. CELEBRATE AI TWiN JOUL KO. IBO. m M NO STAY OF -liF EXECUTION I IS DESIREDjih Convicted Woman, Anxious toj ^ Begin Serving Her Term, Has New I Clotlies Packed All Ready to I ^ , Leave i --------- ' l a NO SHOW OF EMOTION AS j S” SHE RECEIVES SENTENCE -Z I ___ __ a c Commitment- to Penitentiary' Expected to Be Ready Wed- a , . nbsday, When Prisgner Goes to Boise with Sheriff J " ‘* j ^ ])Iani In tbe presmco of a crowd whleh . flUcd the b!ff courtroom, Lyd* Moy. or .Sotilhard, coavlrtod polaonor of Edward T. Moyor,. her fonrth htu- band, uid charged coUatwally with the-murder of throe previous ^ husbands and a brothor-In-law, was ) thla momlng scntoncod to an Indo- ; J®' tonnmato term In the Idaho'aUto .Zuclo\ poaftcntlaiy of from, 10 yoara to | lonna. ui». .I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed ho r,'" ' oyn.i upon the bench ami rccclvcd tliyl (ontcnco witiiout a tromor. I H 5 Noti<o of appenl wa* filej by her. atlorncvR but n^'atay of cxceution ofj 1 T?ntein“o ■wa8-not'as>ed-i»nd it j ildercil llkolj - that l-onunllmpnt will | follnw In a few .'days. ' '■ Packs'Eer'Bebnglnsa. V '. MCT-'BoQtliaid Testetduy packed up all her ,beloogln^^about tbo 'I county Jail tuul.' aecording t9 hisr L, .. ' attornoya, haa expressed'» wlili to livIUtll ' bogln Bervlns. her senttnre at once. : __ Under Idnlio law,'tho duration of In* 1 " dotorni’nato sentences <s Inrgety In thf ' homls of (he stato litrdou board. Mrs. , Soulhtinl may or nay not bo ffiron credit for Rood behavior. ' Up to Pardon BosnL l^uftyai 6ho nmy bi> relcosod upon sorvlnjj by thi her miolwiim term or slio may remain ‘laj't c ia prUm for tho bWaneo of hor natural po»«c8' Ufe. On tho other hand, nctlon cuttinR nnrthfl tho tcrtU to Ibsa'th'anTon years l« wllIi- luR to In the diserotlon of tho pardon boardi Tlio ir ParoaU Are Absent Mra. Southard appeared in court CapI alone oxcept for bear attorneys. Her er^ft, hnsh.tnd loft for San Priaclsco last man ai night to resume hla'position as a in hin potty Officer la the navy. Except, officer fer tho addition of a blsek hat.the u-ag ;] dofondant had made no ch ^e^ In pursuit - het costumo. la appeiranco ah« t^rikii was roto but not noticeably nor- Speaks W ithout Tromor. j(|IIU| Jlor lyes wcro sunken. Hor lips, do-junlll void of cojpr, jtavp no tremor-ns. sho ny •ojienod tliem to spoAk. . ! Uf '\Vlieu askoil to atnnd.and receive hor j • Ul BcntflRce, nlio arose with nn nierl movc-| ment, fnccd JmlRn Bnbcock, then >T)r>{eT Rlnnctfil ilorrn to her couniiel nnd await-j _ cd calmly tho words which would fir' the terrn nf years aho must i-xpeet' toi norvo {M hnvinff poisoned Edward F. ■ Hcycr.', i LOB Crowda Pack Courtroom. j c. Bui Lod,; beforo tlio botir fixed hy thj'miirdM court for paMinR nentence upA lho [foro tl i‘onvIctcd womnn, tbo courtroom was!bearin' ‘flllod with pcoplo. Every BC.it had been Iscekinj ■filled iin hour before 0:30, tho tlmo forj Irial 1). esurt io conveiip. When JnflRo Bab-iThcfli co^ entered tho room nnd mounted tlio dnvits ' bench, Ihero waa no stnndlpg room reritin amilab'o, and the great lobby wo* jam- imd th med wilh peoplo anxious tA lea^n the to file fato of tiie woman. ' thoso 1 JnreraAre Present. lathethro^ wore many mca I ' wbo liad soiTod on.tho Jury wblch. Itlul foond Mrs. Southard gi^ty. These came-witi Ui6lt w im , to loara the iC t sentence tmder the verdict wblch thoy themsclvea had fotmd.. Bnt TEH thero wai no word from thom. SU- rMelvc ently they heard the sontonce, and of dls ailently thoy loft tho courtroom Workoi whon rocoss was taken for confer- nut ex cnco between l&a. Southard and triet bi ; hflr attorneys. - nutT3n Piles note of AppeaL '«■ F oUowIbr tho Mntcnee, and ofUr rontv'H 'c wilh their client, nttorncya fori’Mr«. Southnrd filed nollr.o of np- poal-and hn ordor of court ,lssood for I n tranHfripl of tho testlmnny-taken at , the'itit weeks trial. Forty day* • was g^N • allowcil in which fo mako the tn u f Roscoo , script which will bo of moro thon COOO ,iauRht type-written paRCS. Miss V Will Leave Wednesday. day ur No sWy of exception was aiked, aad both si ■______________________________________^ tlic trJ fOoslinQod OB Pace Tonr) fourtcc ARMlSflCfe DA^ THE ONLY ASSOC Sf FA NTENGESM i YEARS T ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- French Prei For Open Shouting BViends R [ Put End to Plan UL, For Day of Quiet p New Logion Oommondor Mot by ] Band, and Crowds When " Ho Sooks Bost I MABOK OITY, Iowa. Han- I fctd (Jack) MocKidet, new nation- al American Legion commander, bome for a day of qoiot and rest, fonnd a band and 1,000 howling lyi townspeople whon ho stopped off a cralu at B;SO o'clock this mom- t6 . Ing. He vaa token to hia home at ni . the heod of a long pande. nl A spcakin({ eiiKaKcmcnt nl a Y. M- C. A. .fnthor-and'sons banquet and a cpc mutiloipal roci-ption nt tlie armory u«- ^ dcr tho uuspici's of tho Loificm post hero |VIj will break further into thc colpnol’s plon loT a quiet day nt liome. _ Legicji headquarters-will remain in rOac Indiaunpolis, MJirNider Jianl, pj NEBBABKA ^ANK OLOSED . . St BY STATE BANK BXAMDTEE NOlll-'OLK, Neb., (/P)-TIic Parmers’ Slnto Lmik of .WiiiBlili', Neb., wns clot i-d todnv Iiud Is iu tbc bntiils^of Paul Zuelow,’ stnto bank cxniulnor. Bni'l j,. Ioans.nnd.coniilnnt wlthiir.wnls nro Riv- j on by the exnminer ua the cnuso of tbo fnllnro. He oiitininti'i! the lots at .about j,o,iof. ?200,0i)'j. flchodt onrllci M E M i U B pS iP i Mutiny at. Sea Results In Im- cnl prisonment of Officers— wJ; Steam IJp River . mo » ______ commi BUE.N09 iIHE8, m ~ ,.,1'^ rho imval cadets on board the Para- Tuayan • Runboat Adolfo Ilintielmc, lod .i,-,. '>y tho ehiof gunner, miitlnled yestor- .} Iny, overpowered'tho commnnd, tooK losscssion of the, warship nnd steamod ° j mrthward up tho Parana river, nccord- ^ „ g UR to dlspnlcher frotn Asuncttm todny. ,, , rho Incident is said not to bo connect- !d with Ihe present distuiboil pollticnl ^ illiiatlon, lu rtirflffuay. Captain Joss, in commnnd of the Nl] I rrnft, who 1# snid to bo n fonner Qer- IH 1 nan submnrino eommnnder, wns locked [111 I n biB ciililn, accordinR to ono of tb i ifficera who wns put osboro becnuso bc vas ill. flevoral vestels wore sont in lursult of the Adolfo Riquelmo, which | ^Tilts ft bnUjry ot {out pins, 1 IIIYOFICHHD« ByBiDjiiviTs )o(enflo Aflks Time for Farther I‘IT' Proof AlloBed Slajor is OII M ontal Bolanqo urockc i- . ---------- Till' LOB ANOELES, Cal., (/P>-Arlhur monlh ;. Burch, indictcd foi thc purported exploi; nurder of JI Belton Kennedy, \vns bc- mni'hli Oro the superior eourt,tndny for thc nions. icnrin;: of n motion by hir pttornoyp. The coking to hnvo his inianity tested by oral w rial liofore tho murder chnrgo Is tried, nicn c( ihc niHtrney prcsotlcd 25 alfi- nilnen Invits from nlionints nnd others, nil work> eeiting Ibnt thoy lieliovod Burc.h sane, bnvo nd tho latter's nllorncys nsked leavo mine. 0 file moro nffidavits in rupport of hoso thcv offorcd last wi"-k nttneking O'TT lir Insanity. 'ndiana Coal Miners ^ Return to Their Tfor?: TERRE HAUTE, Ind., ffl^Beporls c<elved this morning at headquartora "•m f district Number 11, United Mine 7orkors of .^cricn, Indicate that with- ut exception thc miners of tho dis- rict bn^,followed tho Instructions sont utTSnturdny by President .Tohn Hess- („nsuj >r nnd have returned to -frork. ,|on p| ------ li wnn irbuckle Trial Goes 3 '', Over For One Week n<cipt '' police. SAN PRANCISCO, (/P)-Th6 trial of toscoo,. (Fatty) Arbucklo ifor man- OBllM laughter, growing out of tbo doath of ilss Virginin Rappc, waa continued to- NEV ay unlll Nbromoer 14 by conient of for tb oth sides. Tbo court announced that opened he trial positively would begin on the .^0 I n ourtcenth. '. . 2 .1-4 j TWIN f OCIATED PRESS NEWS l LLS TWIN PA IM , IDAHO. UON] Mmn ro THE El emierSuppi 1 Door Ih c ITIIIITFIILIIS I IET W li I H S ip ii' Sala Attire a n i Wild Acclaim Meet Marshal Foch as He En- ters Cities of .Michigari on His Tour ■RENCHMAN AND PARTY MAKE TRIP FROM CHICAGO •oacB Can Only Oomo Whon Wo Fight for It, Says tho Notod Strategist' in His Spoeoh in Ohieago DETROIT, Alich., (/p)-Detroit was • gnla ntlire lodny In hunorlnfj Mar- ini Kordlnnad Poch. hero of heroes. , An nitcrnoon nnd evening filled with Diion for llie nHldl lender wns on tho ?hodule, follon-ing rcfpoets pnid him irllcr in the dayuil Cnmp Custer, nonr alllo Creok, nnd Ann Arbor. Tho iimrshal nnd his party, coming -om niileago, reached tho camp oarly )t\av, vbcro hc dcilitnUi' lb* i<ow itlon that will enro fnr lllchlgan for- iJr Horvieo men, nddrosscd tho thou- mds wbo cnmo to greet him, and then nde ft brief inspection tour. ' ___ MUST nOHT FOE PEAOB fl CHICAOO, (^-Two short parn. U raplis in Marshal Foeh'a last (poech I I Chieago opitomlilnR thO'peace mea * Ige (if II war lender wero'promlnontlv immoptcd on today: ‘*Peaco—AVe ahall bavc it soon o.n 10 same conditions that wo got war. 'fl mast fight for It In thc moral ihcre os wo did In Jho physical sphere, cnco hofc boen promised from thc firrl Amj gilt nt ChrisUaalty only to men. lod TMll. - . • to “ Qoiid will must bo in the bottom of lO hcaTt; -wWhout il, it Sa only n sham laeo.' * W, liD[SMB!l 81 EKPLOSi I --------- Etn lachinery, Tipple and Stope is .Wi'ecked by Two Shots— i. Workers Out on Strike H;;,' --------- nionn 1‘ITTfinURG, Kan., {^/-T ho ‘rm.nll i»iH inc 'It’ Ihc BucgcSs Coal eompany, ow In oi Ue south of Mulberry, nlis completely fcmb rocked by two explosions enrly toJny. cnco. Tlie llpplo wns ilcitroyed nnd tlio fmm' oiilh_ of Ibo stopo caved in by. tho nnytl :ploiions. Motora and ottier eleclric.'il nnd ^ nehlntry woro ruinod bv thc-oxplo Amei ms. chan: The mino has been operated for.fov. To al wivks in spite of tho jrTlkt®JIicht scusii cn eompriso tno company, all of them poinl iners, nnd Iboy havo-dono nil of the the , ork T.I tho mmo; 8ix"'of* tlic__men IVO iTcn workln;j regularly at tlin JAP. ine. 5: was aald thla morning. S: TICK-UPHAUL NETS BANDITS bunc ^ ofkale "^ [askod Mon Eob Movio House Inry •in Portland and Mako Got. • nn i away with Oaah PORTLAND, Oro., (flV-Throo mask- men today hold np nnd robbed the insurer of tho Llborty theater, a mo- Tl m piSture house, two girl nshors and .md- mnn who was in the theater, ntf!! cs- incrc ped wlfh botwcen $7,000 n n i #10,000 cas r sh, tho Snturdny night and Sunday ins cclpts, nccording to a report to the Knrl Uce.. , GBMAN MABKS D EOlSra ' T FOUBTH OONSEOUnVE DAT TC NEW YORK, {/p>—Oerman marks, back r tbo fourth consocntlvo iay. today footl 'cnod at &■now law tecocd, wUing at ntftnt 9 1r2 cents, Thu was a decllno of Hia .1-4 pointa from Saturday'f low. ' an < FALLS Wi I h VSPAPER IN TWIN FA. DAIL )NDAT, JTCVEMBBE 7, lOgl HARD TO 5 : n d o f h e mtsAmeri yhimAs Ni B l? . vo waBKfmW: l i i i i i l i F IM FOI I .mcrican Delegation-Jhojight Simr to Have Completed Plan fcr Wi Disarmament Proposal WAGmNOa*ON, D. C., (/Ph-Tl‘c Am- . V lean delegation lo tho conference on. othi nilntlun of nnnanient and Pacific nnd bon tr Eaatcrn quesllons wns acnin In seS' i , moa on tndny in Socretnry Hitnbei’ office/ ' ject There. ^5 r e a s a boliovo that ; th'o-<lele‘gatlori" haa sow arrived at , "'is the fomiuJa for limitation of naval , nim i^ents wWch It wDlTwosont to . tbo coaferonce aa tho ^ e ii a n ' WA suggestion. The absence' o r navy 'mons. experts from today's acsJloa. tend- iu ur( ed to Btrongthon thla vlow. hm nn It mny bo stnled authorllntlvoly thftt I""' 1 ndv/inco outline ot tho Amoricnn at- '’I'""* tuiIe rnd suceostlnns-aiio way« nml '''Hi' ' cnns .if limitation of naval nmmmenls ill b.? given, -fflrmally or Informnlly, . cilhi-,- delegtiUoRs prior ttv lUc «*• inbtlnir of the International confer- ICO. The oonferenco. It '^ra-s ndded, ''■'••'fi’' nm il! vcry natnre, cnnnot nrrivo at Sen lything but nnanimous conclusions ro)nili id thal fact mnkes Inadvisnble, in the Ihnl 1 mcrican view, any pjollminary inter- ii]>on tango of views, Tomorrflh- there wlll be hold thc first |„„ioi; ■ssion of thc ndviaory committee Sip- 1,0,ig, lintcd by President Harding to nsslslljp,,] , le Amoricnn dclognllort m. ^ APANESE PEACE SOCIETY ' 1','IIL SENDS ENVOY TO OONTBBBNOB o r i l WASHIN'OTON, P. C.. (flV-Y. Bry- jeM'nt n Ynmnshiln. represenllng thc i^ an -!to nn IC port-e society, has nrrlved In -Wash- i iRlon to ntleml lho,cnnfctonco on tim*'DCR flUrin nf nrniamom. Mr. Ynmashlta-'^*-'^ imo In till' Uiillod Stales at,:tbe ngel ( f 1?) nnd. be snid. recoiveS bis cdueft-i on “ nl (he hands of” 'formcr Sccrc- ;ry of Stnte William .V.,Br>-an, then a Imitnictor nt the Umversily of No- ^ rnska. " ' n . PEIOE ADVANCED IN , J'T! MIDDLE WESTESN FIELDS “r TUI.£A, Okln. { ^ T h o Prairie Oil iho® 1 iid'fhi’i compaay Inday announced nn 'piii.i icreaso In Iho prico of Oklohomn, Kan- lorem is nnd Tein* oil. Oklnhomn and Knn ,jj„ . IS oil wns advnnced In $2 n barrc’. criji, ’orth and Central Texas oil. went fo aarrii - In FOOTBALL PLAYEE KILLED. TOLEDO. 0„ (/P)-Cnr;olon Mnnna^ ' ick, 17, 'fullliaek on a local amatenr . lotball team, Mjis killed almost in- ■anlly uhtIhr .n cfttnc how yostctday. 1 ia neck waa broken when ho tacklci _.nor a opposing, player. tigl THE AMERIGO 'ALLS COVNTY ii NE m fm ER NATURi icalnDecla Necessary Fi f^ranc “N W49BA 'fm fiw .h AGRE ''' ^ 'S.'*' Worlc ^ ta ’S ' Att ' . ' / f or ||B v : ' B l' pcnce • R '' H * can tiUcnd r fnl 1 _______________ ________________ the 1 claw w im m E aiEiisiiiii to nllof immons Declares that Harding "•""" W ants to Pay Soldiers from "o» Foreign-Interest ------- -- hack tc WASHINQTON, D. 0., An- mingle other effort to write the aoidlen' diors 0: bonu.1 bill Into the tax revltion whom 1 moaacTO failed today, the senate n- us as t> jecUnff, 42 to 20, tho Blmmoas J>ack f. amondmont proposing to pay the bo- youtha nus cut of the interoat on t)ia for- right a elgn debt the law ------ Ihonv. WA.sniNOTON, (/P)-Scnator Sim- ?“ ' ' ’» " ms.'deraDcrnt. North C.irolina, today ‘1*^,:° urging in Ibo senato acceptance .of ^ nmcndmeni to tho tax rovision bill ® prnvidr for payment of tho foldlor nus (Hi of lho interest on tho for* npp.. 'II dol)t. snid ho hcllevcd that wai oround' f latenfjnn of Presidont Harding j,;,tion. Ill riM|n'ft tn the lionni. This vlow j],g jj.', 10 WMS taken by flcnntor iic.Cumbar, Nnrlh Dakotn, one of those In p„ti I.nri’o of Iho lax .bill. ternnl Scniitiir Ivftdge nf JliiMacliusetts, the which . inili'icnri Icnilcr, tnok tho position coantr'i nl lho bonus should not be contlngcnl snme ;• >on sc unccrtoin n I’ropurition. iinbn'i Whenovor wn pny the bonus, as wc the pei idoubli'dly sbali,’’ said Senator i' ndgo. “ I w.int tho pn.mcnt to bo n profit nl ',m.''mcnl. Tills propoiltlon, under le pretense of giving n bonus, gives ily nn iincortninty. No bno enn tell f<‘P''b',i hen Wf- will begin lo get tbo interest TfP*''"' I thr credits given to thft . foreign ■untries. We corlnlnly nre nol going '' , UHC fc.rco to eolleot It.'- mle ai __________ the'foi eru ;TO USE STAMPS TO S'"v .COLIECT DEFENSE FUND “ 1,.", ^ sont nl anato BUI Provldaa for Tax on Liq. "wered non, Oandlea and Automohllea Thrpngh Use of Adhesives, LIM.X,-Pern. (;(p)—Funds for nation- uj ^ defoiiso will be secaro.l by a patrl- jon mi ic stnmp tax, if a MU approved by jtv in 10 Periivlnn senate becomes a law. }((,, y, Ills .H't creates a 10 per eenl ad va- {joldii, rcm,inx nn llqnnrs, perfumes and cnn- bcnefic ies ini) n one nr two per ccnt tte,'»«- .jommn irdinu 'tn price, on nutomo)illcs''/tn?F ■rriagek. . nnlnjal In addition ll creates a tax, lo be P kv lid once only on all nutnmoblles act- reser\-3 illy in nrc. on« ui ------- I .....-..I ^ lo g , CO IDAHO mOATHEE ' J” Tonight and TueiJay fair, toldjT npon ■v .north nnd southoait- portions to- . _ _ tijht. ( AN LEQI 0S swg ' PEIOB FIVB:OBNT-- AL LIFE iration W Peace eFIRST sm i'sii DFPiEll; ino» Will Join in Endeavor to \vert War but Must Have ‘Nothing to Fear for Own Safety,” Premier Asserts REES WIThT m ERICA ON OPEN DOOR POLicy rid Wonts Not. Only Sooth- Ig Words, tint Soalltlss, Ds- ilores Prime Hinlster Hero to Ittend Conforenoe KW YORK, (/p)—France is roody t« ,ln every cndonvor to avert new a ‘-provided rho'has nothing tn foar bor uwn security, which remains of Ibo most-iCoHd guarnnlcoa of the :o iiMho world," said Premier Atls- ■ Brlnnd in n mossago to thp Amori' iiL'Oplo npon his nrrlbl today to nd the nrnianicn|t cooferoncc al. A^ngton; -' -. UTor to lead the men and peoples- r good will to peaceful u d fnxlt.' a work to rednoe aors and more le.rliks of war,” the premier de- owd. ‘'Today tlio world, which Is- . such need 'of aafety and rest u ts not only soothing .words bnt allUes.” le ff«wd gave premier and his pay; 1 ' rousing welcomo aa ?hoy atoppcd rc from tho steamship Lafayette, clal welcoming coromonlcs, which ked Ibe arrival of other dologatlona Iio •:onfcrcnce, wcro dispensed with Ilow M. Rriand to go fo Warhington ndJ."^' V Tribute t* ’Soldiers, Dn setting foot on the soil of tho t Amerieaa repubUe^’ said U. Hti- s nicssAgo, "m y firat thought goes : to those who gonorously cnmo to.- • fle tbelr blood with that of the aol- I of Frnneo, "back tq^thoao fighters n fho United States sent,over to 1 tbr mott precious thing tney had, : t'l those nuignifleent high aoutrd ha with hcroic hoarts who * lh fo r i and for liberty with a smllo to. land that hoa 'piously .■entombei) k. -,To lhe« fnmilics Franco now s me as a noar relative. I nm com- !o iissuro them that tho recollection loro heroca Is‘deeply graven in tho t of every Frenchman. Becognlm Obllgatlos. ' i'o;' centuries Franco hns )ioen the nd cf tho grcnt atrugglcs for dvll- nn. The last war has shown that Isirblo to uphold her ideal tb tho ffll limit 0! sacTiflco. Sho 'knows nrlicuUir wbnt sho owis to the-fra - il devotion, to the mightv help h ^meri(ti broughi her. Tho two tr-n nro henceforth 'mlfod la tho ‘ j,'l(iry. Tlioy feel ithafthis'vcrj- n'provides thn best guarnntce for penco of the world ,nnd'that tho I latorests'of mankind cannot but it hy tbolr cloro nnd Intimate co- ation. If. r» primo minister of tho French ib'io, I did not hesitate, in-»pllo of cnc difficulties, to leavo ihy coun- it was, first, booamio iVaTltod to g over boro Iho tribute of her grati-' I and nl Ihn snmo timo to'show fhot fotoinnsl thought of overy French- IS peace. Wo know too well, alas, t Tcnr means nnd Iho toll it takos. to voarn for pcaco wilh heart nnd . K'.\ M won ftt.PrcRldcnt Hnrdmg nut his noble eall, a y coantry an- red present.and hero'l am demon., le the earnest, good'will of Franco 'vi-ry jneans In mv power. Hopes for Opportiadty. I earnestly trust that tho Washing meeting will give ns an opporlnn in this rcspcct. Franco nnd Amer- yostorday united on the battlo lit, will thur centinBC to, -p^ay tbelr ;ficcnt part, in dorivlng from tbolr , mnn .rletajy aojjr^csult# as wlU ' 'orm wilh tW fdcaliraVat hM W aaled fhem.” rcmler Hrlaad, who.anid ho would' r\-o formal comment op tho confer- 1until ho had seen Proildant Hafa- . comoa with the purpoio.ef tsslat* .' during the first 12 davi «f;tlie eoa- ace In detorminbg ,the';wl^plBS .' 1 ■•BrWeh eubsoquflnt'Ietalla tb i, w*'.- 1 (OonttnMd «■ Pit*

CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

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Page 1: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i



m M


Convicted W om an, Anxious to j Begin Serving Her Term , Has New

I Clotlies Packed All Ready to I ^ , Leave i ■

--------- ' ’ l a


I ___ __a c

Commitment- to P e n ite n tia ry ' Expected to Be Ready W ed- a ,

. nbsday, W hen P risgner Goes to Boise w ith S heriff ■ J " ‘*j

^ ‘ ])Ian i

I n tbe p resm co o f a crowd whleh . flUcd the b!ff courtroom, Lyd* Moy.

or .Sotilhard, coav lrtod polaonor of Edw ard T. Moyor,. her fonrth htu- band, u id charged coUatwally w ith the-m urder o f throe previous ^ husbands and a brothor-In-law, was

) thla momlng scntoncod to an Indo- ; J®' tonnm ato term In th e Idaho 'aU to .Zuclo\ poaftcntlaiy of from , 10 yoara to | lonna. ui». . I ' nbj

E iu ln . H ti H «m . ' “ 'J J Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed h o r , '" '

oyn.i upon the bench ami rccclvcd tliyl (ontcnco witiiout a tromor. I H

5 Noti<o of appenl wa* file j by h e r. atlorncvR but n^ 'atay of cxceution o f j 1

T?ntein“o ■wa8-not'as>ed-i»nd i t jildercil l lk o lj - th a t l-onunllmpnt will | follnw In a few .'days. ' '■

P a c k s 'E e r 'B eb n g ln sa . V '. MCT-'BoQtliaid T estetduy packed

up a ll her ,b e lo o g ln ^ ^ a b o u t tbo 'I county Jail tuul.' aecording t9 hisr L , .. ' a ttornoya, haa exp ressed '» w lili to livIUtll

' bogln Bervlns. he r sen ttn re a t once. : __ Under Idnlio la w ,'th o duration of In* 1 "

dotorni’nato sentences <s Inrgety In th f ' homls of (he sta to litrdou board. Mrs. ,

Soulhtinl may or n a y not bo ffiron cred it fo r Rood behavior. '

U p to Pa rdon BosnL l^uftyai6ho nmy bi> relcosod upon sorvlnjj by thi

her miolwiim term or slio may remain ‘laj't c ia p rU m for tho bWaneo of hor natural po»«c8' Ufe. On tho o the r hand, nctlon cuttinR nnrthfl tho tcrtU to Ibsa'th 'anT on years l« wllIi- luR to In the diserotlon o f tho pardon boardi Tlio ir

Pa roaU A re A bsent Mra. Southard appeared in court CapI

alone oxcept fo r bear attorneys. H er er^ ft, hnsh.tnd lo ft fo r S a n P riaclsco la st man ai n igh t to resume h la 'position a s a in hin

■ po tty Officer la th e navy. Except, officer f e r tho addition o f a b lsek ha t.th e u-ag ;] dofondant had m ade no c h ^ e ^ In pursuit

- he t costumo. l a appeiranco ah« t^ rik ii was roto bu t n o t noticeably nor-

Speaks W ithou t Tromor. j(|IIU| Jlor lyes wcro sunken. H or lips, d o - j u n l l l

void of cojpr, jtavp no trem or-ns. sho n y •ojienod tliem to spoAk. . ! U f

'\Vlieu askoil to a tnnd .and receive hor j • U l BcntflRce, nlio arose w ith nn nierl movc-| ment, fnccd JmlRn Bnbcock, then >T)r>{eT Rlnnctfil ilorrn to her couniiel nnd aw ait-j _ cd calmly tho w ords which would f i r ' the terrn nf years aho must i-xpeet' to i norvo {M hnvinff poisoned Edward F. ■Hcycr.', i LOB

Crowda P a c k Courtroom. j c . Bui Lod,; beforo tlio botir fixed hy th j'm iirdM

court for paMinR nentence upA lho [foro tl i‘onvIctcd womnn, tbo courtroom w as!bearin '

‘flllod w ith pcoplo. E very BC.it had been Iscekinj ■filled iin hour before 0:30, tho tlmo fo rj Irial 1). e su rt io conveiip. W hen JnflRo B a b - iT h cf li c o ^ entered tho room nnd mounted tlio dnvits

' bench, Ihero waa no stnndlpg room reritin am ilab 'o , and the g rea t lobby wo* jam- imd th med wilh peoplo anxious tA lea^n the to file

■ fato of tiie woman. ' thoso 1Jn re ra A re Present.

l a t h e t h r o ^ wore m any m ca I 'wbo liad soiTod on .tho Jury w b lc h . I t l u lfoond Mrs. Southard g i^ ty . These „cam e-w iti Ui6lt w i m , t o loara th e i C t sentence tm der th e v e rd ic t wblchthoy themsclvea h a d fo tm d.. B n t TEHthero w ai no w ord from thom. SU- rMelvcently they heard th e sontonce, and o f dlsailently thoy lo f t tho courtroom Workoiwhon rocoss w as ta k e n for confer- nu t excnco betw een l& a. Southard and tr ie t bi

; hflr attorneys. - nutT3nPiles n o te o f AppeaL '«■

F oUowIbr tho M ntcnee, and ofUr ro n tv 'H 'c wilh th e ir client, nttorncya fori’Mr«. Southnrd filed nollr.o o f np-

■ poa l-and hn ordor o f court ,lssood for I n tranHfripl o f tho testlm nny-taken a t

, th e 'i t i t weeks tr ia l. F o rty day* • was g ^ N• allowcil in which fo mako the t n u f Roscoo, script which will bo o f moro thon COOO ,iauRht

type-w ritten paRCS. Miss VW ill Leave W ednesday. day ur

No sWy of exception was a iked , aad both si■______________________________________ tlic trJ

fOoslinQod OB P ace Tonr) fourtcc


Sf FANTENGESM i YEARS T------------------------------------------------------------------- --

French Prei For Open

Shouting BViends R [ P u t End to P lan UL, F o r Day of Quiet p

New Logion Oommondor Mot by ] B a n d , a n d C r o w d s W h e n

" H o S o o k s B o s t I

MABOK OITY, Iowa. H an- I f c td (Jack ) MocKidet, new na tion ­a l American Legion commander, bome fo r a day of qoiot and re st,

■ fonnd a band and 1,000 how ling lyi townspeople whon ho stopped o ffa cralu a t B;SO o'c lock th is mom- t6

. Ing. H e v a a token to hia home a t n i. th e heod of a long p a n d e . n l

A spcakin({ eiiKaKcmcnt n l a Y. M-C. A . .fnthor-and'sons banquet and a c p cmutiloipal roci-ption nt tlie armory u«- • ^dcr tho uuspici's of tho Loificm post hero |VIj will break fu rther into thc colpnol’splon loT a quiet day n t liome. _

Legicji headquarters-w ill remain in r O a cIndiaunpolis, MJirNider Jianl, • p j


■ NOlll-'OLK, Neb., ( /P )-T Iic Parm ers’Slnto Lmik of .WiiiBlili', Neb., wns clot i-d todnv Iiud Is iu tbc bntiils^of Paul Zuelow,’ stnto bank cxniulnor. Bni'l j,. Ioans.nnd.coniilnnt w lthiir.w nls nro Riv- j on by the exnminer ua the cnuso of tbo fnllnro. He oiitininti'i! the lots a t .about j,o,iof. ?200,0i)'j. flchodt

• onrllci

M E M i U B p S i P i

Mutiny a t. S ea Results In Im - cnl prisonm ent of O fficers— w J ;

S team IJp River . mo »______ commi

BUE.N09 iIH E 8 , m ~ , . , 1 '^rho imval cadets on board the Para- Tuayan • Runboat Adolfo Ilintielmc, lod . i , - , . '>y tho ehiof gunner, miitlnled yestor- .}Iny, overpow ered 'tho commnnd, tooK losscssion of the, warship nnd steamod ° j m rthw ard up tho Parana river, nccord- ^ „ g UR to dlspnlcher frotn Asuncttm todny. , , , rho Incident is said not to bo connect- !d w ith Ihe present distuiboil pollticnl ^ illiiatlon, lu rtirflffuay. ’

C aptain Joss, in commnnd of the Nl] I rrnft, who 1# snid to bo n fonner Qer- IH 1 nan submnrino eommnnder, wns locked [111 I n biB ciililn, accordinR to ono of t b i • ifficera who wns put osboro becnuso bc vas ill. flevoral vestels wore sont in lursult of the Adolfo Riquelmo, w hich |^T ilts ft bnU jry o t {out p in s , 1


)o (e n f lo A flk s T im e f o r F a r t h e r I‘IT ' Proof AlloBed Slajor is OII

M o n ta l B o la n q o urockc■i- . ---------- Till'

LOB ANOELES, Cal., ( /P > -A rlhu r monlh;. Burch, indictcd fo i thc purported exploi;nurder of JI Belton Kennedy, \vns bc- mni'hliOro the superior eourt,tndny fo r thc nions.icnrin;: o f n motion by hir pttornoyp. Thecoking to hnvo his in ian ity tested by oral wrial liofore tho murder chnrgo Is tried , nicn c(ihc niHtrney prcso tlcd 25 a lfi - n ilnenInvits from nlionints nnd others, nil work>eeiting Ibn t thoy lieliovod Burc.h sane, bnvond tho la t te r 's nllorncys nsked leavo mine.0 file moro nffidavits in rupport ofhoso thcv offorcd last wi"-k nttneking O 'T T lir Insanity .

'ndiana Coal Miners Return to Their T f o r ? :

T E R R E HAUTE, Ind., f f l^ B e p o r ls c<elved th is morning a t headquartora " •m f d is tric t Num ber 11, U nited Mine 7orkors o f . ^ c r i c n , Indicate th a t with- u t exception thc miners o f tho dis- r ic t bn^ ,fo llo w ed tho Instructions sont utTSnturdny by President .Tohn Hess- („ n su j >r nnd have returned to -frork. , |o n p|

------ ■ — li wnn

irbuckle Trial Goes 3 '', Over For One Week n<cipt

' ' police.SAN PRANCISCO, (/P )-T h 6 tr ia l o f

toscoo,. (F a tty ) Arbucklo ifo r man- OBllM laughter, growing out of tbo doath of ilss V irginin Rappc, waa continued to- NEV ay u n lll N brom oer 14 by conient o f fo r tb oth sides. Tbo court announced th a t opened he tr ia l positively would begin on th e .^0 I n ourtcenth. ' . . 2 .1-4 j



M m nro THE ElemierSuppi 1 Door Ih cITIIIITFIILIIS I I E T W l i I H S i p i i '

Sala A ttire a n i W ild Acclaim M eet Marshal Foch a s He En­te rs Cities of .M ichigari on His Tour


•oacB Can Only Oomo Whon Wo Fight for It, Says tho Notod Strategist' in His Spoeoh in Ohieago

DETROIT, Alich., ( /p )-D e tro it was • gnla n tlire lodny In hunorlnfj Mar­ini Kordlnnad Poch. hero of heroes. , An nitcrnoon nnd evening filled with

Diion for llie nHldl lender wns on tho ?hodule, follon-ing rcfpoets pnid him irllc r in the dayuil Cnmp Custer, nonr alllo Creok, nnd Ann Arbor.Tho iimrshal nnd his party , coming

-om niileago, reached tho camp oarly )t\av, vb c ro hc dcilitnU i' lb* i<ow

itlon th a t will enro fn r lllch lgan for- iJr Horvieo men, nddrosscd tho thou- m ds wbo cnmo to g reet him , and then nde ft b rief inspection tour. ' ___

MUST n O H T FO E PEAOB f l CHICAOO, ( ^ - T w o short parn. U

raplis in M arshal Foeh 'a la s t (poech I I Chieago opitomlilnR thO 'peace mea *Ige (if II w ar lender w ero'promlnontlv immoptcd on today:‘*Peaco—AVe ahall bavc i t soon o.n

10 same conditions th a t wo got war.'fl mast figh t fo r I t In thc moral ihcre os wo did In Jho physical sphere, cnco hofc boen promised from thc f ir r l A m j gilt n t ChrisU aalty only to men. lod TMll. - . • to“ Qoiid will m ust bo in the bottom of lO hcaTt; -wWhout i l , i t Sa only n sham laeo.'

* W,

l i D [ S M B ! l 81 EKPLOSi I

■ --------- Etnlachinery, Tipple and Stope is .W i'ecked by Two Shots— i.

W orkers Out on S trik e H;;,'--------- nionn

1‘ITTfinURG, K an., { ^ / - T h o ‘rm.nll i»iHinc 'It’ Ihc BucgcSs Coal eompany, o w In oiUe south of Mulberry, n lis completely fcmbrocked by two explosions enrly toJny. cnco.Tlie llpplo wns ilcitroyed nnd tlio fmm'oiilh_ of Ibo stopo caved in by. tho nnytl:ploiions. Motora and ottier eleclric.'il nnd ^nehlntry woro ruinod bv thc-oxplo Ameims. ’ chan:The mino has been operated for.fov. Toal w ivks in spite of tho jrTlkt®JIicht scusiicn eompriso tno company, a ll o f them poinl iners, nnd Iboy havo-dono nil of the the , ork T.I tho mmo; 8ix"'of* tlic__menIVO iTcn w orkln;j regularly a t tlin JAP.ine. 5: w as aald thla m orning. S:


b u n c ^ o f k a l e "^[askod Mon Eob Movio House Inry •in Portland and Mako Got. • nn i

away with Oaah

PORTLAND, Oro., (flV -T hroo mask- men today hold np nnd robbed the

insurer of tho L lborty theater, a mo- T lm piSture house, two girl nshors and .md-mnn who w as in the theater, ntf!! cs- incrcped wlfh botwcen $7,000 n n i #10,000 cas r sh, tho Snturdny n igh t and Sunday inscclpts, nccording to a repo rt to the Knrl Uce.. ,


NEW YORK, {/p>—Oerman marks, backr tbo fourth consocntlvo ia y . today footl'cnod a t &■ now law tecocd, wUing a t ntftnt 9 1r2 cents, T h u was a decllno of Hia.1-4 pointa from Sa tu rday 'f low. ' an <



H A R D T O 5

:n d o f h e

mtsAmeri yhimAs Ni

B l ? . v o

w a B K f m W :

l i

i i i i l i F I M F O I I

.mcrican D elega tio n-Jho jigh t Simr to H ave Completed Plan fc r Wi

D isarm am ent ProposalWAGmNOa*ON, D. C., (/Ph-Tl‘c Am- . V lean delegation lo tho conference on . othi n iln tlun of nnnanient and Pacific nnd bon t r E aatcrn quesllons wns acnin In seS' i , moa on tndny in Socretnry H itnbei’ o f fice / ' jec t

There. ^5 r e a s a boliovo th a t ; th'o-<lele‘gatlori" haa sow arrived a t , " 'is the fom iuJa fo r lim itation of naval , n im i^ e n ts wWch I t wDlTwosont to . tbo coaferonce aa tho ^ e i i a n ' WA suggestion. The absence' o r navy 'm ons. experts from to d a y 's acsJloa. tend- iu ur( ed to Btrongthon thla vlow. hm nnIt mny bo s tn led authorllntlvoly thftt I""'

1 ndv/inco outline o t tho Amoricnn at- ' ’I'""* tuiIe rnd su c e o s t ln n s-a iio way« nml '''H i' ' cnns .if lim itation o f naval nmmmenls ‘ ill b.? given, -fflrmally o r Informnlly,. cilhi-,- delegtiUoRs prior ttv lUc «*• inbtlnir o f the International confer- ICO. The oonferenco. I t ' ra-s ndded, ''■'••'fi’' nm il! vcry natnre , cnnnot nrrivo a t Sen lything bu t nnanimous conclusions ro)nili id th a l fac t mnkes Inadvisnble, in the Ihnl 1 mcrican view, any pjollminary inter- ii]>on tango of views, •Tomorrflh- there wlll be hold thc f irs t |„„ioi;

■ssion of thc ndviaory committee Sip- 1,0,ig, lintcd by P resident H arding to n ssls lljp ,,] , le Amoricnn dclognllort • m. ^


WASHIN'OTON, P . C.. (flV -Y . Bry- jeM 'nt n Ynmnshiln. represenllng thc i ^ a n - ! t o nn IC port-e society, has nrrlved In -Wash- i iRlon to n tlem l lho,cnnfctonco on tim * 'D C R flUrin nf nrniamom. Mr. Y nm ashlta-'^*-'^ imo In till' Uiillod Stales at,:tbe ngel ( f 1?) nnd. be snid. recoiveS b is cdueft-i on “ n l (he hands o f ” 'fo rm cr Sccrc- ;ry of Stnte W illiam .V.,Br>-an, then a Im itnictor n t the Umversily of No- rnska. • " '


TUI.£A, O kln . { ^ T h o Pra irie Oil iho® 1iid'fhi’i compaay In d ay announced nn 'piii.iicreaso In Iho prico of Oklohomn, K an- loremis nnd Tein* oil. Oklnhomn and K nn , j j „ .IS oil wns advnnced In $2 n barrc’. c r i j i ,’orth and Central Texas oil. went fo aarrii

• - ■ In

FOOTBALL PLA Y EE KILLED.TOLEDO. 0 „ (/P)-Cnr;olon Mnnna^ '

ick, 17, 'fullliaek on a local am atenr . lotball team , Mjis killed almost in-■anlly uhtIhr .n cfttnc how yostctday. 1 ia neck waa broken when ho ta c k lc i _ .n o ra opposing, player. tig l


NEm f mE R N A T U R i

i c a l n D e c l a

N e c e s s a r y F i


“ NW49BA' f m f i w . h AGRE

' ' ' 'S .'* ' Worlc

^ t a ’S

' Att

■ ■ ' . ' / for| |B v : 'B l ' pcnce •R ' ' H

* cantiUcnd

r — fnl 1_______________ ________________ th e 1


w i m m E

a i E i i s i i i i i■ to nllof

immons Declares th a t H arding " • " " " W an ts to Pay Soldiers from "o»

Fo reign -In te rest------- -- hack tc

WASHINQTON, D. 0 ., An- mingleo th e r e ffo rt to w rite th e a o id len ' diors 0:bonu.1 b ill Into the ta x rev ltion whom 1moaacTO failed today, th e senate n - us as t>jecUnff, 42 to 20, tho Blmmoas J>ack f.amondmont proposing to pay th e bo- youthanus c u t o f the interoat on t)ia for- r ig h t aelgn d e b t the law

• ------ Ihonv.W A.sniNOTON, (/P )-S cn ato r Sim- ?“ ' ' ’» "ms.'deraDcrnt. North C.irolina, today ‘1*^,:° ‘urging in Ibo senato acceptance .of “ nmcndmeni to tho ta x rovision b ill ® prnv id r for payment o f tho foldlor

nus (Hi of lho interest on tho for* n pp ..'II dol)t. snid ho hcllevcd th a t w ai oround'f latenfjnn of Presidont H arding j,;,tion.Ill riM|n'ft tn the lionni. This vlow j],g jj.', 10 WMS taken by flcnntor iic.Cumbar,

Nnrlh Dakotn, one of those In p „ t i I.nri’o of Iho lax .bill. ternnl Scniitiir Ivftdge nf JliiMacliusetts, the which . inili'icnri Icnilcr, tnok tho position coantr'i nl lho bonus should not be contlngcnl snme ;• >on sc unccrtoin n I’ropurition. i in b n 'i “ Whenovor wn pny the bonus, as wc the pei idoubli'dly sbali,’’ said Senator i' ndgo. “ I w.int tho pn .m cnt to bo n profit nl ',m.''mcnl. Tills propoiltlon, under le pretense o f giving n bonus, gives ily nn iincortninty. No bno enn te ll f<‘P''b',i hen Wf- will begin lo get tbo in terest TfP*''"' I th r credits given to thft . foreign ■untries. We corlnlnly nre nol going '' , UHC fc.rco to eolleot I t . '- • mle ai

__________ th e 'fo i


— — sont nlanato BUI Provldaa for T ax on L iq . "wered n o n , Oandlea and Automohllea

Thrpngh Use of A dhesives,

LIM.X,-Pern. (;(p)—Funds for nation- u j ^defoiiso will be secaro.l by a patrl- jon mi

ic stnm p tax, if a MU approved by jtv in10 Periivlnn senate becomes a law. }((,, y,Ills .H't creates a 10 per een l ad va- {joldii,rcm ,inx nn llqnnrs, perfumes and cnn- bcneficies in i) n one nr two per ccnt tte , '» « - .jommnirdinu 'tn price, on nutomo)illcs''/tn?F ■rriagek. . nnlnjalI n addition l l creates a tax , lo be P k v lid once only on all nutnmoblles act- reser\-3 illy in nrc. o n « ui

------- I .....- . . I log, CO

IDAHO mOATHEE ' J ” Tonight and T ueiJay fa ir , toldjT npon ■v

.north nnd southoait- portions to- . _ _t i j h t . (


sw g' • PEIO B FIVB:OBNT-- ‘

AL LIFEiration W Peacee F I R S Ts m i ' s i i

D F P i E l l ;ino» Will Jo in in Endeavor to \v e r t W a r b u t Must Have ‘Nothing to F e a r fo r Own Safety,” P rem ier A sserts


rid Wonts Not. Only Sooth- I g Words, tint Soalltlss, Ds- ilores Prime Hinlster Hero to Ittend Conforenoe

KW YORK, (/p)— France is roody t«,ln every cndonvor to avert new

a ‘ -provided rho 'has nothing tn foar bor uwn security , which remains of Ibo most-iCoHd guarnnlcoa of the :o iiM ho w o rld ," said Premier Atls- ■

Brlnnd in n mossago to thp Amori' iiL'Oplo npon his n r r lb l today to

nd the nrnianicn|t cooferoncc al. A^ngton; • - ' -.

U Tor to lead th e men and peoples- r good w ill to peaceful u d f n x lt . ' a w ork to rednoe a o r s and more le .rlik s o f w ar,” th e prem ier de- owd. ‘ 'T oday tlio world, which Is- . such need 'o f aafety and rest u t s n o t only soothing .words bn t allUes.”le ff«w d gave prem ier and h is pay;1' rousing welcomo aa ?hoy atoppcd rc from tho steam ship L afayette, clal welcoming coromonlcs, which ked Ibe a rriva l o f other dologatlona Iio •:onfcrcnce, wcro dispensed w ith Ilow M. Rriand to go fo W arhington ndJ."^' V

T ribu te t * ’Soldiers,Dn se ttin g fo o t on the soil o f tho t Amerieaa repubU e^’ said U . Hti- s nicssAgo, " m y fira t thought goes : to those who gonorously cnmo to.- • fle tbe lr blood w ith th a t of the aol- I of Frnneo, "back tq^thoao fighters n fho U nited S tates se n t,o v e r to 1 tb r m ott precious th ing tney had,: t'l those nuignifleent high aoutrd ha w ith hcroic hoarts who * l h f o r i and for lib e rty w ith a smllo to . land th a t hoa 'p iously .■entombei) k. -,To lh e « fnm ilics Franco now s me as a noa r relative. I nm com- !o iissuro them th a t tho recollection loro heroca I s ‘deeply graven in tho t o f every Frenchman.

B e co g n lm O bllgatlos. ' i'o;' centuries Franco hns )ioen the nd c f tho g rcn t atrugglcs fo r dvll- nn. The la st w ar has shown th a t Isirb lo to uphold her ideal tb tho ffll lim it 0! sacTiflco. Sho 'knows nrlicuUir wbnt sho ow is to th e -fra ­il devotion, to the mightv help h ^ m eri(ti broughi her. Tho two t r - n nro henceforth 'm lfod la tho ‘ j,'l(iry. Tlioy feel i th a f th is 'v c r j- n 'p rov ides thn b est guarnntce fo r penco of th e world ,n n d 'th a t tho I la to re s ts 'o f m ankind cannot bu t it hy tbo lr cloro nnd Intimate co- ation.I f . r» primo m in ister of tho French ib'io, I did not hesitate, in-»pllo of cnc d ifficulties , to leavo ihy coun­i t was, firs t, booamio iV aTltod to g over boro Iho tribu te o f her grati-'I and nl Ihn snmo timo to 'show fhot fotoinnsl thought o f overy French- IS peace. Wo know too well, alas,

t Tcnr means nnd Iho toll i t takos. to voarn fo r pcaco wilh heart nnd . K'.\ M w on ftt.PrcRldcnt H nrdm g nut his noble eall, a y coantry an-

red p resen t.and h e ro 'l am demon., le the earnest, good 'w ill of Franco 'vi-ry jneans In mv power.

H opes for Opportiadty.I earnestly tru s t th a t tho W ashing m eeting will give ns an opporlnn in th is rcspcct. Franco nnd Amer- yostorday un ited on the battlo

lit, w ill th u r centinBC to, -p^ay tbe lr ;ficcnt p a rt, in dorivlng from tb o lr , mnn . r le ta jy a o jjr^c su lt# as wlU ' 'orm w ilh tW f d c a l i r a V a t hM W aaled fhem .” •rcmler H rlaad, w ho .an id ho w ould ' r\-o form al com m ent op tho co n fe r- •1 un til ho had seen P roildant H afa- . comoa w ith th e pu rp o io .ef tsslat* .'

during th e f i r s t 12 d a v i « f;tlie eoa- ace In d e to rm in b g ,th e ';w l^ p lB S .' 1 ■•BrWeh eubsoquflnt'Ietalla t b i , w *'.- 1

(OonttnM d « ■ P i t *

Page 2: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

liTCipn «toisioifl ...f D R H f O I :—. — UuMia

More T han One Million Voters Tom orrow VVill Have .Oppor-, tu n lty to C ast V otes for Mu- ■n«rkrt n icipal O fficers

tloubUr, NBW VOBK, (/P)— Now Y ork’* may- o ralty cjinpalftn ciuno k* wLJrlirinil ‘ cIdbo todoy. Tomorrow,, moro thnn . I,a50,'i0(' votcru will hnvj Jhfl ^ppor- tun lly f){ jjoioB to th f polls nnd m t - , , . InR th«ir votes fur onc o f eatidi- • , , , •Inti's lo r mayor nnd n tlicr tnunJelpnl o fflfu rs: . , ,■ The «oncIidato8 for mayor arc:

Woyor Jolm F. Ilylnii, dcmocrul, who , ... flwk# ro.cloftlon^.M njor H onry II. Cur- ran , ri.’piibH<JuiToiilitfi(ini MaffiHlralo Jacob Pnnkon, Kucinliiit; Joromo ilt- H oul, fnT B itr-lnW j Q«otbp K . Himli*, 1"’^ ''“'' ' prolilbllion; Jobii P . Q uinn, wicialUt- labor; JobojiIi D. M illor, ringlo ta*, and ”

'B cnjam inc O illow, wftrkom loaRue : (com m unists). '

O lllow ’s name wii# ordered stricken from the ballot bucauso he la survinj^ o . pcD teno Jn SiHir 8Jo>r p m o a (or aa- «reliy . O fflria ls o f tbt? rommunlst par- ' JV!?; ty , .however, said b is name would he ,w ritte n in the bnllot.

AJdonnaa to Bo Chosen. tU-n laiIn addition to e lty offieors, (1(1 as- injf «o'

fcm blyjnen are to bo eho.vn to ropre- liijil’arel 'oon t thl) e ity In thu ntntu Ir^jislature aad ownurs a Kpoeial election will be bold in the »c«

.nixtoontb Atatu sonntorinl d is tric t, to reiiuirii fill t h l Vncanev eauseii bv tho reslgna- nskinj; tioH o f Ser*»tor M artin MrCue. • ter.. 60 VVD proposed nniendmcnts lo >the

li ta to constitu tion aro to be acted upon, r i l f ) I Tho most Im portant o f thesu is thu pr?- r | | I J posal to Rivo form er Boldlcri In civil service positions. I

T tf l main b a ttle , a l l observers aRreo, G will be botwoon M ayor n.vlan nnd Ma- *' jo r Currnn. B olh 'iw utp conducted vig •

^ ro u s (ampaigmi, In vrmch tb u 'llo hns E a r l v been passed frequen tly . Tho iniiyor ha* • . ^ rharfrcd b is opponent w ith reprMcatifltr » tbo ‘ 'plundcrDUTifl,'’ ' ‘ tbe interest^” nnd " t h o trac tion r ro w d .! '. In donlat, i llaJo r C in rM h s s flcoused tho raayor j i j j j i o f {TTOfs Jnefficiency. ’ bv the .; Of all the Diany tlio subject oii then io it ta lked nbonl luui been tbo flvu- ernment cen t faro on trac tion lines. Mayor Ily- dieted 1 lan has claim ed hc provonled thc fari^ his tot< from beiilR raised. M ajor Curran, as- spection •c ttin ij th a t .h o too Is fo r tho nickel As thoi foro, bos chOTKCd th a t th e faro question |liruui;h isn ’t an issue—th a t i t is a smoko-rcrccn sume lii nsed by th e mayor to eover up innlad Tlio 1 m in istration* iiioiiiita! Mayor I ly la n ’s adm irers havo used Anohnri Ibo fttogan *' H onesl .lotm. Un U I'lRht untin in

.lnj{ fo n X o u .') l i e »vns chief oxeru tiv t r ito ry 's > four yoara nffo on d Tn'n imanjrhalM idal ^ Oovyi wave. l ie roceived 312.77-( votes os s to e l" 1 ftga inn 169,370 for the la te Mayor John road ai Pa rroy M itd iel, running on a filsion uvcr Hn tieko tj 144,073 fo r M orrb llillqu it, w- tim e Ih rlo llst, QUd 37,2(10 fo'r W. M. I^ n n e lt, 30U nu- repuMlcan. •:*- ' "ocpaii, OandldAts L ife IB s to r iu . trpck bi

Thc ifcy o r wa.<i born' on n .f a tm in Oreen connty, Now Y ork, in 1B08.' Or- phanfd In * irly childhood, ho worked or. tlig Inrm .ii.l .IIib« cnni. to Now " " “ "“"I Y ork w here ho wus employed as an en- jjlncer o a tho olovatod raHrond. ito ^ Ktudied law n igh ts aud received his de-

.ffree from tbe New York Lftw school in 1H!17. Ho becamn n mombor of Tam- ‘ '{‘I ninny, l<all, was clccted n municipa: 7 '*'=" ‘ jiulKe in IDOIS, u c ity mnKistrate two yoars Inter ond becnmo. « jud({e of tho Kings ceunty court m 101.1 IJe was ( J O W praclifftlly unknown to Ihc Koneral dec- n r , to rate when he.w as nominated for may- r r 0 1

*!’•> four > rtnra' fRO.' '; Mnjiir Curron was bnrn il’ New York ' ‘ REDI In 1S77. Ho WIIB cnptnin of hir blgh faster li Hchnol football team . At Ihe age of a minul l.'i ho.wn-i a reporter on the Knglowood, eourt rc N. J . Times. U o w o ik « i h is way Reard through Ynlo un ivorslty as a clerk and cl&res, 1 waiter. -A fto r w aduntion ho w as a re- tak ing I porter on tho Now Y crk Tribune and Tho i studied law when ho bnd spare lim e, talka SO lie wa* adm itled fo tho ba r In 1801. I l r womon ■rntcrc'l po litiu i In IOII whon .ho was Men avi iileeted an alderm an and served a num- minute, liei- o t te rm s, a tlra c tin n a tton tloa a s Morco nn expert financia l apnlyisL than mi

Ho val, appointed n e ity moglslrjite s ta r ts a bu t held hir position nnly two months, IbJics it. tosignini; lo on ler tho Piattsburf^i u- . . ■., oamp when th?. w nr broko out. H e was p—-— onnimij>»iuneil-a‘n iajor, au ig n ed t« the W K i'venty'seventb illvminn .ind saw ac- tive .se rv ice on the .V eslo river and in llio Argonne foroKt. A fler the w:ir hc was elected prosideiil o f the Iloroiigh•<r M onhotfan.' ‘ ■

The.i:tber oandidateH fnr in.-ivor bive ■tindiii’lcd n u ir t' rnm pnignr, the socinl- ix tl lii-iii;; tne'm oHt active.


•MKMC’O CITY, (/P)—\Ylicn thn rev- - .ilu tm nirts under Kniilio /Capftfn, soveral .ve.nrn .ipo, sackcd Mexico Cit'yi one of thl- p rite possessions of a ll ROTornmentn nini'o tlM tim e of Ihe ill-fated Kmpcror M aiim iltnn i^buippcarcd, Thi.i w at n fanev le d . the. properlv n f Ibi- K mprev

,t;a rlo llu .When Iho hoadr n f fivo American oil

rompanles visited tlii^i c iiy ' rocootlj. J l l ono of theni, Kdwnrd L. Rohcny, to T 'V m arked thn t some lime ago he bad pur r^hased the prirjid bed in the United

W ofJ lu s niiw bccu received lhat Mr. D ohtny has sen t i t to tho Mexican eovornR ent ns a token of good will. .Tho in'd if va lu cd .a t «25,000. _

----------------------- U eTWO UUKDEBD 0AB3 DAlliY ., . OABEY OALIPOENIA KtODUOE a g «■ t><)» AN QELE8, Cal., (ffy -T w o hua- ^ dred re frig e ra to r ears of California , prodncu Icavo daily fo r eastern mar- ' M k o t,.f lr ro rd in B 'to uvcrage fijpircs by r i f t ro tlro a l offieiiOs berc. Los An»;clcs fu r­nishes no car> dally . . - ■ ,

WkM is u » lu » to y o a r s i j be ablo to olhera adT ortlic i t In tbo e laU tfitd eoInmM. I______


B M e m K i i i i *!* ■ D E H ailP llili

lemoYfll of Eostriction DUolos- 08 Sapply of Articlos Eo-

ported Scarce

P O T R O O B A D ,~ (^ T h o cry thut tuBsia was wholly' w ithout noodles, ins and thread war apparen tly w ithout spring, oundation. The abolition of domestic tu rn h( rnde ri'slrietions has produced n great prlcn uan llty o f such a rtic le s '!□ B itss^n m odiat larket slalls. Thoy aro o f Russian, now ty Ingllsb, German nnd Amcrlcnn maou- to w it a ttu i" . Much of IViiii supply w at pinno ! oubtlrs.1 hoarded ond could bo had seated Qcrolly beforo frco lrade was irting- trovolii ratoJ . . Pries

D arning eotton and wool, hooks ami mochan yus, hoirpins, combs, bruihcs, bu ttons in p thu nd other notfons arc alno offered free r bu t a t 'h tg l i prices In comparison iiK.t •Uh thu m arkets of w estern Europo.Cloin lr Kcarce and apparently of in- ' ~

(<rlnr i|unlily. M|arket stalls seldom avo Mure than a fow yards of any sort r cotfcn (ir woolen fnbrics. Porcolain I nlHo M-aroo. IThe t-iily renlly gftud lable silver and

orcolahi ii in the hand"v '‘^ hundruiis f rcduced gentlefolk who ntand in uuues nboul thu publie m arket and ffur llo 'ir household belongings fnr ■110 rubli'i' nucosrary to buy blaek bread " t'3 ,0W rubles for a Runsiun ponnd ofi ounces. Kvery concoivable house nld nrtlrlo aud every so tt o f garm ent an lw UiiUjsUl iiv tliv*\' ijwuvn.Chairs, eliauili'llor's, InmpH. stoves,

nrpots. m gs, saddles, tru 'ik r, gjfnpho- liuiios, beds, bicycles ’ pols pnns kot- les taide linen, fn r cont’'. boots, ovcn- J Ig gowns und evory nor! of wcarln„* jiparel a re offered for tuile by the ir wnurs in Ihese i|ui'ues. Kmflesf lines f sccond'baud dealers nnd iadiviiluals i!iluiringw]Urespnss a long these qnouci,■king priceji and offering caih or bar- jr.

I B F l f lM EHmSKANIIlllLiYn

arly Completion of Track Lay- ingf is Predicted by Oover. '

nor Bone

JU N KA U . Alaska,.• the end o f th is year of truck laying I the railroad the United K lalcs gov- nment Is building In Alnska was pre- cted by O overnor Bcott, C. Kono on s to t'irn boru ree.ently from an In- lectioii tr ip over a portion o f thc line, s thore aro bridges y e t to -bo built, ruugh train s wlll not bo operated for me llmo.Tlio railrond is to cross the Alaska oiintains nnd ronnect Suward am! nohnrngo. on the leacoarl, wilh Ne m a 11111I Fairbanks, tow ns on tlie ter- fu ry 's in lcrio r river a s te rn . .Oov'jttior B ono'w ont to Ih'e “ ond o f ^ ' o c l" on fhu southern division of fhu ad and thon walked fo r a dislanco •cr Ihu routo to bo followed. At lh a t (110 Ihl! ‘ " e n d of s te o l" was a t Mile '0 nu-l only -10 miles 'suparnted tbo ocean end” frum the sections of pck bulng laid a t fho rato of onu nnd lo-lhlrd miles a day." Ih ilcn s rom cthing nncxpecfcd und ifore«ccn intervenes or weather of lusuiil severity intorfcros, tbo mils111 lie ronnccled linking coafilal Alas- i til thu in lo tio t by of tho •n r ," ih i'governo r sjkldT .Govorimr Bone praised the wurk of lo Alnnka Kngineerlng Comnilssb)ti, hich j: building Ihu road, and ila l lairmnu, (.'oluncl I 'redc ritk Meats.

'ourt Reporter Saya Vomen Faster TalkersliEDDINO, Cnlif., ( f f ) -W " n o n « rf Slor talkers than men by fo rly words minute, nccording to Jao ics Beard,

u r t rcporlcr o f flhasta connty.Renrd liT ilvcd.at h li-declsloa, be do- ires, n fto r sovon years exporionco in k ing tcst,imony as a cou rt rcportor.Tho nvorago wotnan, Beard assorts,Ika SOO w ords n minuto. L irgo, itou t m ion^talk fas'tor tban m a i l womon. cn avcraffo from 240 to ICO words a inufc.Moreover, woqion ta lk more steadily an men do, ho soys coco a woman ir ts a sohtonco she nearly a lw ays fin-■c» >t-

T h i w l n f f Q i a r a H e sOne (ill m iU n ^ VHU3NIA Oitf&rmdlowncaBURLEV Otu Ibr atom a.TURKISH TTu! finest tobaucospeifo%

and b lended

2 0 f o r l 5 * „^ * i i l ' . i s r a i a t


m m WILL TRY AGAIN g | j |llfo rsi* B lidm an to U oke Soeond At-.

• .tempt to .Fly to, a b « l *

B E HHAltDIN O , Calif., (ff)— ircnco P riest, losal aviator, whoso ro- Q jq , I t attem pt lo comploto a joorney by _

to Siberia, via British Colnrabia i tbo Boring Bea, was bolted whoa

piano, tho.Polor Bear, was daaagod K .P f ln r t Rupert, B . 0 ., l a a 'g a lo 11 endeavor to mnko tho tr ip noxt ring. Ho anaouncod -upon bla re- •n here. ‘ ' frontPriest said ho would s ta r t w ork im- gconi idintuly a t Lw Yogas, Nov., cn. a ,m_j] n- t)-po of piano espceially-dosignod „ *

w ithflnnd ' A rctic woottior. Tho mo bo propoae.H to build is a one- ifcd monoplane, capable, ho said, o f opini ivoliog IOOO mllos w ithout a ifop. tenc( I’rics t said hu wnuld diapenso w ith a rilos, chanic on tho prnjcctpd fligh t, keep- surge : thu Innd .m light as poMlbio. • - fbo 0

------------ - — fromfK.^li THK I 'L A fW rnB I) A M . th o 'f

TH E N E W 0' — a t w A

A N I T AW hich 0

w ill J u l ie IThe man sbo marrio'are still her hnsban


' i '■

I ’ J mlu ■'w JWL..

V ^ R r / AF IR S T . NATIOI

You’ll enjo,— tho drama of a

married once for oncci to forgot lo\

—an Arctic blizzard in reality.

■^a tropical tornadi in force.

— a famous '-star s■ by Herbert Bawli:

W alter McOroU.

-cu ttle Dick Headri der-child.of ‘The in His Honso," in stiU finer appeal.


u n e q u a l l e d e n t e i


MOFEHira Essnsnnrom^ . Q r ^

reek Qneon’s Pbyflioian'lB im- I'®"®'' prisoned for Making Direct

Appeal front.______ los cc

A TJILN 8 , .( ff> -A t a U’lio when all bring 0 horpitals in Athens nro crowded “ “ Jj Ith wounded from , tho Annlolion ont, ouo of tho ablest o f Oreok sur- Tctary ions has been senlenccd fo dpy«’ goingiprljonm ent for alleged disrcspcct to

_ ' m Athunjcen fiophio. \ „ a r ri iThe Atbcnlan press of M nbades o f o f fiilin io t is up in arms agninst the sen- mont.nco paised upon Dr. Pollbiur Cor- le r oi los, wbo, in bis capacity fts honoraryirgcoii of tho Oreok arm y, committod p,,0 offc tso of w riting to (^ueenSophiu .om Ibe fron t lo ^all hor atton tlon fo llo' f a r t th a t {wtrecls confcining candy the pi

I P H E U M lA Y S W O R T H W H I L E S

A Mammoth 8-Part Sp

S T E W ^j f H er TwL a n e a u ta k e '

riod in the i i^ north or the man shi ands, both have m et and both havi ngol Yol there aro stranger momenf" still in

' ''I • H|s ■■■ ^ i


-I " \ . •

O N A L / f ( W c T I O N < » ^ i

oy:a girl who " ■ or love and lovo.

.rd splendid P V

ado mighty B

■ supported *“vlinaon and 4 ^ '

Irick, won- ^■he Woman /in a role of V

ncert Orchestra Tuned to A lso Two-Part Com

SRTAINMENTl i n g — F i r s t S h o w t , / ? o ’C i o c

iS. IDAHO, MONDAY, NOf0-yEMBER7.1921id cijjarotUs sen t to soldiers a t tho The on t by the ir relatives i;nd friends ^ n { a |irdlv I'vor reach the ir destination. Tho _____i.iwcra Ibat bo, however. Ignoro this jie ra l outcry.Qncon Bophio is a t lho boad o f - t h o

Rod C ro u and, indeed, o f all tb e I I inevolcnt institu tions in Orooco. She M rvor n-isses an opportunity fo r jnnrk- I I g bor in terest In tho soidlors lat tho ■ onf. I l Is'contendod ihflt 'D n"'C otri- ■I could no t havo' dono be tto r.. tl>an ing to tho queen 's Icnowle'dgb tho usy httgnlfttilScB la tho dlspjvtclv of ircels; bu t ho should havo communi* ted w ith lho qooo’n through ^ e r sec­tary . F o r thia omistion’ho is undo:- 'Ing tbe sentenco.D r. Carrilos took up his abodo in thuna bomo fonr years ogo and hi- arriod tho daughter of tho m inister . - ' financ i in tho V onitellst govern- ont. H c is himsolf on ardent suppor- r o f the lato primo minister. I f

C loulficd advertising Is tbe cheap- t th ing you can buy—measured by Opp e profits I t moy bring you.

H EA TR E p l— w m

Special Production

i X ? T IN HEIA m a s t :

? 0 HusBarii! . . . . . .

she married in tho tropics? Both lave learned the tmth.II in A nita S tew a rt’s new play

y |

I I M^ I ® I y

LOUIS B. U A ^ E Preson

A N I t

TEWAab le f t« t fa a d ram a of bmnoB paw ns o s thg


. A F I E S T N A T IO H A L A T T E A O '

to F it the Prodiiction m e d y Feature

iTW O H C ock; Second Show Nine

!ie Newt is read 'by tbo p«rD&aoQt ing eloaw* .

M !To Repair Your

Phonographlnr Expert B ep tlm tn it yonz ervlefl. Ia order to get tha b«it en lts from yonr pbonosrtpb It honld be gosa over a t le u t onee

7 0= . . ■

M iSIC CO.)pp. puifci 108

Y AND TDIMORROVlf2 DAYB OHlY—r l c e s - 1 0 - 2 5 - 3 0 ■HY PAY M0EE7


I 'd s ^


i ' .

i H .■ B

onts I

' A . ‘

iRT .the cbeaiboard of a tn la c e

NGSN Y ” ‘l o t i o n (


Page 3: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

’ i B f f i n1 F m p i E I S :

National O roanization tp Hold — ' F ifty -F ifth C onvention In ^

Po rtlan d poiif in

I>0HTLAND', Oro., R th an^I nual cimvcntion of tho NfttioDalOtanRo

will 1)0 held a t I 'o rtland Kovcmbor 15 & , 25, w ith delegate* ■'^rom 33 ftntca two

“111 Attendance.' l'rol)Iom» nf farm pro- the' duction and dU tril.u lion, KJcludlog la:- M t pharos In tho dovoloiimctit o f co- o pbrali\o marVclhiK. will t o dUcuucd.

Siiotiul train* briofflng dolcRatM from ‘.Ifa c u t aro to ftrrlyc tho afte r- iT tioon of Novembor 15. nnd th a t ovoninj; Hnfi

t tlio viaitor# win ho I 'n tortjaiaai a t a "tei bannuot tondorod , hy tho Portland the Cbambor of Commerce. / Inej

Shcnnon J . Lowoil. o f P rcdonia, N. «ct ' Y.. national maator o f tho gronM , will «(;li tU’Uver IiiK nnnual roiiort ^at th ^ opcn> in |; scasion, and thu ronx'cntioV^vrill I! then procced to difcusslon of probtcmn didi o r tbu farm er. \vnu

J Tbero will bo m m Iobii November 16. uiui r 17 aod 18, and on th r 10th tbc doln-

gatcs T>'ill bo taken on a tr ip o f in- ‘f L . upe rtio irtif the river and harbor, pro- thai

flpcdinj; Is tf r in the day lo Vancouver, {her 4 Wnah.

Sunduy, November 20, w ill po #pent jj in rrllpouA and memorial nervle«t a t m

- I’o rtla rd , ond ilonday tho viaitora w ill .u , I he taXon over the Columbia river hiRh* „

wny. Tucaifty thoy. will vU lt OreRon j A jjricultural coIioRO a t ConrallU, nud . on WodBCaday, Novem ber 83, thoy will ,111- mic’w of Beaverton aranR p a t Ben- vi’rlon, Oro. o f ,

I- - - - - ^' . FILER I -. , ' thou

FIL E R , Idaho - M rs. E rneat Peck nn<rbahy who haVo been vlaitlnif rela- tive* hf.ro from Aroplio, Oklft., loft oa |,„ j Wodneaday for Buhl w here ahe will jjuh vitiit nevoral day*.

9 A d-tnRhtcr waa bom to Mr. and ITra. <n W nrnrr K irkpatrick, Sa tu rday , Ootober the •2‘2. Tho lUtIc oric wtw n sm o d 'B e tty j,„gAnn. ■ __ T m ;

A son waK-Twrn-Sunday to Mr. and Mr«. Harold Vinlnff.. A non wa* born M onday to Mr. nnd Mrs. .larh W inkle. ‘ nnd

Mr». li. P. Lorten a n i clilldrcn *»f piny Valiev Hpont novCral daya la«l - t.

«T.-k w ilh MrK. .1. P. M n llM jJ iI ra . A. nn 1’. Murray and Mr. L.- P r t S a o n al*ft itjii'nt Sunday nt the M allory home. i Mr. i,nQ Mra. T. K. Mooro aro Tiail- - i,„ , in^ a t thc lr old homn a t A lbion, Micb,

r ■ .1. L. K d :w drf ia in JjonRvIow, Toxaa,Tfhdro he li-,diapQslnfj o f a carload o f gy j.

^ Rltple* ned ono of potatqfta. . - jD • .Mr. Mid M n John Sherman oro

.H(ioitdinjj a fow w oeka , a t L ava H ot'Rprmu^. -------

Mita Ruth U ipp who haa b « n very ill w ith typhoid fu v e r 're tu rn e d from o j . Tw in J'tiib) 1io.ipital F rW ay. Ono o f ,, i.i th r Ell Shank children la ill with thn snmo ffcvor ami two o f th o Bchifflor J]

D 'rh ild rrn who havu hnd H for month* hhvfl taken a rclnpw .

M n . F m nk G riffith re lu tncd Wcil'. , >.j ni'Kdsy trnm Lof A nnelra wliern aho hn'. ipen t mnnv numth*. . •

liitllo Klhcl Dnvii, dnujth trr of Mr. ' .-»nd Mra. D. II. Davi.s had hor tonsil* rrniflvcd W cdhwdny. '

Mr. nnd Mra. C. A. Knloflelarii and • diiucht'T Mnry, hnve roturnod to the ir . *

home in Hnrlnii. Knn.. a fte r n ahorl , vinit h t r r wltli rolntivcii. , .

Olmrlea Blnmpir who -hna heen vrrv ill with Mood iioisoainR n f a huapitnl wna nl)!e to Ijp removed to hir hnme .. h r rr Salurdny.'

Mr. pnd Mr*, .lohn niaan nud Mr*.L, I). Allen rrlu rned Inat wCek from Lrwlaton where thoy w enl tis drloROtca ,

■ to lho Grand Kncnmpmont of th r l. 'O .0 , r . nnd .Bcbekoh lodRca; ,• • ' ""^1

Mr. i-nd Mra. A rthur Scholtnn enter-tnined the Pinoi'hle club a t the ir homo Hfti urday ovcninR. , . ,

M ra '*8. C. Hnwkin* died n l a Twin ^ " / Kalla .hriapllflj Saturday nlfjht.

> • Jo r ytrom pt of. Coiiscil, Idnho,.ta.hcrc " ' 2 rin'“a ahort b iis lnea t'trip . "

T ho-.PlI«t-com m unity waa ahorkfiJ• ' "Pundfty bv lho a n d - n e w i 'o f th td c a th '

o f Ix)V Munyon. aon o f 'M r:.-nndT£rs- IT. 0 . Munyon n t the ir home in Lflng, . n rneh . Cnl. U r had been in poor ' h rallh for yoara. bu t M voral. w eoki whrr trealm ciit nl Mavn b rn th rn a t Tloehi atlli .-.ster, M inn..'*oem rd to improve hin ^f'‘l health fonaidcTTilily. nnd it wna tliouRJil *9f I recover)' wna pon 'lile . ._H1« body will ’1.r brni'i(tht here bv h ii 'lio r rav e d par- Ai rn la l^ r burinl. '

Mr. A. N. ITolmea returned Rnlurday fi'om a irit) tn Dea Moines. Ia., where w u ho dlapnacd of ii caiJoad of ni>ple» aftd T'lrk hnd a ahort visit w ith hoinr. folka. olieh

. Fnyo Roeera nnd P ra n k Ilinck li'v at- 'tended, the fnothnll (jomr nt Tw in ------.Vnlla I'r iday.

h ' ------------- --------------sotrnc oniNEBE m iu t a e t , |

UCAHEB D E N IE a. D ia A rrB O T IO N I

KEW YORK, (/P h -O o n lil of cabled I reporta from Pokin(f th a t he had w ith ­drawn h it aupport from D r. Sup .T a tSen. hr-nd of the Cnplon; or B(>Qth Bhr h in n Rovflinmrnt wna mndo yoilor'dny _bv Oeneral Chen Chuinjr-Min, prineloni ?] South China militnry lender, In a cablemc*MKO t? Mn Son. Canton Rovcrr- Tm rn t rfpreacntallvc here. I


PREEPORT, 111., m —Sport wrltera hero lodny d rrlarrd th r ir boHrf thflt Ilon Blrphrnson, of Frecporl hlj;h vhoni foo thairtenm , eatnbliahed a nn- lionnl rrrord when he kicked ten eon- aeciitlvii Ronls in a jpimc hero Inat Sat- urdny. Rteplicnaon’* record for the icn- «nn |i Roalf out o f a possibld


VKW VORK, </P^-CaptnIn Aldrich or Yft^o, h u taken flral poaillon aa In- dlviduiil acorer in m ajor toUep- foot hall. Jlo haa dcpoied Capta in Rober! . ' aon of Dartmouth'. Aldrieh has aeorod 7H polnla and Robertson (17.' — • - .

' " ' TV

" ^ d a ^ s S p o r

I —----- -^^—- mPUNTS AND PASSES |

i ---------------------- .MVI(By PULLBAi.K.)

Tho (jomo Io»t Friday hnd it* good DJd pointa nnd n lio its weak nuca. In tho i,q j f l n t jlaeo , tho boya took Buhl too fira JlRlitly, and d id n ’t have Ihn uaual thp nmouut of pep th n f tboy ahould hnvc ti,o hud.. They fijoircd th a l Ihey wore go- n>i<i ing to win, and a fte r thev mado thoso j„„.|

a two tnufbdowna in the f i r i l quarter ^ f ,. they ihouRht tho t wns plenty to beat , . Buhl. A marked improvement wna no- . ticcd i.fte r tho f i r r t h a lf a fte r C lhu vi

K^ana hnd had his say. „ t 1a ' too,

fTtie li(iys s la rted out nKutn, liy fumb- niar r ling lho ball durinfj tho firat five miu- line 1 iitea n f play. Thla fallinjf'baa boen w ith inle ] the tn.im nil through tho aeason. Truo, nmli

they make up for i t aa aoon 'as they . I 'd to Rninjr. W hy c a n 't we atari out '* 1 ri(;ht.» ’ . . jnmi

--------- IthorI Huhl wos lucky th a t Twin FMIlKibet• d Idn 't r.!le u 'p'n hundred pointa, ns they ‘

would linvc hod they played with the iri, uiunl top *peed.

• Thet.0 nre Juat hunehea, and IhluRK jl"*'• Ihol aro aocn by the fana, that thn boys'1 themaclvca d o n 't aee. j*’*

; Buhl ahowed thvm«rlvoi };ood ajwrta.; Tlmr und ngain Buhl bova pickcd up <io,, \ the looa* Inda a fte r n play, pnd auei ’ nets nro alwnyr nollccnblc to tho folkai };. in tho Rlhnds. Sports CANNOTlbe koiil Li,„v I clonn iinlcss thero la n fecllnj: o f good j.i* •

fellowship ex ia ting 'fo lw oen 'the two loams. This.holilfl’ Hood in ALU klndi- 7 3 5 o f sp o r t "

• O etting back lo F r id a y ‘i gnmo: A f L . , ^ ’ t r r thu firat five mluutca, the Twin '•* .'’1 Pnlla Inda bcgnn to got bury, and *!-,• though Ihe regulnr back field was miaa- I"*’"

• Ing th ry plnyed a fa ir t-nnie. • Tlicy• were much faa ler In the N’nmpa gpmo.[ l ilt as we hove jual said, thev took the f®'"' I Ruhl gnme ton lightlv.

• cxprThis gome was fi good workout for

th o lio y j, aa Huhl depended on forw ord _ paaaca to r moal of the ir gaina, and T w n Fnlls ww right there to liroak

■ thrm-up.' -N’l--------- • burn

>^al n igh iisra lota o f forward passes tlon , and the Twin «<jund will b r in rverj- mom

piny. lonm■ In p ilng ovor the boys wr fiml thn t to li nil o f them were in there trying « t nil j "nde

' times, and before w r go further., w ch u id w ant I'l mako n few romnrks" about th e i^ b lr physical condition of the team. N ot uionlone minute was Inkrn out for T w inj ___

; trails injuries, nnd not onc mnn was! cveg bruised. Thoir playing In the aee i ^ ond hnU thowod them lo bo perfoel mr;

' lo atamina and wind. T liat ia tho rea- 1 aon Ve think th a t >:a.at n ig h will b»!

, hand-’d 0 aurprlse next Friday: • ' | -

; JnmlMin a t- le f t end tore through the!Huhl line on fovcral prcnslons, n n d ' oniight jhe Woat K ndtJj iu flioir tracks.; Maroni Ina ahowu Btoni\v improveme’if.'' and rni-h jJ^nie ahowa him hellrr.

• • Nii'hC^aon m ine Ihrough' wifh lhf> luo^l «[ieptnoulnr run nf fhe doy when he Inletfttpled n forwiinl pnan aiid.r;iu r,0 y n n h to n toueh down. Unli i-i .1 p rrlty keen propoalfinn :it left tiiekle.

Loiae.- <mly'plnyoil hnlf of the ganit, 1 Init ho played it.- T hry don’I vot j Ihrnugit John 'a I gunrd. Kletelier, whd ! took hi-' pln<r,_mado lifi'-jniwruble foi 1 tlio-HHliM ino.-.- : • - i

Craven Seolt wna there liko a durk | vhen 1: onme to pw aing llie ball; a'n:l unry n lmd pnan 'did he make.

-Although Gone TJioniolr d id n 't ;;ct ns.muny forwnrd pnasca na ho did [ho week leforo, ho waa righl a t 'em nil th r Umr.

Hob !>iUier, he .whoao ho.id worka faalor thon th r ryo cnn see. tore holeii n t_ rig ]^ tncklr th n t w rro ,b ig enough ■for nn r.rmy to p n u through.. H if punt­ing wna o f tho-i{un)fl high order thnt ho hna ahown a ll 'aPaaon Twicc on Bob’a kickoff, h r tackled hia m aa

“ i 'n l ” J 'lynn woa nt rlghl guard.-ood whrn hr'a tood atiJI.tlio Buhl team alood j still foo. “ P n t” brokr through a rv -; ernl tlmea, nnd onch lim r irionnt a lo«'-i fo r the.niom y. _ ___ [

And now wc comc to “ -Turk” Scil­loy. th'> boy llvit aindb the snnko-dnnee' fnmoua. “ T u rk ” ran twiai nnd a<juinn nnd wiggle botW r tharr-thiratiH nftT ft^ Tiirk'jy, nnd wd d o n 't bnr vho nuecn of Sheba cither. Aa onr Ruhl mnn remnrk- cd: “ How nre you goin;; to catch a



TODUy Mifl TOMORROW ^M A i m m AMD E V m ilH O :,

Big F ea tu re $ 1 ,0 0 0 Prize S tory ' ;

“THE SECRET,GIFT" :•w i th A ll 8 t«z C u t '

—ALSO— •

‘T E E T I M E ”A Blp B o u l iu Oomody




iriingjjews IBuy lo tacklo him if Bo keeps wiggling jv aw ay .” 'A n d bo n id )a monthful, aajS; " T u r k ” suroly dooa w igjln. He madtfjCi ,aoveral long wiffglca, o n j on toi> o f .R th a t ho modo a eouplo of long.squirnia, II no t m ontloning eomo o f hit long twials. > II D id you notice tbo' noodio work when [ N bo kicked from tho 50-Jrord lino on th c ,R f ir s t down, and eaught Buhl asleep nndiN tho ball w cnl over tbo goal line ! I t ayU* 'N th e oasiest wfiy to. gain 30 yards n iid :I ' “ T u rk ” aaw it. The ball was broughi, 1‘ I'liok tn Iho 2'0-y*rd lino, and Buhl mndr N ft fow gains, bu t th a t hns nothing to do w ith Scillcy 's hoadwork. ^

Merlo l*«ckolt filled in for Jnmiaon <5 n t Icfl ond. Morio who ean ploy ccntcr M' too, nhowod the fans th a t bo’a n ronl 0 man nt rnd also. Ho toca Ihrough the U> line .»l will, and i t w ar h n beautiful | *- ioterforcnco th a t enabled Nicholson m nko hU 60-yaid r tih ,^ •■jii'

“ Blew” Robinson d id n 't s ta y in th" gnmo v<ry long, but whllo wos in

'thore he ovorogod 10 vntda evcry tlm oi, .he took tbo Itill. , l j ,

Bolek, commonly known as “ 8 1 lk , ' ',X wns the surprise o f tho day, and w e;;., nro hfrc to predict th a t “ S ilk will he in tho backfiold thla coming wook. H r j. too,' kopt the Ruhinca away from Nich. ,. olson.

“ S e a ” Lyons h it the line like a can- }? nou bnll, and ovcrybodv moved wben “ 8.-a” got the ball. . ’ • • ij!,

Kipg. ploying hia ' f irs t fu ll gnm e'A allowed h im self.,a “ hig loaguor,” ond hia w ork on tho defonaivo w oi perfect,


DKS MO}N^:S, la ., ( /P } -e ta n lsb u a ; MZ byrsko of Poland will defend hla 1 Io w orld 's heavyweight w reitling cham- f '' plonahip t i t i r here tonight in a' eonlest w ilh >:arl Cnddock of W olnot, la . , fo r Kr mer ehamplon. Zbysiko bas bean hero for-Hoveral days.com pleting b ii train - T( ing. Cnddock arrived th is m oraing and Cc cxpresard confidence in the-outcome of Of Ih'cm ntch,


.N-BW YOIlK.-fyPh-WoUon M. Wo.sh- III burn {or srves-nl years ono of tho n a ­tio n 's ri.nking tonnlr players and a Ul monihor of the Inst American Davia cup • lonni. n i l l lo.ivo New York this week Id tn tnke up dutlos na a ta li lan t lo tbo Ki 1lnde^-^eerotnry of the tronsurj-. H u Id [■uid loduy he probnhly would not be Kn tjblr to tako part in th" big loumo- □lonts n rx t year.

I l a v e m nT H E A T R

■ W I AI W M'RCtUJ 0(5a*

H B l ThB o f .

. 'I r

The Iof tA

' . Adapted hy Juhc Jl

llATINEE 2:15--Prices12 R E t l PRODUCTION, f



\r '■ \ i i|^ Football Results . I h

■ B a s t j

|Y o lr '2S; M aryland tC |8yrociiro 13j MeOHI 0. 'CM noH''ll; Cqlnmblo 7. . i

.R rtw n ,'>5; Bonovcnturr 0. [Iloalou Iinlveralty 8 ; T uft* 7. I

lllo ly Croaa 2B; Bates 0. [iNen- ■f.nmpshire collcgo 24: Colby 7. [ iRowdnin U ; Moino 7. j{Nebruika 10; P ittsburgh 0. '1iNnvy (1: Bucknoll 0. ,;Ijnfayollo 38; Ponnaylvaaia 6.1‘rlnreton 10: H arvard 3.

■ N otrr Pnmo 28; Arm y 0,W nsliingtrn nnd Jefferson 49; Wea\-

minster 14. ' ;, Trnnsvlv.-inia 7; U. o f IxiHlavillr 0. 1

fioor^i'frwn 43; Fordbam 7. 1iPenn ftp to '•JS i’ Onhioglo Tech 7. ! |iOhio N i'rlhcrn .fl; Westor/- Rracrvo n . . i

[linntoii rollego M ; M arietta 0. [ ICehli-li 13; M uhlenberg U . ! i

_|Ayjijhiriclnn and 1/rr 7;_ Weat Vir-^B ■ [lim ia 'rs ;'

HH'ntfi.morr 13r Stovona 0. ,

UlUIo Weei |■ I'urdta- ;ii N orthweatern 0 ' I J I 'n iven ily nf D otrolt 21; Springfield 1 !Y. M, C. A. co lIegc /). t 1 Michigan Aggies H ; Univcfaity of:f^oulk Dakota 0. 1Wnshlnglon 0; Missouri 7. {Illinoia 21; Dcpanw 0. 1Kansa.i 7; Oklahomo 84. iChieag.) (1; Ohio S tato 7. IKtiniaa Agglea 21; G rinnell 7. f Kayler iinlvcraily 3 ; T exaa A. & M. 14. t

|()betlhi H ; W orecstor C. |jColumbiu (bubuquo) 7 ; Kllawortb cob;I . lege 0. •Centre rollogr 65; U. o f K m locky 0.- Mount Iinion 7 ; Care I . l IPonn M ilitary collego IS ; Uralnus 0. \U. of Dubuquo 20; L u ther college 0. 1 Clui-lnur.ll 0; Ohio un iveralty 7. 1

iLo'uslan.-t Blato 10; Arkanana 7. I ;Mnrqiiufli- DO; Haakell 2. 'llowa -1] ; M innesoU 7. • . I Fnrgi) rollcge 7 ; N orlh DokoHi A g -1

gica ID.Koiitli IVikotu B tate 27; UnivorsUy of

N’w th Dakota 7. ■Texas university 44; Soulhwcslern U. 0. Corn.'tf enllrgo '50 ; SImpaon.O. f?rorgrlown college 33; Kcntiicky Wcs-

Irynn n.

. W ost

I r . o f C olofiK lo X ',; C o ^ r n d n fo l le g p 14 Ilnivernily of Oregorv' 1; '.Wnahingtou

Stato i-oUi'eB-7'(tio), ■ ; '•U tah AgririiituiJal collrgi- 2;i: School• of Miner, Colorado, 7.Idaho Toeh 37; Ricks eolloge 13.N evada 28; I llah 7.Idnho .'l.'i: Montnna 7.Kaal M l L ike 'H igh 3P; Wost High C.


iS l-Peop le I N ever I

H A R P«. ';5a4CW(«S ' ( tS >

riicy arc really onjy shadows oii D’f .silver. They do not, nor did th :xisL And yet you will knov speak of .them by th eir first names of them , perhaps, and of the grea' I n ma iheir lives conotituted.

They are pqoplc you never forget: t he- pnnl charactcps In the Rex Ini

^ production of the masteri Viccntc Blaico Iba



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es 25c,~35c and 50c. ' Nl

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thopil io *u

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P at/ie N e w s ^ i d a I

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“NOW OR IThis io'Onc'of Hia I

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n H f V■ M i d

" S l ''/liIjfl<la&Rull(R V i S V'rt/TCHlRNOPf

)n a screen i1 they ever, ^low them, nes; dreamreat hum an <

111 will ^ b h I ^ Irincipal'.' 'Ingramterpiccc[banez's

______ ■■ . ( I s

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P h o i o j B : r a p h e t ^ I

NIGHT 8:15-Prices50c,,75c,

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s)? SAop IHisAmbllicD to O -D A llA lT lie

H at ta d A New Pair of Boota

WJfcr, « i undoptid bookkeeper,» altAincd hia modest aab ilk n lo Ili Ib t su m lima, t m w euit, ■ new > oew pelr of bools, k m ’ IkM lher« were BO ratdy^Mdt aup^y m u ’a demanda for a coet

]d l ( ^ w ili^ Uw rants of a «««»n

r, arith the splendid’ 0(>p0rtunIt]r by this thop, eTery roaa may pur- m p le ta otw outfit for t OMdant*

T a - w afer could | v b himaeif eke , B runm er 00 hia boobkMper'a

]»ff»tfie«dl<V waa«)B)tB .

> •


I Good C om edy

'y L lo y d itir—

NEVER”I Bdst Pictures

w Showing i c e D a i l y

A N N 0 N 4 t ^ g j ^ M |H ^ ^ -


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Page 4: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

S l i F 5i O H i i »

« i c i s [ |T ------- ' tho CO

W ar.D eparlm en t R equests New Com m ander to D eterm ine if Soldiers W ere S tio t o r H ang- a * . ed W ithout C ourt M artial , . . U '

wlicuW ASIirNQTON, (/p>—The Amcriean

Lcffion w u a iked by tho w ar deport-11''*''® ® i n e a t to Jny to lond ite asalitaneo In ob- i ta lnioff all Jncts relnllng to tho charffea ® “

n a d o by Benotor W atson of O ooi^n t i n t so ld ien WiTe tn rc a vM y sho t n n a , I hanjfcd w ithout court m artial durinfr i th e wnr. Socrotary Weoks addrosw d, h is opponl'to Ilnnford. JIocN lJor, cpm-j "

i m ander o f tho American Le^rlon. :A fter quotinff the senotor's c liarpisl

I tho Rccrctory M id:"T Jio foTcgobff slatcm ont conilnjt w

long a f te r tho commisaion o f thc olloK- oil crim es, eonrtitulcs ri ToflcctSon op- oji tho en tire porsonnol o f tho Amcrl- | 0 k l 0

.eoa ezpedltlonary foree. Consider tho . . .

Eibno ostUlod to all thc fiiota which i t AlU w if tla tho power of my offlco to pro- •

duM -,' I f thero poBsibly exists any b a ­s i l fo r n e l) no ollriratlDi), tho rrspoo-

aibls pe n o n s nhould l>eor tho oditim. O therw ise definite rofutatloii Is do»lr-

: n b W ’ - . . ■ rallimvSenator Watson latorjocted Into 'son- «),{ixm

a to 'd e b a te on tho lax bill today moro |,m, be tclesranis, letters nnd newspaper ar- .,|ic ity tlele« which ho ia id soppdrtod h li ,,inve«

tcr'b 'elj' A tolpfn'am from a Lanaing, Hloh.,

•olOior sflJd (he w riter saw two “ Y aoks ^ hnBg w lA ou t tr ia l.” A nother lo tter , l iy ld Bon&toi W ataon salil, "show B bow m en tho pol wcro sho t dowo becaaso they fe ll «x- iiUcea.. haustod from Ido{; m orchos." - th a t th

------------ -- ---------- nbout I

INDIAN ChTeFS TO PAY , I well dn

- TRIBUTES TO. WAR DEAD— pr emi er

Oonp S tick k&d W hc BosziBt 8 ;a b o la of of tho . p is l io r t H onora to b* Placed on mont tl

O aaket of.mdctLOtro H n o was mo_ _ _ ' ' consplri

;W A SniN Q TO N , D. C., yp) - - -P d u r Ameri^-au Ind ian chlefn, cneli a tribal hero, will pav to the tinknown ilenii, V®'' <*' n t Arl'.MRton n n t I 'r idny tho hlRhcKt honnri known lo the ir ra.-e by ploein? Kioto, i npon i).i! coiVcl o coup s lick and w ar Uie bnnncl. P len ty Coos, o f tho .Crowe, panjons

iL ono V 'o lf, o f tho Kiowan and Amou t “ iK ed Owl. an il-S trm R cr PorBO^-of fho loaped 1 Bioux, w ere choien to confer 'the dec-

[onBtion by Commfiuiloner o f Ii'uilnn A f j’fPast, I fa 'r s 'R n rk e , bccunso of the ir proriii-. " T l 'u f- nenca in thc hlatory nf the w cft.,'E M li . •

h i a hlith chiof in hia trlbo And h a i . ' • Wtiujtht American aoldier*. Thoy will bo dreiM d in fu ll w arrior rORalla. ' P^‘

I Tiie rout) atl«k..pronouBfoa “ k o o " “ ‘■^1''' :ia lorc'rnl feet long and wo* carricd bv . ?°i* w nrrlO rr' who consiilcred' h n brnve ^ deed In' tortrh nn enemy during n flRht confer t W hen n w arrior did so ho cu t a notch *aniaffa in tho stock o rtittnched fo it an easlo and a i fon thrr. • , . “f tlio «

Tijp ^ a r wna rtR nrdoi by tlio ^wonetvw arrio r-a r tho :m M t Importtfnt a rtie ie od. until o f ilia rejfalin. nnd only proven brnvoi ^ 5 * 1 ' w c ro ’til'owcd to wenr ono. Tho loaff mention pliimo wn* mndp from onplo fedthora nnd eni-h fea ther re|ireacnted a partiea UakintP ln r de-’d Cdnient o f tho tMbo had lo post.

!lie ohtnined to nmke n wnr bonnet nnd , ■thp makin^f was nn occaalon for much jcetcmony.

IcOLD W AVE FOttECABTED j TO 8TEIB3J NEBBABKA J '\ OMAHA. Neb.. (ffV-W -nmlna.Abnl n - ieold wuvo would strike NebfnsKn to ' ~ Infght and then pass ovor tho eountrv, least and south, waa Isaued by. tho Uni- ' itcd R tatcs weather bureau bero today. rP U , The fcm bioation of low atmo»pheric proiaure in Wyomlnjf and an exactly oppoatto condition in M nnltoha nnd o thor p iirts of, Cannda woutd cauae tho f.h6ngo in -weatlvet, l t « bureau «atd, pre- d ictlntt fempcraturen na low as IS abovo ^ *ero, w ith snow for Nobraakn. Prcdic- # tlon tha{ Iowa would also feel tho of- S feet of tbo expeitcd tto rm was alao f l

-MlJcerfBnflllah. VJo b a WM u k e d lo w rite « ib o r t

U itorT 'O T tlie life o f O e n m l Brad- dock. In b i l cotaposltloD w u th e fol- . Y '(tew ln* compound le n ien c e: " B r a d f o r d ______i r u u i b ra re ra a a ; be hod tlirieeborBM Ibot from under him. and tbe fourtb ^■rent th roueh h li clothcs.'*—U lnne- iDolli J oom nl. _________

Fortuna te Man.ZACky If h e wbo haa been, edacalod 1 /

0 b e e r bla fa te . wbatCTor It be, by an W j a r ty exam ple c f u p r is tila e u .a n d a JiHdlib tr a ln ln r In hono r.-T im ck-

, 1 3 1RGa D t h e G LA SSIFIin) ADS. 1 m m

# A M E R !C A ^

QUEENC SKATE VOTE t25 FREE VOTESa n d Q o jo y y o o r a e l l o n t h o l i t U e c o U e ri




[lOi Angelea ooonty to BepUce O rln | | ( ^ BtHTlng Orotmd v l t l i O roaatofy

L 0 8 A N O E L I» , yp>-T ho “ poU cr’a ie ld ” , grim resting plnco of thc pau- icr dend, aoon'w itl pasa from tho land- co]Hi of Loa-A ngeles counly, and a ounly cromatorv will tako Ua place.' P o « n i

Tho board of auporviaon haa In- ^^tCOI tructcd tho county engineer to draw a r liana for a crem atory to bo created In ho couuty ccmetery, on‘ Eoat _Pirst Itrcct, L oi Angoles.

I t la stated th a t i f relatives of thu -v...., lauper dead olijoet (o cremation, thoy ‘ ' i'ill either hnvo to necedo .to I t o r mako *" heir own provision fo t buriaU n.nrrlp,

A group of Chinese baa orgiuU od to ..N 'cw l laudlo the burini of the Cblneie di'n<l t)|.. rlicu the county b o n fa r th e r Inter- ,, nenls.^ Althoifeh 700 <J»lno9Q dead nvo beea biiried in the ,eoun ty ccme- ory 500 graves have been opened nnd ho remains aen t baek to China.

— I . , _____ II""!*''

■ G i C [ p ioklo S tation M aster Held fo r I'm

Alleged Complicity in P re- L ™ ”' ■ ' m ier-s D eath ■ f -

TOKIO, (flV -E lgoro linsl.imoto, ns- i„ „ istnnt atnliou m aster n t thc O tiuko nl Ww illw ny stntlon, where Premier Taka- f, li H aro waa asaassinoted Friday n igh t, , ns been nrrested chorged w ith eom- ri,.,i „i lic ity in tho crime. A bout 20 olhor om- i,,,, Inye* a t tlic etatlow w cte te lm e d a f- then « '.r being qilestlonod.

Aiaoaala D ea le i Ooniplracy ^fau;

Bylehl Nolfoka, tho" assasiin, InalsU, wl'II’i.i"! 1.0 poUco any, tlia t ho had no accom’- ^ Ucea.._ Tho poUeo believe, how orer, , . i „ , Ii la t tho 'atn ton iun 'a death’ wns brought , , " V l.out thrnugh a conapirncy. Tliis l o - " J j e f la s trengthenod by tho fac t th a t a ' •oil dresaed, unldontifiod mnn wns seen i " ' urry lng from tho sta tion a t tho mo- v, , . , . ,ont N akoka th ro at hU sword in to tho ,"j. rem ier'a b reast. . The nuthorities are v ,.„ : t tho opinion th n t tbo you th ’s atnte- , 1.7 lont thn t hu nlonu rnni-clvcd tlii' crinio . , aa mndo in an o ffo rt to ahlold hie co. m ipirntors. “ ,Nnkokn wnt. In h id ing on the Hlatioii'

lutfomi when tho prem ier nnd a num- ' sr o f othor loaders c f Iho SoijTikai „ irtjiA trlved to tftko tho 7:30 train for loto, whoro" a meoting. was to bo held. ?» th e piemior, chatting w ith h is com- ! inioiia, passed through tho gate load-'■g to tho atallon , p latform N akokn ' aped from ' h u h id ing place and plung- NO I n short sttdrd in to M. H a r a ^ le ft reast, a t tho aomo* tlmo oxelaimlng ( Tho country 's enem y!” . ______

^larqais M atsuknta, lord koepti of mnn nti 10 privy soal, following & conferenco tho prii . tho paloco yostorday w lth -Uazquls p e n hn ilonjl le ft fo r Ibo villa o f Fiold H ar- probnbl nl I’rineo Y nmngata; in Odawara, to jiril wV n fer w ith tho prince, who ia ill. Prince nnme M unagata ia ono of the older etatcsm ea ,inv hc| id a membor o f tho m ilita ry council

thO'Ompire. No announeem eat as to OOMMI conetltutlon of tho cablnot la erpeat- , u n til M orquii M etaakota,’a return.H arqula BaionU la moat prominently , untioncd for tho premlorahip, bu t i t i i ubtful i f ho w ould accept. V iseoant 'aliint?tT-al'.io“ b'oioBcoh8ldeica for tho

“ ■ ■ ■

Iceland Peatm an. ' — ' —In Iceloriil flip postm an c arries his 111 Sn boxe.i sliiag across tb e lincki ’ ponlM and nnnoiinccfl bin arrival f blnwlnjt n hom.

The- Cleanest, Most Wholesome

d l UYou Ever Tasted

40c Per Quart■ —at—




)o srivoD with over; skate I. Holp jroor favorito win , oUctB.

3 R R I N K p y

g . , N O V . §

I ■ ’ \ '


’OnER’S FIELD DOOMED ll iri i s i r iS W I i O . i

__ _ and

Eoords Will Show 3 ,0 0 0 F ew - e r M arriages in Gotham S

T h i ^ e a r ' ,NKW YOnK, (/P )-W hilc claowherefho country more peojilo aro being a n d ,

irrie.l this ycnr thnn ev-.r bofore, in folio w n-Tirk timcf nrc duller than usnalr th .' Ilccii«e clcrk" nnd tho m lnlitors. ,j,•vernment itntinticinns reeentiy con- th a tided liio rfoj’ l'f wcddlnga w onld cou t

II bumper one, ivilh Dan Cupid b a^ aealc»tlu;f ],.V10,000 brides and ju s t u coveinv Iiubbnndn7r»m the fields of tho M . ■mated. And ycl New Yorlc C ity ’* $1.03r<inl r.rolnhly will show n t loaat SOOO j- 8.iver iiiflrrlnire* thon in 1020 or .JPlO CoTlicro aroi.oniicr taska thnn giv ing to ai

ex|ilfuinllnn fnr this na tlon-w id t to 1-Wemiy o( knoMyinj? in year w h tn nndllio'.a nro iiiu'iii|iloycd nnd aa mftny jo lb iire nre Ijroodiiig over decreaiei lu Ini;lr. income. Si. any the aoeiologiala rosod other* with pi^nchaTils fo r f ind ing 5.3 tt w hat they cull tlu' why of things, ca IIt il IM nnl ilL-<lreii.Hingly tu tilo to aoek Oarcn^r.n for Ihc furl thn t only 50,51)1 or, ’en»L'\ were i^^uol up fo o rocent doto casciTl' lUin vent rt'wpsvTcd to 53,005 in Wu ci)rrcfc|Kindliig [leriod of 1020. jn'pg,

Immigration FactorIn llll- firal pliire, they wifl toll you ' Cltin- »reti»e Irtvtww tlm t .tfccre nre H .03

trer iiiiinlKrant.H than in th S .p a rt, bC' Coune lit tho rentri.'tIou lawa. Unmar- N o . ;d niiens alwnyM had a hab it o f com> On{ 'o v e r here tii efijoy freedom , nnd 3 wh on Jilmnst immediately fling ing p a rtI t nwny a t Ihe altar. j j j

Many young iiipn who m ight o thef- Ti:se wed nver thni wlien Iho Inndlord d iluld se t tUrouRh tU 'flattng tb c li pock* j»omoha' lint cnuu^h would remain to j qIm the butcher, the bnkor and thoio }{{ 10 donl in 's ilk «lockings, coemetlcj, ijwny tickets,' conls. su its and th?!ier.th ings needed b y liousCwlvo?, ^1 :h nn needles for dnrniug tho Tjus-nds foeks and rolling p in i to fnrb- l^rI b iscuits nnd m ninlain order, M]Even when tlio New Y ork su ito r haa Kmc 3 monoy he often seema unablo to ^ a r snti> n home. Thit condition la com- Cnm. liocoute uf lho homo ahorlago, 1-8 ;ny young thinga a fte r the ir convon' Connl (llrzy honeymoon re tu rn to llvo On th the g ir l ’a fnmily c r tho n lm ’i. rh ap ' from thia will eomo a now ficM humor, tho aondn-lnw nnd daughter'

law ioke i Umt would rIvo molher- law n long-awailed relief.


(Viiittnuad from Pag* O se) • f iro t '___________________ ' '— I_______ 'Po■ dofondnnt cxpre/aed her d*aif«nFoc> 23cj fence begin a t once. S horlff Sher' rooat n ntntcs tb a t bo wlU poraonally laV? >I prisoner to Boise. Commitment pa- pQ * hnvr no t yo t been .TTroVn. I t U u . . . , bnble, say offieiala, th a t Mr*. Bouth- ; ivill tnave with B hcriff Shermnn le tim e W edneaday, nmi will on thn ' 5 . ' lic(vn ber indoterm inato aenlcnce.

U M iim s T s n r c o n t r o l •O P PfiTBOO EA D SOVIET

IIOA, The fliinl count in tho men :tIons fo r menibcra o f tho Pelrograd to 2. lo t ' Fhowr tlio following nllgnm ent: calve Jll 1450 m em lieTs-non-partlsnns. modii ; comniunlHts, IKJO; menabeviki, 9; Ho la] irvoUitlnnnr>', 1. so r

The F am ’s With Everj

BuildiIt'a. the convenient and profits makes every acre of a fa rin '

. 7 on can build now at minimnn froo to attend to it.

ICvery dollnr you put i in}?n uow comes back to in c«nv<!iiienc’0, nnd seco iK

Yiui’ll Ijc Huvpriaeil <vt which you cnu get si

' i)iiiliHn;p< up now witb.l Pnyotte Hemco—promp I'unite estiinntes, sound torinis, *

Buiid New P oultn Machine Shei

A iiiodeni, Boise Pnyetto cliicki , more oppi. A pood cow shed

more iniik, easier work. You t Killed, imd a wvll mado };artigc ment in nmcliincs nnd motor vi

. Our Bales manager will bc his ideas on tho best wa wbat to bnild to add the i farm. Oomo in and talk :

D, W . {JPD E6RA FF, S a l e i Man;

Boise Payett Cempjai


T o d a y s J - l a . r k . o t 3 S— ■ ' ' P . —» focdi

0n iC A (30 , (ff)—B oports of / r o r t in tgc n iln a gavo eomo advantage to • h eat bulls todaj( in tho early trading. J^J|, bo fi;ost, howovor, w u anid to be ligh t nd np turns i n ' t h o m arkot wore no t ij^qv cll m aintained, ^ p o e to n e o c f eome 4,j ocreaso In tbo U nltod Statoa vlilb la g^Q; ira ly to ta l -waa more or lo u o lfso t by aortlona tho t nny Im portant ndvaneo I .p r ie o i here w ould invlt,o import# wm Canadn, Oponlng qMotaUons, hieU Toriod from l-4o o f f to l-4o g ^ n , |*K“ k itb Doeembor a t $1.01 to «1.01 1-2 a d ^ Ia y n t 11.05 7-8 to $1.00 1-4, wore illowcd by aligh t ^ n a a ll aroand and icn a modomte reaction. ,Bubacquently, the m arkot seored a '

larp advance. Gossip w u cnrrcn t ® ia t Ja p an and other non-European jun triw hnd boon buying on n libc ia i *“ ;ale, and tb a t L lvorpopl ah o rti wore )vcring .. Tho cloao wne nnsottled, 1 4 to '2o not bighor, w ith Deccmbor w * 1.03 to 1.03 1-8 and M ay $1.08 to 1.08 8. , Ci]Corn and oata woro duU.nnd Inclined 23,00

I sag. Com oponod 1-8 to 1 - ^ lowor vtead 1 I-4e advance. M ay 51 3-4 to M 7-8fl, yearl ad tbon'i n n d c m en l a aligh t gcnojal ^ j j .c iLback. calvcI n the inat ha lf of tbo seaalon. corn . .jio ISO w ith wheat. The cloao w u atoady to 20 8 to 3-1 lo lc n o t bighor, w itb M ay botU ! 1-2 to C8 to 52 5-8c. ' . j n g vOata stprted u n h a n g e d to I-8e high- iu ( , t -, .Muy 30 l-2(f. .L ato r tho m arket isod tt little . a romW eakness In hog values bnd a do- gh,

resiing effec t on provisions. du<<Cash W bea t . s tead

CHICAGO, yP)--W hcal No. ‘i hard to P‘ 1.03.Corn No. 2 mixed ■IS 3-4 to 4li 1-40J wolgl 0. 2 yellow 40 1-2 to 47e.O als No. 2 whito 33 1-4 to 35 1-2; No. w hite 30 to 32 l-4c. N iHyo No. i 73 1-2 to 74c. SteelHarley 47 to' 00c. ■ thoTimothy seed $4.50 to'C.50. theClover aocd $12 to 18.C0. oponll*or)i nomioal. - iio x jL ard 19.47. . KewKibs #.’).75 to 7.75. od 0:

Minneapolis F lo o r and Q n ii i two OTNNEAPDUB, M inn.,

•Un'changed.Bran $12.50, JJ”"M INNEAPOLIS, (fi>) — ^Vl^oat - ocelpU -118 ears, com pared w ith .550 ‘ ^ ' ir* n year ago.Cnsh No. 1 N orlhorn.$1.10 1-8 to 1.23 8; December $1.15 1-8? Mny $ U 5 .Corn 'No. 3 yellow 30 lr2o. ‘ V iOnla No, :i white 27 1-2 to 28 l--2c-. “

Chicago Prodoce CHICAGO, ( /P H B u t tc r ; loworj sue*, euinory ex tras 43c: fira ts 80 to 42o; c = s= eonda 33 to 35c; a tandards 3Be. — rEgga—D nchangedi rocoipta 4,42d I lies; f irs ts 52 to 54c; o rdinary f iral*> to 47c; Dilacollaneoua 50 to ^Igcratot c s trn i 34 l-2e; rcfrigcrato t rata 33 l-2c. -■PouUrj’- A l lv o low er; fowls 14 to '<! springs 21 l-2o; ta rk o y i 30c;.i oatfirs 15c. .' P c r t l ia d U to S tock . PO im .A M D , Ore., (/P) — C attle r<- eody to 25e h igher: receipts 1,M0; olco steors $5.75 to G.50: medium t««d $5.25 to 5.75; In lr to medium W-75

5.S5: common to f a i r $3.76 to 4.7S; ' olco feedera $4,50 to S; f a ir to good ■75 to 4.50; choice cows and belf- n S4.50 to 5; .m edium to good $4 to 30; f a ir to mcdlmn $3.50 to 4: com- )n cows $2.75 to 8.60; cannors $1.00

2.7S: bulla $3 to 4 : cholco dairy Ives $8.50 to 0; prlmo lig h t «8 tn 8.60;}ilium ligh t to to 8 ; heavy 45 to 0-Hogs — Stoadi- to ?5 to 50o h ig h o r ; _____

r ^ p t a ; prime lig h t $D to 10; ■ ■

^alue Jumps 7 Added lingitable small building that . f n 'm ore profitable. And nm expense, when yon’re

I; into sinnll build- to you twice—firnt iCond in more prof­

i t the case 'R'ith / small, profifnble

b.the aid of Boiw npt deliverloH, nc- - £ id advico an to iiia- 4

ry Bomea and\eds Now ^c k e u hbtiRC w il l liH n rr j o u cid in o n n s l ic n i t l i io r c o w s , ^i n e e d n ti{?h t in i i i le i i ie n t • ^ ;c t o p r o t e c t y m r in v c R t- .' voliiclofl. ,

bo glad to givo yon ways to bnild, and b moat value to the k it over. v

a n ^ i t , .Twin f a l l s Yard

(e tuirtber i any *

mooth heavv 230 to 300 pounda W t* ed ' S ti .78; aoo poundi and up $7 tc 8 ; rough, and ol icavy % to 7.50; f a t pig" *0 to 0-60; c lo irf ecdor pigs ID to 1>.76; etaga $4 to fl-BO. Libi Sheep - S teady; recoipta 3,730; c u t o iteod

f mountaln-lam bs $0.50 to 7; beat val- Tho 3 »0 tO '0.50; fa ir tc good $5 to 6.50; yoat e

ulla $3 to 4 ; enstern Oregon foodora 4 1-4 4.60 to 5 ; ligh t yoarlinga $4.50 ,to 5; fourth envy $3.50 to 4.60; ligbt w others $3.60 On 5 .160; heavy $2.50,10 3.50; ew ei |1 to lo g In ,50.' mnrka

Omaha UvertodcOMAHA, « > ) -n o g i - I le e o ip t f l 5000. .......

loa tly 25o lower; 'b u lk medium and N L ' g h t butcbora $0.85 to $7.25; top $7.40; eloaed ulk pack ing gradea $6.26 to $0.00. b id; e C attle -R oco ip la 12,000. Boof steers ^04.00

leady to 15e lower; to p yearllnga l - 4 'i l 10.50; shO'Stock and buU i ito a d y to to ry ‘ 5c lower; vcoli iteady to w eak; itock- $M.08. rs and fcodon steady to 16e lower.Bheep—Rocoipta 0,000. KiUin'g claases w i

5 to 25<; h igher; bu lk-lam bs #8.S5 t<»8.00; beat yoarlinga $0; .w othors $5.25; „4 /n , w fs $4.25; foodors 26 to 35c h i r tc r ; nn ,. jp feedings lamba $7.85. ^

• OhIc4«o Uvertock ' not mCHICAGO, ( f l ^ ^ a t t l o - Bocoipta The

3,000; quality plolo; m arket gonorally cjulet teady; be tlor gradoa bcof s tc e r i and Inted. carllngs. strong; choice yoarilngs 11.50; biilk bcof iteera <0.to 0 .50; veal alvca wcok to lower. m int*•Hoga - ncceipta 147,000; m a rk e t 10 j ) 20c lowor than S a turday’s averago;■otter grades o ff moat; big packota do- u p ^ ta lg ve ry Ilttlo ; practical top $7.70; lig h t rt.uii£. gh ts up to $7.00; bulk $7.40 to 7.70; m .v .,] igs up to $8.50; bulk dcairablo klnda . round $8.25. , ' .Bheep — JlcceTpls 20,000; killing

Imsm sfcfldj* to SSe iower.-’ feodera ;eady; nntivo and fed w oatern lambs' alfalfa J packers early mostly $8.75; fow a t [!; c ity butcher* paid $9.10; Ivnady to M.C 'oight fo t owes $150; heaviea very lotv; b idding $8 on cholco fod iambs. t l

N ew Y ork Stack M a rk e t H cNEW YOUK, — Uniled . S inko

teol and General A aphalt • wero ho f'niy im potlanl uxceptlona to !ie higher trend o f pricos Ut fh ; J J poning o f today’s ,stnck .luarket. lexicon Petroleum, Standard Oil of low Jorsoy. ond Houston Oil each gain- d ono po ln t^and advoneos o f ono to thus iro points woro mado by various In- a Im uitrl&ls and cpeeialUet, incladyig mad' handler M otor,. In i^ iro tlon Ooppbr, " •‘f j ow York Doek preferred and Jones yyj t irother^ Tea. . , resuiTho listless and norrow mavomont on f:

le stoek cxchongo todny w as domi- in g t a lcd by professional shorts and firm- drvp r money tondoncy. Sales npproximnt- 1 475,000 ih a rc i T lPrices bocame more confusing la ler,

JO aix por cont money rato provoking ir th e r bearish activ ity in spocial U- ica. l l i c closing w u irrogular. U nit- J rO t


OEAfi, B. B O W O U rrB ~& 0 0 , , actioS to n e 816-W ^ *

• 120 SKoihone S t. W estFreseli Dry Oleanlng I I

Bepalring—•Dydng 3 ^ '

“ / 1 1 1 . f i lT h e O ld S a )

Pays to Aa

It’s PerfectliO u rjast Friday’s ad brouj

, ^rson

S u i t s a n d O '' They Were Sa-

The speciaJly low price o; garm ents snrprised eve hunters.”

i i g a i n N o t i c e \

. - b a r g a i n SURPRISE \ o v e r c o a t s AND S

MEN’S F U p m' We invite y o u lo r rigi

T h e A lco C lo tl■TWIN PALLS, I]

N0VB!MRER7.1921Statea bondi ahowed tuixed chongee'. o thorii ineludlng tb o fore ign eroop,,ed n t tr if lin g g a ln s.o r loMoa. . ■ liberty bonda gave early p rom lie o f snding la s t w eek 's aubatantial galna.I 3 1 -2 'a bdvanced te n p o in ti to' the j ' t b lgh Tccoid n t 9G.BO. .‘a o aocond l-4 'i two pointa to 60.78 and tbe rth 4 l - 4 'i tn o u ty 'p o in ta to 03.20, la the fu rther dcm ora liu tlon ahow- In tbo London a u k e t G em a^

rka broke ibarp ly bore to , tbo new ilmum of .3(5 1-2 conta.

' IdbertT Bonds IEW YOBK, iJPi - l ib e r ty bonds led; 3 I -2 'i $04.88; f l n t 4’s $04^0 - second 4 ’s $04.00; f i n t 4 1-4’a 00; accond 4 1-4'a $04.89; tli ird 4

’s-$00.00; fourth 4 1-4’a $93.08; Vie- y 3 3 4 's $50.7(5: V k to ry . 4 »-4'a .08. * •- ■

• Sugar Maiket, V.JEW YOBK, y P H T b o raw sugar' rkot was slcody dnring tb e foronoon 4.00 to 4.11 cents fo r centrifugal. •ITicro was only o quiot Uade in raw u r futures. Priccs a t m idday were

aacliongod.:'hD m arkot fo r refined n g a r w as. ' e t a t 5.S0 to 5.30 fo r fine gronu* ■Jd. • '

PotatoeaIHIOAGO, ( f f ) -P o U to e t - F in n ; ra- Dfs 80 cors; to ta l U. S. shipm onti ; N orthern W hite bnlk $1.75 U)

sacked, $1.05 to $1.86 e w t ; Min- o ta and N orth D ako ta sacked and k Itod B lvcr $1;60 to $1.65 e w t ; kod and bu lk D akotas $1.25 to $1.00 .; W nshington Buasota $2.35 o w t

S o n t u d t ?:AJ^aA^ a r r , c/pt— H a r—o b o U t 'ilfa $20.50 to 81.50: No. 1 prairie ,50 to 12.60: Ko. 1 tim othy. $13.60 L4.50.__^______________ __________ •

leavy Cold? Cheat;All Clogged Up?

^O N T let i t get a s ta it. D ri King'a ^ New Discovcty wIU « n 'lh t enrn to work, relieves \h e tisa t{ t tiin g ' ,I the chest,' auieting the recking ' )ugh, j p t i y slimuloling th e bowels,IU I. eliminating the cold poisons.Iways reliabl& Just g ^ medicino lade to ease cdds onti coughs. ' f tf f ’& ty years n standard remedy. •

II the f a M y can take i t w ith helpiul . suits. Eases the children's croup.0 ham fa l drugi. Convincing, head* m g taste th a t the kiddles like. A t ^ V iiggiata, 60c '

J r . K i n d ’sl e w D i s c o v e r y' o r C o l d s a n d C o u g h s

t t d Badly? Dowels S lu U Isb ^ ^ Aveq't any "pep" In work or play. ouVe constipatMl The ftimubuiog l io a of D r. King's PiUi brings back d time energy. All dniggitta, 2Sc.> PROMPTt VfOlTT ORIFE ^

J j p l G n ^ ’S P i l l s ^

y r ^ ‘

•I® '' ' ' •|U [ 'd


m i J U 4

y i n g l s - ■dvertise” '

lyT ru e ^light m p y custom-

i v e r c o a t s ■Satisfied.

on the high class ren .the “bargain €

f n t i l F u r t h e r W e W i l l O f f e r


t e S h o p 1IDAHO, r

• ’ .j4-

Page 5: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

* n s i l ■i i F e i i i i i .

L e a g u e Of. I n d u s t r i a l i s t s V o te s

A t o L e n d F i n a n c i a l A s - J

s i s t a n o e ''_. In

liE R U N , Tho longuo o f Qorman IndualriallaU has voted lo como lo th« . finnncinl nld o f th e Rovernmont by lilnclnji a t its dliposttl tho fordffn cre- J? d J ts 'o f tho IcaRUo’f Diombcrs-whlcU it

S l 1« ■ calimoled wilt yield ono billion P , inarks, A tcaotutlon to thia e ffee t wna ■ , adopted offer' aoveii lo u r f o f ntonny debato whieh' wa* im rticJpated in by ‘ IIURo fitinnes, the f in an r ic r and I>r. Al , frod Hiigcnbfrjr, dJicftoT of llio Krupp.

' w erk iDemanda E lg ld E coaoay . ’

• ' Tlic rcMliilion acta fo rJ 'i tho follow- luR couditioa*: A doption by tho rov- crnmeiit of n prop1.in' r W J economy nnd eunaiiltation w ith privato enter- priteii Id fomiulatinf; th e reoRomic nnd tax program. ' . ^ .

D edfirallon of the ROvernnicnt’a wilt- iHRnaii lo call upon foreign fjoanclal experts fo r adviee in rcRard to the _

t amount of eredit to bv floated, and it^ ,„ | icJaUon to tho provnilluR fluctuatloM of forelpn cichiinRp. ,

ff:nti':pri»es in the hands of tho ntate and ]iublje bodies to bo Riaaa/;cd in g^r aueh n manner th a t fhcy rease to be a drnm vjion tbe public treasury.

Prcedum of the c o u n try 's ccoiiomlj lift* frnm every restric tion th a t bin- '

® . ,d o r* its development. In Ihia eategory tho lecgijc plncrn-tlio o]|;hl hour dny. c Thd mcotinp wttt nllended by 1200 rep c resontnllvcs of bli; business eonccrns. j

' Rudolf nflvenstein. nrcriident of the t relclinliQnlc participa ted in tlio <!el>ato c on tbo TCsobUon, «rRi«R ibo iloleROlcB j to suiirort tho c red it Kheiii^. t

3 ’ BeJectloD U d lc a te d . ^

■ -• .Plnaneial w ritera ex jiresi the oiiiMon Jh t i r 'th '; ' Rovernment will bc unaWo to j -5n:Tce fo the Btipulntc<l,coiidilioniil ' ' ' ^

Vorwaerls rnys: " T h i j is lho firs t , irstan ro In modern h ia to ry of taximycr* j

^nrroRatlu;; to tUcmMtvc* tho, ptciogn- tiv e of (lirtatini; tn ^ h o atiite conditions ,

. ( T h u n d e r irhirh tlioy are wi!linj; to eomo ^ ^ t o Its a id .” iTIto new tpaper w arns thf* ,

Roverniiient ngainst ‘ 'S u rjcnderin jj It- g self inin iHe linnds of Btinnes und hiN - a llie s ." , • • ■ J


A m e rlc u Elm» on O nnm ds of X ineoln t Monioriil D odlcatM to A llied A r- e

miea t n d Nftvlos i

^ WASHINQTON,. I), a , f /PH O ponlng r of Armlatleo weolc wtes m niked hero to "

• _<iny wilVi tho planllnif of tw o Amcrica*. ^ • I m * on tho grounds of tho Lincoln Me-

niorlai:-'';rho trocfl, ono for th o 'a ll ied " ’** fltmlcs nnd ono. fo r tho nlllcd navies, f®" were dedieatod by C harier I* t|iro p P " '

■ Pack, ptcaldent o f th o American For-. t'slry nasoplatlon,, who Bald;- i"lt

" O n Friday inll tho unknown dead “{"■ will bo honored b u t tlieso living momo*

plont heto totJny o ie & sign of ^ ^ f t i i r fnlth tha t tho idoa behind tbo «11 w

of our president fo r the arras confer*.■nei' wii: live.” wU

Sfrs. Harding presented hor treo plantlR!* trowel to m cnbertf o f tho Am- *no enean Le;^oa who placod tho tree# n t tlio head of. w hat w ill be iotonio- tionat uvenuo o f memorial troei to b j 2

^ ^ p l a n t e d by v a t lo u govecnmeiit*.


-------- inqPublic, O ffldal D«leK*tloni and Sodo* oth

t i u to B econ t« O u M t D orlns cm'

» SpedflBd H orn# bro-------- tlil

WASHINQTON, H C.; . The wlibody pf A n o rica 'i unknow n horo will an(a rrive in W ashington W ediwsday afte r- thunoon or evening and will lie In a ta to in tlie tho rotundn of tho cnpilol un til F i iday. i t wn* announctd todny. I

The |.ul)llr, nnd those officia l dologa- ||ni

* t io n s '‘and soelctios w hien havo been the■plvcn to w teatba on nolthe bier will be adm itted lo tbo rotunda Fr(from !f II, m. un til 10 p. m,, Thursday, gtnIt wnr staled, bu t no lono will bo a d ' nm'm ittod p f tc r th a t hour during; tho sot- on

j emn nlijht preceding lo lonnen l a t A rb i;,],I ington. tlic\ Permila havo a lready bcon issned to xto'

m moro than 00 o rg an iu tio n a , soelotlos pci v ^ and foreign diplomatic roprcsentativot

to plare decoratlona on tho caakot.

E L E V E N D E A T H S C H A R IS E D ,

TO FRENCH “ B L U E B E A R D " th.J ____ I tot

% Ooort OffldJOs O ather a t V em lU as fo r e Oponlns of T rial o f H en ii D«-

i l n XiUdrQ

VKR9A1LLES, (/FJ—Court offieials i;nthercd hero today for th e opening ic IU5 Bfltno-Et-Ql«o omImb of the tr ia l' of Henri Desire L andni, th e "B lneboar

1 o f dnmbnls,” who it chargcd w ith ‘11 V m u rd c ra . Ten of hin alleged v le tln*

wero women to whom ho la anid to havo promijo'l mftrrlaRC, nnd tbe eiovonth tho aon of oH0 .Of them'. H e is nllegod to havs bijhicd hla v ie llm a’ bodies.

' 'if.vouT pT&pCTty i* w 4 is^ advoribied in the cliSSlfie^ - yon 'fl » .find your buyer. _ ^

■ FREE'VOTE COUPONQood fo r .Two V ot«8 in

J to e r lc ia Lagtoa. T « la F»1U Post Ko. 7, O axolnl Queoa O oatett .

iAwwded Throujli ^ Conrtwy of

T t# Twin PallB Dall7 Nffwi Oct-Oat and Drop la aoy Oostest

V6t« B«x '

-VCtod r o r -


JLSmESIEIilE’ I" . l O M l i i l i .I D isonsslo iis E o ld W ith U o y d■ O eo rg o w h ilo S in n F o in D o l- .

esatiOQ Waits I'liJS . . ■ wi

LONDON, (flV -Further dlseuaalon o f jj® th e 'p la n s devised by tbo government and tbo Slnn Fein for aeltlem ent o f tho P Irish ' problem wns on tho proirrain of Prim e M inister Lloyd Oeorgo nnd Bir Jam es Craig a t thQ rcauiAptlQQ of th e ir ,

” eonaiiltatlons today, no decision or V affrecmbnt having been rcached a t S^t- , ’ r u rday 'a intervlewa Iwtween tho British

premlor and thv head of lhe U lster cabi- '

?v conaidoration la v e ["!^ to do w ith the «iucstlon of fiscal nuton- ! o rty proposed for the two legialaturea q ‘ in Ireland.

rTho U lster premier hna summoned to London somo of his colloagues, Includ-

•• Ing Lord Londonderry, rnted as the-- most influential U lsterite in English po- P |

' ■ litical circles, wbo is lo A rrive Vfvdnes- |^ | dov. y

I- • 'Id T"*"*

SAFETY FIRST!Jp iCoutlDufd from P a je Onp) F t

suIIh will rc'flt. The F ren rh senate an^l e b a m b t, of tloputk* Kftvo liim ti

free b lind., l i e will onler the eniifvrtn ro with” KCiiernl pollcio' olvnr in ble 1

n on-n mind and in tliir wlmj.t n f athrc («ja n u 'm b m of t h e ‘delcBatluu. Mp

ij Outlines Policies ' I"" 1- Thesv include: 'y F irs t, the Froilch goverm ncnt’a it.',f. obU 8atlon«,lo.tlioleiguoof-nii.tlon8 hi:> do no t procludo France from Join-. *"• Ing o tbor pow ers'loslde or OQtalde rn t

tb e luguB In lim iting a m am e n ts car0 or Battling otber questions th a t tb e ]ab •s league considers a s ^ t h l n ltd jurta- • mg

diction. VOISeconJ, French policy is Id en tlia l ■ gat

w ith th a t o f tbo United B tates to- ontw ards eciual commecdal o p im taa t- o tc

.“. „ ^ e s la Ohlna. bei• Tlilrd. the restriction of sea arm - «

'I nmentB offers no d ifficulties pecn- n t'* Uor to F n c c a Hor navy Is a ln a d ; ' to‘‘ 'below any formula lOtely t o ' 1« s lh

.adopted. niri® .Fonrtb , French Interosta concen-- th!i" t^ato upon land armaments, ^ rh a lr , tho' ' streng th la conditioned by O et-.- gtv

many and.tbo paym ent o r non-pay-...^ duem ent o f reparations. Oerman re i^ ‘ consratlons nnd m ilitary an n tlo n a are (nsconsidered to bo dosely re la ted to ' 1

Nw ben and how France c aa to g la to wn'm eet he r Amorlcaa debt. There- Ifore, i f W ashington desires to ralso L.

a th e qnestlon of the debts la tb e fo rconference, the French deU gatioa (;

. wouid'-be pivpared to discuss tbem . nep

■ w ith E«MptlTOf T hPrj moy. bo considered as tho

bioattlv draw n bouodarits w ilh in 'n b l th j,! tho '•’ronch delegation’s tlioughts arn ^ J nioving, b iit M. Briand (roes la to the

ronfcrnnee w ith his cnstomary-pbiloso- r p phle a ttltudo of no t holding too closely }. to propoMOS8!ons,.keoplDp a roceptivo

mind Iflnd disposed a t any timo to 01 j om ine 'fresh proposals or to ro-oxnminoi. old om s under now nrpcefs. I,j D uring tho voyago ho had long and ousII frequent conversations beforo ho was for {. taken Oi w ith an affection c f fho th roal ual

w ith ‘Viviani, flarraut, Berlholot, Coae- nni g nave, Bunt, T)c Boic,.other members of I. tbo m hslon and now sj^per /■orresponiV

entB,.bolh French and Ameriean. aj,],I- Seeks O thers’ V le ro clai■> M. Briand suggested the second day *“

ont tb n t tbo meraboys of tbo acveral ■ ;ironpf, m llltnry.-flnanclnl. navnl nnd diplom atic, should not keep to tho ta

1 bles nllotted to thom in>.fho dinint.' \ L room, liiit should movo about exchang- |} ,

ing aivits and tables and olit.iIn ono an-e- o th e r’.! point o f view, so thnt, by tho J

end of tho voyaKC, mon who had been X■ brought together from vnrious mioiA-

tiica nr fiom outside tbcf RbTennntrnt J®IP wldonrd their knowledge o f tho aiin i11 and possibilities of tho ronrerenco. Tboy ^r- thua arrived nt a certain un ity o f ^ n thought.1 O ffida l'O ree tlng . ^

prem ier Drland waa m et a t quoran- Ui >* line l)v Robert Wood BIus, ropresentingn the sfr.te doparlm entj M ojor Qaneral yo R Hfibert E . BuiltiTd, Jule* .'lussornnd,a Freneh urtTli’afsndor lo tho U nited A

Statea. and reprcsonlafivcs o f the e ity JI' nnd ita te , who had gono down tho bay l[• on thu nrmy lug Lexington. A ftor a ' 1!• b rie f rerep tion on tho .nltr, tho pa tty I

Ihen entered deenraled automobile* and C0 slnrted (hrough ehcerlng crowds for the B a Pennsylvania station^ where a frtiln * for Wrvsbington tw a h td .

C h n k b H k S h n n U D ie m arried man bood discovers

'* th a t th e love of 0 .womafTliuliHlt'ed.toochlng.=-noj‘lnn TmnRcrlpi,-"

ir s = = B = « = & s = 3 = s : ^ = a s = > s = =

■ S p r in g (

C(XIs ■l‘ Somo-ODO has-B a id " T b o to is » 0 A N 7 0 N ," n ^ o d in U ta h .

W a to h o o r t r u c k s o n th o s t i p o o p l ^ a v o d ec id o d o th o rw iso .

' 'r 'T E o 'f c a s o n .w o d o n ’t h a v o so SE L L IT , n n d i l tiU toa q a i to a 16 O IV JS E V E S Y O N E 20 D O P O U N l

T ry a to a n t i i s e o w h a l a pilo SDOO P O tT N B B .

Detweiler..PH O N E 8 M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



I C b a rlM risd Spcmae on Board B d tlsh O n lsa f, Ptocoodlng o a W ay to

Homa l a BxUo .

. BUDAPEBfT, EmperorI'liarles o f-A u s tr ia Uuni.niry and hla w ife, who woro la s t reported fo bo a t Oa^itx, Bumania< aw a iting tho British

; Uglil cruiser C ard iff to carry them ta ■ . oxilo on tho I ila n d o f M adeira, were \ beliovod' today to have possed on t o f , ' the Danube Into tho Block sea on the ir : wayAo tho Bospbom a■ Tbo national assomWy o t H nagary a t '

n,spccial session yesterday enacted into* law a bill dethroning Charlea and oust- ' ' m g the enilr^ Hapsburfr dynasty.■ Charles and hls fnm iiy w ill probably- ,•

roaldo n t F u n e b a lr where U vlag. qunr-’ lei's nro.ovailflblo in tho vrfng of on nn- ' ' fiiklshed sanatorium , . abandoned by* Oehimn finnncierr bceause o f ia dls- ■

nKrccmnit w ith tbe PortugUBM RtJTcm-’ m enl, «-liifh controls th e u l a n d .y j

■ PM OF llfl i ^ . siiPPflBTi ie s i i i :

F u tu re G ro w th o f In f lt i tu tio n : N ow D ep en d s o n S p ao o , ,

S&7 & P re s id e n t K p h a m— . I

U N IV E IieiT 01 ' IDAHO, Moscow («iu'elfll)—-"E vorjiv /icro ■. thronghoot I Idn h o 'I find wc hnvo erithlisiaatie sup- liu rlc r-i/’ sa ld .I ’rcfldent A . H . Upham 1 upon hin rcliirn In Moseow from an ex- k'lidi'd Mafowido tour, on whieh |io via Iti'd SDVcrnl of the te.nchcm’ institutes ill ac« 'on . ■ t ' ' \

.‘.‘Onr fiiluro^growth doponds ttlmojt • entirely upon the space problem . I f 'w o ‘ can build more dormitories and morp ' laborntories I fo il perfectly eafo in la y ­ing tb a t In the next flvo years tb e Bni- veralty will rccord nn inereaao aggre- gatlnjr 2U i>cr cent each year. A t p res­e n t L indley hall is crowded, three men ottupy ing oacb ioom ,'and 85 cots a id i being nsed to nrcommodato late comers. <

" T h e Moscow Chambcr of Commerco, 1 a t its la s t meeting, voted to add |I 0 0 to tho rtudent lonn fund of fho univer­sity and tho check fo r this am ount has nlrea<ly been received. Sach netion ar th is IS very gratify ing . O fficials t>f> * tho Moscow Chamber of Commerce.have J gfvcn }i«utanco th a t tt p iogrw n to -In- ducif other comifiorelal organizations tn contriboto sums lo tho loan fund is be- e inff io stilu tf ld .'' t

Deed: Wm. II. D ygert to D. E . flhuni- * wny $4200, lot 3, block 81, Twin Palls.

DecD. Filer Hnrdwaro Co. to Mrs. J.L. H ind j I8S0, lot 20, block 10, Castlc’ ford.

Q uit th Im dead-. K . G. BaWvan to Jo­seph T. E vans JlTOot 10, bloek 21, TwinFalls . J

Deed: 8 . M. HuKsh..to M entor qhris- t ia n $12,000, N E 8W 23-10-18.

^Decd: L . A. Bovinffton to L aura Full- uJor $2000, W 1-S aero trac t 30, Holli*- : te r townslte. ■ . ,

Pa ten t:.U n itod■ eta te i fb A;. M r tn k - T ort KWg -4 IM M O .

Pearls on California C o ast .Pearl oyatem nrt* oxtrem ely numer­

ous nloiiK the coast <if L ow er'C all- fon ila on tho w est sldo, nnd mnny val* uable gems have been taken there nn* nnolly fn r ranny K n r i . '"

W hnt is useless to you may bo valU' ablo to otliers — ndvortlso h in the classified column*.


\ V O ID tb e tn ise ry o frac k in g u in .J \ Have a bottle of S lorn 'i Lini- * * m ent handy and apply when you f in t feel th e ache o r pain.

J t qnidcly easca the pain and tends • * f e ^ g of waiRith through the

L ia im a it pauSzalts

Fioe. too, (w iheutnatlsca.fieuralga, a cia tka, sprains and c tnuns.e ta i join/s, U m e b ac k asd e o re in u x le s . /

F o r fo r» years p a in 's enemy. Ask w tirncigboor. ' i '* ^ A ta ir t ln ig jb tf r - 3 5 c ,T O c , t i .« . :

s i o a i i i ft i n i i n « i t | S 3

<aM *TM tG a«>l«aW of pfasplMi ( I•CM « 4 » t e to d a duacusB to t. \m

s s f s ^ £ s i i a s s 5 ; |

1 S c s s D ^ O i s i t i D C O t l l

C a n y o n

A Lu} iB h o t te r ooa l t h a n SPB IN O

s t r e e t s a n d y o n w ill s a y tho iso.

I so m d o h c o a l o n h a n d is W E 0, lo t to g o a ro n n d W H E N 7 0 0 O NDS F O R A TON.

pUo i t m a k e s W ^ N YOU OET

r C oal Co., 1 3 8 S D \r rH 4 T H A V E .,

g trEW S,T W 'FA LL S.

REAL ESTATE_ TRANSFERS!E j i t i j im a b j . t t t r.u< tw . u a L

Abstiact Comiiouv lh . ’ 1''

‘ DflcarTJliaboth A. Andrews lo Ida ’ Button <SOOO, lota 10-11, block -10, Twin Palls.,-

,r Decd^ TliDmas C»nlon »o 1. W. Mcv- ' I, or $13,500, 0B SB 13-IO-l-i; N 1-2 N t: I ,t NE 24-10-14. •h Deed: Thomas Clinton to Kd. Hobson ' a WMO, NE SB 13-10-14.'u Quit claim de^d: T. E. Standlee tu ■f Henry Mohr $1, lot 14, bittk 5, Oolden ; Ir Bnle.

Deed W. J. Allen to Vrvti A. Allen ' ,t 11, lot 2, Woak W, Twin Falls-0 Deed; l i E. Floyd to Onon Strong , t- IIO, lot 17, bloek 0, Blckel Add------ '

Deed; H. A. Ploreo to Wlllinm C. I - .H e ld ct lal $28,000 W 1-2 NB Sl'.O-lfl. ,• r. 'Dbodi’C: H.'‘ Clioprif‘l'o L. T. Haamua-

sen 14000, lot 13, block 24. Twin Fnlls.V Deed: T. P. Cemetery to C. M. Stonu ;. part lot 1, block'GO, Cemetery, $40.

Patanl; United Slatca to O. M. Kelly BW NvV; NW 6W aee. 3; S 1-2 NB; NE BEic-\ 4-lMO.

Doed- F. M. Shaver to D; It- 8hnv,T «1, 8 I-‘J NK 2S.0-14; pari of E T2 BW 28-9-11.

Doed: Slate nf Idaho to Win. CimvV ningli\im $800, SB SW 10-10-14. '1 Deed: Slato of Idnho to 'Wm. Cun-

nlngham $100, NB 8W 10-10-14.Doed: State of Idaho to Ben'E . Wll-

a liamson E 1-2 BB .1 !-10-H.Doed: B. H. Whito to J . L. Tnyc pnrl

lot 7; block 03,-Twin Pnlli.Dol'd; ('arrio l.ouber to J . ' II. Dnv

$1, imrt.NW NB 21-10-18. r Deod: E. W? M’oonnan to J. H. Dn', t t l , patt'NW KE 3I-I0-IS, '

Quit claiu) doed: X I^Bturtseon tn .1. tl U. Dav $1, NW NB 21-10-18.

- --------- / '' As She Saw the Elephant" Little Cntberine, iigwJ f«Ar. snw an

elcpbnni ut a drcuB.for the llrat tltn&* Looking nt It, alio cxcliiliiicd: "Oh. L g mamma, look nt tlic fat hor»to wltli a , tail noiir*hl8 eyes."

Elth«-or Both.1 Sometimes we tblnk the world U 3 growing WQCBQ and eometltora w6 I. tbjnk It la merely betler iQformwl.—, Dollns News. • ') __________

' Twin* Made trf AabMto*.J Twine fpr binding parta of nppara* f, toa exposed to nre or odd Is now . ‘ elng mailp of nHliestoa. '

) Classified advertialng Is the eheap - est thing you ean buy—measured by

the profits It may bring you.

: I DON’T NEED THIS CARI t 's a Bnlek aereD-paMeager, ftni mechaDlcal cosdltlm Will demon- itratfl aay «tealB* aftar 6‘o’dodt.

1 Oaa be aeon a t W Bixtb aveans north, o r ssk fo r H u t ^ a t Kews office. •

. BUT I DO NEED $ 90 0



, ■ . Of cour , leather pumpi

■ one who consi

• will'be no moi

' ing ways inw

I Paten t Sj

I Patent Greci Patent, n

l y i t r y S


The lUiiiincss W omen’s ciub will moot bei • in the ir elub room thls-evcnlng. A fter |ii short buaincsa sefslon tho evening <

1 : will b'l given oyer lo nlnsjca. , hoi

Tho K ing’s' Ilin tli 'is ' HIblo class o f bei I., the MctboiiUt chure.b will meet In tbo

pnrloiji lit tho chnrch Tiifmlnv ovening, ■ (^•ovo.^lbcr 8 a t 7:30. All members and ste

,,, frionda nro roipioatrd-to be p ro sca t css

The I’uu-Ilellonic club will meet with kigiMra. MiTlIn Bntlev and M rs. XL -K. KpLogan in tho Reed flmuiement hall of bei the liood ii|inrlrnonts.

i , The Missionary toelety of the Pros- ncibyterian rhurch will meet In tho church J .parlors op-Thursday afternoon a t 2:'30. m,;

0. —

y k 0 0 0 0 \ 5 ^



W K j w

E u r C hI - .; Fur chokers seem ti ‘ than ever. They can b(

occasions and alwayi touch to most any cosi


’ We are just in recei] ment of popular pricec surely please.

There are sltins of fi , . marten, coney, browr ’ ' ped fox, blue fox and {

-- - - - See Our W

Prices $6.9( ' . .

H I8 i w hbB 1 ■ IS s H

lightful Variety

i t Leather Pi s t in g o f t h e L a t e s t Si

J u s t A r r i v e d

ur^e you will'include a ^ a i

ips in your autumnal wardn

isiders style will have them,

lonotony for there are so m which patent leather can b(

Sally Sandal, low heel, two sci^n, Louis heel, three bue military heel, three button

S I N C L A I R ’ S" I T PAYS-**

; I

n v B J ' ;

^ T h o M. 8. 6 . elub will meut-with Mrs, 'Guy Blurgeoo ob Wcdncsday,^No>-em* h e r o . ;•

Quoen- E sther d rc le will meet a t tlie homo of Mias Alice Cnrlsnn, 430 Blue Lflkcf boulevard, on Tueaday, Novem-, ber 8, a l S:80 p. m.

■ On Tuesday .ovoning. In the pastor’# study, M iss E m ily Uummlns, deacon* css o f Ibe' M otbodist chorch, will ts s e i ' w ith ' tho .boys and Rlrla o f high sc h o ^|i«e fo r tho purpose o f organixing aa. K pw o'th league. A ll who ore no t mcm* bers of a Ipaguo aro invited to u t to a d . '

<Thb W imodausl clnb will meet 'W oi- nesday Dftemoon a t tho home of Mra.J . P . M eClure,4at 110 Sixth nvcauo north ._____________________



hokers :to be inore popular be worn on so many : ,. ■ys add a pleasing ' _ istuihe.' , '

sipt of a large ship-, . ed chokers that will'

fitch, grey squirrel, ra wolf, silver tip- 1 grey fox. . ■

Window— .' '-I- '9^ and up

r < y f

^umpsStyles '

a,ir^f patentIrobe—every- ,.

m. Yet there |

many charm- I

be fashioned. i

ro straps. , , \ lekle straps. ^ ■)nstraps. _j- s l

s f i r s t . -

Page 6: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

' ' '

F A L L S D A IL Y. ’ (turned even' n» erni>on w oept Buad*]

TwInib^illa^Nrvra^l^^tl^^arCo.. Inc.

ROY A. IlKAI) ........................................................JOHN C. lUIlVKV ................... . . . . . y . . . . . . . . .

EMivn-.l n« Hi-c<)iiil cliiM lUAll miiHer April », ^ lo f f lc i 'i Jll Twin ntlN. lOiitic). un<).T th r Acl

^ ......”sUD3CniPT10N~l?ATEB: Ono ji'iti ............... ........... .. ....................................

( m onilii> ............ I . . ......... ...................................S monilm .............. ......... .......................................I rn'imti .......................................................................

sij:m iii;» ok a ««u(:ia tisd i*iuck.s' Tlm As».><-I.iin.l f'rcs# ii c»ciu«H'ei)' tim uca

lot rrputiUcailun'of aU'noirs dlipateiiea credUt-d Otiienvliif> cfi’dliiM .tn th li piip<T. ttnd nlso thi* publliilifil h«r.'lii. All rietiiN of rtriitJbUrailon nf patclK-.i iii'irin nre alM rwervcd.

rci't-'iinllilllix In fltaiim<-J tor ml.' C»rii of tiiiinunrrliiu. jit.oli>rnP''" I’r other contnhutwl r Odi-« iiiiimilHt).|*for publlcAtlon will Iw uted or illxrri'llun of (Mu editor aiM ns iiiitnuscrl|>i will unli'Wl-nrromiiftnlcd by neccwwrj- ixwUifc. ,

' KArtTIJMN ftBJ'RteaENTATIVISS Oi-<>r«- II. IMvld Co. inc., 171 Mudliwin Avc,.

A. n . Ki'uiiir. U ll itartrord llulldlntf. CIiIcuro.

Tlio nT-w» U a mcintier of lh«'7tidlt Uurmu Uon». fnnn ttlioni full Information »» lo circi b« obti\ln«d appUo»llon. l)oi4 llfd tnfom

. tilled locijllv upon' roquwL___________________

BSOALLHfO SOLOHON‘8 J O D O mtono th lnK ukin lo- tbo Trbdpm of tklom o

r liovo bi'on ckLibited l i / the eommUslonon o. qounty in tlialing w ith lho Comihlj' I 'a rn i B

lom.Boiiiirtlmu Hincc tho commlMloaors, in defer

.damned for t o i roviiloo downword, docldsd UlO oppropriulion for th c znftintOQnoeo of tbo m u . Imiucdiolcly ft g roat howl arose and t t l F a n a Dureau nod tboso n i o bad dorlrod beoo i ta activitli'fi floflkod to Jt« s u p ^ r t a ad demi ctatcm unl n f ttio appropriation fo r i ts n t la l i

A lioarioff tioforo tho eotmnisaloaors o f tho ]iro (Uld con iroa arraagod, w ith th e re tu lt tb a doriuiee of lon tim ca t waa oxp reued ia hV or o thu Inatilu lioa . ■ '

T his wa.1 tlio ulluaWon oa i t w as tbon pnnoi cominiiuiloncra; K retybody Wan(«d lowor ta Rrvot tnna )' jieoiito soemod lo w ont tbo F a n a I m a b teo a n ce o f which 'iavo lve i o ipond ltaio oi

. 07. Till' q u u tio a w as to dotonnlno jn s t how pco{ik' and laxiwyDrs w aatod tho F a n s Duroai (nmmitwliinL'ri h i t upon thU lo luU aat “ W e u c lli6y~nnid,-•'* lu-ftpproprlnle fund# Xor maJat Fam i niiri-nu n'ni) roun ty n sen t proTidiog fa pledge tliiiir aujipurt to tbo i'a rm Qoreau w l borsliiji o f Tour hundred n o m b e n ."

N o DTit rouJtl jAvjctl to tbo o v id ta l f a l i w * of ovltlnii. A n 'inn tituU on to be i t te r r tig of i jio rt to 1(1’ ready and alite to prove ila imblii'.; nn<J ■’> t>><> iBBtaaee, tbe re bmkdb to I COnrliiJilvf uviilnnrir o f viUac th a a tlial ffivjin

bcrnhip. - ' ' 'Coinml-Hioni'r* n f Minidoka, county aro to I

i)ipnt'i>'l ii]iiiii llm ir najfacioun tnj)thoil o f itfnli jicriiloxiiiK (iriil)l('i^ while thcrenullH of the t •srfhlli-il wilti i i ^ v a l p,'npr.illy.

. ‘ _________1,__________________ :--------- -------------

i lN G O IS M m A L IE N IS M

%ViilliT SVlllbtns, head of th e dop arita iu t b( a t Uk! UnivcrHity o f 'M iu au r i. deelarod a t tb ttonal I ’r c n Cnn;^oa< la Sonolutu th a t m m o bo taken tu " 't l u n n thc tyjiowritcra o f tho 'jla] tho w o rld ." U jnn tho junk heap w ltb theao t o f ,ilnRoI»n Nlinuld Ixi tho tjiiQwrltDrB a n d 'fo u of thu alien j'rov''Kon'U*t« In lho U oitod 8 tato( aloHK’''" **■''* '•'•u'llry ^or a contury and s thii S trintly {iro-yVini’ricnD poliey i/ttb o u t Ijoeomln] In till' wiirn o f tho olbvr hemhiihcra.' T b ls t t tliu tnfliiuni-i> l'f aliun propat^nda in th e Uni

. iTim n n l ntroiii'. Now thorn ia in p r o f ^ s in I SlntoH tl |iro]i.ii:nnda of Kuropean' o r i^ n •whlcl (ilftcc Amrricpn poaco a t the poril o f Buropoi anco. [Tlil.s nKilntlon, cesontliilly unpatriotic, (Ijo ]u'A(:ii nml jiruMpprily of th l i country fa r

* jingoiHni. Till', Amorioan poopio c o v e t’colbli

■“ I food.”P a t h w a y s t o I n t e r - a « t i i

n a t i o n a l P e ^ ‘ i « &~ — I . . . . . . - - . . (inp, ut

XOTK-<riiiji in a numtnary of "l.irvon till' th ird of n aiirieM o f four ncrmoa Tho 1Icpluri'H Iiy Df. W. W. Uiirka of the now rcF irnt Chri.ilinn chnrch.. Tbo fourth ho a l liami roiichiilinR number,““ Turning proach» on i)ii‘ liii’h l ,” in lo be di'livorc’d 1. Ini-*l H unihy cvcninj;. thc cot

---------------------------------- fn r nilT oxl; lIoU. M w '«

Mo-il thinkiTu (oday fw l Ihiil il Ixonly iiT riT.i-nt time th a t thc world hni th r ontcout'n.tK thiiih i>r tnc iiocjal phonomunun thinkinwc »'iill Mir. Ihrougn mm-irlcn! moth- ifi onlyod. Cnst irilo Ihii' r.riii’itjli! o f invi'xliga- innxriotiun, <10 liltli' i>r .1 n-iilduini luji como tin- ‘-oforlli, ;i> nn niil in th r Kotllrmi'nl o f lifntborhuUinn .<tiH;)iili-j>, thn t Ihinkcrn n rr .1 ilnmnnlunit \n ^iocfnrini; it ix fiitili-, m iruanon. n irn lrnblr iillll im'xi;iuiaJilr. Ah preliminary Divine(u th r M'nifl iliiii!it!uiiun il in wtdl lo atnte bla chlbriefly w m e of tlir .fundtiHirnlftl «nurc& in oC tV0/ w ar: lion on

]. ITir Rinlini th a t him ilrivou anu ThisKtill ijrlvcii MnvnKCH lo nrincil confliet un til it

' wlUi th i'ir nui|;hborlui; triliM, ia spoils, nl lri;i'I lo lii-.'H by war. T hat motlvo a till contiail‘nbidra u i lh civilir.cd nationH In tho ra- our diitio of thc lr iiroxim lty to tho mind of into Ittlm iiaviiKi'. ■. ^ “ mere

Thc ntvu^r-enJin^ conical botwoen are foiftutocrney ^uid democracy; onc carryiop; pathw aw ith il the nrialocrary of b irth , tho coMly'lii'lralilp of H)iceinl prlvlloKO and tb a a ^ mont ciaunsed lordaUlp over olber*. Thp othor «u»l.ulioviui; Ihnt thn only nriitocracy is bu t jmth a t ot fliarar.tor, the only lordship hi tlin l toIhnt uf Rcrvicc, and th a l the only hoir- liim lnr'

-•IRnTiiXin itJi fiiw iily , w th a t o f nu 'rlt. ' li-ni; wl3. A n^'itionali.'ini baKOtl o ilher on or i.iitrh 1

(jnnlto.l forcr,. or on o^|;a^i7i^cl wvnlth. "i-;\np.' Thft nalioonliam nf Qermany, Ihnl at- phnriiia tfm pto 'l to com jorr tho world, WOJI baa 2. A cd on orgnnirfd force. Thn natloDallEm s |iirit a •of America bn/od prim arily on human approac righ ts, IB tcmpteil lo w i^ 11 sta tus th a t \VIitiir I renta nn or/'anixo<l w ealth. Onc casl'y nnthrin

a* iRlotftrnUlc »{ uuraasv rlRht# lu 'n a f l. a s the o lher.; . Ihu acr

4. I n ju s U ^ ^ io people wh 0 hnvc ,will foi been a w a k e o M u iLacD»' o f aocial ilic- & Nfr. I n ity and perS&Ml righ ts, and who th ink on Intc ir il l loug n b m lt ui sHcncc .to ''a pro th a t, “ gram i>f ia ju itlco . ' onoes h

5. Hongor. H ^ns been well said actiomi. th n t "o v en /o w a rd i will f ig h t 'fo r main nc

• uf;

' t w i n 'F A L L S D A IL Y

YM I T W G world th a t bolonga lo aa; l N i : j y V i 3 wbalovor fo r th e j

3unda» ' Unllcd Blatoa w^mts wor_______________wanta wnr oxcopt i t has

Inc. hrloni;B tr> somu na tlon 'liJ _____________ ____ Milf, « r wuakcr ttvan soBt

Presidon'i effect.—N ational Bepi Treasurer ■

i r i r r ' i iT T n r m T ' p - — ■

' ’ ■ I F W E O N L Y H /

..................... Itustauran t m o ih a j e ‘................: • • | i ll, liltlo old copper c e n t I f................... ; » leo nlra tboy could roduco t

— - nlas, tho U nited e t iU s n •nKKK . coppers fo r th e trade . A

“ I “ odera d » the lor.il newa odm jt th a t 10 cents Is to. lon of aii«ciitt dla- m ilk fo r whleh tbo /a tm e

____________ , a ha lf, bn t th e y c a n 't rc<aril of 'unaoilcitvd no t enough ponnlos to mi uted matler, A r- • sto ry goes on : The fam

'lu w t of m ilk delivered

J -------.— -----------Tbo form er jjots al)out (' avc,. ."Jew VorK. the restauran t m wuRo. . bocsuso Ihoro is an inadei

ly, n “ m j i '■■•i t t» >».-) circulnllon may tnformattan aup-

KiiniNT M ore Trut,olomon sooms to . 'lors o f U inldok*Jm Bureau I'fob- '

deferoneo to the elded to lop o f f .}t tbo Farm Bb- I Mj A Jnd friends o f the I benofU tiro u g hI demanded rein- T H E O O U N m tlaionance. By S. if tho .argum ents ‘ A UNT im STK K c I t th a t * propon- •. --------K ccka.api'.,lod

Aunt H estor a in ’t m:prosontod'to th e ' and U ndo U ol ,•er' taxes and a 'V"* ^rockleil. aaub-ner w aes anu . ^■ana Bureau, tbeore o< t u mon- J Olli'^Hti th a t motht how m aeh tho all;t n o w m u e f t ino H r hnd a blaok Bh

i^von « » . . ; f e aro w ilU lag.'’ lUi g n t In jaU, Auotm alntaln log the • "ijrhl.

, ,,, ll< sawed a bar in tiDS v.]llIU witb :i inetn-

,V N I) dad, when be l» v , boo.

if ' ' h i'iit cumpny with ar of public Bup' onRagodlita value to tbii <>nr time lio i(ot in t

J lo bo no more About a jprl Aiiul IIgjvjm l)y mcm- ^[,5,,

0 to be complli- - T )A H '8 irrandpn ww , ,, know boforo;ilenllnjr with a ,

thv toat witl bo (or nal thn dooiHlir atartPil back**«*i

, • me Kul. •• > ■ ■ And tnothcr; nine# ahe

■ ly Break to dad.

I IS M ' 7 n f f l r S ^

a t b( journsUsm ' »a t tho In tom a- / ^ l W . / / r / t / \ 3

m w u re s should Iji 111 M n f l Kho'jlngo press o f ~ m v heao lypow rlton

O U B N A ms third \indor ■ MunlirooniB nro bnli

comlnff Involved *■'""' Sw ittorland.'his -was because t" “ 'l»t‘>ol» '*‘nl0 United 8 lat«8 ■ • Numj'tion.IB in tbe Unltod» h l o i . , . k . to I O E IT M A T I t tV E

uropoan disturb- A Now York manrlD tlc,..threatcns .........il;iy Umt he dialoc.alw’ f a r moro than was prtiflnbly lllatonlnDolblng. in this 'jo^io. >

ood.*’ Tliotc can bft no t»an<\ulUty iu council. nation w ith thousands o f lt« poople evunmlryinfj for bread; nnd thore can hn nn aontomiiternationnl quiotudo and comity when o f vlctnp, u f the r a r tb ’s fjim ily‘o f nationH prcmnrt.nrvod. ficd.Tho qucation fa irly before us, wc iir.« This

ow re.idy to dbieuss w hat'.appeara to ceivede a l leasl xomo.of.tho fu n d ^ e n ta l ap- roaredroacho* townrd Intflmational pe.ico. gotr th

1. Thc rontpulrioa th a t eomes from the mo lie connclousness o f a divine ancestry istlc p nr nil mnn. Tho tru th onunciatod from th e ‘ ‘ l a r 's n m two' thow and y w B ogo. m a f hnt, "U o d hath created of one blood w ith ilII peoples tn dwoll on all. tho faco o f olennni ir o n ttl i ," m ust bocomo %'ital in th e roiindii iinkin)> anil llvinf; o f nations. Tbero ^ o rk1 only i.ne d ignity comparable w ith tho tninil 1 inarioiiKncHH of sonihip, and tb a t is Blalrn lie ••omplcmen^uy contciouBwas of the tr r mtbcrhood. Tlio moat w idespread ond jtnnil l amnnblc infidelity , in tbo honrts of bn |u-r< Icn lotlny, i.i not on unbelief in tho ijiiirni*i' livtni! Fathor, b u t o' disOoUof nmoni: TIirr la chililrcR, in th e fraternallBm th a t ^vith 1 I oC tUe vcry caw nte of liutaan projcc- «i>rlcl'i ion on th r onrth. | life i-x[This il nlmolutoly funiUmentuI, and t^ithrr

n lil i t is rcrngniM d In all in tem allnn rhihlrri I IcKidlntion nnd diplomacy, wo will injiuii, BnlinilF lo. erect economic barrlera In n. 1 ur diicrlm lnating lawH, nnd to rntoi ipr.iro 1 ito tte a l ics only to count them u/ l,f mili 'm ere acrapii o f p a p e r" whon they long cr re found, (o bo a thw art ^ r nclfi^li the n|K athwnys. Christian nnlions may crcci rvery iiatly' temples of worship, and' give a ||i,-(irc loat conm nndlng cxprcudnn of rollgi- nin.i|ih:- w pawlon in perfunt^ury wfttaMp; " T b e 1 n t jmil ro long as w i have the iilen 1 is nr.-ii; m l toliginn. ia i ts entlooki Li per|>oa ;;ii;o, «;i in iln r-ra th e r than horiEOntaf; jtirt .111 j r iiris li | 'nj; will the suffering world foul ihnl il!n»i- I ii:ch (if onr p'orformanco Is a mere trreKl; -nnro nf ini'.inini’lesa miimmerloB and rexnlt hnriiiair. floundcrlngji. ' C|iiirl. <2. A ltmlsm. This munt be both tho “ There

lirit aod thu atmosphere In which wo thu pe:i [iproach nil . Interaiitlonal queitlonr. of a iloi HitSirthp *ngebi sang th a t Christmas peace, 1 nthoMi—“ Pcace on earth—good will sue it, 1

«ncn,” i t wa* Qod IcW n j down conselci IU acrnll u irta which was w ritten HLi law wfill for Jlll His children. .* . ehlldroi Nfr. Fm nk SbnmonB, a leading w riter much 1

) inlernational affali!f, f d d recently rosOrt Ilot, “ All intcm atioBal p < « e confer- ia tho loos had been bargain counter tnuu* whea a:tionn.” S o w truo i t is th a t diplo tem ati: atn nnd iw lillclans have coma t« t h e n | tralloti,

I • •

,Y NEWS, TWIN FALLS0 a ay o ther peoplo. Thore Is no ox- 1 pals tho assum ption, therefore, th a t thu {I 0U wor w ith anybody. N o govorament itry , has it purpoae to possess th a t which jrrjio on’I t believes to bo weakor tban It- ,prcs some wm W aatlftn of powers I t hopes ;«vci BopubUean. • jKrci-------- :---- — ■ i tlon

lldes------------------------------------------- oil' H A D A F E W P E N N I E S ! [ion

ive “ poased the buck” lo tho poor . I f they only had a bagful o f pen- L j “ leo the prico of milk per glass, bn t les m in ts ju s t will not mako enough - I. And so a gbws of milk e tlll eosts j „ ^ | ra c ity rostaurant. Tho proprietors , j , „ j b too mueb to chorge for n g la ss 'o f u n e r gota 'from a ccnt-to a cont and | |,^p, ’t rcduco tlW prlto bocauBo thoro itho0 moke ehangc. And so th e old, old fnrmor gots fivo or s i r cents fo r ared in town. The consumer a t th o into about 40 conts fo r it, or n t th a t ra te .

iu t 92,SO u hundred pounds fo r .h i i . . mon sells it for nbou t'|20 . A nd Bll tmdequalo nipply uf copporsi F ra n k ' )cq,] us.—Idobo Former. 1 „o ,

-------------------- - I com_____________________________ _ tho


■uth Than Poetry IhSoral

— — — f ' sonii“ STS---------------f---------------h S K ’ wHCac is eo^yJ^^p a ! of


______ ' ______ conl> U N T E Y E K L A T IV B monI j s . B. KI8E11

lit came to visit h o re ,'th ro e onlyu ,lo d o y ;. '_ ..... ......... - • ' -bolwhale lim e, jiu rty near, u n til . the

fay: • geni't mv aunt, b u t d a d 's ; w hea him ^:ol , ' tianlub-nosod lil t ir lads A unt Hos- e n weU.

theoother d id n 't know d a d 's fara- ^. tionc Bhoep cousin, thongh, w hole f ”®' iras P an l; ..uot H tslM sftld, a ad a fte r th a t

trnvIn two ahd flcfl. and fadt>d o u t '


n bo was youog and wild nndboon o o g o i 'tb a b u tc h e r 's child, nnd nearly1 " in trouble, too. for b e in ’-In n j

Ul Hoator know—he lickod the


. was adopled, whioh wo didn 't re ; _:hl ho ’d like to p itch A unt IIc!>- door.

InRKp yostorday; it d id n ’t make

8 ahe*8 w eh t ttw ar.'w on ’t'h ard -

k d . '

.TURAL EEBOXmOEB bning imported, in to th is coun- anil. Wo nro a tlll ablo to misc. thnt iiro^needed fo r homo con-

IV E B E ilN A rOSLD STOBY nan yawned so h a rd tho other c.nlcdjine of biB shoulders. Ui' tenlog to tho latest prohibition

undlH t« sou llvat ncotc* a teunmi up; convieled Irnublo-mokcr* ntonriid, a d.illy |tir.-idr o f a ‘‘ pooce v ic to ry” in itiiiulgeil in, .ind tho su-

emncy..nf m ililn rinn i^ i |o be glori- id. -This ‘.‘ bariinin ro u u tc r” inplhod, coii- Ivcd in rnvy, norii in ,’tcnloiin^anll ured in simpiclfln, h a ^ l i v r i ^ ^ y to tr tho sccdr of futia«jATar/r Ono of 0 mohl [ironininccil ntcjM l/i nn nitn i- ' ic prop.ram.wns the orf-.-jlilr-itiop 0'0 “ Intoriintion.il Labor congrosa.’’

a V r t of the .tT o .ity of Versailles,th its ohnmpionnhip of hcnith, social innnoM, Siiiul-y rost, nn>i l .r t t r r sur- iindtngf fcir women nnd 'chililron who >rk It Ix illfricult to iiniiiTstnad thi. nil llf the ciinjorily of the United ales nnial.-. In reje.-ting thla port o f p trea ty mnd nmre -lifficiflt to under- • mil how Christinn prrsiden l could perj<ii:i<li'i! o r liliiiljreoncd into nn oc

ienci-ni-i' in .Hiidi iin climjnnlion.Tlirn- - an l.r no internntionnl pcace th thl- f/iif.i o f those who do the

«cirV in tb e ilii.il, tbe jr dally e exii*'ii(iiliin! trontod na a commodity Ihrr iliiiri ;i jiiin t nurvlcc, ond thoir ihlren mid t'randchlldren doomed to iuiiti"e, icnornnrj and poverty.

TIu'u ilicrc muat bo a growing ieo innrcinncr. -The propagandlstB

niililari.tin Imvi' gone iinchollongod lg enough. T he new dny is horo fo r ’ • .! n|io^.llc.i o f poaco to proclnlm from I'ry plntform th a t In ternational ICC in Ihc i-ational nnd nonsal a t- '.'lihiT.- for th ink ing man to livo in. fbe nge of th e too lh nnd the c law ” nr.-iisablc^in none h o t tho nnkod sav-.I', «;t/o )■ untouched by the flight o f rinlijiti r iv llim tlon . We nttnhd nn to >'i- .iKiiipt in which wo Imvc an .In- enl; bu t oa'r Inlereats a te lorgely^tho mlt n f our own crcation. 'I lo n . • a rl.’< K. Hughea )iar well sa id , fherc can bo no fina l nnsuro'nce o f r peai:e m' thu ^ r l d in the abnonoi} a ilo-iire for p e « e . " Wo mnat think ice, ta lk poico, n i» -JH fi« rfu lly pur-1 it, untl] there la an o rp m n i- p s a c o iselcnco, tb a t will f o r ’a ll tim e out r wnr, and mnke m rn see, tb a t ni ildron o f O o d ,'w c ahould b avo . too ich Bclf-rcspcct 'a n tf filial prldo to o rt to poisonous gan and llnul^ firo tho retllem ent o f our dlffienltioa,

e a all th rio can I m brought Into In national courts o f eqully and arbl- , lloUt adljndJeated by th e prinei- !

u S , I D A H O , m :o 'n D a y . n c

ials o f jusliee ond rigbteouaness. In awai D lltthoro was organised in th is eoun- oil 1 ry, “ The Leaguo to Enforce Peace-” the rjio Hon. William How ard T a f t was ita SJ; irealdcnt ni)d its ch ief ezpocent; bow- phya vcr, Ct cnioHed in lU mombotiU p th c insai Tool thinkers And Isad e rt o f tbo na- unfo ion. I ts prineii>a!s and a la o r t its otly dontlcal progrnm, os urged by- olmest oxeu ill roinmereial, c ivio wol/aro, odoea- man, ional ond Vellgious o rgan in tjons, w as we 1 iiinlly t-mbodied in th a poaco trea ty o f Isaio I'crsailles, under tho covenant of th^ “ An coguc of nations, w ith Its internation- d eourt ju a t ostablishod. iind boa bo- And omo 1)10 international taw of 61 na-. A nd Iona. - Dr. F ronk Craao, tho groat m a | :nilBo w riter, said o f i t : " I t - is tho And :rea to it deed of n n n in tho h iito ry o t N atl ho w orld,” Our refusal tp en ter it, iccayso of Ihe p iq u e 'o f partisanship, N eit ho iaterm eddiing o f foroign propagan* 1 lists and the mlsroprcseqU tlons o f the .— ^ inlnformcd,. ia tfao g rea test, crim e In p - _ ntornntional politics in SO years, and las h en tra liud to the m ax iaum , th a t iltruinm- tha t boro us in to the world var, btid tha t callod to us the moral codershlp o f the world. T here a m be 10 plablo world peace Until tU s peaee onseiunco in organUod in a soelsV of ho naiiona of th e w o rld 'fo r peaee.

4. The (imo has come to ehalteage he dodtrlne, ‘ th a t a n a tio n in a n n e u he surest guaranteo o f peace.' Qen; iral I’ernhlng. n id recently , “ The lea- ona of tho last few m ontbs ahould bo nouah to cenvinco us o f tbo dang tr if nationa rtr id ing up nnd down the lurth iiTinod to tho te e th .” T he.orjny IBd navy loagucn,. ta k in g advantage of hp wiirlil war s jluation , have q irried m n vigorous preachm ent o f mltltorisra mdcr the indefiaito torm “ P r e p lT T ^ > icas.” They m ust bo sHoncod. W e . ire Iiojiing much from the WaBhington onforoncc on tho HmitaHon' of nrma- nenta.

Thc world sits on a volcano—anotheriphcavnl such ns th e lttst.w ai-w U U oav« 4 ___inly tho Incinerated- rem alna of civil- rotlon. I f the .conference proceeds on hp bypolhealr o f opportunism and :enttcmanly agroomenU I t were botter I wero not called. I f th c g rea t Chris­ian powers in th e confercnce h a v en 't ; ho courago and fa ith , n t tho vory ou t-1 iet, to p lant them selves sqiiarely o n ' he position, th a t “ a nation In orma” , s a national eolam lty and an in te rn a - ' ional menace, tbon ia a ll inch confer-, mcca they are sim ply play ing diplomjit-1 c pce‘5'n-hoo w ith oneh nther, wliile, ur ancrlflcinc m others continue to: rnvnil In birth fo r sons to bo nffern l 'H the n itaf o f thp Mnloeh o f wnr. ' i

A hii;ip.v. Indu’striour, law -abldln<, Ihrlatl,-’. minded people is tho su re a i. ( laranue of nationnl vldolity nnd un- 1 ly nn.l the Icaat mennco to world •

■ , • y i i __i r wc had the roat o f one dfoad-1

nii(fhl wr ronld irrigate enough land 1 M nl-i to Increaso Us populntlon b y j

I f wn could kopp the monoy 1 .i-'Tl^lcnd fur naval or nrmy support-1 very idle maa in Amcrlctv would lu ive '

Jub, l-ui^lng good roads, drn ln lng jU —= ^ s = = ^ = s = = B = : i : i = i = = s = ^

Use I Every Way

T h ousiznds o f fam ilie s o il o m n tr y a re u s in g K lim P o w d becau so o f " , ;

— its c o n v e n ie n c e — its cco r p u rity

—ita u n ifo rm h ig h q u a l i ty in 1 —its r ic h frcah -m iilc flavo r.



^ . P O ^U se K lim e v e r y w a y , e v e ry

e v ery mille n e ed . U s e i t to d rin l a n d be tw e e n m c o ls -O Q th e ta b le

. a n d d e s s e r ta — in te a , c o f f « , J U s e K lim in e ll r c d p e f l t l i a t c a R e s u lts a r o u n ifo rm a n d d e p ^

K litn o n y o u r p a n t r y sh e lf n , o f h ig h q u a l i ty w h e n y o u m

B earing— n o B h o r ta je — b u t a s t ' • p ly o f s t r e e t , w h o le so m e m ilk .

In 1 - ^ ^ lb. cm k YeUo

s o i f f l f t r o M

' I ' ■

T O V E M B E R V r l ig l

iwamp landr or irrigating the desert— itl making for present bitppineiia and _ . be fu tu re grcatm w ; of our nation.

SJy friends, w ar muat ettisc. I t is **** “ >liriic»lly iin»ie«ll(,i,iiUc, i t l> .o tU ly Ho nsano nnd barbarhvs. i t is vicious and .daeld< mforgivnblo in morals, nnd Inlelloctu- dly i t Is tho most unreasonahlo and in- izeua;il>l(- progmm ever nccedod to by -riti non. Aa a leading Chridtian nation • ” ro^shoulii tako up tbo challenge of

'A n d ho ahall jud^c among the ua-

U d shall rebuke maay peoples; Makln d ^ e y shnll beat tbo lr awords into v « i

plowshares, g^sth e ir epoors into prune hookfl; rlTi!

Nations Bhidl a o l .H i t .Bword ngainat u r sa t|oB 7 •-

Neither shall they leara w ar anv f Ol m jre .” *


ReserUaoy oorporatloiiB and btul

able to weather the late year reserves whioh they had boUt i Snob a reserve Ib nseless aslos aoconnt when needed.

Tha Twin Fallfl .Bract iB now ' prdhahlyhe the largest orop it

will be many farmers again ii_____ plus fnnds.^* Now is the time_____serve— ____

. \ . . . . A savings aocount is.the pli

; ey for it will be at yonr sorvico

a ' ^

T h e F i r ^ t N a t i c o f T w i n 1

"Oldest Bank in il_____ ■ POSTAl SAVINOS DI

. Member of Federal Rt

Powdered Mill y Eveia ll o v e r th e K lim ia p u r e , r ic h p a iw d e re d M ilk iduced to p o w d e r fo n

in^^ N o th in g is a d d e d - « o n o m y — its — n o th in g tn k e n a w a y

R ep lace th e w a t e r m in a ll se a s o n s a g ^ 09 . f r e s h a n d sw e ir. p o w d e r M ^ h o u r s f re s l

m nB A A N O

v d e r e d m i l ke r y d a y ^ o r n o t e o u t ^ t n e e d s noirink a t m ealfl f i te z e in w in te r,ib le f o rc e r e d a K lim is e n d o rs e d b y ie , a n d cocoa . o e n t p h y s ic ia n s , food: c ^ f o r m O k . p e rts , a n d sd e n tif lts .p e h d a b le ., ^ T r y i t o u t in y o o rIf m e a n s m ilk h o m e . G c ta p o d c a g o o f lw a n t i t N o P o w d e re d W h o lo M ilk

a s t e a d y s u p - c re a m ) a o d o n e o f ] Ik . K lim d o e s P o w d e re d S k im m e d U

Uow L a M ifo r , Whole M U k-B laa L



. W sll e x p r« tt td . . *Fdi) T anklos aays an cdncatloa ti e a gnn; I t can b e nsefol o r it car b sn n . a c e o rd ta g 'to 'b o w Ita'ow itet

rfflcB to po in t I t

W IN f A U S - B O I S E S T A flE

M Tlng T v la F aQ i a t 8 a. tn. (local Ime): a rr lr* Boise 3:30 p . m .. (lo­l l t la # ) . ;

lake connectloa w ith Ko. 10 go ia t r<|ft. a t M ovnttla Eom a. o iT la i us bour fo r dinner before th e ar- 17»1 o f -19, going w w t, . r a r e camt I ralliM d.

H A S K B R O S . S T A O E C O .

~ =

•vesoBiness men have been tr of strain heoanso of It from previous years, loss it oan be tnrned to

w harvesting what will it has prodncod. There I in possossion of sor- ae to start suoh a re­

place to put this mon- ico when neoded.

i o n a l B a n k F a l l s ^ «the County _i


Reserve Syatem (J

. ‘ . . . . ■ - i

^ •■ I

P " , •



C . ' 4

T - - ...... ....................................

jry Daypasteurized milk ' |orm without cook- f!d—nothing changed n«y b u t th e w a te r .and you have miftwcct as it waswheQcsh. not daysiold.


: - ■ ■ ■ <>

no ice. I t d o e a o o t

ly emi'

IT ow n O

LaM hrSlm im td » -


• ■ • V. "

Page 7: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i


M ro ilH S l s io BAT C

^ S P B iE S ii”?Wonl Mccivcil a t hcaflquartcrg of the

Twfn KuIIb CWunty Ftom 6u rc a i from 1, ., Club rea d er A. I . O ’fioilly, froiu Bpc- _ _ kane, iuJlcolM th a t the Tw in I'nlN cuun(y Mock ju d g in g clal), cn tcroJ tbo Inti'fnntioua) L ivestock show n t^ 'o u r | 6 poknno, will b ring home more thnn nn I lowclii

. iivcroKJ iJiaro’o? ow ardA , jmiI(J,'J“ Wc ifot only earriod off hifih

or» Id judging, but th e piR* pim-uJ or. Ifu ,,,.! , d lfplay by tho T ^ i;, PaJJ. county d n b i S lads hr.u. non [WinU thnt plncnl tbu 500 cV eooDty Sor abovo it$ own TCconl ilespitc tho h iK .,} ,t^d a rd c .tab l[.he .l in oth r i S S ™ i t i o . , . M r O 'JZdfJr, Kho is « o ^ ( '’ D rir o n hi* way to a liveatock eipoaition {n 'to„ l o " ! '’ ' JrcaJqaarter* a a /o l'lm .o n t

Althouj-'Ji (Jio Twin f’aJIii county pffp '."reiW wcro J,Inced in compotition w ith lOO i . „ j ..fip ip t in (fie club cfaMCs nnd over 3 a 0 j^ ,o „ . in thu (,pcn, A. I. 0 ’Reilly infonna uh lh a t the judgo w tm cd, t a have llttlu i.n."!-

.tioubln in ^ im lin g them. ' i S " ' Out of J2 plaeoa offered jn the f lu b 'k i in i.v

claaion on boars, 12 on bo'.tb and c ic h t ' on litter o f four, Idnho tnok the fol- lowinjf; ^

B oaT *-F irat to otoventii, inclusive. ! - ‘'Z 'B om -F ^T tt to tw e lfth , IncJualve.'

L itt tfr -P irs t, Bccond, third, fourth. 1 f if th , » h th M d e j^ h t i . : •

O f thrro tho young breeders o f T w in ' : i , „ / ftiU a «ouaty won tbo M hr^lng boaom

Bonr»-LoBter D itto r: flr«t, fourth ;6 {r?nk: (htrt?, mxth, ' n in th .

tenth, twelfth} H otjeri W covcr: f if th ; ‘ ifaurfeo H arrisi tw e lfth . ■■

80WJ—Clifford CaldwcJl* th ird ; Al­fred Stronk: fon rlh , f if th , neventhj Clifford D avia: oightb' nnd te n th ; Lcb- tc r D itter: n inlh and eleventh. Purnii

l i t t i i r o f four—LcBter K t l c r ; tb Jn h Wheat,' Alfred Rtronk: fburth and f if th ; M aur­ice llarriB ; BUVCflU); C lifford D.iv}*- eif-hth.' , ►, Potato!

T ho in tho open cJflMfs w crot [BtttlcrJ • B ow -L e»tcr D itte r: th ird : 'A lf re d Ranch Stronk . rixth and seventh. K ix" ■

L itter o f fo u r-A lf re d S tronk: third nnd sirch ; M aurlro riarr{B: 'etovenfh.

• The Twin F a lls judg ing team com- |io»c(i o f John Owens, MHo D a tls aad Rnlph Brown, whicb romiioted both in Cattl vocalional and cluh ju d ^ n g eontcstj, ' ' ' i l f U niaile .1 most ercditttble showing. Al- Q op though fhcy were dofentnd by less thnn D pcr 'f-n t In vocntionni judg ing n t Idn- Pouli

•ho Stnto fa ir by tho Boiso tcnm, thc if siiill a t Spokano aa 's to ek jnd^fca placcd tbcui recond over tho samo competitor* who v;cfo awarded tcalJ i. O w ing totho fa r : thn t tho team from anothor A.........

. «falo'tVfln, f :« t , tho Twin R JJ5 (sata bolds liichcst honors in Idaho. T hcje « snmo ho?s. wcro aw ard ftl th ird pJofo in tho clul) judg ing contest. ■

- • Apples,

fAr r^o

Onions,(Ily FIRST N lonX K R ,)

'•Till' Four Iforncmun of lli.' Apora- *’’l‘>ur, lypiii'.'V w hirh .opens nt lho l.nvcring 6 “ fraf. todny for n four-day run, is by fa r tho Suffar, blRKCit pitlurn of the, yoar. l i is clasn- Cream cd will) “ Tho R i r t i r .o f a N otion,” B tltii 1 “ IlcnrU of tho W orld.” nnil'mnny o th’

. IT big productions. Ono aijllion dol- l a n .w.T? 0jpondod in .the m aking of thie G utter

■ mnsforjiirer. wbJrJj ha» n rnni o f li* 000 I5“ Uor people. Eggs (

Anil.i .Slewart in “ i’ lnvthingr o f Cbickei ne /itiny’- th e o ffe rin g af the N ow H ens ,Orphcuui for todny tmd tomorrow. J t Baeonte lls the story o f a tvoman th a t wn« fJaroa,tricked into' fom m ilting l.ignmv; nnd Ham .slrangi' ns f t may nouml there waa nJ ifnm, 1other wny out for Juiio Laneau, played Pork t.hy MTsi S tew ard A tw o -p « t "T oonor- M uttonvlllo’ comedy w ith t ln nsunl high Fork rriftss imthir completes the bill. Pork w

--------- StenhClmrlPK D ickcn's g rea t slory, " O u r round.

Mutunl F riend ,” bold/ the boards n t •«H‘ef-the Idnho M ondny innd Tiic.idav, and pU t«. 1from ntl indlm tions p ron jijw lo bo a — ~ Mi' lnr A P u t l, . N r e . , «n,la elevof corordy eompJoto th<» bill.' , A U I

tomorrow Is»ffcrln« hi; »l/)0o pri*o Mory, “ The M I X ^ ^ n r ; G ift, ’ toffother w ith a tw o-part Sl S i'lde_?plitter en titled , “ Teo Tim e.”

' READ I H E D A ILY , |



f#fKJ '5 3 . W *j


Newss under this he

---- IsovtI f Y o u r B a d e H u r t s o r B l f td d o r i

] § o th o r s 7 o q , D r i n k L o t s i |] ,c t o f . W a t o r (K' li'-ri

' ' ' n ll.jir

When your kidneyfl l i i i r (^ u d your hack gctN sore, don ’t got scared and ■ procco.l to load your stomcch w i t h l o t The nf drugs tha t cxeitc the kidnnye a n d j Board ii’ritiitP tho vntlro urinnry trac t. KcJ)r vour k.dnovs clean like you keep y o u r , *■' ‘“i'- ijowels ck-n'u.'by ftusblng them with .n '^ ie a 7iiM,'h.->rmless sa lts 'w h ich removes thi> body’s urinous waste and s tim u la te Ihom to the ir normal n>;tivily. ’ Tln' '!• ruiietlon of' tho kidneya It to f ilte r tin- jlood. In U houra they Mriiln from it 300 graln/i o f acid and wnnle, so we ean readily understand tbo viUil importanco Jf keoping tho kidneys a e fv c . •

Drin*c lots o f wntor—you c a n ’t drink .00 m j.'h - also get frnm nny pbarm arint f i" ibout four ounces of Ja d Hnlts; tako a ' nblennonnfiil iu u glns.i o'f w ater before „ ° ’ »rreikfu»t each morning for a few dnyj md your kidneys will ac t fin«C Tlii« fa- nous snlts is mailo from the acid o f'rap^r and lemon juice, combined witb ____ ^itliin, nnd has bcon unod for. genera- j j o j ] ions '.0 clcan and stim ulati' clogged iidney*; algo to nciitrnUrc tho a d d s in j ^ irlne «'i it .n o longer is n sourco o f ir- ilbtion, thus ending bladder weakness. , .Joil Salts in Inexpensive; cannot in- j j .

UT®; w ftk tj n ik'llKlvtful u f fa rv ts ttn t ilhm -wutor ‘drink 'which overyono j hould tako now nnd then to koop th o lr ildneyr clean nnd active. 'Try thia, i | ■Iso keep up the w ater d rinking, and no , loubt you will wonder w hal boenmo o f . ^ our jildnoy .trouble and biacknchc.-i

/ __ vis'iblo

' IW riN PALLS H A E K B rS ^ b i r

O nin , un lcrbFurnished by Twin Falla Flour Mills. 1* roPhcat, No. 1, cwt.............................<1.05 marks

■'otatooB, Bnrals, ewt. $ 1 & U 0 ble.lu t tc r f& t---------L------------------------- 48« l>ubllanch b a t t e r ------------------------------85« wili so:ggs .................................... ■.............. .’lOi; Imals

f'urniihed by Indopflndont M ealM arkel J3,

Cattlc—C o fs 4®-! I 'Z e; steers, Sc; hour 0 ■al, 0@7c. Timo)

noRt— Prim e, 8® 10e. - a to d iahoep— M otto ir,'4e; U m bi, 6e. jior of PoulttT— H eas, 16e; fryer#, 14*ie&. Twin I

--------- DntcU O tJB E W IF B 'B s^niSI!.

(BotiiU P r ie f t) • Hy IP n d t *0d V «grt»U 8i

irape*, l b . ................................. - 6@ 10oImnB and praaes, b u . ----------------«L60'oschoB, b n .,---------- --- ♦1.CK)@1J50’earo, OuC ........ ........... # [email protected], b n . ---------------------$l.c0@ 2.50 jn j,n A'otatooB, cwt. ________ _ #1.50 „qoaah, ewt. ........ ..................... .‘rT . $1.00 .vinbbage, cwt. ------------------------ $2.00 “ , j'ouUflower, l b . ................................... 40e j,, J ; ''omntooB, - l b . ........................ 7 l-2@10e

Il»..... -............. .... S' IvlllTfllarro ts, bu...........— .....- ......... ............ 50c jwdgmiinlons, lb. — ---------------------- ----- 3c

?T07lilonB a ad BUplea, l l^ l , jlour, 48 lb. saek [email protected], beet, 100 lb#. ........... [email protected] ^ugar, cane, 100 lb (......... N o qotation S " "

« “ > ..................................... \l* Dollarj

w a d .......................... ........... ................lOt jflfd'” ]u tte r ( c re a m e ry )____ 1------- BOo ju tto r ( r a n c h ) ----------- -----------------8Iggs (rnnch) d o i . -------- ------------- BOc .j^hn •/

UMtB . lowingbicken* ................................ 35r 'I»lens ...................................... .......... ,3lif Kivca e o n ..................................------------ 35c Sub-.a ro a , sliced....................................... ,<0-- Coun!am -------------------I-................ 88. jdnhiInm, sliced .....................................— <5r puhl!ork fboPB .V..... — .................. 25@30f n iil 0 ;[utton enops ............................. 25®30i 1021, tork roMt ................................... 25@30r (Mouniork s a o u f f o ----------------:------------- 80« ffoni. .S tenk^S lrlo ln , 30c; 1-bone. 30c. County

)und. ’'Oc; ehuek, 20c. te ll nt•llref—Pot r o u t . SOi-; n te k 17 l-2ci i,iiidcrlAt«. 12 l-Sei b r lik e t, lOe. Lnitcd

[ J H I C H E S p ^ i ^ S

«• B T«nlutn«UBM.eMM.UMraR<UMpMSOLDBYPiniOlilSTSEVEItfflHEM I'.y

pEr7ki^ flEV!AMLkoHT/ ( k i T i y


■ iw r«mw rv tw


s C l a ;kead,' One CentBy actual count, four oat these people what you ha es for sale or rent, the po

O V IE I aE A O T S A M B IB T T , r nTO P a iV A T B SO LD fflS E N B M IE aM0 .^(!Q\^, tbo octtuion o f J

Ijf ipurlli aaatvonarx o f tbo Kvlet, ho« ciM-rnl iminesty has beoa doelared fo r trai ll; l 'r iv .ilc aoldiera abroad who fought — Itoim t th e H v ie t goverBtseaf. F

____ton/ U 0T I03. J>“ilT he S tato B oard o f EdueiUon u d oard of Regenta of tbo C n lre rt ity o f laho. purauant to t i e proTlafona o f iii-i'. 11C of the LawB of 1921, o ffe r for J® ' lie and invito'softled propoBtl* fo r th o IVS iirchari}' o f th e buildings and gronnds irlunging to tho S tate Normni Bchool I .t»Hon, Idaho , Ibe Icgitlatan bMvUitr itcctcd th e removal of th'e fo ld «eboal 1 ,> Burley, Idaho . - The propBHy consiita o f nbont th ir ty

frcs of land, IhrcB dorm itoriej, an o IminiBtrfltioD, bulldJnj-, a ^ e a d l d i-mnasium, train ing Bchool boUding p ?aii{lfui campus, coaereto wn2i« , wa- r supply, etc., ote.I’oajcsrion to l« given on or txftcr iSrtr

)p1en>er 1, 1022. . j }I'ui! particu lars fum iihed on appll- itlon to A. C. Prico, A uditor. S ta to • F 3s rd of Edoeatioo, BoIm, IdabA imp.

JOTIOE o r f lH E R n r .’B r a i . t i o r ~ f 1B S m r A im tA L 3 cost

I , E . R . flhermoo, Sheriff o f lho )unty o f Twin P a lli , S tato of Idaho, ivo tnken into my posaeaslon a t tbc ~ ; c

A. Ctildwell farm Uio following do- rJhcd cBfray finioialB, to-w it: p!®*1 r o i cow, branded anchor dad ha lf rd o ’ cn le ft ribs and reversed -1 00 f l b l^ , crop o ff r ig h t ear, underblt id tro p o f f le ft ear, 'I Brockel fa«? red licet, 2 yoan oW, " l v ',hor.is, undcrbit righ t i-ar, no b r tn d ,oon

nutoI red 8(oer, 2 yeors.old, no horn j, un. r b i t r ig h t oar, no brand ylaible.\ roJ s teer, ] y e a r old, w ith Jjoras. , , , < erb it righf car, no brand visible. W j 1' rod Bteer calf, brocket faee, no irks a r brands vfsible. . ”I red and whito lim ited hcifor, 1 y c ^ r ^ 1, undcrb it r ig h t cnr, no brand vb i- y /

Public s\oti«tt i« hcioby given, th a t I ill »o<l the abova dcBcrlbed M fray an- IV ials ill pO M unnce'w ith Scction 2000, fnm imnilod S la lu lfs of Idaho, a t public est ction to tho highe«t b idde r fo r caah, Chip wful U]onoy o f tho United Stotcs, on '— 0 13th flay o f December, 1921, a t tBtt ^ ur o f 2 o ’clock p. m. (Mountain mo) n t tho E . A'. Cnidwoll farm , situ- od i’ jrU cs south o f the southeftst cor- r of nollist<ir Townslte, Countv of vin Falls , S tate of Idaho. '

% o( O dolitr, 1021.E .« n . SHPJIMA.V. Shcrilt.

Dy Bi‘n J . 'B roim , DppuJy.


. '. ,.1’la lntJff, -flDo;hn A, Brown. Dcfondnnt, —IJ.v v irtue o f an execution 'iMued ouf

Ihl' D istric t Court o f ‘tho KIcvcnth ' “*■ ' d in a l D litr ie t of tho S tate of Idnho. nud for the .County of TvVin Fallr,

led Ihl) Olh dny of Oclolicr. li)21, wroln Kd .M JH cr,'p la in /iff,'r^ ,.c rc ..' . . :li:m(-nt again sl .Inhn. A. Browu, di- rtdnnt, on Ihc lOlli .lay of Ffhrunrv,21, Jo r Ihe mim o f Three .Tliounniiil irco Hundred ' E ich ty-s ix '-an ,!, 310 (♦ a ,3 8 ( ljj) l)o iia„ . ^n ,| -rther sum o f Fnur H u n d r e d 'irty -M v c n and 10-100 (1437.10)

ther Wllh Int.ircrt.Ihereon nt the rate n f seven per re n t ppr nnnum from lh.*

Id 12th day o f W bruary , lfl21, I p Cvo Icv ic d 'u p o n all the riRht, title, ____;cres: and claim of said defendant, W<h n .„ Brown, o f, Sn and to the fol- somoving deseribed renl c itn tc , to wit: chiniJ y i t i One ( J ) and Two (2) nn.l ciijit

Kivc (f.) nnd -S i* (fl) W illiams 80. 'Suh'uivision to the C ity of Huhl. -----County o f T irtn Fnlls. S tnt.' o f OFIdaho. #2.60Puhliu nn tifo Js hereby given, Jh st I F a h iII on tho Ifith day of November. FaltB 21, n th e hour o f 2 o ’elork p. m. fniiiifjin tfm o) o f sa id 'day at thecnsT 'ml. oeor o f tho Courthouso nf th.' unty o f T w in Falls , S tate of I.lahn,1 n t Jiublic .nuelioa to tho hiithe^t “ H i Ider fo r cash, law ful money of Ihe pv„;: ilteil B lntc* a il t h i r igh t, iH}t> Inter-

nii-I claim o f the defendant, above mi'cl, o f, in and to 'th o aiiovo desrnh real cMnle, or so much ihercof. an '

y lo necessary tn sa tisfy p laintiffV . lgino.Ji w ith nil costs th n t hav- Ild ,'i mny accrue. w f■)ated Mils Ifllh doy of Odoliei', M JI. nriva B. n smiuiAN. S.ti,

\ Sheriff.IIK X A . BROWN, Doputy. BE

________________ P O L L Y A N D B

EV! STijp j , ^ ')Y

' ^ 0 '

i« L • 'mrrkt, b e , n ^ i onuit litVartufrti} —


s M f i e <t per word pera t of every five homes in T lave to sell, trade, barter-oi position you want or the tis

FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE FOIPOR B E N T -P am U hod room' for F<

houseKcoping, ground floor, outaido en- eliM trnnco; nodora. C03 No. Main.

FOU 8A L B -80 'oc ro i four ro llfi frum tflwn ca gravel road; good ilaud; fnir 0‘ «' buildings: 1160 per acre; g6od terma.Lloyd Crnven Co., 123 Mnln avi-. E.

FOR BALB—32-‘a c rts 1 1-2 mih-s rood’rom loading station on graveled high- Phor^ay. H ob bceh in alfalf.i five yenri- -----1750 cnsh nnd term f. W. I. Oiileiic, PC

3. WoBhlDgton. A l

"FO B 8A L R -100 acres, 1 1-2 milo io oadlng station. Has J-rnuo plartcreJloose. $115 on a cre ; $1000 cash and yv:cran on balanee. W. I, u f le t le . l-lii ,,ai„j3. Wasldngtoa. Dmii;

F o il 'SA LE-IOO a r m ; 1,1 a lln llu , f"" ) ' ’r ira te -water 00 icchei; sew n miles'rom luwn; gravel roa.l; »115 per acie, 'iSOOO caeb.« balanee termA 7 per 'cent mr. 0 . W hite, Phooe B»OW..w. jo a j ,

FOR bALB—A renl I'n tcnin In woll mproved north side farm. D^ Dwight

^ R S A L B -p M f u ffts 'T 'rs mile • „ ast, 1-t milo Boutn Wflshini;i.,n arhuol 'cam ... trade for a fo ru car L. 8

S”n„FOR iJALE OK T B A D B -T wp rf.ni-. “ kicl

ilailetfil »sA lialnnaisrtl iwt. ia^pc'dg closets, front snd bKi-k s.le^pinit e lau ;«rch: Iswn, barn and two extra lota.* oftaihnap. i’hone 12.< of eall at 11 r Ea^it era, .*!

_____ - sFOR B A L B -O r trade , now five- E aa t

oom modem bouao, w ith garage, for uto, lot o r good paper. HS Jefferson,'hono 195M-------------------------------------------^ -------------------------------------PC


W A N TED -K ord roadsler with truck FO ody. Inqoiro 3-4 mile oast Curry. ^°°P°

N U J^ raD -fl th o o l boy to take room 81 nd do chores. 527 Main Vi. ^

WANT to hear frora owner havingi 1 Iirm for Bale;"givo particuinrt nnd low- 1 II t pricA. John J.- Blaek. Idaho 8 U, 1 Chippowa Palis, ‘W ll, 1

■ paclt'WANTED—Horaesj- good, cheap p*« i ■

ire. S milea weat. 1 l- i south. Pu: condi ?vnn. Phoae 517R3.

W A N T E D -Y our ear to- wnib anrcasr; p r lce t- re a to aa b lti g i* t»o* -• fiqtnirial. ' I .n Third nve. E. S tev^ i- a]',o ,ros. Oard.

WANTED— Table hoarncrB; *■*•■«' PO 3t meals: bone cooking,- $l'-per d a ) two I hone 153i cr, 2(

AVANTED—e« ond-haad p lly e r pi- " r o oo; m u it be cheap and I s f ir tt- e la u o . g r indition. Address Box <07, City. Two :

WANTED—Cnrs to wafh. B r in g 7 ° ^ir to tho Arrowhead Service S tation , pQ:cond and Second Bouth. Phoae ptfrdI8W. W ork gnaranteed. — -

' ' . FOWANTED—Uorscs to paitn ro ; vcr.v g|Mg,

sst fa ll and' w inter pnituro 0 . W. ,rli)d(ougherty, Bluo Lakes blvd. . near

■ MISCELLANEOUSK A liO M IN E u J w ill papiT cV in . l i l l "

lft W ork guaranteed. l'>ank Clay.

BOARD AND ROOM in modern »ttaU jmo, <5 per wcok. 260 S iith avo. N.

WODLD L IK E to commojilctto w ith ^ G imoono interesled la Btartiog a ma- — lino sbop (Jobing) Tw in Palla or vl- ijity . A. W. Miller, 5824 Bo. Alder.). Tnrom a, Wash. " A

O nO IC E a lfa lfa poatnre fo r boraes, Mr.1.60 per m onth. Fbone OSOW. C. o ’do<ahrney, 781 Second ava. N.. T w i r . -------alls, Idaho.

D A N ’S PLACK. 237 Shosbbno Booth. ' 'v ^cond hnnd clothes bought and sold, f^ork.

________________ _Fallai

DBESSMAKINO. Mra. EIU Cajneroa. ■“ )ono G9BW.

MONEY TO LOAN . ^FARM LOANS and a o n tb ly paymen- car, rellinL' loana. A rthur L. Sw ln . n«e

MOSEY TO L O A N -K . “ivate money on bond for uamediat* jrtgsg* loaat Irriga ted L ands 0 .



Iw 4S^f)F U x w a \ A W h o p p e r !

Ki-rvs~aii^ ^

^ ^


d Ad^insertion, and ATwin Falls receive T h ; Nev ■or exchdnge. about your roc help .vou nee;l-^()ne Cent P€


A aaical condition; »1«5 for quick aale. b u g a a. p . iiornbeek. ,80 Sccubd oyCj.W. 1 cUle

WK 1)0 NOT 07l-^t:it FOR BALE any if our .n rs until thoy Imvc bcon po t In \ \ t | !00d lim ning order. “ Thero’s a rea- M tm .,00. ” I hnvo a ItilJO Ford coupe fo r ____1400; IIHD Ford louring $;35. Dodgo TO ' oadstur J-JfjO. Ccntrnl Qarngc C o.,led ; go ‘h o n o '152. jT n tr .

FOR S A L E -P o rd coupe, IKiO model. i l condition, 1475. 337 l l t h ave. h j

For •■ i 'E P " ice “ S T E P " the CtIii.IT Ofiiidl'r. H* HccoBil ave. No — __________________ tu rn I

K lill SA L £—lif:u HuU'i ligtit ll. t> Mrs. V■aiiitp.l i,ud in fine .•o|i.lltion, »ii)5L — ■ Jodyr I.ciiring, repainted. $4:,0. F ort ood tiri-i and runs good. Ilfiu. bm ourini; car, nod«t, lo'.Ks (ikr oe r 'pO B 800. BBtreit Auto Sajei Co. honao-

r a n SALE o n T B A B E -6 t« d ib « in >adster. in e i t r a good eondlUos; will },x)R :copt Ford in trade Phoae SflflW. —;____— PO ROR SALE— MISCELLANEOOSH EEU '“ pQ T A T O BS-Idaho E ortJr

2.50 t 0 . b. Twin Palls. Theae pota- FOB ier w tro grown, under diy land oon- 52(i R llioDs a t high altitude aad bave lh"® — k ick .' They havo possed two fleln . ispcclluna nad a te abaolnUly Ural- !a« ; only two carlooda of thia stock “ w u T Kiilftble. Phono 410 fir aeo H. B. Pow- ra, .'S49 N inth ave.!E. ‘

FOR BALB—qolnccB a t H untam aa’i . “ ev-n,.

______PO B B A l i C U ^ —H ot w nter fui-

ace.. Cali 136 W alnut Bl. .

TO R BALE^-Dicyele. Inquire il.W {

.______________________ |"T nrFOR 8A L B -100 aido-ligbt gla is f j t f'lu'nrc inpos aad sedana. Moon'a B>op. }l*''ti-l.

STORE F IZ T U SE S FO EBtiiUbW fo r O n efry ' !n....l.-rn

1 Toledo ao lb. t ta le ^ ‘ - I" *■'«1 D nytoa 80 lbs. actle*. ' ' l-VTiT1 Porculain lined icB boK .1 Cheese cutter aad box. 5.','?,^''"1 Bowser oll tank-, 11« gallon I _

^ t y . . ]1 Ford delivery truck in exrellent ........ .

jnditioiv s,„ \i„The Big W blt« Btora. Inc. ___

------------------------------------------------------- {.'onFOR bA LBoChoice Delieloui, Homr ground qonty-'aad W lnt«r p e a raa ln a f p in : Woek i Iio grtod wind fallfc W. L. Johnron. . . ardon Home' Add., telephone 1030.P tXIR

PO E S A L E -F i« . library U b I. M ‘ TO bedroom seta,'cheap- W. A. Flow . i f y, ', 200 Eighth No. ’ ndverti

FO B B A L B -F lne oe^bg lijlpilT,. gmdd Jonntbana and Orimei OoMeli. wo milea west, 1 1-4 south. Pal Wvnn. bono C17R3. U

TOR SALE OR T R A D B -Pirst’‘rlaVs (Trd sedan. 440 Second avo. H.

FOR 8A L E -1 0 0 windahlelda. 'a':;M8, priccT reaaonable; headlights nml WIHDI indow glass. Phnne 5. M oon’s Sh.ip^ “ ®t woI'nr Postoffii-e, / • " Z I ^

FO B SA L r^{ ~ T R A D B —20 hcad .o i loice horsei. ' M. A. W illlami. Eden. OBOZI laho. Phon

POR BALE—Regular nfciseo XBUOl)a ta ; regiitered stock: heavy s iU True la in . .Phone OSOB. P. (). Boi""M nortl

FO B BALE— Uiryclei. iricycle*. n r r , _______;id Eeeeaiories. W ercer’* Repair Nhui. , H Bteond at. E _____________________ _ I ’

HELP WANTED. ' —W A ^ ’T E D -e o le ra n n , Bpecialiy s a l^ . . ao, a n a l haye good references. Be- ACOOI [r. F uher, Bogerson hniel, a fte r .% Shosl ’clock today. " ----------

~ POSITION W A li iT E r ~~WANTED—O irl w ants general houao Hiccork. L ena Wcllhousen, R t. 2, Twin ---------alia, Idaho. .

Want to Trade $im for$900 ^

I haTO ft B d e k # t7«a-p*aa«netcar, iro rtb f l W ) to a n r m an who I naeda I t I don’t n « d It, b u t conldnao 8000.. T h a t’s ta # ptlc*. Oaa I _ _bo seen a t 2£6 S lz tb Ato. K ., or- i j .call fo r H usted a t T b e KewL { collet

$mof.or$ioo- I ' S,. BY frT.TTP *W nhitT

OopyrU ht. m by H m p t p w Tm

C t J U / H 0 t D w l 6

j g ! f IT . " T H f k i r r y ^

'iWAS P l)L L I* i6 i f . )

■ — = - ; ^ S ^ g 3 p ~ : ; j a v

/EMBER 7,1921 / '


ews, Daily: Tell al) ; |; ooms fpr rent, hous- ' I Per Word—Phone 32 , j


r» ^ C T A N Q E four :» bonre and good ,»p roveaen l» out fo r 10 to 20 a c re ,.’ Lloyd

Tcn C o .. 123 Main £

H L I. TRADE Ford to u ru g car toy atoca. Phone (15QR. p. u . pgx 75^ ;

^ T ^ D E - T w o acres, well Improv^ p o d land, 1-8 milo o ff gravel roa<l, trade for im all -TOBiucaee. Liord

Co. 123 Main ave. L ^

lo S T ■ iOST--D lM k volvct handbag.^ Re"

‘ i' . d . ' a iS !

FO Rfi£«T I^B RENT—Throe room furniabed I •o; ioBido toilet, . in k : 'a l l freshly I irnti-j nnd cloan. 031 Sorond avo. W. I

3R RE N T— Room. Phonn 1

3r REN T—320 acrcaf besl o^ uIn j ranch on northaide, i>oulh of J«-

>. I’hono aco. Twin Palla.

^ . f E N T - T h r c e furnisheT. roonu, ■ PJ/tJ> *vo.- W.

3B BBNT— Three rotni*. CnII Ofti"M G o ’e lo ek .,

)R B E N T - S J /r o o m ‘ house on ;b ave. E. Phone 1U3J. W. a •h. Boom fi, Bangb bldg.

flleciric heated. • ate fam ily. Call 147 Seventh av .' east. I

111 O E O T - T . . r . , . i . l „ a"IT hM l, ( blM k. I,u,„1. lD quire..4ai E. Maia.

•R RLN T — Uousekeipjog i.,-i.-of i-rii, cloao. in; no rhlldn-B ColJ i Foiiru »v*.-E , -

J i t BfiN T—Three room farnished tm en t, reasonable. Bi|nga]<.i» A p t , , h it. and Seeond ave. E

Jlt RENT—Two turnuhed l ig h i ' ek .ep ing ro o m ' Pb.>o» S34R S«4 Mom.

l>B B e n t —H oBaekeapfngind floor, fom iabed ooapleta. By'k . , . t m onth. 428 N . M ata. .

O R ~ ^ B N T ^ e o p b g r o ^ ^ , h a re . E . Phoao 762B.

you r property Is deoinble a sd la !rtlied la tbe elaaiified — vonU your bnyei.


r5 0 W O L M B -W inT ak ie ldV cT b i- ■ work. U oon 'a ahop.' Phoae 5.

T E A H S P B B !

Z IB B T B A iraPB B O dU P A K l.3008 i t s . , I

rOE-BA U L 00 .—Phose 871 or £0. I ruc'x t« T le e . 1Q4 Seeoad ftte w a wth.

^ r o f e i S J i o n a l ;

. A O O O U H T A N T

fOUMTAOT - 1) .“a . 0 ^ 1 . « i loshono SL Bo. P h e M f O l-

A T T O B N E T O :

is . A .' N o i r a - ^ L a ’wyer. Bajfik- .Cl' bu ild ing . ,

i f m G B A H A ^ L a w j t r . B a a T *-ust DuUding. n o a e 835-1.

EI:b B . W ILSON— Lawyer. ’

IB E 0 . M IL L B -B oyd BttUdiag, j

aSLEY 6 SW BELB7 — A tto r se n ilaw. Prnrtiec in a ll eonrta. T w n 1ills.-ldaho. I

: WZSZ^-ZdW7 or. FuHy o rgoniud llcctiot) cicpnrtmcnt Offieea — loms 6 nnd 7. ovor Tw m Faila-B tak •rust. Co.. Twin Palla. Idahn,

asnF M ts t t 8 « m e ^ Ia t.

9 ^ i



Page 8: CELEBRATE AIARMlSflCfe DA^ TWIN fFALLS W I THE …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN...I'nbj Eiuln. Hti H«m. ' “ 'JJ Thft defendant atooil.u]i, fixed hor,'" ' oyn.i

i i i r *mmmi

■ I ’S L S I ^ r■■ M urder and Robbery O utstand-

ing Exceptions to General ™“'j Rule fo r T erra • i - 'V

' • •_____ , l.ui'vCbnr(-p» of illegal poJscMion or «ri|f-|ll. K

^ •M ln u o r protlominnto Jn Iho i-tilpnilar|l>uvi> . o f rrfiuitinl. cnsoti .which \m o toilny to t ;rnUii.

by Jufljte W. A. Babcock for tfiivl <l'|r-1 iuK Oio • Novem ber tcnn of tlljitrlct W. I. court 'vliieli opened hero ihin morning.

O uutnntllnf; excepUon* to tlii* j;cn- Occ c ra l rule tUo cum« of KJwartl L- A. fllaKlo, fharBi‘(l w ith tho nunli-r uf t »n.v» man 'iiamcd McCiiltom in an allegod

• oam blem ' frncns horo n y ra r ago, ant! II. o f W illinm B. Uronsbn, co-dofcndani BorRC w ith A. 13. Snow, who Intoly etiroi'cJ -J- from (ho rounly jnl!, In a ca»o involv- II. infr n robbery cliarKC. U- !’•

KolM Head# L i s t S "T rial of t l i fv M c of B c tl Kclsi*,

c l ia r ^ d w ith llli'jpil. fom 'w io n of li­quor, which hoada tho crim inal lis t, wa»■ot fo r Mondny, Novombor I-J, n t whleli 1 1 timo tho nicmbor* of tho, ju ry drawn • 1 1 todny were’ ordorod to npjwnr in co u rt/ I I • Thc cnncs o f SlnRlo nnd Bron«on m w ell B'J o f VnnToy Low nnd Kusacll f l Cavcuder wn-o lo t fo r itJal o n 't l in t

■ ^ m io cnM ^ [ ''jo h a WiracIilD); wa* sot I ' Ufo r Novem ber 15; th a t of Chnrloa Sum . • m ers nnd of F rn n k Julion and othorp fo r Novem ber 10, and o f WllUaai IViUS T ro tte r fo r Novem ber IT. All these m ra«e* luvolvo alleged vio la tion of the !'! prohibition lawa. I

O rtlnaaco lo ro lved .IIcnrinK on iippuni in tho cnao o f the w jl

e ity o f Twin Fnll* ngainat W illiam B,Wall, jdumbeJ, involving olleged viola- tion of n c ity ordinance, waa M t fo r < November 18, an tho fi^tit cnno on tho civil rnlondnr. __________ t{,o

i D N I E S M S m i PJ S C m S T I l S E I I D l ^

--------- I . •• RobotP r o g r a m f o r P a r t y a t O lo.so o f and i

Q u o o n O o m p o t i t i o n I s A n -n t f u n o jjd / tr i r t i

— .................-1151111Appruueh of Ibo doao a t m idnight frntn

W cdni’sdnv of tho' Amcrii'nn Legionqueen coiiteBt f ind* 'ovory conteatant Atkoyi'd ti|t to mnko n gram l finlah, ac- .

■ cordinj; to 11. K. 8abln , contest man- nor < igor. Miaa K utb Noratrom waa toflny rimrr;

' tTadin,; Twin Fiillii conti'itanta w ilh roomUias-F 'ini(i C linp 'r Ivas than HO vote* [ng ibehind, w^ii'o Ml** Fnnnio H arr of Huhl mnslcwas kn'dlng ouUldo contestant*. .Tnhn

A general Jnvltntlon h^a been lisiiod itibnito tbo !,arty .Wednesday night a t lho mnn.Lavoring a t which the contest will bo fHllovclosed. Thc program for thc occasion hnowi

• ioolud.!e n band concert, orchestral on ' '1 numbers-nnd ainging. nppllc

A nnyunecraent'w n* loiiay made uf jrcM itho following peraoiinol of th» commit- of •thIce It) connt tbo final votes « u l ; P . W. nml n Dumko, n . A. G rant, tho Rov. Oliarloa gencrOlvnn Qaird, R. B> .Tohnson nnd F rank ropre»K leffner. innd.

In Older to .fae iU ta to tho counting follovcontcatanta hnvo boen roqueated to do Twinposit nil nowapnpcr bnllots in tho voto " A 11)0X1'* bv 5 oV lock (Tueaday nftornoon. cd pr

A lo llcr sk a tin g p arty has been ar-■ ranKcd iii counoclloii w U li'th o coatM*. flhn

to bo held th lf ovoning a t tb e Princoaa of fri rink , w ith tho 'sevcftil contcatanta act- prcati ing a* JiostoMes. Tho maniiRomont w*ll Iho b present, votes w lyi cach ska te tlckor. “ F

• --------------------------- r , "nill 1

j J o c a l ^ r e V i i i o j tiTiI o

i~ --------:------------ needsBpond Wook In PocatoUo—Tom Hnii-

hnn has apcnt tho p a s t woek In Po* rf'*CT< cnlello w ith his m othei.

OQcat of Son—Mrn. L ester McLcan of Iienvor, Colo., I* hero fo r on extended viait with her aon, Uonabl McLean a t tin- C'^Uiuial aparttucnti!. • ''" 'n ,,!

H orq F o r V la ltl-F ra n k B lanch o f follow K iinsas C ity, arrh-od today for a w id t of fru w ilh his dnugljler, Mrs. llom or Bono- who t brake, of Kiubtb nvonuo oast.

- ------------ nlong-Qnoll la c lp lo n t Blaso—FJro Jn a shed '•to'od

on the alley a t 3G0 Sovonth avenuo bv Uo north was extinguished th is morning M l’dr< by llu.- firo dopartm ent. No damngo irnlhei reaultcd. "incr 1

M other V isits V an H am ert-M rs . iL " ‘" ( r 'A. Van llnm ort of Dea Moines ia hero Snndn fo r nn extended v is it with ber son, Ed-w ard 'V n n I ln iao rt who hna boon con- cvonii fined to hi*' room by iiJaeas alnoo J u tFebruary. ' "'‘'•'’f '

Eoprcsoijt Burloy— Wesloy Doc, Noal " M Nelson, Jamo,* O riffilh , Enri Bonham I" and K verplt Uurna were am ong’ thu *be a young men who composed tho do!e::a- tion nom Burloy lo tho Older Boy*' Conferonce here la s t wook.

. • o f th(K lw aniana H oata to Squad—Mombers '"’'“ or

o f ■ tUo • v o tc ta a s ' bureau " d « a n - Frnnk u p ” rqund, hero th is week to n«alat for- mor scrvice men In p resenting elalm i, w ere guesla today of tho K lwtinis club *’<“ do' g t Uk regu la r wpeklv. hmrheon meet- J

• . [n Tw C aptain O n fta V is it^ -^ n i itu in An.

- drew Carnegie Crofla o f tho regu lar TOLIi orm y is in Twiu Fnll* for a few daya renowiug old friendships and visiting BEI fam ilinr acencs. C apW n Crofts was place form erly in the employ of th e 'li la h o llc f rPow er company in Twin Falls , b u t hai> a prlabeen l|i m ilita ry scrviro for aomo yeara A j-oipaat, ond now rtatlonerl jitO klabom a, in thcto whicli plnco ho ivill re tn m upon leav- dcmn*Ing Tivin Fnlls. J le lias been spending ftrmrd tt leavo o f obscnro on thc Pacific c o u t .

* ■■■ ■ "• --------- OlaaCioked ' /ood aalo A the W om an's ost tb

Exchaage tomorrow.— adv. tho pr


iM M iiT fismlcEiisiK-

P o rso D S N a m e d a r o O rd o r o d to A p p e a r I n C o u r t o n N o v e m ­

b e r 1 4 .Loni

Tliirly nntne* eomiirlno the lis t nf per- ■KimH d raw n 'todav to *ervo i h trinl jur- ■ Wl lofH a i tho Novemlii-r term of diatriet ccurl i>|irnlng hero lodny.,' Tho persgna tiiiiiu'd li'ivo been ordered to appear innm rl f.’i »crvic«i on M onday, Novem- AI,ur N . Til.' lint foMnws: wns i • W. U. Sou, J . G. M cKlnlcy, IL B . opora Luo; C. 0 . Moig*. I‘- L . Shenoberger, B. vlaloiII. Ki'vlcr. A- T . N ear, ,.r. L . H ^ g e i , orans Duvi.1 nriiwu. .1. C. Moore, n il of Twin its w FnUa. . cffict

ati'el l-n*tlowall, F . M. A lJricb, J PoweW. B..'au.'h«nip, .1. W. Beunott, J . IL TinSluifer, ai'o rgfl A. Childs, fill o f Buhl, tho a

Ocorj-e 1). Crockett, Rock Crcok. prope-A. JtcD onnld, 0 . I>. W hite, 0 . F. nient

(Irover, ull of Ilolliater. fonniQeorg.. A. E rhn rt, F iler . - : • incimIL Crookhnm, 0 . E . Lyon, bolli of on tli

Bcrgor. I n th.L fi. A tkiaou, K imberly. i fg In . M. Vnnderpool, E vi R. Smith, A. by ll

D. 1>. Keith, all of Unnaen, nllowO ra .’cHtor, Cnrtloford. almfbR. C. Heiistoek, Amsterdam. nsslatC. C. Callen, M urlaugh. , n«fO

— • - K([uai'

filllfS'iETi I:ciimcuis[|Miisio and Inspirational Talks

M ark Concluding sess io n s o f'C o nferen ce ■

W ith tw o splpndld adilrcM«» Uy' tbv Kov. n . 8 . ICnmllton of Pocatollo, ono in tho nfternoon. “ Tho I 'n co nf ChHs- jj, ( lian L eadocahip," nnd in Ihe ovenlng. ‘ Wliero Chrlatlnn Londcrihijt LrmlH''

tho annunl m eeling of th.i Older Boya' confcrci.co for Moiithom Idaho closed Bunday evening. . ! ||,y ^

Delegndoni nnd leadera preaent were. ,, .■ PoeateVln, W. K. .Tones; H agennan,Oeorge Oregg! nnlil. C. II. Evnn* nnd t j, . , , M. i r Vnn P n tten ; K iml.erly. Claronrc ^ n ie ; l!i irl .-y , W. D. non; .inromo, Llovd ,, R oberti: H atelton , .1. Rna*; ltoge'rm>>i . . nnd llnllihler, th«‘. Rov. W. 8. Young;Tutll,-. L fl. Well*: T>vli. m » . M- U J M Jldi.'il; D ele., (H.arl,-* C. Finley. Div tr l r t fM.;.nrlntondcnt .1. K- Hnkcr or the j„J MellUTT.urrhiirfir'wa.H pres.'nt Sattirday ^ ' frotn l*tr<ni|rlln. —

Ohnrch Womon Soiro..At (..HO 8 .iliirdnr uvening nliont iOn S

^iicn .iud boyn woro giif*ln nt tho din- ^ nor Horvcil bv 'th e women of th'* rlmrpovs nf Twin Fiilln-ln llip dinlnj. room r f tlio Methn.llsl phurph. Follow­ing llie: dinner 0 . E . Munron, toast- uinslcr, un» iiitroiliicod bv I’resiilenl .lohn M cM artin.. TIio firs^ speaker inboiliircd wits Oeorgo flrogg of ITager' mnn. who *pok« on “ SpIvioI Rplrit,” ff)llow--d ^v Wealev Doo of Rurlev, well ‘ ‘ known fitblptr, wlinso incisive remark* on '■ 'S pnnting” were given n practical app1lp.allnn to lho nffhira of life. .lohn MeMnrlln, llio nowly elcptpd president o f 'tho d is tric t fipoko poinprehfn*lvi'li- f,‘ nml n m rr ln lS v o ly of lho eonforenco .'.i genernl. Tho Poentollo delegallon wo. roproHcnled nn tho progrnm by K. ITol ‘ land, who told clovcr stor'c-' and wa} followed by M iss Mildrn,! Tracey oN ' ' ' Tw in Fnlls whose plattn vnrlnlinn* <•;'" A H oi Tlmo in Iho Old To«m.” ou". cd prohmged npp'nuae. _ ' '

Spc.ilcs 01' rrtendsh ip . ;flhftd ll. ll.siViVM ..f tW v--'■ i. ' ■

nf tr i.n W ili,. , , iwm . f o . t 1.™,! » ' .-.•..rv :,m ' “™Iho basis o f rf-i' ;irogrc*s, “

■ 'Friend.hip means ;:,.felfi*hncA ,'- 5 " " ° snid ?i[r, .Ilr-;<;!n in p a rt, ‘ ‘ and il mat- tors np:,t>-;mt o f wenlth or honor n man mnv «■•!>, he hna not happlncai if he la TiitI.out friends. All progress i* baaed upon Ihc tru a t in others. Tlie world needs friendship nnd tm s t among na- Hons, nnd nntll tbn t If eatnblished. tho progroM of fhe world w J i r u i t . Tf the eonferpnfo so aoon to fuwemblo in Waahington for tho consideration of dl*nrma\iifnl cnn b u t c lear nwnv the i„„A , mlats of dJsln ist th n t hnvo clouded the friendahlp liptween nations, ihen wo are * on the wnv to real world progreaa.”

Tlio Rov. n . 8 . H am lllon of Pocatello .. fnllow.-.J w ith a aisenrsion of tha price of friendship, defining a friend a s ono whn ttnows nil iabont ns nnd 'loves na , •Itm. A in lk by th c Rev. E . W hite ^ nlong Ihe same genernl lino nf thought " r Y; rloBod this p n rt o f tho program. L ed " • ** Iiv Rny H nhberger o f Boiao. w ith Misa Ml’drcil Trnco.v n t tho pinno, tho boys tn lhe red nbont tho piano for a rousing "incr bflforo ndjonrnm ent .. ' ,

Music wns fnm irhod during tho eve “" “ 'I' n ing 'IV the orchestra o f tho Mcthodiat Snndny sphonl. which, is nnder the iwid- orship o f CeiTrlp Seaver. I ^ n g thc ' CTonlng aession Sunday, tho high schonl ''Jl'' " orchoatra npponred on th e progrnm fot {*' aevornl fine rnm bera, ■’

PrUscB Loctkl CosHnlttee. ' ' J ' ' ’" ’ ‘ 'M iK h cred it is duo to th e commit- *’* I” '

teo in chnrgo of local nrrnngements fo r r.’'!'’*', the ndm lrnblr. mnnner In whleh thp conferencc 'wns eondueted,” m id A. E. *1’'''’^ Toiint. Jnteratato b o y s ' scfrelnr>-. " I t ’"ft *' Is ono nf tho moat snpccssful meeting* '"•‘n l’ o f thc l in d which I hnvo ntlentled th it season.” ,M . C. MJtch'ell. E . L. Aahten.'F rnnk Rnldwin nnd C. E . Munson com- Io posed lho local body. mloy

The placo o f Iho noxt meotlne will «prinl be doterm ined by tho leaders next fall.nnd i t will probablv bo' In Burlev or --------Pocfltolln. as the m eeting has been held im m In Twin P nllr for the past two yeara.

rOLIOD' D I800V E R PR ISO N ‘.O P I l l i e i t BEPUB LI0A N 6

BELFA ST,: yPV ~A ftcr raiding n plnco III Kent* a troot laa t night, tho pa- o., Her* renorted th n t they h.id disfovercd i , ■ a prison m aintained by tho repuhllcanj.A \*oung mnn who.,wa.i found confloed o,[ in tho plnce, thoy aald, had btfcn con. , , i ilcmn.?d to oioeotlon today. Throe firmed guards woro nrreated. *'

O latslflod advertis ing ] | tbo chesp*Jrt th ing you e a t r bny^-meaBatea i y lho proflta i t n a y '-b rln j’ yon. ■ ■ ■

TWIN f A l S DAILi i i l PSIlllSBiSf,”

lo n g L ine of Form er Service Men w ith Claims AwaitS'tlie i |, , i

Bureau AgentsA long, lino of former Service men thr.

vna w ailing for the ■‘Hcan u p ” siiuad tico iporatlog in soullierri Malm under pro ica ' 4alona c f logiainti.m erpatlng tho vet- E irons' bureau, when it entered upon 10 i ta w eek 's work here thi* morning in huti ifficoa of llio Rpd Cfo-s ehnjittT. in tlu ' will ?owcr building, Mnln avenue norlh. mot

TIio wnrk hero of the itquad includes F ho apceplnnre end presentation to the whe iroper hgeiii'ies of the federal govern- bu i nent o f vnrium <'l:iim* prorcntud by bro ’onncr servire i’lthimh. Tlieao claims hall nclude applicritlmi* for compensation sire in tho purl .if i»e» H'hn woro .llaabled l,cr n tho servire, nml for ^-ocatlonnl trnin son fig bv vetprani »lin nrc hnndicappod sigt )V Ihcir dinnl.illii.’-- Claims for travel lilowu.ice. aHolineiil* nnd o thers of IIP ilmllar nntiires 'velf a* adv ire mid H f isslslanre relallv.' to war risk insur'-ll** mco cnmo mWM 'b o ftT

....W hile, medinil exnminer; P. H .:

;i.i.lge la charge nf voeiilional tfa in lng OO' ■liilmV; W. N. iivdnlrii, iU ebargo o f , i '.iiiiiwinntinn nmi iaiiurnnce clnim s;) Ved M W arner. rPiiri-«onlatlvo of th o ;. \nieripaii Ri;d Cro«, nnd Iv. p . Bartek , | teimgtiijibcr. i T

Tlie squad is «clieilule(l lo rem ain Twi lere ihroiiglmut this week and will thn iiainlxla ufflevi i'u the Red Cross ,ral ooma. tho


______ V«riv o re tt H alo to Spend N o x t T en Doya, "JV inO utso^yaflO ucstof.M nnlelpA U ty

Convieled of (heft of a sock o f coalI hlch hc bnd bpen pompollad to carryII hls bnek ti. Ihe s h e r i f f s offlco lo " lie cnurtboufe a fte r hia'npprohonsii.r. ' 11 thu riiilwav sB'itchyards Sunday e v c - j .f ilug I y SptVinl OHifCT Ororgo W ' "• tice, K vorctt llUln was this m o r n ln :L _ enlouccd bv J-ollco .ludgo Paul R. T ;- U t ter to siicnd tin- next len day- In fli- * ounty ja il ns llio cneat of tbe 'iiuniei., ^ lalltv. Seurch continuing to r Iwo lher i-icn whn are snid i» bnve iieen,Olt: inplicated with Hale In lho^«n»iIlg nperntlniia. ’ ^

--------- ^ ^

pocialJ^oieiS ™p w . . ■ • ; ; ; ;

A very Biireo-Hsful silver • .ji wns glv^,t y tbe O ttl UesvrvM M iW i. rW> j ' nom In th e lilgli . . . :o o l 'b i iKlni; o n ' latur.lnv nflernonn.- \ < . | . i - -n l .it ho ten la b h nnd <:>. ■ - r a j ' hnrming i.irlun- wilh . . t.i. i-n.,-1 II Ihp w hile c u rn inc - ' -u |..v r nn .'l iralded'r.iKs o f p irk . . - ..n th-i ” loor. M r., W illia-. un,| Ivfr-.\ C. Retbe poured ..^d the .U i-e i L-! lnn L ind. M ar;;ni.'. Ueeuo. n d e u L , . 'rou!.d.iU-. M-.i;:iieril.- Gmdv, NinallVIl. lowar.; ''I I, :-i''--itt n n ! Violot Ho!- iprinnii Ali-.i H iker presided 'I til.' -. I., 'lunnimcing the admir- I.'- • c.[" ;:i wli!-h was presented b> la ll '.'I ■■■■• '.le f irs t number was a vio- B • i.. I-' I edric Beaver aceompanlpd y M nrgnret Bcpbo a t thc jilnnn. iier'.‘ woro clever readings bv thc T Iisscf Helen Konlstnn, Octavla Wll, Ugh lamson and Helen Wolfo; piano Bolofflnoc y 't h i ) Misacs Mildred Tmecy, E d n a ‘of . ’n rro tt, M nrgnret Beebe nnd D o ro lh y jo f t fcoly. Misa Ogoretta Murrny ang do-ivJd IgbtfuIIy. M is t Alice Johnson nnd toll< Irs. T .'H . Irw in spoko on tho.uses nnd Tlic ceds of th e clnl'ronm. to n

Tho young people of the Intcm ied-. whi Uo L eague of llu- Methodist church' Inird d n delightful pirnic, a i thp park Snr- narrday n fternoon .''.F rom lo Jt.lO A ihero T/ere rousing ^. imes thnt bronght fllij,dequato-nppclilie-^ for the hounllful dueuiCDCon whirh wns rcrved bv th# su flooorvisors Into in the tifli.rnoon. } (jg

’ nndM r. and Mrs. C. .1. Schrooder were o f I

oata n i the ir country* hoihc Inst even- tiosag n't d inner to a pa rty o f friends from T•win FnlN. Covers were laid fo r Mr. shoind Mrs. Prank llaldwin. Mr. and. M rs th ti L 0 . PIckerKon Knd Mr. and Mrs. A.i'. Hiislcd. WO

Miss Fprn Kmpi nnd Dr. II. T. losc t n r m mr.iiied SninTdav ov in lng n t thc lelhodiri p.-irsi.nngo. Dr. E. L. W iite ffieiating. ^[^*. losot is tho onlv . _ ■ /tUB'it.f o f Dr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Erne* f H ftli avonuo east. 8 b c .ls a g r a r i - , j “[ ato of the Txvin F n lla 'b ljh school nnd n i lie;-:i fn r the p:ist vonr nn employo f the F irs t N 'a lIonal'bank. Dr. lo se t P “ ns Deeii in T in n J a i l s nhout a ycnr. nving purrliiued tUo den ta l ptac.tlco ' f the bile Dr. 0 . F . Baker. Ho hn* mde mauy personal frletids nnd cjtab-- alied a flno practico during tho m onths - ■ pent here D r. nnd M rs. le ae t aro majc- lg thoir homo Jn tho Colonial apart- icnts.

MliaourJ Foreslfiht.lo .preparing to r tho proverbial

olny dny don’t w a it u n til It b cg tn i t » ' prlnklo.—Jnm cson Com.


Boom 18, Booth B oildlsg

Bpecial a tten tio n givon to Chron­ic BhoomotlEm, H igh Blood Prci- ■Qro, Poo r Blood Oireulatlon aad ; - S tiff Jo ln ta follow ing froc turci. s All w ork nndor auporvlaion .of tho medical profession.

PH O N B 1077 I


. '1 . ' >iL:


Siren and Salute n i to Signal Silent [ I

Two Minutea Here ’U n e i i o a n . L o g ^ o Q M a k o s A r .

r a n g o m e n t s f o r O b s e r v a n o o ' o f T r i b a t e t o D e a d

A salute o f threo guna procoded by prolonged bbiat's o f a alVen whlatlo a t 6 ;he f i:o sta tion will bo tbo signal for th e ' beginning jn T n in F a llr o f . th o , 's ilo n l.tw o m inu tes” to bo observed ;hr»ughout the U nited S tates on Annls- Cc ;lco clay nex t F r id a y in honor of Amer- and ca '# known dead in tho world w ar. jo n t

During theso m inutes, beginning s t urdt 10 0. m. local limo, it is oxpected th a t i/oll liut* will bo removed nnd tl;a t ovoryono to C i\’ill atand n t a itun tion , spcoehle^ ond Mui :uotionleas. - of i

Festivities a t thc carnival gronndi tion ivhero tho A m erican Legion ftu l fe tt l- i, l>u obiervodvnl and A rm iatico day oalo- liratian is to be centered, a re to bo hailed promptly w ltb tho b la st o f-tbo p " , lircn, whilo a num ber of legion idem- i,„ i. bers havo been de tailed to remind per- _ " io n a 'm tho stree ts n t tho tim e o f thc lignlfi.'nnco of tho hour.

i r a l i i i i i B :■ n iE ir a M iD iE E

— • mileO o n n ty H e a l t h O f f i c e r B e p o r t s Oi

F o u r N o w O a s e s B r o n g h t t o L i g h t T o d a y -

--------- 2sr.iTliiit sfM lct fQvct to mound broi

Twin Falla is ga in ing somovrhnt and Ihnt families cannot be too careful in p i i (rntching tho health of the ir children ia LRI fho statem ent of D r. C. Q. McOlnnis, L lll ronnlv .h.wllh o ffieer. -

Dr.' .McGinnis says tbn t a total of I nbout \r, families n ffocted have come i lo li«hl-fo faf, w ith four now coaca rc- liorled lhi* morning. Tho dlicaae _ nmnuntH almnst to an epidemip, the H er offirlphlpclnro*. b

Mr. McGinnis calls n tten tion to thu .>01 lliat scnrlet fover usually mani. fesis lli-elf flrsi through soro throat mid HUggphls th n t' eomplainta o f thi>' ailment by children shonld bo checked O il ,ip promptly with th c nld of tho fqmilv qu"' [l.v-sirian.__________________ im r'


_______ lein,

3lty A ttorney T aylor O nmoina d t Homo „ K', A ftor E xtended B aste ra Vlait

Afl.-r nn nbsencc of aevoral m'onths' j ’**''' ipeat fnr the m ost jijiTl.at.hia old homo In- Sidney, 0 ., Tnvlor •Cummlna, Twin' , I’allH ntlornev, rotnrnpd tn Twtn Pnlls ' Sunday. M rk Cummins ami llltic ;!aii|'hfi.r did nnt nei’ompanv M r. Cum- n.ill.^ bu t will probably nrrlvo w ithin lho monlh. '

Mr. Cummins saya tha t financial con- .la litions lire tem porarily Improved, due Hlgl lu crop movcmont and genernl faU bus- thnt ittpss r r l lv lly bu t th a t the ontlook Is rcm i!nt .lenernlly regarded ns holdmg ouf be r much assuranro o f a n immrdinte return In ti lo the old limo prosperity. A conscrva.' reas tivo money m nrket w ilb inirlailed ered- nrrai lls preaents' the m ain foaturo of tho to ll (Ituntioa in tho middle west.


---------- high[altiatlon e f Candidate* fo r Degwa# *1'®"

BrlnjB M any Out-of-Town VlaitorBto L o c il lo d g e . ^ “ V

♦ • migliTho Monseheart Legion enjoyed a de-

lightful frolic S a turday ovoning ln con- M aoctlon wltb tho in itiation o f 'a class ociji )f 30 candlflotes to tho second dcgreo If® if tho order. Fou r aatomobileg bronght <iay visitors from Caldwell, five from Poca- s s :ello, nod threo from American Fall.s riie members of, tho locnl loglon, vial- :ors and candidateo formed In p a r n ^ - i t 7:80 nnd m arched to Parish h a > irhoro dinner was served, pheasan t b e ­ing the principal eourao. A bout ISO [larticipated Jn this p a rt of tho program.\ ahort program followed, when 0. 0 . biggins, ncLIng as toastm aster, Intro- luccd C. F. Allen of C aldw cH rD . P. loodmnn nnd C. D.X!Iny, Pocntello. Tho Misses Ocorclta nnd Veronns M nrray ind.MJss Kennedy sang. Tho remainder )f tho evening waa givon toU ioO nltla-Jon coremonics, ---------- .

Tho visllors spent Bundny phcnaasl - J (hooting, most of them return ing to I l i t i r homes today. ^


OniCAQO, (yp)—An IntcrnfttlimJir ■” lurJty eonferenee will be held hero Do. •ember 2r-29, it is nmrnmrrrrl. Tt will )0 held under.dir..rtii.n o f the W orld’s Purity fedpr.ltl<in-ivil!i liradnuarlers a t M l UCroaa, Wla. , — -•




■ - i ^ o v . ITwin Falls.:....: 6-12F ile r ......... 1 5 - i rB u h l..............18-23 IKimberly 28-29 M urtaugh..........30

' ) . Dec.B tirley.......... 2-6Oakley ...... ! 7-9 "Albion .......... 10-12


Twin Falls Man io Build Grav­el Highway South and E as t mu

of fh e City— ■ ■ sluncr

C ontract fo r tbo construction of five the and three-fourths milcs. o f gravel road lonthcast e f Twin. P a ils .w ar lato Bat- Stouln urday o«em oon awarded ny lho Twin ' I’ot I/alls highw ay d is trie t commJailoners >vill 1 to Charles H . M nll o f Tw in F i lls . Mr. ,withii M ull’s bid o f ♦27,403.50 was tho lowost to the of six proposals snbmKted. Construe- gin o: tion Is to begin a t onco. _ . tornej

A t the eamo .timo th e commissionen swarded a con tract fo r conatruetlon of 1 bridges and culverU on th is 'road to Pcrham nnd H arris,.tiio coatrac t prieo ' bring f8C48.G7. T his' concern la now F ‘“ '' employed Jn bu ild ing o bridge over tho Ugb line canal fo r tho d ialrict. l u b id * wos submitted to eover only the strue- Thi: lu res.- thank

From a point ono-half milo west nnd Dne-fourth mile south o f tho aogar fac- torj', lho now gravel toad Is 'to ho b u ilt “» for a dlftaneo o f ono and three-fourths ' milo aouth,' one milo oaat and three miles sooth.

O lher bids fo r road, construction w cr^ . tabchitod by tho commiaaioners ns fol- lotra; Keloeeko Conilraeiion company, HOI r30,133.SO; Templo and H arris, $2Q,-<Ku'K SSr.CO; H . B. Carnoll, $30,885^0; ■Roedl'C. W, hrolhcr... M l.704. m o w i

■ I.. . 'c rim ir

[flSTiH’S P B m iL l | - S C IW U L E S Iim P P i^

• _____ ■ 'Iny n

S e r io n s P r o b l e m i s ' P r e s e n t e d ngoJ ' b y D o n b lo E n g a g e m e n t f o r a t the

A r m is t i c e S o y J .

HALT LAKE CITY, U tah — Conch / Oil R/miney of tho Enat aigh ia in n | I rpihndnry u* n re*ult o f having two at- 'I '■ imetivo games schcdulpd for the samo nflernnon. -Tlie gnmcs nrc aet to bo (TOOplayed in d ifferen t state*, nnd, a* mod- -------)rn moans of transporta tion, w onderful H )I nsfthcy n te—w ill, no l .aolvo tlio' prob- i«g rclem, the Eaat high Irndcr la up a tre.'. --------

East l» due l>i meot Pnyaon a t Payaon FOI Priday nfternoon In tho scml-finol roomi, iiiftlch fur the *t»to football champion- (>1 Si.hi]'. This game is im portant to t h n ------U oparJy,-in tha t 11 means they iTiml WA ivln the conleat or forfeit tlieJr chancpa ^'on, t for th j fluto tit le . ti» talc

Also, East is dne to meet the Twii.F\illa, Idaho, clevon in tho Qcm atato •ily on IVlday in the fpnturo event of in Arinifltico dny progrnm. t

.Inmca E. Moaa, prc.nldent of tho Stnto. I l l 5 i High School A thle tic association, says [hnt n» far- as the aasojiiation is con- •cmcd, the Payton-East high-gamo will _ :ie played ns spheduled, ns preparation / PI n tho eoiilhorn clt?’ hna boon In prog, f ^ 'cas fo r aome time,’ nnd to ehOTlgo tbo r ^ irrangomonts would be highly nnfSlF “V ^ 0 t.ho'peoplo'of Pflyson.

I l has been auggeated-tlm t tbo Enst ligh coach divide his sqund and sonU- — }art o f tho player* to Pnvson and thu ■eoinlndcr to Twin Fnlir~ 'T his ,.how ^!vcr, la n o t deemed advlanbltrby E n a t -----ilgh bnckers, fo r tho renaon thn t, even hough Romnoy has—a—supcrior.-high t I ichool tenm, Jt_would ho doubtful poi- _ | J | ' cy to r isk de fea t Jn ordor (hot. ho n i ^ night Keep tw o.A ppointm ents on the lamo cWjjmooiL .

Mea-'itimo, Romney is looking lo th^ luija-Lcnrd forTv^aolutlon-of tho prob- Of a cm ond cxpeets to_innl5P_ji. decision to- lay o r^ m o rjp w . - thO

tm t I^fibley'Channa_ ‘


PRIEBE OFI— ____ -ThisWeeieaSA *12.00 Cut Qlnsa Vnae-fM-.___________•...A #14.00 Cut p laas/fiow l for ___A *24.00 Cut-'oiOBs W ofer Sot f o r ___ _

'~K. J li .O rB Ilv e r Boakot Vaao (Bhoffield) fiL4O.Oa.0liomold Vai(o for ----------------

.A I8.C0 Bhoffield T rivetlo fo r_________A «10.00 Clotkr8-.Toy w ilh a la m :_______

,_ A $25.00 Clock ( e le c t r ic )_________A «35,00 8 -D o y - « « k (w ith chime) :____

Tho above will givo you a fa ir idoa o f t havo thousands o f vnJncs a t tho i(

W. R. ST h o O l d R e l l a l j i c

has boen w ith you fourteen y oari nnd ■ anteo is worth Bomethlng, T hink twice I

.jew elry .

r, NQVEMBER 7,1921 .

in m s D iO D i i w . o nnnael for' Former OommiB- sionera to Filb Potition for


daliOK supremo court will b« askeil g ran t a ro-hoaring In tho case of ■in Fall* ’highway d iit r ic t commis- ncri removed from office "by. order the distric t court In tho caso of B. F. llton ngainat U. B. Channel, J . .M . 'ulHUilth and A. E . Larson.I’c lition for ro-bcaring in tho caae 11 b l filed w ith tho supremo coutl thin the noxt few days, 'according thl- sla tsm cnt today o f Shad L. Ifod- i of W allers, Hodgin and Bailey, a t ' •nevH for the former cotnmisslonen. , falhiro o f tho court lo dccido npon ) quebllon of pleading or demurrers I'tpwod by tho formor commbiaionor*II' be included as onc point in th.. Iltion, Mr. Hodgin said.

OABD o p TH AN S&rhis Is to express our ino it sincere inks and appreciation to the -f.ricnda,' ghl'ort nnd loyal fra tn rnal ordora. - ' tho many kind courtesies extonded . us during our recent loss.

Jock L. Andorson,Mr. nnd Mra. W. i t Wolfe,R. Wolfe. ndv.

w m . PEO BE OLAN lOUSTON, Texas. (/P )-P nbe o f tie

K lu x 'K lan w aJ ordorod by Judge W. Robinaon In hla charge to tSe V g ta n l ju ry tbi# mornloB tn th'e :ninal dia triet c (^ rt. ^


•\ineral aorviccs will bu held Tucs- I* nftornoon a t the Lnthernn church Glover for M rs. U lrirko U etm an, i

3d .SI yenr«,-wh(> died on tV ld o r la tt the h.imo of her daughter n t Clover.

C , l 6 . S 3 ± - ± ± & i

0 0 LATB FOB Pr.AflBTFIOAV l O m - ^

iX)R RENT—Two fron t housokeep- • rooms. 037 T h ird avo. W.

REI^T—Two unfurnlalied front-----m i, grnund floor, very' good localion. Sixth ave. No:------ i-------

VANTE1>-A- mnn o l g o o T ld u c a . ^ fl, strong ‘|Wf»ontilily,.ngnd 2S lo 45,taku charge of woU.{"lnnli!iliO-l bosr-----s ; I'.an w ilh au lo preferred. I want. ’ Ali s.ilrnman; exceptional oppnriun- for tbo rig h t mnn. .Seo li. A. Wi!- - j

ns -nt Perrhn j” initel, .Manilay nnd

■ : c

j F S ' ig liN y :-----

iJiipreni Testf^ a p a i r o f G la s s e s I s n o t in

l o ^ r l c e , b n t i n t h o s a t i s f a o -

o n t h e y g iv e . .4

mrqOMFORTCoes wiMverj Pair “ jplassesWe Fk - _cOU i n c o r n o o b l i g a t i o n b y

o n s n l t i n g u s a b o n t y o n r - e y e a — j

ttvroPTicrco. ^O o n s c i o n t lo u s S c i e n t i f i c —

O p t o m o t r i s t s

l O M a i ^ N . P h o n o l W . J

J <


...... 15.86— - — --------------- j7 .s e ------------------------------- --------- - |U .Cfi1_fo r__________________ «fl.8D___- ______________________$2.35 '

---------- -------------------- - - « . 0 5 • £_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 11.85_______________________ _ I1LS6------------------ - ------- WB.05

f tho values wo oro* g iving. Wc .1 low prlcM . .

RIEBE ~ i[ l e J e w ^ e l e r 4

nd ia here to «tay. Bd onr gnar- e beforo you buy o dJoinond or ~