Professor:Yender McLee Student:Chang,Ching- Wen

Selected readings on management classics(20150611)

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Professor:Yender McLee


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Edgar WhitleyPhD, Professor, London School of Economics Associate Professor (Reader) of Information Systems and Chair, Teaching CommitteeFaculty Group: Information Systems and Innovation Biography

Bob Galliers Professor, Information and Process ManagementProfessor, SociologyThe University Distinguished ProfessorEditor-in-chief, The Journal of Strategic Information SystemsPh.D., London School of Economics, 1987

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We present an alternative perspective to the many citation classics papers that have appeared in the IS literature by presenting citation data from the first 10 years of the European Conference on IS (ECIS, 1993–2002), identifying the most frequently cited texts in this sample.We compared the ECIS citation classics with those presented by others and suggest that the ECIS data highlight the ways in which the IS field is more nuanced than previously reported. We thus provided insights how the field has developed internationally.

Keywords: Citations; Classics; European research tradition; Social theorists; Information Systems Research

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The European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) is an annual conference for Information Systems and Information Technology academics and professionals and is

affiliated with the Association for Information Systems. The organization of the conference comes under the purview of the ECIS Standing Committee.

ECIS is considered the premier information systems event in the European region and provides a platform for panel

discussions and the presentation of  peer-reviewed information systems research papers.

The first ECIS conference took place in 1993 in Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom

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Walstrom and Leonard v.s ECIS Walstrom and Leonard- Sola Price1) classics are texts that have been cited at least four times in a


All focused their data around four ‘leading’journals: MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research,Journal of Management Information Systems and Communications

of the ACM, each of which is published in North America.The choice of ECIS allowed us to determine the citation classics for research in Europe and also to explore how they differed from those primarily published in the US as well as to try to explain anydifferences.



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Shapin and Schaffer argue that much of the

success of the dissemination of early scientific method arose because of the use of ‘virtual witnessing’ that involved the production in a reader’s

mind ‘‘of such an image of an experimental

scene as obviates the necessity for either direct

witness or replication . . .

Replication and repeatability of scientific studies


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ECIS has been held in a variety of locations throughout

Europe, see Table 2 and a number of locations were

specifically selected to help bring the communities of

researchers in these countries into the international


Replication and repeatability of scientific studies


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The origins of ECIS can be traced back to two parallel initiatives. The first was led by Professor Dan Remenyi, then at Henley

Management College, UK and the second arose from discussions

following the publication of the European Journal of Information

Systems by the UK’s Operational Research (OR)Society. The editors of EJIS were then based at the London School of

Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Edgar Whitley began working with the OR Society to organise a European Conference

that covered the same area as the new journal.

ECIS in context


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Twenty-six countries have had at

least 10 papers published in ECIS

over the first 10 years, with the UK

having the largest proportion, see

Table 3. Interestingly, the second

largest contributors are Australia

and the USA, both of which are

outside the normal catchment area

for ECIS.

ECIS in context


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All the citation data used in our analysis developed using Microsoft Access1 for

the papers presented at ECIS during the

period 1993–2002 Glaser and Strauss’s book on the discovery

of grounded theory is shown in Table 12

as having been cited 22 times; this may

have resulted in it appearing in the top

35 articles in Appendix A if it satisfied

the criteria for a classic text (appearing at least four times in 1 year).



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Table 4 gives the frequency of outlets found in Table

A.1. We note in passing the leading role of both the

Harvard and Sloan reviews. These publications have a

very large readership and a focus more on business relevance than academic rigour.

Results- The ECIS classics: top cited texts


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The columns indicate the number of times they were cited in each year, whilst the final column counts the number of years where the text was cited at least four times.

Results- The ECIS classics: top cited texts


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Table 6 lists the journal sources of these classics.

Results- The ECIS classics: top cited texts


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Table 7 presents those texts that just miss the criteria

for appearing in Table 5.

Results- The ECIS classics: top cited texts


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In terms of recency, a

large majority (85%) of

the ECIS Classics

(Table A.1) were

published between

1983 and 1998, with

a quarter (24%) of them published since 1993

(i.e. the first year of the conference).

Results- The ECIS classics: top cited texts


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W&L Table 2(‘‘Classics 2’’) lists the 34 texts from Culnan’s first cocitation analysis for the period 1972–1982, ‘‘Classics3’’ lists the 26 texts from Culnan’s second co-citation analysis, covering the period 1980–mid 1985. In order to test whether these earlier classics still applied in the ECIS sample, each of these lists was checked against the citation lists from ECIS.

Results- Comparison with previous studies


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Only Ackoff’s 1967 paper appeared in the ECIS Classics list, being cited 12 times in ECIS. Only 18 of the 34 items on the Classics list were cited by ECIS at all and the top five other papers are also presented in Table 8. The table presents those items from the Classics 2

list that are cited at least four times in ECIS, in descending order of their number of citations. The table also compares their rank in the Classics 2 list with those in the table of ECIS classics.

Results- Comparison with previous studies


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In terms of whether Classics 2 and Classics 3 texts were cited at all in ECIS,the proportion rose from 53% of the Classics 2 texts to 73% of

the Classics 3 texts. These papers remained classics for the period of Culnan’s two studies

(1972–mid-1985) but their perceived utility, for the ECIS community at least, had decreased considerably in our study.

Results- Comparison with previous studies


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Classics 6 was W&L’s

list of top cited texts for

the period 1986–1995.

Table 10 lists the most

frequently. cited of these

items in ECIS 1993–2002. Of these, only12 appeared in the ECIS Classics list

of Table A.1.

Results- Comparison with previous studies


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Classics 7 is W&L’s list of further texts that do not satisfy their criteria for

appearing in Classics 6 because they had not been in print for the full period of their

study. Table 11 shows the 9 (out of 15) items that were cited by ECIS papers at

least four times.

Results- Comparison with previous studies


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In the first 10 years of ECIS, 29% of the

papers (335papers) cited at least one social

theorist, with the most popular social theory texts being those in Table 12. European IS research and IFIP 8.2 draws far more heavily on social

theory than US-based IS journals that are often assumed to be ‘‘mainstream.’’

Results- Social theory classics


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Table 13 lists the number of social theory sources cited by country The proportion of social theory papers is closely correlated to the total number of

papers presented by authors from a country (0.71), with the UK providing

proportionately more social theory papers and the USA proportionately fewer.

Results- Social theory classics


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Some of the ECIS Classics are likely to reflect the European nature of the cited sources but may also be early indicators of changing

trends in research themes.

Results- Evidence of changing trends?


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This classification was then used to analyse the citation classics for

ECIS, for W&L (the result of combining their Tables 6 and 7) and for Culnan (listed as W&L’s Tables 2 and 3). The results are shown in

Table 14.

Results- Evidence of changing trends?


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First, the changing technological base in most organisations means

thatdecision support systems, as traditionally characterised,are

becoming less important for organisational activities. Second, as European IS researchers develop and strengthen their own

research interests, doctoral programmes and journals, the obligatory

passage point of doing a PhD in the area of DSS and publishing

DSS-related research is becoming much less influential. Third, this could be seen as evidence of a move towards more strategic and organisational themes (relevance) in contrast to the more

supposedly scientifically rigorous studies (from a positivistic

perspective) found in these more artificial and often experimentally

based situations.

Results- Evidence of changing trends?


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First, the changing technological base in most organisations means

thatdecision support systems, as traditionally characterised,are

becoming less important for organisational activities. Second, as European IS researchers develop and strengthen their own

research interests, doctoral programmes and journals, the obligatory

passage point of doing a PhD in the area of DSS and publishing

DSS-related research is becoming much less influential. Third, this could be seen as evidence of a move towards more strategic and organisational themes (relevance) in contrast to the more

supposedly scientifically rigorous studies (from a positivistic

perspective) found in these more artificial and often experimentally

based situations.

Discussion-On the role of books and management reviews


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Although some of the authors listed in Table 12 are non-native English speakers (e.g. Latour, Callon,Habermas), their texts are widely

available in English translation, so there is no particular reason to

believe that these social theorists are less accessible outside the ECIS


Discussion- Social theory


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Some of the variation is likely to be due to differing time frames with,

for example, the advent of electronic commerce leading to citation of

texts on electronic markets and economics. It has been suggested that some of the explanation for the variation could arise from the practice of ECIS being organised around thematic tracks.

Discussion- Social theory


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We have argued that the use of the ECIS citation data could provide a useful complement to the data presented by W&L as it drew on a more diverse set of authors and institutions, from a different region of the

world. We also demonstrated that social theorists are more widely cited in

European IS research than in the North American tradition and we

identified the key authors in this area. The above discussion of themes, outlets and key citations provides

strong evidence for a key difference between European and the

‘mainstream’, US-based, IS research in terms of the differing focus

between rigour and relevance.



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