Training and Development

Training and development

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Training and Development

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““If you think training If you think training is expensive,try is expensive,try


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Training is expensive. Without training it is more expensive


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A learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his/ her ability to perform on the job. It involves changing of


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“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills an employee for a doing particular job”

“ Training is job oriented, it bridges the gap between what the employee has what the job demands ”


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More future oriented and more concerned with education than is training. Management Development activities attempt to instill sound reasoning processes to enhance one’s ability to understand and interpret knowledge.It focuses on the personal growth & on



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T & D

Increases job skills- specific skills

Short term perspective

Job centered

The role of a trainer is very important

It shapes attitude – overall growth

Long term perspective

Career Centered

Internally motivated for self development

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To improve the skills and knowledge of the employees to perform the assigned task.

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New Hires

Change of Job (Job Rotation, Promotion)

Change to Job (New Technologies)

Performance Deficiencies detected

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Build a common understanding of the  organisation's purpose.Show management's commitment and loyalty to  employeesDevelop people so they can increase their   responsibilities and contribute to the organisation  in new ways. 

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Development is a process of preparing employees for future position and improve their personal skills to handle the critical situations in an organisation.

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To assist employee to sharpen their personal skills to handle the crucial situations in organisation.

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1. Conduct Training Need Analysis

2. Develop Training Objectives

3. Design & Select Training Methods

4. Implement Training

5. Evaluate Training

6. Measure Training Results

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Step 1

Conduct & Develop

Training Need Analysis

Step 2

Design and select Training


Step 3

Implement Training Methods

Step 4

Evaluate Training

Training Results

Step 5

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This is a process to find the Gap between the skills required to perform a job and the skills the employee have. By this we can clarify our objectives.

Training Need = Required skills-skills used

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Assessing Training and Development Needs

Needs analysisThe assessment of the organization’s job-related needs and the capabilities of the current workforce

The manager must carefully assess the company’s:StrategyResources available for trainingGeneral philosophy regarding training and development

Decision must be made about training employees for current jobs versus for future jobs

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Refers to the process used to determine if training is necessary.

Because needs assessment is the first step in the instructional design process:

If it is poorly conducted, training will not achieve the outcomes or financial benefits the company expects.

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Reasons or “Pressure Points


What is the Context?


•Lack of Basic Skills

•Poor Performance

•New Technology

•Customer Requests

•New Products

•Higher Performance Standards

•New Jobs

•What Trainees Need to Learn

•Who Receives Training

•Type of Training

•Frequency of Training

•Buy Versus Build Training Decision

•Training Versus Other HR Options Such as Selection or Job Redesign

Who Needs the Training?

In What Do They Need Training?

Organization Analysis

Task Analysis

Person Analysis

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Organizational Analysis – involves determining:

the appropriateness of training, given the business strategyresources available for trainingsupport by managers and peers for training

Task Analysis – involves:identifying the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks

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Person Analysis – involves:determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work design problemidentifying who needs trainingdetermining employees’ readiness for training

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Do We Want To Devote Time and Money For Training?

Person AnalysisPerson Characteristics• Input• Output• Consequences• Feedback

Task Analysis or Develop a Competency Model

• Work Activity (Task)

• KSAs

• Working Conditions

Organizational Analysis

• Strategic Direction

• Support of Managers & Peers for Training

• Training Resources

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Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction

1. Gain attention2. Inform learners of objectives 3. Stimulate recall of prior learning4. Present the content5. Provide "learning guidance“6. Elicit performance (practice)7. Provide feedback8. Assess performance9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job

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How to handle requests for Training Training Requirements Analysis

Training Requirements Analysis

Training Requirements Training Requirements AnalysisAnalysis

Training Requirements AnalysisTraining Requirements Analysis

Training Requirements Analysis

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The Four Stages of TRA

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OutputStandard to judge successful performers

ConsequencesPositive consequences/incentives to perform

Few negative consequences to perform

FeedbackFrequent and specific feedback about how the job is performed

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If employees lack the knowledge and skill to perform and the other factors are satisfactory, training is needed.

If employees have the knowledge and skill to perform but input, output, consequences, or feedback are inadequate, training may not be the best solution.

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What Training Can Do

Training CAN accomplish many things.  1. It can help people learn the new skills that are required

to meet new expectations, both formal and informal2. Training can help people accept the challenge of their

evolving jobs. 3. Build a common understanding of the organization's

purpose. 4. Show management's commitment and loyalty to 

employees 5. Develop people so they can increase their   responsibilities

and contribute to the organization in new ways.  

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What Training Cannot Do

Training cannot do many things.  Training, on its own, cannot change ineffective employees into effective ones.  It is unlikely to address ALL the causes of poor performance.  Limited training also will not turn a poor supervisor or manager into an effective one, unless it is coupled with ongoing coaching from above.

Training will not erase problems that occur because of poor structuring of work, mismatching of work with the person, unclear authorities and responsibilities or other organizationally related issues.

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