Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick In Advance I Subscription Price g].50 VOLUME Sw KENDRICK. LATAH COUNTY. IDAHO. FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1924 NUMBER ft L«tah County Home Economics Leader News Paragraphs Tha I: M) HH Msl'l <)n M. H c J) wo] fl> of I)»] li»<"ll»ll', Kiilis»H> has bee» ('.Jn.f.(.(] to tji(. posif'i<»i i of state leader of l>oine d(i(»oi>. Ht]'<(f io» worl; und nut>'itio» Hp(.cialist the ezt(,nsio» ser- vice, iui««erdinp Miss Amy lty who accepted a i»>n>jav poH>t<o>i! with the Kansas 8t(>a f'(. A gi i-! cult»ra] College, iH tlie no»ncemcnt f> oiii thc Uiii versify of I<)aj>o College. of Agric»l. tu]e as the iVewH I etfev «oes to p ress. Miss Eleywovt)> war bo]'n an(1 reared on a f>ann in tj]c i)ale of Kansas an(I l>as )la<1 l>ev f >ill)) l]lg i 1) )loiile econo]n>(.'s <1t I tll( Kansas ~R'tat(. Coll(.ge, 'he II>'ad fey Polytechnic Institute Cliicago University and Colum- bilt Unjvevsit'y. 8]]c was er)>- ployed for H'o)ne time in tb'(i extension service in' Kansas> was state )eadev of ho>me deni- o»Hf ration worlr in West Vir- ginia and was vestauvai>t man- ager fov a large depavtn>en t stove iii one nf the >niddle west- er>'il Cities. Miss IIeJ)woi"t]l Ht<l>'ts wo]'k , in lda)>o Januu,vy 1si. I items of interest Taken From Neighborfng Papers r The ]dali<) I<'jve Bvick ( oni- «'nny Hfi]l continnes on.,its way fo prosperity, which is evidenced by the fact: f.hat. th<1 stock- I>0]de> s weve paid a five pev co»t. di vid<'.»(1. This dividend )>as accvu('.d f vom A.ugyust first ]to Decembei 81st. In apprecia- tion of'heir faithful work, the employees wcr'e given a Christ- mas pi'esent of five dollars each. Troy News. Miss Inal)cl McGvaw, th(. youngest du,ugj]tev of Mv. andI Mvs. M. I'. McG raw of Texas Ridge, <<'tnd Perry Tout, son of Mr. and Mvs. E<d. Tout of the s'a>ne vicinity, weve )navvied la'st Rat» vday, at the home of the bride's sister, Mvs. R. V. MCC;Ly, in Moscow. The cei'emony was pevfovmed by Rev. Mr. Iijndsey <)f Pu]jn>co]]. It is u»devstood'hat t)ie hap]>y co»pie will iiinl<e fhejv home Deary..Both are well kriown and veiy popular in this H(.ction, wheve they 1)nve liv(.<l all theiv lives. We joi>i )n extending congratulations a»d best wishes.— Deag Press. Judge Advian Nelson of thc 1atah county p]obat(a co»vt li;ls appointc(] M] ~> Iijddie Ameliiig executrix of the <.Ht)hf:c of fl>e )a'f.c'))0)'jes <A»1(1)»]g, )l pl'o)»- inent, favlnev of the Ainevic(»1 l)j(]ge district iieai I(endvicfc, Id'll) 0, 'V]) O ill) Heed l>wl >y NOVC»l- 'bev 2{i, 1!)21»> )raving a will «iving>' o 1>iH wif(.. ai>d foui'hil(lven ii» <.st)ate coneisting of. an Sp-nc]'<i farm on A)nei j(.SJ> Ridge an(1 H(nne ]eevso»;11 pvo- pevty> llnd intel'est i>i solne veal estate in Nez Pev«<'. Coun):y. The appvoxi]n tt<. valu(. of the <ust'kte is $ 9,000.— 8tav-'Mi>'vo]. The Cedar Creek Road ThL C('.da1' reek >'oad <',o»1- >»issionevs >nef: in Ke»dvick Mo>)day evening .with Engineer I Hoot)> of I.ewiston to talk ovev pioyosa)H fov letting the co»t>act fo>'I)e constv»etio» of tl>e seve» n)iles of highway from the top of: the C(.'dai Creek grade to tll('. II ot]atc]1 b>'idge. ]'])is wus I one 'of a number of Tnectiiigs I ' tliat have been held r(lc(.ii tly! by the com<njssjoneiw in ]>»I cndeI)vov to Hecuvc a, satisfact- ovy fontv<>ct for the completion of. t)Ije piece of road. No defi- nite de«ivion w;>s i'each('.d lit tl]>H 1)1eet] 11 g b u t: 'i 1>e coll]»1)s-! sio»<fve feel that a. favov<ible! dccisfon will be reached b( ~ - i fove many days. They ave t;>j<-~ ing the mattev under advisc- n)enf. and hope to get. def]»itc jactjot] at an early d:itc. Council Met %ed nesday i I =? The regular i]>anth)y meet>ng of the town council was held Wednes- day evening ot this week at which 4j]ne the general rouij»e business «vas transacted. A con)m) ttee from the Uom- mercisf Ufub, co»s)st)ng of George Barnum and G. 1'. Walker, appeared before the cou»c: J with the request that they consider the proposition of installing hitching raci<s around town for the convenience. of the farmers who come to town. Mr. Barnum gave estiinates as to prob- able cost at several desirable places in town. Uha>rmsn Dam>narc)i ap- pointed E. T. Long and Ei'. A. Deo- bald as a comm>ttee to investigate the matter snd report at the next >meeting. The members of the coun- ci I recogn>zed the need of more lh>tching posts in town and express- ed themselves as willing to do any- -thing practical along that line. The council oraered the clerk to send for a fire siren on tr>af as several fires >n town during the past year have made the necessity for ;.an alarm most apparent, 1'rank Uhsmeriain was appo>ntea 'a membber of the counc>l to take .the place left vacant by G. G, Ol(f field, who fa>fed to qualify owing :to the fact that he was ieav>ng %Pant County Agent J. L,'. Hamil was circufat>ng a pet>t><]n >n town yesterday ssk>»g the county commissio»ers to retain 0. S.'1"letcher as county agent of I atah county. He tiad a long list of nalnes snd sa>d no one had turn- ed t) im down. Everyone I i kes Mr. Fletcher as a inan'„and appreciates .the splendid <york he hss done over the county. 'I'here is little doubt but that an overw)]efm>ng t»sjorlfy of the citizens of I.atah county f~vor retaining hlr. Fie tciier. Local Red Cros» Report Follow>ng js a fic;l»c)si report of the Kendrick Red {;ross from Sept- ember 1 fo Dece»iber 81, 1928: Balance on hand - - $ 448.50 Mem>)erst>ip dues - - 21.{10 Tots > $464.50 I s I r Paj<f Out Japanese ref>ef - - 8)82.2] 'tandard Lumper Co, coal 6.00 Expense delegate to Moscow '~.80 One-half members)»ps to I Muscc w - - 10.50 Total $ 151.51: Bala]>ce on hand - - 012.99 ' Pearl E. Long, '1'ress. I NezPerce High Death Rate, Ac<ording to an announcement th]s week from Lapws), the last I census shows that the btez Per(e ! Indians have the highest death rate ! «any tri be i n the Un> ted States. 'Ill contrast to this announcement it hss bees learned that Idaho I ss a state >]as the lowest death rate, of a)>y state >n the Union. 'Ihe > ! Solution to th)s apparently co>>tra-! (fjctory statement is that the Nez'erce I»(fill])s intcrmari'y a»d thus ! weaken the race to such sn extent ti»t thc)r rcs>stance to (fi «a-:e is )owe<cd, Jof»> snd Andy Ga}jowsy „r»a<je a bus>ness trip to Me-cow, 6'efface<)ay I morning. ;Is'ga'hfe]<) town. An ordinance reist)ve to r)ght-of wsy for spur track at the Barnum <Lumber % M> if Company's yar<f was read a hrst time in full. There be~ng nothing else to come before the counc)1, the meeting ad- journed. I' 'r -»e f State Indebtedness The net indebtedness (funded'n<1 ffoil tin ~ debt less sin)<i»g f»nd;]HH(its) of Idaho was $ 12.- pP v c;ipif a foi'022, $ 5.89 1! )1 < an<1 $ ".08 for 1914. bonds amounting to @ 960,{)<1)) 1v«v<i Hold dn>'ing the < u vren i year. I'ov 1!) " fl iion of Pl'oPcrtv jl> I(1:lho H»b. lect fo;1d valorem 1:1zaf i(i>i was $ 4 '1 '9>f>9<]< fl)e,'lmo»n of faxes levie(l wns ~~„,6<0 4;4. :ind the pcv (.Spjta ]evv> Moscow Meeting Favors County Agent >f cur stunk iu the Mud I Commercial Club <1 I w <l<H <Hf »( lt »1 f ilf'1»(l ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ 8 I LI ! ~ ~ I l ? ~I ( ~ I~ ~ ~II I !~ II~ ~I~ (II~ <II~ ( ~I I~ ~ i ) I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I l~ I ~ 1 I~ I (I ( 1 l ~ ~ ~ II ~I Im» I I ~I ~ a S II w ~ Approximately 30 Petitions Put into Circulation Asking the hojr. Ij». <I<><. „<,>u>hr< it;.„petr.l g Ways Commissioners to Retain O. S. Fletcher ;ill »i lif. 'i'lic»<zi i«<)n]- Met Last Friday Night VVitI» i I wae f 1'<ez('n Solid i]1 th('atah COmmiSSiOnerS I etif ionH for continuance of (lei all < zf» ess('d f h(nie<.'lv( s Ill)]d)>»1<) and f fiL ]'adiafol'l'0- county agent woi'1'n ldatah Hfro»gly in flvo< of conti»»j»„~P;.» i)p fi )]f'>l a'ff(»)f)tin< t(e (.ou»f'y;irc bein< civc»laic(l county agent worl;. pass t]i< Hti'll»ded cav Otto! Last; I'rjday night the Kendc'>ck ou.f]ouf: f)]e col>nf y l)H if)e Sjevers ~ p}ea S( J]i>l)f(>'H c]> 1<e»f: 1>1 fl]c (1]i< fi Con>merc]ai ('fub cef'- ( <lol pe 8](.'vel'H, 1»an;1 "< 1'i Dlondu,y i]>or]li]] l]]1<] (1, bl'o) en Estab couilty <'olnmlsslonels an ing held> Tj]uvsday ()f last week t]lc Mosco1v IJ»jon Wale)i<»iee i]zlc Qv <H t)i( >tesliff TJ]le 'js county engineer to attend a meeting in th(i 1>a]']n('>w'ni()n l»ill ii> '<'ompany, niad(. ezceptioii <lly oue of the ivo>st pj('.C<.s of at the Co>nmerc)ai Hotel at 6:80 in Moscow. Appvoxj>n >te)y 80 strong plea in favov of tI>c ron<1 jn I.>>tali county and is a the evening, at which t>me s d>nner petitio»s were put i»to «ivcu- .ivovk, stating that th(. <.oi>»ty p'a] I'f the small amount <)f was to be served by the Clup >n I 1 ion by vep]'csLnt;<tive fairneie age))t Hevvi«e was the one point ioa(1»o'w und<.i the H»p(vvieioi> their 1 n, T I f eir >onor, ne meeting w><s for WhO atte»ded fliitt »>'C<.ting, 'f]'O»> Wl>iLh the f»Viners CO»l<I'f fliL 7>at»]> CO»>ity <.Or»i»ie- th ]fu(] li, <'('»evaj corn»lu»ify-by- Hte]vt in:kn effol t to help fl>ci»- sjoners t e purpose of taikng over the ques- co»»»>')njty (ivculation of a<ldi- Hcjv(.H.'ke said that the coui>fy . tion of'u>f in fio»'al petitions is being (,on- agent'H office had more i]i;in, roads with the ides of eventually']uc'te(l unde>'»pevvision of a 'paid fo>'tse]f tf)e past, 1nd Two Residences Burned 'etting s surfaced highway from coiiiiniftee tlien appointed. Thje th:it it would'e of'>ucji more 'I J]e Wm. It'erytag and Theo Riley Kendrick to Ju]iaetta and from cominittee cons~sts of) George value the fut»re. residences were totally destroye(f by there to the Latah county f>ne. Moscow, R. E. No]d- „C)la]jes ~c]]oo]e> 'of (",c»es(.<'> fire about 6 o'cfock Mo»4ay morn- '~'he con>m by of {xenesee, Geovge T. David-f.f)l'(.'sident of flic Genesee local T],e f)re f)roke out )n tf]e mere )ri Julisetta when the inv>ta- son of Kendrick, Carl G. West- 'of tlie fav»ievs'nion, said that F ' g h d b j,e d te tion w'as extended. hei'«'f Tioy and B>.,7. Jones the couiity a«ent . se]'vic(i liadl reytag house and was bel>eved to of ~I >fons 'I)( wovf]> ]]lu( h to «tl]e (' n( e< ( 'ave started from a de«ctv«ue 'The mile o«oad b«w«> th«dgs Tfi<l ])(et>ti<e»H, wf>j(;)> ave to nun»>»njty a']id tjiaf if: 1),;is By the time the alsrn)»ad been g>v- of the Kendrick Highway District b(i vef»vned by .]<inu'ivy 14, as] bac]'('d bv f']ie. 1('udii> fa].»)ei,s en tbe flames had gs>ned such head. snd Jul>aetta wss pract]caf]y im- f))e co»nty «om»1issioneiye to'n the community. R, E. No>d way that they spread to 'he Ri)ey passable by sutomob)Je, owning to >nal.< ad<.(]»at< jevovision Fo> If)y, also ot Gcnese<.,'zj)](.seed house and soon bot)> r)ujfd>ngs were the deep mudhofes, so ('. F. Walker crmtii>uin««o»iify agent woik .flic H;»»e sentim<»]t vcgavdi»«a mass of flames. l drove to "the end of the road" and I in tli«. Co<i»fy. I fl>< ~ G(.ii('see <,o»iiliii»ity. The hose cart was brought into wa>ted for ti)e comm>ssioners te '1hu>s(]av>H n>eetiiig waH «'>1)- ~'(lovge ])avi(leon, I)ro'»»'c»f. use as suo» as sufjjc]ent men spp'ear- meet him there, wh>ch they did bv cd by a ]oint (.'on)miftce ve])vL" fan»(.> of Ai)><)]ivan Ridg<', H;>i<i,e<f to operate it but (>wing to the counting ties for a mile, the road f:i]lg f J>».'»1'1>1 b»>'e'>», flic f'lilLt )l<'vas fa»>1)ii>)')i]) <'l 'bsence of a hre sisrin ti)e delay tt»c sl Dfaecolv F;>]»1e]s +»]o>1 and the dlt]o]]H ]]1 f)](. Hol)f])ci>sfc]'» pl]f d a t abfe sf o for Pedestr>sn Th D'loscow Clia»ibev of Commevce, of the co»nty, and cei)c«i]illy . ' f f d f prvved a>ssstrous. ae a r(si]lf: of vu»ioved opposi- 'on Amcvicai> Ri<lge, a»d ihaf fj)e ost o t e furniture ownsta>rs Most ot the furniture downstairs miles from "the end of the road" fio» to county 'i "nt work. l?e<yp]e felt t])L 1vo>.)< (ef t]ie in 'both houses was saved. A new to Kendrick was covered at the rate ( P,L president of Union> presides <ounty age»t w;iH of rcnaf val- range in the Freytag house was- of 5 miles per hour,Avhjch rather Aniold Iiyon, president of »e and wa»t» d f o H(c ii coii completely ruined. emphatically indicates that there is Dios(.ow loc;ll of the It'avi»eve'i»)lcd. Insu]'ance to the amount of $ 1,00{) soine good road in the Kendrick Union, presided, and ex])veese(I Figures Show (,"ost Ljght was carr]e<f on the I'reytag hou.e Highway District. )ii»>s(.lf »H very positively ii1 Ii'i<a»res wlii<.h had l)ce» Hc which wouldn't half cover the loss. A very enjoyable t)me was spent favor of the continuation of tlie <»ved f>'om tlic. offic<. of )lie No insurance was carr>ed on the w>th the commissioners dur>ng'tf)e scvvic«. Thev( were 80 favine]'H <.oiinty aiidjtov, s]>01ved 'f)1< cost R]iey property d>nner hour, after which a number J)res<'»t, »)id ail wer» boostevs th(. individual ffazf ayei of foi <ounty ageiit wovlt with t)]<-'aintainiiig t]i< offi<.e of co»»ty czcoptio» of .7. E. Gray of Vi- .'i >en): to be neg]ignblc. Of (l>c])i Now ~udge johnson nuinbers of the Con]merc]af Club., ola, wlio exp>'essed l>ims('.) f: ns '$100 in vevenu<'aised the conn- The vommiss>oners made substan- in opposition. ty a«(nf: f(>ild pets 8) cents Ho» Miles H..Toj>»so» toolt tile t>sffy the same talks that. they d>d a: IIomc>,Canfield of Ha]'vihvd, By (.ompavisoii it was H»ow]] tl j f f F d y ', j dge pioneei fl»»iei'nd fo]'n«.'>'. tlint voa(]" aud, ]ii J>1v'>y, «ef. ~ .. ~ ~ »ieinber of the legie]stuve said <t28.02 of (ach y]pp and Hpe<.in] ., I ' ~ 'j'stoh'o"the"effehtfth&" Ah)fe'th'e] of tll( Ten tlh 'udicia,l (listrict'-.- fov fl)c state of Idiiho. He;>s- tliat tli(. i;coplc in his comm»»»nd geneva) Hc]ioof funds ic-,, '. ' - .'ould not PromiSeanything'dehn- ity live !)5> pci (cnt Htvoiig be- <eave ft8974. Fov arep>cscnf L 'W d ] I p T] ite, they would dos)i in the'irpower h»i»i<'.(I the duties of his office- Wcdn('.sday,,Ianna> y 2. n)<'. 1)ind tl>c co»ilty a ent ivo]'fr an" tive piece of ]rind in Hcl)ool die- t) f. ff. <d t,'o get some permanent highway> oat)i of office waH administered would ('.oneidei't s, sevio»s bacl<- f-1>Lt No. S4 a»d Mosco1v liigli-, ' ', - work done as soon as they were able . 1vu]d step we>'e the ivor]< to b<) way diut]jct No. 2, of cicli '$100 fl'. 1 ...1 ',f. „'; to do so. When sake<i by members tlie dietvivt couif. Judge .Io]in- c)i>nina)cd. I ]ajecd thi'o»gh tn a io, Ho)> j>u>i>(djittefy appo'>»ted C of the Club as to how much money'. 1>. Kitch, cominunjty )e)kd- state Lyt te $ 1!).61; cuvvenf. <z- q Bov(n <H <ou>g Hh»o<y]itpj>ev. they had ava>fable, they stated that of i]i t)i( czf'ension wo>'2 lif'><ei)H(', 8) .0f; sJ)ec>l> j >'»d g<'»e] '11 ) t wss > i»pass> le for theln to:tefI at'ca>'y, Said tj)nt 1><! 1>ad (a>i- H<;boo) f»»(]H !ht8>!L40 a»d vo»ds v»Heed t]ie sif »at in]i pi'(*,fty'»(j hjg]<)v;>ye g>'ef $ "!LOS, m SOUTH%ICE Ih)ES actfy. They cominitted. themselves tlioi oughlv in tlic I)e'k]'y <]je- T)ie l»e(ti»«wLH H(sei»» to the extent that if they djd have: 'tiict a»(1 j>ad fa>led fo fj»() o»<'- »i»i< fji;l]1 t)1>ee 1>o»ie a»d if l d t ', ('I;l»(1 King an(l fa>njj) left motley avaiible, ln the spting lit. i I'o) M:ii Hhfield Ove«o» Sntu>'- wo (oiifiiiuatioii of coiii1f]H ngc»t fav»icie we@et d('epiy iii el>ines(I ' ' ~ - wouJd probsbfy riot be more thsh Hel'v)c<.', fo>'dataj> county. >,1 tj>„]>. dcHjvc to '<,ontjn»c f)le 'nough to bulla a mile of road, snd ' . <)al, wl>(>ve fj>eq will inake the>i' ho>]>e. Fioili «om»iunities tiibui;liy co»iify a«(nt H< ivi«<. andwo»ld, '. ]»aybe nat that n)uch. They siso (<I«n<1»]a, Wells w»H ih visitov fo Tvoy H. L, CSHw) jght Ca>') look upon <liscontin»stioii of', ' ',', said that they had not fully made', I JI< (I i <i)l<»» ll nine 9 hl]l >e<>ay. Westbevg, Ivav Dvagstedt, the Hc]1'ice as ru serious loss to ~ <, t,',1 t,.', 1 )d up their minds as to whether the Alf](d Iielbe>„and IP>a»k E]-;igi icult»i e in f)i(. (ounty. t >c 1,„»,, ft Pv,uf < ),vf. m>fe or road would be'uilt from D]o»d,>y (,v„y y the end of the LL»<frjck Highway LELANB NEWS TEX~ RIDGE Dfl'. <»)d Ml'H. Jolln I]jrkcn>o; Distr>ct to Jufiaetts or from tf]efow- 'I ]oft. fov t)1eii ])o>nc in Pot)ate)> er etid of 'Juf>setta to the Latsh '1'>) p %>! I i»g Workers gave a nffc>:t 1veekH visit wit)i Grand- county fine. To be exact theie is "Mes»are Party" on New Year's Perry Tout and Miss Insbelle Mc- 'raw were marrjef] )n Moscow Sst- >»a Thoi»fon a»d ofh(.r >'cjafjves. just seven-eighths of a m>le of road <alnes. At mid»)g>it lefreshments urday, December 22. They were well gDI>. »»(I Mvs. Ih<]1vi» Wet>»o>c from the ehd of the present hard were served. Mrs. Koepp is the prepared with treats for the crowd I< ff. f»v Pot)ate)i;>flu> pendin," sar fscea h>ghway at tf]e west g>ris'uperjnten<fent. that gathered at the McGrsw home flu. )>olidnve with Ml'H. W('.t- boun<fary of the Kendrick H)ghwsy Miss Mae Gillesp>e visited refa- We wish thai» a long and f)appy ''. ' '' D)stt'lct fine to the,lim]tsof Jufia- Sunday evening to char>var) t>]e»]. »>o) ( H sist('1', D1]'H. <]oh» Is('.t- I tives and friends )n Clarkston the i»srr)ed f) fe ) .' 1 .] ]] etta, that is'robably the worst past week. 1 J»'Jo»l»)»»]fy (Iiub 1)e)(]l t stretch in ].atah county. It is rough Carl G>flespie issPending Uhr>st- Mrs. Ousterhout of'pa)ding is '' 'd y ] " >n summer and has bad mudboles mss vacat>on w>th his parents, prof. spending the week on the riage s»J'f>e Hcfioo) ))n»H<. Giving fo tJ]e and Mrs. James (.'. Gifiespje. >n Deary visiting relatives. ba(1 wc;itlie> f j)<;]ften<]:>»«:) was '" fh w'"t" " fog'cs Mt. and Mrs. dohn ye<yen are the . g M g rnilrrr r trutll. Istandpo<nt It nouldseem that, lair- Proua P~~~~t~ of s bsbv boy born Mo cow v)s)ted from Susday u])t]I + A»<lllib<lv ave iihki on Christ>»ss Day. '1'hursday at the Mc{'raw hoine. I 1'"<'f'li<. (in(i Hleigliin« to be the first piece of toad to be Mrs kovaf Thornton snd ch]fdre» f <lo tj)cj> wood 11}haling Ibuilt However this question at Ainert Ds departed for their home in gpolane, '" ' " "a" " Mre. l'rml; i'aery ram< n<erI ti»s ti<ne i. slit> in doubt as the ,after visiting relatives for a week. L t d tf fr»i» Cv<la»1 ridge, I'fii>ve<1;>y <fec>sion rests w>th the'county com- ><Irs. Hund went to Kendiick last t>on with home foiks. Over»np, fo v>s>f wi ) i<.i »>o ]el, m)ssloners. M. ]<t, Thomas express-'eek. DI>s. Wafle> 1»>til Hat»]<)ay i»ovn- 'I Herma» Baker is vis>t>i)g at the i»g w]ie» shc left fov ] L'wjeton ed the sentiments of the Lomrner- o ec ed >bat Robert Bert Baker home at Greer th)swcek ! .>, hal v ivl w;. bov Mondliy cial Club when he stated that >n h>s Robinson ot Ciarkston, Betty Crs>g'h opinion the only sat>sfactory msa- uncle, passed away, Mr. snd Mrs. Mallory of Deary are < vining to Mv.;ind Mre..7cn- visiting at the Af LaBoffe horne. nings, 1vho reside at Wvjg)]t>s ner of bulla)ng the road wss by Kenneth Hund spent New Year' mill. contract for a specified amount, By Day visiting Cfhude Cook. Mr. snd Mrs, 4eorge Drury cntei- quit('. a. numbev of young experience th>s hss proven to be Miss Lou]se J~h~~o~ returns(f t She sh wef J and Mrs. ('lark snd Miss I-.'sien as many of ner pupils have had the Brown of Lew)stan, Waiter Pierce»v(1;ly ni hf to attend the pic- Comm>ssjonersand'en'>neerreturn misfortune of having the measles. and I'amily of Helmet ana Carl i<»e show f:ivcn at the Crescen ed to Juiisetta on the n>ght train', Drury an<i fsm>ly. H<;fiooi hous(', thereby avoiding the walk fro<n'iss Elizabeth Hund and Miss I-l<.»vy a»<l Do]lie .Io»es, I:)ton Beryl Hsrr>son spent vacation in! Mr, and Mrs, E. (.'. fiat)cock snd '' '"', ~ "the ena of the road" to Juliaettis. the)r respective homes. I son, Reg)nafd White, spent Xmas 'iiid N]>dj»<'. MPCoy Hpe»t Fvi- l <jll v <.'.v('I)lug w]th Ml'. ll»(] Df)'H.! E. Cole visited the home of f)ean I s" w]th Mrs, Babcock s parents, . - ' . i O I tel Off. Wright I"rjdav evening. snd Mrs. Uhss. Ross in Ju>is-l I'1<>y<1 ]fuss(jl. rig, r> av evening. 'f 1 w("if)le>'. I 11'l)e) )>la>>1<'i<'-1 Tne )ocsf Woodmen Jo(fge rs at ti)e]r regular me her Parents, Mr. s»d Mrs. Thus. <1:<y ( v'»ing;ind liovmnl nro»»d I last Wednesday night as follow: ifl< ~( 1'f>»1<i]') lff <1 iv 1>I(e»<j')v 'ears L)sy at her home. Mr. and M]s. Perry I'<lut a>)<f Mrs.i-z '"". '."', „„,,John K)te, Advisor ft>cute»ant; Ira Mr. arid tb)]s. Art»ur Locke an(] Babcock were visitors at the Harry 'il'<'>lffe ds<)ghter spent Nev Years <fay'I)aver home Thursday. ! fo> If»1'ly W>'jgj>f. wit!i Mrs. H>«f>s. VJ ~ <hi)« '>j»if<)< in(1 11>f< li <>< I' 1ong 1'scort ham BLchto] Mi'. a»d Mrs. Ufark a»lf Dl isa 'Pvel'sf persons are >»ski»g <yoo4 B>rown have returned to their home I '"'"';e f)f the hie>gh>ng bv gett)ng wood in f.ewiston after spe»a»lg a week 'l<'1'll»'l'»>H ~ Df> "»" Di'H from the t>mber. at the George Drury h(>»le. I ~+<>» film»'J<. ', Dlanager. V 'K'

- 1924 - The Kendrick

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Page 1: - 1924 - The Kendrick

Boost For Better


Into Kendrick In Advance


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L«tah County Home Economics Leader

News Paragraphs Tha I: M) HH Msl'l <)n M. H cJ)wo] fl> of I)»] li»<"ll»ll', Kiilis»H>has bee» ('.Jn.f.(.(] to tji(. posif'i<»i

i of state leader of l>oine d(i(»oi>.Ht]'<(f io» worl; und nut>'itio»Hp(.cialist i» the ezt(,nsio» ser-vice, iui««erdinp Miss Amy I« ltywho accepted a i»>n>jav poH>t<o>i!with the Kansas 8t(>a f'(. A gi i-!cult»ra] College, iH tlieno»ncemcnt f> oiii thc Uiii versifyof I<)aj>o College. of Agric»l.tu]e as the iVewH I etfev «oesto p ress.

Miss Eleywovt)> war bo]'n an(1reared on a f>ann in tj]c i)aleof Kansas an(I l>as )la<1 l>evf >ill)) l]lg i 1) )loiile econo]n>(.'s <1t


tll( Kansas ~R'tat(. Coll(.ge, 'heII>'ad fey Polytechnic InstituteCliicago University and Colum-bilt Unjvevsit'y. 8]]c was er)>-ployed for H'o)ne time in tb'(iextension service in' Kansas>was state )eadev of ho>me deni-o»Hf ration worlr in West Vir-ginia and was vestauvai>t man-ager fov a large depavtn>en tstove iii one nf the >niddle west-er>'il Cities.

Miss IIeJ)woi"t]l Ht<l>'ts wo]'k, in lda)>o Januu,vy 1si.


items of interest Taken FromNeighborfng Papers


The ]dali<) I<'jve Bvick ( oni-«'nny Hfi]l continnes on.,its wayfo prosperity, which is evidencedby the fact: f.hat. th<1 stock-I>0]de> s weve paid a five pevco»t. di vid<'.»(1. This dividend)>as accvu('.d fvom A.ugyust first]to Decembei 81st. In apprecia-tion of'heir faithful work, theemployees wcr'e given a Christ-mas pi'esent of five dollars each.—Troy News.

Miss Inal)cl McGvaw, th(.youngest du,ugj]tev of Mv. andIMvs. M. I'. McG raw of TexasRidge, <<'tnd Perry Tout, son ofMr. and Mvs. E<d. Tout of thes'a>ne vicinity, weve )navvied la'stRat» vday, at the home of thebride's sister, Mvs. R. V. MCC;Ly,in Moscow. The cei'emony waspevfovmed by Rev. Mr. Iijndsey<)f Pu]jn>co]]. It is


t)ie hap]>y co»pie will iiinl<efhejv home i» Deary..Both arewell kriown and veiy popularin this H(.ction, wheve they 1)nveliv(.<l all theiv lives. We joi>i)n extending congratulations a»dbest wishes.—Deag Press.

Judge Advian Nelson of thc1atah county p]obat(a co»vt li;lsappointc(] M] ~> Iijddie Ameliiigexecutrix of the <.Ht)hf:c of fl>e)a'f.c'))0)'jes <A»1(1)»]g, )l pl'o)»-inent, favlnev of the Ainevic(»1l)j(]ge district iieai I(endvicfc,Id'll) 0, 'V])O ill) Heed l>wl >y NOVC»l-'bev 2{i, 1!)21»> )raving a will«iving>' o 1>iH wif(.. ai>d

foui'hil(lvenii» <.st)ate coneisting of.

an Sp-nc]'<i farm on A)nei j(.SJ>

Ridge an(1 H(nne ]eevso»;11 pvo-

pevty> llnd 1» intel'est i>i solneveal estate in Nez Pev«<'. Coun):y.The appvoxi]n tt<. valu(. of the<ust'kte is $9,000.—8tav-'Mi>'vo].

The Cedar Creek Road

ThL C('.da1' reek >'oad <',o»1-

>»issionevs >nef: in Ke»dvickMo>)day evening .with Engineer

IHoot)> of I.ewiston to talk ovevpioyosa)H fov letting the co»t>actfo>'I)e constv»etio» of tl>e seve»n)iles of highway from the topof: the C(.'dai Creek grade totll('. II ot]atc]1 b>'idge. ]'])is wus

I one 'of a number of Tnectiiigs


'tliat have been held r(lc(.ii tly!by the com<njssjoneiw in ]>»I

cndeI)vov to Hecuvc a, satisfact-ovy fontv<>ct for the completionof. t)Ije piece of road. No defi-nite de«ivion w;>s i'each('.d littl]>H 1)1eet] 11g b u t: 'i 1>e coll]»1)s-!sio»<fve feel that a. favov<ible!dccisfon will be reached b(~ - i

fove many days. They ave t;>j<-~

ing the mattev under advisc-n)enf. and hope to get. def]»itc

jactjot] at an early d:itc.

Council Met %ednesday


=?The regular i]>anth)y meet>ng of

the town council was held Wednes-

day evening ot this week at which

4j]ne the general rouij»e business«vas transacted.

A con)m) ttee from the Uom-

mercisf Ufub, co»s)st)ng of GeorgeBarnum and G. 1'. Walker, appearedbefore the cou»c: J with the requestthat they consider the proposition

of installing hitching raci<s around

town for the convenience. of thefarmers who come to town. Mr.Barnum gave estiinates as to prob-

able cost at several desirable places

in town. Uha>rmsn Dam>narc)i ap-pointed E. T. Long and Ei'. A. Deo-

bald as a comm>ttee to investigatethe matter snd report at the next>meeting. The members of the coun-

ci I recogn>zed the need of more

lh>tching posts in town and express-

ed themselves as willing to do any-

-thing practical along that line.The council oraered the clerk to

send for a fire siren on tr>af asseveral fires >n town during the past

year have made the necessity for;.an alarm most apparent,

1'rank Uhsmeriain was appo>ntea'a membber of the counc>l to take.the place left vacant by G. G, Ol(f

field, who fa>fed to qualify owing

:to the fact that he was ieav>ng

%Pant County Agent

J. L,'. Hamil was circufat>ng a

pet>t><]n >n town yesterday ssk>»g

the county commissio»ers to retain0. S.'1"letcher as county agent of

I atah county. He tiad a long listof nalnes snd sa>d no one had turn-ed t) im down. Everyone I i kes Mr.Fletcher as a inan'„and appreciates.the splendid <york he hss done over

the county. 'I'here is little doubt

but that an overw)]efm>ng t»sjorlfyof the citizens of I.atah county

f~vor retaining hlr. Fie tciier.

Local Red Cros» Report

Follow>ng js a fic;l»c)si report ofthe Kendrick Red {;ross from Sept-ember 1 fo Dece»iber 81, 1928:Balance on hand - - $448.50Mem>)erst>ip dues - - 21.{10

Tots > $464.50




Paj<f Out

Japanese ref>ef - - 8)82.2]'tandardLumper Co, coal 6.00

Expense delegate to Moscow '~.80

One-half members)»ps toI

Muscc w - - 10.50Total $151.51:

Bala]>ce on hand - - 012.99 '

Pearl E. Long, '1'ress.I

NezPerce High Death Rate,

Ac<ording to an announcement

th]s week from Lapws), the lastI

census shows that the btez Per(e

!Indians have the highest death rate

!«any tri be i n the Un> ted States.'Ill contrast to this announcement ithss bees learned that Idaho I

ss a state >]as the lowest death rate,of a)>y state >n the Union. 'Ihe


! Solution to th)s apparently co>>tra-!

(fjctory statement is that theNez'erce

I»(fill])s intcrmari'y a»d thus


weaken the race to such sn extentti»t thc)r rcs>stance to (fi «a-:e is


Jof»> snd Andy Ga}jowsy „r»a<je abus>ness trip to Me-cow, 6'efface<)ay

I morning.

;Is'ga'hfe]<) town.An ordinance reist)ve to r)ght-of

wsy for spur track at the Barnum

<Lumber % M> if Company's yar<f

was read a hrst time in full.There be~ng nothing else to come

before the counc)1, the meeting ad-





f State Indebtedness

The net indebtedness(funded'n<1

ffoil tin ~ debt less sin)<i»gf»nd;]HH(its) of Idaho was $12.-

pP v c;ipif a foi'022, $5.891!)1 < an<1 $".08 for 1914.

bonds amounting to

@960,{)<1)) 1v«v<i Hold dn>'ing the< u vren i year.

I'ov 1!) " fliion of Pl'oPcrtv jl> I(1:lho H»b.

lect fo;1d valorem 1:1zafi(i>i

was $4 '1 '9>f>9<]< fl)e,'lmo»nof faxes levie(l wns ~~„,6<04;4.:ind the pcv (.Spjta ]evv>

Moscow Meeting Favors County Agent >fcur stunk iu the Mud

I Commercial Club<1 I w <l<H <Hf »( lt »1 f ilf'1»(l~ ~



~ I ~

8 I LI!



I l ?~I




I !~II~ ~I~

(II~ <II~




i) I~







1I~ I(I ( 1l




~IIm» I I



a S II w~Approximately 30 Petitions Put into Circulation Asking the hojr. Ij». <I<><. „<,>u>hr< it;.„petr.l g WaysCommissioners to Retain O. S. Fletcher

;ill »i lif. 'i'lic»<zi i«<)n]- Met Last Friday Night VVitI»i» i I wae f1'<ez('n Solid i]1 th('atah COmmiSSiOnerS

I etif ionH for continuance of (lei all < zf» ess('d f h(nie<.'lv( s Ill)]d)>»1<) and f fiL ]'adiafol'l'0-county agent woi'1'n ldatah Hfro»gly in flvo< of conti»»j»„~P;.» i)p fi )]f'>l a'ff(»)f)tin< t(e(.ou»f'y;irc bein< civc»laic(l county agent worl;. pass t]i< Hti'll»ded cav Otto! Last; I'rjday night the Kendc'>ck

ou.f]ouf: f)]e col>nf y l)H if)e Sjevers ~ p}ea S( J]i>l)f(>'H c]> 1<e»f: 1>1 fl]c (1]i< fi Con>merc]ai ('fubcef'- ( <lol pe 8](.'vel'H, 1»an;1 "< 1'i Dlondu,y i]>or]li]] l]]1<] (1, bl'o) en Estab couilty <'olnmlsslonels an

ing held> Tj]uvsday ()f last week t]lc Mosco1v IJ»jon Wale)i<»iee i]zlc Qv <H t)i( >tesliff TJ]le 'js county engineer to attend a meetingin th(i 1>a]']n('>w'ni()n l»ill ii> '<'ompany, niad(. a» ezceptioii <lly oue of the ivo>st pj('.C<.s of at the Co>nmerc)ai Hotel at 6:80 inMoscow. Appvoxj>n >te)y 80 strong plea in favov of tI>c ron<1 jn I.>>tali county and is a the evening, at which t>me s d>nnerpetitio»s were put i»to «ivcu- .ivovk, stating that th(. <.oi>»ty p'a] I'f the small amount <)f was to be served by the Clup >nI 1 ion by vep]'csLnt;<tive fairneie age))t Hevvi«e was the one point ioa(1»o'w und<.i the H»p(vvieioi> their 1 n, T I feir >onor, ne meeting w><s forWhO atte»ded fliitt »>'C<.ting, 'f]'O»> Wl>iLh the f»Viners CO»l<I'f fliL 7>at»]> CO»>ity <.Or»i»ie- th]fu(] li, <'('»evaj corn»lu»ify-by- Hte]vt in:kn effol t to help fl>ci»- sjoners

t e purpose of taikng over the ques-

co»»»>')njty (ivculation of a<ldi- Hcjv(.H.'ke said that the coui>fy. tion of'u>f in

fio»'al petitions is being (,on- agent'H office had more i]i;in, roads with the ides ofeventually']uc'te(l

unde>'»pevvision of a 'paid fo>'tse]f i» tf)e past, 1nd Two Residences Burned 'etting s surfaced highway fromcoiiiiniftee tlien appointed. Thje th:it it would'e of'>ucji more 'I J]e Wm. It'erytag and Theo Riley Kendrick to Ju]iaetta and fromcominittee cons~sts of) George value i» the fut»re. residences were totally destroye(f by there to the Latah county f>ne.

Moscow, R. E. No]d- „C)la]jes ~c]]oo]e> 'of (",c»es(.<'> fire about 6 o'cfock Mo»4ay morn-'~'he con>m

by of {xenesee, Geovge T. David-f.f)l'(.'sident of flic Genesee local T],e f)re f)roke out )n tf]e mere )ri Julisetta when the inv>ta-son of Kendrick, Carl G. West- 'of tlie fav»ievs'nion, said that F


g h d b j,e d te tion w'as extended.hei'«'f Tioy and B>.,7. Jones the couiity a«ent . se]'vic(i liadlreytag house and was bel>eved to

of ~I >fons 'I)( (» wovf]> ]]lu( h to «tl]e (' n( e< ( 'ave started from a de«ctv«ue 'The mile o«oad b«w«> th«dgsTfi<l ])(et>ti<e»H, wf>j(;)> ave to nun»>»njty a']id tjiaf if: 1),;is By the time the alsrn)»ad been g>v- of the Kendrick Highway District

b(i vef»vned by .]<inu'ivy 14, as] bac]'('d bv f']ie. 1('udii> fa].»)ei,s en tbe flames had gs>ned such head. snd Jul>aetta wss pract]caf]y im-

f))e co»nty «om»1issioneiye to'n the community. R, E. No>d way that they spread to 'he Ri)ey passable by sutomob)Je, owning to>nal.< ad<.(]»at< jevovision Fo> If)y, also ot Gcnese<.,'zj)](.seed house and soon bot)> r)ujfd>ngs were the deep mudhofes, so ('. F. Walkercrmtii>uin««o»iify agent woik .flic H;»»e sentim<»]t vcgavdi»«a mass of flames. l

drove to "the end of the road" andI

in tli«. Co<i»fy.I

fl>< ~ G(.ii('see <,o»iiliii»ity. The hose cart was brought into wa>ted for ti)e comm>ssioners te'1hu>s(]av>H n>eetiiig waH «'>1)- ~'(lovge ])avi(leon, I)ro'»»'c»f. use as suo» as sufjjc]ent men spp'ear- meet him there, wh>ch they did bv

cd by a ]oint (.'on)miftce ve])vL" fan»(.> of Ai)><)]ivan Ridg<', H;>i<i,e<f to operate it but (>wing to the counting ties for a mile, the roadf:i]lg f J>».'»1'1>1 b»>'e'>», flic f'lilLt )l<'vas fa»>1)ii>)')i]) <'l 'bsence of a hre sisrin ti)e delay tt»c sl

Dfaecolv F;>]»1e]s +»]o>1 and the dlt]o]]H ]]1 f)](. Hol)f])ci>sfc]'» pl]fd a t abfe sf o for Pedestr>sn Th

D'loscow Clia»ibev of Commevce, of the co»nty, and cei)c«i]illy .'

f f d fprvved a>ssstrous.

ae a r(si]lf: of vu»ioved opposi- 'on Amcvicai> Ri<lge, a»d ihaf fj)e ost o t e furniture ownsta>rsMost ot the furniture downstairs miles from "the end of the road"

fio» to county 'i "nt work. l?e<yp]e felt t])L 1vo>.)< (ef t]ie in 'both houses was saved. A new to Kendrick was covered at the rate( P,L

president of Union> presides <ounty age»t w;iH of rcnaf val- range in the Freytag house was- of 5 miles per hour,Avhjch rather

Aniold Iiyon, president of »e and wa»t» d f o H(c ii coii completely ruined. emphatically indicates that there is

Dios(.ow loc;ll of the It'avi»eve'i»)lcd. Insu]'ance to the amount of $1,00{) soine good road in the KendrickUnion, presided, and ex])veese(I Figures Show (,"ost Ljght was carr]e<f on the I'reytag hou.e Highway District.)ii»>s(.lf »H very positively ii1 Ii'i<a»res wlii<.h had l)ce» Hc which wouldn't half cover the loss. A very enjoyable t)me was spentfavor of the continuation of tlie <»ved f>'om tlic. offic<. of )lie No insurance was carr>ed on the w>th the commissioners dur>ng'tf)escvvic«. Thev( were 80 favine]'H <.oiinty aiidjtov, s]>01ved 'f)1< cost R]iey property d>nner hour, after which a numberJ)res<'»t, »)id ail wer» boostevs t« th(. individual ffazf ayei offoi <ounty ageiit wovlt with t)]<-'aintainiiig t]i< offi<.e of co»»tyczcoptio» of .7. E. Gray of Vi- .'i >en): to be neg]ignblc. Of (l>c])i Now ~udge johnson nuinbers of the Con]merc]af Club.,ola, wlio exp>'essed l>ims('.) f: ns '$100 in vevenu<'aised the conn- The vommiss>oners made substan-in opposition. ty a«(nf: f(>ild pets 8) cents Ho» Miles H..Toj>»so» toolt tile t>sffy the same talks that. they d>d a:IIomc>,Canfield of Ha]'vihvd, By (.ompavisoii it was H»ow]] tl j ff F d y ', j dgepioneei fl»»iei'nd fo]'n«.'>'. tlint voa(]" aud, ]ii J>1v'>y, «ef. ~ ..~ ~

»ieinber of the legie]stuve said <t28.02 of (ach y]pp and Hpe<.in] .,I '~ 'j'stoh'o"the"effehtfth&" Ah)fe'th'e]of tll( Ten tlh 'udicia,l (listrict'-.-

fov fl)c state of Idiiho. He;>s-tliat tli(. i;coplc in his comm»»»nd geneva) Hc]ioof funds ic-,, '. ' - .'ould not PromiSeanything'dehn-ity live !)5> pci (cnt Htvoiig be- <eave ft8974. Fov arep>cscnf L 'W

d ] I p T]ite, they would dos)i in the'irpowerh»i»i<'.(I the duties of his office-

Wcdn('.sday,,Ianna> y 2. n)<'.1)ind tl>c co»ilty a ent ivo]'fr an" tive piece of ]rind in Hcl)ool die- t) f. ff. <d t,'o get some permanent highway>oat)i of office waH administeredwould ('.oneidei't s, sevio»s bacl<- f-1>Lt No. S4 a»d Mosco1v liigli-, ' ', - work done as soon as they were able .

1vu]d step we>'e the ivor]< to b<) way diut]jct No. 2, of cicli '$100 fl'.1 ...1 ',f. „'; to do so. When sake<i by memberstlie dietvivt couif. Judge .Io]in-

c)i>nina)cd. I ]ajecd thi'o»gh tn a io,Ho)> j>u>i>(djittefy appo'>»ted C of the Club as to how much


1>. Kitch, cominunjty )e)kd- state Lyt te $1!).61; cuvvenf. <z-q Bov(n <H <ou>g Hh»o<y]itpj>ev. they had ava>fable, they stated that

of i]i t)i( czf'ension wo>'2 lif'><ei)H(', 8) .0f; sJ)ec>l> j >'»d g<'»e] '11 ) t wss > i»pass> le for theln to:tefIat'ca>'y,Said tj)nt 1><! 1>ad (a>i- H<;boo) f»»(]H !ht8>!L40 a»d vo»ds

v»Heed t]ie sif »at in]i pi'(*,fty'»(j hjg]<)v;>ye g>'ef $"!LOS, m SOUTH%ICE Ih)ES actfy. They cominitted. themselvestlioi oughlv in tlic I)e'k]'y <]je- T)ie l»e(ti»«wLH i» H(sei»» to the extent that if they djd have:'tiict a»(1 j>ad fa>led fo fj»() o»<'- »i»i< fji;l]1 t)1>ee 1>o»ie a»d if

l d t ', ('I;l»(1 King an(l fa>njj) left motley avaiible, ln the spting lit.i I'o) M:ii Hhfield Ove«o» Sntu>'- wo(oiifiiiuatioii of coiii1f]H ngc»t fav»icie we@et d('epiy iii el>ines(I

' ' ~ - wouJd probsbfy riot be more thsh

Hel'v)c<.', fo>'dataj> county. >,1 tj>„]>. dcHjvc to '<,ontjn»c f)le 'nough to bulla a mile of road, snd '. <)al, wl>(>ve fj>eq will inake the>i'ho>]>e.

Fioili «om»iunities tiibui;liy co»iify a«(nt H< ivi«<. andwo»ld,'.]»aybe nat that n)uch. They siso(<I«n<1»]a, Wells w»H ih visitov

fo Tvoy H. L, CSHw) jght Ca>') look upon <liscontin»stioii of', ' ',', said that they had not fully made',I JI< (I i <i)l<»» ll nine 9 hl]l >e<>ay.

Westbevg, Ivav Dvagstedt, the Hc]1'ice as ru serious loss to ~ <, t,',1 t,.',1 )d up their minds as to whether the

Alf](d Iielbe>„and IP>a»k E]-;igi icult»i e in f)i(. (ounty. t >c 1,„»,, ft Pv,uf < ),vf. m>fe or road would be'uilt from

D]o»d,>y (,v„y y the end of the LL»<frjck Highway

LELANB NEWS TEX~ RIDGE Dfl'. <»)d Ml'H. Jolln I]jrkcn>o; Distr>ct to Jufiaetts or from tf]efow- 'I

]oft. fov t)1eii ])o>nc in Pot)ate)> er etid of 'Juf>setta to the Latsh'1'>)

p %>!I i»g Workers gave a nffc>:t 1veekH visit wit)i Grand- county fine. To be exact theie is"Mes»are Party" on New Year's Perry Tout and Miss Insbelle Mc-

'rawwere marrjef] )n Moscow Sst- >»a Thoi»fon a»d ofh(.r >'cjafjves. just seven-eighths of a m>le of road

<alnes. At mid»)g>it lefreshments urday, December 22. They were well gDI>. »»(I Mvs. Ih<]1vi» Wet>»o>c from the ehd of the present hard

were served. Mrs. Koepp is the prepared with treats for the crowd I< ff. f»v Pot)ate)i;>flu> pendin," sar fscea h>ghway at tf]e westg>ris'uperjnten<fent. that gathered at the McGrsw home flu. )>olidnve with Ml'H. W('.t- boun<fary of the Kendrick H)ghwsy

Miss Mae Gillesp>e visited refa- We wish thai» a long and f)appy''. ' '' D)stt'lct fine to the,lim]tsof Jufia-Sunday evening to char>var) t>]e»]. »>o) ( H sist('1', D1]'H. <]oh» Is('.t- I

tives and friends )n Clarkston the i»srr)ed f) fe ).'

1.] ]] etta, that is'robably the worst

past week. 1 J»'Jo»l»)»»]fy (Iiub 1)e)(]lt stretch in ].atah county. It is rough

Carl G>flespie issPending Uhr>st- Mrs. Ousterhout of'pa)ding is '' 'd y ] ">n summer and has bad mudboles

mss vacat>on w>th his parents, prof. spending the week on the riage s»J'f>e Hcfioo) ))n»H<. Giving fo tJ]eand Mrs. James (.'. Gifiespje. >n Deary visiting relatives. ba(1 wc;itlie> f j)<;]ften<]:>»«:) was '" fh w'"t" " fog'cs

Mt. and Mrs. dohn ye<yen are the . g M g rnilrrr r trutll. Istandpo<nt It nouldseem that, lair-

Proua P~~~~t~ of s bsbv boy born Mo cow v)s)ted from Susday u])t]I + A»<lllib<lv ave iihkion Christ>»ss Day. '1'hursday at the Mc{'raw hoine. I 1'"<'f'li<. (in(i Hleigliin« to be the first piece of toad to be

Mrs kovaf Thornton snd ch]fdre» f <lo tj)cj> wood 11}haling Ibuilt However this question at

Ainert Dsdeparted for their home in gpolane, '" ' " "a" " Mre. l'rml; i'aery ram< n<erI ti»s ti<ne i. slit> in doubt as the,after visiting relatives for a week. L t d tf

fr»i» Cv<la»1 ridge, I'fii>ve<1;>y <fec>sion rests w>th the'county com-><Irs. Hund went to Kendiick last t>on with home foiks. Over»np, fo v>s>f wi ) i<.i »>o ]el, m)ssloners. M. ]<t, Thomas


DI>s. Wafle> 1»>til Hat»]<)ay i»ovn- 'I

Herma» Baker is vis>t>i)g at the i»g w]ie» shc left fov ] L'wjeton ed the sentiments of the Lomrner-o ec ed >bat Robert Bert Baker home at Greer th)swcek

!.>, hal v ivl w;. bov Mondliy cial Club when he stated that >n h>s

Robinson ot Ciarkston, Betty Crs>g'h opinion the only sat>sfactory msa-uncle, passed away, Mr. snd Mrs. Mallory of Deary are < vining to Mv.;ind Mre..7cn-

visiting at the Af LaBoffe horne. nings, 1vho reside at Wvjg)]t>s ner of bulla)ng the road wss byKenneth Hund spent New Year'

mill. contract for a specified amount, ByDay visiting Cfhude Cook. Mr. snd Mrs, 4eorge Drury cntei- quit('. a. numbev of young experience th>s hss proven to be

Miss Lou]se J~h~~o~ returns(f tShe sh wef J and Mrs. ('lark snd Miss I-.'sien

as many of ner pupils have had the Brown of Lew)stan, Waiter Pierce»v(1;ly ni hf to attend the pic- Comm>ssjonersand'en'>neerreturn

misfortune of having the measles. and I'amily of Helmet ana Carl i<»e show f:ivcn at the Crescen ed to Juiisetta on the n>ght train',Drury an<i fsm>ly. H<;fiooi hous(', thereby avoiding the walk

fro<n'issElizabeth Hund and Miss I-l<.»vy a»<l Do]lie .Io»es, I:)tonBeryl Hsrr>son spent vacation in! Mr, and Mrs, E. (.'. fiat)cock snd '' '"',


"the ena of the road" to Juliaettis.the)r respective homes. I son, Reg)nafd White, spent Xmas 'iiid N]>dj»<'. MPCoy Hpe»t Fvi-


<jll v <.'.v('I)lug w]th Ml'. ll»(] Df)'H.!E. Cole visited the home of f)ean I s" w]th Mrs, Babcock s parents, . -

' .i

O I tel Off.Wright I"rjdav evening. snd Mrs. Uhss. Ross in Ju>is-l I'1<>y<1 ]fuss(jl.rig, r> av evening.

'f 1 w("if)le>'. I 11'l)e) )>la>>1<'i<'-1 Tne )ocsf Woodmen Jo(fgers at ti)e]r regular me

her Parents, Mr. s»d Mrs. Thus. <1:<y ( v'»ing;ind liovmnl nro»»d I last Wednesday night as follow:ifl< ~( 1'f>»1<i]') lff <1 iv 1>I(e»<j')v

'earsL)sy at her home. Mr. and M]s. Perry I'<lut a>)<f Mrs.i-z '"". '."', „„,,John K)te, Advisor ft>cute»ant; IraMr. arid tb)]s. Art»ur Locke an(] Babcock were visitors at the Harry


ds<)ghter spent Nev Years <fay'I)aver home Thursday. ! fo> If»1'ly W>'jgj>f.wit!i Mrs. H>«f>s.

VJ~ <hi)« '>j»if<)< in(1 11>f< li <>< I' 1ong 1'scort ham BLchto]

Mi'. a»d Mrs. Ufark a»lf Dl isa'Pvel'sfpersons are >»ski»g <yoo4 B>rown have returned to their home I '"'"';e

f)f the hie>gh>ng bv gett)ng wood in f.ewiston after spe»a»lg a week 'l<'1'll»'l'»>H ~ Df> "»" Di'H

from the t>mber. at the George Drury h(>»le. I ~+<>» film»'J<. ', Dlanager.



Page 2: - 1924 - The Kendrick

1Ii profess)oner C»dsI

. p.»."~

Dr. William T. Snerey



Dr. Geo. W. Mc eever


Cia Z&tte~

l)icsion of go<)r]nncr. in time of tvoul)l(.. is sp-

Ralph B K"OPPe" Publisher,proc]at(d by the ]j)ing bu f )iofby those wlro liavc «I v<iady

Entered as second-class matter piissed on. Mv. Dunkle lived

1892 at Kendrick, Idaho, under the his motto duving his five years'

Act of Congre~ of March, 1879 . residence in I<endvlr.k, wli)c]) isone reason why he w;rs pvol)ably

Subscr]Ption $150 a year- thr most popu]ar roan in town.

~~ eaI'"11Ce .. rlCeSon Winter Goods


5 Men's and boys'ool shirts and unionsuits, men'

and youths'rmy wool pants, breeches and leggins; There )8 some bsd]ymen s heavy wool pants, stag shiits and mack)flaws; ]irghwrp bur]d)ng «liat m) ht be f'ecvetary of ~gvrcu]tuve

ladies and Misses wool hose, 'Jantxen sweaters, done in various parts of the

young Inen's dress pants and many other items of';: Po tlatch country if t]iose most f, b hel of lc; t i norecold, weather apparel offered at unusually low clear-a,nce prices.

, In OI'der to turn surplus stocks of merchandise the stumbling bio(k that retards far pvice ot '-4ovembev 1 wds

into cash we 'are making 'special prices now when pvogvess in ron<] ln)i]ding. The above tl'e 1909-191.,3 av«rage fov

you need the goods. It will pay you to buy for only way to get togetli(;1'ri aHove)aber, it is equivalent to

this winter and next winter also. 8«isfac«r'y propo»tronf hose most inte'rested to give in )e Prewav Perro .. sui

Just a Few Examples of the Bargains <in<] take, ahvays with tlie idea ".

in )iiind to benefit the majority, '"Men's Wrights all wool unionsuits '4 Qg Qe]f ]lifer est )nust r)cccssar i]p

wheat in.,July, 191'3, cost hin)

b ~ ]r ft in the b ic]. round',')I busliels ii) 19', and a wagon

Men's medium unionsuits mixed wool, reg-ular $8,50, now selling for - - 2. ) $ —— = <.]8 would now cost him 106.

We )rrcnt]y hear'd it stated 'I'he cost of near ly rvevythin rBoys'nionsuits, regular lII1.85 to $1.65 now that tlieve ave no two events'hr farrnev buys is necesvar ily

, selling at 95'o $ J Q5 in the wo)'ld exactly alii'e, or very high because fieight vaf:eswords to that effect; and that; and industvial wages which en-

Boys'annel-shirts regular $2.25, now $ I,65 this being the esse there shou]dr tei -not only into the cost of

'Ladies, heather hose, 11 'Ij'1,25 g des at be no monotony in life. It hav manufacturing but also theadies,heather ose, ii .1, o g "es @

n< vcr'(.'err our'.'xper')ericc to'ost of transportation are fav

Men'- wool shirts including Army shirts. in detect riny v»i;it)on in the above their level before the war.~ ~ .

6:'30 a. )n. these.col(l mornings,. Of wheat~n]y 107 pev cent ofat clean-up prices. It's the one monotonous event. the pre-war avevage price, the

@PI~ in oui young life. wholesale pvicc of all commod-At'Tnis Same Time ;f ities which is gener<1]]y tal(en

as a measure -of the price levelWe are running many staple groceries at special low How many «»«». look was 153 per cent in October.

prices, a few'of which ar.e: back over the Pear just closed On the basis of tlris I)rice leveland sap that we haave done our th(. average frrvn) price of whe)t

Solid Pack tomatoes, GrifBn brand 2 cans 25' «»] duty toward the,to)vn, in B]rou]d. ],ave 'been «l,out F185I

)vhi<;]1 we 1)ve. The man w] o) p'er. bus])e] for g~ovcn)bev toSunkist Sockeye salmon, 1 lb. tin, 2 for . 55's in business here or who «ivr wh at pve-wav purchasingMa'('aron'oodles in bulk, per pound Q5 "]'es "" "ing 'eve owes) power at wholesale piices."

something to the general we]-Rex lye,'2 cans 'for. - - - .25 fave of I).errd).ick. No matter

liow 81)cces8fi)l oil II)a be ln The tie game Played between':'luebirdcups and saucers, set of six - $ ).75 ' ."„,',, 'p Washington Unihers)ty and the

Bluebird 7:inCh Plates, set of six - $ I '35, 'ess dePrnds ]ar'<e]y on th'; 'ind)cate that the pacrhc cosct )s1 1 ) r ~ ) 'ontinued success of yoni town. at feast. on a par with the Atlantic

Every r fforf you innke 'towardI coast teams, much as the East wau)d

Aluminum ware premiums at a small charge, with 1)u)]<ling up tire to'nn is»'cal- like'to d)sp"te the claim.

'ach:$ 10,00 Purchase. All sPec)al Prices are net During the comii) ~ yeav K.n-ity a boost fo your business.

and will be withdrawn when stocks are reduced to ', di'i(.l will in sll pr.obabi]~)tp METHODIST CHURCH

proper proportions, .I

face many interesting pvoblcms1vhich wi]] ve(]uive the co-oper- Sunday school at 10:00a. m.ation of the citizens of tire town, Preaching, at 1):00,'a. m. Sub-

~ for theiv solution. A. continued ject: "A hew and Unknown Way."

~, ~ >I aggressive reaching-out for some-',, Epworth League at 6:45 p. m.

",)Vhere . the New Things Are Newest" thing better on "tile p)rt of Revival meetings wlif begin, Godwilling, at American Ridge, Sundayeveryone»»] solve t!em an hfst780o'cfock Subjpcf (etR)ght With God".

Where farmevs are l)articular- We earnestly desire the prayer of'!,:; II„:,,...,-,:[

Iy hard-pressed by taxes an(] ail bod s people that the, meetings

other buv(lens and 'where wide may be crownea with God's'biessing.

spvead depression, is acutely .felt: .. Jar))es W. Poo]ton. Pastor.t»

considerable sentiment a rainst

Hard %'heat Fle>r » continuing far m agricultural Limited Circles.*, agents in service has been ex There are some ))rr))fed c)rc)es nf sr).

pressed. Opposition to these. C)ety where the m)))enn)um wnfi)d unt

local 1)elprvs commonly includes produce many v)n)ent changes )n the

inds'of'Mill Feed; ..O. K. Scratch Feed for 'he;issrrtiou that farming, un- behavior of those that cnmpnse them.

dev existing conditions, c(rnnof) .

Bean, c)ear]ing a specialty Poultry. 'fford the expense involved; that zaudab)e Fear.the agents ar'e im])osed upon hnyor)e wnu)d )ike to nti<ke a yearmirjor']ties b'p minorities, <md nff," if )t v<eye nnt for the fear of be-

, that "farmers can «et along .)ng unable tn find the wayc buck,

withor)t them."It is inevitable that county

agents in various areas shouldbe assailed in "hard times'."

felluAC~ VV RleriOUSC m SValulllg WO., Irbvn)evs are fryin to reduceI theiv expenses. Many of them

ave apt to go to extraordinary,.]eu «ths in de<.'veasing their out.-

go of cash: fov p'livate as well;is public services. Excessive,

': 'Yrou Owe It Tp Ypurgelfr, economics mar -be'nuecterr to„

r follow reel less,(.x tvavagances.~'nthtypes of either private


you drive tn town these winter days you will public conduct are unsound, and

get a lot of comfoit from a, hot i)inch with a cu 'of'

to conse(]))«nceswhichgveat-, ly complicate and retard the

REAL c6fFee, Try.it once and you will be a regu- ]jea]thy dove]OI)ment of - agri-lar customer. cu 1 till" ('. and'oin)nei'cc.

If county agents werc "good

Wherl )you Nant candy, think of perr rman"s 'nvestments-'l'en favming waprosperous,'hey,')re still


COnfeCtiOnS are Our hObby. )Ve Carry the, invesf r)r(nfs," f'r';ivmin«will'EST. ngn iil prosper'. Tll(.'v )il'r u)'g-

ently ner)d( d )row. Tire valu<)

~',of tlie 8~>vvi('.es of a county

Ferryman's. Confectioner~ fhe amount of n)oney flint e,'icb8»pporting farn)er pays to 1'eephim eu)ployed nv by tlic amo))ntof cash whicli his )vovk directly

PrOduetiOn Of Fat IS ne wnrtu rn uim )u nvp ye<)rs, ne)v))) <.'Ontvibutes tn «1)ch supporting~I

AFeCted b A e Of COWhave an )<uthnv)tat)ve table which he flu)n('.1'8 l)ocl ctbool. Tire out-

y g ~ muyrnupu)r standing fact to judge by is%Mt production by the average dairy h your)ing produces 64.0 per cent that wlier'ever']i('. best qua]i-

ncreases 0)) she hus passed her compnred in a cnw at m«tur)ty; a twn- fed county l)tuc)rts have beent<eventh yer(y, reaches )t)I peak be««year-n)d 73.6 per cent; a three-year- ) 1 d f .;1employeu fov several years,the er)d nf her e)ghth year «nd then n)d, 84 per ceu); a four-veurnid 90sradun))y dec))nes. This fuudameniui '.



' fai'ming is well organized andper cent; n five-ye«v-nl<). Otr per cent,

tru(h ii) f«rm)r)g ac)suer 'was d)gcnv- <)nd a six.ve«r n)() 0)) rrt r cent hneretsd recent)y by C. W. Turner u seven years the <incline i» pvodueiinufey<cher it) the dairy department nf the )g gn<)uu). Now is a bnd time tn dischavgeÃrssnur) cn))ege of Agv)culture. of the in<)I) number nf reenr<ls rx- u competent, experienced:)))d lik-

Th)g roun)us)on w<)g reached only am)ned, 13.7"8 )vrrn lerspy rows; Is,.;rb]e mi)n. If. is )1('.v<)r' goodN)) Ouufn.eys; 1'.,504 ii

rat)nn between the age and the veariy 102 Ayvsh)res, <)nd 1,014 M))king shnrt-f()t product)nn of mote th«4()000 horns.

'1 <.'our)tv iigr)lt'8 1)08)t)on —Thc

rdfdry cows. T'n data )))e)uded aii the ]3v(udder 8 6 ur'.f te.,yearly fat re«nrds avui)able nf pu)rIbred dairy cn)vs )n the r)n)red 81<<<«g. F I F A )f I)unk]e, one of ourFault Finders,

-i Th)r) ig the flrst t)mr an )urensive < tn)I ~ fovmev ritiyrns, hus it )not to.ny)tnt)y hag u fig))r in finr) fall)1

)o)rt.P b<t)nu nf this snrt hng 1" 'n e<1<T)ed

w)rb ) - . whic]1 ]rrs puts into (.ffcct <]»1«tie w;Iv c)ll)()ron ave r.<i)pe<i 1

rtrns)der)ng ti)ui everybody ))as to en- negula)'ly in lii. <1<iily

thereby cnr iches the lives of

@ected of a cow at a cry(a)n age. Vor his assoc)))t('.8. Just fou)'ords:'example, if a f«rmer knn<vr< the pres. A Small Bey. "Irlowors fov flic I,)vrng." Aff(rv~I)t production nf a twn-year-o)d cow It doesn't occur to a emu)) bny f~»r all, wl)l)t 8 'fir() 1)8<'n )Vl)it un-gild w)aber) tn est)m<)te what she wi)i a r)r)g dnesn't decor<<re an ur)wr(shet) til your'ri<'n(l» '))'e de'ld I<)'

hand. -ive them "flowers." Ar) r x-,

You NeedRubbers

Don't have wetfeet—don't slip on icywalks —don't ruinyour good leathershoes by letting themget soaked

IAL LOBANPWe have sturdy

"Ball-Band" DullSlippers and Sandals,handsorfie, stylish,light - weight Rub-bers, also the famous"Ball-Band" Bootsand Arctics.

I ~

i I fh~w ~ s ~ a




S~grrcaf 'l,

Their nomn.s ar'e WHAT end WHYond WHEA',

end HOW and )VHERE and VrrHO'Irc I u L I N 0

WHAT was the Due)erat<on of Lent)on)WHY does the date for Easter vr.ry f

IWHEN was the great pyramid of

Cheops built f

j HOVtr can yorr distinguish a ma)aria<rrrosqci <0 f

WHERE is Canberra? Zeebrugge P

W'HO wns the Millboy of the Slashes y

Are these 'six,mcn" serving you tooGive them an opporturii<y by placing

WrssYr)|sNw IImzemroma])rcnoIARYin'our home,

This" SupremeA'uthorityn in al)knowledge offers service,

",1isimmediate constant lasting trus-worthy. Answers ai) kinds of que;<fons. A century of deveiopin„enlarging, and perfecting under s:-acring care and highest sebo)arsh pinsures accuracy, compie<enesI,corn pac<ness, authority.

hyrl<e for a sample pnga of the Afcw Worr r,snucimurr of f<egnhrr our) India Papuns, siobooklet "Yorr nrv. tho,lory," pricea„ctc. '.othose naming thi publication we will send fr ca cut of 1'uclret Lisps.

G. Ec C. MERR)AM irc CO.Sprin„fiert), Mass., U.S.A.-Ecf. f88.


Your Patronage Appreciated.


-'=-- "'-"-".:)

FARro<KWA rsArss< ~;P'--'. ~Bigrnrr~-==-=-=~,=,

g ~IIII '~eaaersas n III ns h

Ie-I -.~~ ]I='

g%IIPj, - IIII:



<b o

.—.l.ea..t.i--..ros reriIIy

May They be Yours This Coming Year.

We cannot insure your health but we canhelp you insure yourself for future content-ment and prosperity which will lead to finan-cial independence.

Our Savings Department is intended for,just such a purpose. Every dollar you putinto a Savings Account in this bank is a dol-lar saved for your future prosperity.

One Dollar will start your "ProsperityAccount." Add to it regularly in amountsto suit your convenience and watch it grow.Interest at four per cent compounded semi-annually.


Phone SI2IdahoKendrick.

Dr. Jesse H. BurgessVom eyes given a <borough scre<stific


Glasses guaranteed <o 8< and recornmonded

only if absoluteiy necessary.

Steers Buiidiag

Moscow, )DAHO

HKNDRICH LODGE NO. 26.A. F'. . A. M.~ ~


Meets every second andlast Jhursday of the mont]r.

M. B. Mcconnell, W. M,

E. T. Long, Secretary.

A. H. OVKRSNlTÃAttorney-at-Law

Third StceeiUct)uhar< Bur)ding

Moscovf<f, Idaho.r

N. R. Shepherd

The Auctxoneex.



Residence Phone 684

Kendrick Dray and Ice Co,

Frank Boyd, Prop.

HorseshoeingGeneral BlacksmithingWagon and Carriage ShopAll work Guaranteed.

ALL KINDS OFRepairing neatly done.

Frank Crocker

Wm. H. MeyerB]acksmithing„'agon Work



All Work„Guaranteed

J. J. PICKERDLicensed Embalmer

and Undertaker

Auto Equipment. Lady attend-ant. Stock of goods in Ken-drick. Phone 462K, or 376-Tr'oy, or see


Save Your Shoes

hly modern repair methods preserve the corn fortof the old shoe. Save $by~having your shoes re-paired before they are toobadly worn.

Kendrick Harness Shop

Weary With Caution.Tn dprt) v))t)) ) )nr)n wb<s )s always

"h)g)) p(run)r," after ambi)P, makes oneveyy <vuary )vith «su<inn.

Page 3: - 1924 - The Kendrick

)('Toav potNT

~ ~ lr ~ II'" t~ ~

~ ~ ~

> John Hchctzle returned to Spok-ane Wednesday to beg>n his schoolwork.~Joe Davis came up from Lewiston,'1.'uesday, to spend a wh>le with his

'on, Cushman.We hear that Henry Garoutte has

', rented the Ed K>mberling ranch nnFix ridge and expects to move hisfamily there soon.

Charles Hi l I left Tuesday for'ladd>n, Nash, to attend to h>B

min>ng interests there.QLew Stevens of Guldesac vis >tedthe first of the week with h>s

; daughter, Mrs. Robert Ste>gers, atthe Chas. Hill home.

~,'School work was resumed Wed-nesday, January 2, atter a 12 days


> /Mrs. Ike Steensma has bee» tacK-ing qu>its this week. The last fewdays makes us.all think of what be-


came of our last summer's wages.

/Mr. ancf Mrs. Robert Steigers'pent the Chrlstrnas holidays at the; m>ll.

,, X, W. M. Evans of Texas ridge ar-rived Saturday to visit w>th his

t" daughter, Mrs. Ike Steensma.Mr, and Mrs. Jess Gox were din-


.'ner guests at the Bill Hchetzle home.

~Kathleen Brand of F>r Bluff Far>n

"s ent the hrst of the week visiting" with Marie Dygert.


Is Made of Cast


It will not rust, rot, corrode, warp: nor split. It is", self cleaning. It i'

light, yet has lifetime durability.

The shape of the tub makes it easyto work with. There is no machin-

ery exposed. Everything is housedIII.

«~»- «~Pa 0"Pi dl.'Zty - .— ~~~g~s' fj


Everyone who has used this newwasher says it is the easiest washerto wor)~ with they have ever seen.

"See a Demopstfation" and learn

why it is called "A Tempest in aTub."


t'olders of the Fraternal TempleCo. we'll be »eld Tuesday, Janu'ary', 1924.

W. M. McOiea, Secretary. 52-2tNOTICE TO CREDITORS

ILL54e 4 A I, l~lM~SS A ~4H,ae'eet ~aa l4444 ———

Estate of Charles Amelif>gDeceased


Estate of Edward P. Atchison, De-'ceased.

Notice >s hereby g>ven by the un-dersigned, adn)in>strator oi theestate oi Edward 1'. Atchison de-cease>f, tn the creditor: of,,';and all

!persons having claims aga>nst thesa>d deceased, to exhib>t them w>ththe nece.sary vouchers, w>th in tenmonths after the first publ>cation

'of this not>ce, towit: I r>day the14th day of December, 1923. to thesa>d adm>nistrator at the office ofthe Probate Judge, at the CourtHouseat Moscow, idaho, the samebeing the place for the .transactionof the bus>ness of said estate, inLatah Gountv, State of Idaho.

W. E. Atchison,Adm>n>strator of the Estate of

Edward P. Atchison, deceased.'I)ated at Mocsow, Idaho, th>s

tenth day oi December 1928. 50-5t



l I',g„'-.'-'2It> ~,:~;. t>ET

V 0




0]t"'af<3c,~;.t "l 9gLJ



I „2)E.CV, Cnic pre .'1<let>011

,'I I 1 o!.>eve, has m»dc it pos:


2 .">i'io if)col'Povalic )fi iflisI

ncvv tvp teiivlllg calf a> uD Lvcv o.: d "c>dcc'nl-pvovemcitcs without in-

'I'At'0Car cart be c:b:ai rteaf I I>r<>tr",It f.'te Ford 6'~ee 'Iy Ptr. eh= se I'i a>t

3effreys-Murphy Auto CompanyILewiston, Idaho




OAy s Tv((tot(s Tt<AGToR$

'Notice is he>'eby given by theundersigned, executrix of theCiliate nf Charles Ame]ir) g de-ce>tsec1, to the creditors of, «u(1all Persons havifig <'.Iaims agaif>stthe Said deceased, to exhibitthem wth the r)ecessary vouch-ers, within 'eff months afternotice, to tl)«said executrixnt Kendrick, Idaho, the samebeing the place for the frn)sac-tion of the business of saidestate, in Iiatah County, Stateof Idaho.

I>IDDIE AMEI>INGExecutrix of the Estate

of Cl>nrlect A>zl< ling> Deceased.Dated at Moscow> Idaho,

De<.. 31, 1928.

Cei) S C) CV; Tlg thc in< "v>VOV('-d

<"p )b ~ 2': i, ce Qf t.lc lscÃ'1 ~r.l Tc:.v'n,=, C ", oncW~<2'd i n i> '"!

y C.".'P Ct a

so) a r SystemSo)av gyp>< ttt i»a)<ra no mistol-cs aod

keeps on gu)ng..H<t»)au-society -mayfollow a si»til:iv faultless course, iospite. of the. 1»istttkes we think we see.

(Odd Sou)s.

There are c>dd soi)ls,, <vho, if peo.pie w)11 not be saved from destvuc>)ouhy them, get marl ot them.

A comparison extenclingover alar)- p v)odof yearswili. Teveal the fact thatth. present price is actu-;Zy thc lo.z -st at V.erich'Ehc f)vc "passe))ger opencsr has,ever been ecJd>.

, >>llli"


a ee I <0 2X

'sI ~ i[ II I I'I 9!~ Il I

Are YOU getting your share of the big money."SHUBERT" is paying for furs? If you'e not,that's your fault. %'ate up I Get "$HUBERT"prices for your furs from no>v on-just take a lookat the prices quoted below. for Idaho Furs!That's what "SHUBERT'" v;ill pay on anhonest and liberal grading. Our shippers right in

your own n igh)t;orhooc'. are reaping; a goldenharvest. Get ir. On 'c)-.i,"- t tig nr,.:ney!

COMIL. CN'" %V' '-l "I.'QUR FURS

~stree-va ssase&,SAI4I&teWC>r<S>.atuasi .,~aesu>s r~e>< 04'acne>rau>t~t~ai>-

i ffeftrfRA>fpC'i) HH I>ois< r i t'5'':u;'f)t"; ! )'0) S)ldLI- I N'Lrssss To


'llrsrse 7 se'asa ' (., >r ': sv>>e > a ~ > re t. >"Tcest fss re su(ssesttr>t


>k".,:...:...'200f>)180916 '281;15 0'4( 50t'. l2 %1050 tc 800 10 50 to 5 00

» 'if„. 16.00lo14.50!14.00to'2.50~1!.M'tc ",.6» I <.50 to 6.00 7.50 to 3.50,


2A0>e 200 1.15>o <.3."l> i.25ta .0>>i .05>e .50,05 to .35!iI

'%V'E~0> i".~ ~~ I8&e..... i 2.00t» 150 1.251() .90 85ft> .&0'50 I>) .35 .50 to,25i

ISftk>>el... 1.15t>) .85 $0fo .60 .50lo .35, 30fo,20 .30tf> .l5


The»e c>rtremely high prices are based on the well-known



"SHUBERT>s STANDARD GRAVING and are quotedfnr immediate shipment. No. 3's, No. 4's, poor >U>prio)e

a ld OtherWiSe i-n.feriOr SkinS St h>0r>eea. mart>et Value.

Darx't delay xanathex xxf>in>txtel Quick actionmeum> XX)E4M>e XXMlrl><e+


! HlLXNPP'IKR A 05ki|PXYRIE.'HL~ (g4)


Has your motor lost powerf If so, it needsattention at once. Let us give it a thorough go-ing-over. Don't neglect it too long —it's experi-sive to delay. All work guaranteed.

Good Prices oxx Tires Expert Battery Service

Kendrick Garage Company

WANTEDMake Me Offer

I'tory House on

jtiast Main Street

G. F. WalkerIten) Estate A Insurance

Cattle, hogs and sheep

Hides and VE'ool.


Holbrook & Exnmett

FOR SALE: Powerful 8-tube rad>nuutfit. Can hear New York with it.In fl>'st class concl>'t>0». See O. E.MacPl)erson, I(en()rick. 48-tf

1<'OR SALE>: 6. H. P. Fa>rbanks-Morse gasol>nc engine on truck.Phone 6186, Galloway Bros., Bearridge. 48-t f

Pure Bred Live StoclcSolve Feeding Problem

(Prepared by the 11niteti states Departmentot Agriculture.)

The extent vo wbicli pure I>re<1 livestock helps solve farmers'eeding prob-lems is a stvil.-iog result of n ques-tfonnoive iovesti"ation just rumplctedby the O)titrd Stot'cs Department ofAgriculture, In this st»dy nearly r>00

practical stock»)cu dcsrvlbed wits>their most s< vious feeding pv(>bier»swe)e ood bow they avc mceti»g them,

Ill on<5<vcr to flic 0»> si foil, "Do yo»find tbof live sto<.k of I»)pvovc<l bvecd-Ing m»1<e gvrotcv g»ins or producemore >lion scrubs ov <.m»i»nn stockw))rn fc<) i» the some w:Iy?" there wasalmost »o;ioi»iu»s agree»ieot on thebettevvcs»its obtained in feed)»g Im-

prove<1 live stock. >Xfost vci>)fes g;ivespecific >ig»ves <i>2 iltc czte»t of >'u-

peviuvity ts'shoivn 1>y financial returns.The fi »ves varied ivi<)elv tvith an;tv-erage st>peri<)vity of 8!).0 prv cent forthe impvovcd stocl-. Iit general, purebred stocl.- czcelle<l tltc gv»des and thegrades >n e» t)y exec) ) c<l scvubs.

Comfoentf»g on i)ic result,,'livestocl'peci»listsin the Depsrtioent of A>vf-

culture point o»t t)i;it improved si.ockls more likely to receive somcivl>at bet-ter feed a»<l cove, yui, since good stockan<) go«() feed a»d cove gn together Co

commonly, ibe pev cciit ivcn is aboutvvhat others mny ex'pret ivhen they im-

prove their her<)s oi flncks. 3>vbilc theresult l»cl's the pvcriscness of scleu-tiflc ivovk, ft liss os u, bacl'ound theaverage of . "0 years'xperience nfnettvly:300 pvociical live stock oivoevs,un<Iev fav») cnudltinns. The ffguve givenIs stidki»gly sii»il»v to thiit of 40.4 pevcent obtaine<l by flic department morethon o year «go as shoiving the su-perior»tility val»e of pure E>veds

over'oi»»iottstoclc f to)» ti geneva) far>»poillt of vlciv.

Aft)oy favmcvs, in discussing the su-pevinv ability of pure hveds io utilizingfeeds, gave interesting experiences. A

southern hog grower states that hispure bred a<vine mal>c 00 pev cent bet-ter grow>)i >lion scv»its on tliP sautefeet) ond r;)vr.

A So»tb D:<lento fav»iev told nf sell.ing tltvce good gvac)e steers oo

the't»ftho»ioi'ketfor >,>5.80 apiece»)ovcpcv lies<i than srv»hs raised 3vitb them..

An Ohio <)»ivy»ian kept milk recordsof gnJ»P. co»)It)on cows and pure bvedswit)) the v'exult that shnmcd a prod»c-

MONEY TO LOANOn first class farm mortgages at

51~ per cent interest, five to ten yearswith prepayment privi fleges. Makeapplicat>on today. Inquire Gazette.


. Try a "For bale" ad in the Gaz-ette. You will get results at l>ttleexpense.

FOR SALE or 'I'RADE: 2v,000capac>ty sawm) ll. Would takesmaller >»ill in trade or will con-s>der pardner. A. W. Longfellow,Linden. I 47-1t

if you are contemplating the pur-chase of a phonograph we have apropos>t>on that should interest you.Lail at the>Red Gross Pharmacy.


1'OR SA LE: 'Three-quartrr tonSamson truck nearly as good as new;A. W. Longfello'w, Linden. 47-1t

1''OR SALE: A No. I 1<'ord lour>ngcar in iirst class shape. JuliaettaGarage. 52-4t

bIRAYED. daik bay mate coltage 2 years; sorrel horse, brandedleft soulder 5 or 6 years hotli roach-eu mane last spr>ng. Arley Allen,L)nden. 52 2p

1'OR HALL»'. Pure blood Holly-wood White Leghorn cock erels, from270 eggs trap-nestea dames, $5.00each. L. A. Gr)nold, Route'd, Lew->ston, Idaho. '1-ti

Butterwrappers printed at theGazette 0$ce.


4;"-~ svae4 ~SHSwe 0&«Wt ~ 4 WS"Ws»e eWWW ee

Breedei Is A.nxious foiStrong Litter of Pigs

When tbP sums .st)i)'t f:tvruwiug fo-'tin. -r>>11 tb'e-'1>)'0<.IrcffesfS;hnifO)>>)" thht

there will be )argo litters of strungand vigorous pigs. This ct)u be ac-complfsbed lf the feedhig and care ofthe bvuod sows.is»dcquate. Us»t>lly,the bevd during tbe suro)oev )1)u>)ebs

are»odcv, )0)uve ftrvovable conditionsthon In the tvin>ev. If they liave ~

pl oty of succulent fur><go, sha<le and)voter, most uf the pvubium uf fcudlugIs sulvr.(f.

T))c sows el<oil)d g<tfn cf)ullgl1 tu equal

tio» nt the c»(1 oi >lie year double thntof the common stoc)'.

Another fttvmcv reported a fee<lingtPgt-in ivhirli lic kept well-bred cattlea»<l scrubs in tltc g;11»c yard, all veceiv-

iug tl)P stt>nr v»tioit. Tlic good cattlexiii'irn(d )vb)le I)tle scvv<>I)s v(ioiiinefpooi'.

Scov<.s nf'imi):iv (experiences i»<li

c»te tliitt wrll-bvrd 1)vr stn<.k is nn im

pnvt tint »)<'.<<t)s iti v«1»ci»g f< edi»gcosts )1)id itlvvr:lsi»g iillatici;il v(et»v»s.

It fs of i»tercet fn ouie, 'however,tb»f, uu mat>( v ltoiv s>vu»g the conscn.s»s of opinion»tt)y be, there nve gc»-Pv<tlly» fcw on the negative side. Ofue»ily 500 ezprvt«)tccu, five oi,>bout Ipev cen>, f'r u»e reason ov;inutliev, b<td

f:illc<l fu succeed (vitli i»ipvoved stock. that which i)tuy will lose during the

Tltis f:ict, fnkeo into consi<lrvotinn tvfththe forego)» el:ibi, pni»>s tn n qi) p<.v

cent pvub»bi) ity that pure ltv«. I »»<)

iii»e of f»vvoiving;tnd the It)ct<)tfori

period wltic)t fni)nvss. Tiffs gain fuv

<) lilt<it>1'('. Suw sbulll0 bP. 1>i >l)P. ocfg)l-bov)tuud ui'Vu or Sfj p<tundg. The gt>in

sliould he.a lit>.lc )urger io the case,uf yr;tv)iog s<tws.

During tbc first part of thegcsta-'iui)

period,)t should not bc necessary.to feed gviiin lf the sows have aces>ssto a ood pasture.'very attemptshould be made to maintain tbe>u upongreen forage, because . the so)vs millthen have plenty of exercise an<1 tliecost of feeding aod care will be mate-rially decrease(L io addition this isthe ideal coudit)ou for a brood sow<tod later they vvill have an easier timein pigging, the pigs will come in bet-ter condition, and the'ilk f)ow willbe t)»)p)e.

T)ie sows shou)d never be »liume<1

to lose flesh, They should make therequired «sin lu flesh fndic»ted aboveau<) this can be dune during the lastbalf of the summer. During this timeaod up until the time ni't>vv'owing

the so<vs should receive some grain.If the pasture is o»c uf flic legume«rope th'e feeds»ecessary to supple-»ieut this may be ho)oe-gvo5vo feedsnv >hose which are usually easy toobtain. If the pasture ls just ou ordi-nfivy one ft >»ay b» necessfiry to pul'-

chase such feeds as tii»knge, linseed-of1 meal, shorts or i»lddlings to supple-ment the cnvn fcd, The amount ofgvt>iu to feed and the time fo startfeeding the ~»in will iill depend uponthe condiiloo of the sows.

The feed ivbich <t som requires fg

i»3portttot but t)ie shade and wntev arealso important considerations. Tbei'esbn»)d be pie>ity of shade and -thc)vafrv sbo»ld be fresh, cool and io am-

ple nmu»nfs. Io extremely hot iventherthere should be some place in mbichthe hogs ct)n wallow.—B. W. Fair-banks, Associate Professor Anima'I

H»shnndvy, Cnlovadn Agricultllvfll Ool-


o> li<'v l)»)ivnv«<1 live stocl'ill:ii<1gvrtttly I» solving ecnnnml<. f«..di»gpv<>blrms. D<ttoils <tf the <lepov>tttrttt'srer<ot st»<)y of I'<.«))ng q»estln»s»toyl>P nbf»f»P<1 fvnm thr b»vrtiu of n»imollud»sfvy, Unfvp() Sin.frs Dep»i>i»e»t ofA vie»I>»ve '<V:tgb)ngl<tt) D. C.

Proteins and MineralsNecessary in Hog Feed

Cutisidcvf»g flic w)in) c prob)c)» of


leo), successf 1)I:)o<I sot isfactnvypork production wifh;i minimmnel)an< e uf loss fvnm <fig<ense <vb<,o n»Pst»dice the prob)<.m:< liitlr, it fs easyto scc that >bc fili)l g»c<'.ose»11'y tli'c:tpv<>gv»nt that pvnvi<lies:ts chc»)tly uspossible plenty of pl'oirins h»<l 1»i»-< v»)s I» tliP v:i>iu». And In gettingtliem c)>P.:)p)y hy t)ic»sr oi gvuw)ogcrops, we 11»vc g<>»c n l<»ig wtty fti

stttisfyf»g the s»»it:ivy vcquivcrtients bye)))<tin(tt)ng cb»»< rs nf loss fvoi» some<>I >lie co»ttt„~nits <llgcagrs mi<l p»t»-sites of th<. Ovevcvo<v<lr<l ling,lnt.

w4N ws ws'4 ws w s s 4 ~ ~ ~ ws ~ 4 ~ s s

LI|!IE STO!I:K NOTESwws4 ~ s'l %Ms 'ws ~ w s s«ws" ws

hill ti srr»l> E>uf! Aiun<fity»»<l uii

Tttrsd»y you'l l>r. h< Efuev»IT.

li'o»:tvu pl;<tining uo v:ilsl»g someguud pigs tin<1, g<t>ting into flic 11»gi-

n< t'a, if is nuit( iun < iivly Iu plan ituw

fuv yuur orxt ye<tv's pig crop.

I"xtvciuc for tltc I,I)ts n»d rsp<(i"llvtile old s(»vs ls»e<.'c>igovy if lol'ge lit-t('vs of strong, )1(ili)tlty )tfgs:)ve to beezpec><t<).


I'v<'>1'v Iiv<igv<'txsi v>'1 1vl»('.1')l<»1>1r»ise pure bre<l live stnck, »»<I everypingvrgsive I>lt'«: I< v 11r«ls rcrot<)s fol.

I'reping tverk <>f his bcvd. Safe."Tlirv s;iy that itc bas a past," sohl

hfiss Pvimley, and i))eve iv»s aive i»))< v voice. "W<11)," s1!)d >flss Sure<let>i>."if )» ling unc, fte g go)i)'u ftls >lowI)1»> I> w)I) 11<.v(11'vcl'fi<ke hf<f)."f. I<ay<3),'et>{) 1.(»1<)<!1'.

It ig l>est fn )1<iv(t 1»(>r< I.)tt<n oi]<

ptis>»vr for s)t<trp,;<It< r»»I i»" <:1< It

y«;tv. In >hits wttv tv<>»f>lrg fvn»t p;<v>1-

si>< «:trr vr<lu>'«I I<> n»1))lit»ill».

W)t.'t> "o»<1;!vr it»rite I'<>v<1<>»trsti»';1

1 f) e".>'z< e )>> fclv )>»r)>t>a«s nf')c-

i>'1, t e 1> iht r tn ~ <* Wl>e 1'< t <>e»>< g:<)tel.:1)1) <ie> s<>itte');ttttttg>,


l...' '..ea u tt >,e'<'ll .. <'3> E>e'lieu

Senoi',o >-c>>ks.

I I f>>!)<a >tv<.''.. 1<'1>tf')y g<'l>c',I IP I>t

>)1('ft'C>ni)> i!1<'V I>>'"»n>te;1)111»gf1'1l,',aifl.'>" I )>".e, g."act> >»<>et.

Page 4: - 1924 - The Kendrick


. meric,rrc < Si.ore 'Coxxx',oarxyThe Quality Store


Kendrick State Bang



,GLEANINrGS QM!sresxda.snd Mjs!e Igorqy II!sr-enCe MOrrey.and,JOhn UOI]uWa)f Were, Butterfat PrOduetiOllSpokane vis)rtorsr the "ffrsrt.;-"6f - tl)c g oew world'M record fur producil(ln


pf., butterfat in ou'i) year aver uli ,, l.-a)rS !.O (bees WarxxIt.:'Q. BOn))fi) ty W40r reoent]y SPCut their'aCatiOn at hOnie. 'teiil COXV OWim(l bV 'ny((I(yrrdule farm

r(jI)]Ig9efl';as',head of„:th~: depari:- Preaching service at the Lutheran nr vrtudr 'uil, ]u"boc's .f3eI'o l'Ius

I))'@pi>Of.''@groi)cii]Iij,:.:f)5',"'the UII]" church,:Sunday- January,-6th at ]I Segis Dhiie fresh((x)ng ni.. the u e ol IYou owc it to your. health to wear good, warm, wool f:lothing these winter ays

''f)ii'y.'Of"Silica]i)),'.,'.fiiiiChaiHed the 'a', fn,,'-. - .', .'... ". ',,nlir(i years dnd (bred ruonihs, .uu"! Start thc new. year right, by pure)lasing onc of our hcavv mackinaws, stacr shirts nr

j~" jovial)]LIbllrn 0f: '-': ', ':",~ ', ':(leigh)n ~ l,(I'I0 pourids, prnd)iced., '

~ +Mr. Hunter. 'aind Mre. MCGee Ot BSQ~.7 puiiudu Of .mi]k Cpirluiriing, SWCaterSs 'PriCeS ar'e r!CaSOnablC and. ynu may depend upnn thC fp»i«yi fbi


I 8 o

bV <4'ap])",„,uÃu."J ",', "o+'," e f'eck haveibeqn visiting at the boine j,r'leO.J> poun(bi of ixutterfut In')05iI.pn-..co, ',4e„',.''wi']] .:;pjve, c])arw'of of ttIs)r daughter and sister,'rs ~ Mesc()ffyc (hiys. Tll)s'n(ni)i)ut of but(er-tb]'del'd,s'Etl!garg'gn,'skjrd dr)part-. Ws'de"Jxegua, 'rrn,!s coque! !o t gangs prjrindc ot but- it you haven't taren ddtantjtgre of the bargain in men's all wool pants'' y» i".evu.In,.IIt, Ofk,,'ii%6-,.'5W, '„"':„:,,XMiaS. ]:mrna. Aa'S Viaiterd at the ter'," T»» I>r'd"Cu"",S"",p"SSpS 'iSSed, SOlqetlling gOOd. IWC O'OuOht thCSC antS at a bi~ reduCtiOn OVJCr regulr

;+': '"'.r f'.,I,'i<'o)iie of, tier brother 4ewis,)n Deary, for)i)er w»')d «co« .he)dc ";v unptheg

,„IIkIl)]p '",~o~,„P.)II)'»,t I'.'.tIg";.t:;+ fas) fveek.. '. ", 'liiin(nnr) Hi)1.'te)fr cow'by,5.ppuods.,iotf:. price and you may have the benefit of this splendid opportunjtg- to sa«i)tII),s"..'a%i) . I<eiigf'iclu f.hc, fir st of ': .."-' ':, -'., butter., '..., ~, '> r

tb'e "wee]- v']sit]nfyr fit(nfls. .'Tne HIg Bear Ridge',':]ted".-f'ross ':"Be(aruse of her'previous big)i'rec-','- 'rice'g6,'50,'ow sell ng EI $8.95. ou s 'e $'

qr]s]r)e t])']g]I, ',)lc])ob1 „bask(.t, bill !Iie8s:meeting an(i elect)on',of ofhcefs o~,-sir)ct')y ori)c)s) test, Muperv)I)cd f)y! '' *

tqj"„'!p.iejjovgs jojnbrprjw,.gftj'rnoon et.the,.'i'ajrey'scjjp'qi house, Ssturd!iv, "„", '':', ':; ~,l, ..., ... '.

~foit''Clair]fston 'wr]Ie'rc': t])ey''.'-,wf]],eyeii)nil;. January. "18 at;7:00 p. rn.

, b„' xnjportant busineiis jnatteriiwj!Ibe,: 'I ..;.-"!', G'OOd)rlfwh: p.~@ ",;:,'4 r(, ~".'.", )".',;,g .''... (feelded 'upon, 'and:;-.,tlie, aunnai

..",, 'n)embership- drive, wi]i .(lose thatg..':s'oc)ai . 'g'et-torgether ',' ...""- ''. '; GJ+Odrich I+-Press rubbci'ootwear is, tlic highest mar+ of II,;)Iles)s]')I;:;,ai)fl.',s'cail'fef:",''''foyelc . ]ii -+'itt) 't>)s"'h«"<as I„'"„,h "„",i]

'~<]]E~'"'-'t»e'o>oo]s"f:tba~ 'served by'the fad)er)ib'' You're:urg-,,"':..:"'. '"'':.'':": ". ', ',I - ."...,yt)u,havoc ills'cstcd in the'm. '13on't wear IcaKy. rubbers this winter whcil you cailp]k'C. mill.. I'en)aiii" oloaefl.']I]s ed to be present.' . '-

.g+oo] ''-wotI]f wi]] b( 'o, .', -;", . '. ';,, ", "", "' ',, ' ",", —, getjv Goodrich value at't hc Price of ordinary rubbers.'EYr), „.:,-,;,,-.....,,-,, ',,; 'Iheresu'N of the Christmas theirsSuIII(;(1 O'a)I)rib'ey, 7'..:; ';:,:, ... „'Sa]e 'fOr'hiS COmmuiiity WaS $9,g;.''" ., -'. ',"'*"""!"..'~


Miss Ai'ina Ass succeeded'in 'sel(in'j' ';, 'peKoi plus.se~glxsI,',D(M(ef ', ',,;;.;, '.

.'dIS, O)iii']e8 +b)its]i Eig'fuff Ani(.", .: the ''largest amount ok seals, a gc]',aprdi())))j -i](age Wax ar MOrS((OLW„V]Si. Wi»Ch She!haS beld fOr the paar'.!faur''Oth 't]ie HOinte)rr itri'('S4(uuASSOCipfpn',; ' E3i» L SIC Lr&CXXCS

,tei" laSt Saturf lap', ', year)]. ':,',';.: '''f AmeriCnrund the'DOailnibfi.dopa)du,



w o b I LiYfrf a'nd']](]rs 'gade'Keen 'e t,in~a't.of agric'ui<ure ()f!.can'r)du;.'whlc]

,)ji(I ..family ayrli%Vett,', „.fna6Ir'(IaX ':I, '",, "y":- .y-":""g .e;„p, e" . '.fbi"Siii br()(rdS OI" d(Il'ry'affle'nLO)Ln-r

fi'v4it blril"" ':Was]I"., f, visit - """=b- ""=":r' '"'ngt':: ><:,ad, '.', I,,';".."..>Ve'have.them in a fine assortment of colors and grades Yoi'gtr)ore approproiate to t]ie .„"holiday ',

~hat„', t]ie ]«m<., oc,.f,;,Mrr. „a)I(1,~frrs seas'o!h 'w'(„'r'Ik'vsed'fthru'()ut thr'e"::h'oem'e. ~: . 5 uys .;m .:n,,'.', - ~:::..~I -,:, a,, and size at a price you arc -w'illing'o Iy)ay.Jpll)(ba Rm)iietf. rMP.,POrteI'-,iS Muh)'C!a)id 'C'arid)i at]Orded esVei yan'eI)Ill')I)flite'j; 'of t])'e ]Ii&bef'rvr'ysar'fyI at a Irno'sC,'I)rj5jonyr'hb'le eveninmg-"('cai)sing,' "~'i'".:~e v

'~,'+S])urg.'."" .' ':,: .the- t)mq'o "pass only too)j))ickIyb

A fov'ely"s'upper tcoxrs)sting,.'o iisand-

'.Xfbr. 'Snd:.IMft!ni'Xinrgnid Rlijler WIC!ien; Xi!!add, piekleS, gd!rii":andy ', Z Z. Ce-'t~--- i "-'' ....Gus ShOe DePartment,itI'e1)af:eel„: fj])e", Spiry::"Q)po'll.,')resp coffee,w'as seived by tbe,. h'ostess,at '. 'PKQcx,;,~atur~ay.,

i+'ll'ce.c]ar;s$ „w'ee]f,,'";E]IIII 'v'fbi. In'a]<e. ini'dnigh't ':"All'. depar'ted 'fo',',ltheirit'.",t])uir",f]if)IIIC' T]Ie: ''LCM)ii""'V(I& 'hub)«'I<yihjr~:,-they hied"'SPet)t afi;: "

.'-,. " '..'--- ',: -, 'oney-:Can't'buy bC]ter ShOeS than .tile linC WC .handle. YVC Can fit ynu in dreSS

Intkf]C t»'i't)u4]i:.: <x.;-Ã +a]«er i „""g .p;, '" .,':',,::'~:- '', .-'.:. shoes:fear mcn and w'onlcn ind wc hive some splendid values to show you in men'

with her brother from )one, ]jr(tash.!: '~'-:..', 'cavy work shoes. Sturd'y shoes for the children.

<gt gA lar(re nuh)ber of.ne)ghbors I)lndt'AC]r)4~'A%t', 6 et,;Wa ~ 'y . P, friende gathered at the OSCar; MOfeiy,tlfp',;,ljo'lirlaJs'vitn;. t(tdrr'Ppsetrgfntsri; borne, 'wednesday:to gree Mr.

aod.'grre,:,,aijjr)')Stre:!k.:;;rl.,:r~rrrgrngcg, Mvs L'dd!e .tislloway: a rnnsrng' n~": ',.: P': ..

j ~~@ ~l OC'BX Q XJCPRFimCA":-' I,::L:I X(ug andi!((~gilt jijiarivsrj. 'kveryone 'was given a



0 ey ~

n)ce tre'f)t,j after wh)cl) the 'happy'"

O'rS Of MggCOW ar'rtrgdr."', un',y O'cup!grass!ired COhgrajO!atane and ] ', " l, FOr grneeriea PhOne SS. We are aiWnya gjarr ttj gjj yOur OrderS frOm Our frnvb:, $O>'ViS]t )]t tbe b04('-"-Of '',Mr >'W'ef] WiSheS fram a large hOSt Oi bessorrabie stock.


. It; ':M. NE')]ker of 'Pe'ck was v'isit'-

)n0;;,hu)ih so nS,t5orr)s,"unid 'Flo yd, for Q FAIRVIEW ITEMS . ', 'p" - ~


a"s')ort ti)'pe')I(tednesday'.;-',',>'f)3r. and Mcrs. Virg)l I li;shrnan and:) ', ' -;: '™-

~Mr,.!a))d,Mris.'ober<,,8pei)cenr myoved'aiir)))ly, 'iss ]"dna and "lj(((obdrow'o':,']087'f]no the f]r(St'- of!,the'.weeks Fteshff'rsn'' were ca]]ere at flic pugh" '

wfe)ve'..tI]ir-.,.bPencer:;h')]s, a. 1)os)tibn as par)ls'ho)'Qe Thursday eveiijing-'- .';"d]e)lit 'at::, ttIi.-'.depot ".'i'I)ey. m'ay re; <,s.,"„-

r!.:",;:::r,;;:,:;;,;:jI'Ir:edict tljji,po!litton of,'c!grk rs siri. gnocir Hart!sonsnd:daugjtte!II,;;)(>.',"-..",.."",,'„-»'<». ])eel.uP blare a]fain; .;.,", ',,',...'iss Beryl,-,w'ere,dinner gueats,at '

- )I

;,:.t ~e:,.!I!st-'rof, tbe .:eye!::to.ssjrure'e sh

t;pollrtron!;.Iii, tlrei(in dr!I I! hints,:s,'an'k:W.djj..., r .:;,. » G] I.!;:," rent!c'*::jn M" "".""'P "'"'"''n thcfincst d'; bach; i,'inbJ:;:.:,tl)@,'':baei)]et''at'.,that. p]aae.',t])e Week end 'at the hpme Of h)S

,e wio]ikp'lI;snot)er "tifme fofr! the Spok-. Mi]ster; Mrs. McCa]i. ', 'b'IC ch'aracteriIatipq of,.,lI]fc)I., q5'I((~err meu), on cake'und cracked oats.

A, f]umber of young people from career., as Brut'Har c's':fagf-'„- ~ddedo e ' fheir. rew 'St«nded tbe: dante at ous wild giii or thj) ted(in':-''j]cjrercosr end oneroiirrhpound orbooe-

por.ted a splendid t))ne. ',I

' ' ','.-,!Joliaetta 1'riday evei)ing:,and, re. — ~. i ', 's ' .

' '"..,,.;:meui.,,"8he'wus'fed at the r',t of o e

Mr;:)nd.Mf's'i8dg'rebuts ah'd un, g Mr. and Mt's, virg) l lj'leshman 44~% I".:::~ ~ g I r'('pounds of mii'k piodueed. Hoer rough-

p'd4'y"",, fterf)oof) I ) and family'were dinner guests, It'r)- ', ', QQ'Q'g„~Q'0 iegebconslsted rr)'uin)y of mb(ed huy'ain.ti)f')i'"Crier"'fOrr'I'eil]Stet]"..',"';Xh'ey hSVe .day, at th'e hOme Of Mr and Ml'S..r ":' „'.; Immme Cpru S)ingeb nhd beetS. Ail Of, I:

rstartved'; ttO"lN64e 'tt)eirl household Ain)el 'Peters at J„e]and,'

' ~r " '/+I gQpg' )lust summer she wus. let','ut .to pns-

gro4dis',)i)to',-'their 'h(i)I'te tiiere. Mr;, - ~QQ .gp Q~'», 'sture two hoirrs'u dny.'

Li)tz,(I)I'i]I tIe'Iie'Pec,'part,.t}f . th'e tilne ~".:~ 'aug]'v and daughter .::', »", A'our-yvene-n)dv son'of the new chnm- ~Mkf'r,'"a.".6!W.,'dfiyei 6fts(rr Which he Wil] '"y, MrS..Yh)l)p Daughefty rgns ~ I ', ~ X'i i Ip)On reeentfy HO)d ut.pubiiC uuCilOff fprIhls''is a lav 'ou will cnd rsjrsiil))jgCF',

<y'picÃ":a'i], oi'-'i)))i;:.tftne in ] owfstion abd daughter Phyl is, were pas; 'I ' pl - y, ', ty4,Ioo ut the Nut)onui Holstein,suie..,",w'jrdr's''!h'5; tier, s very gbod:pug!tron angers to spokane, sunday to spend Inl'.",

'everal days.ri ",'V'>6rd;;WlfS reCei'Vedrhe're':IQSt. Week Litt]e,SJ]dney COX )S reperted,uft '','.

gt, I'. A d ~ '..' ~. I, /of" ",tl)e.,malt)i) fg of M)Ss j,,ditl) . „„, o o . p .:,.

C J td, ',. As, men «dv((rice rn life uil pnssloas

'yonirptbnslld 'IMrpl( gorge j'rrrjson; '.negro lrs., ';,ri".." Ot)en y ..rmoive tberiise!ves,!nto, mone!r.. Love, . g likyI pbOtt):.;-ee]II„.finruiIjt)f,',young 'pewup]e Of:/Mr. and'ra. J, L, Glenn Spet)t i, III' G'" 'i

H py',-. 'fkml>iriOn, eVen ppitry, end in thlS.— THING TO

ggndjjrrk rr,'Xnirjr'rtqjti: rngjre thnrr the iVeek end in f eW!Stun ana LaP-boil!p.rn:Los .jtljgslss,:.whe\e Mr. w"r MT~BANN. ON"store'. -: Mrs. 'curlson', ]irg"..beein a,family iwele dinner'uests at the


' -:-'; . '. ' conunori'~ense beu'rs.())scozhfort forsuccessful'., teacher; I", thevr bLatah rJames He]ton home, sunday., ccO g n's crl'f'the'torgn" «1 rensonuble t)if)e; '~'em])e'ramentscounty schoolq as vw.'q]lb as!n,the 6) yschooi'i":ot", Bo]se, Where; sho. spent XMr. nnlf'rs. Fraiik tIt') ]ken "an(f

!.: ' two, years; .'gi,;I f'„'sr]sons was as-,two ch]ldren'were guests'for 'blew ( BS"D.")V. Grifhtli, s'ceja'terd: frat,:a;,rnouijifier, of.years in " s dinner" at the hrime;ofiM'r. '"' '' " „",Notice to EX-'Service Men'he bat'durare'business ])er'e,w)tI) his nd Mrs.'red BchocfBei: 'at /am- 'r . ~


']' . To,have sonicthingi to "bank on.'leans in

brot])'er.,-,,A'>:::1<v carlso";, . ".;>.",,',)'-," '-—— —,,„., t~

I There. will be a )nseting t can- cvcryday languages something vrhich can bc counted.,'.,-.i'tii. 'j9I]I]I(itIIijie':""rClub rwiii ))lest at'~„<']r "d"y su"""" we<i .,',,I':""f« "''- '.' ''': '."'"'""' ')on Post No. 66, A. L. at the Gity 'n relied upon in case of emergency.,jh' j(i'-'g'l%rnlrqS ]br!e rrndnbj(gjr, bi

"'> ".", .I'C J''I"..I, I'Ome, ](]reW Ken(]rrek Hall here, MOnday erenrirg, January I

eddlgf)IIy,'; JI)]I)'uarry 9. All n)enlrbers. eiv Year s h've. A nice cia'wd was,I

''l'y"".:-;"".'' ',-„..p)'es'ent 'nd ev'cryo))e en'joyed a'acs0, «t 7 o'lock. ]affect)on of of]icers I lhe vers famlluntv of this expression indic t

i kn(f other important business.I

thC value to you Of a savjnos b;ink accountr es r

'. f'f)untv Agent ]riots]ier this week',was served, at midnight and .lots of — . —,.I,;,-] Tn liavc a (yrowin savin s- accounorde('eu'thi ti]rd Car]Or d Of . (fat I furl )Vt)') eXper)eneed by the.erOWd —=::—: ——=- -- '-„".-„-,'---:-===—:-- —— ——= — — '''

g . a 'ingS- aCCOunt —One WhiChfor"Iiatah cbI)ntyt tvhici), w'iii be un- while eat'fng the birthday cake, ae


''i...'1'-,' 4 'I, ~an bc rclicd upon for aid in any emergency —is]oa'fled and:,disti'ibutef'i froin f)oy, 'it cof)fa)nkvd a ring, thimble, button,~ 'omething well worth worKing foi..'1 hlI, ship)1)ent'' '-cons)'sts * of'0'000 nnd ten cents of;course no oi)e ivan

ung e(l to hnd the button or tiiimble,as'.'i; If y u thinks riously about th's mattcr;- you are75 farmmeerrS frcni:: 8 d!It'erent'cm-'hey rbnreeaeeitbtrd tjje Ojd.bache!Or a'nd

I '1,; r:jQ:, r, Certain tO Come tO the ubnnjugiun that RIOHTu)unities.;: old n)aid while the rii)g and ten cent

piece represented a wedding in the lVO~V is the time to open such an account. 'I'histj(Ir.:.iI)d,M)';:,'C, G. Oi(lfield left near futuie and riches. g j friendly bank will welcome you and be ~lad tTuesf]ay:.:for" Yul])nun where they, 1 '&1 e ga 0

wil] make:the)r boi))e. Mi. OIdt]cld'r. and Mrs. J.L, f'leon spentÃew iiandlc your business —no matter whether your dc

has a'ery satisfact'ory position as Years day at the John %r ody iloillc poslts are small or large.assistant; cashier of the Yul]man "n American,r'dgbthte.Ba,k, r o ou goo s '- '"'yy'QU<$ ~RSogl~e ellgllle W'ltHCl)sing)ella)n.','he, Oldfields, have A mule quxrrief')s co)xs)dered n fail.

.rented a home just across the street «e if it hus n(x Selection per'iiii'it)rigfrom Mr. and Mfs. A. R. a<bun)aker, the tenor or the basso In reach

— who are a]so formet'.Kendrick peopie ultlmute note possible. mao'neto I

and close friends of tiie Oldlieldfamily. Disease Hits Limes.

(I'wr 1 ianoper- . pr c pnl in()ustiy of that island,I

p of t d tb a t }1e 1s ) et t 1 11g ahistory with serious curtal)nrPr)t froiri

~, 'hew)thering tip diseuse.t)glS&e&ll

r Profitable Weight for urged, therefore. ro mcrkei tire!r p!gs

Hane ne 'hose W)to are in i "run doivn" Londive and Miss AlmaIt)g)xi p[ from I ( ()

fh«»»i 1 «) ey hu '< reuched heuv)er)S Wel'e LC W inluii V )Situ)'S tlie llf St i)on will no(ice that Catarrh bothers r

e gxi o rom iu io Ipg

of <he week. them much more than when they are in I1 t. ' 'e 'II f pounds he hnd better be marketed, rc.

good health. This fact proves (liat whii: L~ ports Vice Consul Bnrringer, Iwifnst,., t:irrh is a local diseiise, ii is greaiiy I Irs ) ~ ~ 'n()ttcnccd h)r constitutional < ondi(iona.nnc 1 f'> I4C Idonc 172 se o n en m up nny )r)ore y otor.

iron) ttfsncuuver, L. O„ ls'riduy, HAI I '8 CATARRH MEl3)tniicrln con- l ~ARMKRS ~ ~ARD%ARE COMPANY wou)d require niore I'eed than the cx-I

nused more denniswhere she was cn]le(f by the iiliiess s sts of an Otntntent which rulc)()y 1m poil( hi worth. The smaller h

inst year thun Eyphoid fevp~E(el)eves )Jy local appiicaiion, and the N.-dr Q orxxxxxoaxtie sof her sister. fniernai Medicine, a Tonic. which assis(- pig the greater tire guin in live weigh) bi dg """scn")"1 fever <'~in-

Mrs, ranccs o ni off a returned.n improving (hc Genera! IIeaiih

drug ists i or ot er co g cirrofroni the cnnsumptioa of n given q(run ..Apparently fo'iks ar d

Ues u) 1 g p « " ' C tiun ~ ~ y & Go., Io(edo Oh)o prob) ein.