Eleftt&d Jtail- ' 1'OIid, . of wbich "'ere . are thrt'e i. ' Dumber,fon sa, ~th .nd :tth :AveuUei. ~ftly. Ha'riJ.lg .tationa aion~ t.beil' roUteel" ~gi1i'~ "rom' .lIve \&. eight bleeb .. part;,oDe Will alwaye. .,­be wi~ia ,,·abo~ walk o(' . ·lItation;. and u 'miDa· rim wi'" ·bu' a feW' inomeDta iDterriI,' he Ia _blM &0 tram a diatance:bil eea &ban one-ftftll ' \be time ·occupied by the.. surfae. v . '

roadll. . .. , ' Tbe.8cuoo,· tromi the present ·out- · .

look will be as gnuKJ' " aoc::i:tl » JDereantile a~ and'· everything 1IeeIDII, brigh~i~ . wttb increasing . prosperity: Piftbla\"ellue dld'iDgtbe­afternoon pre8eDta a · .0yel}1 fsight, with ib 10Dg · no., c)r~lIOIDeequip. age. .... 1 'lepII8iag ~ mag­ni&eient oaaee, wtiich haTe :1O long beea ca ' jwlOlet &heit occ~te were ou, r towD; bu wbicb now being re-o ed make u.e _:enemore g1Ud ·from "'-' 'with the sum,-mer_.

BaUdi.,. or aU aorta are being adiTely ~ in all pans of tbe ci'1,pl'OllliDeDt amoDg the resi­dencea &ft!' lhoee Mr. W. H. Van­derbU, Ia· ereCdag, ror biauielf and · tWo married dsu~

The,tbeau.· are all in active op.­eraUOD, -1.be ~od"'_ aWaction. ~ lIiaa ' ~ -1iDd Hazel KIne. &he' ..... . jIi8t gben ita. 2tO&b J'eprea8llti&ioa. •.. '. -

~YiDc day odmes like a sec­ODd 8aadijllal8 ~ Ud will be ob­....... ...,.all, UmMigIlo~'\be city-

. : 1)na. I

, cqWRa"""'~~ , . CO., .­" IltiP 8-. _lV., •. 1... '.

DruggiBt~ .. ~ . Pharmacists, , Afull,' lilledf selected · Drugtl

and ' Chemicals, Toilet Articles, \ etc., ;Paltent Medicines and New

Remedies. '. · Comptes!!edpills a specialty. · Physicians' Prescriptions care-·fully compounded. '

J'Ji,IUDA, OD 81 ~~q"B ~. roa ~.am •. For Tbroasl!. ~kete to FerDaadlaa,' j..,Uoa·

"m., st. A~ii .. t1aDfciril:.'lIfttiuDri .. aad ID~o!Ilate laudlllBl on st. "JoliD'iI"Ilt".er aad

. interior POIDte.1D1!'Ibiilla.,bltll!4aallbIP to Sa"a1l-. ualiwt:lftUoe Q tatlruad' 'or .teaiDboat, apply to ,I.. JAKES, 'Ueaeral Aa'eat.

".9""~ca., .. BOtItAin& ~u B. S. ~ .• UI Soath Delaware A"e.; f11I1L



e.HOI·C.E ,· G.RflGERIES, , , 1.~ ~ketJ t.,'~.\ '-.:( Good_ ~uref'. pabliicl . aoCl'· ciiliYered

OD Sleamboa~ or Care free.

GI:.ORGE w~ HULlIE, . , i A.uUor the

Springfleld G.as . Machi~e, . .Dd· Detiler in .

, . a •• Ollne for : 0,.. '-.c:h~e .. ~9, IS If; 8eYeodi,St. Phll.~lpbla. .. HolAll. Flidqd84, DW'UIDIr 80_, "0.,

Piped aud F1ttAiolllP OoiDpI'te. II' . .

. THOMAs o. !'OSm.. . , , ' .. . .

· General 11lsurance Brok~r, .,'

841 W At~UT ST., Phlla.

, IDluranee pl&cle4 in B.ellabl. Compaul.- 0" ."orable,...... •


- • If'

The ClD .. t mad, ,Ia .the Uulted S\a~.. EYer)' lUaUy Iboald Die It.

, . NE'W .

'BBTBLDEMiv.(nrwQAT, TIle Ant oclhil_n. .

-.II. J.t QBlPPJINr,& CO., , UII B ~.~rt< 8,,, . ..,. .

JOSEPH CAra,PtBELL,' ...... _ ~o·

1bt ,¥eWaSe4 ~~ .flal JrwIa l'Iu, , ......... ~ ..

, ~ill~ ,"~ r~, ;Bu&ieftl, ...... 1'nCl r~IW,I'UN,.nlt .J.'fu ... a..uP, ao.

. - ' _ . ' . }"..,Io." aad Wareroom. I .

Noe.lllud·U NOIITB 8rlOOND: Ift'Bip!T, OAIlDEN, N. J.

lUVDTOJr COAL Y"B.D, ' .. . A1 Dm,QT. . , t, ..'" ,. LWIIlaa: GOAL

• CuDl&aoti, ou baud,


Speoial ratu b, oar load.


. J. B. SRANNON Ai ' SON:::.-, ..... 1II4tt .... ....- Dea&lrlin

· :"IIOW. 'mlRY liD TOOl~. No. 1009 Market Street,

" .• ' ..... DaLI'BI •• •

. '

, CIJRI~TII.B. ;. ! ' inas hav~ much 'ratJ~n olr. Th~e at words are w""ID.. Like tile lID-. " ., one ~me loated with more or leA mortal '18Uall i Wa,rg, we ~· 'bitO ·

Tho feut or .eli rillt'a bir,th "as,.~ brilliancy until candlem .. , and, with p"etry: ' ' , oordlngto . ...,ycrith:a.notctlleb~ .. great.lplriUm .twel~hDigbtl bUtDOW' To the talk .or Tim.' chaIaOea ... in ~he lrat cell~UriV8 of "he Uhrtat.ian Ii meeUpg,lOOIDpoaed when pouible, of cbaD~ churoh, ~ the O,hri/ttia" uB,Ap, .111 tbe varioul branches aDd membera of ' We lideD bo&b _,. and · late>: general, W'U to .. ebro.W the dtlllth A t'amily, Ia all that dlatingailhee the But .reall)-&lie 0:::' ..... h'UO' , of re~kable penonl, ruther thau clf'i &bote ~,&hera. ;' . .A:~, ~mply ,~· ap 01 a,~; their birth. . '.' . The cuetola. of giving and 'rec,l.v; It rttbn b of"' .... ~

, Goolh.authoritiee gh:e the eat.b· ingpresents on Chriatmu la deri\'ed :r,.I~irnOit:::' ne..rta.rer 'Ule .rlh~t ~ra r-.t ,in .memorl oUIlIa- (!'Olll an ol~ h~~~ 'uqp, p~~~ IUD ;" ., . • ,' .. it ,- r , 'event duripg the fourtb ~ntury, _t tbe feut of tl\e birth of Sol, but And .the world "hich i. ro:liDg, III while .othera-equally good clahn its. it ,baa become ~o"800rated by agee, F;lghty, I • " , , •• ! .. . obee"ance .. early I&S tbe lIeCOod and contriboteS a gre,at deal to make wliJ ;~ rolliDJ ID,EIgfa~-O.. .po • ce~tury. . ., thil festival au in'te~tlng 'e!~t ,to - ' ~

It does not appear, howcver, that . tomiliea. ' , ~ GI! . The it.eiDI are chOpplDg and ahlftiDg, tbere ,w .. lItny uni(ormAty in .. Jae pe- ~ . • • The .total.' wW ,root-up ib8 ..... :. t ri9d Qfo~".ng thenati~ity.mong ' .~ •• 'I. ,. I . I TJle:~ing" ~tMllfMn~,~~~ the early qhurohes; 891De lIelll tlle -_ .! The old ma"r\with ~.q"'·D~:, ... festivaiin the\DODthoUfayc)l: April. 'It 18' apprqpriate thAt th~ middle Tho~ 'the mPwlloae &Di'~ ' otbe,rs.in J ~uallY. The 6tb, d-.y or month.ortbe winter ahould be named if heavy, '''';.' ". ~ . the lut'Il4IIl!!d,montb being tbe,date after J~Ult ~he dpubl~.faced. Two To the,end of~' eiedlt may-J'IlQ, " . or .its o~rv~ce in th~ E .. t. . ' of his feur efflll lq9ked back on the O.r t\le,~,,,ho ~1~_Ppt.mEigh~

Thopg)1 ,no mformatlon respecting past, and two peel'e!,\ ffJr.waql into lIJay .,."pv~ ... . ~~,h'l~~ ... ,. ' ,tJie dn.y"of Ohrist's birth cxi~te4, in. tJte fut.ure. ·It .. ~~y~m t!D adyvan~ The"Arl D..eOq..e;o'r8 ~" bq.Y';r !" ' . the Ofth century the Western church Qf the dl't.e,,~/~ ~.".pt fI,;eW', ear s But \hei .. "'nts ~ deri~~ ,""Olll ordered- it to be celebrated forev~r to-day.' Bot .. the JOUB!fAL has no' ' Id ~,~., ,., . ';" ~ '!'

on the 25th ·of 'Decem'&er. which... notes or' c.bllga"ons 'to meet, it can ' The:~e biiesIJlacan<W 'aPhmi~ the day of . the,'old Romall feAst of dord, to, be ... ~ of time. ~~ has AI easier lliting .than' lI .. fit7:; ..... tbe birth of Sol. . met Itt '~8Ccep,~CO ;" ~d lal it Qn the nng of ' ~be myt~[cal 8er~b~,

It is, 'neverthtdess. almost certain ho~s. alllO~ pf. g~ thlJl(W rrom 'l(he,s~g of levQnts Iii ,till .~, ·thjt the 25th f)f Decembeu,cannot be . its ti-i~ds, it ~~I be' .Ye~ wi.l(ing ~ Though.t\1e ~hion i~\fav.Qr·jn }!lighty, the natal da,y or tbe' Savior, for it ie a!lted!lt.e their k~d~. Anyth~ May .1,1& . ~ished in Eig~ty.OlAe_, " th~ .the ,height or the .rainy 8e&:'On that might ,be ~d, a mo,.th h41n~ , in Judea, and the shepberaa could about ~e . NeW' ,Year :would go. to .har,Uy·be ,watching ... thelr · lIoo~ Ihy protest; aince, by. that ,time people night in the pla$.ns. . will . have becomv &ccustomed to

FroJll' the G08~ <'f. St. Lu~e it 1881,: and hAve forgotten~uli,gra~, w .. known tbat Ohrist W'AS hom dur- tul W'orld I-.that 1880 Was,80 recentlJi ing the· night, . the~fore, divine, eer, ' their dally remembrance.r. . vi~ .w .. performed on the Bight of We' are not ye,t quite off with. the ' ~mber Uth-25th, from W'hich eir- old yeqr, ~~ may· ~rrow ·the l!ack­oumatance Cbriatm.. is called in actio~ spec~les ~f the olH Etrurian German, Weihncwhkn, i. e., Holy or deity to review the put. A,mong Oonaecrated Night. !)lhe reas1.8 , or the D~t.able even~ ,of ~e year ... themartyr.8tellhenand the Ev.angelist the tlr,Iit apPNoIlPl~ of tl.lie JOURlfAI.; 8t. .lohn w.ere lu~i~ with it, and a I~. p'u~llahe"'" may. ~ret that, they r.,..t of ,three daya contiouance w.. have D9~ ye~. le¥ned the edito~al thQII formed. The IDaBlllCre 'of the veniop of the. three requlaitea ac.­iouooenb at Bethlehem, which.oooar- oo~i,Dg fiG De~OIthen~: ." Fir., A&­l-,d immediately after the binb of tio~ ;.\M'OOncl, 4ctio~; third, ~ction." oqr 8ayior,:and which w .. com~mo- T~ publisher's 1'flI4i~ Ia ~u4~ rated before t.be <ubservanCle of Ohrist- city, first, IIeCOnd, anc;lall ~e ,time. mu ... . plaoed ·on .he' i8th o~ De- But the 'PQblicwill ~ pleased to ~jl oember, to correspond with tbe birth one JounaaJ, wh~ch d981 not,~t the 'on tbe 25th. 'In- the eccIeaiuticai laI'geat oiroulat,on of any ~riodical ypar, the festivui. df· Ojlril~.maa gives outside of the leading cities. Every Dame W Ii llel'il.\Cl uteudm.g .from the readet· is ~tislled wltli th~ perusal .f Il ... t S,mduy in ~""uverit •. W tbe feast ' one copy (always p~o"ided it is/Dot

. or Epiphany, Jinuarj ' "tho borrowed), and .. ~t is eoough , for Some lDAintaio .th:lt.Christmu 'liaa him. No nUlIJber of reade rs, how·

al"I1Y. been celebrated in the chUrch .. ' "ever, is more tlJlU! enough for QII:; 1n the Roman Oa~holic Church, tbree and if the JOpBliAL does ·ltot count muaea ~Are' performed-one at mld- f8ilders by ten8 of. tbousanda. 10 Bight, one. at duybre'ak .... nd one in much .the worse ror ~ readers. That. the morniDg, and \hi, is cle&l'ly the is .alI: Badinage aside,. the publishers the origin of the Dame, it being" aCknowledge with due grati~ude, their combination of the words Chrilt and reception by the ,publ~o. · For the reat '' '''. " tbey borrow the matter-of·fact phrase-

The ADglo-Oatholie Ohurch aliO ology ota Yankee l:ihopkeeper: ., The Q,bee"_ it; lpeclal psalms are suoll, large8t lavot.. "Iost gratefully re­a epecial preface is nll1de to the'com- oeh'ed · and smaller ooes in propor • munion service, ~u the 'Athanaaiatl tioll." . creed is said or aung. The Lutheran There bas no recent year closed Ohuich OD tbe eontioeut observes under mo~ ge~erally 1'Ieaaant cir-

. Ohrilltmu ; but the t>reabyterian cumstanoea tban that &0 whlob we are Ohut'Cbes aud tbe whole of !.he Eng- n~" bidding adieu. At no. time ~ve Iiah dluenten, reJ,,'Ct it, in itl religious the holiday indicationa beeB more .. pact u a " 'human illventio~t and cbeerful. Pri"ta facie evidence of '. lavoring of papill'lcal wul·wor- ' this is seen m tbe upect or all W'liom Ihip:' altbo~p io England, die- we me\lt in the orowded streets of the . &eDtera u .well u chUl'Ohmen keep neighboring city. If there aie ~o" it .. a aoolal holiday, on which there cl'owds in our vii" Juat now, It 18 Ia a complete oeuation from ~l busl- beoauae the people are taldng 'thel.­Deal, '. 'winter vacatioo, anel recuperaliQg'tor

Witbin the lut hundred Y&lan, tile 'he eummer ~pellga in , Riveftoil. ,teatlvitiea once appl'(lprla~ to Ohrl.t- More we might eay-but, In !'rote,

" "

The men are 10ve.atri9keD~ apd • .: " maidene ·, . . . ',

. Are ,,'wooed and married aDd all '" !Jut· y;~t, 'tis the olc,l~ 'old' 'aiO;rf . ..' .

NO 'lDatter to whom it betaU: ·r;( -Though the doubling o~; two , in A' .,

. ~t . ·. I •• y~,

By the m~c or Hl~en ~,d~?t'­And the bab8 tbJlt ia UIlbOrn in EiiBty'

'May 1)e 'piphig'Jn E~tity.Gn«l. I .

L" Enol. '-, I' " 'J r t'\,\" ! .. . Y~;"};4~

~o JQl'to. our ~~ds. f.!l~ ~~ ~~"" With llis double glaDce '~d theJP to aee'" ' t, • ~, • ~.J ,I

. What alone in ,the pat . ; woith keeping, .'. J . .,

. And' what good io , the futwe may 1)8: ' .

ForJuatice ~nd tr,tb '"'" e~rnal. . Whate'er may be aaid or be'done,

And the conacience 'well gUarded in , Eighty I' • , •

Will be kept good in Eighty-One_

.. ~ --PIGEON ~HOOTING. The autumD ' meeting or' \he 'N. Y!

Gun Club cloaed on Saturday, No vember iTtb, at tbe ohlb ,rounde, Bergen Pt., N. J . . )lembe ... of ~e LODg Branch; Maryland, N~an. sett, Orange, Phuaae.Pliia, '~Uye'rton; 8taten ' Ialand and NeW' York Guu . Clubs, and Weatminlter Kennel Club, were allowed to oompete.

In \he Visito1'8' Match, ten bi~a each, Meaars. Stroud and BaUy, orthe­Riverton Gun OIub, tied for the tlra~ priH, eaoh killing hil full numJ>e,;: but on shoo~ing od"tJle tie, Mr. ~y miased hia Ilith bird: Mr. Jr. O. Arnold, also. of the Rivertoqa, carried off the secood rriae, MI'. A1'DOId ... tbe suooeaefu oompeti~r ... the Barron Cup, on Priday, and alIo woo tbe Irst priM in the OhamplQD Matcb, 00 Saturday, he kUling bCa 15 birds. Mr, F. P. Sands of the Narragansett Club .. took \he eeoond prise, killi~ III 00' of 116, whUe MI\, Dexter or tile New Y.ork Gun Qlub secured ~ pIao, .

... .'

, I,

, '

The Joarna' is put6bed mont 'y a' Riverton, Burl~npn Co.. N. J. by A. A. FaAsD. JOON S. BIOREN, :E~ H. EABN80A19', E, PaiEsTLEY.

Single ' Bubecrlption 50 c~n~ per ao~um"payable ,.n a4nnce.

Advertisements inserted at reason. a~e ratee. · ,

Our flra' i88ue appearing Juat be­fore Tbanksgiving, rendered it 1m. poeelble to give a deacription 'of the mode of Its IJbservanoe In Riverton,

The first snow .torm of tbe &ea8On m.de its appearance en tbe date 'of publica~ion, and Continued, witb but ahort Intermia8i~na. until the e\'ening of the' sujlCe6ding day. Whether our maiden effort iD Joornalizing h.d any diree' ~4uence over tbis cbauge iD I

the: · weather, we b'eg to lea~ 'for othera better posted in. meteorology to. say •. Certain we are tbat Proba. bilities took no note of our advent in m.king bis prognostications. Nev_

I e~eleaa~ we woUld ·have 4t unde~ atooa tbat the welcome of Vol. L N9. 1, WIUS as warm alid cordial as the weather w~ co~d , and disagree-able. .'

Riverton, as most have leluJied from OUf las, paper, is lOcated Iiome­where iD Jersey~and i!l Jerse, things are do~e dlft'erently than .in otber parts of the. United . States. . Our large commeroial interestl', contrary to the usual C11.8tom in large cities, did not clOse, 'and the bank remained open all. day, though ' on the last named institution there was no .• run."

Owing . to the before mentio.oed imcl~lI!ency of the weather, amu&e_ ments were prevented to the ~tent that usually characterises hollda)lS in Riverton.; yet, not.withstanding the . d~ of ucltell!ent,. we may claim to have ~pent a f"!~y enJo~abl"y.

tries ot W be rirld. . ~d ·U. aooonntot&h~i'l\! . ~: ".'P,

&c., of 'he tIIeIory wllt ,c' " .... ~'~ among the loo&1s. We ~ngratu­late ,Mr, Brown for ibe undel't!'klng that he 'has entered Into, 'may It prove a succe8s. IInanclally and o"he~ wfse. , • ,. , . --. ,



Tralo. leave ru ... rtcm (PI' PbUafi.II,lIh" at ·II.OI. 649. 7 .. il. 8.15.8,5'1. 11.CMJ. A. II. I! 08, 8.44, 0.011. 6 08, 6.311, 10 14 and 11.43 p, AI. .

Traina leave HI"erton (or Burlloatoo a~ 8.53 and 10.43 P. 11. ror Bonteotnwu ·.t 4,57, 8.88 lind 11 ,511 'Po M, For Trentoo /lOnDeCth'll willi EXPl'e1lR cr.,I. (or New YOl'k lit U6, 11 A, II., II.aa. 1,93, 8.M. 5.46. 7.04·P.lI.

FO!lLNjlw York vJa MnnmooU. JUOOUOD at 7.110 A.' M., 9.25 P. M.

Suodar Tralnlleawe Rivertoo (or Phlla. deJp!Jla at lI.lI8: A. M., IUO lI.nd 5.18 P... Leave Rive~n for Burllngtoo at 10 A. M •• nd I p]f. For Treutou oelD, DeCUa. lor New York at .41.81 P •. II:

• ••• • [COrftlpOlldeDCe. )



LONDON, November 510,1880. , . (have been . intending to write ~ you' since we len the" Belgenland," but this Is the first time I have h8(l a chance. It Willi dark by . tbe thiie we got to the wharf, and f bad niy hands full. trying to prevent the crazy foreigners from toking our '

I~. ~They,ppen e~ ·~a., aid QIlO, had 'iny "_'1tt We wen~ e __ ._ aI"p' until eight and then II," ~ rail for London. wbich we renched At 11.:JO· A. M. We went direct to ollr boarding hotl~ and l8'tled down !or the winter. . The next day I went ou' to Islington wlt,h a friend .or fa-ther's, to see the walk.in8..mutcb. We took A han80m, .... hiCh . is a :\wo wheell'd cab wi'" the driver bPfl1l1(t, and dro\'e out. I did not tbhik much or th., walking matoh, lind t.here were only a few people tb.el"e. We only stayedl about ~n:f an hour.!UI my f .. iend had to come hon:'C!. . .,

or all, the orook8ll, t\Visted, narrow placoa, I ever saw, Lo~don ~t& all. the streets all run dift'el"ent ways and a great many are curves, and no '19'0 curves alike. I don't expect ever to

e ' Ol"'_~

fOf foar ' 'oon or t to OOIDe. tae. It did come It laatecI about fI_ minutes, and ", .. re..y . 1(901'- The" were 80m Tery p~... c.arrIaa'a with foO"f1 en IDd ot;lhi~era and Le it!!"...· 'l!Iit ~ mpt. tre

\ ffiUl' 'to walt lOr 'tri .. .- bero,ewe coulCl get awar.. ,:A. f,he ab""''''e,, ' 19''' a ~ ,apt; anti it was .."., • better light than the ahow ite: '[ will have to 010jle tbis .. it i.-.. dark, ~ I have a lot more_Ii to lJriteoo/after sllP.per. youn. ', ...

' , I ; DICK.wllil.

WM.,J , Mqlt--,HE~NY, . ~ Jlhanoal PI. J.,

Ti9 Roofer and. 8heet Iron Worker. . be able to find my way abeut; 'it ie simply horrible • . 'and, t. make it .8tOYea, Beatara 'aDa Begee ~ . worae~ ,the aame 'streel.8 have~80 many t-i at IhorteIt DGt.ioe. . different names; they 'are a1~ays • . ehanging,' .ndyou don't ,know where ' '. i . .

'M ; M. REESE, yon 'are hair the tim.. [expect to get loet anll 'wander 1'0~Dd for weeks 336 Chestnut St., Philada, or mOle before I am ;tound. WiII 'advaooe mOlie, to aor amnuut OD .

Tbe nen, day r ~e~t to WiDd80r_ ~ •• nit .... jl (or l30athem aud We-lei'll Castle. B. and I malle arrangements kate, . to go with some people whom· fnther . - •• c .. ,.... ----,--;-------.:;

knew. We·took a hansom and \vent ~ ." S. oil C9DDINGTON.

np to their house and from ~ere to · PRACTIC"L P"INTER the ~ilway station.' Tbere were se~en " " . ' " J4 I '. or ns ·,in all. Windsor is about 26 Riverton. N. J. miles out or ~oDdon, and w~ were ---, ---------~---an bour getting the~ .• I WOII't at- Rlverto.n M.eat Markel .tompt to give a.deacnptlon of all we . ' "l ., • saw there, for it :Is impoealble. ItliJ or~"-:::::sa:fo...~U:t':~~,~~::~~~-= very fine ' and well worth seeing. .taDd ClD ~D ~tne" WIlli a Poet npplr of

T~e "Albert MemoriaP' ,is .the ·finest . ~EEF: VEAL. !JJUTTON, LAMB, tbi.ng of the kind you 'can . i~agme, fORK, LARD. SAUSAGE anrl perhaps a little finer. We wen' .. "an'd SCRAPPLE. through all the sta&e apartlDents and th~: stables, where they have abont IIfty horses doing nothing;' there were lots of all kinde of carriages, whieh our gui~e said were voiy ., hom but heaay." We had some lUDOh an,I '. then . came home, getting bere abou" P. M. . "

Po,*~y con~,,~ly on hand. 0,,,. •• a oall: Yoara respeetrDJlr. ,

.... . GEo B. FORT. . ,

. . ~~P~T. BE,EF BtJTCHEH, . StaUa .0I. · 183~ • . 18S·Piftb. AYeDuei

:r~ Ikreet Ih.: ket. PhD ..

·Riverton, N. J., ' . Falliil).es soppii~ w;ith

MUll: a!l\ji 6t&m. ' Fresh

BlVBB20. ···~. .

On the Ilrst. of this month': the Pen-Daylvania' Railroad Oompany ~mmen~ ,J'UI1Dlng a tiatn from

., . P~ilade'phia to BurlJnpn and re­tOm ; lening ,the ci'y a', 10.1 6 P •.•••

, ·\~d atarting from Burlington on the retorn trip . at 1).515 P. M. This ~In supplietJ a long fel' w~t, and we-hope it will receive .DOugh pat­rouge to make it a auooeea. Our reader. will remember that tfitj step 19''' advocat,<l in 'he .previo11.8 isaue

. ~gage lI~d scattering it over the c,.ty, they did get away with ,one I Ieee and ). bad a grea' t.ime finding it again, but finally succeeded. We then ' got ,into a "cab," put ',,11 l~e trn~k8 on top, and started for the St. Antoino hotel, which we reached after ~ sh'ort drive: Here we gut. so,methillg 'to eat and' then went · oot inte the . street and looked about a little. We went 'into the Cathedral and stayed II wtiife and then 'came home and went to bed. In the morning we went agaq. to the Cathedral and ~card part 'of the service, that ~i8 the singlDg, there were lo~ or pe4)ple there, and we found out GjlervHJrb tbat it was' All "Salnt&' day. " From there we went ·to 'the prison of the Inquisition, Where they used to to~ ture and Irll1 people. We saw Where they hung them, wbere they smoUlered tbem, where 'they cooked them liD . variOO8 ways). ' and then a place where they- shot them down a 80rt of ahute made of rough stolle, into a well, from whioh they

. went into the nver. In ODe place ...... an iron grating .. under whloh they put A fire, and over "'hioh they pnt a man, over whose head 19'" a place from which 'cold water ~~pped slowly on him While he ... b.8i.ng routed.. W~. "'ent throup this pliaee wlda candles, and I . wae glad to get oat of It safe and ~tve. After this H. and Mia S. and a lot or peovle from the hotel ' went to see 80me pio&aree. P .. and J wen', down to the .hlp. when we got back we found \b&t w:e had Jnat tim.. to lOt our ~and ge' down to the 8$eamer wtllClt wu to take DB

to BlU'Wicb We ' puaed the old "lJe)genlaod " .. we we., out or the river.· Ai FluahiDg we c~ pOoia. they alwaya haft a pilot hen for .everything. and were lOOn out of alpt or land. n ... pretty rough bu' ·.,e KOf to Banrtcb a& the OOD~ veaten' hour or 1 A. M. . Here we bad ~ be, pat through the ouatom

1 . don't kno" tbe 'poli'it:s of, 'your paper,.bnt I hope 'you' will allow me to say that all of· us Jeneymen are Just tlokled to death abon' ,dle 'lIcklng 'he Democrats ~ OD election day. Si.llce my .las, writing. I haye been quite' busy going aboot London and seeing 'binp. .. . Among o'her pIa.. I lIave been to the Tower of LondoD. I went with a party, ot"frienda, and undertook to act a" guide, aucoeeding very weIl. ~udh to myenrpriae. We atarted a& lO A.M. and went by the undergronDd railway ' to Oldpte street, aud walked ,from there. There is a great d~ to seu in the Tower, . and we were ' 'busy ootil after ,,,0 o'clock, looking .. t ditrereut tblDgL They have a very fine collection of anc~ent Armor, and all kinds of hiatm.

. ~enta of tortore, besides many cori-011.8 relics many hundred yean old. I canDO' begin to tell you all ' we eaw;. we went into the ceI .. "here ,hey uaea to ktl8p.~th~r prilOaera of state. and- wl(ere t.hey kOled .. y ' quantity of people; "he walla 'were cove,red with names and plcw .... they hAd made while there; we "19' the axe aDd block on which lllany notable ~ple had beea be. headed, aldaoup it etrack me shat there were yery few mara of the au 'on the block; we allO "19' the crown Jewela and all ,be , ..... ia or &110 croWD, bat 1 don't think more dau. bait ot It ... real ~ we got hoaae a& 8 ad I

1'ulll .... b.~ v • ..., •••• Pro. daae of ail' ltade, 'Bla ... · ..... CaaJled Ooocb, ~~an4rDo~ ~t .. end ' o ...... ..-..a.; f.. "t. ,

Gooda daUy.~ sn. ofobar, •. Oly. na a CIall. . , . "AMES sH,ELDS. P/iOP.

BOl8lhUIJ), 0'6 BVA CJI 'l'O mu~ Wilt ·~ 'Ten Bol'88II. _ Terms

reasonable. , . of the Jova • .u.. --Riverton atill conUnues to improve Tbe latoN j,a Ulat Mr. James Brown baa 'bepa the lllanufacture of hoslery, aDd propoeee ~g OD 'he bWlineaa &e 'cluite an eztent. . He 1Il1l8t not, bowever,depend IOlely on the patron­... of hie toWD8IDeD, .. i' wouid be impOM1hle for u.e. to DIIe all 'he IkIokinp tha& be OODId prodaae. We do no& for an lnatant, aoppoee tb-' he ~ill. '

BTUyUaiDlmu.l hav~ a ~uing. Bivel'tOa, OM of tbeIa daya; may be­oome a gnu·manu......,.ng oI'y, aDd be cl-.aed among thoee, the iDimr.

w .. PrMt1 well tired OU'. . The om day we beard ~ ......

19''' an arrival in town of a pan" of Riverton people, 10 \ U· 8Iuted 11DI1le­diatel, to Me 'hem; we found ~


GJ!;ORGB J'iEINSERLING, Live .. )' Stable, - .,.. Riverton, N. J.

\yILLIAM M. FLOOD, 19' ................. ..

WJ. , 8TALLa lSI all US

I, 13th AYenue ~ llarket.

. I"ItIJo4DIILI'IILL. . ........ ...,.

I ;J

· T~ Jloon.tOfDn O","';,.icIB h .. ~n etllarpd, and Is 'now printed: upon a cyllnder'preall . . ~

The steamboats Columbia Rnd "TwUlght bave beel) ltdd up for tbe -wInter 0-, apo<'unt or Ma. fce. ,

" , j 1 ~~ ~ . f_~ ..

The engiae ot .. ,the ~.15 tml~ fot Philadelphia broke down above Flertnce. ' The trairi . wne delaye'd -ODe hour aad flReen millutes.

-~ Mr. · Richard . Wood, of Philadel

~h,*,bas(~)f}d tI," Iv~rtol\~lill Club with a 2501$, ru~d ro~er.

· W. G. Pl!lhY4' '128 ~·reb ' st., has a ,choice collection of Holiday Statio~­ery, beautiful in desi8l1 aqd a~ lpopU-.Iar prices. \ ..


:r~e l!l~)lfJ Ohuro~wu Ju~­'tlllly ao"d ,app'fopria'te1y deebrated'tOr the 'I.'hlUlktlgh·inK Jaemces; .

. -0-.

A new drain bu. been laid on ¥ain 1It., extending (rom ThIrd st. to the' River ·.All the houses on the north and ~veral 'on the south side of the' WDy connect with it . .. .


The 20th Annual Festival of tbe .Sunday School. of Chr.i,a~ 'be ' held-;·on the afternoon- "" ... · . .., .... w

Innocents Day, 28th inBt. . The usual onler of exereise will be

1ldhered to: namely,· the 'singing of carols, add1'\!'.ss 'of the Rector, repOl:t of the S\1perintendent and distr~~u­tion of 'Christmas presents to the children. .

The event is I~ked forwllrd to with great pleasure by those inter­oflsted ~ the sch~1 matters.

. -0-

, Kr '.1.,88 B!own ha.ving com­'pleted the intcnor arrangement of his neW' foctory, has begun the mllilU-facture of hosiery, .

The bllilding which is on the Main .. 'Street, near the Railroad. Stat.ion, is

of fl'aDl'e, And is 'two stories high. ThefliBt floor contains -twelve"Bi'an­Bon knitting mac~inea and over each is stationed' a girl, who 'sees that it -does its work properly. It also contains something most cBSential, namely, tbe engbie, w.hicb is of tbe Baxter manuracture; 2 hOl'se power. ()n the second flQOr are . twelve Bran­son knittera.

There are upwards of tbirty hands · -emPloyed in the establishment, they belpg moatly fe~ales.. .

1lhe stockings are not In· a finished ooDdltion when they· leave the knit-

· tera, ·tbey. h&v~ t() be. I8wed .a' the . heela" aDd t.Oeat by girJs employed tor

the pb~, ~d\· are not therefore what · la termed ., ..,gular macle." Nothing btl' men's w8fIor 18 1IIan.­·tored. · Tb~ operation Is·an Interest­iag 'r O~1 aDd , Mr. Brown will .ke great Pl~ore iD lbowing 'riaitora throogh hta ~Ilahment. . . .. ...

DOM.silo. OarOeid and Anbur

C ed a to.. 9f 1t1. .v~tea fQ,r . tIlt; .. d Vice P ..... ileDt .... peC­

"18ly,' iD ~ Eleotoral Oolle~ Han· ·ooek and EngU8b hay. U', Oeo ..... net voti~g. .


T •• important statement comea from W"hiDgton that the FIJl I. lande'" who reeentl,ldlled an AIMrl­can oitiaen DMled Johnaon, are to be compelled to ~reu tlu!. oat~, aDd Col' ~ c::re • war ~ is to be diap to FIJI. .u the tee of PIJI 18 'limited to a few <'loun •• it .. one of the coliDtriea· with wblob oor navy can cope.

'..; 0 1.,., f ~

t ,. ;.

N ow is the climax of one of oor bosiest winter seasons. Ou r hands and work-~II ·have poored (n opt" D .trtranrdinRry qnanti­ti~s of c1~thjng of a;ll 8Orts~ \Yie are .tooicrow~ed; a~«;t ha~e ~~c..qodo( 1 to clear oot a large quatltity of goods io tne qnic~est possIble hOle.

We lum 'our whOle hOU88 into a great Bargain lloom. Not thut

we hl!:ve ~~u(jed e~~~'y~ping, bot ~~~ no sp~ t.hat, "', can get ust now.Jin Oak Hah would hold, all the -red u clQt~Ui'g. ".1' ,

.~ '! " ILLUSTRA1'ION~ OF '11H8. aIlD.UCTION8t


MEN'S SUITS: Prloe Prloe

1J~~rd.J:, ' ·to-da,. 150 Sacks soits, neat mixto.re,. . • , - , . . , ~ $10.00 .. $8.50 76 Sacks suits, varie~y of coJors, .: . • . l ' ;14:~ 12.00 32 Engiish 'sack spits for yoo'og gentlem~n,J " , .' 1.1&.00, . ' 12100 J2 Sack ~o~ts, fa~c, ~~w.r,er cassiru~re" , ' . . ' W.O~, ~ . ~4 .0~ 86 Sa~k ' and Salisbury soitsfor yoong g~ntlemen" 1 17.50, ,,: .1q.OO 55 Chester6eld soits, p~ain cloths, 22.60 18.00 9!f Suits, _-.a - • - - . 2i.00· l~tOO

. 80 S~ck and Oh~U)r.fi.e.ld 8uits,." . ,-., .. ~ '. 2.&.00 ' 20.00 60 Ch~teli#( eld a~d ~Iisbur'y .. suits of blq~ tl rico~ . ' . . ~.'Y~~~n¥ fast cplol\ •.. ' • . ' ~ ~ " 1 I. '.' I 22:QO ~ / '~.OO ;,

88 Dre~~ ~ui~f-. O}lestj!r.field SJH'pe, Schn3ble's.black. .' piqne, . i •

, · ·\~S;.()~QiA1'S. 200 Blac:k c:hinchilln, . , .. ", 1: ' ,'. i ,. .. ;

! , • 250 For heaver, - ' . <' '( r .. , I - .~ -4a Black bca~cr, . '. ': ... ' .• ' ii ",

. . YOUTss' S~~ 110 Sack suits, fancy ca_imere;' -- . . 61 Sack suits, plain Caa:simere, -

67 Sllck suits for ~~~in888 ~r school, 52 Sack suits, smooth cloth8, .. 20 English sack suits, fancy caasimere,

. 2$ Chesterfield suits,· laucy ~imere, - . 47 Sa~k suits, blue pique '(wit~ . eu.taw,,!. coat

$1 more), ' -

YOOTBS' .OVEROOATS. 68 Bl~ok ~ver, • . . ~ ~

$.1 ~g~ bea~i', .. .. 20 Black chinchilla,

BOYS' SOITS. (Jacket. veSt and trousers.)

90 Fancy red-mixed' BradforeJ C&88ilJle~e, 69 Brown check SalJ;ony ca86imere, .

141 Plaid cR88imel'e,. 162 W oodvale C8ssimere, .

' 298 . Blue pique, excel,lent,

76 'Black ~ 94 Plaid· back cloths,

61 Snits, 55 Blouse suits, -96 B100se 8uits, -


OHILDREN'S SU1'1'S. -' . - . -.

25 Vest soits .(small sizes only'),

. ,

OHILDREN'S OVERUOATS. 68 Ulsters, 26' Ulsters, . 60 Plaid-back cluths, 20 Plaid-back ·cloths,


12.00 '20.00 2009

8.5/) 8.5'0 P.OO

18.00 14.00

. 17r50


~~OP 19.00 12.00

·6.00 7JlQ_ .

. ~.00 9.50


9.00 18.60

6.00 6.00 6.60 7.50

4.00 . 4.00 '

. 5.00 8.50

25.00 I

9.50 16.50 1650

6.50 7.50'.

* 11 [ t ' THE MINTS TO Bit KEPT JJu~nr. . ' .

7.50 .11.00 12.00 )~.OO Tbere is' now'aboht $85,000\000 iD

gold bullion atiatiiJing to 'he credit of 11.50 the United at-ties TreUnrer, ont of

which it has been deci~ed 'to coin ' m~nthli $10."00,000 ~f ~he 'd'lOomi- .

00' natiolis or $5 and $10! . Y'o goid \0. COI08 of a lesa denomination tbaa $5

. 1&.50 will be coined At presen'. Tbe work . 9.50 referred to will ,be parformed a& t~e

Philadelphia mint. It is· daought· probable that this ' coinage . will be continued until tbe ,'85,000,~ of bullion on hand is worked *p. I

5.00 ' x j ; I I ie: .6..00 .T08. R. WILKI!;'B, .Ta. ~In' • .T. W. )lOOK"

7;00 ~-yUS&KOOBS / 1.50 ".,~.. , 10.00 ' STOCK BRO.~ERS,

7.50 11.60

. No. 312 STOOK BXOBUqS PLAOE ., "

!5tO!'D.Del Bow iIotIab' u480ld oa VO ..... 1I0il III PIlUadelpbla all4 Raw YOlk .1Il'b' •. Part.lo\lWau.eDUOD tAt ID .... ~IL , ,;, ~


4.00 B lOB E 11 & CO.,

5.00 BANXERS .AND BROKERS. 5.50 600

8;00 8.60 4.00 7.00

186 S. Third Street,



The reduction can be Hen by the old and new priCH on

TULIPS, CROCUS, t.Ilt1a,5. ... , 011 ~=':::""""IO hi' o~ ,.., I'IIIIw ..... ... -., .............. ....:. the tick.. .

WAN AMAKER 'BI BRO.WN~ .' OAK HALL, Sixth and Market, Phila.

," "

""Z"'~~ u::::!.IO -....~_._".

HENRY A. DREER No. 714 c'heemut St .... ". Phll.delphl",


,,' I: I

I: "

" I' i!


.' The R,,,,",lon Joun,atJl made ita '

bow to the ilUbl{o' I .. t ~eek. It is wt;ll Vri~ted and ec1lted. For , ~he preaen~ ,it will , be prlbllah~ once a ~ontb:-Jf.oore,!olDn pAron.cle.

The' Bi'IJttr'lon Journal, a new m~thIY" I)ublioation, is just out. It

~ofl'en great induOI\lDeDta to adveJ'o tieera aDd ought ~ suboeetl, .AB it

, sppports alafge editorialst.a1f , , -MOlin' HoUy Herald.

, ''JIbe RiveTton Journal, a sprightly Uttle new.&papt!r, made ita appeal'aDce Iaa1. wee'k, 'and will be published here­after monthly The typography ill Int-claas, and the SUbscription price iii but'50 ccnta, and tbe 1I1'8t number contains interesting news' fro~ this thriving town.-Beuer1y 1!araner.

Riverton is becoming ambitious.


~ERJ;~A~, ~q~~qJl" 'r 6fi '& 6f3 €HESTNUT\ S1'., PA·ILA.

, • j

nave DOW ready for, d~liv!lrr., tull ,~tocks oUhefr world-J9~owned

ChIistmai ,and N9W Year {;ards, The Larseet and Most Vraried 'A,8IOriDlent '1il ~tlle country. Price.

rauging- from 6 cents to $1.60 8!Ph. A,LSO

SHAKESPEREAN CALENDARS;' a daily ciate block Caleudar, with quot.tlons trom Shakespeare for every day. Price 60 ccnts.

"DAY UNTO DAY"CALENDARj .imilarto above with.,Scrip-taral qu~t.'ions. 60 'Cents. . ' . 'I. " '" , •

"EV~Y 'DA.Y." CAriENDAR:;" ~lme ~ above, wit~ sqitable quotatloliB.for busbiesa'1ll8n. 50 cents. '

Parties , emittmg will have 8IfBortments made as desired, and sent, postage paid; . , . " -, '

• l/ [

It CfoD now boASt or a. newspal!er:. some spirited young .men b.~vlng com.,.enc:ed the pUblh:ation of one UD~er ' ilia 'title or ·the B;'verrlon Journal. It is to be a mQDt~l, j01.1,r. n~ JUld wi9 cpnta~n , t)lel, news of ~he ' day, as well as local matters. ~he fJp,t number ,was i88ued on Tb'ankggi,mg e.ve and presented a c,reditalM ap~ce. ·· It contai,n~ ~y interesting.articres and a num-", ofadvertisemeo~s. , " 1'10. :\' . . """¥f'u~t Holly Hetald.

The Riverton lour"al is the Jlame WD.ODS , " :lCOlS -·Oa,GArS.

of a sprightly little'paptlr j~st startt.'tl at ~t pretty river toJ'fD un the b.aokB ot the:D.eI.~are, whose name,it /bears. It,is a good-siJled' quarte, with,l', w.ell­atrau~ &I5IIOrtment , of o~ginal and selected I matter aDd an encou~ging

.,array or advertisements~ Rh:erton is one or th, ',liveliest andl most at­~rac\lve of . the towns that d~t the Delaware above;Pbilado'phia, aDd the Biuerlon Journal" supplies it, long­felt need" of a, newspaper to spread ' its attractions aud those of the sur­roUDding toWDS Defore the 'public.

. 'We wish' it '&11 success. , -P~il~elph.iG Euen.ing Bulletin; • .. .."",. . -I' ,. ~'.'

. W18~ ~ND O~"B~v,v~8B.

" You I Iet!~ r to, lJ&lk, ·mo"e e~t t.b4n usUal, IPY ffien4." "YeIt, I IJave

, ~~ 't~ight4!"~ ~y c\rCnms,t:anCes." "Very good. but' ratller pointed,"

, .. the IIh said when' .he awAllowed the book.

, .. true vJcture or despair Is a J}ig re&cbi~~ t~rough Ja bole,in a fen'ce to g~t a . cabbage that lies a few iDChes

"beyond'hle reach. . • Why ahoUld a man Ilways' wear' a wat.oh .when',be, trrave.ls in a waterless desert r B~ every watch has a

, .pring in, it. An Jrilh 'advertiacment: .. It 'the

.' wintleman 'who koop., tbe Bb~ atore. . - 'wftb ~ red head, will return tile um·

t\ • _ . ' _ • •• ' __ ...... _


uPII6n' &: IIQUW


180'7 Obeatnut 8t. 180'7 Oheetzra:t St.

GEO~WOQD~:~ Cq.,'S ~'P'~IGfHT ' ~I-~NOS, ,. ; FOR SALE ()NLY BY ,. '

GeJieral Agents; 1.!2! CHESTNyT S1REJ;T, ' ~hiladelphie.~ ,Pe.

ij j I i .: I it I] t'

" .. - . --.

S ,TREE 'T. i' ; . 728 , ARCH $ Ii , i , i

llU'ORTD AND 'D.At&B IN brella or the young lady, witb the

-. ivory hAndle. be will ht!lIr something , to her,adYaJ)tag

'llhe moat striking dift'eren~e be­Irw .. •• foolil!jl person and-.. mirror

' ,~' is til,. ODe ape&U without I'ellectingt and thef other relleqts, wIthout

HOLIDAY " I ,_ S~ATIONERY. z . . . : \, t '\ r'

speaking. .

. ,

C;,;H_R .. I_ST __ M_A_S ~ NEW YE~R CAa.D~ , ,.,

"'I'm adoat 111m olOl1t I screamed PBOTOGRPH, AUTOGRA PH A~D MUSIC ALBUMSt a young gentleman of powed'ullungs ,,'

andbger.tomatch"as heuercised RussiA POCKE~ BOOKS -AND WALLE!I"S, both a~ the piano. ., I • ...,...d think ; _ .' - _ ""' ... iiiiiiii __ iiiiI. IOU were," growled an '014 '-belor, VELVET FBAM~, .1 judglDg from tlie aquAl~ f" raiIe." POCKET CO'fLERY, '

, W ... ~ ),OD see 1& ~-an ... moon- , " , 118M Dlgbtr tl'1ing to CODYinue hi' OPERA GLASSIS,

' ...adow ~ Jtr le improper &0 foUow . " I

.. geatiellWl, Joa may be 'IN that it ~ '~.,c q6ber -\I1icl¥ a'ted . 40r ~ . Dt Bo~ ,..,D,

.. bilh tilDe t'qr him, ~ .... ~per. · ..'. , ~ceaocletf' " ,' . , ... A; .T LO,~ PBX·OBB.


FIfth 8treet, IId_X.IIe\ aDd Cb_taal. ,

•• o~ ~, a,otia, J"" WlIOi..r. u4 "&all u..Jer ID ~

8tar '~am8, ~~etl<Bee'. Beef'Tonga., , £,,i,:BD, ••

'.0 .. m and 'l'I8 Tinth A'fma" • FIfth 81ne\ llarltet. abo", OheatD.\ 81., '1'IIIIa;;.

U'PERHJ~L·'S,R~SJ.UIl"'U' , " , 6111 Ohestout Street.

. It •

:P.RINTE~S, . • ~ r \ 1 r

, \'


a~ South .seventh St.,' "