RFID- Radio Frequency Identificatio n www.verasset.c om

Verasset RFID Overview

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  • 1. RFID- RadioFrequencyIdentification www.verasset.com

2. RFID Basic ComponentsDecodes, stores &Forwards dataStorage & transactionProcessing of data Generates & focuses Stores & transmits RF energy waveData contained in chipwww.verasset.com 3. Applicable RF FrequenciesLow Frequency (LF)High Frequency (HF)Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 860MHz 960MHz UHF controlled by country USA uses 915MHz while Europe uses 868Mhz (EU)www.verasset.com 4. RFID Tags Tags are integrated circuits that contains memory,a simple microprocessor, and an antenna Categories Passive no internal power supplyreflect signal via backscatter Active internally battery powered tag Semi-active boosts signal via internal battery www.verasset.com 5. RFID Tag Characteristics Tag electronics affixed to substrate paper, polymer film, etc. tags are affixed to items using adhesive and/or mechanical means Tags protected by encapsulation materials plastics, ceramics, etc. Asset surfaces can effect tag electronics Backing material can be used to shield tag electronics from metal Some tags are non-metal mount others are designated as metal- mount only Some tags are universalwww.verasset.com 6. Passive Tags Range 1-2 meters Line-of-sight is not required to read tags Tag readability and read range can be affected by:- Water absorbs RF signal- Metal reflects RF signal Life expectancy up to 10 years substrate and environmental factors can impact thiswww.verasset.com 7. Tag Electronics Microchip Stores data Antenna Tag/antenna orientation as well as environment can impact ability to seesignal - single versus dual antenna configuration minimizes this RF energy from reader antenna is "harvested" and used to power up themicrochip on a passive tagwww.verasset.com 8. Applicable Standards Governing standard set by EPCGlobal - Electronic Product Code (EPC) Current version of the standard is entitled Generation 2 Gen 2 tags have four memory banks Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 2Bank 3 Reserved MemoryEPC Memory Tag Identification Memory * User Memory *32-bit Kill Password 16-bit CRC8-bit Class IdentifierUser-defined format32-bit Access Password 16-bit Protocol Control 12-bit Tag Designer96-bit EPC12-bit Tag Model Number 32-bit Serial Number (optional)(64 bits) (128 bits)(0, 32, or 64 bits)(0 or more bits) www.verasset.com