Instructions: The first thing you need to do is to correct last week’s activities (10 mins) Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized – label the different tasks

Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

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Page 1: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto


• The first thing you need to do is to correct last week’s activities (10


•Make sure you write the date and the title

• Keep your book neat and organized – label the different tasks

Page 2: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

¿Qué te duele?(What is hurting?)

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

q Recognize the body parts in Spanish

q Use the verb doler to talk about which body part hurts

Hoy es lunes, uno de marzoWrite the date

and title in your book

Page 3: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

Say how you feel

Accept and refuse invitations (buy tickets)

Different uses of SER and ESTAR

Talk about clothes, descriptions and your opinion about them

Have a conversation in a shop buying clothes

Adjectival agreement

Revision of present and past tenses

Translation Bee compet.

Using 3 tenses together in writing

Comparatives and superlatives

Demonstrative adjectives (este, ese..)

Talk about pocket money and how you earn it

Discuss future careers and dream jobs

Future tense vs. Immediatefuture tense

Conditional tense

Verb + infinitive structure

Talk about healthy lifestyles

Parts of the body, injuries and illnesses

Me duele vs. Me duelen

Have a conversation at the chemist

Modal verbs: hay que / tienesque / necesitas + infinitive

Questions words

Impersonal se

Year 8 Term 1

Year 8 Term 2

Describing environmentalproblems

Talk about what we can do to help

Modal verbs: se puede / se debe / hay que/ puedo / se

deberia + infinitive

Frequency expressions

Say what I like to do in my free time

What I did when i was younger(cuando era pequeno)

Use a mix of preterite and imperfect tenses

Revision future tense

Talk about festival and traditions

Year 8 Term 3

This is where the topic fits

in our scheme of


Page 4: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

TASK 1:a) Juego al fútbolb) Hago ciclismoc) Juego al hockeyd) Hago atletismoe) Juego al tenisf) Hago equitacióng) Hago esquíh) Juego al baloncestoi) Hago patinajej) Hago natación

TASK 3*:Juego:- Fútbol- Hockey- Baloncesto- TenisHago:- Natación- Equitación- Ciclismo- Patinaje- Atletismo- Esquí

TASK 4:I play football: juego al fútbol

I play rugby: juego al rugbyI play tennis: juego al tenis

I play basketball: juego al baloncestoI play hockey: juego al hockeyI do athletics: hago atletismo

I do cycling: hago ciclismoI do swimming: hago natación

I do horseriding: hago equitaciónI do ski: hago esquí

I do roler blading: hago patinaje

TASK 5:Nunca: neverA veces: sometimesSiempre: alwaysTodos los días: everydayDos veces a la semana: twice a weekUna vez a la semana: once a weekA menudo: oftenRaramente: rarelyCuando me apetece: when I feel like itLos fines de semana: at the weekend

TASK 6:Una vez a la semana juego al baloncesto = once a week I play basketballLos fines de semana juego al fútbol con mis amigos = at the weekends I play football with my Friends.Todos los días hago natación = Everyday I do swimmingNuna hago atletismo = I never do athleticsDos veces a la semana juego al tenis con mi padre = twice a week I play tennis with my dadRaramente hago equitación = I rarely do horse-riding

TASK 7:Me encanta: I loveMe chifla: I adoreMe gusta mucho: I like it a lotMe gusta: I likeNo me gusta: I don’t likeNo me gusta nada: I don´t like at allOdio: I hate

TASK 8:1. Hola, me llamo Samuel y me gusta el

tenis.2. Hola, me llamo Elisa y odio el ciclismo.3. Hola, me llamo Lola y me encanta el

esquí.4. Hola, me llamo Lucas y no me gusta el


*Task 2 doesn’t need answers.

TASK 1: Correct your work from last week. Monday 22/02 10 minutes on this J

Page 5: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

Continuation task 1: Correct your work from last week. Tuesday 23/02

TASK 1:1. Todos los días juego al fútbol.2. Los viernes hago patinaje.3. Los fines de semana juego al tenis.4. Los martes juego al voleibol.5. A veces hago esquí.6. Una vez a la semana juego al hockey.7. A veces juego al baloncesto.8. Los fines de semana hago


TASK 2:Relajante - relaxingBastante - quiteDivertido - funDifícil - difficultUn poco – a littleInteresante - interestingEmocionante - excitingAburrido - boringDemasiado - tooActivo - activeFácil - easyMuy - very

TASK 3:Free answer

TASK 4:Doesn’t require ananswer

TASK 5:a) Una pelotab) Un equipoc) Una tablad) Un paloe) Una ruedaf) Una raquetag) Unas zapatillash) Un casco

TASK 6:1. You need a racket to play tennis.2. You play tennis with a racket and a ball.3. You can do roller blade with wheels.4. Se necesita un casco para hacer esquí.5. Se juega a hockey con un palo.6. Se puede jugar a fútbol con un equipoy zapatillas.

TASK 7:1- b2 – a3 – c- Se puede, se necesita, se pueden, se

necesita.- Se necesita, se puede.- Se juega, se necesita, se juega.

TASK 8:1. Al aire libre2. Se necesita un casco3. Viejo y nuevo4. Cuatro personas5. Muchas partes del mundo6. Polideportivo7. Guantes8. Tabla9. Playa10. Pegarla

Page 6: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto


TASK 2: Watch this video to learn the body parts in Spanish. Practice your pronunciation by pausing and repeating the body parts! 5 minutes on this J

Page 7: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

TASK 3: How many body parts can you remember? Match the Spanish words with the corresponding body part. 10 minutes on this J



















If you can’t remembersomething – watch the

video again!

Page 8: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

TASK 4: Sort these body parts into masculine or feminine and singular or plural.10 minutes on this J

Masculine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Singular Feminine Plural

Eg. El pelo

La cabeza

Las rodillas

Las cejas

El tobillo

Los hombros

El pecho

El estómago La espalda

La boca

Los dientes

Los dedos

El brazo

La cara

La lengua

Los pies

La nariz

Las muñecas

Los ojos

El codo

Page 9: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

SINGULAR (= el / la) PLURAL (=los / las)me duele = my ... hurts me duelen = my ... hurtte duele = your ... hurts te duelen = your ... hurtle duele = his/her ....hurts le duelen = his/her ....hurt

My head hurts

Your teeth hurt

Her back hurts

His hand & his foot hurt

Does your throat hurt?

= me duele la cabeza

= te duelen los dientes

= le duele la espalda

= le duelen la mano y el pie

= te duele la garganta?

TASK 5: Read how to use the verb doler and take notes in your book.10 minutes on this J

To describe that something hurts we use the verb ‘doler’. It works like ‘gustar’, which means that thething that is painful (the body part) is the subject of the verb. This is how to use this verb:

Look at these examples and write them in your book:

This is the structure you need to follow:

1. Indirect object pronoun (me/te/le)

2. Verb doler à duele / duelen

3. Definite article à el / la / los / las

4. Body part

Page 10: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

TASK 6: Now it’s your turn! Look at the images and describe what body part hurts using me duele / me duelen. 10 minutes on this J

Challenge:Instead of using just “me duele”,

try to use different objectpronouns (te / le)

Support:Follow the structure

1. Indirect object pronoun(me/te/le)

2. Verb doler à duele / duelen 3. Definite article à el / la / los

/ las4. Body part


Example: Me duele la mano






Page 11: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto

TASK 7: Translate the gaps that are missing, sometimes in English to Spanish and other times Spanishto English! 10 minutes on this J

Write both languages

Inglés EspañolMy head hurts

Te duelen las cejasHis tongue hurts

Le duele la narizMy shoulders hurt

Me duelen las orejasYour back hurts

Me duele la gargantaHer ankle hurts

¿Te duelen los dientes?Does your arm hurt?

Ping Pong Translation


Me duele…= My … hurtsTe duele… = Your … hurts

Le duele… = His/her … hurtsMe duelen…= My … hurtTe duelen… = Your … hurt

Le duelen… = His/her … hurt

Page 12: Instructions: Thefirstthingyouneedto do isto


TASK 8: Follow the link and enter the code to play a game and revise the vocabulary about body parts. DO NOT create an account, it’s not necessary in order to play! You just need to write your

NAME (no surnames necessary)Have fun!!

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Code à