c m y k c m y k M a x : 34.3 O C M i n : 21.0 O C R H : 29% R a i n f a l l : Nil F o r e c a s t : Partly cloudy sky during the day. Max/Min temp. 35/21ºC WEATHER Vol. 84 No. 79 Established 1938 | 24 PAGES | `7.00 deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com/deccanchronicle TABLOID SPORTS| 13 Tollywood turns holy? India beat England to claim series 3-2 Anil set `100cr target for Waze: Former CP NATION| 9 THE LARGEST CIRCULATED ENGLISH DAILY IN SOUTH INDIA HYDERABAD I SUNDAY I 21 MARCH 2021 M A D D Y D E E K S H I T H I D C HYDERABAD, MARCH 20 TRS candidate Palla Rajeshwar Reddy retained his Legislative Council seat after a tense battle with independent candidate Teenmaar Mallanna, late on Saturday night. The result for the Warangal- Khammam-Nalgonda (WKN) graduates con- stituency election is expect- ed to be officially announced by the Election Commission on Sunday. That victory was icing on the cake after TRS candi- date Surabhi Vani Devi, daughter of former prime minister late P.V. Narasimha Rao, won the election from the Mahbubnagar-Ranga Reddy-Hyderabad (MRRH) graduates constituency. She secured 56.17 per cent of the vote, beating 92 can- didates and wresting the seat from BJP MLC N. Ramchander Rao. Vani Devi met TRS presi- dent and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao at Pragathi Bhavan. The TRS chief also put out a congrat- ulatory message for Rajeshwar Reddy on his victory. TRS working president K.T. Rama Rao thanked voters, saying, on Twitter, “Gratitude to the voters for showing up in large num- bers & reposing faith in KCR Garu’s nominees (sic).” At Nalgonda, where counting for the WKN seat was underway, Rajeshwar Reddy had secured 1,32,681 votes against 1,08,339 for Mallanna after 68 candi- dates were eliminated from the race. P a g e 4 : V a n i s e c u r e d 1 , 1 2 , 6 8 9 f i r s t p r e f e r e n c e v o t e s TRS rides high as Palla, Vani win MLC elections Palla retains seat, Vani Devi wrests constituency from BJP MODI: GROWTH OF BENGAL DOWN FOR 50 YEARS P A W A N B A L I A N D S R I D H A R K U M A R A S W A M I | D C NEW DELHI, MARCH 20 US secretary of defence Lloyd James Austin said on Saturday that the United States never thought that India and China were on the thresh- old of a war during their military stand-off in Ladakh. He also said that he had discussed the issue of human rights of minori- ties in India with Cabinet ministers in the Modi gov- ernment and added that “partners need to be able to have those kinds of dis- cussions.” “We have never consid- ered India and China were on the threshold of a war,” Austin said during a press conference. To a question whether he had spoken with Prime Minister Narendra Modi about “violations of human rights especially against Muslim minorities in the Northeast”, Austin replied: “I did not have an opportunity to talk with him about that. I did have a conversation with other members of the Cabinet on this issue.” Austin pointed out that US President Joe Biden has said that human rights and rule of law are impor- tant to the United States of America. “We always lead with our values. As a democracy that’s pretty important to us. India is a democratic country and you treasure your values as well. There are a num- ber of things that we can and will work on togeth- er,” he said. Sources said that Austin on Saturday told external affairs minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar in an hour- long meeting that “as the two largest democracies in the world, human rights and values are important to us and we will lead with these values”. Jaishankar “agreed and emphasised that a strong relationship between the two democracies was not only important for both countries but for the rest of the world”, sources said. Austin said that India is an important partner amid the rapidly shifting inter- national dynamics. “US- India relationship is a stronghold of a free and open Indo-Pacific region,” he said. Secretary Austin and defence minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday dis- cussed the need to keep Indo-Pacific region free, expanding US-India mili- tary-to-military engage- ment, information shar- ing, cooperation in emerg- ing sectors of defence, and mutual logistics support. Didn’t see India, China war: US Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao congratulates TRS candidate Surabhi Vani Devi at Pragathi Bhavan after she won the MLC election, in Hyderabad on Saturday. — BY ARRANGEMENT L . V E N K A T R A M R E D D Y I D C HYDERABAD, MARCH 20 TRS leaders and cadre gave credit to party president and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao for the victory of Surabhi Vani Devi, daughter of former prime minister P.V. Narasimha Rao, in the Legislative Council elec- tion from the Hyderabad- Ranga Reddy-Mahbub- nagar graduates seat and Palla Rajeshwar Reddy from the Warangal- Khammam-Nalgonda seat on Saturday. The Chief Minister’s eleventh hour decision to field Vani Devi is being hailed as a “political mas- terstroke’, which has now hit the opposition hard. In Vani’s and Rajeshwar Reddy’s victories, Chandrashekar Rao shot many birds with a single arrow, many opined. P a g e 4 : D u b b a k , c i v i c p o l l s l o s s a v e n g e d b y V a n i w i n KCR SEIZES PV’S LEGACY WITH VANI MASTERSTROKE D C C O R R E S P O N D E N T HYDERABAD, MARCH 20 TRS working president and IT minister K.T. Rama Rao stated that he would shortly lead a team of his Cabinet colleagues to Visakhapatnam to sup- port the ongoing agitation against the privatisation of Vizag Steel Plant (VSP). Rama Rao gave this assurance to Andhra Pradesh Telugu Desam legislator Ganta Srinivasa Rao when the latter met him at his chambers in the Assem- bly here on Saturday. Rama Rao had while campaigning for the Legislative Council elec- tions had extended his solidarity with the agitat- ing VSP workers. Srinivasa Rao had ten- dered his resignation from his Visakhapatnam (North) Assembly seat on February 6 in support of the agitation. However, it is still pend- ing with the AP Assembly Speaker. In an informal chat with mediapersons after the meeting, Srinivasa Rao said he had met Rama Rao to thank him for extending his support to the agitation by the steel plant's joint action com- mittee. P a g e 4 : K T R s u p p o r t t o V S P t i m e l y KTR TO LEAD TEAM TO VIZAG OVER STEEL PLANT R A J I B C H O W D H U R I | D C KOLKATA, MARCH 20 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday brand- ed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Baner- jee’s Trinamul Congress as a patshala (school) teaching “brutality, exto- rtion, cut-money, syndi- cate and anarchy. Referring to the global outage of some popular social networking appli- cations on Friday night, Modi also said that the state’s development has been down for half-a-cen- tury and requested people to give “one chance” to the BJP in the ensuing Assembly election with a promise that he would devote his “life” for pub- lic welfare. Modi said, “Many of you know last night Whats- App, Facebook, Insta- gram remained down for 50-55 minutes. People be- came impatient and wor- ried. Questions cropped up in their mind. Though it was only for 50-55 min- utes, everyone kept think- ing about what happened. While some things on social media were down for 50-55 minutes world- wide, in Bengal develop- ment has been down for the last 50-55 years. So was the trust, dreams and resolve. I can understand your impatience." R e p o r t o n P a g e 9

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Max: 34.3OCMin: 21.0OC RH: 29%Rainfall: Nil

Forecast: Partly cloudy skyduring the day.

Max/Min temp. 35/21ºC


Vol. 84 No. 79 Established 1938 | 24 PAGES | `7.00deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com/deccanchronicle

TABLOIDSPORTS| 13Tollywood turnsholy?

India beat England toclaim series 3-2

Anil set `100cr targetfor Waze: Former CP




TRS candidate PallaRajeshwar Reddy retainedhis Legislative Council seatafter a tense battle withindependent candidateTeenmaar Mallanna, lateon Saturday night. Theresult for the Warangal-K h a m m a m - N a l g o n d a(WKN) graduates con-stituency election is expect-ed to be officiallyannounced by the ElectionCommission on Sunday.

That victory was icing onthe cake after TRS candi-date Surabhi Vani Devi,daughter of former primeminister late P.V.Narasimha Rao, won theelection from theM a h b u b n a g a r - R a n g aReddy-Hyderabad (MRRH)graduates constituency.She secured 56.17 per centof the vote, beating 92 can-didates and wresting theseat from BJP MLC N.Ramchander Rao.

Vani Devi met TRS presi-dent and Chief Minister K.Chandrashekar Rao atPragathi Bhavan. The TRSchief also put out a congrat-ulatory message forRajeshwar Reddy on hisvictory.

TRS working president

K.T. Rama Rao thankedvoters, saying, on Twitter,“Gratitude to the voters forshowing up in large num-bers & reposing faith inKCR Garu’s nominees(sic).”

At Nalgonda, wherecounting for the WKN seat

was underway, RajeshwarReddy had secured 1,32,681votes against 1,08,339 forMallanna after 68 candi-dates were eliminated fromthe race.

■ Page 4: Vani secured1,12,689 first preference votes

TRS rides high as Palla,Vani win MLC elections Palla retains seat, Vani Devi wrests constituency from BJP



US secretary of defenceLloyd James Austin saidon Saturday that theUnited States neverthought that India andChina were on the thresh-old of a war during theirmilitary stand-off inLadakh.

He also said that he haddiscussed the issue ofhuman rights of minori-ties in India with Cabinetministers in the Modi gov-ernment and added that“partners need to be ableto have those kinds of dis-cussions.”

“We have never consid-ered India and China wereon the threshold of a war,”Austin said during a pressconference.

To a question whether hehad spoken with PrimeMinister Narendra Modiabout “violations ofhuman rights especiallyagainst Muslim minoritiesin the Northeast”, Austinreplied: “I did not have anopportunity to talk withhim about that. I did havea conversation with othermembers of the Cabinet onthis issue.”

Austin pointed out thatUS President Joe Bidenhas said that human rightsand rule of law are impor-tant to the United States of

America. “We always leadwith our values. As ademocracy that’s prettyimportant to us. India is ademocratic country andyou treasure your valuesas well. There are a num-ber of things that we canand will work on togeth-er,” he said.

Sources said that Austinon Saturday told externalaffairs minister (EAM) S.Jaishankar in an hour-long meeting that “as thetwo largest democracies inthe world, human rightsand values are importantto us and we will lead withthese values”.

Jaishankar “agreed andemphasised that a strongrelationship between thetwo democracies was notonly important for bothcountries but for the rest ofthe world”, sources said.

Austin said that India isan important partner amidthe rapidly shifting inter-national dynamics. “US-India relationship is astronghold of a free andopen Indo-Pacific region,”he said.

Secretary Austin anddefence minister RajnathSingh on Saturday dis-cussed the need to keepIndo-Pacific region free,expanding US-India mili-tary-to-military engage-ment, information shar-ing, cooperation in emerg-ing sectors of defence, andmutual logistics support.

Didn’t see India,China war: US

Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao congratulates TRScandidate Surabhi Vani Devi at Pragathi Bhavan after shewon the MLC election, in Hyderabad on Saturday.



TRS leaders and cadre gavecredit to party presidentand Chief Minister K.Chandrashekar Rao for thevictory of Surabhi VaniDevi, daughter of formerprime minister P.V.Narasimha Rao, in theLegislative Council elec-tion from the Hyderabad-Ranga Reddy-Mahbub-nagar graduates seat andPalla Rajeshwar Reddyfrom the Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda seaton Saturday.

The Chief Minister’seleventh hour decision tofield Vani Devi is beinghailed as a “political mas-terstroke’, which has nowhit the opposition hard. InVani’s and RajeshwarReddy’s victories,Chandrashekar Rao shotmany birds with a singlearrow, many opined.

■ Page 4: Dubbak, civic pollsloss avenged by Vani win



TRS working presidentand IT minister K.T.Rama Rao stated that hewould shortly lead a teamof his Cabinet colleaguesto Visakhapatnam to sup-port the ongoing agitationagainst the privatisationof Vizag Steel Plant(VSP).

Rama Rao gave thisassurance to AndhraPradesh Telugu Desamlegislator GantaSrinivasa Rao when thelatter met him at hischambers in the Assem-bly here on Saturday.

Rama Rao had whilecampaigning for theLegislative Council elec-tions had extended hissolidarity with the agitat-ing VSP workers.Srinivasa Rao had ten-dered his resignationfrom his Visakhapatnam(North) Assembly seat onFebruary 6 in support ofthe agitation.

However, it is still pend-ing with the AP AssemblySpeaker.

In an informal chat withmediapersons after themeeting, Srinivasa Raosaid he had met RamaRao to thank him forextending his support tothe agitation by the steelplant's joint action com-mittee.

■ Page 4: KTR support toVSP timely



Prime Minister NarendraModi on Saturday brand-ed West Bengal ChiefMinister Mamata Baner-jee’s Trinamul Congressas a patshala (school)teaching “brutality, exto-rtion, cut-money, syndi-cate and anarchy.

Referring to the globaloutage of some popularsocial networking appli-cations on Friday night,Modi also said that thestate’s development hasbeen down for half-a-cen-tury and requested peopleto give “one chance” tothe BJP in the ensuingAssembly election with apromise that he woulddevote his “life” for pub-lic welfare.

Modi said, “Many of youknow last night Whats-App, Facebook, Insta-gram remained down for50-55 minutes. People be-came impatient and wor-ried. Questions croppedup in their mind. Thoughit was only for 50-55 min-utes, everyone kept think-ing about what happened.While some things onsocial media were downfor 50-55 minutes world-wide, in Bengal develop-ment has been down forthe last 50-55 years. Sowas the trust, dreams andresolve. I can understandyour impatience."

■ Report on Page 9

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Covid-19 cases hit 75 in HydDC CORRESPONDENTHYDERABAD, MARCH 20

Covid-19 cases have seen asudden uptick in the GHMCarea with the health depart-ment reporting that, onFriday, Hyderabad city andthe rest of the GHMC areasrecorded 75 new cases ofCoronavirus infections.

The total Covid-19 casesfound in Telangana were364, the department saidand added that two morepeople lost their lives onFriday to the disease.

Meanwhile, the number

of districts reporting casesin the double digits went upto 12 on Friday from 10 onThursday. Telangana statehas so far recorded 1,666deaths from Covid-19 whilethe total cases rose to3,02,724.

With the number of casesrising every day, healthminister Etala Rajendarsaid the increase in Covid-19 was the result of peoplecoming in from neigh-bouring Maharashtrawhere the disease is spreading fast.

He said there was no need

for anyone to panic,but it isextremely important thateveryone follows safety me-asures to prevent catchingthe infection, or spreadingit to others without theirown knowledge. He said thegovernment was requestingthe Centre to allow every-one to get vaccinated irre-spective of their age. In the

meanwhile, people shouldbe on their guard.

“The health department isalert and is working roundthe clock to control the disease and is geared up tomeet any challenge,”Rajendar said.

Meanwhile, 21,477 peoplereceived their first dose ofCovid-19 vaccine onSaturday, and 732 their second dose. So far, accord-ing to the health depart-ment, 6,79,928 people havereceived their first dose,and 2,17,759 people theirsecond dose of the vaccine.


The Vana DurgaBhavani temple atEdupayala in Medakhas been shut for aweek after four staff,including the temple'sexecutive officer (EO)tested positive for Cov-id-19. Temple EO hadundergone a test afterhe developed fever andother symptoms, andwas confirmed to havethe disease. Tthe healthdepartment then con-ducted tests on 91 otherstaffers at the temple.

Of these, three per-sons were reported tohave tested positive forCovid-19 on Friday. Thefamous temple atEdupayala had seentens of thousands ofpeople gathered duringthe recent MahaShivaratri festival.Though the temple hasbeen shut for pilgrims,all regular rituals andabhishekhams will con-tinue as usual, officialssaid.



Thirty-four studentsfrom the GovernmentHigh School at Mudfort,Secunderabad were am-ong the 45 school kidswho were found to beCovid-19 positive onSaturday.

According to officials,another 11 studentswere found to be posi-tive after tests at a pri-vate school inKhammam.



The Anti HumanTrafficking Unit (AHTU)of Cyberabad has arrested72 persons and rescued 32victims since its inception in Septemberlast year.

Among its success sto-ries is rescuing a minor 14-year-old girl who elopedwith a 19-year-old from

Uttar Pradesh whom shehad befriended on socialmedia. It was found thatthe couple had come toCyberabad. The couplewas found to be using aSIM card with a fakeaddress and used 30 IMEIsnumbers from nine mobilephones.

The minors were caughtand handed over to theGanganagar police ofUttar Pradesh. The boy

was a suspect in bike theftcases.

In another case, AHTUreunited a 17-year-old withher parents after she wentmissing as an infant in2005. The police found thatthe child had been shiftedto Happy Home atBodduppal and from thereto Vivekanada Home,Miyapur. The parents iden-tified the child based onidentity marks.

Anti-trafficking unit arrests72, rescues 32 in 6 months●● THE HEALTH department

is alert and is workinground the clock to controlthe disease and is gearedup to meet any challenge,Rajendar said.

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Police officerinjured in mishap

Hyderabad: TS Special Policesub-inspector was injured

when his car rammed a sta-tionary tractor on the Outer

Ring Road (ORR) onSaturday morning. The 2009batch SI, P. Naresh, has been

shifted to hospital. Policesaid he was driving to his

hometown Kodad inSuryapet district with his

wife and a relative when theaccident occurred. The co-travellers escaped unhurt.

Two held forsnatching bags

Hyderabad: The Banjara Hillspolice arrested two persons,

Mohammad Saiful, 23, andMirza Haroon Baig, 20, for

snatching bags at knifepoint.They were reportedly

involved in cases in theBanjara Hills.

From Page 1

He could avenge the set-backs that the TRS suf-fered at the hands ofBJP in Dubbak bypolland the GHMC electionsby grabbing the Councilseat which was held bythe BJP. He proved thatthere is no anti-incum-bency as being projectedby the Opposition byensuring the victory ofRajeshwar Reddy for thesecond term.

The TRS chief couldcheck the resurgence ofthe BJP as well as pro-tect his own party lead-ers from the BJP's'Operation Akarsh'through which itinduces defections.There were fears that ahandful of TRS leaderswould switch to the BJPcamp if the ruling partywas dealt an electoralblow again.

Chandrashekar Rao

sent a message loud andclear that BJP's per-formance in Dubbak andGHMC elections were anaberration and TRSremains unbeatable inTelangana politics.

In a way, with Vani'svictory, the TRS hasusurped NarasimhaRao's legacy from theCongress. The exercisecommenced when theCM announced that thestate government wouldhave an official year-long birth centenary cel-ebrations of the formerprime minister.

Known as a master ofsurprises in political cir-cles, ChandrashekarRao mastered the art ofstriking when the iron ishot and outsmartingopponents at their owngame.

He is known for takingdecisions that are dia-metrically opposite toearlier trials.

While he retained thecandidature of sittingMLC Palla RajeshwarReddy for Warangal-Khammam-Nalgondaseat three months beforepolls, he kept the deci-sion pending withregard to Mahbubnagar-Ranga Reddy-Hyderabadseat, which the partyhad never won.

This triggered specula-tions that the TRS maynot contest the seat toavoid another embar-rassment at the hands ofBJP and instead supportindependent candidateProf K. Nageshwar fromthe outside.

However, Chandr-ashekar Rao proved allthese speculationswrong by fielding VaniDevi at the last minute.

Though Vani is new topolitics, Rao's decisionstumped not onlyOpposition but even TRSleaders. Soon thereafter,

TRS leaders and cadretook up an aggressivecampaign claiming thelegacy of NarasimhaRao.

For Vani, the TRS chiefappointed three minis-ters - T. Harish Rao,Vemula PrashanthReddy and GangulaKamalakar - as electionin-charges besides rop-ing in all city ministersand party MPs, MLCsand MLAs.

Such was the level ofmicro-level booth man-agement that an in-charge was appointedfor every 20 voters,whose duty was to meeteach voter personally toseek votes, ensure thatthey reach the boothsand cast votes in theparty's favour.

This resulted in a mas-sive voter turnout,which eventuallyworked in favour of theTRS.

Dubbak, civic polls lossavenged by Vani winCM proves there is no anti-incumbency factor in TS


CLP leader Mallu BhattiVikramarka alleged that thegovernment had neglectedfour priority sectors — educa-tion, health, roads andbridges, rural development —in the Budget and its conse-quences will soon be felt.

“The national average forthe education budget is 15.9per cent but just 6.8 per centwas allotted. Three per centwas allotted to health against5.5 per cent national average.Just 2.6 per cent of the Budgetwas allotted to roads andbridges against 4.3 per centnationally,” he said during adiscussion on the Budget inthe Assembly.

Bhatti wondered how theTRS government could pres-ent a `2.30 lakh crore Budget,

while finance minister T.Harish Rao had spoken ofpoor earnings and drop inCentre’s devolutions. “Anyonegoing through the Budget canunderstand that the figuresare imaginary,” he said.

BJP Dubbak MLA M.Raghunandan Rao asked thestate government not toblame the Centre as it wassupporting all states liberallyby releasing GST arrears andfunds within 30 days.

The MLA alleged that thegovernment’s `2.30 lakh-crore Budget was a namesake affair and had nothingto offer to the people. Healleged that loans taken frombanks were being shown asincome. He said the Budgethad shown a lower amount asloan and interest repaymentas compared to the previousBudget.


Under the government’sJeevandan cadaver trans-plantation programme, par-ents of a 21-year old who diedafter a head injury inJanampeta in Khammamdistrict on Thursday, donat-ed his organs at YashodaHospital, Somajiguda.

Venkateshwarulu andSrilatha, daily-wage work-ers, donated the kidneys,liver and lungs of their sonTharun Kotha who had sus-tained a head injury after hefell off a tractor in his vil-lage. He could not be revived.

● ● DURING THE 96 hoursof counting, 9,600 officialsparticipated for theHyderabad-Ranga Reddy-Mahabubnagar MLC grad-uate constituency.


TRS cadre on Saturdaycelebrated the twin suc-cesses scripted by theparty in the LegislativeCouncil elections for theMahbubnagar- RangaReddy-Hyderabad andWarangal-Khammam-Nalgonda seats.

Surabhi Vani Devidefeated BJP candidateRamchander Rao in theformer while PallaRajeshwar Reddyretained the latter seatputting an end to theaspirations ofTeenmaar Mallanna.

Enthusiastic partycadre assembled atTelangana Bhavan todistribute sweets andburst crackers.

Ministers gave creditto party boss and ChiefMinister K.Chandrashekar Rao forthe resounding wins.Mahmood Ali, GangulaKamalakar, ErrabelliDayakar Rao,Indrakaran Reddy andSatyavathi Rathodechoed similar senti-ments in the hour ofglory. They contendedthat graduates were sen-sible enough to seethrough the game-planof BJP and the hate-poli-tics it had indulged in tomalign the image of theTRS government.

They said that the ver-

dict in Hyderabad was aperfect salutation to lateformer prime ministerP.V. Narasimha Rao, theson of the soil who ush-ered in economicreforms at a time whenthe country was reelingunder financial crisis.By electing Vani Devi,the graduate voters hadpaid the ultimate tributeto the former prime min-ister, they said.

They thanked gazettedofficers, TNGO mem-bers, Central govern-ment employees andretired employeesunions for standing bythe TRS.

Jubilant TRS cadre celebrate wins

From Page 1

“He has assured that hewill lead a team toVisakhapatnam to studythe issue and take part inthe agitation,” SrinivasaRao said. Both leadersreportedly also discussedthe latest political situa-tion in Andhra Pradesh.

Srinivasa Rao vowed tomobilise the support ofpolitical parties that areagainst the VSP privatiza-tion. Rama Rao’s proposedvisit to Vizag also assumespolitical significance. Hissupport was received wellby AP-natives residing inHyderabad, who consti-tute a major chunk ofgraduate voters besidesemployees of Central pub-lic sector units like BHEL,BDL, and ECIL.

The victory of TRS can-didate Surabhi Vani Devifrom this seat indicatesthat Rama Rao’s supportto the VSP agitation hasworked wonders as theparty had never won theseat earlier.


From Page 1

Since the TRS candidatecould not get the 50 percent-plus-one vote, therequirement to win theLegislative Council elec-tion, the process of trans-ferring the votes ofMallanna, the last remain-ing rival, to RajeshwarReddy was going on tillreports last came in.

The two candidatesshared the second prefer-ence votes of TJS founderProf. Kondadaram whogot 1,03,030 prior to hiselimination from the race.The TRS candidate has tomake up 21,356 votes toreach the victory mark,which he is expected to dowith Mallanna's votes

Ninety-three candidateswere in fray for the MRRHconstituency and 71 forWKN. The WKN seat saw3,86,320 votes polled (76.41percent) and MRRH3,57,354. Polling was heldon March 14, and countingof votes began on March17. The process has to becompleted by March 22.

Vani Devi secured1,12,689 first preferencevotes followed by theBJP's Ramchander Raowith 1,04,668, independentcandidate Prof K.Nageshwar (53,610) andthe Congress' G. ChinnaReddy (31,554). The TRShad a lead of 8,021 votes inthe first preference votes.

Since the victory markwas not reached, theElection Commission ini-tiated the eliminationprocess by the transfer-ring the second prefer-ence votes from the candi-dates with the least votesto the leader of the count.

After eliminating 91 can-didates in stages, Vaniwas given 36,580 secondpreference votes followedby Ramchander Rao with32,989. With the winningmark not in sight, electionofficials deletedRamchander Rao’s vote,as is the process, whichresulted in Vani's victory.

The EC declared thatVani had secured 1,89,339valid votes and the1,47,700 votes polled for 92rivals were exhausted.During the 96 hours ofcounting, as many as 9,600officials participated forthe Hyderabad-RangaReddy-Mahabubna g arMLC graduate constituen-cy. Following Vani Devi'svictory, celebrations start-ed at TRS Bhavan withparty leaders and activistsbursting firecrackers. Theceleberatons are expectedto continue on Sunday.


Shri T.V. RAMASWAMY(Retd Additional Registrar of Co-Op Society of AP)

We sincerely regret to inform you that our fatherShri T. RAMASWAMY breathed his last on19th March 2021 at 3:00 PM.The Final rites will be conducted atBANSILALPET Cremation Ground, Secunderabadon 21st March around 11:00 AM.

Inserted by:Mrs. Thogari Tulasi (Wife), Sons,Doughters, Sons-in-law, Doughters-in-law

and Grand Childrens




MADUGULA ANNAMAW/o Late Nallabelli Jeeva Rathnam

D.O.B: 11.03.1917 - D.O.D: 21.03.2002Inserted by:

Dr. N.J. Prabhakar, His Brothers,Sisters, Sisters-in-law, Brothers-in-law,

Sons-in-law, Grand Children &Great Grand Children.



DOB: 03.08.1957 DOD: 20.03.2021Funeral on 21.03.2021 atNarayanaguda CemeteryInserted by: Wife: Amita

Daughter: SnehaAll near & dear

Ph: 9985503304, 9052554055(CA-3552)

TRS MP Santosh Kumar takes selfie with K. Kavitha, Vani Devi and Sabita Indra Reddy after winning theMLC elections on Saturday. — DEEPAK DESHPANDE


A canopy in front ofTelangana Bhavan,the TRS headquar-ters, in Banjara Hillscaught fire whencrackers lit by acti-vists to celebrate theparty victory in theLegislative Councilelections fell on it.

Fire officialsreceived a call regard-ing the fire at about5.10 pm. “We reached

the spot in a few min-utes. It was a minorfire accident. It wasdoused using water inthe premises evenbefore a fire tendercould reach the spot,"said a fire official. Nocasualties werereported.

A video of the inci-dent showed peoplerunning away fromthe spot in panic.Police personnel canbe seen controllingthe crowd.


ASTROGUIDESarvari; Uttarayana

Tithi: Phalguna Shuddha Saptamitill 7.09 am

Star: Mrigasira till 7.20 pm Varjyam: 4.27 am to 6.11 am

(Monday)Durmuhurtam: 4.47 pm to

5.35 pmRahukalam: 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

HIJRI CALENDARsha’ban 7,1442 AH

PRAYERSFajar: 5.29 am

Zohar: 12.33 pmAsar: 4.44 pm

Maghrib: 6.33 pmIsha: 7.41 pm



TRS supporters cele-brate party candidateSurabhi Vani Devi’s victory. — R. PAVAN

Canopy at TRSHQ catches fire


A proposal to introducea Telangana Adminis-trative Service is beinglooked at by the govern-ment, finance ministerT. Harish Rao informedthe Legislative Councilon Saturday. Replying toa question, the ministersaid the governmentwould take a view on thematter after it receives areport from a committeeformed to study allaspects related to intro-ducing a state adminis-tration service.


The government is notconsidering any revi-sions to the electricitytariff, energy minister G.Jagadish Reddy told theCouncil on Saturday.

Replying to a questionfrom the AIMIM onwhether the governmentwas contemplating anincrease in power tariff,he said the power distri-bution companies willsoon file their revenuerequirement shortlywith the TS ElectricityRegulatory Commission.


In the last 15 months, as799 zero first informationreports (FIRs) have beenregistered by the policestatewide, home ministerMohammad MahmoodAli told the Assembly onSaturday.

Among the importantcases in which Zero FIRswere registered was theone in which a 14-year-old girl was sexuallyassaulted in a privateorphanage inAmeenpura, Sangareddydistrict.




Page 5: deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com


PG exams begin


The free 20,000-litre drinkingwater supply launched in January by minister K.T. Rama Rao will benefit nine lakh households in thecity, said Dana Kishore, manag-ing director of theMetropolitan Water Board.There is now an effort to raiseawareness about the programme.

Speaking to Deccan Chronicle,he said, “Officials are going ona door to door campaign to enlighten people about the scheme. Many of thedomestic connections are with-out water meters, and the department is helping themfix the meters in order to getthe free water.” It is mandatoryfor houseowners to have thewater meter to benefit from thescheme.

T. Srinivas, deputy generalmanager, Division 4, said, “The door to door campaign is helping consumers under-stand the scheme. We have covered Band Lines,Gunfoundry, Chirag Ali lane,Nampally, Adarshnagar,Basheerbagh and PalaceColony. People are showing alot of interest in installingwater meters.”

Work inspector A. Gopal Raosaid, “In order to make it easyfor households we are alsohelping them fix meters.”

The scheme costs the government `500 crore perannum. Using more than 20KLof water will be chargedaccording to the tariff. All eligible customers have to linktheir Aadhar card details totheir Consumer AccountNumber (CAN).



Amid the renewed Covid-19 scare, OsmaniaUniversity started examsfor postgraduate studentson Saturday, despite ademand from students topostpone them by a week.

Even as studentsclaimed that they werebeing told to produce aCovid-negative report tosit for the exams, OU reg-istrar Prof. Gopal Reddysaid that 95 per cent stu-dents took the exams onSaturday.

‘The university conduct-

ed 200 more Covid-19 testslate on Friday evening,and no other student hadtested positive, other thanthe two girls who tested

positive earlier. All stu-dents were allowed to sitfor the exams,” said Prof.Gopal Reddy.

Students expressed sat-isfaction with Covid safe-ty guidelines at the cen-tres; however some raisedconcerns over the numberof tests being conductedfor the hostellers.

“We are at least 3,000-4,000 students living in thehostels. The authoritiesare lying about two posi-tive cases. We know thereare more. Conductingtests for only 10 per cent ofinmates is not enough,” astudent said.


With the once ubiquitous sparrow now a rarity in urbanareas, particularly cities, thefocus on Saturday was on thislittle bird with people joininghands with forest departmentofficials and political leaders to try and create conducive conditions for the sparrows to try and make a comebackinto the lives of people.

As a part of the WorldSparrow Day celebrations, spe-cial events were held at KBRNational Park and the NehruZoological Park, where thetheme was efforts to providenesting sites for sparrows.

At KBR Park, governmentchief whip D. Vinay Bhaskarcalled upon people to providenesting sites and launched a‘Gift a Nest’ programme. The idea of the programme is that anyone who receives a nest box as a gift, will give two more to two others andso on, and in the process,increase nesting sites for spar-rows, particularly in urbanareas.

According to Arvind fromOrugallu Wildlife Society, an NGO, nest boxes, priced at`200 each, would be availableat the KBR National Park from Monday.

Vinay Bhaskar, who also pre-sented a nest box to ForestsMinister A. Indrakaran Reddy,along with the Minister,exhorted people to join themovement, and urged everyone to place a small dish of water outside their win-dows or other places where birds could stop by for a drink.

In the zoo, the day was celebrated as a way of increas-ing awareness about protectingsparrows and other smallbirds. About 20 wooden nestboxes were installed in the zoopremises by the staff.

Speaking on the occasion, zoocurator V.V.L. Subhadra Devicurator said the World SparrowDay is an international initia-tive to celebrate the sparrow,with an aim to conserve theirdwindling population.

● ● SOME STUDENTS rai-sed concerns over the nu-mber of tests being con-ducted for the hostellers.“We are at least 3,000-4,000 students living inthe hostels. The authori-ties are lying about twopositive cases. We knowthere are more. Conduct-ing tests for only 10 percent of inmates is notenough,” a student said.

Page 6: deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com

BUSES /WINGER for saleSuncity Bandlaguda Jagir HydContact Mr.Srinath7337366162/7569590860/7331171050. (HYMM/2021/C08334)

3 TANKERS for sale, 20kl capacity,10 tyre contact no.98668460008341063234 (HYMM/2021/IC0320)

BALENO CAR for sale (direct buyersonly) Alpha to end Automatic Petrol, redcolor, 2018 model, single hand, wellmaintained, driven 32,000 kms.Ph:9966688829. (S/2021/C02749)

HONDA CITY Car 2010 model, 45,000kms done, excellent condition, Blackcolour, Petrol version for sale. Contact:9394777038. (A/2021/C00661)

I10 SPORTS automatic 2014 modelwhite colour 50ths millage done fullinsurance till April 2021 only seriousbuyers please call on 9141458898,6281023532 (HYMM/2021/C08422)

✔CHEVROLET BEAT 2012 LT TCDIBS IV, Price:2.45 Lakhs fixed,

Single Owner,78000 kms Running,Showroom Condition, Dr.maintianed,Genuine Buyers ph:9885584519(HYMM/2021/C08507)

✔INNOVA-2012, G4 model, vedio,A/c, single owner, good

condition vehicle for sale,Hyderabad. Contact: 9000279919,9396648880 (R/2021/C00028)

✔MARUTI WAGNOR VSIAutomatic 2018, single owner,

red color, unused stepney, fullinsurance, complete showroomservice History. Dealers Excuse.Ph:9849447003. (HYCL/2021/C03418)

SWIFT VDI 2017 Model, 27000 kmsdriven, well maintained. Contact7997915940. (B/2021/C01203)

SWIT DZIRE 2008, WagonR 2007,Santro 2006, Three Vehicles are inExcellent Condition, Non AccidentVehicles. Contact: 9866583075,9346083075. (S/2021/C02662)

SKODA OCTAVIA 2007 single ownerHyderabad showroom, 140000 km.Excellent condition. 9391015374(W/2021/AT001316)

2016 SINGLE Owner Black Volvo XC60D4 has Polestar with Bosch MusicSystem, Napa Leather seats, donearound 73,000 KMS in excellentcondition with new batteries and tyresand service done. Contact:9849015290. Brokers excuse.(S/2021/C02750)

2 ACRE 17 Guntas land for Sale inSingaipalli, Gajwel. 95 Lakh per acre. 1KM away from Rajeevrahadari highwayand near to Kondapochammareservoir. 9346410449, 8096785031(W/2021/AT001295)

3.5 ACRES at Kistapur Medchal. Forfactory/godown. Contact 9849520222.No Brokers. (HYMM/2021/C08381)

✔COMMERCIAL BUILDING at LbNagar, Hyd, 17500sft, 4 Floors, 2

Lifts, Fire safety system, Transformeretc , East Facing, two side roads withGood Single Tenant gettingRs.4,60,000 rent + GST. Contact9849779988, 9949099242 Supergas.(HYMM/2021/C08407)

PUPPALGUDA/ NEKNAMPUR.Commercial Property for Sale at JudgeColony 425 sq.yards, North WestCorner Bit 60 and 25ft roads, HouseNo.3-5-115, Manikonda municipalitytotal compound wall and Room Tenant(Granite shop) etc.,near to AlkapoorTownship. LRS Applied. Ph:9849969132. (HYMM/2021/C08337)

301 SQ.YARDS Commercial buildingfor Sale at Aghapura Char Khandil roadBeside SBI Bank. For Sale. Contact:8686717439. (HYMM/2021/C08437)

BADI CHOWDI - Sultan Bazar PillarNo. 1193, Commercial Property G+3,Toatal Builtup Area 3476 Sq.ft, EastFacing Shop On Main Road, AvailableFor Sale. Ph: 9959476185 /9949361139(HYMM/2021/C08199)

500 SQ.YDS, Main road CommercialComplex (G+1), 2 Side Road, 14Shutters, 3L/Month Getting Rent.Fatehnagar, Balanagar ‘X’Roads. Call:8686867421. (HYCL/2021/C03379)

2200SQ.FT., OFFICE space with rentalincome of Rs.60,000/- on 1st Floor with2car parkings @Orion Plaza, Lanebeside Kora clothing Store, Opp:M.J.College, Banjara Hills, Road No.3 isfor Sale. Contact: 9849037905.(HYMM/2021/C08153)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD no.1, 900yards Brand New CommercialBuilding, JubileeHills 720, Roadno.45 1,000, Road No.36 1200 yards &Ground Floor 1700 sft, MadhapurMain Road Ground Floor 3040 sft,Kondapur main road 1400, Jayabheri934 yards N/E & Rental IncomeProperties 5 to 50 Cr Ph:9966991449,9394022449. (W/2021/AT001229)

✔COMMERCIAL OFFICE forSale- Masabtank- My Home

Plaza- Full Third Floor- 3950Sft-140metres from Agra Sweets,Banjarahills. Contact: 9246545920/9985475099 (HYMM/2021/C08293)

✔10000 SFT 3rd, 4th and 5thfloor Main Road building sale

at Banjarahills Road no: 1.Hyderabad. Rent 3 lakhs propertyvalue 4 cr. Contact: 9991087777 (Norealtors) (HYMM/2021/C08424)

✔HYDERABAD NEAR CherlapallyRailway station 2km from Infosys.

5-storeyed 36,000sft building1200sqyds Modern construction 2lifts,interiors, plug play for Software, BPO,Educational, Pharma, R&D, Electronicsmanufacturing. Contact 9581942180 or8978074107 (HYMM/2021/C07781)

FOR SALE Commercial:Chikkadpally Main Road. GroundFloor Mulgi, Lift, Staircase SmallRoom, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor TeraceRights. Total 3000 SFT. 5Toilets.Recently Renovated. Next To NewMetro Station. Opposite: AllahabadBank. Ideal ForClinics/Offices/Hostels. Price:1.8Crores. Negotiable, Brokers Welcome.Ph: 8106024462 / 8464922937/9948350002. (HYMM/2021/C08188)

OFFICE SPACE for Sale: 3750 Sft,Ground Floor, East Facing, 4 CarParkings, in Basheerbagh.Ph:9348777997. (S/2021/C02723)

✔BHEL TO Gachibowli Main Road,Commercial Building For Sale.

430Sq.yards Cellar+ 5Floors+ PentHouse, 15000Sft Built up Area, Rent:4,50,000/- PM, Fully Furnished, AC,TV, Generator Luxurious Interiors,Bank Loan Approved, Ph:9908600433/9848565240 (HYMM/2021/C07902)

GACHIBOWLI 245 Yards HIG LayoutPlot with commercial permission forimmediate sale, adjacent to DLF.Suitable for hostel/ hotel/ IT. 2 lakhs peryard. Ph:9849006415, 7893177000.(HYCL/2021/C03432)

✔ROI PROPERTIES: i) @KPHB800sq.yds, Builtup area

25000sq.feet, Single Tenant, Rent11.50lac, Price 22cr, &ii) @Madhapur850sq.yds, Builtup area 26000sq.feet,Single Tenant, Rent 8lacs, Price 17cr,&iii) @Gachibowli 1150sq.yds,Builtup area 32000sq.feet, Rent15lacs, Price 30cr. &iv) @Gachibowli399sq.yds, Builtup area 12500sq.feet,Price 11.50cr. Call@9000004874/7331108869. (HYMM/2021/C08452)

HOT COMMERCIAL Property atNarsapur Highway Ismailkhanpetjust 2 kms from Bombay Highway,Connecting to Narsapur Highway.3300 Sq.yds, LRS Paid, Landconversion completed, property isless than the market price. Cleartitle. Ph:9703456738, 8885755755.(B/2021/C01212)

TWO BUILDINGS Commercial&Semi-Commercial on 800sq.yds, withtenants at Sunder Nagar, adjacentMetro ESI Hospital. 2000sft.commercial space at 5th floor,Himayathnagar, above DominosPizza. Call:9849018243/ 9059357760/8712705119. (HYMM/2021/IC0316)

KACHIGUDA SHOPS for Sale, 270 Sft,550 Sft, 650 Sft beside NrupatungaSchool, Basant Talkies Road.Ph:9391012584. (B/2021/C01201)

2 ACRES near Hi-techcity, 5Lakh sftPermitted 60feet road facing with lakefront. We are making hotel, you can joinus 7569479415 (HYMM/2021/C08367)

COMMERCIAL OFFICE Space 3100Sft 2nd floor, Stellar Phionix at PrimeLocation Punjagutta Circle aboveHimaliya Book Store for immediate Sale/Rent on Reasonable Price with OfficeFurniture & Cabins, Ready to Occupy.Contact 9849525816, 8885562324,9701562986. (B/2021/C01190)

COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 11000 Sfteach floor, Six Floors, Two Cellarsparking, Under Construction onAramghar, Attapur Ring Road, PVNRExpressway Main Road For Sale.Ph:9000087652. (B/2021/C01215)

PRIME LOCATION Commercial andResidential Space available on sale andlease. Commercial starting from 2000sq.ft to 34000 sq.ft. Residential 1900sq.ft to 5000 sq.ft. Adjacent to SharathCity Capital Mall, Kothaguda,Hyderabad. Contact 7780166966/7680096842 or email atas ian in f raes ta tes l lp@gmai l . com(S/2021/IC00216)

BANK MORTGAGE Property Availableon Sale Across Hyderabad CityIndustrial, Commercial, Flats, Lands,Independent Houses Going CheapContact Arvind: 9059841183, Ravi:9059314602. (HYCL/2021/C03302)

NEWLY CONSTRUCTED institutionalBuilding Modern Glass ElevationForSale/Lease 2500Sqyds 50000SFTwith Fire & GHMC Permission@Jeedimetla Suitable for anyColleges Ph: 9246333461.(HYMM/2021/C08493)

✔JUBLIEEHILLS 1250SYDS50000sft rent 28 lakhs 50cr,

500syds E/F 14000sft rent 8 lakhs 16cr,Madhapur 1120syds 44000sft rent 25lakhs 50cr, 500syds East 15000sft rent7lakhs 15cr, KPHB 268syds 12000sftrent 3.5 lakhs 7.5cr, 133syds G+4 rent1.6 lakhs 3.5cr, Kondapur G.F. 4000sft7000sft for sale. Ph:9573392969,9966138387. (HYCL/2021/C03324)

SOMAJIGUDA, SHOWROOM Space5424 Sft G+1, Glass Elevation, Vaccant,Brand New, 9 Parkings, Suitable forJewellery, Garments, Electronics Etc.,for Sale/ Lease. Ph:9494225573.(B/2021/IC00117)

KHAIRATABAD PAVANI Estate 5thfloor Beside Shadan college, 4300sftFully furnished,rental income 1,70,000/-Contact: 7093847709/ 7780475606(HYMM/2021/C07828)

COMMERCIAL OFFICE space pre-launch offer sale with Rental guaranteeplan in a highly reputed buildingcompany. Located in Kondapur. Contact:9849300919. (L/2021/C00052)

KOTI SULTAN Bazar Amrita Residency1st Floor 4000Sft Fully FurnituresCommercial Property is for sale Rentalincome 1.70,000/-ph:7093847709/7780475606 (HYMM/2021/C07827)

SHOP FOR sale. KPHB Colony,Srinivasa Nilayam, Shop No.G2,484 sft (including common area).Ground Floor. Ph:9866255412.(HYCL/2021/C03389)

1500 SQ.YDS 34000sft PrimeRented Property with 15yrs old Tenantis for Sale at L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad.Contact: 8008277452/ 9246367452.(HYCL/2021/C03425)

M G Road Facing Prime Retail HighStreet Property For Sale: 1650 Sq Ydsland 15000 sq ft building, nearFortune Hotel, Vijayawada, Ph:9963832077 (W/2021/AT001283)

SOUTH FACE, 40000sft independentapproved commercial property atMiyapur for Lease/ Sale. Complete PTSlabs with 360 KVA power. 80ft Road.Ideal for Hospital/ Hotel/ Office Space/Pharma lab etc ph:7799728816(HYMM/2021/C08058)

✔NALAGANDLA MAIN Roadbuilding under construction 3rd

floor for sale commercial 7000 /sqftgood returns. Only interestedparties contact 9908064999(HYMM/2021/C08427)

G+5 STORIES, with borewell, BPSapproved, can available bank loan also,103sq.yards, each floor 925sftapproximately, total 4625sft. Suitable forLodge, Hostels, Hospital etc., expecting2.7Cr, close to Nampally RailwayStation. Ph:9989656348, 9515226504.(HYMM/2021/C08164)

✔BADICHOWDI PRIME LocationG+3+ Terrace covered, 236

Sq.yds near PS, 8000 Sft Builtuparea, Best for Sweet Shop/Investment. Ph:9246202122/ 20.(B/2021/C01214)

✔PANJAGUTTA KANTHI Shikharacomplex, 3 BHK 1200 sft, First floor

Commercial space for sale. Suitable forClinics & Offices. Contact: 7702262222.(A/2021/C00672)

NEW COMMERCIAL Space, ready tooccupy, 2000/3000/ 5000Sft 3rd&4thFloor, N/E Entrance,Ample Parking, Good Vastu, 100%Clear Title @Ramkote (Mani RatanTowers) Call:9849010077(HYMM/2021/C08245)

PLUG AND play office space 2710 sftwith ACs, cabins, conference, dining,store, Server rooms, 53 workstationsin Bhuvana Towers, Sarojinidevi Road,Secunderabad. Contact 9989244835.(W/2021/AT001303)

GROUND FLOOR+2 IndependentBuilding with Sanctioned Plan287Sq.yds 7500Sft Sarojini DeviRoad, well known Golden Grapes&Golden Foods Building Near DeccanChronicle. Contact: RahamatullahBanglow No.216, Gymkhana Road(Gunrock Enclave) Secunderabad.Ph:9866022611, Further Details ofProperty only in Person not on Phone.(HYMM/2021/C08290)

SHOP FOR Sale @ MinervaComplex. Secunderabad. GroundFloor 450 Sft + Mezzanine FloorShop No #34 Price 45 Lakhs. Contact: 9985210904 9948488020(HYMM/2021/C08483)

✔SUCHITRA @JAINS FriendsSquare, G+5 Floors Commercial

Property in Prime Location at SuchitraCircle, Best Suitable for OfficeSpaces. Available Units -2000sqft to 4000 sqft.Handover in6 Months. Call:9010755552.(HYMM/2021/C08396)

SUCHITRA KOMPALLY commercial2000,3000 sqyd Toopran, cheguntalands & plots Cell : 9505550182,9989013353 (HYMM/2021/C08490)

BAKERY FOR sale at Teacherscolony, Trimulgery with all bakeryequipments. Dine- in available.Contact Gayathri 9100430866.(HYMM/2021/C07795)

COMMERCIAL 16,000, 12,000sqft inTrimulgherry, Plot 200,450sq.y. DupleHouse 125sq.y Vikrampuri DuplexHouse 175sq.y Plot 500sq.yd.Independent house Gruhalaxmi 200,270sq.y P&T Colony 350sq.y Flats.Jyothi Colony, W.Marredpally2,3Bedrooms. Manikonda 1200sq.ftLand. Agents Excuse.Ph:9490459350, 6305806394(HYMM/2021/C08504)

CHILKUR MAIN road, Farm Plots, One,Half, quarter Acre, 5-40 guntas, North,East faces, Offer price, clear title, water,vaasthu, immediate sale.Ph:8106511469. (A/2021/IC00127)

MOKHILA ADJUSCENT IndusInternational school opposite songs ofEarth half acre well developed farmplots for sale with fully grown mangogarden abundant water, proposed clubhouse, lot of amenities and 24 hourspower. SMS or contact . 7013093119.Anilreddy. (HYMM/2021/C08480)

1000 YARDS Urban Farm Land forSale. With the Distance &Lowest PrizeChallenge. (Urban does not mean closeto the city, but within the city) BeforeORR, next to Shamshabad Airport. Fullwater, power, road, clear title withcompound wall ph:8978809123//9008455885 (HYMM/2021/C08264)

ADIBATLA OPP Police station“S.V.REGALIA” Flats Ready to occupy2BHK E,N,W. facing Area 1040- 1205sft Ph:8374189206, 9848892582(HYCL/2021/C03443)

✔2 BHK 1465 sft Fully Furnished,Newly Constructed, 100% Vastu,

Old Alwal, Main Road Colony, JyothiNagar, J.K.Residency. Include CarParking & Amenities, 24 hours Water,1st Floor. 68 Lakhs. contact:8712724938, 9849036381.(S/2021/C02393)

FLAT IN GV Reddy Colony, Alwal,Beside SBI, 2nd Floor, 1885sqftcarpet area, semi furnished 3Bedrooms Study, 1 covered parking,60lacs negotiable. Contact:9545135714 (HYMM/2021/C08275)

ALWAL BLACK Buck Retreat 2BHKUltra Deluxe Flats with Car Packing,Glass Lift, Backup Generator, Manjeerawater, etc. Contact: 9866103020.(HYMM/2021/C08431)

✔AMEERPET 2BHK Flat for salebehind HUDA maitrivanam,

1200sft, 3RD Floor, north facing Withcar parking, suitable for commercialoffices, 85L (neg) Contact:8466825199 (HYMM/2021/C08274)

HASTHINAPURAM, B.N.REDDY,Vishweshwaraiah Colony, G+4Apartments, West: 1056, 1092sft, 1st,3rd Floor & North: 1420, 1247sft 3rd, 4thFloor. Ph:9059895359, 9704042727.(HYCL/2021/C03309)

DILSUKHNAGAR, P& T Colony,Saibaba Temple, Super Deluxe 2 BHK1300 Sft, 1250 & 1150, 100% vasthu,car parking, lift, generator, wardrobes,kitchen cabinets, pooja.Ph:8466902349, 9490557499.(B/2021/C01114)

DILSUKHNAGAR, P&T Colony, 2BHK,900sft, South facing, new wood work,10yrs old, 5th floor, carparking 100%vastu, 24hrs water, lifts, clear title, loanavailable, 35Lakhs. Ph:9618970984,9959707222. (HYCL/2021/C03417)

GACHIBOWLI 2BHK New, SemiFurnished flat, Excellent interior, Lift,Ready to move, 1050sft, car parking,vastu. Bank Loan approved, reasonableprice. Contact: 9949372871,9293946144. (HYMM/2021/C08454)

HIMAYATHNAGAR, NARAYANGUDA,Super Deluxe 2 BHK 1150 Sft Ready tooccupy, 100% vasthu, car parking,swimming pool, gym, jogging track,open air theater, children play area.Ph:9014923035, 9490557499.(B/2021/C01113)

2BHK N/F First floor 1250 SFT SemiFurnished OPP: Chirac PublicSchool, Kondapur. Very Close to MainRoad. Ph:9866199350/ 9440395355(HYMM/2021/C08086)

2 &3BHK Ready To Move In FlatsAvailable In Accurate Wind Chimes AtNarsing Near Financial Dist. Cont:7569037771 (HYMM/2021/C08291)

2 BHK, Flat No.403, 1010 sft, 100%vasthu, East facing, lift, car parking,Sai Swarna Palace Apt, near JupallySwimming Pool, Shaili Gardens,Yapral. Contact: 9391092006.(S/2021/C02634)

BRAND NEW 2 BHK & 3 BHK Flatsfor Sale in Uppal Posh Area with carparking, lift & generator, 24 hrselectricity & water. Contact Anil/Ramalu 9059874193, 9949141423.(B/2021/C01209)

2, 3BHK Highrise Luxury GatedCommunity Apts @ Kolluru Near ORRPre-Launch offer. Ph:9133055862/9603928967. (HYCL/2021/C03402)

L.B.NAGAR, CHINTALKUNTA,Vijayawada Highway 176 Flats 2, 3BHK,1250- 1810sft, G+5 Upper FloorsPremium Flats Gated Community withall amenities. Ph:040-66313144,8297979944. (HYCL/2021/C03400)

PALTAN MALAKPET 2BHK Semi-furnished flat 6th-floor bike parking 52Lakhs negotiable Ph:9963901307(W/2021/AT001290)

MANIKONDA 2BHK Flat Northfacing 1150 SFT Super deluxe 55Lcontact: 7675091500, 8121500421(HYMM/2021/C08417)

2BHK FLAT for sale MehdipatnamMIGH Colony super class quality project1154 sft GHMC approved, loanfacility available. Ph:7660906993,9603222295. (HYCL/2021/C03433)

NEAR MIYAPUR, 1115sft, Deluxe2BHK Flats, EF, WF HMDA Approved atsaianurag colony, Kavya Avenue,opposite Volvo service station,Bachupally. 9392625037.(HYMM/2021/C08223)

MOULALI, MAIN Highway Facing,2BHK, 1000 sft, North East Withcarparking Flat For sale.Ph:9396180180, 8688811333.(HYCL/2021/C03274)

NAGARAM ,DAMMAIGUDA, AyyappaColony, sri sai Residency, 2BHK1155+930 Sft E/F flat for sale ph :9393008730, 7013517940(HYMM/2021/C08471)

NAGOLE, OPP. Kalyana LakshmiGardens, GHMC-RERA Approved2BHK Deluxe Flats For Sale, 1287 Sft,E/W, Ph.9505770733 /9440217828(W/2021/AT001177)

KPHB, NIZAMPET, GandimissamaEF 950, 1200, 1220, 1100, 1660 NF900, 950, 1550, 1300 WF 1260, 1070,1300, 1200 redbrickproperties.inVilla1.1cr for 2800sft. 6281323592(HYMM/2021/C08228)

✔2BHK FLAT 204, 975 sft ,twobalconies as per Vastu @

Ranganayaka Towers, Balaiah nagar,BKGuda, SRnagar, nearer to ESIMetro and convenient for allshopping. Contact: 6300476206.(HYMM/2021/C08406)

SUCHITRA CIRCLE, new 2 BHKDeluxe Flats for sale, 1225 & 1250 SFT,Ready to occupy. # Eternal group.Ph:9246298561. (HYCL/2021/C03281)

2BHK West MarredpallySecunderabad, around 1200 Sft, 4thfloor, along with car parking and lift.Contact: 9963714030/ 9348888088.(S/2021/C02587)

HMDA APPROVED, NewlyConstructed / Attractive pricing2/3BHK Flats in Srinagar Colony.Banjara hills.Ready to move loanfacilities. PH : 9703029212 /9182559677 (HYMM/2021/C08442)

✔SALE OF new 4 BHK Ultramodern corner East facing flat,

3607 sft, 100% Vastu, Good view, 2Car parking in Legend Blue HopeComplex on Tilak road, Abids (nearMeena Bazar). Contact: 9121366601 /8340044333 (HYMM/2021/C08372)

ABIDS CHIRAGHALI Lane, oppositeJagdish Market 1200sft, 3BHK, 2ndFloor, Front phase First Floor backside 2 new Flats lift, Car Parking.Ph:9393466792, 7569786682.(HYMM/2021/C08484)

ALKAPURI, KOTHAPET, 3BHK NewSuper Deluxe Flat 1560 SFT, besidesHeritage Fresh for sale, Ready tooccupy. Eternal Group. Ph:9848170051.(HYCL/2021/C03282)

ALWAL HILLS, 3bhk 1620sft, 82Lakand 2bhk 1060sft, 54Lak, East andWest Face Near St. Pious school&pallavi model school, Road No:15,No GST. Ph:9000999415,9704729240 (HYMM/2021/C08026)

FLAT FOR sale 3 BHK Flat DDColony (Amberpet), with Two ParkingsCall 9395111730, 9848087611.(HYMM/2021/C08067)

NEAR ANANDNAGAR ColonyKhairatabad 4BHK First Floor, 1585 Sft& 59 Sqyards Land, Car Parking, SouthEast Facing. Contact: 9441031839(HYMM/2021/C08446)

READY TO move deluxe 3 BHK 1697sq.ft & 2159 sq.ft for sale at 108, BazarRoad, Jyothi Colony, AOC,Secunderabad, opp: Aerofit Office. Price6200/- per sq.ft negotiable. Car parking& amenities extra. ContactPh:9849232829 (Manik Rao),9391011758 (Anil Singhvi).(S/2021/C02713)

NEW 3BHK Super Deluxe Flats, Readyto occupy, Good Vaastu. at PragatiColony, AramGhar X Roads (Model FlatReady). Bank Loan Available. Contact:9849010077, 9100015559.(HYMM/2021/C08244)

FOR SALE 2500sft 2-Carparking 7Years Old @Sri Hari Vasantha Nilayam,Attapur Near Pillar No-123, BehindSpencer’s. Ph: 8008943297/9963887849 (HYMM/2021/C08499)

NEW 3 BHK flat for sale, 2185 sft 3rdfloor, east facing, B.K.Guda, Balkampet,Hyderabad. Only genuine buyersContact: 8886804048. (A/2021/C00670)

3 BHK 2300 sft in Gated Community,Prime location, 2.25 Crores, 1st floor,fully furnished, west facing, 12 yrs old,Somajiguda, Hyderabad Genuinebuyers Contact: 8886804048.(A/2021/C00671)

BANJARA HILLS Prime location Hi-Profile Premium Gated Community4BHK Ultra Luxurious all corner FlatsSizes 6900 to 7370Sq.fts., Price perSqft 16,500 and Club House,Swimming pool with World Classamenities. Contact. 9866100245.(HYMM/2021/C07901)

FOR SALE Fully Furnished (3)bedroom flat measuring 3000SQ.feet,1Flat per floor with 2 dedicated carparking and servants bathroom in theposh locality of Banjara Hills, MLAColony, Huda Heights, uninterruptedvalley view Contact: 99599-99909.(HYMM/2021/C07920)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No.14, IdeaHeritage 4th floor, west facing, 2415 sft,3 Bedroom flat, 8 yrs old. contact:9948468999/ 7386157999.(L/2021/C00054)


MLA Colony Road, Road No.12,Around 3000Sft, East facing, ValleyView with false ceiling and woodworkand 2Car parkings. Ph:8886858862.(HYMM/2021/C08061)

BANJARA HILLS Rd:1,New 4 BHKFlat 3130sft, West Facing, Pooja Room& Servant Quarters, Modern Amenities@ 4.5cr with all ultra modern luxuryinteriors & fully Italian furnishedPh:9000303000 (HYMM/2021/C08348)

NEW & Old Flats 2BHK & 3BHK atHimayathnagar, Ashoknagar,Vidyanagar, Nallakunta, D.D.Colony,Secunderabad, Kondapur, Banjarahills.Ph:9490315226/ 9030315226.(HYCL/2021/C03419)

RENT/ SALE. 3BHK, NewlyRenovated & Fully Furnished in 2ndFloor and 3BHK Penthouse in FourthFloor. Rent 30 Thousands IncludingMaintenance. “R J Enclave” HilltopColony, Opp “Hydus Technology’s”,Banjara Hills. Contact: 9059032368.(HYCL/2021/C03456)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD No.11, 3BHKFlat 1405Sft Ground Floor with carparking& Servant room, very near toLake View Function Hall.Ph.8688526975 (HYCL/2021/C03430)

BANLAGUDA JAGIR near tspaghachibowli 3bhk flat for sele smr vinayhormony county gatted community 2ndfloor 1530sft 2car parking contact9866699369, 9951508369(HYMM/2021/C08017)

1400SFT 3 Bedroom 3 bathroom Flatfor Resale in Barkatpura Garden view0.5 Km From Kachiguda Stationcontact 9490492010 9246535242.(HYMM/2021/C08398)

FOR SALE 3BHK 2 Flats fully furnished3rd floor, 1860 sft, 1645 sft atBasheerbagh near Skyline TheatreContact: 8099008000/ 9949491178(HYCL/2021/C03310)

GREENLANDS, BEGUMPET 3 BHKSpacious 1600 sft flat, 3rd floor, fullyfurnished, Car Parking. Lane besideRBL Bank. 90 lacks (Negotiable).Ph:9989899660. (S/2021/C02675)

BOWENPALLY BRAND new flats1210sq.yrds per sqf 5500/ allamenities 4Lacks GST extra, KompalyCentury Avenue 1500sqf all amenities5Lacks brand new flats underconstruction. Mani 9849137724.(HYMM/2021/C08100)

CHANDANAGAR APARNA Hillspark road, behind R.S.Brothers 1512sft, 3 BHK west facing, ready tooccupy. No GST for Sale. Contact:7799086677. (A/2021/C00658)

SPACIOUS 2255 Sft, Last Two Flats,Centrally located at Dwarakapuri,Panjagutta, New Apartment 3 BHKwith attached Bath, Walking distanceto all the Malls, Hospital & Metrostation. 2 Car parking. Location:Road Connecting Panjagutta toBanjarahills, Road No.1. Price 1.98Crore. Contact: 7382620511,9885300261. (A/2021/C00652)

✔SUPER DELUXE Flats 2BHK1185Sft @65Lakhs, 4BHK 2546Sft

[email protected] in Defence Colony,Walkable Distance from Bhavans, 3KmFrom ECIL, and Indus InternationalSchool, CAL Public School. UnderConstruction, Few Flats Available, onlyInterested Buyers Contact:9248119922 (HYMM/2021/C08117)

DELUXE FLATS Available 2BHK,1107sft and 3BHK 1368sft@Vaishnavi Enclave Near D-Mart,ECIL work in advanced stage.call: 9866500277/ 9000859467(HYMM/2021/C08316)

4 BHK Luxury Apartment Warm-shellfor Sale in Phoenix Halcyon Road no78 Film Nagar. 4725 sqft with3 car parks & all amenitiesincluded. Contact 8179400911(W/2021/AT001309)

SHAIKHPET, JAI Hind Nagar Colony,Spacious Fully Ventilated 1000 Sft, 1300Sft, 2/ 3 large Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,kitchen, balcony with all amenities, lift,car parking, 24 hrs water, IdealLocation, Peaceful Surroundings,Possession June 21, Spacious 2400 Sftincluding 1000 Sft Open Area PentHouse For Sale. Ph:8185981781,9985650000. (B/2021/C01183)

4BHK APARTMENT, 6,666SFT area.Gachibowli, being a major IT&International business huab ofHyderabad, is a well-developed areawith good connectivity to other parts ofHyderabad.All essential facilities likebanks, schools, hospitals &shoppingmalls are available in theneighbourhood. 32kilometres fromAirport. contact: 9866605999(HYMM/2021/C08064)

HIGHRISE GATED Apartments(18F)2&3BHK @Gachibowli- Kollur @3700/-Sft With world Class Amenities,75000S.ft. Club House, Theatre& Officework space. Ph:7995122269(HYMM/2021/C08312)

GACHIBOWLI NEAR Narsingi,exclusive luxury project, MuppaInsignia by Muppa Akshaja Projects.2Cellars+ Ground+ 8Floors.112Apartments 2&3BHK for sale.Sizes 1210 to 1810sqft. Apartmentsfor possession for interiors in oneyear. Please Call:9849539003.(HYMM/2021/C08101)

✔HIMAYATHNAGAR, FASTCompleting 3 to 5Bedrooms

Luxurious Highrise Apartmentswith Swimming pool, Gym, VastuEtc. Possession in December 2021Contact 9849023453(HYMM/2021/C07740)

✔FILM NAGAR Main Road withfurniture, cupboards &

wardrobes, 3 Bedroom, 1930 Sft Eastfacing, Spacious Flat, 1 car parking,lift, Jubileehills Road, Suitable forResidential purpose, Prime Cost 1.40Cr Negotiable. Serious buyers, Nobrokers. Contact Jeevan 8008888199,Bhavesh 7993988790, 9600631113.(B/2021/C01173)

2 & 3BHK New flats, NearNaturecure Hospital &MMTS,possession in 2months, GHMC,Loan available. Ph:9160331919/9246391535. (HYMM/2021/C08160)

MALAKPET: NEAR Agriculturaloffice beside Shivalayam Deluxe3BHK Flats (1600, 1570& 1555sft)Ready to occupy, GHMC &RERAapproval. Ph:7670997777/8341079811 (HYMM/2021/C08304)

FLAT 505, 1475 sft, Semi-Furnished,KBR Sai Akshay Enclave Plot No.B-27,D.D. Colony, Hyderabad. No BrokerPlease. Contact: 07382561285, 040-27424066. (S/2021/C02748)

READY TO Occupy, Brand New Luxury4BHK Flat for sale at Hyderguda/Himayath Nagar, Near Apollo Hospital,4000 sft, E/F, Second bit from mainroad, single Flat per Floor, Semifurnished. Contact: 9121674302/9059772207. (HYCL/2021/C03226)

PRE-LAUNCH OFFER Per Sft@1999/- including All Amenities atKardhanur Near Kollur GatedCommunity 2&3B/R Flats, 9 Acres 11Towers G+5. Ph:9949185629.(HYCL/2021/C03414)

✔KHAIRTABAD, 600M from MetroStation, 1850Sft. Premium flats

with Car parking, Community Halland Generator. Under Construction,Ready by Oct’21. East andWest facing. Ph:8886858862.(HYMM/2021/C08060)

3BHK FLAT in 3rd floor Prithvi block,Sree Vensai Towers KompalliHyderabad for sale.Genuine buyerscontact 9440412464. Brokers excuse.(W/2021/AT001209)

3 BHK & 2 BHK 3 BHK: 2060 sft3 BHK:1720 sft 2 BHK 1270 sft Location: Nearsuchitra, Kompally, 1 minute from NH44HighwayWith full amenities and playarea.15 mins from ORR Nearbyrecreations: Restaurants, Movies,Conventions, Shopping malls, Schools,colleges,HospitalsContact: 8500783399(HYMM/2021/C08526)

✔KONDAPUR BOTANICALgarden road Brandnew

East/F 3-BHK home theater with topclass interiors 5665sft, flat for Sale11K Per/Sft. 2) Somajiguda nearErramanzil metro station North &East/F 2-Flats 3-BHK 2350sft with 2-car parkings for sale 9K Per/sft. moredetails contact Omkar Properties:9849577643, 8885998822.(W/2021/AT001234)

3BHK FLATS For Sale at SaiplazaApartments, Professors EnclaveRajarajeswara Nagar, Kondapur,Cyberabad, Hyderabad. Contact:9490148785 (HYMM/2021/C08390)

KONDAPUR MAINROAD, Opp:AMBMall, 2380sft, West Facing 3-BHKReady to Move-In Flat for Sale.Price:6500/- Per/sft Ph:8978888808,9493378176. (HYMM/2021/C08068)

RESALE 1830SFT 3 bhk BotanicalGarden Road, Kondapur East facing,Semi gated community, 2 carparking.Close to road. Ph:9848540321.(HYCL/2021/C03436)

✔KUKATPALLY, RAINBOWVistas, Ready to move in

premium corner 2600 to 2800 sft 4BHK Flats available with privategarden. 1 Lakh sft Clubhouse,exclusive sports complex and allmodern amenities. 4km from HitechCity and 2 minutes from MetroStation. Attractive Price.Ph:9177793070. (HYCL/2021/C03344)

✔400SQ.YDS BUILDING for sale inChaitanyapuri Colony, Kothapet

3BHK Flats for sale in Madhapur,Kondapur, IKea, Marredpally East &West. Sale by Owner Contact:9989054600. No Brokers.(HYMM/2021/C08093)

3 BHK 1600 Sft Flats for sale inMadhapur, Ayyappa Society near Watertank & Park. Possession Two months.Buyers only Contact: 8008655506.(A/2021/C00649)

MADHAPUR RAVINDRA society nowKAKATEEYA HILLS New Luxurious3BHK flats are available for sale,starting from 1400 to 20000sft, built in1000 Square Yards, ready to occupy in45 days, Cellar+Stilt+5 Floors withMunicipal Water and 24 hours Powerback up. Contact builder .99892 26699,7730884653 (HYMM/2021/C08478)

MANIKONDA- PANCHAVATI Colony,Road No.10, Near Ramalayam, HMDAApproved 3BHK 1650 SFT East Facing,0.4 KM To Gachibowli Main Road,Ready To Occupy, Ph: 9848456899/9848964499 (HYMM/2021/C08187)

✔PENTHOUSE FOR Sale @Manikonda Well Furnished

3BHK, 1550 Sft (BRS Completed) 10years old Flat @ 65 lakhs.P h : 9 8 4 9 2 2 0 9 4 8 .(HYCL/2021/C03394)

1857 SFT 3 BHK East facing flat inHanuman nagar, Manikonda, AC’s,Wardrobes, car parking, Rs.85Lakhs Negotiable. No Brokersplease. Ph:7732084249.(A/2021/C00663)

MANIKONDA/PUPPALAGUDA NEARBRC& Skyla apts 3BHK , 2000sft Flat.E/F, 2car parking Quality interior forimmediate sale. Ph:9848065060(HYMM/2021/C08428)

MANIKONDA PANCHAVATI Colony,5BHK 3300sft., Duplex Flat, Pooja,6A/Cs, 3Carparkings, Servant Quarter,Marble Flooring, Designer False-Ceiling, HDFC& HMDA Approved,5800/-per sft., negotiable.Ph:9396535363. (HYMM/2021/IC0307)

✔3BHK NEW Ready to Move-inflats perfect Vasthu, East/West

facing @Marredpally 24hrs Water/Party hall/ Gym/ Generator Backup/Play area. Details call: 9963814987/040-27803848. (HYMM/2021/C08340)

MOTHINAGAR, KALYAN Nagarphase-3. Nr, Saibaba Temple, saiSneha Mansion Appt. 1100sft, lift,carpark, 47-L. Ph: 8985192019/9290201841. (HYMM/2021/C08215)

NAGARAM NEAR Indian Oil Petrolstation “SV Shanthinikethan” FlatsReady to occupy 2&3 BHK E,N,Wfacings Available Ph:8374189206,9848892582. (HYCL/2021/C03442)

✔2 BHK-5TH Floor-504 SS EliteApartments, opp. Shiva Function

Hall, Nagole -9 yr.-Fully Renovated -1105 Sft.-W/F -Ready to move in -Genuine Buyers only. Whatsapp9866584696. (HYMM/2021/C08324)

HIGHEND NEW vastu flat 1900 sq.ft .Behind Taj Krishna hotel. Padmavathicolony. More super market lane.Contact. 9000446664 , 9293407588.(HYMM/2021/C08376)

*PEERZADIGUDA 3BHK 1545 Sft NewAppartment 4th Floor E/W, 3rd E/FAvailable.Ready To OccupyAdarshnagar Roadno-2 SurabhiResidency Near ArayabhattaSchool.Ph.9989991313 /9848865517(HYMM/2021/C08416)

QUTHBULLAPUR 1822 SFT 3BHKwith cupboards, daining table, 3 geasersF-503, E-block NCL Godavari home NrKonark HospitalContact :9440681327(HYMM/2021/C08525)

SAINIKPURI 3 & 4 BHK flats, 1500sft to 2460 sft with all amenities,100% vastu, ready to occupy,grater community.www.happyhomeshyderabad.com.Ph:7729999728 & 7729999732.(S/2021/C02670)

SAINIKPURI/YAPRAL: 2 bhk and 3bhk ready to occupy flats available forsale in multiple locations (ByGK group). PHONE: 9741157157(HYMM/2021/C08450)

3BHK FLAT for sale atShalivahananagar, Moosarmbagh,Dilsukhnagar 1250 sft 3rd floorRs:3500 per sft contact:9 0 3 2 2 3 1 6 3 0 / 9 2 4 6 1 5 5 0 2 2(HYMM/2021/C08361)

2/3 BHK Apartment in a LuxuriousGated Community @ Shankarpally, 40Lacs Onwards, Call for Exciting Offers -7680889977 (HYMM/2021/C08322)

AT SOMAJIGUDA, 3 BHK flat (1540sft) & Penthouse (300 sft) for sale,100% vastu with all amenities,cupboards, lift, 24hrs water, carparking. Beside road of KirtilalJewellers- Chabbras LakeviewApartment. Ph:9481260314,9490701009. (S/2021/IC00215)

RENT/ SALE: Somajiguda, behindYashoda hospital, Cosmopolitanapartment, 1900 Sq Feet, South facing,has good common facility, 3 BR &Bath,Semi furnished with AC, 2 Parking,looking for corporate lease.Brokers Excuse. Ph:8333040266.(HYMM/2021/C08355)

SRINAGAR COLONY 3BHK 1650Sftwith 100sft Covered Car parking,40sqyds undivided land Share, gatedcommunity of posh area, fully furnished& woodwork, 6th floor, lift & Generatorpower backup, rental income:35000/-ph: 9963951691 (HYMM/2021/C08516)

✔SUCHITRA CIRCLE Maruti SunCity Pipe line Road 3BHK

each Flat 1800 sft. Two Flats forSale Contact: 9392437691(HYMM/2021/C08302)

TARNAKA 2 & 3 BHK flats 1225 sft to1725 sft with all amenities, 100% vastu,ready to occupy, greater community.www.happyhomeshyderabad.com.Ph:7729999728 & 7729999732(S/2021/C02672)

UPPAL DEPOT New Flats 2&3bhkavailable, Contact: VasaviConstructions. Ph: 8340000337/8340000336 (HYMM/2021/C07879)

✔YAPRAL, PEDSO Phase II, 2&3BHK Flats for sale, 1100

&1515sft, East facing, Two sideroad, 3999/sft 4.5lakhs Amenities.Contact: 8184956661, 9000303945(HYMM/2021/C07852)

4BHK FLAT for Sale, KhairtabadMain Road, Near Shadan College. M:9885210618 (WhatsApp also)(HYMM/2021/C08267)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE Both sidesRoad G+1 floor 218 sq yards NearJahanara Majid/SD Eye Hospital,Humayun Nagar. Contact 9866199350/9440395355 (HYMM/2021/C08429)

AS RAO Nagar Rajiv Enclave,Independent House + pent house S/f,195sqyds, 1700 Sft, Bore, ManjeeraHuda Approved. Ph: 9989827588(HYMM/2021/C08412)

PROPOSED INDEPENDENT Housesfor sale at Sai Avenue, adjacent to newlydeveloped colonies Chitkul, 2kms fromIsnapur Junction, Bombay Highway,Patancheruvu. 2BHK 45Lakhs in150sq.yards, 950sft, East and WestFace. Contact: 7989598526,8688811638. (HYCL/2021/C03147)

DILSUKHNAGAR, NEAR MetroStation 300sq.yds, 2800sft constructionIndependent Building for Sale. OnlySpot cash Parties only Contact. Price:1.65Cr. Ph; 8019832629.(HYCL/2021/C03461)

NEAR ECIL, Dammaiguda, NagaramGHMC Limits and Keesara GatedCommunity Independent HousesStarts from 25Lacs to 40LacsPh:9100995551, 9100996662,9100885551. (HYMM/2021/C08318)

HMDA APPROVED Layout LuxuryIndependent Houses 40Lakhs, Villas59Lakhs @Koheda ‘X’Road NearPeddaamberpet, Vijayawada HighwayFacing Ready For Construction PlotsBehind 2000Ac Industrial park&Koyyalagudem village Between Houseopen Plots. Ph:9849364749.(HYCL/2021/C03401)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE 210 sq.ydsNorth East corner, 2 bedroom, 24hrswater, car parking for sale in Kompally.Contact: 9390976946. (S/2021/C02731)

ECIL- NAGARAM main road 2BHKIndp House pooja room 2carparking260Sqyds, East Face builtup Area1980 Sft Ph:7416625616(HYMM/2021/C08405)

AT SAINIKPURI, Eshwarpuri Colony,E/F New INDP House, Lift Provision,with 30’ft Road’s In 200/Sqyds 1450/Sft@ 1.55Cr & G+1/Duplex 2900/sft @1.78Cr Only Ph:7331183679/ 8367456799(HYMM/2021/C08506)

✔DIAMOND POINT independenthouses 86sq.yards, 143sqyds to

400sqyds, flats for sale 4BHK 6yrs old2600sft. (2BHK 810sft) vahininagarcommercial plot 220 w/f railway colony.Jupiter Colony. Tirumala Homes.9391314112, 9866605529,9989244401. (HYMM/2021/C07821)

LUXURIOUS DUPLEX Villa in Gatedcommunity with all amenities for salein Modi Emerald Park, Annojigudanear Pocharam Infosys.Ph:8074296513. (A/2021/C00638)

✔ALWAL BALAJI temple main roadbeside GHMC office opposite

Alwal police station house for sale builtup area 2000sft plot size 268 sq yardson 80ft main road vast open area infront of the house abundant water cost1.62 cr. fixed. Contact: 7799234422(W/2021/AT001230)

✔ALWAL WEST venkatapuramEAST facing Triplex house for sale,

Ready to Occupy. 6 km from Jubilee Busstand. Call- 9160636480/9246379990(HYMM/2021/C08375)

N/F 150 Sq.Yrds Gated at PLR LuxuryHomes near Pillar 143 & Delhi School ofExcellence Attapur. 1.65cr neg8790003003. (W/2021/AT001233)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE: 289 Sq.yds,Old House, 3 Rooms Slab+ 3 RoomsPenku, 35,000/- per Sq.yard, BesideHayagreevachary Compound, SrinivasaColony, Balasamudram, Hanmakonda,Warangal. Ph:9949424759,9989749355. (HYCL/2021/C03256)

BANJARA ROAD 3, brand new 4 BHK+ home theatre, luxury independentvillas, 250 yds, 4000 sft builtup, 6.25 cr,R.K.Estates (Builders,Contractors)9391015374. www.rkestates.com(W/2021/AT001297)

BANJARAHILLS 600 Sq.Yds E/F, 440Sq.Yds W/F, 545 Sq.Yds S/W/F, 1000Sq.Yds E/F, 285 Sq.Yds N/E/F, 320Sq/Yds N/F, 400 Sq.Yds, S/F, 600sq.yds S/F, 250 sq.yds E/F and manymore properties available for sale.Genuine buyers only Contact: Agent:9703737379. (A/2021/C00665)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD No-11,Independent House 210sq yds, G+1,3BHK West facing Builtup 2000sqft 4CarParkings, Separate Servent Quarter.Price 2.60cr (Negotiable). Contact:9700335678. (HYMM/2021/C08426)

NORTH/ MAIN Road Facing House(Prime area) for Sale at Prakashnagar,Begumpet (40X60) for Rs.6.01 Crores.Contact: +61401615216/ 953-813-8542(HYMM/2021/C07780)

VILLA, GACHIBOWLI for sale, Gatedcommunity 4 bedroom. 4000 sfftMadhapur Gated community 4bedroom. 4300 sft commercial rentalproperty getting 7 lakhs rent MadhapurContact Agent: 9247510454.(A/2021/C00640)

300 SQ yards west facing 4- Bhk 2000Sft HUDA Layout fully developedcolony at Sai Ram Nagar colony opp.Aarmy school Bandlaguda Jagirmunicipal close to Financial districtGachibowli contact:9346601919(W/2021/AT001281)

PROPERTY FOR Sale at Gachibowli,Opp. Maruthi Nexa Showroom, 380Sq.yards G+2 Rental income 2 Lacksper month and 180 sq.yards G+6+PentHouse For Sale. Rental income 5 LacksPer month. Ph:9440891786.(HYMM/2021/C08477)

HILLRIDGE VILLA Gachibowli nearMSFT/ Infosys. Gated community 5bedroom 5200Sft 640YDS Contact:7680933544 (HYMM/2021/C08276)

URGENT SALE of independentbunglow on 393.19 Sqyds land in SBHcolony Gandhi Nagar. Call 6309096931(W/2021/AT001286)

GANDHINAGAR 200, 300, 350,400sq.yds. Himayathnagar 145, 200,425, 650sq.yds & 1bhk, 2bhk, 3bhk forsale & rent contact: 9700305686(HYMM/2021/C07926)

✔GANDIPET NORTH Star GatedCommunity Villa 4BHK Villa For

Sale (385 Sq.yds ,6500sft, W/F) ReadyTo Step in 6.5cr neg No GST, LoanAvailable. Ph: 9246343401(HYMM/2021/C08201)

HITECH CITY Madhapur Independentbuilding for sale, 300 sq.yds, 11000sft, consisting 8 flats, fully furnishedbeds, sofa’s, TVs, fidges, geyzers,fans ACs, car parking, 3 BHK 6 flats.2 BHK 2 flats, Ideal for Guest houseor Oyo Rooms. Genuine parties onlyContact Agent: 9703737379.(A/2021/C00664)

WELCOME TO Green Living. 3BHKDuplex Villas 2363sft with [email protected]/sft, best price offer forIndividual Investors, Just 40min drivefrom Airport. Call:9392093370.(HYMM/2021/C07819)

✔HOUSE FOR SALE : Banjarahills Road NO 10. 360 sq yds,

Basement, Ground floor, first floor,second floor, penthouse. Each flat 3bedroom and 3 bathrooms. NewElevator, servant quarter. Immediatefor sale. contact number 9177556786.(W/2021/AT001280)

515 SQ.YDS, North Facing GroundPlus Two Floors, Residential Buildingin Huda layout Colony. Attapur forImmediate Sale. Genuine PartiesPlease Contact: 9989956601,9347431824. (S/2021/C02704)

✔INDEPENDENT HOUSE for saleG+1+PH 10BHKArea :264 sq.yards


HOUSE NO.12-1-508/35 Area 227sq.yds, 3 BHK Laxmi Nagar, Lalapet,Secunderabad. No Broker Please.Contact: 07382561285, 040-27424066(S/2021/C02746)

OPP: JAMIAOSMANIA RaillwayStation Lalithanagar Colony 410 ydswith old 2 Storied Building N/E facing2 sides Road. 90k/ Sq.yd Fixed.Ph:9848571719. (HYCL/2021/C03403)

BANJARAHILLS RENTAL incomehouses 1000 sq.yds. Jubileehills 700Sq.yds house 4 Bedroom. JubileehillsCommercial & Residential Plots- 600Sq.Yds, 1000, 400. Hitech city semicommercial 600 sq.yds 1200. Srinagarcolony Old house 700 sq.yds, 350.Tellapur Land 1 to 3 Acres. Kollur 20guntas. Ph:9392403870, 7793975775.(A/2021/C00666)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE for sale,Triplex 200 sq.yds, 3500 sft, vaastu,posh peaceful area, Jubileehills,Genuine buyers 4.5 Crore (Negotiable),9am- 4pm. Ph:9291643825. Agentsexcuse. (A/2021/C00667)


Vaastu 500yards 6Bedroom5Car Parking 12500Sft with Lift2Servant Rooms. Price@13Cr. onlySerious Buyers my ContactVenkatreddy: Ph: 7995125559(HYMM/2021/C07856)

JUBILEEHILLS G+1 IndependentHouse Sale, E/F, 308Sq.yards AndJubileehills Journalist Colony3BHK Flat E/F, 2250Sft, 10years old(No Brokers) Ph:9866618796(HYMM/2021/C08053)

READY TO occupy North facing360sqyds 4000sft 4bhk villas for salein Prestige Royal wood at KishmatpurAPPA Junction with all modernamenities Contact 9908505357,9885133357 (HYMM/2021/C08441)

✔4BHK+ HOME theatrecentralA/C, lift ,modular kitchen,

gated community villa, financial dist/Kokapet, 3900sft 315sqyds semifurnished 6cr directowner:7901530054. (HYMM/2021/C08046)

KOMPALLY, SRC Luxury TriplexVillas, beside Nuziveed Seeds, ingated community. Built-up area 3076sft. 4 BHK with lift facility, all modernamenities. Lumpsum amount 1.5 Cr.Ph:9550155023, 9481260314.(S/2021/IC00196)

✔KOMPALLY, READY to Move in3 and 4 bedroom Luxury

Duplex Villas with home theater andservant room available in a premiumoccupied Luxury Villa community.20,000 sft Clubhouse with allmodern amenities. #9701117979.(HYCL/2021/C03346)

✔KOMPALLY, EAST Facing 337Sq.yds, 2600 sft, 3 Bedroom

Premium Duplex Villa availablewith private garden towards northside in Ashoka A la maison.Swimming pool, Clubhouse, Gym,Apolo clinic etc available.Ph:9701117979. (HYCL/2021/C03395)

KOMPALLY 4 BHK Luxury Villa G+2,200Sq.yds, 3800 Sq.ft in GatedCommunity East and WestFacing for Sale Ph:9849007237.(HYCL/2021/C03428)

GATED COMMUNITY villasJubileeHills Whisper valley 320 & 475yards, Madhapur Preston IVY 250 &vasantha emerald, Gachibowli IVRHill Ridge 490 yards, Vessellamedows 360yards, River edge 800,Aditya casa grande, Eden garden andmore villas in Gandipet, Tellapur,Kollur 8884872389, 9985888511.(W/2021/AT001232)

S.R.NAGAR 270 Sq.Yds Old house,Madhuranagar 267, 3 Bedroom.Jubileehills commercial & residential oldhouse 400, 1200. Kajaguda open plot1000 Sq.yds, B.N.Reddy 500 Sq.YdsPlots. Venkataramana colony 400Sq.yds old house. Ph:7793975775.(A/2021/C00633)

G+2, FLOOR Villa 3000sft. and4500sft. Gated Community at HUDAEnclave, Jubilee Hills. 2B/R Flats &3B/R Pent house at Humayun Nagar,Mehdipatnam. Call:9849018243/9059357760/ 8712705119.(HYMM/2021/IC0317)

VILLA@APARNA GARDENIA villa forsale East facing 404 sqyards [email protected] Miyapur-PJR Nagar.. Cornervilla @kishore Ph: 9248028888(HYMM/2021/C08341)

811SQYDS, 4800SFT Fully FurnishedLuxury Villa No: 09 For Sale in a GatedCommunity @ Mokila.Very Close toORR & Financial Dist. Price 5.4Cr.Ph:9177224444. (HYMM/2021/C08220)

4 BHK Luxury Villas In GatedCommunity For Sale@Mokila-Shankarpally Main RoadTSRERAP02400000344 LimitedInventory available. 7680889977(HYMM/2021/C08321)

PREMIUM VILLAS in Gatedcommunity for Sale at Mokila @ 1.80 crs(Special Offer available). For furtherdetails, Contact 7353585358(HYMM/2021/C08346)

✔HOUSE FOR sale: G+2, (6portions), Area 165 sq. yards, all

facilities available, Ahmedpuracolony, Nizamabad. Contact No’s:8919583836, 9505230937(R/2021/C00025)

PADMARAO NAGAR, Old Building forImmediate Sale, Clear Title at PrimeLocation, North & East, Two Roads,Cornerbit, 3.83 Cr, 347 sq.yds,Negotiable and East Facing 220 sq.yds,2.65 Cr, No Brokers. Ph:9959616234,9014444455. (S/2021/C02744)

MALKAJGIRI, UTTAMNAGAR,260sq.yds Old House for sale. North faceRoad Reasonable price. 5km fromSecunderabad Railway Station. Contact:8919113611 (HYMM/2021/C08502)

166 SQ yards at Shanthi Nagar , masabtank beautiful location, immediatelysale @2.35 Cr suitable for NRI,S & Dr,s, Ect. Contact:9346601919(W/2021/AT001276)

333 SQ.YDS east and west facinghouse, G+2 floor for sale, behindTadbund Hanuman Temple, Sikh village.Ph:9533633010, 9100911119.(S/2021/C02714)

EAST FACING Duplex House atVenkatapuram, Alwal, six bedrooms, 270sq,yds, 4100 sq.ft, construction semifurnished, 100% vastu for sale. Genuinebuyers please contact: 8142650007,9959427770. (HYMM/2021/C08029)

✔YA P R A L - R E G I S T R AT I O NCOLONY quiet and peacefull

Huda-Colony Premium-Villa west-facing4-Bhk ready to-Occupy Huge-GardeningArea, 2-CarParks BeautifulArchitecture High-end Specification303-Sqyds land with 3350-sft builtupscope forServant quater- 1.87 crBankloan Available call-9848777841,9346884403 (W/2021/AT001320)

FOR SALE Pent House Area 1651sq.ft, 4 Bed/3 Bath, Lower Tank Bund,Jal Vayu Towers, 1.25 Cr.Ph:9999777159 (B.K.) (S/2021/C02739)

INDUSTRIAL PLOTS at Jangaon 1300and 10000Sq.yards in TSIIC industrialestate on Hyderabad- Warangal Roadfor sale. Contact: 9701544470.(HYMM/2021/C07788)

MEDCHAL INDUSTRIAL layout 1250sq.yds near main road Rs.25,000/-per sq.yd. Contact 9347169087,9815974645. (S/2021/C02566)

✔FOR SALE. Industrial Land, IDA,Uppal, 350 Sq.yds with Shed, C -

16/3, East Facing. Contact :9866651350(HYMM/2021/C08377)

FOR LEASE/ Sale 10,000 to 100,000sftSpace available Suitable for Warehouse/Factory with 100 HP Power, 50Feet Heightshed, Guest House, Staff Quarters, EOTCrane facility etc. In 4 Acre land facingVijayawada Highway at Aitipamula Village,Kattangur Mandal, Nalgonda Dist,Telangana. Ph:8008277452/ 9246367452.(HYCL/2021/C03426)

✔FOR SALE :Industrial land andBuilding for sale at

Kalwakurthy, Ready to Move,Dedicated Power line, Water FacilityBest for Industrial Establishment,Interested People Can Contact:7995216835 (HYMM/2021/C08115)

✔PRE-TENANTED 1ACRE TSIICIndustrial Property For Sale in

Kucharam I.P. 22000 sft shed, 3FloorAdmin Bld &10,000sft Openarea.Power 250 kVA, 5Ton EOT, Rent 2.85Lac/ Price 6.1Cr. Contact:9849778652. (HYCL/2021/C03420)
















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MIYAPUR 2000 syds Rs.1.70 Lakhper syd Negotiable, brokers

excuse.. Please call me Genuinebuyers only. Mobile number9100762227, 9949582227(HYMM/2021/C08457)

SHADNAGAR 1000SYDS 10k pesyd. Kothur to JP Darga main road

18k per syd, negotiable. Brokersexcuse. Mobile: 9100762227,9949582227 (HYMM/2021/C08458)

CHEEP &BEST @6L Per Acer. 5 -1000 Acres Land for sale at N.H-44Cegunta, Ramayampet, Kamareddy,Bhainsa, Nirmal, Aadhilabad. Contactonly Genuine persons. Clear titlewith possession. Ph:9949148080.(HYCL/2021/C03177)

VERY CHEAP 7 Acres Road FacingLand 75Km from ORR SrishailamHighway Connecting RoadAchampet Town& MunicipalityContact: 8555058838/ 9160077644.(HYCL/2021/C03257)

FARM LAND For Sale 20Kms fromAppa Junction, Entrance Arch,Compound wall, Borewell with DripIrrigation, 10 Varieties Of Fruit Plants,Security Room, Well DevelopedFarmland For sale. 1/2 Acre (2000Sq.Yards), Rs.1CR. Ph:7997583777,9963038315. (HYCL/2021/C03413)

✔LAND FOR SALE: 5ACR TO50ACRS (Per Acr 25Lacks To

50Lacks Between) Vikarabad, Pargi,Mominpet, Marpally, Area Hills &LakeLands &also Agriculture LandsAvailable. Tandoor, Kodangal,Deverkadra, Jadcherla Area LandsAvailable (Per Acre 20Lacs To 30Lacks)&SHADNAGAR, Moinabad, Chevella,Manneguda Surrounding LandsAvilable. Ph: 9133335554/ 9912378600.(HYMM/2021/C08200)

2 ACRES For sale At DhamarkuntaVillage Markuk mandal Near KCR FarmHouse. Contact: 9849085487.(HYCL/2021/C03465)

4 ACRES Converted VijayawadaHighway Land With 450 Feet Frontage@ Just 50 Km From Lb Nagar @Gundrampally Vill Ideal For EducationalInstitutions, Godowns, GroupHousing Very Nearer ToR r r . 9 9 8 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 / 9 3 9 1 0 2 9 0 8 5(HYMM/2021/C08476)

GOKUL NANDA Real- EstatesFarmlands For Sale Launching PriceOffer Per Sq.yds @555/-, 3.5 to 4Lac605Yards Naaryanked Near WasaraVillage. Ph:9642863563, 9248906777(HYMM/2021/C08303)

FOR SALE, 2demarcated agriculturalland (9acres and 4acres) situated atKadakuntla village, wanaparthy district.Approximately 140kms from Hyderabadand 2kms from the Hyd-Bang NtlHighway. Ph:8179425005(HYMM/2021/C08033)

MAHESHWARAM (M),Kondlapadkal(V), Mansanplly to 6KM,2acres& 13acers 60-L per acer,agriculture land sale and purchase. Ph:9848375253. (HYMM/2021/C08216)

✔MASAIPET 7 1/2, Toopran 2Acres, Palata 9 Acres & 3 Acres,

Potharam 3 1/2 acres, Bhasvapur 7 1/2,Shamirpet 42 Acres. Medchal Route. 1Acre to 100 Acres. Ph:6281569552.(S/2021/C02652)

40 ACERS commercial land@Moinabad surangal (Village)18 kmfrom appa junction( O R R ) P h : 8 1 2 3 5 0 0 5 9 6(HYMM/2021/C08292)

FARM LAND Forsale MoinabadMandal Near Kethireddypalli VillageFarmland For Sale with Compound wall,Security Room, Current, Arch, DripIrrigation System, 10Types (200) OfFruit Plants, Fully Developed.Ph:9963038315. (HYCL/2021/C03412)

LAKE FRONT lands for sale Aziznagar, nagireddyguda near tspaagriculture lands for sale form landsccontact: 9866699369, 9951508369(HYMM/2021/C08018)

✔1.NAWABPET 4.5ACRES 100feetHigh Way Facing Land, Suitable for

Farm House. 2.Perfect Farm HouseLand in Maharajpet Village, 10mins fromORR, 1acre 11 guntas available,Excellent greenery &Clean air is onSale. Mr.Srinivas.J 9550218999.(HYMM/2021/C08169)

PADMA RAO Nagar Prime LocationCommercial / Residential Space 271square yards for sale. Contact:9848040636, 9848576523,9885661474 (HYMM/2021/C08444)

LAND FOR sale Shadnagar 3acresprice 55Lakhs 500ft B.T.Road facing,1,2,5,10acres price 50Lakhs to 75Lakhsuseful for agriculture, farmhouse andventure. Ph:9948964444, 8309409566.(HYMM/2021/IC0303)

SHANKARPALLY, NEAR PalmExotica, Main Road Bit 00.11 Guntas&00.24 Guntas Mainroad to 1km. ClearTitle, Genuine Buyers Ph:9177994443,9502717069. (HYMM/2021/C08503)

AGRICULTURAL LANDS for sale:Between Shankarpally to MominpetRoad Surrounding areas. 1 Acre to 10Acres. Ph:9989521675/ 9848681178.(HYMM/2021/C08104)

1 AACRE Land for sale nearShankerpally Damber road facing.Ph:9666896261. (HYCL/2021/C03434)

SOMAJIGUDA LAND with Small oldhouse for sale. 1,387 Sq.Yds, facingNorth East corner, Clear title property,near Rajiv Gandhi Circle. Call: 90000-44544. (L/2021/IC00021)

7 ACRES 10 Guntas Land for Sale onBT Road beside Hamsa RestaurantLane, Lingareddypally Village,Masaipet Mandal, Toopran, 1.5 Kmfrom Nagpur National Highway, 18kms from Toopran/ ManoharabadToolgate. 80Lakhs per acre. Got newPatta Pass Book. Ph:9346066696.(S/2021/C02655)

SALE 3 &6 & 9& 10acre. Agri &mangofarm fully fenced land in (gandamalla (V)turkapally M) @ Rs.29 Lks/acre. NearReservoir. 50Km ECIL, 20KmYadagirigutta. Ph:9581491919,9849922799 (HYMM/2021/C08287)

18.06 ACRES Agriculture Land, RoadFacing with 900 mangotrees,6000birds capacity poultry shed,2 Rooms & kitchen,toilet@ DoultabadHatnura (V&M) ,24km FromPatancheru (ORR), 1kmFromProposed Regional Ring Road(RRR) Contact :7893294644(HYMM/2021/C08522)

✔1)JUBILEEHILLS FLAT for SaleE/F 2400sft 3bhk prime

location 2)Gachibowli commercialspace for Sale 3600sft,1st floor G+4only great UDS prime location, othercommercial space with rental incomeand under construction alsoavailable 3)Commercial 2-Plots forsale in Gachibowli primelocation, lands availableS h a n k e r p a l l y & M o i n a b a d ,Shamshabad, Sanghareddy, Brokersexcuse. Ph:9949935533, 9059370633(HYMM/2021/C08404)

(1).PLOT 630 sq.yd. @KarywellHomes Society, Hydershahkot, nearTipu khan Bridge, Suncity. (2).200Sq.yd. @Bandlaguda, near Anmolgarden Two side road. (3).208 sq.yd.commercial @L.B.Nagar Main RoadBit 3 Side Road. (4).Flat for Sale@yakutpura, SRT Colony, ReinBazar. Contact: SAMAR Developers&Builders. Ph:9010517866,8179418169. (HYCL/2021/C03447)

PLOTS FOR Sale 200 SqydJanachaitanya Phase 3 & 166 SqydOpposite Budvel Church ITCluster 8125739889, 9391111666(HYMM/2021/C08393)

PLOT FOR sale. Patelguda near sagarNH Adibhatla round about South face336 sqyd Contact phone 7993748584.(W/2021/AT001240)

CORNER PLOT 500 Sq.yds nearAirport, Electronic City, PharmaCity, Market value 12k-15k, expecting8k. NRI. Ph:8801000880.(HYCL/2021/C03385)

244 SQ.YDS Huda approved Layoutat Bandlaguda Jagir, near Suncity,Hydershakote, Haritavanam LayoutPlot No.10, East facing. Contact:9849888799. (A/2021/IC00121)

✔BANJAARAHILLS 350SQYDS N/f,490E/f, 421W/f, 800 N/f, 850 N/f,

4000sqyds S/E Corner, Jubileehills 633N/facing old house, 1300 N/f, 1550N/wcorner with house, 1700S/E &5Cr to50Crs., houses &rental incomeproperties 3Cr to 50Cr. Please callbuyers only. Ph:9912555566,6305304440. (HYMM/2021/C08173)

BANJARAHILLS 400, 500 North 600West jubileehills 200 South, 400 SouthKBR park view, 500 East 600 East 717East 1200East 1500West, Filmnagar1110yards, Journalist colony 300,Nandagirihills 1040, Madhapurkavurihills 1000, Gachibowli jayabheriHUDA 934 N/E jubileehills Banjarahillsindependent houses/Residential plots10Cr to 50Cr 9966991449, 9394022449.(W/2021/AT001231)

BANJARAHILLS 400 Sq.yards, 600,900, Jubileehills 350 Sq.yards, 500,720, 1200, 1750 Plots for sale. Housesalso available 10cr to 40cr. Any queries(Agents Excuse) Ph:9849033349.(HYCL/2021/IC0031)

BANJARAHILLS 400, 500North 600west Jubileehills 200South, 400SouthKBR park view, 500East 600East east717East 1200East 1500West,Filmnagar 1110yards, Journalistcolony 300, Nandagirihills 1040,Madhapur kavurihills 1000,Gachibowli jayabheri HUDA 934N/EJubileehills Banjarahills independenthouses/Residential Plots 10Cr to50cr. Ph:9293222555/ 8885895999.(HYMM/2021/C08491)


900yds, W/F 485yds, JubileeHills N/F1200yds, N/F 900yds, S/F 1200yds,N/F 2400yds, S/W 1200yds, N/F1100yds, NandagiriHills View Plot N/F700yds, FilmNagar E/F 450yds,Houses Available 10Cr to 70Crs, MoreCommercial and Residential RentalIncome Property please only BuyersContact:Venkatreddy: 9666662598,7995125559. (HYMM/2021/C08219)

779 SQ.YDS, Commercial Plot for Sale,Plot Facing Madharam ITSEZ 100 ftRoad, Ghatkesar 2kms WarangalHighway. Best for Investment, Hotspot.Ph:7569070757. (S/2021/C02720)

OPEN PLOT for immediate sale. Area:242 sq.yards. Begumpet Dwarka DasColony, North Facing. Ph:9397822090,9949272449. (HYCL/2021/C03438)

HMDA OPEN plots for sale in BHEL,Defence Colony with all developmentsat Chitkool, 2kms from Isnapur Junction,Patancheruvu. 23000/- per yard. LimitedPlots. Contact: 7989598526,8688811638. (HYCL/2021/C03146)

HMDA BHONGIR & MedchalHighway facing ventures Prime plotsfor Sale with all developements nearresidencial houses 8712896467.(HYMM/2021/C08379)

BODUPPAL, CHENGICHERLA, surveyNo:2&3, plot 53B, 330yds, plot:79,270yds, South Facing and *also in*Adhibatla, TATA Aerospace, Back side ofSamooha SEZ. Ph: 9948150008.(HYMM/2021/C08055)

HI-TECHCITY/ BORABANDA RailwayStation Near Commercial Notary PlotFor Sale 100Sq.yards on 80 Feet RoadFacing Rs:65Lacs Only.Ph: 7702355229(HYMM/2021/C07903)

PLOT FOR sale, Bhavana Enclave,Bhavana Housing Society,Bowenpally, Secunderabad, 532yards (two plots 40ft x 60ft) westfacing 40 ft road, semi Commercial.Contact 9182880163, 8179290593.(HYMM/2021/C08384)

✔BOWENPALLY CONTONMENT,1000 yds. Two side roads East,

West facing, Semi-Residential OppositeVed Vihar, Dairy Farm road,Ph:8143266055, 6309674606(HYMM/2021/C08366)

4PLOTS TOTAL 5400Sq.yads, Suitablefor Villas, East facing, Chilkoor TempleRoad, Second Plot from mainroad.Contact: 9391378599, 9100282712.(HYMM/2021/C08146)

RAGHAVENDRA NAGAR Colony,opp National Police Academy, 500Sq.yds Plot (Old House) for Sale.Contact 9866110008, 9866110003.(B/2021/C01205)

✔DAMMAIGUDA-BALAGI NAGAROpp Shashank Enclave- 386 Sq

Yards, East facing Plot for Sale.Contact 9490410089 / 8919730457(W/2021/AT001293)

NEAR ECIL, Dammaiguda, Nagaram‘X’ Roads and RLNagar Open Plots forSale in Gated &Non Gated Venture@21,999/- to @29,999/- Per Sq.Yd,Ph:9100995551, 9100885551,9100996662 (HYMM/2021/C08317)

AT GACHBOWLI main road 93Sq.yards registered clear title plot withdouble road. Ph:7075867086.(HYCL/2021/C03448)

GACHIBOWLI, NALLAGANDLA-HUDA 258 - 1000 Sq.Yds, JournalistColony 270, Kondapur, Kardhanur,Bhanur Lahari, surrounding areas,HMDA plots sale & Purchase. “SwastikProperties”:9963077477, 9866077177.(S/2021/C02737)

GHATKESAR, 200 Sq.yds, E/F, Nextto Delhi Public School with HMDAApproved Near to Warangal Highway,Sale by Owner. Ph:9676135675(HYMM/2021/C08445)

HOT RESIDENTIAL Property for Sale250 Sq.yds Plus 150 Sq.yds (Free) atMiyapur, just Walkable distance fromMetro Station, clear title, perfectvastu. Contact 9703456738,8885755755. (B/2021/C01210)

VUDA APPROVED 671sq Yardscorner residential plot in PandrangiLayout IRR Gunadala, Vijayawada forsale. Contact: 9550752225.(HYMM/2021/C08043)

HMDA 2 Plots for Sale 200,240sq Ydsat Srinivasam Gundla Pocham PallyNear Mallareddy Women’s Eng. CollegePh. 9542809809, 7893204030(HYCL/2021/C03354)

LAYOUT PLOT South East Corner, 373Sq.Yds for sale, with main & lane 2roads. Gurramguda village, SaroornagarMandal. Ph:9703000011, 7989320337.(L/2021/C00083)

HMDA APPROVED Lay-Out Plots forSale@ Pedda Amberpet, Koheda Road,Sizes:150&167 sq.yds,LP.NO:000215/Lo/PLG/HMDA/2019.Contact: 9000673333.(HYMM/2021/C08523)

RERA/HMDA VILLA Plots for Sale, just500mtrs Hyderabad- Banglore Nationalhighway. Gated Community, Ready toConstruct, fully developed venture.Ph:9666467802. (HYMM/2021/C08099)

OFFER 2DAYS Buy back offer invest54lacs get 98lacs in 15months one acreland &27lacs invest get 49lacs. Buderamumbai highway. 7416613247(HYMM/2021/C08265)

JUBILEE HILLS, Journalist colony400Sq.yards Plot plus 100Sq.yardsextra land, W/F, 100% Vasthu for sale,owner selling. Only seriousbuyers Contact 9866660400.(HYMM/2021/C07833)

✔JUBILEEHIILS, ROAD No:45,1464 Sq.yards, North Facing

Commercial plot for sale. 100%Vasthu.For more details.Ph:8522015555/ 9704222345.(HYCL/2021/C03406)

JUBILEEHILLS PRIME Location 1600Yards North West Corner gooddimensions perfect vaastu, toplocation Road No-30, 1365 Yards,Phase-3, 717 N/F, Filmnagar 1200 E/F,Banjarahills 600 N/F, 600 E/F.Consultant Ph:9701996999.(HYCL/2021/C03286)

KHAJAGUDA DELHI Public SchoolOpposite Semi Commercial MainRoad 2nd Plot For Sale South Facing242sq.Yards, Dimensions 58X38 WithPermission, Suitable For Hospitals,School, Offices, Hostels. &Also PlotIn Lanco Hills 520Sq.Yards,1200Sq.Yards LRS Clear. If AnyInterested Call: 9908501333,9885604017. (HYMM/2021/C08122)

HOUSING PLOT for Sale 270 sq.yds,Aparna Palm Grove, Gated Compound,Kompally, Walkable Medchal Road,Peaceful Society, Rs.65,000 per sq.yd.Agents Excuse. Ph:9985138260.(S/2021/C02742)

KOMPALLY, SUCHITRA, Medchal,Kallakal, surround 200, 266, 500, 1000Sq.yds (old layouts) Resale open plotsfor sale. Ph:8074502437.(HYCL/2021/C03459)

HYDERABAD NEAR Kompally ITParks @ Medchal Just 5Km fromORR.18,000/- per sqyd HMDA, FullyDeveloped, Gated Community, BankLoans Available Contact :8886785050(HYMM/2021/C08419)

KOMPALLY JAYADARSHIN EnclaveHUDA Open N/F 400 Sq.yards Plot Sale(With Permissions) Interested BuyersCall, Ph: 9885001959 (No Brokers)(HYMM/2021/C08469)

✔KONDAPUR: RAGHAVENDRAColony 456 yards North face 30

feet road @ 4.1 Cr, LRS & ULC paid:9849350323. agents don’t call.(W/2021/AT001305)

KONDAPUR BESIDE Chirec School,second bit 500/ 1000/ 1500Sq.yardsplot, two side road East / West facingOwner Selling suitable for hospitals,Corporate offices, schools. Contact:9866660400. (HYMM/2021/C07832)

✔BANJARA JUBILEE Hills Primelocation lands for sale 350yds,

600yds, 1200yds, 1800yds. Madhapur500yds, Kondapur 1400yds,Kukatpally 1500yds, Kajaguda nearDPS 300yds, 500yds, 1000yds&independent houses upto 10cr to45cr available. Genuine buyersplease contact: 9908353456.(HYMM/2021/C08174)

KONDAPUR CENTRAL Park 310 YW/F HUDA, Sudarshan Colony, MainRoad 185 Y N/E/S, Gachibowli 350/248W/F HUDA, Gowlidoddi 350 Y HUDA,Ph: 9849832154 (HYMM/2021/C08193)

NRI, IT, Professionals choice. Banglorehighway facing project. HMDA, RERAApproved 23acres Villa Open Plots AtKothur. All Cement Roads, UndergroundElectricity With 8 feets compound wall.Bank Loans. Ph:9848555155.(HYCL/2021/C03405)

KOTHUR,@ BANGALORE Nationalhighway facing, HMDA, plots Gatedcommunity, Fully Developments,6281244462 (HYMM/2021/IC0319)

KOTHUR TO JP Dharga Main RoadLayout, Sahithya Housing Society, NearBharath Petrol Pump 200 Sq.yards,North Facing , DTCP Approved OpenPlot For Sale, Ph:9 0 3 0 0 0 4 4 8 1 / 9 5 5 0 3 1 6 1 1 4(HYMM/2021/C08470)

✔KUKATPALLY PRIME LocationCommercial Plot for Sale

1400yds East-West Corner andKondapur 1400yds East-West North3side Corner Plot for Sale. Genuinebuyers please call:7997164015,9908353456. (HYMM/2021/C08351)

KUKATPALLY- GOPAL Rao NagarNear Hindu Fortuner Villas, 295Sq.Yards Residential Open Plot ForSale, North Facing. Ph: 7893927160(HYMM/2021/C08465)

HMDA FINAL Approved GatedCommunity, Aparna Palm grove,Kompally, 267 Sq.yds Plot for Sale,West facing, Phase II. Contact9885020208. (B/2021/C01146)

MACHA BOLLARUM Laxmi Enclave200 Sq.Yds, west facing with G+1permission. Rs.46,000/- per Sq.Yard.Contact LVR Real Estates: 7075559994/8074121562. (S/2021/C02729)

MADHAPUR SHILPI 600 south JaihindEnclave 500 near Durham Cheruvumetro station main road 650yards underconstruction for sale. Ph:9849072153.(HYMM/2021/C08433)

MADHAPUR- KAVURI Hills Phase-II,1000 Sq.yards North East Corner OpenPlot For Sale. And Hi-Tech City JubileeEnclave, 600 Sq.yards Plot For Sale,East Facing. Ph: Ph: 7893927160(HYMM/2021/C08466)

HI-TECH CITY MadhapurPathrekanagar West Facing Open Plot300 Sq.yards Prim Location. ContactPh: 7893927160 (HYMM/2021/C08464)

MANIKONDA SECRETARIAT Colony200 Sq.yards South Facing Plot withPermission For Sale, Contact:9030358687 (HYMM/2021/C08319)

NEAR MANSANIPALLY ‘X’Roads,Farm lands 300, 600, 900 yds withPlots/ With House for Sale. Openingoffer only 5000/- per yard. Offer onlyFew days. Ph:9618632782.(HYCL/2021/C03469)

✔465 SQUARE yard East facingplot at Budwel,Shiva sai nagar

colony @45k per yard. 3KM from ORR.2km from Budwel IT park. Close tosuncity, kismatpur & Wanted outright 1acre@ Mansanpally chowrastha nearby8179588222, 9618252324(HYMM/2021/C08463)

MEDCHAL TOWN 267 sq.yds plot withLRS and Construction permission, inapproved layout. Call: 9963019632.(HYCL/2021/C03359)

MEDCHAL NH-44 facing HMDAapproved, East facing plots 165 sq.yds 2Nos. Contact 8978600552,9885437630. (S/2021/C02724)

✔MEHDIPATNAM AMBA Theatreroad, Gudimalkapur SBI colony,

330 sq.yds independent houseG.floor 2 sides road (N/W) facing, (40feet/ 30 feet) roads, East park beside.St.Mary school opposite lane.contact: 9246201082/ 8919935116.(A/2021/C00656)

MIYAPUR HUDA 160, 200 sq.yds E/F,N/F in Sai Anurag Colony, welldeveloped residential area, ready forconstruction. Contact: 8096262625.(HYCL/2021/C03390)

SILPA AVENUE Colony 250, 130, 120Sq yards plot options. Close to MiyapurMetro, Forum Mall, JNTU. Contact9505551290 (HYMM/2021/C08314)

MOKILA/ SHANKARPALLY HMDAGated Community Fully Developed 185Sq.yard Corner 2Side Road Facing VillaPlot For immediate Sale.Ph:9701722899/ 9246533219.(HYCL/2021/C03288)

✔MOKILA, 250-500 sq.yds plotsavailable in a premium villa

plots gated community on 150’ mainRoad. 15,000 sft club house spreadover 3 acres of Central Park. All roadsare white top cement roads. Just 20minutes drive from Wipro XRoads & and Kokapet. Bank Loanavailable. Contact: 9177793070.(HYCL/2021/C03343)

HMDA OPEN plot for immediate sale.Only direct registration. On NHSrisailam road near pharmacitymucharla X dasarpally road, richgrowth on best price, 244sq.yards.Only interested buyers call Talath:9100203071. (HYMM/2021/IC0318)

NALLAGANDLA, TELLAPURHUDA:Commercial, Semi-commercialResidential &open plots, LIG, MIG, HIGare available. JVN Varma Real Estates,Sales &Purchase. Ph:9391149278,9246532279. (HYMM/2021/C08103)

NALLGANDLA APPROVED Plot 267sq.yds sale at Gachibowli,Sherlingampally. Good for Apartmentand Independent Houses.Ph:8885189884, 9848548029.(S/2021/C02727)

NARAPALLY, ANNOJIGUDA,Bogaram, L.R.S, HUDA plots 200W,230W, 253N/W, 261N, 265N, 526N,460E/S, 460W/S, 920E/W/S, 671E/N/S,857N/W/S, 1528E/N/S. T.Venkatreddy@9866429807 (HYMM/2021/C08151)

✔PLOT FOR Sale clear title 250Sq.yards plot for sale in

Padmanabha Nagar Colony near RethiBowli Ring Road. Contact: 8977213491.(HYCL/2021/C03415)

P E D D A M B A R P E T ,LAXMARDDYPALEM, SuryavamshiColny 336 yards, corner plot price@46000/- per yd, Near ORR,Vijeyavada Highway FacingLayout.ph.9505899055, 9948121818(HYMM/2021/C08368)

R.K.FARMS, NEAR TSPA Junction1200 & 600 sq.yds for sale withboundary wall, electricity, watchmanroom, Rajendernagar near proposed100” road. Clear title. Ph:9640352513.(S/2021/C02653)

✔TWO PLOTS East North facing,361, 570 Sq.yds both Backside of

Gandipet Chilkoor. Contact 93913785999am to 5pm. (B/2021/C01189)

246 SQ.YARDS Plot at SriramapuramColony, Ramantapur, Near ChurchColony, Uppal Industrial area Hyd.Ph:9441277641. (HYCL/2021/C03440)

RTC X Roads W/F 159 Sq.Yds,22.6x63.6, 18’ road, near Metro.Genuine buyers only. Rs.75k/ SqYd.One time payment. Ph:8500409975.(S/2021/C02728)

GOLDEN INVESTMENT River sidecountry houses farm land plots Goodlocation &Environment Astress freezone near sadashivpet (mumbaihighway). Ram Ph:9346936677(HYCL/2021/C03470)

READY TO Construct GHMC FinalApproved Plots For Sale @ SahebNagar Kalan 6 Km L B Nagar 3 KmVijayawada HWY 3km bn Reddy NagarPh: 7675988209 (HYMM/2021/C08520)

✔SAINIKPURI VAYUPURI SocietyPlots & Yapral Govardhanpuri

Plots for Resale contact Balraj Yadav: 8897284462 , 9398261626(HYMM/2021/C08460)

SHADNAGAR HIGHWAY facecommercial plot, LRS done, 500Sq.Yds, double road plot, goldenchance for best investment and 400Sq.Yds triple road plot. Spot registration.Contact: 9177943563/ 9700826085.(S/2021/C02594)

✔@ KOTHUR(HMDA) Shadnagar (DTCP) Approved Layout

(Municipality Division), Very Near ToBangalore Highway Low Price BankLoan Available. Ph: 7013983824/9912744372. (HYMM/2021/C08357)

HMDA- RERA Approved Plots, Opp.Asiana Hotel, Dosakal Road,Shadnagar (Plot Sizes 167-183 Sq.yds).Contact Ph:6302066966, 9908949180.(HYCL/2021/C03450)

180.SQ.YDS PLOT in Shaikpet, behindHussain Sha Wali Dargah. Rate45,000/- per sq.yd. Negotiable.Contact: 9849171501, 6302893829.(HYCL/2021/C03454)

OU COLONY Shaikpet HMDA 120 Sq.yards Plot for Sale. NRI Preferred.Call: 9989685085, 7032234501.(HYMM/2021/C08486)

SHAMEERPET 200 sq.yds, WestFacing Plot in Fortune Rudraksha aPremium Gated Community abettingNational Highway. RERA approved,Price 29.5K/ sq.yd. Contact:9849003254. (S/2021/C02693)

AFTER SHAMSHABAD around 4500Yards, various gated ventures. Kohinoor,Samudra blossom, Horizon, Atlanta.Opportunity Big Buyers. Agents excuseContact: 9848086246, 9912238919.(A/2021/C00669)

203 SQ.YARDS plot North facing inHMDA approved layout at R.R.NagarAyyappa Society, Shamshabad is forsale, complete with boundary wall andready for construction. Pleasecontact 8639129364, 9848846621.(HYMM/2021/C08479)

SHAMSHABAD AIRPORT MalkaramVillage 250 Sq. yards Plot for sale. NRIPreferred. Call: 9989685085,7032234501. (HYMM/2021/C08488)

SHANKARPALLY TOWN HMDA Finalapproved plots 180yds onwards, allfacings 30mins drive 2 Kokapet SEZ,F.District. Ph:7095888808, 7013550080.(HYMM/2021/C07750)

✔MAIN ROAD Facing Plots For Saleat Shankarpally Main Road. Sizes

1000 To 2000 Sq.yds With LandConversion& Immediate RegistrationSuitable For Investments& CommercialBuildings. Queries Contact:9705695487. (HYCL/2021/C03353)

FOR SALE 200 Sq.yrds North facingplot at Soorajnagar colony Boduppal.LRS Paid, well developed area. NoBrokers please. Ph:8850821693.(HYMM/2021/C08451)

✔SUNCITY 442 Square yards eastfacing plot for immediate sale

very near to main road. Contact:Urban Sprawl - 8247060590,9652696420 (HYMM/2021/C08388)

SALE 1,65,000SFT or 10820sqydsTDR for Sale, We Can Use in GHMCLimits, Thukkuguda near Busstand1250sqyds Open Plot for Sale SouthFacing Ph:9848307850, 9848956767(HYMM/2021/C07684)

RS.2999/- PER sq.yd HMDA LimitPlots 200sqyds x 6 Just 10km fromYadadri Temple 5km from WangapalliWarangal Highway LRS ApplicationSubmitted Serious Buyers Call:9849128640 (HYMM/2021/C08030)

✔200 SQYDS Plot for sale withLRS at Dinakarnagar, Road no

17, West Venkatapuram, Alwal,Secunderabad. Contact 9701111901(W/2021/AT001271)

DTCP APPROVED Residential layoutwith LP No. for Sale& Marketing, 165Plots, each 150 Sqyds @NagarjunaSagar High way Facing, Yacharam.Ph:9502660584. (HYCL/2021/C03407)

D T C P Approved layout Near YadadriTemple per sq.yds 5999/- pre launchOffer, Honde Activa/ BikePh:9703769769. (HYMM/2021/C08299)

YADAGIRIGUTTA, YADAGIRIPALLYVillage, 165 sq.yards(W/F) DTCPApproved Open Plot, Beside an ongoingproject Amogha Grandeur by LandmarkGroup. Ph:9989020908, 9121142401.(HYCL/2021/C03312)

ECIL- YADGIRIPALLY ORR serviceroad, 100ft road facing, HMDA approvedlayout plots for sale. per.sqyd24,999/ ready to construction, Bankloan available. ph:9030444403(HYMM/2021/C07774)

MANI ENCLAVE, Yapral PremiumGated Community840sq YdsFor Sale Contact: 8801006946.(HYMM/2021/C08074)

PRIME PROPERTIES sale inBollarum(Alwal): 1) Railway colonyTurkapally, Awal, EatFace 24x60= 160yds@44,500/-, 2) SouthWest 48x60= 320yds@43,000/-, 3) Bandham near Airforcegate, Risala Bazar, NorthEast 60x42=280yds @43,500/-, 4) LaxmammaEnclave Turkapally, WestFace 56x45=280yds LRS paid @44,500/-Ph:9247113285. (HYMM/2021/C08515)

GUEST HOUSE Furniture For SaleDouble Beds Spring Mattress, SingleBeds Spring Mattress, Dining Tables,LCD TV 32”, Coffee Tables, Tea Tables,Computer Tables, English SnookersBoards near Gachibowli CareHospitals backside. Ph:9849198059,9502336037. (B/2021/C01187)

WE PURCHASE Old Furniture, Office,House, Hotel, Showroom, ACs, UPS,Batteries, Generator, AluminiumPartition, Wiring, Brass Vessels& Scrab. Ph:8142669887, 8555901629.(B/2021/C01154)

WE PURCHASE A.C, U.P.S, Battery,House & Office furniture, wire, Almara,locker, electrical, all items A-Z.Ph:9666786441, 7032847037,6304439168, 8309944063, 9381316699,9398874771, 9391071633, 8688786631,8179224792, 9949467093(B/2021/IC00118)

BIG WOODEN Cupboards, Side &dressing tables Double Bed withmattress Sofa 3+2 Dinning table 6chairs Television Fridge 1.5 Ton acwashing machine microwave OTG ovenElectric kebabs maker and lots ofcrockery.Owner moving Abroad -9885452525 / 9246109979.(W/2021/AT001292)

RUBBER SCRAP- We are ScrapMerchant in Hyderabad, Purchase allkinds of Industrial Scrap & Function HallShed, Dairy Farm Sheds in Telangana.Please Whatsapp 9346798557.(HYCL/2021/C03423)

MACHINERY AND 20,000 Sft Shedand Fire Brics used for S.W.G CeramicsPipe Factory for Immediate sale atMancherial. Contact: 9348544445,7096822818. (HYCL/2021/C03278)

MACHINARY SALE. 1 Ton OpenHammer, Massey Make, BombayLeathe-2.5 meters, Between Center5Nos. Electrical Furnes-2Nos. Mail:i n fo @ k o n d a p a l l y fo r g i n g s . c o m .Ph:9885579129. (HYCL/2021/C03463)

REQUIRED LAND 3 to 5 Acrespreferred locations are Patancheru,Patighanpur, Muthangi, Isnapur,Sultanpur and Surrounding Areas.Contact Modi Builders Mr.Rao on9963389844. (B/2021/C01198)

✔100-200 ACRES Farm Landsrequired near Shamshabad,

Patancheruvu, Srisailam, Ring Roads, &Two Acres within Twin cities (Fordevelopment also). Ph:9502724444.(L/2021/C00049)

WANTED LAND For plottingdevelopment 10 to 15 acres onSrisailam road or any good location andMarketing also, layout finaceprovide. Call: 9703677767.(HYCL/2021/C03284)

REQUIRED PLOTS out rate plots inNallagandla, Gopanpally, Tellapur,Mokila, Shankarpally, Surroundingareas- HMDA/ HUDA approved (200to 2000yds). Ph:9848681178.(HYMM/2021/C08102)

REQUIRED PLOTS/LANDDevlopment/Out Rate In Jubilee Hills,Ayyappa Society,Madhapur,Kondapur,Gachibowli,Nallagandla,Tellapur.Kphb,Miyapur,Sur round ings,Landlords OnlyContact,9985648859,9959998796(HYMM/2021/C08364)

WANTED 300 sq.yards Commercial/Semi Commercial Plot for NRI, aroundMehdipatnam, Attapur Ring Road,Towlichowki, Manikonda, Masabtank,Malakpet. Contact: 7032316332.(HYMM/2021/C08453)

PLOTS REQUIRED in Hyderabadsurroundings Hayathnagar, Amberpet,Abdullapurmet, Manneguda,Ragannaguda, Kuntloor, Munaganur,Torrur, Koheda, Turkayamjal,Mangalpally, Batasingaram,Brahmanapally, Ibrahimpatnam.Ph:9666660371. (HYCL/2021/C03134)

PLOTS PURCHASE Near Thumkunta,Suchirindia, North Avenue,Pardasaradhi Nagar, Near Bits Pilani,Gayatri Layout, Thimmaipally, Carvas,MMR Enclave, Bandlaguda, Prajy SaiGarden, K.S.R. Layout Saket,Vampuguda, Indus School, Sai Krishna,Registration Colony, Priyadarshini,Golf Enclave. Ph:8074203475.(HYMM/2021/C08514)

URGENTLY REQUIRED Rentalincome shop, ground floor, fromBanjarahills to Gachibowli main road.Budget: 6 Cr. Agents welcome. ContactAgent P.Ramesh 8008123263,8374210443. (S/2021/C02732)

✔WANTED FOR Outright purchaseIndustrial Plot/ shed about 2500

sq.yds in IDA Bollarum/ Bachupally.Only clear tittle & genuine partiescontact: 9701244899, 9440712638.(S/2021/C02614)

✔WANTED IN Jublieehills 500 to1500sq.yds area House

Filmnagar, Prashannagar,Banjarahills, MP MLA colony, NandiHills, owner with agents immediatelywant with in a week registrationcall: 7993744469, 9849587323.(HYCL/2021/C03289)

BOMBAY HOSPITAL Groups wantedpurchases, 200 to 300 sq.yd, Plots orBuilding not on main road, FinancialDistrict, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli,Kondapur, Hitechcity, Jubileehills. DirectLandlord. Ph:98206-19555. Whatsapp-98490-78692. Broker Sorry.(S/2021/C02741)

✔REQUIRED TDR of HMDA Area.Contact: 7095703065,

9032566576. (HYMM/2021/C08501)

TWO SEPARATE Rooms with attachkitchens & toilets for Rent at Abids. RentRs.4500/- on 4th floor. No lift.Ph:9701462132. (Small families).(B/2021/C01211)

BANJARA HILLS, RoadNo:11, NineSingle Bedroom’s with Attached Bathand Kitchen available for rent forHostels Purposes. Ph:8466893770.(HYMM/2021/C08073)

THREE ROOMS for Rent atDarrusalam, 5-5-57/10, opp DeccanCollege. Contact 040-24731834,9849560011. (B/2021/C01216)

PLUG AND play 11,000 sftindependent building Very goodinteriors Sagar Society BanjaraHills contact 9000092222(HYMM/2021/C08392)

GHATKESAR MAINROAD,Commercial Space Lease/ Rent, 840sq.ft, 1st Floor, Opp to ICICI Bank.Contact Number: 9848920035,9391900035. (S/2021/C02597)

✔HIMAYATHNAGAR MAIN road2nd & 3rd floor 1000 Sft, 100 Sft

Cabin 1st floor, for anyCommercial purpose. Ph:8712366000.(B/2021/C01208)

19000 SFT space including cellaravailable for Rent/ Lease inShadnagar on Bangalore Highway.Ideal for Showrooms, Banks, Hotels,Banquet Halls. Contact: 9949766969.(B/2021/C01206)

3 BHK 1800 Sft, 2nd floor, No.202,Ameerpet- Balkampet road facing,above SBI Balkampet branch. RoyalArcadia, S.R.Nagar. Ph:9391068771.(A/2021/C00651)

AMEERPET,1760 SQFT AdityaEnclave Building, Nilgiri Block, 5th Floor,2 30-seater classrooms, 2 officecubicles and main reception area withexcellent interiors and fully furnished.Suitable for Training Institute,Office, Contact : 9849851130(W/2021/AT001314)

AVANTI NAGAR, BasheerBaghindependent house/Ground floor/Firstfloor,NorthEast corner/Extended on rentfor Office/ commercial use. Call8822666666 (HYMM/2021/C08448)

SR NAGAR, 3Bhk, W/F, 4th floor, mainroad, above sbi Balakampet furnished,Commercial/ residential, rent/ lease, 30k/month, vastu Compliant: 9849302096/9177076562. (HYMM/2021/C07864)

PRIME COMMERCIAL space available@Bandlaguda. Sorrounded by eliteproperties.Ideal for boutique/salons/chocolate, icecream bar/office.Contact: 9000280003.(HYMM/2021/C08473)

BANJARAHILLS NORTH & East roads,glass elevation, prime commercial, retail/office space, first floor- 2500 sft, 3rd floor-2750, 1950, 800 sft. Call: 98493-44544.(S/2021/C02647)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD#02, BesideTV9, 2400 Sft, 40- seatingcapacity, fully furnished office, 6-cabins, 2&4 wheeler carparkings.Suitable for office9700327602.(HYCL/2021/C03453)

COMMERCIAL SPACE For Lease.Furnished Commercial Office SpaceMeasuring 8000 Sq.Feet in TrendsetTowers Banjarahills, Road No.2,Adjacent to L.V.Prasad Eye Institute,3rd Floor with Adequate CarParkings. Email: [email protected],Ph:8106056463. (HYCL/2021/C03466)

OFFICE ACCOMODATION inAuroracolony, Road3, BanjarahillsContact 9030001312.(HYMM/2021/C08474)

1900 SFT (Ground FloorCommercial) fully furnished Plug &play with Bathroom. White Housebuilding @ Begumpet. Contact:9666999000. (HYCL/2021/C03272)

PLUG IN play OFFICE SPACE forlease @ Bowenpally ,opposite marketyard 2 nd floor 4000 sft approx with40 system cubicles total airconditionined,5 office cabins,pantry,reception,24 hr automatic power backup. Rs30/ sft, parking space available& 24 hrs water and power.Contact:8790345333, 9390179416(HYMM/2021/C08415)

PLUG & Play Office for rent at NewBowenpally with work-stations,separate cabins, conference &meeting rooms. Also suitable forwarehouse. Ph:9908651962.(S/2021/IC00198)

HOT COMMERCIAL Property ForRent Suitable for any Business.Ground floor and Paradise JunctionFacing. 1080 Sft. Chandralok Complex. Secunderabad. Ph:9949355647.(HYCL/2021/C03398)

SHOP AVAILABLE for ATM rent,160sq.ft, Ground Floor, 24/7 PowerBackup. Existing ATM was there.Chowk Charminar Main Road.Ph:9391316047. (S/2021/C02524)

COMMERCIAL CHERLAPALLY-Rent/ Lease, 4,000; 8,000; 12,000 &16,000 SFT ready to move. Suitablefor MNC Office, MFG, CNF,Industrial, IT & ITES, Services,Godown, Etc. At SangareddyCherlapally. M:+919676077555.(HYCL/2021/C03410)

TO-LET, CHIKKADPALLY 500 SftG.Floor, Commercial property for rentcont. 9848087329. (11Am to 6pm).(HYCL/2021/C03441)

JR MALL, Abids. Shops Ground, 3rd,4th &Trace for Bar, Restaurant, Gym,Office. PNT Colony, Near Sai BabaTemple, Dilsukhanagar, 6500sft., 3floors for Hostel/ office/ Hospital. ASRaonagar, Cellar +3 floors, NearKarur Vysya Bank /Sai Baba Temple,Commercial Shops. For Rent.Ph:7013400409/ 9959933339.(HYMM/2021/C07256)

✔RENT OF Showroom space.1800sft for 1st and 2nd floor

each. Rs.80/sft. Opp to Konarktheatre, Dilsukhnagar. Contact Phone:9858922222 (HYMM/2021/C07731)

COMMERCIAL SPACE 4000 sqftGround+ 1st floor, Plot No.137,S.P.Colony on main road fromTrimulgherry Cross Road towardsBowenpally, Bachpan Play School.Suitable for Office/ Godown/ Bank/Diagnostic Center. Ph:9866189633.(B/2021/C01160)

ECIL ‘X’ Roads, Main Road, 3500 sft,1st floor, suitable for Commercial/offices. Contact: 9494956747,7075386747 (HYMM/2021/C08120)

COMMERCIAL OFFICE 3000sqftopposite NKM GRAND hotel,Erramanzil with office furniture, AC’s,Executive, Board, Pantry, Receptionrooms, Workstations, Woodenflooring. 9848012369.(HYMM/2021/C08217)

COMMERCIAL SPACE 1000 Sftavailable in LR Plaza Hyderguda,Hyderabad, facing main road betweenApollo Hospital and Bharath PetrolPump. Contact 9849057542.(B/2021/C01188)

✔25,000SFT COMMERCIALentire building@ Film Nagar

Main Rd: 78 Jubilee Hills for lease@Rs 33/sft plug n play HDFC bankbuilding negotiable 9581232556(HYMM/2021/C07943)

SUITABLE FOR Lodging, Hotel&Hospital 3-Star Hotel in an ExcellentCondition Nearly 30000sq/ft BeforeSunshine Hospital GachibowliBranch. Cell:9247148380&9393335563 Whatsapp: 9885853885.(HYMM/2021/C08282)

SHOP FOR Rent, Gandhinager MainRoad, 480sq ft, 2 sides Road, Contact8897745868. (HYMM/2021/C08385)

HAFEEZPET RS 22/ Sft /9000 Sft/Office Ware House/ BestLocation/ 7702202633/ 9246156977(HYMM/2021/C08395)

HAYATNAGAR MAINROAD,Vijyawada Highway, 9600sft N/W24hrs Water, Lift, 8-Bathrooms,Parking 10Cars Suitable for Office’s,Showroom’s, Colleges, Hostels.P h : 9 8 6 6 9 7 0 9 3 9 .(HYCL/2021/C03217)

HIMAYATH NAGAR Street No.1 forcommercial use. Ground Floor650Sq.feet (19X36) and First Floor650Sq.feet. Contact: 9550747475(HYMM/2021/C07881)

OFFICE SPACE 300sft Rent: 12,000per month Himayathnagar Street 18,Near Madina School Contact:9908224782. (HYMM/2021/C08089)

SHOP FOR rent. 125 sq ft. Groundfloor. MPM Mall Himayatnagar. Call9494868454 (W/2021/AT001245)

STUDY HALL For Sale Total Capacity160 cabins And 100 Cabins Are FullHimayatnagar Contact 8886668507,8341837903 (HYMM/2021/C08242)

HITEC CITY MainRoad, For Lease1100-2200 sft SuryaCyberSpace,Commercial Office space, Powerbkup,24x7 Security, Parking. 9885979409whatsap/call (HYMM/2021/C08378)

2300SFT 40-SEATER Fully FurnishedOffice Space, 360 Degrees RooftopHitech skyline view, Bareshellcommercial or office space 2300Sftsteps away from IKEA. 2000Sft 3-SideRoad Facing ground floor bare shell forcommercial or office space. BegumpetPrime Location 900Sft FullyFurnished Office Space Available forRent. Ph:9440052174/ 9705019933.(HYMM/2021/C08227)

DOMALGUDA 12X20 Feet Groundfloor Suitable Office, Doctor Clinic, Shoppurpose, tiffin center, generalstore, other purpose, furniture,furnished cabin. Ph:9848048211.(B/2021/C01139)

✔RANIGUNJ, SECUNDERABADAl-Karim Trade Centre, Shop

No.29, Ground floor, Area 272 Sft forLease. Brokers Excuse. Contact9849297212. (B/2021/C01153)

✔ECIL NEAR Radhika MultiplexPlot No. 54/S, 2nd Avenue,

Anupuram, Hyd-62. 17,100Sft (GF2200, First floor 5,700, Second floor5,700 Parking 3500) independentoffice building in ground plus twofloor configuration is available forrent from 1st May’21 with necessaryoffice fittings, furniture, twoconference halls Contact.9247193121, 9347793977(HYMM/2021/C08107)

1250SFT. GROUND Floor showroomspace previous tenant Bulletshowroom and 8500sft., commercialspace in upper floors can be dividedin portions above central bankadjacent ESI Metro station,accessible to heavy vehicles,facing Bombay. Ph:9059357760,9849018243. (HYMM/2021/IC0315)

AVAILALE FOR Rent, Fully FurnishedOffice at Abids 774 Sft, Narayanguda1911 Sft, Secunderabad 1100 Sft,Madinaguda 1400 Sft. Ph:9391034820,9391016563. (B/2021/C01192)

KRISHNA NAGAR road yousufguda, 2shutters + 5 floors available for lodge,hostel, showrooms, shops, offices etc.9700906132 (W/2021/AT001323)

JUBILEEHILLS 36, main road face,prime space, opp. Neerus ground 1096sft, Rent 1.4 lac, first- 1096 sft, rent 90k,negotiable. Call: 98490-44544.(S/2021/C02646)

COMMERCIAL SHOPS 450 Sft 1stfloor, 140 Sft Ground floor for Rentbehind Central Gurudwara, Gowliguda,Hyderabad. Contact 9246293815.(B/2021/C01178)

FOR RENT Sharwama/ BurgerRestaurant for Sale (Good will) withFurniture& Staff Nearly 1 Lakh Monthlyincome King koti, Beside SBI ATM, Hyd,Ph:9949355647. (HYCL/2021/C03397)

WAREHOUSES, KOMPALLY RCC55,000sqft CC Roads, Parkings, in 7separate buildings, Rs 20sqft.9848012369 (HYMM/2021/C08218)

KPHB, ROAD No.1 MIG-8A, BesideBus-stop, 1500sft, 1st Floor suitable anyOffices/ Ware Houses for RentPh:9885343772. (HYCL/2021/C03435)

KUKATPALLY VC Plaza Opp: BJPOffice, Prime Commercial Space forLease/ Rent areas 6750 sft. 3500 sft.&3100 sft., Ph:8801353500.(HYCL/2021/C03393)

✔LAKDIKAPOOL: 8000SFT (Full/partly also given) Ground Floor,

Sufficient Parking. Opp: Global Hospital.Suitable for Educational Institutions,Distributors, Software Companies.Reasonable rent. Ph:9440285684(HYMM/2021/C07916)

MADHAPUR OFFICE space forlease at Road no.7 Kakatiya hills;

Four floors each 2500Sqft;C o n t a c t : 9 1 8 2 8 7 6 1 0 8(W/2021/AT001247)

MADHAPUR BARE shell OfficeSpace for rent,2000,3000,4000,5000,10000,12000sqft call owner 9640699992.(HYMM/2021/C08332)

NEAR MEHDIPATNAM X Roadsindependent 1400 sft building, drawing,two bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen,parking. Suitable small clinic/ office.Contact: 9848088246, 9912238919.(A/2021/C00668)

MEHDIPATNAM MAIN Road, BesideCrescent Hospital, 1st floor Flat 2BHKfor Rent Suitable for office/ institute/Clinic with parking. Ph:8978906822.(HYMM/2021/C08462)

COMMERCIAL BUILDING for Lease/Rent @MothiNagar, Erragadda, 14,500Sft, 6Floors, 2Sides Road Corner.Suitable for Showroom/ Hospital/ Banks/School/ Colleges Etc. Ph.9849018903(HYMM/2021/C08257)

✔6 INDIVIDUAL rooms withattached bath available for Rent/

Long Lease in 1st floor aboveHeritage Fresh Super Market,Padmarao Nagar, Secunderabad. 80 ftroad facing. Suitable for CorporateGuesthouse/ Lawyers/ CA/ Smalloffices/ Consultancies, etc.Contact 9849477775/ 9550077775.(S/2021/IC00207)

PRAGATHINAGAR, NIZAMPETCorporation. Commercial Complex4 Floors, 8000sft. Each Floor2000sft. 100ft. Mainroad for Rent.Suitable for IT/ Colleges/ Hospitals/Offices/ Godowns etc.Ph:9348581045, 7993971409.(HYCL/2021/C03332)

COMMERCIAL PRIME Location forFranchise Business G 3 floors(each 2200sft) Storage &Lift.Vinay Nagar (Prashantnagar)Saidabad. WhatsApp:9885072121, (1)7324390430(HYMM/2021/C08032)

COMMERCIAL BUILDING On RentGround + First + Second EachFloor 1600SqFt total 5000SqFtNearHyderabad Central besidePunjagutta Petrol Pump Contact:9390124346/ 8897862602(W/2021/AT001288)

S.R.NAGAR BEHIND T.B.Hospital,J.J.Hospital road, 1100 sft, 2nd floor,east facing, Commercial space forLease. Contact: 9100438652,9849496677. (A/2021/C00657)

LAKDIKAPUL OFFICE office cumresidence 1100 sft furnishedcarparking 3F Samrat ‘R’ Complexopp. Reserve Bank SaifabadHyderabad 9440058400(HYMM/2021/C08325)

S.D. ROAD, 425 SqFt, EmeraldHouse,Ground Floor, High Ceiling,Suitable for Office, Training Institute,Trading Business. Contact :9849851130 (W/2021/AT001315)

COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent atKarkhana road, (Vikrampuri Colony),first floor, fully furnished with allmodern amenities. Contact:9248003738. (S/2021/C02572)

510 SFT with 250 Sft mezzanineOffice space/ Showroom in Groundfloor, Jade Arcade at Paradise circle.Suitable for Mobile/ Computersservice centers/ Travels/ Officeavailable for Rent/ Lease. Contact:9849459956/ 9849300400.(L/2021/C00074)

COMMERCIAL SPACE For Rent,Cellar, First And Second Floor 1650Sft Each, Near Tadbund X Road,Secunderabad, Contact 9885737271(HYMM/2021/C08313)

COMMERCIAL SPACE 2,000 SFT,Available for Rent/Lease at Tarnaka,marri Chenna Reddy Lane,Secunderabad. Contact: 9502160382,7032642852 (HYMM/2021/C08414)

AVAILABLE THREE Office Spaces880sft, 925sft East facing 324sftNorth facing below PNB, DiamondPoint-Monda market road,Secunderabad. Ph:9849014717.(HYMM/2021/C08497)

✔COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent,4th & 5th floor, 4000sqft,

suitable for offices, banks,colleges, etc. Private lift & parkingavailable, City centrally located oppto Apollo hospital near keys highschool, Secunderabad. Immediateoccupancy. Contact: 9052223308(HYMM/2021/C08500)

✔SOMAJIGUDA, POSHIndependent G+ 2Bldg for

Lease, Each Floor 3000Sq. Ft, 8 Car+ 25 Two wheeler Parking, Suitablefor Corporate Offices, Clinics,Institutions, Contact- 7036177711,8885525437. (HYMM/2021/C08143)

70,000 SQFT Building (170x100ft, 4floors) for Office/Datacenter nearAirport on Srisailam Hwy availablefor rent. Kranthi 8074182033.(HYMM/2021/C08383)

G+2 SHOP RCC on Tanuku bypassnear Chivatam Junction bestfor Hotel showroom 8790495119(W/2021/AT001321)

UPPAL, KALAYANPURI, 4FloorsCommercial Complex, Parking, LiftSuitable for Offices, SWE, Plug andplay also Tarnaka, Stno:1, Near Bankof Baroda, Furnished 3BHK House forGuest House, Office/ Residence.ph:040-27171996, 8008714939(HYMM/2021/C08279)

VIJAYANAGAR COLONY MainRoad, Prime Commercial SpaceGround Floor 2000 SFT, 2nd Floor1500 SFT And 3rd Floor 1500 SFT ForRent. Suitable For Medical &Diagnostic center. Ph: 9908028387(HYMM/2021/C08203)

COMMERCIAL COMPLEX 4-Floors+ Penthouse 5200sft in heartof Shamsabad. Suitable forShopping mall, Super market,Bank, Offices, Restaurants&Banquet Hall, Diagnostic centres,Hospital, Mini function Hall etc. ForRent/ Lease/ Sale. Ph:9502113091,9441475786. (HYMM/2021/C08481)














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DHARAMKARAN ROAD, Ameerpet,Sreenivasam Apartments, 1 BHK Flatwith attached toilet ready for occupation.H.No.7-1-65/15, SBI Colony. Suitable forOne or Two executive bachelors.Contact: 9849742052. (A/2021/C00662)

✔500SFT FRESHLY painted 1BHKnear SBI Abids & Nizam college.

PH 9908217712, 9849390001(W/2021/AT001289)

FULLY FURNISHED singie bedroom,kitchen in penthouse. Attached toiletgeyser, wardrobe, 24 hrs water Rent Rs8000 PM. Single vegetarian bachelor only.H 15, Madhura Nagar near Yousufguda.Ph 9849589096 (W/2021/AT001270)

1 B H K, Flat at East Prasanthnagar,Moosarambagh, for rent at Rs. 7000/- p.m.plus maintenance at Rs. 1100/- p.m.9866911212. (HYMM/2021/C08331)

EAST FACING Fully FurnishedSpacious 1000 sft 1BHK flat TanishaPride Apts near Satya SaiNigamagamam, Srinagar Colony,Ph:9246524178/ 9849498496(HYCL/2021/C03303)

2 BHK Flat for Rent @ Srinivasa NagarColoy, near Balaji Temple, 1 km fromUppal Bus Depot. Cont. No.9603803286. (HYMM/2021/C08333)

2 BHK 1050 sft, E/F, cupboards, carparking, generator, flat no.207, SrinilayaEnclave apartment, near New Sciencecollege, Ameerpet. Ph:9000246222.(A/2021/C00654)

2BHK FLAT for rent at Attapur nearpillar no.143, above Punjab NationalBank. Contact: 9441732468/9440073681. (HYMM/2021/C08339)

2BHK SEMI-FURNISHED flat on 2ndFloor of Independent house in gatedcommunity for Vegetarians at PrashantColony, Balkampet. Contact9246165331 (W/2021/AT001094)

BANJARA HILLS 2BHK Flat for Rent.Semi furnished, Reserved Car Parking,24Hours Water, Lift Area VeryAccessible. Contact: 9247872585.(HYMM/2021/C08436)

BANJARA HILLS, ROAD#10, LaneBeside Old Star Hospital, 2BHK Semi/Fully Furnished, All Amenities, Lessthan Reasonable Rent. Owner:9848057849, 7075864620.(HYMM/2021/C08154)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD 12, MainroadFacing, 2Bhk, Rent:18,000/-, MLA’SColony 2000sft, 2Bhk, 1600sft,Penthouse, Jubileehills 2500sft, Rent:35,000/- Carparking, Preferfor: Family’s,Offices, GuestHouse IPC Consultancy:9000196888, 9000536777(W/2021/AT001322)

2BHK, 3BHK, 1BHK available for rentin Banjarahills Road No.12, gatedcommunity, 24hrs water & parkingavailable. Contact: 7997827038,9515760200. (HYMM/2021/C08434)

2 BHK newly constructed, fullyfurnished house ground and 1st floor forrent at Sri Sai enclave, Bowenpally.Contact 9866155542/ 9866743826(HYMM/2021/C08394)

CHIKKADPALLY PILLER No B1114Pista House Lane First Floor 2bhk Rent17000/Pm Family Only Contact9440608328/ 9441415657/ 040-40101272 (HYMM/2021/C08402)

2BEDROOM, 2BATHROOMS, hall,kitchen, New Appartment in SBI Colony,Gandhinagar, Hyderabad. for RentWhatsApp +91-9502702950Contactnumber: +91-8639715391(HYMM/2021/C08135)

DOMALGUDA, KIRANMAYEE Apts,Gaganmahal Road, 2 BHK SemiFurnished Flat for Rent, 24 hrs water,lift, security & car parking. Rent Rs.15K.Ph:9177091972. (B/2021/C01202)

LAKDI KA Pul 2BHK Fully FurnishedFlat for rent with parking Available.Contact: 9341110775, 8495875175.(HYMM/2021/C08387)

MASABTANK G3- Sri SaikrishnaApartments- Ground Floor- 2BHK Flatfor rent. Carparking, Semi furnished.Contact: 9885081848, 9491875041,040-24009982. (HYCL/2021/C03306)

MOTHINAGAR CROSS Roads,2BHKFurnished Decent Flat,ForRent,(Vegetarians only)Contact9346946603 (HYMM/2021/C08492)

EAST MARREDPALLY 2BHK FlatOpposite Bharat Petrol Pump, 24 hoursWater, Separate Pooja Room, Gas,Semi-Furnished, Suitable Small Family.Ph:9885586901. (S/2021/C02606)

3 FLATS Two Bedroom, AttachBathroom, Semi-Furnished at MasabTank with Moduler Kitchen. Also OneFlat Furnished available, 24 hrs Water.Ph:9182897549 (S/2021/C02641)

2 BHK Spacious Flat, 3rd Floor (NoLift). Chandralok Apartments nearParadise Circle Secunderabad. NearMetro Station/ Market Place.Ph:8008272000. (S/2021/C02650)

2 BHK Flat for Rent, 24 hrs watersupply, lift, car parking, Shergate, KingKoti, AR Mansion, Near Bharathi VidyaBhavan. Ph:9502325898.(B/2021/C01213)

UPPAL SWAROOP Nagar 2BHK1200 SFT E/F car parking Lift goodelevation 2nd floor 24HR water 1.5kmto metro Contact:9985438679(HYMM/2021/C08421)

FLAT 201,DOUBLE bedroom withcar parking. Shiva Apartments, opp.Challa Nursing Home, DharamkaramRoad, Ameerpet. Mob.:9908029960(W/2021/AT001300)

TWO BEDROOM flat 1005 with carparking at Misha Mansion Krishnapuricolony west marredpally contact9966030301, 9000209438(HYMM/2021/C08389)

ADARSHNAGAR, 3 BHK, 2 flats, 1floor Adarsh Heights, 1800 sqft, nearVidyaranya School, furnished, vaastu, 1car park, Rs. 25000/- 9848512997(HYMM/2021/C08323)

3BHK SEMI Furnished Flat 2500sftWith Car Parking, Modular kitchen, Lift,24Hours Water Facility And Security atAlkapoor Town Ship. Ph: 97045 68929(HYMM/2021/C08204)

1600 SFT 3BHK with cup boards, pujaroom, two car parkings, in DharamkaranRoad, Ameerpet, for immediateoccupation. Family only. Contact: 040-27841166/ 9848393675/ 9848037965.(B/2021/C01194)

FOR RENT/ Sale New Malakpet Anandnagar, Hyd. 4000 Sft Duplex type FlatFully Furnished With AC’s, Two CarParkings. Contact: 9348544445,7096822818. (HYCL/2021/C03277)

SPACIOUS 3 BHK hall attached bath, 1AC, fan, LED, parking, 24hrs water,newly painted, highly ventilated, JyothiColony, near AOC. Contact9949829278. (S/2021/IC00212)

ASHOKNAGAR NEAR Sub RegistarOffice Kalyan Abodes 3BHK, 1620 SFT,5th Floor, Fully Furnished, False celing,Carparking. Ph: 9866269136(HYMM/2021/C08191)

BANJARA HILLS Rd No1, BehindSakshi Building, 3BHK Ground floor flat,newly renovated, Contact 8688825579/8978662615. (HYMM/2021/C08408)

BANJARA HILLS Road No.10, 3BHK,Cupboards, Car parking, Rs.28,000/-.Vijaya Nagar Colony, 3BHK Rs.18,000/-, 2BHK Rs.15,000/-. Red Hills Lakdi-ka-pul 2BHK Rs.12,000/-& Rs.18,000/-.Masab Tank 3BHK Rs.25,000/-,Rs.18,000/-, Rs.35,000/-, Mehdipatnam,3BHK Rs.20,000/-, 2BHK Rs.15,000/-&Rs.12,000/-, 1BHK Rs.8,000/-.Redwings Agent: 9849381087.(HYMM/2021/C08482)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No.5, RockView Residency, 2200 Sft 3 BHK 24 hrswater, lift, power backup, 2 car parking,wardrobes, modular kitchen.Ph:9908649671, 8179311202(S/2021/C02569)

2300 SFT Deluxe 3BHK Flat withParking for Rent @Road No: 11,Banjarahills, in 1st Floor.Ph:8466893770. (HYMM/2021/C08371)

BANJARAHILLS MLA’S Colony,3300sft, 4Bhk, BrandNew,UltraPremium, Northfacing,ItalianMarble, JubileesHills, 2500sft3Bhk Eastfacing, Lift, 3Carparking,Rent: 35,000/- IPC Consultancy:9000196888, 9000536777(W/2021/AT001304)

BARKATPURA, MANBHUM Lakshmi3BHK Deluxe Flat, West Facing, ThirdFloor, Semi-Furnished, ModularKitchen/ Wardrobes/ Crockery Unit/Dressing Unit, 2 Air-Conditioners, 2Covered Car Parking, Power Backup.Rent 44,000/- Maintenance ChargesExtra. Available From 15th May, 2021.No Brokers. Contact: 9849119234.(HYCL/2021/C03216)

BEGUMPET 3 BHK, 1st floor, carparking, family only, Shivsai Abode nearHyderabad Public School & RBIQuarters, Metro facility. Ph:9502113233.(S/2021/C02605)

KHAJAGUDA PRASHANT HillsColony, 3 BHK Flat for Rent No.202,Sahl Residency. Contact Mubeen9849442245. (B/2021/C01175)

3 BHK semi furnished, east facing,Chandanagar, car parking, 24 hrs water,lift, power backup, vaasthu compliant.Family, Employees. Ph:8008099855.(A/2021/C00650)

EAST MARREDPALLY: Srila Heights,the best community in Secunderabad,2200Sq feet, 7th Floor, Private gardento apartment, 3 BR & Bath, Living andfamily room, big balcony, 4 Car parking,additional big servant quarter down incellar. Corporate lease preferred , PMrent: Rs.64K, Brokers Excuse.Ph:8333040266. (HYMM/2021/C08354)

✔BEGUMPET, U.S. Consulate lane,3 BHK, SVMJ Green Homes, Flat

B4, 4th floor, area 2162 Sft, east facingentrance, Perfect Vastu, Semi furnishedResidential Apartment for Lease withmodular Kitchen & Cupboards with 2 carpark. Family only. Brokers excuse.Contact: 9985051576 (B/2021/C01193)

✔FILMNAGAR 3BHK DeluxApartment, 3200sft, ground floor,

Semi Furnished, 2 cover parkings, semiopen concept hall and kitchen. Mob:8283831075. (HYMM/2021/C08399)

GANDHINAGAR, HIMAYATHNAGAR,Domalguda 1BHK 2BHK 3BHK, ShopsGodowns Hostels commercial placesfor Rent Contact:9700305686(HYMM/2021/C08423)

3 BHK Flat for Rent, 1750 Sft, 2 carparking, woodwork done, 303, KrishnaResidency, Hilport, Adarshnagar,Hyderabad. Ph:9949141421.(B/2021/C01197)

HITEC CITY 3BHK deluxe flat first floorgated community opposite Shilparamam1800Sft, north facing, semi-furnished,cupboards, fans, false ceiling, geysers,2car parkings, 24/7 water power,security, gym swimming pool, play area.Ph:9396543475 (HYMM/2021/C08057)

SPACIOUS 4BHK FLAT 2729Sft at 11thFloor, 4th Tower at Prestige High Fields,Financial District at 90k Pm. 9908744402/8309859517. (HYMM/2021/C07767)

3 BHK Flat fully furnished for Rent,1650 Sft, Rent Rs.17000/- at Bank ofBaroda Colony, Gandhinagar. Contact9866474002. (B/2021/C01137)

MANTRI CELESTIA 3 BHK FullyFurnished flat Perfect Vasthu for rent.Contact: 9849693347/ 9703700407(HYMM/2021/C08114)

4BHK SEMI furnished 3500sqft 2-carparking ground floor in NCCUrban Gardenia near IKEA rent onelac plus maintenance. 8008460683(HYMM/2021/C08256)

FLAT FOR rental 3 n more.Basheerbagh 4bhk fully furnished,Abids 3bhk, Newly constructed 2/3bhkhyderguda, barkatpura, himayatnagar.Near liberty 3bhk and 2bhk independenthouse. Gandhinagar 3bhk. 9246280263,9395346697. (W/2021/AT001306)

3BHK PENTHOUSE flim nagar jubileehills near sai baba temple for family onlyrent:35000. Contact: Sarala9908995588, 7386178485(W/2021/AT001219)

JUBILEE HILLS 4 Bedroom Flat3500sft East Facing, Rent 1 LakhNegotioble. Other Properties AlsoAvailable For Rent. Contact:9985488309 (HYMM/2021/C08512)

ANAND NAGAR Khairtabad - 3bhk1350 sft, semi furnished, 24hrs water,easy access to metro and MMTS. Smallfamily preferred. Contact 8885301350,9346368539 (W/2021/AT001226)

FLAT 301, (1700 Sft) Procon WisteriaGolden Tulip Estate, RaghavendraNagar, Street No.5, Kondapur, behindSamskrithi School. Contact:8790225427. (S/2021/C02747)

KONDAPUR MAINROAD, BesidesKIMS Hospital, In Aditya HridayamApartment 3BHK Duplex Flat& 1BHK inVediri Near J.P.Nagar. Rent for Office/Residence. Ph:9949083497,8096313101, 9849285879 (whats up).(HYCL/2021/C03189)

3 BHK flat kodaliharmony shilpaparkkondapur contact 9848043835(HYMM/2021/C08411)

KPHB LODHA Meridian 3BHK FlatSuper Luxury semi furnished 34th Floor,carparking, 1854 sft, modular kitchen &All amenities. Ph:9866675113.(HYCL/2021/C03451)

MADHURANAGAR (NEARYousufguda) Santosh Residency, 3BHK,1650sft, Flat no.501 ForRent, Ph: 9246520913/ 9312236995(HYMM/2021/C08468)

3-BHK GREEN & Peaceful Apartmentfor Rent near Panchavati Colony,Manikonda. Contact: 9440052174/9705019933. (HYMM/2021/C08229)

MARREDPALLY, OPP St.Anns, 3 BHK,24 hrs Water with Complete WoodworkSolar and Geyser Facilities, BackupGenerator for Small Families only.Ph:9121331660. (S/2021/C01936)

3 BEDROOM spacious flat in 1700 sftat Masabtank, Satya Apartments, RentRs.25,000/-+ Maintenance. ContactSridhar: 9160930099. (L/2021/C00039)

3BHK 1700SFT., east facing, fullyfurnished and lift, car parking at 89Navodaya Colony, Mehdipatnam.Vegetarians only. Contact: 9000663261,9849340080. (HYMM/2021/C07751)

3BHK ALLWYN Colony X-RoadsMiyapur 2floor 1500sft corner flat freshlypainted, well located, very easyaccess to city Ph:9963277669.(HYMM/2021/C07865)

3 B/R Fully Furnished Flat with ACS,TVS, Cots, Fridge, 1970Sft in GolfedgeApartments Nanakramguda RentRs.65,000/- Contact: 9849383970.(HYMM/2021/C08308)

✔POCHARAM 6KM From UppalSanskruti Township Gated

Community 3 BHK Flat Fully furnished.East Facing For rent Ph:9701304545.(HYCL/2021/C03167)

EAST MARREDPALLY SAI LEELAABODE near Shenoy Hospital 3BHKFlat with Wardrobes Car parking 24 HrsWater Contact 9347064974(W/2021/AT001259)

✔SOMAJIGUDA 3 BHK flat semifurnished 2nd floor, Jamuna

Apartment, car parking, behind YashodaHospital. Contact: 9490207899,9700320312. Rent Rs.17,000/-.(A/2021/C00643)

SOMAJIGUDA RAJBHAVAN road,Lane beside Jaya Gardens, 3Bhk2000sqft, NE 100% Vastu, Woodwork,24x7 Water, Car Parking. Ph:9866308389 (HYMM/2021/C08413)

SOMAJIGUDA ALPINE Height B-Block, Fourth Floor semi-furnished,swimming pool facility on rentRs.35,000/-. Contact: 9866102131/9177507801. (HYMM/2021/C07816)

APARNA WESTSIDE, 2400sft, 57000/-Khajaguda.Botanica, 4700sft, 1.20lacsGachibowli. Lodha Belleza, 4760sft,1.30lacs & My Home Bhooja, 4070sft,1.50lacs @ Hitech-city. Ph:9553664363.(W/2021/AT001285)

MUSHEERABAD, BEHIND PoliceStation, Second Floor, AttachedBathroom, Ground Floor, SingleRoom, suitable for Office/ Clinic,Attach Bathroom. Ph:9866727972.(S/2021/C02595)

BEGUMPET SINGLE Bedroom PortionFor Rent For Male Batchelors, FullyFurnished, Marble Flooring, AttachedToilet, 24hr Water Contact: 9550224399(HYMM/2021/C08485)

TARNAKA FULLY furnishedspacious 1BHK 1st floor, with AC,Cots, TV, Fridge, Geyser, Stove,Cylinder. Near KrishnaveniTalent School. Ph:9848368705.(S/2021/C02535)

BANDLAGUDA JAGIR -GatedCommunity 2 1/2bhk semi- furnishedapartment 1450sft, with wardrobes,geysers, a/cs, modular kitchen, cots,pigeon nets, carparking available forrent immediately Contact: 7670977773(HYMM/2021/C08309)

✔2BHK NEWLY constructed fullyfurnished house ground and first

floor for rent at Bowenpally. Contact9866155542 & 9866743826.(HYMM/2021/C08400)

KHAIRATHABAD STREET no.8 ,near.metro station 2rooms with kitchen+balcony semi furnished only oneemployed person and 2BHK 1st floorsemi furnished employed hindhu forsmallFamily /3bachelors pH: 7 6 8 0 9 3 9 6 1 1 / 0 4 0 - 2 3 3 0 7 1 6 9(HYMM/2021/C08518)

G+1 2BHK 1250 Sft (each) house forrent in Orla ShankarammaColony, Malkajgiri, 24 hours water,parking available. Ph:9182321483/8374312910. (S/2021/C02549)

2BHK FIRST floor independenthouse Ayodhya Nagar MehdipatnamVegetarians only 15,000/ NoCar Park Contact: 9391051351.(HYMM/2021/C08087)

2BHK,L SHAPE Hall independenthouse, East facing,100%vastu, 6-57/A,D.K. Eenclave, J.P. Nagar, Miyapur,Hyderabad, ph. 9502864361,9885044361. (HYMM/2021/C08335)

PRAKASHNAGAR, BEGUMPET NewIndependent House, 2nd & 3rd floor,each floor 1500 Sft, suitable for Offices/Company lease. Lift & Car parking.Contact: 9059899234. (S/2021/C02735)

BIG HOUSES for rent on second floorfor 16,000& first floor for 18,000, 2-Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, drawingroom,kitchen, hall each, 24hrs water, no lift,nearby all amenities, close to mainroad, excellently ventilated house forrent opposite to Owaisi Hospitalbehind Lucky Restaurant,Santoshnagar. Contact: 9849402687.(HYMM/2021/C08455)

1600 SQ.FT Furnished 2 BHK, 1stFloor, West Marredpally, Picket. Smallfamily, Vegetarian only. Ph:9394702326.(L/2021/C00070)

WEST MARREDPALLY, Modern 2 BHKflat, 2nd Floor, East Facing at PlotNo.30, LIC Colony. Ph:9440066155.(S/2021/C02712)

1ST FLOOR, Designer, 2BHK,1A/Cpooja/reception room, 1666/sqft,2Balconies full Teakwork, Satyasaienclave, Dairyfarm,Rd bowenpallysecunderabad rent 14000/-pmph:9866012672, water 24hrs.(W/2021/AT001319)

TARNAKA INDEPENDENT house 1stfloor 2 bedroom 1650 sft, furnishedhouse for rent. For Families. Contact:9246543633. (S/2021/C02592)

✔ADARSHNAGAR 3 BHK 2250Sqft 2nd Floor Only Portion Lift

Vastu Compliant 24 Hrs WaterWardrobes Semimodular KitchenBalconies Service Area StiltCarparking Contact 9701157773 /7798554441 (HYMM/2021/C08403)

THREE BEDROOM IndependentHouse with Servant Quarters 2000 sft inD.D.Colony, near Ahobalimutt (ShivamRoad) Available for rent. Contact:9866020852. (HYCL/2021/C03266)

3BHK ON1ST floor of an independenthouse at Mithila Nagar Society, Road no12 Banjara Hills Hyd. Ph:9550562434.(HYMM/2021/C07791)

✔THREE BED Room IndependentHouse Ground Floor as per

Vaastu for family/ office in AroraColony, 1st Venture, Plot 16(583), Rd-3, Banjara Hills Contact- 9959728545.(HYMM/2021/C08138)

DIAMONDPOINT, NEAR Vahininagarplot no 100, Street no3, 3BHKIndependent house in ground floor forrent with all aminities, car parking.Monthly expecting rent Rs 23000/-intrested person call between9AM to 6PM on 9059045904(HYMM/2021/C08374)

RENTAL: GACHIBOWLI,Nallagandla, CPR Bella Vista GatedCommunity (10 Acres) New 4BHKTriplex Villa, E/F, 3900sft, 240Sqyds, with Lift, InteriorsWood work, 2 Carparks, 7 A/C’s,Geysers in 4 Bathrooms, Curtains towindows, Servant room. Rent70k/pm. Ph:9441277536.(HYCL/2021/C03404)

INDEPENDENT ROW house inJubileehills, road no.44 availablefor rental with 5 bedrooms alonghome theatre, total 5,000 sft with allfacilities. Ph:9849986861.(A/2021/C00655)

4 BHK, Independent Row House inGated community for rent, East facing,with car parking very near to Hitec city,Khader Bagh, Hyd 8309021603(HYMM/2021/C08391)

✔KUKATPALLY, NIZAMPETRoad, Vertex Lakeview Triplex

Villa-31A For Rent. 3100sft, 4-BHK,3 Halls. 2.5kms from JNTU Metro.Ph:9989386436, 9515403300.(HYMM/2021/C07931)

200 YARDS Construction 3BHK+2Carparking +StoreroomIndependent Building Road 7BMamatanagar Colony Near NagoleMetro Station- Available forGovt/Private Employee/ SoftwareEngineer Familys Only- Rent Rs:25000/- Negotiable.Contact:9100162057 (HYMM/2021/C08343)

3BEDROOM INDEPENDENT Portionwith Servant Room& Two Car Parking atNandinagar, Road No.14, Near NTRCancer Hospital. Contact:9848032487(HYMM/2021/C08370)

THREE BEDROOMS with attachedbathrooms one hall, kitchen, big hall,dining corner. Madhupala Colony, BHELEnclave, Secunderabad. Contact:9676676022. (S/2021/C02690)

LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom Villa G+2,total 5000 sft in Aditya Royal Palm,Shaikpet, Rent Rs.1.5 Lakhs+Maintenance. Contact Sridhar:9160930099. (L/2021/C00040)

TARNAKA, NEAR Sunday Market,Independent House 3BHK, 2000sft,Semi Furnished 2nd floor withLift, Car parking and SingleBedroom. Ph:9849123907(HYMM/2021/C08084)

TRIMULGHERY MILITARY Dairyfarm road 4 bedroom DuplexIndependent house very spacious,with pooja Room, 2 halls, 2Balconies, 1 drawing room andkitchen, with car parking. RentRs.23000/- Ph:9246123456.(S/2021/C02733)

✔FOR RENT: East facing 3 BHK,2 bath independent first floor

house in Vijay Nagar Colony,Hyderabad with a balcony, fans andlights. No water problem. Contact:9705317310 (W/2021/AT001264)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE RentalVikrampuri prominent locality 3BHK2000sft, 1st Floor Independent House 2-baths attached, 1 common AC fullyfurnished, Vastu, 24hours water. Rent24000/- negotiable. Contact:9849698598. (HYCL/2021/C03202)

RENT FOR Duplex house 3000 sft, 4bedrooms gated community inVikrampuri- Polisetty Enclave, behindPullareddy Sweets, Secunderabad.Contact: 9949212611, (S/2021/C02715)

3 BHK puja room, big balcony, firstfloor, 3 sides balcony, 1400 sft, NorthEast, for rent, no water problem, NewSBH Colony, behind Radhika Colony,West Marredpally, Secunderabad. RentRs.18000. Bank employees preferred/other. Ph:9985998355, 9866096111.(S/2021/C02557)

BALANAGAR, APIIC B83 Gate5RCC 45,000 sqft in 3040sqyds,Seven separate buildings, 250HP,Manjira, Rent/sale. 9848012369(HYMM/2021/C08221)

FLYASH/CEMENT BRICKmanufacturing Machinery with all SizesMoulds Running Industry for Lease atBODUPAL and also Available 4000 SftGodown Space Contact: 9705556444(HYMM/2021/C08489)

IDA BALANAGAR, 2500 SqFt RCCBuilding, 2nd Floor suitable forOffice,Electrical AssemblyManufacturing activity with 20HPPower,TIE, Phase-II. Contact:9849851130 (W/2021/AT001310)

✔PATANCHERU PASHMAILARAM6000sft Industrial Shed for Rent/

Lease, Suitable for Industries/Commercial/ Godowns use with Power,Water, Generator. Ph:7337223376.(HYCL/2021/C03411)

WANTED INDUSTRIAL Shed ForManufacturing Unit 12,000 To15,000 Sft. Outside Orr In ApprovedI.D.A / I.A.L.A. With Current 50 To 200H. P.Contact 9010000139(HYMM/2021/C08494)

A SENIOR Pediatrician DoctorRequired two attached Shutter Spacesfor rent, 10x12 measures for medicalpractice. Ph:9951552687/ 9014804470.(HYMM/2021/C08435)

SPACIOUS INDEPENDENT housenear Yousufguda Check Post. Suitablefor Office/ Godown, residence,preparations for food cooking itemsetc. Ph:8885553568, 9949597070.(S/2021/C02550)

COMMERCIAL AND residential@Suncity Space for rent/ leaseCommercial ground floor& first floorSuitable for showroom,supermarketbanks, etc resident 1bhk2bhk 3rd& 4th floor Near Army schoolopposite Suzuki showroomHydershakote suncity main roadContact: 7093277077, 7386129297(HYCL/2021/C03446)

✔ERRAMANZIL 2+1BHK on 1stfloor, behind Hotel Taj Krishna,

Banjarahills, centrally located, goodventilation/ water for Office/Residence. Ph:7995476971.(B/2021/C01196)

✔COMMERCIAL SPACEavailable for lease ad

measuring 1400 (East facing), 1703,1703 and 1785 sft West facing.(total 6,600 sft) on 2nd floor, with 24hours power back up, sufficientparkings in newly constructed BlueHope complex, in Abids, nearMeena Bazar. Contact: 9121366601 /8340044333 (HYMM/2021/C08373)

✔2 ACRES prime Commercialland facing Attapur ringroad

opposite mantramall lease forMNC carshowrooms hospitals mallscall owner 9010393888.(HYMM/2021/C08409)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD no.9 PrimeCentrally Located 50 Seater OfficeSpace Plug and play Ready to OccupyFor Long Lease. 3000sft. perfectVasthu, Interiors & Limited CarParking. Contact: 9010215849,9703700407 (HYMM/2021/C08113)

BANJARA HILLS, RoadNo.12,Opposite to Fortune Hotel, FourFloors, 14 Bed Home for Lease from01/04/2021. Contact Prathap Reddyon WhatsApp +1(559)283-4513(HYMM/2021/C08369)

AVAILABLE RENT/ Lease Ready tomove office space in BarkatpuraHyderbad 2000sft Amenities include 2cabins conference hall two bathroomsexactly opposite to ICICI Bank,Barkatpura Branch with parking area.Contact Ph:7207757655, 9858047655.(HYCL/2021/C03408)

✔FULLY FURNISHED 3 BHK 17deluxe flats building for long

lease/ rent, near Life style, Begumpet.Suitable for company lease/ serviceapartment. Contact: 8125565699,9394881289. (A/2021/C00644)

1200SQ.YARDS COMMERCIAL plotnortheast facing with shedsuitable (restaurants super marketsbanks, warehouse) opposite brigadecitadel Erragadda 9014690885.(HYMM/2021/C07796)

✔HI-TECH CITY GachibowliJayabheri Pinevalley behind care

hospital 44 service apartmentsavailable for lease. Ph:8008721233/9032473508. (HYMM/2021/C08430)

LOOKING FOR experienced investand run operator for an open spacefor Box Cricket/ foot sol onNecklace Road. M-9848024865.(HYMM/2021/C08359)

MADINAGUDA COMMERCIAL 4000sft, 3200 sft for corporate office,financial institutions, banks andspeciality clinics, ample parking contact:9989745498, 9849235463(R/2021/C00026)

SOMAJIGUDA, AMEERPETCommercial space 3200 sft each,plugâ ™n play office 38 & 54 workstations, 4 cabins, AC, Backup, ampleparking suitable for software corporateoffices. Contact: 9989745498,9849235463 (R/2021/C00027)

KAVURI HILLS Plug and Play OfficePremises Close to Metro for Leasewith ample parking. Call 9949621392,9949000057. (B/2021/C01112)

✔PLUG N Play, Pathrikanagar,Madhapur Office Space for

rent, 26 Seater, 2500 Sqft and 70Seater 5016 Sqft, Ready tooccupy, r Ph: 9515451708.(HYMM/2021/C08410)

SHOP, OFFICE, Godown on mainroad, 2300 sft 1000 sft, 300 sft,ground floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor,near Moosapet metro railwaystation. Owner: 9397876650.(L/2021/C00055)

PRIME LOCATION Uppal to NagoleInner Ring Road Suitable for CarShowrooms approximately 4800 ydsfor lease. Contact 9959988001(HYMM/2021/C08438)

✔13500 SFT building for Lease atNallagandla, opposite to Citizens

Hospital. Suitable for School, Hostel,Boutique, Hotel. Contact: 9949400004,9949904477. (L/2021/IC00020)

OFFICE/ BUSINESS Building 7000sft.total for Lease. Opposite mini Tankbund onSafilguda to Neredmet Main Road. Call:9676465353. (HYCL/2021/C03299)

300 SFT space available for Lease foroffice purpose at 1st floorMaheshwari Chambers, Somajiguda,Hyderabad. Contact 9849411411.(B/2021/C01106)

1300 SQ.YD space available forLease with boundary wall and officeat Gaganpahad main road. Suitablefor Iron & Steel, marble shop, etc.Ph:9849411411. (B/2021/C01107)

✔SAINIKPURI, VAYUPURI, (AboveRatnadeep) At Shivams Tejas 3rd

Floor Commercial Space 2100.SftLease /Rent. Suitable for office space,Boutiques /Poly Clinics /Restaurants/Gaming Zone. Ph:9849545329.(HYMM/2021/C08152)

KAKATIYA HILLS, Bungalow PlotNo.87 For Lease in Kaviri Hills, 500Sq.yds Builtup in 3500 Sft FourBedrooms House G+1, Semi FurnishedIncluding, Servant Rooms. Contact8008000369. (B/2021/C01191)

3220 SFT Shed size 92x35x14available for immediate Leaseat IDA Mallapur, Phase-I with 30 HPPower. Contact: 6300649776.(HYMM/2021/C08432)

ISI WATER Plant for Lease, with 4000ltrs, R.O 60 BPM Automatic Filling,Shrink Wrapping Machine, AutomaticBlowing, (PRINT -LINK) RCC 4004 SQfeet Space, and with all Licences(BIS, FSSAI CGWA, MSME,) and(49HP POWER) at nagaram(V),Keesara(M), Beside (Govt of India-MINT), Cheralapally, Contact:9705674199. (HYMM/2021/C08027)

2 SHEDS of 25,000.sft & 33,500.sftbest for warehouse on Srisailam roadnear Maheshwaram gate for rent.7093122729. (HYMM/2021/C08380)

A REPUTED entertainment companyon Necklace Road is looking forFemale cashiers,, preference forcandidates who can work tilllate hours. [email protected],9848024865. (HYMM/2021/C08362)

✔WANTED “SENIOR AccountsOfficer/ Deputy Manager-

Accounts” with M.Com & well versedwith Accounting packages & day today transactions, GST, ROC, IncomeTax & Finalisation of Books ofAccounts with 20 years experiencepreferably in Manufacturing Sector.Interested candidates may applyimmediately with detailed Resumemail to: [email protected]: 9652836663. (A/2021/C00646)

LEARN JOB Oriented Real Time GST,TDS, ESI, EPF, IT Returns, TALLY,FOCUS, TDL. Contact: 8688138044.(HYCL/2021/C03223)

ACCOUNTANT WITH 2yearsExperience on Tally @Kondapur.Whatsup Resume. Ph:8978260036.Mail: [email protected] all accounting transactions(Sales, Purchase, Journal, Bank, CardSwipe, Delivery Note, Stock Statement,Ewaybill, Quotation) Handle monthly,quarterly &annual closings Reconcileaccounts payable/ receivable ComputeTaxes/ prepare tax returns.(HYCL/2021/C03322)

MALE, 2+ Years Experiance in tally,GST filing, MS Excel & Accounts.Call: 9100012444 (W/2021/AT001296)

URGENTLY REQUIRED JuniorAccountant (B.Com) with minimum2years Experience in Tally ERP9, withgood Communication skills InterestedCandidates may send resumes to:[email protected] Kukatpally, Hyd.Ph:9959970896/ 040-29805380/ 381.(HYCL/2021/C03396)

REPUTED TRANASPORT Co. Locatedin Balkampet required SeniorAccountant, Accounts Assistant &Loading clerks- experience in Transportsector will be highly preferred.Interested candidates contact on Email:[email protected] or 9985552069/2065. (A/2021/C00659)

LADY ACCOUNTS Executive, Highlyskilled in Tally, Excel, Internet. GSTfilings, minimum 5 years experience,good spoken English is a must. Job avery high end Supermarket atMadhapur. Good salary. Timing 10.00AM to 6.00 PM. Contact: 9100166615.(S/2021/C02726)

BR DIAMOND House (India) Pvt Ltd.Punjaguta, Hyderabad requiresSenior Accounts Manager.PleaseContact : 8121222560, 8978872727.(W/2021/AT001307)

A LEADING Pharmaceutical Companylocated at D.Pochampally, NearGandimaisamma X Roads, requires.1.Executive for Export billing,dispatches & documentation withproficiency in English & Computer skills,with 2 years experience. 2.StoresManager with well qualified andexperienced. Send your resume withphotograph to: [email protected](HYMM/2021/C08456)

WANTED ACCOUNTANTS Experience2 to 5Years Should have knowledge inGST. Mail CV to:[email protected] Equipment Solutions. Opp:Yasoda Hospital, Somajiguda, Hyd-82.(HYMM/2021/C08509)

✔SUPERGAS DISTRIBUTORS atLb Nagar & Gachibowli is

looking for Exp Sales Executive toBook Commercial Connections with2 wheeler, DL must. Aged 25-30 yearsaged. send mail topremier.supergas@gmai l .com.9 6 5 2 2 1 4 8 8 7 , 9 9 4 9 0 9 9 2 4 2 .(HYMM/2021/C08401)

WANTED EXPERIENCED/ Freshers,Agents/ Marketing Executives To Workin A Reputed Real Estate Company.Contact: 9000419000/ 9393406044.(HYCL/2021/C03327)

WALK-IN INTERVIEW for freshers/experienced male/ female PropertyPromoters/ Sales & Marketingassociates. salary minimum 10,000/- to50,000/-+ incentives based on sales.Ph:9676084774. (A/2021/C00673)

✔REPUTED FMCG manufacturerinto Household Floor Cleaners,

Toilet Cleaners, Detergents,disinfectants and sanitisers needsRegional Sales Head-1& SalesExecutives- 2Experience min 2yearsinto modern, general trade andestablishing distributor network withEnglish, Hindi &local languages.Good income and growth prospect.Send resumes [email protected]; WhatsApp:8498057827. (HYMM/2021/C08041)

✔JEWELERY SHOWROOM inJubilee Hills require Experienced

Salesman, Assistant Salesman.Excellent pay and Incentives. CallAgarwalji: 9441436385, 9000703311(HYMM/2021/C08258)

LEADING FMCG Co Requiresexperienced Field Sales Officers 20k+Incentives 9885368066 / 9121014741(HYMM/2021/C08289)

REQUIRED SALES Executive forLeading Door Manufacturing Companyin Hyderabad. Freshers and Experiencewith Two Wheeler. Contact:9848171381, 9948905222. Send CVshankar.pu t t i@smcor p ind ia .com(S/2021/C02709)

REQUIRED SALES Executive for aReal Estate Company in Hyderabad.Minimum 2 years experience with TwoWheeler. Contact 9948995222. SendCV [email protected](S/2021/C02710)

EXPERIENCED SALES PersonRequired for Tirupati Jewellers at AbidsRoad, Age between 25 to 30 years,minimum experience of 4 to 5 yrs.Contact 9848890790. Time 11am- 7pm.(B/2021/C01195)

WANTED SALES executives forTanishq Jewellers must have goodcommunication skills qualification interor any degree both experience andfreshers are welcome Contacts 040-27164448/49 9100532222/9100542222 (HYMM/2021/C08347)

GENERAL MANAGER Male/ FemaleMBA, with good spoken English,versatile in Net Marketing will bepreferred. For very Hi-end RetailStores in Madhapur for ImportedGroceries. Good salary. Contact:9100166615. (S/2021/C02725)

URGENT REQUIREMENT, Wantedmarketing executives for real estateoffice, salary earn 10k to 50k.Contact : 7386312520, 9010943164.(HYMM/2021/C08365)

WANTED MARKETING Executives forGaruda Ads, Shaikpet Male/Femalecandidates will be preferred, havingexperience in Advertisement field.W/A:9581206969/ 9581306969.(HYMM/2021/C08487)

REPUTED REAL Estate CompanyRequired BDM/ MM/ Field Executives &Tele Callers-(F). Freshers, Graduate&Good Command in Languages.Ph:9492553609. (HYMM/2021/C08505)

WANTED SALES and marketingperson for field work. Experience notrequired. 2-wheeler and licencecompulsory. Age between 20-25years. Living in a radius of 10kmsaround kattedan. Email:a b i r a m n a m k e e n @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C08306)

LOGISTICS EXECUTIVE wanted inKompally. Basic knowledge in Excel.Able to speak English, Hindi, Telugu.Should have two wheeler with license.Call: 8897599624. (S/2021/C02645)

WALK-IN- INTERVIEW: Wanted Fresh& experienced Sales Executives to visitConstructions Sites for Marketing at TS&AP Office at Masab Tank, 2 Wheeler &Telugu Spoken Must. Timings 11:30Amto 2:30Pm Ph:9246584825(HYMM/2021/C08254)

FEMALE TELECALLERS Req. for aLeading Bank Partner Salary:15,000/-+Incentives. Qualification:10th Pass withGood Communication Skills Must.Office at Ameerpet. Call:9849041096.(HYMM/2021/C08177)

LOOKING FOR Experienced FemaleCustomer Care Executive withtelecalling experience for an Airconditioning company. contact on:9100088560 (HYMM/2021/C08298)

✔WANTED PRODUCTION & IP QAExecutives / Chemists with

BSC/ MSC having 2-5 years ofexperience in API/Bulk drugs atBalanagar. Forward resumes tojobs.prodqaqc@gmail .com(W/2021/AT001256)

REQUIRED 2 to 5 years experienceAuto Cad Drafts-man for interior &furniture works 10 No’s, for IndiaTelangana Hyderabad. Email:s a n a l i 2 1 1 @ y a h o o . c o m ,[email protected],t a q u i h u s s a i n 1 2 1 9 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03449)

REQUIRED FEMALE ComputerOperator For Point Group @ Madhapur.Salary: 12k To 17k. Ph:7838732403.(HYCL/2021/C03384)

REQUIRED TYPIST (40wpm) for anOffice at Panjagutta, English MediumCandidates with computer proficiency.Walk in interview Contact: 9248089200(HYMM/2021/C08447)

HOUSE MAID (Lady) Abudabhi (U.A.E)she look after house keep + cooking+ 6years girl passport required Ticket+visa+ accommodation free salaryRs.20,000 PM. Contact: 9963698952,9515332273. (S/2021/C02701)

WANTED LADY Servant for Doctor’sFamily at Jubilee hills ContactPh:9652666860, 9849474239(HYMM/2021/C08449)

HYDERABADI MUSLIM family settledat Singapore requires Maid forHousehold chores and cooking. Maidmust be Passport holder, hard workingand honest, age between 30- 39 years.Ph:8008231139, 9849258377.(S/2021/IC00200)

WANTED QUALIFIED andExperienced Civil Engineer. Contact:Niraj Public School, ‘Saadat Manzil’, 6-3-864, Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 500016.Email: [email protected](S/2021/C02734)

WANTED MINIMUM 5yrs ExperiencedCivil Engineer For Civil Works/ Roads,Levels, Marking, Billing etc. to WorkLocal and out stations. Email:[email protected]:7036255666/ 9989793135.(HYCL/2021/C03218)

REQUIRED MALE Site Engineers&Accounts Assistance, 2-3YrsExperienced. Send, Resume with Phototo: [email protected] Ph:040-23735573. (HYMM/2021/C08063)

CANDIDATES (M/F) with B.Tech (Civil)/Agriculture Engineering with Autocad.Interested to Survey & Design Drip &Landscaping Irrigation Systems forOffice at M.G.Road, Secunderabad.Ph:9849953636. (S/2021/C02740)

WANTED NEET Faculties with goodTrack Record. 8-12lakh/ year. Date:28.03.21, 10am to 4pm. Avenue: TheCrown Hotel, Ameerpet, Hyd. sendresume to: [email protected] : 8925632470(HYMM/2021/C08301)

FOR HOTEL rooms booking marketingpersons required to improveoccupencey &prospective resultcontact. LG Grand Inn, Gachibowli,Financial Ditricts. Ph:8096966594/9951309333. (HYCL/2021/C03358)

WALK IN interview 22 to 29 Mar 2021:For Pragati Resorts Hyderabad. Housemen/Housemaid(10), Steward (8),Commi 1 South Indian & Chinese, A/CTechnicians, Plumbers, Electricians &Fabricators. Cont: 9966672042. Email:r a j u . b @ p r a g a t i r e s o r t s . c o m(HYMM/2021/C08517)

REQUIRED DIRECTOR/ Principal/Vice Principal for reputed EducationGroup at various locations inHyderabad. Min 5Yrs Experince insimiliar role is must. Please No CallsWhatsapp CV only: T:6304853558(HYMM/2021/C08294)

WANTED LAB assistant &Teachingfaculty for Computer scienceDepartment in a engineering college,Madhapur. Email:k o m a l @ b a c k s t a g e p a s s . c o . i n ,7981484288 (HYMM/2021/C08342)

VIJETHA JUNIOR and DegreeCollege Requires Faculty forCommerce, English, Maths,Computer Science, DTP Operators,Office Boys &Marketing Executives.Contact: 9581755355, 8341149755.v i j e t h a m g 2 0 1 5 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07935)

✔REQUIRED ACCOUNTANT forAdministrative works in the field of

Contracts. Must have knowledge in BillRecordings, Tally, Contract Agreementsand Tendering Location: PunjaguttaExp: 2-4 Yrs 9000050360, 9014308136(W/2021/AT001299)

SALES ASSOCIATES: Dynamic, resultoriented sales personnel with contacts& experience in real estate sales. Abilityto meet & network with prospectivebuyers. Remuneration +Incentive 1 Lakhper month. Instyle Infra: 8074518273,7993058273. [email protected](L/2021/C00066)

TOP LEADING Real Estate CompanyHiring for Ambitious, ResultOriented& Challenging BusinessDevelopment Officer’s / Manager’s(5nos.)& Executive’s (10nos.) with 1-5years Experience in WealthManagement, Real-estate, Insurance& Chit Fund Sectors. Fixed Salaryupto Rs.30000/- +Huge Incentives+Bonanzas Ph:7032643146.(HYCL/2021/C03424)

WANTED MANAGER Marketing ForCable Tray and Fabrication Industry-Office Located at Secunderabad.Minimum 10+years Of Experience, WithKnowledge Of Tendering & WillingnessTo Travel. Should Go For FieldWork,Getting Leads, MeetingCustomers Etc. B.E- Mechanical WithMBA An Added Advantage. GoodSalary. BioData [email protected]. Ph: 040-27905154 (HYMM/2021/C08467)

WANTES MANAGERS, chiefmanagers, golden opportunity, retired,VRS, Others full/ part time earn moneyin well established organisation.9866096373 // 8333983373(HYMM/2021/C08443)

A REPUTED Restaurant Chain inHyderabad requires Managers with min5 years experience in relevent field.Send your resume toheadof f icechutneys@gmai l .com.Contact: 9515216919 (VJ/20-21/000237(S/2021/C02718)

✔WANTED A Male or FemaleNurse or Night Attendant for Day

and or Night. Apply with yourpassport size Photograph Photocompulsory and Biodata to SreeRama Rao B-9, Vikrampuri Near KFC,Gate No.4, Road No.4, NearKarkhana, Secunderabad.Ph:9849899000. (S/2021/IC00213)

WANTED EXPERIENCED SalesExecutives for Generic Medical Hall,Good Salary, Contact Abids , pH:9247423489, 9248565099(HYMM/2021/C08496)

WANTED GYN DMO (BUMS, BAMS,MBBS, BHMS) Junior Embryologist,Marketing Executives, NICU Nurses,Pediatrician with Neonatal fellowship.Call Dr.Nitesh 9603810556, SouthernGem Hospital, Basheerbagh &Banjarahills, Hyderabad.(B/2021/C01156)

MD/DNB MICROBIOLOGY UrgentlyFor Hometution- Daily Salary 30kminimum Ms/Dgo/ Dch/Any MdSharing Hospital Dmo Mbbs Nurses/LtPharm& Partners 9398197955(HYMM/2021/C07853)

✔PRIYANKA HOSPITAL,Choutuppal, NH-65, near Ramoji

Film City. Wanted Experienced StaffNurses (B.Sc Nursing). FreeAccommodation. Ph:9948180661,9848180661. (HYCL/2021/C03304)

PROFESSORS, ASSOCIATEProfessors, Asst. Professors requiredin the Departments of Orthopedics,OBG, General Medicine, Pediatrics,Microbiology and SPM for SVSMedical College Hospital,Mahabubnagar. Please Email yourResume to:[email protected]. Contact:9885257440, 9010075083,9849158123. (HYCL/2021/C03452)

WANTED FEMALE MBBS or MBBSDGO Doctors with 2- 3years Sonologyexperience for Sai Jyothi Hospital,Choutuppal Ph:7730039610/9885555423. (HYCL/2021/C03460)

WANTED LADY Duty Doctors DGO,MBBS, BUMS, for Hadi MaternityNursing Home, Mallepally, Hyderabad.Call: 9963402710, 9948458338.(HYMM/2021/C08349)

WANTED LAB/XRAY technicians,nursing staff, mktg mngr/executivesRadiologists, Physicians,Urologist,cardilogist. G.M. DiagnosticsMotinagar, Kukatpally.ph. 9848096359,9 4 9 4 4 9 6 1 1 1 . 7 7 3 0 9 0 6 3 5 9(HYMM/2021/C08440)

PRASHAMSA HOSPITAL, TempleAlwal Secunderabad, Required ANM& GNM, Nurses with O.T and Labourroom experience. Contact:9849167950/ 9849639135.(S/2021/C02730)

A LEADING Real Estate Developerrequires Sr. Accounts Manager CA,Sr. HR Manager, Sr. Engineers, SiteAdmin Managers/ ConstructionManagers, Sr. Architect, MEPEngineers- Plumbing. Walk-insMonday- Saturday 11am- 4pm.Contact HR Modi Builders, 4th flr,Ashoka Hitech Chambers,Banjarahills, Road No.2, Hyd. Ph:040-66336633/ 7093265353. Email:c a r e e r s @ m o d i b u i l d e r s . c o m(B/2021/C01181)

WALK-IN INTERVIEW for Freshers/Experienced Male/ Female, GM,AGM, Sales/ Marketing Managers,Team Leaders Property Advisors, TeleCallers, Site Engineers, Salary(Min.20,000/- to 50,000/-PM) +2%Commission. On sale value, for RealEstate &Constructions Company.Office at ECIL Ph:9100995553,9100887772, 9121022275 Interviewson Sat to Sun from 10am to 4pm.(HYMM/2021/C08112)

TRICOLOUR MANPOWER SolutionsLLP@ Consultancy- Bulk Hiring’s- Min6 months- 1yr Experience candidatesmost urgently required. Walk-in Drivesdaily (BPO voice n Non-voices)corporate sectors. Interestedcandidates can attend interviewAddress: 2-3-724, Zinda Tilismat RoadAmberpet. Hyd-TS. Contact numbers:8639124828/ 6301756225/8688270994/ 7013447739, Email Id:c r m . t c m s @ g m a i l . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03352)

WANTED FRESHERS/ ExperienceFemale Admin Counsellors, TeamLeaders and Telecallers ForNational Institution Of FashionDesigning. Nallakunta, Hyderabad.P h : 9 0 3 0 6 1 0 0 1 1 .(HYCL/2021/C03421)

URGENT REQUIREMENT OfRecovery Executives& Telecallers Fora Leading Bank in Hyderabad.Experience In Recovery/ Collection isMandatory. Salary on Current Salary&Experience. Ph:9885618447/9866610508 (HYCL/2021/C03462)

HYDERABAD GOLF Associationrequired Project ManagementConsultants& Relevant PackageVendors/Contractors. Essentialqualifying criteria: 10+years of local&relevant industry experience inhospitalty& golfing projects. ISOcertifications-Quality& Safety, scopeof work: Civil/MEP& Interior works ofblocks/building, infraworks, externaldevelopment, club facilities,authorized consultants sharecompany profile/past projects by29.03.2021. HGA:9490116049,g m h g a h y d @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C08524)

WALK-IN FIELD officers for Collectionswith 2 Wheeler (50 Members),Telecallers with good CommunicationSkills& Computer Knowledge (M/F) 20,Attractive Salaries. With PF& ESI.Interview on Monday, Tuesday &Wednesday, 11AM to 4PM Contact:8978160517/ 9030389977/9573431100 (HYCL/2021/C03139)

NEW VISHAL Traders at Gachibowlirequires Electrician & Sales Man.Ph:9177000065. (S/2021/C02689)

VRP INDIA Pvt. Ltd Job MarketingExecutives,& Side EngineeringReception& Business Call (B.Po)Experience 2years, Cherlapally UnionBank Up. Ph:9948545550/ 9948080022.(HYCL/2021/C03388)

✔GARUDAVEGA, A leadingInternational Couriers company,

requires 1.Customer Care Executiveswith good communication skills forHyderabad 2.HR Executive with 2yearsof experience for Hyderabad.3.Marketing Executive for Maharashtra.Interested Candidates may send CV to:[email protected] isCommensurate with Experience(HYMM/2021/C08288)

WANTED EXPERIENCED Sales Girland Sales Man for Reputed Garmentsshowroom at Banjarahills. Contact:9848082136. (A/2021/C00653)

LEADING HEALTH Insurance Corequires Sr Manager AgencyDevelopment Vertical Hyderabad zone.Job involves recruitment ofAdministrative Officers Development&IC38 Agents and extensive travellingacross Telangana &AP. Interestedcandidates contact 6309197555/9701377795 send resume:[email protected] with experience in the linewill be preferred. Salary commensurateexperience. (HYMM/2021/C08311)

REQUIRED A Female ComputerAsst, Accountant, with computer, MSOffice, Email Browsing knowledge,Fresher can apply. Contact9866613909. Wens RoadwaySiddiamber Bazar, Hyderabad.(B/2021/C01199)

INDIA’S LEADING EducationCompany in Schools is RecruitingMarketing Heads-13, Executives-260For Telangana State -Contact: Ph:7 7 0 2 7 7 0 7 1 1 / 1 2 ,c u s t o m e r c a r e @ n s l s . i n(HYMM/2021/C08358)

REPUTED GROUP of Institutionsrequires 1).Professional Cook withHotel Management, 2).Hostel Warden(Men and Women), 3).Mess andKitchen Maintenance Incharge withrelated experience, 4).AdministrativeOfficer with Retired Military Base.P h : 9 0 5 9 5 2 7 9 7 9 . E m a i l :s h i v a k r i s h n a 0 2 5 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03455)

TECHNOKEM IS Now Hiring..! ForHyderabad Sales Co-ordinator, SalesReceptionist, Accountant (min. 5yearsExperience) Preference will be givenonly in same line of experience(Manufacturers of ConstructionChemicals)Mail your CV to:[email protected] Chemicals,AmruthaVille,Somajiguda, Hyd-82(HYMM/2021/C08510)

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✔REQUIRE EXPERIENCEDAccountants with min 5-8 yrs

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✔WANTED MANAGER/ TeamLeader, Marketing Executives

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WANTED FEMALE Counsellors &Receptionist, Fresh/Exp for abroadoverseas educational services@narayanaguda. for Appointments:VEPL, [email protected], 9030001616 /04066181333. (HYMM/2021/C08353)

✔WANTED CAR Polish, Wax,Ceramic Coating Application

Specialist with minimum 3 to 5years experience and a goodlooking receptionist Age below 30yrs in and around Secunderabadarea for a Car Detaling Center.Please Call - 7893125760(W/2021/AT001262)

WANTED ACCOUNTANT with 3years plus experience for New Hotel atParadise, Secunderabad. Salarybetween 15k to 20k. Contact WelkinHotel.Ph:040-48517594. Mr. Naidu.Ph:9849941189. (S/2021/C02717)

WANTED MARKETING PRO’s,Admin In-charges, Tele-callers,System Operators for a ReputedCollege in Secunderabad. Contact:8885541480/ 9492923008. Email:p r a s a d s r p 1 2 3 4 @ g m a i l . c o m(S/2021/C02743)

A NGO (uppal) wanted office/accounts/ business/ customer care/production and delivery boys. ContactPh:7386275652/ 7386425653.(HYMM/2021/C08243)

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ACCOUNTANT & Philips Showroomsales Executive & Marketing, Fresh/Exp, Below 25yrs, Email:[email protected], Ph:040-66565696, 9515050982/83, Rd.No.12,Banjara hills, Hyd(HYMM/2021/C08307)

WANTED FEMALE Telecallers. Salary+incentives. Send resume to Whatsapp:8712246255. (S/2021/C02699)

WANTED FEMALE Telecallers for CarLoans. Contact Credfin. ContactMr.Purushotham 9177922376.(S/2021/C02686)

WANTED HELPER @ Tools Shop,Ranigunj. Time 10am to 8pm, salary10,000 plus buspass. Call:8008391057, 9949739315.(S/2021/IC00208)

WANTED A Lady Typist with GoodSpeed on System to work in A Lawyer’sFirm between 9.30am to 6pm atAmeerpet. Salary Commensurate withthe experience. Ph:9989601476,9121015709. (S/2021/C02706)

WANTED OFFICE Boys with SSC &above qualification between 15 to 25years immediately to work in a officelocated in Secunderabad.Ph:9346111948. (S/2021/C02736)





































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PM slamsDidi overextortionRAJIB CHOWDHURI | DCKOLKATA, MARCH 20

Prime MinisterNarendra Modi onSaturday branded WestBengal chief ministerMamata Banerjee'sTrinamul Congress asa pathsala (school)teaching “brutality,extortion, cut-money,syndicate and anarchy”and accused her MPnephew AbhishekBanerjee of turningthe system of “single-window” into “Bhaipo(nephew) window” forbusiness in the state.

Referring to the glob-al outage of some popu-lar social networkingapplications on Fridaynight, Mr Modi alsosaid that the state’sdevelopment has beendown for half a centuryand requested people togive “one chance” tothe BJP in the ensuingAssembly election witha promise that hewould devote his “life”for public welfare.

The PM told a megaBJP rally at Kharagpurin West Midnapore,“Didir party hochchhenirmamatar pathshala.Didir pathshalate syl-labus hochchhe tolaba-ji. Didir pathshalatesyllabus hochchhe cut-money. Didir pathsha-late syllabus hochchhesyndicate. Didirpathshalate orajokotartraining dewa hoy(Didi’s party is a schoolof brutality. Extortion,Cut-Money andSyndicate are the syl-labus there. Training ofanarchy is

imparted there.”Tearing into the

dynasty politics in theruling TMC, Mr Modithen targeted the CM'snephew. “On one handthe country is continu-ously progressingtowards the single win-dow system. It is need-ed in the governmentso that businessmenand entrepreneurs donot have to run frompillar to post. But inWest Bengal, a separatesingle window systemhas been made. Whilethe people of Bengalare aware of it, the peo-ple of the country donot know about it.What is this single win-dow in Bengal? It is aBhaipo window.Without passingthrough this window,nothing happens inBengal,” he allegedwithout takingBanerjee’s name.Modi, who has a hugefan following on socialmedia, said, “Many ofyou know last nightWhatsApp, Facebook,Instagram remaineddown for 50-55 minutes.People became impa-tient and worried.

Questions cropped upin their mind. Thoughit was only for 50-55minutes, everyone keptthinking about whathappened. While somethings on social mediawere down for 50-55minutes worldwide, inBengal developmenthas been down for thelast 50-55 years. So wasthe trust, dreams andresolve. I can under-stand your impa-tience.”

Deshmukh askedWaze to collect`100 cr: Ex-CP


Senior RSS leader Dat-tatreya Hosabale onSaturday succeededSuresh ‘Bhaiyyaji’Joshi as the second-in-command in theRashtriya Sway-amsevak Sangh (RSS).Hosabale was elected asthe ‘sarkaryavah’ gen-eral secretary duringthe concluding day ofthe Akhil BharatiyaPratinidhi Sabha of theRSS in Bengaluru.

Born in Karnataka’s

Shivamogga, Hosabaleis a postgraduate inEnglish literature. Hejoined the RSS in 1968after being associatedwith the AkhilBharatiya VidyarthiParishad (ABVP), thestudent wing of theRSS. He was jailed dur-ing the Emergency era.

Interacting with themedia in Bengaluru,Hosabale while reply-ing to a query on ‘LoveJihad’ said the RSS willsupport laws against“Love Jihad”, main-taining that the issuehad nothing to do withreligion.


In a sensational twistto Antillia securityscare case, formerMumbai PoliceCommissioner ParamBir Singh has reported-ly accusedMaharashtra HomeMinister AnilDeshmukh of extor-tion. In his alleged let-ter to chief ministerUddhav Thackeray,Singh has claimed thatDeshmukh had direct-ed the suspendedpolice officer SachinWaze to collect `100crore every month forhim from bars andr e s t a u r a n t s .Deshmukh has deniedthe charges.

However, Singh’s let-ter not only has lev-elled accusationsagainst the home min-ister, but also castsaspersions onThackeray, SharadPawar and Ajit Pawarby claiming that thesethree leaders werealready made aware ofDeshmukh’s acts.

Singh was removedfrom the post of policecommissioner amidrow over an explosives-laden vehicle foundnear industrialistMukesh Ambani’s resi-dence Antillia and wastransferred toMaharashtra’s HomeGuard department.

Singh wrote, “SachinWaze who was headingthe Crime IntelligenceUnit of the CrimeBranch of the MumbaiPolice, was instructedby Anil Deshmukh toassist in collection offunds for him. Heexpressed to Waze thathe had a target to accu-mulate `100 crores amonth by telling thereare about 1,750 bars,restaurants and otherestablishments inMumbai and if a sumof `two-three lakhseach was collected fromeach of them, a month-l ycollection of `40-50crores was achievable.The Home Ministeradded that the rest ofthe collection could bemade from othersources.”

“The Hon’ble HomeMinister has been call-ing my officers bypass-ing me and other supe-rior officers of thePolice Department. Heinstructed them tocarry out officialassignments and collec-tion schemes includingfinancial transactionsbased on his expecta-tions and targets to kcollect money,” he fur-ther said.

Singh also allegedthat he has been made ascapegoat to divertattention from theactual wrongdoers inthe Mukesh Ambaisecurity scare case.

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EU threatensAstra withexport banBerlin, March 20: TheEuropean Union’s exec-utive arm is increasingits pressure on pharma-ceutical companies tospeed up their vaccinedelivery to the continentas virus numbers arerising again in manymember countries.

The EuropeanCommission said onSaturday thatAstraZeneca in particu-lar could face exportbans to countries out-side the EU if it didn’tquickly deliver thepromised amount ofvaccines to the 27-nationbloc. “We have the possi-bility to ban plannedexports,” EuropeanCommission PresidentUrsula von der Leyensaid on Saturday.

“This is a message toAstraZeneca: You fulfillyour part of the dealtoward Europe beforeyou start to deliver toother countries,” vonder Leyen said in aninterview with aGerman media group.Von der Leyen said thecontract between the EUand AstraZeneca clearlyregulates how much vac-cines the EU gets fromAstraZeneca’s plantsinside the EU and inBritain.

However, von derLeyen added, “We didn’tget anything from theBrits while we are deliv-ering vaccines to them.”She said the commission had sent a “formalreminder” to AstraZen-eca regarding this issue.AstraZeneca’s Coro-navirus vaccine is one ofthree vaccines that’s ap-proved in the EU. — AP


IMRAN KHANTESTS POSITIVEFOR COVID-19Islamabad, March 20:Pakistan Prime ministerImran Khan on Saturdaytested positive for theCovid-19 and is self-iso-lating at home, his topaide on health said, twodays after he got the firstshot of vaccination.Khan, 67, was vaccinatedon Thursday as part ofthe nationwide anti-Coronavirus vaccinationcampaign which isunderway in its firstphase.

Special Assistant to thePrime Minister onNational HealthServices, Regulationsand Coordination DrFaisal Sultan took toTwitter to confirm thatKhan has contracted thecoronavirus. “PM Imran Khan has testedpositive for Covid-19 andis self isolating at home,”he said in a tweet. Khan’s spokesman DrShehbaz Gill said thatthe prime minister hasjust a slight fever andcough. — PTI

M a m d a l a y(Myanmar), March 20:Residents of Myanmar’ssecond-biggest cityhelped striking railwayworkers move out oftheir state-suppliedhousing on Saturdayafter the authorities saidthey would have to leaveif they kept supportingthe protest movementagainst last month’s mil-itary coup.

Mandalay residentscarried the workers’ fur-niture and other house-hold items to trucks, vanand pickup trucks. Thestate railway workerslast month went onstrike as key and earlysupporters of the civildisobedience movementagainst the Feb. 1 coupthat toppled the electedgovernment of Aung SanSuu Kyi. The militaryregime has sought toforce them back to workthrough intimidation,which included a night-time, gun-firing patrollast month through theirhousing area in Ma-ndalay and a raid in therailway workers’ hous-ing area in Yangon. Pro-tests against the coup co-ntinued on Saturday incities and town acrossthe country, including inMandalay and Yangon.

— AP

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NNeeww DDeellhhii:: India’s YashaswiniSingh Deswal personified con-sistency and calmness on her

way to winning the gold medalin the women’s 10m air pistolahead of the more celebrated

Manu Bhaker in the ISSF WorldCup here on Saturday.

Deswal shot 238.8 to comfort-ably finish on top of the podi-

um in the eight-women finalwhile Bhaker managed 236.7 to

settle for the silver medal.Viktoria Chaika of Belarus

bagged the bronze medal with215.9. The other Indian in the

final, Shri Nivetha, started wellbut had to eventually settle for

the fourth place with 193.5.Deswal secured her Tokyo

Games quota with her goldmedal in Rio. — PTI

DDoohhaa:: India got its best shot ata maiden table tennis medal at

the Olympics on Saturday whenSharath Kamal and Manika

Batra became the first Indianpairing to qualify for the megaevent in Tokyo, beating worldno. 8 duo of Sang-Su Lee andJihee Jeon 4-2 in the final of

the Asian qualification tourney.The 2018 Asian Games bronze

medallists staged a remarkablecomeback after being two setsdown to outwit the top seededKorean pair 8-11, 6-11, 11-5, 11-6,

13-11, 11-8 in a thrilling final toseal their Tokyo qualification inmixed doubles. Only the winner

of the event qualified for theGames. — PTI

Yashaswini pipsManu for gold

Sharath, Manikaseal Tokyo spot

New Delhi, March 20:Indian boxers NikhatZareen (51kg) and GauravSolanki (57kg) settled forbronze medals after goingdown in their respectivesemifinals at theBosphorus boxing tour-nament in Istanbul.

Asian Championshipbronze medallist Nikhat,who defeated world cham-pions Paltceva Ekaterinaof Russia and NazymKyzaibay of Kazakhstanin her last two bouts, suf-fered a 0-5 loss to 2019Worlds silver medallistBusenaz Cakiroglu ofTurkey in the semi-finalon Friday. The openinground had both the box-ers playing the waiting

game but the subsequentrounds saw them attack alot in an intense bout.However, the homefavourite landed morepunches and secured anunanimous win.

Commonwealth Gamesgold medallist Solanki,who notched up impres-sive wins in the previousrounds, lost 0-5 toArgentina’s Nirco Cuello.

The Indian fought hardand displayed his attack-ing prowess from thestart but conceded clearpunches in the dying min-utes to lose and bow out ofthe tournament.

India ended their cam-paign with two bronzemedals. — PTI


Ahmedabad, March 20:Dishing out a dominatingall-round show, India top-pled England in the high-scoring fifth Twenty20 tonot only claim the series 3-2 but also prove that theirpreparations for the T20World Cup are moving inthe right direction.

Rohit Sharma’s sensa-tional 64 off 34 balls andskipper Virat Kohli’sunbeaten 80 off 52 ballspowered India to a mas-sive 224 for two, their bestever total againstEngland, after the visitorswon the toss for the fourthtime in the series andopted to field on Saturday.

In the run chase, JosButtler (52 off 34) andDawid Malan (68 off 46)kept India on the edgewith a threatening 130-runstand but England’s chal-lenged fizzled with the fallof the wicketkeeper-bats-man in the 13th overbowled by BhuvneshwarKumar.

England’s innings even-tually ended at 188 foreight as they lost match by36 runs.

The dew was a factor inthe second innings but theIndian bowlers overcamethat to defend the targeton a batting beauty.

Bhuvneshwar wasimpressive in his come-back series and saved hisbest for the decider to endwith two wickets for 15runs in four overs.

Earlier, preparing them-selves for success in allconditions ahead of theWorld Cup, India thrivedunder the pressure of aseries-decider to producetheir batting performanceof the series.

Jofra Archer and MarkWood had troubled theIndians with their extrapace in earlier games butRohit and Kohli sent themto the cleaners on way totheir 94-run stand off 54balls. The other majorcontributions came fromSuryakumar Yadav (32 off

17 balls) and HardikPandya (39 not out off 17balls).

The hosts hammered 67runs in the last five oversto give the innings a per-fect finish.

Barring Ben Stokes andAdil Rashid, all Englandbowlers leaked more than10 runs per over withChris Jordan (0/57) beingthe most expensive.

India decided to dropopener K. L. Rahul toaccommodate an extrabowling option in left-armpacer ThangarasuNatarajan for the allimportant game. —PTI

IInnddiiaa:: Rohit Sharma b Stokes 64, Virat Kohli(not out) 80, Suryakumar Yadav c Roy bRashid 32, Hardik Pandya (not out) 39. Extras(lb-3,wd-6) 9. TToottaall ((FFoorr 22 wwkkttss,, iinn 2200 oovveerrss))222244.. FFooWW:: 1-94, 2-143.BBoowwlliinngg:: Adil Rashid 4-0-31-1, Jofra Archer 4-0-43-0, Mark Wood 4-0-53-0, Chris Jordan 4-0-57-0, Sam Curran 1-0-11-0, Ben Stokes 3-0-26-1.EEnnggllaanndd:: Jason Roy b Kumar 0, Jos Buttler cPandya b Kumar 52, Dawid Malan b Thakur68, Jonny Bairstow c Yadav b Thakur 7, Eoin

Morgan (c) c sub (KL Rahul) b Pandya 1, BenStokes c Pant b Natarajan 14, Chris Jordan cYadav b Thakur 11, Jofra Archer run out(Yadav/Pant) 1, Sam Curran (not out) 14, AdilRashid (not out) 0. Extras (lb-9, w-11) 20.TToottaall ((ffoorr 88 wwkkttss,, iinn 2200 oovveerr)) 118888..FFooWW:: 1-0, 2-130, 3-140, 4-142, 5-142, 6-165, 7-168, 8-174.BBoowwlliinngg:: Bhuvneshwar Kumar 4-0-15-2,Hardik Pandya 4-0-34-1, Washington Sundar1-0-13-0, Shardul Thakur 4-0-45-3, T.Natarajan 4-0-39-1, Rahul Chahar 3-0-33-0.


Tokyo, March 20: At lastit’s official after countlessunsourced news reportsand rumors: spectatorsfrom abroad will bebarred from the post-poned Tokyo Olympicswhen they open in fourmonths.

The decision wasannounced Saturday afteran online meeting of theInternational OlympicCommittee, the Japanesegovernment, the Tokyogovernment, the Internat-ional Paralympic Comm-ittee, and local organis-ers. Officials said the riskwas too great to admitticket holders from over-seas during a pandemic.The Japanese public hasalso opposed fans fromabroad. Several surveyshave shown that up to 80per cent oppose holdingthe Olympics, and a simi-lar percentage opposedfans from overseas. Japanhas attributed about 8,800Covid-19 deaths and hascontrolled the virus bet-ter than most countries.

— AP


Sumit Ojha, Biwas,Purna and Pravashogged Saturday’slimelight in theHyderabad CricketAssociation’s one-dayleague matches.

In a two-day leaguematch, Greenturf rodeon Syed Afzal’s decent92 to muster 312 intheir first innings. Inreply, HyderabadPublic School,Begumpet, are 6 for theloss of one wicket atthe end of Day One.

In one-day leaguematches, Sumit hit abrilliant 120 which waswell coupled withMadhusudhan Sirvi’s99 as HyderabadDistrict won the gameby 205 runs.

Biwas (5/20) andPurna (104) of DeccanColts were the nextbest on show as theyromped Roshanara CCby nine-wickets whileTeam Kun’s Pravas(5/26) too shone withthe ball.

BBrriieeff ssccoorreess::TTWWOO--DDAAYY LLEEAAGGUUEE

■ Greenturf 312 in 89.2 overs (SyedAfzal 92, Gautam Sarika 81, SankalpaSinha 39, Ramana Chandrasekhar3/58) vs HPS B 6/1 in 6 overs.

OONNEE--DDAAYY LLEEAAGGUUEE■ Hyderabad District 279/4 in 42overs (SSuummiitt OOjjhhaa 112200, MMaaddhhuussuuddhhaannSSiirrvvii 9999) bt Universal 74 in 23.1 overs(Sani Kumar 3/2).■ Roshanara CC 137 in 36 overs(Shubham Singh 30, BBiiwwaass 55//2200) lostto Deccan Colts 138/1 in 11 overs(PPuurrnnaa 110044).■ Walker Town CC 157 in 33.1 overs(Rithwik 58, PPrraavvaass 55//2266) bt TeamKun CC 128 in 31.3 overs (IshaanManish 62, Jaswanth 3/23, Roopak3/27).■ Gunrock CC 200/8 in 40 overs(Prem 33, Sai Kumar 91, Sai Murli3/34) lost to CK Blues 202/7 in 38overs (Sandeep 52 n.o, Tanush 42,Aryan 3/17).■ Picket CC 138/9 in 50 overs(Srikanth 30, Madhav 4/25) bt AdnanCC 118 in 41.5 overs (Japujjal 32,Aamer 4/18).■ Cosmos 258/9 in 50 overs (PremRaj 43, Abdul Majeed 55 n.o, SaiKumar 3/40) lost to Dhruv CC 260/8in 48.5 overs (Nihal 55, Aditya 39, SaiRam 51 n.o, Niyam 33 n.o, Akshay3/37).■ Southern Stars 163 in 41.5 overs(Aforze 45, Harish Abhinav 3/10) lostto St Marys CC 164/3 in 23 overs(Melivn Oldbury 31, Sai KrishnaKarthik 50).■ AB Colony 128 in 41.2 overs (R.Aditya 3/17) lost to Victory CC 129/3in 21.1 overs (Paul 37, Sheraaz khan 33n.o).■ Satyam Colts 99 in 20.5 overs(Ramakanth 3/20, Hitesh 3/17) lost toReliance CC 101/7 in 23.1 overs(Ayush 31, C. H. Nythik Reddy 3/10).

Sumit, Biwas, Pravas,Purna shine in league


Dunedin, March 20:New Zealand needed justover 21 overs Saturday toovertake Bangladesh’stotal of 131 and win thefirst of three one-daycricket internationals byeight wickets.

Bangladesh, recentlyout of managed isolation,was never comfortable inunfamiliar batting condi-tions at the UniversityOval and was bowled outby New Zealand in only41.5 overs.Mahmudullah’s 27 from54 balls was their highestscore.

After Martin Guptillcrashed 38 runs from 19balls with three fours andfour sixes at the top of theorder, New Zealand wasalways on target to winplenty of overs to spare.

Henry Nicholls made anunbeaten 49 in his 50thODI to steer New Zealandto victory in the 22ndover, combining in a 65-run partnership for thesecond wicket with DevonConway (27). — APBBrriieeff ssccoorreess:: BBaannggllaaddeesshh113311 in 41. 5 overs(Mahmudullah 27, Boult 4-27) lost to NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd113322//22 in 21.2 overs (Nicholls49 n.o., Guptill 38).


Birmingham, March 20:Reigning world championP. V. Sindhu suffered yetanother semifinal defeat atthe prestigious AllEngland Championshipsas she went down tamely instraight games toPornpawee Chochuwong ofThailand in the women’ssingles here on Saturday.

Sindhu, the Olympic sil-ver medallist, couldn’tmatch the pace, power andprecision of her youngerworld number 11 rivalChochowong and lost 17-21,9-21 in a match that lasted43 minutes.

The world No. 7 Indianhad also lost at the semifi-nal at the 2018 edition aswell.

Sindhu came into thesemifinal contest with anoverwhelming 4-1 head-to-head lead over the 23-year-old Chochuwong, whomshe had beaten at the HSBCBWF World Tour Finals inJanuary.

But all that statistics did-n’t matter as Chochowongshowed immaculatedefence and played at asearing pace to outclass theIndian.

On Friday night, Sindhu,seeded fifth, had defeatedJapan’s third seed AkaneYamaguchi 16-21, 21-16, 21-

19 in an intriguing quarter-final match to make it tothe last eight stage.

Sindhu had battled for anhour and 16 minutes to ekeout her first win over worldnumber five Yamaguchi inlast four meetings.

Sindhu, who had reachedthe finals at Swiss Open,played an aggressive game,matching Yamaguchi withher speed and retrievingskills but unforced errorsallowed the Japanese tojump to a 11-6 lead, a deficitshe couldn’t erase as theJapanese pocketed the firstgame.

After an error-prone startto the second game, Sindhumoved to 6-2 with somesuperb shots. She then led8-4 with the Japanese miss-ing the lines twice. Sindhugot five game points andwon the game easily.


Sindhu’s questends in semis

P. V. Sindhu plays a shot against Thailand’s PornpaweeChochuwong in their All England Open BadmintonChampionships semifinal match at the Utilita Arena inBirmingham on Saturday. — AP

From left: Raheen Taranum (doubles and singles winner),Monisha Devarkonda, Sachi Patwari (doubles runners-up)and Srivalli Varma (doubles winner and singles runner-up) pose with their trophies from the Under 18 age grouptennis tournament held at Vasishta Tennis Academy inSainkpuri, Secunderabad.


●● Sindhu couldn’tmatch the pace,power and precisionof her younger worldnumber 11 rivalChochowong andlost 17-21, 9-21 in amatch that lasted 43minutes.

LAST LAUGHIndia crush England in last T20 to clinch ‘see-saw’ series

India captain Virat Kohli (right) and batting partnerHardik Pandya celebrate scoring runs against Englandin the fifth Twenty20 at Narendra Modi Stadium inAhmedabad on Saturday. — AP

Anil, Saw, Rajupick the spots

HHyyddeerraabbaadd:: Anil Kumar, P. Sawand Captain K. S. Raju grabbed

the spot prizes on the secondday of qualifying at the inaugu-ral NISA Open Golf Tournamentat the NISA Environmental Park

and Training Area (NEPTA) inHakimpet, Hyderabad, on

Saturday.Anil Kumar was the Closest To

The Pin, Saw saw the Bull’s Eyebest while Captain Raju drove

the straightest to take theArrow Strike award.

From about 100 golfers, 36 willmake the cut for Sunday’s

Finals which will be followed bya Celebrity round in which for-

mer Chief Minister N. KiranKumar Reddy will take part.

Akbar, Vikas getsilver, bronze

HHyyddeerraabbaadd:: Telangana shooterMohammed Akbar Ali won a sil-

ver medal at the 12th SouthZone Shooting Championship

(Rifle & Pistol) held in Chennairecently. Akbar shot a score of

573/600 in the men’s 50 metrerifle prone event, behind

Pondicherry’s Neeraj Mohanrajwho shot 574/600 and ahead

of statemate Vikas Reddy Nalla,who got 570/600. Sanjana finishes runner-up at

ITF’s tennis tourney in BhilaiHHyyddeerraabbaadd,, MMaarrcchh 2200:: Hyderabad tennis player SanjanaSirimalla ended runner-up at the Bhilai International ITFGrade 5 tennis tournament in Chhattisgarh on Saturday. Inthe final, she went down 6-7 (6), 3-6 to Shruthi.

Meanwhile, Shrivalli Rashmikaa entered the final of theHard Court National Championship being played atGurugram. In the semifinal on Saturday, she defeated SaiSamitha of Tamil Nadu 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.

Regd. No. HQ/SD/509/2021-23Printed and Published by

K. Sudhakar on behalf of DeccanChronicle Holdings Limited. Printedat Deccan Chronicle Press situatedat Plot No. 9 Alwal Village, VallabhNagar Taluk, Medchal Malkajgiri

Dist. Telangana and Published at 36,S.D. Road, Secunderabad-3.

RNI Registration No. 3081/1957.Editor: Kaushik Mitter

Mohammed AAkbar AAli