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È ±« I¤s« êèêé êèêê...ISTO Africa: new coordination committee, definition priorities & Working Groups & 1 meeting General Assembly ISTO Americas / 09.12 Regional Sections

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Page 1: È ±« I¤s« êèêé êèêê...ISTO Africa: new coordination committee, definition priorities & Working Groups & 1 meeting General Assembly ISTO Americas / 09.12 Regional Sections

Board of Directors

Action Plan 2021-2022

December 15th 2020

Since 1963

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Since September 2020

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Main actions developed since the lastBoard Meeting

Weekly staff meetingShare documents - Google Drive Share and follow-up tasks – MondayData Base analysis2 Executive Committees1 new staff part-time + 1 intern full time

Internal Methotology

Continuation & reinforcement of digital communications – Monthly newsletter(Fr/En/Es) & Social Networks / WebsiteNew design of ISTO Documents: “Strategic Positioning of ISTO - DNA / SDGs &“Promote a Sensible Tourism Tomorrow” 3 New members: Keroul (Canada), Sardaigne en Liberté (Italy), Garima Voyages(Nepal)


1st International CafecISTOorganized / 02.123 workshops on implementation ofSDGs for ISTO members fromaccommodation sector (27.10 /17.11 / 01/12)


Consultation withexpertsDevelopmentConcept Note


PreliminaryProgrammeAdvancement onlogistics withMincetur

World Congress 2021

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Main actions developed since the lastBoard Meeting

Design Regional PlansISTO Europe: new Coordination Committee,election President, definition priorities & workinggroups + 2 meetingsISTO Africa: new coordination committee, definitionpriorities & Working Groups & 1 meetingGeneral Assembly ISTO Americas / 09.12

Regional Sections

Accessible Tourism / 2 meetings +Recommendations health measures + DirectoryActions ISTO members in A.T.Gender Equality & Diversity: contact with keypersonsDevelopment Concept Committee of Honors &Wise

Working Groups

Participation European Tourism Convention /European Commission 12.10Participation UNWTO Meeting – International Codefor Protection of Tourist 26.11Participation Webinar Incamminno Project involving3 ISTO Members 14.12

International Representation

ISTO proposal with 20 partners from Europe,Americas & Asia / Call on Peer LearningPartnerships / OECD Global Action PromotingSocial and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems -Challenges and Responses of Social andSolidarity Tourism to the COVID-19 Crisis andRecovery

Call for proposals / Financing

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Capitalize what we have

Lean on members to get results

“Simple” actions with high impact

Charm our members again (2021)

Basis of the plan

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Membership certificate

In 2021 you will be able to better use our logo with certain regulations

Access to our annual members awards of best practices and initiatives

International support of ISTO to develop your local initiatives

Participate on our working groups

Attend ISTO's forums, congresses and E-Week.


All Access to education: + 30 talks/webinars per year

Information in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish over all our communications

network: website, newsletter and social media

Stay updated globally trough our communications network about the Tourism for All

sector and other members

Find successful models and experiences to learn from public, private and public-private

Be part and access our library and observatory


Promote your initiatives, events and successes

Access to member zone on our website with exclusive content for you

Have your organization profile on our webiste



Make international contacts and benefit from achievements on a bigger scale

Exchange experiences with other members and build a network of like-minded people

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ISTO International Plan 2021-2022Information Education Communication Financial Viability

Internal Information


Commissions &Working Groups

Committee ofHonors & Wise

InternationalPartnerships &Development

Observatory - Concept &


Social TourismLibrary

Deep Analysis ofmembers Data


CafecISTO,Business Cercles



ISTO BestPractices Awards

ISTO Events

ISTO Label &recognitions

Maintain /Enlarge


Partners &Sponsors forObservatory

European &International



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Google Suite

Everyday planningMembers databaseFollow-up projects

Monday - Work Operating System

Team imageEmails with picture

Internal Communication Tools

Audiovisual invitationsand communication

Weekly staffmeeting

Internal Methodology

Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Fair and Responsible TourismCoordinator: Maurizio Davolio, AITR (Italy)

Social Policies of TourismCoordinator: Marie-Odile Beau, MinistèreEconomie et Finances (France)

CommissionsAlliance for Research & Training Coordinator: Anya Diekmann, Université Libre deBruxelles (Belgium)

Accessible Tourism Coordinator: Annette Masson, AssociationTourisme & Handicaps (France)

Gender Equality and Diversity in Tourism Coordinator: Iaia Pedemonte, AITR (Italy)

Trade Union Task-ForceCoordinator: Alain Clauwaert, GroupeFloreal/FGTB (Belgium)

Working Groups

Commission & Working Groups

Working Group on Accessible Tourism

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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Leader: Isabel NovoaChairman: Jean-Marc Mignon (Former ISTO President)

Committee of Honors & Wise

Objectives To distinguish members, institutions or persons who are relevant to what ISTOrepresentsTo participate as jury in the Best Practices Awards

Members : Around 6 men/women Recognition Categories:

Great badge, granted by ISTOIt is the highest distinction we grant; its purpose is to recognize and rewardthe commitment and trajectory of a person or institution.

Regional badgeRecognize and reward the commitment and trajectory of a person orinstitution in each region.

BadgeIt is the distinction that ISTO gives to people, companies or institutions thathelp promote the aims and objectives of ISTO, or those who protect andfinance it.


Objectives To ensure the future of ISTOacknowledges its pastAdvise on strategic matters tothe presidency and generalsecretary and ExecutiveCommittee if required.

Members: Around 5 permanentmen/women to be selected, withthe possibility to includespecialized groups ad hoc. Will meet 3 times per year andexceptionally if necessary


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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

ISTO founding countriesEuropean Union institutionsUNWTOUnited Nations agencies and regionalorganizations International associations such as WLO, ENAT,NECSTOUR, ATTA

Representation and partnerships with:

Planning phase- contact with current AsianmembersOpening

ISTO Asia Section:

International Partnership & Development

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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Concept notes in different languages Letter of supports TimelineDevelopment: content and financial plan Implementation

Main steps

To have an observatory of social, solidarity andsustainable tourism which brings together all theinformation in this field at the international level.Consolidate the works of our Commission on Socialtourism policies, our Commission on Fair andResponsible tourism and our Alliance for Training andResearch in Social and Fair Tourism

Global Objectives

Centralize, process and standardize in a coordinatedmanner available statistical informationObtain other data on supply and demand in the field ofsocial, solidarity and sustainable tourismCreate a documentary fund focusing on social policies intourism, good practices, legislation, tourism enterprisesand clients, as well as academic workPromote the carrying out of studies which contribute tothe improvement of the tourism sectorProduce periodical publications of interest to ISTOmembers and the tourism sector

Specific Objectives

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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Lead the world´s widest and updatedinformation on social tourismCollect updated informationsystematically1st steps towards the Observatory


Source of information for our ownresearch, papers, interviews, CafecISTO,awards.

Social Tourism Library

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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Establishing useful statistics to be arguedexternallyDefining the network's needs internally(personalized benefits)

Specify the member entries for :

Data base update for newsletter & info + determinedata acquisition policy.

Analyze the needs of members since joining anddetermine whether the proposed targets have beenmet.

Deep Analysis of Members / Data Base

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Information Education Communication Financial Viability

Open to allDecember 2020Even months (February - June - August ...) General topicsFrench, English and Spanish

CafecISTO International

Webinar1 per month – starting December2020ModalitiesIn coordination with all regionalsections under the supervision ofVeronica with the Presidency andGeneral Secretary.

Members onlyJanuary 2021Odd months (January - March - May - July ...)Specific topicsLanguage by topic and speakers

CafecISTO Regional: Europe / Africa / Americas

CafecISTO / Business Cercles

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Information Education Communication Financial Viability

Content should focus on concepts, practices,supply and demand as well as trends in socialand fair tourism

Prepare and provide small training sessions formembers, external organisations and studentsupon request

Use mainly the existing material owned by ISTOand know-how of members of the ISTO Alliance


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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Update of ISTO Website in 3 languages

News on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Monthly Newsletter on 3 languages

Short interviews with ISTO members

Digital Communication

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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Annual Awards for best practices amongISTO members

Best social tourism policiesBest policies that promote solidarityand sustainable tourismBest private or collective initiativeswith ISTO valuesBest studies / community outreach(here we reward academics andresearchers)


President or the ExecutiveCommittee, Committee of honors andothers to be defined.


Recognition to membersLead the recognition of goodpracticesCollect updated informationMembers benefitsISTO Visibility strategy


ISTO Best Practices Awards

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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

ISTO World Congress – April 21-23, 2021

Regional Forums / Meetings

Fair & Sustainable Tourism Fest

International Week of Fair andSustainable Tourism for All

ISTO Events

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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Regulate the use of our logo within our members Lead the recognition of good practicesCollect updated informationMembers benefitsISTO Visibility strategy

Goals: Same structure as UNWTO Global Code ofEthics: members will sign a commitment letterto our values stated in the Declaration ofMontreal that will allow the use of our logo.

They will send a memo of their history andactions/policies regarding social tourism thatwill nurture our library.

Every year they will update their actions onsocial, sustainable and fair tourism and thatdocument will be part of our library.

ISTO Label

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InformationEducation Communication Financial Viability

Part of the Communication plan

Welcome digital diploma that certifies that memberas part of ISTO.

Specific diplomas for collaborative studies or events(ex. Speakers of the congress)



ISTO Recognitions

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InformationEducation Communication



Increase level of satisfaction of our members (survey)

Maintain the current members & look for new ones

Focus on national and regional authorities showing ISTObenefits and knowledge we have regarding social and fairetourism with a focus on domestic and accessible tourism

Enlarge geographic membership in new countries so wecould reach a global number of 50 countries at the end of2021, focusing on public authorities

Maintain / Enlarge Membership

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Functioning InformationInternal

InformationEducation Communication



Identify and concretize agreements with internationalorganisations, public authorities and private organisationsfor a financial support on a 3 years basis

Partners & Sponsors for Observatory

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InformationEducation Communication



Look at opportunities to be involved as partner orleader in a project that is in line with ISTO priorities andbring financial benefits

OECD project - Consortia for Peer Learning Partnerships /OECD Global Action "Promoting Social and SolidarityEconomy Ecosystems" could be an option if accepted

European and International Projects

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Regional WorkingPlans 2021

ISTO Europe ISTO Americas ISTO Africa

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ISTO Europe ISTO Americas ISTO Africa

3 working groups and in collaboration with the other groups of ISTO

and links with ISTO Americas and ISTO Africa

Regional International

Advocacy and Network Development

Youth Tourism

Social Policies and DomesticTourism

Responsible Tourism Social Policies of Tourism


Accessible Tourism Gender EqualityTrade Union Task Force

Working Groups

Alliance & Observatory

Regional Working Plan 2021

Muriel Antoniotti

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ISTO Europe ISTO Americas ISTO Africa

4 working groups and in collaboration with the other groups of ISTO

and links with ISTO Europe and ISTO Africa

Regional International

Membership Development



Responsible Tourism Social Policies of Tourism


Accessible Tourism Gender EqualityTrade Union Task Force

Working Groups

Alliance & ObservatorySocial Tourism Indicators Tourism

Regional Working Plan 2021

Sergio Rodríguez

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ISTO Europe ISTO Americas ISTO Africa

3 priorities and in collaboration with the other groups of ISTO

and links with ISTO Americas and ISTO Europe

Regional International

Communication Training NetworkDevelopment

Annual Event

Project Development

Responsible Tourism Social Policies of Tourism


Accessible Tourism Gender EqualityTrade Union Task Force

Working Groups

Alliance & Observatory

Regional Working Plan 2021

Coordination Committee ISTO Africa

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Board of Directors

Action Plan 2021-2022

December 15th 2020

Since 1963