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Ig3 annotations567678

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Page 1: Ig3 annotations567678

Callum Drake

This is the game that the sounds

have been programmed onto, I went

to the sounds and clicked the cross

next to it which opened then sound

panel, the default sounds were

already on there but I went through

the process of changing them to my

sounds for each one of the five, the

next text box and screenshot I will

explain how I did this.

This is how I changed the sounds from the

default ones with the game to my own

creations. First I double clicked on the first

sound (snd_Breaking) I then clicked on the

file Icon (left from the play button) and went

to where my sounds were located I chose

the sound I wanted to use for the breaking

sound, I then clicked on play to hear it and

then clicked on OK to replace the sound.

Here are all the sounds that I had changed

(all five) I used the same process for all five

of them. I played the game and listened to

all the sounds in action and they all worked
