Little india klang theories report project 2

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Page 1: Little india klang theories report project 2


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture



NAME : Yuan Khai Shien

ID : 0314818


Page 2: Little india klang theories report project 2

Contents :

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Site Introduction

1.2 Introduction to Cognitive Map

2.0 Finding and Discussion

3.0 Relate Findings based on Kevin Lynch's theory

4.0 Conclusion

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1. Introduction

1.1 Site Introduction

Figure 1 : Location of Little India Klang

The Little India is popular as a shopping area which located in South Klang

City, just beside the Klang river and it dominant along Jalan Tengku Kelana since old

century. “Little India” is named by the locals because Klang is the biggest Indian

street in Malaysia and all the stalls area consists of Indians. Fierce competition

among shop owners translate into cheaper prices for consumers, and people are

literally spoilt for choice amidst the rows of shops on the left and right sides of the

road, with stalls spilling onto the sidewalks and back lanes. Myriads of items such as

saris, colorful accessories such as bangles and necklaces, textiles, stainless steel

pots, Indian jewelries, gold and flowers are sold in Little India.

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Figure 2 : Street of Little India

The atmosphere at Jalan Tengku Kelana is increasingly felt as the

approaching Deepavali celebration. During Deepavali, the street is transformed into

a colorful spectacle of light and sound .The shop owners will used their resources

together to decorate the street and the walkways of their shops weeks before the

actual festival. The atmosphere during Deepavali will be crowded and clogged traffic

with thousands of people make their way to make their purchases. Some shop

owners will also invite shoppers into their shops to share their delicious food and to

celebrate the festival together.

With the amazing culture implant in Little India , Little India is always crowded with

people and resident surrounding. However, it is also strategically located close to

major public transportation link which is Ktm Klang,this making it easily access from

the other side of Selangor and centre part of Kuala Lumpur.

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1.2 Cognitive Mapping

Through the study of Kevin Lynch, he used sketch maps to show human perspective

on large scale complex of site which people nowadays used to use cognitive map as

the main direction for people to reach their destiny or understand the particular site.

A cognitive map is a type of mental representation which serves an individual to

acquire, code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations and

attributes of phenomena in their everyday or metaphorical spatial environment.In the

other hand, this can obviously show what is important in that entire location and what

is less.

Cognitive map is usually generated from visual system and the experience of

what the person went through. Much of the cognitive map is created through self

generated movement which what they have observed from the surrounding. Those

are the inputs from the sense of vision, hearing, smell,etc all 5 senses to understand

a pserson's location.This matter is good to used by the architects nowadays as a

draft to present their idea or even to remember the spaces.

Figure 3 : Cognitive drawing that done by Taylor’s Student, Yuan Khai Shien

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2.0 Finding and Discussion

Through this study, it was carried out based on the Kevin Lynch theory by using

five elements which are path, nodes, edges, district and edges.From the map that

draw by Taylor's student, certain district can be identified such as the commercial,

residential, education can clearly see in the map. However, Kevin Lynch has stated

that "districts have various kinds of boundaries" which this have give a sense that

edges and boundaries are somehow related. District boundaries play an important

role to organizing the area of the city or even the state. Edges may be the role to

seperate the district and increase the tendency of the district and at the same time

fragment the city from the other city.

From this map, we can clearly identify the path edges and landmark which

exist in Little India,Klang. Based on the principle of Kevin Lynch, as a landmark, it is

more easily identifiable, more likely to be chosen as significant, if they have a clear

form ; if they contrast with their background; and if there is some prominence of

spatial location. The location of the landmark serves as a reference point for the

people to identify their own location. From their own location, people are able to

guide the others to the other location or its own location which this serve as an

anchor point and used as a guidance to navigate location around Little India. There

are few main landmarks which can easily seen at the site are Masjid India Klang, Lax

Boutique Hotel and also Balai Polis Klang. The Masjid India Klang is a great example

which also propose in this map as a great landmark. It is based on the height and the

volume which it looks prominent in the site in Jalan Tengku Kelana. Besides the

colour that choose for this masjid is also create a contrast feeling compare to the

other building and it can easily see from the opposite area across the river. In the

other hand, this Masjid is also classified as a historical building for the local resident

and it has a strong identity in Little India. It was constructed in 1910 for religious and

social activities by Indian - Muslim community living in Klang and the surrounding

area . The original building of this mosque was demolished and replaced with new

mosque construction in 1973. However, this building was torn down to be replaced

with a new 2-storey mosque with a large and modern to accommodate the

increasing number of pilgrims . Throughout all these, it has strongly match with the

theory that stated by Kevin Lynch. Besides this, Balai Polis which located just right

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beside the Masjid and Lax Boutique Hotel also act as a landmark due to the size of

the building and the unique colour of it. Three of these building's size has dominant

the site when pedestrian and driver pass by and also easily notice and led the user

to the district. Eventually the path makes immediate effect on the way finder to a

certain location.

Figure 4 & 5 : Masjid India Klang & view from opposite site

Figure 6 : Balai Polis Klang

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In the other hand, the Klang river has formed a very strong edges to seperate

Little India and the site opposite the river. It is also inaccessible to pedestrains

without the bridge and this has create a prominent edges for the site. We can also

see most of the Indians are live within the Little India area compare to the outsider

which strongly merge the identity of Little India. However, there has also second

edges with form by green pocket on the right side and isolated Little India,at the

same time there has also one big highway which located at the left side of Little india

just beside of the authority area which this has well shown at the picture underneath.

Figure 7 : Green Pocket located at the right

Figure 8 : High way located at the left

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Big highrise building and high slope has eventually form a small edges within Little

India.This could also create a boundary between commercial area and also office

area within the site. As what Kevin Lynch has stated for the edges, it is a linear

elements not considered as path; they are usually, but not quite always, the

boundaries between two kind of areas. They act as lateral references. Based on all

these edges that found in Little India, they have strongly merge with the statement

that Kevin Lynch has stated in the book.

Moreover,Kevin Lynch also stated that nodes are the strategic foci into which the

observer can enter, typically either junctions of paths, or concentrations of some

characteristic. But although conceptually they are small points in the city image, they

may in reality be large squares, or somewhat extended linear shapes, or even entire

central districts when the city is being considered at a large enough level. By

considering Lax Boutique Hotel as one of the landmark, there is some stalls located

just beside the building and reach until the street opposite which can considered as a

linear nodes. Among the road, the area of all these stalls has form a nodes which

people pass by will go there to have their foods and drink.

Figure 9 : Stalls along the road side

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Besides that, the major railway station, KTM Klang station which allow people from

outside to reach Little India is always a main nodes in that area. Its is because

there's a spot that buses, taxi and pedestrian which come from different places will

be gathered. However a small bus stop which located right beside the Lax Boutique

Hotel can also considered as a node due to the same reason with KTM Klang

station. In the other hand, the street of Little India is the other big node which there is

a shopping spot that will attract people to go there.

Figure 10 : Ktm Klang

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Futhermore,The path is depicted as a network of habitual lines of movement

through the urban complex.As a visitor, The street of Jalan Tengku Kelana is always

claim to be the main path that consist of bridge which both side together by crossing

the river. this road also surrounded by all the Indian shops at the road side which

that's the main identity of this site. However, the street or junctions also made a

different experience that attract the user to come in. Besides that, Jalan Jambatan

Kota will be also the main major path because that's also one of the entrance which

allow Persiaran Sultan Ibrahim which is the road opposite the river to cross and

reach Little India. There will be plenty of cars and passbyer to cross the bridge.

Lastly Jalan Dato Hamzah is the last main major path which link both the main road

Jalan Jambatan Kota and Jalan Tengku Kelana together and it also can act as a

nodes that shorten the road for driver and pedestrian to reach destiny.

Figure 11 : Jalan Tengku Kelana

Figure 12 : Jalan Dato Hamzah

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3.0 Relate Findings based on Kevin Lynch's theory Kevin Lynch's core concept was the idea of the "legibility" of the built

environment. That is, how easy can the parts of the cityscape be organized into a

recognizable pattern. He used two primary methodologies. First, he conducted

extensive fieldwork observing the physical layout of the city. Then, in-depth

interviews with city residents were conducted to better understand the mental image

people have of their built environment. Kevin Lynch has identified five key elements

that make up an individual's perception of their city: paths, edges, districts, nodes,

and landmarks. Here are all the example of Lynch's concept that merge with Little

India in Klang


“Paths consists of the "channels along which the observer customarily, occasionally,

or potentially moves" (Lynch, p. 47). These can include streets, paths, transit routes,

or any other defined path of movement. It is important to note that the paths an

individual identifies may not correspond to a traditional street network. These are

often the most predominant items in an individual's mental map as this is main

mechanism for how they experience their city.”

From Little India, Jalan Jambatan Kota, Jalan Tenku Kelana and Jalan Dato Hamzah

has clearly show in cognitive mapping and due to they are main entrance to the Little

India and act as a main path. However the road which link from the three main road

to the back alley or link to the other small road will be the secondary and tertiary



“Edges provide the boundaries that separate one region from another, the seams

that join two regions together, or the barriers that close one region from another.

They are linear elements, but are not the paths along with the individual experiences

the built environment. They can be physical edges such as shorelines, walls, railroad

cuts, or edges of development, or they can be less well-defined edges that the

individual perceives as a barrier.”

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In Little India, Klang river has act as a big edges that create boundary to clearly

separate both Little India and the opposite area. However highway road and green

pocket are also a tangible edges that well created boundaries at the both side. A

small edges that create by the building and slope has been observe as well due to

different building typology and height.


“Districts are "medium-to-large sections of the city" (Lynch, p. 47). They are typically

two-dimensional features, often held together by some commonality. The individual

often enters into or passes through these districts. According to Lynch, most people

use the concept of districts to define the broader structure of their city.”

There are quite some common district has been classified in Little India which is

commercial, residential, religions, authority and etc.


“Nodes are points within the city, strategically located, into which the individual

enters (and which is often the main focal point to which she or he is traveling to or

from). There are often junctions – a crossing or converging of paths. They often have

a physical element such as a popular hangout for the individual or a plaza area. In

many cases, the nodes are the centers of the district that they are in.”

In Little India, Ktm Klang act as an obvious nodes and there is the first spot that

people or outsider will gather before they move forward to other place. Besides,

stalls beside Lax Boutique Hotel, Little India street which merge with british buidling

typology and also bus stop are also nodes in Little India where people usually gather

for purpose.

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“Landmarks are also a point-reference (similar to nodes). However, unlike nodes,

which the individual enters during his or her travels, landmarks remain external

features to the individual. They are often physical structures such as a building, sign,

or geographic features (e.g. mountain). The range of landmarks is extensive, but the

commonality is that there are used by the individual to better understand and

navigate the built environment.”

Masjid India Klang is the mai landmark that can easily observe from the opposite site

and also easily observe within Little India area. However Lax Boutiqe Hotel and Balai

Polis Klang are also act as a landmark due to the height and the unique identity of

the building colour with give a sense of contrast.

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4.0 Conclusion

For the conclusion, this can be concluded that Little India is a very impressive

spot. The mixture of different typology of shop lots and mixing with the contemparary

high rise building has create a series and sense of the existance between two

generations. This has strong culture in it and it should be preserve in order to keep

the original identity of it instead of changing the name or demolish the area.

Lastly, the 5 principle that propose by Kevin Lynch are well effective that enable

students to be more entensive understanding regarding to the current urban context.

Students are also able to create amazing urban context design by following the

guidance of basic concept by Kevin Lynch. This has been really helpful to the latest

generation architect.

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5.0 References

Lynch, K. (1960). The Image Of The City. United States of America.

Sjsuedu. (2016). Sjsuedu. Retrieved 5 June, 2016, from


Tourismselangormy. (2016). Tourism Selangor Official Website. Retrieved 5 June,

2016, from http://www.tourismselangor.my/destinations/little-india/

Mpklanggovmy. (2016). Mpklanggovmy. Retrieved 5 June, 2016, from


Tolman, E. C. (1948). Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men.