Research in to adverts for digipaks.

Research in to adverts for digipaks

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Page 1: Research in to adverts for digipaks

Research in to adverts for digipaks.

Page 2: Research in to adverts for digipaks

The poster advertises the release date for the album, and by ordering the viewer to ‘pre-order your copy now’, a sense of urgency is show.

This urgency provides an implication that the CD is of a fine quality, so viewers will need to hastily buy the album. It also implies that the CD is of a limited supply, so must be pre-ordered, otherwise it may sell out.

The artist’s name is written in large font, so is very eye-catching. This is important because it is his debut album, so the producer of the poster would want his name to stick in the viewers’ mind.

A long shot is present on the poster. This is the same image that is on the album cover, which will mean that you can recognise what to look out for when searching for his CD.

The font is written in capital letters, which are clear and easy to read. This means that they are very engaging.

The colours are interesting. The white font works really well with the picture of the sea, as it’s as if it’s the foam. This presents a natural feel.

This works with the layout, which is engaging to look at and read.

Page 3: Research in to adverts for digipaks

The colours used are ironic, as Sheeran regularly uses orange in reference to his ginger hair. The use of white and black for the font makes it easy to read, and thus engaging.

The name of the artist and album titles are eye-catching, as again it is his debut album, so it needs to stick in viewer’s minds. The font used is also really clear and easy to read.

I find it really interesting that the album is being offered for free. This is a promotional campaign that I find to be unusual for new artists to use.

There are possible ways to download the album listed along the bottom of the poster. This is a good way of ensuring that the viewer knows how to get the CD.

The artist is shown to be most important on this advert. This attempts to make him more recognisable, as he was a new artist at this time. It is also the same image used on his album cover, again presenting a way of familiarising yourself with him.

A close up shot is used to show the artist, which draws the viewer in. He also looks quite mysterious, which would create intrigue in audiences.

The layout is really easy to interpret, and I like the focus on the artist as being primary.

Page 4: Research in to adverts for digipaks

This poster uses very dark colours. This is unique and presents quite a moody tone, which is interesting.

I find it attention-grabbing that this poster lists Sabre’s tracks from the album. This is not a feature that I really like myself however.

The poster advertises the album title and release date again, which are shown to be conventional and important features that I should use myself..

Sabre’s website is written on the bottom of the poster, which is interesting as it provides audiences with ways to find out more about him.

His name presented at the top of the poster looks like some sort of logo. This presents him as being a ‘personality’ as an artist.

A close up image is used to show Sabre, which draws audiences in to his seemingly ‘pensive’ personality, which is a feature I like.

The layout is unusual, and it does not really look like a poster, due primarily to the track list.

I like the font that is used, as it is clear and easy to read, with the white against the black background working alongside this.

Page 5: Research in to adverts for digipaks

Ezra’s name is the primary focus point of this advert. It is again his debut album, so he needs to be recognised as an artist.

A high angle shot is used on the poster. Although there are other people on it, Ezra is shown to be the most important, and is therefore the first you notice.

The image of Ezra and the title of his name are tied together nicely, which presents him as an artist well.

Again this artist has a link to his website on this poster. This allows him to promote himself as an artist. The use of the phrase ‘out now’ is common, and lets the viewer know when the album is out.

I really like the font that is used on this poster. It is capitalised so it easy to read. Also, the white font against the dark background makes it stand out more.

The colours of the background are quite dark, which I find to look effective.

The layout of this poster is interesting, as it looks ‘clean’ and is pleasant to look at. I really like this quirky way of laying it out.