“Bone Wise” by Jasmine Sumpter Teacher: Period:

“ Bone Wise ” by Jasmine Sumpter Teacher: Period:

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Page 1: “ Bone Wise ” by Jasmine Sumpter Teacher: Period:

“Bone Wise”

byJasmine Sumpter



Page 2: “ Bone Wise ” by Jasmine Sumpter Teacher: Period:

I decided to take a short ride on my razor scooter before dinner.

I am totally calm and fine about the situation.

“Jasmine don’t forget your helmet!” my mom called from off the porch. “Alright mom,” I called back .





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After around three minutes of riding the scooter a pine cone appeared from nowhere. I swerved hard to the left. I crashed on the side of the road and lay sprawled on the ground screaming.

I was in a lot of pain and feared that I might be mortally wounded.

“Ahhhhhh!!! My arm!!!”

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Mom took me to our family doctor so he could take a look at my arm.

I was feeling a little better and thought the doctor would tell us there was nothing wrong.

“I'm afraid your arm is broken,” the doctor said.

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Our family doctor referred us to an orthopedic surgeon.

I was mortified to think that my arm was broken!

“Will my arm ever be the same again?”

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The next day my mother drove me to the orthopedic surgeon’s clinic. My appointment was at 2:30, but the waiting room was so full, I didn’t get to see the doctor until 3:30.

I just wished I could get this all over with and the extra hour of worrying didn’t help.

“Jasmine the doctor is ready to see you now,” said one of the nurses.

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After being escorted to the doctor's office, the doctor told me what he needed to do to my arm. First, I would get an X-ray. Then he would set the bone and they would put on my cast.

I was anxious about getting the cast, but I’d never had an X-ray before and I was quite excited.

“Ready for your X-Ray?” asked the technician.

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The X-ray room was pretty interesting. There was a little cot-like platform under a laser looking thingy that shoots high energy photons called X-rays through your arm. A sensor records the image and sends the information to a computer.

I was excited about having my X-ray taken and it turned out to be fun.

“WOW, cool!” I said as I entered the X-ray room.

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After the X-ray, the doctor let me pick a color for my cast.

I hoped putting on the cast was not going to hurt.

“Pink” I said.

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While the doctor was putting on the cast, my mind wandered to my next life challenge... What would be the topic for my upcoming science fair project?

I had a Eureka moment!

“Mom, my science fair project this year could be a study of the range of motion of the wrist” I said.

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A few weeks later I was bringing home my First Place Science Fair Project.

I felt very proud.

“Mom, now I know what you mean when you say ‘If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!’ ”