Evaluation part 3:

Evaluation part 3

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Evaluation part 3:

Throughout the planning and research of my trailer I used different technologies to learn and help me understand the horror genre for my trailer, magazine and poster. I used YouTube a lot in my research and planning to study and look at existing trailers, and the three trailers that inspired me the most were: ’30 Days of Night’, ‘Pusher Trilogy’ and ‘Evil Dead’.

I was inspired by the ‘30 Days of Night’ trailer as I like the jump scare at the start when the body bursts through the window. This captures the audience immediately. I also like the washed out filter and the aesthetics of the trailer. The second trailer that I was inspired by was the ‘Pusher Trilogy’ as I liked the pacing and collision cutting used in this trailer, even though its isn’t a full horror film I feel the pacing and editing would fit well with a horror trailer. You can see an example of this our trailer in the chase scene. The third trailer that I liked was ‘Evil Dead’ (2013), I liked the pacing, body horror and collision cutting. The effect I liked is in the red band trailer with the girl cutting her tongue in half. I also liked how each scene matches the music and creates and intense atmosphere.

I also used new media such as IMDB to research the film, directors and watch the trailer. Other new media aspects that I used was Photoshop, to create a rough draft of a magazine and poster, I also used dafont.com, to find a suitable typography. Throughout the research I needed to research context of horror films, directors and special effect such as Tom Savini, to research these people I used special features and interviews from the film extras.

In the construction phase for my magazine, posters and trailer I used many new and a range of media products. To create my trailer I used Adobe Premiere Pro, this software is how I created and edited my trailer and footage captured, using a tripod and camera. Within Premiere Pro techniques that I used included adjusting the levels on the music and talking to create the jump scare and easier to hear the dialogue. Other tools inside of Premiere Pro included contrast and brightness. I used this to create a moodier atmosphere that is more typically seen in a horror trailer. I also used a website containing copyright free inter-title templates on After Effects. The name of the website is Templates4AE, which I used to get the ‘Evil Dead’ style inter-tiles that feature in my trailer.

For my ancillary products, when using Photoshop to create the my magazine and poster I used different tools for example opacity, I used this so some aspects seem more transparent allowing to see the colour or object beneath it, this also links with the layer order making sure that the aspects you wish to be seen is underneath the aspect that the opacity is turned down another tool I used with in Photoshop were the brush tools, I downloaded brushes called: ‘dried blood splatters’, this allowed me to use brush shapes that look like blood splatters which I used on my poster. I also used the burn tool on photoshop, this makes aspects where you click darker, this allowed my to make the shadow over the face darker creating a scarier looking face, typically seen on the genre of horror poster. I also used real life magazines (and their websites) such as Scream and Fangoria to see existing products so I have a guide line of what my product should look like.

When evaluating my products media devices that I used were YouTube, Powerpoint, cameras and social media. I used YouTube/social media for my evaluation screening, this allowed the audience to see my trailer and for me to see how they reacted to the trailer. Putting the trailer on YouTube also allowed people the opportunity to comment on what they though of the trailer and personal feeling towards it allowing me to know what was good and bad aspects of the trailer. To finish my blog, I used Powerpoint (presented through Slideshare) as a better way to present my work and make it easier to break down each section and a clearer way to show my work.