H ow d oes y our m edia p roduct r epresent p articular s ocial g roups?

How does your media product represent particular social

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents a young social group of mixed ethnicity interested in R&B mainly because the images featured on the front cover are of young individuals, it also features lots of stories and includes famous celebrities names on my front cover for instance, ‘Rihanna, The Saturdays, JLS and Eminem.’ I also ensured the models used within the photography were dressed, posed and looked like typical ‘R&B’ listeners, or ‘followers’. So the target market can relate, aspire or recognise this as the trend within this social group. This was therefore linking to my research, looking at the style of R&B listeners and what at the moment would be seen as their fashion. For example one of the recognised male trends for the R&B audience at the moment shows to be wearing a vest-like top or in fact no top at all. I therefore carefully thought about manipulating this into my magazine.

Here I have collected images representing the sort of people the R&B culture would be aiming at and how my target audience for my magazine would be from the style or appearance of the individuals, the poses and the mise-en-scene. This illustrates the R&B culture, linking to the house style of my magazine. These groups are examples of social-categorisation and form a sense of belonging.

My magazine represents a young social group interested in R&B music mainly because the image on the front is of young and current individuals. Throughout my main image on my front cover my aim was to stereotype young people. The male is positioned with the two females either side of him enabling him to dominate this image. The two females are leaning on the male this follows a stereotypical representation of males as they always appear as the dominant one in relationships and the females leans up to the male. As well as that, in the music industry females admire and are attracted to male singers. This is shown in my image as the male holds dominance, whereas the females do not appear as individual but as one. However both females look powerful and in control especially the female on the left has her hands on the males body this highlights yet again the stereotypical importance of males, also the males facial expression appears as if he is pleased with the given attention.

How my magazine

stereotypes young


The images above are featured on my magazine front cover as ‘free posters with every issue.’ This images illustrate stereotypical shots of young people who live a lively and fun lifestyle who like have a good time. This is shown through the individual drinking, the individual dancing and the other individual pointing his finger.

How my magazine

stereotypes young


However, the image below challenges stereotypes as the individual is looking straight into the camera featuring a serious facial expression which does not link with the fun entertaining stereotypical image I have portrayed young people to be.

Considering the ‘Blumer and Brown’s theory of Diversion’ I used particular language in the process of my magazine which would help engage my audience and allow them to escape from their everyday life to appreciate the magazine and relax. This worked through phrases like ‘when I'm sitting there like zzzz when the boys talk about football’ within my interview. This type of mode of address adds a sense of interaction with my target audience and social group of R&B as well as creating a link between the audience.

The Language in my




These music videos are of R&B groups such as. ‘The Black Eyed Peas’ and ‘The Saturdays.’ These groups relate to my band ‘Connect’ as they share the same style of music. My target audience should instantly recognise the groups/songs shown below which illustrates they are typical audience members.

Music that relate

to my social
