Evaluation question 4

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Being the camera person, I decided to film using the SLR camera. I chose the SLR camera because the quality is high and it is very easy to use. I have also used the SLR camera before therefore I have experience using it and I can use this to get a footage that is of a high standard. Also, the camera is small compared to other video cameras and the advantage of this is the fact that it made it easier to carry the camera to the different locations.


New media technology allows us to send information/documents/files in a digital format. An example is web 2.0 where social networking such as Twitter and Instagram is available. Loads of different information about different topics is also available and users are able to send files to one another. Other ways of transferring information is via a USB or CDs.


I was the only one in my group to use this site. I used this website to present the reece pictures. I decided to use this software because it presents the pictures professionally and in a slide show. Also, it uploads pictures very quickly and it also allowed us to add captions for each of the pictures. The viewers will be able to view the pictures in an organised way.


Macbook Pro was the laptop we used in school to complete our coursework. I mainly used this laptop if I was completing my coursework on an online website such as Prezi. I did not like using Microsoft websites on the Macbook because the layout was different compared to the one on my own computer.


Photoshop is a software which allows us to edit pictures. This was my first time using this software and it took me a couple of months for me to learn the basic skills of using this programme in order for me to create the film poster and film review. Once I familiarised myself with the software I managed to produce my work to the highest possible standard that I could achieve. I learned the fact that work produced on Photoshop is more professional than using sites such as Publisher.



PollSnack enables users to create an online survey. I used this software to create the pre- questionnaire and post questionnaire. It is an useful site as it saves a lot of time and it is straightforward. The template is already created so it only required me to create the questions and the answer options. This site is better than Survey Monkey because it allows us to create more than 10 questions for free.


This software is designed to create online brainstorm. We used this site when brainstorming our production company name and ideas. This site is only useful for creating brainstorms. It is a good way of presenting brainstorms as it allows us to add colour and also it is quick and easy to use.


Blogger was one of the sites we used. This is where we created our group blog. We used this site to upload our coursework and to embed all our work. We used Blogger because we prefer this site over other websites such as Tumblr. It helped us keep all our coursework in one place and helped us keep organised. I was personally responsible to create the account and to make sure our work was uploaded properly.


Youtube was another important site we used. Being the camera person, I found it useful as I watched videos of different camera shots and angles to help expand my ideas and to make my ideas more creative. We also used this site to upload our final video publicly for the audience to see and also to gain feedback. I also used this site to annotate my film for my evaluation task. I also searched different sound effects that could be used within our film. I then used Youtube Mp3 converter to convert the video into Mp3 format.


The function of a USB is to transfer files from one place to another. It allowed me personally to send my work to my other group members faster than using an email. I could use any of the files on any computers and all my coursework was backed up on to my USB just in case any of my work get lost or deleted.


Whatsapp is an app that can downloaded onto phones and allows users to communicate with one another. We created a group chat and discussed important details to do with our production such as where we are filming and how we are going to meet up. It was a quick way for us to communicate with each other.


Final Cut Pro was mainly used by the editor has this site is mainly used for editing. It helped us cut down any footage that we do not need. We also used this to add the final elements to our film such as the sound and transitions to make it look more professional. It was my first time using this site and I was responsible for logging and capturing. With the help of my group, I managed to use this software.


Prezi is a more professional version of Microsoft Powerpoint. I came across this site last year as previous students have recommended this to me. I have used this online presentation numerous times as it is an interactive way of presenting my coursework. This site has variety of templates for different purposes and allows users to add images or Youtube videos on their presentation.


We created a Facebook and Twitter account to advertise our film 'Life is a Journey'. Both of these social networking sites are a good way for us to reach a wider audience and also for us to gain feedback to those who have watched our short film.


I mainly used Slideshare to upload my Powerpoint onto Blogger. It was quick and easy to use as it only required me to upload the Powerpoint presentation and then copy the embedded code onto Blogger. Slideshare is not as interactive as other sites however the way my Powerpoint was presented, was in an organised and professional way.


As a group we used Scribd frequently. To upload word documents onto Blogger it requires an embedded code therefore I uploaded word document on this site, which then gave me an embedded code, so I could upload my work onto Blogger. I mainly used this site for the pre and post production work. The only problem with Scribd was the fact that it wasn't interactive at all.


Issuu is a site similar to Scribd. This site presents the word documents in an interactive way. I used this site when my word documents was more than a page long. The users are able to view it as if they are reading a print publication online. Production Schedule was a document that I uploaded onto Blogger by Issuu.


In conclusion, due to the new media technology I was able to complete my work in a professional, interactive and organised way. Through using these different softwares, I learnt different skills and improved the quality of my work from last year.