ALL THE WAY BY WATER . ["p} /"rpv (^TFI'TTifsXI Between NEW YORK and I D \\j) <^) [j V_Uu\J The Metropolitan Line New Express Triple Screw Tur'oine Stizl \ An Entirely New Service— Route via Long Island Seund and the Atlantic Ocean —Fastest and Most Luxurious Steamship Service in America— Leave New York. Pier «6. North River, foot West Tenth Street. S p. M.. due Boston 8 o'clcck follo-.vsa* I morning. Week days and Sundays— schedule in opposite direction— r ave Boston from India Wharf— Music Daintily furnished staterooms with bath—Caf4 on Har- | rtcar.e Deck—Lounging. Reading and Writing Rooms— Meals a la carte. Express ,1 Service for Freight and Automobiles. Tickets and staterooms from New York, also returning- from Boston at 200 Ii Broadway 'Phone 1000 Worth— a North River. Phons CSSO Spring, asd at ! ! principal Tourist and New York Transfer Company office*. THE ORIENT HOTEL Grosvenoß Fifth Aye. and 10th St. Catering- exclusively to patronage of the hlchest class, affords a permanent resi- dence for select people. Apartments of two rooms and bath to eight rooms and four .baths. October leases now being ma.lt. WILLIAMH. PURDY. MANAGER- THE LORRAINE, .Mil AY. AND 45TH ST. Threw apartments. Including one on Fifth Aye., to rent unfurnished by the year. Aim furnished apartments and individual rooms with bath by the -•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0: or for shorter periods. Restaurant a la Carte. PAUL W. ORVISj tiEORGE C. HOWE. Citij Hotels. MADEIRA. SPAIN AND THE MEDITER- RANEAN" Grand Cruise BY THQ MAGNIFICENT PASSENGER S. S. JYIOLTKE LEAVING NEW YORK JANUARY 29 DURATION DAY 3 COST |sM UPWARD ALSO CRUISES AND SERVICES TO TH3 WEST INDIES. JAMAICA. MED- ITkiRRANEAN A ADRIATIC. ITA^Y. EGYPT. XIU3 SER- VICE. BERMUDA & NASSAU. HAKBUSG-AME2ICAH LINE 35 AND 37 BROADWAY. NEW TORS] 90 State St.. Boston- 1334 Walnut St.. Phlla. Supplemental Statement Issued by the Department of Agriculture. Washington. Oct. 10.— Department of Arri- CUitufe to-day made public a statement, supple- mental to the one Issued yesterdaj'. giving the av- erage yield, condition or production Of various crops as reported on October 1, with comparisons, uk. follows: Oct. 1, Ort. 1, Ten-year Crops. UW7. 1006. average, Alfalfa., condition M »2 Al>!>'ps. condition "4 69 65..1 Bariry. bushels an acre £3.9 I'- 3 26.8 liarlty, quality 88.1 89.1 Heans, production T.i W5 Tiroom <"orn, jirfductlnn K> s:i 35i!/-k«h*at, rondltlo.-i M.I IS 52.9 <'abl>ape. pr o<!uctinn Ml S3 \u25a0 OovexwS. production 85 SB <Yrn. condition 78 !'\u25a0> 70.0 <Ya \u25a0) berries, condition 7R 80 J'lax. condition 78 tH 83 <".raper. condition X B* ( '> 84.3 Hay. ions «n acie 1.41 1.35 1.43 Ha; . quality 00.4 P».» Jl(mp, j.roductfon BI '.'1 Ho;s. pounds en acre .., 1.114 1,101 1 IMB Hops, quality M US Kaftir c<-rn. forage' production. ,M '\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 Millet hay. production >\u25a0\u25a0'. M Miilrt f-*ei!, production v n oat? bushels aa acre lit. s 31.2 Ko.l Onts. quality 77 88.2 SS.2 Onions production M 83 jvarnfts. r .indilion \u25a0 BS Potatoec. condition 77 83 74.7 I*lc<\ condition »"*." ST. 2 »W.fl Rx-e, bushels en acre 1*.4 1t!. 7 15.7 Tty>\ quality f 91.C 04.1 t-orf;!iuni, con-iftl^n M *•» f^israr iH-ets, coniTition 90.5 '•"'• t^upar cane, condition 02 v - M.B Rweet potatops, condition f>3 98 f-2.4 Tobncro. condition 54.8 , 84.« '"IT Whut, tprin;, bush»lg an acre U.I 1K. 7 14.0 Wheat, bprinx. quality .... t -^. v v 88. 5 V.atcnr.clons. production ... - 7."> BO •I'our-ytar average, 'five-year average. KffIRTH GEfiBRSAQ. LOOT. Fast Express Service. PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— BREMEN. Cectle(nw).Oct.ls.lo AMlCeclle(nw)Nov. IS Kaiser... 22. 10 AM Kai^r Nov. 13 K.Wm.ILOct. 'Si. 10 AM X.Win. II. Nw. *-"« Kronprinz. . Nov. 5. 1! pMtKronprtex. .On 3 Twin-Screw Passenger Service. PLYMOUTH—CHERBOURG— BREMEN. •Main Oct. 17. tO AM "P. Irene.. Nov. i •Hannover. Oct.23. AM ! *Gneisenau.Nov.l4 Barbarossa.Oct.2-J.lO AM «Malr. Nov. 21 Kurfuerst..Oct.3l.lo AM! Barbarossa.Nov.'-S •Bremen direct. Mediterranean Service. OIB'LTAR— NAPLES— GENOA, at 11 AM. Connecting at Gibraltar for Algiers. K. Albert Oct. 1!>!K. Albert Nov. 30 Neckar Oct. 2«;*Neckar Dec * Frledrlch Nov. 2|FrledricT» Dec. . K. Lulse Nov. 16; K. Luis- Jan. 4 •Omits Genoa. From Bremen Piers. 3.1 &4th Sts.. Hoboken. AROUND THE WORLD TOURS East and West. N. O. LLOYD EXPRESS LINE- MARSEILLES—NAPLES—ALEXANDRLV German— Mediterranean— Levant Line. Marseilles— Genoa via Naples to the Levant. ROYAL ROUMANIAN MAIL STEAMERS. Constantinople—Smyrna— Alexandria. North German Lloyd Travellers' Checks Good All Over th« World. OELRICHS * CO., No 5 Broadway. N. T. Louis H. Meyer. 1016 Walnut St.. Phlla. BUTCHERS FEAR TRUST. PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL. 14 East 28th St. CENTRAL LOCATION. EXCLUSIVE, QUIET, MODERN. Many sunny Miltes overlooking Madison Square. Single room and bath, $2.00 to $3.50. Suite, parlor, bedroom and bath, *5.n0 and upward. Special permanent niii— CUISINE UNEXCELLED. IMQIK TEA ROOM. A. E. DICK, Mgr. HOTEL GRENOBLE PACKARD) NIGHT SCHOOL "THE SCHOOL FOR TTIOSE WHO j WISH TO EARN WHILE THEY I EAlt>." ALL COMMERCIAL BRANCHES INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION CALL, TELEPHONE OK WRITE Packard Commercial School 4th Are. and SSd St. Day and Evening. Known by DO Yearn of Thorough Work as "The School Tint Makes a Specialty \_ of Each Student." i Fourteenth Year and Thorouglily Modern. 1183-1183 Ur«ia«lwoy. cor. 26th St , N. T. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Jlu!-in<--s. Fall term now open. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Employment Dept Endorsed '.y the Board of Regents. Call or send for booklet 13. 'Phone 3063 Madison Square COLUMBIA INSTITUTE I 122 West ~.Zd St. Dr. E. Fowie'r. 1 rrei>;»r.-j boys for all unlvrrttiMe- or buf>ine««. v Speriiill<itH in every subject. Small <>luhsi-h. \u25a0 Study hours dmiiiK kclhh! day. Laboratory n work. Optional milltnrv drill. Pliiycruund and ti athletic privilege*. Brilliant »urreits in «\u25a0<•!- ti IrclHte .-i.Miiln Hi.Mi«. Primary rlahites. Ke'oprnod ra Sept. 26. Catalogue*. Telephone -1944 Colunibui*. H *\u25a0 / THE CUTLER SCHOOL, 20 EAST 50TH STREET. Rcror.n run im: LAST THREE YEARS. ENTERED HARVARD. IS PUPILS. ENTERED YALE. 14 PIPILS. ENTERED COLUMBIA,14 PUPILS. KNTKItK!) l'liiv< 'ETON. 10 PI PII.S. ENTER OTHER COLLEGES, .-. I'fPlI.S. REOPENS BKPTKMBKK 30 THIUTY-III'IH YEAR. PRIMARY SECTION POR Pll'll.s OF \u25a0 AND OVER IRVING SCHOOL L. D. Ray, 35 West 84th St. Boys from .• ren years upward Thorough preparation for college No homo study for pupils under fifteen SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION 134 r;ra(suate3 tn Leading American Collrees. BERNARD SCHOOL FOR BOYS COLLEGE PREP. & GRAMMAR. 721 St. Nicholas At. KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY. 'J3O Lenox Ay. jf<vsrK<l\l. BUSINESS CLASS. GOOT> FOIINPATION WORK IN ESSENTIAL* 22D YEAH BEGAN SEPT. tffth. Catalog. NATHAN HALE SCHOOL i* EAST 60TH ST. (COR. PARK AYE.). «th year b^glnn Oct 1. 1957 Newly equipped building. Ojrmnasium. Afternoon play hours. Two vacancies for boarding pupils. JAMES H. MORSE. JR. WILLIAM H. CHURCH. SYMS^CHdOL New location. 4!>-.". 1 . Bast fllst st. Buildings remnd?led. Headmaster's hours » to 12 dally. HAMBiUIIRC-AMEBHCAta TWIN SCREW EXPRESS AND PASSEN- GER SERVICK. --.',; London | tPretona.oct.i2. s:3O am 3«? .^ •Amerika(nw)«)ct.lT.2» > M ria Plymouth. j tpatrlrta 10. 3:30 I'M n ari _ •D°'t.«chland.Oct.24. 7 AM h'ariS •.p.Uncoln(nwH)ct.2H.BAM via Cherbourg i •Kalsertn(nwiOct.3l. noon Hamburg I t^ersee ..Nov. \u0084IS •Amon^ special features of these. vessels *re: Grill Room. Gymnasium. Palm Gar- den. Rltz-Carlton Restaurant, Elevators Electric Baths. t Sails to Hamburg direct lral__Jiy]ibl_P Ifii/A\ 11 1&«) 56TH ST. AND 7TH AY. A SELECT FAMILY AND TRANSIENT HOTEL. $1.50 per day and up. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. $2.00 per day and up. Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3.00 a day and upwards. Desirable Suite* of aM sizes for permanent guests at special rat"!s. Restaurant a la Carte. WILLIAMP. CHASE. (&Q.KQAQBOD ILOKIiE^, From Piers 61 .•2. North Uiver. TO LIVERPOOL. VIA QUEENSTOWN. PASSENGERS ItOOKUD THROL'GH TO LONDON AND PARIS. ETRURIA » OCT. 12. 9:30 A. 3_ LUCANIA Oct. 15. 11 A. M. T.I'SITA.VIA WUmbrta Oct. 2S) CARONIA Oct. .- CAMPANIA.. Nov. 3 SALOON REDUCTIONS ALL STEAMERS Lusitania. Oct. 19. Nov. 16, at $72.50. laBBJSSt, Fastest. Finest in th» \u25a0World. HUNGARIAN- AMERICAN SERVICE. TO FITTMF. VIA GIBRALTAII. NAPLES ASP TRIESTE. RUAVONIA. Ot I. 24. noon ; Mar. IS PANNONIA Nov. 14. nocn: Mar. 29 ' "vr.PATHT '\u0084T.'.:iiNm2>; IW), Apl.» SPECIAL MFMTBRRANFAN CRUISES. CALLINfJ AT MADEIRA. U^riU.a. t»Jau. 4. 19OS 1 20.000 tons J »Feb. 1-* I •railing at Cannanla I . Jan . HrH r Alexandria 20,'»^> tons. J1» <i J VERXO.V H. BROWN. Cen'l Agent. 21-24 State St.. opposite the P>attery. ELEGANTLY furnished spartment with prlvatu .. bath. $1 daily: weekly, Including meal*, $12.50; meal". $1 day; transient* accommodated ALABAMA HOTEL. IB B 111 fit.,between nroadwoy a. Fifth At* Male. "•HAUFFET'R.— English: three yean* ex- perience: any make gasolene car; twelve months last place; do all repairs. R. Q. Doney, 36 Magnolia are., Jersey City. ""HAUFFEUR- By young man; careful driver. Qulnn. 19A Sherman at., Brook- yn. .'IIALTFEL'R. CoIored; experienced; can run most any car: Just took a Rainier 'rom New York to Canada and back; does is own pairing. Eldon AHej-ne. 4l« West Win st. COLORED MAN, experienced, in club- house; best references. W. F. Williams, 145 Montague St., Brooklyn. DETECTIVE. Business or private cases. .. Detective, tSB West 187th et. DRAFTSMAN.— First class architectur- al; artistic designer; facades, decoration, stalling; experienced six years; O. K. ref- erences; good leiterer. Here.Ha, car* Chares, 2j". West 142<1 st. 1 . DRAFTSMAN.—Mechanical and patent of- fice; good detailer, tracer and letterer. D.. Box 87, Tribune Office. DRIVER. Young married man as driver or anything: willing and obliging; reference. Frank Slrinek. 819 East 73d St. DRIVER. By married man; experienced; pood shipper; references. Yolk, 220 West 14t»th st. ' m ELEVATOR. RUNNER, &c—Colored man as elevator ninner, switchman, operator or porter. Ulmer. 349 West 5!Hh «t. ENGINEER. Extended experience In re- frigeration, steam and electrical driven plants and appurtenances; mechanic]; tem- perate; married, 35; day. J. G. Bherldan, 129 Franklin aye., Brooklyn. . \u25a0- ELECTRICIAN'S! HELPER.— expert- enced man: married: steady place. Fitz- gerald, 0 Bolivar St., Brooklyn. ELECTRICIAN, English. 24 sears; eight years' practical experience; in hotel or club, etc. Oswald Dunne, 201 East 28th st. ELEVATOR RUNNER for office building; reference. John J. Tondl. 1357 Ist aye. ELEVATOR RUNNER.— By colored man; freight preferred; ten years" experience. W V. Williams, 145 Montagus st .. Brook-, '.•ll. ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT.— license; four yeats" experience In large plants; understand! engines, dynamos, ice ma- rhlnes, hydraulic and electric elevators; Koixl electrician; best references; ago 25. Stlcberg. 136 Eaet ll!>th st. ENGINEER Reliable and sober: firm class references; Spanish license; would lock after machinery or act as oiler if nothing else: hnn<ly man. Lucas Bilbao, 12 State st,, Brooklyn. ENOINEEh. By Hweile, 88; no license; good machinist; understands steamflttlng; willing to do tiring. Aug. Nelson, care of 8. A. Trlres. North Haven, Conn. FIKKMAN.— Licensed; understands dyna- mos, pumps, does repairs; reference*. Talkenbtrg. 4'« EMI 15th st. FIREMAN or ASSISTANT F.NOIKFJBR.— By young colored man; experienced. A. Hebbons, 2.^1 Ernst 148th St. 1 TAKE ORDERS for photo engraving and maks It a nrst claps Job: halftone on copper iiits at l"c. a square Inch, Address of agent, A. Dcmulen, 149 West lOoth Bt.. fifth flovr. MACHINIST.— Aged 18; repair machines In factory or work In machine shop: $12 w!<. O. U, 172 Richardson »U. Brooklyn MACHINIST.—Spanish, 24: os as assistant; ten years' experience: peaks little Eng- lish. Rltts, 244 West M'.h St. MAN. mtdU aged, sober, so«'k^ a steady position on smalt counry plac*>; refer- ence". Address by s*ilj4 letter only, John Hasten, BM Washington st. MAN, experienced driver; has worked In paint shi'ji; u'l: stnrt at reasonable sal- ry. Vern »n Swain. 184! I'rarl St., Brook- lyn^ MARRIED MANtwtohn steady position at anything. John Kenny. 881 Ralph St., I!ro.ikl>n. Instruction. To Plymouth. Cherbcur-c and Hamburg. @Kffil AND UPWARD ACCORDING l^)nj;|_l TO STEAMER AND LOCATION. Gibraltar"! Moltke ..Oct. 15. ll:30AM UUUr Hamburg.... Nov. 5.3 Pil Batavla Nov. 21. 10 AM Naples LMcilke... Nov. 2S. 11 AM r I P. Llncoln(nw)Dec.s. 5 AM i--.~~ I Hamburg Jan. 4 uenoa J HatavU Jan. 14 Alexandria £p ecla! «?. b » s. a. Hamburg. Jan. 4 and via Gibraltar. Feby. 13. To Italy in 8 DI7S By S. 6. DBUTSCHUUCIk. Feb. *, '08. TOURIST BURBAU. R. R. Ticket*. hotel accommodations, and general Information about foreign travel. Travellers' Checks Good All Over the World. Company's Offices. 35 Broadway. K. T. Woodbridge School, ££jS_S™" COth year begins September 26th SPECIAL COACHING FOR rOI.T'MBIA. f>oo eraduates bava rntered college. MUSICIAN, clarinet player: Kin*!*; mill- tar}- Land. Paul Klein, l«IoO Amsterdam n*. «. N. V., N. H. & HARTFORD R. R. Trains depart from Grand Central Station. 421 St. ana 4th Aye.. as follows for Boston via New London & Frov.— ttS:OSt ttl!10.-00. |'ilO:(ii>, •x,:10:02 A. M-. + ! 1.-00, 'xj 11:03. •xVS:(m. 5:00, •• 5:05, * T I2:W) P. M.. via. Wlllltnantlc— \u25a0«- «•:: A, It., t2:0I P. M.. via SpM. - t9:13 A. M.. •||12:00. '4:00. U.'*> P. M. Wor'ster i- Fitch., via Putnam. tS:M> P. M. I^.kevllls& Norf —;•»:«> A.M.; 13:32 P.M. Portland & Kar Ifarbor via Wore.— tV P.M. <Jt. Barrtnctoa, Stockbridg*. Ijenox. Pitts- field—t4:M, "MO". A. M.. si JO, t3:36 P.M. Ticket otSees at cOrand Central" St'n an^l clSSth -r also at \u25a0•-•4.".. I3M>, cI.W-* B'way. c 25 1 ..ii, Bq., elB2 Fifth Aye., cMS Colum- tJS ..\u25a0 . ci(49 Madison Ay».. clO5 W. 123th Bt 2703 Thirl Aye. in Brooklyn, Court St., 47!» Noatrand Aye.. 390 B'way. •Dally. tßscept Sundays. T >tops at 123 th Ft. KSteps at 1 2MB St. Sundays only. JParlor far United. {Sunday parlor car train. ' lias dlnlnK car. .Parlor and H>«rlne ("a.- tickets n!»->. sSaturdays only. ALLABOARDI Last tours tola sea-* \u25a0on. S. S. HER* irriA.vOct. la. 1% Nov. «. 18. 27. \u25a0E Ml Ml Ezpeises inclciel DECIDE NOW AND GET GOOD ROOMS. OTIIEK TRIPS AND TICKETS EVERT* WHEBG. THDS. COOK & son 24." 1200 Broadway. 640 Madison Aye.. .\u25a063 F'.fth At .• <V.'ind3fr Arca.le). Near YorlC. BTCAMBOATS. ""DflQDDD©©Ba rao^iiß " BY DAYLIGHT. Palatial stsa— era -HENDRirK HUDSON.*" •NEW YORK" ar.i "ALBANY" of lh» liu-ison Itlv^r Day Line, fastest and rlr.eag river boats In the world. Leave Brooklyr.. Fulton St. <by Annex), 8; Desbrosses. !«:4O: W. 42d St.. »:«>: W. 129t1» St.. ft:?! A. M Landing at Yonkera. W»st Point. Newbur^h. Poug'.ikeepsle. Kirtgrton Pclnt. Catsklll. Hudson and Albany. Daily. except Sunday. Special trains to ~aratr.g*. and easy connectiors to ai: points E»«r. North and West. Through ticket* and bus- gaga checked at offices of X. Y. Transfer Co. Through rail ticker* between N. T. and Albany accepted Including: Jamestowo. Most delightful one day ojtings to Wests Point. Newburgn or Povß:-k?<?>3ie. return-* l-« on down boat. Resta\ir«n : open all jay. TaMe d'hote breakfast. 73c. Music. EgtEIPTMEEILQKIff Via Boat * Trolley. Via Boat &Kai;. Fall River $l.w|Provkl^ni<!> - SI.3J Newport . Sl._.|j;«— Ueiford . Jl.Sa Correspordlnß I'.e.iuctions to AM Points. Strs. COXXECTICCT & RHODE -:.ANa, Safet> Convenience Comfort _uslc. Leavo X Y. Daily and <unlar. Hi X. R.. ft. W. 44th St.. 5:30 \u25a0' il. Tel. 4:34— Br>ant. Ticket I 2»> r.m'iway | 31 We«t ."!Oth St. Offices I Tel. Mt3 Worth ITel. r>432 Mad. SO, ] ALUANY. < \u25a0•• EXCCRSIOX. *-' 3<>- Superb S;e:i!iiers ('. V.'. Morse an.t Adt-» ronlack.—l-eave l*ier 32. N. H.. w«k day* only t> p. m XT. ISSth, 8:3« p. m. AL— i: ANY. th« V.'est ani Xortli. Fin* r '\u25a0-•• Music Oors'-ous searchlight exhibit. «?onv« fortable stateroom*, with or without bath. LOW RATSS - CITIZENS ™°* N. Y. To TROT. *1.~ : E3CTXRSIOX. $2. Steamers Dean Rtehnumd and Greenport. 1. iv-Pier 4t». N. R.. week days (except Saturdays) ana Sundajs at 5 p. n>. For Both Sexes City. THE BEKIJTZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. MADISON SQUARE ill- Broadway). Harlem Uranch: Lenox 'Aye. cor. 1-Utb, St. Brooklyn " 73 Court St. Newark " Scheuor P'ltldlng. 360 BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES: Pupils h*ar and upeak th*> nen lanKuase excluslTely from th# •-• lesson. Trial lessom free FREE PRONt'NCIATION COURSES. FREE CONVERSATION CIRCLES -T^IjOCI'TION. VOICE CUI.TUim ELOCUTION VOICH roachoil. reasonable. Amateur* . ADEL.E UKIFFITH. 117 rut rTth. imsU ¥ALLEY. Toot i ifvv.S3 1A.''<Jrtlsndi»r.dL<e»brosn>«S[».f|. «I»lly.B'mdßJ:l»7.«A.b»._,e: 4V di> D.VSS is 4S. The meeting was called at the sugxestion of An- pust F. Grimm, president \u25a0' the United Master Butchers' Association of America. The stockhold- rr* of this concern, who are all butchers and buy thf-!r meats from the concern, at the meeting- ap- pblhted a committee to call en Frederick Joseph. president of the beef concern, to learn Just what was what and bow they stood. One of the members of the committee in discuss- ing; the situation last night said that they had looked on long enough and that it was about time t'. take steps to protect their interests. "We (]•'- cided that the only way to got what's coming to tis," he said, "is by sticking together. [i order to accomplish this we have decided to pool our holdings. We have heard that Mr. Joseph, being president of the company, holds only ten shares of Ftock. There are other rumors that don't sat- isfy us. "This, of coarse aroused our gneplclon, and wo thought best to call a mooting. We thougnt that we were all part owners of this concern, but now \u25a0a.-- real that the trust has control of it. and that it is its intention to freeze us out. If we find that the plant has been sold, we certainly will see that we don't take for our stock less than par." I^ast May President Joseph, who was formerly vice-president of Schwarzschild & Sulzberger, sold out 4<) per cent of the stock of that company to Swift & <*0., a trust concern. This did not become known for three months later, Mr. Joseph still holding: the vice-presidency of th« concern. Then Mr. Joseph was elected president of the New York Butchers' Dressed Meat Company. When Mr. Joseph was seen last night he ex- pressed great surprise at hearing of the meeting. He refused to discuss its action. Independent Concern's Stockholders Hear They Have Been Sold Out. !t became known yesterday th.it over fifty of the minority stockholders of the New York Butchers' Dressed Meat Company held a secret meeting on Wednesday night at Terrace Garden to Investigate the rumor that the company had sold its plant to tb«" trust. OFFICE WORK.—By young man; Import- ing house or broker's oAc*. J. 11.. Rlck- ard. 32>» Kast 6Tth st. OKJ-'len ASSISTANT. ny young man. 21: flva years' experience; knowl< of boo"*- kp«plnc. tyrewrltlnn. Stenography; gcod reference; oalary Jii T. Flowers, 114 West 141 th »t. " iLv N V ,ALv N.VTB BuT»loEipre««.. ' *17 40A M. r *e7 SO AM Muffalo-Chlratro Express. .. »aT 40 A M *ll» SO a If lffalo-t hi.iuto Eiprene. .. *j9 40 A Ml *d»"O > x I.A. Ii I'tAMnNIJ r.\l' •11.53 » a # 13 CO J. 1 * Chic A Toronto Vff>t.Kxp..'*CS <0 r M 'xS.4O m THE BITFALOTIUIS .1 •• V Ml •» I*' f M ' ticket bfllcei and 1460 Broadway. Allow no excuse to ke«p you from registering to-mcrrew! That is, if you have not already done your duty. To delay longer may cost you your vote. You must register and enroll as a Republican if you wish to vote in the Presi- dential primaries in the spring. WORK WANTED. For Both Sf»x<>s Country. Starkey Seminary On Ffr.'ca Lake, naar Watk!t:i. Opened Sept. X Board- ing \u25a0'.. tor both s»j I'rei<are» for best cc>ll<?k«b. Eleven teacher*; spfdallstH. Courses In art. music, com- merce. M- SUMMERBEIX. I'rep . Lakemont. N. V PHOTOGnAPHER.— By an all around young man; steady position anywhere; •alary Jl— Address Japanese, 10 Wen Slat Bt. OFFICE WORK.— By boy. Mi Rood pen- man; $."• a week to start. America Co- rnlKlia, 24 Leroy st. OCTDOOR WORK young man. 11>; with good firm; reference an"l security. WtlliMm 11. Brown, 542 Graham aye.. lirooklyn. School Agency. Malay TOVXO MAN, colored, neat, willingand obliging, wishes to tmike a change In his fit employed by one. of tn» argest Jewelry houses In the country; high- est reference in>m present employers; also from law firm and real estate dealer. Ad- dresa W. Dunn \u25a0::!•• 229 West fßd lit. PAIN - i ••">!! \T IR Hl(fh Kr:« •'.» wulk, hol"l«. ,>stntes. prl- .::. \u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0• utti largest Jobs, prices. Deoorator, .Tiu Weal 4Cth si Vi>in<; MAN. 2i>. at driver. J. .letter. 442 Cntral Tark West. Fvmai— BOOKKEEPER.— Kzparleaesd double »n- try understands typewriting; rererecc*. Florence Herman. fB East llhtn st. PORTElt.— Strictly sulmt man; h<Kh»st ref- \u25a0 [\u25a0:•- 'Edward David. 301 K>th »t.. core Mr- Uunnelly. PORTER In factory or ••"r*. lUfaele BOth Bt. PORTER, useful mar., or In boarding ..-, by colored man, with b*»t of i»f erenres fr..m bis present employer.* N. J-. ll'.t Bth aye. AMERICAN AND roKKir.y TKACIIEIIS' aoenct uppll<-« rr»f«s«ois. Teacher*. Tutor*, GovcrDMXs. etc.. 10 Coi:«ses. BehOOla and Katnlll»s. Apply to Mrs M J YOUNCI HI.TON 23 Union Eauara. ** -^ »^ _— « I Dancing Academics. OSGfIR DURYEfI •00 West 72J Street. (TeL 6212 Col.) Separate classes for women and children ii> sscthetlcs (physical lanctng) and fancy danrlnv and in social dunclnc and deportment. GEORGE WALLACE'S DANCING SCHOOLS I'lasiH-n will reopen Oct. 10. ".:>:•> West Kid st. and 44s West 152 d »t. Children and adults. See catalogue. T. OKOBGB DODWOHTH. ~* 13 Baal 41' ii. st, CLASSES AND PRIVATE LESSONS. Coinmen:lnjj Baturday, October 18. PORTER foung colored man an rorter; can give roo.l referenced. Ac dress a. It.. 441 Manhattan aye.. basement. DCRAND CS6 L#«lnittoa ay«.. near 64th St.. back froat I'arls; epe^lal department for modernizing (towns. COMPANION, Ac— By refined, educated lady, of Northern birth, of good business capacity, as companion. «>r business position of trust, excellent references. Address l; D. C. 1717 kens ft . Columbia. 8. C Upper West Side Will Get Mail at 8 O'clock —May Extend to Whole City. As a result "f continued efforts on the part of Postmaster Morgan, the department at Washing- ton luLe authorized the establishment of a carriers" delivery beginning at S p. m. in the ui>i>er West Side. This arrangement will go Into effect on ;Monday. on^ will affect that section of the city lying; between West 69th and West 85tb streets, from the Hudson River to Fifth avenue. The last delivery In this section now begins at 5:40 p. m. Postmaster Morgan said yesterday that this ar- rangeznent was in the nature of un experiment, which, if successful, would bo extended later to ail parts of th» city •where it 'nay be operated with equal advantage. This service, is not given on Sundays. EVENING DELIVERY AUTHOEIZED. PORTER.- -By a young man nlth f.r*t fareaae ai »vii h. C. Rudischum, To Murray St. For Young Ladles— City. HAMILTON INSTITUTE jg£i 3 WEST Rl<T ST. PARK (U'TI.OOK. From KINDERGARTEN to COLLEGE entrance, or SPECIAL COURSE& training IndivMua! talent. Study hour and luncheon. I Catalog. The. Principal at the school dally from 9 to 5. TIE WSERRILL-van LAER SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. Formerly The ' Peebles an.'. Thompson School. Opens October 2nd. 30. 31 and 34 East s"lh Street. New York. N. T. De Lancey School for Girls 301 West 08th St . Cor. Went End Arc. S4tta real beclr.J Tuesday, Oct. Is;. In<li\lilnal Instrnc- tion Prepare* for al! college*. Afternoon study hour. Kindergarten class. Year Book on Application. Barnard School For Girls Cla*s l!i<>7 Entered College Without Condition. COL! EGB PREPARATORY. 421 West 14<<th St. GENERAL & COLLEGE PREPARATORY COUR9E3 Kin denrarten. Primary <<• Grammar 151 Convent ay. ISTII YEAR BEGAN SKIT. 27th. Catalog. Le Baron Drumm School ,JSL 40 WEST 72D ST. (Boys in primary clauses.) Thor- oughly graded from klnderfrartrn through Collego preparation Reopened October 2nd, 1907. The hisses raysom's SCHOOL FOB GIRLR. flcopens Oet 3rd. :•;; 166 168 West 76t% Street. THF SFIViPf F 15 lEIL. OLrll s_L.-3 West »6lh St. Boarding and Day School for <j!r!i ana Kindergarten. milE WETMORE BCHOOL FOR GIRLS i X. Will reopen Thursday October 10. Kiuiiergartt-n t"> College l'rer>a*atory. 32 EAST 45T11 bTREET. TEE ELLIMA2"SCHOOL N^^,SKSr5mT 25th year 107 W. C7th St. epp Carnp;;|» Hall. i Do you want to have a voice in the selection of a Republican candidate for President? You cannot vote at the Presidential primaries in the spring unless you register and enroll as a Re- publican this fall. Register! Register to- morrow! FOLDING, ad.lresslng. tvpewrltlng; day cr week. 8., SB Morton at.. Brooklyn, see- -. Address only. of TUB North German Lloyd Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Kronprinz Wilhelm Kronprinzessin Cecilie and Kaiser Wilhelm 11. THE FASTEST STEAMSHIP IN THB WORLD. AVERAGE 23.3S KNOTS. Law ISates to EtMK by I6HE hm iras BOA..I) AM> HOOMS. DRESSMAKING AND MrLLINBRY. LOST— BANKBOOKS. PORTER In custom tailoring establish- ment, by energetic, reliable colored man. Knianuel, car.i Richardson. 142 West 28th, GOVERNESS, * c - Young German lady as governess or lady's maid; many years' experience; best of reference. Address K. X. . llox »4, Trlbuna Uptown OSBca. 1304 Broadway. IWIKK WANTKO. PORTER, A V'>Di,f colored man «\u25a0» jn.r- ;t or hallinan. l.liitcn. 351 West :itiih st. Male. BOOKKEEPER end road man: experienced in iron and metals; in or out of town. Address '/.. Trtbun» Office. OPERATOR on private switchboard by young- lady; best reference and experi- ence. Sehroeder. :'.07 Crescent »t., B'klyn, TO EGYPT BT THE NORTH GERMAN LLOTD TWIN-SCREW EXPRESS STEAMSHIP Kaiser WiltelmUer Grosse VIA GENOA AND NAPLES. JANUARY IBTH AND FEBRUARY 29TH. For particulars apply to OELRICHS &. CO.. 6 BROADWAY, N. T. BOOKKEEPER or ACCOUNTANT Has hHii long sxperlenceii books opened, Wsed, audited; can furnish bent references. Aullt. SPANISH lnKttuctl«n; children have th« eppoSfUnlty to learn Spanish with proper a, ,'. at, by native teachers; » lesson*. Jt«: $5 for two pupils. M. 4-7 41st St.. Brooklyn. SPECIAL OFFICER wishes position; bank, theatre or any private concerns; refer- ences; can ttlvo bonds if desired; sober and Industrious. J. HcizfolJer, cars Silver. Wlliftt at. SECRETARY. College graduate as secre- tary; real ability; three years' experience; ben references. Address F. W., ISox 172. Wmtwood. K. J. BTENOGRAPBER. EnslMi; al-o French. hlfth school education; expert typewriter: refined, obliging: b»-»t references. Miss LAWenkron, I4"> !U\emeyer St.. Brooklyn. BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT. lf»; High School graduate; understands stenography ai:d typewriting; best references. Frank Bluano, 104 Wall «t. SHIPPING ('I.KIIK. Klvo year- expe- rlence. Geor**J Goehner, 99 Troutman Rt . Brooklyn. STKN'HIKAI'HKi;. typewriter, telephone operator; exper lanced; 110. Gene\l«ve Kverett, 'M Morton »t. livKEit (foremaaj in Florida or South; "riis'. Class bake:, pastry c.ok; undei»iands hoU «jrk: referancea; vhuir. »(.!»•.., good hab:ts Adareed L. 0.. 4»3 Main «t.. Cats- kill. N. T. STENOGRAPHER.- Experienced, accurate ami willing work-r. Address Miss Spears, 237 llenrj' S* STENOGRAPHER, Beglnr.er. 1«; one \u25a0rear's e«perten«>; will I* foun.i trust- worthy and obliging; i>ersi>naJ reference. Advertiser, 103 West lor.th kt BTENOORAPHER, assistant bookkeeper. experlen.-e con tractor's office; $7. Ida <;..!, lberger. 07 West ILMh St.. room 60. KALLO^T STEAMSHIP CO. Fleet of splendid moJern steamships. Finest service. Low Colonist rates. Alii sailings from Pier 13 to 16, _. lv, near Fulton St.. 12 neon. I GALVESTON, Tues.. Thurs.. Sat.;j MOBILE. Frl.: BRUNSWICK, Ga.. 1 Frl.; KKT WEST. Sat. Freight and Passengers to the South. West and Southwest, including Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kan- •as. New and Old Mexico. Colorado, Arizona and California. Tickets and allInformation. 290 Broad- way & SO South, near Fulton St., N. Y. FT? (_5 < Tf Vi) -J NEW POINTS IJS IB Uy fe) U Vii» LM] NEW ENGLAND. V \LLRIVER 1.1.VK. Tla Newport and Kail P.lvcr. Lv. Pier 1». N. R . ft. Warrea St., week days an.r S'jndays. 3:<X> p. m.. Stnu Prtscll'* and Provlder.cir. Orchestra on each. NORWICH LINE. :or New London. Nor-* wioh. Worcester. Lv. Pier 40. N. R.. ft. riarkgon St.. week days only. 3p. m . Pies' Ti>. B. R-. ft- K. 22d ft.. K::'.i> p. m. Strs. Chester W. »*hapin and rlty .if Lowell. NEW IAVEN LINK for N>w Haven ar.4 North. Leave Pier 20. Fast River, —eel* days only. 2:45 p. m. ; foot East 2_i St., 3 p. m. steamer Richard Peck. \u25a0 TBML illlSll UIE. y.txlzrg':., ?o*_eepsle i^c^iaut From Pier 'J4. NorthUiver. week days, 4 P.M. For NEWBVBUI week days. SP. M.; Sundays. » A. M. ; West !2Wh m.. A.M. CATSKILL, HUDSON AND COXSACSIB BOATS Lear» Pier 42. X. R.. week daya. * V. M^ BCSIXES3 CXX<\NC_S. \u0084,__ , - - . ----\u25a0\u25a0-- OFFICE IN PARIS, well located, owned by well known gentleman, with numeronJ connections. offered to Am«lc— enter- prises at moderate coudiiions. Address Gamptfrt. l>7 rua St. Lazara. Paris (France). $3 m*> BUYS >\>R_ULA: something new: breath purifier: no%y on the market. \u25a0 Par-» ticulars at Me Dcnald- Wiggins Co.. 23" Broadway. BOARDING HOL*3E on 3th aye.; IS finelr furnish' i rooms; income. $USO per month; net protita. *^30. price. *4.'*>»>. houau all nicely decorated; this is a \ery good bar- gain. Arply McDonald-Wiggins Co.. 25* Broadway. Ss.d» WILL BIT! hash grad» novoltr manufacturing business; this city; lame> stock on hand; Ms demand for this Una of < \u25a0'•Is. see samples at our office 11..- Dopald-— Tlgg'.n» C"-. 257 Broadway. CARPET C—KAXINO. H.Y.Carpet Cleanirrc; Oldest. Largest. Most Modern. 4»7 ANt» 4X» WEST 43TH ST. Tel. 4ti92-4693 Erya&t. Established IS3T. W. H. JORDAN. EDWIN LENT— IT**. W. W3ULBAMS sis t, un si. cj_nfc 3 u . CAK?ET CL-ANLNG. _»—hHstWd la:3. CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.— ' Cleans by compressed air. steam, band <.* en floor. 15&4 broadway. 421 Ea-t «ia at. COB * BRA>*r>— TeU 132— 3Sth. i jrYPEWRrr~Ks. | I TTPEWRTTERS— An make* sold, rented, repaired, exchanged: reliable servic— Gorman. 7* Nassau st. Telephone 27 JO— Cortlandt. REMINGTON. $5; Hammond. Bill \u25a0SliatsiC fer, »7 SO: Williams. $10; Manhattan. $13j repalrlns; open evenings. Q*y. 1533 Man* •on a y •. SALESMAN. young man. 21; j.hono- Kiupli or sporting goods; experienced In both. Address Dunwoody, 824 Tuylor St., Van Nest. N. 1 BUTCHER In Icehouse or market. 43 Syca- more . Corona, Long Island. BUSINESS- PRIVATE TRANSLATIONS In French, Italian. Spanish, German, Eng- lish. Russian. Hungarian, Slavish, by ex- perts; reasonable; claim lessons in lan- guages. IM> Clairs, 4S Irving Place. COLLECTOR. I*y yo.ir.it man, 2ft. Oeorge Ungrlch, 4".'. West i.".nth st. STENOGRAPHER Bright. Intelligent, well niu.-ate.i woman, possessing a thor- ough knowledge of the English language, combined with five years' experience as stenographer and typewritlst in electrical work, manufacture of sheet metal goods, etc.. desires responsible, remunerative po- sition. Advertiser. 140 ALexington aye. BrookJy*. cni->'Kk;H, Ac.-iiy young maa, tl; or drUer for s<ini« business house; or anj- thlng Rudolph Welll. 341> Tcarl st.. Brook- lyn. SALESMAN, &< I J*|ieitenied salesman and collector, acquainted with architect* and Ren.: a' building trades desires position for salary only. J. G.. 257 West COth St. STBWARD, sVe. —By German man and wife; In club; man as steward; wife good rook and housekeeper; city or country; man 16 yearn In hotel and restaurant business. E. J. Hermann. 227 East 23th St. STENOGRAPHER, typewriter, assistant \ <>. 'kkeeper; KnoJ penman; accurate; ex- perienced; references: '910. Reynolds. US Charles st. CHEMIST, with factory and laboratory ex- perience, desires to change bis position. A. 8.. Box 4. Tribune ©nice. STRONG youii* man. 23; of high class family; first clami references : speaks Eng- lish, French, Italian, Greek and Arabic Address Peter Dallls. 142 2d aye. OOLLBCTOR or OITTSIDK WORK.— By yuune man 31: with rellanle house; best references. WllltoW 11. P>athjen, Jr., 574 Atlantic aye., Brooklyn. CUCRICAL WORK. *c. By young Aawn- i \u25a0nn, . ix-st reference. A.i.iress m. Cook. 287 Evergreen aye.. Brooklyn. CLERK desires to connect himself with downtown commercial house; five years' experience Inside and outside; good educa- tion; k|»'hkh two languages. Edwin T. Slslt. 035 Kulpli st., Ilr«oldyn. CLERK.— By young man. 24; good at (In- ures. S. Greenstone. 24D Kast 32d St. CAHHIEH or COLI.K<TOR. with reliable c(*muany; experience.): business training. J. X.. IST West 61st st. CHAUFFEUR- By Swede. 80; married; first class driver and repair man; wishes position year round with private family. Johnston. 114 East 08th st. KinSHFF.LP FUR CO. .... ere epeclalitU in remodelling any oH fur garment Into U. \u25a0 late;: style: beet WLr i.ianFhip and correct lit at very reasonable prices; new fur garment* mad to order, also in stock, old fun talon ii: .^clitjnjj. , for r.ew. Kindly call at r>« \\i-^. Jltil. near eth aye. Tel 1123— Crameicy. A —SEAL GARMENTS ancT other fine furs repaired redyed ami remodelled Into latest styles at exceptionally low prices: fur gar- PMnta made to order. Mrs. E. J. itaik.>r, 109 Bart 70th >.t.. near Park aye., late with >\u25a0 c;. Ounther's Bon*, Mli »ye: Tt-1. 1010— V9th. If. I. GILBERT ft CO.. PRACTICAL PURRIERB. 44 West 34th St.. near Broadway. Tel. 2022 88th st. Lars;* stork of ladiea 1 furs an.l gentlemen's fur Mned coats. i:. modelllni redying and re- pairing Into the latest styles our specialty. We positively nave- you &0 per cant. 11. I. GILBERT * CO.. LADIES' TAILORS, 44 West Tilth it., near Broadway. The latest Paris dels will be shown. Special offer oi ladies' tailor made suit- M order for thisXwetk only for only ?3<>: worth V- >- Latest style. liest workman- ship and an absolutely perfect fit guaran- teed. TUZZOLLI & CO.. Ladies' Tailors.--Mod- crale prices. 147 «th aye ;:_ liear 11th »t. DRESSMAKER.— clays; out by day; private families:, exclusive designs for street, evening gojhis. fancy waUw: per- fect titling; price »260: references. OiUl- loran. 141 East 44- st. ____ DRESSMAKER wishes customers at home; excellent work; perfect lining, any stylo. r,7 Bast ISOtli st. DRESSMAKER.— First tlans; perfect litter. designer; nukt* all gowns, suit*, fancy oe«US; high erafi« work; wishes few more customer*; out by day. Mrs. Ropertz, lts.9 Lexington aye. DRESSMAKER, of H. AltTnan & Co.; ex cellent fitter, designer; princess coats, fur garments: remodelling; experienced: out by Say $2. Address Dressmaker, 826 West 1 4th st. - _ ' DRESSMAKER desires customers; first class titter and designer; material made Hi !..»t references; home or out. Mrs. Sierrnr 600 West 127 th Bt.. southwest cor- ner Broadway, one block scuth of Subway tind ft iwn cars. HISS M. QUINN nan opened first class ' ditrtsmaking parlors nt 40 Weet 65th St., r.»»r Colianbos; aye. ; latest Parisian models en exhibition: price* nupderate. H PEINBHRO. ladies' tailor and furrier; moderate wices. 112 W. I7tn «t.. near •;•}• aye. J PATTELI^A & BRO.. fashionable ladles' tailors. 713 Lexington eve., bet. 57th and BSth bU. •_. B POLLAK, !au»es tailor, habltmaker; 'moderate price*. U74 r,Lh aye. SANDERS BROS.. Indies' tailors, make ,garment* at reasonable prices. 787 6tn aye., near 43th st. M ABRAM3. Importer, ladles' tailor and furrier, t«4« Oth ava. Suits made from the latest Parisian models tit most reason- able prices? ' . i M- VETERE. ladles' tailor; stilts made to order at lowest prices. 876 6th aye. SAVI3 60% by buying your Feathers and B<~as direct from the manufacturers. The i Lor.don Feather Co.. 360-366 «th .aye.. be- ' tween 2 - d and 23d sts. BILLIARD AM)POOL TABLES. MAKUrACTURERSof billiard and pool ta- bles; high grade bowling alley builder*; ! ion Mt price— Mart Uros., 24 Uolon B<»uare. CHAUFFEUR on four-cylinder car or au- tomobile delivery wagon or truck: under- stands something about carriage trimming. Inquire 220 East 133 d St., basement. CARPENTER and handy man; can do light plumbing and painting; steady place: ref- erences. Skogland. 368 Prospect Place. Brooklyn. CHAUFFRrR.— By young man; thoroughly experienced on all gasolene cars; good mechanic; g<>od driver; first elans reference. J. M.. 531 6th st.. Brooklyn. CHA'TFFEITR. Married. 32; strictly so- ber: careful driver: with private family; city or country. Address George Sllwlnskl. 213 East 112th st. CHAUFFEUR. 80; any make of gasolene car, Al mechanic; three years' shop ex- perience, also as chauffeur; best reference. C H. Powers, 2784 Bth ava. BANKBOOK No 429.015 of the Union Dime Savings Institution Is missing Any per- son bavin* a claim to lt Is b«reby called upon to I'lfsent the same within ten days or submit to having Haiti passbook cancelled and v new one issued. LOST or STOLEN. Bankbook No. 617.871 of the rmau Havings Hunk In the City of New York, corner \u25a0*"\u25a0 we. and ]4rh it.. Issued to Htaala Kennedy. All persona aro cautioned against negotiating the same, if it returned to the bank on the Ist day of November. 1907, a dupllcato willbe Ih- \u25a0ued. LOST Bankbook No. 019.«04, Pnnk for Savings. 280 rti aye., New York. >•;.. ment stopped, Please return book to bank. LOST.— Bankbook No. 839.804, Tiank for Favlnps. _-i> 4th aye.. New York. Pay- ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.— Bankbook No. 889, 8T6, Hank for Ings. i'SO 4th live.. New York. Pay rr.<nt stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.—Bankbook No. 883,833. Rank lot Savings, 2*o 4th aye.. New York. Pay ment stopped. Please return book In bank. OLD GOLD AND SILVER. OLI» GOLD, silver and precious stones bought at highest market value: made Into new articles or exchange for new jew- elry or Japanese good* at M. ii I.1 '. Tepper s factory. 41 West 35th Bt. UKLP WANTED. - \u25a0 - - -.. ii ii i\u25a0 i -ii" Male. ADVERTISINO CANVASSER.— SEVERAL GOOD ADVERTISING CAN- VASSERS ON THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. LIBERAL COMMISSION. REFERENCES REQUIRED. CALL OR ADDRESS BUSI- NESS OFFICE. TRIBUNE BUILDINti. WANTED.— Bright, active young man, 18 to 20 years old, to lay out orders for our publications; permanent position for suit- able party. Adress by letterd. T. Y. Crowell ft Co., iiublisheis, 42S West liroad- way. _ WANTED.—A small boy, 18 years of «ige. in law office. Address Argyle. P. 0. Box 400, New York City. Female. * CHAMBERMAIDS, cooks, second cooks, kllchenmalJs. chamber— latils and wait- resses. French maids, nurses, butlers, sec- ond men, useful men, Immediately. Mrs. Dickinson's Co-operative Bureau, 331 MaJ- icon aye. WANTED.— working housekeeper i who understands cooking and would cook for two In family. M. P.. 203 West 12T>t WOIUC \TA>TED. Male. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT; young man (25); experienced; understands draw- ing* as timekeeper, etc.. for construction company where advancement Is possible. Joseph Johnson, 1211 61st Ht., Brooklyn. ACCOUNTANT.— Expert (degree); opens, closes, writes up. audits books tangled; double entry books audited, balanced; executors' anil trustees' accounts. P. O. Box 50. Madison Square. BOOKKEEPER.— Oooo penman; 0 years' experience; solicits employment evenings at any thins: books written up, closed, trial balances, statements, etc Adires* Com- p*ust. Box 12, XAbuM Offlc*. ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The Tribune received at their Uptown Office. No. 1364 Broadway, between SAth and 37th Pts.. until 0 o'clock p. m. Ad- vertisements received at the following branch offices at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. viz.: 264 Ml. aye.. s. c. cor. 23d *t.: 1M «th •*«.» cor. U'th st | fii X_tt 14 th «-| SST Wart 421 at, < . r A. —A—A.— ATTENTION: Attractive Moors, suites and single rooms, ».It-i and without board; all locations; ref- eresces; doctors' ofT.ces:. information free. H. C. I.KI.AXI*&. CO.. 4 West 3M si. ATTRACTIVE KOOMB. with board; re- Qseii fcurtrjundiiigt; private baths; parlor £:::it;K room; reference* exchanged. 14ij V.>s: S7th fit. ffRNTSHED ROOMS, with bath; exrrl- I*nt location; rent moJcrate. Mrs. Col- !:--. 12^ Wtst £S! St. '. 7SD e.T.. 154 WEST. Attractive rooms. »Ith board; table sTutisiF; rcferefice*. 16- II FT.. 14<i liAST. Very desirable roa— as; prlvata \u25a0!:h; telephone: superior t'ifclt; refir.e.J j/atronage; relerencea. ii 'cc a uti fuTTbronx woo d park, wiii- lart:>brirtß«.--I{ooii)K. Lrjard, year arour<i; r*!<bs $7. $<; telephone. Mrs. W. K. Fiack. tiO PI.. » EAST.— Lance room, private bath; parlor dining room; reference; tele- phone. 72D BT.. 120 WEST. tftnea "It" and subway express stations; charmir.fr rooms; superior table: references Klrea and required. 'ITU FT.. 20 WEST.— Comfortably fur- - Blsfced rornM, with board; central loca- t!cr; references required. 46C PARK A^r: . between 67fr, and 58th t-.r*. Parlor floor, suitable physician or «*.r;tist; bachelor ax>artmetit and other tiQTr.n. ' . FURNISHED ROOMS TO IJST. IN PRIVATE, high class apartment and nelgbboriiood. su:t« parlor and bedroom. Tie«'ly fjrr.lshed and decorate--.. s»co:id I'.oo" corner apartment; eoutl.em exposure; ell Usbt, feeing street; breakfast optional. I'«ith I- :. .»y. 'I hoTie 631J— I'.lvr. ""^ " aiACHIXSKT. AT P.KDCCEH P«tcE» t*ecr.<l hana wood ar.-l Iron «rorkScj; nam<:h!rra: ru!:r rc»rn.t»t«: macr.li:«r» boucht h:t! ex- rnu-' 080 W Fnr>Y saw Ux^iwn »: i \u25a0 . in \u25a0 ir l-«-r . rnncnAi?E and rxenxsan. T_e Antlqne Ftarnltcre 'Bjchi^i 18-15 WEFT »TII PT.. NEA.iI BROADWAT. }fa« r»?~ on t«!r the Jarfeat CO'- lectlon of t&aiUiitg Antiques Ir. rultes and odd pltcai ever pje- *rt!t«J sit rrlvat* m -. tat all. ex Usual, on eomsnlseion barb. Also many pieces of oak. &c. taken In sstcteag* and not de- sired for stock at about % cri(rSn«l rout. SMPI>OYMENT AGENCIES. :'BT.^3A9TI3OUItfEVI|;B| " EMPI>3TMKNT BURBAU. Zl] I>«t «:'d «.— First class domestics are •«pplte«: »'•<> managing housekeepers. \u25a0•\u25a0>. trotj*. governtu«i. tutor*, etc MRS. L. SEELY Employment Bureau, 23 West 39th St. •Phone* 2454. 2438— Bryant. BROOKLYN OFFICE: 134 M. Mark's 4». triIMCH RESORTS.— TAKE notice! : RK!«T malf: AND female help \VPM.iaU AT- mWtX'B OLD K3TAB- U*«i.l> liCiUtA-u. TT WEST UTH ST. Apartment Hotels. HOTEL SEVILLE Instruction. WORK WANTED. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1907. OCK.W <rr'\MFR«. OCEAN STE.\MBKS._ CONDITION OF CP.OPS. 9 For Boys and Toungr Men—City. 8. W. corner Madison Aye. and 29th St. Extending through to 28th St. Half block from 6th Aye. Th» new addition, with many Improvements on the original building, now ready for occupancy. Detdrable suites of mM sixes hitnd somely furnished for permanent Clients. Special rates by Hie tteat>on or year. Every bedroom ims outnide bathroom. EDWARD PURCHAS. Manager. EOT JERSEY CENTRAL YWO-HOUU XKAIN TO PHILADELPHIA 1 EVERY/ HOUR ON THIS HOUR. i FOR PHILADELPHIA. Lv. W. 23D ST. ' -«.50. 7.60. h.20. 8.6U. 0.60. 10.60. 11.20. I 11 50 a. in.. 12.50. 1.20. 1.50. 2. C0. 3.50. 4.80. i 6.20. 6.50. 6.60. 7.50. 8.50, 11.60 p. m. bun- I days. 7.60. 8.60. tt.Bo. 10.60. 11.50 a, m.. ! 12.50. 1.&0. 2.60. 3.60. 4.60. 5.60. 6.60. 7.50. I B.CO. 10.20. 11.50 p. m. Lv. LIBERTY 5T.—1.30. 6.30. 7.00. 8.00. 8.3U. d.go. 10.00. 11.00. 11. £0. 12.00 a. m.. 1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. COO. 6.30. 6.00. 7.00. 8.00. I*oo p. in., 12. midnight. Sun- I days, 1.31', 8.00. 0.00, 10.00. 11.00. 12.0 Ca. in.. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 6.00. 600, 7.00. j &.00. 0.00. 10.30 p. la,, 12-15 midnight.' FOR BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, i Lv. W. 23U 5T.— 7.30. 60, ILSO a. m.. i 1.60. 3.50, 6 50, a.50 b. m. dally. Lv. LIBERTY ST.—I.BO. 8.00. 10.00. 12.00 a. m.. 2.00. 4.00. 6.00, 7.00 p. m.. dally. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Ist. W. 23D ST. —0.60 a. m. 112.60 Sits. only). 8.20 p. m. Sundays. 0.50 a. in.. 2.30 p. be. Lv. LIBERTY ST.— a. m. <1.0» Eats. only). 3.40 p. m. (Sundays. 10.00 a, m.. 2.30 p. m. FOR LAKEWOOD AND LAKEHURST. Lv. W. 23D 5T.—9.50 a. m. «12.60 flats, only), 1.20. 3.20. '.50 p. m. Sundays. 6.50, li.So a. m.. 2.21) p. m. Lv. LIBERTYbT —4 00 10.00 a. m. (1.00 Eats. only), 1.20. 3. 10. 5.00 p. m. Buodays. 7.00. 10 00 a. in.. 2.30 p. in. ALL RAIL ROiJTE. LONG BRANCH. I ABBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE. Lv. W. 23D ST.— 8.20. 11.20 a. m. (12.20 Sata, only), (1.10 Sais. only). 1.20. 3.20. 4.30 <5.05 ex Sata.). 5.20. 6.20, 11.50 p. m. Sun- days, ».oo a. m.. 8.60, 8.30 p. m. Lv. LIBERTY ST. 1.00. 8.30. 11.30 a. m. (12.40 t=ats. only). (1.20 Sats. only). 1.30. 8.30. 4.45 (9>lß ex. Sats.), 30. 6.30 p. m.. 12.01 midnight. Sundays. 3.30. 9.15. a. m.. 4.00. 8.30 p. m. SANDY HOOK HOUTE. Atlantic High- lands; Sea Bright. Monmouth Peach. Long Branch, Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. Lt. PIER, 81. N. R. (42D ST >—10.00 a. m.. 12.30. 3.10. 4.15. 7.45 p. m. Sundays, •.30 a. m.. 1.00. 7.45 p. m. \u25a0 v Lv. PIER 10. N. R. (CEDAR ST.)—m.2o a. m.. 1.00. 3.45. 4.45. 8.10 p. m. Sundays, 10.00 a. \u0084 1.30. 8.10 p. m. Time tables may be obtained at follev.nc; offices: Liberty St. (West 23d St. T.I. 8144 Chelsea), tt Astor House. 245. 434. 1800. 1334 Broadway. 182 Fifth Ay.. 281 Fifth A*..28 Union Square West, 27U8 Third Aw.. 109 West l'-'lth St.. 245 Columbus Ay.. New York: 4 Court St.. 343, 344 Fulton St.. 47* Nnstrand Ay.. Brooklyn: 8&0 Broadway. Wllllamgburg. New York Transfer Co. calls for and checks baggage to destination. W. O. BESLER, W. C. HOPE. Vlce-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. *len. Pass' r Agent. BALTIMORE & OHIO 8. R. ROYAL BLUE LINE TRAINS. "Every other hour on the even hour." TO BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Leave New YorkCity. 23d St. Lib 1 y St. •WASHINGTON, Sl' pers. 11.60 pm 1.30 as* •WASHINGTON. Diner, 7.60 am MOnam •WASHINGTON, Diner. 0.50 am 10.00 am •WASHINGTON, Diner. 11.60 am 12.0<>n'n •WASHINGTON. BuHet. 1.50 pm 2.00 pm •'•ROYAL LTD." Diner. 3.50 pm 4.U0 •WASHINGTON, Diner. 5.60 pro 6.oi> pm •WASHINGTON. Buffet. 6.50 urn 7.00 pm •Dally. Through Dally Trains to the West. Leave New York City. 2."M St. Llb'y St. CHICAGO. PITTSBI'RO. 7.80 am 8.0»> em I'lili'Aiio, COLUMBUS. 11.50 am 12.00 n'n PITTSBURG, * I.i:VKI.D. 3.50 pm 4-00 Pm i "PITTSBURO LIMIT* D." 6.50 pm 7.00 pa < IN" \u0084sT.l.i>ris.l>>ri.sv.. 11.50 pro 1.30 am CIN..ST.LOUIS,LOriSV.. U.sOam 10.U0 am CIN.,BT.LOUIB.LOUISV., 5.50 pm «.00 pm Offices: 245. 434. 1300 Broadway, 6 Astor House, 108 Greenwich St., 25 Union Square W.. sal Grand St., N. V.; 343 Hilton St.. Brooklyn; West 23d SI and Liberty St. After « j>. m. Sleepir.K Car Reservations an.i full Information ragardtoa trains, etc.. can be obtained at Bureau of Information, ! U & O. It. R.. &d St. Terminal. 'Phone I No., Chelsea 3144. YOUNO MAN. 30. In hotel or club; refer- ence: Intelligent, capable, willing. Ad- dress B. Box UK. Wapplngor Falls. N. T. YOUNG MAN. in automobile repair shop or garage: understands running car; will Ir.g; low wages. John Gregor. 410 East 113 th st. . _ YOUNG MAN, colored, as elevator runner In ofilr« hull'llng or apartment house; has two years' reference. Henry*Dazing, 1803 8d aye. YOUNG MAN. 23. colored, strong and will- fun, declres good perrt«nr.ent place as por- ter or dUhwasher; night work preferred. Nicholas. 723 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 23, willing; at anything: no canvassing. Fagan. 864 Park avo., Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. 18, best references, wishes position at anything; understands fur- naces. Call, write or 'phone King. 30!) West 40th St.. care Move. "Phone 6186 \u25a0 Bryant. YOUNO MAN. colored, respectable would like place with right parties; a! refer- ence; good experience private office. Col- lies, care of Engles, 327 West G2d St. YOUNGMAN. lately landed, well educated, as clerk, permanent establishment, bank- Ing or shipping office; Al reference. Condy, 248 West 10th st. YOUNG MAN. 19: strong: graduate; at anything; $7 to start. Sllbersteln. 175 East 03d st. YOUNG MAN. 20; work at anything; hon- est, willing and not afraid of work; ref- erence. Schmalberger, 631 Buihwick aye., Brooklyn. YOUNG \u25a0 MAN. outdoors, at anything. Q. V.. 6m Deane St., Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN, 20; In printing shop: good Gordon feeder; willing; work for advance- ment. Lewis. 347 East 104th St. YOUNG MAN. as stock clerk In retail store, department store or wholesale; store, or as outside talesman. A. Weln- *t«ln. 19 Bunm«r aye, Brooklyn. STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST In commer- cial houses one year's experience; salary $&. Address R. 8.. ISO Avenue It. TEACHER.—By North German college graduate (Hanover. Paris); fluent French and German; English branches: good mu- sic; highest references from schools and families. Address Successful Teacher. Trib- une Uptown Office. 1304 Broadway. TELEPHONE OPERATOR.— Bright, Intel- ligent young woman, having two years' experience In central office, wishes place at private board. Operator. 827 Kosclusko St.. Brooklyn. VISITING GOVERNESS. By Southern college girl; elementary, higher Eng!l»h branches; Latin, music. N*. J.. Miss Fitz- gerald's Bureau. 508 3th aye.. corner *"d st. YOUNG WOMAN wishes any light work »n ii hotel, by the week. Address Tailor. 410 West 56th st. YOUNG LADY as telephone operator. Mc- Neely. 25 Grove st. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED Mai* ATTENDANT. NURSE or VALET to bachelor in apartment, or position ft trust; good cook, massage; English, aged 42. Morris. 220 East BSth st. lil'Tl^Bt. Ac —By a Japanese: tall: butler. valet; thoroughly experienced; fully com- petent all duties in highest service; neat appearance; personal reference; go any- where. A.. 107 Cherry st. COACHMAN— By a middle ag«d man or lonic experience with road and carriage horses; understands his business In every detail; first clats reference, and security If required. Address H. U. «83 6th aye. JANlTOß.— Respectable colored man as Janitor; has wife; no children: reference If required. Samuel Holmes. 104 West 6M at., basement. ___^__ VALET, COURIER— By young man. ac- customed to travel: or would take placo In city; speaks several languages; good bar- ber, tailor, .-.. highest city references. S. Crispin, r_tttrsoa Hotel. W West ««th st. OLB DOMUIiW LOME. DAILY SERVICE. For Jamestown. Exposition. O'.d Point Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth, Ptnner's Point and Newport News, Va.. connecting for Petersburg. Richmond. Virginia Beach.. Washington. I>. C. and entire South and West Freight and passenger steamers sail front Pier a). N. It., foot or Beach St.. every week day at 3 P. M. W. L. WOODROW. Tragic Manager. IFodd 0 LFcidcpGcid ffiaGOD Steamships of the RED "D" LINE will •all from Pier 11. near Wall St. Ferry. Brooklyn, for San Juan direct as follows: 6s. Caracas . Saturday. Oct. 12. noon Ba. Philadelphia Saturday. Oct. M. noon For freight or passage apply to BOULTON. BUSa * DALLETT. General Managers. 62 Wall St. T>ED * D" LINE -*-*\u25a0 For La Guayra, Puerto Cabello, Curacao and Maracalbo. via Curacao.* call- ins also at dan Juan. P. R. : Si Caracas Saturday. Oct. 13. noon St. Philadelphia.... Balu»day. Oct. >%, noon. For La Guayra, Curacao, Maracalbo: i 6s. ZulU Saturday. Oct. 1». noon ! Ss. Maracatbo Saturfaq. Nov. 2. noon j These steamers have superior accommo- dations (or passengers. BOL'LTON. BUSS ft PALLF.TT. General Managers. Pit Wai! St. /mncnrSfTfl'Tf* clark tenth an- UUuuUL—IMI U NUAL CRUISE. Feb. 6. ______ "08. M days, by specially : chartered 8. B. "Arabic." 16,000 ton* THREE TOURS ROUND THE WORLD. FRANK C. CLARK. Times Bldg.. N. Y. «T A VELOCE"— Italian Line. \u25a0—* Sailing from Pier 84. North RW«r. ft. of 34th St.. for Naples and Genoa. H»rtn>ld. Solar! _\u25a0 Co.. BO Wall St DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WASTED. Female. COOK. *c. Competent woman: good cook and laundress; small family: will take, position as working housekeeper: city or country; call personally; moderate wages. Bolon, 233 West 19th St. CHILDREN'S MAID, with American fam- ily, by respectable young girl, lately landed: speaks German, French. Answer by mall, car* of Mrs. Sterner. 184 West Broadway. ___________________ DAY'S WORK. Colored woman wishes day's work or washing at home. Rich- mond. 454 West 38th at. DAY'S WORK washing and trot-Ing, by re- spectable colored woman; will take wash- Is* home. His. Mitchell. 100 West 13Uh st. . - \u25a0 \u25a0- - \u25a0 - RAILROADS. and up. FIRST CLASS BY THE! \u25a0ccorolnc to FOLLOWING LINKS steamer. FOLLOW I > l-» LINb-fe AMERICAN UNE gluing mt ft.Jo A. _. PLYMOUTH—CHERB'G— SOUTHAMPTON St. Louis Oct. 12 St Paul Oct. 28) Philadelphia.. Oct. in Sew York Nov. !. RED STAR LINE f; 0! £ ™* NEW YORK— DOVER—ANTWERP. Zeelar.d Oct. 12. » AMI Vaderlaun.Oct. 26 Finland. Oct. IS) 3 I'M Kr •.".:.'. Sot. t> WHITE STAR LINE £ or £ l £ p NEW YORK— Q'NSTOWN— LIVERPOOL. ' •Celtc. ..Oct. 17. -*.;i> I'M T.al--, Oct. 31 •Arabic Oct. 24. 7 AM'*Ctdrlc N\u25a0< 7| PLYMOUTH— 'JHERB'G— SOUTHAMPTON •Teutonic. Oct. 10. 10 AM i •Majestic Oct. 30 •Oceanic. Oct. 23. 6:30 am; i-*A<irUtt.-.Nov 8 tNew, 26.(100 ton;; has Elevator. Gymnasium. Tmitlsh Bath, and 'Ban*. NEW YORK * TTA 7 A. C".7aT BOSTON TO HA—i * C^slrt Via Azores, Madeira. Gibraltar. Alder*. •REprilUC. Oct. 24. Nov. 30. Jan. 23 •BOM* NIC. Oct. 2«, Dec. 5. Feb. 1 •CRETtC Nov. T. Dec. 11. March » I •CANOPIC . \u25a0'». IS, Jan. 11. Feb. _M *CEBRIC™& Ssj JAN. 4. FEB. «' PASSBNOER OFFICE. » BROADWAY. Freight on.*. Whitehall Bids-. Battery PI

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1907-10-11/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ALL THE WAY BY WATER .["p}/"rpv(^TFI'TTifsXI Between NEW YORK and ID \\j)

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1907-10-11/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ALL THE WAY BY WATER .["p}/"rpv(^TFI'TTifsXI Between NEW YORK and ID \\j)

ALL THE WAY BY WATER .["p}/"rpv (^TFI'TTifsXIBetween NEW YORK and ID \\j)<^) [jV_Uu\J

The Metropolitan Line New Express Triple Screw Tur'oine Stizl \

An Entirely New Service— Route via Long Island Seund and the Atlantic Ocean—Fastest and Most Luxurious Steamship Service in America— Leave New York.Pier«6. North River, foot West Tenth Street. S p. M.. due Boston 8 o'clcck follo-.vsa* Imorning.

Week days and Sundays— schedule in opposite direction— r ave Bostonfrom India Wharf—Music

—Daintily furnished staterooms with bath—Caf4 on Har- |

rtcar.e Deck— Lounging. Reading and Writing Rooms— Meals a la carte. Express ,1Service for Freight and Automobiles.

Tickets and staterooms from New York, also returning- from Boston at 200 IiBroadway 'Phone 1000 Worth— a North River. Phons CSSO Spring, asd at !!principal Tourist and New York Transfer Company office*.



GrosvenoßFifth Aye. and 10th St.

Catering- exclusively to patronage of thehlchest class, affords a permanent resi-dence for select people. Apartments oftwo rooms and bath to eight rooms andfour .baths. October leases now beingma.lt.



Threw apartments. Including one on Fifth Aye., torent unfurnished by the year.

Aim furnished apartments and individual roomswith bath by the -•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0: or for shorter periods.

Restaurant a la Carte.


Citij Hotels.







HAKBUSG-AME2ICAH LINE35 AND 37 BROADWAY. NEW TORS]90 State St.. Boston- 1334 Walnut St.. Phlla.

Supplemental Statement Issued by

the Department of Agriculture.Washington. Oct. 10.— Department of Arri-

CUitufe to-day made public a statement, supple-mental to the one Issued yesterdaj'. giving the av-erage yield, condition or production Of variouscrops as reported on October 1, with comparisons,uk. follows:

Oct. 1, Ort. 1, Ten-yearCrops. UW7. 1006. average,

Alfalfa., condition M »2 •—Al>!>'ps. condition "4 69 65..1Bariry. bushels an acre £3.9 I'- 3 26.8liarlty, quality 88.1 89.1

—Heans, production T.i W5

—Tiroom <"orn, jirfductlnn K> s:i

—35i!/-k«h*at, rondltlo.-i M.I IS 52.9<'abl>ape. pro<!uctinn Ml S3 \u25a0

—OovexwS. production 85 SB<Yrn. condition 78 !'\u25a0> 70.0<Ya \u25a0) berries, condition 7R 80J'lax. condition 78 tH 83<".raper. condition X B*('> 84.3Hay. ions «n acie 1.41 1.35 1.43Ha;. quality 00.4 P».»Jl(mp, j.roductfon BI '.'1

—Ho;s. pounds en acre .., 1.114 1,101 1 IMBHops, quality M US

—Kaftir c<-rn. forage' production. ,M '\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0

—Millet hay. production >\u25a0\u25a0'. MMiilrt f-*ei!, production v noat? bushels aa acre lit.s 31.2 Ko.lOnts. quality 77 88.2 SS.2Onions production M 83

—jvarnfts. r.indilion \u25a0 BS

—Potatoec. condition 77 83 74.7I*lc<\ condition »"*." ST. 2 »W.flRx-e, bushels en acre 1*.4 1t!.7 15.7Tty>\ quality f 91.C 04.1

—t-orf;!iuni, con-iftl^n M *•»

—f^israr iH-ets, coniTition 90.5 '•"'•

—t^upar cane, condition 02 v

- M.B

Rweet potatops, condition f>3 98 f-2.4Tobncro. condition 54.8 , 84.« '"ITWhut, tprin;, bush»lg an acre U.I 1K.7 14.0Wheat, bprinx. quality .... •t-^.vv 88. 5

—V.atcnr.clons. production ... - 7."> BO

—•I'our-ytar average, 'five-year average.

KffIRTH GEfiBRSAQ. LOOT.Fast Express Service.

PLYMOUTH—CHERBOURG— BREMEN.Cectle(nw).Oct.ls.lo AMlCeclle(nw)Nov. ISKaiser... 22. 10 AM Kai^r Nov. 13K.Wm.ILOct. 'Si. 10 AM X.Win. II.Nw. *-"«Kronprinz..Nov. 5. 1! pMtKronprtex..On 3

Twin-Screw Passenger Service.PLYMOUTH—CHERBOURG— BREMEN.

•Main Oct. 17. tO AM "P. Irene.. Nov. i•Hannover. Oct.23. AM!*Gneisenau.Nov.l4Barbarossa.Oct.2-J.lO AM «Malr. Nov. 21Kurfuerst..Oct.3l.lo AM!Barbarossa.Nov.'-S

•Bremen direct.Mediterranean Service.

OIB'LTAR—NAPLES— GENOA, at 11 AM.Connecting at Gibraltar for Algiers.

K. Albert Oct. 1!>!K. Albert Nov. 30•Neckar Oct. 2«;*Neckar Dec *Frledrlch Nov. 2|FrledricT» Dec. .K. Lulse Nov.16; K. Luis- Jan. 4

•Omits Genoa.From Bremen Piers. 3.1 &4th Sts.. Hoboken.



German— Mediterranean— Levant Line.Marseilles— Genoa via Naples to the Levant.ROYAL ROUMANIAN MAILSTEAMERS.—

Constantinople—Smyrna— •Alexandria.

North German Lloyd Travellers' ChecksGood All Over th« World.

OELRICHS *CO., No 5 Broadway. N. T.Louis H.Meyer. 1016 Walnut St.. Phlla.




EXCLUSIVE, QUIET, MODERN.Many sunny Miltes overlooking Madison Square.

Single room and bath, $2.00 to $3.50.Suite, parlor, bedroom and bath, *5.n0 and upward.


A. E. DICK, Mgr.






Packard Commercial School4th Are. and SSd St. Day and Evening.

Known by DO Yearn of Thorough Work as "TheSchool Tint Makes a Specialty

\_ of Each Student." i

Fourteenth Year and Thorouglily Modern.

1183-1183 Ur«ia«lwoy. cor. 26th St , N. T.Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Penmanship.

Jlu!-in<--s. Fall term now open.DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Employment Dept

Endorsed '.y the Board of Regents. Call or sendfor booklet 13. 'Phone 3063 Madison Square

COLUMBIA INSTITUTE I122 West ~.Zd St. Dr. E. Fowie'r. 1

rrei>;»r.-j boys for all unlvrrttiMe- or buf>ine««. vSperiiill<itH in every subject. Small <>luhsi-h. \u25a0Study hours dmiiiK kclhh! day. Laboratory nwork. Optional milltnrv drill. Pliiycruund and tiathletic privilege*. Brilliant »urreits in «\u25a0<•!- tiIrclHte .-i.MiilnHi.Mi«. Primary rlahites. Ke'oprnod raSept. 26. Catalogue*. Telephone -1944 Colunibui*. H








IRVING SCHOOLL. D. Ray, 35 West 84th St.

Boys from .• ren years upwardThorough preparation for college

No homo study for pupils under fifteenSCHOOL NOW IN SESSION

134 r;ra(suate3 tn Leading American Collrees.



22D YEAH BEGAN SEPT. tffth. Catalog.


«th year b^glnn Oct 1. 1957Newly equipped building. Ojrmnasium. Afternoon play

hours. Two vacancies for boarding pupils.JAMES H. MORSE. JR. WILLIAM H. CHURCH.

SYMS^CHdOLNew location. 4!>-.".1. Bast fllst st.

Buildings remnd?led.Headmaster's hours » to 12 dally.


GER SERVICK. --.',;London |tPretona.oct.i2. s:3O am3«? .^ •Amerika(nw)«)ct.lT.2»>Mria Plymouth. j tpatrlrta 10. 3:30 I'M


•D°'t.«chland.Oct.24. 7 AMh'ariS •.p.Uncoln(nwH)ct.2H.BAMvia Cherbourg i •Kalsertn(nwiOct.3l. noon

Hamburg It^ersee ..Nov. \u0084IS•Amon^ special features of these. vessels

*re: Grill Room. Gymnasium. Palm Gar-den. Rltz-Carlton Restaurant, ElevatorsElectric Baths.

tSails to Hamburg direct

lral__Jiy]ibl_P Ifii/A\11 1&«)


$1.50 per day and up.ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH.

$2.00 per day and up.Parlor, bedroom and bath,$3.00 a day and upwards.

Desirable Suite* of aM sizes for permanentguests at special rat"!s.Restaurant a la Carte.WILLIAMP. CHASE.

(&Q.KQAQBOD ILOKIiE^,From Piers 61 .•2. North Uiver.


LONDON AND PARIS.ETRURIA » OCT. 12. 9:30 A. 3_LUCANIA Oct. 15. 11 A. M.T.I'SITA.VIA WUmbrta Oct. 2S)CARONIA Oct. .- CAMPANIA..Nov. 3

SALOON REDUCTIONS ALL STEAMERSLusitania. Oct. 19. Nov. 16, at $72.50.

laBBJSSt, Fastest. Finest in th» \u25a0World.


GIBRALTAII. NAPLES ASP TRIESTE.RUAVONIA. OtI. 24. noon;Mar. ISPANNONIA Nov. 14. nocn: Mar. 29'"vr.PATHT '\u0084T.'.:iiNm2>; IW),Apl.»


U^riU.a. t»Jau. 4. 19OS 120.000 tons J »Feb. 1-* I•railing at

Cannanla I.Jan.HrH r Alexandria20,'»^> tons. J1» <i J

VERXO.V H. BROWN. Cen'l Agent.21-24 State St.. opposite the P>attery.

—ELEGANTLY furnished spartment with prlvatu.. bath. $1 daily: weekly, Including meal*, $12.50;

meal". $1 day; transient* accommodated ALABAMAHOTEL. IBB 111 fit.,between nroadwoy a. Fifth At*


"•HAUFFET'R.—English: three yean* • ex-perience: any make gasolene car; twelve

months last place; do all repairs. R. Q.Doney, 36 Magnolia are., Jersey City.

""HAUFFEUR- By young man; carefuldriver. Qulnn. 19A Sherman at., Brook-


.'IIALTFEL'R. CoIored; experienced; canrun most any car: Just took a Rainier

'rom New York to Canada and back; doesis own pairing. Eldon AHej-ne. 4l« West

Win st.

COLORED MAN, experienced, in club-house; best references. W. F. Williams,

145 Montague St., Brooklyn.


Business or private cases. ..Detective, tSB West 187th et.

DRAFTSMAN.— First class architectur-al; artistic designer; facades, decoration,

stalling; experienced six years; O. K. ref-erences; good leiterer. Here.Ha, car*Chares, 2j". West 142<1 st.

1 .DRAFTSMAN.— Mechanical and patent of-

fice; good detailer, tracer and letterer.D.. Box 87, Tribune Office.


Young married man as driver oranything: willingand obliging; reference.

Frank Slrinek. 819 East 73d St.


By married man; experienced;pood shipper; references. Yolk, 220 West

14t»th st.'


ELEVATOR. RUNNER, &c—Colored manas elevator ninner, switchman, operator

or porter. Ulmer. 349 West 5!Hh «t.


Extended experience In re-frigeration, steam and electrical driven

plants and appurtenances; mechanic]; tem-perate; married, 35; day. J. G. Bherldan,129 Franklin aye., Brooklyn. . \u25a0-

ELECTRICIAN'S! HELPER.— expert-enced man: married: steady place. Fitz-

gerald, 0 Bolivar St., Brooklyn.

ELECTRICIAN, English. 24 sears; eightyears' practical experience; in hotel or

club, etc. Oswald Dunne, 201 East 28th st.

ELEVATOR RUNNER for office building;reference. John J. Tondl. 1357 Ist aye.

ELEVATOR RUNNER.—By colored man;freight preferred; ten years" experience.

W V. Williams, 145 Montagus st.. Brook-,'.•ll.

ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT.— license;four yeats" experience In large plants;

understand! engines, dynamos, ice ma-rhlnes, hydraulic and electric elevators;

Koixl electrician; best references; ago 25.Stlcberg. 136 Eaet ll!>th st.

ENGINEER Reliable and sober: firm classreferences; Spanish license; would lock

after machinery or act as oiler if nothingelse: hnn<ly man. Lucas Bilbao, 12 Statest,, Brooklyn.


By Hweile, 88; no license;good machinist; understands steamflttlng;

willing to do tiring. Aug. Nelson, care of8. A. Trlres. North Haven, Conn.

FIKKMAN.—Licensed; understands dyna-mos, pumps, does repairs; reference*.

Talkenbtrg. 4'« EMI 15th st.

FIREMAN or ASSISTANT F.NOIKFJBR.—By young colored man; experienced. A.

Hebbons, 2.^1 Ernst 148th St.

1 TAKE ORDERS for photo engraving andmaks It a nrst claps Job: halftone on

copper iiits at l"c. a square Inch, Addressof agent, A. Dcmulen, 149 West lOoth Bt..fifth flovr.

MACHINIST.—Aged 18; repair machines Infactory or work In machine shop: $12•w!<. O. U, 172 Richardson »U. Brooklyn

MACHINIST.—Spanish, 24: os as assistant;ten years' experience: peaks little Eng-

lish. Rltts, 244 West M'.h St.

MAN. mtdU aged, sober, so«'k^ a steadyposition on smalt counry plac*>; refer-

ence". Address by s*ilj4letter only, JohnHasten, BM Washington st.

MAN, experienced driver; has worked Inpaint shi'ji; u'l: stnrt at reasonable sal-•ry. Vern »n Swain. 184! I'rarl St., Brook-

lyn^MARRIED MANtwtohn steady position at

anything. John Kenny. 881 Ralph St.,



To Plymouth. Cherbcur-c and Hamburg.


Gibraltar"! Moltke ..Oct. 15. ll:30AMUUUrHamburg.... Nov. 5.3 PilBatavla Nov. 21. 10 AM

Naples LMcilke... Nov. 2S. 11 AMrI P. Llncoln(nw)Dec.s. 5 AM

i--.~~ IHamburg Jan. 4uenoa J HatavU Jan. 14

Alexandria £pecla! «?. b» s. a.Hamburg. Jan. 4 and

viaGibraltar. Feby. 13.

To Italy in 8 DI7SBy S. 6. DBUTSCHUUCIk. Feb. *, '08.

TOURIST BURBAU.R. R. Ticket*. hotel accommodations, and

general Information about foreign travel.Travellers' Checks Good All Over the

World.Company's Offices. 35 Broadway. K. T.

Woodbridge School, ££jS_S™"COth year begins September 26th

SPECIAL COACHING FOR rOI.T'MBIA.f>oo eraduates bava rntered college.

MUSICIAN, clarinet player: Kin*!*; mill-tar}- Land. Paul Klein, l«IoO Amsterdam


N. V., N. H. & HARTFORD R. R.Trains depart from Grand Central Station.

421 St. ana 4th Aye.. as follows forBoston via New London & Frov.— ttS:OSt

ttl!10.-00. |'ilO:(ii>, •x,:10:02 A. M-.+!1.-00, 'xj11:03. •xVS:(m. 5:00,••5:05, *TI2:W) P. M.. via. Wlllltnantlc—

\u25a0«- «•:: A, It., t2:0I P. M.. via SpM.-

t9:13 A. M.. •||12:00. •'4:00.

• U.'*>P. M.

Wor'ster i- Fitch., via Putnam. tS:M> P. M.I^.kevllls& Norf —;•»:«> A.M.;13:32 P.M.Portland & Kar Ifarbor via Wore.— tV P.M.<Jt. Barrtnctoa, Stockbridg*. Ijenox. Pitts-field—t4:M, "MO". A. M.. siJO, t3:36 P.M.

Ticket otSees at cOrand Central" St'n an^lclSSth -r also at • \u25a0•-•4.".. I3M>, cI.W-* B'way.c25 1 ..ii,Bq., elB2 Fifth Aye., cMS Colum-tJS ..\u25a0 . ci(49 Madison Ay».. clO5 W. 123thBt 2703 Thirl Aye. in Brooklyn, c«Court St., 47!» Noatrand Aye.. 390 B'way.

•Dally. tßscept Sundays. T>tops at 123 thFt. KSteps at 12MB St. Sundays only.JParlor far United. {Sunday parlor cartrain.

'lias dlnlnK car. .Parlor and

H>«rlne ("a.- tickets n!»->. sSaturdays only.

ALLABOARDILast tours tola sea-*\u25a0on. S. S. HER*irriA.vOct. la. 1%Nov. «. 18. 27.

\u25a0E MlMl Ezpeises inclciel



THDS. COOK & son24." 1200 Broadway. 640 Madison Aye..

.\u25a063 F'.fth At.• <V.'ind3fr Arca.le). Near YorlC.


""DflQDDD©©Ba rao^iiß"

BY DAYLIGHT.Palatial stsa— era -HENDRirK HUDSON.*"•NEW YORK" ar.i "ALBANY" of lh»liu-ison Itlv^rDay Line, fastest and rlr.eag

river boats In the world.Leave Brooklyr.. Fulton St. <by Annex), 8;

Desbrosses. !«:4O: W. 42d St.. »:«>: W. 129t1»St.. ft:?! A. M Landing at Yonkera. W»stPoint. Newbur^h. Poug'.ikeepsle. KirtgrtonPclnt. Catsklll. Hudson and Albany. Daily.except Sunday. Special trains to ~aratr.g*.

and easy connectiors to ai: points E»«r.North and West. Through ticket*and bus-gaga checked at offices of X. Y. TransferCo. Through rail ticker* between N. T.and Albany accepted Including: Jamestowo.Most delightful one day ojtings to WestsPoint. Newburgn or Povß:-k?<?>3ie. return-*l-« on down boat. Resta\ir«n : open all jay.

TaMe d'hote breakfast. 73c. Music.

EgtEIPTMEEILQKIffVia Boat *Trolley.

—Via Boat &Kai;.

Fall River $l.w|Provkl^ni<!>- SI.3J

Newport . Sl._.|j;«— Ueiford . Jl.SaCorrespordlnß I'.e.iuctions to AM Points.





Leavo X Y. Daily and <unlar. HiX. R.. ft. W. 44th St.. 5:30 \u25a0' il.

Tel. 4:34— Br>ant.Ticket I 2»> r.m'iway | 31 We«t ."!OthSt.Offices ITel. Mt3 Worth ITel.r>432 Mad. SO, ]

ALUANY. < \u25a0•• EXCCRSIOX. *-'3<>-Superb S;e:i!iiers ('. V.'. Morse an.t Adt-»

ronlack.— l-eave l*ier32. N. H.. w«k day*

only t> p. m XT. ISSth, 8:3« p. m. AL—i:ANY. th« V.'est ani Xortli. Fin* r '\u25a0-••Music Oors'-ous searchlight exhibit. «?onv«fortable stateroom*, with or without bath.


Steamers Dean Rtehnumd and Greenport.—1. iv-Pier 4t». N. R.. week days (except

Saturdays) ana Sundajs at 5 p. n>.

For Both Sexes City.


Harlem Uranch: Lenox 'Aye. cor. 1-Utb, St.Brooklyn " 73 Court St.Newark

"Scheuor P'ltldlng.

360 BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES:Pupils h*ar and upeak th*> nen lanKuase excluslTely


-T^IjOCI'TION. VOICE CUI.TUimELOCUTION VOICHroachoil. reasonable.Amateur* . l«

ADEL.E UKIFFITH. 117 rut rTth.

imsU ¥ALLEY.Toot iifvv.S3 1A.''<Jrtlsndi»r.dL<e»brosn>«S[».f|.«I»lly.B'mdßJ:l»7.«A.b»._,e: 4V di> D.VSS is 4S.

The meeting was called at the sugxestion of An-pust F. Grimm, president \u25a0' the United MasterButchers' Association of America. The stockhold-rr*of this concern, who are all butchers and buythf-!r meats from the concern, at the meeting- ap-pblhted a committee to call en Frederick Joseph.president of the beef concern, to learn Just whatwas what and bow they stood.

One of the members of the committee in discuss-ing; the situation last night said that they hadlooked on long enough and that it was about timet'. take steps to protect their interests. "We (]•'-

cided that the only way to got what's coming to

tis," he said, "is by sticking together. [i orderto accomplish this we have decided to pool ourholdings. We have heard that Mr. Joseph, beingpresident of the company, holds only ten sharesof Ftock. There are other rumors that don't sat-isfy us.

"This, of coarse aroused our gneplclon, • and wothought best to call a mooting. We thougnt thatwe were all part owners of this concern, but now\u25a0a.-- real that the trust has control of it. and thatit is its intention to freeze us out. Ifwe find thatthe plant has been sold, we certainly will see thatwe don't take for our stock less than par."

I^ast May President Joseph, who was formerly

vice-president of Schwarzschild & Sulzberger, soldout 4<) per cent of the stock of that company to

Swift & <*0., a trust concern. This did not becomeknown for three months later, Mr. Joseph stillholding: the vice-presidency of th« concern.

Then Mr. Joseph was elected president of theNew York Butchers' Dressed Meat Company.

When Mr. Joseph was seen last night he ex-pressed great surprise at hearing of the meeting.He refused to discuss its action.

Independent Concern's StockholdersHear They Have Been Sold Out.!t became known yesterday th.it over fifty of the

minority stockholders of the New York Butchers'Dressed Meat Company held a secret meeting onWednesday night at Terrace Garden to Investigate

the rumor that the company had sold its plant to

tb«" trust.

OFFICE WORK.—By young man; Import-ing house or broker's oAc*. J. 11.. Rlck-

ard. 32>» Kast 6Tth st.

OKJ-'len ASSISTANT.—ny young man. 21:

flva years' experience; knowl< of boo"*-kp«plnc. tyrewrltlnn. Stenography; gcodreference; oalary Jii T. Flowers, 114West 141th »t.

"iLvN V ,ALv N.VTB


*17 40A M.r *e7 SO AMMuffalo-Chlratro Express. .. »aT 40


*ll»SO a If

lffalo-t hi.iuto Eiprene. .. *j940 A Ml*d»"O > xI.A. Ii I'tAMnNIJr.\l' •11.53 » a #13 CO J.1

*Chic A Toronto Vff>t.Kxp..'*CS <0 rM 'xS.4O mTHE BITFALOTIUIS .1 ••

V Ml •» I*'fM'ticket bfllcei and 1460 Broadway.

Allow no excuse to ke«p you from registeringto-mcrrew! That is, if you have not already

done your duty. To delay longer may cost you

your vote. You must register and enroll as aRepublican if you wish to vote in the Presi-dential primaries inthe spring.


For Both Sf»x<>s—


Starkey SeminaryOn Ffr.'ca Lake, naar Watk!t:i. Opened Sept. X Board-

ing \u25a0'.. tor both s»j I'rei<are» for best cc>ll<?k«b.Eleven teacher*; spfdallstH. Courses In art. music, com-merce. M- SUMMERBEIX. I'rep. Lakemont. N. V

PHOTOGnAPHER.— By an all aroundyoung man; steady position anywhere;

•alary Jl— Address Japanese, 10 WenSlat Bt.

OFFICE WORK.— By boy. Mi Rood pen-man; $."• a week to start. America Co-

rnlKlia, 24 Leroy st.

OCTDOOR WORK young man. 11>;with good firm; reference an"l security.

WtlliMm 11. Brown, 542 Graham aye..lirooklyn.

School Agency.


TOVXO MAN, colored, neat, willingandobliging, wishes to tmike a change In his

fitemployed by one. of tn»argest Jewelry houses In the country; high-

est reference in>m present employers; alsofrom law firm and real estate dealer. Ad-dresa W. Dunn \u25a0::!•• 229 West fßd lit.

PAIN-i ••">!! \T IR

Hl(fh Kr:«•'.» wulk, hol"l«. ,>stntes. prl-.::. \u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0• utti largest Jobs,

prices. Deoorator, .Tiu Weal 4Cth si

Vi>in<; MAN. 2i>. at driver. J. .letter.442 Cntral Tark West.

Fvmai—BOOKKEEPER.—Kzparleaesd double »n-

try understands typewriting; rererecc*.Florence Herman. fB East llhtn st.

PORTElt.— Strictly sulmt man; h<Kh»st ref-\u25a0 [\u25a0:•- 'Edward David. 301 K>th

»t.. core Mr- Uunnelly.

PORTER In factory or ••"r*. lUfaeleBOth Bt.

PORTER, useful mar., or In boarding..-, by colored man, with b*»t of i»f

erenres fr..m bis present employer.* N. J-.ll'.t Bth aye.

AMERICAN AND roKKir.y TKACIIEIIS' aoenct•uppll<-« rr»f«s«ois. Teacher*. Tutor*, GovcrDMXs. etc..10 Coi:«ses. BehOOla and Katnlll»s. Apply to

Mrs M J YOUNCI HI.TON 23 Union Eauara.**-—̂»^



Dancing Academics.

OSGfIR DURYEfI•00 West 72J Street. (TeL 6212 Col.) Separate classes forwomen and children ii> sscthetlcs (physical lanctng) andfancy danrlnv and in social dunclnc and deportment.

GEORGE WALLACE'S DANCING SCHOOLSI'lasiH-n will reopen Oct. 10. ".:>:•> West Kid st. and 44s

West 152 d»t. Children and adults. See catalogue.


13 Baal 41'ii. st,

CLASSES AND PRIVATE LESSONS.Coinmen:lnjj Baturday, October 18.


foung colored man an rorter;can give roo.l referenced. Acdress a. It..

441 Manhattan aye.. basement.

DCRAND CS6 L#«lnittoa ay«.. near 64thSt.. back froat I'arls; epe^lal department

for modernizing (towns.

COMPANION, Ac—By refined, educatedlady, of Northern birth, of good business

capacity, as companion. «>r business positionof trust, excellent references. Addressl; D. C. 1717 kens ft.Columbia. 8. C

Upper West Side WillGet Mailat 8 O'clock—May Extend to Whole City.

As a result "f continued efforts on the part ofPostmaster Morgan, the department at Washing-

ton luLe authorized the establishment of a carriers"delivery beginning at S p. m. in the ui>i>er WestSide. This arrangement will go Into effect on

;Monday. on^ will affect that section of the city

lying; between West 69th and West 85tb streets,from the Hudson River to Fifth avenue. The lastdelivery In this section now begins at 5:40 p. m.

Postmaster Morgan said yesterday that this ar-rangeznent was in the nature of un experiment,which, if successful, would bo extended later to

ail parts of th» city •where it 'nay be operated withequal advantage. This service, is not given onSundays.


PORTER.- -By a young man nlth f.r*tfareaae ai »viih. C. Rudischum,

To Murray St.

For Young Ladles— City.


From KINDERGARTEN to COLLEGE entrance, orSPECIAL COURSE& training IndivMua! talent.

Study hour and luncheon. ICatalog.The. Principal at the school dally from 9 to 5.

TIE WSERRILL-van LAER SCHOOLBoarding and Day School for Girls. Formerly The


Peebles an.'. Thompson School. Opens October 2nd.30. 31 and 34 East s"lh Street. New York. N. T.

De Lancey School for Girls301 West 08th St . Cor. Went End Arc.

S4tta real beclr.J Tuesday, Oct. Is;. In<li\lilnalInstrnc-tion

—Prepare* for al! college*. Afternoon study hour.

Kindergarten class. Year Book on Application.

Barnard School For GirlsCla*s l!i<>7 Entered College Without Condition.COL! EGB PREPARATORY. 421 West 14<<th St.GENERAL & COLLEGE PREPARATORY COUR9E3Kindenrarten. Primary <<• Grammar 151 Convent ay.


Le Baron Drumm School ,JSL40 WEST 72D ST. (Boys in primary clauses.) Thor-oughly graded from klnderfrartrn through Collegopreparation Reopened October 2nd, 1907.

The hisses raysom'sSCHOOL FOB GIRLR.

flcopens Oet 3rd. :•;; 166 168 West 76t% Street.

THF SFIViPf F 15lEIL.OLrlls_L.-3 West »6lh St.Boarding and Day School for <j!r!i ana Kindergarten.

milE WETMORE BCHOOL FOR GIRLSi X. Will reopen Thursday October 10.

Kiuiiergartt-n t"> College l'rer>a*atory.32 EAST 45T11 bTREET.

TEE ELLIMA2"SCHOOL N^^,SKSr5mT25th year 107 W. C7th St. epp Carnp;;|» Hall.


Do you want to have a voice in the selectionof a Republican candidate for President? Youcannot vote at the Presidential primaries in thespring unless you register and enroll as a Re-publican this fall. Register! Register to-morrow!

FOLDING, ad.lresslng. tvpewrltlng; day crweek. 8., SB Morton at.. Brooklyn, see-

-. Address only.

of TUB

North German LloydKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseKronprinz WilhelmKronprinzessin Cecilieand Kaiser Wilhelm 11.THE FASTEST STEAMSHIP IN THB


Law ISates to EtMKby I6HE hm iras


PORTER In custom tailoring establish-ment, by energetic, reliable colored man.

Knianuel, car.i Richardson. 142 West 28th,


Young German lady asgoverness or lady's maid; many years'

experience; best of reference. Address K.X.. llox »4, Trlbuna Uptown OSBca. 1304Broadway.


PORTER, A V'>Di,f colored man «\u25a0» jn.r-;t or hallinan. l.liitcn. 351

West :itiihst.


BOOKKEEPER end road man: experiencedin iron and metals; in or out of town.

Address '/.. Trtbun» Office.

OPERATOR on private switchboard byyoung- lady; best reference and experi-

ence. Sehroeder. :'.07 Crescent »t., B'klyn,



Kaiser WiltelmUer GrosseVIA GENOA AND NAPLES.

JANUARY IBTH AND FEBRUARY 29TH.For particulars apply to

OELRICHS &. CO.. 6 BROADWAY, N. T.BOOKKEEPER or ACCOUNTANT HashHii long sxperlenceii books opened, Wsed,

audited; can furnish bent references. Aullt.

SPANISH lnKttuctl«n; children have th«eppoSfUnlty to learn Spanish with proper

a, ,'.at, by native teachers; » lesson*. Jt«: $5for two pupils. M. 4-7 41st St.. Brooklyn.

SPECIAL OFFICER wishes position; bank,theatre or any private concerns; refer-

ences; can ttlvo bonds if desired; sober andIndustrious. J. HcizfolJer, cars Silver. 8»Wlliftt at.

SECRETARY. College graduate as secre-tary; real ability; three years' experience;

ben references. Address F. W., ISox 172.Wmtwood. K. J.

BTENOGRAPBER. EnslMi; al-o French.hlfth school education; expert typewriter:

refined, obliging: b»-»t references. MissLAWenkron, I4"> !U\emeyer St.. Brooklyn.

BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT. lf»; HighSchool graduate; understands stenography

ai:d typewriting; best references. FrankBluano, 104 Wall «t.

SHIPPING ('I.KIIK. Klvo year- expe-rlence. Geor**J Goehner, 99 Troutman

Rt . Brooklyn.STKN'HIKAI'HKi;. typewriter, telephone

operator; exper lanced; 110. Gene\l«veKverett, 'M Morton »t.

livKEit (foremaaj in Florida or South;"riis'. Class bake:, pastry c.ok; undei»iands

hoU «jrk: referancea; vhuir. »(.!»•.., goodhab:ts Adareed L. 0.. 4»3 Main «t.. Cats-kill. N. T.

STENOGRAPHER.- Experienced, accurateami willingwork-r. Address Miss Spears,

237 llenrj' S*


Beglnr.er. 1«; one\u25a0rear's e«perten«>; will I* foun.i trust-

worthy and obliging; i>ersi>naJ reference.Advertiser, 103 West lor.th kt

BTENOORAPHER, assistant bookkeeper.experlen.-e contractor's office; $7. Ida

<;..!,lberger. 07 West ILMh St.. room 60.

KALLO^TSTEAMSHIP CO.Fleet of splendid moJern steamships.

Finest service. Low Colonist rates. Aliisailings from Pier 13 to 16, _. lv, nearFulton St.. 12 neon. I

GALVESTON, Tues.. Thurs.. Sat.;jMOBILE. Frl.: BRUNSWICK, Ga..1Frl.; KKTWEST. Sat.

Freight and Passengers to the South.West and Southwest, including Texas,Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kan-•as. New and Old Mexico. Colorado,Arizona and California.

Tickets and allInformation. 290 Broad-way & SO South, near Fulton St., N. Y.

FT? (_5 <Tf Vi)-J NEW

POINTS IJSIBUy fe) U Vii»LM] NEW ENGLAND.V \LLRIVER 1.1.VK. Tla Newport and KailP.lvcr. Lv. Pier 1». N. R. ft. Warrea St.,week days an.r S'jndays. 3:<X> p. m.. Stnu

Prtscll'* and Provlder.cir. Orchestra on each.NORWICH LINE. :or New London. Nor-*wioh. Worcester. Lv. Pier 40. N. R.. ft.riarkgon St.. week days only.3p. m.Pies'Ti>. B. R-. ft- K. 22d ft.. K::'.i> p. m. Strs.Chester W. »*hapin and rlty .ifLowell.

NEW IAVEN LINK for N>w Haven ar.4North. Leave Pier 20. Fast River, —eel*days only. 2:45 p. m. ; foot East 2_i St.,3 p. m. steamer Richard Peck.

\u25a0 TBML illlSllUIE.y.txlzrg':., ?o*_eepsle i^c^iautFrom Pier 'J4. NorthUiver. week days, 4 P.M.

For NEWBVBUI week days. SP. M.;Sundays. » A. M.;West !2Wh m.. A.M.


Lear» Pier 42. X. R.. week daya. * V. M^

BCSIXES3 CXX<\NC_S.\u0084,__ , - - — . ----\u25a0\u25a0--

OFFICE IN PARIS, well located, owned bywell known gentleman, with numeronJ

connections. 1« offered to Am«lc— enter-prises at moderate coudiiions. AddressGamptfrt. l>7 rua St. Lazara. Paris (France).

$3 m*> BUYS >\>R_ULA: something new:breath purifier: no%y on the market. \u25a0 Par-»

ticulars at MeDcnald- Wiggins Co.. 23"Broadway.

BOARDING HOL*3E on 3th aye.; IS finelrfurnish' irooms; income. $USO per month;

net protita. *^30. price. *4.'*>»>. houau allnicely decorated; this is a \ery good bar-gain. Arply McDonald-Wiggins Co.. 25*Broadway.

Ss.d» WILL BIT! hash grad» novoltrmanufacturing business; this city; lame>

stock on hand; Ms demand for this Unaof <\u25a0'•Is. see samples at our office 11..-Dopald-— Tlgg'.n» C"-. 257 Broadway.


H.Y.Carpet Cleanirrc;Oldest. Largest. Most Modern.

4»7 ANt» 4X» WEST 43TH ST.Tel. 4ti92-4693 Erya&t. Established IS3T.


IT**.W. W3ULBAMSsis t,un si. cj_nfc


CAK?ET CL-ANLNG. _»—hHstWd la:3.

CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.—'Cleans by compressed air. steam, band <.*

en floor. 15&4 broadway. 421 Ea-t «ia at.COB *BRA>*r>— TeU 132— 3Sth.

i jrYPEWRrr~Ks. |ITTPEWRTTERS— An make* sold, rented,

repaired, exchanged: reliable servic—Gorman. 7* Nassau st. Telephone 27 JO—Cortlandt.

REMINGTON. $5; Hammond. Bill\u25a0SliatsiCfer, »7 SO: Williams. $10; Manhattan. $13j

repalrlns; open evenings. Q*y. 1533 Man*•on a y•.

SALESMAN. young man. 21; j.hono-Kiupli or sporting goods; experienced In

both. Address Dunwoody, 824 Tuylor St.,Van Nest. N. 1

BUTCHER In Icehouse or market. 43 Syca-more *«. Corona, Long Island.

BUSINESS- PRIVATE TRANSLATIONS InFrench, Italian. Spanish, German, Eng-

lish. Russian. Hungarian, Slavish, by ex-perts; reasonable; claim lessons in lan-guages. IM> Clairs, 4S Irving Place.


I*y yo.ir.it man, 2ft. OeorgeUngrlch, 4".'. West i.".nth st.


Bright. Intelligent,well niu.-ate.i woman, possessing a thor-

ough knowledge of the English language,combined with five years' experience asstenographer and typewritlst in electricalwork, manufacture of sheet metal goods,etc.. desires responsible, remunerative po-sition. Advertiser. 140 ALexington aye.BrookJy*.

cni->'Kk;H, Ac.-iiy young maa, tl; or n»drUer for s<ini« business house; or anj-

thlng Rudolph Welll. 341> Tcarl st.. Brook-lyn.


IJ*|ieitenied salesmanand collector, acquainted with architect*

and Ren.: a' building trades desires positionfor salary only. J. G.. 257 West COth St.

STBWARD, sVe. —By German man andwife; In club; man as steward; wife good

rook and housekeeper; city or country; man16 yearn In hotel and restaurant business.E. J. Hermann. 227 East 23th St.

STENOGRAPHER, typewriter, assistant\ <>. 'kkeeper; KnoJ penman; accurate; ex-

perienced; references: '910. Reynolds. USCharles st.

CHEMIST, with factory and laboratory ex-perience, desires to change bis position.

A. 8.. Box 4. Tribune ©nice.STRONG youii* man. 23; of high class

family; first clami references :speaks Eng-lish, French, Italian, Greek and ArabicAddress Peter Dallls. 142 2d aye.OOLLBCTOR or OITTSIDK WORK.—By

yuune man 31: with rellanle house; bestreferences. WllltoW 11. P>athjen, Jr., 574Atlantic aye., Brooklyn.

CUCRICAL WORK. *c. By young Aawn-i\u25a0nn, . ix-st reference. A.i.iress m.

Cook. 287 Evergreen aye.. Brooklyn.

CLERK desires to connect himself withdowntown commercial house; five years'

experience Inside and outside; good educa-tion; k|»'hkh two languages. Edwin T. Slslt.035 Kulpli st., Ilr«oldyn.

CLERK.—By young man. 24; good at (In-ures. S. Greenstone. 24D Kast 32d St.

CAHHIEH or COLI.K<TOR. with reliablec(*muany; experience.): business training.

J. X.. IST West 61st st.


By Swede. 80; married;first class driver and repair man; wishes

position year round with private family.Johnston. 114 East 08th st.

KinSHFF.LP FUR CO. ....ere epeclalitU in remodelling any oH furgarment Into U. \u25a0 late;: style: beet WLr

i.ianFhip and correct lit at very reasonableprices; new fur garment* mad to order,

also in stock, old fun talon ii:.^clitjnjj.,for r.ew. Kindly call at r>« \\i-^.Jltil.near eth aye. Tel 1123— Crameicy.

A —SEAL GARMENTS ancT other fine fursrepaired redyed ami remodelled Into latest

styles at exceptionally low prices: fur gar-PMnta made to order. Mrs. E. J. itaik.>r,

109 Bart 70th >.t.. near Park aye., late with>\u25a0 c;. Ounther's Bon*, Mli»ye: Tt-1. 1010—V9th.

If. I. GILBERT ft CO..PRACTICAL PURRIERB. 44 West 34th St..near Broadway. Tel. 2022

—88th st. Lars;*

stork of ladiea 1 furs an.l gentlemen's furMned coats. i:.modelllni redying and re-pairing Into the latest styles our specialty.We positively nave- you &0 per cant.


44 West Tilth it., near Broadway.

The latest Paris dels will be shown.Special offer oi ladies' tailor made suit- Morder for thisXwetk only for only ?3<>:worth V->- Latest style. liest workman-ship and an absolutely perfect fit guaran-


TUZZOLLI & CO.. Ladies' Tailors.--Mod-crale prices. 147 «th aye;:_liear 11th »t.

DRESSMAKER.— clays; out by day;

private families:, exclusive designs for

street, evening gojhis. fancy waUw: per-fect titling; price »260: references. OiUl-

loran. 141 East 44- st.____

DRESSMAKER wishes customers at home;

excellent work; perfect lining, any stylo.r,7 Bast ISOtli st.

DRESSMAKER.— First tlans; perfect litter.designer; nukt* all gowns, suit*, fancy

oe«US; high erafi« work; wishes few morecustomer*; out by day. Mrs. Ropertz, lts.9Lexington aye.

DRESSMAKER, of H. AltTnan & Co.; excellent fitter, designer; princess coats, fur

garments: remodelling; experienced: out bySay $2. Address Dressmaker, 826 West

14th st.- _ '

DRESSMAKER desires customers; firstclass titter and designer; material made

Hi• !..»t references; home or out. Mrs.

Sierrnr 600 West 127 th Bt.. southwest cor-ner Broadway, one block scuth of Subwaytind ft iwncars.

HISS M. QUINN nan opened first class'ditrtsmaking parlors nt 40 Weet 65th St.,

r.»»r Colianbos; aye.;latest Parisian modelsen exhibition: price* nupderate.

H PEINBHRO. ladies' tailor and furrier;

moderate wices. 112 W. I7tn «t.. near•;•}• aye.

J PATTELI^A& BRO.. fashionable ladles'tailors. 713 Lexington eve., bet. 57th

and BSth bU. •_.B POLLAK, !au»es tailor, habltmaker;

'moderate price*. U74 r,Lh aye.

SANDERS BROS.. Indies' tailors, make,garment* at reasonable prices. 787 6tn

aye., near 43th st.

M ABRAM3. Importer, ladles' tailor andfurrier, t«4« Oth ava.

—Suits made from

the latest Parisian models tit most reason-able prices?

'.iM- VETERE. ladles' tailor; stilts made to

order at lowest prices. 876 6th aye.

SAVI3 60% by buying your Feathers andB<~as direct from the manufacturers. The

iLor.don Feather Co.. 360-366 «th .aye.. be-'tween 2-d and 23d sts.


MAKUrACTURERSof billiard and pool ta-bles; high grade bowling alley builder*;

!ionMtprice— Mart Uros., 24 Uolon B<»uare.

CHAUFFEUR on four-cylinder car or au-tomobile delivery wagon or truck: under-

stands something about carriage trimming.Inquire 220 East 133 dSt., basement.

CARPENTER and handy man; can do lightplumbing and painting; steady place: ref-

erences. Skogland. 368 Prospect Place.Brooklyn.

CHAUFFRrR.— By young man; thoroughlyexperienced on all gasolene cars; good

mechanic; g<>od driver; first elans reference.J. M.. 531 6th st.. Brooklyn.


Married. 32; strictly so-ber: careful driver: with private family;

city or country. Address George Sllwlnskl.213 East 112th st.

CHAUFFEUR. 80; any make of gasolenecar, Al mechanic; three years' shop ex-

perience, also as chauffeur; best reference.C H. Powers, 2784 Bth ava.

BANKBOOK No 429.015 of the Union DimeSavings Institution Is missing Any per-

son bavin* a claim to lt Is b«reby calledupon to I'lfsent the same within ten daysor submit to having Haiti passbook cancelledand v new one issued.

LOST or STOLEN. Bankbook No. 617.871of the rmau Havings Hunk In the City

of New York, corner \u25a0*"\u25a0 we. and ]4rh it..Issued to Htaala Kennedy. Allpersona arocautioned against negotiating the same, ifit returned to the bank on the Ist dayof November. 1907, a dupllcato willbe Ih-\u25a0ued.

LOST Bankbook No. 019.«04, Pnnk forSavings. 280 rti aye., New York. >•;..

ment stopped, Please return book to bank.

LOST.—Bankbook No. 839.804, Tiank forFavlnps. _-i> 4th aye.. New York. Pay-

ment stopped. Please return book to bank.

LOST.— Bankbook No. 889, 8T6, Hank forIngs. i'SO 4th live.. New York. Pay

rr.<nt stopped. Please return book to bank.

LOST.—Bankbook No. 883,833. Rank lotSavings, 2*o 4th aye.. New York. Pay

ment stopped. Please return book In bank.


OLI» GOLD, silver and precious stonesbought at highest market value: made

Into new articles or exchange for new jew-elry or Japanese good* at M. iiI.1'. Tepper sfactory. 41 West 35th Bt.


- --.. ii ii i\u25a0i -ii"




to 20 years old, to lay out orders for ourpublications; permanent position for suit-able party. Adress by letterd. T. Y.Crowell ft Co., iiublisheis, 42S West liroad-way. _WANTED.—A small boy, 18 years of «ige.

in law office. Address Argyle. P. 0. Box400, New York City.


CHAMBERMAIDS, cooks, second cooks,kllchenmalJs. chamber— latils and wait-

resses. French maids, nurses, butlers, sec-ond men, useful men, Immediately. Mrs.Dickinson's Co-operative Bureau, 331 MaJ-icon aye.

WANTED.— working housekeeper iwho understands cooking and would cook

for two In family. M. P.. 203 West 12T>t



ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT; youngman (25); experienced; understands draw-

ing* as timekeeper, etc.. for constructioncompany where advancement Is possible.Joseph Johnson, 1211 61st Ht., Brooklyn.

ACCOUNTANT.—Expert (degree); opens,closes, writes up. audits books tangled;

double entry books audited, balanced;executors' anil trustees' accounts. P. O.Box 50. Madison Square.

BOOKKEEPER.— Oooo penman; 0 years'experience; solicits employment evenings

at anythins: books written up, closed, trialbalances, statements, etc Adires* Com- •p*ust. Box 12, XAbuM Offlc*.

ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions forThe Tribune received at their Uptown

Office. No. 1364 Broadway, between SAthand 37th Pts.. until 0 o'clock p. m. Ad-vertisements received at the followingbranch offices at regular office rates until8 o'clock p. m.. viz.: 264 Ml. aye.. s. c.cor. 23d *t.:1M «th •*«.» cor. U'th st|fiiX_tt 14th «-| SST Wart 421 at, < .r

A.—A—A.— ATTENTION:Attractive Moors, suites and single rooms,

».It-i and without board; all locations; ref-eresces; doctors' ofT.ces:. information free.

H. C. I.KI.AXI*&. CO..4 West 3M si.

ATTRACTIVE KOOMB. with board; re-Qseii fcurtrjundiiigt; private baths; parlor

£:::it;K room; reference* exchanged. 14ij

V.>s: S7th fit.

ffRNTSHED ROOMS, with bath; exrrl-I*nt location; rent moJcrate. Mrs. Col-

!:--. 12^ Wtst £S! St. '.

7SD e.T.. 154 WEST.Attractive rooms. »Ith board; table

sTutisiF; rcferefice*.16-II FT.. 14<i liAST.

—Very desirable

roa—as; prlvata \u25a0!:h; telephone: superiort'ifclt; refir.e.J j/atronage; relerencea.

ii'ccautifuTTbronx wood park, wiii-lart:>brirtß«.--I{ooii)K. Lrjard, year arour<i;

r*!<bs $7. $<; telephone. Mrs. W. K. Fiack.

tiO PI.. » EAST.—Lance room, privatebath; parlor dining room; reference; tele-


72D BT.. 120 WEST.tftnea "It" and subway express stations;charmir.fr rooms; superior table: referencesKlrea and required.

'ITU FT.. 20 WEST.— Comfortably fur--Blsfced rornM, with board; central loca-

t!cr; references required.

46C PARK A^r:. between 67fr, and 58tht-.r*.

—Parlor floor, suitable physician or

«*.r;tist; bachelor ax>artmetit and othertiQTr.n.


IN PRIVATE, high class apartment andnelgbboriiood. su:t« parlor and bedroom.

Tie«'ly fjrr.lshed and decorate--.. s»co:idI'.oo" corner apartment; eoutl.em exposure;ell Usbt, feeing street; breakfast optional.I'«ith I-

• :. .»y. 'IhoTie 631J— I'.lvr.""^ "



t*ecr.<l hanawood ar.-l Iron «rorkScj; nam<:h!rra: ru!:r

rc»rn.t»t«: macr.li:«r» boucht h:t! ex-rnu-' 080 W Fnr>Y saw Ux^iwn»:i \u25a0

. in \u25a0 ir l-«-r.rnncnAi?E and rxenxsan.

T_e Antlqne Ftarnltcre 'Bjchi^i18-15 WEFT »TII PT.. NEA.iI

BROADWAT.}fa«r»?~ on t«!r the Jarfeat CO'-lectlon of t&aiUiitg Antiques Ir.rultes and odd pltcai ever pje-*rt!t«J sit rrlvat* m -. tat all.ex Usual, on eomsnlseion barb.Also many pieces of oak. &c.taken In sstcteag* and not de-sired for stock at about %cri(rSn«l rout.



Zl]I>«t «:'d «.—First class domestics are•«pplte«: »'•<> managing housekeepers. \u25a0•\u25a0>.trotj*. governtu«i. tutor*, etc

MRS. L.SEELYEmployment Bureau,

23 West 39th St.•Phone* 2454. 2438—Bryant.

BROOKLYN OFFICE: 134 M. Mark's 4».

triIMCH RESORTS.— TAKE notice!:RK!«T malf: AND female help

\VPM.iaU AT- mWtX'B OLD K3TAB-U*«i.l>liCiUtA-u. TT WEST UTH ST.

Apartment Hotels.






For Boys and Toungr Men—City.

8. W. corner Madison Aye. and 29th St.Extending through to 28th St.

Half block from 6th Aye.Th» new addition, with many Improvements on the

original building, now ready for occupancy. Detdrablesuites of mM sixes hitnd somely furnished for permanentClients. Special rates by Hie tteat>on or year. Everybedroom ims outnide bathroom.




'-«.50. 7.60. h.20. 8.6U. 0.60. 10.60. 11.20. I11 50 a. in.. 12.50. 1.20. 1.50. 2. C0. 3.50. 4.80. i6.20. 6.50. 6.60. 7.50. 8.50, 11.60 p. m. bun- Idays. 7.60. 8.60. tt.Bo. 10.60. 11.50 a, m.. !12.50. 1.&0. 2.60. 3.60. 4.60. 5.60. 6.60. 7.50. IB.CO. 10.20. 11.50 p. m.

Lv. LIBERTY 5T.—1.30. 6.30. 7.00. d.go. 10.00. 11.00. 11. £0. 12.00 a. m..1.00. 1.30. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. COO. 6.30. 8.00. I*oo p. in., 12. midnight. Sun- Idays, 1.31', 8.00. 0.00, 10.00. 11.00. 12.0 Ca.in.. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 6.00. 600, 7.00. j&.00. 0.00. 10.30 p. la,, 12-15 midnight.'

FOR BALTIMOREAND WASHINGTON, iLv. W. 23U 5T.—7.30. 60, ILSO a. m.. i1.60. 3.50, 650, a.50 b. m. dally.

Lv. LIBERTY ST.—I.BO. 8.00. 10.00. 12.00a. m.. 2.00. 4.00. 6.00, 7.00 p. m.. dally.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Ist. W. 23D ST.—0.60 a. m. 112.60 Sits. only). 8.20 p. m.Sundays. 0.50 a. in.. 2.30 p. be.

Lv. LIBERTY ST.— a. m. <1.0»Eats. only). 3.40 p. m. (Sundays. 10.00 a,m.. 2.30 p. m.

FOR LAKEWOOD AND LAKEHURST.Lv. W. 23D 5T.—9.50 a. m. «12.60 flats,only), 1.20. 3.20. '.50 p. m. Sundays. 6.50,li.So a. m.. 2.21) p. m.

Lv. LIBERTYbT —4 00 10.00 a. m. (1.00Eats. only), 1.20. 3. 10. 5.00 p. m. Buodays.7.00. 10 00 a. in.. 2.30 p. in.

ALL RAILROiJTE. LONG BRANCH. IABBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE. Lv.W. 23D ST.— 8.20. 11.20 a. m. (12.20 Sata,only), (1.10 Sais. only). 1.20. 3.20. 4.30<5.05 ex Sata.). 5.20. 6.20, 11.50 p. m. Sun-days, ».oo a. m.. 8.60, 8.30 p. m.


1.00. 8.30. 11.30 a. m.(12.40 t=ats. only). (1.20 Sats. only). 4.45 (9>lß ex. Sats.), 30. 6.30 p. m..12.01 midnight. Sundays. 3.30. 9.15. a. m..4.00. 8.30 p. m.

SANDY HOOK HOUTE. Atlantic High-lands; Sea Bright. Monmouth Peach. LongBranch, Asbury Park and Ocean Grove.Lt. PIER, 81. N. R. (42D ST >—10.00 a.m.. 12.30. 3.10. 4.15. 7.45 p. m. Sundays,•.30 a. m.. 1.00. 7.45 p. m. \u25a0 v

Lv.PIER 10. N. R. (CEDAR ST.)—m.2oa. m.. 1.00. 3.45. 4.45. 8.10 p. m. Sundays,10.00 a.

—\u0084 1.30. 8.10 p. m.

Time tables may be obtained at follev.nc;offices: Liberty St. (West 23d St. T.I. 8144Chelsea), tt Astor House. 245. 434. 1800. 1334Broadway. 182 Fifth Ay.. 281 Fifth A*..28Union Square West, 27U8 Third Aw.. 109West l'-'lth St.. 245 Columbus Ay.. NewYork: 4 Court St.. 343, 344 Fulton St.. 47*Nnstrand Ay.. Brooklyn: 8&0 Broadway.

Wllllamgburg. New York Transfer Co. callsfor and checks baggage to destination.

W. O. BESLER, W. C. HOPE.Vlce-Pres. &Gen. Mgr. *len.Pass' r Agent.


_» "Every other hour on the even hour."TO BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON.

Leave New YorkCity. 23d St. Lib1ySt.•WASHINGTON, Sl'pers. 11.60 pm 1.30 as*•WASHINGTON. Diner, 7.60 am MOnam•WASHINGTON, Diner. 0.50 am 10.00 am•WASHINGTON,Diner. 11.60 am 12.0<>n'n•WASHINGTON. BuHet. 1.50 pm 2.00 pm•'•ROYAL LTD." Diner. 3.50 pm 4.U0•WASHINGTON, Diner. 5.60 pro 6.oi> pm•WASHINGTON. Buffet. 6.50 urn 7.00 pm

•Dally.Through Dally Trains to the West.

Leave New York City. 2."M St. Llb'y St.CHICAGO. PITTSBI'RO. 7.80 am 8.0»> emI'lili'Aiio,COLUMBUS. 11.50 am 12.00 n'nPITTSBURG, * I.i:VKI.D.3.50 pm 4-00 Pmi"PITTSBURO LIMIT*D." 6.50 pm 7.00 pa

< IN" \u0084sT.l.i>ris.l>>ri.sv.. 11.50 pro 1.30 amCIN..ST.LOUIS,LOriSV.. U.sOam 10.U0 amCIN.,BT.LOUIB.LOUISV., 5.50 pm «.00 pm

Offices: 245. 434. 1300 Broadway, 6 AstorHouse, 108 Greenwich St., 25 Union SquareW.. sal Grand St., N. V.; 343 Hilton St..Brooklyn; West 23d SI and Liberty St.

After « j>. m. Sleepir.K Car Reservationsan.i full Information ragardtoa trains, etc..can be obtained at Bureau ofInformation,

!U & O. It. R.. &d St. Terminal. 'PhoneINo., Chelsea 3144.

YOUNO MAN. 30. In hotel or club; refer-ence: Intelligent, capable, willing. Ad-

dress B. Box UK. Wapplngor Falls. N. T.

YOUNG MAN. in automobile repair shopor garage: understands running car; will

Ir.g; low wages. John Gregor. 410 East113 th st. . _YOUNG MAN, colored, as elevator runner

Inofilr« hull'llngor apartment house; hastwo years' reference. Henry*Dazing, 18038d aye.

YOUNG MAN. 23. colored, strong and will-fun, declres good perrt«nr.ent place as por-

ter or dUhwasher; night work preferred.Nicholas. 723 Fulton St.. Brooklyn.

YOUNG MAN. 23, willing; at anything:no canvassing. Fagan. 864 Park avo.,


YOUNG MAN. 18, best references, wishesposition at anything; understands fur-

naces. Call, write or 'phone King. 30!)

West 40th St.. care Move. "Phone 6186 \u25a0


YOUNO MAN. colored, respectable wouldlike place with right parties; a! refer-

ence; good experience private office. Col-lies, care of Engles, 327 West G2d St.

YOUNGMAN. lately landed, well educated,as clerk, permanent establishment, bank-

Ing or shipping office; Al reference. Condy,248 West 10th st.

YOUNG MAN. 19: strong: graduate; atanything; $7 to start. Sllbersteln. 175

East 03d st.

YOUNG MAN. 20; work at anything; hon-est, willingand not afraid of work; ref-

erence. Schmalberger, 631 Buihwick aye.,Brooklyn.

YOUNG \u25a0 MAN. outdoors, at anything. Q.V.. 6m Deane St., Brooklyn.

YOUNG MAN, 20; In printing shop: goodGordon feeder; willing;work foradvance-

ment. Lewis. 347 East 104th St.

YOUNG MAN. as stock clerk In retailstore, department store or wholesale;

store, or as outside talesman. A. Weln-*t«ln. 19 Bunm«r aye, Brooklyn.

STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST Incommer-cial houses one year's experience; salary

$&. Address R. 8.. ISO Avenue It.

TEACHER.—By North German collegegraduate (Hanover. Paris); fluent French

and German; English branches: good mu-sic; highest references from schools andfamilies. Address Successful Teacher. Trib-une Uptown Office. 1304 Broadway.

TELEPHONE OPERATOR.— Bright, Intel-ligent young woman, having two years'

experience In central office, wishes place atprivate board. Operator. 827 Kosclusko St..Brooklyn.


By Southerncollege girl; elementary, higher Eng!l»h

branches; Latin, music. N*. J.. Miss Fitz-gerald's Bureau. 508 3th aye.. corner *"d st.

YOUNG WOMAN wishes any light work»n iihotel, by the week. Address Tailor.

410 West 56th st.

YOUNG LADYas telephone operator. Mc-Neely. 25 Grove st.



bachelor in apartment, or position fttrust; good cook, massage; English, aged42. Morris. 220 East BSth st.

lil'Tl^Bt. Ac —By a Japanese: tall: butler.valet; thoroughly experienced; fully com-

petent all duties in highest service; neatappearance; personal reference; go any-where. A.. 107 Cherry st.

COACHMAN—By a middle ag«d man orlonic experience with road and carriage

horses; understands his business In everydetail; first clats reference, and security

Ifrequired. Address H. U. «83 6th aye.

JANlTOß.—Respectable colored man asJanitor; has wife; no children: reference

Ifrequired. Samuel Holmes. 104 West 6Mat., basement.


VALET, COURIER—By young man. ac-customed to travel: or would take placo

In city; speaks several languages; good bar-ber, tailor, .-.. highest city references. S.Crispin, r_tttrsoa Hotel. W West ««th st.

OLB DOMUIiW LOME.DAILY SERVICE.For Jamestown. Exposition. O'.d Point

Comfort. Norfolk. Portsmouth, Ptnner'sPoint and Newport News, Va.. connectingfor Petersburg. Richmond. Virginia Beach..Washington. I>. C. and entire South andWest

Freight and passenger steamers sail frontPier a). N. It., foot or Beach St.. everyweek day at 3 P. M.

W. L. WOODROW. Tragic Manager.

IFodd 0 LFcidcpGcid ffiaGODSteamships of the RED "D" LINE will

•all from Pier 11. near Wall St. Ferry.Brooklyn, for San Juan direct as follows:6s. Caracas . Saturday. Oct. 12. noonBa. Philadelphia Saturday. Oct. M. noon

For freight or passage apply toBOULTON. BUSa * DALLETT.

General Managers. 62 Wall St.


-*-*\u25a0 For La Guayra, Puerto Cabello,Curacao and Maracalbo. via Curacao.* call-ins also at dan Juan. P. R.:Si Caracas Saturday. Oct. 13. noonSt. Philadelphia.... Balu»day. Oct. >%, noon.

For La Guayra, Curacao, Maracalbo: i

6s. ZulU Saturday. Oct. 1». noon!Ss. Maracatbo Saturfaq. Nov. 2. noon j

These steamers have superior accommo-dations (or passengers.

BOL'LTON. BUSS ft PALLF.TT.General Managers. Pit Wai! St.

/mncnrSfTfl'Tf* clark tenth an-UUuuUL—IMIU NUALCRUISE. Feb. 6.______ —

"08. Mdays, by specially :chartered 8. B. "Arabic." 16,000 ton*THREE TOURS ROUND THE WORLD.FRANK C. CLARK. Times Bldg.. N. Y.

«T A VELOCE"— Italian Line.\u25a0—* Sailing from Pier 84. North RW«r.

ft. of 34th St.. for Naples and Genoa.H»rtn>ld. Solar! _\u25a0 Co.. BO Wall St



COOK. *c.—

Competent woman: good cookand laundress; small family: will take,

position as working housekeeper: city orcountry; call personally; moderate wages.Bolon, 233 West 19th St.

CHILDREN'S MAID, with American fam-ily, by respectable young girl, lately

landed: speaks German, French. Answerby mall, car* of Mrs. Sterner. 184 WestBroadway.

___________________DAY'S WORK.

—Colored woman wishes

day's work or washing at home. Rich-mond. 454 West 38th at.

DAY'SWORK washing and trot-Ing, by re-spectable colored woman; willtake wash-

Is*home. His. Mitchell. 100 West 13Uh st.. -\u25a0 \u25a0-




and up. FIRST CLASS BY THE!\u25a0ccorolnc to


AMERICANUNE gluing mt ft.Jo A. _.PLYMOUTH—CHERB'G— SOUTHAMPTONSt. Louis Oct. 12 St Paul Oct. 28)Philadelphia..Oct. in Sew York Nov. !.


NEW YORK—DOVER—ANTWERP.Zeelar.d Oct. 12. » AMIVaderlaun.Oct. 26Finland. Oct. IS) 3I'M Kr•.".:.'. Sot. t>



•Celtc. ..Oct. 17. -*.;i>I'M T.al--, Oct. 31•Arabic Oct. 24. 7 AM'*Ctdrlc N\u25a0< 7|PLYMOUTH—'JHERB'G— SOUTHAMPTON•Teutonic. Oct. 10. 10 AMi•Majestic Oct. 30•Oceanic. Oct. 23. 6:30 am; i-*A<irUtt.-.Nov 8

tNew, 26.(100 ton;; has Elevator.Gymnasium. Tmitlsh Bath, and 'Ban*.NEW YORK *

TTA 7 A. C".7aTBOSTON TO HA—i*C^slrtVia Azores, Madeira. Gibraltar. Alder*.

•REprilUC. Oct. 24. Nov. 30. Jan. 23•BOM*NIC. Oct. 2«, Dec. 5. Feb. 1•CRETtC Nov. T. Dec. 11. March » I•CANOPIC . \u25a0'». IS, Jan. 11. Feb. _M


Freight on.*. Whitehall Bids-. Battery PI