. .J .. I i . . , '.' . .. ..' . '. ..•. ", .'. c. " , ,. , "!,!,"" . T . io"" - .. ... I' ." ., i'HISHAPPVOOO'of snowmen seemingly reveledlnth.;ffdea that nSnowwhltels beauttfo'l" as the skies cleart:fdMbnday afternoori. - . AFTER 22 YEARS of service to the Chamberl Emma Redmann was honored at the Chamber general membership meeting "1 Tuesday evening. President Dave Wilson presented her with a plaque and she received a gift of a microwave oven. . Bothmeetlngs will be held at 7: 30 p.m., In deadlines' well In advance and scheduling the ..,Jbr!!ry, _ added events." . .. UWe hope for better long range plan-Also> during the meeting, members ning," Wilson said. "We plan. on - touched on Ski Pac, promOtion of the developing an annual calendar llsting . Ruidoso area and economic development. " ,. " ..... " . , "' ........ •... ": .. :·a· .: ·r· ... . -·.5 .. · ·······a··········· ...... .. . .. - . ." .-.-, -' -", " ".- ,- ,' ... - . '-". _. '." . . .': .. BULL ET I·N .=:=::::::::::::::::::.:-:;::=::;::::::=;:::::::::::::;=::::::::::;:::;:;=;::::::: :::t .•• " •• " ••••.• t , II , , ••• f.' ;;." .. •••. '" , » . . "-. « .... .'. ." .. :.:. .... ... rj Fort St.nton airport i ." « I site. refused by· BlM I Bureau of Land Management (BlM) officials In Santa , .... . ..• :::: Fe this morning advised The News that "BLM decIded :::: ...• . .... . fill 'np' on the proposed Sierra. Blanca ReglQnal Airport for Also during the general membership ::f Fort Stanton Mesa, based on the 1976 Federal Land :::: meeting, Wilson gave a brief smnmary of-· l.l.;.l. Polley and Land Management Act and the established i:.:1:.: the Chamber's progress In the last year '·1 f t tl f bll I d h I th tl I :::: po cy 0 re en on 0 . pu c an w en n e na ona :::: and future plans. . .... . ..• liThe Chamber is out of debt and In the .1m Interest. " black," he said. "We also have a new =:.: :.:. organlzaUonal structure we hope w1ll be "BlM felt," John Gumert, Public Affairs Officer, more re:Jponslve to the said, "the wildlife research by New Mexico State because members will serve on the ;:::: University and the New Mexico Game and Fish to be :::: ccmmittees. . more Important. The BLM received more than 200 UWe hope to Initiate new 'benefits for '.:.: :::: members possibly inclUding group health comments on the Issue, from all over the- state, with the ;::: Insurance. We have Improved com- malorlfy being against the airport." a monthly newsletter, Gumert said --the Regional Airport Commission, of ffil publlshing our agenda before board :::: which Richard C. Hall Is chairman, has until December :::: meetings and resuming the Wednesday 29,'1978 to protest BlM's decision to the Secretary of the atscofhalee carts· ia1lnte t to :::: Interior, Washington, D.C. e 0 ve spec res groups *.=. All documents per.talnlng to the decision are on file at "::::":' represent segments of the membersblp In . theplannlngprocess." fhe BlM offices, United States Post Office and Federal Wilson mentioned meetings will be held ::=: Building, Santa Fe. :::: November 15 for motel and lodging owners . and November 16 for retaU An occupation license for Skyview Texaco was approved by the trustees. license requests by J.C.'s Place,. which would rent pool tables, cigarettemachines and jukeboxes, and by Unique Creations, a handicrafts and furniture remodeling [SEE PAGE TWO] . ' ' .. and as a sanitary landfilL Ruidoso is includes Angus, and, precinct 52, which pennJtted by the COWlty to use the landfill, includes Csrrizozo and several other Olson said. - _. .' .ccmmW1itles,·were· ccmb1ned by the Vacation of six Jots platted in Nogal was commls.s1on. The consoUdation is made approved by the commission to allow each year to reduce the cost of ad- construction to begin on a howse on mln!sterfng absentee balloting. • property owned by Ralph Forsythe. The conun1sslon also approved the • "The main reason for the vacation Is treasurer's report and paid a prior-year that the plat wasn't laid out according to bill of $156 for medicine for cOWlty the terrain:' Olson said. UWhere roads are prisoners. . laid out on Ute map there Is no way they Four items on the meeting agenda were could be laid out on the land. We're tabled: vacaUon of a plat In Cedar Creek, vacating a useless aspect of the map- the the appointment ola mental. health board Impractical streets slInply won't be shown for region six and lease agreements with on themapany more." Zia Developmental Services and St. state representative precinct 51, which '1. Joseph's HospitaL NO.47IN OUR 33RD YEAR with the ability of elderly persons to take their- garbage to the dumpsters; adding: "There ale some older people who aren't even able to get out of their house. 'J Spall adviSed the trustees to meet with the Ruidoso trustees for discussion of the proposal. BY MARY WOJUWLEY . also spoke in sUPPO'rt. StaffWrJter . .Dicl( Shaw said, ·'X'm·ashamed to have of awatds and sanction of to mark on a ballot to show support of what Aspencade Motorcycle . Convention Til ('ntompson, Aspericade coordinator) .highlighted the Ruidoso Vaney Chamber has done for Qur community. tt of Commerce general membership After the generalmem1;Jership meeting, meeting Wedriesda.y evening., Wilson called a special board meeting of Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after 22 years of McDougal, Benny CoulstontKen Cole, service, was presented with a plaque and Swmy Hirschfeld, King, Jim French gift of a microwavE! oven. and Bill Wilson - to discuss the Issue• Redmann received a standing ovation . The group questionnaires from the crowd as she walked to the front, turned in,finding 53 in favor ami 8 In op- where, Bhe stood while Dave Wilson, position on the motorcycle Issue. .. Chariiber president Ken Cole former The board voted unanimously to "Thank boat:d member, Richard ionner ''Til, endorse and support the project and nianager and Ed Jungbluth Chamber requfS! Jungbluth to work with him (Thompson) to show Bupport of Conununlty awards were presented to the motorcycle convention. Herb· Brunell, Brunell's, retall merchant; John and Dottle Hall, High Country Lodge, motel service, accepting the award for the . HaUs was Marty Michaels;· Jerry BIRham, CousinS' , food service, accepting the award was Marilyn Mericle; Katherine Finley, community service; and Ray Heid, promotion. liThe annual membership meeting is not only to honor persons for outstanding service but also a means of com- munication," WilsOIl said. In an effort to assess the opinions of the members, fonnsrequesting coounents on various Issues were dlstrlbute<L The chief item of dlscussion was the Aspencade Motorcycle Convention which brought "35,000 people to Ruldoao In four days ••• who spent over $1 mlWon, and probably closer to $2 mllUon," Wilson said. Cothrunendorsed the convention stating, uIt's the only event which brings In during one of the aloweat periods of the year. U Junior McManus and Cuddy -motorc,c e convention' 0 Creek Road has been postponed. . "We agreed to approve it for spring because we were short of money and It's too late in the season,It he said. The conunlssion also voted to make an appUcation to the state for $15,000 to be used toward the purchase of a $19,250 ambulance. The legislature last year appropriated $500,000 to be allocated to local' governments in $15,OOO-m.axfmum grantS for emergency medlclll\services, Olsonsald. In other action, the commission ap.- proved a lease agreement with Ule state land office for 280 acres of land five nilles east of Alto to be used for gravel extraction Downs invokes resolution . "' . .. to clear debris frOIll lot '. .. County· road projects$et' SUNDAY AT 2 A.M., as Mary Wormley of The News Illustrates Is n: the time to set your clocks back one hour to Mountain Standard ... :. TI me:·:· . ....... . Turn those clocks back I .... •..• .·.·fI M Should you want to observe - with pomp, ceremony, rite :::: or ritual - the return to Mountain Standard Time October:::: 29, what you do Is: N " :::: Patiently await the arrival of 2 a.m., Sunday. 1:;: .... " ..... U :::: Precisely at 2 a.m., - with dignity and decorum, or mumbo-jumbo and Incantations - turn your clocks BACK -:.: to 1 a. m. :::: w Relax. problem of observing Daylight Savings Time :::: is passe - until 2 a.m., April 29, .1979, when once again time confusion will return to haunt you. :::: ."., ' . .... .. Of course, you can set your clock back that one hour ;:i: upon arising from your night's slumber Sunday morning - . :::: .... . .... .. but beware - should you forget, you'll spendthat gained hour waiting for the church to open - besides, come af- f.:: .. ternoon, you might become irritated, your ;::: favorite pro fQotball game has been prempted by a talk h ..... 5 ow. .. -" ... , ... -: .. .. . BY TRACY WRIGHT Staff Writer Five road Improvement projects au».. mitted by the county to the state highway department (SlID) last month have been approved by the state, COlmty manager Les Olson reported to Ute LIncoln County commissioners Monday. The state is serving as administrative agent for a federal Hoff_systems" road improvement program, for which $4 billlon has been appropriated to be used over the next four years, Olson said. HOff .. systems" roads ate any roads not on the federal highway network built with federal trust funds, he said. The five projects accepted by the SlID as programs they are going to try to .. plement through 1980 are the Capitan- Nogal sbort cut, at an estimated cost of $140.000; carrizo Creek Road, at a cost of $23,000; Ft. Stanton paving for $106.399; Ft. Stanton sub-base preparation for $140,732 and Ft. Stattonbridge installation for an estimated $100,000. Olson said the county will continue to push for a sixth project, the $2!J7.7f11 Resolution 78-16 calling for the removal TransWestem Road, which has not yet of debris from a lot in the Palo Verde received state approval t "te· d pted by th R·d The cost of the off-systems Im- ownsl was a 0 . e w oso Downs trustees Monday night. . _ provements is borne primarily by the The lot named in the resolution, Lot 8, federal government, with the county Block 6, Unit 2, is owned by Mabel Frances paying only 17 percent, Olson said. Pitts of california. Another application to the saD for five UThere are two wrecked cars on the lot state-county cooperative road lnt- the resolution pertains to." village clerk provements was approved by the com- Virginia Spall Said. liWeJre going to clean N KRRR mission Monday. . up the lot and remove the cars .. We've been The county is requestlng state aid for working on this since 1976 because we e·ws _, .. improvements to be made by the SHD and couldn't find the legal owner of the lot. 'I1te the county road deparbn ent . on 8.2 miles of resolution has to show the location of the road. The. total cost .o( the lot, itS oWller and the occupant." h ,!. .. . P.·· . to·c.·o'ntest be adopted for any future property clean- The five proposed projects bring ups, to describe the property and name the iInprovements to 2 mUes of Canr on owner. .. , Road for $46.334, to 8 half on Country In other business, the trustees discussed , d' .. . ClubRoadfor$8,I85,t02i2milesooBonlto a proposal for a jofntpowers garbage _ ·n·. . we··' .c "n· Road. for .to 2 tnlles oD.Ceda!, collection agreement with Rwdoso. The II Creek Road at a cost Of $38,79'1 to 1.5 proposal was presented to the trustees in a The official rules of·th··e contest •. miles on Sun Valley Road for an estlDl8ted letter from Michael Richardson of The "Snow white Is beautiful" photo $19,850. . .. . . Plainview" Texas. Richardson is. a contest' - sponsored by The Ruidoso News - Entries are restricted to amateur . Jom commission chairman, representative of Eberling ManUfa'dUring and KRRR Radio ..... has been "snowed hi" photographers. Any person der.iving any said discussed the supplies the containers ..... snowed into being by Monday;s blanlcet ihcome from photography . will not be state highway when Uiey and dump tl"llcks now In use in RuidOso.. . of snow that turned. Old Baldy into a permitted to enter this contest. . met at the Inn of the MOWltain GodS last hWeshottld mvestigaletheIilatterwith ..... Photographs must be taken in the .. Thursday... . . . ... . .... .. Ruidoso to see whet.he.r. they w ... ould .be In the· event' avid. aniateur .• ··· area of the.·· sacramento MOlin- "We agreed to do the grade and dram receptiVe to corning down bere and plcldng phOtographers':'" whethet"Siiapping the wwm . 'A and the agreed do the double up our trash'" spall saf<i."Mr. Richardson HSnow white is heautff11l" scenes In ..... Cash prizes'of lot fitst; $15 tor penetration Olling, tt said. __ . .. ... did not state what RUidoso. woUld charge SclnijIIating color or drain8tlcally in black and '10 fOr thin!. \Vill b*! Too us for RUidoso would put out and white --forgot,to· take their lens. ·and . NewS: "The state legislature appropriates the· same'ldrid of dumpsters theybave up covers off, ffndthelr cameras or WIll be JUdged .. basis and so many.. fond. ollars. sy. ea. · ..r to ... c ••h. elp .. the.·there.·. We'dhavea.·jom.tpo.· wets. agreement hadn't ·bOught ·filJllj there shoUld be no to the The county fIX -up roads that are inlJXn.1ant to witbtbemas we do on sewage. If dismay, it'll SIlOW apill' Of the jUdges will > ;. the state, such as ..... , .... _. ' .. , ... _. . '.. agam. Defore the deadline to enter . i- ..., . to... ddOO if . puts mthe' more sophisticated and TrUstees. . lilis Novem6erl1f .- JAu..;;S lit: 8 , machiJles, Sticb as olling.equiPDlentand may()t pro if it doesn't - early'shut- KRRR "ship ,spr¢aders. We usually do the more agreed ,_.", . .- n . ,n . e ._ ." .... " .. \. ·soo'sstiggestlon.. ··, '<'i:'· ' Bear the • office .on .. The .five.:ptoject subfultted "It 'is afalrty goOd U&1ow' white. \Vl1l oolUlnG .. tmced hi theSH'DwithitlltS November 1 deadllile. . odor and keeps dogsan_d getting and white ..... IA:; Sudderthadde,d. that the wideninga.nd . into the garbage,uLeighfuo· said. .'. ;.. . ... might. caPture' judges N .. . ,a,nd . resurfacIng prolect'plal1ned ·for ,CaiTlZo Trustee Beavets she- was coneeriled ·afid be .,.

-.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

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Page 1: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

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i'HISHAPPVOOO'of snowmen seemingly reveledlnth.;ffdea thatnSnowwhltels beauttfo'l" as the skies cleart:fdMbnday afternoori.

- -~ .

AFTER 22 YEARS of service to the Chamberl Emma Redmannwas honored at the Chamber general membership meeting "1

Tuesday evening. President Dave Wilson presented her with aplaque and she received a gift of a microwave oven. .

Bothmeetlngs will be held at 7:30 p.m., In deadlines' well In advance and schedulingthe RuidosoPu~Jic ..,Jbr!!ry, _ added events." . ..

UWe hope for better long range plan-Also> during the meeting, membersning," Wilson said. "We plan. on - touched on Ski Pac, promOtion of thedeveloping an annual calendar llsting .Ruidoso area and economicdevelopment.

" ,.


" .,~: .

, "'

'.~":, ........•...":.. :·a·.: ·r·... . -·.5..········a··········· ........ ... -

. ." .-.-, -' -", " ".- ,- ,' ... - . '-". _. '." . . .': ..

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:':.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.BULLETI·N .=:=::::::::::::::::::.:-:;::=::;::::::=;:::::::::::::;=::::::::::;:::;:;=;::::::::::t .•• "•• "••••.• t , II , , ••• f.' ;;." .. • ••. • '" , :;:~

» ~ . . "-. «.... .'. ." .. :.:..... I~.. ...rj Fort St.nton airport i:~ ." «

I site. refused by· BlM I.» ~

:~: :~:

l~~l Bureau of Land Management (BlM) officials In Santa :;~,.... ...•:::: Fe this morning advised The News that "BLM decIded ::::...• .....

. fill 'np' on the proposed Sierra. Blanca ReglQnal Airport for ~1~~Also during the general membership ::f Fort Stanton Mesa, based on the 1976 Federal Land ::::

meeting, Wilson gave a brief smnmary of-· l.l.;.l. Polley and Land Management Act and the established i:.:1:.:the Chamber's progress In the last year '·1 f t tl f bll I d h I th tl I:::: po cy 0 re en on 0 . pu c an w en n e na ona ::::and future plans. . .... ...•

liThe Chamber is out of debt and In the .1m Interest." m~black," he said. "We also have a new =:.: :.:.organlzaUonal structure we hope w1ll be ~;ll "BlM felt," John Gumert, Public Affairs Officer, ~;1~more re:Jponslve to the m~bershJp ~;l; said, "the wildlife research by New Mexico State ~1~~,because members will serve on the ;:::: University and the New Mexico Game and Fish to be ::::ccmmittees. . ?:l~l more Important. The BLM received more than 200 ~l;~

UWe hope to Initiate new 'benefits for '.:.: ::::members possibly inclUding group health ~::: comments on the Issue, from all over the- state, with the ;:::Insurance. We have Improved com- j~~~ malorlfy being against the airport." i;~mun1caUons~witha monthly newsletter, ~~t Gumert said --the Regional Airport Commission, of ffilpubllshing our agenda before board :::: which Richard C. Hall Is chairman, has until December ::::meetings and resuming the Wednesday ~;~;. 29,'1978 to protest BlM's decision to the Secretary of the ~;;~m~rnIngwatscofhalee carts·ia1lnte t to :::: Interior, Washington, D.C. ::~

e 0 ve spec res groups *.=. All documents per.talnlng to the decision are on file at "::::":'represent segments of the membersblp In .theplannlngprocess." ~~~ fhe BlM offices, United States Post Office and Federal ~~~~

Wilson mentioned meetings will be held ::=: Building, Santa Fe. ::::November 15 for moteland lodging owners ~~ . ~~and November 16 for retaU m~chants. ):~:::::::-::::-~:;:;~~:~::'"~:::::::=-~::::::=::::::::::~::~::-::::::::::::::;:~:::::::::::::::::::::::"':~::~~~:'?-h~::::c.::~~~::::x:::::1-::::::::S~~'!-~~::~::~~1-::~::~::::'S~::::~~;'

An occupation license for SkyviewTexaco was approved by the trustees.license requests by J.C.'s Place,. whichwould rent pool tables, cigarette machinesand jukeboxes, and byUnique Creations, ahandicrafts and furniture remodeling


. '


and as a sanitary landfilL Ruidoso is includes Angus, and, precinct 52, whichpennJtted by the COWlty to use the landfill, includes Csrrizozo and several otherOlson said. - _. .' .ccmmW1itles,·were· ccmb1ned by the

Vacation of six Jots platted in Nogal was commls.s1on. The consoUdation is madeapproved by the commission to allow each year to reduce the cost of ad­construction to begin on a howse on mln!sterfng absentee balloting. •property owned by Ralph Forsythe. The conun1sslon also approved the• "The main reason for the vacation Is treasurer's report and paid a prior-yearthat the plat wasn't laid out according to bill of $156 for medicine for cOWltythe terrain:' Olson said. UWhere roads are prisoners. .laid out on Ute map there Is no way they Four items on the meeting agenda werecould be laid out on the land. We're tabled: vacaUon of a plat In Cedar Creek,vacating a useless aspect ofthe map- the the appointment ola mental.health boardImpractical streets slInply won't be shown for region six and lease agreements withonthemap any more." Zia Developmental Services and St.

state representative precinct 51, which '1. Joseph's HospitaL


with the ability of elderly persons to taketheir- garbage to the dumpsters; adding:"There ale some older people who aren'teven able to get outof their house.'J

Spall adviSed the trustees to meet withthe Ruidoso trustees for discussion of theproposal.

BY MARY WOJUWLEY . also spoke in sUPPO'rt.StaffWrJter . .Dicl( Shaw said, ·'X'm·ashamed to have

Pr~entation of awatds and sanction of to mark on a ballot to show support of whatt~ Aspencade Motorcycle .Convention Til ('ntompson, Aspericade coordinator).highlighted the Ruidoso Vaney Chamber has done for Qur community. ttof Commerce general membership After the generalmem1;Jership meeting,meeting Wedriesda.y evening., Wilson called a special board meeting of

Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Macthe Chamber January 8 after 22 years of McDougal, Benny CoulstontKen Cole,service, was presented with a plaque and Swmy Hirschfeld, Do~ King, Jim Frenchgift ofa microwavE! oven. and BillWilson - to discuss the Issue•

Redmann received a standing ovation . The group revl~wedthe questionnairesfrom the crowd as she walked to the front, turned in,finding 53 in favor ami 8 In op-where, Bhe stood while Dave Wilson, position on the motorcycle Issue. ..Chariiber president Ken Cole former The board voted unanimously to "Thankboat:d member, Richard Coth~, ionner ''Til, endorse and support the project andnianager and Ed Jungbluth Chamber requfS! Jungbluth to work with himexecuUv~secretary,eachspok~brlefly. (Thompson) to show Cha~,ber Bupport of

Conununlty awards were presented to the motorcycle convention.Herb·Brunell, Brunell's, retall merchant;John and Dottle Hall, High Country Lodge,motel service, accepting the award for the .HaUs was Marty Michaels;·Jerry BIRham,CousinS', food service, accepting theaward was Marilyn Mericle; KatherineFinley, communityservice; and Ray Heid,promotion.

liThe annual membership meeting is notonly to honor persons for outstandingservice but also a means of com­munication," WilsOIl said.

In an effort to assess the opinions of themembers, fonnsrequesting coounents onvarious Issues were dlstrlbute<L

The chief item of dlscussion was theAspencade Motorcycle Convention whichbrought "35,000 people to Ruldoao In fourdays ••• who spent over $1 mlWon, andprobably closer to $2 mllUon," Wilson said.

Cothrunendorsed the conventionstating, uIt's the only event which brings~ople In during one of the aloweat periodsof the year.U Junior McManus and Cuddy

-motorc,c e convention' 0

Creek Road has beenpostponed.. "We agreed to approve it for springbecause we were short of money and It'stoo late in the season,It he said.

The conunlssion also voted to make anappUcation to the state for $15,000 to beused toward the purchase of a $19,250ambulance. The legislature last yearappropriated $500,000 to be allocated tolocal' governments in $15,OOO-m.axfmumgrantS for emergency medlclll\services,Olsonsald.

In other action, the commission ap.­proved a lease agreement with Ule stateland office for 280 acres of land five nilleseastofAlto to beused for gravel extraction

Downs invokes resolution. "' . ..

to clear debris frOIll lot



County· road projects$et'

~ ~

~ ~~ ~h~ ~

1~;~ SUNDAY AT 2 A.M., as Mary Wormley of The News Illustrates Is ~~~~n: the time to set your clocks back one hour to Mountain Standard :~~~i...:. TIme:·:·~ . ~~.~.~ ~.......~ ~

~ . Turn those clocks backI f~~ .... ~.~•..• .·.·fI~~ ~*~ M

~~ Should you want to observe - with pomp, ceremony, rite 1~~~;:::: or ritual - the return to Mountain Standard Time October::::;~~~ 29, what you do Is: :;:~~~ ~~

N ~~~ ~~~. ":::: Patiently await the arrival of 2 a.m., Sunday. 1:;:...." .....~~ ~~U ~:::: Precisely at 2 a.m., - with dignity and decorum, or ;~;~~

~~~;: mumbo-jumbo and Incantations - turn your clocks BACK ~~1~:-:.: to 1 a.m. ::::~ ~~ ~~ w~:: Relax. Th~ problem of observing Daylight Savings Time ::::~~r is passe - until 2 a.m., April 29, .1979, when once again l~~~~:: time confusion will return to haunt you. ::::~ ~."., ' ..... ..~~~~ Of course, you can set your clock back that one hour ~~~i;:i: upon arising from your night's slumber Sunday morning - .::::.... .....

.. ~:; but beware - should you forget, you'll spendthat gained ~:i~~, hour waiting for the church to open - besides, come af- ~~~f.:: .. ternoon, you might become irritated, thtnkl~g your ~:;;::: favorite pro fQotball game has been prempted by a talk ~:?:::~ h ......:.:~ 5 ow. ::;:~.. -" ...~~ ~, ... -:..~·:3:::::"';::::::::~';'~';';::~~::-;::';:::i::::';:::;::::::$r:::: .;::::*:::::::::.;-;~::::::-;-;! ..;:::::::::::::::;::::~:::::::~~~::~:-;::::::::~::-;:;::::::~~:::::::::::::~:::~~-;%:::::::~.;::::::~


StaffWriterFive road Improvement projects au»..

mitted by the county to the state highwaydepartment (SlID) last month have beenapproved by the state, COlmty managerLes Olson reported to Ute LIncoln CountycommissionersMonday.

The state is serving as administrativeagent for a federal Hoff_systems" roadimprovement program, for which $4billlon has been appropriated to be usedover the next four years, Olson said. HOff..systems" roads ate any roads not on thefederal highway network builtwith federaltrust funds, he said.

The five projects acceptedby the SlID asprograms they are going to try to ~..plement through 1980 are the Capitan­Nogal sbort cut, at an estimated cost of$140.000; carrizo Creek Road, at a cost of$23,000; Ft. Stanton paving for $106.399;Ft. Stanton sub-base preparation for$140,732 and Ft. Statton bridge installationfor an estimated $100,000.

Olson said the county will continue topush for a sixth project, the $2!J7.7f11 Resolution 78-16 calling for the removalTransWestem Road, which has not yet of debris from a lot in the Palo Verdereceived state approval t "te· d pted by th R·d

The cost of the off-systems Im- ownsl was a 0 . e w osoDowns trustees Monday night. . _

provements is borne primarily by the The lot named in the resolution, Lot 8,federal government, with the county Block 6, Unit 2, is owned by Mabel Francespaying only 17 percent, Olson said. Pitts of california.

Another application to the saD for five UThere are two wrecked cars on the lotstate-county cooperative road lnt- the resolution pertains to." village clerkprovements was approved by the com- Virginia Spall Said. liWeJre going to clean N KRRRmission Monday. . up the lot and remove the cars.. We've been

The county is requestlng state aid for working on this since 1976 because we e·ws_ , ..improvements to be made by the SHD and couldn't find the legal owner of the lot. 'I1tethe county road deparbnent.on 8.2 miles of resolution has to show the location of theroad. The. total est~ted cost .o( the lot, itS oWller and the occupant." h ,!.

~-~ ..=::n~ :J:::~t:e j~;:~~::·-~~~u:~~o.tT~~~1 :e~~IUU:: .P.··. ·~·_-·O·to·c.·o'ntest .----~"theco~tY'and45percentbytbestate. be adopted for any future property clean-

The five proposed projects w~uId bring ups, to describe the property and name theiInprovements to 2 mUes of ~ogaI Canron owner. . . ,Road for $46.334, to 8 half~e on Country In other business, the trustees discussed , d' .. .ClubRoadfor$8,I85,t02i2milesooBonlto a proposal for a jofntpowers garbage _ S··n·.O·.we··' .c "n·~e Road.for $40~797; .to 2 tnlles oD.Ceda!, collection agreement with Rwdoso. The ~ IICreek Road at a cost Of $38,79'1 an~ to 1.5 proposalwas presented to the trustees in a The official rules of·th··e contest •.miles on Sun Valley Road for an estlDl8ted letter from Michael Richardson of The "Snow white Is beautiful" photo$19,850. . .. . . Plainview" Texas. Richardson is. a contest' - sponsoredby The Ruidoso News - Entries are restricted to amateur. Jom SU~derth,. commission chairman, representative of Eberling ManUfa'dUring and KRRR Radio ..... has been "snowedhi" photographers. Any person der.iving any

said h~ discussed the projectswithth~ COmpany~ whi~h supplies the containers ..... snowed into being by Monday;s blanlcet ihcome from photography .will not bestate highway coIIllhissi~ners when Uiey and dump tl"llcks now Inuse in RuidOso.. . of snow that turned. Old Baldy into a permitted to enter this contest. .met at the Inn of the MOWltain GodS last hWeshottld mvestigaletheIilatterwith towerihgplnnac1eofg~gwh1te. ..... Photographs must be taken in the ..Thursday... . . .... . .... .. Ruidoso to see whet.he.r. they w...ould .be In the· event' avid. aniateur ~~~OSO.•··· area of the.·· sacramento MOlin-

"We agreed to do the grade and dram receptiVe tocorning down bereand plcldng phOtographers':'" whethet"Siiapping the wwm . 'A

and the ~ta~ agreed ~ do the double up our trash'" spall saf<i."Mr. Richardson HSnow white is heautff11l" scenes In ..... Cash prizes'of ~ lot fitst; $15 torpenetration Olling, tt SUd~~rthsaid. __ . .. ... did not state what RUidoso. woUld charge SclnijIIating color or drain8tlcally in black sec~d and '10 fOr thin!. \Vill b*! ~,:,arcled.FolIowi:ng.themee~gtOlsonJold Too us for thEr:service~ RUidoso would put out and white --forgot,to· take their lens. Bla~ ·and ~h1te-pbotos--and·cCOlo~photo~_c .

NewS: "The state legislature appropriates the·same'ldrid of dumpsters theybave up covers off, cou1dn'~ ffndthelr cameras or WIll be JUdged ..onanequ~· basis andso many..~.fond.ollars. sy.ea.·..r to... c••h.elp.. the.·there.·. We'dhavea.·jom.tpo.·wets.agreement hadn't ·bOught ·filJllj there shoUld be ~no ~dherence to the contest.them~. Thecounty fIX -up roads that are inlJXn.1ant to witbtbemas we do on sewage.If dismay, beca~ it'll p~()bablySIlOW apill' dec~fonOf the jUdges will ~·frnal. > ;.

the state, such as fe~er ro~ds.,The sta~ ....., .... _. ' .. , ... _ . .'.. ag.a~ agam. Defore the deadline to enter . i - ..., ~w.l...... . to... ddOO if .puts mthe' more sophisticated IabO~ and TrUstees. ye~ . Lefg~tonan.d lilis ~e~~test: Novem6erl1f ,l~etddaY. . - ~ddit< on~_ JAu..;;S ~y lit: 8 ,

machiJles, Sticb as olling.equiPDlentand Beavers~nd may()t pro temRay.~a~ll 'C~urse; if it doesn't - ~e early'shut- iJlte~~~e.c::t~.j=leutib' KRRR"ship ,spr¢aders. We usually do the more agreed ~eyshbtild. 'c~c.k lrtto.,R1~rd- terb~~'~ ~in1b!ef~r.tlje<p~es. ,_.", . . - n es~. . ,n . e ._

. " ·,~tougbtypeOf.wotk;f,t;:~ .... ~, ~" " .. \. ·soo'sstiggestlon.. ··, '<'i:'· ;.:.,~; ~'<"f • ' Bear 'm~·.rmnd·,.that:any;litlbJect··M the • office .on SUddertti-n~ 18ter~. 5"'P~f

.. The .five.:ptoject teqlie~twas subfultted "It 'is afalrty goOd systerfi.lteUinln~tes. U&1ow' white. is~a~t1fulthe~~·"..... N~emT·~!1~Met8 \Vl1l oolUlnG.. tmcedhi theSH'DwithitlltS November1 deadllile. .odor and keeps dogsan_d fiieSfr~m getting ,whe~~erln col~r o~~ck and white ..... IA:;

Sudderthadde,d. that the wideninga.nd . into the garbage,uLeighfuo·said. .'. ;.. . ...might. caPture' .!h~·.lli~~ ~,the judges No::~::n~Jio.~~ ~uid~.~. N..~s .,a,nd .resurfacIng prolect'plal1ned ·for ,CaiTlZo Trustee Beavets std~ she- was coneeriled ·afid be ap~·Wllifi~l .,. ~

Page 2: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

'. '-'....,.,. '~.. , ..~, ...-.:.

-. ,.~... .

, , (,


SAl.;7AM .......


In addition to continuing the clubfavorites, he wlll mtrodUce flamIngdesserts, crepes Including crep~ suzettes.qulche and a dally chef apeclal at dinner.

A French chef, he also wUl introduce aSunday brunch.

Gregson is known In Austin. wbere hewas execut.lve chef for La TourRestaurant, for preparing tbe most ex"pensive dinner fortwo in America. .

F.or $2,783 without gratuity or tax. heprepared R 2& course dIIIner w.lth eightwines last May for Mr. alld Mnl. L.K.Skloss.

lie said he would prepare a shnllardinner in Ruidoso for anyone wbo Is In­terested.

Gregson and hb wIfe. who Isa substituteteacher with the RUidoso Scbool system,have two children, Gary, 12, and Mclanle,n.

meeting wlll be ourHalloween Partyat the .K·Bob Steak 1I0USC. The food will Jle _.covered dlsh by the ladies. Come In lometype of costume that represents yourhandle In some way. It you doq't.w~ar acostume, don't use that as an excuse fornot coming to the party. See you Mondaynlghtat the partystartingat7:30.

Get well wlsbes to Lucille Geaslln WhowithKen has beensuclla help to tbe club.

That's all for now. It you were at themeeting Monday everyone was glad to seeyou, but if you were not able to come wemissed you. Seeyou soon.

COVERAGE: One 50 lb. bagwill cover an lirea 0'apprOXimately 5 sq. ft.


The Superior Landtc:illJeMarble that is exceptionallyand Consistently WHItE, bagafter beauti/ufbag..

WYOMIl\1'_________~_,·, -o·'~ . ..


Paradoxically, mbfortune which oc­curred In the Ruidoso area liroughtgourmet chef Robert Gregson and hisfamlly back here to live. .

The Gregsons were Yblting from Austln,Texas when "our van caught on fire andburned to just a shell out bY' Bonito Lake.

"We lost everything and had to stay intown a few extra dllYS," Susan Gregsonsaid.

With the extra delay ill RUidoso, theydbcovered "we liked the town," not onlybecause of the compassion of the residentswhen they heard of the Gregsoo's pUght,but also becaWie ~'It teminds us so muchofour vlllage In EngJand."

Originally from Europe wherc hetralned for 18 yeai'll, Grcgson will be thecllef at the Texas Ciub starting November1.

Texas Club will feature

renowned gourmet chef

There Is something special about thefinlt snol'lfall of winter that seems toch!lnge tbe mool! of our community. Thbwas very noticeable at the C.B. Club workmeeUng Mondaynight.

We had a terrifIc: turnout and much wasaccomp&hed on the coffee trailer (Whichwlll be named alld launched laler). Thewomen served bot coffee and someluscious food. thb broughttbmgs to a verybid 111-7 until the food wasgone.

There Is stUl much to be done on tbetraller. and there wlll be another wor1lmeeting set up soon, bowever tile next

AM.·•• 0 ~ :••:60 •"','.A';>.:o",';"; :.:. ;., ~ • 9 ~~ ..: ·~ ·N-:~~ «..---:-.:.--=.~••-"' -ro iI'• ..., ~••....,.~ <IYoV ...,.••""" • ,:O~~;n.a-..;.i?'- v ..;,•.'O;vr...- ;O- vr.·.9 T~ • •.'iI'• •'it... •.


Ruidoso C.B. Club Doings


PHONE 378·4015



Village Shopping Center


n(· ll"'rt!Oifficulty in swallowIng or penlbtent

hoarseness could be a warning signal ofcancer, sayS' the American CancerSocIety. See your pltYslclan for a thoroughexamlnation.

ObituariesTravis Cunningham

....; ~ ~ - ' ..", ,.," --::. .,;.-..:~ :-:-.o: :.;.;."..:.:.:-'/..:.:.:•••: :.~••:.:-; :.:.:-;.:.:-: ,-::••••:.:

establblnnent, were tabled pellding fur,ther invesUgation.

At the request of Leighton, a resolutionto adopt th7 alUlual inventory also wastabled, to gIve her "more of a chance tolook aUt."

The trustees took no acllon on a letterreceIved from Clinton Rutherford of EIPaso objecting to a raise In water andgarbage pickup rates.

Former RuIdoso resident Travls W.CulUlingham died last .wcek In Port LaVaca, Texas.

Mr. Cwmingham lived In RlI1doso during1976 and was a regular Ybllor.

He b survived by wife, Thelma Cun-'nlngham, Port La Vaca; sons Jim Cun­nlngham, Austin, Texas. and Don Cun·nlngham, Port La Yam; daughter Mrs,Jack Rllcy, Comanche, Texas; sbtcr Mrs.C.V. Cunningham. RUidoso Oowns; nleceMrs. Sldnla Gardner, Tularosa; 11grandclllldren and two great grand­cllildren. .• Services were held In Port La Vaca andComancheand burial was In ComMclle.

Mr. Cunningham died less thM twoweeksafterhls brotber, Bob Cunningham.


• . .., '. ,.371.4494 ". I. ""...... ..-•.,..•---:-.-~•.~~ - _ ·_ -il-ii1- ···~·.,l;·~~-~,,:iE~~:~>i.<:'~~>;iI~"tt

"'..~_f ,-;.~" , -~ _...:.~~\. =~..~~. ..




PHONE 257..7273


... ....... :--..:,#

l~ Downs invokes[FROM PAGE ON E]

Thursday. Oc:tober26.1978 '.

~~I'.;~llllill~I§III·;·;·;·i.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;,;.;.;.:.;.;.::;.;.:.;.;.;.;,; ...;.;.;.

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He MA1'i"E~ ~()W TH' '.. ,i~: ..' i~:RACE 1\lRI\l$ Q,'U"G ;:~, S·k-. t·ab·l·o.·d :i:ii"'O"'Q\)!'01 C-AN .' ii;~ ...'., .... .' 'i:;:.' ~ . . ,M ~S ,,'-' ''''T'LlI:JI..''''' ." .',:. ,••••.

y:Ec.~ifit ~r scheduled ~~!"P\"""'l' ~'(t ;.:: :.,.:

~ ~.'.'. .....,iii,1'bQ Ruidoso N~w~' llllllual aid $,;i'':": tallloldb being rea.di.ed .for :::,:~ ... ~

:::, di$trlb~tlQn as soon as Sl~rra '>;:;i~ Bla"cllSId R~l)rt oPens. '~i;ii~ 1'b~ deaejline foril«!v~rtbing ~ 'iii:,::~ be 1- I d"'" th'" 'da :::::.'.'. " ",C ~ "" IU ~ l$SU~ b Frl y, ,..'N: be '.,:.:,', Novem. r 17. FOr Wormation ::,::.'. t I . , ......" and ra ell, WephOlle 25.•. 7-4001 and .,.:.~. ~-,," ask lor Carmen Edwai$ or :.:.:,:::: ca S ::*....- • ron. nl)w. . ...•.. - ' .:'ii: TbI! tabloid wlIl be included ':ii'.,." with the regular edItion of The :.,.:k N~ws, when it is released, with iii!:,:ii addltlol1al dbtribution scheduled :ii;,:ii; ejurlug the Pl'ak 01 the sellSon too, 'i~i:~ii: acquaint skiers with RlI1doso's:ji':iil attractlous and servIces. :i':::.;.: . . . . .... , . .;:~..... . .....~ ~.





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Page 3: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

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'UCI.;" ..... ~l' SIIAVE

. ~. , (REAM-~~.r i REI. ORL1-J .LIME









..... '. LIQU..~I '.,.. ,I OZ.

;; .,.. '.'"·.t,Er.w. ,' .I.'''''

. . . -. ,,' .. ',.. .

TIl!I!'lld!lv, October ~6, )97!1 R:uidbllQ IN. Mol NeWS ""':'P.i19e.;J

, ,-,'.


COFFEE .•••••••• , •••... lLB.$2.59l!LB.$5.57

PARSON8056oz.AMMONIA .~. II • • •• II ••• II II • II II • II II II II II II II II II • S9cGLAD KIT-15 COUNTGARBAGE BAGS•........ 0 ••••• , ••• $1.09SUNSIIINE-COOKIES-12·OZ.BAG .CHIP-A..;ROOS • 0 •••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 6geWHOLE-RAINBOo8 oz. JARDILL PICK;LES •..• ~ ... , ... 0 ••••••••• 4ge

,DELMONTE-FRENCH STYLE-NO. 303CAN 'GREEN'BEANS .••••.•.•.••• 0 0 0 • 0 3/$1.00 'VAN CAMP-CUILl OR BEANEE-80Z. . .WJENERS ..... II ... II • II • II : •• II : ••• '•• II ... '.' II 43c II ,~. "

YAMS. , . 0 0 •• , ••• , •••• LB.3geRUSSETT



10 LB. BAG

SEASON'SBESI'PEARS .• 0 • • • • •••". • • •••••• LB.3geLETTUCE .••.• 0 •• , ••••••• LB.3geCOLLARD" MUSTARD &TURNIPGREENS .• , .••.••.• , •BUNCII3ge· .'

. "

"'0' •••••••SERVlIl:-MEArMAIKEr:- ..,;'w. 5.11 Only'...., ,

MII....... S....tlU.S.D.A. CIiOICl

. .111$11 QUAUY.,. eEEF .

, .. ,


-""- ..,~. .......-...-_......




$.u'II*.s' raworl•••. lIo..made PI••

lI.m. D.., •••r.·...




. ;'


-- ,,' .



1201. PACDIE

. --~,;.

STANDING-U.S.D.Ao CHOICERm ROAST, II • • • • II • • .. •• II • II II II II II ... • .. • • .. II •• II II •• LB.$1.79

MORRELLTASTY-12oz.PACKAGELINK SAUSAGE ••••••••••••.••••• 0 •••••••• ! ' o9ge




S1 9•LB•

• CUTTO YOUR LlKING-U.s.D.A. CHOICERm EYE STEAK •••• ; ••••.•• " ••••••.••..•• LB.$3.39

.' . . . '. "

... 8ERRE"15···'SHUR·SAY··. " . ' .'~'~ .

SUPERMARKEI..... MON... SAr.,8.''''SUN.... 7.






~.~~ . ,,~.\.;..-- PEYTON'S



. '~'


•--IIIIIIII! ~--

... ~


.~ --

. '. ·K~~f1'.... . ..' ·.··VEL .- .,•MAYONNAISE "ROSELIQUID" '.= .•.• -•.•..... ~• .•.•. .' . >' ".PlltIlRGJ;'"

.. ~20%.'AIt . 25"OF'1A••L .

5119 ..' .•.KIJlGSIZ. ...... /, '..•....,' . '. ~. '~'$1~ ""."U.w'l'-7OZ, . ' . ..~ ...

.~~~SOZ~:~WW CREME •.••.• 49c ~1Q.A.U·•••.•.•~D·•.•••~.•.... I.•••~.• ~.G.I~.~ •.,.MACAltONIDINNER •• '.•.•..• ,. SSe .. , .Sp .~.~~ KRAFT·BOZ. .~"OFFLA'J;"

~~~~~~. YE(HI-YEEISEEIA' 'B200X" •~PHILA~D~E~L,IApHIANDRESSING .. ·'·O.·-MA•...·" $,•..._.•".e....",....,..;;",.. '.'$ •'1.1.-:. . ~ ". KRAFT .2 L'.

1Qtl\Fl'l\MERICANDELUXE-12OZ.PACKAGE . . (REAM,CHEESE ' .·JUICE GRAPE IARSLICED CHEESE .. '.. '..........•...••..• ~ $1~29 3 OZ...A(KA.. 46 ox: CAN KRAFT 'Uaz~T

CHEESEWHIZ 0'" • 0 0.000 •• o' : •..•• $1.49 3.'.FQn.I··.·.'9·..•.. ·· c .. S.·.·.····,·.·,C ORANGEKR.w'l'-IGoz. PACKA,GE ' '. . . ,JUICE' 6ge

JALAPENO VELVEETA 0 0 •••••• 00' •••••• $1.29 KUn CsuHNSHE'lNE-EIZ·'OQZI·TBoSx . 4geKR.w'l' SQFT-IG oz.TUB' MaD COLBY .. . ...- .' . • . • • 0 • • • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 ,0 • 0 •• • • .

PARKAY MARGARINE .. 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 • 0 • ~ 0 0 • 7ge I,O"'HOIIN FQWER'S ·10oz. JARKRAJIT·2.TUBS-SOZ.· . " CHEESE INSTANT COFFEE........•..... o.. $4.~9SOFT PARKAY . 0 0 • 0 0 0 •• 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 •• 0 .'••••••••6ge S'I L ' REGULAR WNG GRA1N-28 OZ.KRAFT·S oz. CHEESE . • ..u..~A~&E' COMET RICE.......•.. 0 •••• 0 • 0 0 •• 0 •• 78eBABY GOUDAS . 0 ••• 0 ••••• 0 •••••••• 0 • : • 0 • $1.09 BAGGIES-50COUNT

TREESWEET ...... .. ----to: Fsc~~~.~Bu'NTAGS . 0 ••••••••••• 0 • '0 •••••••• 9ge~~S-~·· LARGE EGGSORANGE -'~o~~. GIIADE "A" DOZEN ~~~~~CO~ 0 •• 0 •••••••••••• , ••• 0 0 $1~09

JU'ICE "80~'M~,' '.6... ,.C MINI PADS 0 •••••••••• 0 0 ••• , 0 •• 0 ••• oo.flge. 12 OZ. . C FOWER'S -I30Z.CAN

1IIIIIi_II!!GO!!!IL!iDE!!INiilM!!!I!!A!I!GE~~ FLAKED COFFEE .. 0 ••• 0 • 0 ••••••• ,$2.49CHEF·80Y...AR.DEE 10 OZ 99'C AMERKAN..SLlCED INNESI'SETA'A4°Nz,T TEA $2 89.SAUS.AGE., CHEESE, • CHEESE· . . ...... 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... •


----------~~~~~~~~~~!I!I' WRAPPED TOMATO KETCHUP ••. 0 ••••••• 0 • 0 •• o8gePRICES EFFECDVE T,",RSlAY tHRU SATURDAY S1 9

OCTOBER 26, 21 . 1AND 2$ , 12 OZ.


8,e 8,e:~==~=-~~=====-~~~~~--~--~_._~.~~'-~-~~._-~"=: ...:....~..._~.. ~~ ............--iiiiii·

-,--, .. _- -...,..--- - ;;;;;.-.,_.~~-~' " .-'~.. !".,,,r~~~~~ -r-Vl-·.'-A-L-IS-

PEPIO. COMllll FoilLLAPHISODEItM INiiYi$iVE ~~...BISMOl COLD .'" 44' 9 ot ,- CARE' ~. $UPEIt.HOLD~YIIalls""'·~·


80t. 6'·· OZ. '~~...,. ·3···0··Z·.··· . 10 OZ,·.64OZ. . S' l' 29 ~.$1 19 $1 59 ~- $1 39 $1 89 $1 29 5'e:······ ~.

, ". . ~ .

Page 4: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after
Page 5: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

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" ':i

,'- "

LeMans lIedan

Dates set

for hunt peri'od

validation change

League. Both have cheerleaders.here are the Steelers' cheerleaders.

WYOMING WHITEMARBLE CHIPSTIl. Sup.rlo, LendllC8jll Mllbl.lhilisoxcepU"nally BIld cono'olenlly WHITE, boglite, beautl!ul bog, COV£llAOE: On. 50 Ib. bog'

• WIlI..,..,on .... o! 1===_~eIY 5 sq. If.


.. : "





These units Were ordered Iii for.a leasing..• ciOtl'Ipilny: Weir~ passing the fleet discount

on to YiJu.We have a good selection In stock and

more coming ii'll '


_ • c" • " _

' .. - --" ..... -_., .. ----". .-



•Bonneville b,ougham Sedan


THE LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL AT FootballWARRIOR STADIUM every Saturday has at Picturedleast one thlnq In common with the National

......'. .

. G;and ",Il<

Warriors foresee

Thursday, October 26, 1778. Rui(lnso l!ll. M.I News - Pa!",~ . ...:' "". ' , •.• ' "'u""~;"" .,.;.;.;-:•.' .. , ~y.' oI!•••••••y ••••oI!•••••••••••' , ••; •••••;.;.;•••~•••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.:.~ .•••••••.•••;.;0;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;•••;.;.;.;.;.;•••;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;,;.;.:.;.;.;•••:.:.:.;~.;.;.;.;.;.:.;,;.;:;:.:':':':':':':':':':':':':':~':':':':"""':""""" ••: :.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:•••••! ,••••••••••• ~. ,0" ' ..:.:.:.:.:..•.....•......•.•••...•.•...•..•....•.•••.••..~.........•....,......•...•.•.......•, , , ,." , ' ~ , , .,

, ._, ..'...... , ,.c.:

in Hatch/SaturdayThe Ruidoso Warrior girls' volleyball

team faces a couple of crucial test.! thisweekend tlmt could Imve a de<!lding effecton their role In the approaclilng playofls.

The Warrlol'll tl'!!vd to Ualch lorgBmeswith both Lordsburg and Animas. If theWarriors wIn both games there Is a chance!hey will be seeded number one for thedistrict tournament next weekelld. Twolosses wOllld seed the Warriors last•Obviously. head coach sergio caslanon is

• hoping for a sweep."ThJs tournament ill very important,"

he said. "We can win these two gsmes andbe seeded number OIIe or tied for llIuoberone. We would only Imve to play one game.First seed automatically goes to thefinals."

Tl1llt Is caslanOll's goal, but since theWarriors have struggled all year and willbe without the services ofKristl Perrymanthe rest of the season, he admits theWarriors will be hard pressed to win bothgames.

"A lot of it depends on how bad the girlswant it," CsstenOll said.

Tuesday night the Warriors downedHondo and castanon is hoping themomentum from tbat win will carry theWarriors the rest of the way.

"I hope to keep the momentum going.We are capable of winning both games,"Castanon said. "ThIs could get our

Hopefully, we're over the sickness bug ,- -"'__-.:...:..,.,:......;.:.;.;.::..:..- ...... .,.;.. -:-__...... - __.....-_that Ims been hurting liS.", _ ' ..... ,

Beslcles the Lordsburg defense, thereare two other !lSPe<!13 of the conteststierwalt fellrs. One .is .Lordsburg'3 ab:e,

I the other illodrivini to L.ordsburg to face anlIDfII1y Clfowd. ..

"Bellev!! it or not, th\lY're bigg\lftlmn~sa,,' he a!!!cl. "Driving five ~~II1i8lf hours makes .It to\1gh. They have areal rowdY crowd. They'll call you everyname In the book."

Nevertheless, Stierwalt thinks theWarriors Imve flru!lIy put it all togetheranll he IlOnfld\lnUy predicts· that , theWarriors will pull one of the upsets of theyear. '

"I do expect to win the ballllsm~," Msaid. "It's not, going to be easy. We'vefinally putlt all together.': . ', One of the re!lSons they may bavefinallyput It all together Is assismnt coach BatTI'Nelson. He was up Wednesday at 3 'aJii.diagramming plays to counterllct tII~sluntlng L.ordsburg defense, Although theplays look somewhat unorthodQX, they alsolook like th\lY might confuse the devil outof Lordsburg. ,

"We might haye them failing all overthemselves," he said. "How would youstop It?"

WlIatever Borde Williams tries, It's asure bet t1mt he'll give100 percent.



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rIA.E.... 'l'ROI».... .• FO' IESI tIME AblustED FOR HANDICAP.

I,ophy P,•••nl••loft '.'gh. to 1iIC , ••h II••( Food.nd '1I1ii Hlghllgh...1 lhe '.c. 'S••lOn


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.....:!ll... ,...~•.:~ .......t.. "."':i".,'"BORDE WILLIAMS

down. he said. "Then the coaches, in that order."[ was hoping for a winnlIlg season," be There are really so many that I can't

said. "We got off to a stow start and we've pinpointone person in my life."been slow all year. T1mt's justpartof life. Williams would like to continue hls·You try your best and Ifyou lose, you lose. career after he graduates from highYou look to the next gsme and try to.fro. school. He will have the chance, should heprove YOIlf mistakes. Like the coaches desire It, because he plans to he in college.say, you've got'to think about the Dext Williams carries approximately a 2.95game. . grade point average at Ruidoso High

"'l'be next day you think about It (losing) School.butit's really nota deep down badfeeling. ' "['01 above average," he said. "I don'tIJkeI say, .Ifyou try your bestand coaches make real hlgh grades or real low. I'msay you did a good job, It's okay. [ look at definitely going to college, either Easterntlmttoo, what coachessay." or New Mexico Stale. I'd kind of Uke to

Whenever WI1llaDl!l (eels very down, play sports. I think I'm taU enough but notwhlch doesn't happen often, he confesses muscularenougb..I'll probably try to."t1mt there are many people he caD turn tofor a morale boost.

"My Mom and Dad are an insplratlOll,"

BY JOlIN NEYLAND . free safety so we call take care of the flats, ,, " SportsWriter on the two receiver side.,,'Wl!enever there ill a ray ofs1lllShine in a "We'll put some new people on defense;

cllJudy s!lY; grab It. That's what R!!Idoso Tim Riley, who just becan1\l \llJglble, will, head coach Darrel Iltierwalt did ~ alld he play some. We'vt!,1'!1ovedJohnWhltlock to

bopes It will begin to pay dlvldends when the linebacker position, Basically, It'sthe Wllrriors meet Lordsburg' and 1l0ingtobellboutthesameas~tJi'r1day."EtltlIncla. ' , Stier\V!Ut ill more IlOncerned llbout

"TlJere's lin Qlltslde chanl;e .If we win Lordsburg'S l1ef~ than hls own, Lor.bc4b these ball gsmes, we coll1d get In the c1sburg <Illes the one thing that Ims givenplayoffs," stIerwalt said It's not' a very the Warrior offilrullve line fits most ofthegoocl clJance.butlt's beUer thanllOne." s~ason. They stunton almosteveq play,, Of ClOurse, It's llolrlli to take more than ' "Lordsburg has flve def!!DSlveseta. J\JltalkliJgto bCllt the next two opponenls. five are stunting defenses," Iltlerwalt sald,TomottQw the Warriors battle the 3tate's "whl~h really P)1ts pressure on the of­AA third ranl<ed tesm, Lordsburg. The fenslve line. The problem that I can see isfollowing week they play number one if we don't block Itcorrectly,they'llkillus.ranl<ed and IDldefeated Estancia. For now, ' They'll get into thebackfield before we canStierwalt b concentrating On the game \Wen halld the ball ofr. We've got to shutwith Lordsburg. down that stunt defensively. We'll have'ta

'1'0 compensate for thEr alZe advantage concentrate On getting olltslde on 3weepsLordsburg carries into the ball game, and convoya and our paSlllng gsme willstierwalt has made 30me changes.in,the' really Iillve to cUck. It'll bEl. toQgh to runclefense, On the whole, however, the agaInst them."def~ t/lat takes the field against Lor· Making It even tougher b the fa~t thatdsburg wUJ.be the same that took the field the Warriors were forced to miss a day of"llSlnst Tularosa. prsctlce Monday because of the snow. But,. "We've madesome adjustments in the a. Stierwalt said, the Warriors made up for

3 defense- to'compensate fQr Lordsburg's t1mt with a good workoutTuesday.passing gsme," Stierwalt saId. "WlIen "Yesterday was a pretty fair practice,"they're in Clertaln sets they'll throw the he saId.' "It's the first ~e in four weeksball. We'll ~lme Ollt of the l).3 and run a that we've bad all 'the kids together.

., ,

GIFTS!'. Merle. Ndrman (osmeties

. ADOB~ PLAtA, ,

. -.' .'.

",", ,

-~---ORIEH1At-fOOD' ----~..

, '&e'Y Frldav Hight.


" . .PHONe· f51-fifS . ,, .... . ~ ~


Williams nev,e·r falls short


We sat in the dark caused by an ap­parent power failure, the only source ofllght comingfrom the opendoor which alsolet in the 30 degree temperature. Rllidosoquarterback Borde Wlillams sat acrossfrom me clad only in shorts and a T-shlrtand dutifully answered all questlons I·threw hill way. Every now and then awarm smUe would flash acroSll hJs boyishface.

Wll1Iams' manner bt!Iied tlmt of a 17­year-old. HIs answers were calculated andthen revealed with a soft-&pcken con.fldence. There Is not another posltlon onthe field that would!uive s!!lted this yOWlgman. The quarterback position relies on apel'llOll with cool under fire and yet aburning intensity to win. Those are BordeWIlUams' qualities.

There was II time, however, whenWllllamsdidn'tthinkhewaseutout'loplayql1lltterhack.

''The first time I played organizedfootball with coaches was in seventhgrsde," he asid. "I was a llght end alld adefensive end. About the middle of theelghth grade (former Ruldoso coach)coach Howell wanted me to play quar­terback 80 [moved to quarterback.

"At first I didn't think I'd llke It. Later011 it was alright. Before I was asopbOlllore I liked def~ more than [liked Qffense. Offense Is okay but defenseIs more fuo," Williams said.

Up until last Friday's game withTularosa, wmmms had been lefloout of thefun since hls sopbomoreyear.. LaslFriday,head coach Darrel Sti'erwalt insertedWilliams into the lineup. SUerwalt hadkept him out of the defense for fear of'Injury. That Is bow valliable Williams Is tothe warrioroffenile. .

E:veD though William. had to sit on thebench and watch the def~ the first'seven games of the season, be managed tocircumvent his frustration at not beingallowed to help them out.

"n has not really been frustrating," hesaid. "ourdefense bas beensuperaUyear.I think. The coaches can't put me out onthe field and I expect to tum the wholedefensearound"

Even though Williams may Dot Imve hadas much fun playing offense as defense,tbel'l! Is one thing that is certain: BordeWlllistJ1!lgave \Werythlng be had.

"I think t1mt's the only thing yOIl cando," he said. "If you think you've doneyour bestthere's notmueb elseyou can do•.You should try to be the best at what youdo.;'

Being the best at what he does has notcome easily lor WIIUams thJs year. I!ut beIs satistll!d personally with his per-.

_~ormance•._, .. . ,,__~ ""Perllllllally, [think I've done alright,"

he said. "I could Imve done heUer. There'salwayS t1mt room to do better."

Aithough WIll1ams is satisfied witb hispei'sOnal performance he Is Wldoubtedlydisappointed with the season as a whole.But he tries not to let the losses l<eep him

of giving best effort


Page 6: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

i' ,•.•• ,- ".' ',. .' '.' ":' '. ':'" "',. ,',•

, .

". \.. ';~,' itttA


.Go SpelChristi books ....

Music ,;.. ...d Cif,s

Now OpenlS0tS,dd.rt"


Trout limitsto be doubled

The possession limit on trout will hedoubled to 16 next :year as the result ofState Game CommIssIon aellon Friday,llCCOrding to Fisheries DivisIon ChIef R.L.Brashears, Department ofGame and Fish.

In adopting the 1979·198D fishIngregulations, the commission voted 3-2 toincrease the possession limit, currentlythe same as the da!ly bag limit of eight.Beginning April 1, 1979. the bag limit willbe eight trout per day, with a total or up to18 in possession.

The commission comldered VllriOUSpieces of legislatlllll proposed by Ute Gameand FishDepartment for submission to the1979 Legislative session, approving sub­mission of one bill that would extendcommission authority to cover nongameanimals lI,S cleemed necessary anel anotherthat wquld amenel the HWiter Training ,Act. .


•'", •

"\"• t.\.! .'

of Lubbock, Texas, was ridden bylOckey Laroy LeIghton ofRuidoso Downs. The Means a.re wurth and fifth from the left,Leighton Is next, beslde M.rs. West. West Is standIng, handupraised. at Pepper's heild.

... .......'

'''!''~~ ..':7:"']

Preparation 1$ a key to an enjoyable and, "and II vehlcle that b properly pnipMoo issuccessful deer hunt; and New Mexico's far more likely to get~ I1wlte!' into, andgeneral big game season, by far the most back ou~ of, Ute bunting field. ldeally. IIpopular hunt In the state. bless than three hunter's vehlcle should lie equipped withweeks away. . mud and snow tires. a first IIld kit, tow and

Jesse WIIUlIms, chief or the Game and tire chains, II tool kit and emergency spareFish Department's Public Affairs partsklt,lI gOodjaclumdllSpare tire."Division, said that much of the preparation .could begin now, "avoiding Utat Iutminute rush that results in packing thewrong ammunition, forgetting Ute license,or leaVing the cooking 011 and can openeraat home."

Items that could be prepared I\OW In·elude the hunting vehicle, campingequipment, hunting equipment - and thehunter.

"It's not too late to at least tone upmuscles by walking, bicycUng, swimmingor jogging." WllUeIl1ll .sald, "although acrash physical cOIIditioningattemptwouldprobably not be wise. Mule deer are besthunted back away from roads and c0m­monly used trails and that meall$ II lot orwalking." .

Utilizing a good backstop, hunterashould be certain their rifles are s1(lhted Inproperly. by the hunter who will use therifle. and wlUt the same amm\l!lltion to beused during the hunt. An Impact point orabout one Inch above the bu.U!eye at 100yards is good for most biggame rifles.

"It's going to be time to wllterizevehicles soon anyway." WUJlalllll said,.. ~

Preparafio.nkeyto ,hunting·success

•,,' ,



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AN ALTERNATIVE TO POLITICIANSPromise number seven:To be an administrator and law egforcement afficer

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CONTINENTAL MOTORS . Zuni deer herd .IN ALAMOGORDO stud, launched

HAS EXPANDED TO RUIDOSO i' New Mexfco Game and Fish Qepart.(formerly Gateway Texaco) . • ment lliologists are helping the Zuni

N AND D·OMESTIC Indians, United states Fish and WildlifeSPECIALIZES IN FOREIG ! Service and the United States Bureau ofCAR REPAIR. VW's, OUR SPECIALTY 8 YEARS EXPERIENCE . Reclamation capture and tag c1eer this

OPEN AT 8 A.M.week as part of a deer herd populationstudy being lamched on Ute Zuni Reser·

l1:;;:::;:.......=7'...::=="~=7":::::;::::.-.::;:::::;:; ......:;:::7'o:;;;;;:::::'roo::::;::;;;?""";;;;;;1""OliY. vatlon.~ M Harold Oison, director of the state________________________ • agency, said the elepartment's biologists

haveaIso belped Ute tribe design thestudy.Information from It tan be correlated withdata gathered by the Game and FishDepartment from Its deer studies in

• norUtern and southwestern New Mexico.ThIs week, the department is furnishing

equlpment - including a 1.500-foot-Iongbarrier net - and experienced persOlUIelto belp capture and radio coUar deer forthestudy.

Olson said the department was the firstagency to use the barrier netforcapturingmule deer, which are driven into It byhelicopter. .

The Zuni study will have alms similar tothose of Ute research wtderway by theGame and Fish Deparbnent, 01soll said.Researchers will attempt to elefinepregnancy rates, fawning rates, herdmovements and C8.lIlles of mortality in thestate's cleat berds,

Tip·leads toheavy fine

Highlights of last Monday's bowlingwere the collection of two spUts, one byNancy Melton of Jack's Burgers whocollected the 3-lD and the other by GingerWilson of Jack's Burgers who flattened the5-7-ID.

A southeastern New Mexico man,cOllvicted of illegally killing an antelopeafter an Operation Game Thief COOT) callalerted officers, was fined the statutory$400 fine plus an additional $100 In civildamages.

Stephen E. Lynch. 28, Hobbs, NewMexico, was fined by Hobbs MagistrateDonald Hallam last week. Hallam chargedLynch wIth Illegal possession of the an·telope.

Operation Game Thiefcallernwnber 401Is eligible to receive a $250 reward andmay arrange for collection by call1ngooTcoordinator Dan Pursley at the toll freenwnbe!', 1-800-432-4253. The caller reportedthat the antelope was allegedly klUedseptember 28 approximately 25 milesnorthwest of Roswell.


CHAMPION RUNNiNG MULe of the '1978 MUIe-O·Ram.. atRuidoso Downs, Pepper, Is shown in the winner's cl.rcle wearingthe Elmer Hepler' Memorial blanket. Pepper. owned ~y Mr. andMrs. B. E. West of Ruidoso Downs and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Means

,,', " '

tDenny's Tire and Autoleads Monday keglersDelU1Y's Tire and Auto regained sole

possession of first place In lhe MondayNlte Mixeel BowUng League, moving twofull games in front yf its nearestchallenger, Jack's Burgers.

Denny's has a 12-4 recorel compared toJack's 1006, In third place is Western Autowith a 7-1 record, followed by HaIr Affairwith an 8-4 record, In fifth place isJaurequis' with a 5-4 record. closelyfollowed by two teams with 9-7 records,Win, Place and Show and Timber'sTbwnhouses.

Heading out the lower echelon areClarke's Chapel of Roses with a 5-7 record,Ruidoso Music with 1-15 and Dairy Queenheads the bottom wiUt an (HI record.

Jaurequis', despIte Utelr middle Of the'road standings In the league, hold the highteam series maTh with 2,331 pins. secondplace Jack's Bl\I'gers hold Ute high gameteamscore at 805.

Holding individual marks for the highseries in the men's class Is Gene Scott orJaurequls' with a 534, For the women,Annie Kelth of Win, Place and Show headsthe'pacTnvith a senes total of 435.

Leading the pack In the men's hjgh In­dividual game total Is Gene Scott with a189, pursued closely by Fred Tennant ofJack's Burgers wllh a 188. For the women,Betty Day of Win. Place and Show has thehigh score for the individual game with a17D.

•'MeIliiidu.eifliillieUSO•. -


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u.s. COINS



The Superior. LandscapeMarble that Is exceplicnallyand conslslently WHITE. bagafter beautiful bag.COVERAGE: OnD 50 lb. bogwWI COy" In DrDa 01approxlml1aly 5 sq. ft.

SALE 51" reg. 5ra



Method u.ed In the 1960'.

FEEL THE WARM.TH or_.... .. ..... .. -.. -




PrIvate coUector will pay the above prices for coins IIated. TraliSactloJ1ll over$100.00 at bank only. SmaU Quantitles: Bring by Jack's Burgers In Upper Canyon.Phone 257·2812. Premiums paid on older and rare date coins.

WILL PAYU.S. Dime. dated 1964 and before ...............•3$c eac"U.S. Quarter. dated 1964 and before •..•... , ...•.. 8Bc eachU.S. Half Dollars dated 1964 and before ..•..... " •1.75 eachU.S. Sliver Dollars dated before 1964 ..•.. , ..•..•. 4.50 eachEisenhower Dollars (1973) , 2.00 each$5 U.S. Gold , , , 60.00 eoch

. $10 U.S. Gold ; , , .. , 110.00 each$20 U.S. Gold , , 220.00 eachClass Rings (any condition) , l1.00each


.Pa e 6 - RuidoSO [N. M.l Newi.!!!I!!!!!~TIl~,"ur!i$iclap",.,.Ocjlj'••toiiibeiiilr.2ii6ii1'.1i!1~.7l!......


lOX 964 -. '"ONI 257·2"1 0.1 ,2570$054 .RUIDOSO, NEVI MEXICO ••345 1 ',.. ' .


Owners: AI and Charlene Ward 'Abstractor: P~tt Bel'.winge"t, ,



Page 7: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


• •

' ...

•p. p,.p .F- ,F,:....!!' IS ,h ..'7 P::;: If,P. PIl!"'__ ;a..,P., , A ,.¥4."W· P ,R"..,.---'I1Oi .-,.--0,.,.----.1'" .,,"' l"C'.,., ,,-.


#2 ·P.;; P.'? -P :;:a

.,'. ',


" .J!

-_._. ~-~_ ..

- . , .

1100 Sudderth DriveRuidoso, New Mexico



H1 l-O PRECIP.·73 31 0'12 2S011 22 011 40 .fr65 45 .48-36----32-- -.•223'iz52 31 .2*

prec!plflltiOIl this 1Ii000th~ .84".Precipitation thlJiyeur'-'-"11.Ii1"

, Snow thlllyear~52'iz1t


RuidO$O IN. M.J News - Page 7 ... ,~"', .' . .',!",.,~, .'.:" ~

The law offices of







.. ,.

DURRm, CONWAY, O'REILLY & JORDONA Professional Corporation

are pleased to announce thatLee Hucks,tep

has associatedwith the corporation

at its otf)ce in Ruidoso.The corpQration maintains

its offiees at



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307 Eleventh StreetAlamo90rdo, New Mexico


, .


. ... -

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pd.liiil.O.\I. .:................:...

. '1Thursday - Sloppy Joe on a Bun,Buttered Com, Cabbage Slaw,ClnnamllJl Roll§, Milk.


Friday - Cheese RaVioli, GreenBeans. Vegetable Salad. Hoi Rolls,Cook's Choice ofDesserts.Milk.

Monday - Bean & Meal BuiTltos,Taco sauce, Vegetoble salad. Mb:edFruit. Milk.

Tuesday - Witch's Slew.Vegetable Salad, Pumpkin Cake orPie. Com Bread, MIlk.

Wednesday - Cook's Choice.Milk.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-.•••••'.•••••~.•••--.••:•••'.••'.••"--e --+..

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~'.'''... ---- ._'.~.'-". -- ... " --


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Kenneth Reamy • driller •Phone 505·35,4·2470Hollis Cummins • partnerpllC»ne 505·354·2219Evenings 505·354·2429




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••••••••••••.'••••••••••••••••... _-_.



The three Tigerette VQlleyball teamswere in action agalnst Tularosa October21, Iri the capitan gym.

After a slow first game. the Varsityc:ame on strQngto bl!8tTuiarosa.15-17. 15:-li,and 15-4. In the first game for Capitan,Cindy CUne bad 6 polrits. sally Aber­crombie • 4. Donna Cooper and KathleenstQry-2each. and Lisa Lamb-I.

In the second game for capitan. CoqIer . UNICEF TRICK.OR.TREAThad 7. Lamb - 4. story· 3. and Jackie •DeWeber • 1. In the third and deciding October 30 Is the djlle set for this year'sgame, Cooper had 7, story. >C1lne and UNICEF c:ampal"gn Iri Capitan. TheDebby Womacle - 2 eactJ, and Lamb and capitan Woman's Club Isagalri sponsoringDebbie Castillo -1 each, the trick-or-treat in cooperation with the

For the Junior VarsIty, the resulls were Tigerettes. Capitan High Sc:hoo!'snot as pleasant as they were beaten 4-15 volleyball team. 'and 3-15. Scoring in the first game was The girls will he comlrig house-to-houseBeth Long • 2, Becley Jones and MarIe with special UNICEF canons between theLobb • 1 each. III the second game, Jooes hours of '1 and 9 p.m. Anyone wishing tohad 2polrits and Valerie Luna -1. dooate outside the Capitan area may send

The JuniorHigh group.started things orr their contribution to Mrs. Marlene Lobb,in a WinnIng manneras they won byscores treasurer; Capitan Woman's Ciub;of 15-12 and 15-13. In the first game Terri Capitan, N. M.88316.WOmack bad 9 polrits, Pattr ~uey andDeLois Hobbs· 2 each. C1sudla-Branum INSTA'L'LATIONand Usa Schear - 1 each. In the serond ~~,1'........ •..gllD1e Hobbs had 6, DenISe Bhcll· 4, ElI~ ,,In a candiellBbt ceremony. tile officersLong- 2. Ronda Extor. Judy,TrujWo arid fir £he 1971J:.79 Capftan Cb8pter of theVivian Griego-I each. . • • . Future Homemakers or America were•ThIs ends the season for the JuniorHIgh lnstalIed. The 1ristaUIrig.. officer was Mrs.

andJuntorVarslty teams. The JuniorlDgh Debbie PadUla, fonner member or theMembers were Denise Baca, Rebecca ,~~ FHA-

Ronda E... Capi."....Barber, Claudia Branum, A'or, corsages were presented to Mrs. PadillaVivian Griego, DeLoIs HobbS, PattlHueY, and Mrs. Angelina Provine, the cllapterEUen LllJIg. Janice Morerod. Usa SChear. advisor. Mrs. Provine was also recognizedTammY Shafer, Judy TruJWo, Renita as the State Chapter Advisor of the'YearTru!Wo, Terri Womack and Gloria for New Mexico. She was presented azamora. Thecoach was BWMac:Veigh. special giftby the chapter. '

The JV members under coach Jimmy The Capitan Chapler was privUegedBizzell wereMaryAllred,Sandy Cranweu, to have Debbie Casiillo attend the nationalLucy Herrera, Becky Jones, Marie Lobb, convention, held in Florida this pastRegina Lobb, Beth Long, Valerie Luna, summer,asastatedelegale.LauraHardyJana PauerandReneeRlchardsoo. of the loesl chapter also attended the

The Varslty will now prepare for the conveltioo and this year serves as a stateDIstrict Rolllld Robin Tournament. The officer. She Is vice-president of StateTlgeretles stan the tourn

inCaampltanent. Thoff Projects.

plsylrig Hondo at 11 a.m., • e In the presence of the other members ofTIgeretles are looking to the top seedlag, the chapter. parents, grandparents,so rome outand walch saute volleyball

, ~

", . . , .. '.'.'.' .•..'.~..•.•..' ..:.•.....•. '.' :.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:: ".

Capitan juniorsr·"0'·'n·· 0'v·e:..- ·G·····n·..•",,,Ji.•QQ '-~.- '·~~;~:~~;~~l_~.,~_._~·.~.to,.~~:,·~~:.:.:~_. ._..~-':;_ .. ,. . w , :.:

. ".I... '~ .~ L.I.; '-'~----._-. ,. . . II Fr Lath ."•.............., ~ ,. ..._ :::.. ',. ,',' '.. '.' ';." ... ...•.. . . . '... . ,The ROswell Sympllony WiU ~rfor.n~~::'M~M::. :nl;iwu3r':'Toni Si:lJ~ r:~i~·;D·IT·E~jNCANbIDATEFar. CO. COMMisSIONER , !~!

Monllaylil the high IIcbooJ gY!n aQO:3l) brou&ll,SIISIlll'J'I'llV\!! lIJld JulieROllers•. ; !i . w n , ", . DISTRICT II . '. !,!The capitan Junior High footb,,!! team I;XT~NSION (LUI MEETS 'I.'b! B}'PIphO!iY wi!!. be under.tbedlr~on . Sophomores'toddPerteet!l!ld Lou MIl :::.':.' J·O'..HN. A.. H..I.GH'Ta~\.."En.. '::':,:.'t.raveled to Carrizozo \list Th~y and of John li'!llT4lr. and incllldes sbUY mem- Wilson were .Crowned Band Sweethelil1 , . . ..' ' VV 1'\ :

had,abigW!nlTheyta11ledthe,JuniorlDgh The Capillln E$nsiQn Club lIeldttwir bers. They W\Upla)' Beve~ ~ieees In- andMr.RhfihrQilHIPr!l1lllmeshowatthe .Grizzlies bythesC:QI'tl of 26-0. . rellU1llrmee~g,9ctll1Jer19I1ttheCaPltan l:!udlng, "The Dance ofCQDJedlBns," by TlIlarosa g"me laBtFrJdllY. Other· !! J HONEST _WILLING _CAPABLE .. !!

.' Capjtan Wasted no time lill!howlrig the Fair BUUdlrig WlPLfo~n metllbel'll Smetenll; anXndianpiece, "WIlY the DW:~ iIll!mbersof the j:Qurt were ~nlorsli1lo)' ~::. .nmiTE MY' NAME' JN POSITIO.N 25 O.N B.ALLOT' :.:.!.GrizzUes the)' were IlQing tQ liVenge the1. l!~D;. HostesBeswere Kay .strlcldand has'a Short TaU,.. ·by Louts.aauard Ul AInIager.and'Kelly HllmIlton, B!ld Jwllors. W 1,'1

610!lSsur~';.redt ~~lither ~,~aso\dnck' ~ad)' an481lal'llli Horton. . ts Santa. Fe, kl":'ldh· USYmPhhony_}mlsesV'"btoY R1cb8i'd WIlOdUlllllndRboJida RaW"!cliff. !i' . . ABOV ELEE STRAlEY. .• ,!

Leli1I!1ri....e 00" e ..........,g ..... on ,The FOllI'liJlI .9! flower a!TBng8llJ,en Tschalkows. T e symp ony ....~ . A nationahc:l!opl aljll(!lllbly w be hell\, .' . ' U A GOOD COAAAAISSIONEr. .'aooutthe 15:yardline atill ran ital1 the way was led by l.4rel\ll caywood and Sharon be enjoyable forth~e who atterJ<!-This Tilesday, Oclob!lr 31, 9 aim. in.the gym,!! I'LL MAKE YO .. .. ' .n~n . "":"'.•~.. i1

bac:k for the touc:hdown. The PA'1'faUed Hortoo. Arrang~~lDts"ere made by perfOl'll!8n~ luis been pIllde possible by featUl'iIlg Fo.l'e'$t HobbIJ. a r!lPe Bp!nner t , , '..,..' , ' , ' , ,, ,., ,.,:, ,., ,: ,..' ', ': , :':'..?bllt Ciipitlln had the ll!8d they never Daylene lIueY, Kay Strickland, Doris tbemOlleY donated by service clubS, and bullwhip artist. .relinquIShed. .LoUi,Lorene caywQOd andSluiron Horton. . townspeopleaild stUdents Iri a drive.led b)' Two new students enrolled tills

On Capitan's nellt offensive series, The progrilm for November 16 will be Mts. M.I\. DelllO\aI and assisted by DlIIUIYweele, are freshmen 'Brent rolbert andE;ldridge raced li5 yardS OV~r the. rlghtslde ChrlstmllS idlllJs. MsQ,. different. holiday Flores,highschOllI balJddlreclor. Marcie ThomJlllon.to score agalri. The extra poIrit try faUed gifts will be p1'eS~nled by. Mary EUenTen members. of the human.lties class, TClday, October 20. schOllI pictures wereagain butthe Tigers led lz.D. Payne at this meeting, The gifts ll!Jn be taught by Raymona Ml:Ads.DIS toole a field made for grades 9-11. ..

In the third quarter, Robert P!lrker, used fOr Easter.ValentlneDay,Chrjstmas 'riP to the Buc:khorn Foundry, owned by Teachers and students are prepanngforquartFrb

ac1l:. caugbl a pass from li1ldridge and special occasions. EveryllJle Is en- Tom and Dorothy Knapp. While the the nine wce1l:s tests to be given next week,

and went 60 yards fol' th~ touchdown eouraged to join thegroup., students were there they were shown October 30 through November 3. Reportmaldngthe score 18-0. COOkbooks are still avaUable from any slides on the lost wale process of casting cards, will be lJand.edout Wednesday,. The last touchdown came Iri the fourth club member. . bronze statlles. They lIIso saw sllllri glass Novembere. ." . .quarter asParker sCQred llgain. This time Wlndow~ and works done in pastels and Ttlll, glr!s' voUeYballteam travel.ed toIt was ona run around the right,side. The :A1HI,ETlC CI,.UB watercolo",.Studenls participating were: Alamogordo October 11 to play the Tigers.two point conversion was good 0Ii a ron by Chris Carson. Lisa Delhotal, Andrea BOth the Yal'Sily and JV lost. JV lost by theJames Ramirez, bringlrig the final score to The capItan Athletic: Club met Octoher scores of 14-16,and. 9-15. Patsy Almager26-0. ' 19 in thesc:hoolc:afeterla. Every meetlrig Is hollorarymembers and Special guests, the and Gleda Bob scored sa points each. TIle

According to Coach Jimmy Bizzell, it a pot luck supper with stsrtlrig time at following officers were, installed. Varsity lost by the scores of 7-15 and 4-15.was a great team victory. All the ooys 7:30. Parents are needed. President _ Xda TrlIjillo, vice-president· Krlstl Perryman s~ored fiye points.perfonned 100 percent. The defense Dues al'jl $10 per family or $5 for an Debbie castillo. secretary· JouneU West, October 21 the girls tralleled to Hatch,,perfonned extremely well in holding individual for oneyear. treasurer - Laura Hardy, historian -Marie Again. the girls lost. JV lost by the scoresCarrizozo scoreless and the offensive line The ciub baa decided to purchase two Lobb. viee-presldent of public relations - of 11-15 alll;\ 6-15. Brlgld Almager andblocked well to help make the 26 points retractable pracllce goals for the g)'Dl. Lucy Herrera. parliamentarian - David Connie Howard each scored four polrits,possible. These are badly needed for practice Rooles and advisor - Mrs. Angelina Varsity lost by !he Bocres .of ll-15. 15-7 and

sessiOlllland it Is hoped the other two gollls Provine. 1-15. Amy Boone scored nlrie points. andwillbepllrchasedlllso. ' , CathYJ~nesscoredthree.

.' . A very, aUracllve orange and biack MARK YOUR CALENDAR A ...... "'to f d/)oct!lPUS was won byJan Cox. . V'~,,,,,, 'to

The orange jacket with .the Tiger em- October 26-27 - No school for Capitan LAROYSblem may be purchased from the club for Students. TeacherIn-8erviceTralrilrig. .$10 each Octotier26 _ District Round RoblriOffice~ for 1976-79 are president - Hob Tournament In Capjtan Gym at 11 a.m. :\9.}' PItODUCt'S

Lucero, vice-president· Ralph Barber and Teams are Capitan, Carrizozo. Cloudcroft. "to . pre..nI, ",. I~secretary-treasurer-GiendaBooher. Hondo and LIllee Arthur. Each team will . SCHOOL LUNCH MENU.

Thenext meeUng is November 16. play every other team. There wUl be 10matchesduring the day.October 30 - Trick-or-Treat for UNICEFby Capitan Tlgerettes sponsored by theCapitanWoman's Club, from 710 9 p.m.October 31 - Halloween Carnival in OldGymfl'(lm 7·9:30 p.m.November 3 - Foolball - capitan Tigersplay Carrizozoin capItan at7:30 p.m.


l'he brother - sister team' of Grady Leand Shelly Eiidridge Is the New MexldlStale Champions in Team Ropmg Iri the 12 "-'r~"1ii'lige-gi'ifup;-T~iItranu un er -"-" ' J.e_f' ....=eo''competedin the~ewM.~lUcO'·.wllor null

ASsociation (mals held m Belen·~. . .'. ' 'Both Grady Le arid SheUyqualifled for'

twolridlvldual events besides the team ,rOji!llll. Toquallty fOr the flnsls,con·

,testartIs mual compete arid place iii rodeos,beld IM)ughout the state frolil Aprll'.througbOcto!ler.. .', ' .. '. Grady,.Le also flJushed ,sel:cllldlli,breakaway rophlg al1f:1 thlrd~ iii stee,rriding. Slielly, firtfllhed. third mgoat tYingand fiftll in Ibe b!J~rei~"qll •. _. _

.. .. , 'Congratulations to ooth Of them!


It's a long way across New Mexico toReserve but the ride back hlDle can seemendless Ifyou lose a football game. TIlat'swhat happened to the Capitan Tigers lastFriday. The Reserve Mountaineersstunned the capitanTigers20-6.

The game was tied ~ after threequarters of play. The Tigers led onpenetrations 3-2. but the last two minutesof the game broUght doom to the TIgers.Two penaIltles against Capitan OIl thesame play - a live ball penalty and adeadball penalty - gave Reserve the ballinside the Tiger 20 yard Une. Reserve thenscored on the next play.

After Capitan received the ball theywere trylJ1g to tIe the game upbyuseoCtileairways. On the last play of the gameReserve intercepted a pass and ran itbackfor the final touchdown.

capitan's sa points were scored byMatestewart ona 74yanl run

totat' off'

-~-.capitlurlllrd~ardsin . ense ,1$0 yards for Reserve. Capitan doubledReserve in anQther category.-.Tbe Tigerswere called for 18 penalties of 190 yardsand Reserve 8penalties for 90 yards. ,

Some indillidnal statlStlc~ saw StilWartchwith 180 Y.8ros on 21 carries and IU

sanchez ,103 .yards on 18 Carries. Quar­terback Adam A1daz was 8 for 20. passingfor 00 yards. ,

Capitan 0 06 0 - 6Reserve 0 6 0 14 • 20

". I,.


Page 8: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

( """',' .. ' ,

" , "

...,,'.''' ..

. ..,

".,,." ",...

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, , ".'..,.. " "', ". . -. ,t·.·· ..••. , ,"".'

Page 8 - Ruidoso [N. M.] News Thursdav, Octo~r26,.1978 .... . » ..' , '-. . " ••• ' • ,. •.•••••••. . •. ,. . ; •.••••.•• , ••••.•••.••..! •• " '." '.' ',' ••••••' ••••••,••••••••' ••••••••• ' , ••••' •••••', ••: •••.•:•• ,.j'.;.;••••;•••;.;.;.;••••.•••••• ,'••••••••••••;••·.·.·4'll,'.·.·4~..·."4·.-;O.~~·.·..·.·.·.-;:".~·.·.·.·.· ·.·.-·.~4·.·.'.·.·.·.· '.·.~.·~.·.·4·b~.·.·~ ·•·.·.·•· , :.•.:!o..~.:.:.:.~-:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.:+i.' •••••••••'•••••••••••••••••••••••:•••••'.:.:.:.·••·,.·~.·••:I:.:.·•.:.:-~..;.~.:.:.~.:.·.·.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.;.:.:;:..' •.~.:••.:..;.:.:,.:•••:-:••.:•••:I"••••t ••"";.·.·.·.·.·.·.·4·.·.·.'.·.·.t.t.~•••.•.•••..•.•.••.•..•••••'. '.~.' •.•.•.•••.•.•.••••..•.•.••••••.1£.....y.:.~.;.:.!•••:.~~~.~;:.:.~ •.:.:.:.:o:.:~,•..:.:.:.:-·.:.:.:.:.~.~.:.·.:.~.·.·l.·.·...·•·•.·.·./.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· ·.·1.·•...••..••.• r •••• •.••.• ,., ••., .•~ •.• ,., .... t" •..~," •.•.' .•••... < ••n. ..:" •. ,. .". .', " ..

I . .. . '.' • • ~


. .


,.. . ... ~

... ' ,.. ..

"... ._-


WESTERN TRUCK & AUTO410 Sudd(;'rth-t1,rr-oss fo"rom Sart'n'ay

('U.",tllnl \'aJL'i·Cu.st~JmTru('ksN('w 1\'111 Cs«'d Cars and l'r u{'k!'i

Ralph n,oJhlll' 257-2090,7-5509Bub P'·aU· 25j·2090. 7-7607

llill t:illlrln- 257·2090,7-7121

WESTERN TRUCK & AUTOAcross From Safeway

LAST OF THE 1978460's1978 Mark V, Low Mileage

1978 Two·Door Lincoln COupe.Low Mileage

1978 ChevrsoU)10 PickupWith (.,..,,, Shell

1973 aids ~tatlonWagon,Loaded

-Come By Or Can~Ralph Bellon

251-2090 or 2$7·5$09Bob Pratt

257·2090 or 257-7607Bill Uihlein

2$7-2090 or 257-7121

3 BEDROOM - mOOUe, 1"" bath. fullycarpeted, washer, dryer, dishwasher.PhCllle 2$7-2483. N-4&-ttc

1972 OLPS DELTA 88 ~ 4 door. ~motor, 4 new steel belted radial tires.Best offer liver $1500, call:l57-2933 or 257­4029. 46-2tp

1966 FORD - "" ton pickup, standard, V~,'llCcellent condition, 4 ll~ tires, $1500.:157-7450. P-46-tfc

TWO B'SDIt()()M -' furnished cabin,scohic view, 2 story, large patio, t250,plUS depllSit, referetlces. AvtillableNovElllloor 1. Phone 915.755-2410, bet-ween7a.m. and.10 a.m. ,41. 2tp


1974 JEIilP WAGONEIl:R ~ 4 WD,V-ll,. loaded, autoPUltic. Al,I,to Wholesale. 2J12

S. Main, Ruswell. 62:1-7755., 46-2tp

•1972*TON - GMCSierra Grande p1c!nill.

V-ll, p.s. Wt wheel, disc brakes, Ale,extra clean, best offer. 251-li97~ Ol' 251­5676. S-45-3te-

FOR SALE - 1964. Oldsmobile StaUOIIWligOll, clean, new tires, new valve Job,$500•.257-5389. P-454fc

----------~~--------FOR SALE - 1954 4 eyllnder Jeep ~tatiQll

wagon. Recent engine, lransmi$Sion,transfer case uverllaul. Recent paint,upholstery, head liner. 5 new mud andsnow tires. $1500. Phone 251-5396. 46-3m

197~ DATSUN 13-210 - gas saver, hpeed,radioand air.2S1·2483. N-4:;.uc




1914 J)ODGE - Ram ChIlrger, 4-wblltlldrive for sale. Phon~257·2417. lH7-2tc

19661NTIi:RNATlONAL-I ton flatbed, V­8,4 speed, Auto Wholesale. 2112 S. Main,Roswell, 623-1155. 46-2tp--------------_.....

1911 FORD - "14 ton picI<\lp, IIl1ided, 400engine, Itanger. Auto Wl\l)lesale, 2112 SoMIiin, Roswell. 623-7755. 464tP

ma CAMARO =type LT=,-'w-:l::"t:ii-4:-"spe-ed':",air, $'1,000. Call 257-7l20. 46-2tp

--------------------1969 GMC - plekup, "" ton, V-ll, 4 speed.Auto Wholesale, 2112 S. Main, Roswell,623-7755. 46-2tp

1969 UNCOLN - 4 door, good conditiOn.COntact Mr. Derry, 3111-4469. 41·2m

FOR SALE - 11115 ~ WD SCout, fullyloaded, AlC, automatic transmission,P.S., AM-ll trnek stereo, very clean,after5, 257-7040. B-4Uie

1971 DODGE COMMANDE~ - 24 ft.motor home, fully seU-contalJled, newcarpet, upholstery, new Michelin tires, 2air condltlonel'll, power plant. lowmileage. ('.alllJ06.99503559 before.8 p.m.or995-4725or995-3432. B-34-tfc-

---_...._------------1978 SUBARU - Brat, air, radlo, heater,

8,000 roUes, excellent condition. $4,350,Phone25~2~. H-46-tfu


1 El'SDROOM TRAILER - fnr ~lngle orcouple, good location, $165, bills paid.CaU251-4871after6 p.lII. tt-4Htc~ ..._....... -FOR R'SNT - 3 bedroom mobUe bnme, .

--$$150-montlh-Phone--318'457ih!ftet5:00 .p.m. 45-4tp- .. .,

AVAlt.ABU: NOVEMB'SR 1ST ~ 3bedroom, 2 bath, colr'lenlent location.phot\e2a7-4574. So«-tfe




- ...'-c:;-.- ;._, '


-257-4418­Mrs. Inez Killebrew

Tepee Cabinsand

Trailer SpacesOnTht Ri~er

In Walking Distance ofShoppingCenttr

. -. i.~.'·'~,,·h~






OdOBER21...289:00 A.M•• 6tOO p.M.



.DISHES ·trtENsns'-ETC.-ETC.

FIREWOOD... __.__Mixed--C:ol'ds----·­

PHON£ 354-2486OR 336-4361

MINUTE - car wash, $3.00. Check In ouroffice for some bargains in used ap­pliances. Max Oliver, Chaparral 66serviceStation, Ruidoso Downs. Q.46-lfc


FOR SALE - 8 ft. velvet couch In goodcondition. Phone257·2079 after 5:00p.m.C·~6·2tc

FOR SALE - Jersey herd, mixture, bullaand cows. canafter7 p.m. 37114820, Q.4&.

. Hc

-_.-_.------------GlRI8' - 18" bike for sale, only $20, In

good condition. Call 257-4211 after 3:30p.m. . .46-21p--_._---------

HORSE FOR SALE - 2 year old filly,gentle, phone 1-354-2651. T-33-tfc

'---_._--------CUSTOM MADE - DraperIes, pillows.

bedspreads, accessories. We measureand make to order. select from hundredsof beautlfulfabrics at Gambles. G-23-tfe

RINSE AND VAC - Shampooer. $12 a dayat MinitMart FoQdStore. ~7-2307. M-ll­tfc

MOBILE HOME SUPPLIES - licensedand bonded for mobile home repairs andset ups. Free B&W 12" T.V. with thcpurchase of a 10x20 (or larger) patiocover. Warranty MoblleSupply.l08 EastTilden, Roswelt. NM,I-li23-4552. W-9-Uc

---......--....,...-...--.........._---_.,.---BLACK LEA'l'HER~ couch, Jl4lw;cot{ee

table. small table and 4 chairs. Phone~~~, . ~Hm

,........_~-_...-- ...-:---~----.........-

THREE TIWLER HOUSE AJU,ES - 2with electrie brakCl>, I regular axle; 1bicycl~ rack for car; lldlustabl~~k1 rack·for car, 257-4252 after5 p.m. 4ii-3tp

-....,..-----.--- • 'j .-

ANTIQUE PENNY ARCADE - sliootinggame. ~7-2-U7. lHii-2tc


DR•.,J, It. KUHN. CllIR,Ol'RACT9:RMecbem Dr. -RnldosoX·Ray - Aeupuncture


25'l-2028 DayorNlgbt~ ,


Bobbie Abel257-5656


.._ ....... • 'm.. "_·..·_ ..• ,_. ".._ ...... _ •

EXPER'J' REPAIRSSewing Machtne~alld VaCUlllll8


~ontg()DleryWard StoreatPlaza ·Center

Across Fr()Dl Ruldll8l! State BaPkFREE IN-IITOR.E F$l1MATES

10 Yean ElI)lCrleJ!ee With SlDger CO.MondayThrn Friday

Ull.m. til 3 p.m.

FOR SALE - railroad cross-Ues, call 257-5410. Hours: 8-5, Mon-Sat. 009-tfe

FRIGlDAlRE - refrlgemtor and freezer'combination; also 1m Cllevrolet. Callafter 3:00p.m., 257-7545. G-45-3tc

NEARLY NEW - pop-up camper, sleeps~, iee bolt, stove, electrie, Slnk-water.Rierson MObile Homes. 37114740.R-45-3te

tJNCOLN COUNTY - Trading Post RealEstate, Red Blll'JI Antiques. Used diningroom set., table with leaf, 6 chairs andbuffet, clark wood, very good condition.Slightly used cabinet table, 20"X39",expands with 4 leaves to make diningtable 39""80", excellent piece for smallquarters, fonnlca top on cabinet andleaves, walnut color. Pbone 257-43«. P-~1-4tc •

USED RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT -for sale. Call257-2~17. S-41-2tc

••_ .... ' __ • _ ..w ,

LOST - one blllCk lab/golden mix dog.New Hampshire tags. Reward. Call 257­492~, 9til 5. ~1-1tp

FREEKITTENS - phone 257·2812.J-47-tl'c,- - - -

MISCELLANEOUS:-.:.:.-:,.:~-:;..:...:..:.._---- .


SNOWMOBILE 1975 - snow JeeP, likenew. ~33-CC engine, dual Wt tra1ler. 746­2497, Arteala. K-47-2tc



. .. ,,~,,-;.,.:.

.- '~""--'.---'- --_.- ._--._ _----------------_.




,. , ~




... eltersmlConstruction Co.

N.M License No. 15378-General Home Constructio'n

-AdObe -Remodeling-Additions -Custom cabinets

"No Job Too Small"CALL BILL SMITH 257-2640

Box 1362, Ruidoso

Walt'.Palnt &1IC1dyShop··:Free Eslinlales' BlIPedWor~

Wlllt HlIr:.-e1B!lQ-Owner1block bIlbln!l DoWDII Mole!

. IJOJIle-33H451


-Lleensed-Remodeling, New COUStrllctioll,

Repairs and Add-onsBQJ; 16S2, Ruidoso, N.M.

PHONE 257·.5389

PAtNTtNG & ROOF WOluc •Painting b!slde And Out.RepaIr .Mdn:emcideUog.

n:oofWork.CALL 378-4216

And r.eav~ Ml!lIsage- . -

....." ......I!1•••••••••••••••III..

i SKINNER'S INSULATION i= for Proper InstallatiOnaDd a •• QuaUtyProdnd ;; BIlIwn alld spl'llyed ce1Inlose ;; ULLabel •

; CALL 2S7-427S !;' for h$e estimates •~•••••••••••••••••••••••••I

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i RUIDOSO CHEVRON iI ~1PIE4Cw.. ii UNDERCOATING. ONLY f'•i·$4000 ii280 SUDDERTH PHONE 257.2472 i,••.•...........•.•.........•...•.•.•...........•.•.•.••

-_._-~ ..._-,_.-- ..... --_. ._. ~~.. -



RemodcllDg • RoollngH.M. Unru._U4JS .. ,





PHONE COllECT1·437·7307 •


, '~ .'.... ,.,: "'~'-" '


. .


r.I MllrgO E. ~lni;iSaY

Clerk 0' Ihe-Dls'rlc' C()UrIBV .lOY Leslie. Deputy

, .... '." '.' r: .,,' .


- .

LICENSED DAY CARERu idoso Ski and Rec. Area

7:30A.M.-5:30 P.M.Call 336·.m1

-----.--~-j.,..ltILEy__-_.. .-:.


l'1I0NlU5T·U17 »"',


----- ..



o<\\S>~ Ii'~\,-<",0 ~ 414-..

P.O. Box ;81 Ruidoso. N.M. 88345

1996'''' (10119.26.111 J,2,9

PERRY'S REPAIR - and MaintenanceService, washers, dryers, refrigeratorsand eleetrical, ranges repaired. 257-2189.646Sudderth. P-l-tl'c

HOUSE CLEANING - a real thoroughI~.Weekdays only. can251-$6«. 46-21p

. .DOGGROOMING -257-4410. 1A2-tfc

WINDOW CLEANING - pbone 257-$28.R-~3·tfc

JOB OPENINGS - for secretaries.bookkeepers, laborers, and roofers. TbeJOb Center. 257-2300. J#Uc

WORK WANTED:_.------------.

No. ,:tp.2Q·78Dlv, I


TttE STAT,E OFN~W P.o\I5X.IC:OTO; RubyCliffl Robbie Nellell"; Pe,ug_yJean CalnjAnd to Jill l1Ie Heln, ~IilJlII\!4!~ and Deylseel Of saidFarrIs F, clift d:eceasecf/And to all unKnown !)eln of "aid 4e«;eden' and 1I11·unMown·persons claiming ~ny Il~n",pon!,rright. tllle filrInteret1 tn, or to the. fl,le'e,(l' !iald a:ec.ei;ill'fit.Greeting: ,

You.oIInd el/lch of you, IIr~ htraby ooilled. tflat Rubycnt. !I!i P"non",l Repre'U!nt~tlve of the Estollte 01 ttleaf)ove-named decedent, he, flied In Ihe illlbOve enUtl~District (ourl and cau5e' her Final ACcounll!nd ReportaM 'bat .he DI&1rll:1 Courl t'r0$ ~ppo\nttij Frld,y. the3CJthday 01 Noyember A.p.• 1978 at Ihe hour of ........--In thelorenoon, In Ihe Dlstl'"lct Court Chambers In the L1nc9lnCC)un1y Caur1 "'QUse In ·ClllrrllO:lo, NCW:t' Me'll.Ito. as thetime oIInd place for hearlna obl~ctlons,II any Ihenr btl'. 101l'1e approval and $etllement 01 sold Final Acc;:ountiSn.dReport end Ihe discharge ot nld Ruby Clift as ~ucnPersonal Represenfatlve; end at said Ume and place"lheDlslrlc) (001"1 will Pt'oceed to determine Ihe helnhlp Ofsaid deceClenl. 1he ownership 0' his e5tollte oIInd' the In'lerest of each respec;llvt !;1~Im,ntIht".I*~orlhereln,and'hE' persons enlllled·to 'he dlsfrlbutTon th,reof.

The atlor<ne",'or Ihe "bO...e name Ru~.y Cliff Is Mayo T.PQucner Whose post ofltc, address I' P.O. BOll '230, Bl!len.New Mexico 81002.

WITNESS Ihe Honorable Geora.e L. Zimmerman,Judge Of lhe I;)ISlrid Court 01 ~lnl=Qln County. H~Mexico. and the Seal of Ihls COUI'"I, thIs 5th dav OfOf:lober.A.D.1978


In the M.tter of the E$tltteofFerris F. Clift. dec;ltase<l.

FIVE HEALTHY KITl'ENS to glv~away. Eltcellent mousers. France~

Puckett. Downs Motel, 37H134 after5:00 p.m. .~7-2tpANNOUNCEMENTS: • , ---.. ---_ - - ._

• . 1 D C THOMPSON SHEEP DOG·POODLE MIX - knee high,REWARD-forreturnofbrownpurseand l •. I cute, loveable, healthy yard and house

contents. Lost Sunday near Hale Lake. I . CONSTRUCTION " dOg. 18 months old, good local home. Call37lH66O. __ _~?'ltP I It. .. I _~~e.:~,:,~~':6:'~~~:..__~7.2~

WANT TO BUY _ large leveliot fOl' new I AnythIng In Wqod I TED DURHAM - present this ad at thedouble wide mobUe. Must be accessible I bolt office of the American star Twjn ·.*·**T*E~*X*A*S**T*R*A*D**E*R**and bave utilitie~ available. Phone 257· I I Tllealre and receive two free tickets to ~ •7146.' 39-tfnc Remodeling, Cabinets ·~.I·:"seeCa~mOuter~pace. 47-1~ ~ AND PA WN SHOP

Every Saturday night I. CALL, COMPARE AND SAVEl. FIREWOOSundD- plnJefm'$65WPllusdriwd ,257W'5~7 ~ We loan Instant cash, buy, sell and *8 - 10 p.m. . • ~:cept ays, 00 ge. ... - * trade. Real bargains In unredeemed !t

American Legion POSt79! 257·5994 I _ c .. .• ~ flll'll1lure, appliances, mdlo, TV~')I:Proceeds to Charity ...--------~-----~FREE FOLDERS _ find out for yourself )I: tape decks, recorden. guns and *

. LAWN CARE - 336-4561. P.O. Box 73, Bible Truths, Amazing Facts. P.O. Bolt * many more mise. Items. Located 1 *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alto New Mexico. W-Zl-tfc 319', BlIItimore Marylallc!.2I228. 4~-litp block west of Old Mill. *_-:..__ • 'SteveEtter,phone *

LANDSCAPING - and cleanup lobs. PiNoN OR'cEDAR - nrew.;;;d, J'l5,fuji 257-431 0 ~Phone 257-5296. W-47-3tc cord. Delivered In or near Ruidoso. Call . *

--- -- ---- - 378-4766orplckuplnyard.$65acord. ~1· *******************"1-WE DIG DITCHES - do eltcavating, 1tP

driveways. United Rent All, 115 --- -Overlook Drive. 257·2302. W·9-tfc GARAGE SALE - Furniture, clothing,

miscellaneous. Friday-8aturday, 8 to 4.Black Forest, first road to the right, nextlelt, first on left. R-47-1tc

THE RUIDOSO POUCE tlEPARTMENT- Is now accepUng applications forradio operator, aalary level begins at$575 per month. Applicants.must meetrequirements for commIsSIoned per­sonnel. AppllcaUon blanks available atRuidoso Police Department, and theywW be accepted unW5 p.m. October 7l.Phone 257-736S. R-4&-2tc

SKI MECHANIC - needed for ren1lll shop.Pbone 336-4386. M~Uc

_ DOUG BA.SS - &. Assoclates, Realtors. Istaldng applications for full timelicensedNew Mexico real estate salesmen.Experlence In Ruidoso Ilrea marketpreferred. Call Rlchllrd Cothrun. SalesManagerat 257-'1386. B-25-tfc


Magnetic S~nsIt the


Phone 2$1.261b

lEGAl. NonCE







J~" "";""""

NOTICEThe reljj:ulariy sc:heclUlecl meetlngo' tt(e Llnc4lnCounl...

Commlnion for November 13. 1971 ha, been changed 10Frlda\f. No...ember 10. 1971 lit 10:00 a,m. In ,he- Com'miSSIon Room allhe \.Incoln CounlY COUrlhCfUM!.UOOllH10126


N011CE IS :::::::I~~~~:.~::~ttueDlsee.tlon A...l KWIK KLEEN61 J U. N.M.SA.• I91J CompilatIOn. LoweU M. Cun- Janitorialltln~am a.M Mal! cunn1n9f\am hay!!'. Uett In the .mount resldeu.tlal-COl1UDerclalOf ISIS upon culaln personal properly oWMd by WnnamSqull'"eS_ William Squires hIl' bHt1 giverl 111" ten day fDlUtednonc.e to poy said aMOUnt as requlre4by sedlon'H·l1. 2579$t9N.M.S.A_. 1953 Complllltlon. and hl!l:S failed to paY Uid ....!III......ii1......_ .......deb' In accordanc. WIth SKtlon 61-3--12. N.M.S.A., '953C-ompllatlon. Ibe lollowtng. de'scrlbfd penonlll~tYwill be olfllred and sold 10 ItNt hlghtSl b'd~r for casa at10:00 o·clDe'kA.M. on Ihe 161t1 day of Hovern~-,J91'L1Q~ parlttng tot of DUrrett. CCinwav. O·Rem., and Jorctan.P.C '. 1100 SUdderth DriYe. Ruidoso, LIncoln CounlY. NewMe.lCo. to-wit:

A 1Hoo' McCvlloch f;lOwe-r 'boat. boat number' N,M.All! AS; a 43.7 hOrs.epower Ro...al Scolf Ct,lSlom Motor.license number N.M. TE 043. and oil boat Irallel'",lIcensenumber N.M. 591~1.

Ttle above descl'"lbed boal. molor oIInd trailer will besold 'OOl"ther and not 'H'paraftly. ... .

said personal Pl'"opfl'"ty may be Viewed prIor 10 sale oIIt •103 Willow Road. behInd Skyland Garage. RuidOSO. 'Lincoln County. New Mexico. .

Said sale mar be poslponed from hour to houl' ..nd d4liV .today" dHrMdnl"tePI!ryordnlr.i:lIe. ';-

Durretf. ConWAY. O'ReillY & Jordon.p.e."S/LH HuckSlep. A"ornev AtLlw

P.O. qo~.m!t4~•.~

A"ornt!Y1 tor Lien Holden


Notice 15 hel'"eby glyen that the Planning .. zoningCommission of tM Village of RuidOSO Down" mall meetIn Specl., Sellion on Oclober26. 1978 al 7:00 p.m. II) theMunicipal Pulldlng.

The SPft;lal Meellng will be for elec;tlon 01 Offlcel'"l.change of meeting date. a~ reYIO'W 01 PreliminaryAppro...alof MI. Shadows Subdivision·

This notice IS In compllanc:e 01 the OPtn Meellngll L4Wand will be posted In Ihreeolhel'" IOCillllonS.

By Order OIlhe' Planning & Zoning Commiulon$/ Harley Pernelt. Vice Chairmen

PDSted' Municlplll BuildingPost OfllceRuldo1.O Oowns Liquors.,1004 It (10126

.-.002 11 110116

NOTICETD81£)OERSTfie LIn,oln Counl)' Bootd 01 Commlssloneon requesl

wrllfen sealed bidS lor the follOWing:I'tem On~(11 Pick Up truckS~t:lllcaljon~

l Long whHl baH or bed2 En;lnlll' 360CMyvorCamparabllll'3 Automatic: Ir~nsmi5tilOn• Du.1 fuel lankS11 R.dlo6 6000 GYW minimum or ne....... dut" tiutipenslon lind


1 Power "teet'lng,8 Hea...)' dUl)' front eno oum", VI'"IIIg,u.rd., Color preftrabl)' crimson re''' or I-Ome combination

01 rfll«noo1l\er color10 NotrlmII TIl"" OU road ail wl'alh~r1'1 eOI01 no' tilgnlhcanl II obO'lle specUtcallOM can 1M'

mI!'l b, ~.rIV dell ...er)'~ncJ bId 10 Box 111. Count.,. MIInapeot. CarrlZOIO, N.M.

81301 on or be'lon· t-lO'l~mbC1t. Ifll Bid Will" ~ndtd­on NO¥e'mbfr 10. I'" at 10 00 am al the County Com'minion mt't!lln'illn lhe' Courlh0ll5e'

lhe l.lncoln Covnly 80arllJ of Commll'llOMnrntrvt'Jlhe flO"'IO rl!'ieet an" lind 1111 bIds


11001 '1-(10)19.16


LEO.L NOTtCENotlc~ 1$ h~l'"~by glv~n tholll l1Ie VllloIIge of Ruidoso.

Lln~oln Courtl.... New Mexico calls for bids on ~'x"'x8'

Redwood oIInd Cedar PO,rs. In1erestecl bidden mustSCCl,lre a COpy of the specilicalions from the Pul'"chaslngOfficer allhe VlIlollge Hall.

Bids mUSI be received by 1M Purehaslng OffIcer nolaler Ihan2:00p.m. Wednesday. November I. 19'1'.

The Village of RuIdoso reserv~ the rlQ-flt 10 reiKt anyandlor all bidS and woIIlve alilormalllles.

B... orOf!r Of Governing Bodyvma;e at Rulclc$O

Sf Frank poner, PurcheslngOffleer


ebove entitled DistrIct Court of tN aboVe captJcMdecllen wherein Jesus"a Avail» hn U1ed her Pttlllon.thegene,..f oblK' 01 """,Ictl It. 10 termlnale the marrllige 01J"""I'. AvalOS ....d WIIIl.m A.,alos. You art theRKPQnd~1 h1 wid .eflon llind unlns YOU _n'er YOUI'.ppearance or olherwlse Ill. an ans_r In Hid cause- Of'acflon on or b!'fon OKernbtr 7. lf1•• JvdtiMlttlt wlllt»t'iIef\dl!red In. \.lIld C:,Iuse against fOU bt dIi..",1I and therelle-l p'a)'edlor Inlht P.lltlonwIllMgran'ed,

The name and address of Pe1l1lOtM,.... al1oN\ey IS Mel8-. CYRem.,. OVrren. Coflway. O·A_m., &. JOf'don. P.e..P 0 Btllt ).c9J. H S. Ruidoso. New N,fxlcOIPlS

WITNESS 1M HonOrable ThOm." .... Sandenaw. Jr...~~'r'c' eaurt JUd~. 'Of 'hoi Twellth JUdk;lal DlSlrlctCourl. Division II. of lhe S.fte of Ntw Ma~Ico. aM lhewal of Ihe Di"rlCI Court Of Lincoln County ttllS 23rd dayotOC,tobe-l". \fll,

s! MIIrCIO 1..1ncb6.,Mel B O·Relll,.DURRE 11'. C.OtfWAY. O"'REILLY" JOROON~pC.PO BPJI )~95. H 5R\ridostt~ f.iew Melilco 883AJc505J2$1 ...11AtlornltYSlor the Peltfloner,1007 2' (10126. fn) 2

LEOAL NOT. cISHOlleill' Iii hereby "I...eon 111111 Ihc Vlllalilt' 01 Aulc»so.~In t.wn", Hww I#.ts'c.oUUtior bldt'\X\toQQ.9&I\OnvnderQrovnd "'01"89" tcn" In,...c"ed bidders m",t*"1"" a copy 01 thfo IpecfllcaUons from 1M PurCholllftQOflJcer .t.", VlU.Q~ Hell Gldtitnut.1 be rtcelvC'lSOy "'HIPurctl.nlnD OIUee, no laltr llIan :I CO pm, Wlfdnnday,NO'II!'Mbtt.I,I91'

TM Vllt_O_ of RU\dMo rflll:rvtl tM: rl\1h"o r.'K1 anyandlor all bICl,anOwIU"'e all formamln.

e" Otde'r 0'1 ~etftl~ 1Iod'yVlUloe-of AuldMo

'" Frollnll PolI.r. Purcflr.lslll'liil Olll,.r


TV-ELFT" JUDICIAL DISTRICTJei",'lta Avalos. Pe'IIIklftt'r.


"006 II 110126

Page 9: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


.. .-

'., ,",., -,


:,,:.,,':' ". ' ' :', '-. '.


BOX 2215 MLS 1309SUDDERTH251·4720 257·5071


GENECLEMENS, ABBOclale!tes.: 257·5918

RON SMITH, Assoclate BrokerRes.: 338A282

t •• ,


..-505~t5i.40ga-·'P.O.'D.A~iR'2ci80_.Jlick~llUams ' -'JieniltCoUlsIOliltes.257.mO l(es.257-i8lJ5

"'" ,-

•ATrRACTlVE 2 bt$"oom home with fenced yard GIl paved street In Bndy

Canyoo Area. Immedlale poss~slDllon eJoslllg.

BOB BIGGERSTAFF, BrokerRes.: 336A565

ON TWO LOTS jove bave a double wide mobUe wfth several added rooms thatDeed to be flulshed. ThiS pNperty Is in Alto North, flat and wfth good trees.

. - ~ . , . ~,-~'--------_._----- -----TIMBERS TOWNHouSE - Jlllt ClIIllpleted SpaclOIll 2bedroom, %bathUd

Custom built for your etljoyment. Cedar shake lIblngied roof, cDStOlll madecablne~ . and yes, It's beated by natural ps. It collies ccmplete withli'lIerowave, refrigerator, compactor,dlshwasher, _her lIJld drYer.

.ASPEN CONDO - 3bedroom, 2 bath 011 the golf coune. Less thIIu 1Yelll"old8Jla all appliances are Incloded. Elijoy tbIB lipUt level arrangement aDd •

c ewo SDoweover erra c


. I

,Tbursday I October ;16; "78' ~ .... RUidoso [N. /'A.•1' News"';'P"ge 9, -. .. -. '- - " " ',' - ,- '

NEED A lARGE HOME for your famUy1 ThIs one bas 5 bedrlIoms aad 2botbs aod 2firePlaces. FullgolfIng membership.

CLEA~, oeat 3bedroom home InSluglngPloes Addition, bas fireplace.

ALTO LOTS wllb fullllr social membership, good focadoni•

CENTRALLOCATION on a3bedroom mobilebomelocated 01121*.

• COMMERCIALPROPERTY onSodderth, goodIocallon, with rentals.

OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE, easY aceen, all electrfc dopleaes. Bachside has 2 bedrooms, Uvlng room, tllcbea and bath. carpeted ~d flrepfllces.Completely futolshed. lJve III ODe sideaod rent the other.

, .NESTLED AMONG THE PINES, beaotlful an new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home

complete wIth fireplace, breakf8S~ bIIr. cathedn1 ceUfog and decks. Now'vacaDl, ready to welcome yon.

Mn.UONAmES NEED NOT CALL 00 thfs oew 3 bedrt>om, 1'1.2 bath,ecoallmlcal bome. ThIs new rent..heater double-wide has decks frout IlIIl1 baeJt.It's close Iu, oD pavlug, seweraod llDdergronndntlUUes. Prmnfseberanytlllng,butbuy her tbIB. Just.rr,5OO.oo.

DIVIDEND PAYJNG REAL ESl'ATE. CODIIl1erclal property on SUdderth.Not avaUable very often, Someone wUl reallu thfI ~d lake adv8Dtage of thfIoutstoodlug value.

Now- BeautifulbuDdilIg lois pricedfrom$4,ZOO.oo.

. Sft1ALL ACREAGEl - We baye seyenU'h to ;Il1Cre tradll Of lal1d oiitllide of_city IlinIU. Goodace~s .ofhfpaved fOlId lind pI .. . ~""'tted .perfi.'iiCf, . .,' ,- ,. . .........

.' UPPEkCANfON - WehavntVmllmceloti stl1lavlillibTeUilbli ferreTToeaffou.l'fuIiilcfug III avalJBbleHyiMIwo1il1IIIIi~:-- . . ... PI'L

ACC£!ISIBILrrY -TIlls srllll1l 2 or 3 bedroombome has easy year-rolmllaccessIbility 8Jld all city utilities. Should qualtfy for a large loan. Prlced lit~,5OO.00.. .

.IN THE COUNTRY. 3500 sq. ft. home on 40 aens; 1800 sq. ft. CUtst hllllRo,

PfeDty of privacY on this rolllagcollDlryestate.

LEEWALKER BlLLMOIU\1S0Nnes. ~51·5U5 nes.251-7Z03EDROBERTS J.A. {BO(Jl'l JOHNSONnes.251.7735 Res.251-AS1__~~...~~PlXl¢i'llC<C__~~_..,_.._

A FLAT LOT with good tre~ III River Park Is aUraeUve IllIIae1f and ",beD.you add some 75' of river froatage, yoo really have somethIDg. 1lelIIIsticallY

- pnced at $8,700.

- WE ARE STILL OFFERING several 10 acre triicts a short d1staDce west ofTularosa.

" "

I A'. ·.mMl$LCI ':,, " 'UiAI..TOR@) ••, <:' ~ ., ...,.......':'>-.............,

,~J;IiHNN'Y' 'MO·B·I.EY~EA~Jy""- ' aox 603 RUIDOSO,~.M. 251__ .~

TOm Davis . &)'Pearmao251·2053 3»4m .


rm Ed R .b t· MLSl,w,o,' .0 er s· .~ Real Estate & Insurance• 1500 Sudderth Dr. Box 1233 Phone 257·4668



,- -, -'-" '-'," ----~._----- ,-_._~-- ..-----..._-_.--- -_.---.-'- :.....

'"'c' _ ~ -~_".,' ,r

...~-~-- _.-----'----- ---~-- -".- -_.~ -- ._--- -


,,.... "', ,-.' ".".-'- --- .- '




. . .PHONE, 257-4W,l-301 MIj:CHEl\l-NIGIf1'S, 251·2651AJ\CHDi: COl\U:Y, SALESMAN - NlGIl'l'S: 257"2933


- ----~_. --. ''-

EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - Two lots wltb three bulldlogsalready there. Space for more coostrnctlDll. Call this offleefor more cletalls.

COMMmCJAL PROPERTY ON SUDDER'I1I - MobUe home spaces, •bedroom bome,shop buDding.

3/4 ACRE CORNER LOT WlTH FANTAstIC VIEW -Large 4 bedrOom, 2bath home.Has conversaUoopit,wet bar, lots 01 exiras•

BEAUTlFOL NEW HOME - 00 corner lot In Wlllgflefd Addltlon. Ont­standlug view, 4bedroomsand 2 baths.

KNOTl'Y Pll'iE WALL<; • ROCK.FmEPloACE - Pedect home III themouotalns.4 bedrooms, 2bIIths,uufumlshed.

PROPERTY TO TRADE - call our office for property excbange con­sultatlon.

--un'N~61ttS-Zbedroom, Zhat&tabJD....nlc~in-WlllIJ·l:->O~fireplace -easyaccess -fI1m1ilbed at $32,500.

lUVER:PARK ADDmON - 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobUe home on Zllirge lots.'ownerwlJl fllllince wltll $4,000 dOwn.$l9Oper month .flU'lllshedat$19,000. .

\1JIDV LOT-nelil' LlljuntaGnestRanch .alJi.OiJt 'h acre-goodvfewGtSlertaBllillca .li goodbuy lit .,$00.

VIEW LOT • adjoimt COlJll.lty_Clnb-SobdlVlslon ~ good-building~1~.Jatt.Joclty sewer'Ustedat_casb.. .

:~wNERFJNAN6iNG-:f-jiedroom,:i'lIathr delJ,' itInIngrooni;-d6lihle.wlde. ­il1obllehllille. $8,500 dOWll, $255 per month. Located III Rlverpark AddltloJi.Listed at $28,500. . ..,

. ,BUCKLEY REA t'ESTATE -,.,"_.,&J"$:qrfitice; I ..Cl~ . '.:.- . ".

t>ltQNE257-'4l133 . . ....> '.1'.0;J()]{U9,tttlttiOSO;N.M.

Iff . ;:u.:~ ,', . Aft..~,IJ! " ....'="~~._.~ .. '-_ IIs:f ~". ... , - .",-




REALTY'OWNEJt l'ililEPS 'l'Q S~L • 311!lrm., t lIath, double garage, 011 U4 ac~~

fenced.lIors~alillwed •Capitan area. '. .,

.MOBILFJ-2 BDRM" 1 BATH, VDi:W, M2 ac~es, city,water, cable TV. Capitan •area, $16,500. .

unfBESTIbBUY IN 'l'QWN • Large. 1 btfrm. house • on n,nnlng steam. $16,100,urn sed. ...

14 X 70 3 BDRM., 2 BATH MOBll..E. Completely furalsbed • AU you Deed Isgroceries. .

BARGAIN •510~ Iu PoodeNsa. $2OOD eacb or mlIke offer..~ YI!:AR·ltOUND ACCESS· 3 Bdrm. 2bIIth. Lo~ of uviog a~ea.



.. ~~~ri.tt~~~

Our first nine townhomes on Cree Meadows GOlf Courseare already sold. We start construction soon on our nexteight units, with one of these already sold by plan and lotnumber. You may select your plein and lot number nowwithin your price range. Call us for a showing and con-sultation. '

We have two nice lots at reasonable prices for con~

strucfion or investment•._.._---~.--------. , - ,


~$TINPRrr'CIlETl', ASSOClAT&251·2056 -:===~...==='-.. . ...•.=.'

~ ~ ; '. . - -~:';(.••.•••••••.••••••••••••••.••••••••:•••••;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;OJ.:.;.;;,;.:.;:;.;.:.:.::::::;.::;:::;:::::::;:::;:::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~:;:::::$::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::~..... . ..... :.:. ~ :.:.••.. ~ ..- .... ....••... r. "'f~' "--... •..•N ~:::: ". . . ..;, . r' ~ ;::::;:; ...' ...... .~.-...-. -...::..----- m :~:-,:.:. ....., ..:"...... , ,.,' :.:.

~1! . High Co~n.try Ag~·n~'V;·lnc.- . ~~~•... ~ _ J ': l?E,o\uon'" 0:::~~ .. .. . fl. O. D RAW E ~ t • , ::.:~~ ~~~.: RUIDQSO, NEW MEXICO ,.:J4S ::::~ N

~ ~1~~ PLENTY OF TREES on level 70'xll0' lot, ready for bulldlug for oaly $4 250. ~11~;:. Accessibleall year. ' f.,:b' ••••

:~: ::~,::: ALTO GOLF AND COUNmY CLUB lot Dear fairway 114, wfth fun memo ;:;::~; bersbip. 80'xl80' level lot with vlcw of lill mountain ranges, PrIced to sell. 'f."X ~N .~

i~1 'tWO BI!:AUTlFUL LOTS, 17' and 80' froot, faclllg soutb and averaging 110' 1111.:::: deep.ll)(!aledoearBoultomver. Bothfor$5,5OO. ::::.... ........ ..•.~j 32LOTS-00Bllolto River llubdlyblionfrom $2,250 to $3,500eacb. l~~ ~

f~ TWO LOTS WITH WELL and trees 10 Valley Helgb~ near Boalto River, ~~~~ priced to sell. $6,000. .:~0:0: ::.:

;~11 PHONE 257·4214 OR 257·4651 ~~~,:; 239 E. SUDDERTH :,~:::: AL STALCUP ':<.... .•..,* Multiple Llstlug Service Res.,251-4438 i$~ N........A:::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::;:::;:::x:::'-::::::::::::::::::::::::::-.:::::::::: :;::::::::::::::~:-:::.:.:.:.:::::::.:-:.:::.~:::.:.:.:.:::-; ..-::-:-:-:-:.~:.:-..:-:-:-:.:-:~..:.:,:.: ,: J.'. • •••• • - 2j!

"'" '''''..," ....' ',"'". ,,," ... ". .,,- . ..,.

--...... ...,...":""~- --






3 bedroom, 21/2 bath, 2fireplaces, family room,extra large living area, over2,400 sq. ft. Buy now and pickyour own carpet. In WhiteMountain II

Phone 257·5468


phone 257·2446

m MLSILI.Lloe'


UPPER CANYON - Z furulshedcablos on a )mge commercIal Lot.1011eet frootage on mall) road witheasy access. Full price $60,000 wfthlIW1ler flnaocing available.

-GREAT, L0CATION for yourbusloessveoture. NIce CommercIal"uDding Iu the G\lteway area ofnuldoso with 1624 sq. feet. Comer lotwltb 111 feet fNotage 00 SuddertbDr. Full price $95,000.00.

GWSbedroom, 1 % bath, custom bullt homein

PlneclUf wIth unbeJlevableview. H01%loan that can be assumed. Terms can bearranged on equlty, This Is really a goodbuy so call·Great Western nealty 257·4605 or eve. Mel Glenn'378A919 or Larry

. Tillinan257-4ilO5. •

GW'Office BuUding In RooweU, New Mexico,

Excellent location with 240Q feet dividedInto ~even offices and reception area.Owne~ would· trade f\l~ nuidosoproperty. Priced at $78,500 with $55,000,Ilss11mablq lilartg!lge. Oall G~ea:t·W~tern Really 251.4605 or Mel Glenn37H919 eve.!!1- LaITY Tillman 257-4305eve.

----_.....- .....- .....--_......,..,......,-~

CUSTOM BUll..T - 3 be\l~oom, ~ batlJ,large lireplace. covered patio. ~lfcleaning oven, easy access. $46,500. AlexAdlllns, phone 251·1733 0~336A518. A-41·tfc

..aEAUTlFULALTO LO'l'..;. with go~geoUll

view, f!l'lit limeoffereq, Couale ortrade.l'hon!: H5;H018. . 47~tfnc



HOLIDAY- . .- .

~~~: MOBILE HOMES ,TWO BEDROOM, 2 Bath, fireplace, all appliances, spUt level, appro 1 acre,

ouly$3$,500.1I's12'MobllefumJsbed wfthdryer, Jlreplace.Choice lot,$31,500.11':&'71' 2 bedroom,:ibathgardentub,extrasbower, $12,1l~.29' Sl'REAMLINE, self-eDlltaJned, extra nice, $6,000.00.CllOlCELOTll-Moblle,resldeDlIa1Of<:ommerclaL



R.C. WHEELER2574575 3364682

FOR LEASEWell localed buDding In post office

block, approxfmlllefy 5000 sq. ft. IIIopen buUdilIg. Would pjlrtltlon Intotwo separale areas of 3400 and 1600sq.ft. call

FOR'RENt--.Nicel, Furnished I.Qnd .

·2 Bedroclln DuplexApartments.

Convenientl, Located.Call

R.C. WHEELER257-4575

Ill'moso's NEWEST'lllST U 'Xl 'HUH'S tlPAIITl11ENTSHt'lIll11~ i1it.:.hth. mClIlthi". ,"('arl\'.

"'1J:Il'illll ".. furni ht·d (If unlurnls}u.'d. 2"·3Iw.lrltufl1. \'u ht·p•. drv(·rs. dish·na,llt'h ·1:l-:·'2H':"!.... .

,. \o,;T Ifa,: I'OI"'T ""AIlTlliENTS

SEWRAL NICE SPACES - Cor 50, 60 and10 ft. traUers, HollyWood area. River·front MobnePark.378-4640. Co33-tfc

. -----LARGE FOUR aEDRooM ...; fo~ bathS,

fireplace, dblhwMher, double garage,t~ee ~to~, in beautiful sUbdMslon, byweek ormontH. C/Ill378A095. D-3-tfc-- -...-----

3ROOM - furnblbed apartments. ~o pets.Ca11257·2216. &39-tfc

fOR .RENT - year around, 1 bedroomnicely fumblhed house, paneled and

.carpeted. C\luplespreferred. 378A243. Do46·2tc

---_._--_._~,..-._,---_.--ONI!: aEDnOOM - efficIency apartment;

3 bedroom unfurnished apartmentlocated in midtown area. Truett aanltealty.378-l484. 46-21p

FOR ~NT--=-1 bedr~~ ho-;;-;-:See-;t'. Western Office Equipment, 251-2088. W·45-tfc'------_._-----

NICE FURNISHED Al'ARTMENTS - aUutilitIes paId, best of locatlons.rf1.lls0nllble rent. 251·2739. :l9-10tp

_._~.-----'----'------------64'X'l0' TRAILEln - for rent, 257-4418. l<-

4;1·tfc .

'--_._--' -

­2 aEJ?ltOOM - lllrge den, completely.fQl'nishedand one 2 bt$"O!lmmobliehome. Call622-4381 0~25H731. C-41·tfc


•,. ,


,CA1Uttz()Z()ALL FOR $80,000.00. Afine 4 bedtoom, 2 batll bome with ZfirePlaces, 2320

sq. ft Uvlllg area, atlacbed garage, feliced 8Jld IaIIdscaped, t9gether with 7+__.I--'...·c~res..· ,!!Iev~el eo1IUllel'clalp~ri)' with ,.7 feet f~nla!Il2.I!!l.wr~In_Ca~ _

lrItb all ties liyallllble. ' ...LOTS' .'. ALTO VILLAGE -

B£AUTlFllL LEVEL '1.2 ACRE corner iot close to the clllbhouse wfth a fun·gOlflngmeDlbershlp.Aree.ihargli!nat OlIfy$i8,500.00 . .' .. NICg VIEW tar allprollfn:l8Uly 'h acre on too lSib fairway and oD HighMesa nnw.Bas full. gCJ1flagmembenhlp.PrIced lit ouly $17,500.00.• OTHER good buDdlng slle iotdtom$6,000up.. •, COMMERCIAL . '.'. . .~.'~c':-c,---Ih

iNVESTORS O:P:POR1'tJNlTY 49 lo~ III approved subdivisiOn adjo,JnlDgVlllage'of Roldoso, withover 850ft. commercial fronlage oilblgmy31. Pncedfor speliDlatloii. . . ' ...

BRAND NEW 24' X75' deUa steel storage wilt bulldlng contalllfng fourteen. iil':lC:I2' lD1l.bl rentlug lit $35.00 per il10Dth, on approximately 'lIl.acre III the

RUldosoDtiwns area. Property Is large eliough toexp8Jld ",100 Ualtli, wfth linexisting waltlng Ifst for SJilice. prlced atOllfy $49,500.00 wltb assuniaille iDOr-

tglige. . itESlDEN'rfAl.

. .9500.00 [$35.00 SQ. Fr.1. A3bedtoom,3 batilinodUled 'A' trlinie with 2,000:-:-ili.i:lEiiVliig:1iieil.liiiill]arge·(f~Iiii, 1rDIIrllllllliUirwlth1lllrP.l!rl1iJld~Jr;--­

FIne ~ew, levello1 easy accesS. ¥o 1rlI1etrcim iIlrport. "k1IIlIe10 gnU COllI'S!:.Faily 'liDrpeted and flltD/Blled, wfth all Iillljor aWUallC\1ll includlng wliShel'"ilrYer. Llirge pme tollill wIth wet bar aDd hlinglJl'g fltepllice. AslluDiBble newmoi1gage.A milStsce! '. '.' . . ., . . '...

~ .a.EDl'l-QOM TIWLElll. ~ 10/•. bath, fully. ~ur~l~hed, inlllllde~ wa~her/dryer

..~~JrableA!~n.WBllt looatioR. ,~pe~month. 257-7347,or 257'5221. ' P.-lHfc

, " , ',-,. -----' -..;' ,- . ,-_. ..",..--......- ........".-......~_-.-.-...,:..;.-,- ..-,......

NlCEOLElAN':' 2 bt$"oom-;'partinent;2 aEST BtN IN' TOWN - 2 bedl'oom. 2belIroom mobUe home, nO children 01' batb, fireplilce, 1 acre. ~pUt level, pave!!pets•. Beferences Fellulred, '150· Per street. ~6,5()Q. Alex M~, phone 257-month, '50 depoolt, electricity fur- 7733 or338-4518. A.-l7·t.fc

····~-~hed~stn.a" ....bill.'""'..... ,=~r:2·~·,~......._...",,---.,.-----.-~~..... ,-,,~. uu....., WI... u!lor.at198!l1ng leyel; 378-l990. . lH5'tfc FOn SALE ...;- 2 lo~ I!icated inW!l~d

•. , .... . . ---------- 'Hllbl Homestead, ~d AddItion, 251'2ll31MP.EJN LODGI!: APARTMI!:NTS =- after 5p.m. • M-45-tfc

ovet:looldng Cree.Mea.dow~,·2bedrooms,fUfnlSbed, utl.Ulies and cllble pa(d.Adillts. No pets257-2978. A-34-tfc



I""----..-,.,...-;".,...,."'"'!"'"""-....-..,...................~.~.,....," !"!""'"""" ,,"'", "or. ",", '!"'"- .'" or: .....

. I

Page 10: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

, ... ··'0 ~'"'... "',' .. ,.... "

.. , . . , •




T. Fillingim1-354·2413

. .


,lim Douglass25.7·2989

. . .. -"",,_~, '.._.~. e-r. '-'-",,,":".> ""'--.'.:,.:."....... ·.;;;.,.·.;,;,..~·~.iiiii;,;:,M:'_F.i+6t#-'be e··tt l

-, 'ii:i' ri+:'~_ "c>, • .;0 "L>" "."




• TRYTHISON FO'UIZE:Bllilutiful three or 'our b~r(lom homll.

.$i9 lot, big dec~, bill trees.- '~rllat 10ciltionrlliJsYifCCl!SSl'IHyear,(InPilVllment, .~ .

100% IiVilblll,Qnl!' $65,000.00 with terms.

ALTO VILLAPE LOT - Full membership, $5950.00~.~RAND NEW IN COUNTRY CLUB - three bedroom

with two filii bilths, large living room with fireplace and$unken convenation pit with wet bar, redwood dllCk withfantilstic view, d0ll.ble car garage with plenty of storage.$85,000.00 • will con$jder motor home or travel trailllr orwhat have you for p;lrt equity.

YEAR.ROUND LOCATION - Three bedroom, one bathand totally furnished plus fireplace for $21,500.00.

ALTO ALPS - We h;lve one of the best two bedroom,two bath condos there is. It's totlilly furni$hed plus it hilStWe) dec!cs with a gorgeous VillW SIi7,$00.00.

COMMERCIAL LOCATION - This building has 1500square feet, two commercial lots ..nd is located near theonly stoplight in town. You can't replace it for our askingprice of $32,500.00 witll terms•

ON THE RIVER IN THE UPPER CANYON - Threebedroom home has one and three·quarter baths, livingroom with fireplace and a large skylight, extra big denoverlooking the river. Kitchen has everything' including,1enn-Air range. Dining room has 26 windows overlookingthe river pius it has Us own barbecue grill. You can ac­tually fish off the redwood deck. Maill's qUilrters has oneblldroom, bath, kitchen, living area with fireplace and isfurn.ished. Great year-round location. All this for $160,000,with terms to qualifilld buyer.

ONE ACRE - lot in Carrizo Canyon on the creek for$12,000.00. . .

105 ACRES NORTHWEST OF ALTO; Develop your ownsubdivision or "jost hold on to it for i!!vestment. $3,750.00per acre. Owner will financewith 29% down; balance forten years, interest only at 8%•


'WwY~ki~~~~,'. ,



WJfITE MOUNTAIN ESTATES UNIT IIIA Subdivision With Underground Utilities And Sewer Available



Obtai~ HUO property report from developer and read it before signing anything. HUD neitherappro~es the merits of the offering nor the vall/e of the property as an investment, if ally.



9-5 MON-5AT.•


BUCK MEYER 257-2186OLLIETURNER 257·5239JOliNSHIREY 257·5974

PAT FLANARY 1·354-2402DOUG DeCOURSEY 336-4763

ALTO VILLAGE - level fairwayvI!!w lot nllar Ute old JUDIPllr on *15.$17,500 with .cood lI!rms aDd fullmemlJel'Shlp. "Iso, bave 1200 Bqlft2bdrm/2lJath with 3decks, lake view,fUll iQ.embel'Shlp for $54,500 flll'onlshed.WHlTE MOUNTAIN ESTATES ­1801) sq/U JDlnllnum lJuUdlnl!.slll!with all undergrouDd utllilillS. NicelotonSnowcap Drive In UllIt2.TOWN AND COUNTRY NORTH-2adJoiulng lots wlt\l View In Il!'eawhere sewer and paving are goodshort range possibilities. $9700 withassumable contract.FORTY ACRES - located nortb ofRuidoso ncar Capitan. Nicelywooded with slIUIll meadow on westhalf. $'ISO/acre.UPPER CANYON - view lot acrossfrom the river on all utliltles. Prlcl'dfor'lufcksale.CEDAR CREEK - 2 oulstandlagcreek froDt acre .tracts Wfth goodIIlrms.

ALPINE VILLAGE ~ Albllqll!!rqll!! owner's!!Ul~ remaining 21 Ms. Good Watersysl!!m,. lItililles,PondefOS1\S,. 'llp!'Y~, .Vi!!w.$5llllO. ($290 !lolVll, $57 PIlf muntb)•......•Dick t"YC8S, Aliluqucl1tlle, 5()5'~13 or. .,I!lIISbl'\lcll:Lodgc, /l!li!.losD, ~ll-257..w1, .(!!lisw~kend only.) . tNiP .

•_... -.. ".,\

---- ......,..,.-

.******************************************~****************** ...

It WHITLOCK & LYLE .~~ ~:: SERVICE ~:: GOOD BUY lor greallun aDd a lovely place to ltve In ON TilE CREEK. A delightful two bedroom cabin ~,.. this most allractlve TIME SHARE CONDO. Two wllh country kitchen, large IIv1Dg roonrandlargelevel ,..... bedroom, IWo bath, plenty 01 .torage aDd garage, all 101 wlUt own well. All for $42,500 with $34,000 loan ,.:: for $3,500 per week. Two weeks available. Can ex· assumabl!!. Owner will couslder nil'!! lot as part dOWD ~,.. change for many other areas lor relaxing vaeaUoDS. payment.... 1 ACRE ESTATE In one 01 Ruidoso's finest areas. A FOUR BEDROOM COUNTRY CLUB 1I0ME fuily ::... mosl charming home with spacious Dvlng room with Iurnlshed, great view. exira nice deek. A very char· ,.... fireplace, Ibree large bedrooms, mud room and mlng year round home with easy ycarroond access Oll ,.t country kllchen, $98,000. AdeDghlful bome 10own. paving aDd 0\1 city uUIIUeB.SeeItaDd you'll lovefl. t,. BRAND NEW HOME. UDder constructlou Iu pretty MODIFIED "A" ~kAME wfth flue view, mostly ,..,. wooded area. Three bedrooDlS, two baUts, dining aDd lurnlsbed wIlli three Dlee bedrooms aud two lnrge *: ltvlng area combInation, worlds 01 storage aDd all for baths. LIving room has a huge rock fireplace. House ~,.. $42,500. Good flnancfDg avaUable. has wrap around deck•. One of Uuld050's best areas. ,..,. IDEAL FAMfLY HOME. Three bl!drOOlDS, two $68,500. ,..... blIths, nicely carpeted, large living room with 5 LEVEL ACRES close la. *': fireplace, work shop and plenty ofslorage. $42,5OOwllb =:.. $28,000 loan assumable at $300 PIlr mODth. 30 ACRES WITH CREEK. ...,. *,. PRE1TlEST MOBILE IN Ruidoso with large deck, nice view, f\l1'1llshed with two ,..: bl!drooms, aDd two blIths. All very ulce lor $2G 500. =:,. YOUR FRIENDS IN RUIDOSO - PHONE: 257-4228 or 257-4291 ::~ BRO-RS ...,."'" ASSOClATERE:AI-TORS ...,. WAYNE WHITLOCK 257-4291 IIOB ALEXANDER 251-5498 ,..,.. Margie Lyle257-2763' JeanDe Whlllockt51-4291 *,. **************************************************** '

Page 10 - Ruidoso [N. M.l News Thursday, Oc;:tober 26; 1'}7Q

l... *****A**P**R*O**F*E*S*S**IO**.N**A*L1<'**D*E*S*'*G*.*N***··*.*.*.****i·*···It llY OWl'lER - 2b1!!U'oom, 2balh, mobil!!,coverl'd plllio, ·f!!lIced yar!.l. s~ up alid

... •. ,.. . sklrtl'd, 'ChIlroll:l!I! ~obU!! V!llag!!.flO,ooo. Days phon!! 257-5148,'11lghls l!Jldwl!I!ll:!!nds,257·2133. .7-4tp

.... _ ~ proXllI)llwlY lll{ll)sq. fl. N!!eds moVing... .i from p!"oPllrty !lir!!ctly acr~ Iludd!!rth ... ,.. " . from V"Uey Plumbi~. T1l!a1 POCl!,

~i' -~! _$2,ooo.!7.~~or~7~2~~!-4HfC... 2.7 ACRES - wlUt l4'X70' mobil!! hom!!, ~.

... *,mUllS soulh of C"pitan 011 Ruidll$o high-~ , ..-::~ .~ . ..:.WllY.J~4-:I696~J:35!-2585"F.-I~W

~ NEWLY RE:MODELEP - small house'... _'V" . I .' , -, ./ with bl!ayllful rock fll1lplaceon IIIC1!*' " "j.I"' . ; l!!v!!1 lot. Clo~ in lUld wilh sffil'lIrental... .. , '1'.1." ,., ill Ut!! back. Alllhis for ...·,500. CaU 257-*' """"-..-' .. "!!,i /'~j , 7718 or 37lj-4982. ."" C-44-lfc*' ~I/""' •. "':' - ,:~' , \. ...... ;,..... ". ~... ........,..,..---------...,..-------......,--,.. __~ " FOR SALE - 1971 McGrellor mobile~... _ .....,;;; . IT-.¥- . home, .14X65, 2 bedroom 1"'bath wiUt... . '-,;,> fireplace and cathl'dra! c!!llillil. Call... r- \.,J , Dnwn., aflllr 5:30. 257·7246. B-46-2tc.. Giilr'iMyen .. ~-_---,

:: .' THAT BRINGS NATURE HOME I Approximately lV. acres, •~ ~ I Highway 70 east, next door to •... ... I Ruidoso' Downs city hall. •~ TO RUIDOSO ~!II Consists of 214 ft. hiway I* ... frontage, two large como'... mercial I)ulldings, in ex· •~ This unique show home is thoughtfully located on an out· ,.. I cellent condition containing .'... standing lot in Alto for sale to the discriminating client who will,.. bit br h d 15; appreciate excellence in interior design, a unique appearance i " us ness es a IS e •... years, 'ixtures, etc. 2 •

and an affordable price. * I. medium class homes, 4 •This Canadian cedar home will be considered as the subject,.. vacant lots facing city $treet. I

of a feature article by a national architectural magazine. :: • All in one parcel at $150,000,Another superior exampleof ... I terms at 711.% interest. Call I

~.. ~ L Neil Smith, 378·9981 days. !~ lalODAIa CEDAR HOmES ~ ---------------i INDEPENDENTLY DISTRIBUTED : GW

,.. PROFESSIONAL DESIGN BY: ~INDCBOULNII;C:rEBDYA:RHOMES,JNC. ~ We have an exclusive offering of Mobile,. borne lots with water and electricity.,. C CAssocl8leo. IDc. 1030Mechem Drive Excellent terms are available. Calt Ute,. CatherlneCarler.ASIDPostOfflceDrawer1428G ; land men at Grellt Western Realty 257-,.,. Studios In Dallas &Ruidoso Ruidoso, New Meldco 88345 ... ~5 or eVe. Mel GleM 376-4919 or I,any,. 257-4153 (505J 257-4122 ; Tillman 257-4305.


· -


Page 11: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


" .~



-- ""


JACK llURFOR-'I)Res.: 2,,-1il1


BillIe WJnnlford257-7aJ3

Tbelma Jennings257-2668

"',- .





BILL P'PPINRfl:.: :11.·...11CLI'POWt!URU.: :lST'!"1


Ih.._: :liM'OJ




Jlm LltdelleldU&·dSl'

, ,'>

IlUILT WITH TENDER LOVING CARE -Tbls 10 room, 4 bedroom, 3.both homc Is. II shows good taste and quality througbouL Localed In theWblteMountaInUnll IArea. callsoonll$ thIs one wID Dot lasl.

MUST SELL - NIce three bedroom, two bath home with IIreplace,fenced yard, all city ullllllea, cal'pllrt, located on pavemeat close toshopping. Good buy at only $33.500.00.

.BRAND NEW - Two bedrooms aud loft, two baths,beautuulIlreplacc,

uUlIly room. sloJ'llgc, city utlllllcs, 'DI'ge deck, cxcellelll view. DOll·tmIssyour ehanee on Ibis Oue.

HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL - With n little work Ibis 1 bedroom, 1balhcabin can be a cozy dream at only$18,500.00

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Commercial buJIdlng with ap­proxlmatel)' 3,000 sq. ft. 01 floor apace. L1vbJg quarlem wllh 1,400+ sq. It.Additional bullding and flxtur"iS throWll In. WID seU or t1'8OO. Exlsllngassumable loon atG pcroent fnlereat. Prli:elliosell! I!

EXCEPTIONAL - Furulshed, lDl'ge three bedroom, tw(l bath mobUehome wIth flreplacc, utility room and storageshed located on two beavnywooded lois. Mustseetoappreelate.

Lela Easter Real Estate, Inc.SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR LIST

257-7313-&"'284-Mechem DriveB/lrbaraDIPaolo

378-4974Jim Gcorge. 257-5003

. John T. Wlnulford257-7313


REAL ESTATE, INC.BOX 1232 505·257-4686

. ONE OF RUIDOSO'S B~S~BUYS ~NIOI111ome wIth a'gr~t view, locate" /II..!on!y YI1!!r rOl!l\" l'II!~!llfd!l!/IIrge Jl1vd I~. 3PRo I "ath, deiJ,wllhulee bricklIr.epl"ce. :Pr.leild tclsdllJu1l\edl"Jely at $3~;l!I.lO;OO ~u!11bhed. .

.. CON\)OMlNIUM -lovel~2Bn !!fIad«!qllaIUDI, completely futuished doWll.to.IIe T'Valll\ dishes, Enjoy the UPtedtennlacoul'fa; hlll!tc4 poOllllld I1llt~TtaI!llnlb~ lllr.gl1 r~creaJlon rooql forl!oty "5,000.00.. .,.... . .' .. MODWIED A-F!lAoMEOVE)\I$KlNG RUIDOSQ ~ 1111I\ view II


New :Englllndbllt1l wooln~erlor,cusIOJll, ~dI1RODillll §!lad~,l!Q'orcoor'illnated.3 BR, 2 ba~h$; f1r~Plit~,1l\'l'll11 gllllll1 t04)m. parily futDIshc4; $82.500.00flnlshl1dol:'$77,5OO.00 aud bnyer ,JDlsh. ,- . -, -. - '. ---, '..,' .

DOWN 'HOME LIVl1IIG - ol!\l\'!WBg !DId 'd1eerlul 3 BR home. Large livingareawlth·blg l!lIglllOlle 'Irep18ce,s\lll rooID, sewIng roOIlJ or3rd,BR, d!!ubleca'1lott, closl1ln Oilwooded lot. UuJuru!sbed $39,5OO,9\). .. .. . ....

DO YOU WANT SE;CLUSION1 ..... Tltls iyear old holllets located on.ovl1ranacT.e oIl1~uI!lqlly; w.ooded land on Gavllan Caayon Road, ModUied A·frll.mllcOlIStr.uciloll with abake shlllglea alll\ a largl1 moss rock Ilr~placc withh~tola.tor.. Horses are permitted. 3 BR, 1% batha, IIl'prol[. 1515 sq. It. only$75,000.00 uuJurnlahed.

PALMER GATEWAY COMMEaClAL-!ncollle prC)J>eRy, !lUp!cx, 211R..eachside close 10 shoppbJg. Income $350.00 ,p~r month, fuJIy reoted. FnmJsbed$32,500.00.

CONDOMl1IIIUM TlME-SHARfNG RESALl!'-'3 - bclore you buy, check WllbliS. We h!lve s~me exCellentbuys both at PinecUll Bud Inasbroo!L

MOBILE HOME SPECIAL OF THE WEEK - lUO Heated sq. fl. III 7Grooms.2bedrooms,l bath, 011 a nJce fialloL Ali thlaat 00lY$17,5OO.00.

LINCOLN TOWN- Tbis 3hedroom cabin III located ustead ofUacolo

U 011 • acres. ass stol'8ge -;gooi1 dCllllcsllcwcll, Jow wea, scenJcview aud you call ktep hol'Scs. Lowered In 'price from $35.000 10 $29,950.owncr says Sell!!




CI.1V Adillriu... _ .. )~~:..,$'1, . _ .__ ... _._ ..,

PtCTURE YOURSELF owning Ibis Ineomeproperty. Very good year tOUIld and reliabletenanls. Owners are wanllng. 10 setUetheEstate.


" ,' . .'

O'OR patsomf.i1·"40t

Brenda MCG:h'f3]6,i(2i2


,.,....--.........--.......---...,...---------"...THINKING OF A CAREER ~ IN REAL

mSTATE? We are nQW Intll,fViewing. .

licensed and non-licensed applicantsinterested in pursuing a career in realestate. 11 you are energetlc. ambitlollSand a ~elf stal1er, contact Tommy .Perteet at P.0, Qmwer 9 or 2&7-7373 for aeonfident.ial interview. Perteet-Parks &Associates, Inc. P.,'lHfc

MUST SELL - pri~rl1dUCed drasticOiIlYifyou areInterestedlnoW!llngyoor !lWn .buslnli!lS .in Rllidoso, call collect, 505­

437-0402 or ~venings, 505"'37.Q~~8. U-44-lite

FOR SAI.,E j:lY OWNER - 10 a.cres,\lnrestrlcted. Unique and spectacu11l!'vicw. 100 gallon per minute watcr well,roads, electrIcity. Several buildingsites.$6,000 per acre. Call JerryK;eeton. 2li7.2760. K-95-tfc

Exclusive 40 acres with lots (If trees.fantastic view and priced at only $~50

pcr acre with excellent termS.ApproxlJuately &acre &facts with lots oftrees for only $20,000, no restrictIons.These are jllSt II few of the manyselectlons of raw land. Call the land mennow at Great Western Realty 257-4605 orevc. Mel GlefUI 378-4919, Larry Tillman257-4395. . .

L. ,...

CWWe ~a."e_ll.Boodse'ectIOll ol~!lsldent!all9lJ!-.

wiTh lOIS of trees close III wlt1l goOdIlCCe:l$, Call Us and give us an Ides (IfyoI!!' neoos .lind I bet we b~ve It. canG.reat west~rn RI1~lty ~1l7;..w05 or ~Ve,Md Gl~nn 378-4.~1~ or Larry TIl1nJan 2li7. .4305.


... .,-, "." "-"," " • ,,,,,_"c.,,"

. .,

Sudderth Office 257..4073 ..... Mechem Office 257~7373. -. .., " .'. . ... ,., - ~ • _. ... • • to, • ..' ,_ • _ •

Jim C.tPtntetiit·Un

Jane' 'if/ullck__'"7"'__'-- ......-....::.""y.,'


seaoy t ~

SUPI;:RB COMMfi:RCiAL LOCA.1'10N ANDBUsiNESS. This rapidly expalldlngrestaurant has yet to reach Its putentlal.PosslblUty of owner Iinanclng. Call tIS todayloran appointment.

VIEW LOT IN COUNTRY CLUB a;:$TA1'E'.S'-- --,--w»;l!ljtb[',!!Jlf,ln!!1{;-r#lJu~n~Clng allab. I. . . '.. •".

":~;~~I~~~~~illa~~m;~~b~:tlJ;W~O=;~-'W-e:-Dot--:i{'.' h",~."






• • •

Sundown!!rRestailrant onHighway. 70ealit. 528,000,fixtures, stQ(lk, equipment.and business. Lease buildingat 522$ per month yearround. This business hasbeen constant for 15 yearswith same owner, $7,000down and terms to suit you.Yo,", can afford this one, .Callowner Neil SmUh. 378·9981pays.






I!:XCELLI;:NT OPPORTUNITY lor rellred BI;:AU'l'IFUL HIGHEST of quatlly THlS CUSTOM BUILT CONDOMINIUMcouple! Live In roomy :I bedroom lIvlng dIamonds. watches, chllla, polteQ' and the bas cuough room lor Ito Hamlllea.Dcslgol1dquartel'S. Renl Dill remalulog 10 units Bnd best lines 01 silver will go wltb the sale of thIs. for a corporation retreat, Ithas?,OOOsq.ft•• l0havc Bgood monthly Income. Grcat locatloll weI! knoWll, established jewelry slore. bedrooms. 12 haths. a IDI'ge game room with aon Mechem Drive 10 walking distance of RepaIr i;qulpment lind very oIce Ilxtllrea.The lull bar and water fall. It looks out oversupermarket. Priced right because oWller answer 10 your questloM regarding this veQ' gorgeOlls snow, capped mountains In lhe .

. needs to s~l1. stable lnves~meol are avallahle by jllstghilng. WInter and I. close to th~ 1'8Cett'llck lor__,~__ ..,---,~,- -- . ';..----'~--'----·IlIllfOl1JS1illa call. . • swnmer-l'lIl!lng. Owtlem mlglil mlllil or a

.- WOULD YOU LIKE three bedrooms .....lth smallerbome. .walk·ln closeI, two lull carpcJed balbs? A GOL~'I':R'S DREAM. A hcaullfully. ... .. . ..Elegllnt flreplace, hIgh soack bar, self decorated and furnished 3 bedroom, 2 hath . BEAUTIFUL RESORT CONDOMfNIUM.lnc1enning ovcn. 20' :x 10' covered deck condominium loeated right on the Cree Ruidoso's finest Aspen Run. Tbls condo Is(lverlooklug a pretty 1IIew. Year roundaccess Meadows Golf Cunrse. this \lIltt Is a split fully 'tIt'illshed and professionally decorated,woUld ncvcr be a problem as yOIl driVe Into level, wllh a mognlflcent view of SIer1'8 nnd bestofall,Wabl'llbdNlllWIIhls graveled CIrcular drlvewa • PrIced to Blanca a d fl'· . •

Who Knows Ruid'oso?

********************.'~ REAL ESTATESCHOOL ~.. Sponsored by Ruidoso Board of .... Realtors and accredited through the ..: New Mexico Mllliary IlIstlt\lte. :

~ 30 CllI$Sfoom Hours In REAL ~* ESTATE - PRINCIPLES & It.. PRACTICES. It

~ Course will be taught Tuesday and ~.. Thursday cvenlngs beginning ~~. November7,197.8. ~

~ For further Information contact KIm .~... PI.~kctt at Perleet·Parks & .... AiIlloelatllli, Ine. 25704073. ..


I aVYEQTJIT.IES- ill homeflk lots, ifpriced rlgllt. Call Jaek Mize at aucldeyReal l!Jstaw2~704G3il !'r home 2~7-7292. B.19.tfc .

HOME FOR SALJ\1 aY5UILDl!Jl\- l\lSt .. finished. ~biII bea\ltiful bollSe bas over

219\) sq. ft. Wit'" deck all around. A'fal,nlj(l1lS view, m\lSt s~, tnJIYO\lt­starnling· bll\!Se, !leasonal>l~ ptii:ell atunder $61,000. Call ~57-771a, 257-~4li7 ,or371H!,182. '. C-2-tlc

Offices Located at 'nnsbrook Village'nformation Center, Highway 37

REAL CHARMER - this 1 bedroom,. mountain. cabin withfireplace within walking distance to downtown area. Allfor 520,000. Call Diana Isaacs for details.

• .iJ:vel"y'tiing We 'I01ich turns to SOCb"" , • ..


4400 SQ. FT. OF HOUSE BEAUTIFUL - 4 bedrooms, 3baths, 2 fireplaces, gorgeous view, $0 many extras youcan't get today. Betty Patton will be glad to take youthrough this fine horne.

Y~SAYVA' WANT-a real log cabin? Ya'say Ya'wantIt big, comfortable, secluded and furnished? Ya' say ya'want spacious decks and a great big fireplace? t got ittCall Dick Woodul.

S'PE VIEW OF SIERRA ,BLANCA· witheas year around access to this beauty of 1228 sq. ft. - 3be rooms, 1~ baths, fireplace and a garage with plentyofs rage, only four years old. For details call Diana Isaacs.

COMMERCIAL LOT -140 front on Highway 37, 200' deep,operty runs back to next street· good terms for this fine

10 atJolJ. Call Betty c;atton anytime1

RI ER! - Completely restored beautiful old river cabin.New plumbing, heating, insulation, all new appliances.large deck directly above river at the end of UpperCanyon. Shown by appointment only. Call Peter Strobel.

HIGHWOOD HOME· Soon to be ready. 4 bedrooms, 2_~athsJongue..an.d,gtooile...beam..ceiJin!i andlhEi1inestvieW--,.

In Lincoln County. Priced at 5$9,000. Call Flo Cummings.

$47,500 ~UYS THiS -Immaculate 3 bedroom home withfinished garage. Completely furnished, on pavement, withnatural gas and sewer. You oWe it to yourself to see tllisone with Dick Woodul. •

.doug bass and associates. '

-NEW HOME ON THE RIVER· 2 bedroom, :1 baths,

beautiful fireplace· carport· 1224 sq. ft. of living area forthe buyer who enjoys the finest of river properly - lordetails call Diana Isaacs.

ALTO CHARMER - Let us show you this 3 bedroom, 2bath home, one of the lowes' priced homes In Alto, verywell appointed with large deck 'overlooking the lake, only569,800. Call Sonja Hartronft.

CABIN LOTS - large tree covered lots priced right,under 54,000. Start your plans now. Let Marge Woodul helpyou find just what you're looking for.

BRAND NEW - 14X72 Town & Country Mobile home, 3bedrooms, 2 baths, all set up on a corner lot with yeararound access.. Only 55,500 down. Don't miss this excellentbuy. Call Sonja.

SPA~ISH STYLE· 3 bedroom, 2 bath, on nice streetacross from river. Heat costs less than 560 a month.Im'maculate yard, a beautiful location. Call RichardCothrun to see this 2,000 sq. ft. beauty.

HORSEMEN-STOP * looking if you are in the market .forsomething nice. I have (our places with beautiful homes,set up and rJ!ady to go. All within 20 minutes or less ofRuidoso and' range from 7 to 51 acres. Call RichardCothrun for appointment.

TRADERS UELIGHT· A beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathcontemporary home right neal" tnnsbrook VUlage. Ownerwants to trade down for a woody cabin, preferably on theriver. Richard Cothrun has details.

HEYl • How about a heck of an Alto lot with socialmember;ship at $7,5001 calLDick.QuiiCiC-~-------

MOBIL!: HOME LOTS. with fantastic view, dirt workdone, septic and water meter on lots, just bring yourmobile home. Call Sonja.

IN THE HEART OF "ft\DOSO • 'perfect access,cleanest, neatest 2 ber'#f\\'V"aths and fireplace, pricedfor quick sale - 538,$00. ~Marge Woodul.

WE HAVE VERY SELECT BUILDING LOTS -with aview in Alto Village. Contact Peter Strobel to show them toyou.

, .'Richard Cothrun, Sales Manager -257,2109

----$t'm'rj;''ir'Hartronlt;Assoc:iate-BrQker -:' :m...mI~122----: . Setty Patton, Associate Broker-251c2397 .. , .Marge Woodul ... 257·1681 . Peter Strobel '"'" 336·4696Oiana.lsaacs - 251-7063 DickWoodul- 2514681

. . t::io Cummings - UH976 .

. .1ll'l8 SQLlTAmE MOIULE ~ It lI: 72 custom bqllt w111J 2 bedrOOlQl!, 2'lIII"'Ihs.~Uy nI~ 'umltufl,!. Double insUlated tu I"Ol)f,,1ld floor. Lot IsIIJII" 160, .

on Pl\Veme.nt ,,11I\ one of the b~t lots In AhponWe$t t.1I you are looldllg lor ar~lquality mobile, see thisone.· ... ' . . .

. EJtCELLEN'l' ACCESS - thfllO lKldroom,l'>2 bath home ootyabout3 bloe~

.. olf Highway 7.0. 'Ven' ol!:l!U with lOVely gardeu spot alll\ yard. As low lls$!l,OOOdQ~ with ilwner financing. '.

TWO J,OVELY LARGE HOMl!'-') -In nuldoso's finest subdlvlsloas. One bas. 3200 sq. It. one hDs 2600. Both have excellent views and large lois.

CUJantfe~ 'ReaQBgtate M)\tT()l\IMN!i:.2~7-7I~.····PHONU~7.2092 .' '. L 0.S.MON'l'E;IM5704~1


. "~ tudE. office wltllt&. IJlfj liea'te'

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Page 12: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

~;;» .,,!,R. ,~. , ••

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At Lastl

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," .solltllem QlPlInWn Itor~oll allll quietly tlteram movell ill witltollt t!tJlnder or Ugltt·nbtg. !n the IlIgl)ttl1e SIlOW clllneill tromt!leI!QI1It, a,!!\I Monetay wa~ a ral'l! Octoberday.,,-,- ---.___:_~ --- . --- ­

lWn _Md ~IlOW feJlWgetller,MlIlt was a 'iJlarv!!t to~ee how tlte SIloW f1l1kes 1\114 ramdrops did not dll1turb \lne a,llotlter. Winterand fall Were witl) \!S togetl)er, ~ thealltUUll1 rntnllhd.thlfwmter~nQw.

It is always wonllerful til walch thedifferent moodS oUlJ,esd()w.

OCltoberRain ,- The SnoW flakes. D1lIydance,nglttlyAlJd Snow through the air, or come fl)'iJIg on the

This is being _sent til you on OctQber wlnlJ,orswirlandrushwiththebJlzzardastwenty.four, anll as I look up tlte vale I can it cilUStltrough tlte P'\!esanll ellHs lind bill.see tlte October colors au along' tile toPs., , , . , ',; , -,

, -mountainside trimmed in;alace wo!'k-of -This::Monday snow lIlnollgst -the-rain-­pure shlnlng White. The BUll hils Come !lilt came taUing througlt II world ~tW lIIllitltis mQminll after being bid fpr a day, au quiet; the flakes were large and Boft, allll

. day yesterday above a likyof clouds which floated straight doWn slowly f\"Om tlte gray!tad drifted overheac! lata. tile evening Sky , - au in perfect step with not thebefore carrying a 'Ugllt rain' along with Sllglttest c/lange In the distance betweenthem. This was Sunc!aY' eventng, from tlte eaclt mother, above, below 0"1' to the side.top of a bill. to tlte north, YOll eQuid ~ee the There is somet!tlng about this slow·fallingrain clouda floating In over the bills on the quiet snow that holda you in a pleasantsouth side of the river. The sun wa~ just spell. you watch the down drifting whitegoing do,wn and the Inst rays turned the flakes IU\d their quiet, peaceful moodcloud and its streamllrs of rain Into a blaze reaches you, bringing you contentment,and a shower ofgold.. ' and awakening Itappy memories., AU Sunday nigltt the rain drops fell ever AutuDntPlctureso slowly with au the rain soilklng Into the, Glows and Shinesgf!!\lIId, II welcome ble~1ng for Good, Today, October twenty·four, !ndianMother Earth. : ' , SlIIJ)IJier }!as retumed, touched with just

Early MOllday morning you could see enouglt of winter to bring a magicthat the rain was-mlngled with SIlOW flakes brlWance'to the leaf colors. The snow andfaWng gently and majestl~ally~ the st.1ll rain have washed tlte lellves sparklingair. The first snow of the year, brought in clean and' drops of rain are turned Intoby a band of clouda floating down frojll the shining jewels by the sun. Up along thenorih, meeting the rain cloud from the higher reaches of the hWs, you can seesouth. Ugltt tra~es of snow ouUlning patches of

There is an old saying that In November oak brush colored crimson, orange,and February you can see days of all four purple, yellow, pink and purple. ~ew

seaso!lS of the year. delicate shades and hues of color areDl!rfng the Inst few days we have seen brollght out by the cleansing rain and the

winter, spring, fall and In!llan Summer shining snow.here-In the mountain land. Thoilglt a touch of winter's white char!ms

The CoWl Know the mountain helgltts, au trace of.snow is,On Saturday the twenty second the bees gone from the vale and the world is warm

were out In the sunny weather under a again. The apricot tree is shining manypure blue sky. The leaf colors of the oak shades of gold, against the green andbrush and river trees and mountain purple hili, clearly outlined against the Skymaples and aspen were shining under a of October blue. 'warm sun. It was eighty degrees here at Blrtbday Draws Nearthe house. You wondered If winter was DurIng the snow and rain of Monday; mygoing to pass us by this time. thollghts went back to lhe long trip on foot

The cows had all come down from the that our fatller made to be present at my. bills and were lying resting on the knoll, arrival In lhe world at Valdez, Alaska In

the calves stretched out on the gf!!und near just such weather. In my heart today aretheir mothers, or In Uttle groups together, the prayers of my mother and fatherbasking In the sun. The cows !lid not seem trusting God with my safe arrival and myto be hungry or thirsty. They just rested happiness and safety always.there all afternoon. The warm weather These words wID reach you on the eve ofand the gathering of the cows is always a that Octobertwenty:seven day In mysign 01 ~pproachlng rain. Yet there was.nativelandofAlaska. " • 'not a cloud In sight and the Indian Summer Looking back through the years thoseweather was In full commandof the world. days seem only yesterday and Alaska just

Toward evening, suddenly the cows over the bill to the north. I feel In my soulwere gone, and here came a IIg1tt rain out today God's precious m1racleofllfe.of the wesl. On Sunday the sky cleared and Asong from heaven is In my Iteart leday,at midday some of the cows came down a a sacred hymn of gratefulness to God for 'few at a time to the river and slowly my llfe and my loved ones, and so manyjourneyed back toward Qle bills. blessings. The blessed splrltS of my

Late In the evening all alOllg the hID mother, father and aU my lOVed ones aresides you could hear cow and calf voices close to me today, and we aU rejoicecilUlng and ecltolng t1lroUgh the canYOIlll together thanking God.anll glens. What message were they Let us send a prayer to God to bring Hisbringing to each other? blessing and His never·falling care to all

At n1g1tt faU just at the gloaming, the mothers, and all Infanta walling to sse thegolden rain dotil appeared on the llgltt ofday.



Page 12 - R~idoso [N. M.l News

I .

I ,.. ,

Page 13: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


" - 7-,

~.. ,.J .'""_ ........ . _~'w "~~''''''''_''~''"'.M'''

'. '" _....

Yours· and OUrs·- .. ' ' '. c':

'. " -',.... _'_..... _.-,.1."" ....; ....It.~ .... _Il.""",~,~.,><="... _~'l M_. _

Clipped comment

Where to contact-your lawmakers

, ,

TR TEIJoyd L. Davis Jr., JD8yor. Address: Box 743, Ruldoso, N.M., 68345. BIIII_

telephlllle3784446; reslden.ce257-W5. .W.ShennanAlwllOd, tru!tee. Address:B~ 477,Ruldoso. Telepltooe257.2651.Ab Gunter, trustee. Address: B~ 837, Ruldoso. BUllness telepho1lll 'J$1.'1m;

residence 257·2784. .•Frank Sayner, trustee. Address: Box2S69, RuldOllO. BI15Iness telephone 'J$1.

4651; residence 257-7278.George P. White, trustee. Address: B~ 3896 H,S., Ruldoso. Tele....-· 257.

4322, J'O""'" •

BUJDOSODOWNSTRUSTEES-, ---.--._.Nonnan Wbeeler, JD8yor, Address: Boll: 487, Ruldoso Downs, N.M., 6llM6.

Business telephone 3711-4780; residence 3711-4596.RaY Parnell, trustee. Address:B~S66.Ruldoso Downs. Telephone3'1lI-48«.LoIsBeavers, trostee. Address: Box155, Ruldaro Downs. Telephone 3711-4'784.Juanita Burke, ·trustee. Address: Box 3163, HollywOOd Stat/Iln, Ruidoso,

N.M., 88345.Telepbone 37ll-4694.Vads Leighton, trustee. Address: B~ 3312, Hollywood Station, Ruidoso.

Telephone37~. •

U.S. SENATORSPete v, Domenlel, R-N.M. ""- 405 RussellSenate Office Building, Washington,

D.C.,20510; (202) 22+6621. Roswell office, Room 140, U,s. FederalBuilding anetCourthouse, Roswell, N.M.,88201; 623-6170.

Hanisllll "Jack".Sc1unItt, R·N.M. - 1251 D1r\l§en Senale Office Building,Washington, D.C., 20510. Roswell office, Room 175, U.S. Federal Building andCourthouse, Roswell, N.M., 88201; 622-7113.U.s. REPRESENTATIVES

Harold L. RUMels, D-N.M., Second Congressional District -1535Longworth.. House Office Building, Washln$l1On. 0.0.. 20515; (202) 225-2305. Lovington ci­

fice, Sulte,A. McCrory Building, Lovington, N.M.,8lI26O: 396-2252. LaS Crucesoffice, 300E Griggs Avenue, Las CI'UCCS,N.M.,ll8OOl;~,

Manuel Lujan, R-N.M., First CongressionalDIstrict -132S I.ongworth HOUleOffice Building..Washington, D.C., 20515; (202) 22lHI316. Albuquerque office,Room 10,001 Dennis Chavez Federal Building, Albnquerque, N.M., &7103; 7M-2538. • .STATESENATOR .

Jolui E. Conway, R-otero,Llncoln - State Capitol, Santa Fe, N.M., 8'1501;1507 Crescent, Alamogordo, N.M., 88310; 437-8200, 43'1-1840.STATEREPRESENTATIVES

Jolui F. Bigbee, R-Dlst.'50 - Stale capitol, santa Fe, N.M..8'1501;~ 13Il,Encino, N.M.,8ll321. . '• '

Jolui J. Merabon, D-DIst. 51 - Stale capitol, Santa Fe, N,M., 8'1501; CIood.cre>ft, N.M., 88317. ,

Maurice Hobson, R·DIst. 52 - Stete C8Iiltol, SaJlta Fe, N.M., mol; Drawel'638, Al81!logordo, N.M.,88310.' ,COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS

Jolui F. Sudderth, ChaIrman, Drawer1230, Ruldoso, N.M., 68345.GeorgeL.Slraley.Jr., Ancbo Route,Canizozo,N.M.,88301.Gear eH. Stoneman. Bo:l;549 Ruldoso Dow1uJ N.M. 88348.


, _,'f



New Yorlt CIty ••• touted by promotersof samc as The Big Apple. , • Is trying toentice tourism •.. 'cause as usn's here InHarmon all .


mlllley which yIelds taxes ••• and The BigApple needs plenty of tax money to keepfrom becoming The Big BadApple. .

Anyhow .,. In a promotional blurb'about Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade• •• these public relallons tYJlCS arethrowing out a real pulse qulckener forvisito1'9 as might be on band to view saidparade.

. '-~----'lt's soggcsted-that visitors go-to-77th­Street and Central Park West the nightbefore the parade .•. and ooh and ah andgape and gasp at the sight of the hugecartoon figures being inflated ••• why If'npeople could live through tbat sllntulatingexperience without getting mugged •••they might bave slrength left to relaxoveran ice tea .•• just to gradually come downrrom the exciting emotional strain IIIwatching cartoon figures being blown up. •• why it's alnlost enough to 1II8ke aperson quit watching bread rising.

,'" =.,"'" '",,' ...,.,.. ....... -'--"""""'~" ,"" ',.- ,.-,.' '""'_ ..-,,,,,:,'; ,:":. :' 7' -,.,.,,"",:,, T~' •.,..,.., "."""' """""~_"'.T ., '. C""'-' ',",,~ y-,..,.".,-: ~~" 'o:""'.""1"'!'! .""::'W"C'~"!",,,,,II"'" ,.,...:"':' "'~"'i'!l"--1"'7-"'" ""~'''''''''''''-"!!'''"'-!!''''''C~'l'I'''"-'r~F¥,iii!/ :!!!'"""l""""r;:~

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,'O~-p········I~-N'·1·0········N ••. p•. ···A···. "·6·"E".. --~--.' - .' - :. " -,' ':. , -, "

- ... -- - , -, ,- -_.. , . ,

... by

Cale Dickey

, .

Stuph & Jun,k


SUBSCRIPTIQN RATES IN APVANCESingle copy, 2Oc; Slugle Copy by Mull, 400; 6 monQlsqut of County, $11; wltbln

CoUnly, $9; 1 yearout of Co81lty,.$14; within County, $U; HQJDe dellVllry, $2.permouth,. . . . .

The RuldlJllo NllWs reserves tile right to reject advertJsl!rg aud ed1t copy tb1lt It .couslders objectionable. Liability for auy elTOl' ln advertising sbaII uot exceed thevalue of tile actual Spalle In wblch tile elTor oecilUll and shall be satisfied bycolTection lu tbe uext Issue. Call 257-4!'Ol for H~me DeUvery.. ...

-NNlSU'S TRYING VERY Ins~ad or '!n Institution that is operated,on

• • • momes paid to the state by tax paYIngConsidering the various methods ... citizens. 'Tis about time, , . by jlnkles • : •

some oftb\!m allegedly notqulle according that Senator Aubrey Dunn, has a IIttie chit­to Hoyle '" tbat New Mexico Stale chat al!out when; NM~U s money comesUniversity (NMSUI Is _ploylng to from with NMSU s officials who seem toprevent their grazing experllllents from thln~ . they should always be on thebeing a hindrance to the , multi.mlllion recclVmg end,alrport proposed for Fort Stanton Mesa, .. It's not surprising that'NMSU'd spend QUITE SOME BEASTIE$4 million for a 30,000 seat arena without 'contacting the state highway departnlent Ir'n you know the boonles between .Lasabout routes of Ingress and egress. Cruces and Hatch, .• you probably are of

What Is puzzling. , . howeRISoever. , •is the opinion that stretch or land ain't flttenthe"facf that NMSU has , • , according to for man or beast.the Albuquerque Joumal •.• refused to Comes now the banner-tailed kangaroogrant right-of-way from campus property rat, •• who thrives there.adjoinIng University Avenue to the south, This wee beastie '" weighing In at

The key word must be "refused" •.• rour ounces , .. $pends .Ihe arid wInterwhich could justlrylhe' highway dePart- chomping down dry seeds •.• without ament's decision to refuse to consider drop ofwater.NMSU's squawking about needing a road And this beastie lives in a mound ••• 18to their stadium .•• ubUl they unrefuse to Incites high and from six to ten feet Ingive up a few acresofcampus grassland to diameter ••• extending some 42 Inchesbuild the road on. . into the earth ••• and so built that the alr

Why you'd almost think NMSU is therein Is so saturated with carbon dioxideoperating as a tax paying Inslltution . .• that other beaslles'd die If cooped up

therein.Next time you think you ClIn sul'llive

when the going gets tough ••• give a lIWethought to how tough the banner-talledkangaroo rat is.

", ...., ,Th"r$dilY, Q(;tQ~er ,24, 1978 Ruldo$o( N. N1.] News..,..; se~tlcm II.·"1·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·,·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·..•..' , , "'.',, , .- " " , ,.. , , o!, , •• , _....... •••••. ' ••.••••

••••••, •••••••••••••,.•••••••••••••••••••! ' •••••' ••••••••••••••; : •••;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.;•••:.,•••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:~:.:.:.:';':';':';':';':':';':':';':';':':':';';':';';';';':".;.;.:.;.;.:-:.;.:.r-:.~.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.;':':':':':':.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.r-;.;.:~:.:.:;;.:;:.;;.;.:;:;:~;':·:·:':·;:;;:-=':';';-:'N':;;';':':';·:':·;':';':':':':.,:.;.;.;.:.;.:;;;:.:.:.:.;.;::::.:~;::;::;::::;.


....- -----.---,---..

, -


Everything you need toknow about the "R" factorof insulation is just a

phone call away!


~~E::::; 38 J9. It•........::::...



W~~=::o:..!;iJ'\LL FLOOR~__

- .

Even In viewofthe hassle the legislaturehad during the 3O-day session this year In POOR PLANNING BRAKES ON SMUGGLINGpassing their "feed bill" .•• It doeS seem N '.' ..... t be told tha't' thelikely that It wouldn't be at all uJDiss to We can't. help but question the .. ° one lie""" .. 0.. .provide our Senators and Representatives econOlDlcs of the stale. spending $11.9 lnunJgrationand .~atura1lzat/on Servicewifha stipend of$3',600 annually .•• which million w coJlSfrucf a medfWII seeuntyshould !)ave all the belp It can get IJI .might elltice mote capable people to seek prison lIelll' Los LUlIas to bo\lile 182 .fi1llIe combatting the flOOd of lliIdOClllJlentedthese offices •.. and from the griping and 96 felD8le liunates - a total ofllnly278 lI1ietl!i Into tbe.UnltedStates. . .heard stalewlde throUghout the last persOtl!i. Tbe ~edlate problem, at course,ls tosession about some of the legislators, • , The situation.at the. present prisOIl ~ see that life Is tougher for the 9IDugglers

,And., . knOWing about "R" factors is . there pOssibly are bettercandidates, admifu1d1y,gettingllbnostintolerableasllWho make a bUSiness of sneaking aliens .-.-lrnpoctanUn..saving..energy-and-moAey!------"-. --.--_.-----". "- - - -becbnle8inc~gIY'ovel'i:rowded;Asthe--.across..th.. "border~One..wiiy would-be·to.- ,-".. "

h h " . _. h .hl c u\'ts' bec'o·....e stricte·ran'·d tile state selzelhe vehicles they USe.Our extreme sout western weat er Wby It u"g t be. that some cap.. e. 0" ..." •. UllfottUllatel . the 1952 (ederal statule •makes it even more important for people ••. l11aYbe retired. , • l11aYbe m a movbes twlllll,mandatory sentenc1l1g, this covering ilIegar~ntl'l' does not permltU.s.h . h' k 1·1 th POSItion where they'd serve in the pro lem. worsen... '. bo de Off" Is to inJ' ". d the ..........

omeowners In t IS area to now a e. legislatW'e Il'n that $3.600 wllu1d take up There ~ nil que~.t!!l! thatthe.state needs V~;nd ~c::tltathav~inell11"'od:idetails about the "R" factor of the slaclt , .. just might became public mOre pl'l9on.facllities and Should bave. tools In th .."". ed lmporlaf! (JlinSUlation. We can tell you What the minded .•• and l'UD for office ..• lind, started on !!tIS years ago, bUt ourquestlllll ."".. . e orgamz l111

I ed, • t" I ht . 'd .'L' is arewe doUlg enough.now1 ....ens.. "." .. ..".recommended "R" rating for this area once !l ect ,JUS m g consl er ",elr . Why lIot build a facilit· to handle 500 This loophole has created an absurd. d h h' f' 'th th fitst respol1flbility could ~e to represent eo" Ie an··d" 'be do'n"'e" 'w'l·thYl·t.?' Admitted! sltua,ti..o.n•.. LeO"nel J. ca,st!Uo, INS ccm-IS an S ow you ow InSU atlon WI e t~1r consbtuents fun tiJne •.. which lhePplanned Los LUlIlis faclli''', can 6:; llIisslorer, told" a Senate judletary sub-proper "R" value resists heat loss or uughtbelpallotllS, eulargedbut when the stale de:fldellto do c~tt~ recently tiult 8280£.3,600heat gain, Proper insUlation can help this· It' '""·~tab' I ust' L·t ""n vcbi.clesmtercepledcattYingillegalalieJ1!l

L.. BRIEF BI'1': Monday's blanket of white .' as """"'': y m ,w.... WI In the Cbula Vista CaIlfllmta borderyou use energy more efficiently and ~ li reminder that ere long there'll be b~~gp~~~ethe rognl11l but dep"·lore ~iOfi during flscal'year 19'11 bad beenkeep your home comfortable year skiers here to blanket ltarmllllY Valley tit I P • _ & HI Graude SuIl, IIlVoIved in at least one prior case III'round. If ~ou nave q\.lestioR110r want _Wi~I~JOO.;r,,!!n~'.' CD " " E e p a;mmg: e . ..0 . .•...9IDllgg!lng..J\.\temclllstbpped-aW!e-borde,l'r-_. ,,~

, " -.... co c· info'rmaiTon: call or come "by" the" ," ... , -,,-- , s~a.. Ollt! dayma>-be tfansportllig more aliensl " . c . the IiilU Ii!!l1Ilt· ,- .2:"------ ~ __---Community--Pu-blio-ServioeGompany, JL~--"'=iJLC- JIm er." .~

AtlTOiI1(jRILEltF:N'rl.NG~'.liRAil"'G. .. , cl'unUOIi""Y.· ilIigressseema readttoOffice. Our representative will be happy '" .., • I:Ol'i'llct thls overslgbt LeglsJatlOn spoo.to visit your home and talk With you - Lf.'ASING Sr.···.V'.leI: sotedby Sell. Waller HUddlestoll, D-KY.,

II b t t·h' d th" . Ii Ii would give the Immlgratloll lindpersona y a au IS an 0 "r e.nergy T kit· ... • Mat~.. ... 11011 seJ.ovlcethe lIuthorlt1 toand money saving ide'as, - rue e..'.ng .. Lea.,ng. seize ehlcles U$Cd 1lIalienS1111lgg!lllg.

·5·,.O·'·U·. ·.Y·,····H····· W·.. " E··,S···'· ·D·..0'·.. DG··E·.. . Ve .eOW1lei'swou1dhavethe\l8ilBldueA , [ito .. rights olappeal 81I'd Impounded\.:::J' ',' .~ . .. ,., V~~:::Icould not be solhitoout judl.c1a1

ii' :"". CDMMU~ITYPUBLIGSEHVIOE r;.~ =• ·'INC. ..:::e~dlb:C~~~~e:~n~~-=J:;·. , YOUI' Bec/ria IJghl& PowtJr tJortlpbhY ~ IJl 13ffl1S. i':.iI1AtN ~OSWF;U ..N. M:; • . "Ii 1argerstrategy to reduce IlIi,dlil:Ufilenled

.... ... .ll11lDigratlon. -News·BidletlD..Delei1 '


••••••• I ••• '•• '" ••••••••••••• , •••• ••••. , . "••;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:-:.:,:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:':':':':';';~:':":'~~:::::""':":::::',:,':~:.:.,:~:·;·:·,~·:·:':·:·,:·:·:·:·:·N·:·:·:·:·:':.:.:·:.:·:.~,:,:.:.;.:.:.:••, ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:, , ", " t ~ ••• ~ ,- ",- t' •••••••••••••,•••••••••

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j '. "agitoIContmentbvErn.Ie M·'.i.lls.'S;'nta~lI~OutOqaLlnl~:aYWslale water used initially for mining pur- . THE RUIDOSO NEWS

dale \!1 tlIeGe!1eraIEl~t1OI! !;!lIDPl\jgJ), the wses.The second or third usemlgltt ·in- ~_ ._..c,.c~ ._."_ -. _ - ~ .. ' - -_.. ---- -- .-.... ..'

~Ilde", probably have hea!'d el\ou8h poll volve sanitary uses as opposed t9 drinking"" . PuI!Ushed eac!! Monday alll1 ThIlI'8Ihiy by ~uldoso.NeWII, In!!., J. KeDnetb Green,flgtQ:es Oq tlteGuberJll!toriai rac;e to drive uses, •• but Catanach sees the legislation President; Wl!lter L. Green, Vlc;e Prel!ldent, lit 17U Sullderth DrI~, 81Id enWedtbe~b81ll!lUlSI;. .. ; •.. -. as critical In ,New Mexico's CQntlnuingas.~~nhIasslDJltterattlte"llstQrrllleatRuldoso,N'.Mi8!l:l4$. • .

Thls colwnlUj;t ahVIIYll ·bBs teltlt is not battle against the a-mount of available I\ell and Mllry Greeu ••. ; •••..• ; ,~ ' •. " , , .•. , .~: .. ,.: ••..• , .••• ' •, ,., .Publlsbel'8.-onr-=-job--to-Jnflu~(!e-V9~ntf,~b~.t-it_~doe9·fa1l- ~W-ater. --- ----------- -" .-, ·eal4;"DI~lI;ey- ~:;..~.~~-;~ •. -.~-~. '-•• : , .• ,-~ -~. ~":-, ;-;-~--:- •.• ,. t i i'-._. ~'•• , ,', ~.•• ~-•• , • .-~ •• ,-Ecntor"witblll tb\l reporter's b!lliwllikto try to get ,ACLU.Jaramillo: Our birdies say tl!e ,ClU'llleuEdwa!'ds • '.' , " . , , . , ., , , . , . " " ..•.. " ,AdvertisingMg.

, I;)~as rnany'Vot~:~~ possl~le.. . Americ,an CivU I.JbenLes Union-New J{y·~ptt •..••. ~ ., •••..•.••.• '.* •••••••••••••• , , •• ~ ••••••• " • I • ,,_, .Cfreu1a11QD Mgr..' Sevllra! willl~ago, we we"t out on a Mexico is stili considering" a request fromIlmbllnd p~ctC!i tiulcol!testb!!tWllen State Liquor Control boss CarlosDe1noerat Bruc;e Kmg and RepubliC1\n Joe Jaramillo,Skeen coUld end up with as fllW a,s four JatlllDillo !sasklng the organization totho\lS8Jld vot~ sllparatlr!g tb\l victor from intervene on his behalf agBlnst tl!ethe 1000er ~ in/act, tb\l !mal margin could Governor's Organized Crinle Preventionbe under two tlIo,\lS8Jld votes. CoJDtnisslon,

Traditionally, in New Mexico political The antl'crinle unit has been In-campaigns, calldldatestryto peak abllut vestlgatlng the liquor Industry andtwo weeks befor~ election day and hold Jaramillo for some 18 months. Jarammo :::::::::;:;:::::::::;::::::::;::;:::::;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~::::::>.:::::::::::;:::::::;:::::;::=-;:::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::;:::::;::::;::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::~~:•tluit platl!l!U until the votllrs go Into the bas charged the investigation has been avoting booth._ '" , .. , • ".wltch·hunt", and says any other sinJilar .

. Thll one poll we Itave seen with a degfe\l probe would have been over,of consistency ""- taken by 811 out-Pf-state RepOrtedly, the ACLU is looking at thefinn by the way ~ shows the contest "record" of the case, attempting tobetween Slteen and King extremely tight detennine If any of Jaramillo's con­with just about a litUe more than six per- stitutlonal rights have been vloillted.cent oftbose polled undecided.. Wooden Walk Safe?: A walk from the

'But, Ilwe read It correctly, those'Six per- Round HO\llle to the Alcoholic' Beveragecent of thll undecldeds could make the Control (ABC) unit has goUo trigger SQJDedlfference In the election-If they go to the thoughts about fire prevention,polls. The stairs leading to the ABC and the

Just for the record, the same poll ~hows landing at the top of the stairs are made of,Attorney Generalll'oney Anaya picking up WOOD.about five percentage points alli!~t his Santa Fe ol.dt~ers remember the daysRepublican opponent Pete DQJDemcl mthe when that bUlldmg was part of the old St.race for the U.S. Senate seat - but Michael's High School, In those daysDomenlcl still holds a conunandlng lead. nobody questioned the safety of the wood,

We ,stlllfigurll this race to be closer tban should fire break out.most people expect, but tab Albuquerque But In these days of building codes andPete Mlln easy winner. sophisticated fire prevention - one has to

And It Should come as no sUI'Prise that wonder! .Incwnbent Congressman Manuel LUjan lr\terestlng'Toplc: The American Civilprobably will lead the Republican ticket in Liberties Irnlon In New MeXico is taking ahis contest against Bob Hawk for the long loolt aUhe "rights of young people".'Northern Congressional seat. Lujan could The legal·beagles say this Is an area tocome close to taking a1Inost seventy per- watch closely, and one tbat will probablycentofthevote I trigger some Interesting court tests of the

More Water Legislation: ThIs colWIUl future.has repOrted previously on various types The ACLU Is on target by probing thisof water-related legislation under particular Issue!preparation by candidates for the State PSC Budget Update: The New MexicoHouse ofRepresentatives In the November Public Service Conunlsslon is asltlng for ag!!lleral election. . . pretty hefty bJldget hllte, as It administers-'Another -such'proposal COlDCS from the regulations and laws ·tled to New

c81ldldaleLeoCatanachwhoisseeklngthe Mexico's electric, water and natural gasDistrict 48 seat from santa Fe County. It rates.wasCatanachwhodefeatedpowerfulState Nobody toolt notice, but the Com·Representative Eddie Lopez In the June mission's workload now Involves some 60

~ prinljlry. . cases (many of which are major). And the1 catanach proposes II "de-walerlng" bill ColllJll1sslon holds .jurisdlctlon over 77, at NllW Meldco mining Qltes. Thll cOqcept utilities in the Land of EnchantmenL

Involves a second, or even third \IIle of

. it,"•



IfIr,r;,r.I,I ,



Page 14: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


-. ~



• •

, " .._._., =-"""

YUte, .

. ,







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:;::.::::::::;:;:::i:::';~:i:;:';;:;:;:::;;:;;::::::;;::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::.;:;:;:::;::::::::!~:::;:_: :~:~::::;::: ::::;:::::::;::::::::::;:~::::;:;::::::;:;:;:::~:i::::;:j:;:;:;;;:::;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;::;.:::~ :::::::: . _ _ _ _ __,>,:CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINO -"-. ..' ."overlllOke-d5'nhQlce~aturday,TlJeiiijltl§ . TIle three-year-Oldgeld~41y~ght\l:Al,:. ",--------------.--..'-'-'-~:.-~'-.----...•---_.-,_..-....'----..~-:stlnlamFP8i'ltR8ofbeats =..%~~""",,,," ..... •~.~Idi:s.~I).e.g~~.:J~~:.ip}i.y~~t.~iJ.~' c

. - A RQON IS THE. TOP money el\rneJ: b! .... t KIM

~t·g(... 111.nun±"\! ("YollJiJj rt~.·g.e., 7.~1"""._, theShl1eFlyfinll1e.T!tetwo-yelll"-OldfliIy g~:li;~~:~.wblleCenennilll .,l ~ \!J..~ '" 1. .....U ("!' ... ".....- lJoastsa$5I,~ PI!J1krqll from SeV~n A SUDDEN RAINSTORM turned the.

BV KAREN HALLORAN JOE OBER TURNED In one oUhe fb!est s.tarts. aeJ: top credenijl!l i!! a Bidength track condiijon to sloppy for Saturday'sAND INNCREDIBLE INC . '··d I . . . . win In the $113,810 New Mexico Ql\llrteJ: ' ' II' ..' THE NEW BUGLER at the Sun.,... ova periormancesln the history of night nclng aOJ:lle Futurity at/he State Fair. She took ninth race and ~ure enoligh II longehot t

_ FOOD, DRINKS, BEVERAGES is a pretty 17'Year-old miss named Kelly at SunlMd Park la.st Friday. The jockey secolld to Sall)t 00U1"t In SatuJ:day's tdal the boaJ:d. J:.ady ,Jockey Bettyal\dessThrasher. Kelly, the sister Of former cleaJ:ed the winner's cll"de In fow- of the 10 for a 20.44 qualifying time, brought In her first winof the eeason on the

d/ !B£a.utiful dlilounta.in cr;:..o,t jockey Jeff Thrasher, took over the post ra,ces. ae began the onslaught on Nul'- . off track at II resounding $40 wb! J:etum., f R d' .1/ P for the first time last Saturday. She'll be on sanlckel ($9.20), then bJ:ought In ~o Jim Lall., 1\ four.year·old geldb!g, cruised

~/ou, md.. no,t" ° c uCow "!n cni9"wa.y 37 handfoJ:boththesalutetotheflagandthe mounts for trainer Wayne Stanton, Sure VIRGINIA TURNER, wIdely read in for the half length win aft.oJ: lelldlngcall to the post for each race SaturdaYs Po'2 ($6.20) and Tudor J>aradlse ($'1.80). aerald'Post cohunrlist, wa~ on hand to throughout the mile test foJ: foUl' grandand Sundays from now on. The young lady, He finished up with longshot TopofthtoweJ: make the winner's circle presentation for claimers.a member of the Coronado High School ($21.80) in the IO.th race. Friday's eighth race feature. TheS"'· HIGH ODPS HORSES Picked o.ff aUband, Is a ~enlor and has played trumpet fw-Iong sprint, which saluted the former tbr~e of the· top posts twice over thefor eight years. clty.oeditor, was won by Tudor Paradise weekend, leaving the favorite well out of

THE HIGa SHOW PAYOFF of the with a clear cut three and one-fourth contention each time. In Friday's fourthseason cropped up In Saturday's second length margin. • race, Bold Britches (8-1) nabbed. an 870race as Mad Matle, a 38-1 outsider, • yard test by two and one hWflengths andgrabbed third for an $18.40 return. THEalGaWINPAYOFFoftheseas~n was followed In by Officer Stevens (I(}'l)Apprenijce Florentino Yanguez brought In was se,t br Ow- Apple, 5(H choice II) and Ralnaway (4-1). In Saturday'S ~econdthe sophomore colt. . Sunday s ~lxth race. The thJ:ee-yeaJ:-old J:ace, Paso Sam D. (7-1) took a five and

grabbed the lead an~ was in front of the one.half fUJ:long sprint by a fow- and onepack thJ:o'!ghout a Silt furlong tour to hit fourth length margin. Great Man (27-1)the wire with a two length margin. The win and Mad Matle (38-1) also llt the board.return was $109.40. The gelding pald $42.80 The favorites finished sixth alld eighthto place and established the sea~onal respe~vely .record in tllat category as well. Danny IN STEWARDS' RULINGS: TrainerSununeJ:ow handled the reins. Cliff Lambert received a $150 charge for

CENTENN[AL KID CLOSED with In-· failing to brb!gLarge John to the paddockcredible swiftness In Friday's third race. for the ninth race Saturday, neceSilltaijng

a late scratch. TralneJ: Coy aeildrill; got a$25 bUe for being late to the paddock forthe first race Saturday.

JOCKEY DANNY SUMMEROW wassuspended seven days, October 23 thJ:ough

, 29, for careless riding causing Intenerencewhile astride Belladonna Lady during thefifth race Fdday. ' .

THE NO. SIX POST position toured thewInner's circle six times over the nclngweekend to lead In that category. aeJ:e'sthe complete seasonal breakdown: No.1­10: No.2· 8: No.3- 3; No.4· 9: No. S- 9;No.6 ·10; No.7 -10; No.8- 9; No.9- 8; No.10·6; No.n-o; No. 12-0.

Page 15: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

·i •

< ' "':'

,.;', .~




'\' '




No jingle

the eerie silence

of the snow

gent" falling

of the bell broke

, .' '" ""h"[$dilYl()l.:to~!!r~~.1?711 R"idCll;C1 IN.M.] NllWl;":" PiI!le 3,


, .



'l'c~ .....~now

\...., \,










."\",,~, ,


-.. ';"

was, stilled_.._-_._.~._----_._--._- ._-- -,,"._-- ._-- --,,-,_.--- ,'-

.wen the rasping



. '~'call of the rtWeJl

, ."





r.- ,: '

~\I \


- •'.• •

white solitude prMded

to shadowed lane

From withered leaf

to shrouded yard,



• •.•• l••,j.


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Page 16: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after
Page 17: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

-~ , "

. "-,~ ~., , ",'" "


,"" "'" ,'"',,' .":"', T', ,,~, ." "', ,~",-" ""' ~- ""-

-,." .{:, i


• ,~,I>'-. '."'1

~Ioy AtmClgerDeAnna Hanun


Lou Ann WilsonKelly RlchardsQnBe~ty Waldron

• COACHBarry Nelson

- .

-t--.,· .'

" <''', ,


- .,,,•

, .




I_ _ --. ' ,, ."0 ,~_,,~.:.~'_:_"""-...,,--~"'-~i..~-' ' __• __--;- __• .. ,._"_.. . ._.._. ,,. :;~';.


. Thursday, Oc:tob!lr26,1978~Ruido$o [N,M,) N!lW;S- Pag~5




"', ,


COACHSob Elder

PattiN.",Debtlle Jo AlmagerSusan MillerRob'n Surrows




. '",

\<.) __,,:_ ___--..:_ ,~, ,_~ :~. . .:.'.r .-'__~---~ ~ ~__·---.---- -- .-,~.,-----,,---~ .-.,------



. Chris Zurzolo



..'0:... 'j




Bruce Hancock

, ~~. .

, NO. NAl\1E POS. GRADE---'to--seofttl8UI .••..••. e.~~ ~ .. C)B 9

'2 Borde WIlliams• ••••••• , , •••. , ••••• QS '2" 2q RIcky DennIs •••.•• , , •.. , •••••. , ••• RS '0

21 Statio Pietsch , RB 1023 Joe Almager • , 18 J J27 John Cabol ' RB , J28 Randy Wynn , , .• RS "33 10n Nunley RS 940 John Whitlock •....................RS '243 Marie Dutton ;, : E '2


CurlTe.np .•........•......•••.••.•Mike Dol'e• ........ I j T-Durlush Rad TCraig Sullivan ,., .•. , .. , •.• , , TJovIan Smlfh ' ESc'off,Annala ~ EJeH Elliof EDlrle Strassburg , , . , . , . , , EPo'Matthews , "".'., ,. ETroy GarrIty • ............................. E




NAME .POS. GHAlme e ox ~ .. , B" ---'25. Joy Raulerson. , •...•.. , , •.. , , .. " .• , C "

53 Jako Salas . • , .. , •.•... , ..... , • , , .. , C 1255 Ray Herrera ............•...••..... G 1261 Pa' Herrero .. ,', , , , .. ,G 1262 Lynn Holly " ,~ , ..•.. , • , . , , . , . G 1263 .Steve Brown G J I66 Yon Rue .•......•:~ T 1070 Truman Bob r 1271 Russ P/or•. ••••..••••••••••••. " •.••• T 10


. Ir





-DltfIotes Dls'r/ct Gomes







-.---.---,,-.-..--.- -_.._._._.. _-_....._-- ---lH·I5-PAG-HPON50RfD-B'-tKE-..FOlLo-Wl-NG-~·,~.--_...._-­RUIDOSO BUSINESSES AND FOOTBALL BO'OSTERS:

, '


t· ~, ", --"

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·OP'tlC80UT'QU~---· ------------.-----------------$ECURl'r'lIJANK-.'--·· _- - -- _c' •. - ·-~-JAeK'S-F/RePL'ACE-RESTJUjRANr----~------'-----c--'1


. . HOUSE OF sHOES _ .._ .__ ... . . ..'... CONLEY'S HU/lSERY R~DMANN'SRADI ., . TV ~. '., 1

" " .. . .' ~l. ,I. '.. . , 'l\ j

'.. _._.... "'".'__._ ~~. _"'"" ~~ .... '~ -'""'.-,,~,~""'''"' ..G~" ..'' :-'.4iio-~ ....~...~..,;jp.~~.~.~~~~~-4 .. , ...."_O:';'iR ~iL;;"'rL,.IUc.;,;.~l>.l:;/.~~";,,.."'!;i;;'''''.~;''__"'<.~'''.H.:..l''',c.i.'~ .c~':.~"""-:-,,.;,.~1,........l~iI\i-_~~'*,,;.:.~4~\'Y.;#.~,J

Page 18: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


.1!l!,"'P!'l,~,"'l.'I'I,.. ~.!!!1I!,!!I.!!l!!!i.1!I'!!!r,.,!II!!.. -, .. l!!",...!!I!,!<III!!..",l!'!..__:I!l!,._~1'!iI'!I!"_-..!!!.!'!'I-"'!!"""""',!,!""':.!"'!<.!!I'.!!l-.,_,"!..'- ,P","':",,!II!!,1l'!!!!!'.!!1!....,""!,,!!I!.,..~.:',- "',IIlI"":Il"',__.'!:'...... ~'".""""""'1""",",,,"-,,......,"-~"''''",,..:._.,~""_~~..,":....,' ",""t'''l'\''",,......,,- -,,,",""''''':''.'!"'.,.""",~."!'.".. ...,..................-...;....., ....,......,... .-""'-i-:.--......",-~,:',:'"'>,...........,.-:-~-' ...""...,...-,..,'_...............................~"~~":':"'! ~'--":"';"! ;:=.,~ .~~

'" ., ,'~ .





$1'··6t,~:I u. ~ ;w-._. ,')0.-.Roll ' -:"". " ..

-,' ' ":', ' ',' , ";•



Of ThinIZ.(J~ rkl.

OSCAR MAYERSlit;edBologna


OSCAR MAYERSlicedBologna


.Swiss Steakfi~M\~=,~"J..f lb, $169

Plate Short Ribs g~:d~~::' , lb. 984

Smok-y-links : I~~'~~ $1 43

'. ...~

O ' Ch'I' Ilb $139wen s I I Roll



Stewing $Beef .

USDA Choice Grade Beef lb.



\\ ~


, {'"•. ';j ,, . ~

6' - 'f" ."

39USDA Choice


g~~~~~ lb.$1 39

.Serving Suggestion

Pork '., $Chops

Assorted .lb.•

Beef Chuck•

Pork SteakI

.;OJ ,I ",i



II ~./






CarQlyn Bledsoe Goebel lind RodneyUlrich Goebel to WUIIlUn Harri@nBledsoe, William Scott Bledsoe Jr., LoisBledsoe FunneUand Kathryn BledsooTwmell, Iron Cap Lode, situate in theWhite Oaks Mining District, LincolnCounty, N. M.

IIiIiii THESE ITEMS AND PRICES~! OCT. 26,27, 28, 1978, AT








, ",

(SAllE $t·,)


. " .


Brut 33·Splash-on..lotion


English Leather Cologne'i1., $ 49~~~



. Photo Processing .

Electric'Dt'Y Curling Iron ~:

~fe~ay $299'.. ', SpeCIal ; ;'. . .~

~.."P I "d F"I SX·70 $599o arOi 1m RoD '

Polaroid ~~~f~8~~~.''' .. , ~ $559


(Save 30')


".,' .-


. .~.

(SAVE 40')

(SAVE 3D')

(SAVE 33')




.,/. ..r I '.

, "\-- .. 1 ~



. ,".. ~r






Spam,,--:e\,&.:{\~8~/ ~

1II:IIi.::lt·-·'lIl'.·;r..·""'."'~.·II"-.·~.-.""'."~--,",.~.'-·- "". '.' ,~, • __._,_'~ •.•.' .... ' ..... __ ,h ._,.-:..... "'"' ,.4............- __


'Kitchen" [rilft ,

'!.c;::': FLGUll- ,- ....----. l'1:W s c~

..... E";-

. -' ..............._----.........


, ,



Page 19: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

~-_~-:~ '7"'" ,r..""'-.-,",,",' ._• .,...- ,....., ~_ ",",,''''- !':"".,.... ""'-:'''''-' _~_,,-=v~. ,--':', ~..

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.'"•':., . ' ..

• •


· '. ",'

.'. -


'.- "!'"


"' . ·1.. I-> -I



... .;:.





evee a2-Lb. $ 29-Box

Sliced orHalves



Try Scotch Buy



PaDer Napkins1l):40·Ct. .


~-!"."'.. ~~!!"!"'!"""'!'""!!,,!"!"'!"!"!!!!!~~"'!!"!!!,,,!!,,!!!"'!!"!!!~¥- ---.--

Long Grain'Rice2·Lb.Bag

.Pancake MiXSyrup32-0z.Btl. . $P6

Peach Halves

. ",u""y, O<;tober 26, 1918 RuidoSQ IN.M.l ...... P",7'. fflndq\lll-E.-Y,aiil..lmd..Oo\ri.n!s M,. XartQ----,..BenjlllIlin...i!l.....&tmugbljll DOd ~1'lI1·A.to PQrlldQ Pev!!l!!pmentCQrp., II. N.~. .Slrllllghlln tQ C"IIIelQt Qf RlIidOlJo,Jne., II"e9rp"l1nit~goft,QU~0. ~nn~brOOIl:V!lIage, wreel Qf laml in Section 35.T11S, lU3E,~coln Count)', N. M•. '. N. M. P. M,., Lincoln Q9unt;y, N, 1'4'" .

Roona E. Montgomery to Mildred A. . Bllrry Morgan a,nd Sherry Morgll!l.to.JohnsQn, Lol~ 1 to l~, Block ~~, 'l'9S. RI3E. l'inecliff CorpQratlon, II TexllScQrp.•.Unit .N.M.P.M.. Lb:Icoln C9unty, N, JI4. Nos. 11, 4$, ·49, Apartment No. ~, IJuildinll

. . ' . 7. Pinecliff Condominium Project, 1.IOOQI"Aveliuo Lopez amLlnfelda Lopez to CountY,N. 1'4; .

CaJllelot of RuillOSQ, Inc., a part of Section '. . . . .35, TllS, RUE. N.M.P.M., Lincoln Cou"ty. A partner~l1!p of Joam M. FatrlS a"dN.M. Elaine M. PIJiUlp~ to·Plneeli(fCor.

. poration. a Texa$corp., U"lt N!!~. 34 MdEva M. Acree to Jlllian R. Acree. ~ots 10 35, AWrlment No.5, IJlIlldlt1g $,Pt~elijf

t:;~n;~, ~~o:. 3, La~ Lomas Sub., LinCOln~~~~minium Project, Llt1cQI".COUl1l;y, .

.. I-Lb.~ ~ Tub

PARKAY MAXI-CUPSoft M.argarine

,4 ....

Frozen Foods

Nestea leed Tea Mixwith Sugar and Lemon

12.()z. 24.()z. 32.()z.Jar Jar Jar

Apple Juic1!' U~~i~ 784. .. .' -.. 1I0RTON .

Mufftns~~ : :9:~L 754

'C M" '·fo' .... . . . ... itL I~L . ¢orn u msIlUN... Bo. 72



J~~ i.. Wlm!lerl;y anel RU~ DQIiIlWlmberlytoOttoW; Westendarp alld Ma.Elenll W~tOl\darp. Apt. 1 thl'u 6,llldg. 13,Alto AI.. C.ondQmlrilum Project, PhaseIII, Linc!lln CQu"tY.N. M.


Floydffl.Proetoc III!l1Qwenllllll Proctorto Jnnsbrook Qf RlIlelQSO. lIle., aN,M:.eorp•• Unit 10 an1l39 of Lot 120. Inl!SbrQOkVillage, plnColn Co1l1lty N, 1'4, .

.. ."I ._. ., •

I .... • ••- • •• .. •.......... -'" '.'.. _,,-.~. -.', ,... ' ,." .4.~..'.. - .- ...... .. ." .. '. ...... .. -. " ..v-#' • .'. ":_"


TIn Iins RtV", AUn 'A'.. t »l:1o\4( ·Ymt~1 lUI nfnY o.

~ r'l TIl1m rWil" 1 ,_





.....-..-1.,.1.'..... ,............,..•

-10''gls<9l Off lABELei'JCRISCO

SHORTENINGReI- 3-Lb. $215'21S tan

liquid $109IZ-OL









3-tb. $1 09Bli

PhilodendronsSpUt Leaf orEmerald Queen


a--w-__--OWII£'aD:3!:.:Dl-m i:- BRACH IiI Pick-A-Mix I~. I

'I Candy i• •i ~

.. ~ !• IIII I= =

~ Lb. i• •~ ~

.tlMMuaeDlLd••• ••_ ••:4I.t..3W_i

~ • .. .. 010 'ltg o . tc' ",,4 '" ~eo ,';,., .• ,


. '.~.

. • PILlSBURY 08'_Cak- IIIX_IIA1!.~ ~_._ _ .__ _. >11.l,!~ 0 ..!_.. 8--111- I SOl' •• ~~.~ •••••• a""."'.""4'__.~ ­" -

, '.- ...i~ ..' .' . ~.

,tumpkios :::- .. ", "" ....... ",.,9II

~usset Potatoes~;,·1 5:i 59~.tabbage r~: Lb•.19~-Avocados ~1:~......... ......·4/-$1~oo~


-W p I 1I." ..,o.. £acll89''. ra p es IIaIIlwH" Trill PII-

COt P hSu, !!I·cal. 984. J rus une D'lI~I ~~

...R.uby Grapefruit 4r.884• li

~··Y.ellow Onions=~~ 1).15',,,::...,,~........ .,...~.,~.... Scm

~::;V~ms Willi - 394, .::;~u HIm .I<

: Carrots ~i' I ~~ 49'

.(lusy Bake.r ~:~.~ ~til24": •."

"..u t C .. M" ~182.t~o oeoa IX 24.Dt.SIu .

...':,,;# -.. nlElOP . .

"Ap'p''Ie Cider - Mol. $162 .. I. J_. '2.17 ••••••••••••••••••• J"r.·.-........a

APPIes EltllFancJ.• 'RedDelicious ...

. . .

~.. . .'. .~. --

Taco Seasonmg Mlx......l.7s.:'m25'

. • . DUll 11m '.

Paper Plates :~N 2:: 594~. -

•. dULl . '.."

ot Cu' s FINE 1.oz.CII,.59'r· .. _ . _ stG" •• ~ .•••.• ;~ •••••••••••• l5-CLPkl.

Page 20: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


DIVISION IIPaid Poliliesl Ad>t. By TA. S~ndenawCampaIgn Commlll..,. Ken Eaton, Trcasurer







'~,,~ COUNTY COMMISSIONER I'. . .. I ' QUlJleJla ~$32.80

I8th~ 1 mile. BrightPesi 11.40, 6.80;4.40;. VOTE, 'I BQnny Loom 6.80. 4.80; Amber Qulllo 5.20.

T: 1:41.4.

II QulneJla~$3UO

9th - 5'h fur. Warrior's Time 4.60, 3.20,

WHERE II 2.60; Currante 14.80, 4.40; Brief-Encounler5.20. T: 1:05.4.

I QulneJla-$31.80I 10th - 6 fur. Petty Theft 4.00, 2.80, 2.20;

IT COUNTSI I Onc B<;J1d Scot¢ 3.20, 2.60; Skipper Rood,. I 2.80. T: 1:11.3. ,

~·-··---·-·-I -.-..... -QulneJla_$13.20-, .I 11th - 6'h fur. Bel)bumt 5.20, 3.80, 3.00;

I.Kalur's Dancer 5.00, 3.60; Dream More

5.80. T: 1:20.3.I 12th- 1 mile. Ouija'S Market 71.20,• 22.20, 7.40; Yellow Bird 7.80, 5.20; Atom

Charger UO. T: 1:42.Qulnella - '132.80

Big Q -$892.20.

AN ENDORSEMENT OF JOHN HIGHTOWERro 11le Voters of Lincoln Coull1y: ",My name wi. be IJiJted 011 1fe IakJt for 1fe position of Coonly Co!mJissiooer, District II, 011 the Denncraoo ticket

!Ale to recent jro transfer, Iviii be tmilto Mil Dis COIJIIiIroont to 1fe _ of timorn ColIIty.

lh:irllflJe, I wWd trge yoo to \Wi1e-iI1fe I1CI1ll of JlhJ AIen IfJghtower for CW1ty Coorrisskm', 1IislJ1:l1l..I haw etioyel! mill as YlJIl~ for 1fe past t\W years l¥KI lWI'eciate 1fe s~port you have given me.

I ask llJat yoo exteOO -tIis stWH1to JOHN HIGIfTOWER, tr;r YDIJ Ytfite.iI vote.

George L. (Lee) Straley, Jr.

• District Judge, 1977-Present• Practicin'g Attorney, 1968-1976• Instructor Police Science, 1970·1976• utii'ted States Magistrate, 1971·1976

I Part Time)

• Law Clerk, New Mexico Supreme Court11967·1968)

, • Bachelor of Scienc:;e, 1958Montana State University

• Juris Doctor, 1967· .- - Uil1versify·oTNew Mexico------

• •,



The Best Thing We Can Do For Ourselves;-----=---;=--=-~--=;--.;---'----'--------------;-~-.,-~,---------s en no er tiv enator To 'Santa Fe.

Bobby Dan Crenshavv


.'­,'.The important issues are all there•••and waiting: tax reform, holding down

the size and cost of state government,

giving Otero and Uncoln Counties theway to improve our everyday serviceswithout placing additional tax burdenson us.

What we're waiting for is another StateSenator committed to those goals --with th.ee.nel'9Y to_make. sure .tluLi.oh'----------.--.-,.­gets done.

-......":: ,

- '<- •.•:;J,

haven't had before. And that.can make all

the difference to Uncoln.and Otero Counties•-

BOBBY DAN CRENSHAW is a native NewMexican. A successful businessman, a familyman involved in· the community, and a goodneighbor who thinks the same way we do -_

he knows we can do better in Santa Fe.

--BOB8¥-DAN--CRENSHAW.--Another-effftfiv'""e;;-------iSenator for Otero and lincoln.







•"- ~.-,- ..,,;..- __ : , -'. "",, __#,. .""_,;.;,,",_",,, ~-' ,:;,.-.=.~ .. ,-"-"•._.",-".«_~ •.. ,,,._. -- .::',. ,.'."',.,,-, _=_: ' 4-·".'""·- _,:'~_· "'''"-,:.10.._,,''''''',j·4~~.,:..,·u.;.-fii .. 6 ..{ ;;,:,.•... \iiioi,;,'i;j, .:,1; "'"


. ~.




. .. ~-



Now ,is the tim~ when we can accomplishs~ much with a~mmon" sense approach' .to state:~govern"'ent and with the kind ofcoope..d'ion and 'old ,-fashioned commitment


that w~'reiust, not g~tting from our State,-Se....tor'l'ightnow. Itftitlltlel1Gsalottado

with it, andllobby, Dan. Crenshaw brings astrong voi~, afim cOmmItment and the. '

energycn'ld· attitude to theiobthat we,PAlbFORilVCOMMl1TEEfDRCl!£NSHAW fIlRtlW..MEXICO STATE S£NAlllII, Ri VAN MlRMAN.1TlfAS.- . . .'. . .' .' . . ,


. '.-


--~ ',-....". ., ',;'.'.'

t ,

Page 21: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after


""., -. ,. -.. - , ..-.



- ,- "'-i' .0'

. .. .."(,






."Slnce ell~lIeSt lllcorded hlstorY,woPlen offspring," Yates said. "Where the threat P1Bklng regll1l!r .cbUd support Pllyments edU<$t1on In the public scbools PIllY . parents of two, three, four or morebaveusul!lly beenleftto bear the burden of' ofhodily harm Once prevenled P1any llDd negotlale10 setU.e accwnulated upaid, 'eventuallY be demand~d Ilyparents children who lire the suhject Qf enforced·thchlld\arenCllrlCe!Ved out III W~lllCk. Now, women froPl .cllllmlng child support,tbeehUd slipport.::;lnce tIIepro/lr!lm.begllQ In w~hlngtoproteet the futures of llons chlldsuppnrl. . . .

e w m~ell tbePlllle,tegardless of his state now receives the paYlllents and Aug\lSt.1975, the New MelUeO Child SUI!- tlltherthan dsuglJlers." "Once this 'if; done, public policy cllnbeage, financially responsible as well," SIIid automatically reacts to \ate payment.s." port \!lnforcement Division has suc-' , How long could these child support formulaled on lIow to deal with theLeo Yales!E!xteQ1!io!l.fll~y life-specialist These child support payments are then cessfullY asi;lsted more than' .9,QOI)· payments'be dePlBnde~? The "mortgage" relatively few individuals guilty of wllJful, '.lit New MexieoStale Unllrerslly. ,PIli!! to the chilii'll remaining pilrent or mothers, 12,724 of .tbem througlI court on t~ parent'duture IS likely to ell~mlto wanton, heedless, reckless disregsrdfor :

TIle pa.ssag4l of PuhUc Law 9~7 begall legal guardian, . . . ' action.. ' . . .. whlche.v:er.Jl!!rlod...Is 10l1!lest:..!pt!l J:Iul..__.Pte.lllll!!1l.~rl'mJ.lYeJ!:.blllog.o[ the..i:hildreiL

~n:rb~f:e~~:t:t'i:9~~:~~~:w;:~;r~~;~~~~t~~~N~~~~e:~~~ti!fl~~i-·i~!:tr::::;~~hde:J:;ti:~~::~fdm;c~~~~:ff~r~:~:~y li~~! o~gimuf:::; theyprod~ce", Yates cOnclud\!d. , .'.. '. . .. .. of. ~h1I«! support. For the firllt .time In PIIrents - mostly fathers - Who bave CS1llD, Yalesso!d•.Someerl,'!lneously collegebollndolfspring finIshed college or "~:H.I!!.. I!!.".~""",",,,"_," ...~...._ ........--...._ ..~ ~.............

mllital')' \Ilstory, the wages ofa .memberof .. refused to support their cIIildren.Tlte ia.W heJ,leve that only those on welfllre receive age 21; whichever co~es fIrst. It c9uld he ~ . .the almedforces maybe garniSlIed for applies equally to all, whether the .c9upje this ,assistance. The fact is, anyone may lor the remain!ler 9f bfe f9r Offspring wllo DO.childsupport.. was married Qr not when ,tile chl1<l was ob~J!1. assistanCe from the CSED by lor any reason .cannot become an In- .. The lederal courts, Soctal Security Cllncelve!l.paymg a $20, one-time fee If they do not depen!le!)1 person, such liS birth defect,

records and Internal Rev4lnue records InNew Mexico there are sUr regional qiJalify as a low inCome cUent. ... di$abling accident or Illness. ...ma~ now be use!l til trllce, d(ICuPlent offices that help initiate lega,lproeedures If the sire Is extremely young, the courts "You might correctly guess that most ofability. to PIIy,and enforce payment of to COllect .PIIst and lut1U"e child support. In delermln4l ehild llupportresponsil!lllty: so the <:nforced child support cases in Newchll~ support. Even wages 4!8rned in some cases wlIerePlllernlty has not been that when the juvenile heCllme.s a wage Melllco .currently Involve brokenfore,gn employment with AmerlClln firtllll establiShed,' the Child Support Enfor- earner, assessments against wl,lg~scan be marriages of rat~er !Iecent peop,le "rlIoare subjecl to garnishment for child cement Division will help to do so. Then it . made for child support. An!l It .. not In- lead respectable bves," Yates saId. '~nsupport. initiates legal action In the Interest of the conceivable, that a Cllurt might require the other hand you can be rather certaIn

"The plain fact Is that It is rapidly cltild. . payments of child support from grand. that there are a few grossly, wlllfllllybecoming almost impossible to ellcape the Many father:;, having become aware of PIIrents - parents who knowingly per· negligent individuals who are crealinglegal rellp.onsl\llllty,for s'!pporting on.'s l'ubllc Law 9~7, voluntarily agree to mUted j!JV~nile sexual activity, Yates fin,ancial responslbi1l~es fa~ beyond tlleir.

, said.. ability to support, SOCIety pICks up the bill ."It" " " "'. th' ·tiul tl f"flI";.;.~.;.;:;:;:;.;•••••;•••;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:';':';';';':0:':::,;,;,;,;,:,;,;,;,;,:,;,;,:,;,;",;,;,:.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-;.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;-;.;•••;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.:;:.:::.;.:.;.;.;.;.;..... . s a PJ~Y that an unpulsive act in the for elf con n ng s r ng·.. 0 . ng.s•••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.•.•.•••.•.•;•••.•.•••.•..•••••.•, ,•.•.•.•,•.•.••••.• •·•·•.•·•.·.10·.·.· .•.• •.••• •••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••.•••••••••• ••.•.•••.•••.•.• teen yearil mi~t r~ult in a 'mortgage on -through weUare payments, povertyI

W.-I·lderne.ss W· d the young male's future! Yet, this is juvenile delinquency, vandalism andIS· 0m exactlY what has beei\liiippening to young crime." •. females since hiStory haS been recorded," Yates said there is a real need to Iden.tify PAlO FO. BY THe COMMITTe. TO Re.ELeCT SHe.'FF BI LL E~~lon

Yates said. "How strange that sex .ole numher of people who are multiple .'"-- - __ ,:;,;, .., '"011

.~hurSday, Ocfqber ;Z~, 1978 "RI/ldosq [N.'M.INlIWs ..... !='a!lll; .

N...•·.e:w. 1.a.w. ll1akes..·.··m.,alliers.•·.·. n.. '.. flY'.~cli.:.i.·lo. sil.".. ··..•..".: .."... ·•..·•.•··.·0.•··11 ~._-~ .:··M~U~3!!~N.~LARM· '~."-', r.r·r.· ResldtlDllal~Co!bPle~~lal. . M!ltm $YIlIe!\tS .'·l$urgllll'Y·Pold Vp "Fire .

~. UOlifSe.rlIl.~ .... <:ALr

JACK HALBROOKS ....... 2U-l2{t5·. .}.

. "'or~.!!l!lU!ba~ ....J"1,~QEl'iS~N9,J.li33I!·.~:....... --.~.'.

, ....,


'-- -'


Ncl Rolin CJI molnu­l.ac;lutlnM jub...~


Per c.apit" personalincom~, 1977


AlUl():"iA •




,, ~.... " - - . _.". , "" . ---.•.• --,<---

.. "Business Climaleof the Slates"

" "

Rec!!nt statistics from the U.S. department of Labor show that those stateswith Right to Work laws generally have greater economic prosperity for workers.consumers. employers arid the entire community. The lack of a Right 10 Worklaw is having an unhealthy effect on New Mexico's economy.

Compare New Mexico..-with ourneighboring Right hyW~rk·stai:·es.

....:..... '.

• or's411! '.

'1.5Facts prove that

Right to Work states are better off.

..prodliclion workers employedby manufacturing firms



·'A tlu~r ohbe sa,lilln by lhe-t..rilus-Cu.. -.. drvl'Ji(ln uH1un .ind Brad'll;",t.

. '~'. ·N011;;r New Mf:lir,lto·t::iib~ni 'tLo(ftJIlM I'd W.chJi ii, ·.tr.M"·p,ii"Il~~n. ~lln·.JtI)ritiur, m'iri.ji11~lilll;K.n11.liI,il •.> ..filch don tit»1 itidorst (arid'idaln rot piJbIit llrtl~ .. ,

Urge .alI candiciates to sUeP0rt Right to Work.··I..et'sgiveabo()st to NewMexi~o's ..

p. . economic future!

. -, ,.- ~------~-------~-----,Right to Work laws pr,otect each employee's basic freedom to measure a union'si This ad pald (or by the voluntary conlrlbullon. I

worth and then support it voluntarily . I olpeopl. who belle... in an individual's free- I.. '. "d h' '. h'·' f· I dom 10 choose. If you would 11k. 10 help, I

or wdhhol IS Support-as e or she Sees nt. ICOlllacl:1

I New Me"i~o Citizens.lot Rl8ht to Work II 106 SouthCapJlol.,unit*8 II Santa Fe. New Me"lto 87501 II Nam. . . .,I•

I Addr·ss '" ' .... .• .. I· .-I City'. ,Zip I

.. I, Makeclieck. jI.y.ibleliil\l~wM••ico·CiliuM'I··, . f~. RiKhl to Work .I ..... . . 1

---,---, ... - ,'- ------ -- "-••• - -,- c"·-"'-' . "--:-~~--,--"""'"-""'!"!-:~- ......--- .........~ ..........1ioioiI......~---- ~4; P~l)jlc -~ni,t-;'filit N~w- M~:kl(o- btlt~nj, 'i~(Ri"t,i. 10 WOi&c. J~r'itr,':imytt Nun.t .nd' b'iii: tfu;~~;-'~~ tiHh..ii'm~n. 1(10. "illlilk {,.aritllf:. Unil j$. -. ..'nl,. l~. N.t-t- . . • ,

- .~ " -

" ;.

Dust ClothsFloor SqueegeesFurniture Polish[)ish Det~roG~nt

Shampoo ..Strippers

.- ",

Dear Wayne - A couple of years ago Ibegan turkey hunting. I'mnot very good atIt and my luck bas heen nil, but It's greatfWl. I'd like to leam as much about theSPDrt as possible. Is there a nationalorganization for iIlrkey hunte.rs? RitchieW.,M1ssouri

Dear Wayne - I'm n new bird watcher.In my area there are numerous blue fays,I've heard the fay Is a real villain becauseof his nest robbing and ~g e.aling tra1:"ts~.,--._ ......~ ~+_He's SUCh a JJeafrtlEiinmll It'll hard tobelieve. Doesn't he bave any goodcharacteristics? G1orlaJ., VIrgIa1a

Dear Gloria - SUre. The blueJay ts anoisy bully among birds, but lIe IS heautifUland Interesling to· watch. And If beprovldas ple.asure to people who studyhiPI, he can't be all bad.

Dear Ritchie .... Yell, there Is a very fineone. And you need not bea hunterto derivebenefit from Its programs,

The National Wild Turkey Federatlon Isa non-proflt Orgllnlzatlon dedicated to thepreservation and management of the wildturkey. Its programs are supplementedfinancially tlJrough the sale of annual wildturkey IlIamps and prints.

The Federation maintains headquartersat Edgefield, South Cllrollna, 29824.Selld qUestiODS: Wlldemess Wisdom, P.O.BOX237,Plttsvllle, MD 21850


"'" . '

Table CoversHD Plastic knives, forks, sllGonli


[American Protective Cllatlngs]Fiberglass Roof C~m~nt& Patch

. NeopteneRubber (:em~nt.Asphalt PatkingLOt Patch lilnd Tamp, '.' InlitantSpeed Rock cement

HD AluminUm Mobile Home &:trailer ~olltin!lTRiCLAsS FIR.EEXl'flilGUISHERS·


. ,'-,


DisinfectantsWet Mops[)ust Mops

Toil~t TissueTowels


Dear Chrls - The kayak, withoutquestion. Because the paddler sits nearlyon tJie kayak floor, the center of gravity Islower than that of a canoe, meaninggre.aler stability. In addition, the deck andaft seclIOI1S ,of a kayak lU'e covered,leaving an open 'area' OIlly where' tIiepaddler, or pa«!dlers. sit. This, of Cllurse,renders the craft much less susceptible toswamping. They are also caPllble of beingPIIddied at fasler speeds than canoesbecause of theirneedlenose hull design.

Dear Wayne - WhIch boat Is capable ofnavlgaling rougher waler Cllndltlons, thecanoe orkayak? Chr1a W., Georgia

Dear Glen - Don't be fooled by theapPllrent IIOnchalantnellS of the antelopeduring the sWDIDer P1onths. They ap­parenUy know as well as you that it Isn'thunling season. BlIt wllh the Cllmlng fallsesson and the first crack of a rifle theybeCllme wary, hlglJ speed ghosts. Theyaren't known for superior Intelligence buttheir 4lyeslght far surpasses that ofman. Apushover they are n~t.

.Since skeet ti>rgets are presented at a

closer- range ·than trap,a more open boreshotgun Is required.

Dear PhlUp There are severalsignificant differences between trap andskeel that may not be apparent at firstglance. Trap shooters use five stationsfrom whlch to fire, while the skeet field haselglJt stations. Trap uses one trap housefrom which ciay pigeons are thrown,located In the center of the field; where.asthe skeetfleld employs two trap houses, ahlgh one and a low one,located to the riglJtand leftofthe shooter.

In trap, the target Is thrown away fromthe shooter at an angle unknown to himbeforeband. Skeet targetsare thrown fromright or left .acrollS tl!e shoote~ and at a

. slight angle away. ThIs angle IS constantand requires no guellSWork on the PIIrt ofthe shooter, but e.ach station prellents asliglJtly different approach of the Iargets.Twenty.flve Ilhots constitutes a round oneither field.

Dear Wl\yne - Last sWDIDer I drove to Dear Wayne - In my home state,tile West for vacalion. While driving wildlife poaching Is a serious problem. IthroUglJ Wyoming I Ilaw several groups of have been told there aren't enough gameIIQtelope grazing or congregated around wardens to effectivelY po.!!.!;!! Jh1sJtl!!1~,. .waterholesvel')' near"tIIe"road;I evensaw....l'illl)(e..to1(i1ow ll'poaChmg Is widaspreadQne Iltandlng by a speed limit sIgn just In other areas, and If there aren't someoutside a small town. I know antelope are effective methods of curbing it. Lenny R.,widely hunted but do they really offer any South Carolina .challenge? They would appear to be nomatch for a hlglJ powered rifle. Glen11:., Dear Lenny - Wildlife poaching Is aN4lw Jersey mulll·mIlllon dollar plague, and It happens

, In every state. States with large ruralareas and good populations of big gameare easiest targets. For some of 01U" gamespecies, the poaching toll Is substanUallyhigher than the legal take during hunling .season.

The job of wildlife protection Is simplytoo big for the meager force of wardenswithout help from the public. And thereintlell the problem. The majority of thepublic will not report a poacher. Not evenwh.en lie shoola down an animal In broaddaylight. Perhaps the seeming In­difference is re.ally a reluctance to getInvolved.

The New Mexico Department of Gameand Fish lIas Impllmented a system ofreporting poaching that seems to besuccessful. The Informant remaInsanonymous through the use of an Iden­tification number. When an actual arrestIs made, the Infonnant Is given a sub­stantial reward. SomeUnles severalhundreds ofdollars. Fundsfor rewards arethrOuglJ .private' dOnaUon:r, . lIiIdllO rar,donations are numlng ahead of· rewardrequirements.




-1-_-1.1eae.Wa)'JIe-.Although-J!m..noHlcUveIn eilher event, I would like to know thedifference between trap and skeetshooling. PhlUp I., nUnols


HIGH (OUNIRY JANIIORIAL SUP.PLY .2907 sudderth Phone 257·5018Store Hours 8 A.M. til Noon. . ·Mondav thru Saturday


MopjJing EquipmentWalles and Finishes


Water ShieldDegr~ljsers


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Page 24: -.-, i -motorc,ce convention'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Emma Redmann, who will retire from members attending - Alden Deyo, Mac the Chamber January 8 after

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The following material is an announcement and not a complete solicitation for a~ policy of insurance. It does -.'-;~:

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