Insider threats: Protecting data during eDiscovery

Insider threats: protecting data during eDiscovery (Nuix webinar)

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Insider threats: Protecting data during eDiscovery

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 2

Countering insider threats in eDiscovery

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 3

Today’s Panel

Mark Burgess

Director eDiscovery,

Yerra Solutions

James Billingsley

Principle Solutions

Consultant, Cyber Security

& Investigations, Nuix

Angela Bunting

Vice President, eDiscovery


September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 4

Converging interests

• Technology advancing at an

alarming rate

• Google-fast societal expectations

• Enormous amounts of data

• Things getting lost, damaged,


• IT is focused on systems, Legal is

focused on the law … but they

both are bound by the data

Why we need to care

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 6

Insider threat is on the rise – the “who”

Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR report

Incidents Breaches

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 7

What makes up the “who”

Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR report

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 8

Insider threat is on the rise – the “why”

Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR report

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 9

Insider threat is on the rise – the “how”

Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR report

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 10

Insider threat is on the rise – and so is time to discovery

Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR report

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 11

Insider threat on the rise – the misconceptions

Source: 2015 Vormetric Insider Threat Report

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 12

Discovery is complex

Addressing the threat

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 14

Addressing the threat

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 15

Addressing the threat - People

• Vet your personnel

– Employees

– Vendors, contractors and business partners

– Confidentiality agreements/policies/monitoring/control

• Reassess when necessary

– At fixed intervals (e.g. annually)

– Change in status

• When an employee’s role changes (promotion, transfer)

– If employee displays signs of distress or disgruntled behaviour

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 16

Addressing the threat - People

• Educate employees and affiliates on the risks

– Contractual provisions

– At onboarding

– Refresher days

• Training to include:

– Acceptable use

– Data handling

– Duty to report (see it, say it)

– Expectation of privacy

– eDiscovery personnel-specific training

• Disciplinary action for non-compliance

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 17

Addressing the threat – Policies and Process

• eDiscovery policies

– Data preservation and collection

• Common understanding of Legal Hold

– Gatekeepers

– Track data

• Physical Data Management

– Secure premises (even within premises)

– Encrypt all devices

– Secure file transfers (no email)

– Safe destruction

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 18

Addressing the threat – Policies and Process

• Logical data management

– Encrypt in transit

– Secured on network: secured within

– Air gap systems

– Moving data

• Jurisdiction

• Legislative compliance

– Give consideration to:

• Cloud service providers

• Vet for cybersecurity

• Industry certification and classification

• Cyber insurance

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 19

Addressing the threat – things to think about

• Who do we tell?

• Who has access to it?

• Where is the data stored?

• Who is collecting the data?

• Where does this data reside while it is being processed?

• Who are the people authorised to receive and work with the data?

• How should we transport the data to third parties? Is it encrypted?

• Who in the organisation is accountable for monitoring and

overseeing the process?

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 20

Summary - Security

Create a good security posture

– Know where your data is

– Manage accounts

– Control access

– Control methods of exfiltration

– Monitor for inappropriately stored data

– Educate your users

– Make sure people know who to talk to

when they see a problem

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 21

Summary- eDiscovery

Secure your data collections

– Ensure timely collection

– Collect once

– Encrypt in transit

– Air gap systems if data is in clear

– Implement access controls on collected


– Monitor activity

– Regularly review and update controls as


September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 22

Closing thoughts

September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 23


September 15, 2016 COPYRIGHT NUIX 2016 24