Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail? Using email is part of our established business culture. Just like the mail, it has been around for years, it is simple and everyone knows how it works. Our email address is the heart of our online presence and this reliance on email means that sometimes we don’t get the chance to explore new and developed methods of communication and collaboration, so why use collaboration tools over email?

Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail?

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Page 1: Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail?

Why is Collaboration Software better thanE-mail? Using email is part of our

established business culture. Just like the mail, it has been around for years, it is simple and everyone knows how it works. Our email address is the heart of our online presence and this reliance on email means that sometimes we don’t get the chance to explore new and developed methods of communication and collaboration, so why use collaboration tools over email?

Page 2: Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail?

With email, you have a “one-to-many” approach and your content is isolated. As soon as you email a document to numerous people who each edit it and forward to others you have lost control of that document and the latest version. With collaboration software there is a “many-to-many” approach. Documents can be viewed and amended with the latest version always on view, many tools also have full version control so you can see who made the changes and when.

Page 3: Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail?

Social CollaborationUsing email is largely a formal way of communicating. Cloud Collaboration adds a face to that name and offers different types of communication such as threaded comments, instant messaging and discussions. These functions help your team to build a better relationship with their colleagues with whom they are working with.

Time SavingsOn average it takes 2.5 days* for people to reply to an email. This is an extremely slow way of working. Waiting so long for people to reply to your emails can significantly reduce the efficiency and momentum of your business operations.

Page 4: Why is Collaboration Software better than E-mail?

Email AttachmentsMany email providers have a 25mb upload limit. In many of today’s businesses, which are taking more advantage of the internet, this simply won’t suffice. It’s always a hassle to use an external uploading service and it still risks getting lost amongst the rest of the junk. With collaboration tools, you can upload straight into the software in a folder or location that is accessible to whoever you want.

Keeping TrackIt’s so easy for your emails to build up to a unmanageable amount. How is anyone supposed to keep on track of the important ones when we are being bombarded by a barrage of irrelevant information. Collaboration tools offer an ‘walled-garden’ environment where you can communicate with your staff and partners without the clutter of your inbox.

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