The Top 5 Big Data Analytics Companies in India Known for their Innovative Solutions In this highly competitive environment of today, the success of a business greatly depends on the forward looking measures undertaken by organizations and the complete decision making process depends on insights derived from big data analytics. In India several companies have come up that offer innovative Business Intelligence services and the top 5 amongst them are: Heckyl This Company has been awarded for its innovative solutions in the financial data analysis domain.

The Top 5 Big Data Analytics Companies in India Known for their Innovative Solutions

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The Top 5 Big Data Analytics Companies in India Known for their Innovative Solutions

In this highly competitive environment of today, the success of a business greatly depends on the forward looking measures undertaken by organizations and the complete decision making process depends on insights derived from big data analytics. In India several companies have come up that offer innovative Business Intelligence services and the top 5 amongst them are:


This Company has been awarded for its innovative solutions in the financial data analysis domain.

Sigmoid Analytics

This company is one of the market leaders in the domain of real time big data warehousing, streaming and ETL. Their infrastructure can be used by clients to store data in different formats as well as present the same on various platforms in a manner that can facilitate derivation of business insights.


The systems developed by this organization are especially dedicated to serve the oil and gas industry. Their solutions are designed to analyse large volumes of machine generated data in order to derive insights that cannot be easily drawn using conventional systems.


Their platform is especially designed to get product insights. Since their derivations are presented on an intuitive platform they can be very easily read and interpreted by decision makers.

Fractal Analytics

Their main focus is on helping companies with predictive analysis. They leverage decision science with the advanced analytics. Decision makers can decipher, channelize as well as predict consumer behaviour with the help of the big data analytics and visual platforms that this organization offers.

Also, while these companies have been acknowledged and recognized on international platforms for their innovative solutions, many Indian startups like NSimpl are creating their own niche with state of the art solutions and systems aimed at facilitating big data analytics, warehousing and visualization.