: COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER $2575· 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " • Uruguay Students \ Marred Demonstration I . '1 * ·Van Rie Cleared . PRESIDENT GETS .. . ., BOSTON (AP)-Willem Van in which the jury deliberated TEA R GAS I N EYE S Rie, philandering Dutch radio for almost 15 uninterrupted operator, was cleared or inur- hours. · der Wednesday in the strange "I was getting a little wor· death of his shipboard sweet- ried." tbe blue-eyed Van Hie ----------- heart, Lynn Kauffman, · an admitted afterwards. He and his '10\TE\'IDEO. - Tear stmck American traveller. wife-both Roman Catholics - rn 'idt•nt Eisenlwwt•r in the eyes mul face in two student· NEW DEATH The asquittal verdict by an spent hours say i nf! their i11,pirl'!l indllt·nh \\'t•dncsday that maned his otherwise all-male jury not only spared rosanes as night gave way to nuhnant l'arnh al \H'Icnllll' tu :\tontevideo. Van Rie's life but set him free dawn over the courthouse on The l'n·,idl•nt's l'\·es uhdoush- were snmrting but h!' DATE FOR on the spot. Once he clears up Boston's Beacon Hill. Charles Hutton & Sons hJlt 1111 ' .!riun:n• . .! mutm·-pniccssion through the city his status with immigration Van Rie's fears wt>re well authorities, he may be on his founded at one stage of the de· at t'nitt•d States . . , way home to his native HIJ!Iand. I liberations. Jury foreman Char- SANTIAGO, Chile-:\[otorcade hearing President Eisenhower drh-es the I hl' l11 't trouhlt• <ll'Curred thr s I CHESSMAN van Hie, 31, threw his hands lies A. carroll said the panel streets of The President stands and waves to crowds the route sdu,nl of an·hitt•durc lwre Elsrnlum er dro\'e mto. the to his head and broke into a split 6.0 on the first of 20 bal· of the procession while riding in an open car, n·ar, Somr 40CW0ll cheer· 1·it·. 1 ur ,1 'is it. the lust shiJ> of his h. Amcnenn 1 misty-eyed grin as the verdict in!(, shouting Chileans showered Eisenhower with hlossnrns and confl'lti and ln\11'. Shuknh unwlh:d a '·asl poster saymg Get Out 1 LOS ANGELES ( APJ _ con-I smothered Communist attempts to spoil the rcceptinn.-l'PI Radiotclephoto. r;'l'llhtllll'l' .. as ht• clnl\'e past. ) . author. Caryl Chessman's I Morocco: --.----- ·--- .. -----.. ·----- 1 . 1 . : mnth execution date was set· D USE FIRE HOSES. . euuld 1 tr. firemen P ayml( !Wednesday-over the emotional . 1'1"'11' hl'(•kr nut and fll'('• hoses llll the students as they ' b' t' f h' I M B . l l ve l rem en l e · · 1 - 1 t d 1 o )ec wns o 1s awyers. · "'',':1 :\">t'rl the hnttlers to. and ges leU a e Superior Judf!e Clement D. ass u rza s . c.1, n .. 1 <' 111 I. ·Nyc set May 2 as the new death T:H·n. lhr prrsi!lt•nt pass. 1 ·\\'fhlcnt 'l'ni'Ol'Shafrltacmd I date [or \he man who has etud- h t B l r,jl)lr );l\1' Ius l'<ll' ra_n lll(' y 0 recel\e 10 d ed death for years B . L A d z:g. zng aze i'lt" le<lr and he was lut the I'll:<, the crowd swarmc ' . n lr in t. hr ryes and fac!'. Some into the street trying. to get thSheshsman s 1 argued . . . t Srcret Sel'\·iccmen were l'lnser but troops WLth ma· at t e cour cou not a . . . ff ·t t·hinc-guns mo\'ed across the new date as a 60-day repneve, . . . . nf thou,ands of road. i granted last Feb. 19 by Gover- i By HARVEY HUDS0:-1 1 of the 1 ,_10:'-i'TREAL iCI't - The neau. 33. Henri Robirh<lud. 40. rire Dit·eetor Armand Dll P•'r-ons alon:: the rout!' had Press Sccrctat·y .Tames Ha· 'nor. Edmund G. Brown, has not I :It - r of J.:!o : boclies of five firemen were and Erban Souch about 40. rcttc said the roof rhrcrc;l Eisenhower wildly. · l(c:rt.v said Eisenhower told I expired. ;) uad e pea:s aa:d a few I recovered Wednesday from · Souch was the fathe1· of 111 was probably eau>ed a \ 1(0\'crnmcnt spokesman . him that the two small actions . Judge held that senten-1 d r th \ . s to rists a ! the burned and water-logged' children. >mokc explosion. He said ,air! the police were prepared should not impair·the magnl· ctng was legal, as long as the e . k or e .tvmg.R m m still I' :ruins of a business and resi· h•·a1·erv of the dead fircmcr fr•r the architectut'al i firrnt welcome from the peo· new execution date is after the I qcua len! d!t thedt i. g trae wedreb 50 f lei n b IV- i denool block in northeastern THREE IN. JURED will be forgotten. . . f .. t 'd end of the 60 day period ross o tc a es tma e a m , ppe r a e earns ' "'I t l 'rl th tl "I . I t I h demonstration and · plr o .non cv1 eo. . · · th 3 000 . h d nd irlte s huddl d in: u on rea. 1rce o PI' 1remcn on 1r w1s 1 o cxtcnc my cart· had put twn firr trucks out· ! president arri1·ed here I i :y the _It was the. roof it feii fC'It >'YnJPathy to the familie< the building. EisC"nhowcr' by a1r from Chile. El • G coast" town, 1 cover o! piled wreckage. to h1t the _:\Tontrea2: mt?or m.tuncs. who been so sadly her· .------- VIS oes Th t' t r th n A a•rid odor f dust and fne department smce 1871 . file tlnce·alarm blaze start. raved. BRITAIN ' 3 000 e dea:h n"ung over city a,. . died: cd shortly after 5 a.m. the 19 :.:;.;.:.:.,;;;,;;;.• corre!l'pondent ' re· £Ighll_ng. a fn·e m a com· . tw?·storcy cxtenst_on bPillnd a fhc dead !C'ft , Home t . f' · d b D port.·' Rats r freely 1 mereta! bUildmg. . th1ac-stnrcy block of stores, total of .19 cluldten. . Of men lgure WIS rna e Y r. eu. an . 'V d •d . ,. . d t t t h . t B 'd S I . 10 G . U - Ad t• · • • • Albert A. Rainhard, who flew. through the destroved city. I e nc. ay vtr,lms were i an . apar mens a t e tn er·, , 1 s .• ancpy rge Op Ion · · f 1 t n ti I R d Officials said it 'would be trapped when the. second- 1 sectiOn of Royal A\'cn- had. fi\'C. l.lob1chaud two anr! 1 -- m rom n er a ona . . 1 storey roof on wh1ch they . ue and Papmcau Street. l'Omscau ami Letourneau one · . FRANKFURT, G erma n y Cross headquarters at Gene\ a. !ctd were standing suddenly col- · lt was brought under con· I each. . (AP)-Elvis Presley left for t th\ a.e e lapsed. Their \od1es were 1 trot two hours later. Lieutenant Fcrnand Dufort. D ' . I c . . home Wednesday to be dischar- 0 0 an dqu: C: smce .o at b d re 'I found in the basement under. Twentv families in the 40. one of the three men res· eclma 01nag ged from·the U.S. and to 11 2 ; c 'cen· feet of rubble. Th:re was; apartme;1ls above the stores rued spent the day in return to show busmess. R . Yh, dec. -d' th n tr t 11 a·r bas tw g 'les etght feet of water m the 1 were safely evacuated. The tal lor treatment of Th k ' , 11 . am ar sa1 more a e a 1e 1 e o m1 , b t ' h 'Jd' "' t . d 'l'h 11 L' e roc n ro smger, a ser- 5 000 . . d A d' , fr th it th in ·ured Jist. asemen . 1 . u1 s ex enswn- use e two o 1er men. r"rnest s,· ROS.\LD Wli.LIMIS , P :\INFUL TRANSITION geant in a U.S. armored divi· ' ':"ere bl gaf' tr s t e 2 Be t J 1 I They were identified . mostly as .•torage spacc-1\·as Desroches. 46. and Parfait J 0:\DO:'\ t RcutCL'S) - A dis-:. The report· L• 'understood to sion, received what looked like twod l'lthtantl eharofquat.eds,l tres elds ' 0 : tedu !'. otroctchaant 1 Eusebe l'Ooiseau, 32, Lionel · 1 dcstroved. Twelve stores were 1 Bourhcr, 21. were released 1 h h d · 1 an e as a 1 a wave o Lela p m ou 1 . . 0 . . · tinguished band. or ctt!Zens Willi t e c ange to ec1ma a hero's farewell. He waved 1 across the white beaches early three-quarters of Agadir's. Gar1epy, 3 , l\Ianus Letour- hcanly damaged. ·shortly after treatment. again m?nth to pull a 1 comage could he started crowd roped off from h11j Tuesday, I buildings were shattered and r<>luctant mto the world/ two by .• pam- Plane.. , No one could say for cer· thousands of the city's popu-1 PARLIAMENT: of dCCLmal , i Pep_od With two . Behmd t_he. ropes 18·1 lain how many bodies lay un-11ation could not be accounted Rchablc satd \\ ednes· kmds of m1use and two har-old Pmctlla Beauheu, who I der the mountainous rubble I for. Many made their way to nay 1 spectal report from lead· sets of prtces 111 :stores. has been dating Presley, of twisted steel and crumbled other towns. c h At t k scientists and 0 f til th ds or d ci- Tears. ran down her face I . e vr I er ac s '\\'Ill recommend Jll n k 1 n g 1 ne e me 0 d de. when a1r force pollee took her J • . . ma comage recommen e II f th I rain Crash· pHunrts. and pence. b 1 . d 1 b ._ __ 'd kt' g rom e pane where she want- , , . . c te\'e o e """e on rna n · d t k' . .... ,...,._._. __ After 21 months of mveshga. the 10. h'll' ''t (tw of e o ISS Presley goodbye. G B d p 1• • ' tlon. the group estimates the s 1 mg o e o 67 They were not allowed to meet. R B d• I t ' to decimal· system i! Presley was whisked! emove 0 185 I ov a 0 lCieS wtll cost 200,000,000 I th ht l'k 1 th t rms off mto the plane. spon·. .. wil: be Lionel Chevrier, tL-:\lon· •coal among the industries in·tn the 6 p.m. adjournment of by the British Association i use . air base Newfoundland to F Wreckage treai-Lau\·ier), said Wednesday' which government policies had; the abbrel·iated Wednesday sit· for the Advancement of The proposal is not new. Par· McGuire atrbase, New Jersey, rom that Canada's current unem· cost jobs. t ting. The debate will continue Science, decided the cost would liament was ur.ged to adopt de· where be Is due to arrive at · ployment problem can be blam· The :\lP for Laurier i today. he outweighed by the advan- cimal coinage as early as 1824. 12:30 a.m. AST today. ed on bad policies put into ef· spoke in the seventh day od )!oreover. Opposition Leader in decreased bafflement . . . BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP) eluding 27 of tbe less-seriously by the. Conser- Commons debate on a $15,000,·' Pearson indicated the Liberal here and abroad. A dtspatch . from -Workmen Wednesday remov· injured, resumed their rail . 000 supplementary spending l!Ps are not to let the The present system of sterl- Wednesday 5 cabl· KILLER ed from the wreckage the last journey eastward after being Tills 1 s parhcularly true m estimate for 1959-60 the oov· expenditure 1tem pass the in-g coinage is a medieval hang- net. has to mtroduce · bodies of 14 persons known to ferried by bus to Barstow, Calif. the fiscal and monetary fields, ernment's to "the House. He said he, as well o\·er of 12 pennies to the shill· decimal comage next year a_nd have died in the flaming col· Behind them lay a nightmare said the former Liberal trans- winter works program. Under some other members in hb ing, 20 shillings or 240 pennies to . gradually replace British T'O HANG Jislon of a Sante Fe passenger scene of blackened and jumbled port minister as he singled out 1 the program the government group. still want to speak in the lo the pound. and measures with the train and a big oil tank truck cars in the quiet flatlands of aviation, textiles, uranium and I pays balf the' payroll cost of ap- debate. . . There are also guineas worth : metnc system. Tuesday. the lower San Joaquin Valley. proved capital projects under- Mr. Pearson satd he doesn t 21s (which don't exist any I BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP)-An seventy-two persons were in· u. took more than 15 hours LaSt LOOk taken in winter by municipali- accept the cbarge that the OP· more), half crowns worth 2s 6d all-male jury Wednesday found jured lq the smash-up at a to clear the roadbed and re- ties. position is prolonging debate on 'there are no crowns any Army Jra1.01'ng John Hartford, 19, of nearby grade crossill€ seven miles place a quarter-mile of ripped- The item again failed to win 1 ---·- ..- ..- ___ _ morel; and a tidbit of copper Port Credit guilty of murder in northwest of Bakersfield. up rails. lt was nearly 20 hours approval. hcing debate right up I (Continued on Page 5) a farthing and worth a tbe rifle-slaying of Trans· Of the 109 aboard the train, before the official toll was ---------------------- quarter of a cent. Helped Canada Air Lines clerk Beverly bound from the San Francisco established. A Santa Fe spokes- AGADIR, Mor.occn (AP) - i Wright, 29, of Malton Airport Bay area to Chicago, only 24 es· man estimated the property The old Berber m the tattered i PARIS last Nov. 24. Mr. Justice D. P. caped unscathed. Fifty-one, in· loss at more than $1,000,000. robe shuffled the dustry 1- Trawler Crew Drowns J. Kelley of the Ontario Sup- road frDm Agad1r. 1 VATICAN CITY (Reutm)- reme Court sentenced Hartford fl'nch Murder Tn'al I NATO To Create p J h t ld It r ld' He turned once and looked ope 0 n ° a tan so ler& to be hanged May 16 long at the panorama of ruins Wednesday that the time he · spent the the army did him "a ' L left by tiLe great earthquakes. lot or flOOd." Receiving the sol- 8 k To Normal v,·nch s Then he slowly raised a fin· ST. NAZAIRE, France <Reut- diers at his Wednesday general ac r j . ger and pointed it accusingly ers)-The 11 crew members of audience, he recalled that he at the sky. He stood for a mo- the Spanish trawler Roselina had been a sergeant in the BONN, West Germany (Reut- c ment, arm raised. Then he join- were drowned Wednesday when medical corps during the First ers)-The Rhineland painfully rrr,·nds J Tp ed the others, fleeing the hor- the vessel struck rocks and World War, before he became returned to normal Wednesday W j U j ror of Agadir. sank off Belle lie en Mer an a military chaplain. "Twelve after three mad days of pre- island off the southern coa;t of months apent in barracks did lenten carnival • carousing in LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr. The lawyer faced his client Women trudged silently, shel- Britanny. The Rosellna was me a lot of good," he said. which 30 persons were killed Bernard Finch's lawyer end· across the counsel table and tering small children with their heading for port to discharge "They taught me. to understand, and 123 injured in traffic acci- ed a three-day summation of said loudly ·for the jury: arms. French and Berber ming. an injured shman when it to have compa!llon, and to en· dents. Apart from the road toll his case Wednesday with a "If he's a murderer, he's led on the road, a sad cavalcade etruck the rftAks. courage." four peraons were hurt in also a consummate actor. Dr. of cars, horses, donkeys and "" ffle d claim that the wealthy sur- th lk'' N d th scu s uring carnival proces· Ft'nch, t'f you've lied, you're e wa mg. ow an en THE COUNTRY PARSON Lesser ·Charge . geon is too intelligent to have kn t f th fl · h k b k stons 1nd a policeman in Lue- 1 as vile as they make them." o s o e eemg s ran ac d blunder ngly murdered his 1 t t k · f M einrbausen had hl1 nose bitten wife. · The tennis-loving 42-year- to e a rue convoy o ' oroc- off. old ph:yst'clan and his shapely can soldiers rumble by, on the The physician, tears in his A d' 23 -year·old mistress, Carole way to ga 1r. eyes, rose from the counsel table and embraced the law· Tregoff, have been on trial More yer, Grant Cooper. since Dec. 8 charged with the Cooper, making hill final murder of Barbara Jean Finch. Some women wept as they walked. The men were mostly silent. Mobile Task Force PARIS <Reuters l - The At· that would improve the effect. !antic pact Wednesday announ-1 iveness of NATO defences. ced a plan to strengthen ; its American officials said that trouble-shooting capability with nuclear warheads earmarked for a mobile task force armed with the task force would remain un· nuclear anr! conventional we der U.S. control, as stipulate( pons able to go anywhere in a by the Atomic Energy Act. hurry. NATO MEETING The multi · nation force will The Associated Press quotec be created during the next 12 government sources in Londor months, with the United States, as saying NATO defence minis Britain and FrllJlce each pro- ters will meet later this month viding a battalidn to its initial to consider making the alliance strength, Gen. Lauris Norstad an atomic power. The source! told a press conference. said the U.S. was agreeable. It will be under a single com- mand and will have its own ••••••••••• transport and tactical aircraft 1ppeal In the long, sensation· 36. COCHRANE, Ont. (CP)-The d ') a! trial concluded with 1 The state says they coldly murder trial of MTI. Anne Li• I' gan a, demonstration of how the doc· plotted the killing to prevent and naval support, the Supreme HIT BY GIANT HAMMER Allied Commander in Europe Some stopped to stare back added. Weather ter, 40, ume to abrupt end tor claims he was able to Mrs. Finch from getting a big Wedneaday when the Ontario LONDON <Reuters) - The So· shoot his wife in the back by divorce settlement. doc· Supreme Court jury aeeepted viet Communist party bas critic· accident. tor says he shot his wife ac· her plea of IIUilty to a leaer lzed the Russian radio service for ' cidentally when he tried to charee of m1n1lau1hter. She not tatlni full edvantqe of its DEMONSTRATES KILLING throw away a gun she pulled will be unteneed Fridly, propaJallda poaalbUitles, The crit. Using a pistol borrowed on him when the defendants icllm il contained Ill a directive from the prosecutor, Cooper went to the Finch estate last - lilt Mn. Lilter wu chareed lfter l.lllued by the central committee demonstrated a peculiar back- July 18 to ask his estranged "A X..__...... le the riGe·lllyinc of her apotea- of the party .and published In the handed throw-"a tennis-plaY·! mate about her divorce plans. a ·-wro ean vel a city. m1n bu1b1nd, Ted, 43, at their latest inue of the committee's • ini back hand"-tbat culmln· j lence 111,• Hllt'1 !ilbt-reli· Oot., home Sept. ,Journal, Partiynaya Z!liyn IParty j ated with a crisp click IS the --( c-o-nt-in_u_e_d _o_n_P-ag_e_5_)_ .. oe.,. ill WI'OIIIo I, LHe>. hammer fell. . --------,-- ' I at Talborjt, Agad!r's old Moroc- FURTHER EXPANSio"N! can quarter, wh1ch looked as Norstad said he hoped the had flattened force would be expanded to in· 1t w1th a gLant . elude two other countries, The quakes bad robbed them which he not nam_e, and of home livelihood 1nd in eventually mcreased to mclude many ca;es, loved ones. There eight or more countries. was little left to talk about. In Washington the state de- Allah had visited torment upon partment Lincoln them. They were leavin& a White, said the United States Overcast, with frequent snow flurries. High 28. TEMPERATURES Sydney ......... 20 Halifax .. .. ..... 19 Moncton ......... 11 St. John's .. .. .. . 28 Toronto ......... 14 place of sorrow. favored the plan and any other • .-.-.-------.-

collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

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Page 1: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •



6 Cylinder Velox SIX PASSENGER


Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

Uruguay Students


Marred Demonstration

I . '1

* ·Van Rie Cleared .

PRESIDENT GETS 9.!muaflt!~:f~~ .. E~~~~~.~ . ., BOSTON (AP)-Willem Van in which the jury deliberated

TEA R GAS I N EYE S Rie, philandering Dutch radio for almost 15 uninterrupted operator, was cleared or inur- hours. · der Wednesday in the strange "I was getting a little wor· death of his shipboard sweet- ried." tbe blue-eyed Van Hie

----------- heart, Lynn Kauffman, · an admitted afterwards. He and his '10\TE\'IDEO. l'n1~t1;1~·-Heuters - Tear Rll-~ stmck American traveller. wife-both Roman Catholics -

rn 'idt•nt Eisenlwwt•r in the eyes mul face in two student· NEW DEATH The asquittal verdict by an spent hours say i nf! their i11,pirl'!l indllt·nh \\'t•dncsday that maned his otherwise all-male jury not only spared rosanes as night gave way to nuhnant l'arnh al \H'Icnllll' tu :\tontevideo. Van Rie's life but set him free dawn over the courthouse on

The l'n·,idl•nt's l'\·es uhdoush- were snmrting but h!' DATE FOR on the spot. Once he clears up Boston's Beacon Hill.

~~. ~-

A~ Charles Hutton & Sons

hJlt 1111 ' • .!riun:n• . .! a~ J~is mutm·-pniccssion through the city his status with immigration Van Rie's fears wt>re well authorities, he may be on his founded at one stage of the de·

!'mit:<~ at l~n· t'nitt•d States Emhnss~·:. . . .· , way home to his native HIJ!Iand. I liberations. Jury foreman Char- SANTIAGO, Chile-:\[otorcade hearing President Eisenhower drh-es throu~h the I hl' l11 't trouhlt• <ll'Curred .~mtsl(le thr un~\erstty s I CHESSMAN van Hie, 31, threw his hands lies A. carroll said the panel streets of Santia~o. The President stands and waves to crowds linin~ the route

sdu,nl of an·hitt•durc lwre ;~s Elsrnlum er dro\'e mto. the to his head and broke into a split 6.0 on the first of 20 bal· of the procession while riding in an open car, ri~ht n·ar, Somr 40CW0ll cheer· 1·it·. 1 ur ,1 nnt··d:l~ 'is it. the lust shiJ> of his ~out h. Amcnenn 1 misty-eyed grin as the verdict lot~. in!(, shouting Chileans showered Eisenhower with hlossnrns and confl'lti and ln\11'. Shuknh unwlh:d a '·asl poster saymg Get Out


LOS ANGELES ( APJ _ con-I smothered Communist attempts to spoil the rcceptinn.-l'PI Radiotclephoto. r;'l'llhtllll'l' .. as ht• clnl\'e past. ) v~ct . author. Caryl Chessman's I Morocco: --.----- ·--- .. -----.. -· ·----- -·

1 . 1 . : mnth execution date was set· ~ • ~ • D • USE FIRE HOSES. . euuld ~rc 1 tr. firemen P ayml( !Wednesday-over the emotional . 1'1"'11' hl'(•kr nut and fll'('• hoses llll the students as they ' b' t' f h' I M B . l l ve l rem en l e -· · · 1- 1 t d


o )ec wns o 1s awyers. · "'',':1 :\">t'rl the hnttlers to. ~~-~~:¥~~-d and ges leU a e Superior Judf!e Clement D. ass u rza s . c.1, n .. 1<' 111 I. ·Nyc set May 2 as the new death

T:H·n. ~·' lhr prrsi!lt•nt pass. 1 ·\\'fhlcnt T·:ise~1~lov.l 'l'ni'Ol'Shafrltacmd I date [or \he man who has etud- • ~ • h t • B l r,jl)lr );l\1' ~t·hool, Ius l'<ll' ra_n lll(' y 0 recel\e 10 d ed death for 111~ years B . L A d z:g. zng aze i'lt" le<lr ~:as and he was lut the I'll:<, the crowd swarmc ' . e~ln n ~a lr in t. hr ryes and fac!'. Some into the street trying. to get thSheshsman s

1 l~wyldcrs argued . . .

t .~ Srcret Sel'\·iccmen were l'lnser but troops WLth ma· at t e cour cou not s~t a . . . ff ·t • t·hinc-guns mo\'ed across the new date as a 60-day repneve, . . . .

~ ~~:11~c;;:erls nf thou,ands of road. i granted last Feb. 19 by Gover- i By HARVEY HUDS0:-1 1 ~al.ls. B~~:st of the ra~I:h~~ 1 ,_10:'-i'TREAL iCI't - The neau. 33. Henri Robirh<lud. 40. rire Dit·eetor Armand Dll P•'r-ons alon:: the rout!' had Press Sccrctat·y .Tames Ha· 'nor. Edmund G. Brown, has not I :It AGAbDI~,ll\I~roeeo ~1\~J - ;h~re r er~:~~e: of J.:!o : boclies of five firemen were and Erban Souch about 40. rcttc said the roof collap~e rhrcrc;l Eisenhower wildly. · l(c:rt.v said Eisenhower told I expired. ;) a~s hrl~a ~Iic~g~n uad e ~t~~i pea:s aa:d a few America~ I recovered Wednesday from · Souch was the fathe1· of 111 was probably eau>ed b~· a

\ 1(0\'crnmcnt spokesman . him that the two small actions . Judge N~·e held that senten-1 a~ ~ d r th \ . s .· to rists a ! the burned and water-logged' children. >mokc explosion. He said th~ ,air! the police were prepared should not impair·the magnl· ctng was legal, as long as the scar~ e . k or e .tvmg.R m ~her· m still I' :ruins of a business and resi· h•·a1·erv of the dead fircmcr fr•r the architectut'al rollc~c i firrnt welcome from the peo· new execution date is after the I qcua e·strff1~ len! Agt~dlrt. d!t thedt i. g trae wedreb 50f lei n b IV- i denool block in northeastern THREE IN. JURED will n~\·rr be forgotten.

. . f .. t 'd end of the 60 day period ross o tc a es tma e a m , ppe r a e earns ' "'I t l 'rl th r· tl "I . I t I h ~tudenls' demonstration and · plr o .non cv1 eo. . · · th 3 000 . h d nd irlte s huddl d in: u on rea. 1rce o PI' 1remcn on 1r w1s 1 o cxtcnc my cart· had put twn firr trucks out· ! Th~ president arri1·ed here I ~ore kil~~d i thf:r~~~= :y ~ake~hift rh~v~~ benca~h the _It was the. biggc~t ~ingiC' roof wh~n it feii t~1rough ~uf. fC'It >'YnJPathy to the familie< ~irlc the building. EisC"nhowcr' by a1r from Chile. El • G At~:ntic coast" town, 1 cover o! piled wreckage. d.•~aster to h1t the _:\Tontrea2: fc~ed mt?or m.tuncs. who h.~'·e been so sadly her· . ------- VIS oes Th t' t r th n A a•rid odor f dust and fne department smce 1871 . file tlnce·alarm blaze start. raved.

BRITAIN' 3 000 e de:~m~herco ~or~ t~e dea:h n"ung over ~he city a,. wh~n . sev~n firem~n died: cd shortly after 5 a.m. i~ the L~AVE 19 C~ILDREN :.:;.;.:.:.,;;;,;;;.• o~lginat Moroe~an m~overn· R~utl'rs corre!l'pondent ' re· wh1l~ £Ighll_ng. a fn·e m a com· . tw?·storcy cxtenst_on bPillnd a fhc dead hrc1~1.:'n !C'ft ,

Home t. f' · d b D port.·' Rats r freely 1 mereta! bUildmg. . th1ac-stnrcy block of stores, total of .19 cluldten. . Of men lgure WIS rna e Y r. eu. an . 'V d •d . ,. . d t t t h . t B 'd S I . 10 G . U- Ad t• · • • • Albert A. Rainhard, who flew. through the destroved city. I e nc. ay vtr,lms were i an . apar mens a t e tn er·, cs~ c~ , ou~ 1 s .• ancpy rge Op Ion · · f 1 t n ti I R d Officials said it 'would be trapped when the. second- 1 sectiOn of :\~ount Royal A\'cn- had. fi\'C. l.lob1chaud two anr! 1 -- m rom n er a ona ~ . . 1 storey roof on wh1ch they . ue and Papmcau Street. l'Omscau ami Letourneau one

· . FRANKFURT, G erma n y Cross headquarters at Gene\ a. 1 ~i'tsstble ~v~rt~o !ctd 1~ ~~-~ were standing suddenly col- · lt was brought under con· I each. . (AP)-Elvis Presley left for t Jha~ would~~ th\ gre~test ~h a.e ~~u~u~b e :ai~-u\e: lapsed. Their \od1es were

1 trot two hours later. ~ Lieutenant Fcrnand Dufort.

D ' . I c . . e· home Wednesday to be dischar- 0 0 an ~~rl dqu: C: • smce 0~ .o at b d ~~r~ined re 'I found in the basement under. Twentv families in the 40. one of the three men res· eclma 01nag ged from·the U.S. ~rmy and to ~~~~weDre 112; tga~~zmgan, c it\hneocas~alteyclearin 'cen· 1~ feet of rubble. Th:re was; apartme;1ls above the stores rued spent the day in h~spi·

return to show busmess. R . Yh, dec. -d' th n tr t 11 a·r bas tw g 'les etght feet of water m the 1 were safely evacuated. The tal lor treatment of brutsc~. Th k' , 11 . am ar sa1 more a e a 1e 1 e o m1 , b t ' h 'Jd' "' t . d 'l'h 11 L' e roc n ro smger, a ser- 5 000 . . d A d' , fr th it th in ·ured Jist. asemen . 1 . u1 '"~ s ex enswn- use e two o 1er men. r"rnest

s,· ROS.\LD Wli.LIMIS , P :\INFUL TRANSITION geant in a U.S. armored divi· ' ':"ere tnJ~~e bl gaf' tr s t ~~~· e2 ~· Be t J 1 I They were identified a~ . mostly as .•torage spacc-1\·as Desroches. 46. and Parfait J 0:\DO:'\ t RcutCL'S) - A dis-:. The report· L• 'understood to sion, received what looked like twod l'lthtantl eharofquat.eds,l tres off~. elds ' 0 : tedu !'. otroctchaant 1 Eusebe l'Ooiseau, 32, Lionel ·


dcstroved. Twelve stores were 1 Bourhcr, 21. were released • • • • • • 1 • h h d · 1 an e as a 1 a wave o Lela p m ou


. . 0 . . · tinguished band. or ctt!Zens Willi es~1mate t e c ange to ec1ma a hero's farewell. He waved ~o 1 across the white beaches early three-quarters of Agadir's. Gar1epy, 3 , l\Ianus Letour- hcanly damaged. ·shortly after treatment. tr~· again n~xt. m?nth to pull a 1 comage could he started af~er ~he crowd roped off from h11j Tuesday, I buildings were shattered and -· r<>luctant ~ntam mto the world/ two year~-;-follow~d by .• pam- Plane.. , No one could say for cer· thousands of the city's popu-1 PARLIAMENT: of th~ dCCLmal syste~. , i f~l translll~n Pep_od With two . Behmd t_he. ropes s~ood 18·1 lain how many bodies lay un-11ation could not be accounted

Rchablc ~ources satd \\ ednes· kmds of c_oma~e m1use and two har-old Pmctlla Beauheu, who I der the mountainous rubble I for. Many made their way to nay 1 spectal report from lead· sets of prtces 111 :stores. has been dating Presley, of twisted steel and crumbled other towns. c h • At t k in~ scientists and in~ustria.tists 0 f til th ds or d ci- Tears. ran down her face I . e vr I e r ac s '\\'Ill recommend Jll n k 1 n g 1ne ~ e me 0 d de. when a1r force pollee took her J •

. . ma comage recommen e II f th I rain Crash· pHunrts. ~htlhngs and pence. b 1. d 1 b ._ __ 'd kt' g rom e pane where she want- , , . . c te\'e o e """e on rna n · d t k' . ....,...,._._. __ After 21 months of mveshga. the 10. h'll' ·~· ''t (tw of e o ISS Presley goodbye. G B d p 1• • '

tlon. the group estimates the s 1 mg o e o 67 They were not allowed to meet. R B d• I t ' ~witch to decimal· system coin·i~:r7h nt~ ~~~:s. iJ;-~· i! Blus~ing, Presley was whisked! emove 0 185 I ov a 0 lCieS ~ ~r wtll cost .£ 200,000,000 I th ht l'k 1 th t rms off mto the plane. •

($~u~-~-~~~·1·estigators. spon·. "c~udn~s" a~~ ~ .. ~Jlars,e wil: be sc~~~~~: :~~ fl~r~i:lr:::~~~ Lionel Chevrier, tL-:\lon· • coal among the industries in·tn the 6 p.m. adjournment of ~ored by the British Association i use . air base I~ Newfoundland to F Wreckage treai-Lau\·ier), said Wednesday' which government policies had; the abbrel·iated Wednesday sit· for the Advancement of The proposal is not new. Par· McGuire atrbase, New Jersey, rom that Canada's current unem· cost jobs. t ting. The debate will continue Science, decided the cost would liament was ur.ged to adopt de· where be Is due to arrive at · ployment problem can be blam· The :\lP for ~fontreal Laurier i today. he outweighed by the advan- cimal coinage as early as 1824. 12:30 a.m. AST today. ed on bad policies put into ef· spoke in the seventh day od )!oreover. Opposition Leader ta~:e in decreased bafflement . . . BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP) eluding 27 of tbe less-seriously fee~ by the. ~rogr~ssive Conser- Commons debate on a $15,000,·' Pearson indicated the Liberal here and abroad. A dtspatch . from .Raw~lpmd.1 -Workmen Wednesday remov· injured, resumed their rail vahv~ a.dmtms~rahon. . 000 supplementary spending l!Ps are not ~illing to let the

The present system of sterl- Wednesday s~Ld Paktst~n 5 cabl· KILLER ed from the wreckage the last journey eastward after being Tills 1s parhcularly true m estimate for 1959-60 the oov· expenditure 1tem pass the in-g coinage is a medieval hang- net. has d~clded to mtroduce · bodies of 14 persons known to ferried by bus to Barstow, Calif. the fiscal and monetary fields, ernment's contributi~n to "the House. He said he, as well a~ o\·er of 12 pennies to the shill· decimal comage next year a_nd have died in the flaming col· Behind them lay a nightmare said the former Liberal trans- winter works program. Under some other members in hb ing, 20 shillings or 240 pennies to . gradually replace British T'O HANG Jislon of a Sante Fe passenger scene of blackened and jumbled port minister as he singled out 1 the program the government group. still want to speak in the lo the pound. wetg~ts and measures with the train and a big oil tank truck cars in the quiet flatlands of aviation, textiles, uranium and I pays balf the' payroll cost of ap- debate. . .

There are also guineas worth : metnc system. Tuesday. the lower San Joaquin Valley. proved capital projects under- Mr. Pearson satd he doesn t 21s (which don't exist any I BRAMPTON, Ont. (CP)-An seventy-two persons were in· u. took more than 15 hours LaSt LOOk taken in winter by municipali- accept the cbarge that the OP· more), half crowns worth 2s 6d all-male jury Wednesday found jured lq the smash-up at a to clear the roadbed and re- ties. position is prolonging debate on 'there are no crowns any Army Jra1.01'ng John Hartford, 19, of nearby grade crossill€ seven miles place a quarter-mile of ripped- The item again failed to win 1 ---·-.. - .. - ___ _ morel; and a tidbit of copper Port Credit guilty of murder in northwest of Bakersfield. up rails. lt was nearly 20 hours approval. hcing debate right up I (Continued on Page 5) call~d a farthing and worth a tbe rifle-slaying of Trans· Of the 109 aboard the train, before the official toll was ~ ----------------------quarter of a cent. Helped Canada Air Lines clerk Beverly bound from the San Francisco established. A Santa Fe spokes- AGADIR, Mor.occn (AP) - i

Wright, 29, of Malton Airport Bay area to Chicago, only 24 es· man estimated the property The old Berber m the tattered i PARIS last Nov. 24. Mr. Justice D. P. caped unscathed. Fifty-one, in· loss at more than $1,000,000. robe shuffled d~wn the dustry 1-Trawler Crew

Drowns J. Kelley of the Ontario Sup- road frDm Agad1r. 1

VATICAN CITY (Reutm)- reme Court sentenced Hartford fl'nch Murder Tn'al I NATO To Create p J h t ld It r ld' He turned once and looked ope 0 n ° a tan so ler& to be hanged May 16 long at the panorama of ruins

Wednesday that the time he · spent the the army did him "a ' L left by tiLe great earthquakes.

lot or flOOd." Receiving the sol- 8 k To Normal v,·nch s aw~'F)r· Then he slowly raised a fin· ST. NAZAIRE, France <Reut- diers at his Wednesday general ac r j . ~ ger and pointed it accusingly

ers)-The 11 crew members of audience, he recalled that he at the sky. He stood for a mo-the Spanish trawler Roselina had been a sergeant in the BONN, West Germany (Reut- c ment, arm raised. Then he join-were drowned Wednesday when medical corps during the First ers)-The Rhineland painfully rrr,·nds J Tp ~se ed the others, fleeing the hor-the vessel struck rocks and World War, before he became returned to normal Wednesday W j U j ror of Agadir. sank off Belle lie en Mer an a military chaplain. "Twelve after three mad days of pre­island off the southern coa;t of months apent in barracks did lenten carnival • carousing in LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr. The lawyer faced his client Women trudged silently, shel­Britanny. The Rosellna was me a lot of good," he said. which 30 persons were killed Bernard Finch's lawyer end· across the counsel table and tering small children with their heading for port to discharge "They taught me. to understand, and 123 injured in traffic acci- ed a three-day summation of said loudly ·for the jury: arms. French and Berber ming. an injured shman when it to have compa!llon, and to en· dents. Apart from the road toll his case Wednesday with a "If he's a murderer, he's led on the road, a sad cavalcade etruck the rftAks. courage." four peraons were hurt in also a consummate actor. Dr. of cars, horses, donkeys and

"" ffle d claim that the wealthy sur- th lk'' N d th scu s uring carnival proces· Ft'nch, t'f you've lied, you're e wa mg. ow an en THE COUNTRY PARSON

Lesser ·Charge

. geon is too intelligent to have kn t f th fl · h k b k stons 1nd a policeman in Lue- 1 as vile as they make them." o s o e eemg s ran ac d blunder ngly murdered his 1 t t k · f M einrbausen had hl1 nose bitten wife. · The tennis-loving 42-year- to e a rue convoy o ' oroc-off. old ph:yst'clan and his shapely can soldiers rumble by, on the The physician, tears in his A d'

23-year·old mistress, Carole way to ga 1r. eyes, rose from the counsel table and embraced the law· Tregoff, have been on trial

More yer, Grant Cooper. since Dec. 8 charged with the Cooper, making hill final murder of Barbara Jean Finch.

Some women wept as they walked. The men were mostly silent.

Mobile Task Force PARIS <Reuters l - The At· that would improve the effect.

!antic pact Wednesday announ-1 iveness of NATO defences. ced a plan to strengthen ; its American officials said that trouble-shooting capability with nuclear warheads earmarked for a mobile task force armed with the task force would remain un· nuclear anr! conventional we a· der U.S. control, as stipulate( pons able to go anywhere in a by the Atomic Energy Act. hurry. NATO MEETING

The multi · nation force will The Associated Press quotec be created during the next 12 government sources in Londor months, with the United States, as saying NATO defence minis Britain and FrllJlce each pro- ters will meet later this month viding a battalidn to its initial to consider making the alliance strength, Gen. Lauris Norstad an atomic power. The source! told a press conference. said the U.S. was agreeable.

It will be under a single com-mand and will have its own ••••••••••• transport and tactical aircraft

1ppeal In the long, sensation· 36. COCHRANE, Ont. (CP)-The P~'~Opa d ') a! trial concluded with 1 The state says they coldly

murder trial of MTI. Anne Li• I' gan a , demonstration of how the doc· plotted the killing to prevent

and naval support, the Supreme HIT BY GIANT HAMMER Allied Commander in Europe

Some stopped to stare back added. Weather

ter, 40, ume to '~n abrupt end tor claims he was able to Mrs. Finch from getting a big Wedneaday when the Ontario LONDON <Reuters) - The So· shoot his wife in the back by divorce settlement. Th~ doc· Supreme Court jury aeeepted viet Communist party bas critic· accident. tor says he shot his wife ac· her plea of IIUilty to a leaer lzed the Russian radio service for ' cidentally when he tried to charee of m1n1lau1hter. She not tatlni full edvantqe of its DEMONSTRATES KILLING throw away a gun she pulled will be unteneed Fridly, propaJallda poaalbUitles, The crit. Using a pistol borrowed on him when the defendants

• icllm il contained Ill a directive from the prosecutor, Cooper went to the Finch estate last - lilt Mn. Lilter wu chareed lfter l.lllued by the central committee demonstrated a peculiar back- July 18 to ask his estranged

"A X..__...... le the riGe·lllyinc of her apotea- of the party .and published In the handed throw-"a tennis-plaY·! mate about her divorce plans. a ·-wro ean vel a city. m1n bu1b1nd, Ted, 43, at their latest inue of the committee's • ini back hand"-tbat culmln· j

~.· lence 111,• Hllt'1 !ilbt-reli· Sc~umacher, Oot., home Sept. ,Journal, Partiynaya Z!liyn I Party j ated with a crisp click IS the --( c-o-nt-in_u_e_d _o_n_P-ag_e_5_)_ .. oe.,. ill WI'OIIIo I, • LHe>. hammer fell. . --------,--

' I

at Talborjt, Agad!r's old Moroc- FURTHER EXPANSio"N! can quarter, wh1ch looked as Norstad said he hoped the ~hou.gh som~body had flattened force would be expanded to in· 1t w1th a gLant ham~er. . elude two other countries,

The quakes bad robbed them which he ~id not nam_e, and of home livelihood 1nd in eventually mcreased to mclude many ca;es, loved ones. There eight or more countries. was little left to talk about. In Washington the state de­Allah had visited torment upon partment spo~sman, Lincoln them. They were leavin& a White, said the United States

Overcast, with frequent snow flurries. High 28.


Sydney ......... 20 Halifax .. .. ..... 19 Moncton ......... 11 St. John's .. .. .. . 28 Toronto ......... 14

place of sorrow. favored the plan and any other • .-.-.-------.-

Page 2: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

I ! :

: .l·. ' ',



. .. • ~ . '·



r·----~------------------·····-·----~-----·---M, . . . I

Newspaper History. Of Bell Island


R. E. W. A. Meeting

1'hr annual meeting of thr Railway F:m:Jioyecs' Welfare

C.L.B. News

Eisenhower Raps S. American Critics

Association was held last night ' ' in the Nfld. Board Of Trade ; lh All ranks an· rPminded of · sided ovPr hy u~nt. o. c. SA!';TIAGO. Chile <Rcutrr; 1 I arms ~prndina. Rooms and was attenued by; e B,~ttallon Parade b he . Barter. mess presl'tlent. and -Pre.sident Ei~enhower Tu('s· The president rPaHirmec

.J From 1._0£ The

· representatives from all de· , held I hursrlay, :\·larch 3n!. the following officers in at· day struck hack hart] at Latin· I American ~upport for the 194i , partments of the rail'.\'ay ser· i an~ they are cx;)cr~ed to h~; in tendanee: Colonel (;. :\1. Stir!· An:erica? criticism of the i treat1· of Rio de Janeiro tha_t , vice. ; their places for thts ei'Pnt. : ing. Regimental Commander. 'Umted Stairs. / pro\'ldcs "atd from all Amen

The President Mr. J. V.' W.N.C,O's ANNUAL / :llajor ,J. :11. c. Facey. flattal·: . ~ d dress i ~ g . American · ca1! s~ales if one was attacked.' Ryan occupied the rhair q,d . MEETING . 10n, Commander. :llajors f. D. ( lulean orgamzattons and a' FLUILI. OBLIGATIONS

I a

expressed pleasure that the 1 h~ aruma! general meeting Press, A. t:. Hem mens. R .. J. :\!. .ioin.t session of the Chilean I "Should any Amcriean de pub , Asso~lation in tt1c! 33rd year ?f the :-..C.O. ~ l\less took place , Xoel, captains c. A. Pittman,\ Nahonal Assembly. he llatly de- l1r be the victim of agression, of its e,U•tcmee now exceeds tn the g~·m on Thursday, Feb. i D. A. Edwards. c. F. Rogers, 1 nied that the U.S. ~upported 1 the l'niled States is ready to

I the BJ,Oo mark in the general/ r~ary 18. 1960, and was Pre· :\!. Kirby, J. V. Rabbitts. I·( H. I dictators and that it crushed fulfill its treatr obligations wilb

By ADDISON BOWN I mP•nbership. I Sided O\'cr by th~ president. Haynes, W. B. K. CoultaH·. C. Latin · American economies to strength, promptness and firm· ' : ~he. anfuaJ ~ep?rt of the As· 1 ;·~·M .. Aubrey ~ogers, and T. Scurrey, G. L. French, G.J enrich itself.. ness." ,

. 1 ' ~.lll!l?it\M s flc\iVlil~s was \'ead a lmgely attended by the S. Thomas. r. Barnes, Lieut§., He also satd the U.S. would The pre,itlcnt leares for t.:ru· '-•••••••-••••••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••-·-': by the Secr~tary and ~how~d [ ~esswJn~mhe:s.r also. ~Y the H. ~· :l!osdrll, H. Dalton, J. co"U)l'~rate on "any practical" ~lla) today on his 12-day, four·

I.OSI OF THE SEIRSTAD way acalnst that 1teady two were offered a tow by the' an encouragmg expansiOn m 1 C 1 ~? m,. 2fftce s !\~aJoi .J. !\!. B. Pye, H. Voke:;, B. A. Haynes, move f0r cut> tn hemt'flhl're uation South :\menl'an tour. At 6.30 p.m. on May 1'7 the flow I Mary Smith but the officers in all phases of operation, par- B. tt~~Y. om!llandmg Avalon G. Anthony, G. R. Locke and - -----------·----

<teamer Seintad cleared from And the wlreleu srt was use· I ~harae decided to row to Par- tkularl~ i~ the b~nefit funds./ m:n: 1~n,J !\~Jo~s ~· E.:\~em· Re;. Cano~ T. Loder. 1 I ftum l!alil,tx. due St. .1 1hn's the Scotia pirr with the first leas when they lost their I tugal Cove. The U! men brought , 11 was uu.licatcd Vl. all phas7s I G R. wil·li~J~~ n~;;~; BJ':{ tli:,. hE> prestdent weir.') me 11 ''•Je s T E A M s H 1 p .\larel1 3nl. t·argo of ore for the 1933 aea- dvnamo· to the Island wer 1 ok d ft of operatwn. particularly m V · R ·b . _ · ·• ' 1~ · w'! .. ''S present as· \lo'.l as a ~on. She WH laden deep with I The rush. of water Inward han' at Mrs Lambswo~/ ed ather I the benefit funds. It was indi·' T. s~ ~~tb, G. s. '!'homas. c. I ;.umber of ladJL' ,If the auxil· I \f \I. BPdford II ;oai\mg

't 1 • • 1 an en 1 "at 1 that dut··1 the , ear 1~3 · l llli Cl' and Llcut II C Iar1· for theu· presPtH'e and 1 11 1·1· \I ll 't!J d11e 11.950 toni for Rotterdam. In put out evei'Y fire, 'taken to Portuaal Cove lo rejoin .: .. ('( . . . ~lg .>' L :\losde!J.( . ~s well a~ nel'. ' ho ~e th t . . l'll,)l :I I a~ . art• ., . the paJh of the ship as she I And a hmy sea was run~ing ( lhe other 32, after which the [ ~r~~~~~ ~/ ~~i~~!~· s!~~}i~oi~ · Canon A. B s. Stirling. Bat: be

1 a ~10~~ r~\e0,~~~~1~1 :~ew~~~~ 11 M Q V EM EN T S ·"' ~~ :~:!J~:·:u,~~:;:h,,a~~i1:;~ from

~teame out the Bay was a lona lo make the danaer dire. 1 whole party went to St. John's suran •e and that 33 .1 . ' talion Chap!ain. ret an· Trcasur~r .Johns II all !!::!1·1·, .... \ ,·1,. 11.,.11 J-th, due St. low growl~r lylni about two wher t f h · · c ' c auns 1 Tl • · · f · · · · CLARKE STEA il · ld ' Throuah the dark watches of 1 e arran11em!n s 0~ t elr were paid to beneficiariPs in . .lC .r~pm~s or the past then n•ad thr mtnutrs. a~< well MSH:P CC' "'111, .'.k:'l'il 71't. ~h es hl.ns e Cape St. Francli. the nillht, the three boat loads'she~ter and transportallon to the Death Benefit Fund • .leat ";rte ~tescntcd b.l' set•re· as the annual reports. col•~r· 'Culport leaYin~ ~.Jint .l!:h:J. 8 e.~ lp eame abreast of lt. at of men rowed about in the I t~elr home• waa made by tile amounting to $37,050.00. The; t~ry C/:llaJor \\'. \\'ells and ing the artivities and finances

oc _c>ek and! apparently trted vicinity of the ship, their pliJihliNOrweglan Consul, Sir Tasker financiar repot't was read by: CS:\-1 W. Hart. and showed tl.tat of the mess forth~ past year. :'\.B .. ~lar. 4. Halifax :ILtr. ; to pa.s too c oae, her lookout k t .....


Cook. the Treasurer I the mess had had a verr artl\·e v;hich showed the mes-; to 'rlut• St. John', ~tar. l'l. ~ailin:; 110 ~ 11·are of the pr enc f un nown o anyone on ouore. · . . . cl . 1 . :liar. 10. , h es e 0 • a One boat under the command The ships' boats were ur- The adoption of both re·' ~cal an ~.atd t wu· assessment hal'<' had a surressful ~·car, o~f ~~~d~:dtr~~ l~eh;u~~:~e~ of the second officer wu aent chased by William Hibbs, ~axi P_Drts .wa~ moved by ;"\fr. R. W. 11. ~;:e~~e o~r'i~T={~e , ~unds. B~t~ <.nd a l'~te of th·a.nks was pas~-. !lighlill<'r lra\in~ S.:tnt .I olin. ltkr Pdje of ice sheared into the to the L'ape to try to Jlet assist· driver of Portuaal Cove, who l'og,wtll. seeonded by :\Ir. Walt· a very heartv ~o\~e ~c~~~~~~ rd kt·o lt ~.~t o[lftcw.l .for ht> :'II.B., :llo:-. 8. H::!if<J.'> .\!:.:· l ! . h' · 'd · · fl · ance but the surf was too rou11h afterwards aold th t h er s. Sparkes and was carried' f · . · . 0 ' s v. or r u, mg le ~ ea1. clue St. John's ~lar. 14. ,ail in.~

~ IPs ~~ e aml!ishlps, oodmg 1 1' d All . th b ... Cit . em o .t e with acclamation. Both speak·/ or then· work durmg the past :\lajor Facl'y then conduct· ~I r 15 the rncme room and puttlne o an . m e open o.. Y Council for use on Wmd· . . year. d tl I ·t· f' f . a . .

· spent an uncomfortable night sor Lake ers patd tnbute to the excel· . . e lP P {'! ton of of Icers or oul the fires. f th th td' ' lence of the report and claim The election of officers for the coming vear will' the fol· •Gulport leavin::; Sl ,:,,htl.

Se1·eral years prev'tously th• or e wea er was very co · the coming\' · d t d 1 · · · ,. B 'I 1° H l'f ~ . . ~ although it was the middle of S. S. Seirslad first came to I ed it was one of the best el'er . ·ear was con uc e owm.~ results: "· ·· ·' ar. o. a 1 ax .\l:tr. :!1. Sr1rstad had rolhded With an .. Th h d b f d t WabanR in July 1921 H t submitted ~tessrs J Delacev by ~!aJor Facey and resulted President Captain (' F due St. .John's :liar. 2-l. '"iiit:·:; · b b d h d I' .na)'. ey a een orce o ' · er por · ' · · · · · as fall · . p. · 1 1 •. ' . · · · '1 21 tr~ ~rg, ow on, an a Imp. b d th 1 h' · · h of registry was Oslo c ·1 1 f and E. J. Veitch also spoke to ows.- 1 CSl! Pn • CS~T J Hamlyn: \·tre·Pre~tdent, Lieut. ·' ar. · · PC! into St. John's for repairs. ~ an °\ e ~ 1 ~pf 10 1~uch .a I Norway She had b' apt a f 0 I the motion A. S. Rogers. Vice-President, J. S. Hall· Sect\' -Treas Capt. This time sht was not so for· bulrry .t at bl h~yd e l a t eJr I quent vtsitor to Bell ~~n da re-~· On motion of :\1r Fogwill BSJII C. F. H. :\lurdoch; Serre-! G. L. Fre~ch· ~~rlitor .,:\lajo~ Highlinrr leavin~ St. .John. lllnat Q It was the •tor" of the e ongmgs e m . san O\'er . . . tan· ('/:\laJ·ot· \\' \\'ells· 'ft·eas 'G S B I' . . . . :'\.B., "ar. 22. Halil·:,x ~I <i'. 2.i.

<· o ' ' • :the \'eurs before leav· s~conderl by !lfr. E. J healey · ·' · · · · • · · · " • · ur mg. Titanic O\'H again except that \\hen mornmg .dawned the I bone~ to rest in ~ng h.er r the current slate of o!ficers u~er, CS.\1 W. A. I. Hart; Com·' Thp nrw mrss president !lue St. .John's :liar. ~0. -ailing there wu no loss of life. Know. shtp, al.thouih low ~n the water. side .the entranc deep. \later .'II·: was rP·eleeted, comprising the. nutlee, C.P .. o .. C . . G. Ru~sell.: t~en thankrd themes' for hi' :liar. ~9. m~ that.thr wound wa~ mortal was. sltll. afloa.~. Shortly .•fter Bay. e to ConceptiOn following: · 'C/Capt. B. S?1 aeklm; C(LH'ut., Pleetion and hoped that hr s~·.::J~.'n~~;~;~-' ;mel fearmg ~hat thf' sh1p would' d~~ hght _she \las seen b~ the i President .. 1. v. Ryar; Vice· A .. Field. .~ .~.:'\1. \\ ·. 1.nylor. '' ould ha1·r the rn·opet·atinn ~0011 smk With her hfR\'Y load 1 ~~hth~u:.e kl'eper .u Cape St. i Presidrnt .• lamrs r. Pike: ~elgl. n .. \\ Ilktns. L~Setgt. G. of all mrmhcrs durin!( thP. \!.S. Hrllr !;;\(' II P•ll'flllto of ore. Capt. r~ulsl"n ordl'red! I rancu anrl he ga\e the alarm.; ' Trea~tll'Pr. C'. F. Shea: Serre· Follc~l. Corp!. E. Rcul. roming ~·E'ar. hl' tlwn ~'keel

~l.S. Pc·ll~ [':lr II ;.~iling f:-"m 1 tali!'ax 'Jar(' i-t 8th. due St .. !olm's :\l~reh 9th.

FIJimESS RED CROSS LINE S.S. Gl!l'IL<'Y ~:ti:ing ircm St

. Jr>i•n . .\.ll .. Feb. 27th. ]Pal·ing J!:difax Feb. 29th. clue to ar· ri,·e in St. Jchn\ :\larch 3t'd, l.ewi'l:! St. ,John's :\larch 5th f<~l' lla!ifax ami Xew York.

hi~ officn~ and men.-47 in all A tek~hone m~s:agl' fmm H~n. y 1he S.t';L L.O.A .. and ?·I tar~·. T. ,J. Dalton. Di·E'rtnt·~., :\la.tor Faery rongrat~tlatccl Coionel Stirling l!o ~a.l' a frl\ -I() takt to the boats. . .1. G. Stone: :llmtster of Marme ('.B.A., soctl'ttrs. ctlcbratecl St. i Capt. :\1. (; Dalton. :\!.!I.E .. I' , I he. :\Ieos ol~ the seleet1on of 1\ords. anrl tlw rolruwl was

A local ballad \\Titlrn at the, and ~1sher1es. to the ma~ager i ,eor~e ~ Day With a PBI'adl' to. ,I. Tohin. G. E. Taylot·. \\' .. I.: thPlt· rxet·t!lii'c and thPn pa:<:· ~:lad of tlw opportunlt.v tn IJme told tbe story of the co].,at \\abana, C' •• B .. Archlhald.ithc 1.:. (.Church where Re1·. s.• GrouchY R. G. Wells. ; ed tlw l'ltatr over to the pt·cst· srwal< In his old nw" and to

Your building dollar is h~ion in thtsf' word~: j was the first tn~tmallon to an~·; 1 ~Iurie~·. B.A . .' was the prea.ch·l It is 'the intention 10 rireu·' drn,1: ~~"'.' Ho;:er~. anrt i.t !' ~ay how .hap;1y hP was .•n br

_ . , . . one ~n Bel! I~l~nd. ~lr. Archt· Pr. The pal3de, numbermg late copie~ of the repcrt to all mtci ?:'ttn~ to nnte that this ts hack,. rvrn for an e1·pn 1ng. The .hadn of ntght 11ere falhng

1 hald lmm.~dtatel~ made arrange·[ more th.an. 200. wa~ the largest' members over the entire Sys. thr fu ~t tun.P t.hat a ~Jmtheract i :'l!a.rnr R. :'\or I IIH'n pre>~nt-

as the sh1p went out the ments ~tth the Bell Island St Geotge s day turnout seen tern. 1

helcl. tht> Plr,ldrne~ .two sur· rd a ptl'!Ll!'P of the prcsentat· Bay, ! Steamsbtp Company to send ~he loc~lly. . 1 ce~st\'P years, t:.;aptam C. F. ion or tl](' C\ew Colour to the

And In her path, unknown. the 1. Maneco and !1-!ary Smtih to PICk R ! Ho~ers was prPsident 19-lfi. 4i.' ~Irs~. and his action was great·.

deadly growler lay. up the crew. /v. John E. Brown, ex· JObleSS 1 anrl now CSJI A. s. Rogers.· Jv appreriaterl. ' Aeainst that hidden obstacle po Iceman Of New York City, 1959. 60. ; ·A \'et·v eniovable sorial

the great ship brushed her Meanwhile, at 8 o'clock, the opened an Evangelistic Mis- The president then threw • evening · follo1~ed in which side, Seirstad sank and the cargo in· ~~on at the u.c. Church on Apr. Increase the m~eting open for those! r:trds were the order of !hi'

And soon tngine room and I tended for Hitler's Reich went · who wtshed to speak, and the day in which officers and 1tokehold were flooded by: lo Davy Jones' locker. It was Deaths In April . 1 d d followi~g availed of the op· th~ir wives participated. Top· the tide. I the quickest cat'io ever sold. tboae of Edward St me u 8~. Figures released by the Un· por~untty; Canon Sttrling. · prizes were won by :\Irs. c.

One boat·load of men was pick· Veronica Kent 25 A~~~· ' employed Insurance Commis· 1\}aJor Facey, ll~mmons and: Pittman and Lieut. H. Vokey, The pumpa could make no head· ed up by the :Maneco. The other weddings that ~onih we gththe sion show that there are 19165 r.;.~el. Capt. Rabbttts. ex-Jl.ajor • whilst hoobies went to :.l.trs. D.

. re ose • W II !tams and Sergt Wilkms ' c Barter d 11 · F J) of Ell Clarke and Sadie Ham·, males seeking emplo~·ment in , . · · · ' · . an • a,1or. · · mond· Millicent Mews t A E I Newfoundland and 1 ~57 fe· A \ ery dehghtful supper was • Press, wlu!st a cup pr;ze was Robe;tson of Cornwall ~ t · i · . males. These figures · covered served all present by :IT es· · wo~ by 1\!rs. C. F. Ro!!ers. ThP

' n ar o. the week ending February 25, ~ames .Wells, Tremmlls and ' offtcers then served supper CJON · CJOX TV In the music examinations 1960 ~lurdoch and was greatly ~n· i to the ladtes and so ended a .

THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 19M held in :May by Ronald Cham- F~r the proceeding ·week JOyed by all, and the ladtes \'Cry enjoyable e\'ening for all 10 4'" C rt I berlain, the Mines' Convent there were 18 697 unplaced were accorded a. hearty vote ! with the prizes bein::: present·

• ~- a cons, , h 1 h d 100 1 • ' • or thanks for thetr effort. : rd to th winnrrs h . :\Ir r ll.ClO-Romper Room. se oo a per cent sue-. male applicants and 1,672 un·j OFFICERS ' e . Y • 5

· • · 2.00-\\'illy. c!ss. Doris Higgins scored the,, placed females applicaticns. ME~i~~GANNUAL. 1 :IT. c .. Facey .. w1fe of the com·

2.30-chez l:lelene. htghest mark for Newfoundland This week'~ figures shew an 1 . mandmg officer. · 1 t · · · The annual meetmg of the

2.45-Nurserv School Time. i tn n ermedlate T.heory. Other jlncrease of 468 jobles.~ tnales ·. :llrss took plaee on :11ondav,' FLORE:\T SE:\II'EB. C. LA

3•'"' "fy LJ't'tle "targ•'e, : resu!ts werp: Htgher Local. I and a decrease of 15 In the 1 February 22 1960 and was pr~- I 1 \' R JU-" " ,Mar.JOrle Tucker. Advanced number of unemployed · ·----- __ ' · · · ·

330-Libera~. ; Senior, Doris Hig.gins. Senior,/ women. ·· - .. _ · · 4.00-0pen House. :Adrian Taylor, Eileen Tucker.


For t.he same period last 323rd fiS WI. OS DI.VI.SI.OD -4.30-Boyd, Q.C. i Intermediate, Florrie Ezekiel. year there wct·e 17,442 males 5.00-See (or Yourself. .Junior, Maud Nolan, ~largaret


sreking employment and 1.606

5.:lO-The Lh·in~~: World. Plke. Advanced Preparatory. females. Thi~ year's figures fl•re PreVeDti.OD A d ; ~larie Bowdring. Preparaton·. are up last year's by 1.723 male war

6.011-The Town and Country ~h~J,.,. , Patricia Billingsley, Jean Le·[ applications and 51 fema:e. 6.:10-\ews Calvacade. Drew, Jean Fitzgerald. Agnes j PEPI'E~RELL AFF! - The c:rner~l's oificr hrrr ~~ PPpp~r i.OO-Phil Silvers Show. 'K~lly, liar~· Gosine, :\largaret

1 ~23rd Ftghter lntererptor rrll. :\Jr. Cordoulis serl'!'cl a'

7.30-~tan Without ... Gun. 1 Lahey. Bride Wal~h. Pre para· (N I 8 Qffl.(l"al.s Squadron at Harmon Air· trchnirM adviser. 8.00-This is \'our Music. [·tory (violin), Madeline Pr.nnev.l ; Forl'r Bnse won the 64th .\ir:

• I I 8.15-National Xews. :First steps, ~rgaret Petrie. t , Dil'ision's annual fire prrv('n·! PERPETUAL TROPHY 8.:10-Gunsmoke. ~{ary Lahey. One of thest'. Mary I' v· •t• He e l tion rontest for th(' calendar! Th 4"3 d FIS . d 9.00-Star Performa~ce. ! Gosine. Wll a pupil of Angela lSI IRg r I year 1959 in jucl,.ing hf'lc) at _e ~ r . : recri\'(' ··~)~·

1 R~··'· R. C. teacher at Portugal! I PPpp~rrell Air Forcr Ba~e i torl~ of thr diHiton fJre Plr· 9·30-The Deputy. Coi'P, and took the exam. at St., !\Irs. H. V. Harrl5on and :\lr. · eat·!ier th1s month. Second' VPntlon trophy. The other two'

10.00-Talent Caravan. i Edward's. Betty Lynch was L. A Faragher arrived in St. and third pla('e winner' arr. winners will h<' awarded. ret· 10.30-Closeup. craduated with high honours in .John's yesterday from C:'\JB respectively. Detachment ~o. 1. tlficates of notable achlel'e 11.00-Man from Blackhawk. music at Mount St. Vincent ~atinnal Office in Toronto. 642d AC&W Squadron at Ellis· • ment. 11.30-Wrestling. Academy, Halifax. ~rs. Harrison is food spec!al· ton Ridge, Bonavista, Xfld.,[ Thr ront~st wa~ for all units 1.15-News Heacilines. 1st and Mr. Faragher is design and the 93lst AC&W Squad· 1 of the 641 h Air Dil ision ex·

12.31_The Hunter. (Nesl: Work for Relief) specialist with t~e CNI.B ron at Thule Air Base, Green·[ cept for Pepperrell AFB. Pep·: ______________________ ..;,_. ___________ Stands and Cafetenas Depatt· land. perrell AFB competes in the 1

The Royal Trust Company offen you a

~e~t. These people. are as- The winning unit was cited 1\ annual US.\F and Xationall

ststtng the local Dlviston of the for its perfect fire pre\'ention Fire Protcetion As;;oriation CNIB in setting up new can· record and fur its promotion of contest teen and cafeteria locations at fire safety. Part of the squ:~t!.l---·--­the Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1 run·~ firt• program i!wluded Building, St. John's Genera1

1 the estahlishnwnt uf a mouth·

Post Office and the Confedera· ! ly squadron fire quil conll'st.l tion Building. · the winner CJf whi .. h rerE·ives ,

BIGGER than you think!





nomte.ll h.l'll.' l\H!lr-r '-'IHtllll'i"' j .. !'· irl\ kif !J~! ~'l\'·

co,;t ,J,,rml•h 11hrrtll lr·:11c" II" fc~< ltll" .Jnd n rw· \'idr., .:..1d11~~ .lt r\,·r\ ~I H.:t' fJii..·!IJ!'-.!rt 1 : tillil. Ftr:i,hf·r]

buildtn:; IS ;ndH!"I Ill I dl-; ,,I I l•~,l : o'l • O··h ;n·r lv~hJ

do\\' I!. For Ltcts .ll!d h~tll'l.' "hi' ll•Jt 1. .Ill torl,:; ·.'

~ ~·

n: ,··;,; ENGINEERING CO., Lt u. 25 SPRINGDAlE ST., ST. JOHN'S, NFlD. P.O. BOX 580 TELEPHONES 2036-2037

% 1\lr. Faragher will also have·. cash prizt>s f<ll' submitting the :

meetings with the Memorial : best an><WI'I's tu qttPstions con· University to discuss a new lv· ; cemin~-: firp hazard~. cation in that Institution. This 1 i SPECIAL ' •


<Jur Guaranteed Investment Receipts issued for a period of five years bear interest at 6%, payable quarterly by cheque. Rates for shorter terms are available on request. ..

Minimum deposit $5,000. Your certificate will be sent to you by return mail.

htltrt,,l rrtlf., n, .mb,irrl In chnn::, tt•itllmtl lffllia, but rrzlt!, on rolf/rrtrls enltrtd into rc"ain constant for the full con· lractual tum.

will bring to sixteen the num· i ELLISTON RIDGE ' ber of locations operated by : PROGRAM , the CNIB in Newfoundland, ' g!liston Ridge won sPcond I pro\·iding employment for : place for exceeding the pro·J

: over twenty.five registrants of I gram not·mally conducted by ! the C:'\JB. : a gap filler sit!'. Its motto Is 1

I /\('ross Canada morp than : ··:-,·e~·~ 'll'l'!'k is firr ~rewntion 1

! six hundred people are em· · II erk: ThP 931st at rhule ~·as i ' ployed in the Stands and : mcnti?nc~ for tt;; outs~andmg i j Cafeteria programme of the , orgamzation anrl plannmg an l C~IB. : for its contribution to the di· i

Developed New Clover

I vision fire prevrntion pro·

I gram. which included the morl· ification of the squadron's ~ sh

i tray cigarette holders to make them safe.

The judging was held on the basis of fire prevention bro-

OTTAWA <CPl - Clover that chures submitted by the vari· doesn't smell like clover has been. ous Air ·Force units. Accord­dev-eloped by the agriculture lng to Joh11 N: Cordoulis, 64th department. And scientists are; Air Division Dircrtnr of Fire · cheer~d hy news fhat rabbits will~ Prcl'cntion, the ftt'P ~nfety: eat it. I programs of thp pn;;t year

Cumino ~w~t clo\'er, a while·· have hPrn the finrst ever .

Men's Tie Shoes Men's Loafers

Assorted sizes - Colours Black and Brown.

Regular price $4.95 pair.


. . blossom 1',1ricty, has b!>l-n pro· rllll'E'd al. thr. rl!!partment's Sas· kaloon lnhoratorv. :.ro~l signifi· ~11nl i~ that is i~ frpr of cou· marin. which is what gi1•es r!over its orlor.

. : ~·


247 Duckworth Street, St. ,.hn'•· Teleph1111 1196 i ! ,-------------------------------------------~ • ' I .


r I ;; MI.JMIS./M.ISS ......................... : .................................... u ............................................ ..


Ab:DRm:: .............................................................................................................. · .. ; · I'UAU PIOI.,.

~ ........... ; ............................................................. ,,,.,,., ..................................... ..

'\1Pmhrrs o! the hoard ~wal'fl· i1112 lite pl'izf' were :\fainr Z[)· lie c. Auko Rllrl Lt. Dou;:las Cook of thr division's .nirt'C· toratc of ~lalr.rirl. anrt Capt.

,John l\fizcl of the Inspector When SW!'et elo~r spoils while being cured for !lay, the cou· marin under 11 o e 1 a chemical By eliminating CDillllarin, the change to dicumarol. Dlcumarol newvariety has neither of these can destrov the clotting power of I faults. The willingness of rahhits ·· blood and may cause warm· i to eat the dover It as encour:~g~,l blooded animnls that eat it to· scientists to think other animals bl~ed to death. · · i will also lake lo it.

Moreover, when the ereenl The department estimates !here 1 sl11lks of sweet clover, which 1 will he 4,000 to 6.000 pounds ol sometimes ~:rows in wheat fielrls,l approved seed for di,trihution go through a combine the juice: thi~ vear. II will be a1·aiiable '·I· . . . ....,... $ .................. :.: ... : ........... :.:.. Sltl'lalure ....................... : ............... ; ........... :

I .. ') ~ t • . ,• j, •' . . • . -

t.f . .._ __ ... ··,; ··---.---~---- ....... ----------·---------------

1 taints the wheat with ron marin i only 'to thooc intcrest~d in pro­and il r~mains right through to I ducin~ rc~ister2rl ;.eed for sale l'te bread. I or for their own use.

Page 3: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

. ; . ·.

:: . :~ . . .. ... .. • ... J

_._ -~\~ :-···· .. : ~~ -: -~ ~-~ .-.. ~~ :-:-> \;·_·~


Red Cross to Spendi $172,000 In Nfld.

The Canadian Red Cross So· Ito augment its sickroom supply Junior Red Cross activities, clety will spend more than service. This will be used to re· one of the society's most lm· $172.000 during 1980 to provide, pair or replace items among the portant projects, will cost $13,-j 1\:ewfoundlanders with an ever i thrtusands of articles, ranging 000 in 1980. This programme growing list of humanitarian


, from a thememoter to a hospital im•olves 38,000 Newfoundland scn·ices worth several millions bed, which Red Cross makes school children in very active 2ceording to Dr. P. J. ~lc· avnilable free of charge to sick citizenship training. ~licholas. President of the New-


and cripple people upon the Womens Work Committees-, foundland Dh·ision. request of their doctors. thl' unsung heroes of Red Cross I

Dr. :\lc~icholas pointtd out The training of Newfound· work-will need about $8300 howe,·er that only about half 1land women in thl' techniqurs this year according to Dr. Me­this figure is usually subscrib-

1 of homp nursing will cost Red Nicholas who said that they will

ed by the people of Nt>wfound-, Cross an t>stimated $2600 durin.g use this money to buy materials, land. The balance comes from i the next year while another These ladies will make thous-: Canadian Red Cro.<s National~ S3000 will be spent on Well ands of items of clothing for' funds-actually from pro\'inces • Bah~· Clinics. The baby clinics disaster victims. Items not; which o\'er subscribe their; prO\•ide a service in 21 outport needed In Newfoundland are; quotas such as Briti~h Colum- r centers similar to that provid· shipped to Red Cross Interna· 1

bia, Ontario and Quebt>c. 'l.'d in St. John's by the Child tional for use In world relief. 1

Breaking down the cost of Welfare NursPs-namely toxoid- The amazing thing about Red Re-d ('ross St>r1·iees in ~e·.r· · ing, frt>e cod oil, orange juice I Cross work according to Dr., foundlanrl Dr. ~lcNicholas told' and lnfantol, :.IcNicholas is the low cost of: how the money will be spent 1 Continuance or the Water

1 administration. Ninety percent i

this ~·ear. Safely Sm•ice actil·ities in New- j of the work Is done by volun-! 1 foundland will cost $4000 ac-~· leers he said, so our paid staff~

The Red Cross free hlnod ~rr·. cording to Dr. :\lcNicholas who only require about twelve per· vi~e will cost S90,000. an amount • said that the dozen or more cent of our budget to keep which ro1·ers the cx)ll'nse nf col·· lin•s already saved b~· Red I things mo\•ing for the volun· lectin~. proces;;in!( and clistri- ~Cross trained people more than teers. Accordingly, he added, but in-!: frrc hloocl and hlood, justify thir; expen~e. The Red while Red Cross wvill spend products to all who need them.' Cross Wat!'r Safety prooramme 1$172,000 this year in New-

Since It is impos~ible to pre- im·oh·es the training of swim- foundland, the worth of tile ser­rikt how many disas:ers wiil min~ instructor;. the tt>aching icc rendered will be in excess I occur in a ';'h·en year. ~o hud::rt ·of swimming and water safety of two million dollars. ran be t>stabli.•hed for this ~nd Sl'P~n·ision of pool activi· Endin-g his budget report 1

hrading. Last ~-e~r how~l'l.'r, ties all o1·er :-oewfoundland. with an appeal to Newfound- I Rril Cro~s sprnt ~20.00G in :-ocw-: landers to gi\'e more in 1980, • foundland allniatinJ: hnmnn Dr .. \lr:-.1irholas said that Red 1 Dr. ~lcNicholas said that the I

di>tress as a result of firrs. C'ross would ~p~nd another i Newfoundland Division would I forl';;t fire>. floods anti ship· $8000 this year in pro\·lsion of like to be as self su[fident as I 11·recks. This much and mrtrr is rmergency aid to ~ewfoundland ·possible. Red Cross spends two i alwa.•·s a,·ailable to meet !oral War Veterans, local ci\'ilians. In dollars here for l'\'ery one New·, n~-!1<. findin~ missin~ persons and in foundlanders donate. he con-'

Dr. ~lc:\i\·ho'i'.' 'airl that th" H'n·iccs to workers on U.S. rlurled. and ii!O up to us to do· ~rwfoundlanrl Dirision woulrl ba~rs all o1·rr· the North East our part in reducing this de· sprnd another ~3~00 this year Air Command. i fidt. ____ .. ____ _

Heavy Fire Damage At Garage "IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME' -Billie Coombs smiles h11ppily with. hi' mntllt'r

shortly after their arrivnl home from Toronto yesterday. Billie wa' in Toronto to undergo a heart operation.-Daily N cws Photo.

.... fire at Brown's Srn·irf': 'tOl'ey stl'lltiUrc, in the tire ploycc~. Jt I~ po.,~ibl!' that C'harter Membershl"p At Locatl·on Of New Station on King's Road cau•rrl l'cpair shop. )t ~prcacl to thr somr cars, stored on the scr· hcan damagt' carh· vr<!Cl'· i>rt•ond floor. and eventually ond floor of thr buildin~t. s M h• da;· mornin~t. Earl;· ~stimat~s. broke through the roor ncar I while not damagl'd by flames, Lutheran Church Sunday : tamp ac mes plart>ri the rost of dama::rs in thr rl'ar or the buildin~. When 1 may have suffl.'rcd heat thr neighbourhood or ~3(1,01)0 fi.r~mcn arrh·cd flamrs w!'re, darnaj:lc. . . . I Thr• l'll'lm:"ler .. \. D. Lrmp-a]though this wa~ not l'Onfirm- \'lslhlc ~hmu~h most of the · Althou~h the al'luat cause , A sp~elal S!'r\'lct' wtll b<' people h<'re that wanl to have hell. ~nnuuncr, llw in-:a:briun ui td by the ftre department. , lower )l'llldows. . : of tl~e fire .has not b~e1.1 de-' hrld th.ls Sunday morn!ng at' a Luthcr~n Church. The rhart· new Stamp \'cnrlin~ :-I:H·h;nrs

. . Only _two t1rcs 3~tually, tcrmmed, F1rc Comm1sswner . th~ ~mted Lutheran Church 1 E'l' reads 111 part "As _members· dispc 11 , 111g hooJ;Je!' of l'o-ta;::" The_ hre was reported by ! rau~ht fire before firemen


Frank Ryan sald the exact j miSSion meetmg m the Prmce of the congre~ahon, we Stamps al sn.2:i per huukil'l anr! two :'\ewfoundland Con>tabul·; Mertecl _the blaze. The smell, spot where lt broke out has, of Wale~ Annex. The sen·ice I plcdrze to support and do all containing 2ii ecn!s 11 orlh nf ary member~ who wer~. on of burnmg rub~er and the i been !l~~rowed down to two I will mark the ope_ning o[ the I within our ability to advance Po>lagc Stamps in 4·, anrl 1'> :n patrol d~ty In the area. F1re- d_ense smoke hmdered the 1 P?Ssiblhtles. It broke_ out, cl~arter ~embershlp roll and I it~ growth." Those who sign: each booklet. T:wse maL-h:nrs men arm·ed at 3.30 a.m., and; firemen. . . e_lther on. a workbench In the· w1ll. beg1n at 11.~0 a.m. A w11l also prom1se to support: arP located as follo11·>: fought the Mns!' smoke and . At the lime, 18 cars were ' t1re repair shop or near the special nursery WI)) be avail· the work of the local congre- In front of lhr main f'o•t Of· flames until 7.30 a.m. stored In the building. Some' staircase in that area. a hie at this service so that 1 galion and the work of the' fice on Water s:1w1 !l:ll":(•)


At City. Hall Tl\'o application~ by Gerry, road hut each year they have

Hallry SurHys Limited were by-passed it. The only sort of pre,~;Jted to Cll)· Council yes-, consulation the residents have terday mornin~ at their we2k-, been gettin~ is the filling of ly mcclin~. Absrnt from ti1C pot hol~s with gral'el. wccldy wrrr ~!ayor ~!cws who The letter stated, '"condition is in ho~-pital and Councillor' of the road was so bad last Fitzdbbon. month the TranspG; '.,:ion Com-

Onr· of the applications was pany h<d to reroui<' :.-.. '" buses. hy th<· Sisters of )!err)'. Bel· As a substitute for pa\'ement 1·edr•n•. for a ;uh-rfil·i;ion of thr sand and grarcl hal'c be<'!l laid lrian~lrr· pil'r'P of land we sf of, to make the road passihle, con· Br•l;·prl•·r !':•nwll'r)·. Thr• ('ouucil -rquPntly after se1·eral years flpr:dl'd ilw! thi' applir'alion lhr road is lw;Jt up so hi~h thol .•hou:d ll!' forw;!l·d•·d !o !hr n•>irl<'n;, on lhe south side of Cornmi.-,;ion on To·,,·,; Plannin·.~ !hr ra::rl ha\·e considerable for lh<'ir· "on·irl•·r:ttion. lrur1illl' du1• to no drainage and

Tlt~· .-.<TtiJJCI ;:p,,lie.tlion ;)_\ )1r. nu \\ h1•re to dh·rrt \\"alf'r. Tiallt•y w:t~ on t)(·h:,:t Hf .\Ir. Tht• council L:pon ~u~gestio!· Thoma~ Portt·r. lor 'lw pr,·etJon ,~f l'tHtJWillors ll('nlc·y and Night· of a •:·.wllin:• o•1 I" 11prrt,v lor·at- i!.~ah• haw plnti•d I his secti01 ed "" lh1• SOI,Ih,irll' of Empirr of lh!' road or. top nf the li.;: c\Y<·:a:•·. T:w ('IJIIIH'il rldl'rred for :·~n,idrration for pa\·cmcnl Lhi..- a! 1·!i! ;tt;·,n on thr n·rom· lhi:-: year. tnf':1:i·1;np;; or Cl rrJH•rt b\· thC' l'o11ncillor :'\i-'!ht;n:a!e Said. l·it~· nn!l~!;ll'.! fq-.;~H'l'lnr. . ":hf' tWO plth'f'~ that tnUJ'i~t!; ::!,il

Tht• in-.;Jw~·\rJI'." rrpm·t ... l;l!('rl whrn thr~· t i-..i: Sl .John's i~

lh::: IIi" •.ralf'r !'Oil:ll'dinn \IDUirJ· rlnwn lo Onirl~ \'tdi ;.nd Cabot han· lo lw l:tk('ll trc'~l Cit'Cu!ar Hnarl and l:rou~:11 :n Empirr ,\\'"!lllr. TIJ"J'" ~ .. :d ... n ;.~ l.1r~e bank nf :.:ra\ t 1 to hf• n•mtwed

· from till' :-Oi rtT! •,1 ~Ji • .-h ma; en! :til 1 ;;p r·rqL~·J-\1(' 4 iO!J of a

\;'lt'~r l'f•::.iJ•i11ts s;d! fruntin~ 1hL= prt,Jwrly.

Tbr i~1-.::)lf'' 1111 '-i.·1f'd I hal it. \\'lh h~~ on!nir,:; lh;i1 thi~ ~t'C·! linn o' !:nd ""' 110! 'unahlc: tor hnilrlin~ pnrpn '"'· and am· ~lf'rmit to h•Ji)d :-ollould hr rl~·

T(mi'J' Thr ro:Hl :n { ·abo1 To-.::cr i<> lll. .. o :n P. (C~Tli))(' cnndHion.u

Girl's Speak-off At Rotary

Held Today frrr:·rl ut>li! II~<· wl;nlr qnr:<lion Tile ~irl<' >pc:,king tuntest, nf rd:.ir:in~ 11·:dl; i; in,·r>li : -pnn;orerl h)· the St .. John's ~atrrl. ' 1\otar_,. Cluh. enter; the final

~1ut"h di .... c·u-..:-ion :1ro .. p nut of pha'r tmla~· whf'n fnur youna th•• kill'r lo 1:11• r·ouncil hy larlir·< "·iJ: takr part in the rr•,idPnl> ol Fnrr·.l Hnacl Exl•·n· ftn:ll' Tlw>r arr .\larir Con· ..-ion t'r•m!:l:ti 1lin< tliHlu! !tlP nor<::. Hi nf Grartr XI at Pre~· L'Oit'lltinll of lhc n•ct(l tlH'rr' For entatifln l'onrcnt School. Dctr ~0111(' li!l1 1' fl/1 11,' il h.l"- iJf'rn !he La:{l'. \\'('.;.t('rn winner; rnf'Z pl"'t flf l!•r t'onn,·;! In p:trr IIH' \ndrrt\.'. 11. 11urham Public

"Arctic Prowler" Arrives Here

Thr .'f•;llm:.: -ll!P ··.\relic Prn\r;rr" ;11'1';\ed .11 ~1. Jflhn's h:trbollr Tuc;d;•; ni:hl It i> (':'·P''elrrl ~tH' \rill hr ~i::nlll!: on


~elton!. t•t•ntra! \011·!nundlanrt: Francr<o \\'ltitr, II. Grade XI. t~ue0n Elizillwth R~gional 11:111 Stltnol. Foxtrap. AYalon. end .Je:ln ',Jl'f\inla)·. !5. Grade X. Bi'hop's Collr~c .

Thr 1\'innrr 1\'ill rcr·ciq• a elwqur for SIClll. a ~hi~ld !nr the sl'honl to hr held for a ! r:1r anrl a min1alure for her 0\1 n po'>r•,ion. This will br. thr 14th .'·r:1r in which the a ('l'(•'.r S;dnl'dil~-. :md

~;~lurd:·:-' or S11nd.n. Ho\\Tin~· ... '-hip. "TI)('

iPP .. j ... :-:1ill Jll Bof~rl)orl

dr·h· >,>rakm:: rontc't hM .\l;:r·r- hrrn hrl•l. anrl it Thf' \lini.'i<'r of Erlucation.

j, nrol l.11m1 n 11 lit•n 'hr I'.'! II ;tr- !!on. Dr. .-\. Frcrker, will rirr in S!. ,l11hn\ 10 !rare for ,prak to Rotarian; and guests lhr sralin~ ~routHls. whilr the jud;!rS are making

Will lnouire Into I

Sea Hinl Problem

up 1 heir dcci;ion. The event will be broadcast by VOC~f.

The blaze started on the of th_em were taken to safety !1 The building and stock were both husband and wlfe will be I church at large. T~ose who' Road Posl<lJ Sial ion: Tormi:wl ground floor o£ the three· · by f1remen and garage em· insured. able to atte?d. · have not been confirmed as ; Building. Torhay :\irpnrl l ·1um·h- ClTT. \ \\" .\ r C I'' -~ r-;,trrnal

The opemng of the charter Lutherans will he required to I hill Park Suh Po.sl of fin• .. \ffair.< \t:nislrr Grrrn ;nid,

Building Plans A• ft A • d t R t I membership roll is the final prepare for membership in the :vlac,·'s. 17 Rowan SlrN·I: Suh \\"rriJirsdav hr will m~ke in-lrcra CCI e n a e step to be taken befort> an or- church by attending discus-! Post" O!fire :\o. 1, llailry's qtmif's al;out tltr ,>roblrm of

ganlzed Luthc~an Ch~rch will( sions on belief~ in the Luther-: Variety Storr. li4 :l!rrr)·mrrt· 'l'a hirrl' rrpor\('rl imperill· Reeommcndcd:-B. A. Oils :become a reality. It 1s at the , an Church. held at the parson- 1 ing Roar! rrl h1· nil P••llution off the Ltmitrd. Frc;hwatrr Road. ~er-1 time of organization that the 1 age each Sunday e1•ening. · · . eoa<t of \rllf11unrtlanrl. ,·ice station: P. and P. Grocery

At R d L F '59 ' congrt'gation will become fully' The charter ml'mbership Stamp< ma;· al'n hr Plll· ,J;~nw, R. Tw·kcr. L-T:·initY· Limiter!. Cornwall AvcnUt', neon ecor ' ow or i constituted and adopt a name I roll will he open for Sel'cn chas~d at th~ folln.wll~g}'" 111 ts: Cnnecplinn. :1•KPrl \h'. (~rrrn >i~n: Bon :.Iarche. \\atcr Street, for itself. It Is necessary to I weeks. giving those unable to P~trl. 0 ~!al~. Dtui!~L.t. .. ; 84 in IIJr Cllmmnn' whrthrr thr nrnn >~gn; .r. .r. Hussey Limiterl,

: hal'e at least ~ixty adults sign be present this Sunday the op-: V.atl.'l Stlcct. L. )[aJ~l;n. 1 >P· corNnnH·nt ltarl an.1· plans tn :\cw Gower Strrcl. neon sign: ; th h t b ( · · ·t · t b b sail Road. lo;lp. San.;: \l. 1 tl f 1 11 PEPPERRELL A!B, <AF\Sl [lying hours compares with, 000.000 (t~·o bil!l?n· fou~ hun· , c c. ar _er e. ore perm1ss1on pm _umty _o. ecome mem crs. · 0 Keefe. 22 '.!r-Fal'!anr Street; mN· Jr nor pro l rm< l'aU<· P . .J. s,·rnr. 43 Roche Street.

~larch !-The major aircraft lhr 1946 rate of 61 per 100.0001 dred million) mllltary m1les of to o1gan1ze w11l be gra~ted It will officially close Easter· 11 . \\' ctd \1' lri . f'rl h;· thr r!r<tnwtion nf alteration for Apartment: Chc5·

'd 1 t · h " s · fl · h ' h d 1 · l'f lth by the Board of 1\mP.rtcan Sunda\· I · 1 s. A. a rn. 16 a r "lholl>:ltHI;" of bird' throu::h 1rr Dawr Limited. 9-A and 9-S ace! en rae 111 t e '-'· . Air ~·mg ours. I sc e u ed a1r I l w no pas· . . : · , • · . . . . nravp Str!'rt· cant ern c;rncr Force drop\)ed 20 per cent for For 1959. the Air Force re·: senger Injuries or fatalities. :\hsswns of t~e Umt~d Luth·l The official organizational, ll .t 1. 1 \ 11 . Ji C . .. pollu:ion of """'tal water>. Empire Avenue. Alterations fnr 1939 to mark a record all-time: corded 675 major accidents, a I CREWS PRAISED eran Church m Ame!1ca. : sen·ice has bern scheduled for !

1 PI~~P~:J~ p~;11;,1~·el~;\~n; 1 • ;'y~~~ Tllr \rwfnunrlbnrl mrmhcr Apartment;.

low. drop of 21!1 over the '58 total Credit for the Air Force's The charter roll Is a pe- ' Pentecost Sunday, June 5. I :\1. ·\\~· l.h p. . . 11' R . d: >aid 'l'a bird' a 1 r "part of t hr X ot Rrcommcnrleri; - Wm. Genera) Thomas D Whitl' ·of 894 Fatalities (rom acrl· reduced rate of accidents the I tition to the Board of Ameri·l' 1!160. Following organization,:(·,· t a' · S rnn)IIC \ola · dirt" of the prnplc nf hi> Rol'hc. Lo;:y Ba~· Road. ware-. ' '' · · ' I Miss'1ons l'ndJ'cating to I "ll b 1 'd f th b 'ld an ern. · analortum: · rs. proYinr·f'. · R Chief of Staff, in announelng ; dents in 1939 were almost In Chief of Sta£f sa1d, must go_ to I can ' · • . P ans WI e al or e Ui · , Thomas Power. Frr>hwatrr hou.<r. contrary to Zonmg egu-

the new flying safety record, i half-376 in 1959 as against th. e ground crews charged with 1 them that there Is_ a group of mg of a Lutheran church. __ i Road·. ,_ 11-,s I!. ~-!. Paul. ~54 Birrls whit-il 11 " 1·r hrrn lation'. I h f I ll - ·' floatin~ on onl·: water ofiPn Estimated value S42.000.00. a so reporte~ t ere hu not: 705 in 1958. a1rcra t rna ntenance •. as we. ' · I Duckworth Strrrl: Wr•ntral ha,·r dillil"ultv · makm:: thrir

b~en an accident between an 1 PILOT MORTALITY DROP as to those ~nga~ed I~ a_m- R d c c • Book stnrrl; Cornwall Drugs .. win~' funetion. A1r Forre ~lane and a cll·lllanl The number of pilots in air· dent preventiOn, mvesllgatJOn, e ross ampa1gn Cornwall Avenur: H. B. Thi<tlt• transport smcl' :\lay 1958, \craft accidents tl1 is past year education and englneerlng re- 63 Pennywell Road: parkrlalr .Jnhn P. Firmin;(. Dru::~ist. ACCIDENTS JET SAFETY RAISED 'was 19!. During 1958, there search. c •tt s I t d Pharmac\' Eliz1beth .-\1-enur: T'f'nnyll'ell Hnnd: IL llt>ak. T~e rate o( major accidents: were 302 killed. General White omm1 ee e ec e Whitten's 'cro(•t•ry. i:l South· Tlwatre Pharnwc.1·. cturen's Tlll'ec rolli>ions. were re·

du~1ng 1959 was 8.3 per 100.000' attributed this decline in fa· A 0 side Road: J.po o·~Tara. Haw- Roar!: .1. B. lit'ffrrton. Two- ported to city pollee yester-flymg h?urs as compared to tallties to better training, edu· nn1versary ~ames or· the 1960 Red Campagin quota for the !ins Cross; Parson' Drug Storf' Wa!· Stores. Cor. Golf and St. day. At !0.45 a.m. a truck col-the _pre\'lOUS record l?w of 10.4 cation and emphasis on emer- o Cross Financial Campaign I branches is $31 600_ Le:\farchant Road: St. Pat- Clan• An·nur·: 1!. ('. \!urphy. lidrd with a li~ht pole on set_ I? 1958. Total ac~Jdents, fa- 1 gency procedures. He cited the Dinner Committee have been announ- Organizing the collection rick's :O.Iei'Cy Home. Elizabeth . 119 '!ilitary Hoad: c; Snow. llamilton Avenue. The pole la~1t1es. dest!~Yed a1r~raft anrl: ~al't t~at 89 per cent of 2921 ced by campaign chairman, for Red Cross in St. ,John's A\·enue: John Stowe. Drug, Casry Street: 1·:. Stante;-. Thr· was broken o[f. there was ht-!"~d·alr colhsJO_ns ha\e st:ad· jet _hall·o~t~ were successful A dlnner to mark the 1TJ?Ih Mac Mercer. business firms is businessman 1 ~tore. Cor. Pleasant and Pat·, ay·r Pharmney.. Duekworth tlr damagp to the truc_k .. At 12 tl~ de~reased smre 1946 ~hen· dunn~ 1Pn9, compared to the anniversary of the foundmg Chairman of the st. John's I Frank Burrage whose commit-, nck Street: Herbert Ash. 103' Strrrt: !!. \l"nght. l!arvrr noon two ears m colliSio~ on .!ets fu·st. bt>came operational : 77 per cent figure (256 success· or the Wesleyan Academy-: house to house collection is tee hopes to raise ·$6000 Mr Long's !!ill: Croekrr·s Drug Road: ~humin~ Varirt)' Storr, Cabot Street were both shght· In the Air rorce. . ful) in '58. lhe progenator of Prince of I 1\frs. Fred Milley who has en· I Burrages. committee will ~o~·c; Store. 24 Freshwater Rnad: .r. : 30 Quidi \'irli Road: c.;, .J. Jy damaged. At j P·~· a two-

In !947. :\atlon~l Guard alr·: MATS SHINES Wales c 0 11 e g e, Holloway 1

listed the aid of 1500 st. the Provincial and Federal ,J. Dodd. Bookmark. Rawlins Green. Confrl'lionary, Cor. car rollts10n on \\ aterford craft were also mclude~ ln i The Air Force Chief of School and Harrington School, · John's women for an all-out Civil Sei'\'ice as well liS city , Cross: IIuhert Downtnn, . 43 . Kenna's and Bou!01·ard: Ayl- B1·id~c Road resuitPd In con· the safety record statistics. I Staff had special words of J will be held at the Old Colony I blitz o£ citv homes on March I firms i Fleming Street: Frerlerrek , ward's Pharmal'y. Cor. ~lonch) stderahle damage to both

WAY DO~~ SIN~E '46 , praise for the operation . and Club on Thursday, March l0th.j15th. Mrs.· Milley's target is I Ch~irman of the sp('cial 1 Dunn, ~lcrrymcrling Road:, and Empire :\\cnuc. : \'chicJr;. ~ Safety off1~1als pomt out, s~fety record of the Military 1 A limited number of tlckets $12,0jl0. names committee is Mac Mer-'~-~-~- - .. - ---- - · ~-----~-- ---~·--· ------------- · --

that last y~ar s low rate of 8.31 A1r Transport Service during 1 ar~ available, and may be ob- Tom Doyle, well-known city l.'er who aims to collect $14,000 major aCCidents per 100,000 · 1959. :\tATS flew over 2,400,-t tamed by telephoning 4478. businessman, is heading up from about 1400 supporters of

Looking very much like a doctor or hospital aide, Reporter John Carter of the Daily News, shown at the .Grace Hospital yesterday when he and Photographer Frank Kennedy went looking for ''Leap'' Year babies. They found nine at the Grace and four at St. Cfare's. One mother at the Grace who brou&ht twins into the world on February 29, would not sanction havin& her babies pbotopphed. Full picture story on page 9.

the out-of-town canvass and is the society In and around St. responsible for the collection John's. In over 600 communities where there is no Red Cross branch. His 3,000 collectors have !et their sights on a target of $35,000.

Collections in areas served by Red Cross branches are being organized by branch of­ficials under the supervision of FJ'ed Ayre of St. John's, a past president of the society.

Senator Baird. Injured In Fall OTTAWA (CP)-Scnator A.

B. Baird, 68, suffered a po~­sible fracture of the l'ight Jell Wednesday in a fall in the parliamentary restaurant.

The Libe1·al senator from St. John's, Nfld., slipped on the tile floor going ln to lunch. Dr. George c. Fair­field, Progressive Conserva­tive member of Parliament for Portage-Neepawa, was sum­moned from the Conservative caucus to treat him.

John D. Grubb of St. John's is chairman of the advertising and promotion committee with Ray Simmons of St. John's as chairman of public relations.

Mr. Mercer's committee have as their final target the real­ization of $100,000 in New­foundland. This figure is about one half the amount needed to finance Red Cross work in this province. The bal­anee needed locally is pro­vided by Red Cross Headquart· ers, ln Toronto.


Uni11n annDunced Wednesday it ! has reinforced its Arctic 'neet ! and is setting up more research stations in the north polar region. The Russian news agency Tass said the Arctic Seas route linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans will become a great traffic lane in the next seven years.


Smith of Toronto, general man-ager of the Don Valley Paper

P I• Bl tt ·Company, has been re • elected 0 ICe 0 er chairman or the industrial rela-tions section of the Canadian 1

Four errests were made late Pulp and Paper Association. it I yesterday and over night by

1 was announced WA.dnesday. F. W ;

city pollee Three were or·/' Johnson was re - l.'l~ctcd \'ice- · dlnary dl'Unks and one was a chairman at the b~>ine.<s session i

wom1n charged with drunken / of the secti11n's 14th annual meet· · drivina. · ing. I




Spring Wearables AT PIN- MONEY PRICES

Page 4: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

. ; -...

. ;. ~ .· • v .~-~

...... . . .. ~ ~ .. '

.~ ~ ':, .. .. "'· .. . . ··,; ! #~ • •

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-:-..,.ry·l'l""•' ... , ......... ~ .. -- ----·--- .. _-·- ----,·-· .-

·---------------....;~-----..,..-------~-------------.:.T~HE:..::;DAl;.;;::,:LY:..:N~E:.;,W,;.;S;.:., .;.S!. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960

11JE DAILY Nb'WS tlewfoundland's Only Morning PaP,r IN THE NEWS By

Wayfarer 1


Canat)a .... $12.00 per a:1n•nn United Kingdom

and aU fm·ei,-t countries Sl4.00 prr annnm Authorized a~ second class mail

Post Office Departmonl, Onawa.

1'lle DAILY NEWS is a montiJI! pape1· established in 1894, and p~Jb­lished at the N'ews Buildina SM-MP Duckworth St.eet, St. John's, New· toundland, by RubinaOD & Company . Limited.


The Canadian Presa is exclusive!)• ~ntitled tu the use for republicatiou nt all news despatches in thia paper credited to it or to the .\ss• ~elated Press or Reuters and also the local urws published therein.

,-\II Pres~ !rvirz a11d teature article• in this paper are t.'tlpyrighted aud thl!i1 reproduction is prohibited.

• Member Audlt Bureau

of Circulation.

TIIURSDA Y. ~1.\RCH 3. 1960

University Extension Work· Tl1!' liH''I f'lll'Oill'a~in!: ft\ltnn· nl lhr

pte><'nl •1uinnit~· t'~h'1t..,inn pbn a.' it has lwrn e\plainnl h~· i" dirl'l'illr. ~lr.

Colman. i~ tht' tnmbt~· of il> initial aitm. Th''"' rt'l t•al an a cult' all an•nr ... s

of thP difhcnltit•.., tn hr lal't•d in am f'lfort tn hrin::: thr uniwro;ity to a lll'jltl·

lation dispt•rst·d iu many small t:Ollllllll·

nities on a wry Inn~ p<'rimclt'r. In its initial form. ntt'nsion 11Wk was

dirtc·trd towards the establishment of special rl'ntres in all lar!-:e towns to pw· motl' th!' stncly of thl' humanities. WhilE' prol'ision h;Js hrt•n made in many citi ~s in Britain and America for <·1·edits to lw earned towards degreE's without actual attendance at a nnl,·ersih·. a \"Crl' lar~e . . '

part of the work is related mnrr to tht• ach'ancrmrnt of knowll'd~r and eulhm' than to the crration of fadlitirs 1<•1 extra-mural aeqnisitinn nl d<·~n·es. It h aclnlt Pclncation nn a lti~hrr lt·I'C'I.

In thP largrst conunnnitirs. th<• pro· ll;ramml' will lw most 1·arird and the r~tahlishmrnt of f'XtC'nsinn e••ntn•s will llf' as,;i~tl'd and drn•lop•·d hreausr tn.llly lrdnrers m.ty hr fonml amung thr lmal

population. In the smallrr communitirs. a mm·h uwrl" difficult problem must hr met. It will rt><fllirt> a fully cu-ordi· uat<'d effort t>mhracing the use ot spec· ially·pi'I'Parrd texts and audio and l'isual rqnipnwnt to de1elop a satisfactory ser· l'ieP.

One of the major aims, it is hoped, will he the inculcation of a community spirit founded on a clear understanding of the principles of civics, practical economics aud a sound philosophy. The whole effort,• in all its aspects, must have an iuspirational quality and a stimulating approach. It may be added that result~ must come slowly at first. :\ tremendous job· of organization has to be followed by a great deal of trial ami error beforr the pro~ramme most suited to the 1·arying needs of the ~f'll'· fnnn<lland population can he prrfected. \luch will depend on hmv the scheme will he introduced to the people and on thl' rnthusiasm with which they will respond to the nr\\' opportunitirs that t-.xlt·nsion work is !"xprded to. put at their disposal.

•"OTIS AND COMMENT What with the birth of a n!w prince

and the engagemrnt of Princess ~tar· aaret, the monarchy has lately been much in the news. On "Fighting Words", a few nights ago, a gifted panel discussed the question of whether ~rltlcism of the monarchy would be tolerated In Canada. While the point was not made. a glamourouA young tele1·islon commentator got into a peck of trouble during the royal visit of last summer through a rather silly

· expression of her own indifference. • • •

What Canadians think of the mon· archy must vary with the kind of Canadians they are. In Newfoundland, respect for the monarchy is part of our aeneral regard for British traditions. We have had occasions in the past to think In highly critical terms of the treatment we have. had at the hands of some British governments. That has not altered thP fact that basic lonlties have prevailed over the 'st~pidities of politicians ami that the monarchy has always stood for the finest characteristics,. of ultimatP. ju~· lice and decency and as a symbol of true democracy.

• • • Criticism of the institution is con·

ceivable. There are foolish people who seem to imagine that republicanism is the only true expression of what we call democracy, They ha1·e a right to their point of view. But on a practical political basis, the monarchy I~ a unifying force which is vastly superior, when It Is in the British fashion, to any other form of government on earth. It Is non·politlcal and therefore above politics. It furnishes a focal point of patriotism without rellard to what anyone may think of the govern· ment of the day. And in the manner of Its conduct In the days sint'e the accession or Georl(e V -save only for the abdication rrisis of 1936-it has been a source of inspiration. The very fact that the present Duke of Windsor had to abdicate M king because his personal desires were in conflict with his iluty is proor of the demands that arc made on the royal family and on its willingnes~ to meet them.

lndi\'idual memhNs of thP royal family ha\·e always heen open to eriti· cism and hal'e heen criticized. P!'r· haps nobody was so causticall~· con­demned a~ Frederick, Prince of \\'ales,

son of t;eorge II 11nd rather o• Geor.ge 111. tn his memoirs of George 11. that brilliant writer, Horace \\'al· pole. wrote a verse about him: "Here lies Fred. Who was alive and is dcarl: Had it been his father, I had much rather; Had It been his brother. Still better than another; Had it been his sister, ;\'o one would have missed her; Had it been the whole generation. Still better for the nation: But sincl' 'tis only Fred. Who was alive and is dead.­'l'here's no more to be said."

• • • Poor mad George III, Fred's son.

was much criticized .in his long reign and George IV, as Prince Regent and King, was the constant victim, not without reason, of public criticism. The press made no bones about its Ob· jection to the se~lusion In which Queen Victoria retired after the death of the Prince Consort. Kiplin~. who may ne1·er ha\'e desired honours. made sure he would nevet· be arcorded th('lll when he wrote. his notorious poem ailOut "lhe Widow at Windsor". And Edward VII, as Prince of \\'ales, found himself treated in thE' same way as ordinary ritizens, when he had to appear as a witness in the notoriou~

baccarat scandal. • • •

But if the British hal'l' prized thr institution of monarchy abo1·e tpose who have been its chief represen· tatives, they have been quick also to appreciate the sense of duty that ha~ governed it since George V came to the throne. Above all, in the last fifty year.~. the monarchy has established a standard of duty and service that has been one of the most steadfast and inspirln~t symbols in a chaotic world. Why should anyone expect that it ought to be subject to criticism in Canada or anywhere else except b)· those whose inferiority complexes m·e such that they can only feel comfortable themselves if they can drag e\·erything that is superior to them down to their own level. But what they do elsewhere is th!'ir own busine~s. In :->ewfound· land, respprt for its traditions and its sensl' ·of duty and S!'l'l'ir~ are suffi· rient to pl'e>erl'e our loyalty to the Cro11·n and our unswen·ing allegiance to those nobler aspects of life which it rci)resents .

------·---......... ·---------

The Fresh Fish Industry What Others Are Saying . Stock~ of fresh-frozen fish in :\ew- An increase in Canadian comumption

fi11mdland an' rt>ported to he much of 50 per cent to a total of 20 pounds highrr than they were a year ago and .a year on a per 1•apita lx1~is would l:.ting this rrflects a temporary decline in de- a demand for an additional lq<l nullion mand which may wry well be satis- pounds. factorily adjusted during Lent. The health and progrrss of this in·

Fluctuations o[ this kind are bound dustry is a matter of vital concern to to occur. lu the meanwhile, efforts to Newfoundland. In twenty years, we build up consumption and to score new have increased production from about breakthroughs by means of new pro· three milliou pounds a year to sixty cessing methods are cnnstantlr being million pounds. This increased Yolume made. One of the results was the de· has been procured in the face of fairlv \'!'lopment il few years ago of !ish sticks. tough competition and a good deal n! The more attractive the rnd products crl'dit is dn<? to the distributh.lg methods can be made and thl' easier tlu•y are employed by the chief txporters. for thl' housewife to haodle, the higher What is not clear is whether thm• should consumption ~·J. is Pnough co-operation among major

In this connection. · 1t has h···~n re· producers in the field of research. one nalf'd that per capit~ u~e in Ca~1.1d:t 1.1 ph<~se of actiYity in which pooled re· only ahont 11~1 pounds .1 year C(•mpar· sources might produce better and faster ed with the British figure· of :3',' l!Ollllll.~ results than individual effort.

Polls and Trading Stamps ln a reff'r!'ncf' in these l'Oiunms 'to a the Dominion.

brief dt'bate in the House of Commons In December. the Canadian Gallup on a private membrr's bill to making Poll couducted a surl'ey to discover trading stamps unlawful. it was stlg· how many people knew if trading gestrd that this was hardly a case for stamps were available in their commu· legislation. The stamps are a prf'mium uity aud how many families saved them. gimmirk. If thPir pffect is to reduce the Says Time: ~The results 11s Gallup told value that t'Onsumers gel for the goods it: the stamps were available in 65 per they buy hi stores using trading stamps, cent of Canadiau communities, 59 per it is a clear case for application of puh- cent of households were saving them:'' lie commonsf'nse and the legal maxim The Retail Association has com· of "can•at emptor." nwnted that in this case the Gallup

But somrthing uew has been added Poll was not as independent and un· to the trading stamp issue in Canada. biased "as would seem to be desirable It ha~ morl' to do with ethical consid· in the public. interl'st." The Sanders have· erations and the conduct of public responded with a letter to the1r cus· opiuion polls th;m with tradiug stamps, tomers for the Gallup Poll reports b)'

and it has been raised by the Retail hopinl(, an·urdin~ to Time, "that it Merchants' Association of Canada in a1 isn't llf'('~ss;u')' to assure you that the information bulletin which has been ohjectiYity of thr poll is in no .vay que~· very widely distributed. It has since tioned." been the subject of an article in Times The first cundusion is that it was Magazine. impolitic for th~ owner~ of the C1ma-

'The heart of the matter is this. Thr dian Institute of Publ!:l Opinion trl ran­

TOE Ml!SIC WE:ST ON Sberbrooke Record

The BBC remains imperturbable. The Home Service had just begun broadcast of Ceiar Franck's Symphony in D Minor the other day when a news flash came through announcing the birth of the new Prince. But BBC llcteners had to wait 35 minutes to hear the news. ''It was decided not to interrupt the music," said a BBC spokesman.


:\o1·a Scotia and Quebec have pro· l'inl'ial flag~ and now British Columbia i.~ to ha1·e one-if the proposal con· tained in the speech from the thront' is adopted by the legislature. The design would he the same as that used in the B.C. centPnnial flag of 1!158. which seems to have been ~tenerally

acceptable. It may well be that all the prol'inces will hal'!• flags of their own befort Canada does.


Sometimes the nois~ at cocktail par· ties may seem deafening lit is naturally louder and at a higher pitch among 1

mixed company than when men alone are present). But that isn't the princi· pal complaint. It ia rather that the conversation this noise represents usually is so fatuous. empty. dull and even inane. It is so much so that often some wish they were temporarily deal.

N.l.'1 CR&DIT Fredericton Gleaner

New Brunswick Rot an admirable response to its recer.t offer of $15 million In 25·year sinking fund deben· tures on the United States market. The entire issue has been sold.

Reception to the bonds Indicate New Brunswick has an excellent credit rat· lng and this reflects the confidence of the investing public in our provin· clal government.

The borrowing is for the capital ex· penditure program of the New Bruns· wick Electric P.ower Commission. lt Is hard to imagine a better invest· rnent.

UltANIUM MAaKETS Lethbridge Herald

Canadian Institute of Public Opinion, vass the public on a controversial is· We see little point in Prill\e Minister known also as the Canadian Gallup . sue in which they had a direct interest. Dlefenbaku and Hon. Lester Pearsen Poll, is, to quote the bulletin, "owned A fine point of ethiCs is concerned and trylnl to pin on each other the blame and operated jointly by Wilfred Sanders the public confidence in the Gallup for Canada'• lost uranium market In and his sister, Byrne Hope Sanders. · Poll could be impaired. the United States. Our best course,

surely, is to develop other markets for Miss Sanders accepted in November the The second conclusion is that it adds uranium u vlaorously 11 we ean. we position of consultant to a New York or detrach nothing from the direct ques· have done something In this reaard. but firm engaged in the promotion of trad· tion of the trading stamp gimmick. This • when a House of Commolll committee ing stamps. An announcement said that remains a matter on which the indl- 1111 down to study our atomic eneriY her job would be "to create a fair vidual consumer bas to make his own proJl'am later in the aeuion it should weather abnosphere for discount stamps decision. try ta determine whether ·we have done ..... C d " 'Th I th enoUih. m ana a. ere il on y one o er comment that

The same announcement said that the mlsht validly be made on thit question. advertiling agency of which Mr. Wil&ed It is that all store~ which offer trading Sarlders is Canadian managing director stampi should offer the equivalent of had been retained to conduct a national a cuh discount to those customers ·whll advertising and public relation~ cam- are not interested in savin& the premium paip. i11 behalf of trading stampi in stamps.


APPIAL TO SILP:ISH Halifax Chroniele·Heral!l

Current hllhwar safety slotins fre­'uel\tly have in undertone that Is dia· concerllnt to the dlscerntna. "The lif~ you uve may be y~ur ~wn", "Slew

down and Lh·e'', "Think of your hm· ily"-such is the plea.

Admittedly, these themes hal'e real personal applications and they do pack a considerable punch. But, at the same time, th&y betray a trait which al· though common, Is one of the less de· sirable of human characteristics.

The traCfic accident toll is so alarm· ingiy great that anything that can be done to reduce it must I:Je Pxploited. It is distressing, however, that the one thing which. if one may judge from. its use, is most effective is an appeal to the selfishnt>ss of those who u.~e

the highways.

IXCREDIBLE· Canadian Printer and Publishfr

Sm·ely the reliability of the Gallup Poll is brought into question by a sur­l'ey conducted for Look magazine by the Gallup organization. This survey, as published by Look. reports that 96 percent. of Americans feel happy (75 percent "very happy" and 21 percent. "fairly happy"J-ann that In percent sa~· they believe in God. The statistics on neuroses, mental illness, physical illness. broken homes. crime. and church attendance in the United States would s. !'11 to argue that more than four per· cent. of Americans must be less than happy, and that more than three per· cent. havt little or no faith.


Warm praise has been bestowed on a recent British television program which featured 25 "American dissent· ers" who said what they thought WM

wrong with their country. The consensus seemed to be that

the United States hasn't enough dis· senters, that the population, by and large, conforms too easily to accepted thought alld action.

The same criticism might be voiced for almost any country where people h\ve learned to live fogether-and it would probably be correct.

The heretics. the noncom!ormists, have their virtues. They often furnish the yeast which keeps society work· ing. But they have their disadvantages, also. Too many of them are too ready to dissent according to their own line ot thought, but to disagree with all the other "screw·balls" whose dissents don't conform to theirs.

Strength For Today By I~RL L. DOUGLISS

IN A FltEE COUNTRY A number of us or varying aae ll'Oups

and of different polit.cal parties and pbll011ophlea met at lunch. We araued. We pounded the table. We ahook our fingers at one another declariq that this political party or that would ruin the eountry. We "viewed with alarm" many were tendencies.. One moment we were sure me world was going to till!' dop. Withlft five minutes every. 11ne was defendlnl the proposition that • millennium was about te open befere

uSay Fellows, the Back Door's Wide Open"



Editor Daily :'\ews, Dear Sir.-When the Torbay men

first built the road from Turbay to Bauline, all the machinery that was available at that lime was the pick and shovel, and the old horse and cart. hut the men did a good job and opened a way ror the Bauline people. That was se\'enty·fh·e years ago. the road was better then by far then it i~ today.

With ali the road machinery nnw used anrl all the money wasted. the Bauline people got just a bunny trail m·er which to get lht>ir heavy truck~. and commercial fishcring supplies. The road has some sixteen or se\·en· teen turns, some of them are very dan· gerous. In places the road is only eight and nine feet wid<.' and when a truck loaded with fish on its way to St. John··s, meets oncoming traffic on the Bauline Line, it has to go on a siding and sometimes has to back up in order to pass. Sometimes the truck with Its precious cargo of fish has to wait as long as ten minutes to let the traffic go by. There are times when the truck loses twenty·five and thirty minutes by being held up on the nar· row road, wi,h the sun melting the ice. thus sometimes spoilin~ the fi.~h.

There are pot holes and sort place' in the road lly the score, also big rough bed rocks that would tear tires to pieces and very little coating is put on tht> road at all. The graders that are kept running on the Bauline Line. lta\'1' what is left ol' the coaling torn of(, exposing the bed rock. This is the worst road, if one could call it a road. in :->ewfoundland. The Bauline hill is a disgrace to whoHer i~ respnnsihlP for it. II is almost impossible for the people to get up with any cors or trucks at ail. especially with loaded fish trucks. Each year it seem~ to be getting worse instead of better.

Last summer some of the frtwes out in Torbay were mo1•ed back to widen the road. Before the fences were moved the road here was twenty feet wid. Instead of leaving this work until later and widening the road where it was badly needed, the wrong procedure was followed. Another year went by. unnecessary work was done and still the narrow bunny trail to Bauline. commercial fishing village still stands. Someone does not know his business in making improvements or the public would have better driv­ing conditions on the Banline Line.

This letter is speaking for the people of Bauline, and I hope it comes to the attention of the Hon. ~Tinister of Highroads and he will give it his full attention, to help the fishermen or Bauline and the general public who have to use this road.

There was a slogan used at election time "Let George Do It". Well George, it's time lor you to do something about it. Don't wait until election time, but do It now.



As we came to the close, we did m>t exactly feel that we had solved all the world's problems but felt we had made a dent in soml!' of them. No one had convinced anyone elu. We walked away from the luncheon table carrying our prejudiceB with us. We were dead sure we were right and those who had opposed u1 were wrong.

One of those who had been most voci· ferou1 In the discussion and had been stepped upon pretty heavily by evei1C( body slapped the h011t on the back and said, "That's the best luncheon I ever attended."

We all felt the same way. The mar· velo1111 thin& wa1 that we happened to live in a country where free discussion ef that sort eould be held. We knew ourselves to be free beings living in a free country.

The best luncheon ever-thit was an unanimous opinion.

\ '_, t. '-~~o_ .·

Edson In Washington


B PETER EDSO:'\ :\EA Washington Correspondent

\\'.-\SHI:'\GTON - < :'i'E.\J -- Fones fal'oring greater disarmament in Latin America and forces fa•·oring bigger mili· tary establishmrnt> - to he huilt up largely with l·.s. airl--are in sharp con· flirt in the four South Ameriean coun· tries to ht> visitrd by President Eisen· hower.

Argentina with ahout 125,000 men un· rler arms. and Brazil with orer 250.000. )lave the higgPst military establishment<. Little t.:ru~uay. in hrtween them. has under 25.000. Chile. on the other side of the Andes. has total forces of about 50,000 men and is the leader in a mm·e· ment to have all Latin·American coun. tries cut arms budgets as unnecessary expense.

Since the beginning of World War II the United States has been interested in ha1·ing the Latin-American countries adequately armed for hemisphere de· fense. The Inter-American Defense Board. established in 1942.. sits perman· enth· in Washington with staff officers fron~ all :!1 American republics as a planning organization for joint military operations. ~earh· 300 million dollar>' worth of

ar~s ha.re been ;;upplied to Latin ,\mrr· ica since l:.S. military ?.Ssistan!'r fn·,t became a\·ailahlc to them in 1!151.

Brazil has received li:! million dol· Jars-more than half of thi;;. L'lttle got 49 million. rru;zuay 25 million. .\rgeu· tina has take11 only S223.0tl0 for traiu· in~ but has made extensive purchase> 0 ,"' L' .S. military equipment, including jrt fighters soon to he deih·cred.

~lost of the l".S. aid has been for ground troops. But t:'.S. :';a1·;: has sold anrl distributed a few surplus cru1sers. destro· ers and escort \'esse is. Bran! got a carrier from the l'.S. and Argen· tina got one from Britain in an arm3 race most!~· for prestige.

l.S. military assistance delin•ries got up to 61 million dollars in 1~58.. Then trouble started in Central Amertca and the Caribbean area. Deliveries. cut clown to prior commitments. ha1·e not been resumed. Hemisphe~e defense has been takPn

to mean protection against not only ex· ternal aggression but internal sUb\'er· sion as well. The lattPr has ~een ~on­sidered the greater security nsk smce the Communist attempt to. take o.ver Guatemala, since demonstrations ag~tnst Vice President Nixon in 1958. and smce the Castro revolution in Cuba.

But the fact that the United States has given military assistanc~ t~ Lahn· American countries for their mternal security has caused a new trouble:

Some of the u.s. military a1d and training has been used by dictators to suppress civil liberties and beat down their more liberal political oppone~ts ..

This has brought cries from m1~onty leaders that their democratic rights are being suppressed by Yankee guns. S for the last several years, a crusade f:r preservation of human rights has been one of the highest causes in the Organization of American States. Be· neath it, the real aim is to oust the last of the Latin dictators. .

But above this, many Latin-Amencan leaders sincerely believe that what they need most is not arms, but more eco· nomic assistance to raise their standa.rd or living. They're all having financial difficultiel, anyway.

One way to alleviate this situation would be to eome to some new hemis­phere understanding on limitation of arms.

This may man cutting U.S. arm~ aid and opening the area to attack.

It is one of the top issues President Eisenhower may have to listen to. and shape U.S. policy on, during his \'isit.

Page 5: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

Ap~o2ntm~n~s YIIONl'TO:-o:. )larch 2 .. :\ ~lur·

Expressed His Own Opinion

rar McDaid. a nat i1·e nf Saint K!Nt;STON -CP -- Alder· ~.ohn, ~.B,. who ~a~ h_~lcl pofi· man Grorge Webb said Wed­;!ons Ill . thr tan_:Hhan Xa-. nesduy he was expressing his .wnal RallW<J~·-' frr:·:'!ll trafi'L· own opinions wht>n he sent a ~t>p~rtmt>nt in ~lonrton anr\ tcll'~ram rritirizing ('anada's Halifax, has bt•en appnint;-d hockey team lor failina to win the tompany's division freiJ:ilt the Olympic championc;hlp, tgent at :lloncton. "! was not speaking for or

· rrprrsenting any other official of the Cit~· of King~lon, elected or otherwist•." he said. "Th,~ opintons ~x~l·~s•••li were my own. Only the mayor is •"11· powered to malt,· an official statement on behalf of thP t!lty."

A!lterman Webb !lunda)' sent 1 t~legr:•.n to Bob!>y Bauer, coach ur the Knrh~nrr-Wat~r­loo Dutrhn•en. wh:~h read: "From :hr b'rthplnc~ of hockey I'm gclng to rnll r,,r r.n official day of mournin~ an<i ask !lint our flag be flo Nil at hal!· ma~t .''

Hr dt•nkr, that lnt• ~tatement "congra.ulaltons io: nothing" 1

1\aS ind>tdd in •hr t~legra:n ;s rrpr>rh•1 from Squaw Vat. le1·. Calli :r.e Oh•mpi( :ile.

Alderman \\'t!h!J was thrl'a'.· I rued w1 il a motion d censur~ I T:•f>d~y by Aldem.an A. M

Finch Trial

T.lil. Rtt:. U.S. ~J.t. OIL ~- 1HO llor N1A. l"4


now I've lost my temper!" --·~

Parliament A. M. :1-!t·O.-\Jl) ; '.lrCorla !I unles~ he made ~ '

At thl' samr timr it was an· pulic state_ment th3t the view~; . , r Continuer! from Page 11 •()unct'd hm~ toda~· h)' \\'. H.: expressed In the telr~r~m werP. :REPREHENSIBLE CONDUCT 1 Continued from Page n rollins freight tr·

1(fir man·lger I those of a prt\•ate onzan and ~ Cooper £•on ceded that Dr. ~f th<'' C\H's Atl~ntic re~ion, not of a city repre~enta!ive. , SQUAW l'ALLEY, Calif.-Tumbling on the Ice, center Robert Cleary of the U.S. hockey team ~Mkes a spectacular · Finrl1's ronctm·t had at times lhP item and ht makes no

that ~lr. ~lrDairl will he S'IC· ·. Alderman Webb ~a1d hl5, goal ln first period of play here, February 25th. Watching helplessly is Canadian goalie Donald Head (No. 1). At right is Can· ' been reprchen,iblc. Aut apol~ies for his party's action • 1

rl bef th · d rl · The charge a l~o was msde rerdl·d as dil'ision freight agent. statemen was prepa~·· ore I ada's Harry Sinden (No. 2). The U.S. Ice hockey team scored one of the most 1tunning upsets of the Wlnte~ Olympic Games ese mJs ee ·'· CoopPI' 'aid. that they were "deliberately •. t St .• h.,hn's. :'\fld. by George Alderman )l'cCor~~!l ~ rem~rks .·


by defeating favored canada 2-1 to remain undefeated In the championship round. {U.P I Telephoto) do not mean the dortor is a obstructing the passing Gf thi~ r Gillis who has bePn travel· Tuesday. He sa1d t.IJ actlors . ·----·---- _. • • murderer . . i~g freight agent at Saint were "rather impulsivl''' ~ut h~ c I H el· ss ------ "Xo man with anv illtl'lli· item ...... John. X .B. was. "bitterly dlsappomted. a ro DISCIPLINE HELPS I WI~~IPEG (('Pl - The Trib·. gence at all would go to the ") am stating my position on

The appointments. which O\'er Canada's loss. TORONTO (CPl - An Onta . une s_ay~ the Winnipeg. police pains that the prosecution the most important domestic take effect ~larch I. came as , . . . . no' commiSSIOn Wednesday IS em· suggest3 to kill his wife and problem now before the Cana·

eduoo1tJon offtctal satd Wed~es·! broiled in a legal battle over the coYer up his tracks . . . it d ·

the r~sult of the transfer of I BeliveaU Back M Ah d i d~y .I . ~arent• ~pent. more hme recent suspension of a senior just doesn't make spnse." tan people. If that is obstruct· Fr!'d w. Gourlrl·, division I oves ea I dlSCipbrung. thetr children they I Winnipeg police delectile for al· . ing, I plead guilty to it." frr;_~ht ar.rnt lll'rr. >ince last I ' would stay m ~chooltonger. S. D .. reged misconduct wit~ a police ha~o~~e~nudr~n;:d,othr~eadroc:l~~ Earlier. Paul Martin ( L-E•· fall. to the company's mer· : :\IONTREAL - CP - Jean 'Rendall, supenntendent of sec?nd· woman. The paper says the del· wa.l· to marry Carolc, a, .. Ill". -~handisp '"n·ir~s department in ; ary education, told the leg1sla·: . . h I' . ' ;;ex East) had ~aid the Liberals Mcutreal. A nativr of ~lonrton. Beliwa will be back Ill action B)' PETER BUCKLEY.. I Of!icial point totals and stand·: lure's commitlel' on education e.ctne as en ISIE;d lega[ aid. to state contended. intended to keep the wintt'r \lr. Gourley joined the railway ~hen .M~t~cal ~anad~ens play Canadian Press Staff Writer ings will be announced after ail that of anv given group of 100 hght ~he suspe~s;on. Jhe joll~e "To put it bluntly." lw said. works ~stimate before the h~rr in t!l:li in the freight traf· ctro1t e Wm~s ere Sat- VANCOUVER <CPI _ eerol six compulsory figun!s are com· . · . . comnuss10n me or t rec lOll" "hr was gettin~ all thl' lodng !louse until the go

1·ernment in·

fir rlt'P31'lnwnt. 'erl·t•d in the urday night, coarh Toe Blake, Heiss, t!te 20 . year-old baker's I pleted. I grade nme .ontano puptls_ only 12 Wednesday to hear e:idence in he needed. HP didn't han• to traduced measures to allel'iat,

9rm~· fl'om 1940

to l!l4S and

011 said Wedlli'Hla~· night. daughter from ozone Park, N.Y., would rece1ve grade 13 dJplomas.~_suppor.:_~~~e suspenston. malT~· th!' drl." unemployment.


1 (' Blake said there Is "a very sprinted ahead of the pack Wed· ·~---- -- -· -----· -·-- -----..

1~ rl'turn to t 1e NR pro· l' ht 'b'l't " B I' 'II ..-• 1

th h . . s 1g poss1 1 1 Y e IVeau wt nesday on her way to a fifth ..,. ~re. ~rt roug vanous poSI· b 1 d · 1 h th · . r b

11 rl . e p aye m spo s w en e world figure skating champion·

non~ ,,t mnp e ton an 'lonr· ~ f 1 H k 1 1 d h' ton lwfon• twing promotrd to • ~ tona oc ey ,eague ea •. s tp, rn·i~ht tra!fir anall·>t at :\ton· e1s meet the srrond-place To·. But 1 ~S-year-old Tor~nlo girl trPal in l!l5i. :\lr. \li'Daid ioin· ro11~• ~!aple Leafs here to·. was ~akmg ~ sti·ong b1d ~~~-the eel thr t'XH at Saint ,loh;l in mgll. ld l'k B I' 'compedu ~~-y dlgures compe Ilion l!l3i as a me~>rn~rr in the 0 . " wou. 1. ·r to see e 1veau; nea! e ~n . . . era tin dt• artment and Iran~- pl~y aagm !1ght away," Blake 1 Wendy Grmer rn?ved mto nmth

l~rr"d!ltll P ·t . t f . h sa1d. "for h1s own sake as well: place after three figures, accord·' , • P nPx 1ear o relg I · · · t If · I I 1 t' ft ; tr ff H., 'I ·. . . . as the tl'am's because I thmk mg o uno ICIB ca cu a 1ons. a er a Jc. Is rm "a~ .. cal et•r '~as he could still gl't back in the I beginning the day'' competition

Interrupted h~ a f11r-year simi f h 'tl I in t3th spot 1 In th R . 1 ('· l' " . . ract> or t e scormg ll e · . .

e . o;a .mar I an :·a~~ Beliveau has appeared onl}'l She had already improved on: and on lm rrturn to thr CNR m 1 . 11 . 1 · h' her Olympic standing hal'in" · I946 h 1 k 1 · s . t J h me v m wo ~ames smce 1s1 • "I e 1or ct m • a111 ~ n 1 1 j 11 Ja 31 b t is placed 12th at squaw Valle)', and :\loncton he fore transfernng ash' d ~ tghame · n. "with Calif to Halifax in 1950 t tr m e scormg race : . · · . : fo6 points eight behind leader Mtss Heiss began the day w1e. t ~;. was promot~d ~o fre~ght : Bronco 'Horvath of Boston an 11.1 point edge in unofficial ra 1c repr<"sentahve tn Halifax B . standings over her nearest com·

in 1955. tra1·elling frei·~ht agent . rums. pelltor 18.year-old Sjoukie Dyjk· at Saint John in 1958 and to 1 stra of Amsterdam. Two of the thr St. John's, Nfld. position in M c s· compulsory figures ~re corn· 1959. C aftall tgns pleted Tuesday.

:l!rs. !l!cDaid is the former 30-POINT LEAD Avis Palmer. of ~!.illl·ille. ~.B. w·th R By the time four of the figures 'His father the late Harr~· V. ~lr· ) angers were over, Miss Heiss had built Dairt. was C:\H ~·ardmasler at , up her lead to 30 points. Saint .John on his retirement NEW YORK _ AP _ Jack Barbara Ann Roles, bespeclac· after 46 ~·cars with thP. com· McCartan, goal lending star of Jed 1B·y~r·_old from Los . Ang~­pany. I the United States Olympic le~. mamlat~ed her posihon ~~

i hoekey champions, Wednesda)' t~trd spot With 521 pomts unoffl. 1 accepted an invitaliorr to try c~all.y. . , . , : out with New York Rangers of I :\!iss Griller~ d1_splay ~ushed 1

• I her ahead of Soma Snelhng of ! the. Nallonal Ho,ckey League. ! Toronto among the Canadians.\

. (,eneral manager l'rlnz~ Pal·; Miss Snelling remained in lOth nck of t~e Rangers sa1d the ; spot with 465.3 points, well behind i former Mmnes~ta hockl'l' and· Miss Griner's 473.6. . i

1 ba.seball st.ar wtll. workout here The only other canadian en·\

1 thiS mormng Wlt~ the Ran· trant, ~irra Kenworthy of v~n·;

1 gers. If all goes well he II ex· cou1•er, advanced one place dur- ·

1 pecte~ to be in. the net! al!alnlt ing the day to 16th with 447.4 : DetrOit Red Wmgs Sunday. points : Under UHL rules. a player __ . __ .:..._ _____ _


1 doesn't become a pro until he I has played fh·e games. McCar· , tan currently is In the umy, [ stationed at Fort Carson, Colo.

1 His home is in West St. Paul, Minn.

Try Again

MOSCOW tAPl - The Soviet Union announced Wednesday it has reinforced Its Arctic fleet and is setting up more research stations in the north polar region. The Russian news agency Tass said the Arctic Seas route linking the Atlantic and Pecific oceans will become a great traffic lane In thP. next seven years.

Born in Sackville, Mr. Gillis OTTAWA- CP-Jack Riley. entered the sen•ices of the CNR I the man who coached tbe Unit- MONTREAL fCPl-G. Howard at Moncton in 1939. He served ed States to the Olympic hoc- Smith of Toronto, general man· In the Army in World War 11 key crown last week, will lead ager of the Don Valley Paper

d h Company, has been re • elected an on. his return to the com· a not er American team against chairman of the Industrial rela· ~any i_n 1946 held various posi· Canadians Saturday at King. lions section of the Canadian t1ons 111 the freight traffic de· ston, Ont. p 1 partment in Moncton before The. event will be the annual uP and Paper Assoclatlori, lt transferring to Saint . John in Westpoint-Royal Military Col· was announced Wednesday. F. W. 19

Johnson was re • elected vice-~ as freight traffic represen· lege ga~e. Riley Is reaular chairman at the business session

tatl.\'e. He had been travelling We_st Pomt hockey. coach and or the section'• l4th annual meet· freight agent there since last asststant athletic director. 1n April. lfe attended Mount AI· ~~w=:=:mmr==:;:=::::'·:·:::=;;::::;;:::;::::::;:;;::::-lison University. ll

1\lr. Gillis is married to the former .Marguerite c. Franche· ville, of Moq,cton. His grand· father, the late John A. Gillis, was roadmaster on the old Moncton division when he re- I ti!ed in 1921 after 37 years I With the company; his father. 1

the late Percy A. Gillis, was at one lime ticket agent at Monc· ton and retired here in 1946 as train dispatcher with a record of 43 years with the company.


tlon CHRC of Quebec City has been awarded 1 gold medal by the magazine TV • Radio Mirror for the best mliSical pro&ram on Canadian radio, It was announced Wednesday night. • CHRC Bwas awarded the medal for its half· !lour proifam Creations de Que· bee broadcast each Suntkly.

EDMUNDSTON, N.B. ICP\-A laree seizure of contraband eoods was made near Edmundston by RCMP when they found 71,000 u.s. cllaret8, l!O pounds or tob­acco, 3110 pounds of margarine, ! two . loboiiBIIS 1nd a pair of I •nowshoes. The tnwstigation was reported c;ontlnuiDI with no ar· 1

· • 1'11111 made 11 yet. I.


J u

"''d lovt to work In a olothlnr atore. Sprinr· com11 to , · them 10 earlyl" :


witt, V·8 orS~x-both run cu'l regular gas.

FORD Here's the beautiful Fairlane 500, the car that

leads its field with so much extra built·in quality at no extra cost. This big, -handsome car has a F ull-Fiow oil filter as

standard equipment (gives you up to 4000 miler; between oil changes), also an aluminized muffler and tailpipe (lasts up to

twice as long as ordinary mufflers), and you get luxury car features such as rear-seat arm rests, two sun vi~ors, an extra ash tray-plus more room and comfort than other low priced cars. These and other extra·quality features mean more driYing pleasure while you own the handsome Fairlane 500 • , • more

value when you finally trade it in.

!'ALCON POPILDOPilt -lnls .. ---- 1'1111•1"1- •" •tter U&nd•rd equiJ~"'ent. Automatlctf'an-untaelon ayaUab••·

-I '

FALCON This might "·ell be thr smaller car you'Te been looking for. Only 181 inches long, it ha:; the comfortable ride and feel of a much larger car. f'alcon's handy·size, exc.l· lent vi,ibility, and lively 90-hp engine can lick the sticki~t traffic jam. In Falcon, the lowest-priced six-passenger compact car, you get up to 35 miles to the gallon of regular ga! . .Ailother plus-insurance costs are lower ••• 90 are maintenance eo!its, thanh to such thing~ as simplifif'd engine servicing and eMy·

to-replace bolt.on front fenders. Your Ford dealer ean tbow you why Falcon leads its class in value and economy •••

Come see for your&elf.


--~t~C'.,-..UI~,."!',,.-.., ... , ..... ,~u-=.,~.~ .. ~m~~.,.=.,.~, .... ~.~...,..~-~~--------See your FORD· MONARCH· FALCON Dealer­&~ "Ford Strutim~" Tuer.da.y on CBC Telet.Jisioll.




Page 6: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

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.-------------------------Social-Personal -Column-

o11tTHD.U GREETINGS I Y's Centre, Bates Hill Monday CongratulatiDns are being ex· · night. Bridge and Auciion were

tended tcxlay, llarch 3. to Da1·id played, candy was sold, and the Williams. 8 Wood Street, who proceeds went to the Y's Centre. reiebrates his fifth birthday. Winners In Bridge game were,


THE DAilY NEWS, SoT. JOHN'S, NFlD., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 --- ... ··-


The January meeting of the Dental Wives Club was held at the home of llrs. George llal· lam. The club gil'es a scholar· !'hip for a pre-dental student

Mrs. Steven Cannon and Mrs. J. Brown. Winners of the auc· lion were, lllrs. D. Dillon, Mrs. H. White, and Mrs· Henne­bur~·. Refreshments were sen•· ed, and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all,

Conran-Fudge. Wedding Lenten Recipe

at :llemorial University in his OFF TO MONTREAL final yc3r and a cheque was sent :\lr. and lfrs. J. Pike of: to the Unil·ersity to be awardt>d 1 Carbonear left St. John's b)': at ~raduation. Bridge and auc-1 TC A Wednesday morning, on a· tion wert> pla~·ed by the mcm·, trip to llontreal. b~rs and the supper was served ! hy the hostess. The February . FROM HAIRE BA 1' meeting was held at the home 1 ~fr. Bert Collins of Haire Bar. o: . ~ln. William o·.oriscoll. at is in the ci~y for a medical! wh•rh plam were d1scussed for check-up. prior to leal'ing for· thr annu~l dentists' co11\'ention the North. He is a guest at the: to he he!d here in June. Tenia· Br•lWnsdale Hotel. ~· t:\'C plans were made tor an ~,::rrnoon tea. fashion show and HO~lE FROM VACATION a lunrhe()n·. ~s well as other ~Irs. Caroline Horwood of: (·r.:rrbnment for the delegates Karwood Cabins. who has been i ;.::rl thrir Wl\'es. The hostess on a three week l'acation to the! :.-r :~1r m~rting alsn ~t'nl'd !!'a west coast. returned home res-' :::·.d the memhrrs pla~rd brirl~e ll'nlay, after a \'!'ry enjo1·~ble: ~' ·~ ·i aucuon. The next mcrtin!! trip. • · 1•·.:1 hr hrl~ at thr hnm~ of ~b. R(\hrrt )!eLrod, Pine Bud r .ace on ~larch 16.

'1.\RRIED ~l~i"rid on Saturday Frh·

:·:un· ::~th at ~ a.m. h'' thr f: Rrr. 'lon>I'!I\CUr A. P. F'c3udry in thr Church of Saint .1 ,,,n rle Bapti>tt>. ~lontreal. . \·ir:Ji:lr )larir. Youw,:rst daugh­:r ~ o! )!r anrl ~Tr>. J. E. Hickey

f,\RD rART\' The l'E\\' A of St. )lichael'•

held a \'Pry successful card part)' at the Parish Hall on Casey ~treN. Shrol'e Tuesda1·, Bridl:c and Auction 1rere pia;·. eel, pancake supper was scrl'~d. anrl a ple:1~ant e1·rning was en· joyed by all .

:c. :.!Jrhad Fnnm. son of 'lr. DISCHARGED FRO:II ""~ ~lr;• Edward Cooke. both . HOSPIT,.\L r>! thl5 cit)·.

Pl~('t!.\RGW FRmt HOSPIT.\1.

The Canadian Red Cross at work In lllorocco. Miss Andre Forg~, of Mon­tlfal, b I physiotherapist of the Canadian Red Cross now working among almost 10.001 paralysis victims In · Morocco.· She 11 shown assisting a young elght-year­eld victim, FaraJ·Abdel Kader. Tbe Canadian Red Cross team consists of two doc:tors, specialists In physical medicine, and five therapists, Newfoundland's lted CriiiS Women's Work Committee sent 6011 garments and 600 pairs of socks to assist in the rehabllltatlon of the vidlms. ·


• Fromtverystctlon oftht natlon,somtiOO houHwlvtt ••banda ond teen-agll'lllathar•d .t tht National H~u~ lit Cenltr In Washington, D.C., late la1t yoor to discuu !ht idool American horne.

· The del•galta Wtrtl cnnmbled by the National Assn. of Home lulldel'l and the United Industry CommiHH for Housing, both highly lnttrtltftd In what American families are looking for In a modern house. ·

~ ·. ·In tht lllscuulons held at tht confertnct, nvtral chr· lt~riatict of tht Ideal htmt emtrttd. 1-1 HouH o/' tltt WeN dtsl1n was •pacially planned to Incorporate the footurea which received the lrtattlt oHtnlitn at the ct~~fennce,

38 it in FRIDAY'S issue of the Doily News, .. "" .. "-,.


..r:.i'""."' .. ·'T_; ' . .I . . ,. ~,

ARRIVE AT COURT LOS ANGELES, Callf.-Carol Tregoff lleftl and the woman deputy guard·

lnll her are reflected on the rain-slick landing Df the courthouse steps as they arrive here February 29th for this week's opening session of court. Miss Tre· goff and Dr. R. Bernard Finch are belnf tried In connection with the alleged murder of Mrs. Barbara Finch, the doctor's wife. U was expetl.ed the jury would be given the case this week.


..... {i ·r:!': .'Jt • • * ·~~~ iC ·G:':;t " Helen Linn's

~~ETIQUIZ When nu on~·., watching, of

course, you'll probably eat fruit in the way you enjoy it most.

:But 11·hen it's sen·en to you, at · a table. I'OU'd better know these :rules if ;·ou don't want the peo·

.·~;<::;;.::\ . ple who do know them watching you! I. Should t~at banana be peeled

down as \'011 bile it off? a • Are you at a picnic7 bl If you're 1·ery, very young.

people will smile, but un· derstand

~ cl Pe~l it completely, break I and eat with fork or fin·

Warm, cuddly gay! These slip· gers pers ma~e in knitting worsted, i 2. It's all right. though, to pirk chase ch11ls away. ! up a peach or pear, isn't it?

How easy! One flat piece a 1 It isn 'I: quarter it with a knitterl on 2 needles for each knife. eat. preferably with won't slip off. Pattern 7074 , Di·. a fork: especially if juicy recticms sizes 4 to 12 included. bl Yes. if not too large or slipper. Practical, too - they· juicy ct Yes. if it's a pear: cut it if

Send THIRTY -FIVE CESTS . a peach (in coins) for this pattern 3. Correctly. do you or don't you <stamps cannot be accepted I to 1 peel either? ST. JOHN'S DAILY SEWS,I al You do Househllld Arts Depl, fie FRONT' bl You don't ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. cl Most pt?Ople do. especially Print plainly NAI\IE, ADDRESS, when the fruit's a Jl'each. PATTERN NUMBER. but if you've decided opin­

ions against it. don't worry .JUST OUT! Our New 1960 4. :'liay ~·ou eat plums whole

Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book ' from vour fim~ers? contains THREE FREE Pat I a) cui those first. too terns. Plus ideas galore for b 1 "nlis time. go ahead home furnishings, fashions, gifts, c) Jt deoendf on their size and toys, bazaar sellers - exciting, juiciness unusual designs to crochet, knit, s. What about oranges, s!lould sew, embroider, huck weave. you peel them before or after quilt. Be first with the newest cutting7 -.send 25 cents now! 1 a l B~fore

bl After c l Either wav is correct


I. r: 2. a: a. c: 4. b: 5. c. TODA\''S ETIQUIZ MEMO Grapes and cherries are ert··

in the same manner, r:om yc•· I fingers. where1·er rou are, 11.

you would guess .

Page 7: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

.. · . ~ . : . -. .•

~ .. ~ ..

THE DAILY NEWS, ::r. JO'HN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MA..;.;R;.;;;C~H-:;3;.:.., .;.19;.;6;;.0 ___ • ________ , ______________________________ '_'1_

:Viother of Three Makes Film Debut She Had Sacrificed

t r

UDE·OrT. FADE-IN-Brltlsh-bom Renee Godfrey makes her film drbul In "Can·Can," an oppnrtunlty she sacrificed for her marriage and three rhlldren when she was an RKO starlet.


IIOLLY\\'000, C'\EAl- On· stage. orr-tage and L'p·

stage: Hry, gals. After mar· ria~ote kPrp your inte1'cst uP and your weight down. Our hrautilul rxampl<' for tod~y is IIE'nre Gmifi'I'Y. \\ho was im· · ported to Holl)·woocl from Lon· dnn ~ few \'1'31'~ bark as an RKO ;tudio starlt>t.

Two days aftl'r h<'r arril·al she met dilwtor Peter God· !rr'"·

Two months l1ttr they were m~rritd 1nd Renee SIIVt up her c~rttr before she tvtr •P· , peartd in 1 movlt. ,

Fadl>-out, !acle·in: Rl'nee and ' Godfrey, parents of three childrPn. face a ltlrn of fJr· j

tune brrause of Godfl'ey'sl serious illness, Renee takes a serretarial rourse. studies for a real estate operator's lil'ense. then got a break In her orig· ina! ('ndavour.

Renl'e finally make5 her Film dehut, playinl! an impJrt· . ant rolt with Frank Sinatra, ' Shirl!'~' ~Iaci.aine and :\!aur· 1

irt Che\·alier In the 20th Cen-1


tm·y·Fox musical "Can·Can."

DRIVE-IN THEATER re·: ~earch rereals. three type5 of i pat1·on~: ,

Those who look at the mo1·ie. ; Those who don't look at the

mol'iP. Those who l!lok at lheil· .

rcar·1·i~ion mirror.

Bishop, the comedian, Aays he dropped a qual'ler on a casino floor and had to tip a bellboY Sl to pirk It up .•.. Another "Another g,·ening With Fred Astalre" i~ cominA up In ,\pril. A repeat of his last' show.

EFREM IIMBAI.IST, JR. Is; ~lr. Happy with hi~ ei'!'I'Y· week chm·e~ in "77 Su11.~et Strip". which has been re· newcd (or anoth~r ~·ear wheth· er or not Edd CKookie) Byrnes makes up with the studio. As Zimb3list sees it:

"In tile first place there's no l(ood In complaining and in the second place I'm a little older."

Jant Powell has a new rea· son for not liking TV welttrns. "1 just h1te cowboys. All I un think of art dirty fttt."

• • • A stat··struck mis.~ asked Jo·

anne Woodward what ~he 5hould do to help prepare he!' for an acting eareer.

Joanne'A reply was. "Sit down and read Charles Dick· ens straight throu~th."

Obsen·ation by Joanne: "She looked at me like may·

be 1 was a little bit crazy.''

MUSICAL TWIST: AndrE' Pt·c,·an jazzin~ it ur on a harpsit•hord in "The Subter· ranean."

• 0 •

Vikki Dougan pinpoints the , flop of her marriage with

f!ill !I olden in "The C oun· th!'sp words: trrfcit l'rait.ll''' isn't due for "I ask~d mv husband to see filming until thi~ sp1·ing in l a ps~·chiatrist. which he did. F.uroJIC, hut ru<todians of thP· 1 After seeinl! the psychiatl'i~t at!'r .marquees better start 1 he went right on doing the pral'tll'lll~. . ) things hP ·ahra~·s did except

Thl' t·ast of thf' ftlm wtlt In· he didn't hal'!' 11 guilt com· rludP thl'~f' Ptl'ctri<-al fuse 1 plex. That's whtn 1 left." hlnwrr~: llani~h nl'lor~ t:jner 1

• • •

frc:!er<pirl and Prthan XPrr· Thr hl'>l selling ''The Long· s:;>:ard ancl Ge1·ma11 thl'spians ~~t nay", documentrd story of Eli7ab~th Flirkenschild and th!' D·Dar landing, reported!~· Helo Gutsrhwa;:cr. I' will be filmed on thp beaches

• • ' where It happenrcl. U.S. and t~s Yrga.s ran ltr rX11ensi1·e European monev is behind the

in mnn• wa~·s than one. Jor)' 1 project. '

She'll love It

Princess Margaret's Betrothal j

Is Greeted With Mu ch Reiocing · Between

Us Women


TO WED WINDSOR, England-Thi8 photo released Februa1'7 29th shows Britain's

Prlnceu Margaret and IJ.er fiance, Anthony Armstrong-Jones, both 29, at Wlnd1or, where their engagement was announced February 26th. Armstron!{· .Jones will move out of bit bachelor apartment to tye up residence in Buck· Ingham Pa!aee. (UPI Photal



All of a sudden everyboch· i~ telling mr how luck v 1 am ·

I Yesterday I answered the. tele· i phone and an expressionless 1 1·oice announeed that mv name 1 had been chosen from the tele· : phone directory as one of the , Icky persons who were going to 1 be able to have their photo!(l'aphs : taken >lt a very special price.

How lucky can you g1!1? In this morning's mail is a let­

ter from a woman's magazine telling me in words of bubbling enthusiasm that 'i'm so lucky I am being given a gift certificate

1 that will enable me to subscribe l I to t!leir m:~~azine at a rery ~pec- 1 Ia! prict'. To quote In part: '

I "Yoil'll find I name of magaz-' lne l ~pt'cifically tailored to your

I taste. And frimklv I! lov~ that i franklv 1, that's 11;hv I'Oll have i b~en ~elected to recei~·e a ::ift ' certificate: becatl!;(' of vnur in­terest in mallinl! your ·home a· better placl' for !iring, your love· of tra1·el. music. di~tinc·th·e tahiP, ~rttin~.' and all the other daih·'

1 arts of ~ond livmg.'' · :

I Isn't that nice7 · I'm not onlv lt1cky-rm ~ <up

. erior typp of homemakt>r. Ho"·' : to .1·ou suppose the maga7.in• , ~ found out all those wonderful i ; thing, about me enrl decidl'~ to; i honor me with a !lift certificatr! 1 that will let me subscribe at real I'

bar~ain price!~ t ~uess they iust can't heat to ·

1 think of a good·livin~. well-travel· ed. music-loving, setter of distin-1 cti1·e tables like me having to

1 get alon11 ll'ithout t'1eir magazine -ble~s their kind lind graciou~ 1 hearts. ;

I teil you. ~carrel)• a 1\'eek goe~ h)' that someone rloe~n't 1

choo~e m1· namP from the t~l~· phone dir~rtory or from a mail· ing.li~t to tell me what a lucky girl I a.m.

\'ot one nf them ha~ e1·er told me how stupid I am. But the1· mn~t thin! so-to keep u<ing that ~arne, old. "luck\' little you·· pitch over and Ol'er. I

Come to think of it, if one of I By XORl'tiA GAUHS I blue-eyed princess. And many re-1

1 "Grandpa is in heaven now," i them would be so "frank" as to'

, called an ancient legend attend-, s!Je said, "and l am sure God· begin g letter with "you lucky Auoctated Press Staff \\Titer . ing !ler birth in Glamis Castle,· finds him very useful.'' ! little dumbbell" I might be ~ in· A work~day _world has .breathed, Scotland. on Aug. 21. !930. Her reaetion to the abdication' trigued I'd send in tie money th~

I ~l!el'hve. s1gh ~~ dellg~t: ltsl The legend of .Glamis Castle of beloved. t:ncle Da1·id -.the! heralders of my l~ck always get! fa1 or1~ fa1ry p~mcesa IS en-


was that any g1rl born there Duke of Wmdsor - was typiCaL 1 around to request mg. gaged to be marrted. would be married before she Told that her father was now I

The betrothal of Britain's Prin· i turned 21-or else become a spin-: king, she said: ces~ Margan•! to court photo- 1 sler·. Betrol11ed at 29, Margaret lsi "Bother. just when !learned tn, grapher Antony Ar~strong:~o~es defying the tradition. I write Margaret Ro~ of York, I has been &reeled With re)otcmg "Mv flr!l memory." till! prin- :-low l am nothing." l hr a generation that hM watched c~ss once said, "is half-falling out, WITTY RUT SHREWD -- . Margaret grow from e Jh•ely. un- of my pram. A ~real to·do. t\ :\iargaret and Elilaheth ~r~nt, Black leads. tbe fa!hmn par· p~edirtable rhild into beautiful, imagine I must ha~·e wanted to 1 the war years at Windsor Castle.: a de lor a silk smt that gnes m·aclou~ womanhood. be noticed.'' • They appeared in a pantomime through both v.:mter and ~prmg:

The Queen's younger ~i>ter, un- F.\·er sincP, sh~ oos hePn r,.l for rharitv, and :-.targaret, then :\{any are 111 Simple classiC 5~~-willing to be bound CClmpletely by ating "great to • cos" and hM 1~. 'howeci her qui<'k wit. le~ a~d can. be dressed up ~lt.l stuffy . court regul~tion, ha~ 81· never !ailed to command at ten- She ,uggeslt'd the front row 'I spankm.g white gloves or a co or· ways ltved I gay life of !Jer own. lion. seats be priced at seven ~billings ful flower. Some critics labellecl her a play- HOPED FOR liON ~ix pence. When her sister pro- . ---:- , . ~lr! for her partying and lore of The Duke and Duch!'1!~ of York tested this was too much, :llar-1 .Blue~ .this spn~~ ~~nn~eb~;~~ ]an and good Urnes. had hoped their new baby would garel quipped: "They'll pay to! wh.erl' hom pale ~e. a_ ur ~se CUPID VS. TRADITION be a son and heir. They already see us." 1 chma blue, to Jade t q ·

But It was four years ago that !lad a lour • year • old daughter, Never shy of the opposite sex, and navy. rigid royal tradition forbade her Elizabeth - nicknamed "Lili- Margatet got along easily with I -- :- . d'ff' It first great love: Peter Townsend, bet." t!le young Jieuten-.mts who were Som~ women f~nd 1~ 1 ICU,

Exercise and massage are II divorced man she had known The II t II e prioresses were I invited to tea and the handsome 1 to define a cocktatl dl ess. 1 ~ 1~ good for your face a~ they stim~- since her teens. brought up by their shy father in


guards officers stationed at the ( commonly known ~~ ~ .~~m;·, m-ltilt' cin·ulalion and redure flab- _Margaret, always a religious the quiet manner of the daughters cast!~. 1 mal cootume.'. but ~es3:101 ~~:.~

: biness. Onl' exercise is to throw g1rl, heeded the Chun·h of Eng- of an English country squire. But 1 By the time she was 16 :\lay. to be a ~l'l!>~. s~l ar es d 8 : yonr head hack ami reveatedly land, which opposes remarriage a royal romance c:hanged their ~1• fair matchmakers were gos~iping ~· a r:~1'"1 111 ekr~ 1 swea1t;r5 an .1•

f di d I. b t f 1 '·l dre-·sy ul s u· COli u ene •" : try to touch thl' Jowe1· lip to the o vorce persons. wes. , a ou romance or t 1e spar.; in~ - . · . , . 1 . 11 . nose. !'t'rlorm 10 minutes dailv Since she renounced Townsend Margaret was only five at the: princess. A cohunnist who added a coe~tall dlfSS .. Ju_s asft v.; : 'alwa\,'S wm·kin" for an Increased -who has since marrie1!.again- deoath of her gramlfather, King: up the list of ~farga~t's rumol'eu: Sornetunes a cocklall out 1

1. 13

: .. th h d bee · 1 f 1 G v h h ' · · · s h o r t~ I e e v e s som~ •me. pull in the mus<:le. For a good . ere a n a swtr o specu a- . eorge . Bu~ even t fn e1· sen-· smtors got a grand total of 50 by, · . •· . . 11 ,j a.,ion-

facial massage, "spank" your lion, over future romance for the !tmenta! emotwn was apparent. I the time she was 25. 1 110 sl~'t!l es at 1 u · >l!l . occ One 1 f 'th th r· t · f bo h -··--·~--· ____ allv 11 has ong s ee1 es. , ace WI e mger IPs o t chic cocktail ensemble is a turtle·!

hands. moving upwards from the R Of L o 'B A p w H A d necked, long-sleel1!~ bhck mat underside of the chin. Continue,. eport , , 0 , , o 0 ffiC fi Jer!<ey teamed with a heai'Y; for 10 minutes.


white satin ~kirt. For thost who

It's interl'•:in; ~0 n~~te that! Meett"ng St. John's School Assn. remPmher, today·~ cocktail drl'•~ I

r ~ pIa c e ~ the informal clinn· th(!l'f' are no rPcl-haired races. er dri''S nr tht ~horl dance !Ire'~ Red hair i~ an indil'idual trait" . . . : u~tiRII\' associated with freckles. 1 • On. Tu~sday, Fe-bruary 23rd,: t'r. Right . Worshipful S1<ter A meeting of thP Hnmf' ~nrl of fl fe\\' ~·ear~ 1~11.

, lrec'·l~s ' 1n V1ctor1a Hall, St. John's,, r.1s1e White, Grand Deputy Srhool Association of Pr·ince: : "' · • • • : the ladles of the St. .John's: :\fistreu of the Provinrial of Wale~ College. Holloway ' , It's wi;e to keep a skin fresh-1 L.O.B.A. hetd a joint me:ting i Grand Lodll?· L.O.A.B. (~fld. l and Harrington Scllools wa' • ener on vour dressing table. n · In honour of :\lost Worshipful made the p1esentatlon on be-. held in the ·Pitts 1\lemorial 1 can be u~ed 811 1 mild, stlmulflt· Bro. Lt. Col. T. Ashmore half of the la~les of the · Hal! on Tuesday, 23rd. Febru­l ing toning lotion as a final rinse Kidd, Imperial Grond Master. LO.B.A. St. Johns. Right Wor· ary, with the president, :\Ir. F. I , after cleaDSin& and before make- The Imperial Grand Orange sh!pfu! Sister Gladys Coombs, MJA·nesyh,orltnbtuhsel.ncehssaisre.sslon was I P.aper stuck to wood. can be. ' up Council of the World, Lt. Col. Grand MlstreSII of the Provln- 1 d b tt f

' • • • Kldd, addressed the ladies, re- cial Grand Lodge, LO.B.A. held. during which it was~ ;asl Y rem.ove . Y pu. mg. a ew Tlln r.••e nf • \\'Oman who•e lating to his experience~ as rNfld.l made a presentation on agreed that membership with ' :lrops of 011 0.n It, lettm.~ 1t. soak

' "' " o " ! 1 , th . . rn then ruhbrng genllv ll'lth a feet hurt may inspire sympathy to how the different C'OUntric~; behalf or thE' Prov nc al Grand , e reg1onal counr1l ~hould hi'· ,1· ,1 lh · or pity, hut nel'er admiration. celt>hrate the .July 12th. to his l Lodge (;>;fld.) I rPnewed. :llr .. r. Shielc!s, tlw, 'ean c_o_. ____ _

, There·~ no J:l'l'atrr beauty thief previous \'isit5 to :'\'ewfouncl-: :'11ost Worshipful Sister! reprt>St>tltati1·e from the a.~·: llJ M than aching leet. Th~y steal land during his military raret'r I Edith Putidrstl'r on beh~lf of: sot'ial!tlll, g<we a short but in· i !f' aflllCfS ake rnisr, ruin your posture and take and as Sn\'creilln Grand Mast· the L.O.B.A, thanked Bro. Lt. 1 trr('slln~ rppcn·t un the work ;


. 1"\n 1 I he grace out of your walk. ~:al- er. He also mrntioned how thr Col. Kidd. fnr his address ancl i of thr Counril and how it ran i .....U.. : tou~s c11n h,. pre,·ented ,or ~li- late :\1~51. \lfor~hipful Sistl'l': rongratulalPd him upun.being ~ hf.'lp .the assodatio_n. . . : . • ! mmatcd w1th a weekly ~flakml(, :\Iary Cullen. travelled to thr ~~~~ first.rwrson .to nttnm th~, , ~Irs .. F .. Purch~s~ •• J?•stnrt 1 • • 1 in warm soapy water After 101 Unitl'd Klna:dom and organ· lugh offl<'e outHHie of the: <.omn11muner, Girl c.uiClP :\.~-. . .

Fashion joves ~ ~·lurly dress! ·n tc' . f thl'~ ~· . nd h'l I lzed the flr~t I () D A ' United Kingrtom and ~orthern' soriation, th~n introdurrd ~·I'S rr ~·nu h~\·p .~ stm·p mat I ~ ~I ft. d d I. tl . I 'fl . · m1 II s 0 . ulp, H W I e I • • .•. .n.a, Ill 1 .t . . II . " 1 k . .

- fin. ~0 n 11 P glr ~. 11~j vnur feet are still wet tiRf! 1 n Glasgow Scotl~nd. : lrrland. , Eric Conk, Provincial Commis· 1 ~~ qmte a .ng;.t n as. m •! dr~~.~ IS ~~~ rCHll. )'CI d.rrssy. I ahrasin~ sm·h a~ a pu~iee ~tone I 'fhis i~ the fir~t limP in the: Arrnmpanyin~ the cli•tin- I sinner. who spol;r on the aim~. lctt~r Jf lhP gift II'A~ r~tn~d.

So pr~tly, ll'llh or wtthout en:'·. on the callnus~d spots. Pay ~pee-l history of the :'-Jewfoundlanrl 1!UishPd11'i~itor to thr mrrling; a_nd objects of Guiclin.: and : --------b~oiMr). Pattern 7092. p~ttrln' ial attention to the back of thll! Orange Asftotlation that such: were ~lost WOI·•hlplul Bro.: Stoutlng, and how tJRrrnts can SYMBOLICAL ~~;~t'i~~~a~sfcr. 0~ ~JTllll'~llll!l')': j heclft. Dry your ftet t!Jroughly \• distingubhed l,'iftitor has: GC!l .. W~rrPn. Gr~nd :\'I astor, l l1clp-therc is alway~ a l(ood! 'l'ht tulip~ lrrqur.ntl~· u••d: 4 H B io Schlldr ens IIZts 2,1 on a roullh towel, lather them visited the province In the ca· Provincial Gl·an~ Lodge, : ne.cc! fo.r learl;rs. F t~llnwmg! on Earl~· .~meric~n ~tontll'ar.P : 'S ' d, ,:aniate. 'W· with ntbblnr alcohol and mus· pacty 11 Imperial Grand 1\Iast- .


L.O.B.A. <~fld.) Right Wor- ' this, l'vllss _Shl~!cy Andrews · had 8 religious meaning. When · en , l TY F E CENTS 1118 th•m upward from toes to shlpful Bro. Albert Rowe, gave a fascmatmg account of\ three were used the & mbol· ·

1 On coms for this pattern 1 ---··- --·-· - .. · .. ---·--- anklla on top and undersides un- Rl11ht Wor11hlpfu! Grand Ma~t- her recent trip to Sweden. as I zed the Hoi T~init ~ Y 1 I stamps cannot be acceptetl l to 1 contains THREE FREE Pat· til t~ alcohol completely el'apor·' l'r Provincial Grnnd Black the tiuide whQ was rhosen to ' ___ __!__ __ -~~ : ST. JOHS'S DAILY NEWS,: lernA. Plus Ideas galore for ales. Next. rub a little lotion in- Chapter, all three Bro.s. made I represent :-.rwfoundland at I opportunity' to learn about Household Aria Dept, II FIONT i home !urnlshinlls, fashions, gifts, to spots where callouses develop. I' a few complimentary remarks ! the world gathering ul Guides : thP movement and how their ST: WE~T, TORONTO, ONT.I toys, bazaer sellers - excltln11, U11 firm, rotary strokes until the th~nked the ladle~ for their I'" that country. A panel of 1 children could take part.. . Prtnl plamly ~-'MK, ADDJIES!!, unusual de~lrns to crochet, knit. r•sldu• i1 .absorbed .. Du~l oft: Invitation to the mteting, Guid~rs and Scouter~ then let! I All mrmhen then wrnl P.,TTER!II !IIUMIEJI, !IIZE. ' ~w. embrold~r. !luck w~.,~. with a taleum powder ;md rou·n• :\feetinR rlosr.d in ritual i a disrus~inn on Guidin~~: and , ilownstair~ for ~ sn:·ial zNto·

·!UST OUT! ?ur ~ew 1!180: quilt. B!! fir~t with tbe newest find in time that one of you~ foot, form with thl' singing of the ~<·outing, when tl'l" ~.c"li~nrP · ~~ther and to meet the tearh· Allea Brooks Needlecraft Book' -send 25 cents now! problems is solved. 1 :-<ational Anthem. t took full ad1·antage of the 1 en.

----"·~- -~---

11ASTRO-GUIDE• 1 By Ceean

For Thursday, March l

Preunt-For You and Yours ... Don't put your t~l­entl on parade before tho•e in authorily because ad,·erse radi­ation• suggest misunderstand· ings, ov~r-«nsitivene" and jeal­ou.~y. You may feel unhappy without being able to put your fm&er on the real cause, as ag· aravations assume undue im· portance under present innu­enccs.

Past ..• The raren American coin wu minted on March 3, I 849 - a double-eagle gold piece of S20 valuation. Because of deiay at the mint, only one of these coins was struck with the 184~ date.

Future ••• The solar lenerator (which derives its energy fro111 the sun as its name sua&eStl) : may be adapted to power radio ' tran<mitters in long-mission sat· 1 elit~s and man~d ·space ve- , hides. ·

The Day Under Your Sign ARt~S (loro Morch 211o April 191 DevCJtt )·?1!1" I~lt:Jt.-; t•1:1~ 1'1 a 11irnt you·~e bern n~r:e-:tinc.

TAURUS (Apr;! 20 to Mty 2Gl You (.•,~!·1 'll;f'f into U()Hble 1N!ay, I') pr"t~r..t .,.tt'1 o.tra (!l~:ti·'n.

GEMINI (Mty 211o Junoll) The .'UJH"~t• .llrt> t~c!!lltnt fi-r t 1u• l'"r· tuit of :~•rr:::~.: and ~clf·in:r!o-en~t·l'l!.

CAHC~R (Juno 22 to July 2!1 A frml1co Hilll\'t: tan ,..~ r•f ,, .. If!. hilt not unlru. ,:n linDws <'I yo•u 11red.

UO (July 22 to Au.'1• 21 J l :jt a lot o{ ingtnuuy itt • tLtU.4tlQ:I that 1er:m1 too much for > ou.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 lo Sop!. 221 Display your alfectiOft- don't cx.per:l othtrt to tal,;e it f~ srantd.

I ___ _

~1!!~.!:,~1;~~! 1!h?,~· ;~ ~;.,,1,, f''"t:tl b" tllmf'd til yc-ur di•ari~1nta1t.

SCORPIO \Oet. 2lto No•. 21) T1 ru "'it'!! c:-ontrmpt thl': juloua aet ef : a pti •rJn ,.,Jo:o \\flrl.!1 ''ltft yotL :

S.AGITTARIUS (Nov. 22to Doc. 2t) ~ 1.1·· .. 1r:t" ..,,~(unt the PQ!!ihl~ «-r.mit.r · o~•11\ ~~crct tnvy ..,f au ac~I:IHH.tncco. I CAPRICORN (Doe. 22 lo Jon. 201 ' H"•nr 111 t:1e b"st r!"c if the '!lfcath.tt : u. lu.d. Y•,lJ t .. we lots \() do a!l.y-A'If• I

AQUARIUS (Jao. 21 to Fob,'!') ! ~fi::i:nu·t:- bnnfut "·bim1 in (lrdct te ' nu.'..r coffrc:th·e use nJ uJil&blt: , ... ••n:rcu. PISCES (Fob, 20 t. Morch 20) Kttp on the trail of ldw. Thef _, be ...,·ortb a. lt~t of mont}' l~ you.

~ 1960, Fidd Enterprise~, Inl.





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Lewisporte News !CONCEPTION BAY NEWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!.~~~~-~~ .WorldDay G~Gu~es ThlnhlngDay Pe~ooab

WEATHEII. I she administered to those she dren, a number of retltives and' Sceviour as Toastmaster. Toast,: Of p B • HARBOUR GRACE-1Ir. Wit-Again the weather has be· loved in the home with every friends whom deepest sympathy The Queen, Response, The Gath·' rayer , fUWillCS : BAY ROBERTS, Feb. 2~- liam Noel spent the weekend

rome exceptionally mild, and pleasure. Inviting no praise of is extended. ering; Toast, Masonic Lodge. , , ! The Guides and Browmcs went visitin~ his grandparents, ~lr. ltle snow whlc:b fell a few days thanks for what site consider· -- W. M. Harold Starkes, Response, HARBOUR GR:'ICE --:- The, p O f e fall out to acquaint their parents and ~Irs .. las. Noel at Harbour previo~ly is now ~apidlv dis- ed her duty .. Her only rew~rd Edith Harrl~ :rhe Members; Toast, Tile Visit- Wor~d Day ~f Prayer_ ~V~lch IS I r .g amm i and friends with their move-' Grace South and his grandmoth· appear1n11.. There IS also a was the consctousness of a JOb Surrounded by lovmg care, mg Brethren, Hedley Powell, bem, obsened 01•1 F'rlda~ after- __ . ment, when on Wednesday, cr. :\Irs. Willis Regular Sr. in noticeably difference in the well done. In former years Mrs. devotion of husband and loved Respons, Freed Hollett; Toast, noon at three 0 clock at the I HARBOUR CiHACE _ Frirlav February 24th at 7.30 p.m. in this town. While here, :-.1r. Noel len11.th of the daylight. and al· :'t!.inty kept a boarding hous.e, ones, daily· medical attention, all The Ladies, Chas. Simms, Re- UGmt_ed .· Ch~r~h at Harbo~r, evening. Girl Guides of Harhou'r


1 St. :'liallhrw's Hall, they put on who is a theological student at though some people say we are and many travellers found m these could not stay the hand sponse, Mrs. H. G. Wood. ~ace 11111 hale as learlcrs 1hs.l Grace Companv and Brownies, a special pageant entitled Queen's College, Sl. John's as· going to ha1·e a very cold her home rest, good food, and a of death which claimed on The ladies were warmly w~l-~ V. · H. Stevc~Json, ~Irs. Val Web-' met at St. Paul;s Hall with mem- i "\\'hen We Look Back:" for the sisterl at both sen·iccs at St. month of ~arch. their prediction home away from home. Thursday morning last Edith, corned by the Toastmaster, Ill bcr, \Irs. ~l.lx Ash. "rs. Leslie: bet·s of Local Asociation anrl observance of their Thinking Paul's Church on Sunday. could be wron11.. They say Beav· A devout. Christian. sht' often bel?ved wife of Edwin Harris at 1 which he ~xpressed great pl~as· S~eppanL _oth~rs , ~akmg part 1 parrnts and friends also present. Day, when they joined with <'rs are busier now preparing took part m the Church she their home on Main Street. It ure at the1r presence and Wish- 11111 . be \hs. Jas. 1 etfor~l. Mrs.l The1· were welcomed b\· Com- GUides ami Brownies all over homt'S than any time last fall. so l01·ed, and often her voice was an inspiration to witness I ed all a very happy evenin·~ to· S. \ 1kc. :'tlrs. Frank ~!oms .. :llrs. 'missidnN. \-Irs. Clifford· Gra,·. the world to celebrate the birth-a sure sign of colder weather, was heard in prayer and praise.! the strellilth of character and 1 gether. Immediately after the: A .c.oddrn. :llrs .. r. c •. Davts and Sen-ice Bars were presented day of the fonnrlrr of their in spring. Well we don't live in: :llany now grown to man hood great faith and fortitude shown 1 Toast list had been eompletcd.l MI~S Ada Tapp.. to two Guides for three Year movement Lord lladrn-Powcll. Florida, ~o ~hould be content :and womanhood will remember 'I during her suffering and the' .\Irs. Harold Starkes, wife of the Collectors Will. he . ~Irs. 1 ~rrv1ce to six Guide< for ' 1 wo onrl also to celrhrate thrir

~lrs. Fred .lanes is presently >pending a few days at Ga11rler where she b the guest of their SOil Lloyd and his family.

· 1 h · d f I h · 1 · d h h' h h th t' \\' l'Sht'pful Ma ·ter • s pre'e II·: Stephen Byrne and :llrs. Wtnsor ' . 1 b'J .. ll'llh at ~asl a ~ ort per10 .. o , er II Or< s of w1s om as s e, peace w lC came w en a , o . ' s. wa. · I : ,·. ,. , . . ~·rat's and four for nne year 3, · u 1 ee ~r.tr. cold weather. Thus rar we haYe taught in the Sunday School. suffering ended. 'cd With a heautlful bouqul't of

1 and the 1 ~ 1 u· 1 ~. 11111 be dutctcd Gnides, the prrsl'nlation being

:llr. a111l ~Irs .. 1. L. !'\oel of <:all!ll'r \'isited llarhnur Grace over the wrrl;cnd. ~Jr. :'oiocl ('ame to >rr hi> parents. ~lr and .\Irs .. Tamr' :\or! of Harbour Grarc Soul h.

hr-en \'l'r~· forllmalc compared Hrr husband the late Jo~I'Phi The late ~Irs. Harri~ was a ~lowers on hcha~f of the gathrr-:h.~ thl' 0Jg~ntst ,?f _the {.mtcd done by Gui!lrr. )Irs .. Jean Tlw •·cn•mon~· OJH'Il<·d wtth with last winter's ~e\·rrr frost. 1 )linly predecea~rrl her 12 years. l'rry .activl' member of St. Paul's mg by )Irs. "alter Pollo~k·1 t.:hm ch. ~~~ s.. Lrll\ 1_n ,; l:lrtm.! Dove. introdn,·tor,· relllarh IJ~ He I'.

ORITll.\RV :\1" .\mtlla Mint)·

Onr bl' onr the old and re· ~prctrd ~itizcn~ of this town arr r~>sin~ be~·ond the srene of ac· tion. with work arcomplishl'd a'HI lahom· endrd The last to jn join this numbrr is ~Irs. Anwlia mntr 11-bosr death OC·

currrd at Botwood Hospital on Thur;day afternoon. rt•bruary 4 at the a!!e of 79 years. having rrlehrated h('r birth!la)· since

1 a~o. For some yrars she has Anghcan Church, a member of, Mrs. Starkes rxpresscd her sm- 1 :llr• .. r_._ L. ReJ '".''.''' IHH "ne thr 1 A prnfit'l<'ll<'\' hnd;(r wa> Isaac HuttPr. followed b)' tlw '1·esided with her daughter: Angliean \\'oman's Association· cere tllanks for ~arne. Val en- adrlrrss: All 311 Ill\ tt;<l to at ;1\l';mlrrl to r; 1 · 1 Sa 1 .. 1 Guidt·s -' 111''in~ .. , ampflrr's

· I · h 11 1 · tend lhrs sen· tee .,, 3 o clock on 111 e ' 11 ' 1' Burning.'' after \\'ltil-h l'nm-lsahel. ~h·s. Frnnk \\oolfrcy, tanrl LOBA. To know her was to.tmcs.wcre. t rn c~ cctet Ill ll , ... · · • ' . , ·St,.1·ennson lnr 10_,. makin;: and The bodys was. brou~ht from 1iol'e hl'l', as her outstanding; contamcr !rom winch the :llale, :.':'d~) aftctnoon. -~l~rch 4th. __ I knittin~. ln a fh.·ln~·IIJl cPt'e· mil;sioner .1. Butkr. as narrator.

• 1 • h k ,. d ld 1 th t rrminbcrd ahout (;uiding. The Botwood for hunal w nc, too: 1 prrsona 1ty ende_ared her to all' ancers wou r l~s.e ~Jr pa,r: ·railway prior to his rctirt•mrnt. mony, fil'e Brownies became Brownies and their leaders

~lr. 1.. V. !'h;tfr spent the Wl'<'kend \'i>it in~ St. John's and returned on ~londay.

place from her daughters rest· whose pleasure 1t was to know ners for the dance w_htch 11ao I The Auxilian.· of Canadan Guides. · d h h I h h t f 11 Aft from Bay Huhrrts, l'oll'y'> Point dcnre to the Umte C urc , , t~r. S e was a great lover of 0 . 0 ow. .er a slllg so.ng, Legion will he staging a plav on Commissioner Gray addrt•,;;ed and Shearslown entt•rcd and L d M K

thence to the old !Jnitcd Church II children, and her whole being whtch wa~ enjoyed by all .wtth 'Eastt•r ~lonrla).' and patrons" arc the Guides and Brnwnics brief- danced in their fairy rin~. then 0 ~e ac ay Ct•mrter~· on :\1alll Street. All, was centred on her hillel !\-Irs. H. G. W~od at the Plano., a>kcd to rc;crl'c thi> datr for J~· and then expl<tincd tht• BAY RL.O.B'·:n·rs. f'"lJ. 29 _

l d b th h W W f Aft r th g :\1 going into pow wow delighted r~ L se~v.iccs were com ucte Y e nep ew, aync ool rry. Being e e stn , son 2• ~ rs., same. film--the !'entPnary Camp at the audience with fa\'ourile Tl If" f 11 · L d .\hmste~ R_ev. A. B. Le_Grow. rhtldless herself, she hesto:wed 1Allan Stevens pl~~e!l the ptan~, The ,Junior AYPA lll'ld a Val- Doe Lake which was shown singing ~ames. after whit-h they 11 1 ~r0 1r:J' ;'.,~ ~0111~ bo?: who paid trtbute to her hie. as all of a !lreat love on the little I for the d~nce \\lllJ :\Irs. H_at· (•ntine JlariY in thl' ha~<·ment nf throu;:h rou1·tc,_,. or the Cadets · a -..ay. · "· •-· · a~· 0 er •

I. h · · Th b h c h ld S e r " · ga\'c a rery extra special grand for the cnsnin~ year arc as fol-an out>tam Ill~ C rtstlan. e oy w o uroug t so much pleas- 0 r vtou accompanym,.. the An~! iran Church on Sat11r- who loaned their pro.)' ector and 'II f 'I' · h I' with th d · howl to thank all thol'e. ewry- Jowl': Woman's Auxt ary o ·' ISston· ure to er 1fe, and her only e rums. dal' la>l. whkh 1ras a pin tea. ~lr. "'· H. Slr\·cnsun 1\'ho show· h 1 1 h h · · w ere w ro hrlped the Gualcs 1'.\\'. \laster~\Yr. Bro. Lloyd

~ntrrin): that institution three ar)' Society occupict I e r mr request was no flowers except cookiP.'. cak1·s ,•tc. decorated: eel the film. This wns ;:rcalll' and Brownies in their actirilit•s .. HH>S<')·. \Hrk5 prcl'iom. :at the fun~>ral !ervice and sang 1 one from Wa)•ne. :t!rs. Harris . !EU:VISION . with pink icin~. Thr affair was' rnjoyrd by all present. · 1

The late :\Irs. 'linly was a "The l.ord's my Shepherd I'll·,.wasburiedonSaturrlay. Funeral Tele\'ISion has com.e .to len-;W(•II 11atr1111 ized. Jn 1·onnnctilll1 ' DurinQ the e\'!'nlll~. <'a 11 ·,)\· \\'ith the Brownies in tradi- J. I'. )Ja>!t•r ... \ror. Rro. ~!al-l I N f dl I th 1 I ' ·- · cohn .\n!lrcw< fanuliar person in Lcwb~lll'te not Want". ~Irs. ~linly lca\'e~lserl'ices at the home were con-Ira,: ew oun anr.' IS .Inc Hre_siwith this tra. thr writrr wishes was sold hy the (;Hide:; a111l ~ ti1111al hor>c shoe formation the Suh;litule ~last<·r--\\'or. Bro.

f,,r man~· yrars. esprcmll~ 'to mourn two daughters, ~ary. 1 dueled by Rev. Moss from Gan-, J::elllsporte _and each day a~!li·; to apnlndze rnr an error in our worthwhile sum was thu.' real· c;uides l'ntcrrd with a tent lit )l\ l;aac IJoi\'C.

\\hen ~he lil'ed at her form~r Mrs. Hubert Budden: and Isabel., dt•r in the unavoidable absence 1 !tonal telenswn sets arc lletng; last news it!•lll. which •hould izcd for Guide ex1,,. 11,cs. a lnntem and a camJllire as th~ h f 1 1 11 d 1 t t t1 D. ~la>tcr-\l'nr. Rrn Lewis h"!llP on ~lain S~. _A f~ithful ~Irs. Frank Woo!frey, bo~ o i of Rei'. A. Fudge from Botwood~ .ns a c · am a ~~·~sen. lcrc, ha1·c read AYPA hl'id a ronner' --------- :narrator reminisced ahoul !'amp- Dawc.

member or the Umtecl l hurch thiS town. Two Sisters. ~hs. D. and by the members of the .ue about 200 tclellSIOilS Ill llus tea ,'IIIII hOillCJllade sale and not c· h I p . Ill<! and the_,. san~ ram)Jfire t All t f I d I l l , \\'. S. \\'ardrn ~nd \\"oman's ~lissionar)· So·' Oldfor~ of Garwood, :.lew .Jer· I LOBA_ who at~ended in a body.' Ol\'~. rcpor ~u· y go~ re· l.lr. A YPA. Thl' .Juniol' seJwd. If ( ay ar lC~ ''"111-!S. Tht• Guides gaYe an im· Howard ~loores.

r1rt)·. ~hc was alwa)·s altcntl\'r·sey. U.S.A. and ~Irs. A. :lfat·1

Entenng the lhurch a guarcl ofiCeptJOn, and ~an~ hams of the tea on Saturday last, and • pi·t•ssi\e >l'rne as the histol·,· of

Wor. Bro.

IO duty, Rll!l Oil~)' illnrss k~pt th!'\\'S of .Jordan ~ity. Ont_.. who: Hon?ur fro~ _the :'-n~lican WO· i pleasure IS hPl,nf: de~l\·~d. ft:om looked atlrat·tn·c. the ;;pirit of ~ui<hll~ atTll;, t'an- \\' . .1. \\':ll'flrn hrr from attrndtng the places was wtth her se1eral da)S pre- mans Asoc1at10n hncd up and ~ame. Those. \lho en)u~ .\Hcstl-- Her A. R. LeGI'IJ\\' s)wnt h<l i-iP.\XJABirs LHY ~ ~bs ada \\as dt·monslr<tted with a A!~~~:./1;\~:.lih)·. Rrn Rn!Jcrt D.

\\'or. Bro.

<hr ~n lol'rd. Of a \'cry quiet Yious to hrr drath and attPnd·: altended the sen· ice in a body. I mg were quite happy \~'llh the wecJ;end at Cornrr J\ruok n~i·t_ 1 ·\l.at'.\' Se.nnour anrl ~Irs .. lamP.' (;uide carrying a fl<~~ repre<cnt-:!!HI unam1ming per.<onality, ed the funeral. Three J(randchil·, The service at the Church was' extremely g~od rcccptlon on. inl! with ~Irs. L~(;ruw who is a \\ lwlrn wrre ho-tesses for a in~ earh l'rn\·inrr and trlling l'rpprr.

------------------'very impre:Ssil·e, and with ach·l Thursday mght whrn from! patient at the West Coast Sani ·'urpri>e p:u·t.l· lenrlerctl ~Irs. wlwn (;uidm;: starll'fl lhrrr. cr;~·rcasurrr ·- Bro. lrl'ing ~IH· ing heat·ts her fal'ourite Hymns· ~Iaple Leaf Gardens the \\Tl'sll·! torhnn. 11 is llll!ler.,tood ~[r,. Ebr1wzcr Strickland on the nt'· .\Ion• son~s \\Pre san~ h.'· the

Here's tb_e RUM! --Gilbey's


DarkRun1 .. ---: ...... .-

now on sate

in Newfoundland

ln" '" s e a d d Tl 1 a · 1 h 1 · 1 h 1 'I l'hatllam--Hro. Samurl DawP. were sung. One being, "The Old I ~ na 5 en n enJoyc · le LrGrnw is fee lin" t111r. and .. Will 0 er llr 1 ay on ·'on· (;uidrs after which thr1r tt·nt Rug~ed Cross'' and the other, late shO\I:s are \'ery. pnpular., hopes to lw l~ome during' da~· e\'rning of last werk. ;mrl calll)>firr \\Pre n•mm·t·rl. Bible Bearer -· Bro. Alhert "Th(' Lord's m)' Shepherd I'll hut. the ~tsadl'anta~c IS the late ~larch. ('on;(ratulations arc ex-' Tl\'t•nty·il\'c nf her flwnrls :Jt II lwn a colour party of Gturlc> FrPn!'ll. not Want" ~Irs. Harris who was hour, whtch tends to make some tended h\' ht•r mam· friends lcnderl the party and all >pen! followed hy the rcpn·,entali\·es Director nf t·errmonics -52 ~·ears old was wclllol"ed by ~eople rather sle~py Jhe follow- hen• and.l'l>t'Whrn· 'on tlw OC·ia ~·ery cn)oy<thle erening. Fir,t of <'«l'h ProYincr and eampers Bro. IIan-e)· F.arlr.

g d H d) f f I I S. Draeon - Bro. Clarence e\·eryone. She was the former Ill ay. owel•er regar r. ss 0 t•a.,ilm of hrr hi1·th•l<t\' 011 Tue.,·. ~nze or c;m s \\'t.·n to ~lr>. ,tartt•d the (;uidr . march in~ I th h f k y 1 h 1 h )lor~:lll. Edith Smith Of Mary's Harbour. e . o_ur, man)· are enJ.o)'!ng ria,· Frhrum·y Hi. t.:n1irrstand al- ran r man. w 1 P t c hooby song as they mrnwt J1·nm the tele\'lSIOn 1 tl 1 • 1 t 1 t 'I 'lh J. Drwnn--flro. L<•slir \\'rlls. Labrador. Coming here 10

1 • • a111 le pessmu~.s, though 111 hospitnl. shr enio)·- I as presen C! o .• rs .. " rrt iloor .

year~ ago from Rose Blanche I W~lo satd a lew months past 'lt eel a n·n· guorl hirthda\' with. Smith .. :\Irs .. lo>e•ph Smith was 'l'llr n/:;Jl;J~I~'). Guard-Bro. Thoma.~ with her hu~band who is Man· 11'111 .b~ YP.HS. before we ha\'e, l'isits fn.nn manv lriet;ds ami the Willner of ll1e chid bingo Commb-wnrr thrn ,.,,11-af:er of Woolfrey's West Enrl, lelenston Ill C~nlr~.l _N~wfound-: even twn hirthrl;l\. rakes. . )lrl7.c all hough others were win· ed upon ~ta~istrate \\'. E .. \1<-r· S. Str,rarrl ·- Rro. Gcm·go store, thry built a modern dand now sa.v. OH It Is real!y 1 ~Jr. \\'. A. T;l\.'lor is al prrs· ners 111 the game> which fol· <'<'1', who gal'c a \W.\' in>pirm~ ~lackinson small homr where life lor both· w:onderful. The adnnccm(·llt 111! enl at ~lontreal.makin~ the an- lowed. . . addrr». w·.:.: Stl'warrl -- llro Frank Har • was 50 full of sunshine thai it I :'\ewfoundland dunng the past; nual bu\·ing for ~prin~ and. A ril'IICIIIU~ 'UJllll'l' \\'as srn·. }lr>. Hruhen Snow. had~c Set· was reflected in their personal, decade would st•arc our grand-, summf'r · for his fil·m. Steers l'd. after whll'h ~Irs. Strickland retar~. lhrn pre.<l'ntl'd llw fol· '1\lcr ~ Hrn .. lohn Ktn£. contact with others. She l£1aves. parent~ to ~eath anyway: ~o \\'holr~~l~r~ wa~ prrscnted wi1h a sum of lnwin~ Guides \\ ith bad;..::l'~- ---·--------to mourn besides a grit'( strick- there wou~dn I bt> mn~h pmnl m :llr. Gu,·, ~l.II.A. wa~ in I own money. Srcond Cl;1ss. Carol t'aYr; personals I'll hu~band. five brothers, Ar- 1t~~m commg hack. \\e who are ·last wc!'k·. Laundress. ~lona Xoscwort!J;·. thur of this town; Charlie •• Joe, 11:1ng ar_e very happ~· s~1eh: ~!i.'S Belly )fl'l'olgan. Firld _on Thnrsda1· r\'f'nin~ lhirly ~larjorie ~lcrcer. Florenre E. Isaac and E'au of ~fan's Har-1 tlungs ha~e been made pos>tble ,.. ,. f . \\' ,1 S rl t d. fnends and n•lat1res w1•re pre- ~lcrcer. Iris Parsons. Kalhcrinr

• It "' f dl d d I , "or.er OJ ... •• . con ttc e l d . p \'. . p E I hour· two sisters Mr• Er'tc o •• ew oun an an a pres· h lh . d . ,, sen e at a ha·thdav partv .fot· epper. IVIan epper. l'e yn • · ·. .:~, . . . · o mormw' an r\'rnm.-. scr- ., · )!orrin of :.lew York. and Belle., ent are en)O\'llll{ 1t to the lull. \'ices at th(' "united Church 011 .\Irs. Pro\·idence Blandford. ar- Po1·ter. Carol Cave; Cook's. ~lar-:\lrs. Smith Woolfrey of this ~ARD PARTIE~ . 1 Sunda\' last in the absence of ranged. by ~lr. and ~Irs. Doug- ;:arct Abbott; Home ~Iaker. town. a Jar"e. number of friends, A senes of card parlies pnor th ,1: . "I las Smllh. 1t was :\lrs. Bland-, Kathe1·ine Pepper. Vivian Pep-

~ to th L t ~ ·' 1111·' cr. f d' · h · 1 h' · p • including the writer, to whom 'I b . g e h l~n _en t~ea~~n a~e ~o~ I Rcr. Dr. A. S. Butt, Supt. of o~hs cJg ll_clt lrthtlay. I c~j ' t

SJ',\XI.\nD'S BAY -- Hrrr for the weekend as the guest of :llr. and ~Irs. Xorman Chipman 1\':ls ~Ji.,, Ena TorraYillc. their nice<'. a stud!'nt at )Jemorial UniYersil;-. .\!iss Torraville's hnmetown is Fogo.

deepest sympathy is extended. bemh eCEWillA eh. af~onlc .a :llissions lor the t:nited Church,, e C\'Cilln~. was cntoyablly I le ~rho~,rtahmm~ ~amc fo•· a --. . 1/.; e Th dIe tr~t bc,mg'wal in town on Wednesdal' to sbpent by playlllg cards aml:~_osedll!,l lethsm~~n~ ol ,n. Tho>~ celebrating this week INSTALLATION OF i ed on ulrls ay evemng ast. attend the TwiiJin.gate Pr;:<bY-, lngo and some Ycry lovPly: ~1na a.Thamb ~ ,,atJona an- arr: Sundll\·. Betty Reid; Tues·

OFFICERS YPU 'an was we attended. The t h' 1 h ld. . St , 1 ·1 prtzes were awarded to the win· I tuem, e lessm~ was rem!· da_1-. Ruth Dro\·er aJld .'Irs. AI· 1 1 . . 1 h en· w 1c 1 was e m • . ·' a - 1 rl b R B 1 ·• AND WMS 1 usua priZes are gl\'en. am t e th · .. , 1 . 1 11 11 ners. 1 ere y ev. ut er. freda Se.nnour.· \Vcdne.•da''• g tl . I Tl ' C\\ " ·' c-mona a · Th C I P I C . I d · At the el'ening servict in the CaE~'~A grea Y. ~nJoyett: lei .\lr. and ~lrs. T. Goodl·rm· At ll.3f0 all s:tt down In a B· e. o ottlhr ar y., .• udJrestaln Josiah Gosse. Jean Smith. )fr.

United Church on Sunday last , " a~e. leJy ~c 11'e m ·were in town from Embree' for supper o cold me~ts, salads .. 1.owmes Pn re Ire ·. IUS Lei:lhton Greeley and )lr. the following officers of YPU Church aHatrs_. and mtcn•st IS the rrenino services on Sunday and all the trimmings. \\'hen i bnng _to a close a dell~htful Elwnezrr Strickland: Friday. were installed. . :keen. The Prestdcnt. :\l~s. Brown la>l. " , the two-tier candle-lit cake was. Thmkmg Day and .Jub1lce year .\Irs. Hedley Reid: Saturda,·.

President ~!iss :\larie Lane· has a fine stalf of off1cers and D 1 th . 1 1 d • placed upon the Jable all san"· programme. James Tittord. and the Dal~e Vice Presid~nt. leo Hodder: a large membership, whose in- ~t eepr s~·mp;' ~· ts e~ en~ cit "Happv Birthda\··· and the 0;.' A t•up of tea highlighted with twm. Charles and Phillip. On Secretar\,' T. re'a·ur,Ar ·'It's s' 'ccntive "the jlood and welfare ·p ~''· 1 1 astotrl l 11-a~·trh 0 f .ha tnoena.rian blrw 'the "Hll<lles 011 t a special birthday cake. 11as

• • • • " f h Ch h . d ' om on 1c eat o er ." . ' . th, . . d b . 11 . next Sund:~y Her. E. Willis will Doreen Burton: Conl'enor Mis· 0 t e ur~ ts surpassc by' molhl'r w1th the stmple plra>urc that 1s rn en)O\e l a plcsent. have a !Jirthday and on the fol· sion and World Outreach Miss none. Best Wishes are PXtendcd. ('I ·. f ". 1 'I associated with the rery \·ouna ---- ----~ · · ----- · - lowin-g day his mother, ~Ir~.

• • SALVATION \RMY unL son o ·'"· an< ·' rs. I I ld . ~ Francis Collins, Citizenship and '. ' ~laxwell )Jorles. fonnerll' of am t 1e very o . it must have hern "' memor<~blc Anmc Willi>. will celel>rate Communih· Servicr ~!iss Trudr At the Sah•ahon Army th B k r· :'<i s r ·h , The parl\' concluded at 1 rrent as it was in fact for h~rs. Jl:~ppy birthday to you Rendell· Falth and' Evangelism Citadel on Thursday e1·ening Cl~l·t~: S(~n ;1t;!r (~1 ~a \~~~-·a.m., and ior ~Irs. Blandford !hose who gathered to honour ;~II. ~lisscs ine7. Hodder aJJd Audrey' last the film. "The Crucifixion p 't· R. : 1 d · · I f. h.. ----~-·~ -. .. . d R . f , . .. , e er elf. an former " o t e OUT OUR WAY Bovd; Stewardship and Train- an esurrechon o Chnst was. f'. f R'ff'· I I r·, I · · · · 1 shown before a large number · 11 "1 0 ' ' .t! .. o~o all( tng, Btlly Hodder; Rec.reatlon ~h th hi, . . rl ' Lewisportr, and !'\cil Best form-and Culture, ~Irs. Elsie Vardy.l 0 oroug ) en)O) c same. 'erl\' of the lirm of s. F. Fn·

After the Y.P.U had been in-, L.O.B.A. wa;·rl & Son are at pres!•ntly al-s~alled the Instal!a.tion of ~f· The members of Carnation tl'nding \'OCational schoo: at St. f1cer.s of_ t~e Auxtha~y of \\ o- 1 Lodge, L.O.B.A. hal'e been hal'· John's. studying wirelrss. mans ~tss10nary Soc1e!y took; ing a series of afternoon and :111·.' and :\Irs. L. \\'. Pelley. ! ~lace ;v1th the followmg Of. I evening teas al the homes of, owners of R. W. ~lanuel Hold. j

fleers !~stalled.. I their .older members. Amongst have given over the proprietor-1st. V1ce Pres1dent, Mrs. Fred those whose homes have thus ship to :'t!r. and ~Irs. Tl'rl Car­

Small; Recording SecretaT)', far been visited arc llrs. Kale penter, and are now taking life ~rs. E. H. March; Correspond· Martin, Mrs. Annie Martin and easy at their new apartment. op· tng Sec~tary, Mrs, C. J. Wool- on Thursday evening last at the posite C.N.R. Station. ~lr. Pelley fr~y; Ltterature Secretary, M:s. home of Mr. George Gale for has continued his business on Wmston Locke; Commumty his mother, Mrs. Winnie Gale. a smaller scale, and his store is Friendship Secretary! Mrs. Mal· At each home there is a per- situated in his building former­colm Freake, Assoc1~te Mem- iod of Hymn singing and the ly occupied by the Post Office bers Sec~et~ry, Mrs. S1mo.n Hod· usual lunch served and the pre- and Bank "f Nova Scotia. It is der; Chrtshan Stewardship Sec· scntation of a small gift. These understood the space fol'merly retary, Mrs. Alec Perry; Press events are greatly enjoyed by occupied by the store will be Secr~tary. Mrs. E. H. March; the older members and younger converted into ground floor

1 :\ltsstonary Monthly Secret.ary, ones also. It is understood there rooms. This Hotel has been

I :'tlrs. J, L. Budden; Oll!amst.s, are several more of the Jist completely renovated and en­Mrs. E. H. March and Mrs. Er1c which will be mentioned in larged with carpenters working Hackett. . . . · later notes. on it's improvement for the past

The followmg · off1cers were PERSONALS. year or more. It is considered absent. President Mrs. A. B. Le- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wool- second to none in the outport Grow, in hospital at Cor~er

1 frey were recent visitors to this of this Province. Mr. Carpenter,

Broo.k; Mrs. M. Burt~ 2nd. ~/Jce town, accompanied by their the present proprietor was form· President and Christian Clttzen- children, Jama and Gary and erly manager of Terminal ship and Temperance Secretary; Mr. Arch Manuel who is spend- Stores. In connection with Ter­Mrs. E. Rendell, Supply Secre· ing the winter months with his minal Stores it is understood tary and Mrs .. L. W. Pelley, daughter, ,Mrs. Woolfrey and the whole department has been Treasurer. . Walter Arnold. · They were closed, and · the former :\ian­

Both Installation ceremomes guests of Mr. Woolfrey's moth- ager Mr. Frank Wells is now were conducted by the Minister, er, Mrs. Emily Woolfrey. All traveling salesman for the firm. Rev. A. B. LeGrow and ,a large returned to Gander following Mr. Wilfred Martin had a big crowd attended the evemng ser- their visit. surprise last week when con-vice. Names of parents whose chit· fdent no COW$ were roaming

HOCKEY Two hockey games were re·

cently played · here between Botwood and Lewtsporte. The first beinl!. won by Lewisporte and last by Botwood. A large crowd witnessed both pmes.

dren · were administered the around felt secure iil leaving a Sacrament of Baptism at the :bale of hay on the road side on United Church by Rev. A. B. Junction Road. however he did LeGrow on the first Sunday· in not reckon with I he moose who February were Mr. and Mrs. took advantage of the hay. and Ma1C Coles. Their dallf!hter. Lana when :'\lr. Eli Budgell went to Carol, and Mr' 'and Mrs. Frank collect same, the moose had Lacey, their son Harold Frank. eaten practically every blade of

Mr. Frank Pike, car painter, hay they could secure. Unfor-MASONIC LADIES NIGHT C.N.R. here for the past five tunately they forgot their clip­On· Monday evening the years has been transferred to pers, and had to leave a quan·

Masonic members of Lewlsporte John's. Mrs. Pike will remain tity inside the wire. One never Lodge held their annual Ladies here until close of school term knows who or what i( around nii!ht, which is an event to in June, when she will join her when lunch is served. which the ladies look forward husband. It is understood their Mr. Joseph Snow who has with 11.reat pleasure every year. home on Pleasant Street has been confined to bed for two A large number of members and been sold to a party from weeks is now better and able their wives enjoyed the delicious Buchans. to get around again. hot turkey dinner provided and Conductor A. J. · Anstey, Mr. Thomas Snow who has served by the Canadian Le- C.N.R. is at present on holidays been to St. John's several gion Auxiliary. Valentine cards and 1pent a week visiting with times for medical advice will were placed at eaeh couple's his son and family at Gander. 'lrobably be compelled to return plate, which readlna caused It Is understood, Mr. Anstey 'o St. John's a·gain. His many



By J. R. WILLIAMS ,_..-..... ... ---....... .

llllllllltliillt'IHni•IL .• OIIIlll some amUiement. Immediately will reach tbe age of retirement 'l'iends hope he will soon be after dlnner the followinl tout in May of this year, and is hav , .. ·I] better. and in these wishes


lilt wu aiven with Mr. Harold ina hi1 last holiday with thl .he writer joins .

... '··

Page 9: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •



ear orn

Thrsp three littl~ mall' bundles of joy belong to (left to right): Mr. and !\Irs. Abram Strickland (3:25p.m.), 1\tr. and ~Irs. Ronal~ Penny (5:25 p.m.), ·

•ncl Mr. and \Irs. Riehm\ \lahon (7:22 p.m.). .,

. '·· . ·

Mr. and Mrs, Donald Harris's family addition came at

11:35 p.m. at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital. '

Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher became P,roud parents of a baby ..............

One Twin In The . .

Feb. 29th Babies Fum'teen Leap ·i ~ar babies arrived in St. John'~

on Monday, February 29. Nine were born at the Crace Hospital and four at St. Clare's !'lle!'C)' Hos· pita!. Two of the babies at the .Grace were a twin but the mother ,\·ould not sanction a photoJ.?;raph of them. The fourteen new arrivals who will have to wait four more years for a birthday (miless they mark it on Fcbmary 28 or March 1 in the years in between) are all healthy and in !J thriving condi· tiun.

When the Daily News star~e~ Leap Year Prl}o jcct, the news staff did not think that so many in· fants would come into the world in this region on the extra day in February, or Leaf Year Day. The occasion warranted the display · o handsome chil­dren shown on this page. Happy life to the lot of theml

• •. J

The. s~nd baby to be born at·the Grace Hospital on

Monday arrived It 7:45 a.m. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fewer.

A bOy •

Thi~ little hoy (nt left) arrived at 5:15 a.m. at St. Clare's \fercy llo~·

pital, to \lr. and \Irs. Dou:;:lo1s Bishop. \lr. and \Irs. Joseph \laher'i soD

(al right) was horn at St. Clare's \lcrcy Hospital at 3::JS a.m.

.. , .....

The only little girl born at St. Clare's ~lcrcy, Hospital

was bom to ~lr. and Mrs. Stanley Dawe. The little tilce

came into the world at 11:15 p.m.

The honour of the first February 29th baby at the Grace

ltospit~Jl went to Mr. and Mrs, William Hicks at 7:33 a.m.

• A girl.

•••. - - .... '1. ~- ~ ~.!"

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.. :' ·.~· i


Senlo'r High: Johansson Visit

Irl. s--h-, -~-'~Enter p 1 a y 0 f f s ·, 'JoN_"~~;~~u!~.1~~nd. I

I ~EW YORK f~Pl-World 1

6 5 \ heavyweight boxing champion 1

N 1• p Pepperre}} 4 -4 ~~~~~;rnt;h~a~:so:a::i~o~v~~:, ject to a Johansson·Floyd Patterson and Archil' Moore- :

BOB SQUIRES REGISTERS 16 POINTS Erir Srho~ppnrr doublehead· cr program in June but oppo· '

Bob Squires stood at the free throw line, got his shoot· ses any reduction in his per·· h d h h centage of gate and telel·lsion i

fng eye on the basket and swished a one· an pus s ot 1 receipts. ; to give St. Pat's a berth in the Senior 'High School Basket· I The Swedish fighter made . ball fins against Holy Cross, , his statement at International 1

The one·pointer by Squires came with one second airport prior to boarding a I

lrft in the game and had the Irish nipping Pepperrell 46·~5 plane for the Gaza Strip, · in a sudden·death playoff game to break a second slot he where he'll give a series of in the league standings. boxing exhibitions before the

United Nations Emergency I The fi&htinl Irish were be· I Forces.

hind early In the second quar· ing from George Blednick and The idea of Johansson's re· ter by eaht points ~t 16·8 but ~ Gary New in the latter half of match with Patterson and I came on with a scormg splurge the contest and this proved to Moore's defence of his light· to pull up close and then bat· . be the big thing in keeping the h!'avyweight title against tied the rest of the contest for Falcons into the tight battle. Schoeppner on the same card a thrillina seesaw win. ! New played a strong offen· was proposed by Jack Fugazy,

The Patricians' scoring burst sive game throughout the con· managing director of Feature In the latter part of _th~ first test while Blednick looked Sports, Inc. half pulled them to Wtllun two good handling the ball and was I Fugazy said that the pres· points of the Falcons _at the dangerous at the charity line. BOB SQUIRES ent understanding calls for hallway mark 22·20 whtch set New swished six of his seven ' Johansson to take 25 per the Stille for the thrilling final : free throw efforts while Bled· smiles to Squirr.• face. The rent of the gate and 35 per stanza. . ' nick potted nine of fifteen· sen-n.i 1hot was missc·l with cent of the television and

Bob_ SQuires .•et the scormg chances. - . I Gary N~w of l'cpp•~rrell and 1


o1~1er subsidiary rights. lie pare In the frrst halt of the; Charity tosses playtd the tm· Phil Grouchy of sr. P:.t's j 11 mp· sa tel thai with the adclrd draw· •·ontf'~t with the unlucky ?U~· · port ant role in the ~xciting ing for tht rtbound. : in~ power of ~ doubll'header. ber thtrleen polnh. 'Brll Chrts· game as the winning potnt was 1 Referee Bill Cornrt looking· the hcal·ywctl(ht champ ton tens en of the Falcon;; 10·as the tossed through tht hoop with 1 rlosely ~· thr ph:• rall!•d 8 foul : would makP mm·c money even production ma~ on the ba.-e only one second left in the again.~t the st. P~t'~ p:ayer! with only 17 per cent of thl' team wtt~ ~htrtet>n IJO:nts to

1 gam•. · _ . I· ,: .. ,1 hn::!ght a miirl protest; ~ale and less than . ~5. prr

Pq~al Sq~tres total. . Ron Dnclcl of the Patrtc1~11s from some of the Irish p!J)·ers i cent of the subsrdi~l > rtght,. St. Pats pushed four pornts W(•nt 10 the free throw hne hut loud cheering from the After entertalnm~ the


,,..,w tOliK--John Thomas, lluston lnilcrsit~··s high jump sen~atrnn dear~ lht' bar to le:oJI hi~lwr than an~ 111<111 Ill tu.w:·~ ·" he sets a world indom· record of seven feet and one·half Inches in the :llillrose Games here. The jump was one-half inrh hig-her that• tlw outdoor mark set by Russia•s \"uri Stephano1·. (\'PI Photo)

through the hoop to ~tart the. with etght seconds rem~oming \ Pepperrell fans. l UN troops the champron ~Ill ~econd half of the contest and in the fixture with the_ sc.ore Gary New who had swtshed: make. a ll)·day tour of fr~e ~a\·e the lead to the lnsh for tied 45·45, Dodd tu1•k hr~ 11me six straight free throws, walk·. Am~rrcan troop bases m the first time in the game at lakin)! careful ~irr at the bas· ed to the charity line with the I Sparn, the Azores, Newfound· 24-22. ket. The redhead~d guard shot Pepperrell hopes of victory in land and Iceland. !


I N 0

H f R I M B R _The lead cha~ged hands: the ball a little too high and his hands. Hi& arching one- arm . u e ay e ea son

ftftcen limes dunng the re· wide a~d the ball rebounded hander hit the outer edge of DONATES TEMPLES . · mainder of the fixture as every back intJ play off In~ rim. the basket and St. Pat's were ROME I Reuter~ 1 _ The Unit rei . player on both clubs went all . Rolling loose !he b&ll was \'ic'orious b)' ~he single point.! Arab Republic will donate 2.000·j out m an effort to put hts team ptcked 11r by Squtres who was Referees BtU Cornet and! year-old temples to large foreign 1 b k Of c B I ou_t front. . , fuuled wtth only one second, Pc.:• ;•c:erson called 42 per-. contributors in a campaign to' F 0 t held rn the frnal _half of the the cha•i:y line with a clrance :1 I(•~J'l gelling nabbed i will otherwi~e be flooded by the

llu·. br~gest .t'dge etth!'r club·remanllllg. Squires wal~tcl to sonal fouls during the game:sal'e ancient monuments which! or u rea ag.e raw s game was _three pmnls held by to get two points on the onr for 21. Pepperrell scored 19 · Aswan Dam pro~t. l'.A.R. and the Patnctans at 39-36 Wtlh and one ruling His lhl shot !rcc throws while St. Pat's hit Sudanese aut110rilies ha\'e a!:rced BY !'AT PARRISH amon!! rolll'gr roal'hr>. only two 1nd I half minutes. swished the r.el wnh t!~se and


. for twelve. • to export half the ohject~ unco1·· \rwsp~]lrr F:n•rrprisr Assn. •nrftuitf'l)' not," says :-;yt_", left, :brought • loud cheer frcm the Bob Squires was the big gun· erect in new exca1·ations so that :-;E\\' YORK (:\'~:A 1--:\ew Lou H<">ini. hr~innin)! on the

ThP Falcons got great shoot.- Irish 'upporters aud I big ln the St. Fat's dril'e toward, lhr)· ran he rebuilt outside F:gypl. York l'niwrsity's ba>krtball nrgalill' notr "ThE' no harm. 1 - .. ··--·-- ·• ---- r:.ptain, Tom Sand<'t·~. walked no foul rulr r> good and will l'il'lory. Not only dirl h~ grl O'>t•r to a trammatr and ;Jskrd rrrtainl)· h<'lp lhe i!amc. the winning potn: with only if he wrre hurt, following a "If a pla)w dn1·r, toward a one ~t'rnnd l~f! in :hr )!Amf foul. ::hot and ha' a gnud <Jngle an<! hut he played ~nat ball. stril·· ~1anliilttau \'nllc~r'> Charlw. thr ddP!I>li'P player tries to ing to win. l:ocuig-who h<>d dnne lhr block the shot. hitting the of·' .

fouliu~-rlidn'l like the impii· fcusi1'e man but not stopping: .. Frank Smith playing his first the goal. then no harm is done. 1 -game in a St. Pat's uniform· ration.. . f 1 " 1

seemed to gil'l' the team that· Koen~g . planted a fl>t on Whl' call a ou '? . little extra shove with a good ~ander s Jaw and before the arJKrl.~tnh;:<olrtthoenr, ~hlaa!JflhoafltathnccoGaac~ 1:

all-round game. , jousllng endl'ri, both beuchcs , hall JOin< d m the fun and a den bout. has another say. 1

Bill Christensen looked good, number of spectators were' "It sc~ms to me." he says, 1

; for the Falcons and was a tow·, choosing sides. ·"this rww philosophy of 'no~ · · er of strength at botn !'nels of! Madison Square Garden was harm. no foul' has had a lot to; :the court. While Chrislensl'n 1 not the only srcne of basket· do with the numhrr or fights I ; was watching from the bench· ball melees this sea~on. 'this )'Par. Sure there has been I i Gary New and George Bled nick I' Eastern Kentueky walked off' mnrp fouling this season than i took over the reigns ar,d nearly the court w~en \\'estern Kentucky tn prcnous ye::rs. I grabbed the win. coach Ed Diddle allegedly; "The fouling and fights are


, . ! pushed an Eastern player, and, mu<"h more noticeable, and this1

St. Pat .s-Bob SqUires 16.! an exchange of knuckles en· may be the reason." Ed. Goobt~ 10, Ron Dodd 10, sued. Georgetown and Lafey· · St. John's Coach Joe Lap· Frank Sm1th 11, Erie Coope~ 2, ette had a wild hrawl invoi\'· chick hasn't notit·ed more fight· Phtl Grourh~ 3, Alex En~hs~,; ing 3 free-for-all between sper· ing. "In seasons to come, this Fred I,ear_mng, Ron 0 Net!,. tators anci players. There were philosoph,· rnuld offer ~ome l~erry O'Rerll~-. :others too. complications," he arlmils. "It

PPpperrl'li·--Bill thristensPn How· rnuld a fir,ht break ou~ ~ould do a lot l?,ward rough-17 Gary :-Jew 14, George Blerl· on a b<iskelball court when the rn!Z thr _~am!' UJl.

R,\T'fi,E R0\':\1.-'Iadi,on Squarr (;anlru '""' nnP of thr bi~gest baskrthall battle ro~als thi' •rason 11ith hoth 'li!nhal· tan and :o.;.Y.t'. henchr' and SP\'t'r~l fan' p;rttiug into the at'!.

ni~k 11. Charles Diekerson 2, gam~ i> non·eontacl? . Papch1ek. l'rleran of the pros THRF.E FACES OF THOMAS-The eontortlon~ of 1 high jumper ~how In the


Tom Blednick 1, Art Dal'i5, Don'•. het lh~ groer~y mrl~~~ a~1d 1coilcge

1 rr~cles. f offers .~

an1ui~hed fllpresdon• ef John Thom11 11 the record·aettlnl Boston Unlvers1t7 Dick Borsari, Richard Dicker· on 'non-contact o_n 1 e rout s. stmp e ~''!'ana ton. or cntu 9 eoph leaps and Ianda. son .. Jeff Knowles. Jn fad. some> claun the coileg; hattles._ "\ ou ran JU~t lake so ---------------------------- ....... _ game has eroil'ed mto an elho~· much 111 thrs ltfe. then you. Months /\way

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swinging. hip-throwing dance, losr it, thai's all. You can ~~t. where the screen has gi1·en · shoved arounrl on th~ street B • Grey i way to the moving block and if just so much. too, then you eing 110 harm comes from a connec· losr your stack. Same Ill bas· : lion, then no foul is called. I ketball." VA:-.:Cot;n;R 'rr •-<;rey Cur• Sl.tllllt.lll~l rxprctrd lo he >p~nt on

I ticket·-. a<'rommoclation. food an<l This is the philosophy, start· "There is a little more box· , time is almost nine months awa)· . entrrtamment during thr \rre.i. ed in the Big Ten a few years, ing under the boards than . I ' but a wor~ing· committee is al· Wiliiam Clancy. ~hainnan ot back and now working its way like to see now," says Archre • ready making p~parations for the working committee, said onto' Eastern courts. Oiflham of Columbia University. 1 the annual sports spectacle. ·

Although the rule-no harm, "The no harm, no foul phr · ThE' game between the eastern light pa:·ade through downtown .1 I plans call for a mamm<'!h torch·

no foul-hasn't been offici~!- o>•r·:t:· has t? be defined. You a~d western pro footbail cha~l· streets on the e,·e of the game. ly adopted in ~ny co.llege ctr·, can't determme w~at a brush 1 pton~ w11i be held at ~mp~re It will he telerised along with the cles yet, the Idea IS bern;( 1 is and what a dehberale push 1 Stadrum here Saturday, ~o1·. 26. f<'stil'ities and the g~me on Sal· practiced by officials nnd teams· undt•r tht• boards ts the way : :ast exper1ene~ pro\'!(lcs a urdal· in midwestern leagues. the rule stands now. Even we : fatrly accurate ptr!ure of what '!'he. crowning of :\!iss Grey

Whether the "idea·· has any· coadtes don't know what it is." I the gt•ner31 'ituation will br whrn Cup_ eho><•n !rom the h!'auty thin!! to do with the Donny· If the coaches, who teach the : lh~ fans of this fo.othall-mad cit)' qut'<'ll' rt•prL·'<'IItin~ l'<t<'h of t~e brooks seemingly more pre\' a· kids, don't know, who does'! ·anti. the n·>.t o' '. an::da g<•l tht• c·hrh,, 11 ill >ai-o• pl:ll't' al . ., cils· lent this season is acadt>mic,l'fhe kitls? ~- tr;odlttonal (,r<'y 1 up lt·n•r· . 1111111. i•a:: 1:1:d:c)' mght Tilt• win· and even opinion is divided I They'rt> tuo busy swmgiug. '!'h.-r.- 111,11


1<lLII' 11Ge tn•• 111 -r wi!l ~~~··1_.. tour-• intt> tears.

ll:: ll~f !,;UIIIpl:tlll ., :1 'Oit! at· '-'d!l

,ttt1vU ut the IJI:•) ll!g I!<· hi IIOIIILE 'f ~I 1\

lr tll~ lt:JIIJ:- ~l't' iu g~.~od •_•,:1.:;e ph~ .~Jc:dly th~"' d!<.Ll'IH~:- ',\ ilt ~iJt.··,·1 1 •

' ai1l\- taH. a" 11 thrir p],\'1'!·..: ;t· t'

: all .<-rippled -\nd it lht·y·,:r inad"d 1 with wall;in~ wo:mdrd. lhP)''Ii · sonncl optimistic. It will be thr usual attempt to conhN• thr op­position but will fool pradieally no one.

I Tiekrts p1·iecd at $6 and ~10 wiil be peddled h)' scalper:< for as mnch as $50 a pair until thr day of the )!arne when some will take a loss to get riel of them.

Tht're will he 38.000 seats ami Vancouver's <hare, depending on where B.C. Lions finish in t~e, Western Inlerprol'inciai Football; Union, will range from 13,000 to i 16,000 tickets. ;

First call will go to the 3,000 . club members who also hold sea· i son tickets. After them come the· regular non • memhfor 'rnson tick<'! holrlcrs - :1houl IR.UIIO of

: tl1em if the Lions' hnp<'s :1rr renl-.. I i7.('(1.

I ll E.\\'\' IJE~IA:oiJ) Further rlcman~ will hr er~Ht f'rl

I h\· the 13,01lll ot• "' wl1o nlirn~ ~~mr ·r·rgular ;:am~s hut don't

! btl)' srason tickrts. :\ncl th:•:·1· will :he thr r~~nbr hunt fo1· lrck<•ts by people who nnPr allrncl n ~ntn"

· _ ' durin!( the season but rr!Wrrl at­~ndance at t~e national title

tuding ~otr.s ' "1x1:11 110\~I'IEI.

r La' I \i~ht'• (;Jmr•l '.l'inn<'l'> ut 1;,,1 :tdtt', \lix·

r1l BotJ>pit'l \1'<'1'"

Skip---.1. E. BtoliPr. ~latt•- -'lr.<. <;_ llinh~­

Srt'unrl--'lr>. "- \\'ard Lead- --R. (;alla~hrr.

(;RE.\T 1..\KES ~ERif.!i <To-Xight'~ Games)

7--9 Elliolt rs !.a11S. Hallc>tl '' Tillrr. Dunne ys Krnt. Kennedv vs :\lcDonald. Giannoti vs G. Horwood.

9-11 Josephson \'S Baines. Norris vs Wanrn. Burgess vs \\"at~on.

Cart rr ,-, l oup\;md. Cux I'S Bt:llr·r.

\'OTHE Tll<'rr ~rP 'nrr~l !llrm·

brr' 11 hn ha1·r not pi.-k~d UJ• their kr~' of thr lnrk· rrs. l'lr;"r rontart the Srnclar) !Jrfnrl' lhi~ Sat· unl;w .

. \l~n. thrrr art> 'P' rral 'lunr o-rst' uut.•laurliu~. Thr'r arr oht ainrrl rrom I he Steward.

TBE JtiGRT TRACK-Lt. Irvin (Bob) Robertson k on the classic as the thing to do. i • , I A week before the game ali un-. LICE:"'SE CABLES

- rlJht track wttll this form. He used It to break Jeue Owen• 1 sold tickets in the eight ot~er pro · OTTAWA I CP I - Legislation , • , 1 cities will b~ returned to \"anron· empowering the federal g01·ern-

i U-yelr·old Indoor broad jump record at 29 91-1 • : wr for sate. That will bt• an im· ment to iiern~ under<nas cables 1 CONTINENTAL-World's Heavyweight Cbampion Ingemar provement on•t· th_e 19.i8 gam.e, eame. into effect Tuesday. Th~

. . I he;~. when thPs: llckets 1rerl'n I' step ·~ und~r~tood to have been Johansi!On sJiflrtS the continental look wearing Umted Nahons at·, s'npp!'rl here nnhl the rim· bpfore takPn m ~nftrtpafton of .-a. start on

· thP ~:am<'. conslrcrclton o~ a PHctfrc cahle

I tire when he announced he would box U.N.

~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_ Gv~ Skip. •

exhibitions In the. Thr _:amr' will br ,, bu.in""· iinkin~ Canada witb Au,tralia 'boom lor tills eity with ll}Ol'e than and :oiew Zealand.

: !'t'-

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: .. -~ .~ .~~~-~

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'-'· ··. :ot.; I I \ ', ~•,;

- ~ ~· (•

. -<_ •• :) •: ....


St. Bon's Make Finals Defeat Feildians 6-4


Daily News Sports Editor 1

St. Bon's wUI face St. Pat's in the Boyle Trophy finals. The Bluegolds broke out in the third period last night at . the Stadium Mid went on to finish the semi-final action with a 8·4 victory over the Feildians. After winning thr senlies' opener 10-1, St. Bon's had Feild coming back to take the second meeting S-2. A 6-4 overtime win in the third meeting set the stage for the final fixture last night.

Stan Breen moved the Feildians out front 3·1 early in i the second period with a pair of ·tallies "ithin ll seconds ' and his third marker late in the third frame had it 6-4. Bill ' ~lartil\ got the other Feildian marker.

Dave Barrett broke out to score twice for St. Bon's while "Rifle" Redmond, Ted Gillies, Noel Sparrow and Fr<tnk Power notched single gonls for the six totul.


Junior Caps Leave Todav

• The St. John's Junior

Capitals will leave by train dinner time to-day for Grand Falls and the Provin· dal Junior Hockey fiuiR. They'll meet th~ Jays in a best of three games ~erin at the Papertown Stadium. The first game of the ser·

les Is set for Friday night with the second fixture slated for Saturday night. If the series goes the limit the ;~eclding game will be played on Monday night. The Capitals won the Pro­

~inrial Ju11ior Crown and the Veitch 1\femorlal Tro· phy for the past two sea· sou over (irand r lis Jays in straight games.

Avalon Bowling The encounter was even at 1-1 after the first period

and tied at 3-3 goinp; into the third. Seven penalties were . LAST :'liiGHT'S GA:I-It:S h d h b h STAN BREEN lAVE BARRETT J.ions:-3

caller! in the fast, nr • ittinp; ut scrappy enronnter wit R. Efford 167 143 Hll-501 four of them ,including a ten minute misconduct, to Doug ---------·-· ------·- L. Burgess 210 169 196-575 Squires. going to Feildinn.~. Pee W~e·. L. churchill 125 125 125-375

Both teams came up with' L. Churchill 184 206 170-560 littiP finisht>d pattern hMke~· 1 686 643 682 2011 but displayed dri1•ing. fast mo\'· · L t I F• t Rabbitts· 0

~~:g t~~tio:.a~~~n~.c~~~·ii~/~~~ I an cas ers R . IrS i·. ~~:~~~- i~~ :~~ ~~~=~~~ open hacker in the second am: . . D. Rabbitts 178 181 19S--557 third periods, the squads mis- By WILSON BUTLER Donny Butler (Ired home an! J. V. Rabbitts 89 108 118-315 sed many f:oulmouth chances un<lSSisted tally for La~casters 535 565 613 1713 and added to plentr o[ rod~·· Randy Williams grabbed a at 3.25 of the hrst penod and I checks this had the excitement pass from Brian Murphy and this goal stood up until Wil· Racnons:-l at it> be>t. banged home a nice goal for liams got the deadlocked spoil- E. Furlong 150 150 150-450 '

Bill )!arlin brPke from just Jets with thirty seconds remain· ing a shutout bid by Haynes in' L. Furlong 125 125 12;,-375 outside his own blu~line alter ing in the lone game of Pee the Lancaster nets. A. Anrlrrws 94 113 104_311

l'nterreptin2 a B'ue•old pass Wee hockey at the Stadium This afternoon Troopers Hike B " ~31 187 ?O" "?7 .. • f 4 h'l R .... er('er " • "-u-and dro\·e down thP ri~ht si.ie. )'l'slerday afternoon to have his on In antry at .30 w • e c- 600 575 588 1763 .-\,; he got deep into the St. ;quad tie Lancasters 1·1. pul~e meet Magnificent at 5.15. · Caribnus:-O


Bon's zone. ~lartin fa',ed a tun~ The one point gained by Lan· Friday at 4.30 Black Watch will c. Howse J:ll 150 11n_400 , and caught lhe top lei\ corner ::tsters moved them out front in ch1sh with Commandoes. Tht• S. Bishop 97 88 ll7-302\ from 15 feet. .he Air Force divisiokn 1hdth ·~\·•;.mes on SaturrlayR wil11 ha\·e1 S, Avery 72 122 R6_ 2901

•·Rifle"' Redmond got St. .-even points. Jets too I elr' lclOI'~' meeting epu se a w Snelgrore 129 195 121-445; Bon·; even at 1-1. He grahhecl single point but remained in. 8.00 a.m. and r\elson will go 429 5;5 453 1437:

.~ot;L :,.•.-\KIIlJ\1 f · ' . t V d l 8 45 • a loo.;e puck and cut o\·er the fourth place on our pomts. Pgdms anguar a . a.m. '

;~~:~d b:~e~,i~~i~nt:~ef~~;l o~·i~;~ ~~Iii~; .. f~~:pl~:.v;i~a~~~,\~s 1~~~ ,,--L-a-st---G·-··am-e--1-n -----F--~··n-a--ls. --E--X·-·~---c·t--e· -d E. T~~~~-:~3-= 236 259-7111

Jll:'-11' lHLL-\\'ith tht• ,cure dml' in thl' '"rom\ half ol tlw smldcn·dl!_atb plal'nlf )!:illllt' in St'ninr llh:h Sdwol Ha,kl'lhall. yt•sterday aftc~·noc~n. _Bob Squtrel (white unilonnl t:m·s up hut j, stopped lor a Jlllllp h;~ll h,· B11l Chmtensen and Charll's J)irkt•rsnn ol l't•ppt'!Tl' l1 11 hill' Ct•or)!r Bh·chm-k nf tl~r ~<'pprrs "atchcs at left. St. Pat's won a thriller -lli--l;j on n fn·e throw h~· Sctmres. .

!Capitol Photo Sernce) ·----Feild cage and nipped the far -"'oel Sparrow. All four players .1. Moakler 168 130 174-472 top corner with !he puck going turned in great two-way 4lames • S. Revnold~ 180 125 247-552 in and ri,:ht out again. while Len Coughlan was tops I CI"vil Servi·ce Next Wednesdav '.1. Re;·nolds 150 150 150-450

Feildians prote,ted that no on defence. , .; 714 641 830 2185 ~ool had bern ~rored hut re· Stan Breen sparked the FPild- l'oxes:-0 !erre Gordon Duff ruler! _a score ian attacks with Don Yetman ThP final !lame in the rt>gular 1 Th¥ Ro~·Ie Troph~· finals · H. Grant 123 142 251-516 and handed Doug Sqmres of, and Dave Hatten also bein~ ~chedule of Cil·i~ Scn·ice Hoc. I between Sl. Pat's and St. R. Thomas 97 182 140-419 Fr1irl. 1 _ten mmutr m1sco1Hiuct dangerous. On defence, Bill, kr\' League will he plared at' Ron's are e~pected to open D. Thomas 165 160 127-452' for m:mn~ the pomt too ~tren-. ~lllt'lin came up ~·i~h his b~st lth~ Prince of Wales Ar;na to·' nrlll Wednesday night. E. Thomas 154 150 150-450 1 PEPPEHin;u, Mr.. :\fld 2 unu<'•. ·l!~me of the sem1-flnals .. wh1lc ni~ht startin!( at 7.00. with ~len- With threrc members of 535 634 668 1837, \larc·h -- Ainn~n Fir> I l'l"'' ,.. ... • > ...... ,,.,~.w~11"'"1!1'i!' N~v llrndrrson was the1r top tal racing off against Fishrrirs- St. Ron's on the Junior K~n:(arnos:-3 I.Jn!n: L. l'rrr~hl n. nf I h•· ~~;1 h

drfrnm·r pla,1·er. CNR. ('apital•, a rest will he C. Ro~rrs 2~0 !97 157--604 Fighter lntrrr·cplor ~qu:~dron . ~lrrv ~rrrn .was. the big co~: The !(arne i~ a rrsrhrdulrrl gh•en thrc tram brlore thr .1. Elliott 131 185 162--478 ·at Thule Air r.~,r. (;rrrni:IIHI. Ill_ the _st.- Ron s l'iclor)' wheel. I contest of .Jan. 21. whrn both finals npen, .L Phillips 226 163 248-637: is hradrd for Boil in~ Air Forer H1s 1mlhant stops on Marlin 1 clubs were sent from the icc in The two teams will lm·k , f'. Phillips 102 199 151-452' Basr. \\'a~hinglnn. ll.C.. •.rhrrr and Brern. in the third perind J the second period when a fight horns in a best of fil·e 709 744 718 2171' he will rlefrnrl hi> hanlam-were the b1g plays or the night broke out with the score 3.3 games series for the crown , Wolve~:-0 wri~ht tillr in Apl'il Ill lhr and .he came up with several\ Both clubs ha\•e split 'the St. Bon's will be out tor , A. Hussey 195 132 207-534· t:nitrrl Statr~ Air J'orcP hn~:iw' other great grabs over the

1 eight points played for over the their 27th 1\'ln on the hio:- B. Hussey 141 242 132-515 championship.

route. 1schedule so far, Fisheries won torlc award, wbile the Iribh ~ J,. LeGrow 151 129 134-414' Airman CerrQhin i> 2~ )ear> ·


the opening encounter of the wiU be out for their first. i E. LeGrow !50 120 117-387, of a~~- weights 112 Jhs .. and h~s I season 6·3. Since then however. I 637 623 590 1850 1 an overall record of 72 fi~ht:-l the Mental squad have looked 1 Wlldcats:-3 I with 56 wins and 16 lo>sr.<. llr like a better team, tying two T G 1 1 B. Driscoll 160 181 245-586! won the Air Force title in l!l:i7

i 2·2 and 3·3, while setting the WO ames n ~B. Driscoll 162 156 179-497 1 and again in 1959. He won his

Will Defend Uantam Title

Exhibition On Salu~da~· Night f'I:Jl" ~rr hrinc m;lflr to ha•:r

lhr !lrll i,lanrl ::irn1ol' All Sl;1r hrwkcy lram mrrt a ~1. .lnhn\ Senior .-\1\-SI:tr >qll.1fl ;>I thr Sl~r\ium nn SMurd~:· ni~ht 1\'ith lhr .luniur (';!pitals 111

(;,·anrl Fall• tlw C'1ty tr;~m i> unknown ;~I thr prr,rnt limr

Brrrnl praclic~' for the Srn inr Cap;l<ll;; hHr failed lr rlraw a fnll tram. Lea~ur l'rewlrnt, .Jim Vimcomhr. tolrl thr ()ail~· Xe\\s last night th~t

a fin:.! announcement on the game is rxpc~ted later to-day.

Practice Corner I Fisheries-CNR team back with

1 1 ~1. Driscoll 194 241 260-695 i firs! fi:;:ht at the a~c of 14 and

a 5-4 decision two weeks ago. HCAA T 1 D. Driscoll 121 146 232-499 wcr- the Fort Kaynr. lndiann. St. Bon's senior hnc''''Y tram A win for Fisheries·CNR to· 0Untey 637 724 916 2277 · G1·)~rn Glorcs L'hnmpinnship in ll'i\1 hold :111 importan', vrJc'i<:r

\night_ will g~ve _them. the l?P !\loose:-0 1!1~2. at 1\w Forum to-ni~hi. Thr spot 111 the c1rcmt. wh1le a v~c- Tonight at the Holy Cross A. Piercey 150 1~0 150-450 .\irman Cl'rr~hin i< frnm D<'· drill i' srt fr,r j o'd••l'h. :>nd tory for th~ Ment~l team wl.ll gym two games in the srmi· H. Piercey 160 12B 253-541 fi~nec. Ohio. and is lhr ''"' of all pia_,.,,,., ar" r<"tll">lr:l t" move them mto a f1rst place lie finals will be played in the H :11. Crowther 177 156 189-522 \\ :!linm l'erc~lnn. profes>ional' m;1kr a >prt'lal cfiNl In a<·

Stan Breen banged home two I with RCAF. The Mental squad I c A A b k tb 11 t t ·. K. Crowther 97 113 86-296. f1~hlrr 1n thr mHI-wr>t. lrn'l l I f

. . . . as e a ournamen . , " 6 1809 -- · KN ' n 11 ~econds o the first i howe~er, w1l~ grab the bye into 1· The first game will see Holy .. ?584 54, 67 I

BILL )1.\R'li,,

' Czechs Defeated Wl\I>SO!l. Ont. - Ctecho­

>lorakla·.< Ol;·mpir hnckey trail! 111 ,.;c a fri'k)· Canadian debut. \l"rdncsda;· n1;ht but wa~ df'· l•-:11rd 8··1 hy Windsor Bulldo;~ of the Ontario Hockey Alisocia· lion Senior A rircuit.

Thr ~<>mP. \\'ilncssed by 1 poor lurnout nf 2.67.~ eustom­rr: .. was the f1rst of a six-gam~ 1om of Ontario by the Czech team on ilo; way home from the ., · · · ',·ymiJic.; where it finish· cd fom·th.

The next contest will be Fri· day night in Toronto against the Whitby Dunlops.

Agreement )!IL\\'AUKEE - AP - The

)1ilw<>ukcc Bra,·cs Wednesday announced that agreement had hccn reached "'ith Felix ~!an­I ill:> h;· tclrphonr on contract lenn> for lq60. lea1·ing sever pl;tyrrs still u~,i~nrcl.

minute of the middle !ramP to I I he !mats wllh a greater goals Cross plav Guards at 7 00 P m 1 Leopard•.-~ t.~1r Feild leading 3-1. Dave 5cored for average. 'i The Crus~ders could m~ve i~l~. W. Guzzwell 148 186 139-473 1 Batten centered to Don Yetman ' ; th r 1 'f th · . h R Guzzwell 1i7 212 135-524 with Breen driving the rebound 1 !_ , Also at stake is lbe goalie I e. ma 5 1 e~ Win tomg 1 s · cari~r !92 234 224--fi50' from Yetman's blast behind 1; 1 award. with .the two top conten· while a. Guards wm would cause,~:. carter 1Q8 208 \86-592: Merv Green. Len Coughlan was ·. kJ. .. ders In action. Bill Robson in _the sene~ to go the full three 715 840 684 22391

It's lig"ltt! It's satisf)·ing! th t f F' h · NR' , games. I off on a crosschecking penalty ' e ne s or IS enes-C has 1 J,ynx:-1 .

at the time. : MER\' GREEN 43 goal~ scored against him in I St. Pat's and Mac Curtis will i J. Bel bin 201 115 216-532: Breen was back 11 seconds Pl~yin.g between the pipes ,.,.. 14 . gam:s for a. 3.07 average, 1 clash in the second fixture set • B. Boone 143 115 14~03,

later with a nice solo effort. He ~·eild, John Carter also perf or· While ~11 opposing cage cop, I for ~-15_ p.m. Both squads have· F. Burgess 188 164 160-512 · took the puck from a Blue gold , med, well. He made his top Fra_nk Sh~a ~as 33 goals scored I a wm 111 the best two out of G. Cunningham pass at the St. Bon's line and i moves in the second period and agamst him Ill 10 games for a three games series, with the 132 162 199-493 broke on the left side. He deck·! rob~rl Bob MacKenzie and Ted 3·30 average. clincher on the line tonight. 664 556 720 1940 ed Green and drove the puck Gillit. s from in close. I 1 1

home from five feet. f ST. BON'S: Go a 1: Merv 0VItatlon1

Ted Gillies got St. Bon's 1 Green; Defence: Len Coughlan, • close at 3-2. b~t he d~d~'t know I Tom' "City"' Murphy, Bill Gil· he \\:as scor1ng. ~1lhcs was lies, ,Joe Slaney, Bern Myrick; St p t' E ~ • breakmg for the ··el.ldians cage Forw:ards: Ted Gillies, Noel a s ven --em1es· when Bob MaeK!'nzle centererl Spurrow, Bob MacKenzie. Dave, • ~ ' the puck behind the ~oal and it. Barritt, Frank Power, "Rifle" deflectrd off Gillie's skate for Redmond. Damien R~·an, Eric D M c t• 3 the tally. . . . I St. George, Tom "Island" Mur- ro p a c u r Is 4 31

Dave Barrett h1t for h1s f1rst: phy. • • of two markers to have St. FEILDIANS: Goal: John Car· Bon's ev~n at 3-3 after the se- ter; Defence: Nev Henderson, cond period. Frank Power drop- Bill Martin, Carl Brown, Dodo BILL CONNOLLY IS TOP SCORER ped the puck back to Barrett Br~en, Doug Woolgar· For· S • d d and he fired a kneehigh blast wards: Stan Breen, Bud Duffett, t. Pat 5 ea locked their HCAA Invitation Basketball over John Carter's outstretched Doug Squires, Don Yetman, Tourney semi-finals by taking a 34-31 victory over Mac-body. " . .. Dave' Batten. George Philips, Curtis last night. The MacCurtis entry won the opener

Tom. Cit)· Mur~hy broke I Ralph Rowsell, Chum Piercey, of the semies over the Irish 40-38. from h1s own zone, ftred a shot 'Graham Martin. • The two te~ms are meeting in a· best of three games as he crossed the Feild line and Referee: Gordon Duff. ser1e;; for the r~ght to enter the finuls against the winner when it deflected to the right LiilesmeJI: Peter Duffy and o. f the Guards-Holy Cros.s semies. Bill Connolly, Irish plav .• of the cage, he moved quickly Jack Reardigan. h d to drop It back to Dave Barrett SUMMARY mg coac ' neUe 12 pomts to he the top scorer last night. for the third period goal that First Period: 1. Feild, Bill The Irish evened the series ~--·-put St. Bon's out front to stay. Martin, 8.117; 2. St. Bon's, at 8 game apiece, but they shots in order to get the ball Barrett hit on the left side "Rifle" Redmond, '15.111. Penal- had a hard uphill battle to near the basket with the Irish from four feet. tics:, Duffett, 4.32, Squires win to stay In contention for full court press worki to

Noel Sparrow got whal prov- ( miscomluct ), 111.15, Barrett the Invltal!onal. honours. pcrlcction. ng • The llfacCurt1s team scored c · 1 ·

ed to be the winning tally. Merv 18.01; Coughlan, 19.58. the first basket pf the l(ame. ontmual Y gomg all out _up Green was brilliant as he stor· Second Period: 3. Feild, Stan St. Pat's retaliated t f th and down the court the Trlsh ped Bill Martin eold on a break Breen, (Don Yetman, Dave 0 le c 1 slowly but surely ed!!ed closf'r and the puck went to Bob !ilac· Batten), 0.26, 4. Feild Stan score only seconds later. About until they finally broke out Kenzie who carried It out and Breen, 0.37, 11. St. Bon'~ Ted seven minutes later MacCurtis front for 'the first time in the

• lead 17·2 and looked as If they fed Sparrow a forward pass to Gillie!, (Bob MacKenzie), 6.49, were goinl( to walk away with game at 20·18 when Tom Angel have him break in alone. Spar- 6. St. Bon's, Dave Barrett, the contest. mad!! an easy layup on the BILL CONNOLLY row moved around Carter for a (Frank Power), 10.37. Penal· The fighting Gre n d G ld sconng end of a fast break. s.3 game. ties: B. Gillies, 2.07, s. Breen, 1 t t • J e an ° From then on It was all Pa· pace the, Mac Curtis scorers

Green made his second bril· 19.04. qu n e "ere ust gettln~ OJ· tricians with l\facCurtis trying with nine points, seven of liant stop of the night, minutes Third Period: 7. st. Bon's, ganlzed and applied a full · to get back Into the game but which came in the final half after tile goal by Sparrow, when Dave Barrett, (Tom "CI"ty" Mur- coulrtt prfelss that hampered the the Irish defence didn't give of the game when the United

Un ed ve the rest of the en· an Inch and held the' 1 d . 1 he bloeked Stan Breen on a phy), 3.33, 8. St. Bon's, Noel counter 1r ea un team was he d to only 13 eenter ice break. Sparrow, (Bob MacKenzie), At lh~ half the Irish closed til the final whistle. points.

Frank Power tipped the puck 11.02, 9. St. Don't, Frank Power, the big gap slightly but still MacCurti~ was called for 13 The Butler brothers, Boyd ahead and then coasted In on 12.117. 10. Feild, Stan Breen, trailed 18•7 t the open! f or the games 24 personal fouls anti Frank of MacCurtis, shar· tLe F•lld AI" 1 f th (DOU" Sq 1 B d D ff t th a ng 0 by referees George Sorensen ed a dozen points between a ~ • Ae a one or e • u re1, u u et ) e second session. and Robin Short. st. pat's hit

sixth St. Bon's score. He faked 17.111. Penalties: Duffett, 6.113.' When the teams reversed for a half 8 dozen charity them, eleven in the big first Cart•r and t d hi f STOPS ld half when the United were at • wen aroun m or s es to continue the game tosses while their opponents the tally. GREEN: .......... 9 111 12 36 they apparently reversed the made five. their best.

With leu than ~~ minute• CARTER: ... "• ... Cl 13 11 30 breaks In the game, that soon ' St. Pit's: BIII Connolly 12, •u.,.... th 1 Tom Angel 9, Don Pearce 8,

·remain in& In tht &arne Stan I saw lr e Ir sh breathing down Bill Connolly was the big Steve Angel 5, Bernie Mar-.lieen fired his third ~~ th OTl'AWA (CPJ - ~ Senate the necks as they edged man In the come back drive shall, Dave Ryan, Dick Ma· nl"ht to h 11 8-4 B d D ff e health commit!• Wednesday ap- closer and closer. with his extra fine rebounding 1 1~1d O:,v~ S ir u flu e~ proved a bill to Incorporate the The first half saw the Patrl. chores for thj! Irish and eight ;::~~tt~oug Clancey, 'Bernie Squirel 111 uBree~u es f 0 ~n Colle&e of General Practlc~ of clans do every thing but put second half points. Guard, riJ)It eorn r bl

1 up or 1 ow Canada, formerly an assoclaUon the ball throu1h the hoop as Don Pearce playing his first I M1cCurtis: Joe Rodgers 9,

. It Bon•: wen~• ~lh 1 0 11

called the College of General the ball was tossed up one side game for the PatriCians also . Stan Brown 7, Frank Buller for • t

1 lh . ht w d nel Practice (medicine I of Canadl. It and down the other. turned In a good game to help ' 6, Boyd Butler 6. Morley Ford

mo• o e nil an mov· I~ to be known ln French as Le The same fate went to the St. Pat's toward their drive 3, Clayton Collins, MauriL"e

toed tdhe

11r playThen from forw1r~ 1 ColleJe de Medecine Generale du MacCurtls team in the second [ toward~ the finals. 1· ~Iattin, Henley Moores, Doug

t ence. ey &at I fine Canada. half II they had to hurry their Joe Rodl!en ~ontlnuert to YP.tm~n.

r_,..... --·

Ale FREE HOME DELIVERY ST. JOHN'S: Phone 7345 or 6359 GANDER: K. J. Griffin ltd., Phone 894 GRAND FALLS: Bond Beveroges ltd., Phone 2146. JeLL ISLAND: Tom Murphy, Phone 2186




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For Stov• Oil .. and Fuel Oil Phone 7 469 or 3007 Dis Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd. 1.00-Newa In a Ulnute. 8.01-llut from the Weal. 8.30-Natlonal Newa. US-Beat from the We1t. 1.00-Newa HiPIIIhtl. 0.03-111 Six Proaramme. U~Niid. Soiree. 0.03-BII Six ProJrllll. 1.15--Nfid. Stirn. 1.30-Chapel by the tide sf

the ROad. t.4&-Doaeo 'Newa. lO.~New1 Hi1hli1ht1. 10.01-Hiafl Adventure. 10.»-Newa. 10-46-Sporb. 10.11~Mualc In the Ni1ht. 11.00-Newa Hllh111hll. 11.01-Murie bt the Nlfl\1. li.~NIWI Rllhlllhll. 12.01-MUIIe in the Nl1ht. 12.30--New•. 11.36-Muaie In tflt Nieht. 1.00-Newa. 1.00-Queen and Sirn Off.

l Jacoby I


By OSWALD JACOBY . "When better defensive pla~·s ·

are made, I'll make !item." !aid the unluck~· expert. "But it won't do me any good. My par· tner will be there to nullify i them." I

The unluckr expert had .every riaht to 1ound a trifle bittPr. 1

He had opened the king of spades and shifted to the queen· of cubs. This club shirt should have beaten tile hand and was: the only lead that eould beat it,'

----------~but &3 the unlucky expert uid, VOUS his partner was there to fix

TRUU • .him. ____ o., ... .,v.,,.;Miiila;;r,;;;eh;;.;l_• : South drew trumps and tried

A.M. I the ~iak~ond fidnesshe. It 111osEt tot

East s mg an t en a as · IUlO-Suudial needed to do was to lead a low i

11.36-NtWI club to let his partner in, but 7.00-Newa East had no desire to play part· 7.30-New~o 1 nership defen~e. He cashed hi>

"'uft, aftJbody oan cook, Charlie! All you ,ot to dl It play your hunoheel"

1.00-Breakfast Club. 8.30-Gaylen Drake 1.00-lt Happened lalt ni1ht

10.00-Coffee Time 11.00-Turn Back the Clock 11.30-Proll'am Twelve

NOllTH .87 ¥KJH

17 !


12.45--FI!herman's Foreut

112.50-Ramblinl with Itecorda l.l~Sportaeast

__ T;.:H;,;t;.;'I;;,;S;.:D;;,A;.;Y-.,,;Miiila;.;r.;;;d.;..;1 1__ 1.20-Ramblin& with Rtcordl

'7.30-CBC Newa 7.35-Top Of The :Morninl B.~CBC News and Weather 1

8.15--Musical Clock I II.O~:Morninl DevotiDns 1.15--Prolram Preview t.311-Dirtrt Reports I 1.411-Rtcorda at Random

10.00-Archers 1

10.15-Doria Jane~. 19.25-For Con1umers 10.30-Nfld. School Broad~ut 10.45--Cliffs Kitchen. 10.50-MU!ic in the Mornln;. 11.00-To Catch a Falling Star j 11.15--Nfld. School Broadcast 11.45-Sacred Heart Program. 12.00-BBC News 12.10-Annot•ncers Choice 12.15-Farm Broadca1t 12.4.5-!llid Day Serenade 1.00-Doyle Bulletin 1.15-A Love to remember 1.30-CBC New1 and Weather

1.45-BBC Variety. 2.15--Atlantic School Broad·

1.30-Newa 1.4~Pallint Parade (Jobll

Nesbitt) 2.00-J!m Amecht Show. 2.5~News 3.00-Dollan on Parade li.II~New1 4.00-llob'a Bandwa&:on U~Newa 11.00-Bob'a Bandwa1on 15.30-Supper Strtnadt. 1!.50-Filherman'• Fortnat 6.00-Bulletln Board 6.15--Sportscast and Travel·

~:ulde 11.30-Supper Stmade 6.45-News 7.00-Shillelalh Showtim,. 7 .15--ShlllelaJh Show time 8.00-Cream of the Crop 9.45--News

10.00-VOCM All Time Hil Parade

10.30-Eventide Medltatlou 10.45--Sportscast 10.55--News 11.00-Big Top Ten.

i 11.05-Club MD 2.45-Tommy Hunter Show , 1 00-Close Down


3.15--Kindergarten Of The Air · _. ---------3.30-News and Trana Canada ;

Matinee I 4.36-0ttawa Symphony Or·

chestra. 5.00-Concerl Hall. !1.30-Fisherin Broadcul A.M.

CJON 1HUR8DAY1 March 3

5.45-~!usic From The Albums.! 8.30-Bob Lewi1 Show. 6.00-CBC Ntwl.


8.35--Weather Forecast. 6.05--lntermnzo 8.40-Bob Lewia Show. 6.30-Supper Guest 8.45--Httdline NtWI and 6.45-Curtain Time. 8.110-Bob Lewl1 Show, '1.00-CBC NtWI tnd Weather 7.00-News. '7.15--Random Chapttra. 7.011-Bob Lew!• Show. 7.45--Doyle Bulletin 7.11!-Ntwl. '1.30-TOPI Today '1.30-NtWI. 7.4~Doyle Bulletin 7.311-Weatbtr Foncut. 7.15-Muaic:al Pro&ram 7.411-New•. 7.30-Topa Today 8011-Weatber. 7.45--Doyle Bulletin. 8.11--Shlppinll Report. 8.15-Rawhidt 11.20-Bob Lewis Show. 8.30-Mulleal lnterludt. 8.26-Kiddlu Comer. 8.40-~!lnea and Reaoureea 8.30-Newa.

P.M. 12.36-Marell ef Evtntl lU~Sportl Pa&:e 1.00-.Arthur Godfrey 1.25-NtWI 1.45-0pen File. 2.00-At the Movies. 2.l~Couplt N tJt Door 2.30-NtWI 2.3~Panorama 3.30-Newt 3.fs.-Junior Miss 4..00-Spotlirht on a Star UO-Five Star Matinee. !1.00-Word Pla:r 5.30-Newt 11.45.-Checkln' In 5.00-Celebrity Table. 11.30-Cheek!n' In (Cont'd), 8.~Great G!ldertltevt. 1.30-Parallel t.OO-Eac:ape. t.30-Enttrtainment U.S.A.

10.00-Flnal Edition 10.15-Spoftl Final 10.30-Jaek Paar 11.00--Music 'til MidniJbt

t AQJ lOft +15

I WUT · .AKUi2

I ¥3



¥17& +KH +UBU2


lOUTH CD) • QJ104 ¥AQ10S2 • 93

.+AlO Both vulnerable

ltulll w.n :Nerlll l!ut 1¥ 1• 3¥ Pass 4 • Pass P1u Pa1s

Openbll1•d-• K : ..... --=~~~ ~lll~: uo cmlls ana nad no spjides to lead. South got rid of his last three apadea on dummy's diamond1.

I can't bllme the unlucky ex· pert for being agi!'ieved. His shift to !he queen of clubs at trick two had been brilliant in· deed. 1

Card Sensei Q-The bidding has been: I

Nfld Sk• East South West Narth 1

. 1es ~~~8 2?• Pass 4• 1

By BAILEY R. FRANK I You, South, hold: I THURSDAY, Mareh 3 .II ¥K Q 9 7 5 .3 2 +!• Q 10914!

Sunset today, ~:49 p.m.; Sun. What do you do? . j

rise tomorrow, 8:36 a.m.; Moon· A-P111 •r ~ld 111 hearts. set tomorrow 12:15 a.m. Firat The sill heart h1d Is a a:amblt1

Quarter Mareb 5


but U you are slam minded this Prominent Stars 1.-.o time for super·sclenre.

Sirius, due 1outh 7:~7 p.m.. TODAY'S QUESTION This, the bri«htest star is alao ' East opens one 1pade. You, a double. It has 1 dim 'compan. South, hold: ion and tbey revolve around •K H • A Q 6 5 + K 3 2 +K 10 :; their common eenter of ;ravlly What do you do? even· &a years. Answer TomorrDw

TIDES ~ilh ll :18 a.m. 11:37 p.m. ; Tral'e! clothes are on the soph·

aw ~:33 a.m. 5:42 p.m. i8ticated side thia aeason. De· 1

1 nim becomes eleiant ina Chane!· thTite .Burns check, a tribute to type, brass-buttoned suit with B • tmmortaJ ~ard, Robert a red and white striped· s!lirt.

urns, l1 Scotland s newest ad· I Sheath! are •traight and c o m e ~~t!~n te ll!f fabric scene. The I 'll'ith matchinJ eoats or jacket!. tSllft CDnlltta of a bliick and Even the CiiPI! shows up with

;hltt ahtpherd check with a hod· 1 some sheath skirts to and that en lrty treen overcheck. gentle touch of sophistication.

Pro&ram. 8.40-Bob Lewis Show. M~-Weather for Marintrt. 8.115--JUit a Minute. I I 9.00-Medltation. 9.00-Newa, Nippon 9.30-Soundinp, !I 05-MUJle for Mllliona.

10.00-Citlzen• Forum. 11.20-Jerry Wl11lns Siow. ... ••• CJOII---,-Jiavert.J---..1 10.00-Goon Show. 11.55--Cllflla Kitchen. BlinD 11.00--Jau Work1hop. 1000-Newa Hl;hlJcbtt. '1.~" :Aim bone 11.4~C.BC National News, 10.01-Martln'• Corner. p;r;;. (prtllx)

Roundup and Winter 10.30-The RiJht to Happintll. • t111111011a~ •hllq ctlve 12.00-Sign off-0 Canada-The 10.311-Natlonal News. u...-.~ 711eply (&b.)

Queen. 10.55-Houaewive~ Cholet. llltftr• IMtr pot:

11.00-MUilc for Relaxlna. ~:= _. 1:=:::, YOCM 11.01-The Rev. Matthews. 11 .... ~ t11tGa~ 11.30-News. ....,_. ~~a .. A UCIJII

11.3~Nfld. Quiz. 11 ~ lt Jf'otloDJ 11 C:11111drin~l THURSDAY, Mareh S

11.30-Newa and Weather 11.35-Breakfut Wilb Bill. 6.55--N ews 7.00-Breakfaat with B11 7.30-NtWI and Waterfront

Directory 1.35-Breakfast with Bill 'l.I!5-Newa . 8.00-Torbay Weather 8.05-Brnldast with BUI 8.2~Newa 1.30-Hit Tune of tbt Day 8.33-Sportlnst 8.40-.Breakfast wltb Blll 8.1111-NeWI 1.00-Mornlnl Date t.16-Linda11 Firat Love UO-MornlnJ Date

10.00-Newa 10.01-Stork Club 10.111-Jim Ameehe Show 10.115--NtWI. 11.110-Jim Ameehe Sho"' 11.15-Welttrn Jamboree 11.11-NtWI. P.M. t'!.~Wuterl\ Jamboree.

·-Nen -Rambllna· with Record•


11.4~Wtto•1 That SlnJiDI? :n:- 2Uaclreltllllltlt 11Caplt11 ot 12.00-Newa Hi;hllibb. 11 ;;;i., """ 2t~ICOfiiPIIIhtd Ja,.. 12.01-Town ancl Country. •:...•'• · ::~;:::: ~~ 12.30-Newa. 16 ....._1!!11 27Laek ot....,.na!Ytrla 12 33-T d C •- U -.-...,.e aolt 28 Plaatlc - ....... . own an otlnw 1 • li'7Drab.-ICI' Jn.-Aiellt 41;~-1.00-Newa. , ltent•n •- ......,_ 1.06-Weather Foreea!l. I ~2Whole 1.15--News. -.1111Pt'• boll 1.311-Don Jamieson's Editorial. II Tallon' i!'0111 14 18'1'nem111UZM . O-S ports. 171lqle fGa4 ot lrr+-+-i

1.40-Sporta. u• eeat~r 1.45-Art Baker's Notebtok. ..,._ 2.00-NtWI Hilhlllhl.ll. :"*~ 2.03-Je1'l'J WIJIIIII Show. tl=,.~ 3.00-Newa HlchllJbtl. 4 ._..-3.01-Weatern Jamboree. .:,.., talel •. 00-N ewa. 11 Oldiut ot 4.01-Ranch Party. thll eeuDIIJ' 5.00-Newa. sa Lew 5.01-Bob Lewl1 Dance Party. II At tllal ttae 1!.55--Doublemint Show. IHt':::,' 8.00-Newa. IS JC!ahtwqe •••1-1-8.01!-Bulletin Beard. Ill~ 8.10-Natlonal News. IT•Jin ...... 6.215--News. ,._ 6.30-Ciub 83. IQiftf 7.~Newa. ! larl11 7.01-Club 113. • EaJll•' . .....

17.30-Newa. 7.4~Den Jditton'a Newa .












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STOCK MARKETS r ---------1 father's old friend, and Erica ~~i~':!. ~~ :~o/o ~J: ~~:;:I I II Neuler (Taina Elg), daughter Alumn 1274 $3()1; 3tw. 301\1• - .. I c • t I ' · · H Alum2 pr 780 142 ~l'!lo ua;. + ~~ apt 0 l of a slain miSSIOnary, arry Anr T 41!1 p •S Pit> 381> m;


I 11

· Quarter,main finds himself LL Lae 1101 18.1 115 us +It Dynamlo 1100 1() Uf 1!9 -4 ~~":tos ~:; :2~-,.. il~: it' - lo '[ N PI . I , neck-deep in perilou! ad-

Toronto \:::~:~: Wtl l~ ~ 2~ ~ +1 ~;r~!.w ~ ~~ ~ ~~ -5 ~~r·s s~:r~. ~~ ~~~I> ~~.. ;~., I I ow aymg I i ventures. l.ou,·lcl 11100 6 8 ' + I> Homo 011 A 8.\70 eso I7S !105 -1!1 llonk Mont 53 !50 497o ~~'·- '•I I• ' The trio is saved trom l

TORONTO CLOSING ~TOCK~ Ly•dhll 1101 HI> 141> 14~ Homo ou B 1945 M; 115 m -5 Bon- NS 47;; $54 631> &I + t, • I charge of hostile Kaluana na-Toron~J S~k c~;~~::~~u:rrh 2 , ~':.,~.. 151: 2~ ~ ~ ~u~~l G :~ ~l~ tll 1lJ :,ri' ::~~~: ~ ~~ m ;~ ~~ Ctmis~t ~ m• br r,,.k Mtr, Di•to•l,tn ., NIA s.,;.,, he. "W.UUSI" IN Lives only by setting fire to I

·-~~·~~~~-· != ~·~.~~~:m~":'"~~~E:: I.::~~~ :;:, .~ I~ 1~ +I k:':.::.•lilt = .~ I~ li~ :: :::r :h:..o8 3i~~ :ll11 ~~: ~:;:: :: l'HE STORY: Phil Bokker 'barroom. I COLOR bridge. which also sets aflame "'h'•· w-E•-warrant•.> Mad••• 1100 305 300 3011 1111•••• - 411 ... 48 . II . Bowa1 5pr<d 22u stN u <2 - '" surprises awoman searchln& 1 The place was doing 1 thril'·' a huge area of the African

Srt M••••l 510tt 9\lo ''" ~ + 1> Mill city 31100 21 21 21 Bowat ~V..•d 2) U7 47 47 veldt, resulting in the stampede ~•••k ~ .... Hrh L .. l•n Ch'r• 1 Malortlc 110 to to to Nal Poto 3011 2U 21! 215 -It I Bowa\er Ppr 219:. $9'• 9'• ""' ·- '' • his room In Raytown, Mo., ·inn buoiness. Several card games • A drama im·olving ad1·en·

MIS'ES Man ... l u 2100 s s & 11 cont 2000 2~ 25 2! Bow Mer pr 40 547 47 47 , I•, where he Is seekinlli lnforma· i w:re in progress and a half· filmed in Tcchnicolor of tens of thou5amls of terrifierl Ab•••• lll'loo 31 3o 31 • 1 1 MoraiJo 1~ 141't 11'1 w; ~~ N SUporlor mo sa 57 57 -3 I Brazil z;5 Hn m uo ·; . lures, nim·Is among them zebras. Arad rron woo a • ' !tlarron 20011 In t t -1 sorthcal lllotl 11 11 11 BA ou xd 1610 $29'i 291> 29•; lion about survlvln& mem· ·dozen men stood at the bar. against a pano-drama of the 3 '1 · • Aduw••• 2,,., 2!15 :tll9 2!15• '9 I' Moritlmo ~IJIO Ill 18 to -1 NC Oil• :zoo 250 :150 ~~~ --~ BeE 4\o pr Ju J37'• 37'• 37'•- '< bers of Quantrell's guerilla Tll'o or three wore wrinkled \11.ld life. lribHI warfare and i.Juff~lo, impala. hyenas and Alho •:•pi tlftll 1 s !tlortln 2500 3! 31 :14 NCO wlo 11011 15 I! til ~% I Be Pnwor HI! $32~• ll'• :U'•- ,.. ' 2 iraffes. In later sequences the~· AIJom w.;o 9~5 913 915 Matal•h 1noo R a 1 011•1•• 1110 46 ••flo• DC Phon• 21 su 43 43 ' raiders followins the Civil white liUits and had mir.t juleps jungle dangrrs of Africa. in _a ~ """"" 2.111(1 ~2 60 10 -I ' !tlrlntyr• sas 124'1 Z41o :M'• + 'l Peru•· ou. 1000 113 91 93 -JJ Brown 613! U4 13 1310 + ••' , 1•11 frOIJt of them. face the onslaught of lions and An•ll 31100 191, ., 19 I ~!ellen 1&500 21 21 21 Pelrol 5100 " • 95 - Build Prod :Ill $31'• 31 Jl'• , '·•: War. Bokkrr was unjustly search for hidden treasur~ IS panthers and the wrath of a ArJon 3lt•u R ! R ' McMar 11000 810 a I Petrol 5200 Ill t1 t! -1 srockvlll• pr 750 110'> IO'• ID'o + '• accused of having partlclpat- ' Bill Grayson stood at the bar, unfolded in ~!G~I's new film. A .\rradi• ot:iO 46 42 ~~ -1 I \1r\\'al 5100 411, 10 411• Plarr »oo '12 70 71 Can Cem .1M S29'• 211''z 29'" T "' 1' I r lh . ' h \1 t herd of elephants. one of whici1 All r t'"P 1tcn l6n 11" 1.;• -·7 Montor IUOO m; t5•> "!• -1 Ponder 100 11 11 18 -1 can c•m pr 25 •~•·• z;<, 2;•, , '•; ed in one of Quantrell's raids, in a It! e group o re~. wmc "Watusi," starring George . on · th 1 d d Alhn·R•f JtlOO to•, 10.., lu•, ' '' llcrrlll 9~tl0 aa 82 62 -1 Prairto 011 7011 ~!.0 WI HO -II c Fndry A 250 ~22"' 22•• 22'• -••·• although he was In the Union included Li.ge Thomas and a . gomery, Taina Elg and Dal'id ey tave_ woun e · Aum•~·· m:: ~~, i~ ii,~·:2:: : ~ii\~ •• ~ran 6: 7: 7: 1: -1 ~~~~0 Gu 5~ =~ ~ w: -13 g~~ Iron '~.':o ·~ ~~· i; .; ,, . Army at the time. I heavy.aet man of a bout 25. I Farrar. There IS ano!her suspenseful ::~~~'ici 12(1(1 a s a : }\Indo 10110 6 6 1 Ran~er lOO 121 123 121 CSL pr 500 sm> m, Ill> + '• * • • f There was a small clear space I Not since such previous pic- sequence _m whiCh the two me~ ::!:"~•tal• 2f~~ ~~~ 'i~ 1 1~ -;-~,, ~:,~:'P 1J:~ '1? 1i04 't' + 10 ::~~:·:! .. 1i: 5w. ~ :~. + " ~ ~·r~~ com 1~ 1~~ .• ~ ~~ :,:: :at tile bar, and Bokker moved: tures with an African locale as: and t~e girl ftght t_he current 01 llaoka m011 10 1 8 -2 1 ~lonota 2100 7G 7G 10 -1 ao~alllo !f!IO 1110 105 M5 -Ho c Bronze z2 122 21 21 Surprised by the sa•·aa•ness '

1 toward it. but before ne reach- "" b ,. "Kin" Solomon'· • a ragmg stream m tree-trunk

Bn•· Lad !1<1<10 In 9 9 -2 !Ill Wrl«ht 1400 !I 52 12 2 II 11 225 tl!._., II ... 111> C I 110 Slll\a 2011 201:, ' .~ • ·••<>gam 0 • " >·I t · ·'th th t , It' n 'ts ll•lrhrr 5oo ~~ fit Gl , 1 11ulli-M 20011 41 41 41 :-1 S::r ~r:.r 450 350 l&o 350 ~ .r s1 pr zl 115 16 16 of her attack, Bakker was fore· led it the big man spread h1m- I ~tines" and "Trader Horn" has, J~a '· 111

1 e s fr~ r~ac •n, 1 f ~fi~m •. .,. ~ ·~ 'n•, .:::5,, '~=r·~.~~ ::: ~~ .. ':!; I~:-~ I~!.~ = ir :: :: - ... ~ ::~::· A r~ l~ 70~ 1 ' 7~,, :_5'' ed to defend ~imself. He cau~:ht self and covered most of the I"· mo~ie piled up as many thrill' c ·~ax o~i~ a~it: ~h~n :r:rt ~0 •trrolt ~:,;~ fil 61 61 -I ~ulon ~100 ''' 6 8 St•m••ll ~100 ~ 10 40 en. 300 11~•• H 11 I an arm, but 1t was jerked frte 'available room. 1 tughhghts as are featured In. mo en. • . . Bonlulac ~1no ~·, 6'• it> ''•, .~''"' Sid :P\110 1o;•; 13 13 -2\ol Tidal D400 !b7 103 103 -1 en. ~r zln S71 75 75 1 and her other hand raked his I "Excuse me.'' said Bokker.! "Watusi". which relates the ph)'·: the coteted mmes passabl_e .onl~ ~~~~,';.. s;~~ :.i~: 5~~ s~~ ::\o ! ~·~~<~~~ 3~~ ~:g1• 2:~·· 2~..; :~~> b~"8u~11 ~l: l!~ ~~ ~~ -I ~ ~~\ ~o;;"P ~~~o :!~'• ~~~~ i:,,, ... '' face. He cau~ht that hand and: He trie~ to mo1·e into the space,: sica! and emotional conflicts en·· hyd way of 1 narrow preciPitous flrcul R,.l lt~n l'i "' ~~ .. 30 1 :-> Harrl 2ooo tz IZ 12 ... '>I Wo•tateo !100 ll~ Ho 144 :l c Oil 3110 S2t iJ 21 - '• she struck htm with the freed, hut neither the heavy-set ~an countered by young Harry Quar-, le ge. .· ::::r;;lrk ~~~~~ 31~ 33~ 3~ 1 ~::~ ~::.~~ ~~ '~,, 7:•., 7~!; -s ~·~~rn"'ix: /l~ 1: .: 1~ • 2 1

• gp:., pr }0~ :~~., 111'• ;~ ... -- '• hand. Her sharp, bony shoulder: nor his neil(hbnr budged an termain (George ~lontgomer~·) Under]) mg the . ad~enturf.us ~:~ •• \nk ~:~: ~~: 2~'; :;': .. ; '~.:..~~~:;- ;!~~ .r· .r~ It - '• I ~,~'~:r = ~~ ... 12!,. 12i" + 2 I go;~~:,:r.· ~~ mt~ :~:~ ~~:; = :: hit him in the chest; her knee' inch. Bakker signaled to the ~('eking to retrace his rather·~ act,:on !IS ~~~ e~IOti~IJ~ e~n~ ·~~ r.d.,•t ,;·, 1, n u · '' :.. llyt.un 5951<11 >a 51 61 -·I aANKft I co~hlln 100 w 4~5 111 . ·l~o almost drove thr breath from' bartender. ~afari to a fabulous 5lorehouse e11

11":m ere~ 111 e, me 0d R~t 1 ~:~~l\.~~i..a ··;~:;: il~ -If'~ "~~ -· l"l ~r~~~lnr ~~: ;:; ~·'j :'1

i' t; t ~1~~~1't!~~·ota :~~ ~= ~~ ~~~ -~· ~: ~~:s M .. r:.~ s ::: :Jr'• J~"· lr'- 11 him as it went into his stomach; UBeel'." or Bihlic~n treasur~s. -l' (l~~y f Qu~r~crmam an lC ( r. n,no ''''" 3n 3u :\11 3 ~;,.;;rl ~Is 1.1,1 •z ~2 l2 -2 cnmm•~<·• !;;n •!OI<: so•• 5GI• -· '·• 1 Crrdlt Fonc 110 1110 uo 110 The tinv flame on the floor: "Btar." In th~ come of his search, in ° or rJca. ~ ~•aj~~~ -~·;~~~ ~~ ·~~ ~1 -~ ~~l;~·!\mr :~ 11~, 2 ng,'l 11~,, -·ti ~~~.if111 : ~f' ;f• :; 3-·-~~~: I g~n s~'iiu A i;t :;:~: ~:1": ;::: __ • :: was out then and Bokkrr saw! The bartender shot a quick whirh he is accompanied hy ron Th•-r ,., "' ; 1 I - 1 ~ur·.\<·m• !:illtJ 1; 11 15 --I Tor nom m 151\\ !I 51 n Hrdi•• soo $19'• ~~·· 19'• - '• nothing of her face. For just a! look at Bill Grayson. hesitated, Rick Cohh c David Farrar 1. his "Watusi" was produced by AI 1 ,,,.1,,,, •:•• 1.1 t) t5 . :-onranlia m.; s~z 41 41 -1 JNDI!STRIAL" n Dalru 100 Sll 11 11 • '• h lh d th gla s of beer __ ...... _ Zimbalist and directed by Kurt rao.t:nn ''·''" ~: Rl R:. . " ~.nrl~<•au 65Llll s; fl.l M -·3 Alumlnl !Ill ~. 30'• 10"'- •• n Fnd" 300 M; uo, II'• ·- '• moment e won out over her, i en rrw e ~. . C"• •. t and the 1Jreatllt"kl'112 photo. :\euman. who rlirrcted th• suc-fan-t1r~ ~J',)ol ;•,. ,., ., ~nrlart<" 3000 20 2(1 20 An~lo Nlld mo $6~. tilo ~'• -· '•' D Fndry pr zlft $9ij 98 9! aR his arms enveloped her. He. There was a frown lin his face .. ~ .. ~ • ~~~:.~.~ :~'·,; ,.J.'' It;•, 1,,;•: . ·,'' ~~~~~·;•• "\s~~53i: 3/~ ll~ :•~.' g ~i..:e. 16,~ ~:"· 3: 3f -I'• g ~i:;!. ~~~ ~~~~ ;~ ~ -to, felt her heart heating wildly,~ Bl he set the glass on the har. graphy of "The Best of Every- rt•ssful "The 1'1~·." James Cla-r, •.... r ·'"" JIZ ll ll • , Gat• s;oo ltl ~~ 51 -l Po"" ..:> 113'• 131o 13'·• n Tar IRIS 114<, H H'o was aware that a tremor rani Bakker waited for his beer at thing,'' the film features an ex- \'ell, who scripted the !alter, r • .., .. , ,,,., 1.: " ·'' ~ C<~ld•lr ~o3!0 99 116 ,. -1 Pemblaa MO 111. 7 11. D Tnt 300 S9 ! 9 h d ! th l't 1 citino musical score hy Alfred , also wrote the screen play for l'rnt l'nrt ·~•» I' ll 1' ~ Rank 3JOO P; 95 95 -3 Slmpoons !130 S2!'o 211!1 281• llu Pont >10 S21'; 21'1 21'1 through her and then lht WaS It e e ge 0 e I l t group. "' . n •• ,., I""" 36 " :n · 2 ~nrtllsp 3Gto 73 72 lJ u Rt•·dman 12n 112 :12 32 -II• Elertrolux m '" 1; 17 - '• out of his grasp like a weasel • When the glass was set on 1h~ I :'llewman and a sure-Jut song h•· "\\'atusi" based on the novel. f~::; .. ~ ;'~:~ ~~ ~; ~; ~~~tl: i.~~~·· ~~~ .~; ~~ ~~ -3 ~:::~;:,tgh\ ft; ~l ~~ 2~ :2~., ~:~d.Y:. 1oo:"ost!73\o1~ U'• ~~~ all sinew and muscle, without; bar, he said. "Excuse me," and: Sammy Cahn and C.lr. :-:ewman. "Kin~ Solomon's ~!ines.'' l!y H. nr .. m ·''''' 1!1 ~:n ::n : n:••ll• 10011 II': u 11 - '' \\'.,ton 1 50 SJ :n 32 - 'i Frastr Z20 $26 26 26

1 much bone. 1 shouldered the bi€ man aside. sung h~· .Johnny ~rat hi:;, Rider Haggard.

I' lit''\ w,n :w.-.:nn JHI :\Hl X J\tnuc :\tll'l Rl II AI +1 ' Fr Pf"t• 1'1' 12.'\ M~ 55~ 5SS . 3n rN. t d I I uy ~-~----- -- ---- . ·---- -rr.l.• Hrr n;,., 11•, to•. ir•, n·r.r.rn !5:111 6.1 61 61 -1 1 Totol ~airs: I.RJS,ooo. Gtnaltau 23; s~l'• w. 3<'< - •, Bokker lunged for her In the, ... e man urnp sow y, OU; ~·r,•,:;,,,M l~·::,'.n ·~~r\· Zll ~I,\~~IJ',K I g~~;~r;'~a :;~ 6~~12 ;:~ ~~ ~~~' gr.~=~:~ pr Z~~ m .. ~04 ~:.. l darknes, missed, then leaped tO, Cr?1wde~d me, :O!ister,",., r ~1 ... ,,., ,,.,., m "' 12" · 1n orrltan sJo:~G 101 " " -to Montreal Hom• nn" 200 9011 !100 900 • 2n , h•s feet and movpd for the 1 sat excuse me. replied: r '"''"'1 ''"' " 3: 3; (hrllada 10~1 • ; • _ 1 Hom• ou B too s:.o !50 8511 -sn 'door. He was too late. She had · ilokker coolly. 1· 1'1 1-!1 :. • 11 11 -' 11' : 1111 ~ nrm11hy ,ao,"lu :m 3n lt'l 1 H Smith 37;; 1-tl''l -13 t;\t' .. • ... ' , 'jSh . , d · , c R•d P•r '''~ ., ;•, ••·. '"•I·'" 1.1:,~ " 3o 30 -2 ~to~1RI'lAL CT.OOING sTorKs In Silh pr m s3a•, '' :" - ,, whisker! it open, was darting ovm a man an saym ex·, l Ho.• '("(l\ll't ~· 111 r.·.~· r·. 'l Pn•rlrt 11101' I" ta IS ·..t · .\hlllhl 381 ~ Fra•f!r 26 Hud oa:r s3n s~•'• ·H14 U 1:. • out 1 ruse me ain't righC" growled (' S;:•1nrnl ~· 1 ' 1 11 :l -~ 5 l,t1:n 1200 21n 2161'1 260 -lfl l·'•btltOJ ~4 Gt Lake• :tfi;lt 1 I ln\'eAI A. 378 SIO 9,.._ 9'~• - t,. • • ron sud ·11.11' '" ,., :t~ Prnon 1111n 11 I' IS +I Bnque c !\at so How smltll .,,, 1 Imp OJ to;z $31'4 31'• 31"•- '• Bokker followed. But only Jn-1 the hea\'y-set man. , . .,,,.,.,, "" m ;;; '" , ... :, r·ro•· 2916 90 ~9 M • 2 Bank Mnnt 19'• Hud say Mn w,; Imp Tnh m Stt', ll'• tl'•- ': to the hall. BDkker knew that j Bokker swallowed his beer n 1pran 11~;~; 1~1 1~ 11 ·-In Ptll'h·On JOOO ~~'2 51 '1 :\\1 I Blnk :o-JS U Imp Oil ~11:~ 11nd Ace xd 112!i 133 3.1 33 - ~' • d I k d t B'll G , rm.Jh·t jr.nt• '.!i,~ :!i ~7::: - ~~~ Pl~t·er lUll lll't ll'a tn, · '~ Bnqur PC 35 lt1t Slrk ~· • Ind Arm p ~ Sfr.! 12 12 . it would be a waste of time to 1 an , oo ~ a 1 ra)-:son. Da•·nnr ~~~ n t1 ll p,~,,.. z·,r..ln ;; 73 7l -1 I Hathunt :3'• lor Pap lOS<·,! lnlnd 1: pr 4110 S19 11 19 -t "O after her She proiJabl'' knew "He s gomg to do your fight· IJ' \r tlolnn ~,.-, ~~ ~\ 2~ t.~ "'r:·~!nn 5!fl 371\ :li[) 370 -1 8l'll .Uh Man·Ytr to : Jnt Nl,•keJ • 166 S!Jj.loa Mit 971.;, --1'' e • .;~ ! • ., 1

n,. C(mr li!10 12 l:! 1'! 1' Pr[lntu ~19.'1 2-'7' :l.\0 2!5 Brazil 441.1 ~cColl I Jnl PaPt"r 9('1 $11}7 10.~1 .. IM\..t -~ I erery nook and crannv of Ray. ling? n· 'lmn ! ~~ n -11-1 210~ _ ,:·,• ~ ur l'or J.i-1111 H1: u H


8lctr. Prod 3P• sst C;:~.r , lnt t'UI lf.n S:1l17 :.~~~ :'1;3 1 :~ ... ~,~ town and he was 1 .st.rancrer I Grayson had the grace to D'Eictnnl ·~7!1\ lfl Uut 1,ah UOO -1 4 4 Clnelaml ft Nnnnd& Ul, Jnt Uti! pr 150 $JrPa 40 40 ... •,~~, • ,.. • •

11 , h

11. ... ''"' t9 19 1• · '• r•u. l.llh too 212 m 21: _, c Crment ~II',, Pnud.,h 1:. , lntrro•• p 1. m sw• 55'• ;;•; • '• Besides, what good would It wtnce. Don t know w a1 ~·ou 0"' ;~n :~rl.~l 1. u 14 Ollt" ~1.ln t:>OO 13 ll ~~ - 1 ~I c Ct~menl pr %3111 Prie-r -t!l~ I (roq Gl pr 1'100 $121,-z J21o" 123.11 .. ~~ d r· d h • Sh ld Ill mean fl

1: • t'lltlu ·,·1•1 '·. ';'1 ~ 71 ".1 , i~ ~It· tal UOO -49 48 49 ... 2 C Sttam!ihlp 41 Que Pow J..&hfttl 175 S251~ 2~1,, 2~1• ~ 1 6 I 0 to ln fir. e \VOU te J · .

Y.a•t >ull 1'''"' 1'' ll; u~ Qun•tnn "lj u 11 11 c unk cnm !O Royal Bonk ;p, ~IB and Pll fill m•o ll'• ts c '• • him what she wanted to tell Bokker appealed to Shenff, J:t .,., :· ·,' \.1"1· .· t'_;,, .·· t:; .. _. -'· ~., ''llrn"'nt >d ~s.l !>!ln ~~o 9.;n -ln I Cdn llrrw 34 Ro,-olll• 9:.:, ~••·" F 3<75 !JO'• lo IO - '• him and nothing more. H·l' Lige Thomas. "What about this, I F.ltl ru h ~u~~~ ,. i!arllorr- t •. \1'111 ~l hI 61 -1 I Cdn BtPW pr St L orp l. ,. !l.tua Y 31..2 p 13.1 1911 9fl 98 ~ Sh 'ff'" l:un: .. ~ R1t'l' 11 :.'1~ t: ., H<~itnlllt 1oa.1 21 ~~ 2J • 2 Cdn elan 2G\1 Shawl.n :.!j 1

" \lohmn p xd ,.12 sm 3!Poz. 39'';! . ("OUld not force her to talk ... I erl . : ~:~!':';·' 1'unJ 1 ~~~~ ~~~~r: ~~~·: :?~~; -_- :; ~~y~·:;k 1~1'~~~ ;~ ~~ ~ -

1 ~ g :~: ~~~-~~r 1:0~ s~er~n• can pi 73 ~!~~~;~Cfl ;~~ :~~14 j! i~'' f '' as he might be Rhle to force Bill 1

1 111 warned you this afternoon, I

1-'a.:t'l 1:11'1 t>n 57 ;/; n('~~n .. r ~tllil 2~ 26 29 -1 CPR H t;N StPel ~nra~da 6:!0 $-'1'~ ·U •• JI. -1 Gra\'SOil. Bokker." snapped the sheriff. l'tt>IJ,.ta·r 1;''1 l:il liti lill -11 n.,. Athah 2tl()() 20 20 2'0 ... : Cockshutt 161~ \\alktr J5l• \"S [i.eht ~~, Sit lJ'i 1'{1~- s~ I ~ I ~1:17 d 't l'k t liout"m .i't1 • h .; • ': nu(·'u• 1non 1011 HI to sea1ram.<~~ 281 • CANADI.4.N I i 1 ~0 , 1~<'tt ziOo s1n 10 10 I Her fret pounded the far end . ne on t ~ s rangers CO~· r c,.,., ~ .... , 1:.; !tr. •• tr. 1odmin ll3nn 23 21 1> :12 11 Brid~• til'• Con• Pap Jo Pa•e Hm 125 125'• 2!'• 2.1'•- <; of the long narrow corridor. A m~ here. looktng for trouble. 1 Gi~ar'Lt \'K !:!11 ._ll~ II'• 11:•a • 1• Rnwm1 Con 1nn 1112 61 -:~ 6 1 :~: [lom Tar 14,3." Ford H9 Pric<' Rr "011 SP'-4o 42 421~ t- ~.. ' • , Th b' , , 't' 0 f (~\:·nr ,,,.. 2• 2~ ;; --3•, san .lnt Mo ol 64 ol -I Foundotlo• 11 Qu• :-; Gao j22 ,.;.., 1!'1 ~~·· door was whipped open and she I . e 1g. man \las 11a1 m.,_ or 1 GF I' ran 2.'"·' 11 23 -I shmltt 69\0 2M 1'14 274 -1 I Roc w r 1300 15'• llo s•,- ~· was out, descending a flinht of 1 h1s cue. L1ge Thomas gave 11 to! Grotndrc•~ 1,KI(t 1:\ !.1 ~13 1 Si<:llla :;on 40:i 41J5 4ft.', -.~ N y k Roval Bank 71: 5731,. 711o~ 11111 -2•• I • • n • 1 h' H 'd "1 d 't . ' G .. ndur "'" m ll'l 109 ': Sil Mtlltr 16irill 43 39 :1!1 -1 ew or Rny•lil• 10050 950 810 9.10 .!:;5' stairs mto the darkntss behrnd tm. e Sal . • on_ wear_ my I Gunnar •d ;1•s 9~>1 m ~Jl .. ,; ,.,N,. ~3~n 91 93 9l I su cow m 115'> 15'• 1m- '• i the hotel. 1

1 badge when I m havmg a little •

Gutmar "'b ~(I"·' I :n ~f, ~6 ~.5 Stanlr"h ?S7n ~ 3(1 :l2 + t l"al~d;"J s 115 $9 11 9 I • f I t ·'th r . d ., I l;•llhm l<nll ' I; ,, •:tanl:h •to JJ(I 8 8 8 S'EII' VOIIK CLO!IING ~TOCK~ • I Sh•wtn 2;;e S25'• 1''• Z5'1 . '•: He stood m the darkenPd hall; re res Imen WI my nen s. ~ Hartt Rock \tfln 1:' 111:: 1P, . 1'z ~turatt MoO It jl1 S•<;- 1

• 8f'th Steel 47'a. Monty \\-T !fi~,~ Shl\\'!11 A ~~ $27 Ti 2i -3 ,a moment. tht!n, drawin_, 1 1 uMy name." said the bi~ man, Jta.u£1 1:.!'\"111 18 Itt 18 Sh•E"P R 23t,~ Sll lD1fl 11'1'"- 1• Bor.: Warntr ·111.; 'SV Cfllt •_ Sha"·1n f pr ;,li $:\' 39 39 . l"'l , 1 • l'h " h l · 't H.,, r . .akfa .)JI(I Bill H1a R-1':1 • t.._ SUIH\all 1200 )li] 1~ 163 c and 0 61'1 Radin <.:tlrp f,,l~; Scard 17S StP. 6Jt 6~ .. - t,. deep breath. descended to the 15 '-' arr .n.ec em. 81n ever Ut•:Jm~:•·r ~:'·, !-:!51 .. !,!.;~,. :!-l- 1• -·1 c: 1 11 1M Ill o.1 6:1 +S Con1 Edi~nn 621• Sid Oil :--;.1 H 's R2:i 5-"8- ::!81".1 "B" , b ]i k d 11

H''·'lr n~• ·ns 31~ :n~~ .. 1n .. ,. ''1n ,. ... sntl ·5 :i-:i ~3 1 .•. , •uto L~l SJ'·' l'td Am·utr J6t::, .1miHll.ns 1••..• ~ ;·~ 7. ~ • .. ·"'?< hotel lobby, The hotel man sat een c e · ' . . TaUJConll ·'· n < ,.. st••1 ( •• • ·' 57~·· • 7' - • 'b h' . ' ' Bokker nodded "And ··ou Hurl Bil)' !hill IH-'a ~~~. u .......... T:•rk·U 161jO 175 Jj(l 17° -7 (;en Eler l9 \'anadum -:'' 11 I Steinb.:; ,\ 450 S20\4 :::!O':t. 20L• ~ e md the deak, partng hiS ftn· . ~

nu,h·P•m 111''' 12 12 1: , T•m•~ 2tlll 117 m 177 -3 Ooody .. r 4ll'' Wu1n111 ,;o.,; To••• can 16~ ISO'! so !II.- '• gernail's. He nodded to Bokker rode with Quantrell?" lhdn Jo:x hi~) l.\ ~j :1:1 ''"t1mn L 2200 7% 69 '~ -1 Gt ;\inr Ry 4b I Tr Can Pipe- 15~ S211 • 2Pll :11,. I 1 A dd h h f II h ill•ror•non 15t:~ 3ri ~; '" T~>ro Joon 8 • 6 ~I lnt T T Jl'• Triad OJ 15011 320 320 320 -5 I as the lattpr crossed to the: su en us r upon I e tnt :\1vb :;.)(HI 31.. e'.· p':l 'l'm\a::- 1000 7 j i -1 Kf'nnecolt 1211 Wait G w 830 SJ51'- J~t(l ~~lj, ------ ·-·-- I men in the \•idnitY of the bar. Int Sll'kt1 tiR.i IYH.: 9~ 1 41 !li': -1 Tran11 Rfl Jj[f() 15 15 15 W,5tM 6 pr 1(1 $100 100 100 -134., TttcliP 4000 1 1 ' ln~h {'tlp 21f•ll lt.~ 1~3 J;~ -·1.1 Tr:ha.c 1SOOU 4-7 :li ~~ ~'i'~ Toronto Webb Knp n~ :135 3!!5 335 Tu:n 4000 ~ 9l1: :,-i "' " • • • I Iron B•.' '"" :.;n z;o .,, -~ 1 Trln Chtb tooo 13 13 rAsAm.,s Ttlan 2000 u r.•, 27'>- h Mechem's meaty hands reach·, J .. ~> 1HHl 43 ln "' ~ 1 • 1· Minna 3SOO 2fl 1 ~ 2n11 20~ Abtca 1~300 :u ~ :n t 1 I Tr-ebur 1000 ! J 1 J Watt• IJWO 35 3 Ill =-~. '11 Aobolloo ·,o9!\2 400 39! 100 ~ft5 I ~IJ•• •lTI''E TORO'.''TO STOC"" .,M Sfld xd 125 56'> Po 6'~ \'•n~rd 12000 3! 3l 3; -2'> OUt. ! .lo•uhu• til ll Ill; " I'll Krno ,, ~~~~~ 580 .1M " • n • ·' no Buttrrfly z30 110 110 2\G I ll'•rdon 11100 ' ~ 6 -I>. Bokker dashed the dregs of' ~~~~~~~ fiil.l(lll !~ lf

0 ~ -.- :~ ~~~11 F~~n ~~ l~~ 1~ 1~~ Rtock 111

:.:. cru~~··~.:r~i:u Cb'lt g ~:.Wtr~l ~~ s~~ 1~=: ]~::-\'I Wti'ndPII :lOOO 4 1" 4 +~I his beer into the big man's face. II

JoU•I I tOO :3 2.1 z:t -l \'entureo 20 2-1'1 :Z.IIO %!'2 + ~I ISPt'ITIIIALS I' Gen In\' J3 130 30 30 ' Tala\ saloo: ln••otrlolo H,401J, 1\luo tossed the "[as• to the bar and ,I., malh ~1.1:1 ,., 1:! 12 \'olrm lR 141 1~1 141 I Ma••ey-F ~040 SlO~~ 911 10 - J..i c lnRusoU ziO $39 3!11 39 a.nll Dlls 20J,,~:OQ, 1!1 "' Jo"·m· .1976 J6 Jl "' -t woa• Am 1 625 623 52! +I Brown 4710 114 J:Ho mi +I c 01 s c A 1011 till no gn -··----- smnbed Mechem in the face. It 1 Klt•mho ""'·" ~7o 3.111 35n -2o ~~"••d"" I 60'' • ..., 6'.> + I> , cr .. uv Ttl 1375 *''• "'- 9~• • '' con•" P:P xd 33 $40 4o N y k was a hard blow that sent a I l.abr;-~dor :_!;--; SZ.I'~ .!l1:: 2J~, I Wt'rnC"r 10 lG11. tn1,1: 101~ + ~ · Tr can PL l345 $2114 21 21 ,. - 1j.., 1 Dallem1 400 1M 150 150 J.ok• ('On .-.o, ;o 70 10 I II' ~Ialor 500 ~ 5 ~ I Boll Phon• 31!4 .44 4SV. 4J I - '• n Oilcloth 110 U1C!. 3711 31\!1 I .... ew or shock up Bakker's arm, all the ' 1. Duloull ~0011 70 66 6A -5 1 II' s 1 In 170110 :Ill; 211'1 141,!, -I'> I OILII Fl t Mf 11100 st !P 59 1 h ld It b 1 J.•~•·l.on ~ ~.Ml·t 8 3 8 \\'llir':.",. 82'i0 121 i20 121 -1 Am L>dur moo 12 II II Fa~~ I 2.5 1149 149 149 - way to his S OU er. are '! ' L o'u t:;oo IR 1' t• -2 wuue~ 1600 to1; 101; IO'.; -1 Royalito 19580 150 ats IHS ~It& Goody .. , 50 sm 117 147 NE~,"~~~~.~~c?~1~0p!'!~cll! caused Mechem to falter and , I. 'hnro ,,;, :t90 ~~o 1911 • 1\'r Harl m 126 11; In - 5 Tid•! 9100 i0'7 103 103 :1,. Jnlnd Ch•m 2M II! IIIII 195 .to liPw York &leek Exchan1e-:llarch I Bakker knew then that this ' l-.1 1.1.11 1011 -1.~10 ~on -l.OO \ Yalt Lead non 19 19 10 SOuth U tor.o 1'1' lfi 18 "ll 1 Lob Co A 100 $21~ l3~i 23~ -2 xd - Ex·dlvdeond, xr - Ex·r1ihll, l.amaqu• 4~•0 3<U J3 33' . ~ , \'~B••r 1660 10<1 I02 lOS MISE! Macl.arrn 50 SBI 81 II -I xw - Ex-warranto.) fight WOUld be an ordeal. L:tnr.l!~i ~1100 76 i~ 7h 1 Vnun!C HG fiROO 11 BO M +2 Orchan ~505ft 1M 84 M -10 Moorp xd 410 t39t<1 :tft'~ :111:~- '-8 loi'P.I • \ l.ahn Am 5uoo :w ll• Jo 1 ''uktnP 1000 4\.-J -t.•,i 41-i .,. t.h can ErLn e•l:so n 113 ~~ =~ Nlld t.lght M ur 47 .,7 _ s4. StiK'k ••'•• 81111 L•• Cion Ch'&t He gave wa~· before the btg l.tllo·h 9!K~ II~ tn 119 'I I Zenmor 4lotl 14 23 23'• N M)·loma ~t!M 18 II 14 I SQ Pow 130 $25 2! 25 I ACF 1nd 1100 :Ill'• !()'• :IO'o - ,, man, who outll'eighed him br at ;

OILS MarUimeo 41110 Ill II 90 =· Sbop Sovo 100 r10.C l'i 7'4 '- ,_. Alleuny 1000 11'-'o IO'i IO'o - ~~ 1 t 30 d 'I h d

FAST RELIEF FO~, . •lmlnn ~oo 24° 11D 2!0 +' T Fln s pr z1o nn; 3414 sm Amorada 2100 Ml i7'i &S'i +I'• ed in, swinging mightily. Book-!








,\rmo o.. 3000 IB•, 11 18 Baoka 39100 10 · 1 t • T Fin -~ 3, 3 514,, 31,, w. ~ ••


AUis Ch 46lltl 36.,,36,,. Jll.• _I> eas poun s. a ec em crow · 1

.1m I.l!dur 321100 12 11 11 M t 1 FundS Trans ~~~ !25 u•• 9'• D'• Am can 7500 40'0 ~ 40'• k d k d t d b k A I .•nrhor ,100 II 11 n >1 u ua Un Gao 200 $14'.il J41.\ 141'1 '· ... ~m CYift 411JO 52'.• Jill 51'o- ~ er UC e ' ~ eppe ac . ;~~~~"~~· ~~~ ~~; 1~ m _ 3,5L, MI'TI'.\L FtlS'DR jl wtt0Pt•'rlmn •Pnrop1216agg 2256o %155,.1 21~ , 1•


~mm ~m1doll :~ •.!~,· 41 ~:,. hhand dhith_the s.m1alltlof hifs backd. 1 --~'--::-::::--=-====

• s ~ + • 1 II• ~nE CA". •oJ•". ra~s·. · • ' ~ " ·~· • ·~ s ove 1m v1o en y orwar 1 R.tta 1000 ·' • .-.r- /'1.., ~" .. .. We11t CBrew M£1 S321 ~ 32~ !11Js ,\m Tel 11100 3th! S!J~·• 89'i - \!• 1

llr.•l>a 50(1 45 43 45 I · Rid ~•· !\liNES ,,m Tob 2100 Los>; 101!'• 1117'i - •·• into Mechem's flailing fist. 1 Britolt• 1300 ~Q 211 ~~~ - 4 All Cdn com 7.0! 7.53 Al,inm 100 94.1 045 9-1.~ -5 1· Ancnda xd 111100 53'·• 54 51'• -I' I Th bl ht B kk h '.d. ' ~-~~~~~··· ...... ~.~~~,..~~~~~~· f•lalta ~1111! l9 1; 4' ,. , .\11 Cdn Ph· 5.;3 6.02 Als<npe lOOM 13 12 13 + 1 Armco Sll 5200 68 14'\ 51l• -1% e OW caug 0 er losu fa! E~ 120 $18Li 18'• 18 • - '4 I Amorlean Growth 7.3! !.GI Arno 1500 5 5 5 -)I<, Arm••• Ck 7()() Wl 42'> 411, - ., on the ltft cheekbone. dropped ('alvtrt 10110 60 lH 60 ... ~ I Beaubran 21.79 2t.no AUlllstu• zm 25 2~ ~~ I Babcock 4fiOO 37\'. lilt 353> -% ' h' k c Ool i.do 2100 Ill 112 iJ~ - Canadion lnvaotment U! 1.11 Aumaqu• 1!110 13\!o 13 13 + 1 I B•lt Ohio 2100 39 :WiJ 3!.. h1m to IS nees. rs P•t• IO!O 380 37; · Canlund 3!.!111 ~~-66G1 Bateman 6700 26 25 25 , B•th St••l moo 4810 47% 41'• - ~ (To Be Continued) f Chlrltft 21011 110 JQj liO -J Champloft Mutual 5.11 •· B•llrchas 1!00 U U 42 -1 1 Boeing Air 6400 17'i :7% 27 -rdn Dt\' mo 3Jn 300 : +1 I Commo~wealth lntar 7.75 8.52 Bonn)· vi• 100 23 23 2l •. I I Borden Co 11110 uo;. 44.. 44'11 -" ' r •:x Gao 1m 223 Zl2 2D I Corporate lnvutoro 1.36 ~.14 Burnt Hill 1000 I& 1ft \6 -li Bor~ War 3800 41'> 41'• 41\!o- '4! r--------~ (' Hllh Cr 1500 29 29 7011 =5 , Pom Equity lnv 14.10 14.73 camp Chib 110 o 4110 490 19<1 -65 ; Budd Mlr 4111<1 2! 21 21'.> -1 I I c Hu•k>· 110 7ft! 7011 · Flrot oil !.65 3 H c [I 5IX1 100 3M 3IJO so 1 "'· '· :W' >' 1 p J C llulky Wtl loti m 315 315 ~s I l II ~ 00 5.52 •• - Burl Mills 100(](1 2 • 20. I- •

till' + l'l Fond ol ec · · C.anoram 554 58 ~4 58 Burrough$ 5300 31 JQ~~ 3£tl, - ~'l aramount C Superior 470 $1014 10 o48fi • +5·• Grouped Jacome 3.S1 3.84. Cu•lar ~ t12\11 I2% 12~i- 111 1 calumf't 200 23 :!2•• 23 - 1 • I I ge~r~~!n ~Woo '~ ~~ 25 g~:~.fncome Accum ~:~ ~:~i g~f:~~;~ ~ 2~~ 2~ 1~ 2~'i -3 ~~ 1 c~~ Dn· ~ ;::: !;~; ~:~! .~. ~= l c ~lie !tl~c 615 300 1'19 219 -II Growth OJ and Gal 6.2'7 6.38 Cle•·•Jand 3.\G 0 I 8 a. • 12 I' c(' • J I ·~ , .. ·•• .15% i-•. : I> II Tomorrow I· C•n Peak 35011 3 3 3 F nd ' &4 6 10 ~ as '~ ~ • I

<: W•ll P•lt i200 U; :130 215 lnv••tors Mutuol 1M2 11.2• C ad , 10011 ~ 5 5 -I'>: Colone.. 41t10 2110 :171.. 2711 % I I " 335 + 5 lnvo•loro Growth u •· · • C Ill o... :120 I I 6 , catrr Trar 79011 JO'• 30'> 30'• + •• I ' ' ere• wl• l8 51!0 l35 2.12 +S Keyolone lUI 183.8736 c Que \oU %000 41~ 41'.1 l'> - 1> , Ch•• Ohio uoo u"' 6l'• II;> =m I "" Pal ft(ll)~ R7 n II --3 Le\erolf Fund 6.12 . Dome 100 .,, 19 19 - •. , i Chry•lor - 570, :it.... 51'' -1 "THE BEST OF . \lnma Prte 250 58! t;73 Bl: -20 Mutual Arc~~noulatlnr rund 6.81 78.5671 Fah 1500 Ill-; Ill; Ill> - ·~ .I Citle• Svc 48011 42'1 41'·• 42'• + "'I EVERYTHI:'OG" WITH ou, ell 5000 6 ~ Sorth Amer Fund af C~on 7.!8 4·63 Fatima 1000 51 S? 57 -22, Cle\•it • 3100 Sll.t. 481.1: (91.-6. -t'~

--------------------------- Radl110n ~.21 5·42 Fundy 200011 ~ I 5'!1 - \;, cora cola 18011 so>o 49'• 50'> -'- •• HOPE LANGE,

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ::::n!.!"fn~.~~ , :::~ ,:u ~~l~i.:•• ~= ~~ ~ ~ _, 1 g!1 so1v ~: ~::! ~~, ~;~1 :•:: sun PARKER • Superv•>d Am•r Fuftd 1.77 Ul HoiUnR>r 325 m'4 21\; %4'i -I' I Con Ed llOO ~.. n•• 62\'o + \.; I FURNESS WITHY & Co LTD Saporvlo>d Exec 5I 35.60 Ktrr \dd ,;o UO!i ~ 2113< - I• ' Container 4000 ~'" 25'.> :!5I,., Jerry \Vald'l ltar studded

SuperVIied Ext< ~· 29.15 Konllkl ~ 4\'J 41> 41• Coni c•n 5900 45"i 45 45 - ~ 9 •t • Suporvtood Esec 57 !.011 !33 Labrador !1110 $2314 2M< 211< con on 1!1011 47•< 46'k 47'h + "'! CinemaScope, DeLuxe Color pro·

~:::~:~ ~~~· rund ~:1: 1.61 ~~~~~ro C: U~l' t110 ~1' _ 2 ~~:. 8~~·1 l: :i! :tt :r:- ~. duction for Tw~ntietlt Century· i Ll'erpool St. John's Botta Hallfa:tt St. John'•

to to Rf1 & tt• to to st. Joha'a Botton Hallfu St. Jobn's L'pool

"!\'ewfoundland" Omittin& eall u;.;ova Scotia'' !l-Iar. 1 Mar, 5 Mar. '1 "Newfoundland" Mar. 9 ~ar. 16 Mar. 22 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 ":'iova Scotia" . Mar. 23 Mar. 30 Apr. 5 Apr. 9 Apr. 11 ":'-lewfoundland" Apr. 13 Apr. 20 Apr. 26 Apr .. 30 May 2 "Nova Scotia" . Apr. 27 May 4 May 10 May 14 May 16

Person! conlt•mplattn~ oassuMe to Eurooe ahould make bookinJI$ well in adYance.


Consult us reaardln111 vour tr1vel lll'ObleDII


Suporviood Income Fund s.n 3·15 Mln ory 3!0 $11'' 11;; 11'4 ''> cro.., Z•ll 4400 47 411 46~ - 14 Fox of Rona Jaffe's best selling TV Electronic 7.84 8.~1 Moupro 17011 22 20 22 + 2 curtiss xd 137110 23'4 2%C!. 321.\ - V. I f · 1 · N ' Timed Jnv•olm .. t Fund us 5.40 :-; Form"'! 9tiOO 111-; 121> u _ '' D•oro 33011 41v.. 41 41 -m nove o career gtr s m ew I Unt>d Accumulative 1U! lUI N Hosco 1000 71 72 72 -II llisl Sea( 8011 301< 301< 301< - \i York," "The Best of Every-

N Mylatna 0011 13 63 13 +I Pome 13110 20¥. 20\lo 20Yo + ~ h' " t t th


B7 Tb1 C11al1l• Pre11 Montreal Sto$ Excllaftle-!thrcll 2

C0111plolo tabulation of Wodnuday tran1aet1ont. Quotatons ln C!enll unhn marked $. a-Odd lot, xd-Ex·dvde!ld. xr-Ex·rlthta. · xe-Ex-warronto.

N Vnray 100011 8 7\; 8 Pouxlas 1700 Jtll• 39111 39V• - ... t mg opens omorrow a e I sw AMult 2100 17 es 8.1 --' Pow htno a1011 to~> 119\i at!4 - "' Paramount Theatre. Featuring NA Rar M 33 00 Ill 75 76 -I nu Pont %9011 230 226 2l8 -2!-4 . Obatao'l ~ 11 11 13 East Kd xd 4&00 tom 102% lll2l6 an outstandmg cast of new as Opomloea 1011110 11 11 15 Eaton Mf& 7IJO 41\'• 40\i 41 + ~'• well as established actors, a Opomloh IG50 105 ~85 5!10 -211 El Auto L IJ(J() "'• !ill'l !l\.;- lit I · · ld orehal 31011 104 · 111 111 -2 El Paso NG 11m :tlllit :t11Vo 28 - ~ system wbtch IS by now a Wa Poudaoh 311111 4S 44 4S F!r .. ton• 4500 43 .UI'J 42'' - . trademark having been used in PU.Ii Go'd 30 00 3ti 3~ 3"' Ford 15600 783 1 7it.., 7i% -11..'2 . u , Poreup!Jio !4011 5 5 5 Freull Tra !32M 29!4 211,. 2s-,. 1 hts IUCcessful of Peyton Place

Net Porta&• 30110 '1'3 'IS '1'3 -11 G .. Pyn 19110 48 ~7'• 47'•-"" th f'l f t H pe Lange lalu Rr- Low Cion Cb'ro Quo cobalt UOtl ~10 100 110 +5 Gen Elec moo to 110!4 89% - "' e I m ea urei 0 • I G•n Food• :1oo 10311 102 102 - ~. Stephen Boyd, Suzy Parker. Gen Mtll.o :J5oti 301> ~% 3()\i + lit Ma th H D' B ker G .. Mot 256011 46v. 4~ 451> _ ~; • r a yer, tane a , G.., Tlra 1500 72\i 10 711% -11~ Brian Aherne and Robert Evans Glidd•n 1000 u llli 42 + ., '1'n atarring roles. Goodrcih 1800 73~ 73% 73\i - \0 Goodyr 8.\00 41'1 - 40%.- ~-> Joan Crawford, as "Amanda Gr Paiu 23(10 2'1 C!% 302" Farrow," and Louis Jour dan as I GrandUn 2800 301': 30 1

___________________ ..,.. . ' I . \ I CAPTAIN MORGAN 1-----, I \

m A and P 121111 40>0 39% 39li + '4, "David Savage," also star in the · Gt Nor HJ 3iOO 47'' 45'A !! =1~'.· i Jean Neguleseo directed pro- ! Gull Oil 113011 29&> 2!1 ~ " Homstk uoo m; n•> 41 1~- ;• duction which was filmed partly : Bud Bay 100 46;; 461> 46% ~ .~ • h · d 't' Inlorlak• HIJO :n 31!4 Jt% - 1> m t e picturesque an exca mg ,

I t Hot ~Ld:te!ted. ~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ I J Cold weather comfort-and ready at almost a I

,I moment's notice! To start, p~t a few curly bits I Nfld. ·Canada Steamships ltd. FREIGHT SAILINGS


M.S. "BELLE ISLE" ......... ..

Leaving Halifax

M.S. "BEDFORD II" .... ........ . .. Mar. 4 M.S. "FAUVETTE" .~ ........... ~ .... Mar. II M.S. "Belle Isle II" .. .. .. • .. Mar. 8

(Subject to chanJe wltbout notiee)

Arriving St. John's

Mar. 3 Mar. 6 Mar. 'I Mar. 10

For Immediate ·clear•nce per tllrect aaillnJ•· For rates, apace 81\d other informatlen 1pply



R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John's . DIAL !WI



I of orange peel, 1 tsp. of brown sugar, 4 to 6 1 I whole cloves and a tall stick of cinnamon in t

eacb heavy china or metal mug. Add 1 tsp. of Brandy, 1 tsp. of butter (unsalted, if you bave it), and 2 oz. of Captain Morgan Rum. Add almoat·boiling water and stir well. For tbe next round, use fresh cloves and peel; cinnamon etick willlut for a Nllllion.




NotiMirtid by 1!11 lloord of Uqvor Control ---

Int Duo :1100 423 419\'J 4L9'4 -!II. New York !ocalea of the original lnt Harv 5lOO 47¥. 4~ 46'> - ~'• novel. I lnl Nick 3100 1113% 1112,. 11!1% -I% Int Pap r100 11211. uno 111 + v. Miss Lange, of "Peyton Place" • Inl Tel % 14300 3(1% 35% 35 - % . John• M•• 38011 - 49h 50\lo- '4 fame, is 1een as "Caroline," a 1

x.nnecot lftlll nv.. 11:1 11:1\lo -I'll young colle&e &raduate who Kre•ll• 4011 )OJ> 301> 301'• - ~ Marlh F\4 9JO 47C!. 46'1.1 ~ + 1\i. comes to work at a huge pub-Martin xd 11100 41!0 40\1• 4GI-; - 11'• lishing bouse where he meets a :Merck 4MO M 79'1.1 7t'!i - % :Minn MM noo 111 177 171~ -3\l.t variety of men and women who Mnn ont 3110 31 31 31 + Vo struggle with their careers, MIIIUion Ch 11900 45\l. 43 43\lo -lilt Monl Wd xd 2500 411 46\i 47 - l'a their lOVe liVeS &Dd their fruS· Nal Avlat ~oo :rl!o 28'!'• 27,_. + 11' trations and disappointments. Nat callh 4100 58% 57 57 - ~ Nat 1111 38011 :n 1110 n!O- ~> Boyd is "Mike Rice," the em-~~~ ~:,:t :: :'!II :.~ it., _: ~ bittered, alcoholic editor who NY liB 200 w. '-' w. - 'ti triea to help Mia La08e avoid Nor Pae GIO 4310! Gilt 43 - loio th f te f th b't' ohio 011 l&OO 341> :DI> I$ - '4 e a o many o er am 1 1ous outb Mar :11100 34~ 34 34 - "' women in the company. Beauti-Parke Da :J50tl 39~" 3110 :1814 - v. ful model·actress Suzy Parker p .. n JIR )00 Ul'o 1410 1414 Phe\po o 1100 "*' 411 4611. -1,. plays "Gregg," the unfortunate PhiliP MM 25011 &1'!0 $4% Ml'a + ,. ...... I t 11 d Pitt Pll.to !100. 1z 7o;> 70Vo -1 actress w•ou oves oo we an ProcG am 34011 ~ H 9411. - suffers a sad fate. Newcomer Pullman &00 74C!. 73~ 7!Vo -I · "A 11 " ' RCA · moo till'l m> 67<; -1~ Diane Baker 11 pr , an In· Rrepub su %11011 t!W< M H.. -m noeent young &irl who falls in Roy Tob B 3000 ° mo 5111; -te!. h h 1 B · h Boy a! Illlt 101011 4010 4014 40t,;, - \0 love wit a ee , rtan A erne sheraton 2100 17"• 17h 17"' - v. is "Mr. Shalimar," the philoso-Stnc:la.lr 10100 4211 4:!\.4 '2.;-1 - 'h socony 148011 :171'1 371> 37'• phical and lechorous top execu-lfperry R moo 24 21'> 23' • - "' tive of the firm and Robert ~~3 ~r·c~1 1= t:1" !f.'Z ~;: _+ ~ Evans plays "Dexter," the first Sid on lnd 740 o 41 IO'• 40'i- •'• class heel.

I std Oil sJ 373ro 45'1 41'• 4~ + 1' In add1'tion to the top-lt'ne l Stud Pack fi0301l 16~i "II. l!li -1~



_ ..




MATINEE: 2 P.M. ------·-·-- ,__, ____ ......... ------



Page 14: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

.•; . . ~ ,' -· . . ' . ~ - . . · ... :1 - .· -·~

·.·.: ... :( . ~·4. -~ -~-~-~~

THE DAILY NEWS,~:" .. '::'if'-''5, NFLD., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960

ll~'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I

WANTED-A short-order roak





~a\.0, ,.:a.,')(.\ "1;\-\'C,

c..~~~ (..».~''io 0. ~t:' W\'~ ~~\ r----"'





----- ------




t ~rus; 10 ~WE ~· Plir».>mc, ~o.I6061Q.L OEMl·600 CJ!A !XlC.tt:l: ~I1MMIIJ(5 Altl IUWIII6 OJER ~~









xr wc~a l.Elllk IIUT, WltoRii' mr~A WL'ftl; .lOMI~IST~ F111Si AID."



'I 1 ~ F.SUE TURN !I

For Sale By Tender

~t.V. "MARA VAl}' GrOfs tons 57.20. Len!!th 6'/

feet. Depth 7 feet-width 16 feet. 115 h.p. Caterpillar.

Diesel engine installed 1948. Hallett Diesel Lighting Engine with two 32-volt banks of bat· teries. Oil burning furnace with hotor water radiation. Oil burning cooking range.

Speed eight knots. Built of oak in Gloucester

1\lass., in !928, oak sheathing along water line.

Less medical equipment and radio-telephone. ·

Vessel now on dock at St. Anthony.

Steamship Inspection Depart· ment. St. John's, can furnish interested parties with neces

. sary particulars as to condi· 1 lion of boat.

Tenders to be addressed tn i the 1:\'TERNATIO:\'AI, GREN· , FELL ASSOCIATION, St. An· lthony, by March 15th, 1960.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

mar1,2.3,4,5 _;_...._ ___ _



I, · )ap Reliable Electricity I In and Around St. John's

AUTO PARTS (Whole) and an experienced waitress. 1 ______ .-.___ J,iving-in accommodation pro·

1 Nfld. 1•:dcd. Apply to lilac's Snax. I

1 Armature Topsail Road. Dial 92029 . --~ Works ; thur,fri .

1 as I Fori RExr:...::3 ~~m;1 fur~ish.'- j

'!~~!~ Bambricil 1 ed Apartment 01~ ground I - ~ Street. I floor of furnace heated

Jial 7191·2 I house. Rent $7~ 00 per __ ...;;;;;.. ______ ! month. Phone 42toF.


SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD' ! stock parts and accessones For all your Building for same. P. J. , ~!cGrath.

Requirements cal! (Graduate of ~.R.I.) . 2 80161-91171 Hamilton Avenue, D1al

2656 or 92753. mar2,1mlh ----~------~------DRUG STORES ---------1 FOR SAI,E-1-14 inch Ad·

CONNORS DRUG STORE 1 miral Portable T.V. Set , LAMBERT'S COUGH SYRUP ! used 6 months >cnt to ! can be obtained at · Headquarter> ~!a1nland for I CONNORS DRUG STORE recondition. now guarante· 1 334 WATER ST. ed same as new 3 months

I DIAL 2206 and 12 months for large



Agency Department 243 Water St. Dial 210!

tube s 159 00. I ll a ngette new top elements. perf!'ct


condition. larl(e O\'f'n 535.00. I 25-20 Rifle Telescope Sight S125.00l now S35.00. Phone 93!!9!! or rail 26 O'Rie'ey Avenut>. Cit)·. mar2.3

FOR S.UE - 36 ft. House Trailer. Priced reasonable. :

NIGHTLY Call 90026


"Club 590" ll P.M.

FRIIl.\Y "Danee Contest" (Prizes)

SATl'RD.\'1' "Big Dance Broadcast" 11.30.

SUSDAY Cmemascope 9 p.m. "A Boy on a Dolphin" with

Sophia Loren




Where To Stay Ba,sam Hotel

BARNES ROAD Situated in •he Heart of

the Cit:.

Quiet, Comforta!;le Atmos· phere.

For Reservation> and In· formation.

YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER. -~~~-one89. _Exte~~r~_64_137.__ Dia 1 6336

I HEAP & PARTNERS . (NFLD.) LTD. I Wiring Materials, Wire and

Cables, Motors Starters, Lamps, Switches, Lightin&

Fixtures, etc. WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST.



CROSBIE & CO., L TO. Agents for



tEAL ESTATE - Valuator of : MRS. JOHN f.-\CEf city, farms and outpor pro· i Resident Managerets perties. Over 40 years' ex· I m3I.tf

perience. John '1. O'Dris· 1'-----""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'=' coli. Auctioneer ar.rl Real · - ··----Estate }.gent. Dial 911312.

-------·---------. REPAIRS to Office equip·

ment:-For expert servic· ing on all types of Office equipment i.e. calculators. I

adding machines. typewrit· t-rs and cash rcgi>ters by fartorv trained mPehanics. call ~Jr. Fred. Tllundon, 9~232-L. f{'h.17.tm

- -- ·- - ----

'NEW Ml:TllOD-RliG fLE.\S·

I ERS-Rugs and Carpet made to look lil•e new. Von Scl ler pro~ess adds

For Fast HARDWARE STORES "ears to life of rug•. Clean·

l ' ~d in home or at our plant. 'Phone 91033. New .\lcthod

:HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. : Rul( cleaners, Fr.:shwater 1 General Hardware 1 Rnarl. l Distribulors for Sunbeam 1 -····-- -·-· - · Taxi Service 1 Electrical Appliances, Male Help Wanted : . Sports goods and Sporu 1 EXPt:Rn:sn:n woommN

HOTEL TAXI I! wear for all occasions. 1 11'ith chain ~aws wanted hy DIAl 5016 • th~ \l'r>t~rn Lumhrr Co .. __________ I 83 Virtor Rnad. Sytln~y.

YOUNG MAN Diaf2424-2410 l I ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD, I ('apr Brrton. :-;.s. QUEEN'S ROAD ~~ McCLAR\ AUTO~IATIC _111_3f!:

4.:.5_ -- --- · • - -··. requires room and

o- from 8.30 to z a.m. WARM AIR coNDITIONING . Wall Washing h I WALL WASHING - Wall1 : "" .

""'" I z1o WATER ST. I , hoard in private Cat o· ~~-~---~- DIAL 4183 i cleaned by ne" machi~e. ·Jic home in Churchilt


CO., LTD. Radio, Television, Washers, Refrigerators, Deep Freezers

Electric Ranges, Floor Polishe~

Gramophone• Public Address Systems,


5 LINES ~NUll 30111 to 3005

WATER STREET ian26.lv.


Beverage Sales Ltd.

!Not inserted by Board of Liquor Control)

I. 1 Results perfect: save' pamt. . Pa k Area

RADIO-TV REPAIRS I -New Method Rug and wan . r • ---------- .


' Cleaners. Freshwater Ro1d. I

I ~~~:A~~~Tc:~ oiL , .:~~!1n91~· --------1 s~;P;~s REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV 'QUICK REPAIRS to watche~ AND ALL ELECTRICAL ; and clocks. Pick up and

APPLIANCES r deliwry at Laite's Furniture DIAL 3001 tD30115 1 Store, 210 :-lew Gower St.

! Send COD to Sheppard ----------~· Service, P.O. Box 1401, St.

GROCERS (Retail) .John's. Nfld.


53 William Street Dial 7450 and 606Z

L. HEALEY Cross Roads and Water Street

Dial 3026


I SHOP-We are now op~r·

ating eight chairs. You can hr assured of the best pos>ibk ser1·ice plus the least possible waiting. 24 NI'W Gowrr Str~~t. opp. Adelaide Motors.

---. FUR:\'ITURE REPAIRS- Re· INSURANCE AGENTS i pairs to spring-filled mat-

c/o Daily News.

js;;P-;'u";~;.-;n,~;: I with a I I NEVER · FAIL SWIVEL

ADAPTOR I I (Ten Year Guarantee) I I Installed Cost ..... $1.50 I I Postage Pr!'paid . . . . $1.00 1 I NEVER-FAIL SERVICE I I Box 283 'Phone 5876 I

, St. John's, Nfld. L------------1

.- -- v

AND BROKERS 1 tresses. Ch~ terficld suites _..;..;~;;._...;...;... __ .;...._ I also rebuilt. Fifty years' .


COAL and OIL ROTHERS experie11ce. Keats ~1attress

JOB B Factory, 16 Mount Royal Ave. ' o· I 90633 D~a~ts~3 j _!_~~-3~~<7_fm_\_~r_"'': ~:~ 54 S~~M~S LANE

----------I REPAIRS to Watches and i :..-:__· _ __:._c~·.:.c .. -'--~,-• MEEHAN & CO. 1\ Clocks. Send c.O.:J. orders , .

T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. . to Sh~ppard Sen·ices, P.O. TO RENT Dial 7046-7147 Box 1401, St. John's, Nfld.


Temple Bldg., P.O. BoJ 168, 341 Duckworth St. Dial 80370 Dr 775&


Store At Your Door



Dial 2206


Cor. Monehy & Empire An. Dial 90070


Cor. Mayor and Merrymeeting Rd.

Dial 7388


Dial 91120


119 Military Road Dial 6446

FLEMING'S Dial 9Z937

265 Penn)·well Road


From St. John's via Whltbollt'ne to Old Perllcan, North Shore ConcPptlon to Carbonear. Trucks also available for

long haul serv1ce. Rates Reasonable.

For further information DIAL 7908·11.


Citv delivery and pick-up at Laite's Furniture Store, 210 New Gower Street.

: EXPERT Rtpairs to watches and clocks at Laite Furni· ture Store, 210 New Gower Street. C.O.D. order to P.O. Box 1401. St. John's for quick service. feb4to29

At ~lidstrcam ~1•nor. 37 Old Topsail Road. fully furnished

: bed-sitting room Apartment, · with bathroom and kitchtn. Washer. dn·er, heat and light included. Suitable for couple, business men or girls. On bus stop.

1 'PHONE 3383 between 1:1. and 12 p.m. and 5 and 7 p.m.

--------- feb26tf :

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that

aa of this date application will be made to the Doard of Liquor Control for a lic~~se ~o sell beer, wine and splflts m an establishment situated at Freshwater Pond in the Dis· trict of Burin.

RUSSELL MOULTON. feh18.25mar3

-·----~--------- ------

Sharpening Services

ALL TYPES Hand saws, band saws, circu tar saws, lawn mowers, lliT den equipment, knives, . .;ds. sors, barbers' clippers. Re toothing of worn saws.

We also Specialize In

SKATE SHARPENING Concave sharpening on thf

most modern equipmPnt available. "If It can be sharpened we will sharpen it."

JARDINE BROS., LTD. 165 Water St. 'Phone 5567 Gunsmithing - Lock>mithinv

Keys Made lo Order rlec14,1m




Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.


Page 15: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

.. -. • .. ..,., J ,· • ••

. -- :· ~r

•. ·~ . -.; .

. .. .... ,_ •. ···.' . •' .. · .... ~~

·_ .·· ~ -~


KINSMEN. Boys Club

Newspaper BINGO SERIES No. 25


B I N G 0 12 17 38 54 72 10 25 35 51 64 4 29 40 50 70 7 22 41 52 68 3 28 37 48 75 6 18 36

14 23 39 65 8 26 45

15 20

10 Consolation Prizes to the first 10 persons completing the X in Series 25.


------·-------------------.. -·--··-----~·----··--·--·-



.. --~·· ---- ·--··-- ·----- ---



Trade Printers & Publishers Ltd. 286 DUCKWORTH STREET

WANTED BOY To learn Retail Grocery Merchandising (Shelf Work, Displays etc.).

Must be of good appearance, be energetic and have pleasant personality.

Grade XI education d11ired.


Pratt Representatives (Nfld.) Ltd. IRIIN STREET

TAitl ruot 1 our ,.,. 'OLD ~IUClof


Not 'Inserted by B.L.C.

Advertise In The News



D/Al 7568



be of wooden frame construction to demolished and removed. Will sell as

lot or singly. Apply

All Sales Equipment Contracting Limited

PHONES 92009, 90695 (After hours) 2734-F or 90695.





(Heated - Unfurnished - five Rooms)

Rerttal $135.00 per month

Apply to:

Emerson, Stirling & Goodridge I

283 DUCKWORTH STREET • ------------·-·---·-··---

Experienced Stenographer

WANTED A position is available for an applicant with a gaocl knowledge of shorthand and an elementary knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply in writing stating age, marital status ond experience.

All applications confidential. Employment to commence April 1st.

Cornell, MacGillivray L TDi, BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, ST. JOHN'S. __________ ........ ---------


FOUR ROOMS over Water St. business premises.

Write to: BOX 1111, c/o Daily News

WANTED Larte established General Insurance Agency requirn Sub-Agent for Buchans. Position as

·part-time and an a commission basis. Applicant must have Grade XI education and be energetic. Substantial income possible for right person.


SOX 102 c/o DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. · ----·-·--- ..... --··-·. ··- .. _______ ._. -·

.. , firestone , .•.•

The Adjourned Annual Meeting of St. John's Branch, Canadian Legion, wiU be held TO-NIGHT at 8 o'clock, at the War Veterans' Club, Henry Street.

Business: Election of Officers and Ex­ecutive Committee for 1960. Genera I business.

Admission by 1960 Membership Card only.


Secretary, St. John's Branch.

TEACHERS Wanted Applications are invited by the Anglican Soard of Education, Bell Island to fill positions in the Primary, Elementary, and High School Grades in the following schoolsr

1. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (a) The Beach School, (3 rooms) Grades I - VIII,

The Front, Bell Island. (b) St. Mary's School, (3 rooms), Grades I - VIII,

Lance Cove, Bell Island. (c) St. ~·tt>phen's School, (3 rooms) Grades 1 -

VIII, Freshwater, Bell Island. (d) West Mines School, (7 room5) Grades I - VI,

West Mines, Bell Island. (e) St. Augustine's School, (T9 rooms) Grad~s I -

VIII, Wabeno, Bell Island. ( 1) Vice-Principal. (2) Other Teachers .

2. ST. BONIFACE REGIONAL HIGH SCiiOOt.. (a) Commercial Teacher. (b) Other Teachers.

Please apply in writing to: A. R. PROUDFOOT,

P.O. BOX 909, BELL ISLAND, NEWFOUNDLAND. mar3.4.apr7.8 ------

I Notice Of Application I For Private Act



THIR.D DEGREE Special meetings of the Council will be held in St. Patrick's School Auditorium, Bonaventure Avenue on SATURDAY, March 5th, a1 8:00p.m. and on SUNDAY, March 6th, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of exemplifying the THIRD DEGREE of the Order. Candidates for Saturday's Exemplification should present themselves at 7:30 p.m., and candidates for Sunday's exemplifica· tion at 8:00 p.m., or immediately after 'Evening Devotions.

Candidates must enter the Auditorium through the Merrymeeting Road entrancs, and members will use Bonaventure

Avenue entrance.

The usual collection for the Primary Eclu· cation Fund will be taken up at both meetings .

By Order of the Grand Knight,

-~ --···.

A. CURTIS, Recordet •




U.C. Boord of Education, New Melbourne, T. Bay

1 1:\ntice is lt<'rt'h~- gil en that \\'ahn~h Lalr• Railwa\ . Company, Limited. a ("()lliJlilllY ineorporated under the J.m·, Enterta•'nment of tlw Province of :\t•wi•IHilllland, and .'\rnaud Hailw;n Company, a company incnrporat<>d In· Special :\d of thr· Prminte of Qm•h{'(.:, "·ill apply to the l'arliamrnt ol Canada · 'd L' 5 Swimming

. at the present. next or following ensuing st•ssion thereof. Ln at ton ·for an Act providing:- Pool Fund

(a) That the railway works of the Companies be declared to be works for the general ad­ GAIETY vantage of Canada.

(b) That without affecting the Act~ of the Lrg1s- · S 30 i.~latmes of the P,ro\'inces of Xewfmmdland ' To-night at : and Qnrbrc relating to the Companies the said 1

works ~hall become snhjrct to the Lf'gislative ----Anthorih· of the Parliament of Canada. LOST

(c) That Wabnsh Lake Railway Compan~·. Limit-

1 9 s 5 WILLYS


$1000·00 ed, he authorized to construct prior to January 1, 1965, and to operate a railway from the vicinitv of Wahnsh Lake, Labrador. to the Quebec-Newfoundland boundarv, and the Arnaud Railway Companv he autl;orized to construct and operate a . railwav from the Qucbec-.i'\rwfoundland boundary, ·connecting with the said railwav, to the St. Lm·r!'nt:!' River at or near P~intc :\oire in Arnaud Tmm,hip in the Prm im·t> of !)ucLe~.


(d) That. iu rt•sped of tolls aud taritfs and ol thc operatiou, t:onstrndiou, improvetueul, umiu­lt•Itallct' Jilt! wntml of all tltt, railll'a\'s owned or opemtt>d by eitllt'r of the Co111j. Janies in Canada( the CompHnks Sl'\'t•ralh: tan· the powers provided and he suhjt·ct ·to the pro· visions of the Railway Act of Canada rrspect­ing a railway which is subject to the Legis­lath•e :\uthoritv of the Parliament of Canada.

(P) That the Com'panies be' granted authority to proceed under Section 153 of the Raifway Act.

(Romer) DIAL 8-0378 • 8-0379 ·

With rhineshmes. Lost in vicinity of Elizabeth Avenue West. Finder please

PHONE 93869



at 8.15. :Prince of Wales College AnneJC, entrance Sorter'! Hill.

Debate: Resolved: That the West is winning the race :or men's minds in A5ia. Affirmative:

Dated at Cleveland, Ohio, this 15th day of February, Wickford Collins, 1960. Bob Lockhart.


Vice-President. Wallace Moynord. And ROBERT \lci!\':'\F.:S. Members ore urged lo al·

Asst. Secretary. tend. Visitors--Ladies and .\I\.NAl7D R:\lLWAY CO~IPA~Y Gentlemen-ore welcome·

By H. C. j.\CKSO~. and are invited to particip-Vice-Presirlel'lt, ate from the floor in the

And ROBERT \klN~ES, I debate. Asst. Secretary. ..-------~ NeJCt week no debate.

\ febl8,25,mar3,10 \

! - - -------.. --------·----- ...... - ... -------·· -I I



Radio and Automatic: T ronsmission



HOUSEKEEPER ·Wonted imm"!diately a mid-, die aged woman t~ live·' in, must be experienced. and able to do ordinary cooking. Very modern.

1 home, completely eledric. . On bus line in Churdlill: • Park area. Only two odultsl ! in family. Liberol time off;~ "'r'1te Hc·;-~ 1-~~ .. ~· P 0~. Nfld. Armature Works, Ltd.

I DIAL 7191 • 7192 tAMBRICK ST.

l<!MMCHANT ROAD V'l I I .) ~ h ... - • I , • .•

. Box E-5369 St. John's.

,- ··~·· ':·

, •,. '.r .,._

·•· ' .. }~~-.

~~{~ ~\ .. .:.:i-~ ~··,.;·.,---·.

rJr;;:0 ·~¥;~~-: ~ .. ~ . i.;' ~- !'< ~·.·:·. -~:: ·-·· ...... ·.· ;~~~?~:::; ;,;~ ..... ~l


Page 16: collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600303.pdf · : COMPACT CAR VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Velox $2575·SIX PASSENGER 00 Terra Nova Motorc 1 " •

... " ·,

~.. : ... ~· .. ~ .. --: !

.. ,_

- ·: 'I .. , .. .· -.. ... ·~ ... '. ~ . :

~; : ~ ' .... , ~ .. .. . . . . . ~

: . ~ !

~·::: . .... l .•

~ .. . •' . •.


WHITE FLANN5lETIE, 36 inches wide. Reg. -45c. yd. NOW 33c, yd.

NYLON MARQUISETTE FOR CURTAINS, -40 inches wide. Reg. $1.00 yard ............................................................ NOW 7.9c. yard

CURTAIN SCRIM, Red and •Blue design, Reg. 50c. yard NOW 39'· yd.

ENGLISH CURTAIN LACE. Exceptional value ........................ 44c. yd.


Regular $1.20 yard .................................................... NOW 79'· yard

EXTRA SPECIAL. GREY BLANKETS. coloured borders. Size .46 x 70 .......... .... .. ...... .............. .............. .................. 9 7 c. each

Size 58 x 72 ...................................... : ......... _ ................ $1.49 each

With every purchase of $5.00 and over we are giving absolutely free One pair of Turkish T:~wels value $1.20.



, VICTORIA - Residents of : Victoria were saddened to : : learn or the sudden and un· : : timely death of Eugene Cole.


who died following a mine ac­cident at Glace Bay, N.S. on February 22.

Eugene was the son of M L' •.

and !\Irs. Ambrose Cole of this r 0PE JOHN XXIII town, he spent most of his

OK life as a miner, first at Buch· ' An Authoritative ans, wher.e he worked for 10 I Biography .. .. . .. ... .. $5.50 : y~ars. Se\enteen years ago he. MARK TWAIN TONIGHT ; went to Glace Bay, N.S. where I he worked since that time in : Hal Halbrook ........ 5.50 the coal mine thm. ·THE THIRD ROSE

Eugene was active in com- i j h M I 1 · munity life at Glace Bay anrl ' 0 . n . 0 co m

I had many friends there. He ' Bnnnm .................. 6.75 wa~ a 1•alued member of t11c 1 THE TWO CULTURES AND

I I~oyaJ Orange . Assodation. 'THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLU· F unera) el'remomes wel'e con-

i dueled by Grand ~la~tcr · TION

I Chanter of :'\'.S. who is ai~o' C. P. Snow ............ 1.75

. a p~rsonal friend or !he Col~ THE GOOD FARE AND fam1lv · ·

Su1:~iving a•·e his wife, four' CHEER OF OLD ENGLAND children Ivan, Linda. Patsy i Joan Parry Dutton 4.50 and Robert at Golace Ba,,·: his , APPROACH TO

i parents and three brothers, . . Lewis. !\lark and Elien at Vic- , ARCHAEOLOGY tori a, Baxter at Buchans and I Stuart Pi!lgotl ........ 3.00 ~euben at. Mount Pearl. Two 1 THE ST LAWRENCE ~ters, Leme (~Irs. G. Oates). I SEAWA.Y St. John's and Beulah (!\Irs. R. Penny) at Halifax. I Lionel Che1•rier ...... 3.50.

Funeral sen·ices held Feh·: DUST BEFORE THE WIND ruary 25. were largely attend· , ~

. ert by relati\•cs and friend~ and , Robert Homan ........ 3.2.:> W<~s conductl'd by Re1•. Wood- THE INNER CIRCLE


Low, low price - but !+lis complete outfit features Kodak's great new Brownie Storflex Camero that lakes Ektachrome color slides os well os Kodocolor and black-and-white snap­shots. Outfit also includes flasholder, bulbs, balteries, Veri­chrome Pcm Film, and full instructions.


I. land . of th~ . llniled Church. _ Inane K1rkpalrick .... 5.00

Intc1 mrnt \\ ;~s m the Grncral BROWN OF THE GLOBE : Protestant Cemetcr~· at Glare : 1 Ba~·- ' 1. M. S. Careless .... 6.00

All FOR S18.95 Please note our New Post Office Box Number-P.O. Box 1118

. Thl'l'r Brothrrs. :\lark. Lewis THE HUMBLER CREATION ! and Eben and ~istrr. ~1rs. Pamela Hansford i Oats flrw to Glacr Bay and · :\Irs. Prnnv went from Hali·

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"Angry Young Man" Says Britain Old Man's Land

. ~-hr.:~a~~l -~~~ -:-cle~~~~~t-ca:~e.... ,. The answers for us are lrss'

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t.n'\llO\ ·rr• -- .111'1 whrn r' 1"•·:.-thin;:: in thr ~~rrlrn look.:; lm ol)·. up lli'P.• anolllel' )'otmg

f~na!li~n Sational Railway~ .\tlantir Region

· Th~ note of ~enci'ali7.!'!l irrita­mn!t-ontrnt to rrodaim hlral;ly lion sounds throughout the book. i thnt Rl'itain is "rllin~ to )ook like In a key JlilS>a2e Potter Wl'ites: ; a poo1· man's f:nited States. . "Letha_rgy is in danger of being~

"It is little mort' !han a root- ~~~lat~ mto an ideolo~r. the jus.; Drp~rtment of t:uucalion Jr,s. acqnisitil'l', shoddy 1mtl p1·o- liflcaiJon ·(or ·a cllmplaeent and ce.-sl'd ICI'-'ion of capitalist Amer- muted way of hie. There i~ ... no ica," WL'ite~ Dennis Potter. a sense o~ excitement in t'Ii~ coun­mint•r\ son Ires~ out of Oxford. try, no m11nediacy of response to'

r.•nl'ral w~rk~ Rrqnlrrd l'ur. l'nii'CI'Sill' great anrt noble ideal~. and little: Tender



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c·omplrtlon of Car Rcoair Latc;l ·i~ a long line ol "An- willin~ness to discuss alternath·e "ric,;" - post-war shorthand for patterns. Srnior teachers · i

---------- ----

March Of Dimes Fund

Shop. ~london. S.B. ;n"I'V Youn• ~-Ien.:_the 2~-rear- "In el·ery sphere of actil'itl' ('rail Ill h h holrhng I PHONE 94123 I ~ :·:.\l.ED TE:\HEHS addrrss- · ' · ~ ' · th · h · · • e or a 1g t>l' "rade ' 13TH 1 IS'f old Potter unleashes a tree-s win•· ere I5 t e same l'BIIllous shrug.· 1 h' 1.1. b • • .. ,,: In ~lr. H. P. Puddestcr. . . . · . ~ tht' •am determin d d' .. 1 ear mg err 1 ICatP or who $~!1.0U--lnternutional 11 J; ... e~onal Chirf En::incer. can- IIIII attack on cla:<s distmctanns. d • !'d 1- 1 - e .1f!le lOCI I Y. · hal'e ht>ld the Grad~ II te•ch· ElectrOni•C tt·t· c·u. of ('ail''ti,·l I.td. arHs-

hi•h . powered adl'ertising out· an an I en 1ca ma1>1 ily to sub- • 1 t'f' t f · 1 " " -;,,;,an :\ational Hailwa.1·s. ~lone- ~ . . · · m·1t a t. d't' 1 t' t ; ng cer 1 1ca e or no\ ess than ~·,J· 00 B• 1" 1 1 r1 dated super . patnollsm. Conser-: . I a I wna pragma 1sm o: f' , . 1 h , · - · - -' -''0 rn an Pro-,.,, ::\.8., will he recPived up l'atil·es Socialists women's ma•· anythmg more demanding." I 1\e Jear.~. anc w o ha1e taught Centre Ltd. teetil'e Order nf Elks. St. .John's '" '~o p m 'll'ollll'c "ta111lar·d ' ' . ' - ~ HE 'DED the Grade IJ anrl X cours l I " n • _.,, · · ,., · azines and the political lethargy •. , . LABOR CLUB , . . • . e .m. gr. ,,o, L~5 .. ·,, ·nr, Tuesday. ~larch 22M, or the "stalemate state.'' . _Pollet•! personal background. Wl:~m the pa~t_ three )ears_ ~re 90 CAMPBELL AVE. ' S21).~0 each-C.. H. H. Bisllllp.

J>otl'l'< & Son> Uri. S.'i.OII eal'i1 -llrnr)· St;1hh :~nd ,

l'n. Ltrl .. Ro•r \I. IJ;Jw-nn .. \lr. G. Parsons. Anonymo11~.

S2.;)1) ...:. :\ii(•r Ski!'fin~ton.

Slwarslown. C. B. s~.00 each -)ir. an;! '!r>. fl.

)fallhrw~. :\nnn,·mou>. Ta,;krr' Tuckrr. lrenr D1;lfctt. Francl'> I .Jonr<. Veronica r.ambrrt. Brad)·· of Duckworth. Rri.~:1rlicr and }fr>. Piercr)·. Robert's Al'lll, Grrta S. Pcdcilr. 'lr;. )larilyn ~lar,h .. John .J. Tucker.

Sl.OO each-)lr. an<i .\lr> .. \r· thur Oakr. Yogo. Do:-Cl'll Sh('a. t~'(ill for completion of the Car ·' DEAD COUNTRY · l(ll'es the book special interest.llnllted to appl~ for I he pos1hon 1 After hours 'PHONE 7313 ~lr-. (,ror~c Pet(•r>.

lll'~air Shop at ~lom·ton ~-B Potter del·elops his criticisms Born to working-class parents in ?f rea~e~ on the local examm-: -----------·-------- • SIO.OO rach-:llr. g_ E. Dorothy Footr. Phoebe ParralL OakiL•y .. !can ~nrri>. :\leta ]\·imey. Th(' outside of the em·elopr in a [jg.oage boo!i, The Glitterinl!:: the Forest of Dean. he climbed Ing bo~td._ \ I Ew1ng, )Irs. Elizaheth

'" lJr dctr])· marked "C:onfi11 Coffin. The coffin, or course. 15 ; the _class l~dder to Oxford, ~- Apphcat1ons s)'_ould be ad-, ---- - --------------r•:;lal" and ·icnde! for Cu Britain, With ~·outhful scorn, he c~mmg chairman of t~e Unirer-. dressrd to the Duedor of Pub- 1_ r·---~::::===:::-----~~~--1 1·:·m Shop, lh<nct~o·1 :\ Jl. writes: ~II)· Labor Club and editor of the • llc Examinations, Department : . .. _ '-

l'l;•n> and >pel'ifications n'"~ .. 11 js impo~sible to be young; undergraduate ma~azine. Tugged 1· or Educatl~n, ~t. John's, and 1

;.. " "-~-· - ,~ 1 I-' l'icwrd at the followin~: in 8 dead rountry. This is an old !wo wars. he exJ)erienced a grow-, should be m h1s hands not "·'ocr> of the l!ailwa)" m~n·~ land lil'ind on radeti mrm· mg sense or esl!·angement from 1 later- than March 31'1

l:c.::,.nai l'lud ~n~inr•:r. 01.i~s and 1;oinllc~s l'anitics.'' , hi.• parents and the olrl back.' Remuneration will he at thr ,,,.,,.·Ion. ::\.R. Oddl)'. the book appn1·s at a. ~:~·ound, hut relished the new en· rate nf $11.00 pel' d_:t)'. plus

Terminal Supt'rintt•:uknt, St. moment of hi~h mat~rial p1·os- \'Ironment - "[ coul(ln't wait to ~1.00 pc•·. day for m"I'I'Ied read-.tohn. :'\.8. pcl'it)'. Aftet· grindin~ years of ;:el ln.\' hands round I~!' slim rrs residmg out~ide St. John's.

Jl:l'!sional Engineer Halil:.\. :tu>tcrity. or clot'Iing coupons and· stem ~~ a ~lass of shcrr)'." , Regular trawling expenses, !'\ ~ hia:·k market steaks, the· people _Hal·mg obtained a two • tier; Fupportrd by vouchers will be

.\ t')lllpicte set u[ plan>. of these b~league1'C(l islands ha1·e. I'Lell' of Britain's class system, 1 pnld. . ,¢ 'l'rcifications. blank form ul cMill' ente1·ed the era nf the in·' Pottrr is hai'sh about it. The rcachng ccntr" will br at ; AND BEAUTY UNSURPASSED. {i c·ontraL·t. instructions to bidders stalment . plan refri~erator, thr . "Class matters more than it did, St. John's. and r~arlin~ is srt ' '" -a1'd furm of tender may be ob- ~~cond • h'lnd automobile and Ill, say, 1945· ... Class pulses out- to co_mmrncr on .Tune 29th and 6 ADVANTAGES . YOU GET J9 tau:ed by bona fide cnniractol':. Bruss~ls sprouts by the unappe·: ward in a dislinctly physical beat. terminate on or before July WITH CONCOA. · , II um Re;;ional L'hiel Enginee1. tizin~ bushel. . a .constlnt_ rhythh of hundreds of 1 20lh. MacCORMAC'S -

h b t h I feb4 m 3 Ynu:n E"njoy ~fORE IIF.AT from far LESS Ft'EL •• I

Canadian :\ational Railway. It's the tim~ of "I am all right_ i mmor a Is ~nd c aracteristics, · ar ll'"""'d '" annrt hrenkdown or heat in<muplion! \loncton. ~.B .. on tht' deposit. Jnck" and a risin:: new middle such as the chpped moustache or N f Dl'ol 5181 . 2 • 3 Ample dome>lic HOT w.nF.R >UPPIY from ,.me um1: th t f d d I d Hr·al comes up QVICKLY in nry ft"W minute.¢: of a certified bank cheq•le ~ _clas;-. said to 00 "d~pr?letarian- e ype 0 og ~ing _taken for a' ew oun an G p ST Enlirr unil is eomplei<•ly F.ICTORY-.I~SimBI.F.O!




Will Knock at You· Door with Gifts and Gre!ting'

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social made pa~·able to the t::anadian

1 IZed ' by welfare cap1tahsm. Sub- ~alk . : . Class di!ferences can bP: • t\A · ,111 meehan!Sm AT TOP away from dust and moisourp!

Xational Railway company rr.r· ur_bia _sits entranced beftft'~ .thel 1 e~ogmzed · ... m the ~ut of a; SerVICeS . BIRTHS' S·EE IT NOW - COME IN OR PHONE an amount of One Hundred~ ~htterm~ gre)' eye or lelensmn. ~utt. the ne\\Spaper one 1s carry·: c . On the occasion of:

Dollars ~ $lOO.OO). which de·: f~lling in football pools on the~~~!: or the w~y of ask~ng !~forma· • PASSENGER NOTICES A H U 8 LEY LTD posit will be returned when' std~. hon of a ratlway ~r_:__ CONNF.CTION Wl'ST RUN ~IILLEH-Born. on ~lat·:h tsl, • •

returned to the Railway m . . ,. • '. Robert and Shirley ~-Iiller •nee'' KING'S ROAD ... PH. 3916

New Comer to the City. The Birth of a Baby,

94865, 3582 or 90943 plans. specification, e~c., a~e El·er\'bodv. it ~eem~. DU"hl to ""<OO~jmi~· PLACENTIA 'B\Y ' at Grace :\la~e~·mty llospiial, to l •.) :ood condition. h~ t happy. ~u\ tep ~ftnu~nt SO· I . 0 . Re~~la; ~-~0 ~-m. tram lt>al:· Hiscock I a son. I · Tt>nders will ot be ·onsider :cie_r 1s ccnra o o er com· mg . o ns a-morrow. t'n- ___ -------·-------------- __________________ _

n_ t · plamt. ,As a young man. who day, will make connection at SANTUCCIONF. - Born on: ~d u~less subm1tt~d on for_m ·hopes some day to becotnl' a La. = ff: I Argentia with Motor Vessel for February 24th al St. Clare's 1

supplied by th~ Ra1lway an~ tn bor member of Parliament. he 1 /111,, IT fli , the West Run Placentia Bav ~lercy Hospital to Dorothy, I accordanc~ With Instructions !inds a worm in the apple. a sob I ~ ~ . · · 1\'i!c of Danny Sanluccione, for tendenng. at the heart of success. His brand I i ~ CO:I:NECTION SOU1H COAST (nee Downs. a snn. Carlo. '

The lo_west or any tender not of left-wing idealism operates in . ow· t SERVICE t Brother for Anna :\lai'ia ). I necessanly ace pled. a spiritual vacuum as long as) [ Regular 8.10 a.m. train leaV· 1

D. V. GONDEK, : economic W9nts are ~ing sa tis· . · ing St. John's to-morrow. Fri-1

J ACKliAN - Born at St. VIce-President,


. lied. Wh11 llil 1,. lrllli"• day, ~ill ~ake connection at Clare's :\!ercy Hospital. ~larch and General Manager CAUSE IS EVASIVE Argenlla w1th M.V. Nonia for 2nd, to Arthur and .Toscphme'

marl,2,3 Put simply, the trouble Is that regular ports South Coast Ser· Jackman (nee Lawlor), a vice. daughter.

Protect Your Future! Get Your





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RESTRICTED CARGO Shippen Please Note. Oils

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vice for forwarding via Ar­gentia and M.V. Marlortia will

1 be accepted at the Railway : Freight Shed to-morrow, Fri­, day. I




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