Training and Developing Employees Presented By Saiqa zafar

Training and developing employees

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Page 1: Training and developing employees

Training and Developing Employees

Presented By

Saiqa zafar

Page 2: Training and developing employees


Stages of Socialization


Key personnel

Employee hand book

Training & Development

Importance of training

Organization development & Change agent

Learning organization

Critical issues

Key points

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“The ongoing process of instilling in all employees the attitudes, standards, values, and patterns of behavior that the organization and the departments expect is called Socialization”

Stages of Socialization:- There are three stages of Socialization

1-Pre_arrival stage

2-Encounter stage

3-Metamorphosis stage

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1-Pre_arrival stage:-

“This stage explicitly recognizes that each individual arrives with a set of organizational values, attitudes, and expectations”

2-Encounter stage:- “Occurs on the first day on the job. This is when

the new employee learns what the new company’s organization is like. Many firms have “on-boarding” programs, which help new employees adjust and adapt to their new environment”

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3-Metamorphosis stage:-

“This occurs when the new employee masters their new skill and accepts his or her new role. Many companies offer incentives to new employees to reinforce new expected behavior”

Orientation :-


“One component of the employer’s new employee socialization process is called Orientation”

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Key personnel:-


“Staff members who have major roles in project implementation and management and are critical to project success”

These might include:

• Project Director/Manager/Coordinator

• Finance/Grant Manager

• Technical Advisors

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How to Identify Key Personnel?Requirements usually found in solicitation



• Review solicitation instructions and any amendments

• Check experience, education, and specific skills needed for key personnel

Non-key personnel/Core personnel also important, these may include:

• Program Officer

• Program Assistant

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How to Find Key Personnel?

Write job description that matches required experience, education and skills from the solicitation instructions section.

How to Present Key Personnel? Always check solicitation requirements, but

usually organization asks for key personnel description as part of concept paper.

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Employee hand book:-


“An employee handbook, sometimes also known as an employee manual or staff handbook, is a book given to employees by an employer. Usually, the employee handbook contains information about company policies and procedures”

In employee hand book we discus:

Job Descriptions

Holiday Pay

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Phone Calls

Dress Code

Specific Purpose of the Handbook

Provide information concerning benefits, right and responsibilities;

Establish guidelines/procedures for day-to- day administration of personnel matters;

Ensure fairness & consistency in personnel decision making;

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Advantages & Disadvantages


Time Saver Answers Questions before

they are asked Grow a company Write about policies &


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May save you too much time and your boss may wonder why you are needed

May provide legal protection that will keep you out of court – but, you have always wanted to be on Judge Judy

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“The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies is called Training “

Type of training

Physical training

Business training Artificial-intelligence feedback training

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Religion and spirituality training

Job training and development

Computer base training

On-the-job training

Training for Special Purpose

Literacy Training Techniques

Values Training

Diversity Training

Training for Teamwork and Empowerment

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“Development is a complex issue, with many different and sometimes contentious definitions. A basic perspective equates development with economic growth”

Evaluating the Training and Development Effort:

The basic categories of training outcomes can be measured



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The training and developing process:

1) Need Analysis

2) Instructional Design

3) Validation

4) Implementation

5) Evaluation

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Importance of training & Development:-

1) Help in addressing employee weaknesses

2) Improvement in workers performance

3) Consistency in duty performance

4) Ensuring worker satisfaction

5) Increased productivity

6) Improved quality of services and products

7) Reduced cost

8) Reduction in supervision

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Organization development & Change agent:-

Organization development:-

“The process to improving organization by increasing organizational or employee effectiveness is known as Organization development”

Change agent:-

“A change agent is a person who indirectly or directly causes change”


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“Someone who is employed by a company or organization to change the way in which it is organized and managed is known as change agent”

For example: a change agent may work within an organization to lead or cause the change in some aspect of how the business is conducted. They may be assigned the role or may assume the role naturally. Some change agents surface as leaders , instigators or examples for change in cultural , social or human behavior.

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Learning organization:-

“Learning organizations develop as a result of the pressures facing modern organizations and enables them to remain competitive in the business environment is called learning organization”

Difference between Learning organization & organizational Learning

Organisational learning happens

anyway Learning organisation is one that manages its own learning processes to its advantage

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Learning styles:- Active or reflective

Visual or verbal

Varying amounts of information

Learning Benefits & Barriers:-

Benefits:- The main benefits are:

Maintaining levels of innovation and remaining competitive.

Being better placed to respond to external pressures

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Having the knowledge to better link resources to customer needs

Improving quality of outputs at all levels

Improving Corporate image by becoming more people oriented

Increasing the pace of change within the organization




Ability to concentrate

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Poor language skills

Pain or discomfort

Work pressure

Previous experience with training


Critical issues:-

Cross-Cultural training

Language training

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Cross-Cultural training:-

Define culture:-

“A perceptual structure of human activities that include, behaviors, values, arts, beliefs, languages; custom, dress, manners, religion, law, morality, and code of honors”

Define cross-culture:-

“Interacting with or comparing two or more culture and understanding their values, beliefs and norms”

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Training provides you the sources, tips and techniques.

Allows you to be proficient in certain skills, competencies or knowledge.

Cross-Cultural training will enable you to gain knowledge, skill and competencies.

To understands different cultures, values, beliefs and norms.

Language training:-

language is a basic part of communication. Different languages having in a world, For example:

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Chains etc

The English speak in all the world so the employee trained according the post however they talk to all employees .