The Future of Content Marke0ng: How to Rise (and stay!) Above the Noise #ContentSuccess

The Future of Content Marke0ng: How to Rise (and stay!) Above the Noise

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Page 1: The Future of Content Marke0ng: How to Rise (and stay!) Above the Noise

The  Future  of    Content  Marke0ng:      How  to  Rise  (and  stay!)  Above  the  Noise  


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Welcome  Webinar  A?endees  

Type  ques0on  here  

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Follow  this  webinar  on  Twi?er  

#ContentSuccess  Demand  Gen  Report:   @DG_Report  

Marketo:   @Marketo  

Maggie  Jones:   @maggiejonezzz  

Michael  Gerard:   @michaelgerard  

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About  Demand  Gen  Report  

@DG_Report http://linkd.in/DG_Specialists

•  Launched  in  2007  to  track  best  pracNces  in  lead  generaNon  

•  Newsle?er  has  grown  to  more  than  26,000  readers  

•  We  also  offer  a  menu  of  research  and  best  pracNces  reports    

•  New  audio/video  podcasts  at  DemandGenReport.com  

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The  Changing  Role  of  Content  •  70%  of  execuNves  said  they  rely  more  

on  content  than  they  did  a  year  ago  when  research  

•  The  majority  of  respondents  have  used  5  different  content  types  when  researching  

•  90%  of  execuNves  feel  overwhelmed  by  the  amount  of  content  available  

•  65%  said  they  would  like  to  see  vendors  stop  overloading  content  with  text-­‐heavy  pages    

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Panelists   MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney  Editor,  Demand  Gen  Report  

Maggie  Jones,  Content  MarkeNng  Specialist,  


Michael  Gerard,    CMO,  Curata  


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The Future of Content Marketing:

How to Rise(and Stay!) Above the Noise

Maggie  Jones    Content  MarkeNng  Specialist,  Marketo  


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•  Big  quesNon  mark  over  fortune  teller  


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•  Big  quesNon  mark  over  fortune  teller  


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Content Metrics!

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Push  Leads  Through  Funnel  

Content Metrics!

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•  Mid  Stage    

•  Late  Stage  

•  Early  Stage  

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ConsumpNon  •  Total  visits  •  Unique  #  of  visits  •  #  of  downloads  •  Time  spent  on  site  •  Bounce  rate  

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Search  Rank  •  Mapping  keywords  to  intent  •  Value/Relevance  •  Authority  

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Vanity  Metrics  •  Facebook  “likes”  •  Shares  •  Comments  •  Favorites/Re-­‐tweets  

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Lead  Gen  Metrics  •  How  many  leads  get  moved  to  the  middle  of  the  sales  funnel?  

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ALribu0on  •  First  Touch  •  MulN-­‐Touch  

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Lead  Gen  Metrics  •  How  many  leads  get  

moved  to  the  end  of  the  funnel?  

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ALribu0on  •  First  Touch  •  MulN-­‐Touch  •  CommunicaNon                with  Sales  

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The Future of Content Marketing: How to Rise(and Stay!) Above the



March 20, 2014 Michael Gerard, CMO

Twitter: @michaelgerard

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36 #CMTactics

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37 #CMTactics

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Content Marketing 2014 •  What content marketing staff & process

changes will take place in 2014? •  What’s a best-in-class content marketing

mix? •  How can I better leverage technology?

38 #ContentSuccess

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State of Content Marketing: “Full Steam Ahead!”...

39 Source: Curata’s 2014 Content Marketing Tactics Planner

• Strategy •  Priorities: More leads, engage buyers, build

brand awareness •  Top challenges: More... staff, budget, content

•  Investment – Increasing

•  “30% of (2013) marketing budget spent on content marketing.” - MarketingProfs and CMI

•  “71% of marketers will increase content marketing $ in 2014” – Curata

• Content – Increasing Production •  “73% of B2B content marketers are producing

more content than they did 1 year ago.” - MarketingProfs and CMI


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But Be Careful Following the Herd

40 #ContentSuccess

• Strategy: Work in process •  Investment: Blind ambition • Content: Quantity is everything

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Content Marketing 2014: Organizational Changes


1.  Hire a Content Marketing Lead 2.  Build a Team 3.  Align Internally

Ed Youngblood Director of Content Strategy

Enterprise Group, Alcatel-Lucent

Noriko Morimoto VP Brand and Content Marketing



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Map out Your Content Supply Chain

Drive Innovation in Content Development

Align Content with Buyers

Content Marketing 2014: Process Changes

Content Strategy

Content Development

Asset Development

Distribution (publish, promote)

Analysis Content Pyramid

Content Pyramid: http://bit.ly/CMpyramid


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Content Marketing: The process for developing, executing and delivering the digital content and related assets that are needed

to create, nurture and grow a company's customer base.


Syndicated Content 3rd party content published in full form on your digital property that has already been published on another site.(paid or unpaid model)

Created content Original content authored on behalf of your organization. (internally or externally sourced)

Curated content Portions of 3rd party content published on your digital property that have been contextualized (e.g., annotated, commentary added) for your audience.

Definition of Content Marketing


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Content Marketing Barriers to Success

External: Most content is in our own voice. Buyers demand more.

Internal: “We can’t create enough content every week!”

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What will the Content Marketing Mix be for Leaders in 2014?

Q. What is your [desired] content marketing mix for each type of content?

Created Content


Curated Content


Syndicated Content


#ContentSuccess Source: Curata’s 2014 Content Marketing Tactics Planner

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“Content curation is when an individual (or team) consistently finds, organizes, annotates and shares the most relevant and highest quality digital content on a specific topic for their target market.”


Content Curation Defined

Curation 101 Webinar http://bit.ly/curation101webinar


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Have you ever…

Published a “best of” post?

Commented on and shared a link on twitter?

Pasted a link to facebook with your commentary?

48 #ContentSuccess

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Then you’ve curated.

49 #ContentSuccess

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Then you’ve curated.


And so have these folks. . .


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Curation Benefits


. . .Thought leadership

. . . Lead generation

. . . Lower content development costs


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Curation in Action: Alcatel-Lucent



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Curation in Action: 360Chestnut



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Content Curation & Fair Use

•  Share only a portion of the original content

•  Always attribute sources •  Drive visitors to the original

publication •  Add your own analyst insight

Create, curate, but never pirate content.


For more ethics tips: http://bit.ly/curataethicsebook


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The Content Marketing Tools Universe




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Content Marketing Priorities in 2014?

•  Do invest in content marketing. . . It’s not just a fad •  Build your team (internal and external) •  Develop a content workflow and mix •  Market your marketing! •  Measure, measure, measure


Don’t Forget, Content Marketing is an Extension of Your Nurturing Process


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Additional Resources


eBook: Look Book Content Curation

Case Studies

eBook: 5 Steps to Becoming a Content

Curation Rockstar

…and more online at: www.curata.com/resources

Industry Resource & News: Content Curation Marketing Site www.contentcurationmarketing.com

eBook: Content Marketing Done Right:

Ethical Curation

eBook: Open & Shut Case for Curation

Guide: Content Curation Annotation


Email: [email protected] Twitter: @GetCurata LinkedIn Group: Content Curators

eBook: Stop Egocentric Marketing: Content Marketing Strategy

eBook: 2014 Content Marketing Tactics


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Q&A    //    Panelists   MODERATOR:  Andrew  Gaffney  Editor,  Demand  Gen  Report  

Maggie  Jones,  Content  MarkeNng  Specialist,  


Michael  Gerard,    CMO,  Curata  


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Thanks  for  a?ending  this  webinar!  Download  and  view  this  presentaNon  at:    

