Work at Lunch vs. Lunch at Work Shirley Breaux + Hannah Thompson

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Work at Lunch vs. Lunch at Work

Shirley Breaux + Hannah Thompson

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Where does the time go?

The trend that we are identifying is the lunch hour. We are focusing on the decreasing amount of time spent while eating lunch.

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How It Evolved

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People would take long hourly lunches where they would drink and be unproductive the rest of the day.

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More Recently

Unemployment rate has been on the rise since 2000. *

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People are constantly attached to electronics causing people to graze instead of sitting down to leisurely lunches. With all the new technologies today people feel the need to be constantly reachable, especially the working class.

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The idea of lunch as we know it is DEAD.

People’s lifestyles are rapidly changing, the concept of lunch is becoming more of a short break. Lunch is becoming the new smoke break.

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Forces at Work

We are currently in a recession and the unemployment rate as of April 2012 is 8.1%.

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There are many pressures at jobs today, including that of always looking busy and being productive.

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People want to get home to their families.

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Product Trends

Convenience foods - quick, easy food that satisfy you and make you “fuller for longer” - portable, on the go

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Product Trends Eating in front of your computer while doing work and talking on the phone is an example of how our culture in constantly multitasking.

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Product Trends

Sit down traditional leisure lunch

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Product TrendsFood trucks - gourmet foods on the go - grazing

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Sub Cultures

Celebrities have always been a culture where many people find inspiration from. People like to follow what celebrities are doing and now it is even easier to see how they eat their lunch by following them on twitter.

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CEO and presidents of companies set an example for the rest of the people in the office. If they are not taking a lunch then the rest of the office will not be taking a lunch.

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Actionable Insights

A lunch break as we know it will not exist.

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Actionable InsightsRestaurants that offer lunch will have to offer some kind of other incentive to pull people in.

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Actionable Insights

This could make employees more productive because they are refreshed and ready to work.

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Thank You

Hannah Thompson +

Shirley Breaux