f ^'' "i m \' t . c ~? t J. .'"-ft ••. \ .* if ** f * PAUK SIX •a - i THE KSSKX COUNTY REPUBLICAN, MARCH 20, 1014 PAQE8Q sufferers find instant relief in Sloan** Liniment. It ptuc- trates to the pamfiil part— eootbes and quiets the nerves. No rubbiog-anercly Jay it cm. SLOAN S LINIMENT Kills Pain M Toeh * ! woojfct a**« br wutoU yotr t i*eat aad Ufa** it to a* who *nOj a**eawax»aorrt*«-ur%att*a3«»f painotf if fcteaV - A V * 4k«gr Pai* AH : atfir hr«J»rlie ft* 4 aii«rt!i« w i t h ^ t •fi|r«'rf I u<mM v«tf Ljutce.! far •a*a> a* tttr** Buffet* «r*t | iui*ntMir fcred with tay>«l auacc.'^*** J» -t a%. Tru^ia.fatC^*! *My lata* rifl. t «rhr vc » o*t - e a g n t a w » r c e % -*>U1 *fH » r a v e H«-r * breedf***of Skacr. * l.'ta*Rf'n{ or %u*.tr ••**«%, tobv^l. at*! »r- ~of u^ m »»• -wmnayr wt»*- n««< •!»«»«•'* * - *t % !•!• t i e t * y t w i t «fc«<r * i*lf« <* if «1 I r«*« if •^tkfrtVhnnK'r* Si»r ***" a.ai i V f f d m ( » «»n e«*t»e •«•* tvnl. and >r *«* apwatbout t»i**Tnut» •- ?*e «*«waas>" RUoadtlSS HLunsLaaiiiau i«t» w* TUNNCt ENGLISH CHANNEL * CROWN POINT. THE OLD PROJECT REVIVED. —The viewing of the eclipse oecu- pled the attention of a majority of Thirty two Years Aoo ths First Mils Crown Pointers last Wednesday night. Complsteed Then Cams la* j —One sight last week a dog or dogs v*sJon Buabsar. killed %4 sheep belonging to & J. iiar- Thirty-two yemr* ago this month her and mutilstsd several mors, the first mile of the tunnel across the - D e Vers aad Abbot Porter are the channel from Kogiand to France was delighted possessors of a pony and completed- Travellers ssw visions equipments presented by their rather of noon helng able to dodge the roush P. I*- Porter. "Beauty- Is aii|>er«*ntly aea trip between Dover and Calais. iu>ased with her aew snrroatidUtgs But the iavastoa bogey salted the ml- and friend*. litary authorities la Kaglaad. Parlia- —Since the publkatloa of the item nt^nt would not let the ooastmctloa regardiag the marriage of Harry Hie- 1 rotvtd. ICach aaeeassire year that hoh aad Mies Regtaa Oarvey. the the project was proposed alarmUts n**mx people have denied the truth of arose to picture the Preach making the report end the writer aa»toas to use of ths tunnel to land an army iai correct the seats. ICugtaad. Parttimeat ragulaHy refus> - Joeenh VlUomere has sold hu BOREAS RIVER. —The past week was eotd. the ther- mometer dropped to aero several mornings. --Owing to the drifted roada we had no mall Monday last the sth but came oa Tuesday. —Mr«. Klin Monroe from Detroit, Michigan, la la town visiting her little daughter, slao her mother juid family, Mrs. Fr*d Gregory. Kruest Glrturd was a caller la town the JHh from North Hudson, ha was on h'g way to Tahawus. —Mrs. Joseph Lamb aad her tnfaat are getting along fine. Nelefm LaBier called at William 1 , GRAPHITE. —That we will have chauffeur's enough here the coming summer to handle any and all automobiles about this place is evident from the fact It \ that three of our young men, namely. Pred and William Hart and Alvia Bol» tou, are now attending aa autosaohUe ncbo4j| iu 'Siena Faila for which place they left h*n* last week. Then we have chtuiffcre here !n the following Y. Hr^sdaelL Wardner Spauldlng. Jamea M y , c'ecil Duell and others. | I *ho do not follow up the auto bust- ne*e. t*ut who. if neoaaslty required, could handle automobile aucceaafttlly. So those deelriag chauffeurs the Provoacha's Tuesday last, he reporteiing a«-ason should turn their SCHROON LAKE. | The Schrooa Lake Board of Trade, that newly formed organization for the betterment and Improvement ot the tow a, hae ao longer any doubt as to how i* atauils with the town board j BuL in the vigorous language of Mr. Joseph GianiaL Juat how the Town Board etands with the Board of Trade will be determined later—probably along about election time. Unable, on iu first attempL to get before the Town Board it a request for aa appropriation of $160 to aid is publishing its booklet booming the town aa a auammer aad winter resort. Cake made with ed its approval, not with ataad tag that property to John Murdock. It Is said Mrs. Mag the promoters devised where-, that Max VlUamore will occupy the gie Hunter at Tahawus la on the gala I by the nresalag of aa electric button house aad work for the Murdock a. oa tCagliah soil would pat the tunnel j Last weak Wednesday. Mr Bars out of commission In war time. t Baker died at the home of his daughr While only one mile exists, the nre> ter. Mra. Helena risk. Mr lect aa very much alive aad is coaming j teen totally blind for several years. with j but up to that ttase he Steal Chimney. The tallest steel Jacket la the world 4a BOW holldlag at Jerome, Arit~. as part of the new works there of the Cnlted Verde Cooper Company. The ts thirty feet la diameter tn- fho brick Hata* thirty feet nine nchea Inside of the steel l* 9 **- *** ** **** to Clalwiso to Be Prof* a ale The growing of white pine, says the jdenartaaeat of agriculture la a bulla- i tin recently leaned ca the subject. Is s profitable undertaklag at € per cent 1 compound Interest To bring In these ; return*, the trses may he cot when not nacre than from JS to 7i yearn old. The original white pine foTwets an* approaching exhaustion, according to the departnaent. and with the arrowing scarcity Jot largo aand. high-grade white pine lumber. k*aw grades now find a ready market. Besides thia, the tive growa rapidly, hae a heavy before the British parliament brighter prospects than before, rrsa-laaoet Industrioas aaea of ale t ce and England are on cordial terms | Boaidea haf daughtsra. Mra. risk, he and the invusioa bogey is no longer j acute Engineers any that the tunnel- ing through the Impervious chalk off the channel bed could be easily ar- ;CotnrlUhed by a boring aaachine built on the plan of a hogs carpenter a bit. and the tuunel afterward lined with itteei. The route la about 2$ miles. 1 which If complented. would constitute the longest underwater tunnel la the world. The coat ia estimated at about her bed for aeveral aac —Peter Gregory. Jr.. made a trip to North Creek the pant weak for a load of grain. On returning home hat gray one of the colt waa taken alck at the Kaya Place towards Graphite —As yet no have np be- ta* Advertising CommHtee relay its efforts. On March did not 1# Town Board nnd the suh- ittee of the Advertising Coanseit- fore our newly appointed Justice of ( tea waa on hand. The Interest of the the Peace J. A. Glvlaup. who waa last citixesa of lb*; town and been so thup. appointed by the Town Board. oughly aroused that the aaaatiag place ^ —A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs 1 of the Board ss crowded with those Cleveland's BstKing? Powder keeps fresh and moist. Besides it is lighter, finer grained and more wholesome. «7i««*i.aia< a*»i%«» r o a m s * c e %*• »»** I^as to the fate he drove better not the neat night at hia Ice tag at their hoaae at "Sunny-j mho were naglous last week. [of the request —Grandpa Rons of West Hague was f la order that there should be no last weak securing saw dust for ; doubt ia the naiads of the Board as to He daiaaa the sawdust bow the town fait oa the aaaUer the A voter* leaves an invalid wtfe to whom the being Fndsy. it deepest sympathy aa extended. Mr.. annry was called hut t Baker was very sbstealous la his hah*; ing the home. It died Saturday its. aever using intoxicating drinks of lag. any kind nor tobacco ia any form I —David LeOair visited at Mw Anna Phllllpe Is home from Ridge the past weak. Peultney T. C. A. for her vacation —A venerable old crow put la hlajday. »«vured a large package of the and Is entertaining her friend. Miss nppemmnce March 14th, It reminds j great food and started la feediag Blue is of the very heat quality hut rather high In price. -Supervisor OCouncil spent Sun- day ia Ttconderiiga. - Speaking about guaraateed eag produc:ng food .this writer, when his hens were laying noma seven eggs per Kdsth Benjamin of Beaton. VL Hugh one that apriag la coaaiag. Spencer la alas home from the same —4* ttrry Hyatt Institution to enjoy bin vacation with Xettie ProTonrha hia parents. Rev. nnd Mrs. W. l> Sunday last. She ts to the poultry. Results at the Mies j of two weeks, when the great food waa Moiiah' exhausted, one lone hen now laying Spencer her recent —E. R. Bailey and RobL B Phllllpa —Tred Gregory and in Ptnttshurg laat week on sua!- turned hosae from John tdbby'a camp aess. The latter was also on s base Sunday. He has his Job completed st trip an Port Henry Monday ae» Elk Lake. better from.ode egg per day. the others gone on ifttriae sad the wonderful egg produc- Alfred re- lag food user up. Great atuaT eh* -shell sad tag feet one inch from top -of foundation to top of steel. I s coan- 'parisot! It may he stated that Liberty Statue an New Lorh Harbor from hot t o n eat pedestal to torch la SOS feet in height whereas the statue proper 4a only 1S1 feet. The unnanal evse of ttkls structure, the connections for "three flues nnd the protection of the eseet plate from the flue gasea. caused several Interesting problems In the de- o^*n. Thediameter nnd height of the chim- ney were determined by the draft csj- colaiione: the diameter and height of bell vree* made one-eighth of the eighth af the height of the chtanney. or ttty feet. The brick lining wns sup* rx»rt»#| on the lejcs of circular angles riveted to the Inside of the shell and e^iacert fifteen f*-H armrt. Py this aaetbod the be*r!ne; ca*arity of the brick \n net. exceed* 4 and ?»ny rectleai can be replaced without affecting the others The w ; nd load wns assumed to r>e fift* rioini^ r>^r ^Tjire foot, or tmeT.ty f ve r*ouni*« T**T square font on t h e prrrie^terf d arnetor. o^pial to 770 potro4? t»or fo-t of h^icht. The ^* v a4 loa«i wun :*^-en as the actr^i u«» r,ht Of sl~* 1 rlm^ r.'::a th^ w^.^ht of f rw*k lin : n r l a m m e d **t I ! - Tx^tirda p e r cu- bc ftoi. The ff>Ik>wi:»ir unit pri "•f-r** 4. SQUir*- aion. 1 groes vain*-!- e **•• f»ectiofi ri'>^ J :« of any wt;on w*a rowspTi*'^ ^y Tnl* irlyior the area of t^e. iaw'ie ff »h**ll l . y t h e tbicktef^. Second-growth srhite pine. S# years old. on good soil, may yield aa much aa O.aaa feat of lumber per acre. On medium soil, stands of the same age *<.<** board feet, and even on soil. Hone f<*t White ptne hoard lumber, one of the chief prrv ducte of auch standa. tells for frtwn ft to I t a thousand board feet Material or makinc mntrbes. another companled by K. B. Among those out af town who at- tended the funeral of Mrs Agnee C. THroble laat w^ek were Mr. Edwin Wright of Bronklym. also King Hut ehinaon from the same city: Mr Frank Tr'nble nad mother. Mra Mtaa Brooks Trible of Chimney Point. Mr end Mrs. George Murdock and Mr nnd Mrs. Foote Murdock of Port Henry Rev George H. Back officiat**. —Mrs. L. U. Reed has returned from a vtsif In Morlah. at lUue —A Gero atteadrd Ridge Sunday Mnrch l&th —8. Girsrd fi through tows Friday on his way Xeweaash. —The wesuher Sunday. Mnrrh l^th an It thnwed quite orrhard. a liule. Every one is pit seed to aes far , —Miss WHITE CHURCH. —Mr Albert Graham of Pttaford. Vt was the gweet af hia brother UvU. here, several days last week. to —Henry Spestasing ia working for j Wzn. fUnlr. John Miller la tapping hia sugar Boaxd should have He r porta good weather ao c*e t.ewapa«iera. and Justace lmrby commiuee ans armed with n petition eigaed by more than sixty of the tax- payers The grounds on which the Board had previously refused to con- sider the requeat was that it was not legal for the Beard to appropriate fund* for auch a purpose. Thia time Mr Charles L Weeks, president of the Board of Trade, and also a aaember of the autxommittee of the Advertis- ing summitt*e. was armed with the law on the auLJect. and he read aa extract to the Board which showed that it would be atnetly attain the rights in making the desired appro- priation. Added to this Mr. Joseph Glanial onVrd to give a check tor the amount to Indemnify the mamlura af the Board in case they were not sup- ported in thesr action by the voters of the town. ( Some surprise waa manifested by *! tew that the previous actioa of the known to *****•- JOHNSON POND. jONtY MATTER OF POTATOES -Clyde Sage has returned from] ISO BUSHELS TO THE ACRE p where ho has been eampaoyed atfj William IJoor, whose farm U at has winter. j ton, has marhetod the last of h:« i m —Miss Klhel Palmer apeat Saturday crop of potatoes, which averaged IN aad Sunday with Mrs. Harry Uuprey htinhom to the acre Fifty bushela * —Mr. and Mra. WUI Letaon spent potatoes to a fair yield, but laat anv Sunday ia thia place. i eon was a very dry one and boor bad —Mr. Gordon Sage called at Para- hia tubers planted on n act pi«* af dox. Sunday. land. They were apeaking of the ma* —Mra. U. Sage and little Clears* tor In JohnsonviUe the other cU y . aad upon! Sunday at fcOmer Sage a. \ it wns recalled that Byron Al.a »*** —Mr. Lewie Sage apeat Thursday he worked his farm in one >i-xr *** st Frank Casey's at Seiereace. jel.*00 worth of potato** fiom i**!* —Mr. Brooks from Paradox was sees acres. For a number of y^.rs Mr. on our street recently. Akin nvemged l*a busLeU <;f j#»tutm —Jack Yorke took dinner In thia to the acre. The quality ut i^;*toai place Saturday. raised in this section i s &aid LC as —Bertha UeZaun and brother excei>tionaliy hue. and a t^aUr -f ;*. George called at Blue Radge one day teteating experiments have ^-n !«aat thia week. ; to develop a new kind ot poUio. Did —Mr. nnd Mrs. Eddie Hosley called farmers claim that it is a*c<*s*ry » in this place Thursday. : raise s new race of potatoes *\«% it* years, for the old kiad sbo»s traces It IT YOUR KIDNEYS. of degeaeracy. Potatoes grv»n frtm Oont Miatake tHs Cause af Voaw aeed take years to develop, he&c* tna Trembles, An Essex County C*i- , tubers are cat up and the ~e>ea~ plant tmn Gives a VsNishle Hint ed. The planting of the eaxa* putsia Many people never suspect their year after year causes the q.ua:.iy ta U suffering from a hune, run ouL" as the Valley Fails wr*m hnries m *** ** achiag the various accounta to It la only a muecular w< —A. r. Gero HamUtoa at the ailed at WUtlam Pro- 7 Center. Monday. the Board Cor the had not already -Mm. Fred --Sarah Baldwin nnd Mrs. Charles iamrhy a as aack with Newell were the guewta of Mrs. Levi mat u»e »y have aa to neighboring towns should at our March Lanes B PhlUips was the r*ceaf <Teo late I of his school friend. Harold Tor —The weather 1 of Ausahle at the hoaae of the «* the past we*a hut era brother. Rev. Torrance at TV —A It-peaxed hd ta Mr aad Mrs. Joseph Lamb at MtnovSIas are Wednesday of last week the praeeat mnthrr and child are gettUag Saturday and funeral aenricea of Mr Jotn C Bmr> Uoac weU. ' Wesley Kane aad Sarah dick were held f r a hia late hoaae nnd —Mrs George Phelps returned apent Sunday at Warn. Ktnafa. ifrom thechuirh. Rev. J. B AimstrcaaC home to Blue Ridge March 4th after —Mrs. George Newall visited Mrs Pumroy AUen afternoon, her* with Mrs. Faamlo Spnnldteg Mr nad Mrs. Hert^ert Bagnlow of af relatlwas hark they think that describe iL Scientists exe at »ort m m soma germ that will make LL* >*UU) Ot 4d thi«e who w*Mrp tronhlo nets in they think It aeed develop anore rapidly If th*a n> Jiuuioai »*n soon correct Haelf And ao at Is periment is succeaafuL then a t*w ^ vRh nfl the other aysaptoms of kid- race of potntoes that may t>e j-rocf y diaorders. That Is where daager ngalnat the dtseiaei of the placet as lien. Ton should waHas that tato family may he discovered troubles often lead to An effective la DoanV A Mowcl of The Richard product. aeUs for from *'7 to F t a thousand Eren larger material, ftuftahle for asshes aad Hindu of which may be cut from a &*» old stand, brings from $na to $~5 sl to W «F readers to thousand feet. RecoeH-rrowth white | M wdlck has been n resident of Crown to Moriah Tueadny mat by the IHnex pine, the kind that Is fownd on Itioai ' ***** ***** u<1 * WM m ataiant af of her eaaghter Nettie. She rsturmcif ^oda of aimadoe^d r^ida sad paat^irea | T ^T Ctmferencs Acsdfcsy. n teacher Friday laat and says she left her h^t f In New Fnrtnnd. nn1 fbxt which hss 1 r °r ld ?**** and married S7 years ago ter. She hns been alck several wee*a M'mng nr» after ItifiiHercr In matiy; H « w »* Juatke C7f the peace for many wr th rheumatism. flares where the otidnal whfte pine T^ors. Surf, of M R Sunday school, - l>r. J Owen froni Neweomh *t< for S* year* and teacher in the same railed tn town l^at Tuesday for Peter school many yesr* and WM a trustee v.rrcory. Jr. who v u auFerl^c «ith of the M K. church st the t a a of hia pieuriay but at present he U better of Greenwich. N T . nnd Rev. W. D. aeveral weeks stay wrth her daughter, t<-evl Thoanuwou's Monday. Sr*encer omcinting st the hownav be- m town. Mrs. Joseph Lamb —Amariah Stnnton hns been spend- ing assisted by Rev Mr. Blaefcaaer of —Jake Stegel from Glens FaJia tng a oouple of weeks wttk his sister. the M. E. church It wtu be of mtereat called ia iown Thursday last. Mra Fred Sprngwe la Moriah know that Mr —Mrs. Fred Proeoacha was called* psadent of Crown opportunity to U board.'* This time the Board could not nvoid nrt *ht'e a c^asidernUott of the mnuer. but Mr far W€isj Taylor iuasted that the room he ciear- kUdney Piilav ed of ail but the memhrrs of the m raaiiant of Board «hUe they iliat iiaaiil the qoeav M Iman'a. ^^ Uon. Th:s waa done, and after naif mrm - r^** Barber, Grove 8t, K aa hour a vote wan taken which re- * ! *B* N T - ••^• : ****** mm aulted ss loUowa: jDoan's Kidney Ptfis. we got a Fur too Ai^rwia-iauon: — Henry •* Hopktna- Sows Drag Btow. lionnu^nfiu aupervu^r; Arthur Rich- krooght rollof from aruaoa. town cierk and Justice James amaH of the Uautney. appropriation •4-ag Gom;«:y of sew jtart. 1 . _ t h e remodeUef Globe hotel property, now knows m the Arkay buBdtug the presect «eal Spnrhwai. perfectly appointed aad They Ughtod. attractively fixuehed ur it • the color avheaneof whRe and soft rvstfsl the green. It to aa Ideal place tor the kidaeys and the trouble with the hid- per. The ROOT apace extends — Justice &«r secretions became n thing af the State atreet^through to Nortoa. aad fr»»p«ts etood. hia a TBlue tod^r. **y* t»«» (»pn^rw#i;t. that mnVea It wen annh the attertion of the ewer Taa often. c^utr^U :ne frist offc^rr. the farm*^ o r ^ther hnd ota- er aoii^ aerrvn^-rro-vth white p'ne «• T7n^->c«i frr lr«5« ?Mn it •« Worth ••er-irtae h e <!;>«*« n^f y~*-»w how nu^h ! -irn^er the r t m i !a ar*»:.iry c?r-n>»le • i*v, r r or ^* k "^* •• , r^r r r»t of the !>r'r» the InrnH^r r»r.i orh^r prodtjcts wni h-iur. Too often. ?l*c* m t h e foreav •-»! T* n«inn. !•• "^ f^nnda per tflfs !ia ?"- th * A e-ner o* af^ond rrr^th death HU younr**? !*on. R^r *2. M. f**irdick ia row a irr'^a'onsry in Korex China. Airorjr thf>*^ who came to pay rhrlr rc»^c*« to ti*e memory of that " % '***J'^ , t !o".v.«man w«*r#». William ruirdiclt of t-ock Berlin i-^Jwmri C. ^..rtiitk of NVw Yo^-k. Mr. and Mri R vraond C. I'tinJirk of !?uri.:irt^n. Vt.. an 1 Mr. and Mra Smith of Addi- son. VL ;r% 'h t~* n . n*»! s**-rtion* cotriore*- \j*t^ lounda j*er square inch on >«.'-I : OTI- nh'*o riF**r*. lO.'W) .,*•- . ,r P ir.rh for ^h**ar and f#» r rr>-r»ir«»aaIon: t>ld rt^et #• **••- "r rf-rt of shcip. The COMPROMISE AFFECTED ON CONTESTED VERDICT f* : jH to realize that perhar* hy hold- ^nr hi«« ' !r.e «re«« f^r n f*w T^urs lonc- f>r or hr th ; rn!^ It fTor*er)r nt the r ebt T'TTJO, h#» r-»n nM-'n a rront deal no r « ->rd I'"ft**— t ;, nV-»r nnd ron«e 'inert'v a much h r m ^<*latiTe return 'n r^n^er. than it he *{loir« «t to be -ut rl^ar wh*-n thp f.n* :^w»rtu?ri ? T of- fers. The hef ^ o ^ r r • ? th w h r e r^rte. 4S yrira o!J. will r*e!d about 45?.oo# l*o*rd f**et pe r acre, bnt the name etan'!. wh»»a S." rea-fc c44. v ill yield ^r, ^ 0 ff^t. an hxcr-vae of 12.000 feet rer a?re in 1* year?; And th!« la srw all. for along w 4 th the increase te otrantity corner UTI iT*cr-r.r+ \r eus?fty. Ji - ». i - .- -...--.• • ^ %... - i r r- - - —^» k ;r ror»d« s r e !n poor coidif* »n ao btch and full of anow. —Mr«. I.tif y Grant from r**ni» Rifl^e man ID town Thursday lust to \»- t b*r br-th^r artd faciiiy. Jt**» h l.^n»*> . —M;«i* Krafiiae Ph«-:i-s fr^ro f»; e u i !c** 'a aUO HS r ii>. h--r fl-'T fo* a »hii-\ Mr?« Ktti* l-.rr i -Mm. Hattie I^ei:»»-r a-d t^o ciauthtor^ froni ?<lue Hhice !a*«»»! tfcrnurb town Friday last en h+r way to .\>v com>». —AJhert S^iarca haa s^re to N\-w- renb at th^ farm to err*. —Tetir Gr**rorr. Jr.. wp»t to \*^r*. coil • Srt-jrday Iaiit wi*h a k>a<! of h-r. —Mr. and Mra Ihw :d Chrv*.wor. f- »m V ^ ( v m b M«eiit SjT«Uiy s . i h r»r«ativ«s n to^n. BLUE RIDGE. -Mr W H. Clough of Poadtrey. Vt_ %U : I«M! bis brother anl aist^r. Mr. and Mrs. Ki *ds m a t U^t week. —Mr. K**oneth Andrews has re*urn- <*.! to !;!• home In Vermont. -Mrii. John May via *cd her (laugh* > •-. ^Tf, A. iMkits w Sell roan i^kke ..-.at week. Dont Mr n .~ , k \ Mr v>d f l u t t e r i-AF«€-%l throi#rh y jn. Mr I1i*rry Coni- . NVr.Klt . • in !&v.!i i . at- r <%-. Ki .«»• a '. i>..t X!in< Charles U*ri»>. iianui B. Squirea and vmt. Ton may continue to Ufbett layior. .forsnor public andnrsatnaat af Tae luimtK-ra of tne Board of Tmde *-»«** rais. I am g2ad to fxmm.tiee di J -ot again return to the overy word of it- rois. t»ut Mr Herbert Thayer waa do- Prion aOn. st all h^Lied to ie+ru tne result of the Town *F ask for s kidney ti ,aru a oa.w» rui^as. The above re- Kidney Pills—the same that *-it *.»a ie . J u a n by the town dor a. Barber had. rostST-MUhatra A »i*e^4..i ^.c-trtiug of the Board of Props, BuaTaio. K. T. » r ioc * - .a ouce caiied lor the next _ _ _ ^ t*^> o '^ti!»aer tb^a action of the *»»v;. ..v-^rd. and much grautkmtksi windows anf ahf^e, Ihtat t of ags 4 as a d e c u i ^ cat P t ors nnd seeing how they hnrmoaam s while fall length mirrors give hlilany Mrs opportunity to ens Just how her goes Co* ia going to look. Many glass casta, filled with tee frocks, one after other. ———^~— r«*nm«.ug new weantaoc. lino the wafla No vet SHelter Device. J while grouped hem and there art oth Ueirtenast Shackleton't Antartic er models which show th etrecd of tm -d ti» tc CROWN POINT CENTER. —Laat week there were three fun- *r->:ii h i ! at the Centre Mra. Aimea " r rir-M'\ Mr. John C. I*ur!ick and Mr ! >n l:?H-r. a ? l p-»«t T«. Mra. Trimble "<• v r 1 r . <k ^4 and Mr Paker ** Ir» :»*: w**k a « NVwa the writer apoke of the h c h **iirf^em in wh*-h the tw t former w#-re he'd and of fhefr ros^y r^ and mre Qualities of Mr. Baker.' Mr * " n -S«* Pr^rt^r and v.i*« Alaaya an iLdnatrlour. hard workinr Amber H in'^r w^rc in town Sunday f;.-r» r - ? t^ TPHH. be h^d armmtjlated froW Takawua. •wnne rtr ^-rtT to helg h!a fam E ly and ~ u>s * GtrU * T^" 00 **** |i '" w * 1 !aslt T4t Mr ' ir «-r % .wr T . n* Vr ..n i M:«. 1 ,«-o ;i * * ^ JS r i.. 1 i :.. H t «.av - zr 1 Mr.. FT. »'.V « t M-jriah : n >"at *1 C-« •- !" :u» ;.t No-* -. \'.'. !.riH '* O N o v * ,"-» . s. 1 1 1 \*, A n J Vl. t . • IA. i.« a *i*o;e me town board aud to crated by aeroplane propellers r.#»uly de^lcnod t*»nt will be utilised. Thia tent ia made M> that it can be covered with snow and so turned into write letters. a typical Kakirxvo *now hut. or, as it In tinned, sn '^loo." .t'-r ap to ii*e %oiera of the * A .t hi iv»a meeting on ii ^ ••|**-r*t u.«' *. r ;.-»«» r**t"irr»e«| u*ueo:i. Mr iW^n]* ;riay. % as OLMSTEDVILLE. \ : d**a Ls-r the z*}*st cf M. ^ oirht F. Cro- Aprva»t«i u-at the members had «*P*o:iti©u will have novel equipment times in the fashion world. Ttere art j.. «."u ujemaeivea on record. °* **** daHng venture into the south six large fitting looms towards iht u.c* rr^- .u.g uext day it mas Ue- P<^* r wsstes. In sddition to eleda op- resr of the ators and a very cory, s daintily appointed rest room, a.tk a deak and large *"comfy*" chair? wti«t < ae mar apead some leisure time anf if so inclined, cr eijoy s^me of the current magaj.r^i. at wh»ch t!iere are a plenty. At xle ex- treme rear of the store. ^;Vriidif Ko Prnat>ect of Race. lighted, and with aH concer*** 3 :.^. tra The prospect a of a akating race two fine work-rooma one for *-*c^3 between the chaxcpion. Kdround Lflrr.y work and oiie for fur rep~i{r ~. re -d Vorrif« \\>>od npp^ar to have fal- modelling and general altera! : c i«n through. Wood objects to the "pursuit"* type demanded by Latry. mmm !^^^ m ^ mm ^ mm * r* i* rrini: the even wtart with rossible t j-.Tliit.*. The t;^srr:imt ; ona wh ? ch were t*t-rjd;cg for s rsce fell through. It Is now i:p to Baptie to make good his At .- t**.iue;ed h;a check for %ork of the Adverts . aii«i it was received ..; v. aa the undei^tajjj- u;e «utcr& 2.ui to make .,*»*; t/|»r.«a*oa Mr. Ui^^Jiii r. , » : j ;.> tNuiike Di*'4iiia to Ot. zd nr thit hia arm was not he $2n.(*tQ vnluation placed up- uj a Jury in Supreme Coart nt a Sn* list month, Henry God- Kot oxl1 ^ ™ r ^ %jzt toi+r timber is to factor of ef 5& years old. Is worth 1 W4> OT. l:sl fr~T. is employe of the Boston nnd •* hmA - CVimt^nr ie th»s Maine raHrosd. hns accepted a com- «mllty. the mmber from ftm*.:.^.. .t s 'gu:e t 4^ made pubHc brrt whtt * *****< CMfrey wns in>rred in an mc*de*t nt aho,,t ***** **'*»•* » ^ a e of |TSt Ka*i ;^erneid. Ma«. The Jury before * » « the ntanJ is %5 years otd. y*h <~* '*• ' v **.«** ,, "•^fi *T-*~*. <2**C*<!etf t h a t ' " ——— th^ r Void was negligent, nnd gave. The ec»€*&#• mm* ef os«cksi|Ter hiii l^\i>'»e dsxnmges. Notice of aa a m n s e s to as&ke ULTCC fi ananas Saw nip'-.ii had rececuy jeeai aerred ty cut a wood and constructaon t ami ma on tb*« * # i «,v- and Matne r^t/wweya. t h » Tc*rH» wstf^rfi-:1 r> --** an*^tn» Holds Oil A Bsriilar. How An Indiana Woman IVas Abie ?«* Stand fbe Severe of Long Lake turn PiistsTned and cared for ^r^r night to Tahswue and r^tM-n- aia. ed S-.'Lday aXtemoon back to her —T^srid M. Sweeny achool. *** la tcvx Sur.diy. - J^i»e Hose colled in town U***d- *-M*^» N^ra S^ack of Korta Creek f bey ip h'm In h.* d^li^ as ynn which prov- *-<3 t o hm L« r»id age ;» Oewignsted to he Peaceful ftnd e^l rioua Rev. V^r Spen- cer officiated aX his fns*raX Nothing *****? iart. riw*M K» more boauttfal thxr h^s -^Some « ir*ches of sacrw f*:i ^u words teaching the groat need of being urd ** l ** t * 3 ^^ ro *«* «« r v ' u **** kn**n^ km I and tender to our seed ~ ones. It ^ a matter of regrot that^ FACTCMtYVIIXE. ft.€7w apT» not anore to Tcx^i- wr»o r~ra-d t t Che oesires the otd stid f*<eb> onoa. j _ M ^ -HE. *L Barhor weew t«efw to ntHmt the fsneral of Mrs —Mra. John l>mowsn of cut**;* fc^ her ar-rrd^d D I M here S .*iday. T M. Si e**>ey of V^nh Cr*%k was s cue*: at th> Aipf-»e Hotel Brmday. -James Crdtee of Korth Creek Is the guest of his uncle James Mo- Sweeaary at the Alpine Hotel - M-a. Ctasdi* PfiUer of V.>y*iue 1, ^,^^ M Wm>tf % . f V ew C nmT* Is la Albany. weetidmg a few days in town with his a. Ye?d* and dacgwter. Mse of ^ Mi ^ T Port Hoary, were aw town Friday to nt ^Reasy MrGHm of S saeeul of Com Baker whe mB &+ ^ ay Weda^waay. Fcnersl at jg^ cim*. MrfJm the house Friday. iate*mra* at Fair __w r arod %>ew cevse'^ar *c<w% Oeek Mrs. George and f the —Mm Mr Crwnr are h-r^*i w ^^ rVtau *«**&> er 4 Mvtel Mi-rcVu* V»j^^% —Vr, ri-ratra ITtVe ta emjt^r a«-r daaurhter Wwm. -••• - * *frs. C!mrfen ll! "yVi'saevera wwaxirai t^eJr ifweTsii * 4 " si-I Xr*» Easrf tu«aOt f v. 4 at n e t a* *-at # +m ^S*f— - *%-•**+** -*» mm mmm dai-ii'''* ttt*W-.T fa— '«na^«f «««eet ^V- a r S S e » 4 l J b * - i i s S - ^ «*-»t^ » r « - l * ^ * « ^ * w 1> •** a-#f m ar^d e a ^ ^ a V o S -v-*» V r * ^ < "^sas wa» *S mm ^ "" ' ~ tt.et frf%-r —Aad* Murdock Hotel Snmday. Bend. far lMrs.Fo-nv3ywri-#w ysolwariat aw^awom^meawt Iwdb-4 •*WyS--w»a T ^ a ^ f w l e tm w 1%m m a iaj M a, • • # ? naa* • -»»-** ta** «•• e » ^ - ^ r tJ « awf mm mm m % J^i-^-m c m€ *~m. SLAM- —Vr and Jffrs. at J . 3 con* <f a*r ard Mrs. Bamdsy at Eradnort. Vt. Pie** sn tJOl L —Mian Man* Msrdsc* npesd weew . a a k her augam Mai ww nt l > n c Pe*wt. w* ftatXil^ —Mr. I h a i m y of PM n fr3*w«*ee%3 m aoww * —Mr tjad Mrs. Joseg f t r v »i m i ca!V<d cw M r J. FX#e oed csher frlem •. Mra. ?eajdar. . s-%^ M- aa tt»e : met Carl hoe?* awaie U 0: -a it ^any. . WEST BRirxpoirT. —*>* Twos, Ptsg^sd nptmt wart of 1**t weelt wph her daogjKer. Mrs. r^-lt "na. Mrs. Town as s^dammg free her Xaeea. —s?e^ue» I^rpwam. f r . as s*r»1ng my a f e r a xenwtSi l a h r j . I d s M a m d s ia> Jrso* at ts-» f-nwit. —r»—vt Liitnmd wno seen ew Lahw arrest HrewVwar a f>e# coat Twceatlw. __ * %aaa is the Maw F ^ ^ r - f a . ; m4m^m\ a laa %~and who w 11ans^ wef aV.tahewad " - * *i*t tc-lt-jihorie «M*rv .ce in ti«e toan Siso czmm up for diacua- i>-02 Mi,•.& iL'^gu^Uon has beex* ex- *•..»»• J t'.iiu.t x*l a cotfee wrat out to vul^L.'.b- s iy the Tic<«nderoga 1.0 ue u » i | i.c.i*e tympany* which m**- %*-e ^u:,va Lase. notifying them t^aorion. *.;«; i;:e .i.i.... iL» joia of the c o m pax. y were no; t > bo need except by the locmutia \4 u*<* taaAAUes of the sui^ .-«.-.. -v. r. J 4ou»aw v Samuel Rus- * f, :i ^ad i.*:^rTt «ka>er wore appoint- ed ~ v.3.a,tu< 4 a iaao ap the t*f a*r%.f^, ad n aeoeaaary to the r^tjer i^i.re the Pntdic toxica ~»r.a. The ahaka tip tm this '•u-.;ii_--i. . a ;5 occurred after toe UiL^.a.,; »*i the ijoe^d a- ' v . j.u ua -I./ aasawnst t a e com t uoiy s haae t-evcj- bc>eai acted r*-e%e e # a«o ataesjUoat. The ara*4er of the iTiiariiii of ro-^ 1 ;"a*a*. ilv^ j^&aaf Ijake the teirS be rt^ai whioh ia <CTTJ . -1 h* •*^d nesi ua> hy a pass warn two *-* w< as *-e ^^esi^m of pnee for ^ i- cr^ Tiuaui Caie^nad U W. Sicn»*4BOS t r t ^lucwsted a U# to fry to *T*L_ _ __ uxss. i _ ^ u u 1 : n ih^M te take steps A to sior* in cti^rwrjatacai aaona?din • v ^* t^ * -w mraal 1 j were *** ** * fwopaaw e^-cied: Iif^ry nvnr—' r —-«—--• fls * M*AJ _ is Xi claim that he was anxious to meet the Wowiao The April Woman a ion eonfama the d terestiag report of the militant meet ia England that has yet ed ia any called "John Ball a Militant is written be. J. K vik. The article shows erxacCy la ty H does not of Other Apr! for U t i l e Claftorem.* a y E. Je^ernon: -A Trip ts Italy.- hy WHAT SiO CiO FOR THIS W&iuiW Fbe Price She Paid for Ljda poond Which Broogbt Good rieaitB. CASTOR IA - M -. w W TK «K l*qiU&

Cleveland's - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-03-20/ed...arose to picture the Preach making the report end the writer aa»toas to use of ths

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Page 1: Cleveland's - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-03-20/ed...arose to picture the Preach making the report end the writer aa»toas to use of ths

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sufferers find instant relief in

Sloan** Liniment . It ptuc-

trates t o t h e pamfiil p a r t —

eootbes and quiets t h e nerves.

N o rubbiog-anercly Jay it cm.


Kills Pain M

Toeh * ! woojfct a**« br w u t o U y o t r t

i*eat aad Ufa** it to a* who *nOj a**eawax»aorrt*«-ur%att*a3«»f painotf

if fcteaV - A V * 4k«gr

Pai* AH

: atfir hr«J»rl ie f t* 4 aii«rt!i« w i t h ^ t • f i | r « ' r f I u<mM v«t f L j u t c e . ! far •a*a> a* tttr** Buffet* «r*t | i u i * n t M i r fcred with tay>«l auacc . '^*** J» -t


T r u ^ i a . f a t C ^ * ! *My lata* rifl. t « r h r vc » o* t

-eagnt a w » r c e % -*>U1 *fH » rave H«-r * breedf***of Skacr. * l.'ta*Rf'n{ or %u*.tr ••**«%, tobv^l. at*! » r - ~of u ^ m »»•

-wmnayr wt»*- n««< •!»«»«•'* * - *t % !•!• tie t*y t w i t «fc«<r * i * l f « <* i f «1 I r«*« i f • ^ t k f r t V h n n K ' r * S i » r ***" a.ai

i V f f d m ( » «»n e«*t»e •«•* tvnl. and >r *«* apwatbout t»i**Tnut» •- ?*e «*«waas>"

R U o a d t l S S

HLunsLaaiiiau i«t» w*


• • pled the attention of a majority of Thirty two Years Aoo ths First Mils Crown Pointers last Wednesday night.

Complsteed Then Cams la* j —One s ight last week a dog or dogs v*sJon Buabsar. killed %4 sheep belonging to & J. iiar-

Thirty-two yemr* ago this month her and mutilstsd several mors, the first mile of the tunnel across the - D e Vers aad Abbot Porter are the channel from Kogiand to France was delighted possessors of a pony and completed- Travellers s s w visions equipments presented by their rather of noon helng able to dodge the roush P. I*- Porter. "Beauty- Is aii|>er«*ntly aea trip between Dover and Calais. iu>ased with her aew snrroatidUtgs But the iavastoa bogey salted the ml- and friend*. litary authorities la Kaglaad. Parlia- —Since the publkatloa of the item nt^nt would not let the ooastmctloa regardiag the marriage of Harry Hie-1 rotvtd. ICach aaeeassire year that hoh aad Mies Regtaa Oarvey. the the project was proposed alarmUts n**mx people have denied the truth of arose to picture the Preach making the report end the writer aa»toas to use of ths tunnel to land an army iai correct the seats. ICugtaad. Parttimeat ragulaHy refus> - Joeenh VlUomere has sold h u

BOREAS RIVER. —The past week was eotd. the ther­

mometer dropped to aero several mornings. - - O w i n g to the drifted roada we had

no mall Monday last the sth but came oa Tuesday.

—Mr«. Klin Monroe from Detroit, Michigan, la la town visiting her little daughter, s lao her mother juid family, Mrs. Fr*d Gregory.

— Kruest Glrturd was a caller la town the JHh from North Hudson, ha was on h'g way to Tahawus.

—Mrs. Joseph Lamb aad her tnfaat are gett ing along fine. Nelefm LaBier called at William

1 , GRAPHITE. —That w e will have chauffeur's

enough here the coming summer to handle any and all automobiles about this place is evident from the fact

It \ that three of our young men, namely. Pred and William Hart and Alvia Bol» tou, are now attending aa autosaohUe ncbo4j| iu 'Siena Faila for which place they left h*n* last week. Then we have chtuiffcre here !n the following Y. Hr^sdaelL Wardner Spauldlng. Jamea M y , c'ecil Duell and others. |

I * h o do not follow up the auto bust-ne*e. t*ut who. if neoaaslty required, could handle automobi l e aucceaafttlly. So those deelriag chauffeurs the

Provoacha's Tuesday last, he reportei ing a«-ason should turn their

SCHROON LAKE. | The Schrooa Lake Board of Trade,

that newly formed organization for the betterment and Improvement ot the tow a, hae ao longer any doubt as to how i* atauils with the town board j BuL in the vigorous language of Mr. Joseph GianiaL Juat how the Town Board etands with the Board of Trade will be determined later—probably along about election time.

Unable, on i u first attempL to get before the Town Board it a request for a a appropriation of $160 to aid i s publishing its booklet booming the town aa a auammer aad winter resort.

Cake made with

ed its approval, not with ataad tag that property to John Murdock. It Is said Mrs. Mag the promoters devised where-, that Max VlUamore will occupy the gie Hunter at Tahawus la on the gala I by the nresalag of aa electric button house aad work for the Murdock a. o a tCagliah soil would pat the tunnel j Last weak Wednesday. Mr Bars out of commission In war time. t Baker died at the home of his daughr

While only one mile exists , the nre> ter. Mra. Helena r isk. Mr lect aa very much alive aad is coaming j t een totally blind for several years.

with j but up to that ttase he

Steal Chimney. The tallest steel Jacket la the world

4a BOW holldlag at Jerome, Arit~. a s part of the new works there of the

C n l t e d Verde Cooper Company. The ts thirty feet la diameter tn-

fho brick Hata* thirty feet nine nchea Inside of the steel l*9**- *** ** **** to

Clalwiso to Be Prof* a ale The growing of white pine, says the

jdenartaaeat of agriculture la a bulla-i tin recently leaned c a the subject. Is s profitable undertaklag at € per cent

1 compound Interest T o bring In these ; return*, the trses may he cot when not nacre than from JS to 7 i yearn old.

The original white pine foTwets an* approaching exhaustion, according to the departnaent. and with the arrowing scarcity Jot largo aand . high-grade white pine lumber. k * a w grades now find a ready market. Besides thia, the t ive growa rapidly, hae a heavy

before the British parliament brighter prospects than before, rrsa-laaoet Industrioas aaea of ale t ce and England are on cordial terms | Boaidea haf daughtsra. Mra. r i sk , he and the invusioa bogey is no longer j acute Engineers any that the tunnel­ing through the Impervious chalk off the channel bed could be easily ar-

;CotnrlUhed by a boring aaachine built on the plan of a hogs carpenter a bit. and the tuunel afterward lined with itteei. The route la about 2$ miles.

1 which If complented. would constitute the longest underwater tunnel la the world. The coat ia estimated at about

her bed for aeveral aac —Peter Gregory. Jr.. made a trip to

North Creek the pant weak for a load of grain. On returning home hat gray

one of the colt waa taken alck at the Kaya Place

towards Graphite —As yet no have np be­

ta* Advertising CommHtee relay its efforts. On March

did not 1#

Town Board nnd the suh-ittee of the Advertising Coanseit-

fore our newly appointed Just ice of ( t ea waa on hand. The Interest of the the Peace J. A. Glvlaup. who waa last citixesa of lb*; town and been so t h u p .

appointed by the Town Board. oughly aroused that the aaaatiag place ^ —A son was horn to Mr. and M r s 1 of the Board s s crowded with those

Cleveland's BstKing? Powder

keeps fresh and moist. Besides it is lighter, finer grained and more wholesome.

«7i««*i.aia< a*»i%«» r o a m s * c e %*• »»**

I^as to the fate

h e drove better not the neat

night at hia Ice tag

at their hoaae a t "Sunny-j mho were naglous last week. [of the request

—Grandpa Rons of West Hague was f la order that there should be no last weak securing saw dust for ; doubt ia the naiads of the Board as to

He daiaaa the sawdust bow the town fait oa the aaaUer the

A voter* leaves an invalid wtfe to whom the being Fndsy . it deepest sympathy aa extended. Mr.. annry was called hut t Baker was very sbstealous la his hah*; ing the home. It died Saturday its. aever using intoxicating drinks of lag. any kind nor tobacco ia any form I —David LeOair visited at

M w Anna Phllllpe Is home from Ridge the past weak. Peultney T. C. A . for her vacation —A venerable old crow put la hlajday. »«vured a large package of the and Is entertaining her friend. Miss nppemmnce March 14th, It reminds j great food and started la feediag


is of the very heat quality hut rather high In price.

- S u p e r v i s o r OCouncil spent Sun­day ia Ttconderiiga.

- Speaking about guaraateed eag produc:ng food .this writer, when his hens were laying noma seven e g g s per

Kdsth Benjamin of Beaton. V L Hugh one that apriag la coaaiag. Spencer la alas home from the same —4* ttrry Hyatt Institution to enjoy bin vacation with Xettie ProTonrha hia parents. Rev. nnd Mrs. W. l> Sunday last. She ts

to the poultry. Results at t h e Mies j of two weeks, when the great food waa

Moiiah' exhausted, one lone hen now laying

Spencer her recent —E. R. Bailey and RobL B Phllllpa —Tred Gregory and

in Ptnttshurg laat week on sua!- turned hosae from John tdbby'a camp aess . The latter was also on s base Sunday. He has his Job completed st

trip an Port Henry Monday ae» Elk Lake.

better from.ode egg per day. the others gone on ifttriae sad the wonderful egg produc-

Alfred re- lag food user up. Great atuaT eh*

-shell sad tag feet one inch from top -of foundation to top of steel. I s coan-'parisot! It may he stated that Liberty S t a t u e an New Lorh Harbor from hot t o n eat pedestal to torch la SOS feet in he ight whereas the statue proper

4 a only 1S1 feet. T h e unnanal evse of ttkls structure, the connections for "three flues nnd the protection of the eseet plate from the flue gasea. caused several Interesting problems In the de-o^*n.

Thediameter nnd height of the chim­ney were determined by the draft csj-colai ione: the diameter and height of bell vree* made one-eighth of the e ighth af the height of the chtanney. or t t t y feet. T h e brick lining wns sup* rx»rt»#| on the lejcs of circular angles riveted to the Inside of the shell and e^iacert fifteen f*-H armrt. P y this aaetbod the be*r!ne; ca*arity of the brick \n net. exceed* 4 and ?»ny rectleai can be replaced without affecting the others The w ;nd load wns assumed t o r>e fift* rioini^ r>̂ r ^Tjire foot, or tmeT.ty f ve r*ouni*« T**T square font on the prrrie^terf d arnetor. o^pial to 770 potro4? t»or fo-t of h^icht. The ^*va4 loa«i wun :*^-en as the actr^i u«» r,ht Of s l~* 1 r l m ^ r.'::a t h ^ w ^ . ^ h t o f f rw*k

l in :nr lammed **t I ! - Tx^tirda per cu-b c f t o i . T h e ff>Ik>wi:»ir u n i t pri

"•f-r** 4.


a i o n . 1

g r o e s

vain*-!- e **••

f»ectiofi r i '>^ J :« o f a n y w t ; o n w * a

rowspTi*'^ ^ y T n l * i r l y i o r t h e a r e a o f

t^e . i a w ' i e f f »h**ll l .y t h e t b i c k t e f ^ .

Second-growth srhite pine. S# years old. on good soil, may yield aa much aa O.aaa feat of lumber per acre. On medium soil, s tands of the same age *<.<** board feet, and even on soil. H o n e f<*t White ptne hoard lumber, one of the chief prrv ducte of auch standa. t e l l s for frtwn f t to I t a thousand board feet Material or makinc mntrbes. another

companled by K. B. Among those out af town who at­

tended the funeral of M r s Agnee C. THroble laat w^ek were Mr. Edwin Wright of Bronklym. also King Hut ehinaon from the same city: Mr Frank T r ' n b l e nad mother. Mra Mtaa Brooks Trible of Chimney Point. Mr end Mrs. George Murdock and Mr nnd Mrs. Foote Murdock of Port Henry Rev George H. Back officiat**.

—Mrs. L. U. Reed has returned from a vtsif In Morlah.

at lUue —A Gero atteadrd Ridge Sunday Mnrch l&th

— 8 . Girsrd fi through t o w s Friday on his way Xeweaash.

—The wesuher Sunday. Mnrrh l^th an It thnwed quite orrhard. a l iu le . Every one i s pit seed to aes far

, —Miss

WHITE CHURCH. —Mr Albert Graham of Pttaford. Vt

was the gweet af hia brother U v U . here, several days last week.

to —Henry Spestasing ia working for j Wzn. fUnlr.

John Miller la tapping hia sugar Boaxd should have He r porta good weather ao c*e t.ewapa«iera. and Justace


c o m m i u e e a n s armed with n petition eigaed by more than sixty of the tax­payers The grounds on which the Board had previously refused to con­sider the requeat was that it was not legal for the Beard to appropriate fund* for auch a purpose. Thia t ime Mr Charles L Weeks, president of the Board of Trade, and a lso a aaember of the autxommit tee of the Advertis­ing summitt*e. was armed with the law on the auLJect. and he read aa extract to the Board which showed that it would be atnetly attain the rights in making the desired appro­priation. Added to this Mr. Joseph Glanial onVrd to give a check tor the amount to Indemnify the mamlura af the Board in case they were not sup­ported in thesr action by the voters of the town. (

Some surprise waa manifested by * ! tew that the previous actioa of the

known to * * * * * • -

JOHNSON POND. j O N t Y MATTER OF POTATOES - C l y d e Sage has returned from] ISO BUSHELS TO THE ACRE

p where ho has been eampaoyed atfj William IJoor, whose farm U at has winter. j ton, has marhetod the last of h:« i m

—Miss Klhel Palmer apeat Saturday crop of potatoes, which averaged IN aad Sunday with Mrs. Harry Uuprey htinhom to the acre Fifty bushela *

—Mr. and Mra. WUI Letaon spent potatoes to a fair yield, but laat anv Sunday ia thia place. i eon was a very dry one and boor bad

—Mr. Gordon Sage called at Para- hia tubers planted on n a c t p i « * af dox. Sunday. land. They were apeaking of the ma*

—Mra. U. Sage and little Clears* tor In JohnsonviUe the other cUy. aad upon! Sunday at fcOmer Sage a. \ it wns recalled that Byron Al .a »***

—Mr. Lewie Sage apeat Thursday he worked his farm in one >i-xr *** s t Frank Casey's at S e i e r e a c e . je l .*00 worth of potato** fiom i**!*

—Mr. Brooks from Paradox was s e e s acres. For a number of y^.rs Mr. on our street recently. Akin nvemged l*a busLeU <;f j#»tutm

—Jack Yorke took dinner In thia to the acre. The quality ut i^;*toai place Saturday. raised in this section i s &aid LC as

—Bertha UeZaun and brother excei>tionaliy hue. and a t ^ a U r -f ;*. George called at Blue Radge one day teteating experiments have ^ - n !«aat thia week. ; to develop a new kind ot poUio. Did

—Mr. nnd Mrs. Eddie Hosley called farmers claim that it i s a*c<*s*ry » in this place Thursday. : raise s new race of potatoes *\«% it*

years, for the old kiad s b o » s traces I t IT YOUR KIDNEYS. of degeaeracy. Potatoes grv»n frtm

O o n t Miatake tHs Cause af Voaw aeed take years t o develop, he&c* tna Trembles, An Essex County C*i- , tubers are cat up and the ~e>ea~ plant

tmn Gives a VsNishle Hint ed. The planting of the eaxa* putsia Many people never suspect their year after year causes the q.ua:.iy ta

U suffering from a hune, run ouL" a s the Valley Fails w r * m

hnries m*** ** achiag

the various accounta to It la only a muecular w<

—A. r.


HamUtoa at the ailed at WUtlam Pro-7Center. Monday.

the Board Cor the had not already

- M m . Fred - -Sarah Baldwin nnd Mrs. Charles iamrhy a

as aack with Newell were the guewta of Mrs. Levi m a t u»e »y have aa

t o neighboring towns should

at our


Lanes B PhlUips was the r*ceaf <Teo late I of his school friend. Harold T o r —The weather 1 of Ausahle at the hoaae of the «* the past we*a

hut e r a brother. Rev. Torrance at TV —A It-peaxed h d ta Mr aad Mrs. Joseph Lamb at MtnovSIas are

Wednesday of last week the praeeat mnthrr and child are gettUag Saturday and funeral aenricea of Mr J o t n C Bmr> U o a c weU. ' — Wesley Kane aad Sarah dick were held f r a hia late hoaae nnd —Mrs George Phelps returned apent Sunday at Warn. Ktnafa.

ifrom t h e c h u i r h . Rev. J. B AimstrcaaC home to Blue Ridge March 4th after —Mrs. George Newall visited

M r s Pumroy AUen afternoon, her* with Mrs. Faamlo Spnnldteg

Mr nad Mrs. Hert^ert Bagnlow of af relatlwas

hark they think that describe iL Sc ient i s ts exe at »ort m

m soma germ that will make LL* >*UU)

Ot 4d thi«e who w * M r p tronhlo nets in they think It aeed develop anore rapidly If th*a n> Jiuuioai »*n soon correct Haelf And ao at Is periment is succeaafuL then a t*w

^ v R h nfl the other aysaptoms of kid- race of potntoes that may t>e j-rocf y diaorders. That Is where daager ngalnat the d t se iae i of the p l a c e t as

lien. Ton should waHas that tato family may he discovered troubles often lead t o

An effective la D o a n V A Mowcl

of T h e Richard

product. aeUs for from *'7 to F t a thousand Eren larger material, ftuftahle for asshes aad Hindu of which may be cut from a &*» old stand, brings from $na to $~5 s l t o W « F readers to thousand feet. RecoeH-rrowth white | M wdlck has been n resident of Crown to Moriah Tueadny mat by the IHnex pine, the kind that Is fownd on Itioai ' ***** ***** u < 1 * W M m a ta iant af of her eaaghter Nettie. She rsturmcif ^oda of aimadoe^d r^ida sad paat^irea | T ^ T Ctmferencs Acsdfcsy. n teacher Friday laat and says she left her h^t f In New Fnrtnnd. nn1 fbxt which h s s 1 r °r l d ?**** and married S7 years ago ter. She hns been alck several wee*a M'mng nr» after ItifiiHercr In m a t i y ; H « w » * Juatke C7f the peace for many w r th rheumatism. f lares where the o t i d n a l whfte pine T^ors. Surf, of M R Sunday school , - l>r. J Owen froni Neweomh * t <

for S* year* and teacher in the same railed tn town l^at Tuesday for Peter school many yesr* and W M a trustee v.rrcory. J r . who v u auFerl^c « i th of the M K. church st the t a a of hia pieuriay but at present he U better

of Greenwich. N T . nnd Rev. W. D. aeveral weeks stay wrth her daughter, t<-evl Thoanuwou's Monday. Sr*encer omcinting s t the hownav be- m town. Mrs. Joseph Lamb —Amariah Stnnton hns been spend­ing assisted by Rev Mr. Blaefcaaer of —Jake Stegel from Glens FaJia tng a oouple of weeks wttk his sister. the M. E. church It wtu be of mtereat called ia iown Thursday last. Mra Fred Sprngwe la Moriah

know that Mr —Mrs. Fred Proeoacha was called* psadent of Crown

opportunity t o U board.'*

This t ime the Board could not nvoid n r t * h t ' e a c^asidernUott of the mnuer. but Mr f a r W € i s j

Taylor i u a s t e d that the room he ciear- kUdney Piilav ed of ail but the memhrrs of the m raai iant of Board «hUe they iliat iiaaiil the qoeav M Iman'a. ^ ^ Uon. Th:s waa done, and after naif m r m - r ^ * * Barber, Grove 8 t , K a a hour a vote wan taken which re- * ! * B * N T - • • ^ • : ****** mm

aulted s s loUowa: jDoan's Kidney Ptfis. w e got a Fur too Ai^rwia-iauon: — Henry •* Hopktna- Sows Drag Btow.

lionnu^nfiu aupervu^r; Arthur Rich- krooght rollof from aruaoa. town cierk and Justice James amaH of the Uautney.



Gom;«:y of sew jtart.

1 . _ the remodeUef Globe hotel property, now knows m t h e Arkay buBdtug the presect «ea l

Spnrhwai. perfectly appointed aad They Ughtod. attractively fixuehed ur it •

the color avheaneof whRe and soft rvstfsl t h e green. It to a a Ideal place tor the

kidaeys and the trouble with the hid- per. T h e ROOT apace extends — Justice &«r secret ions became n thing af the S ta te atreet^through to Nortoa. aad

fr»»p«ts etood. h i a a TBlue tod^r. **y* t»«» (»pn^rw#i;t. that mnVea It wen a n n h the attertion of the e w e r

T a a o f t e n . c^utr^U : n e f r i s t

offc^rr. the farm*^ o r ^ther h n d o t a -er aoii^ aerrvn^-rro-vth white p'ne «• T7n^->c«i f r r lr«5« ? M n it •« W o r t h

••er-irtae he <!;>«*« n f̂ y~*-»w how nu^h !-irn^er the r t m i !a ar*»:.iry c?r-n>»le

• i*v, r r or *̂k"̂ * •• i«,r^rrr»t of the !>r'r» the InrnH^r r»r.i orh^r prodtjcts wni h-iur. Too often. ?l*c*m the foreav

•-»! T* n«inn. !•• "^ f^nnda per t f l f s !ia?"- t h * Ae-ner o* af^ond rrr^th

death HU younr**? !*on. R^r *2. M. f**irdick ia row a irr'^a'onsry in Korex China. Airorjr thf>*^ who came to pay rhrlr rc»^c*« to ti*e memory of that "%'***J'^,t !o".v.«man w«*r#». William ruirdiclt of t-ock Berlin i-^Jwmri C. ^..rtiitk of NVw Yo^-k. Mr. and Mri R vraond C. I'tinJirk of !?uri.:irt^n. Vt.. an 1 Mr. and Mra Smith of Addi­son. VL

;r%'h t~*n. n*»! s**-rtion* cotriore*-\j*t^ lounda j*er square inch on >«.'-I:OTI- nh'*o riF**r*. lO.'W) .,*•- . ,rP ir.rh for ^h**ar and

f#»r rr>-r»ir«»aaIon: t>ld rt^et #• **••- "r rf-rt of shcip. The


f*:jH to realize that perhar* hy hold-^nr hi«« ' !r.e «re«« f^r n f*w T^urs lonc-f>r or h r t h ; r n ! ^ It fTor*er )r n t t h e

r ebt T'TTJO, h#» r-»n nM-'n a rront deal n o r « ->rd I'"ft**— t;,nV-»r nnd ron«e 'inert'v a much h r m ^<*latiTe return 'n r^n^er. than it he *{loir« «t to be -ut rl^ar wh*-n thp f.n* :^w»rtu?ri?T of­fers.

The h e f ^ o ^ rr•? th w h r e r^rte. 4S yr ira o!J. will r*e!d about 45?.oo# l*o*rd f**et p e r acre, bnt the name etan'!. wh»»a S." rea-fc c44. v ill yield

r̂, ^ 0 ff^t. an hxcr-vae of 12.000 feet rer a?re in 1* year?; And th!« la srw all. for along w4th the increase te otrantity corner UTI iT*cr-r.r+ \r eus?fty.

— — Ji - ». i - . - - . . . - - . • • ^ %... - i r r- - -

—^»k;r ror»d« sre !n poor coidif* »n ao btch and full of anow.

—Mr«. I.tif y Grant from r**ni» Rifl^e man ID town Thursday lust to \»- t b*r br-th^r artd faciiiy. Jt**» h l.̂ n»*> .

—M;«i* Krafiiae Ph«-:i-s fr^ro f»; e u i !c** 'a aUO HS r ii>. h--r f l - ' T f o * a

» h i i - \ Mr?« K t t i * l - .rr i

- M m . Hattie I^ei:»»-r a-d t^o ciauthtor^ froni ?<lue Hhice !a*«»»! tfcrnurb town Friday last en h+r way to .\>v com>».

—AJhert S^iarca haa s^re to N\-w-r e n b at th^ farm to e r r * .

—Tet ir Gr**rorr. Jr.. wp»t to \*^r*. coi l • Srt-jrday Iaiit wi*h a k>a<! of h-r.

—Mr. and Mra Ihw :d Chrv*.wor. f- »m V ^ ( v m b M«eiit SjT«Uiy s . i h r»r«ativ«s n to^n.

BLUE RIDGE. -Mr W H. Clough of Poadtrey. Vt_

%U:I«M! bis brother a n l aist^r. Mr. and Mrs. Ki *ds m a t U^t week.

—Mr. K**oneth Andrews has re*urn-<*.! to !;!• home In Vermont.

-Mrii. John May via *cd her (laugh* > •-. ^Tf, A. i M k i t s w Sell roan i^kke ..-.at w e e k .

D o n t

M r

n .~ ,

k \


v>d f lut ter i-AF«€-%l throi#rh y

jn. Mr I1i*rry Coni-. NVr.Klt .

• in !&v.!i i

. a t - r <%-. Ki .«»• a

'. i > . . t X!in<

Charles U*ri»>. i i a n u i B. Squirea and vmt. Ton may continue t o Ufbett l ay ior . .forsnor public andnrsatnaat af

Tae luimtK-ra of tne Board of T m d e * - » « * * rais. I am g2ad to fxmm.t iee di J - o t again return to the overy word of it-r o i s . t»ut Mr Herbert Thayer waa do- Prion aOn. s t all h^Lied to ie+ru tne result of the Town *F ask for s kidney ti ,aru a oa.w» ru i^as . The above re- Kidney Pil ls—the s a m e that *-it *.»a i e . J u a n by the town d o r a. Barber had. rostST-MUhatra

A »i*e^4..i ^.c-trtiug of the Board of P r o p s , BuaTaio. K. T. » r ioc * - .a ouce caiied lor the next _ _ _ ^ —

t*̂ > o '^ti!»aer tb^a action of the *»»v;. ..v-^rd. and much grautkmtksi

windows anf ahf^e , I h t a t

t of ags 4 as a d e c u i ^ cat

P t ors nnd see ing how they hnrmoaam s while fall length mirrors give hlilany

Mrs opportunity to ens Just how her goes Co* ia going to look. Many glass casta,

filled with tee frocks, one after other. — — — ^ ~ — r«*nm«.ug new weantaoc. lino the wafla

No vet SHelter Device. J while grouped h e m and there art oth Ueirtenast Shackleton't Antartic er models which show th etrecd of tm

-d ti»


CROWN POINT CENTER. —Laat week there were three fun-

*r->:ii h i ! at the Centre Mra. Aimea "rrir-M'\ Mr. John C. I*ur!ick and Mr ! > n l:?H-r. a?l p-»«t T«. Mra. Trimble "<• v r 1 r . <k ^4 and Mr Paker ** Ir» :»*: w**ka« NVwa the writer apoke of the h c h **iirf̂ em in wh*-h the tw t

former w#-re he'd and of fhefr ros^y r ^ and mre Qualities of Mr. Baker.' — M r * " n - S « * Pr^rt^r and v.i*« Alaaya an iLdnatrlour. hard workinr Amber H in'^r w^rc in town Sunday f;.-r» r-?t^ TPHH. be h^d armmtjlated f r o W Takawua. •wnne rtr ^-rtT to helg h!a famEly and ~ u > s * GtrU* T^"00 **** |i'"w*1 ! a s l t T4t


' i r

«-r%.wr T . n* Vr ..n i M:«.

1 ,«-o ;i * * ^ JS ri.. 1 i

:.. H t «.av

- zr 1 M r . . F T .

»'.V « t M- jr iah : n >"at *1 C-« •-

!" : u » ;.t N o - *

- . \'.'. ! .riH '* O N o v * ,"-» . s . 1

1 1


A n J V l .

t . •


i.« a

*i*o;e m e town board aud to crated by aeroplane propellers r.#»uly de^lcnod t*»nt will be utilised. Thia tent ia made M> that i t can be covered with snow and so turned into write letters. a typical Kakirxvo *now hut. or, as it In t i n n e d , s n ' ^ l o o . "

.t'-r ap to ii*e %oiera of the * A.t hi i v » a meeting on

i i ^

••|**-r*t u.«' *. r

;.-»«» r**t"irr»e«|


M r iW^n]*

; r i a y .

% a s


\:d**a Ls-r the z*}*st cf M. ^ oirht F. Cro-

Aprva»t«i u-at the members had «*P*o:iti©u will have novel equipment t imes in the fashion world. Ttere art j . . «."u ujemaeivea on record. °* **** daHng venture into the south six large fitting l o o m s towards iht

u.c* rr^- .u.g uext day it mas Ue- P<^*r wss tes . In sddition to eleda op- resr of the ators and a very cory, s daintily appointed rest room, a.tk a

deak and large *"comfy*" chair? wti«t < ae mar apead some leisure time anf

if so inclined, cr eijoy s^me of the current magaj.r^i. at wh»ch t!iere are a plenty. At xle ex-

— treme rear of the store. ^;Vriidif Ko Prnat>ect of Race. l ighted, and with aH concer***3:.^. tra

The prospect a of a akating race two fine work-rooma one for *-*c^3 between the chaxcpion. Kdround Lflrr.y work and oiie for fur rep~i{r ~. re

-d Vorrif« \\>>od npp^ar to have fal- modelling and general altera! : c

i«n through. Wood objects to the "pursuit"* type demanded by Latry. mmm!^^^m^mm^mm

* r* i* rrini: the even wtart with ross ible t j-.Tliit.*. The t;^srr:imt;ona wh?ch were t*t-rjd;cg for s rsce fell through. It Is now i:p to Baptie to make good his

At .-

t**.iue;ed h;a check for %ork of the A d v e r t s

. aii«i it was received ..; v. aa the undei^tajjj-u;e «utcr& 2.ui to make

.,*»*; t/|»r.«a*oa Mr. Ui^^Jiii r. , » : j ;.> tNuiike Di*'4iiia to

O t .

zd nr th i t hia arm was not he $2n.(*tQ vnluation placed up-

uj a Jury in Supreme Coart nt a Sn* l i s t month, Henry God- K o t o x l 1^ ™ r ^ %jzt toi+r t imber is to

factor of e f

5& years old. Is worth

1 W4>


l:sl fr~T. i s employe of the Boston nnd • * hmA- CVimt^nr ie th»s Maine raHrosd. hns accepted a com- «ml l ty . the mmber from ftm*.:.^.. . t s ' g u : e t 4 ^ made pubHc b r r t w h t t * *****< CMfrey wns in>rred in an mc*de*t nt a h o , , t ***** **'*»•* » ^ a e of |TSt Ka*i ;^erneid. M a « . T h e Jury before * » « the ntanJ i s %5 years otd. y*h <~* • '*• 'v**.«**,, "•^f i *T-*~*. <2**C*<!etf t h a t ' " ———

th^ r Void was negligent, nnd g a v e . T h e ec»€*&#• mm* e f os«cksi|Ter h i i i l^\i>'»e dsxnmges. Notice of aa a m n s e s to as&ke ULTCC fi ananas Saw nip'-.ii had rececuy jeeai aerred t y cut a wood and constructaon t ami ma on tb*« *#i «,v- and Matne r^t/wweya. th» Tc*rH» wstf^rfi-:1 r> --** an*^tn»

Holds Oil A Bsriilar. How An Indiana Woman IVas Abie ?«*

Stand fbe Severe

of Long Lake turn PiistsTned and cared for ^r^r night to Tahswue and r^tM-n- aia .

ed S-.'Lday aXtemoon back to her —T^srid M. S w e e n y achool. *** la t c v x Sur.diy.

- J^i»e H o s e colled in town U***d- *-M*^» N^ra S^ack of Korta Creek

f b e y ip

h'm In h.* d^ l i^ a s ynn which prov-*-<3 to hm L« r»id age ;» Oewignsted to he Peaceful ftnd e^l rioua Rev. V^r Spen­cer officiated aX his fns*raX Nothing *****? iart. riw*M K» more boauttfal thxr h^s -^Some « ir*ches of sacrw f*:i ^ u

words teaching the groat need of being u r d * * l ** t * 3 ^ ^ r o * « * « « r v 'u **** kn**n^ km I and tender to our seed ~ ones. It ^ a matter of regrot that^ FACTCMtYVIIXE. ft.€7w apT» not anore to Tcx^i- wr»o r~ra-d t t Che oes ires the otd stid f*<eb> onoa. j _ M ^

-HE. *L Barhor weew t«efw to ntHmt the fsneral o f Mrs

—Mra. John l>mowsn of cut**;* fc^ her

ar-rrd^d D I M here S .*iday. T M. Si e**>ey of V^nh Cr*%k was

s cue*: at th> Aipf-»e Hotel Brmday. - J a m e s Crdtee of Korth Creek Is

the guest of h is uncle James Mo-Sweeaary at the Alpine H o t e l

- M-a. Ctasdi* PfiUer of V.>y*iue 1, ^ , ^ ^ M „ Wm>tf %.f VewCnmT* Is la Albany. weetidmg a few days in town with his

a. Y e ? d * and dacgwter. Mse of ^Mi^T

Port Hoary, were aw town Friday to nt ^Reasy MrGHm of S saeeul of Com Baker whe mB &+ ^ ay Weda^waay. Fcnersl at j g ^ cim*. M r f J m

the house Friday. iate*mra* at Fa ir _ _ w r arod %>ew cevse'^ar • *c<w% O e e k

Mrs. George


f the

—Mm Mr Crwnr are h-r^*i w ^^ r V t a u *«**&> er 4 Mvtel Mi-rcVu* V » j ^ ^ %

— V r , ri-ratra ITtVe ta e m j t ^ r a«-r daaurhter Wwm.

- • • • - * *frs. C!mrfen l l ! "yVi'saevera wwaxirai t^eJr

i f w e T s i i *4" si-I Xr*» Easrf tu«aOt f v .

4 a t n e t a* *-at # +m ^ S * f — - *%-•**+** -*» mm mmm

d a i - i i ' ' ' * t t t * W - . T fa— ' « n a ^ « f « « « e e t ^ V - a r S S e » 4 l J b * - i i s S - ^ «*-»t^ » r «- l * ^ * « ^ * w 1>

• * * a-#f m ar^d ea^^aVoS -v-*» V r * ^ < "^sas wa» *S mm ^

"" ' ~ tt.et

frf%-r —Aad* Murdock Hotel Snmday.


• f a r lMrs.Fo-nv3ywri-#w y s o l w a r i a t a w ^ a w o m ^ m e a w t

Iwdb-4 •*WyS--w»a T ^ a ^ f w l e tm w 1%m m a iaj M a , • • # ? naa* • -»»-** ta** «•• e » ^ - ^ r tJ « awf mm

mm m % J^i-^-m c m€ *» *~m. SLAM-

• — V r and Jffrs. a t J . 3 c o n * <f a*r a r d Mrs . Bamdsy a t Eradnort. V t .

P i e * * sn

tJOl L

—Mian M a n * M s r d s c * npesd weew . a a k her augam Mai ww nt l > n c Pe*wt. w*


— M r . I h a i m y of PM n fr3*w«*ee%3 m aoww *

— M r tjad Mrs . Joseg f t r v »i m i ca!V<d cw M r J . F X # e oed csher frlem

•. Mra.


. s-%^ M-

aa tt»e

: met Car l



U 0 : -a i t ^any.

. W E S T BRi rxpo i rT .

— * > * Twos, Ptsg^sd nptmt wart of 1**t weelt w p h her daogjKer. Mrs . r^-lt " n a . Mrs . T o w n as s^dammg f r e e her X a e e a .

—s?e^ue» I^rpwam. f r . as s*r»1ng my a f e r a xenwtSi la h r j . Ids Mamds ia> Jrso* a t ts-» f - n w i t .

— r » — v t L i i t n m d wno seen ew Lahw arrest HrewVwar a f>e# coat Twceatlw.

__ *

%aaa is the Maw F ^ ^ r - f a . ; m4m^m\ a laa %~and who w 11ans^ wef aV.tahewad

• " - * *i*t tc-lt-jihorie «M*rv .ce in ti«e t o a n Siso czmm up for diacua-i>-02 Mi,•.& iL'^gu^Uon has beex* ex-*•..»»• J t ' . i i u . t x*l a cotfee wrat out to vul^L.'.b- s i y the Tic<«nderoga 1.0 ue u » i | i.c.i*e tympany* which m**-%*-e ^ u : , v a Lase. notifying them t ^ a o r i o n . *.;«; i;:e .i.i....iL» joia of the com pax. y were no; t > bo need except by the locmutia \4 u*<* taaAAUes of the sui^ .-«.-.. -v. r. J 4ou»awv Samuel Rus-*f,:i ^ad i.*:^rTt «ka>er wore appoint­ed ~ v . 3 . a , t u < 4 a iaao ap the t*f a*r%.f ,̂ a d n aeoeaaary to the r^t jer i ^ i . r e the Pntdic tox ica ~»r.a. The ahaka tip tm th i s ' •u - . ; i i_ - - i . . a ; 5 occurred after t o e UiL^.a.,; »*i the ijoe^d a- ' v . j . u ua -I./ aasawnst tae com tuoiy s haae t-evcj- bc>eai acted r*-e%e e#a«o ataesjUoat.

The ara*4er of the iTi iari i i i o f ro-^1 ;"a*a*. ilv^ j ^ & a a f Ijake the t e i r S be rt^ai whioh ia <CTTJ . -1 h* •*^d nes i ua> hy a pass warn two *-* w< as *-e ^^esi^m of p n e e for ^ i- cr^ T i u a u i Caie^nad U W. Sicn»*4BOS t r t ^lucwsted a U # to fry to *T*L_ _ __

u x s s . i _ ^ u u 1 : n ih^M t e take s teps A

to s ior* in cti^rwrjatacai aaona?din • v ^ * t ^ * -w mraal 1 j were *** ** * fwopaaw

e^-cied: Iif^ry nvnr—' r — - « — - - • f l s * M*AJ _

is Xi

claim that he was anxious to meet the

Wowiao The April Woman a

ion eonfama the d terest iag report of the militant meet ia England that h a s y e t ed ia any called "John Ball a Militant

i s written be. J. K vik. T h e article shows erxacCy la

t y H does not of

Other Apr!

for U t i l e Claftorem.* a y

E. Je^ernon: - A Trip t s Italy.- hy

WHAT SiO CiO FOR THIS W&iuiW Fbe Price She Paid for Ljda

poond Which Broogbt Good rieaitB.

CASTOR IA - M - . w W TK « K l*qiU& *£