TENSEGRITY HOME HEALTHCARE Seth McFarland, Stanley Liu, Andrew Kim John Wilcox, Josh Stroud Final Group Presentation for ME 110 – New Product Development Spring 2013, UC Berkeley

Product Dev w/ NASA, Final Presentation

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Spring 2013: I was a member of a New Product Development team partnering with the NASA Ames Research center to apply cutting-edge robotics technology for eldercare in the home. Go space or go home.

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  • 1. Seth McFarland, Stanley Liu, Andrew Kim John Wilcox, Josh Stroud Final Group Presentation for ME 110 New Product Development Spring 2013, UC Berkeley

2. nce 3. SENIOR CITIZENS fear losing their independence more than they fear. Aging in Place in America, Prince Market Research, 2007 4. The Problem (big picture) 35 million seniors now, 50million seniors by 2020 Aging in place 5. The Problem (zooming in) OUR USER How do we allow seniors to livetheir lives independently? Strategic partners 6. Mission Statement Assist in-home caregivers and senior citizens with every day tasks using robotic partners. Benefit Proposition Mobility, independence Primary market Elderly 7. Core Challenge 8. Process 9. InterviewsELDERLY I tried living in a nursing home for six months and hated it. We dont want to live with old people ever again.DISABLED Nothing for us without us.DESIGNER Pretty much everything in that store needs to be redesigned.NASA ROBOTICIST Tensegrity is great at mimicking biology. 10. SOCIAL CONNECTIONINDEPENDENCEUSER NEEDS SAFETYMOBILITYDIGNITY 11. Concept Generation Concepts were originally grouped by both form and function 12. Concept Selection 13. Concept Selection/Early Prototypes 14. Prototype Videos 15. User Feedback Users had difficulty understanding thefunctionality of the Social Ball. Tripping hazard! 16. Common Problem Several of ourgrandparents had a problem common among all seniors:Standing up and sitting down. 17. Simple Solution: theTensegrity Chair 18. Design Features Lightweight Durable Comfortable Cost-Effective 19. Triple Bottom Line 20. SAFE: NO MORE PAIN, FEAR, OR HUMILIATION DISCRETE: ASSISTS WITHOUT GETTING IN THE WAYEMPOWERING:RECLAIM YOUR INDEPENDENCE 21. LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS: LOW ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT HOMEGROWN INNOVATION: MADE IN THE USA SIMPLE MANUFACTURE = SIMPLE REPAIR Life Cycle Assessment of Tensegrity Lift Chair 0.16Impacts per Functional Units0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 Manufacturing Life cycle stageUse Life cycle stageEnd of lifeEnvironmentally Friendly MaterialsTransportation Common MaterialsTotal 22. HUGE POTENTIAL MARKET: 1 IN 8 AMERICANS GOVERNMENT SUPPORT: $550 BILLION IN 2012 UNDERSERVED: ALMOST EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE REDESIGNED.50 MILLION BY 2020 23. Triple Bottom Line SAFE: NO MORE PAIN, FEAR, OR HUMILIATIONDISCRETE: ASSISTS WITHOUT GETTING IN THE WAY EMPOWERING:RECLAIM YOUR INDEPENDENCELIFECYCLE ANALYSIS: WHAT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT? HOMEGROWN INNOVATION: MADE IN THE USA SIMPLE MANUFACTURE = SIMPLE REPAIR HUGE USER BASE: 1 IN 8 AMERICANS GOVERNMENT SUPPORT: $555 BILLION IN 2012 UNDERSERVED: ALMOST EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE REDESIGNED. 24. Lessons Learned Tensegrity: A Solution in Search of a ProblemSeniors Need Better Design Bridging the Gap: Research vs the Real World 25. QUESTIONS? 26. Image Sources old people walking - http://aiminglow.com/2012/12/the-walking-dead/old-people-walking/confident kid - http://www.thechangeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/self-confidence.jpg happy old people - http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/Health/2009/July/660/371/ELDERLY_COUPLE_HAPPY_640.jpg?ve=1 Ashby village logo - http://documents.clubexpress.com/clubs/748044/graphics/AVlogocolor-web.png chair in shower - http://www.hsa-remodel.com/images/portfolio/aging-in-place/aging-in-place-bathroom-01.jpg patient in pain - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HxqxnwRwsX8/TYUkfsnTOeI/AAAAAAAACUQ/dlMQAx97QHA/s1600/earthquake-in-japan-05.jpg woman falling - http://mobbhhc.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/elderly-falling.jpeg chris finn wheelchair - http://pgoaspryliving2.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/chris-finn-power-wheel-chair-coach-disabled-athlete-inspiration-spry.jpg?w=487&h=292&crop=1 Triple Bottom Line - people - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2T2XNIbAZ-s/T5-zfAjO_gI/AAAAAAAAINc/CBk42qEJPeQ/s1600/people.jpg planet - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IMwxkO8aIm4/TzU_rMHdfZI/AAAAAAAAC0Y/_jFZyLiH2So/s1600/planet_earth-13848.JPG profit - http://blog.offerchat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/larger-profit.jpg AV member (old dude and wife) - https://documents.clubexpress.com/clubs/748044/graphics/bg_sidebar_about.jpg mars rover - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d8/NASA_Mars_Rover.jpg/300px-NASA_Mars_Rover.jpg grandma - http://dreamlandinteractive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/grandma.jpg ed roberts - https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLjYf6soQVkr2cxjORf_MyMoZ3HVbZzhsV3zlzlDAB-DuHFahWSg director dsp ( Paul Hippolitus) - http://www.berkeley.edu/news2/2011/08//waiv_PH150.jpg bathroom - http://toxmystery.nlm.nih.gov/text_version/images/toxmystery_bathroom.jpg tub - http://www.superiorwalkintubs.com/wp-content/gallery/Superior%20Product%20Page/XL%20Comfort/Imperial-1.gif old people walking - http://aiminglow.com/2012/12/the-walking-dead/old-people-walking/ glasses - http://www.ritzyreaders.com/images/oxfordRJ044-black-ang.jpg old people safety sign - http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a06/2i/15/recommended-activities-elderly-1.1-800x800.jpg made in usa - http://www.veilux.net/Made_in_USA-logoTM.jpg appliance repair dude - http://www.aplusdelcoappliancerepair.com/images/appliance_repair_dude.gif medicare card - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/Medical_Care_Card_USA_Sample.JPG medical supply store - http://www.westcoastmedicalsupply.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/nwhs-41.jpg HCD Logo - http://www.hcii.cmu.edu/M-HCI/2011/GE-Cardiology/images/iterative_design.png