- changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

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Page 1: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases



Page 2: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood- more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

Breathing Rate

Page 3: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

- a muscle beneath your lungs that contracts and relaxes to help move gases into and out of your lungs


Page 4: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-breathing air in- lungs expand and chest rises- diaphragm contracts

-breathing out carbon dioxide and wastes- lungs relax and chest falls-Diaphragm relaxes

inhaling exhaling

Page 5: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-air enters lungs containing oxygen- air passes from lungs to circulatory system (blood)- blood carries oxygen and digestive system supplies glucose to same cells- oxygen from cells releases energy from glucose- carbon dioxide and water are waste products- wastes are carried back to lungs by blood and are exhaled back out

cellular respiration

Page 6: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

- Lung cancer- 23 times higher risk for males and 11 times higher risk for females- Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema- 5 times higher risk- Heart Disease- 2 times higher risk- chemicals in tobacco are poisons and destroy cells- high temperatures, smoke, and carbon monoxide can injure cells- secondhand smoke- inhaling smoke from others that are smoking, also unhealthy and can harm the respiratory system

Smoking and Respiratory Problems

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-Smoking-Polluted air-Coal dust-asbestos

Causes of Respiratory Problems

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-Caused by bacteria, viruses or other micro-organisms- usually affects upper respiratory system- from nose to pharynx- can cause irritation and swelling in larynx, trachea, and bronchi

Common Cold

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-Caused by a virus- can affect many body systems- virus multiplies in the cells of the alveoli and damages them

Influenza (the flu)

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-Infection in the alveoli- can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or other micro-organisms- can be treated with antibiotics


Page 11: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-Bronchial tubes are irritated and swell, and too much mucus is produced- bronchitis can be treated with antibiotics and clears up within a few weeks, if not it is called chronic bronchitis- person coughs a lot to clear mucus from airway, but it damages cilia and bronchial tubes and scar tissue can form and the respiratory system cannot perform properly


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-Disease that causes alveoli in the lungs to enlarge- when cells in alveoli swell, they release an enzyme that causes walls of alveoli to break down- causes less oxygen in the bloodstream and shortness of breath- often develop heart problems because heart has to work harder to supply oxygen to body cells


Page 13: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-3rd leading cause of death in U.S.- greatest cause is inhaling tar in cigarette smoke- carcinogens- substances that can cause uncontrolled growth of cells

Lung Cancer

Page 14: - changes depending on amount of carbon dioxide in your blood - more carbon dioxide, breathing rate increases

-Lung disorder that can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing- asthma attack- bronchial tubes contract quickly, medicines in inhalers relax the tubes- often an allergic reaction to a foreign substance- attacks can be caused by cigarette smoke, plant pollen, certain foods, or stress
