· From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

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Page 1:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the
Page 2:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the





Page 3:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the
Page 4:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the
Page 5:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the
Page 6:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the




II. Demand

III. Warning


[ v ii ]

! AMESTOWN 1 6 19— 19 19

Page 7:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the



! UE STLoss



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Page 8:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

But above all comes the New Spirit. CRI S I S .)

A sound of muttering,faint andfar and low

.4 sound of stirring restlessly about

A harsher note andfre! uently a shout

Of red defiance! not of peace I trow!

Oh, self deceived and blind who do not know

The meaning of this unaccustomed rout!

Do you notfeel thefren! y ! Can you doubt

The triumph of Race Hatred’

s overthrow!

The moving millions of the darker clan

Have wakened to 7ehovah’

s ancient cry

Not stunted, greedy, boastful, pale-faced man

Omnipotent is verily none save

Andpiercing the dark clouds of dreadful night

Behold! they greet the light, the light, The Light!

! ix !

Page 9:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the
Page 10:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold,

Encrusted wi th j ewels of v alue un told,All flowing and glowing wi th nectar ofwine,Distilled from the spir i ts of souls swee t and fine

AS these sons and daugh ters whose deeds I rehearse,

With ! eal all-consuming,th'ough hal t ing my verse

I dri nk to my Race on this epochal morn,

Remembering the Chris t-Chi ld who came lowly


Was despised,crucified and rej ected of men


But now to whom honor and glory— Amen !

l l l

Page 11:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


A sonnet celebrating the heroism and valor of the womenofAmerica, black and white, in the GreatWar

for world democracy, 1 91 7— 1 918

Ye, ! ueen , who bear the b ir th-pangs of a world,

To whom the na t ions in th is hour Of s tress,

For succor look,and for the ru th to bless


Ye,grea t

,whose fondled darl ings

,combed and curled


Are i n the shel l-torn , foreign trenches hurled,To s tay the hel l i sh Hun

,who else would press


The cup of degradat ion and di s tress,

TO l i ps Of men wi th freedom ’ s fl ag unfurled

Ye val i an t mo ther-band who gl adly gave,

The first-frui ts of your r iven wombs to save ,The world from horrors darker than the grave


Ye are the Brave,who in your coun try ’ s need

D id sow the trenches wi th your Prec ious Seed

The grea tes t gi ft of war,and valor ’ s nobles t deed .

[ 2 ]

Page 12:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!First African ! oetess)

NO ! Not l ike the lark, dids t thou circle and sing,High in the heavens on morn ’ s merry wing


But h id in the depths Of the fores t ’ s dense Shade ,There where the homes Of the lowly were made ,Thou nes ted ! Though fe ttered

,thou fra i l ch i ld ofn igh t ,

Thy melody tri l led for th wi th na ive del i gh t !And al l through the throes of the n igh t dark and long,Earth ’s favored ones harkened thy ravi sh i ng song


So pl ain t ive and wi ld, touched wi th Africa’s l i l t !

Of wrong smal l compl a i n t, swee t forgiveness of gui l t

Oh,a lyri c of love and a paean ofprai se,

Dids t thou a t thy vespers , Dark Nigh ti ngale , ra i se !SO swee t was the hymn r ippl i ng ou t of the dark ,I t r ival led the clear morn ing song of the lark .

Page 13:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!In honor of the centenary of his birth —February 1 817—1 91 7)

A cen tury Of migh ty though ts has passed,

Of m igh ty deeds and Merl i n-magic years,

S ince firs t h i s i n fan t wai l assai led the ears

That knew not how prophetic was the blast !

Then swiftly sped the years i n to the vas t

S tore-house of t ime ! The b i t ter vale-Of- tears

Was vanquished,and the dark ab v ss-Of-fears !

The th ing,transformed

,became a Soul a t l as t !

Search noble h is tory ’s mos t s t i rri ng page,

And tel l what l i fe excel led h is i n the race !Trace deeds of daring men in every age

And say i f one ou t-rival led th i s dark face .

Great Douglass— slave andfugitive and'


With the immorta l hos t, thou art in the van !

[ 4 ]

Page 14:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!ToWilliam Stanley Braithwaite upon h is visit toWashington, D. 0 , April, 1 91 6)

An Appreciation

He came l ike ! ohn O f Old to al l procl aim ing

The Bread of Li fe ! to our s tarved senses bringing

The brea th ofApri l i n his Offerings !

The resurrection of our better selves

Commanded he : the spir i t-hal f ofour

Dual exis tence,cal led he back to l i fe !

Revived in us the ancien t th irs t for Truth ,The search for Beauty ’ long the dus ty ways

And sordid places ofour j ourneyings .

Like ! ohn he came to ou r world-wi lderness

The real from the false to separate !The Ligh t to set before our s tumbl ing fee t !

And some whose ears had long been deaf to Truth ,Whose hearts thro ’ greed had hardened in to stones,Were purified

,revived and l i fted up

By the persuas ive magi c of h i s song.



O poe t,wi th thy soul-wrough t vi sion i ngs ,

O prophet,wi th thy wise philosophies,

O poe t-prophe t,prophe t-poet, Come

Again to our low dwel l i ng-places ! Come

[ 5 ]

Page 15:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Oh, wash us clean wi th

Re-l igh t the al tar candles

Page 16:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!Semi-Centennial Celebration, March, 1 917)

The pall of ba ttle scarce had pas sed away,

Hearts yet were ho t wi th hate and hard wi th greed,

When some love-kindled spiri t hid the seed

Whose spreading bl' anches shel ter us today

Beloved Mother,you for whom we pray ,

Be fortified to mee t our every need,At, your ful l breas ts the hungry chi ldren feed ,Nor turn a single th irs ting soul away !

Wh a t hath God wrough t in fi fty years ! we ’ve crossed

The Valley-of-Humil i a t ion : then

Advanci ng up the Hil l-of-Progress, tossed

A Chal lenge to the world Of other men .

And reach i ng ou t for al l tha t ’ s manhood ’s due

thanks go winging up to God— and You !

[ 7 ]

Page 17:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


! ! pan reading the I ntroduction to“Lyrics of Low!y Life

by William Dean Howells)

The beetl i ng n igh t was fading toward the dawn,

When s trange, weird sounds smote subtly on the ear

Of one far up the heigh ts, who paused to hear

The song of h im,who doggedly pressed on

From that low vale whence Hope seemed almos t gone .

Pers is ten tly the sound rose loud and clear

Surcharged Of times wi th radi a ting cheer

Of t imes wi th sadness of a soul in!

pawn .

The hear thside lyri cs tri ckled from his hear t,Wi th simple melody and baflling art !

A travel ler above cal led down the slope

And Dunbar answered,

“Comrade! now I hope !

One whi te,one black, bu t one in spirit, they

Symbol i c are Of God ’s E ternal Way !

[ 8 ]

Page 19:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Depressed in spir i t and harassed by though t

Of war,and al l i ts fes tering

,foul brood


Grim death,gaun t sufl

ering and loa thsome food

I fel l i n to a trance,being much o ’er-wrough t :

A vision marvelous my fancy caugh t !

Afar upon the Moun t OfAges,S tood

Ol d Father Time ! and from his hands a flood

! I ncreased by coun tless putrid s treams tha t brough t

Debris Of al l earth ’s cruel ty and crime,

I n tolerance,i nj us t i ce

,rape and wrong


Unti l the putrefaction , s tench and S l ime

Befouled the universe) -swept swift along,

And los t i tsel f i n a deep crys tal sea,

The cleansi ng Ocean of Democracy .

[ IO ]

Page 20:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Pollu ting al l the curren ts of pure ai r,

Dispersi ng its vi le atoms ev erv where

While with death-poisoned ten tacles they Cl i ng,To our hearts ’ treasuries



And l aying was te the temples of our care,

The surgeon wi th blade kind bu t firm l ays bare

And cuts away the flesh,foul

,fes teri ng

SO must the learned doctors of the S ta te

Relen tlessly cu t the leprous sore

Of prej udice ! else wi l l they find too l a te,

I ts rank corruption eati ng thro ’ the core

Of human brotherhood ! Grim germs Of Hate ,Ra ! i ng our ki ngdom wi th ti tani c roar !

[ I l l

Page 21:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


! ! pon the lack of opportunity afi orded the Negro)

Atom Of God ! spark Of the I nfini te !

I l l im i table thy,maj es ti c sway,

Where i nfluences salu tary play,Thy powers to unfold to u tmos t heigh t !

Poten ti al gods,al l

,al l who s trive arigh t,

Defended from the pom pous world ’s array

Of hos t i le forces, dragging to decay

I deals Of h ighes t honor,truth and ri gh t

Nurtured by ra i n and sh ine the queenly rose

I n shel tered garden to perfec tion grows !But on the deser t, wi thout lovi ng care,I s left to peri sh m iserab ly there .

So Wltl'l the Soul ! i f fai th and cul ture fai l ,!

Twil l grow deformed and choked wi thi n the

[ 1 2 ]

Page 22:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


! The Ridgley Torrenceplays presented on Broadwayby Mrs . Emilie G. Hapgood, April, 1 917)

Behold ! a Star i s trembl ing i n the Eas t,

Whose pale l i gh t heralds a tri umphan t day,

The grea tness of whose prom ise none can say,Nor who the gues t ofhonor a t the feas t ,When from the thrall Of prej udice released


Men see the Soul behind the Vei l Of Cl ay.

Then brother recogni ! i ng brother, mav

Divi ne tha t leas t i s grea t and grea t is leas t .

A beacon i n the wilderness, O S tar,Wi th ox-l ike eyes we note v our lureful gleam .

And Star,so fai n tly shi n i ng from afar,

Wi th God-l ike fai th we watch the widening s tream .

Of l igh t ! Ho,Chri s t has come ! the perfec t day

I n glory breaks never to pass away !

[ 13 1

Page 23:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

To make the world safefor democracy

Exal ted goal ! Oh,cove ted ideal


Which bu t to contemplate,causes to s teal

W i thin the hear t,the s ti ng of ecs tasy !

Oh,fa teful words ! Oh

,poten t prophecy


Which ye t shal l m ake en trenched wrong to reel

And s tagger from the place of power— to feel

The odium ofmen,ou traged

,set free !

Tho ’ now the words are empty,void of l i fe


And soothly u ttered to al l ay the s tri fe

And discon ten t wi th which the world i s ri fe,

These words shal l yet become a ferven t creed,

And v iv ified to mee t The Peoples ’ need,

Shall fruct i fy i n to heroi c deed.

[ I4 ]

Page 24:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!On the East St. Louis riot, 7uly 28, 1 917)

What in fami es have been condoned,O Hate


What sin,what gui l t

,what horrors i n thy name !

Such best i a l revelries which el se would shame

The darkes t heathen in his vi rgi n s tate !

Yet know tha t j udgmen t on thine acts doth wai t,

And Time wil l wri te wi th pen of leaping flame

The ghas tly story— how thou dids t defame

God ’s l iving temples— craven , crafty Hate !

For thou has t none deceived,not e ’en thysel f


Thy bloody hands are raisedfor power andpelf!

Hath no t the lesson of the Ages taugh t,

Thy seem ing triumphs are too dearly bough t !

Cold seas Of blood convulse thy Coward heart !Already crushed

,defea ted , doomed thou art !

[ 1 5 ]

Page 25:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!On Fifth Avenue, New York, Saturday , 7uly 28, 1 917,protesting against the St. Lou is riots)

Were you there ! Did you see ! Gods ! wasn’ t i t fine !

Did you no tice how s tra igh t we kept the l i ne,As we marched down the famous avenue


Si len t,dogged and dusky of hue


Keeping s tep to the sound of the muflied drum ,

W i th its cons tan tly recurri ng tum— tum,tum

Tum— Tum— Tum— Tum— Tum !

Ten thousand of us,i f there was one !

AS goodly a sigh t as th is ancien t sun

Has ever looked upon !

Youth and m a id

Father,mother— not one afraid

Or ashamed to le t the whole worl d know

What he though t of the hel l i sh Eas t S t . Loui s Si'low,

Orgy— rio t— mob— what you wi l l,

Where men and e ’en women s truggled to ki l l

Poor black workers,who ’d fled i n dis tress from the South

To find themse lves murdered and mobbed i n the North .

We marched as a protes t —we carri ed our banner,On which had been boldly i nscri bed every manner

Of sen timen t— al l,to be sure

,wi thin reason

But noflag— not tha t we mean t any treason

Only who ’d have the hear t to carry Old Glory,

[ 1 6 1

Page 27:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

As I watched the long l i nes s triding

!Ten thousand souls i f there was one

And I knew tha t to turn,the wor

As we marched down Fi fth Avenue

And calm ,in our firs t Si len t Protes t

Page 28:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


! ! pon the lynching ofMary Turner)

Oh,tremble, Li ttl e Mother,

For your dark-eyed, unborn babe,Whom in your secret heart you ’ve named

The well-loved name of“Gabe . !

For Gabriel i s the fa ther ’s name,

And the son i s sure to be“

! ust l ike his father !! as she wants

The whole,wide world to see !

Bu t tremble , Li ttl e Mother ,For your unborn baby ’s fate !The father tarr ies long away

Why does he stay so late!

For dark the n igh t and weird the wind,

And chi l led the heart wi th fear !

What are those h ideous sounds and cries

Each ins tan t dr'awing near !


,dark-faced mother


At the dreadful word tha t fal l s

From l ips of pale-faced demons,

As the black man pleads and cal ls .

For they ’ re draggi ng Gabe,at a stout rope


And they say,She is bound to tel l !

[ I 9 ]

Page 29:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Somethi ng she knows not a thing

Or they ’ l l “Give her the same as


,helpless mother !

They ’re bea tin g down the door,And you ’ l l n ever feel the fa ther ’s k i ss ,Or the s ti r of the baby more.

Oh,the human beasts were ruthless,

And there upon the ground,

Two bodies a nd an unborn babe

The morningfound.

Page 30:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


To war I gave my first-born , debonair

And over-flowing wi th the j oy Of l i fe !

His heart was empty of al l though t of stri fe

He dreamed Of radian t l i fe devo id of care .

When next Columbi a cal led I gave— I gave

My l i t tle lad,my babe

,my younges t-born


Full of the l igh t and promise Of the morn,

And ready his beloved l and to save .

These two I gave , my firs t-born and m y l as t,The Alpha and Omega ofmy love ’s dream


So rudel y shat tered by war ’ s lurid gleam

My al l i n to her see thing cauldron cas t !

Whose— whose the condemnation then,i f I

Shame the false l ips th at lured them wi th a l ie !

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Page 31:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


!Twelve Negro soldiers who had served overseas werelynched upon their return to their homes in the South )

Upon his dul l ear fel l the s tern command !And tho ’ scarce knowing why or whi ther, he

Wen tdbrth prepared to battle loyal ly,And ques tioned no t your fai th , 0 Dixi e-l and !

And tho’

the task assigned were small or grand,

I f toi l ing a t mean tasks ingloriously,Or i n fierce combat figh ting val i an tly


Wi th poise magn ificen t he took his s tand !

What tho ’ the hero-warrior was b l ack !

His heart was wh i te and loyal to the core !And when to h is loved Dixie he came back,Maimed

,i n the duty done on foreign shore


Where from the hel l of war he never flinched,Because he cried ,


! was lynched .

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1 61 9— 1 9 1 9

Upon the sl aver ’s deck, a motley band

Of bl acks looked ou t upon the boundless main,

Knowing wi th anguished hearts that ne ’er agai n

Thei r fee t,wi th pride

,would press their native l and !

Theirs thenoeforth to Obey the rude command

Of mas ters,wielding cruel l ash and chain


Wringi ng three cen turies of toi l and pain

From helpless sl aves —Then waved war ’s magic wand,

And,a t the S i gn

,up rose twelve mil l ion men

A brave,patrioti c host

,of grea t power


To serve America i n her cruc i al hour

Ti tanic power,to b less or curse ! for when

Pen t wrong,i nj us ti ce and Oppress ion break ,

Vesuvius-l ike,the hear t of earth they shake !

[ 23 ]

Page 33:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Ethiopia shall stretchforth her hand

Tomorrow ! magic word Of promise rare,

What wi tchery inheres in thy swee t n ame,

I nspi ri ng wild ambi tion,naugh t can tame


TO conquer fai lure —here or otherwhere !The rosy rapture thou dos t ever bear

Upon thy brow,is bu t the beacon-flam e

The lum inous lodes tone,l uring on to fame

And high endeavor ! Simple frien d, beware

The fool who says,Tomorrow— never comes

For opportuni ti es l ike burs ting bombs

Shal l bl as t the walls tha t l im i t us Today .

And all,who wish wi th i n its scope to s tay.

Time has no end save i n e tern i ty

Of wh i ch Tomorrow i s the prophecy.

[ 24 ]

Page 35:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Who sh al l tel l the s tory Of our women Of the can teen !

Our women,golden

,dusk and brown

Mini s tering in France to our brave boys,Our brave

,b l ack boys

FightIng In Fl anders !

Our stevedores in France unloading the sh ips,

Bui lding the roads i n Picardy,That world-democracy m igh t be a dream come true !

Was a soldier broken, da! ed and exhaus ted by the

ofwar !

Was his hear t break ing wi th though ts of home !

Did he yearn hungri ly for mother,wi fe or s i s ter !

Then would come these women

Dusk and gold and brown,

And wi th the tender,min is ter ing hand of mother


Or wi th the camaraderie of s i s ter

Or the soul-sympathy of an unders tanding wi fe,

These dark women Of the can teen

Would m irror to our boys

A b i t of home,i n France


Hearten i ng them for a re turn to the trenches,

And to the bui lding of the roads,

And the unloading of the sh ips .

Oh,who shal l s i ng the glory

Of our women of the can teen !

[ 26 ]

Page 36:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Aged and broken and helpless,

Sapped wi th the toi l of years,

Dumbly he ques tions the future,

Haunted and shaken wi th fears .

Slowly he searches the sad pas t !Naugh t does he find there to shame

Fai th of his hear t— he was loyal,But whose was the treason— the bl ame !

Bl indly he faces Li fe ’s problems !Where are his chi ldren ! fu l l five

Fi l i al sons s trove and l abored !He knows not i f one be al ive !

Meekly he ponders,he wonders


Why, i n God’s name

,he should be

Adri ft wi thou t rudder or compass,

Sore-sm i t ten wi th age,on Li fe ’s sea.

Vai nly he ques tions the Power

Almigh ty,that sweeps us along


The lonely ones sigh ing and crying,The m igh ty rej oicing wi th song.

Agéd and broken and helpless,Sapped wi th the toi l of the years


Dumb ly he ques tions the fu ture

Haunted and shaken wi th fears .

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Now quivering to l i fe, al l na ture thri l l s

At the approach of tha t tr iumphan t queen,Pink-fingered Eas ter, trai l i ng robes of green

Swish ingly o ’er the flower-embroidered h i l l s ,Her hai r perfumed ofmyriad dafl

odils :

Upon her trembl ing bosom now i s seen

The fra i l swee t l i l ies wi th thei r snowy sheen

As sprigh tly she o ’

ers teps the springtime ri l l s .

To bl ack folk choked wi th in the deadly grasp

Of raci a l h ate,what message does she bri ng

Of resurrec tion and the hope of spring !

Assurance thei r death-s tupor is a mask

A S leep,wi th elements poten t i al ri fe


Ready to burs t ful l-flowered i n to l i fe !

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Page 38:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Each hear t bows low before some cherished shrine !

Westmins ter Abbey wi th i ts sain ted dead

I s hal lowed ground where mi ll ions ye t shal l tread !Love rears the Taj


Mahal Of rare design,

And wondrous beau ty wrough t i n every l i ne !To Rome and A thens other hos ts have led


And where the grea t Napoleon makes h i s bed !The fai th ful dream of ancien t Pales ti ne .

Some seek the home of poet, martyr, seer,Of ruler


,sai n t or caval ier,

According as these l ives have left impress

Upon the soul Ofman,hi s l i fe to bless .

Each hear t bows low before some cheri shed shri ne

The bi t ter cross where ! ohn Brown hung i s mine.

[ 29 1

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Like you ,He came unknown and poor


And closed to Him was every door.

His race,l ike yours

,was held i n scorn ,

Like yours,was humble and forlorn .

Like you , He was of men despi sed !

!So deeply was the King disguised.)

The Roman rulers heeded not

The manger-cradle,— His rude cot.

But Wise Men watching i n the Eas t

Knew,the greatest is Often least.

They fol lowed His S tar,brough t priceless th i ngs


Bowed low and worsh ipped the King Of Kings !

[ 30 ]

Page 40:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the



A ! ! EAL

Three cen turies benea th your haughty heel,

Humble and ignoran t,debased and poor


Like mendican ts before your Temple-door,The po ten ta tes of earth have seen us kneel .

With gui leless art we made our mute appeal,

And tho ’ you scorned and spurned us, tried the more

To love and serve you bet ter than before .

Your ch i ldren we have nursed, y our even ing meal

Set for th : your crops have reaped, your acres ti l led ,Your burdens borne

,your enemies have ki l led !

We ’ve given Of our brawn uns t i n t i ngly,

And of our brain,when so you ’d le t i t be .

Remembering al l,how can you lynch and hate


And wi th our quiveri ng clay,your passion sa te !



Torn from our heri tage agains t our will ,And here detai ned by blood-hound and by lash


From dawn to darkness driven by “

po’ whi te trash


The onerous tasks to do,— the soi l to t i l l


Helping your dream of empire to fulfill

Thro ’ blood-baptism and the cl anging clash

[ 3 1 ]

Page 41:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Of war,and i ts swi ft Cl ar i fying flash

The presen t finds us c i t i ! ens ! tho’


Our righ ts and powers i n the common s ta te)Who wi th the volume Of Niagara ’ s roar

And strength wi th which her gi an t waters pour,

Demand,wi th vigor wh ich shal l not aba te

Al l the prerogat ives which are our due

Wi thout regard to race or creed or hue .



The Law that spins these toy-top worlds in space,

Divides the Opa! ue darkness from the day,Direc ts the sh in ing of each solar ray


Guides and con trols the s tel l ar chario t-race,

And holds the wh i rl ing un iverse i n place

Al tho ’ no particle may s top or s tay

This Law immutable,you may not sway


Or modi fy,or al ter by your grace !

Unfai l ingly the t ides Of ocean flow,

The gian t oaks and modes t pansies grow,

I nexorably fol lowing the deed

Comes wi thou t has te and wi thout pause,the meed .

A tiny tendri l crevi ced i n the rock,

I n t ime wi l l burs t apar t a gran i te block .

[ 3 2 ]

Page 43:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

And here the walk has crumb led to decay !Upon th at knol l

,rank grows the shrubbery


And i f one glances yonder, there one sees

The avenue of Old wi ld-cherry trees

D im ves t iges Of former glory‘

Now gone are those who labored,hoped and loved !

Yet their indom i table spir i t l ives,

And to these dark-faced Chi ldren gives

The moving inspira tion !

Today I note your busy crowded hal ls,

Fi l led wi th those youths whom learn ing cal l s

TO higher des ti n ies !

The noi sy workshop sounds again

TO tune Of hammer,saw and plane


As earnes t cflort moulds to shape

The useful th ings that go to make

Man ’ s lo t more comfortable .

I f to be S tr iving— con ten ted i n the work ,Which none would th i nk to Shirk,I f to love na ture and her beaut ies rare


Here boun t i ful ly spread wi th careless care,

I f to be dri nking a t the foun t

Wh ich makes men wise,

And al l-encircl i ng the cerulean skies

I f these th ings make the heaven for which man sighs,

Then here, Old I rons ides , i s paradise !

[ 34 ]

Page 44:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Away down south in Dixie-l and

The place where they were born,

Where grows the cotton,s i lver-whi te

Tobacco,cane and corn

see your beauty,feel your charm !

I knew your ancien t lure

For those dark earth-spri tes,who for you

Did pain un told endure !

But now the cabin lonely s tands

Beneath the spreading tree !The old plan tation echoes not

The weird sl ave-melody !

Gone ! al l are gone ! how strange i t seems !

I m iss thei r gleaming eyes

Thei r loud guflaws, whose hearty ri ng

Floa ts l igh tly to the skies .

What do they seek ! Where have they fled !

Why do they roam afar !

They go to find the Promised Land,With gates ofHope aj ar.

Where school s s tand ready to impart

The precious Rule ofThree !

[ 3 5 ]

Page 45:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

And h i gh ambi tion may be served

To even the l as t degree .

Where aspira t ion soars aloft,

And sel f-respec t may grow !Where none would l im i t nor confine

The man who wan ts to know.

0 Southland,tha t they loved so well


The t ime wi l l come when you

W i sh ing them back,wi l l learn the truth

That fai thful friends are few !

[ 36 ]

Page 46:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


The l i t tle house in which I l ive looks ou t

Upon a garden,where I love to walk


Or s i t and dream and l isten to the talk

Of o thers,moving res tless ly about.

Sometimes the echo of a merry shout,

Again the raucous tones Of those who mock,

Of those who yield and e ’en of those who knock,

Inflame my heart, or Chi l l my soul wi th doub t .

These human plan ts wi th in the garden growing

Are they the frui t,the sample of the sowing !

And the s tink-weeds that flourish wi ldly there,

Are they as wel l the Obj ec ts OfHis care !

Of mal ice,envy

,hate and s tri fe

,God knows

Inj ustice i s the rankes t weed that grows .

[ 37 ]

Page 47:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


A pri celess gi ft wi th in your hand is l a i d,

A j ewel fash ioned by the Mas ter ’ s art !NO fleck or flaw bedims i ts perfect heart


More prec ious than are emeralds— opals— j ade .

This gi ft,for which gold never can be paid ,

I s freely given by a Friend,whose part

I t i s to teach i ts magic —to impart

A knowledge of the why the gi ft was made .

Possess ion of th i s tal i smani c gi ft,

Like Old Aladdin ’s wonder-l amp,wil l l i ft

Earth mortal s h igh as heaven, righ tly used !But doom to S tygi an darkness, i f abused .

’Tis yours to wil l what pic ture shal l ’ appear

The gi ft,a pure

,unsul l ied, glad New Year !

[ 38 ]

Page 48:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


At close Ofday, I couch me at my ease

I n sol i tude,far from dul l mammon ’s roar


And le t the rain Of though t upon me pour

I n showers,hard or soft as they may please

Sometimes l ike gen tle pat ter, th ro’ the trees


Of j oyous rai ns of spring, they touch the core

Of my parched sel f, revi ving flowers of yore

Pansies and swee t forge t-me-nots , to tease

Old memories ! somet imes a torren t breaks

Raging wi th fiendish fury ’ ti l i t shakes

My world Of dreams wrecking my cas tles there,

Leaving my gardens desola te and bare,

When,from l i fe ’s gi lded pleasures shu t away


I seek my lonely couch at close of day.

[ 39 ]

Page 49:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


S tay ! vain,deluded man !

Know not you never can

At tain un to your h igh es ta te and ri ch,

While holding your dark brother in the di tch !

Hold ! rash , misguided fool !

Why wil l you be the tool

Of pass ions,devi l i sh

,i gnoble



Wherei n no God-l ike action one can trace !

Traducer of a race,

You,who are fair of face


S top ! l es t the Chi ldren of a darker hue

I n love,shal l prove superior to you !

O,bro ther

,pause ! reflect !

Each cause has i ts efl’

ec t,

This is the law: your ac ts or soon or l a te,W i l l reap a boun teous harvest

,— ha te for hate.

[ 40 ]

Page 51:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


He brea thless ly pursued the dream Of Fame

Spurred on by a des ire insa ti a te,To win a place secure and make a name

Renowned ! Thus dai ly s tr iving, soon and la te

He wrough t ! bu t ever as he closer came

The goal receded : then wi th quickened gai t,

Disdai n ing augh t of censure or of blame,

He gained the heigh t he sough t wi th hear t ela te !

Oh,b lessed heigh t which he had seen afar


Thro ’ gloom and sunsh ine, thro’ dis tress and pain


But ever luri ng,guid ing as the s tar

Of hope,or as the rainbow after rain

When 10 ! the sacred Temple-door was barred

Agains t h is tarn ished,craven soul

,S i n-scarred !

[ 42 ]

Page 52:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Daybreak in the meadow

and the song Of the lark i n the sky !All my hopes are winging and soaring

-so high, so high!

Nigh tfal l i n the fores t

and the n igh tingale ’s sobbing song !Al l my hopes are dead and the darknes s

[43 ]

Page 53:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Dear friend of m ine whose magnet-hear t

Hath j oined m ine own to thee,Where ’er wi th changing years thou art

Or near or far from me .

O friend ofmine,I ’d have thee know

How dear I hold thy wor th !

Thy sweet compan ionsh ip,I v ow


ertops the gauds Of ear th .

Dear friend ofmine,th i s fai thful though t

May joy and sol ace be,Not separa tion


,no ! Naught

Can change my love for thee !

[ 44 ]

Page 54:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


We wandered through the meadow, green and coo l ,My romping, j oyous l i t tle son and I .

Brigh t was the rippl i ng s tream and we, wi thal,So gay

,we noted not the flying hours

’Ti l sudden ly the sun had set, and gray,Dim shadows o ’er the ear th began to creep.

NO longer now he sang in chi ldi sh glee,Or sough t the modes t flower i n cranny h id !But close beside me walked in sober mood ,His hand close-clasped in mine ! then coaxingly,“ ’Tis dark

,dear father ! please , s i r, take me home !

My l i t tle son to manhood now has grown !NO longer fears he shadows dim and gray !I n fearlessness of youth

,he braves the dark,

Bu t I,who know the dangers of the dark

And al l the i l l s which do in darkness lurk,

Am fearful , les t he s tumble and so fal l

I n to the pi t : but when Li fe ’s Day i s done,

When burs t al l the bubbles he has chased,

And creeping come the shadows of the n igh t,DO Thou , dear Father, hold h is trembl ing hand

And through the darkness lead h im gen tly Home .

[ 45 ]

Page 55:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Not,by the dus ty s tre tch of days

Slow-gathering to lengthen i ng years

We measure friendsh ip ’s chain,

But by the unders tanding touch,

The sm ile, the soul-kiss, yea, the tears

That ease the load Of pain .

[46 ]

Page 56:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


I wan t to sai l ou t on the flood- t ide of l i fe,

TO the ut termos t reaches Of sel f!Forge tti ng the pet ty conven tions of men


And the scramble for power and pel f.

I wan t to sai l ou t to the I sl and-Of-Love ,And couch mysel f there on your breas t


TO be soo thed by your pass iona te V iol-swee t voice ,And lul led by i ts musi c to res t.

I wan t to be warmed by the sun of your smi le,

Refreshed by the rain Ofyour tears,

Con ten t in the c l asp of your compassing arms,As we dri ft down the tide of the years .

I wan t to float ou t on the ebb- tide Of l i fe ,As mutely the dea th watch you keep,And feel the quick pulse ofyour quivering l ips

As I fal l i n the l ast dreamless sl eep.

[ 47 ]

Page 57:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


The World today is sad,NO l igh t is i n her eye


How co ld and pale she seems !

The dul l,gray ashes on her l ips

Choke back the rippl ing thril l s of glee

Tha t yes terday,a j oyous ri ver flowed .

Why does She weep incessan tly

Wi th now and then a momen tary lul l

Succeeded by an . ou tburs t

More terrifi c !

I wonder i f her heart l ike m ine,

Pen t and res tra ined,I s sometimes ful l beyond con trol !

Then comes the torren t,merci ful ,

Rel ieving,cleans i ng



And wash ing free of care and dross,The Soul left clean and purified .

[ 48 ]

Page 59:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

But yes terday

The weal th of al l the world

Did not exceed in value the grea t

Tha t heaven to me did send


The humbles t beggar in the land

I s i nfin i tely r i cher than am I,

For I have los t— a friend .

[ 50]

Page 60:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


,who ar t more fai r than -words can tel l

Or a fond lover ’s n imble fancy pain t,

May I no t come to thee, where thou dos t dwel l

Wi th hope that thou wil t heed my mourn ful pla in t !


,thou cans t not choose but tender be


Knowing my every hear t-bea t i s for thee !

[ 5 1 ]

Page 61:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the




,l e t us take a walk


Down the Way-Of-Li fe toge ther !S torms may come

,bu t wha t care we,

Ifbe fai r or foul the wea ther .

When the sky overhead is blue,

Balmy,scen ted winds wil l a fter

Us,adown the val ley blow

Haun ting echoes of our l augh ter .

When Li fe ’s s torms upon us bea t

Crush ing us wi th fury, after

All i s done,there ’ l l r i nging come

Mocking echoes Of our l augh ter.

So we ’ l l walk the Way-Of-Life,You and I


,bo th together,

S torm or sunshine,happy we

I f be fou l or fai r the weather .

[ 52 ]

Page 62:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


I t was tha t swee t t ime we cal l the twi l ight hour,

On peaceful Grasmere Lake we idly rowed :

Before us,matchless beau ty lay revealed

I n Sky and hi l l and gen tly slopi ng wood .

The myri ad thoughts tha t to our l ips came thronging

We could not speak,but al l en tranced sa t

Whi le at our boa t in tender rhy thm i c cadence

The laughing,dancing wavele ts softly tapped .

NO scene in al l creat ion could be sweeter !

The t i ny cloud that o’ er the h i l l- top hung,The quie t vale

, the brown dove-co te hal f hidden

Would fire to song even the most hal ting tongue .

Smal l wonder tha t the poet was inspired

To s ing of th i s fa i r spo t he loved so wel l !

Not Bobbie Burns nor ye t the Bard of Avon

Could Of h is haun ts a lovel i er s tory tel l .

Then suddenly i n voice deep and subdued

One began the “Ode ! ofWordsworth ’ s to repeat,“On Immortal i ty


! thus ending fi tlyA holv day wi th holy j oy complete .


s home is called Dove Cottage.

[ 53 ]

Page 63:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


I saw the candle brigh tly burn ing i n the room !

The fringed curtains gracefully draped back,

The windows,crys tal clear !

Upon the generous hearth

! ui ck Wi t and bubbl ing Laugh ter

Fl ashed and danced,


d and pranced,

And musi c to the glowing scene len t cheer.

I t was a gracious sigh t,SO ful l of l i fe

,of love

,Of l i gh t !


Then sudden ly I saw a cloud of gloom

Take form wi thin the room :

A blue-grey mis t obscured the wi ndow-panes

And si len t fel l the rout!

Then from the shadows c ame the Dreaded Shape,The candle fl i ckered ou t !

[ 54 ]

Page 64:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


I know a lo t of folk who th ink

That God

Is j us t a great, big tub

Of Grub .

Descan ti ng on His boun ty

They wil l measure

Hi s prodigal treasure

By so many“Head 0’ hogs


! “bushel 0’ grai n or barr’

l o’ po ta toes .

But to me

God is the l i ly ’s dream,

The low,swee t note

I n the thrush ’s throat

The sun-beam ’s glory by a dew-drop caugh t !

He i s the migh ty tide

Gripping old ocean ’s s ide

The moun tai n ’s though t !

[ 55 ]

Page 65:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Spring,thou wil ful

, Changeful maid

Ven turesome,yet hal f afraid

King W i n ter to defy,Come

,wi th all thy ai rs and graces


Perfumes swee t and flower-l aces !When he thy rare beau ty faces


He,of love

,wil l die .

[ 56 ]

Page 67:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

Your eyes s tar-worlds of beau ty are,

My long road bla! ing from afar,

Sweet Emily !

The essence Of the rose ’s musk

Bathes your wine-l i ps as through the dusk

They summon me !

The downy pi l lows of your breas t,

Swee t Eden where my soul would res t

E tern ally !

[ s8 l

Page 68:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

nce, the word of love,i n vain !

m Of memory,

i n , the pai n !

Page 69:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


I n scru table and awe- i n spi r ing Sph inx,

I n im i table and immortal,whose

Maj es ti c head ofmassed and matted k i nks

Cons trains al ike the savan t and the muse

To marv el a t thy muted mys tery !

What age-long memories thy face be trays !

Wha t moving vis ions thou has t seen— dost see !

Thou ar t the symbol that, to presen t days ,The ancien t years indubi tably l inks !

Wherever men thei r r igh teous voi ces raise

Such deeds of grandeur to ex tol and prai se,The Sons ofAfrica

,who bui lded thee


Through us shal l swel l the song of j ub i lee

And matchless thou shal t s tand,imperi al Sph inx .

[ 60 ]

Page 70:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


To a Skilful Surgeon

Not perfec tl y moulded, no t smoo th and cold

Sugges ting th e touch of senseless gold,But warm and puls ing hands


Thri l l i ng the weal th of a heart to me .

Hands tha t are wil l i ng and busy and warm !Hands tha t are eager to shel ter from harm !Hands tha t are capable— po ten t indeed


! uickly outs tre tched to another’s need.

Ready and res tful hands,loving and s trong,

Bu t soo th i ng and soft as a lull aby song !Hands wi th the magic given sufl


ering to ease !Oh

,who would not worsh ip such dear hands as these !

[ 6 1 ]

Page 71:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


! pon the dedication of the L incoln Memorial atWashington, May 3 0, 1 922

Son of the people, softly, swee tly res t !

Thy un iversal hear t fel t al l the woes

Of m anki nd ! They on ly were thy foes

Who hated righ t— who loved the evi l bes t

How hard man ’s cruel ty upon thee pressed,Thy deeply-l i ned and tragi c visage shows !

Thy grea t soul-agony,only God knows


When th i s grea t Un ion ’s fa te was pu t to tes t !

Bu t trus ting i n ! ehovah’s power to guide


Nor caring i f the whole world should deride,Wi th gran i te wi l l

,thou stoodst the R igh t beside .

Thus from the lowly cab in thou dids t cl im b

To hal low thi s memori al subl ime,

And men shal l love thee to the end of t ime .

[ 62 ]

Page 72:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the


Lovers in Three Moods


Smi l i ng,big and ful l i oy,

I saw Old Ocean rush upon the Shore

Wi th wide-spread arms

He caugh t her to his heart .

I heard him chuckle softly to himsel f !I saw h i s fingers s troke her sea-weed hai r !He kissed and kissed and kissed agai n

Her lush,respons ive l ips !

And she who had been pale and cold

Grew warm and dimpled at his touch .


I saw Old Ocean sullen,moody

,mad !

The Shore s tre tched out her shel l-l ike hands i n vain !NO bubbl ing l aughter greeted her sad ear !He Offered no caress .

He glowered a t her,grumbl ing through his teeth !

Oh,he was dark and s in i s ter !

He would not look upon her,wai ting

,wan !

God! I could better bear his blows

Than this indiflerence.

[ 63 ]

Page 73:  · From a goblet of rarest and richest red gold, Encrusted with jewels ofv alue untold, All flowing and glowing with nectar ofwine, Distilled from the

I heard Old Ocean warring i n h i s wrath !

He shook and sl ashed and swore wi th fury !

With heavy fi s ts he bea t upon the Shore !He tore her hair !He screamed and raged !He bruised her tender

,sh in ing flesh !

He gripped her wi th the s trength ofmany gian ts,

Shrieki ng— l ash i ng— kicking

Un ti l a t length,hi s j ealous fury spen t


He sank exhaus ted in her wai t i ng arms !’

Tis well,


the Shore said softly,

For he loveth much .


[ 64 ]