Training and Development of Employees CHAPTER 4 1 Reported by: Southeastern College HRM student Group 4

Training and Development of Employees

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Page 1: Training and Development of Employees

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Training and Development of Employees


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Chapter Outline: 1. Employee Orientation

2. Objectives of Training and Development

3. Using Training to Deal with Competitive Challenges

4. The training Process

5. Traditional Training Methods

6. Technology-based Training

7. Distance Learning or E-Learning

8. Steps in Using a Performance Analysis to Determine Training Needs

9. Evaluating Training Effectiveness

10. Determining Return on Investment

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Employee Orientation

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Employee Orientation

• Orientation involves familiarizing new employees with the company’s cherished goals and values,

• Employee get “up to speed” much more quickly, thereby reducing the costs associated with learning the job.

• Orientation helps to reduce anxiety that results from entering into an unknown situation, and helps provide guidelines for behavior and conduct, so the employee does not have to experience the stress of guessing

• Effective orientation program has an immediate and lasting impact on the new employee and can make the difference between his success or failure.

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Type of organization, orientation should be conducted

1. Organizational/overview orientation

2. Departmental and job specific-orientation

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Organizational/overview orientation

• Topics discussed include overview of the company, key policies and procedures, compensation, benefits, safety and accident prevention, employees and union relation if there is any, physical facilities, and the like

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Departmental and job specific-orientation

• Topics about the department function and the duties and responsibilities of the newly-hired employee, policies, procedures, rules and regulations, tour of the department, and introduction to the department employees

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Objectives of Training and Development

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Objectives of Training and Development

1. Improve the quality and quantity of productivity

2. Effectiveness in the present job

3. Create more favorable attitudes, loyalty, and cooperation

4. Help employees in their personal development and advancement by helping them acquire additional qualifications for a better job.

5. Help organization respond to dynamic market conditions and changing consumer demands.

6. Satisfy human resource planning requirements.

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Using Training to Deal with Competitive Challenges

1. Global Challenge

2. Quality Challenge3. High Performance Work System


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1. Global Challenge

Having a borderless society, cross cultural training is important to prepare employees and their families for possible overseas assignments.

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2. Quality Challenge

• The emphasis on quality is seen in the establishment of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award and the ISO 9000 quality standards.

• The categories and the point values for the Baldrige Award includes• Leadership• Information Analysis• Strategic Planning• Human Resource Development And Management• Process Management• Business Results• Customer And Satisfaction

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• ISO 9000• Criteria similar to those for the Baldrige award. • The name of a family of standards (ISO 9001, ISO 9002) that include

20 requirements for dealing with issues such as how to establish quality standards and document work processed

• ISO 9001• The most comprehensive standard because it covers product or

service design and development, manufacturing, installation, and customer service.

• ISO 9002• Does not include design and development

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Cont.• Training can help companies meet the quality challenge by

teaching employees statistical process control and other quality related skills that they can use to build quality into a product.

• Total Quality Management (TQM) is a cooperative form of doing business that relies on the talents and capabilities of both labor and management to continually improve quality and productivity

• The quality challenges has forced employers to also train employees and managers in the interpersonal skills necessary to work together to create high-quality products and services.

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3. High Performance Work System Challenge

• New technology causes changes in skill requirements and work roles and often results in redesigning work structures.

• The information needed to improve customer service and product quality becomes more accessible to employees.

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The Training Process1. Training Need Analysis/Need Assessment2. Designing Training Programs/Training


3. Validation4. Implementation5. Evaluation and Follow-up

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1. Training Need Analysis/Need Assessment

• Process used to determine if training is necessary.

• Identify specific job performance skills needed to improve or correct performance deficiencies and increase productivity

• Training is needed when significant differences exist between actual performance and standards.

• Five methods can be used to gather need assessment information.

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Cont.Assess For Success Training Development Journal

1. Interviews Can be conducted by specialists in HR Dept. to be able to take note

the following such as problem of the employees in his job, additional skills or knowledge the employee needs to better perform the job, and what training the employee believes is needed.

2. Survey Questionnaire Involves developing a list of skills required to perform particular

jobs effectively and asking employees to check those skills in which they believe they need training on.

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3. Observation Performing job analyses are usually adept at observing to identify

training needs

4. Focus Groups Determine skills and knowledge needed by employees for the

organization to stay competitive and identifying problems of the organization that can be solved by training.

5. Documentation Examination Examining records like absenteeism, turnover, accident rates,

performance appraisal information to determine if problem exist. A systematic and accurate need assessment should be undertaken

before any training is conducted.

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Cont. Need Assessment Process:

a. Organizational analysis Involves determining the appropriateness of training, given the

company’s business strategy, its resources available for the training, and support by managers and peers for training activities.

b. Person/Performance Analysis Determining the training needs of current employees. Determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack

of knowledge, skill, ability, or motivational or work design problem. It also involves identifying who needs training and determining

employees’ readiness for training.

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Behavior Discrepancy Or Lack Of Experience

Is it a can’t do or a won’t do problem?Knows what to do?Could do if wanted to?Employee wants to do best?

Cost Value Analysis

Won’t Do

Motivate Employee

Can’t Do

Set Standards

Eliminate Obstacles





Steps In Using A Performance Analysis To Determine Training Needs

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c. Task Analysis Assessing training needs of new employees. This is a detailed study

of the job to determine what specific skills are required. Identifying the important tasks and knowledge, skills, and

behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to develop the skills and knowledge required for effective performance and for the employees to complete their tasks

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2. Designing Training Programs/Training Objectives

• Effective training objectives should state the benefit to the organization, department, or individual when the training is completed.

• The outcome of the training or learning objectives can be categorized as follows:a. Instructional Objective

b. Organizational and departmental Objectives

c. Individual and Growth Objectives

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3. Validation

• Introduce and validate the training before a representative audience.

4. Implementation

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5. Evaluation and Follow-up

Assess program success according to:

a. Reaction Reaction level should include measuring reaction of trainees to

program content, format, instructional techniques, abilities and style of trainor, extent to which the training objectives were met, and the like

b. Learning It concerns how well the trainees understood and absorbed the

principles, facts, and skills taught.

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c. Behavior Measure the degree to which learners apply new skills and

knowledge to their jobs. Evaluate behavioral change. Should be made at least after 6

months after training

d. Results Determine the level of improvement in job performance and assess

needed maintenance to ensure continuous good performance.

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Traditional Training Methods1. Hands on Methods2. Apprenticeship Training

3. Vestibule or Stimulated Training

4. Off-the-job training

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1. Hands on Methods

• Refers to training methods that require the trainee to be actively involved in learning

• These methods include on-the-job training, stimulations, case studies, business games, role-plays, and behavior modeling.

• On-the-Job Training – having a person learn a job by actually performing it. The length of the training will vary with the complexity of the job and the specific skills to be learned.

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Advantages of OJT:

a. No special space or equipment required

b. Provides immediate transfer of training

c. Allows employee to practice what they are expected to do after their training ends.

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OJT Techniques:

a. Job instructional training Requires a careful analysis of the job to be performed, an assessment of what the

trainee knows about the job, and training schedule. Training begins with the introductory explanation of the purpose of the job and a step-

by-step demonstration by the trainer of the job operations.

Steps in the OJ Method

Step 1 – Preparing the learner for the training.

Step 2 – Presentation of the trainer of the operations and basic skills that should be acquired by the learner.

Step 3 – Performance tryout for the trainer to find out if the learner was able to comprehend the instruction given.

Step 4 – Follow-up for the trainer to ensure that the learner is already coping on his own.

• If the learner has not learned, the teacher has not taught.

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b. Internships and Assistantships Provide training similar to apprenticeship training. Refers to occupations that require a higher level of formal

education than that required by the skilled trades. They are required to submit reports describing their experiences

and what they have learned and they receive academic credit toward graduation for such experiences.

c. Job rotation or cross-training Movement from one position to another provides employees with

exposure to a number of different job functions and a broad grasp of the over-all purpose of an organization.

This makes flexibility possible in the department especially when there is unexpected transfers, absences, promotions, or other replacements

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2. Apprenticeship Training

• Provides beginning workers with comprehensive training in the practical and theoretical aspects of work required in a highly skilled occupation.

• This is a combination of an on-the-job training and off-the-job training.

• The program is designed to provide a continuing supply of skilled workers for industries

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3. Vestibule or Stimulated Training

• It represents real-life situations with trainees’ decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen if they were on the job.

• It is an off-site environment that stimulates the actual workplace.

• It is too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job.

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4. Off-the-job training

• It is done in the organization’s classroom or elsewhere.

a. Lecture/Discussion Approach Transmitting large amounts of factual information to a relatively

large number of people at the same time. The communication of learned capabilities is primarily one way-

from the trainer to the audience

Some useful guidelines in presenting a lecture:• Give listeners signals to help them follow the ideas presented.• Maintain eye contact with the trainees• Make sure everyone in the room can hear• Control hands while giving the lecture• Talk from notes rather than from a script

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Variations of the Lecture Method


• Standard Lecture

• Team Teaching

• Guest Speakers

• Panels

• Student Presentations


Trainer talks while trainees listen and absorb information

Two or more trainers present different topics or alternative views of the same topic

Speakers visit the session for a predetermined time period.

Two or more speakers present information and ask questions.

Group of trainees present topics to the class

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b. Audio-Visual Techniques Can appear in several forms including the use of television, films,

videotapes, filmstrips, and slide-type presentations. More expensive than conventional lectures but offer some


c. Teletraining or teleconferencing Trainer in a central location can train groups of employees at

remote locations via TV hookups. This modes include computer, audio, video, or any combination of

the three. This requires higher levels of skill for the trainers

d. Case studies Designed to promote a trainee’s discovery of underlying principles Case study approach is that employees are most likely to recall and

use knowledge and skills if they learn through a process of discovery Provides authentic data and opportunity o suggest appropriate

corrective solution.

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Process for Case Development

1. Identify a story

2. Gather information

3. Prepare a story outline

4. Decide on administrative issues

5. Prepare case materials

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e. Role Playing In this type of training, participants assume specific

characterizations and act out a particular situation or problem The participants attempt to solve the situation as if they were the

real individuals involved This methods facilitates attitude change since the best procedure

for changing attitude is to have participants play roles in which the are asked to express attitudes that are the opposite of their own personal feelings.

f. Correspondence training

This home study program permits the trainee to learn at his own rate

The trainee is on his own understand the material which he has to learn and apply without coaching

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g. Management or business games This develops practical experience for the trainees and helps in

transferring knowledge and in applying administrative thoughts. Primarily used for management skill development The type of decisions that participants make in games include all

aspects of management practice: Labor Relations Marketing Finance

h. Mentoring/Coaching

The coaches or mentors act as consultant who assist companies to prepare for succession by identifying and training future top executives.

The goal of mentoring is the teaching of job skills and this is accomplished by means of behavioral strategy.

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i. Experiential training (www.hrd.com)

It utilizes participants’ own experience and their reflection about that experience, rather than lecture and theory as the means of generating understanding and transferring skills and knowledge.

The group must work together to Plan Participate Problem solve Make decisions Consider the role of leadership when appropriate

Team-building therefore is a key component of experiential training

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Technology-Based Training1. Multimedia Training2. Computer-based Training (CBT)3. Virtual Reality

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Technology-based Training

• Technology is having a major impact on the delivery of the training programs

• Technology making possible:1. Employees to gain complete control over when and where they

receive training

2. Employees and manager to access knowledge and expert decision rules on an as-needed basis

3. Employees to select the type of media they want to use in the training session

4. Training administration to be conducted electronically

5. Close monitoring of training in progress.

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1. Multimedia Training• These programs integrate text, graphics, animation, audio

and video.

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2. Computer-based Training (CBT)

• An interactive training in which the computer provides the learning stimulus.

• CBT was one of the first new technologies to be used in training.

• These technologies allow greater use of video and audio than possible by relying solely on the computer.

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a. Interactive Video Combines the advantages of video and computer-based instruction Interactive video is used to teach technical procedures and

interpersonal skills

b. Internet or Web-Based Training and Intranet It allows training to be available on demand, to be delivered

remotely, and to keep up with the rapid pace of change The World Wide Web (WWW) is a user friendly service on the

Internet Enables he user to explore the Web Web-based training supports virtual reality, animation, interactions,

communications between trainees and real-time audio and video. There are six levels of Internet-based training

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Levels of Internet-based Training

1. Communication

2. On-Line referencing

3. Testing

4. Distribution of computer based training

5. Delivery of multimedia

6. Delivery of multimedia, linking to other resources, sharing of knowledge

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Rules For The Design Of Effective Web-based Training


DevelopmentInstructional EffectivenessLearner Control


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1. Purpose of the program is to enhance performance

2. Program development is based on an analysis of trainees’ needs, skills, knowledge, and work environment

3. Music, graphics, icons, animation, and video facilitate and do not interfere with learning

4. Content is relevant to real-world experiences

5. Training is tested on end-users

6. Employees and experts are used to provide content example, exercises, and assignments

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Instructional Effectiveness

1. Trainees have opportunities to practice and receive feedback through problems, exercises, assignments, and tests

2. Assessment of learning outcomes is built into the program

3. Abstract concepts are presented using real examples

4. Trainees are urged to identify obstacles to using content in their jobs and ways to overcome obstacles

5. Multiple examples, exercises, and applications for the learning objectives are presented

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Learner Control

1. A navigator or content map is provided so trainees can move forward or backward through the program and easily access resources and links o other sites as needed

2. Trainees can compare answers, approaches, and responses to questions to those provided by others

3. Trainees can begin the program where they want or a starting point can be based on an assessment of their knowledge, skills, or experiences related to the program

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Follow-up materials and additional resources are identified and easily accessible to trainees


Opportunities exist for electronically interacting with and sharing with trainers, peers, other trainees, and experts. This may be done through e-mail, chat rooms, or bulletin boards

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3. Virtual Reality

• Is a computer-based technology that provides trainees with a three-dimensional (3D) learning experience.

• One advantage of virtual reality is that it allows the trainee to practice dangerous tasks without putting herself or others in danger.

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Distance Learning or E-Learning

Prepared By: Martin Jacob Andrada III- BSBA Management

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Distance LearningThe two-way communications between people and involves two types of technology.

1. It includes simultaneous learning in which trainees attend training program in training facilities in which they can communicate with trainers (who are at another location) and other trainees using the telephone or personal computer.

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2. It includes individualized, personal-computer based training. This type of distance learning may involve multimedia training methods such as Web-based training. Trainers and trainees interact using e-mail, bulletin boards, and conference system.

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Characteristics of Open and Distance Learning or E-Learning

1. Separation of teacher and learner in time or place or vice versa

2. Institutional accreditation3. Use of mix-media course ware4. Two-way communication5. Use of industrialized processes.

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Learning Platforms

Various platforms are be harnessed for online instruction.

Instructional platform-include weekly mentoring via e-mail, phone conferences among learning groups, and brief face-to-face campus residencies.

Another platform used is mailing videotapes of weekly campus lectures and classroom sessions to remote learners.

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Embanet- also called as conferencing system that the students use this to view the videotapes and go on-line to discuss issues with their colleagues in live chat sessions.

Another Technological platform,

Learning Space- an integrated Lotus Notes educational system. It allows students and faculty to post and read assignments and class discussions on-line.

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Benefits of E-Learning

1. Quality of instruction of the virtual university including lessons in corporate virtual communication skills

2. Students can opt to earn a special guided practice certificate in the development , management, and facilitation of electronic learning environment at the end of the degree process

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3. On-line learning has the potential to ensure access to life-long learning and contribute to equality of opportunity without sacrificing quality

4. For universities, access to new markets, international partnership, and reduced time to market

5. Cost effective

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6. Problems such as distance and time, which are barriers to conventional learning, are overcome in E-learning

7. Expanding the limited number of places available

8. Accommodating low enrolments in one geographic region but additional enrolments where

9. Making best use of the limited number of teachers available

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Knowledge Community – a form of on-line learning; not a degree program but it answers the question of how people can conveniently come together to learn.

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Kinds of E-Learning Systems

1. Single Mode Institution – Set up to offer programs of study at a distance; Some face-to-face interactions involved but often optional; Teaching and learning process mediated in some way by print, by audio, by video, by computer, including computer-based training e-mail, teleconferencing, or world wide web.

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2. Dual Mode Institution – offers two modes; one using traditional classroom-based methods and one using distance methods

3. Mixed mode institution – offers learners a wide choice of modes of study (independent, based or some combination and face to face, mediated or some combination).

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Forces Behind the Growth ofOn-Line Learning

1. Market2. Globalization and

competition3. Technology

4. Costs5. Teaching and learning6. Flexibility7. Access


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1. Market Depending on whose statistics you accept

2. Globalization and competition The emergence of a global economy based on knowledge industries,

free trade, and open markets have all created opportunities for business To profit from standardized products and services internationally

3. Technology The central force in driving the on-line agenda

4. Costs Through partnerships, alliances, acquisitions and shared curriculum,

costs of delivering education or training on-line can be reduced

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5. Teaching and Learning Offers a very rewarding learning experience

6. Flexibility Learning will necessarily have to be at a time and place of their


7. Access Access to learning for those living in remote areas and who are

marginalized or isolated can all be served on-line

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Problems in the Use of On-line Learning

1. Poor Telecommunications Infrastructure

2. Cost Of Appliance3. Know-how4. Cost Of Services

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1. Poor telecommunications infrastructure The level of “teledensity” has not reached the stage where the Internet

can function efficiently

2. Cost of appliance Problems of access to telecommunications pale into insignificance

besides those gaining access to a working computer capable of connecting to the Internet

3. Know-how 3 specific skills are relevant, necessary, and in short supply.

1) Participatory skills From computer literacy to a working knowledge of English for involvement in

network learning

2) Facilitating skills For the design, implementation, and maintenance of networks

3) Control skills Manage the enterprise

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4. Cost of service Far from being an asset technology or at least the lack of access to

it can very well become the barrier to education for many

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Steps in Using a Performance Analysis to Determine

Training Needs

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Step 1: Appraise employee’s performance to determine how employees are doing and how they should be doing their assigned task

Step 2: Determine cost of value of correcting identified behavioral discrepancy to find out if it is worth the cost, time, and expense involved

Step3: It is important to determine if the employee could do the expected job if he wanted to.

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Step4: Performance standards should be clearly communicated to improve performance.

Step5: Determine other factors that can hinder performance such as time, equipment, and other people

Step6: Practice can help in improving performance

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Step7: If performance analysis indicates that behaviors need to be altered, training becomes a viable consideration. The training approach should be weighted to find the one best suited to correct behavior discrepancy

Step8: In redesigning through job enrichment, job simplification may be the best solution

Step9: If all else failed, then the employee may have to be transferred or terminated

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Step10: In some cases, a skilled and able employee may not want to perform the job, posing a motivational problem. Rewards, punishment or discipline or some combination may be needed to create a positive climate that results in the employee utilizing his skills optimally.

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Evaluating Training Effectiveness

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Evaluating Training Effectiveness

• Training effectiveness refers to the benefits that the company and the trainees receive from training.

• Benefits for the trainees may include learning new skills or behavior

• Benefits for the company may include increased sales and more satisfied customers

• Training outcomes or criteria refer to measures that the trainer and the company use to evaluate training programs.

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Process of collecting the outcomes

1. Controlled Experimentation

Date should be obtained both before and after a corresponding work period in a control group

It is possible to determine the extent to which any change in performance in the training group

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2. Using Specific criteria to measure outcomes of training such as the reaction of the trainee assessing trainee satisfaction

Reaction criteria measure how well the participants liked the program including its content, the trainer, the methods used, and the surroundings in which the training took place

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Example of an Evaluation Questionnaire

1. Considering everything, how would you rate this program

_Unsatisfactory _Satisfactory _Good _outstanding

2. Were your expectations exceeded?

_It matched _It has fallen below

3. Are you going to recommend this training program to other members of your department? (If you checked yes, please describe the job titles held by the people to whom you would recommend this program)

_Yes _No

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Levels of EvaluatingTraining Effectiveness

1. Learning Level2. Behavioral Level3. Result Level

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1. Learning Level

• Assesses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior

• Trainees’ learning correlates moderately with immediate job behavior

• These learning objectives should be based on the knowledge that has been determined through the task analysis to be truly necessary prerequisites for performing satisfactorily on the job.

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2. Behavioral Level

• Measures he improvement of behavior on the job.

3. Results Level

• Measures the business results achieved by the trainee

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Example of Behavioral Questionnaire:

Compared to One Year Ago Check OneYes No

1. Does your supervisor have a better understanding of how you perform your job?

2. Does he or she better indicate recognition of your good work?

3. Does he or she better utilize your particular skills?

4. Do you have a better picture of what he or she expects from you in terms of job performance?

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Determining Return on Investment

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Return on Investment (ROI)

Refers to comparing the training's monetary benefits with the cost of the training.

ROI results from a cost benefit analysis

Training costs include direct and indirect costsa. Direct costs

b. Indirect costs

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Direct costs


• salaries and benefits for all employees involved in training

• including trainees, instructors, consultants and employees who design the program

• the program material and supplies, equipment or classroom rentals or purchases

• Travel costs and lodging, cost of productivity while trainees attend the program

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Indirect costs

• are not related directly to the design, development or delivery of the training program.

• They include general office supplies, facilities, equipment, and related expenses

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Training costs information is important for several reasons:

1. To understand total expenditures for the training, including direct and indirect costs

2. To compare the costs of alternative training programs

3. To evaluate the proportion of money spent on training and development, administration, and evaluation as well as the compare amount spent on training for different groups employees

4. To control costs

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Short Cases for Discussion

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