ACTING & SING ING BY STEL LA S. Broadway Musical s Bands Commercial s Jingle s Plays Music Videos

Acting & singing by Stella

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In order to become a successful actor or singer, you need to be confident., or at least be able to act or sing in front of an audience. If you can’t do either, I may have some tips that can help.

Page 3: Acting & singing by Stella


Actors act in movies and plays and, like in Broadway shows or musicals, they will add in songs or dances to describe the scene of the story and to create more excitement to the play or movie. If you’ve ever been to a play or Broadway show or maybe even been in one, you must know what it’s like, and that there are plenty of singers as well as actors.

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When acting, try to become the character, as crazy as it sounds! But when acting, you’re part is what most people will notice. They won’t notice your hair, or your earrings, they’ll notice the person you’re playing. In order to become a successful actor, you need to be more than just an actor, you need to become a whole new person. But, when acting try not to go too far with your part. Feel free to ask some questions! But remember, always do your best when acting, no matter what part you got!

Page 5: Acting & singing by Stella


When singing, you really need to put yourself out there. You need to be confident and determined. Even in auditions! During auditions, don’t be afraid to show them all you’ve got. But, before you go in there and sing your heart out, you’re going to need to practice! Practicing in front of family members or friends is great. You know the old saying, ‘Practice makes Perfect’? Well, it’s true! But singing in front of a crowd is much harder than in front of one person, so try practicing in front of multiple people. Singing takes a lot of courage, so use it!

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On stage, try to get used to your surroundings. If it makes you feel nervous, feel free to bring something that reminds you of home, or something that calms you down. It could be a stuffed animal or a small blanket, but just don’t bring it on stage! Another thing to do if you’re nervous, look up at the balcony or wall. Looking at the people may make you think that they all have bad opinions or that maybe they don’t enjoy it. But, always be in the right spot on stage. Don’t wander around everywhere! If you’re confused on where to be, don’t be afraid to ask!

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With these many steps and tips, you’ll be able to succeed in the acting and singing career (Hopefully!). It will take lots of courage, determination, and maybe even some help. Just remember, always do your best!