TV Credit Evaluation Monday, 16 April 2012

Tv credit evaluation love to die

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TV Credit Evaluation

Monday, 16 April 2012

Page 2: Tv credit evaluation  love to die

Comparison with real media production

To compare our title sequence with existing TV credits we had to do some research and see if our's is like or exactly the same as any other credit sequence. For our credit sequence I was basing it around ‘My Bloody Valentines’ the movie and ‘Dexter’ the TV series.  For the locations we filmed around the college, we used ‘Ben’s woodland walk’  for the girl laying there dead, we used the parking lot for the roses with blood on them.  We used the College bathrooms with dripping blood into water and got permission to film in one of the College kitchens.

Then we went off sight into town and got permission to film in the public library, and we also filmed in Christ’s Piece park for the couple kissing in the park. For props and costumes I brought in fake blood and the hot pink dress for one of our friends to act dead in, and my team mate brought in the roses and the photography camera for some of the scenes. We also tried to copy the idea of the blood smeared into a heart shape, and tried to create it on a window, but didn’t turn out the way we wanted, so we tried to Photoshop it but it didn’t work, So we took the image of the blood shaped heart from 'My bloody valentines' and used Photoshop to get rid of anything that was text or image that was not ours, and used the image in our sequence.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Page 3: Tv credit evaluation  love to die

Comparison with real media products

For the effects in our sequence I edited it so some of the clips were overlapping. This gave the effect that it looked like the blood was dripping on to the couple in the park. I also put on the effect of when you first see the roses they are blurred and then when the first drop of blood drips on the roses it comes into focus.  With the credits I changed the font so it would go with the theme of the sequence, and put the characters names in first and added in the who wrote the book, who Produced and Directed it at the end. I’d like to think that it gives off suspense and drama and action but if not all of them then hopefully drama and suspense.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Page 4: Tv credit evaluation  love to die

How did you find the construction process

What I found most enjoyable was getting all of the footage and putting it together and completing it. I think what I found the hardest was finding the couple to film in the park. The problem was, it was a little frustrating because we had to fit them in a time when we where free as well as them, but it didn’t all ways work, so we had a back up couple who said that they could film with us which was a relief.  I found working in a team helpful and enjoyable because you could get a lot more work done and also laugh about it. It was also a lot easier because if I couldn’t get something that had to be one of our props or costumes my team mate would bring in the prop and also we have each others numbers so if we had forgotten something to mention then we could text or call each other, which was very helpful.  We also made schedules so we knew when to film and when and who was free for filming too. 

Monday, 16 April 2012

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Legal and ethical consideration

We made sure that the music we used was allowed to be used, and also when getting the music we remixed it a little in Garageband.  We also filmed all of the ‘violent’ parts on the College grounds, and we didn’t film anyone threatening  anyone with a knife or a toy gun look-a-like. We also got the people that we filmed to sign a permission slip to allow us to use them in our footage. 

Monday, 16 April 2012

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Skills Developed

In editing the sequence in Final Cut I used filters for some of the effects to give a different ‘texture’ to the sequence, and  I also used Photoshop to create the eyes turning black, however, when doing this in Photoshop I did not realise that I had made the face change as well as making the eyes change until I had put it together in Final Cut that I realise what I had done, but it gave it more depth to when the eyes changed the face changed which I liked.  To make the face change I used the Smug tool and then used the Brush tool for the eyes.

Monday, 16 April 2012

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Quality of final product

I think that the final product is based around our original idea, however, we added the black eyes in at the last moment because we had everything planed out, and it was based on ‘My bloody valentines’ and ‘Dexter’ but when we looked it over again, we realised that we had missed out the sci-fi part of the project, so we added that when he goes out to kill something takes over him and his eyes change and he doesn’t remember a thing when he is out of this ‘darkness’.   I think it has now reached our target audience but I think that they would notice that the part of his eyes changing are stills and is not recorded footage. I think it is appropriate to the task given and also to our target audience. 

Monday, 16 April 2012