My Playground As A Child Lisa Lee Student Number:0004243274

Lee lisa 1.4thechallenge

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My Playground As A Child

Lisa Lee

Student Number:0004243274

Page 2: Lee lisa 1.4thechallenge

My Types of playtime As A Child

When I was a child, I enjoyed many activities, but there were three activities that I loved to do the most. My favorite activities were playing basketball, drawing, and playing video games. When I read about the types of play and the patterns of play, my activities have both a pattern and type of play.

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My Love For Basketball

When I was a child, I had a lot of different hobbies that I did and one of my hobbies that I always liked to do was play basketball. Everyday when I got home from school, I would go outside and play basketball. I would play with my friends or sometimes I would play by myself, but either way I always had fun. I always liked to play against my friends because I like the challenge to try to win, but I also lost some to. At the end of the day, I had fun playing one of my favorite activities.

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My Creativity For Art

When I was a child, I always liked art, but one activity that I was very interested in art was drawing. I like looking a pictures of things and just start drawing what I seen. I always like to challenge myself by going from easy things to draw to hard things like drawing people. Drawing is something I like so much because of the creativity in drawing. I liked that I could just pick up a pencil and create something on a blank piece of paper.

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My Passion For Gaming

I had all these activities that I did when I was a child, but there was an activity that was my favorite and it was playing video games. Playing video games was a time that I could have fun and relax back on the couch. Playing video games is something that I still do today as an adult. I was very interested in all the types of games that were available to play. Video games is my favorite hobby to do and I will continue to play them.

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Play In my Life

After I read more about the types of play and the history of play, I didn’t relize how much play is actually a part of my life. The things that I did when I was a child isn’t the only time that I toke part in some type of play, I also take part in some part of play today even though I’m an adult. Play is a part of everyone and you use play everyday.