What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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  1. 1. 3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  2. 2. I think that paramount pictures would be a good distributor for my media product because it has promoted Marvel films. These films are similar to my product in storyline, characters and genre.
  3. 3. They have also been successful in promoting other films that did well on release.
  4. 4. Looking at the other films they have been involved with, I think they would understand my vision for the film as they have experience in distributing this style an genre of film.
  5. 5. However, paramount is a mainstream distributor so they might not want to take on an independent film with a small budget because they might think that there won't be enough interest for them to make a profit.
  6. 6. As a result of this, I also looked at StudioCanal UK because they have recently promoted fairly successful action/ science fiction and horror films.
  7. 7. They are an independent company so it would be easier for my production team to get a contract with them.
  8. 8. Some of their latest films are the same genre as my product and have sparked up a lot of interest.
  9. 9. Also, they are based in the UK so it would be easy to communicate and have meetings.
  10. 10. Also, they are based in the UK so it would be easy to communicate and have meetings.