A 10 Step Actionable No Fail Method Of Using Social Media To Secure Employment

Job Search: How to find a job using the internet

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With the Internet buzzing with social media, there are similarly many ways to use social media in order to network, and eventually find a job. According to an article in DMNews, Jeremiah Owyang from Forrester Research agrees that social networks allow all parties involved to better search for and reach their target. Rachel Levy

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A 10 Step

ActionableNo Fail MethodOf Using Social Media

To Secure Employment

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If that was the case you’d be seeing this on

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and I’d have won the

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Because the

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July Employment Rate would be


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And I’d be parting with

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And I’m stuck parting here

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Think farming


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Know what it is you want

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Want – Have = Problem

And remember its only a problem

if you don’t know the solution

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Be concrete

The more specific you are about what you

want to do, the easier it becomes to

develop a strategy to accomplish it.

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“You can’t hit a target you can’t see. You

can’t accomplish wonderful things with

your life if you have no idea of what

they are. You must first become

absolutely clear about what you want.‖

—Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement

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Job Search Analysis

• Identify the required experience, skills,

qualifications, certifications, training and

education that employers are asking for

within the position you want to be


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• Get thOSE required experience, skills, qualifications, certifications, training and

education that employers are

asking you to have

Or find someone who is willing to hire you without them

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Talk to the MarketThe people currently working in that career field/job title will have the

most valuable advice

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How many times do you get a blinding

insight out of your own head?

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You get that blinding insight when you

listen to somebody and take that little

snippet of logic or data or whatever, merge

it with something that is in your head and

whammo—out comes a new interesting



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If you are articulate about framing your problem, most

of your friends can give articulate, useful guidance for solving the problem.

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Imagine that you have an identical twin

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Endowed with the same brains and natural talents that you


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You’re both given 1 week to come up with as many job leads/interviews for employment as possible

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During that week you come up

with ideas alone in your room

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In contrast, your twin

(1) talks with 10 people within the same job field/title he wants to be employed as,

(2) visits three innovative start-ups in his job field to observe what they do,

(3) Volunteers 2 hours a day 5 days a week in the field he’s looking to be employed in,

(4) shows a portfolio of his work to five people,

(5) asks the questions ―What do I need to have to be considered a quality candidate here?‖ and ―What problem do you have within the normal frame of doing business‖ ―What would you do if you were in my shoes and looking for employment‖ at least 10 times each day during these networking, observing, and experimenting activities.

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Who will be further ahead in the job search and have more actionable


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Only about 500 hires

can be attributed to Social Media

– CareerXroads

Source of Hire Study:

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Better understand the


not the Technology

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People using Social Media

they care about

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The emergence of the social web is just our online experiences catching up with our offline experiences . As technology changes the tools we use to communicate we still use the same behavior patterns that we have evolved over thousands of years

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Dominate your niche

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The answer to that question is your competitive advantage

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Examples of your Competitive Advantage

• Hard-to-replicate Talent

• Hard-earned skills

• Higher productivity due to insight or organization allowing you to be cheaper

• Existing relationships

• A network effect supporting you (respected references and trusted sources within your job field

• Unique story that resonates with your target audience

• Emotional intelligence

• Connection to community

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Potential employers want to see one thing

above all else:

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“Brands are built on what people

are saying about you

not what you’re saying about

yourself.”Guy Kawasaki

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• If you're looking for innovators, people who

are going to create things that have never

been created before or solve problems

that haven't been solved, you can't look at

their resumes and find evidence that

they've accomplished what you want them

to accomplish. It hasn't been done, so

it's not going to be on their resumes

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Market Share 2010

71.07% 14.46% 9.55% 3.01%

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According to recent U.S study by

Cross Tab Marketing:

• 75% of HR departments are now required to research candidates online. That means they’re looking candidates up on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

• 70% of U.S recruiters and HR professionals say they have rejected candidates based on information they found online.

• 85% of employers say that positive online reputation influences their hiring decisions at least to some extent. And nearly half say a strong online reputation influences their decisions to a great extent.

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• "LinkedIn profiles maintained by a

candidate are more accurate than the

Resume maintained by the same


• http://www.fistfuloftalent.com/2010/03/linkedin-profiles---


LinkedIn Profiles - More Accurate

Than Resumes

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Stop Spending all of

your time Looking for

work like this

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•Job Boards percentage of job-seekers who actually get their jobs off the boards is relatively low about 5-10 percent

•Recruiters -- About 10-20 percent of people in search find their jobs through recruiters

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•Cold Calling --

Approximately 10-20 percent of

people in search find their jobs by

cold calling on potential decision

makers in companies

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CareerXroads 8th Annual Source

of Hire Study:

CareerBuilder is accountable for 3.95%

of external hires

Monster 3.14%

HotJobs 1.35%

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How do your actions track

to the things that are important

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• Jobs seekers spend % of their

time looking at online job postings

• –and less than one-third of their time

reaching out to others (UpMo.com)

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27.3% of new hires resulting from

employee referrals

80% of jobs found from networking

Adriana Llames

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Focus on the before

the how.

Liz Lynch

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Form Relationship

Centric Goals

Who Can my Ability to

Achieve that Goal

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Be in the

relationship before

the sale

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Here comes everybody

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Stop believing networking yields

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Real relationships are patterns of mutual investment.

I invest in you, you invest in me.

» Umair Haque

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• The reason very few people are willing to

refer job leads and opportunities is because

they don’t yet enough

to make a referral.

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start giving back before you start


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Stop saying I already did

that networking thing

• ―I sent out a copy of my resume to all

my friends to see if they could pass it along‖

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• Using your contacts insight just

as a resume conduit creates a

huge missed opportunity

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Use them to gather any and all

purposeful information

because 9 times out of 10 they are not

going to have a job to refer you to

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Some topics you might want to ask

about:•Marketing decisions: who are your target markets? Why?

•What’s the plan moving forward?

•How does the company generate prospecting lists?

•How are sales organized?

•Who builds sales demos?

•Incentive programs for customers… and incentive programs for the salespeople… motivate

what behaviors?

•Who owns purchasing decisions

•Who is on the Board of Directors, and why?

•Major client accounts: how much of the overall revenue do they represent?

•What new strategic projects are planned for next year?

•What strategic projects are being considered?

•What does top management see as the number one obstacle to growth?

•What do the rank and file see as the number one obstacle to growth?

•What their department is working on?

•What business opportunities their company is focused on?

•How they interface with the department you’re interested in?

•What are the top corporate initiatives, and company concerns/risks?

•What bothers your contact about their company?

•What’s bugging their boss?

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Kim Kardashian & Paris Hilton are friends

but that’s not the same as the friend I’ve know since I was

five and who babysits my children

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HOW DO YOU Communicate

with them






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Temporary Ties

Weak Ties

Strong Ties

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So What’s the problem

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is a theoretical cognitive limit to the number

of people with whom one can maintain

stable social relationships. These are

relationships in which an individual knows

who each person is, and how each person

relates to every other person

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Lets Be Honest

Which one are you

going to give money to

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Target where you want

to work

• http://www.streatsahead.com/Images/Target.jpg

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• If you know what you want to do

• you can indentify where you want to work

• by determining how far you are willing to

travel and what benefits you need to accept

a position

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want to work Then Identify the

people that are connected to

that employer

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Leverage the contacts within that agency

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• With the people who are going to influence

the hiring process



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If you’re good at it

people will offer you a joband

If you’re not then why on earth

would someone actually hire you

Go get good at it-Seth Godin


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1. Stop believing that there is anyone that has a NO FAIL process

2. Know what it is you want

3. Complete a Job Search Analysis

4. Talk to the Market

5. Stop Believing Social Media will be the answer to all of your problems

6. Provide Proof of your skills

7. Track your tasks in the job search to the most important parts: personal referrals and networking

8. Focus on the who before the how

9. Be in the relationship before the sale

10. Stop believing networking yields instant results.

11. Think outside the box

12. Target where you want to work. Identify who, where, and how to seek assistance from your network in securing employment

13. Get good at what you do, once you’re there get face time with people that are going to influence the hiring decision

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Please forward this to as

many people as you can and

ask them to make it better

and show the results

AND by better I mean shorter

More effective

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•116 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe's_law

•hiring managers prefer linkedin http://www.cheezhead.com/2009/06/16/jc-hiring-managers-prefer-linked-in/

•135-136 http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/goldsmith/2009/09/dont_give_up_on_change.html











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• How Social Networks Are Changing Everything

• By Jeffrey F. Rayport

• What the Personal Branding Debate Can Teach Us about PR, Social Media & Ourselves

• By Tiffany Monhollon | May 8, 2009

• Link, Poke & Tweet: Amping Your Personal Brand, Digitally

• http://www.slideshare.net/patchchord/link-poke-tweet?src=embed

• How to Translate What You Do Into What’s In It For Others

• By: Liz Lynch on May 7th, 2009 at 5:15 am

• In Brand Yourself As, Networking, Personal Branding, Positioning | 8 Comments

• http://www.integritycareertransitions.com/blog/?p=422

• http://www.kristidaeda.com/2009/05/11/sign-of-the-times-a-job-search-dont/

• http://www.flickr.com/photos/10073060@N00/2232281538/

• http://www.flickr.com/photos/26828262@N05/2531159232/in/photostream/

• 6http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601068&sid=a3g5lqDmy2N8

• Richard Dorment


13 http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/03/why-bother-havi.html

15 http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/international_security/v026/26.1toft.html

20-25 http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/03/why-bother-havi.html

27One Step At A Time – The Key To Self-Motivation http://www.integritycareertransitions.com/blog/?p=422

28-30 Price vs Value - How to Overcome the Price Barrier http://www.chuckstarnaud.com/node/21

31 dan pink career lessons www.slideshare.net/garr/career-advice-08

33 http://www.thepersonalbrandingblog.com/2009/05/personal-branding-and-stress-management.html

32-36 How to Translate What You Do Into What’s In It For Others By: Liz Lynch on May 7th, 2009 at 5:15 am http://personalbrandingblog.com/how-to-translate-what-you-do-into-what%E2%80%99s-in-it-for-others/

37+38 Job Search Success http://www.slideshare.net/cclibrary/job-search-success-1321441

39+ 40 Quintessential Careers: Q&A with Barbara Safani www.quintcareers.com/career_experts/Barbara_Safani.html

41-45 5 New Recruiter Skills for Success by Kevin Wheeler May 8, 2009, 5:55 am ET http://www.ere.net/2009/05/08/5-new-recruiter-skills-for-success/

47+48 What is Your Recruiting Strategy?By Lou Adler, April 22, 2009 http://www.adlerconcepts.com/resources/column/newsletter/what_is_your_recruiting_strate.php

52-55 Personal branding in the age of Google http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/02/personal-branding-in-the-age-of-google.html

67+68 Why You Need a Portfolio in Your Career Toolbox Trace Cohen

77-81, 85-91 51 Thoughts on Networking By Scott Ginsberg

83-85 THE STRENGTH OF WEAK TIES: A NETWORK THEORY REVISITED Mark Granovetterhttp://www.si.umich.edu/~rfrost/courses/SI110/readings/In_Out_and_Beyond/Granovetter.pdf

89 http://www.personalbrandingblog.com/personal-brand-and-word-of-mouth-part-4/91-94 sethgodin.typepad.com/.../understanding-business-development.html

100-101 http://www.smartbrief.com/news/socialmedia/storyDetails.jsp?issueid=74FD04E9-9EEA-4D7B-A779-CCB72FA94069&copyid=0F2858E7-C53F-4FB7-9CC8-D5BF1C00D961&ref=twitter0F2858E7-C53F-4FB7-9CC8-D5BF1C00D961

105-107 30-Minute Brand Building for Twitter By: Monica O'Brien on February 11th, 2009 at 5:15 am