Career Development Training Course Navy Reserve Force 1

Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

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Page 1: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Career Development Training Course

Navy Reserve Force


Page 2: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

Enabling Objectives

Upon successful completion of this topic, the trainee will be able to:

IDENTIFY the role of the CCC in regards to the Navy Reserve Force.

STATE the purpose of the Navy Reserve Force.

LIST the Navy Reserve Force categories.


Page 3: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

Enabling Objectives (cont.)

IDENTIFY the components of the Selective Reserve:Affiliation proceduresProgramsObligationsBenefits

IDENTIFY Individual Ready Reserve participation requirements.

LIST the benefits of the Individual Ready Reserve.


Page 4: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

Reference Publications

OPNAVINST 1040.11(series), Navy Retention and Career Development Program

OPNAVINST 1900.1(series), Pre-Separation Counseling by Career Information Teams

NAVPERS 15878(series), Career Counselor Handbook

NAVADMIN 007/07, Mobilization Deferment Policy for Transition from Active Component to Reserve Component

www.navyreserve.com www.tricare.mil/reserve www.insurance.va.gov www.gibill.va.gov/


Page 5: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

CCC Role

As a CCC, you may be required to give Sailors information on the Navy Reserve as an option during separation. At the transition CDB, this can be further clarified:Doing so is an integral part of a

vigorous and sustained total force retention program.


Page 6: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

Navy Reserve Purpose

Support to the Fleet . . . Ready and Fully Integrated:The Navy Reserve is a full partner with

the Navy’s active duty component. Comprised of mission-capable units, the Navy Reserve is a vital component in the defense of our nation.

The mission of the Navy Reserve is to augment the active duty component with Reservists throughout the full range of operations during peacetime and war.

It comprises 20% of total Navy forces.


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Navy Reserve Force

Navy Reserve Categories

Selected Reserve (SELRES):Sailors in a drill-pay status that

actively drill 1 weekend per month and at least 2 weeks per year.

They will be considered for selection for promotion and advancement just like the active component.


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Navy Reserve Force

Navy Reserve Categories (cont.)

Individual Ready Reserve (IRR):Are those Sailors not affiliated with a

drilling unit.Are not eligible for advancement

(officers may be considered for promotion).

Can actively participate by completing approved correspondence courses and optional Annual Training.


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Navy Reserve Force

Navy Reserve Categories (cont.)

Retired Reserve (USNR-Retired):Are those who have completed at least

20 years of service (Retired).May still be recalled to active duty in

time of war or national emergency as declared by Congress or when otherwise authorized by law.


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Affiliation Procedures

DD Form 214 – Ensure Sailor has Member 4

Copy of DD Form 2808/2807-1 (HIV test required)

Copy of last 3 evals/fitreps


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Programs

NAVET (Navy Veteran)OSVET (Other Service Veteran)RESCORE (Change of Rate)DPEP (Direct Procurement Enlisted

Program) Non-Prior Service


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Obligations

Inactive Duty Training (IDT): 1 weekend/16 hours per month/2 IDTs.

Annual Training (AT):12 to 17 days per year.


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Benefits

Pay:4 days of active duty base pay for 2

days of weekend training.SGLI:

Up to $400,000, which covers the Sailor 24/7/365.

Advancement:E-5 and below exams in February and

August.CPO exam in February.


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Benefits (cont.)

Educational Opportunities:Use of Navy College Offices, CLEP,


Incur a 6-year Reserve obligation and complete IDTs. (Currently $317.00/month for full-time status). No purchase necessary!

Uniform Entitlements:Uniform swap (an item for an item)


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Benefits (cont.)

Medical/Dental Coverage-TRICARE:Sailor Only - $81/monthFamily Coverage - $253/monthCovers member(s) - 24/7/365

NEX/Commissary/MWR:Reservists and their family members

are authorized unlimited use of military exchanges and commissaries.

“Space A” Air Travel


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Benefits (cont.)

Mobilization Deferment:2-year involuntary mobilization

deferment – Sailor affiliates within 6 months (183 days) of release from active duty.

1-year involuntary mobilization deferment – Sailor affiliates within 7 to 12 months (184-365 days) of release from active duty.


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Navy Reserve Force

Select Reserve Benefits (cont.)

Overseas Opportunities:London, England Stuttgart, GermanyRota, Spain Naples, ItalyYokosuka, Japan Seoul, KoreaNaval Station Guam

Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP)

Retirement – Earn sufficient points to establish eligibility for retirement with pay at age 60.


Page 18: Topic 1.22 Navy Reserves

Navy Reserve Force

Individual Ready Reserve Participation

Keep NPC advised Maintain uniforms Respond to all correspondence/annual

screening Maintain physical readiness No IDT (drill) requirement Active duty training/active duty for special

work available Officers (only) eligible for advancement Contact number: 1-800-535-2699


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Navy Reserve Force

Individual Ready Reserve Benefits

Reenlistment/Extension MWRNEX/CommissaryVGLIReserve retirementReserve Component Survivor

Benefit Plan (RCSBP)ID card


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Navy Reserve Force

Summary and Review

What are the SELRES obligations?Name 3 benefits of the SELRES.What category of the USNR does

not require a Sailor to drill?What forms must a Sailor have to

affiliate with the Navy Reserve (SELRES)?