J f ii i i i iTII If katTO ROVMSI fflut mr Aya >rtas t- JLDTXRTIBB ADVERTING sn or Bear < KOOM IK I TZOB BCK- AetTcrtlsliMC TUB HUN It will krtnn prompt rclnra- AaWertlio 4 IB TICK I BUN brl > c yrcmp- trii W your Beat riUte In THE SON to mmf TVant Lji nn- I AtfTtrtlrtnx In THIJ SEN never fall of 4 the rieatrtd remit If ym fc T Her If r Cra irron hare Room To ADVERTISE ftr 1 ABVJSBTI8H IN TUB them In T1IRBCN I i VOL LVINO 125 NEW YORK THURSDAY JANUARY 3 1889 MICE TWO CENTS 1 li MAKLBOROUGH AND illS WIFE rnB SQUAnnLE nzrrrrR rIm 2Brr WEDDED PAIR ADJUSTED I HI Ore SUter round U En jr to Bring About Bteonelll UonIot or imjtty Just Now at thn fluke Country Seat flTlO A 19 Or 8 g hnt- ng and lblUAn IolL- DON Jon 2A month or s ngo thero Duke and Duchess wu i botweon the of Mulborongh caused by I visit from Lady Colin Campbell but It wn nothing moro seri- ous ¬ than a lovers quarrel Tho Duchess thought the Duke was I ttlflo too attentive to his visitor and her Qraco became jealous far and In orthodox fashion Tho be- havior ¬ of the Duke and Lady Colin was quito proper and above board Lady Fannlo Majorl the Dukes married sliter and the only bank family whom ho respects or fears wont down t Blenheim and thero was no difficulty In effecting I reconciliation I The Duchess simultaneously recovered her tuual She does not look vory robust heat now drives about Woodstock buying things aid was at I grand ball last wook The townspeople like her and they say tho has become quite an attentive husband Duo just now ful of tho noblo 1a118 membas of rat Marl- borough family Tnore IB lots of fun going on shooting parties every day and frequent balls and othor It must not be supposed- that the Duk at all unpopularln the district The dont worryabouthis morals for ho has spent very largo sums of money ivmonif thm In modernizing Blenheim I Is estimated that each tradesman has made t out of the Duke within tho past twelve It Is still war to the knife between the rector of Woodstock and the Duke The rector from his drawingroom window has a fine view of Blenheim Park the entrance to which Is only a few feet away The Duko swears that tho t reverend gentleman shall not enjoy tho pros- pect ¬ longer than can be helped and his Grace has just arranged to mako a plantation of tall c fir trees right up against the parsons window When these have grown to a fair size not only will the rectors view be stopped but his draw- ing ¬ room will have to bo lighted artificially at- aU t times of tho day Tie Mayor of Woodstock complains of tho conduct of an American reporter who inter- viewed him some weeks ago and in print put Into his worships mouth words he never ut- tered ¬ I The Duke read the report indignantly i remonstrated with the Mayor declined to listen to explanations and has ceased to Invite him 4t the ducal shooting parties The Mayor 1 Is a bin jnanwould like the reporter call upon him again FIGHTING FOR IUEIR nouns J I I Excltlnc See at an Eviction or Irish 2 s Peasant I tpfrifftt less o THI Sci Printing and ruWiMng- Auoctattm Uf I I LONDON Jan 2The eviction campaIg I on the Olphort estates I I Donegal commenced this afternoon Opera I tlons had been delayed by tho action of the luat In breaking down the bridges and in ways Impedlnl the march of troops and the police o sttong forming tho evicting army The poor fellows worked hard and zeal ¬ ously but tho resources of the crowd of evic- tors finally prevailed and the forces reached the doomed district exasperated by delays and hardships and only too ready to take ven- geance ¬ on the They did not do much lolo r ham today is doubtful whether tha r work will be completed without bloodshed An attack was made today on the house of Patrick ODonnell a blacksmith Patrick kept the evictors 8 busy all day that the evictors were unable to move against any other of the t tenants The house had been prepared in I 11 most ingenious fashion for defence Tho door ¬ i war and lower windows had been bui up made three sides loopholes oti gar- rison ¬ m l consisting of ten sturdy peasants wore prde with provisions for a week and with St r heps stones pitchforks and similar i i weapons A bll crowd of peasants had assem- bled ¬ see fun and among the spectators t to i i were Pater MoFadden and Stephens both of recently suffered imprisonment 1 j for the cause Amid I roar of defiance from the spectators and tho garrison- the t j bailiffs and police commenced operations 0 The soldiers and part of tho police surrounded- the house with fixed bayonets An attempt was made to mako a hole In tho gable but the c besiegers were soon beaten back many with I broken heads and for a full hour tho defenders kept up a fierce fusillade of stones and other missiles the spectators all the while cheering v frantically- The tk7 4 police and bailiffs returned the volleys 1 ef stones and some of the former more than f once were prevented from firing their rifles j only by orders of the magistrates The bailiffs resorted to various expedients to escape the fuaao A car was pushed against tho house I was quickly rendered untenable and f shields were Improvised out of mattresses 1 nailed to poles t At length a magistrate ordered the police to take the house by assault Borceant MoComb gallantly led the forlorn hope and mounted a laddei leading to the front window He was thrust back with pltchforka nod received wounds in the face and logs and was finally dashed to tho ground by a welldirected stone- This ww too much for the magistrate The fred blood of a policeman bad boon shod- Therlotactwasreedin a twinkling and th- orps were ordered to Tho soldiers did r not relish the order Many of them had with difficulty repressed an Inclination to cheer the Ialat little bane fighting for their homes therefore loaded very slowly and the pause was taken advantage of by Father Ste- phens ¬ to advise the defenders that having vin- dicated ¬ their manhood and given the greatest amountof trouble to the evictors they might now very well yield to the superior force The priests advice was taken without ques ¬ tloD and Patrick ODonnell and his friends de- scended ¬ by means of the ladder and surren ¬ dere themselves amid the enthusiastic cheers onlookers They wi of course bo sent to prison but they have comfort of know- Ing that if the evlctors procood a today at the rate of on eviction dally it will take months to complete them and that long before then pub lie opinion in England will compel the Govern- ment ¬ t withdraw the forces of the Crown from as Iatlng In the scandalous work of collecting M impossible rents for an unjust and tyrannical landlord OCKAlf PElfXY POSTAGE Ir letoa will Appear Before Congress Advocate Cheaper Rates i LOHDOX Jau 2Mr John Honnlker lien ton M p will visit tbe United States early I this year and he expects to have the honor of 0 appearing beforo Congress In advocacy of oosn pennY postage Ills Idea Is that M let- ten carried long distances by rail at the penny rate with a profit to the Post ornce jPeDartments of England and the United ptatei penny postage between England and America would be perfectly feaslblo Indeed noncontract steamers carry letters for be English lostOfllce from Southampton to New York for about a halfpenny each As profits Mr Heaton calculates that tho Eng Uiarqst Office makes from WO to 160000 annually on American mnlB Our ISotinUury Line WINNllFI Man Jan a Mr Ocllvlo tho laud surveyor recently returned from the exploration of the Yukon countir will I report to the Dominion Government that the boundary line between British Columbia and Alaska should be fixed at least four miles lurthor souta than Uio point by Bohnatka c HOLD CANADIAN nrOLAl They Defy the Queens Officers on a Rail- road Train and Then Kscnpe Conductor Dan Church of train r which loft Boston nt 8X oclock on Monday night on the Boston and Lowell and Vermont Central roads arriving In Montreal ot 7J on Tuesday morning had an interesting mooting with throe bank burglars at Btanbrldgo Station Canada about forty miles south of Montreal on the Vermont Central llallroad When a reporter of Tn SUN boarded the Montreal sleeper at Bt Albans Vt on Tuesday night Conductor Smith seemed to view tho affair as I good joko on Cpnductor Church Tho story as told to the reporter rivals tho eXllolt of Western cowboys For somo time pat a gang of burglars has boon operating successfully on safes in tho small towns of northern Now York nod Vermont nnl recently they have visited Champlain N and La Cole Canada Early on TuoedBrmornloltho broko Into two sales In town In Quebec There woro three men In tho party and they stole a horso and wagon and started for HtanbrUco station whore they boarded Conductor Churchs train As tho tram was drawing out of tho station two olll cora of East Stiinbrldgo drove up just In time to see the burglars omloG at them from tho window of the The officers tole graphed to Pete Smith a Canadian revenue offlcer nt Ht Alexandra to arrest tie burglars nnd he found them With a good deal of flour ¬ ish ho displayed his badge and said 1 rot you in tho name of tho Juoen a Tho train had started and us the burlar mado no resistance Ulcer Smith sistant to watch thor while tie wont into tho ball e car to sjo any of the stolen on board In a few minutes prop turned Ills assistant had disappeared On tho platform of the car stood tho throo bur- glars armed with revolvers As soon as tho officer appeared they fired two shots at him through tim glass door Ono of the bullets wont through his hat and ho concluded that tho Queen would bo better nerved by n live off- icer ¬ than a dead one and dropped to tho floor Conductor Dan Church hoard the shooUnl and came out to Investigate tho cause It Dn your oyes drop undor sent shouted ono of tho burglars The conductor obeyed When the train reached a llttlo sta- tion ¬ near Su Johns tho burglars disappeared in the woods Officers from Montreal traced tho burglars aa far as Ln Codlo Canada on Tuesday after- noon ¬ but didnt capture them A despatch to THE HUN from Montreal says that when tho loft tho train the eta ¬ burllar ton agent asslstaot noticed tho anti trlod to when two of thorn pulled revolvers and began firing at the crowd which was gathering Cunt Hrnlth made a bold stand and tried to take hold of one of the men Two bullets were fired at him one wounding him in the face and tho other in the scalp The desperadoes then escaped IT WAS A CONFIDENCE GAM A Crook Trying to Negotiate the Sale or DODd he Didnt Possess BOSTON Jan 2A Now York confidence man who gave his name as Amos Stevens came to this city yesterday and tried to ox change WOO worth of bonds which he con- fessed ¬ a whisper had been stolen for 90 per cent of their face value The bonds he said woro unregistered and could easily be sold without detection Ho stipulated however that the purchase money must be counted out before ho would oven show tho bonds I wasnt long before the police were after They arre ° tod him this evening and instead of ISO Ono worth of onds the pollco found somo neatly folded brown paper sealed In blue envelopes also chock for 200 pur19rtnl to bo signed by Chauncay mlttod that the chocfe was a forgery and he will be arraigned on that charge It was evident tbat Stevens Intended robber but the quick work of the police tovonl first made his appearance in New ¬ n two weeks ago and offered a broker S1800 W per cent bonds and 12000 in 4 per Ho wanted to close tno bargain at 00 porcontontheface value of the bonds and offered 3000 commission If a purchaser was found Of course the broker wa suspicious- and wanted to know where tho bonds came from The man showed no hesitancy Baylnl woro stolen bonds and they from England Ho did not say how bo came by thor however nnd neither did ho show be police were quickly notified and a plot was laid to catch him The man refused to mako tho trade In Newport and made an appointment to meet the purchaser In Boston When he reached this city Inspectors tier raughty and Burke were walUnl for him The supposed purchaser mysterious stranger met as agreed but there was no solo The stranger insisted upon seeing the money first Inspector Oerraughty thought he recog- nized an old confidence game and ha did not believe that the man had any bonds Ho was fearful that tho stranger wanted to entice tho broker and the purchaser into a room and thero rob thorn by violence on the supposition that they had tho money on them For this reason it was thought best to make the arrost at once nod in a short time btovons was behind the hrs With him was a man who called hlmeoJThomlsAlorls Upon searching envelopes wero found upon him When Chief Inspector El dredge opened them ho only found two large shoots of brown paper neatly folded up The whole scheme was laid bare It was a confi- dence ¬ game and nothing else The man Alberts arrested with Stevens was an much surprised as any ono He really thought that thoy contained bonds and it was afterward ascertained that ha was a victim of Stevens whom he rot In Hartford some time ago Stevens bad told him about the bonds and said that ho did not have the money to negotiate thorn Ho proposed to Alberta that he advance him tho money for a porcentago on their sale Alberta agreed to this null since they have been together he has raid out about 500 In hotel and travelling expenses They visited sevoral cities and wont us tar Wen as Cincinnati which they wero forced to I Itavo owing to the InllulsltlcoeBs of the polio Noth- ing ¬ Is known tho pollco hero THE PllILADELPIlIA 3IVHDEK- HchoopH Daughter Implicates her Step mother In the Anful Crime PEILADELIIIIA Jan 2Susln Schoop tho daughter of tho murderer of Anton Schil- ling ¬ was brought face to face with her father at tho Central police station today nod made an affidavit to Magistrate Pole In which she Implicates her stepmother a an accessory to the crime Tho substance of her statement It that abe was brought to this country by her father with Anton Sehllllncs money and that after arriving here her stepmother told her it had boon planned previous to hor arrival that she should marry Schilling to got his money This she refused to do Hhe was then ordered to put poison In Schillings soup which she made believe to do The stepmother thought It queer that the dose was having no effect and made her father procure laudanum and give C dose ot It to the intended victim In his oleo That night a ropo was procured and arranged to tie it around hchilllni neck strangle him then han him to the fence In the back yard nod de- clare ¬ ho had committed suicide They could not do this owing to Schilling remnlnlol awake all night from the elect of tie dril Mrs Hchoop begged her durnl tl0 night to knock htO on the head Ood has the man and w o must have his gold After that tho IJrllort thoueo and went to work outside Doc 28 she returned to her fathers house and asked where Hchllni was Her stepmother told her that gone to the country and she was glad ot It The girls affidavit was read to her fattier and when It was finished ho admitted that if It had not been for his wife Schilling would be alive today AN ItSAXE UKFOKUKlt lie TrIes to Kill u Wongm Hecnuae She wu > Dlireputublr ST Louis Jan 2i man giving tho name- of John Arthur Burns was arrested here today- for a murderous assault on a woman In a dis- reputable ¬ house at 621 Clark avenue When asked to plead he answered In the presence of God the destroyer of Impurity not guilty The woman testified that numB had choked her and threaten to cut her throat and tear outlier heart Her neck was badly lacerated by his nails Ho changed his mind and Iotzlnl her by the ankles pushed her hOyout third tory window end Was In hurl lug her to the MdouulL when tho jflloot Folroil him The mull vUio Is mail im u March Imni stirs lid VMIS Mileiid I ID mil I It 111 l I thltt woiiiun lor liar linimrlir lIe ald tic elm Iron IliiUm and vvncin hit hail coinjlotoil will return there royal BakiegjowderAbOlUteit Pure lor monttho na to tda dV j w s CONSUL ASTWOOD REMOVED ALL IAN DOMINQO WAS MAD AT HIM AND UK IUD 10 Go lie lied iTolned In at Propoalllon to Hoirow The Hones or Christopher Columbus In Order to Put Them on Bhow np Here Tho Amorlcan public occasionally Rots news of the doings ot Its own Government by very roundabout ways This time the Infor- mation ¬ comes from Bnn Domingo It la n month sInce tho news was received them I gets hero by tho stonmer George W Clyde Is to tho effect that II a Atwood ConsulGen ¬ oral at San Domingo has been removed No cause for tho removal mentioned In tho Gov- ernment ¬ reports to the representatives of San Domingo In this city The trouble however lay in nn exploit of Consul Aatwood some six months ago A man by the name of II M Llnoll arrived In San Domingo about that time and made inquiries about tho burial place of Christopher Colu- mbus ¬ He introduced himself to tho prominent people of tho republic as a man of wealth and represented that his Interest In tho remains of tho Immortal dlncovoror of this continent was tnirely historical Ho made himself sold with Consul Astwood and finally proposed to tho Consul which resulted In tho sending of this letter 3b iSWIor Ilffuero Alinltter r of the Interior in Ran Vomingo YOUR ECEILlC Mr I II Llnol a citizen of tie States Amorlea re- quested ¬ In my capacity States Consul to ask the Dominican Clovornmont whether the bones of the Immortal Christopher Columbus tho discoverer of America and a permit for tho exhibition of them could be ob- tained from tho Oovornmnnt 1 Tho interest which the people In America taVo In their history Is so Intense that the presence of Columbuss romaine the larger cities would create enough curiosity to swell tho receipts of tho Treasury of the Dominican republic to a degree unprecedented In its his- tory ¬ Mr Llnoll bees to submlthe following offer no guarantees to expenses for tho transportation of the bones I guard of eight soldiers and four priests Ho guarantees to defray al the expenses which should arise during tour of theso persons in tho United States and also their salaries lie guarantees to remit 50 per cent ot the net receipts to tho Dominican Govern ¬ wont In quarterly payments and guarantees that they should not amount to less than 1200 000 a year Ho guarantees the safe return ot the bones after a time of not less thap four years Mr Llnoll desires that tho Church and Government authorities stato publicly that these are the genuine bones of Columbus and that exhi- bition ¬ of thorn shall bo permitted for this trip onlr In submitting thi offer to your Excellency I want to direct Excellencys attention to the importance of this offer and its urgency Yours respectfully II O ABTWOOD United taos Consul Setter Flcnoio courteously declined the prop¬ osition It was done in tho formal language of diplomacy and convoyed no reproach The Dominican public and newspapers wore not so considerate They declared that the proposi ¬ tion to make tho bones of Columbus a nubIle exhibition for private Rain was disgraceful It made by private persons it might be over- looked ¬ but when presented officially by the representative of n Government of a country like the United States it was outrageous Press and public called for the removal of Con- sul ¬ Astwood and in no mild language either Itwas openly declared that the position of the United States Consul was a public scandal Tho news of tho removal of Consul Astwood by tho Washington authorities is regarded by Dominican authorities here as tho result of this affair It Is regarded favorably ton and in fact is the only action that the American Government could tao A BREAK LV WHEAT In Spit of Ilnlllah New the Beam Ham mer the Market DoW CHICAGO Jan 3 Bullish news on wheat was plentiful In the wheat pit at the opening Aa r consequence the market opened firm and higher but within an hour a threecent break in prices was experienced followed by three auarter cent recovery and another breakwhich carried the market to the inside range of the day The second break occurred at 12 30 and was accompanied by heavy trading The first news was that the amount on passage had do creased about 1500000 bushels and that Im- ports ¬ for last week were 000000 bushels less than the requirements of consuming countries Then came Information of a strong advance In the lower grades of wheat at Minneapolis and an unpromising outlook for winter wheat To- olset this came cables to the effect that foreign on the last of the year woro larger than on the corresponding ditto IlstcBr and mate- rially ¬ larger than 01 the 0 As far as could ascertained the break was the result of local causes Several of the big commission houses and most active brokers began slugging the market viciously from the very start and the market was fairly deluged with offerings May opened at 107 i sold to S107X Kith considerable trailing at SI 07 Uf then declined 1 to 100Ji The market held around this figure for qultoatime and broko sharply to tl05 >> It rallied to S07 and broke again this time olnl to Heavy and very gamy buying tho price to I105H but another raid drove it back to tl 04l The last quotation for May was 104 H The tone of the market at tho close was4 that of extranio nervousness AI compared with Monday the closing throws shrlnkhgo of 2c forJanuary2cforMay and liio lor July The range for tho day was 81 for May The first day of the year in the wheat pit on tho Produce Kxcnnnga was lively anti made Interesting by a dron of 2H cents on tho May option The decline was wholly in sympathy- with the news from Chicago statins free selling all around Nearly 7000000 bushels changed hands hero 5000000 of which woro May con ¬ tracts DEFALCATION IN nos TON The Accounts of the Clerk Courts Jelb ton Short Over HBOOOO BOSTON Jan 2 Mayor OlirlonB state- ment ¬ that exClerk of Courts Lolghtons In- debtedness ¬ to the city was 80000 recalls tho story published two years ago In TiE SUN in which the circumstances of tho shortage wore fully stated It appears that tbo experts In- vestigating ¬ Mr LelghUms accounts have found a shortage of 80000 and tho work I not half completed Tho accountants are wading through volumes containing accounts for twenty ronn The statement was made by filonds of Leighton ROt tho fact was acknowledged by him that ho know nothing- of bookkeeping and that any discrepancies were duo to mistakes and not to crime An ex- pert ¬ examinational the books however show that Lolghtons shortage is not wholly jute to his system of keeping accounts which was loose and which would In itxolf lead to orror but to a desire to profit at tho expense of the county by marking figures to ropresent maters just the opposite to what they really When the facts of his defalcation became known tho law department of title city which- Is also the law department of hulTolk county was stirred to action and al effort uia made- to protect tho county accountants re- ported ¬ from line to time and wIth each report the attorneys would moot uml Leighton would deposit a bond good for tho amount of his shortage as far as known At thin present time Leighton li under bonds to tbu county for something like 80000 mid negotIations aro pending torn j urtherlncretto of tho amount It was doubtless the story of Lelchtons trans- actions ¬ together with tho facts which lima since beta brought to light which nuBec Mayor OUrlon to refer In plain forms methods of mnklnl returns for county ex- penditures ¬ auditing county accounts In a veto massage to tbo Hoard of Aldermen on Monday hut the opinion line boon expressed since Monday that ho did not co fur enough This fact that a county official Is a defaulter to- o heavy amount nnd Is at liberty to roam about as ho pleases was not touched upon by I fortunately Mr Leighton Is n wealthy man Buys the Mayor and can make good any dtflcioncy Leighton entered the omca of Clerk of the Municipal Court a poor man lie lelt it worth- It Is estimated fully 600000 Ho laid the foundation of his fortune by loaning the public money on llrstolass mortgages which paid hint heavy interest I FltimrM On the Mlnaliamonrk An alarm was sent out by Pat Kerrlgnn- nllit w watctiiiafl llcllorue lloiflnt l hail nllit fort Urn In I the 1010111 11511st Mimihunourk of tie lit larinieiil lharl uml i drrecilun whtch uuii- nnoreil at the Lonimliilonerf Hrttiiuu and for ler apportd upon th teen loon after lbs alum was sent out and brtheorompt work of tn official and WarJn OKoork lb nclUmut In tha hospital w- aala 4 The dimm t 19 lbs SifatWM f 0 uiiet I 9 BUSIXVSS JtEfOltR THIS AlDBnJE They teent Mayor HenlttH HttpnUtlon for New Hull In Fourth Avenue The Board of Aldermen yesterday morn- ing ¬ received tho communication from Mayor Hewitt in which ho stated tho conditions ho had made with tho Hnrlom Itallroad Company before signing tho electric motor ordinance and seemed to resent his action Even tho Aldermen who opposed the ordinance on tho Ground that thoro was no provision In it to make the company nay tho city for tho privi- lege ¬ did not favor the Mayors course Alder ¬ man Walker moved that the resolution be ro ¬ tarred to tho Committee on Streets as tho Board of Aldermen had passed it without Im ¬ posing any conditions and tho Mayors stipu- lation ¬ that the company must lay now and im- proved ¬ rails was of no ole t Alderman Iltz- Hlmons thought that Mayors notion was unnecessary In imposing such a condition He moved that tho ordinance bo amended and tho right to oxact compensation from tho company for tho privilege bo mado The resolution- was lost- Bobomo A report from the Committee on Bridges anti Tunnels stcned by Aldermen McMurray McCarthy and Hubbell and favoring the Long Island lialIroal ortysecon street tannol was ordered printed in the minutes anti tho subject laid over The Aldormon wore extremely anxious to pass the resolution empowering the Comptrl ¬ ler to pay tho bills for tho expenses ilormoas attendance nt the lorster funeral lint It required a fourfifths vote and thoro wore not enough present A recess was taken until 4 oclock and an effort was made to got some more Aldermen I waa unsuccessful- and at 4 oclock there fewer than before Ho tho Hoard adjourned until 1030 on Monday morning This will not help tho funeral hills as the Mayor has vetoed the resolution once and the time In which It could bo passed over a veto expired yesterday MAYOR anANT IX OllFrCE Many Visitors Xreent Their ConEratnla- tlonnNo Talk Appointment Yet Mayor Grant was very prompt In rpr lag for duty yesterday and reached Hall at a quarter to 10 Tho number of callers and the words of congratulations received Wero reminders of Now Years Day but routine business was not neglected Tho now Mayor was questioned very early about appoint- ments ¬ but no information was tho result of tho inquiries Indeed Mayor Grant said that there was not likely to be anything in that direction for several days I wish llrst to make myself familiar with tho duties of the omen and of such of tho de- partments ¬ as I have not befor had any busi- ness ¬ with Some of course I am pretty familiar with- ExCaniiidate tem and Competitorjool B Erhardt was one of thl visitors Ho has beon sick since election not over the result ho explained Ho was very complimentary Mayor Grant said afterward of his visit Senators Ivos Cantor and 1lorce who had to bo m Albany on New Years Day paid their respects yesterday and exAauoduot Commissioner Edgar Ultldgway whoso absence on Tuesday was frtm the same cause called 1etor II Olnoy John 11 line kin Police Captains Brogan and Meaklm ex Mayor Vllllam I Wlckham CoU Fellows Ed- ward ¬ 1 Hagan and Bryan Lawrence wuro among the callers So vore Vllllam E Demurest a member- and Wilson Wolff the counsel of the Cromwol han Board of Aldermen They simply wanted- to hand In the fifteen onhA of office that those Aldermen had sworn nnd disclaimed any Inten- tion ¬ of bothering the Mayor at this limo But they promised to wait on him formally us a- Board on Monday and make their annual de- mand ¬ to be recognized as the only lawfully elected Aldermen and see if his J Honor has any mebsage or communication t er rUE PEXALTf OV 1UBLZC LJFE Lyon the Xetv Home of the New Mayor Is Not Proof Against the InauUltUe Mayor Grant long ago discovered that h present elevation entailed almost complete sac- rifice of his reonaTprlVV3y but it was loft tt a woman t demonstrate what length assur- ance ¬ will go A few days alter the Mayor had taken possession of his now house In Seventy third street a young woman called In his ab- sence ¬ and told tho colored servant that Mr Grant had given permission to her to look through his house The servant hesitated but my lady didnt and walked right into the hall Show as so well dressed and had such grand airs that the servant was overpowered nnd could only follow humbly and obsequiously- when she her tour of tho house With the mao exception of the servants quarters- and Mr n rooms tho house Is not yet In order and workmon were busy on the main floor during her inspection She did not mind that in the J least but wont from top to bottom pushing her way everywhere Tho servant got tired anti did not keep up with her closely After she was gone the servant found that n number of small articles had disap- peared ¬ Hno oven took some of the cards from the stand in tho hall probably to study tho names of the Mayors visitors at her leisure Of course Mayor Grant had not given her the permission as she represented and he was astoundod when he learned of her visit The Mayor is modest man greatly annoyed at the obtrusive curiosity which fol- lows ¬ him everywhere Ha has a pardonable desire to hold lila house as his castle and moans to do it strictly hereafter DEPEW I0T GOING TO INDIANAPOLIS lie Denim some Floutlnc Rumors and De Clare that Ills Glua LeI In Comlni On Dr Chnuncey M Dopews repeated denials have at last set at rest the rumors that ho was to resign the place of President and become a mere advisor to a President or a member of Gen Harrisons Cabinet Now a now story comes up for him to demolish which of course he does with his customary grace and finish The story was that young Russell Harrison had boon BO much imprnssed with Dr Depews knowledge of New York matters felicity In ex ¬ lr08Slll that Knowledge and eminently audi ¬ fllrosBl1 deciding upon tho merits of the loaders that ho thought his father ought to have tho pleasure and advan- tage ¬ of hearing him An invitation for Mr De pouto go to Indianapolis ant annngoments- forhls visit wore tho sequel tho story went Mr Depew bald last evening about It I will repent an interview I had with an evening paper reporter on the subject as It has not been prlntodle told me this story and askid me if I to Indlanano and 1 said that I was not lie thou atkeil mo when I was going and I answered Unit I was not Iolnl every day between now nnd tho 4th of And that Is v luit YOIlnn say for me I can bo found every day In the Grand Central Hliitlon nxrnpt when I may be on the road on railroad bUBlnubd unless 1 get another attack of glass leg They are going to take this off tomorrow continued Mr Dnpow as ho tapped his vitreous mombor with hh cano The curator of tho Metropolitan Mutoum will ho on hand The poor doctors are to ho up all night In consulta- tion ¬ to d0Udo whether to use a burz saw or 1 trip hammer Mayor Anle In u Lottery Kcheme- JIlSSKAlOiis Jan 2Tue newspapers In tho smaller cities throughout the Northwest particularly in Iowa nnd Montana have of late had froiinont occasion to mention Mayor Amos- In connection with n bU lottery schema about the squareness of which opinions seem to differ A men line consented to act an one of tho Hiiponfow ot the drnwlnl of the lottery at Helena Mont this which tints the Abom IIOUBO at Dos Monies and 153 cash prizes will bo drawn by the lucky ticket holders The enturprlbo Is bolng conduced by Dr E K- Abom under the name of tho Helena Invest mont Company An uttompt was male to Mil Ioll0 tickets t5 cacti and tho drawing wits toliavecomooff on liin 7 Homo nf the man ugcrH have nlllnlritwn arl161v that the doctor cimnot UI1 title to thl property Worth t luu- UDII as The le Moines fllentwof- tho doctor say ho Uh met can give ltulnd that the scheme la nIl rluht Receiver Appointed fur u Coal and Iron mpn- PILADELInA Jai 2Upn the applica- tion ¬ of 0 B Wright who 30000 worth of tho bonds of tho Iulrmount Coal and Iron Company Judge Yell toiliiynppolntcd William M btowart receiver ot the company while has- lenit In default for upon tIe Inteli ttt Tho bonus nit I llo111 nmountt- ntWiounnt I vo i l Isitudi I In I iu i 4 i by u- noitgin on tho I c nipany s proport 111 i Arm strong anti Clarion counties Iennsihanla for which tho lurmer Loan and Trust Company- of l New York vyas trustee B l K Jamison Is the J present President John A Wilson Vlc JPrcfll- d l c and wwlB J 0 jten BfltttfuM NOBODY SAW HIM KILLED Msnr OF A aitAKKaiAir FOUND DED ON IIIS IKAIX- He was Alive at Chatham Square and Presently was Discovered Imaging from the HearlMatmrm of the Train Head Daniel Lanlgan I brakomnn on tho City Hall branch of the elevated railroad was killed early last evening at Chatham square station- He was 49 years of ago and lived with his wife and five children at 2130 llht nvonuo He was tho brakeman on tho car of a llvocar train that reached the Chatham square station at C 22 oclock bound for tho City Hall anti after Lanlcnn had pulled the boll rope to indi- cate ¬ that his gates wore closed he walked through tho car to tho roar platform just as tho train pulled away from the station Attention was first attracted to the brake- man by passengers on tho station platform who called loudly for tho train to stop The four passengers In tho last car ran to tho plat ¬ 10r1 and saw Lanlcnn clutching tho top bar of the iron ralol and hanging with his feet towar tho trlok Ills face was covered with bJoot Mr J It Hnskell and several other passengers seized tho bell rope and passengers In the othor cars attracted by the commotion also took a hand at pulling tho cord and many of thorn ran back to the roar car Several men clod to lift tho brakeman over tho rail but as tho train continued on its way they wore unable to raIse him up At tho City Hall station eovornl of the passengers got down upon the track and bore tho brakeman into tho train despatched ofilco and laid him on tho floor An ambulance surgeon from the Chatber Street Hospital pronounced him skull was fractured How the accident happened can only ho con- jectured ¬ The employees of the road said that BO far as they know Lanlgan could have had no business on tho roar platform TOo chains that close the passage from ono car to another when not In use wero up It is thought that the bell rope that Is fastened on tho rear rail may have becomo loosened and that Lanlgan was fastening it when tile train started and that he had been thrown over tho railing on tho track He may have retained consciousness enough to clutch tho Iron railing I Another theory is that ho was leaning over the chains shutting oil the valve on tho rubber steam pipe with one hand while he clung to tho Iron rail with tho other hand He may havo lost his balance and toppling over struck his head violently against tho platform of tho car It is more likely that In loaning from the platform he struck his head against a post supporting the roof at Chatham square station the police of the City Hull station nOlllel tho I police of the proclnol In which man lived so that his friends could bo in- formed ¬ It 1s customary In cases of this kind for the pollco to notify the Coroner as soon as possible The Coroners ofllco waslolosod when the police heard of the accident and notice will not bo sent thoro until this morning The body cannot be removed without a Coroners permit anti It remained at the elevated station lat night guarded by a policeman One bell U the signal to stop a train and two to go ahead If tho boll rope worked all right when tho passengers tugged at it the bell was rung many times The frequent rlnlnt of tho bell may have confused the How- ever ¬ title may be the train did not stop or slacken its speed until the City Hall was reached stallol THE CAKDIARTf MURDER A Noted Italian Gambler Suspected or Doing the Shooting I Is believed that Domlnlco Luzzi who was arrested In Jersey City on Tuesday evening on suspicion of shooting a companion at Avon daleNJis more sinned against than sinning Ho was the victim of a brutal assault His head was battered and ono of his fingers was nearly bitten off Ho was taken from Newark- to Avondale yesterday morning and an exam- ination ¬ was held by Justice Hays The inves- tigation ¬ brought out the fact that the man who shot Ammuato Palin tho breast and Fran- cesco ¬ the leg was a noted Italian gambler who was known as Joe Murray and whose real namo is Snlvatore Copadora He had been among the Italian quarrymen at Avondalo- for four years and in that time ha is said to have won at least 15000 from his countrymen There was a party of seven playing cards In the Italian Barracks on Now Years and Copadora had won considerable money when ho wad the excuse that he wanted to go to tho saloon across thl road to get change for a 15 note Instead going Into the saloon ho started up Washington avenue He was found in tho avenue by his countrymen who were armed with clubs A general light followed Copadora having a friend or two In the party During the moles several shots vvern tired ane because Copadora cannot bo found now Buspocted of doing tho shooting lIar died last night A StlKAQK AT NIGHT Tho Flames or 0 Prairie Fire In Dakota Pictured In the Clouds CnrGTON Dak Jan 201 Saturday 1 P M the singular and beau- tiful ¬ spectacle was witnessed of a mirage at night Tho day had beon very warm the ther- mometer ¬ reaching 60 ° In tho shade and the condition of tho atmosphere was certainly un ¬ usual The sky was more or less clouded par ¬ ticularly on tho horizon Patches of prairie fire were visible at all points of the compass To the north south and west there was noth ¬ ing in their appearanco to attract attention- but two masses of tire to the norlloat- of Carrlngton woro unlike any othor direction These tires wore with wonderful distinctness heightened Into the very clouds just as In the brllllanceof the sun ¬ light the obscure stack is made to nssumo the dimensions of a lofty tower Then again lie connecting link between the real Iro and Its double disappeared and there perfect reflection of the tire in the clouds Individual tongues of flame being pictured In tho super- heated ¬ strata llko tho familiar fain morgana- At another time the reflected fire seemed to waver in the air like the restless shimmer the most brilllantauroin The spectacle lasted until tho tiros died out altogether IV I Palmer Taken to u Private Asylum AUDUIIV Jan 2WIIII L Palmer who has boon an Inmate Criminal Insane Asylum of this city for about eight years was released today and taken to a private Insane asylum at Mlddletown N Y About eight years ago ho shot a policeman in tho Metropol- itan ¬ Hotel in New York city while tho police man was trying to arrest him He had been subject to Insanity and on this occasion was taken with one of his spells and became HO violent that his arrest was ordered As the policeman entered his room Palmer shot him dead diaries P antI A n Williams of New friends of Palmar came to this YorklnlmBle for his release from the courts and ho was taken away on a specIal palice car PalmorH only food for nearly two years was what has been forced down his throat through a tube He said that If ho could be taken to a private asylum ho would eat Nominated to Hucceed Kenator Low MiDDijETOvvN Jan 2At tho Drrnocratlo Senatorial Convention held here this after- noon ¬ for the purpose of lomllalll a candi ¬ date for tha vacancy cau80 by death of Senator Henry I Low oxMayor Petor Ward of Newburgh was Dunod for tho place by ac- clamatlon Ho 10t present but It Is understood that ho nccnpt Ho Is widely known anti popular throughout the district nnd Is especially strong in the Itopubllcan stronghold of Nevvburgh Although the two harrison olit majority in Isovem rounte8laVl believed that Mr Ward wilt be elected Ills nomination at least has cast a chill on the Itopubllcau prospect and there is an evident unwillingness on the part of Itopubllcan aspirants to take the ibId against him Mr Merry JlellKlon Wits this Bar The expectation that Arthur Berry the haiiiltoma end tKcldit rrlrate secretary of Major hewitt would U appointed a Tax Commliilotjor was- very general Mr berry stared It and U said to hay had the Mayors positive assurance as a foundation for the Idea Yet Mr Isrrlt tot the Appointment on the last day of the year Contrary to his umal custom lti- Uayor mile an explanation nf the reaaott for tiu CDann0 of front lt was that Mj harry was a Catholic sod be did not want to mete hfm a Tag rummliMoner tcauia- li II oilier tan touiinltalontr were tlio of that faith Vlayor Hewitt r liunienu Jurluc liU lerin bow over include many Laihullcs Mr iaaseb I oen to his Duushln Wedding Janrcnce llirrett loft for Hoston lust nlcht- tn attend the marriage of hln daughter to Jo epU Ander ran bretbar of Mary Anderson Tlia ceremony takes place in the morning to Boiten and IIr Barrett will te bask tn tints to resume tie plus oa the ruttt AT 110 jhsatc atsL the WgrLftItsha J td5 hI 18 AN ANSEXATIONIST- Mr IVhltn Runs for Offlre nn the Platform of Union With thin Country OTTAWA Cnn Jan 2There Is Rrcnt ex- citement ¬ over the Mayoralty contest In Wind ¬ sor which Is to bo decided on Monday next It Is tho first Instance In which votes have been sought openly on the question ot annexation with the United Stabs Solomon AMiltc ex member of Parliament n strong personal friend of Sir John Macdonald and supporter ot his Government goes to tho polls on nn annex ntlonlst lie says annexation Is the onlysalva tlon for Canada that In that event her Indus trios which now lie Idle would bo developed while tho terrible burden ot taxation would ba largely diminished through nn alllanco with the United Status The national debt ho says has boon Increased nearly 12000000 during tho past year There Is again a largo deficit In tho Treasury whllo there Is a balance of trade equal to 20000000 against the Dominion as a result of the years operations Ho Is satis fled that It only requires some ono who has the courage ot his convictions to go before the people on tho question ot annexation to bring out the strong feeling that already exists in favor ot a political alliance with the United States throughout tho Dominion and ho Is de- termined ¬ to take the Initiative PLOT TO flOE AND JUVKDKR A FAMILY rather and IlauRhter Aided Ity Two Fox- Hounds Huccessfully Resist CotusiniA Jan 2 Jnmes blstrunlc and John and Sam Green three negro desperadoes attempted last night to rob and murder the family of O K Dirt n largo planter in Darn well county After robbing the stuoko house and storeroom of a largo quantity of provis ¬ ions SIstrunk gained admittance to the bed ¬ room of Miss Lonorn flirt 17 years of ago and attempted to assault her Before thn brute could stifle her screams the girl had alarmed her father and while ho was coming she suc- ceeded ¬ In defending herself The father was quickly knocked down by Slstrunk Ho recov- ered ¬ and was again repeatedly laIn low Hut father and daughter clung to the npgro and finally the three fell down tho stops Hero the flirts wore reinforced by two largo fox hounds Tho father and daughter were completely o- haustod and Miss Dirt was badly Injured The hounds set upon tho nogro and Inn few min ¬ utes had torn and lacerated his legs from the hips down hut ho was slowly making his escape when Miss flirt struck hint with a place of board anti this ended the fight The nouro was arrested and jailed He hind severely bit ¬ ten both the young lady and her father Blstrunk confessed that he and bio accom- plices ¬ had plotted to murder Mr flirts family after the robbery then to mire lie houso and In the confusion to rob tho house of Carson Cook who lived near by and was said to have plenty of money in his possession gUlCEWlTIED MISS JAFFRAT She Did Not Rescue the Hoys hut she was First to Get the Life Line ThvnflToN Jan 2The pond in which the young skaters Herbert Connor anti Joseph Gibson were drowned yesterday contains about eight acres When the boys broke through the Ice Miss Maw Jnffray a daughter of Howard affray of U S affray A Co rush ¬ ed for a life line In the mean time Norman Whltehouso sprang into the water George Stobblns and Dennis eoeing that the boys were under the ice and that Mr Whitohouso was in danger of drowning sprang to the rescue of the latter Miss Jaffray arrived with the life line which was cast to the mon in the water and they wore thus rescued Mr Jaffray said today My daughter does not deserve the credit given her by the papers If any ono deserves it it is the Messrs Whitehouso Wood nnd- Btebblns who courageously attempted to res- cue ¬ the two boys This fall I bought a lifeline 200 feet long to be kept on the pond for the purpose of rescuing skaters Mv daughter knowing that tho lino was for that purpose Immediately wont for the rope U throw to tIm two boys I am glad that film lid not ump into the water She Is very courageous anti an excellent swimmer Had the accident hap- pened ¬ in tho summer Maud would no doubt Lava gone to the rescue Stabbed Ills wires Paramour BEnWN Sid Jan 2It has Just been made public that on Thursday last James M Henry a wealthy young farmer living near this place caught his wife In a compromising position in the woods near his house with Ed- ward Dowen a hardware merchant of Berlin A fight ensued In which Bowen was getting the boat of It until Henry drew a knife and stabbed his opponent twelve times Inflicting serious if not fatal injuries Mrs Henry at once left the nelghboiliood IsBitpposod to have gone to her relatives in Philadelphia The men are prominent in social circles anti efforts have been made to Keep tint affair quiet but the precarious condition of Dowen made it necessary that part of the story bo made publlo Mrs llonry Is well connected In Philadelphia and 1 is Independently rich She left several children here A Female Student Kills Herself CLETEiiAND Jan 221liss Mary B Sher- man ¬ of Wnkeman Ohio a member of the freshman class at Oborlln College shot anti killed herself at her boarding place this utter noon Ovorstudyis assigned us the cause ot- her action MeUlllan Named for Senator LANBINO Mich Jan 2The Legislature of 18S9 convened at noon today At the He publican caucus tonight James MoMIIIuuo- fetrolt was nominated by acclamation to suc- ceed ¬ Senator Palmer Nolan on Trial Aicnln for Murder BOMERTIIIE Jan 2Thin Nolan case was culled today and eleven wltnesies were examined The only new feature developed was In the testimony of John V D Tomyea who testified that the wblte shirt found under the atacksln Races barn by him was wet and bloody when he found IL This wa not brought out on the former trial It wai then teilUM tnst Nolan wore a while ihlrt on lbs morning of the murder and had a colored one on when be came home trout the llrldge robot auction Other development are tirom- ed anionic thorn testimony to dhow that the story Nolan tola of bin movements on the day of the murder is untrue Mr Hewitts Return to Private Lire ExMayor Abram S Hewitt signalized his return to private life yeiterday by turning up In his old place at the office of Cooper Hewitt i Co yea t am attending to mr duties ai uinal he mId to Tint SON reporter sad I am prepared to sell suiy thing In mr line 111 you Any urdera however mull will be thankfully received Then he picked up a law book and valkea thought fully back to lil desk Tbe Revolution In Han Ilomtuco Suppressed WASHINGTON Jan 2The Secretary of State aureceU da deipatch from the United State Consul at Iuerto Plata dated lIce 13 iftrlnir that the revolt tlon In the northern I lad of San Jloiulnxn has tiern Mip preooI sad that many of the participant bats been arrnted tilAUKlf tltOJU THE IKLEQHAlnP- oderln Lord has arrived > t Home John Urlfht has made timber progress toward re cot cry Premier Floquet U confined to him bedroom with a severe cold Jules Simon tn the Farls italic makes an eloquent appeal for the return ef the Duo 4Auinale- W K Barrett of Melroe publisher of the Ilotton Jd- rrrtMcr and yfrurd nan been elected Speaker of the vlaBsachuselts House br the Iteputllcaus- Veitrrday sIt the air numbering between TOO anti ten used during tbe year IHnx In the fulled Stoles Mint in Philadelphia tc rru destroyed under lite direction nf- Hiinerlntrndent You sue In the presence of the chief colnerand assayer A telegram received at Havana tars that the Ameri- can brIg Addle Hale Ca t Howes foundered Itilrt nra miles from Care San Antonio and that tbe crew landed at that place They afterward embarked on the schoon- er Amtstod for Havana Wesley Brigham a peony farmer boy was found dead In hla employers kitchen in I orralne Jefferson county New Veers evening with a revolver In tubs hand anti a terrible wound In bis side Whether bis death was aul- cldal or accidental Is nut known John Mt Carnthera a receiver unl clerk for the Lithe flelphli Traction I omlianv HA arrefclnl yratrnUrt- hnrped HII I ibe mbezjleniiit of i frmn i He- rompsui i util I wittj alirrln btokm anl jciounts belonj lug It uhrm lie lice birth In IlOttSi toil The eateitahte foundry of the I radlng Foundry Tom pany In HeadJnc Ia when larxe troll pipe for ess and water mains tef many of the larger cities are made elesed down tnaenultely yesterday throwing l ISO Welt oat at eoipleymsD1 Bell trade U Ifta U lbs dtVlitor- e iUiUtnMUi 1 Jf- c 1 S wsu- Tt f V5 T LIFE IN TILE METROPOLIS DAShES mmn AM > Tiimtr nr not ij a tA x vniQviio itiiV on TCKS Mr TlmarenlK In Annnliihed to Ilenr that he hud Tried to A iin > lnatn Mr lllckiou- HI IlinlneiKi In with Ink Not flood A report reached Police Hoatlqtiarters yes- terday ¬ afternoon that TclomaquoTTimayonlf the Greek who wrote The Original Mr la cobs and The American Tow had visited i the ofllco of the Mlnoiva Publishing Company j at 10 Wo t Twoiits third trot In tha forenoon and had drawn a rovolvor upon Mr J li Dick son the publisher the company and threaten od to blow his head off The Minerva Company publishes Tlninycntsa books anti Publisher it Dlokson had the Greok arrested on Doe 12 on n charge ot embezzling funds of tha company l an accusation that Tlmajenls fiercely denied The report was that Tlmayonlshad pounced on Dlcfcson In rovongc for the arrest A throng of reporters hill rled to the Minerva t Companys attica It N on the IHth lloor of the hulldlng Tlmnyonls was found calmly smok > I Ing a cigar with ono foot on his writing desk and it little nlllcn boy perched on a chair be ¬ hind him Thero were no signs of tore or ot Publisher Dtckson MrTlmayonli was aston ¬ ished when the reporters told him that the police had hoard that ho had attempted to as BiiBslnato Mr Dlckson Why I hnvont soon Dlckson In a month ho oxclalmed and I dont know whore ha Is i t I liivo just got back from nn outoftown trip I anti I assure you that I have not assassinated anybody and dont Intend to My business is sat rled on with ink not blood lho reporters couldnt II nd Mr Dlokson Mr Dlckson called upon Superintendent Murraj at Pollen Headquarters yesterday and 4 asked that olllclal to revoke the pistol permit which haul been given to Mr Tlmaycnls no N said ho had received information that Mr Tlmayonid was goIng to shoot him at the It Tombs Police Court today whore their case against him conies up for trial They asked J for police protection Mr Murray promised I that they would be protected THE CAR DKirCltS DEaiANDS I They TVnnt T < ventHve Cents More at Day for Ten SCours Work District Assembly 220 which comprise all the horse car employees In this city has prepared a schedule of demands which will ba presented to the Hoard ot Directors of all the r companies at their next meeting which occurs 1 I between Jan 8 and 15 The only chango from the schedule ot last year is that 2 25 or an I addition ot 25 cents is demanded for conduc- tors and drivers and It Is positively enjoined upon tbo companies that they must not make out schuduloa of time for longer than ten hours work District Master Workman James H Nags I said that the chances were that the Board ot Directors would accept the new schedule Officers of several of the companies seen yesterday said that there was no tolllnc what they would do until tbo dire tore have dis- cussed ¬ 1 the matter Superintendent Newell of the Broadway road said that It was his belief t that the demands of their employees would bo r t carefully considered I The Eighth Avenue Railroad people say that they cannot pay the 25 cents advance demand- ed ¬ ° liy acceding to the ton hours roautredbr t law they fay they are at au expense of 70000- A representative of the Ninth avenue road said that thoy warn not making money and couldnt think of paylnc the advance demanded 1rosiclfmt Lewis of the Brooklyn City Bail road Company has been considering since lJi Monday the proposed contract wnlch the Ex- ecutive ¬ t Committee of District Assembly 76 K of- L wants hint to make with the employees of tho company for the coming year Some ot I the proposltionsdo not moot with his approval j end tomorrow he will forward a statement to- tbo l committee reciting In detail the terms which are satisfactory to the company Mr n Lewis said ho confidently expected the contro- versy ¬ I would bo harmoniously settled and that j It would be a long time in his opinion before another tieup on the road occurred THE NEW HOARD OF ALDERMEN ii It Will Orcanlre Without Delay but Bt- PrcHldrnt > Slate Siren Selected Yet Tho now Hoard of Aldermen whose first meeting will bo held on Wednesday next will bo a strong ououch Tammany Board to organ 4 j 1e without any delay Though there have t i been no caucuses or conferences of the Tam- many ¬ t Aldermenolect some of the details ot tt this ore tnizatlon aro practically settled They j do not Include tho selection or n President jJ howcvtr A vulllnznosson the part of Jobn M ISovvors to tithe the placo would have Bottled t I 41 tills also lint he does pot want it den John ocbrnno could have it but ho has some Inter i etsthut would bo affected by tbe decision of the Kim street Improvement question and tif lines not think it would ba proper to take S t j nInes that oulil placo him on the blnklnit Fund Commission Ho other candidates have to bo considered tim most prominently ¬ tioned among them being oxJuduo Abraham 11 lappan uj1 The MooPresldoncy Is In no such doubt Alderman FltzMmoiiH is slated for that Awl t thn Chulrmanhblp of tho Finance Committee will EO to Alderman Htorm This does not1 areun that Alderman Dlwers ambitions are to be thwarted though ho held tbat place last i year Before tho year Is out the reason of his retirement from the hunt for honors In the dis- tribution ¬ 7 J of the Aldormanla Committee Chair munuhlpa will bo made apparent I Know All About Ui The weather yesterday was cloudy and threatened snow the temperature ranged between 83 11 In the morning and in In the afternoon the wind was f westerly stud fresh humidity K per cnt and station- ary ¬ followed bv rising barometer Snow fell within o few mles of this cliv and extended westward to the lake find north vard to Lanai Clear weather and blub barometer la presrla eastward and will cover this city to dav The temperature In Montana has fallen to 13 ° below zero multi iii roll arm reaches to San Antoni TeL it where U I at the freering jxjlnL Heavy rains have fallen In Florida anti Teia Fair weather cud stationary temperature ire Indicated for today I The Weather Yesterday ii II Ii i As InfUrntorl bv rorryPthormomoter fa THI- Fc tmlldlnir JAM ii BAM 144t a A M Yii is- M 11 4SI Ji30 P M 4 I PS I0 t H I M 30 U- inilnlnhu IH C Average terarr rAture 3Ht ° Average temperature for Jut Z Itu JH I il Signal Office PredictIons l j For Massachusetts Khodo Island and Con- necticut ¬ generally fnlr Uirhllr colder variable winli becoming northwesterly For eatern > ev Yonlu anti western New Vork fair and nearly stationery tcmneratun In outbern pnrtIoD light Joi AI cOlas antl iljMl colder In northern I ortloni variable wnd- lor Dlttrict nf otumMa lrrfnla North Carolina MArrlaixl IMaware Nitr Jfrtt nnd eastern 1 ennayt ama fair nightly manner viiritbt Hind p AJIOVT JOffY The collection for tue Saturday and Sunday Hospital P Fund amount so far to 47101 Frau LI1I1 Lrhmann tailed from linemen jeiterdar I Her rfufrrfa at the Metropolitan Opera IIou will b ti Heeled on or about Jan 3 The trend Jury of the United fitatM Circuit Court for I this December term was worn In yesterday bftfor- Judtre Benedict Tbe foreman U Utrdieye iilaktmaa- tti publisher I The Hoard nf Aldermen yesterday canTatued the vote in the Hlith henatnrlal i tlstricts recent pecUl election they found that Thr maa F Orady got 7c03 votes out of llJ7lld and declined tiiat be was elected James flarrr 21 years of ate e a waiter In the New I lnrk Hotel tripled anti fell loch stairs In th hotel r CFterdat antI fractured his rknll No died In tOe bold tie Ihed at m HaH Klettuih street The body of Henry Fchroeder of ao Pan II re id war t wee found In the water at th foot of J orth Moore street resterday lie dltp ered on Sunday lastU It la be- llevei that tie fell Into the river wblleunder the Influ- ence ¬ of liquor I Christmas tree In the rooms nf Patrick OofffJo at 4A Fttftt Hntr nrtli street rauuht Ire 4st nlirlit and did J slight uiimice While trying to put nut the Sams I Thomas tOaTtttD f J tears old was severely burnsd shoot the hands unJ face John Lawsnn Ste year old of Twenty flftb street F J Brooklyn while at work rIveting on tr eleralM road t Ml In front of M Murray utreei yeilerlay anti reeelv 4- rontuilonsut the back und POM hit internal Injuries lie was taken to hamteri Htrtet floiplul- Menra Velisner irkennann A Co agents of the tank ship Mile de Paris reported overdue said ystr I day that they felt no apprehensIon about her safety She In a new stilp anti they say not steamship a hal been stated tfb left Dlepp om nr weeks egO In a iteht last nIght In Joiepb Ward chant Itt AT nun A between 8erentyflrst and tspenty soonditrMt between Itryant ferry and Michael Norm 111 Ver7 wed stabbed and sebously Injured In tb left side US VII I taken to the JreiVjUrUn lljvltat NormiH was ar- rested I Max Halomnn 1 years of age a salesman U A flaw I store at Seventh cured and Avenue II ro mm lite 4 sui- cide 4 on Tuesday nlrht last In hU toms In an apartment j house at erj MMiiit heed li > MwalijwJnaf r anie irreerL- h is ninoii w 00 uinnirrl I sitS lie had few trie ads ho- niuiop I fr bite solIbe u ku nu- Pr Jolin I Slier nt rer eli rf Pllabtb whll sleppliik front hue rteraicr nit the iec nd hoer of Trinity I HullJiitx Ill liroadsey > eiterJ y afi riuon toll anti I loin hue left kneecap It whit lob rU monthS forldm to get well He wee fared for at Chamber 8trf no pitch Lit fihayUaneJItor andwuaIFriat2IIdWa1 oahtCjMrILaSLh I 0 1 H

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Jf ii i i i iTII

If katTO ROVMSI fflut mr Aya>rtas t-




TUB HUN It will krtnn prompt rclnra-AaWertlio

4IB TICKIBUN brl>c yrcmp-

trii W your Beat riUte In THE SONto mmf TVant Lji nn-


AtfTtrtlrtnx In THIJ SEN never fall of4 the rieatrtd remitIf y m fc T Her If rCra irron hare Room To ADVERTISEftr 1 ABVJSBTI8H IN TUB them In T1IRBCN




rnB SQUAnnLE nzrrrrR rIm 2BrrWEDDED PAIR ADJUSTEDI HI Ore SUter round U En jr to Bring

About Bteonelll UonIot or imjttyJust Now at thn fluke Country Seat

flTlO A 19 Or 8 g hnt-ng and lblUAnIolL-

DON Jon 2A month or sngo theroDuke and Duchesswu i botweon the

of Mulborongh caused by I visit from Lady

Colin Campbell but It wnnothing moro seri-



than a lovers quarrel Tho Duchessthought the Duke was Ittlflo too attentive tohis visitor and her Qraco became jealous

farand In orthodox fashion Tho be-



of the Duke and Lady Colin was quitoproper and above board Lady Fannlo Majorl

the Dukes married sliter and the onlybank family whom ho respects or fearswont down t Blenheim and thero was nodifficulty In effecting I reconciliation

I The Duchess simultaneously recovered hertuual She does not look vory robustheatnow drives about Woodstock buyingthings aid was at I grand ball last wook

The townspeople like her and they say tho

has become quite an attentive husbandDuo just now fulof tho noblo

1a118membas of rat Marl-

borough family Tnore IB lots of fun going on

shooting parties every day and frequent ballsand othor It must not be supposed-

that the Duk at all unpopularln the districtThe dont worryabouthis moralsfor ho has spent very largo sums of moneyivmonif thm In modernizing Blenheim I Is

estimated that each tradesman has madetout of the Duke within tho past twelveIt Is still war to the knife between the rector

of Woodstock and the Duke The rector fromhis drawingroom window has a fine view of

Blenheim Park the entrance to which Is only

a few feet away The Duko swears that thot reverend gentleman shall not enjoy tho pros-


longer than can be helped and his Gracehas just arranged to mako a plantation of tall

c fir trees right up against the parsons windowWhen these have grown to a fair size not onlywill the rectors view be stopped but his draw-ing


room will have to bo lighted artificially at-

aUt times of tho day

Tie Mayor of Woodstock complains of thoconduct of an American reporter who inter-viewed him some weeks ago and in print putInto his worships mouth words he never ut-


I The Duke read the report indignantlyi remonstrated with the Mayor declined to listen

to explanations and has ceased to Invite him

4t the ducal shooting parties The Mayor

1 Is a bin jnanwould like the reportercall upon him again

FIGHTING FOR IUEIR nounsJII Excltlnc See at an Eviction or Irish

2 s PeasantI

tpfrifftt less o THI Sci Printing and ruWiMng-Auoctattm

Uf IILONDON Jan 2The eviction campaIg

I on the Olphort estatesII Donegal commenced this afternoon OperaI tlons had been delayed by tho action of the

luatIn breaking down the bridges and inways Impedlnl the march of troops and

the police o sttong forming tho evictingarmy The poor fellows worked hard and zeal ¬

ously but tho resources of the crowd of evic-

tors finally prevailed and the forces reachedthe doomed district exasperated by delays andhardships and only too ready to take ven-


on the They did not do muchlolor ham today is doubtful whether thar work will be completed without bloodshed

An attack was made today on the house ofPatrick ODonnell a blacksmith Patrick keptthe evictors 8busy all day that the evictorswere unable to move against any other of the

t tenants The house had been prepared in I11 most ingenious fashion for defence Tho door¬

i warand lower windows had been bui upmade three sidesloopholes oti gar-


ml consisting of ten sturdy peasants wore

prdewith provisions for a week and withSt r heps stones pitchforks and similar

i i weapons A bllcrowd of peasants had assem-bled


see funand among the spectatorst toi i were PaterMoFadden and Stephens both ofrecently suffered imprisonment

1j for the cause Amid I roar of defiancefrom the spectators and tho garrison-thetj bailiffs and police commenced operations

0 The soldiers and part of tho police surrounded-the house with fixed bayonets An attemptwas made to mako a hole In tho gable but the

c besiegers were soon beaten back many withI broken heads and for a full hour tho defenderskept up a fierce fusillade of stones and othermissiles the spectators all the while cheering

v frantically-Thetk7 4 police and bailiffs returned the volleys

1 ef stones and some of the former more thanf once were prevented from firing their riflesj only by orders of the magistrates The bailiffs

resorted to various expedients to escape the

fuaao A carwas pushed against tho houseI was quickly rendered untenable and

f shields were Improvised out of mattresses1 nailed to polest At length a magistrate ordered the police to

take the house by assault Borceant MoCombgallantly led the forlorn hope and mounted aladdei leading to the front window He wasthrust back with pltchforka nod receivedwounds in the face and logs and was finallydashed to tho ground by a welldirected stone-

This ww too much for the magistrate Thefred blood of a policeman bad boon shod-Therlotactwasreedin a twinkling and th-orps were ordered to Tho soldiers didrnot relish the order Many of them had with

difficulty repressed an Inclination to cheer the

Ialat little bane fighting for their homestherefore loaded very slowly and the

pause was taken advantage of by Father Ste-phens


to advise the defenders that having vin-dicated


their manhood and given the greatestamountof trouble to the evictors they mightnow very well yield to the superior force

The priests advice was taken without ques ¬

tloDand Patrick ODonnell and his friends de-


by means of the ladder and surren ¬

derethemselves amid the enthusiastic cheersonlookers They wi of course bo sent

to prison but they have comfort of know-Ing that if the evlctors procood atoday at therate of on eviction dally it will take months tocomplete them and that long before then publie opinion in England will compel the Govern-ment

¬twithdraw the forces of the Crown fromas Iatlng In the scandalous work of collecting

M impossible rents for an unjust and tyrannicallandlord


Ir letoa will Appear Before CongressAdvocate Cheaper Ratesi LOHDOX Jau 2Mr John Honnlker lien

ton M p will visit tbe United States earlyI this year and he expects to have the honor of

0 appearing beforo Congress In advocacy ofoosn pennY postage Ills Idea Is that M let-ten carried long distances by rail atthe penny rate with a profit to the Post orncejPeDartments of England and the Unitedptatei penny postage between England andAmerica would be perfectly feaslblo Indeednoncontract steamers carry lettersfor be English lostOfllce from Southamptonto New York for about a halfpenny each Asprofits Mr Heaton calculates that tho Eng

Uiarqst Office makes from WOto 160000annually on American mnlB

Our ISotinUury Line

WINNllFI Man Jan a Mr Ocllvlo tholaud surveyor recently returned

from the exploration of the Yukon countirwillI report to the Dominion Government thatthe boundary line between British Columbiaand Alaska should be fixed at least four mileslurthor souta than Uio point by Bohnatkac

HOLD CANADIAN nrOLAlThey Defy the Queens Officers on a Rail-

road Train and Then KscnpeConductor Dan Church of train rwhich

loft Boston nt 8X oclock on Monday night onthe Boston and Lowell and Vermont Centralroads arriving In Montreal ot 7J on Tuesdaymorning had an interesting mooting with throebank burglars at Btanbrldgo Station Canadaabout forty miles south of Montreal on theVermont Central llallroad When a reporterof Tn SUN boarded the Montreal sleeper atBt Albans Vt on Tuesday night ConductorSmith seemed to view tho affair as Igood jokoon Cpnductor Church

Tho story as told to the reporter rivals thoeXlloltof Western cowboys For somo timepat a gang of burglars has boon operatingsuccessfully on safes in tho small towns ofnorthern Now York nod Vermont nnl recentlythey have visited Champlain N and LaCole Canada Early on TuoedBrmornlolthobroko Into two sales Intown In Quebec There woro three men In thoparty and they stole a horso and wagon andstarted for HtanbrUco station whore theyboarded Conductor Churchs train As thotram was drawing out of tho station two olllcora of East Stiinbrldgo drove up just In timeto see the burglars omloG at them from thowindow of the The officers tolegraphed to Pete Smith a Canadian revenueofflcer nt Ht Alexandra to arrest tie burglarsnnd he found them With a good deal of flour¬

ish ho displayed his badge and said 1rot you in tho name of tho Juoen a

Tho train had started and us the burlarmado no resistance Ulcer Smithsistant to watch thor while tie wont into thoball e car to sjo any of the stolen

on board In a few minutes propturned Ills assistant had disappeared Ontho platform of the car stood tho throo bur-glars armed with revolvers As soon as thoofficer appeared they fired two shots at himthrough tim glass door Ono of the bulletswont through his hat and ho concluded thattho Queen would bo better nerved by n live off-icer


than a dead one and dropped to tho floorConductor Dan Church hoard the shooUnlandcame out to Investigate tho cause ItDn your oyes drop undor sentshouted ono of tho burglars The conductorobeyed When the train reached a llttlo sta-tion


near Su Johns tho burglars disappearedin the woods

Officers from Montreal traced tho burglars aafar as Ln Codlo Canada on Tuesday after-noon


but didnt capture themA despatch to THE HUN from Montreal says

that when tho loft tho train the eta¬burllarton agent asslstaot noticed thoanti trlod to when two of

thorn pulled revolvers and began firing at thecrowd which was gathering Cunt Hrnlth madea bold stand and tried to take hold of one ofthe men Two bullets were fired at him onewounding him in the face and tho other in thescalp The desperadoes then escaped

IT WAS A CONFIDENCE GAMA Crook Trying to Negotiate the Sale or

DODd he Didnt PossessBOSTON Jan 2A Now York confidence

man who gave his name as Amos Stevenscame to this city yesterday and tried to oxchange WOOworth of bonds which he con-


a whisper had been stolen for 90 percent of their face value The bonds he saidworo unregistered and could easily be soldwithout detection Ho stipulated howeverthat the purchase money must be counted outbefore ho would oven show tho bonds Iwasnt long before the police were afterThey arre ° tod him this evening and instead ofISO Ono worth of onds the pollco found somoneatly folded brown paper sealed In blueenvelopes also chock for 200 pur19rtnlto bo signed by Chauncaymlttod that the chocfe was a forgery and he willbe arraigned on that charge It was evidenttbat Stevens Intended robber but the quickwork of the police

tovonl first made his appearance in New ¬

n two weeks ago and offered a brokerS1800 W per cent bonds and 12000 in 4 per

Ho wanted to close tno bargain at 00porcontontheface value of the bonds andoffered 3000 commission If a purchaser wasfound Of course the broker wa suspicious-and wanted to know where tho bonds camefrom The man showed no hesitancy Baylnlworo stolen bonds and theyfrom England Ho did not say how bo cameby thor however nnd neither did ho show

be police were quickly notified and aplot was laid to catch him The man refusedto mako tho trade In Newport and made anappointment to meet the purchaser In BostonWhen he reached this city Inspectors tierraughty and Burke were walUnlfor him Thesupposed purchaser mysteriousstranger met as agreed but there was no soloThe stranger insisted upon seeing the moneyfirst Inspector Oerraughty thought he recog-nized an old confidence game and ha did notbelieve that the man had any bonds Ho wasfearful that tho stranger wanted to entice thobroker and the purchaser into a room andthero rob thorn by violence on the suppositionthat they had tho money on them Forthis reason it was thought best to make thearrost at once nod in a short time btovons wasbehind the hrs With him was a man whocalled hlmeoJThomlsAlorls Upon searching

envelopes werofound upon him When Chief Inspector Eldredge opened them ho only found two largeshoots of brown paper neatly folded up Thewhole scheme was laid bare It was a confi-dence


game and nothing elseThe man Alberts arrested with Stevens was

an much surprised as any ono He reallythought that thoy contained bonds and it wasafterward ascertained that ha was a victim ofStevens whom he rot In Hartford some timeago Stevens bad told him about the bondsand said that ho did not have the money tonegotiate thorn Ho proposed to Alberta thathe advance him tho money for a porcentago ontheir sale Alberta agreed to this null sincethey have been together he has raid out about

500 In hotel and travelling expenses Theyvisited sevoral cities and wont us tar Wen asCincinnati which they wero forced to IItavoowing to the InllulsltlcoeBs of the polio Noth-ing


Is known tho pollco hero


HchoopH Daughter Implicates her Stepmother In the Anful Crime

PEILADELIIIIA Jan 2Susln Schooptho daughter of tho murderer of Anton Schil-


was brought face to face with her fatherat tho Central police station today nod madean affidavit to Magistrate Pole In which sheImplicates her stepmother a an accessory tothe crime Tho substance of her statement Itthat abe was brought to this country by herfather with Anton Sehllllncs money and thatafter arriving here her stepmother told her ithad boon planned previous to hor arrivalthat she should marry Schilling to gothis money This she refused to doHhe was then ordered to put poisonIn Schillings soup which she made believe todo The stepmother thought It queer that thedose was having no effect and made her fatherprocure laudanum and give C dose ot It to theintended victim In his oleo That night aropo was procured and arranged to tieit around hchilllni neck strangle him thenhan him to the fence In the back yard nod de-


ho had committed suicide They couldnot do this owing to Schilling remnlnlolawake all night from the elect of tie drilMrs Hchoop begged her durnl tl0night to knock htOon the head

Ood has the man and w o must havehis gold

After that tho IJrllort thoueo and went towork outside Doc 28 she returnedto her fathers house and asked where Hchllniwas Her stepmother told her thatgone to the country and she was glad ot ItThe girls affidavit was read to her fattier andwhen It was finished ho admitted that if It hadnot been for his wife Schilling would be alivetoday


lie TrIes to Kill u Wongm Hecnuae Shewu > Dlireputublr

ST Louis Jan 2i man giving tho name-of John Arthur Burns was arrested here today-for a murderous assault on a woman In a dis-


house at 621 Clark avenue Whenasked to plead he answered In the presenceof God the destroyer of Impurity not guiltyThe woman testified that numB had chokedher and threaten to cut her throat and tearoutlier heart Her neck was badly laceratedby his nails Ho changed his mind and Iotzlnlher by the ankles pushed her hOyoutthird tory window end Was In hurllug her to the MdouulL when tho jflloot Folroilhim The mull vUio Is mail im u March Imnistirs lid VMIS Mileiid IID mil IIt 111l Ithltt woiiiunlor liar linimrlir lIe ald tic elm Iron IliiUmand vvncin hit hail coinjlotoil willreturn thereroyal BakiegjowderAbOlUteit Pure

lor monttho nato tda dV j

w s



lie lied iTolned In at Propoalllon to HoirowThe Hones or Christopher Columbus InOrder to Put Them on Bhow np Here

Tho Amorlcan public occasionally Rotsnews of the doings ot Its own Government byvery roundabout ways This time the Infor-mation


comes from Bnn Domingo It la nmonth sInce tho news was received them Igets hero by tho stonmer George W ClydeIs to tho effect that II a Atwood ConsulGen ¬

oral at San Domingo has been removed Nocause for tho removal mentioned In tho Gov-ernment


reports to the representatives of SanDomingo In this city The trouble howeverlay in nn exploit of Consul Aatwoodsome six months ago A man by thename of II M Llnoll arrived In SanDomingo about that time and made inquiriesabout tho burial place of Christopher Colu-mbus


He introduced himself to tho prominentpeople of tho republic as a man of wealth andrepresented that his Interest In tho remains oftho Immortal dlncovoror of this continent wastnirely historical Ho made himself sold withConsul Astwood and finally proposedto tho Consul which resulted In tho sending ofthis letter

3b iSWIor Ilffuero Alinltterr of the Interior inRan VomingoYOUR ECEILlC Mr I II Llnol a

citizen of tie States Amorlea re-quested


In my capacity StatesConsul to ask the Dominican Clovornmontwhether the bones of the Immortal ChristopherColumbus tho discoverer of America and apermit for tho exhibition of them could be ob-

tained from tho Oovornmnnt 1Tho interest which the people In America

taVo In their history Is so Intense that thepresence of Columbuss romaine the largercities would create enough curiosity to swelltho receipts of tho Treasury of the Dominicanrepublic to a degree unprecedented In its his-tory


Mr Llnoll bees to submlthe following offerno guarantees to expenses fortho transportation of the bones I guard ofeight soldiers and four priests

Ho guarantees to defray al the expenseswhich should arise during tour of thesopersons in tho United States and also theirsalaries lie guarantees to remit 50 per centot the net receipts to tho Dominican Govern ¬

wont In quarterly payments and guaranteesthat they should not amount to less than 1200000 a year

Ho guarantees the safe return ot the bonesafter a time of not less thap four years MrLlnoll desires that tho Church and Governmentauthorities stato publicly that these are thegenuine bones of Columbus and that exhi-bition


of thorn shall bo permitted for this triponlr

In submitting thioffer to your ExcellencyI want to direct Excellencys attention tothe importance of this offer and its urgencyYours respectfully II O ABTWOOD

United taos ConsulSetter Flcnoio courteously declined the prop¬

osition It was done in tho formal languageof diplomacy and convoyed no reproach TheDominican public and newspapers wore not soconsiderate They declared that the proposi ¬

tion to make tho bones of Columbus a nubIleexhibition for private Rain was disgraceful Itmade by private persons it might be over-looked


but when presented officially by therepresentative of n Government of a countrylike the United States it was outrageousPress and public called for the removal of Con-sul


Astwood and in no mild language eitherItwas openly declared that the position of theUnited States Consul was a public scandal

Tho news of tho removal of Consul Astwoodby tho Washington authorities is regarded byDominican authorities here as tho result ofthis affair It Is regarded favorably ton andin fact is the only action that the AmericanGovernment could tao

A BREAK LV WHEATIn Spitof Ilnlllah New the Beam Ham

mer the Market DoWCHICAGO Jan 3 Bullish news on wheat

was plentiful In the wheat pit at the openingAa r consequence the market opened firm andhigher but within an hour a threecent breakin prices was experienced followed by threeauarter cent recovery and another breakwhichcarried the market to the inside range of theday The second break occurred at 12 30 andwas accompanied by heavy trading The firstnews was that the amount on passage had docreased about 1500000 bushels and that Im-ports


for last week were 000000 bushels lessthan the requirements of consuming countriesThen came Information of a strong advance Inthe lower grades of wheat at Minneapolis andan unpromising outlook for winter wheat To-

olset this came cables to the effect that foreignon the last of the year woro larger than

on the corresponding ditto IlstcBr and mate-rially


larger than 01 the 0As far as could ascertained the break was

the result of local causes Several of the bigcommission houses and most active brokersbegan slugging the market viciously from thevery start and the market was fairly delugedwith offerings May opened at 107 i soldto S107X Kith considerable trailing at SI 07Ufthen declined1 to 100Ji The market heldaround this figure for qultoatime andbroko sharply to tl05 >> It rallied to S07and broke again this time olnl toHeavy and very gamy buying tho price toI105H but another raid drove it back totl 04l The last quotation for May was

104 H The tone of the market at tho closewas4 that of extranio nervousness AIcomparedwith Monday the closing throws shrlnkhgoof 2c forJanuary2cforMay and liio lorJuly The range for tho day was 81 for May

The first day of the year in the wheat pit ontho Produce Kxcnnnga was lively anti madeInteresting by a dron of 2H cents on tho Mayoption The decline was wholly in sympathy-with the news from Chicago statins free sellingall around Nearly 7000000 bushels changedhands hero 5000000 of which woro May con¬


DEFALCATION IN nos TONThe Accounts of the Clerk Courts Jelbton Short Over HBOOOO

BOSTON Jan 2 Mayor OlirlonB state-ment


that exClerk of Courts Lolghtons In-


to the city was 80000 recalls thostory published two years ago In TiE SUN inwhich the circumstances of tho shortage worefully stated It appears that tbo experts In-


Mr LelghUms accounts havefound a shortage of 80000 and tho work Inot half completed Tho accountants arewading through volumes containing accountsfor twenty ronn The statement was made byfilonds of Leighton ROt tho fact wasacknowledged by him that ho know nothing-of bookkeeping and that any discrepancieswere duo to mistakes and not to crime An ex-pert


examinational the books however showthat Lolghtons shortage is not wholly jute tohis system of keeping accounts which wasloose and which would In itxolf lead to orrorbut to a desire to profit at tho expense of thecounty by marking figures to ropresent matersjust the opposite to what they really

When the facts of his defalcation becameknown tho law department of title city which-Is also the law department of hulTolk countywas stirred to action and al effort uia made-to protect tho county accountants re-ported


from line to time and wIth each reportthe attorneys would moot uml Leighton woulddeposit a bond good for tho amount of hisshortage as far as known At thin present timeLeighton li under bonds to tbu county forsomething like 80000 mid negotIations aropending tornj urtherlncretto of tho amount Itwas doubtless the story of Lelchtons trans-actions


together with tho facts which limasince beta brought to light which nuBecMayor OUrlon to refer In plain formsmethods of mnklnl returns for county ex-


auditing county accountsIn a veto massage to tbo Hoard of Aldermen onMonday hut the opinion line boon expressedsince Monday that ho did not co fur enoughThis fact that a county official Is a defaulter to-o heavy amount nnd Is at liberty to roamabout as ho pleases was not touched upon by

I fortunately Mr Leighton Is n wealthyman Buys the Mayor and can make goodany dtflcioncy

Leighton entered the omca of Clerk of theMunicipal Court a poor man lie lelt it worth-It Is estimated fully 600000 Ho laid thefoundation of his fortune by loaning the publicmoney on llrstolass mortgages which paidhint heavy interest

I FltimrM On the MlnaliamonrkAn alarm was sent out by Pat Kerrlgnn-

nllit w watctiiiafl llcllorue lloiflnt lhail nllit fortUrn In Ithe 1010111 11511st Mimihunourk of tie litlarinieiil lharl uml i drrecilun whtch uuii-nnoreil at the Lonimliilonerf Hrttiiuu and forler apportd upon th teen loon after lbs alum wassent out and brtheorompt work of tn official andWarJn OKoork lb nclUmut In tha hospital w-aala4 The dimm t19 lbs SifatWM f 0 uiietI 9

BUSIXVSS JtEfOltR THIS AlDBnJEThey teent Mayor HenlttH HttpnUtlon

for New Hull In Fourth AvenueThe Board of Aldermen yesterday morn-


received tho communication from MayorHewitt in which ho stated tho conditions hohad made with tho Hnrlom Itallroad Companybefore signing tho electric motor ordinanceand seemed to resent his action Even thoAldermen who opposed the ordinance on thoGround that thoro was no provision In it tomake the company nay tho city for tho privi-lege


did not favor the Mayors course Alder¬

man Walker moved that the resolution be ro ¬

tarred to tho Committee on Streets as thoBoard of Aldermen had passed it without Im ¬

posing any conditions and tho Mayors stipu-lation


that the company must lay now and im-proved


rails was of no ole t Alderman Iltz-Hlmons thought that Mayors notion wasunnecessary In imposing such a condition Hemoved that tho ordinance bo amended and thoright to oxact compensation from tho companyfor tho privilege bo mado The resolution-was lost-


A report from the Committee on Bridgesanti Tunnels stcned by Aldermen McMurrayMcCarthy and Hubbell and favoring the LongIsland lialIroal ortysecon street tannol

was ordered printed in the minutesanti tho subject laid over

The Aldormon wore extremely anxious topass the resolution empowering the Comptrl ¬

ler to pay tho bills for tho expensesilormoas attendance nt the lorster funerallint It required a fourfifths vote and thorowore not enough present A recess was takenuntil 4 oclock and an effort was made to gotsome more Aldermen I waa unsuccessful-and at 4 oclock there fewer than beforeHo tho Hoard adjourned until 1030 on Mondaymorning This will not help tho funeral hillsas the Mayor has vetoed the resolution onceand the time In which It could bo passed overa veto expired yesterday

MAYOR anANT IX OllFrCEMany Visitors Xreent Their ConEratnla-

tlonnNo Talk Appointment YetMayor Grant was very prompt In rprlag for duty yesterday and reached

Hall at a quarter to 10 Tho number of callersand the words of congratulations receivedWero reminders of Now Years Day but routinebusiness was not neglected Tho now Mayorwas questioned very early about appoint-ments


but no information was tho result oftho inquiries Indeed Mayor Grant said thatthere was not likely to be anything in thatdirection for several days

I wish llrst to make myself familiar withtho duties of the omen and of such of tho de-


as I have not befor had any busi-ness


with Some of course I ampretty familiar with-


and Competitorjool B Erhardtwas one of thlvisitors Ho has beon sick sinceelection not over the result ho explainedHo was very complimentary Mayor Grant saidafterward of his visit Senators Ivos Cantorand 1lorce who had to bo m Albany on NewYears Day paid their respects yesterday andexAauoduot Commissioner Edgar Ultldgwaywhoso absence on Tuesday was frtm the samecause called 1etor II Olnoy John 11 linekin Police Captains Brogan and Meaklm exMayor Vllllam I Wlckham CoU Fellows Ed-ward


1 Hagan and Bryan Lawrence wuroamong the callers

So vore Vllllam E Demurest a member-and Wilson Wolff the counsel of the Cromwolhan Board of Aldermen They simply wanted-to hand In the fifteen onhA of office that thoseAldermen had sworn nnd disclaimed any Inten-tion


of bothering the Mayor at this limo Butthey promised to wait on him formally us a-

Board on Monday and make their annual de-


to be recognized as the only lawfullyelected Aldermen and see if his JHonor hasany mebsage or communication t er

rUE PEXALTf OV 1UBLZC LJFELyon the Xetv Home of the New Mayor Is

Not Proof Against the InauUltUeMayor Grant long ago discovered that hpresent elevation entailed almost complete sac-

rifice of his reonaTprlVV3y but it was loft tta woman tdemonstrate what length assur-ance


will go A few days alter the Mayor hadtaken possession of his now house In Seventythird street a young woman called In his ab-


and told tho colored servant that MrGrant had given permission to her to lookthrough his house The servant hesitated butmy lady didnt and walked right into the hallShow as so well dressed and had such grandairs that the servant was overpowered nndcould only follow humbly and obsequiously-when she her tour of tho house

With themaoexception of the servants quarters-

and Mr n rooms tho house Is notyet In order and workmon were busy on themain floor during her inspection She did notmind that in the Jleast but wont from top tobottom pushing her way everywhere Thoservant got tired anti did not keep up with herclosely After she was gone the servant foundthat n number of small articles had disap-peared


Hno oven took some of the cards fromthe stand in tho hall probably to study thonames of the Mayors visitors at her leisureOf course Mayor Grant had not given her thepermission as she represented and he wasastoundod when he learned of her visitThe Mayor is modest man greatlyannoyed at the obtrusive curiosity which fol-lows


him everywhere Ha has a pardonabledesire to hold lila house as his castle andmoans to do it strictly hereafter


lie Denim some Floutlnc Rumors and DeClare that Ills Glua LeI In Comlni On

Dr Chnuncey M Dopews repeated denialshave at last set at rest the rumors that ho wasto resign the place of President and become amere advisor to a President or a member ofGen Harrisons Cabinet Now a now storycomes up for him to demolish which of coursehe does with his customary grace and finishThe story was that young Russell Harrison hadboon BO much imprnssed with Dr Depewsknowledge of New York matters felicity In ex ¬

lr08Slll that Knowledge and eminently audi ¬

fllrosBl1 deciding upon tho merits of theloaders that ho thought his

father ought to have tho pleasure and advan-tage


of hearing him An invitation for Mr Depouto go to Indianapolis ant annngoments-forhls visit wore tho sequel tho story wentMr Depew bald last evening about It

I will repent an interview I had with anevening paper reporter on the subject as It hasnot been prlntodle told me this story and askidme if I to Indlanano and 1 saidthat I was not lie thou atkeil mo when I wasgoing and I answered Unit I was not Iolnlevery day between now nnd tho 4th of

And that Is v luit YOIlnn say for me I canbo found every day In the GrandCentral Hliitlon nxrnpt when I may be on theroad on railroad bUBlnubd unless 1 get anotherattack of glass leg

They are going to take this off tomorrowcontinued Mr Dnpow as ho tapped his vitreousmombor with hh cano The curator of thoMetropolitan Mutoum will ho on hand Thepoor doctors are to ho up all night In consulta-tion


to d0Udo whether to use a burz saw or 1trip hammerMayor Anle In u Lottery Kcheme-

JIlSSKAlOiis Jan 2Tue newspapers Intho smaller cities throughout the Northwestparticularly in Iowa nnd Montana have of latehad froiinont occasion to mention Mayor Amos-In connection with n bU lottery schema aboutthe squareness of which opinions seem todiffer A men line consented to act an one oftho Hiiponfow ot the drnwlnl of the lottery atHelena Mont this which tints theAbom IIOUBO at Dos Monies and 153 cash prizeswill bo drawn by the lucky ticket holders Theenturprlbo Is bolng conduced by Dr E K-

Abom under the name of tho Helena Investmont Company An uttompt was male to MilIoll0 tickets t5 cacti and tho drawing witstoliavecomooff on liin 7 Homo nf the manugcrH have nlllnlritwn arl161v that the doctorcimnot UI1 title to thl property Worth t luu-UDII as The le Moines fllentwof-tho doctor say ho U h met can give ltulndthat the scheme la nIl rluht

Receiver Appointed fur u Coal and Ironmpn-

PILADELInA Jai 2Upn the applica-tion


of 0 B Wright who 30000 worthof tho bonds of tho Iulrmount Coal and IronCompany Judge Yell toiliiynppolntcd WilliamM btowart receiver ot the company while has-lenit In default for upon tIeIntelittt Tho bonus nit I llo111 nmountt-ntWiounntI vo i lIsitudi IIn I iui 4i by u-

noitgin on thoI c nipany s proport 111i Armstrong anti Clarion counties Iennsihanla forwhich tho lurmer Loan and Trust Company-ofl New York vyas trustee B lK Jamison Is the Jpresent President John A Wilson Vlc JPrcfll-d

lcand wwlB J 0 jten BfltttfuM


Msnr OF A aitAKKaiAir FOUND


He was Alive at Chatham Square andPresently was Discovered Imaging fromthe HearlMatmrm of the Train Head

Daniel Lanlgan I brakomnn on tho CityHall branch of the elevated railroad was killedearly last evening at Chatham square station-He was 49 years of ago and lived with his wifeand five children at 2130 llhtnvonuo Hewas tho brakeman on tho car of a llvocartrain that reached the Chatham square stationat C 22 oclock bound for tho City Hall antiafter Lanlcnn had pulled the boll rope to indi-


that his gates wore closed he walkedthrough tho car to tho roar platform just as thotrain pulled away from the station

Attention was first attracted to the brake-man by passengers on tho station platformwho called loudly for tho train to stop Thefour passengers In tho last car ran to tho plat ¬

10r1 and saw Lanlcnn clutching tho top barof the iron ralol and hanging with his feettowar tho trlok Ills face was covered withbJoot Mr J It Hnskell and several otherpassengers seized tho bell rope and passengersIn the othor cars attracted by the commotionalso took a hand at pulling tho cord and manyof thorn ran back to the roar car

Several men clod to lift tho brakeman overtho rail but as tho train continued on its waythey wore unable to raIse him up At tho CityHall station eovornl of the passengers gotdown upon the track and bore tho brakemaninto tho train despatched ofilco and laid himon tho floor An ambulance surgeon from theChatber Street Hospital pronounced him

skull was fracturedHow the accident happened can only ho con-


The employees of the road said thatBO far as they know Lanlgan could have had nobusiness on tho roar platform TOo chains thatclose the passage from ono car to anotherwhen not In use wero up It is thought thatthe bell rope that Is fastened on tho rear railmay have becomo loosened and that Lanlganwas fastening it when tile train started andthat he had been thrown over tho railing ontho track He may have retained consciousnessenough to clutch tho Iron railingI

Another theory is that ho was leaning overthe chains shutting oil the valve on tho rubbersteam pipe with one hand while he clung totho Iron rail with tho other hand He mayhavo lost his balance and toppling over struckhis head violently against tho platform of thocar It is more likely that In loaning from theplatform he struck his head against a postsupporting the roof at Chatham square station

the police of the City Hull station nOllleltho Ipolice of the proclnol In whichman lived so that his friends could bo in-formed


It 1s customary In cases of this kindfor the pollco to notify the Coroner as soon aspossible The Coroners ofllco waslolosod whenthe police heard of the accident and notice willnot bo sent thoro until this morning The bodycannot be removed without a Coroners permitanti It remained at the elevated station latnight guarded by a policeman

One bell U the signal to stop a train and twoto go ahead If tho boll rope worked all rightwhen tho passengers tugged at it the bell wasrung many times The frequent rlnlntof thobell may have confused the How-ever


title may be the train did not stop orslacken its speed until the City Hallwas reached stallol


A Noted Italian Gambler Suspected orDoing the Shooting

I Is believed that Domlnlco Luzzi whowas arrested In Jersey City on Tuesday eveningon suspicion of shooting a companion at AvondaleNJis more sinned against than sinningHo was the victim of a brutal assault Hishead was battered and ono of his fingers wasnearly bitten off Ho was taken from Newark-to Avondale yesterday morning and an exam-ination


was held by Justice Hays The inves-tigation


brought out the fact that the man whoshot Ammuato Palin tho breast and Fran-cesco


the leg was a notedItalian gambler who was known asJoe Murray and whose real namo isSnlvatore Copadora He had been amongthe Italian quarrymen at Avondalo-for four years and in that time ha is said tohave won at least 15000 from his countrymenThere was a party of seven playing cards Inthe Italian Barracks on Now Years andCopadora had won considerable money whenho wad the excuse that he wanted to go totho saloon across thl road to get change fora 15 note Instead going Into the saloon hostarted up Washington avenue He was foundin tho avenue by his countrymen who werearmed with clubs A general light followedCopadora having a friend or two In the partyDuring the moles several shots vvern tired anebecause Copadora cannot bo found nowBuspocted of doing tho shooting lIar diedlast night


Tho Flames or 0 Prairie Fire In DakotaPictured In the Clouds

CnrGTON Dak Jan 201 Saturday

1P M the singular and beau-


spectacle was witnessed of a mirage atnight Tho day had beon very warm the ther-mometer


reaching 60 ° In tho shade and thecondition of tho atmosphere was certainly un ¬

usual The sky was more or less clouded par ¬

ticularly on tho horizon Patches of prairiefire were visible at all points of the compassTo the north south and west there was noth ¬ing in their appearanco to attract attention-but two masses of tire to the norlloat-of Carrlngton woro unlikeany othor direction These tires wore withwonderful distinctness heightened Into thevery clouds just as In the brllllanceof the sun ¬

light the obscure stack is made to nssumo thedimensions of a lofty tower Then again lieconnecting link between the real Iro and Itsdouble disappeared and there perfectreflection of the tire in the clouds Individualtongues of flame being pictured In tho super-heated


strata llko tho familiar fain morgana-At another time the reflected fire seemed towaver in the air like the restless shimmerthe most brilllantauroin The spectacle lasteduntil tho tiros died out altogether

IV I Palmer Taken to u Private AsylumAUDUIIV Jan 2WIIII L Palmer who

has boon an Inmate Criminal InsaneAsylum of this city for about eight years wasreleased today and taken to a private Insaneasylum at Mlddletown N Y About eightyears ago ho shot a policeman in tho Metropol-itan


Hotel in New York city while tho policeman was trying to arrest him He had beensubject to Insanity and on this occasion wastaken with one of his spells and became HO

violent that his arrest was ordered As thepoliceman entered his room Palmer shot himdead diaries P antI A n Williams of New

friends of Palmar came to thisYorklnlmBle for his release from the courtsand ho was taken away on a specIal palice carPalmorH only food for nearly two years waswhat has been forced down his throat througha tube He said that If ho could be taken to aprivate asylum ho would eat

Nominated to Hucceed Kenator LowMiDDijETOvvN Jan 2At tho Drrnocratlo

Senatorial Convention held here this after-noon


for the purpose of lomllalll a candi ¬

date for tha vacancy cau80 by death ofSenator Henry I Low oxMayor Petor Wardof Newburgh was Dunod for tho place by ac-

clamatlon Ho 10t present but It Isunderstood that ho nccnpt Ho Is widelyknown anti popular throughout the districtnnd Is especially strong in the Itopubllcanstronghold of Nevvburgh Although the two

harrison olit majority in Isovemrounte8laVl believed that Mr Wardwilt be elected Ills nomination at least hascast a chill on the Itopubllcau prospect andthere is an evident unwillingness on the partof Itopubllcan aspirants to take the ibIdagainst him

Mr Merry JlellKlon Wits this BarThe expectation that Arthur Berry the

haiiiltoma end tKcldit rrlrate secretary of Major

hewitt would U appointed a Tax Commliilotjor was-

very general Mr berry stared It and U said to hayhad the Mayors positive assurance as a foundation forthe Idea Yet Mr Isrrlt tot the Appointment on thelast day of the year Contrary to his umal custom lti-

Uayor mile an explanation nf the reaaott for tiu CDann0of front lt was that Mj harry was a Catholic sod bedid not want to mete hfm a Tag rummliMoner tcauia-liII oilier tan touiinltalontr were tlio of that faithVlayor Hewitt r liunienu Jurluc liU lerin bow

over include many Laihullcs

Mr iaaseb I oen to his Duushln WeddingJanrcnce llirrett loft for Hoston lust nlcht-

tn attend the marriage of hln daughter to Jo epU Anderran bretbar of Mary Anderson Tlia ceremony takesplace in the morning to Boiten and IIr Barrett will tebask tn tints to resume tie plus oa the ruttt AT 110

jhsatc atsL the WgrLftItsha J



Mr IVhltn Runs for Offlre nn the Platformof Union With thin Country

OTTAWA Cnn Jan 2There Is Rrcnt ex-


over the Mayoralty contest In Wind ¬

sor which Is to bo decided on Monday next ItIs tho first Instance In which votes have beensought openly on the question ot annexationwith the United Stabs Solomon AMiltc exmember of Parliament n strong personalfriend of Sir John Macdonald and supporter othis Government goes to tho polls on nn annexntlonlst lie says annexation Is the onlysalvatlon for Canada that In that event her Industrios which now lie Idle would bo developedwhile tho terrible burden ot taxation would balargely diminished through nn alllanco withthe United Status The national debt ho sayshas boon Increased nearly 12000000 duringtho past year There Is again a largo deficit Intho Treasury whllo there Is a balance of tradeequal to 20000000 against the Dominion asa result of the years operations Ho Is satisfled that It only requires some ono who has thecourage ot his convictions to go before thepeople on tho question ot annexation to bringout the strong feeling that already exists infavor ot a political alliance with the UnitedStates throughout tho Dominion and ho Is de-


to take the Initiative


rather and IlauRhter Aided Ity Two Fox-Hounds Huccessfully Resist

CotusiniA Jan 2 Jnmes blstrunlc andJohn and Sam Green three negro desperadoesattempted last night to rob and murder thefamily of O K Dirt n largo planter in Darnwell county After robbing the stuoko houseand storeroom of a largo quantity of provis ¬

ions SIstrunk gained admittance to the bed ¬

room of Miss Lonorn flirt 17 years of ago andattempted to assault her Before thn brutecould stifle her screams the girl had alarmedher father and while ho was coming she suc-


In defending herself The father wasquickly knocked down by Slstrunk Ho recov-ered


and was again repeatedly laIn low Hutfather and daughter clung to the npgro andfinally the three fell down tho stops Hero theflirts wore reinforced by two largo fox houndsTho father and daughter were completely o-

haustod and Miss Dirt was badly Injured Thehounds set upon tho nogro and Inn few min ¬

utes had torn and lacerated his legs from thehips down hut ho was slowly making hisescape when Miss flirt struck hint with a placeof board anti this ended the fight The nourowas arrested and jailed He hind severely bit¬

ten both the young lady and her fatherBlstrunk confessed that he and bio accom-


had plotted to murder Mr flirts familyafter the robbery then to mire lie houso and Inthe confusion to rob tho house of Carson Cookwho lived near by and was said to have plentyof money in his possession


She Did Not Rescue the Hoys hut she wasFirst to Get the Life Line

ThvnflToN Jan 2The pond in which theyoung skaters Herbert Connor anti JosephGibson were drowned yesterday containsabout eight acres When the boys brokethrough the Ice Miss Maw Jnffray a daughterof Howard affray of U S affray A Co rush ¬

ed for a life line In the mean time NormanWhltehouso sprang into the water GeorgeStobblns and Dennis eoeing that the boys wereunder the ice and that Mr Whitohouso was indanger of drowning sprang to the rescue ofthe latter Miss Jaffray arrived with the lifeline which was cast to the mon in the waterand they wore thus rescued Mr Jaffray saidtoday

My daughter does not deserve the creditgiven her by the papers If any ono deservesit it is the Messrs Whitehouso Wood nnd-Btebblns who courageously attempted to res-cue


the two boys This fall I bought a lifeline200 feet long to be kept on the pond for thepurpose of rescuing skaters Mv daughterknowing that tho lino was for that purposeImmediately wont for the rope U throw to tImtwo boys I am glad that film lid not umpinto the water She Is very courageous anti anexcellent swimmer Had the accident hap-pened


in tho summer Maud would no doubtLava gone to the rescue

Stabbed Ills wires ParamourBEnWN Sid Jan 2It has Just been

made public that on Thursday last James MHenry a wealthy young farmer living nearthis place caught his wife In a compromisingposition in the woods near his house with Ed-

ward Dowen a hardware merchant of BerlinA fight ensued In which Bowen was gettingthe boat of It until Henry drew a knife andstabbed his opponent twelve times Inflictingserious if not fatal injuries Mrs Henry atonce left the nelghboiliood IsBitpposod tohave gone to her relatives in Philadelphia

The men are prominent in social circles antiefforts have been made to Keep tint affairquiet but the precarious condition of Dowenmade it necessary that part of the story bomade publlo Mrs llonry Is well connected InPhiladelphia and 1is Independently rich Sheleft several children here

A Female Student Kills HerselfCLETEiiAND Jan 221liss Mary B Sher-


of Wnkeman Ohio a member of thefreshman class at Oborlln College shot antikilled herself at her boarding place this utternoon Ovorstudyis assigned us the cause ot-

her action

MeUlllan Named for SenatorLANBINO Mich Jan 2The Legislature

of 18S9 convened at noon today At the He

publican caucus tonight James MoMIIIuuo-fetrolt was nominated by acclamation to suc-


Senator Palmer

Nolan on Trial Aicnln for MurderBOMERTIIIE Jan 2Thin Nolan case was

culled today and eleven wltnesies were examined Theonly new feature developed was In the testimony ofJohn V D Tomyea who testified that the wblte shirtfound under the atacksln Races barn by him was wetand bloody when he found IL This wa not brought outon the former trial It wai then teilUM tnst Nolanwore a while ihlrt on lbs morning of the murder andhad a colored one on when be came home trout thellrldge robot auction Other development are tirom-

ed anionic thorn testimony to dhow that the storyNolan tola of bin movements on the day of the murderis untrue

Mr Hewitts Return to Private LireExMayor Abram S Hewitt signalized his

return to private life yeiterday by turning up In his oldplace at the office of Cooper Hewitt i Co

yea t am attending to mr duties ai uinal he mIdto Tint SON reporter sad I am prepared to sell suiything In mr line 111 you Any urdera however mullwill be thankfully received

Then he picked up a law book and valkea thoughtfully back to lil desk

Tbe Revolution In Han Ilomtuco SuppressedWASHINGTON Jan 2The Secretary of State

aureceU d a deipatch from the United State Consulat Iuerto Plata dated lIce 13 iftrlnir that the revolttlon In the northern Ilad of San Jloiulnxn has tiern MippreooI sad that many of the participant bats beenarrnted


oderlnLord has arrived > t HomeJohn Urlfht has made timber progress toward re

cot cryPremier Floquet U confined to him bedroom with a

severe coldJules Simon tn the Farls italic makes an eloquent

appeal for the return ef the Duo 4Auinale-W K Barrett of Melroe publisher of the Ilotton Jd-

rrrtMcr and yfrurd nan been elected Speaker of thevlaBsachuselts House br the Iteputllcaus-

Veitrrday sIt the air numbering between TOO antiten used during tbe year IHnx In the fulled Stoles Mintin Philadelphia tc rru destroyed under lite direction nf-

Hiinerlntrndent You sue In the presence of the chiefcolnerand assayer

A telegram received at Havana tars that the Ameri-can brIg Addle Hale Ca t Howes foundered Itilrt nramiles from Care San Antonio and that tbe crew landedat that place They afterward embarked on the schoon-er Amtstod for Havana

Wesley Brigham a peony farmer boy was found deadIn hla employers kitchen in Iorralne Jefferson countyNew Veers evening with a revolver In tubs hand anti aterrible wound In bis side Whether bis death was aul-cldal or accidental Is nut known

John Mt Carnthera a receiver unl clerk for the Litheflelphli Traction I omlianv HA arrefclnl yratrnUrt-hnrped HII Iibe mbezjleniiit of i frmn iHe-rompsui


utilI wittj alirrln btokm anl jciounts belonjlug Ituhrm lie lice birth In IlOttSi toil

The eateitahte foundry of the Iradlng Foundry Tompany In HeadJnc Ia when larxe troll pipe for ess andwater mains tef many of the larger cities are madeelesed down tnaenultely yesterday throwing lISO Weltoat at eoipleymsD1 Bell trade U Ifta U lbs dtVlitor-e iUiUtnMUi 1 Jf-

c 1 S wsu-



V5 T


DAShES mmn AM > Tiimtr nr not ij

a tA x vniQviio itiiV on TCKS

Mr TlmarenlK In Annnliihed to Ilenr thathe hud Tried to A iin > lnatn Mr lllckiou-

HI IlinlneiKi In with Ink Not floodA report reached Police Hoatlqtiarters yes-


afternoon that TclomaquoTTimayonlfthe Greek who wrote The Original Mr lacobs and The American Tow had visited i

the ofllco of the Mlnoiva Publishing Company jat 10 Wo t Twoiits third trot In tha forenoonand had drawn a rovolvor upon Mr J li Dickson the publisher the company and threatenod to blow his head off The Minerva Companypublishes Tlninycntsa books anti Publisher itDlokson had the Greok arrested on Doe 12 onn charge ot embezzling funds of tha company lan accusation that Tlmajenls fiercely deniedThe report was that Tlmayonlshad pouncedon Dlcfcson In rovongc for the arrest

A throng of reporters hill rled to the Minerva tCompanys attica It N on the IHth lloor of thehulldlng Tlmnyonls was found calmly smok > IIng a cigar with ono foot on his writing deskand it little nlllcn boy perched on a chair be ¬

hind him Thero were no signs of tore or otPublisher Dtckson MrTlmayonli was aston ¬

ished when the reporters told him that thepolice had hoard that ho had attempted to asBiiBslnato Mr Dlckson

Why I hnvont soon Dlckson In a monthho oxclalmed and I dont know whore ha Is i tI liivo just got back from nn outoftown trip I

anti I assure you that I have not assassinatedanybody and dont Intend to My business issat rled on with ink not blood

lho reporters couldnt II nd Mr DloksonMr Dlckson called upon Superintendent

Murraj at Pollen Headquarters yesterday and 4

asked that olllclal to revoke the pistol permitwhich haul been given to Mr Tlmaycnls no Nsaid ho had received information that MrTlmayonid was goIng to shoot him at the ItTombs Police Court today whore their caseagainst him conies up for trial They asked J

for police protection Mr Murray promised I

that they would be protected


They TVnnt T <ventHve Cents More at Dayfor Ten SCours Work

District Assembly 220 which compriseall the horse car employees In this city hasprepared a schedule of demands which will bapresented to the Hoard ot Directors of all the rcompanies at their next meeting which occurs 1 I

between Jan 8 and 15 The only chango fromthe schedule ot last year is that 2 25 or an Iaddition ot 25 cents is demanded for conduc-tors and drivers and It Is positively enjoinedupon tbo companies that they must not makeout schuduloa of time for longer than tenhours work

District Master Workman James H Nags I

said that the chances were that the Board otDirectors would accept the new schedule

Officers of several of the companies seenyesterday said that there was no tolllnc whatthey would do until tbo dire tore have dis-cussed

¬ 1

the matter Superintendent Newell ofthe Broadway road said that It was his belief tthat the demands of their employees would bo r tcarefully considered IThe Eighth Avenue Railroad people say thatthey cannot pay the 25 cents advance demand-ed

¬ °

liy acceding to the ton hours roautredbr tlaw they fay they are at au expense of 70000-

A representative of the Ninth avenue roadsaid that thoy warn not making money andcouldnt think of paylnc the advance demanded

1rosiclfmt Lewis of the Brooklyn City Bailroad Company has been considering since lJiMonday the proposed contract wnlch the Ex-ecutive

¬ t

Committee of District Assembly 76 K of-L wants hint to make with the employees oftho company for the coming year Some ot Ithe proposltionsdo not moot with his approval jend tomorrow he will forward a statement to-tbo

lcommittee reciting In detail the terms

which are satisfactory to the company Mr nLewis said ho confidently expected the contro-versy

¬ I

would bo harmoniously settled and that jIt would be a long time in his opinion beforeanother tieup on the road occurred


It Will Orcanlre Without Delay but Bt-


Slate Siren Selected YetTho now Hoard of Aldermen whose first

meeting will bo held on Wednesday next willbo a strong ououch Tammany Board to organ 4 j1e without any delay Though there have t ibeen no caucuses or conferences of the Tam-many

¬ tAldermenolect some of the details ot tt

this ore tnizatlon aro practically settled They jdo not Include tho selection or n President jJhowcvtr A vulllnznosson the part of JobnM ISovvors to tithe the placo would have Bottled t I 41tills also lint he does pot want it den John

ocbrnno could have it but ho has some Inter ietsthut would bo affected by tbe decision ofthe Kim street Improvement question and tiflines not think it would ba proper to take S t jnInes that oulil placo him on the blnklnitFund Commission Ho other candidates haveto bo considered tim most prominently ¬tioned among them being oxJuduo Abraham11 lappan uj1

The MooPresldoncy Is In no such doubtAlderman FltzMmoiiH is slated for that Awl tthn Chulrmanhblp of tho Finance Committeewill EO to Alderman Htorm This does not1areun that Alderman Dlwers ambitions are tobe thwarted though ho held tbat place last iyear Before tho year Is out the reason of hisretirement from the hunt for honors In the dis-tribution

¬ 7 Jof the Aldormanla Committee Chair

munuhlpa will bo made apparent I

Know All About UiThe weather yesterday was cloudy and

threatened snow the temperature ranged between 83 11

In the morning and in In the afternoon the wind was fwesterly stud fresh humidity K per cnt and station-ary


followed bv rising barometer Snow fell within ofew mles of this cliv and extended westward to thelake find north vard to Lanai Clear weather andblub barometer la presrla eastward and will cover thiscity to dav

The temperature In Montana has fallen to 13 ° belowzero multi iii roll arm reaches to San Antoni TeL itwhere U I at the freering jxjlnL Heavy rains havefallen In Florida anti Teia

Fair weather cud stationary temperature ire Indicatedfor today I

The Weather Yesterday ii II

Ii i

As InfUrntorl bv rorryPthormomoter fa THI-Fc tmlldlnir JAM ii BAM 144t a A M Yii is-M 114SI Ji30 P M 4 I PS I0 tH I M 30 U-inilnlnhu IH C Average terarr rAture 3Ht ° Averagetemperature for Jut Z Itu JH

I il

Signal Office PredictIons l j

For Massachusetts Khodo Island and Con-necticut


generally fnlr Uirhllr colder variable winlibecoming northwesterly

For eatern > ev Yonlu anti western New Vork fairand nearly stationery tcmneratun In outbern pnrtIoDlight Joi AI cOlas antl iljMl colder In northern I ortlonivariable wnd-

lor Dlttrict nf otumMa lrrfnla North CarolinaMArrlaixl IMaware Nitr Jfrtt nnd eastern 1 ennayt

ama fair nightly manner viiritbt Hind p


The collection for tue Saturday and Sunday Hospital P

Fund amount so far to 47101Frau LI1I1 Lrhmann tailed from linemen jeiterdar I

Her rfufrrfa at the Metropolitan Opera IIou will b ti

Heeled on or about Jan 3The trend Jury of the United fitatM Circuit Court for I

this December term was worn In yesterday bftfor-Judtre Benedict Tbe foreman U Utrdieye iilaktmaa-tti publisher I

The Hoard nf Aldermen yesterday canTatued the votein the Hlith henatnrlal itlstricts recent pecUl electionthey found that Thr maa F Orady got 7c03 votes out ofllJ7lld and declined tiiat be was elected

James flarrr 21 years of ate e a waiter In the New Ilnrk Hotel tripled anti fell loch stairs In th hotel rCFterdat antI fractured his rknll No died In tOebold tie Ihed at m HaH Klettuih street

The body of Henry Fchroeder of ao Pan II re id war t

wee found In the water at th foot of J orth Moore streetresterday lie dltp ered on Sunday lastU It la be-

llevei that tie fell Into the river wblleunder the Influ-ence


of liquor I

Christmas tree In the rooms nf Patrick OofffJo at4A Fttftt Hntr nrtli street rauuht Ire 4st nlirlit and did Jslight uiimice While trying to put nut the Sams I

Thomas tOaTtttD f J tears old was severely burnsd shootthe hands unJ face

John Lawsnn Ste year old of Twenty flftb street F JBrooklyn while at work rIveting on tr eleralM road tMl In front of M Murray utreei yeilerlay anti reeelv 4-

rontuilonsut the back und POM hit internal Injurieslie was taken to hamteri Htrtet floiplul-

Menra Velisner irkennann A Co agents of thetank ship Mile de Paris reported overdue said ystr I

day that they felt no apprehensIon about her safetyShe In a new stilp anti they say not steamship a halbeen stated tfb left Dlepp om nr weeks egO

In a iteht last nIght In Joiepb Ward chant Itt ATnun A between 8erentyflrst and tspenty soonditrMtbetween Itryant ferry and Michael Norm 111 Ver7 wedstabbed and sebously Injured In tb left side US VII Itaken to the JreiVjUrUn lljvltat NormiH was ar-rested


Max Halomnn 1 years of age a salesman U A flaw I

store at Seventh cured and Avenue II romm lite 4 sui-cide


on Tuesday nlrht last In hU toms In an apartment jhouse at erj MMiiit heed li > MwalijwJnaf r anie irreerL-h isninoii w 00 uinnirrl I sitS lie had few trie ads ho-niuiop


fr bite solIbe u ku nu-

Pr Jolin I Slier nt rer eli rf Pllabtb whllsleppliik front hue rteraicr nit the iec nd hoer of Trinity I

HullJiitx Ill liroadsey > eiterJ y afi riuon toll anti I

loin hue left kneecap It whit lob rU monthS forldmto get well He wee fared for at Chamber 8trf nopitch Lit fihayUaneJItor andwuaIFriat2IIdWa1oahtCjMrILaSLh I

0 1