Amping Up Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Ken Chow [email protected]

TCM Presentation Amping Up Your Social Media Strategy

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Amping Up Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Ken [email protected]

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• Coming to Grips

• The New Dynamic

• Brands Become Publishers

• Adapting the Organization

• Leveraging Sharing behavior

• Summarycopyright r2integrated, LLC 2009 – confidential and proprietary

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Coming to Grips


How I Learned to Stop Worryingand Love Social media

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Coming to Grips






The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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Coming to Grips


The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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Coming to Grips

1. Skepticism


The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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Coming to Grips

1. Skepticism

2. Experimentation

3. Disappointment

The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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Coming to Grips

1. Skepticism

2. Experimentation

3. Disappointment

4. Practice

The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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Coming to Grips

1. Skepticism

2. Experimentation

3. Disappointment

4. Practice

5. Adoption

The 5 Stages ofTechnology Introduction:

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The New Dynamic:

“I, for one, welcome our new Consumer Overlords…”

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The New Dynamic

• Consumer in Control

• Decisions Driven by Content and Peer Advice

• Self-Organizing Communities

• Media Hierarchy Subverted

• Brands Must Directly Engage Consumers

• Sharing as the X - Factor

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Brands as PublishersA Huge Opportunity in an Unfamiliar Role

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Formerly separate entities are now sharing the same space...

Brands are becoming publishers.

Brand vs. Publisher

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Brandon Manager

Parker Publisher

Today I need to:

• Create communities of interest…

• Deliver compelling content…

• Facilitate community dialogue…

• Monetize…

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Create communities of interest…

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Deliver Compelling Content…

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Facilitate community dialogue…

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New Relationships and Opportunities



The Traditional Relationship…

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New Relationships and Opportunities





The Dissruptive Relationship…

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New Relationships and Opportunities





A Balanced Relationship…

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Adapting Your Organization

Platforms, Content, Skill Sets

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Platform and Technologies

Brands used to rent the publishing platforms the used, now they must own or control them outright…

Content Management

Content Syndication

Community Building Tools

Mobile Applications

Rich MediaTools

Platform Layer

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Content must match the mission…

Content Management

Content Syndication

Community Building Tools

Mobile Applications

Rich MediaTools

Strategy Creative Development Management

Engagement Layer

Platform Layer

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Internal Skill Sets

As must your own talent pool…

Strategy Creative Development Management

Content Author

Community Manager

Technical Support

Skill Sets Layer

Engagement Layer

Content Management

Content Syndication

Community Building Tools

Mobile Applications

Rich MediaTools

Platform Layer

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Content Management

Content Syndication

Community Building Tools

Mobile Applications

Rich MediaTools

Strategy Creative Development Management

Content Author

Community Manager

Technical Support

Skill Sets Layer

Engagement Layer

Platform Layer

Adapting the Organization

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Brands as Publishers


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Company:Leader in the innovation and development of DHA omega-3 products that promote health and wellness.

Challenge:Promote awareness of brain health and encourage people to take action

Target Audience:Young and expectant mothers, other health-conscious adults

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Advertise~ or ~


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Search Results were Crowded..

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Advertising Creates Results at a Cost

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Becoming a Publisher…

• Added technology to support distribution

• Engaged vendors to create compelling content

• Shifted internal responsibilities to staff content creation and community management positions

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Compelling Content…

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Community Management…

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Syndicated Promotion

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A Typical Publishers Feature…

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A Typical Publisher’s Feature…

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What to Do Tomorrow?

• See the Web as a Buying Engine

• Look Beyond the CMS

• Focus on Optimizing Content

• Examine Organizational Requirements

• Vendor Profiles

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Content Management Content Syndication Community Building Tools

Mobile Applications Rich MediaTools

Strategy Creative Development Management

Content Author Community Manager Technical Support

Skill Sets Layer

Engagement Layer

Platform Layer

Adapting the Organization

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Leveraging Sharing Behavior

I am (pick at least one):• Generous• Fun• Smart• Righteous

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Two Types of Social Networks

Technical Networks• Commonality: occupation, professional interest, or technical

skill• Seeking/Giving: technical data, or specific job-related

information• Sharing Motivation: inclusion, status, reputation

Trust and Admiration Networks• Commonality: personal affiliation (friends, associates)• Seeking/Giving: personal views and status, advice on decisions

and purchases• Sharing Motivation: ego (recognition, admiration, and trust)

We seek to reduce risk and gain rewards…

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Technical Networks

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Trust and Admiration Networks

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Sharing Motivation

1.Transactional Value – “I’m generous”

2.Entertainment – “I’m fun”

3.Information Useful for Daily Life – “I’m


4.Ideology – “I’m good righteous”

People in these two networks share thingsthat meet one or more of these basic criteria:

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Transactional Value

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“I am generous.”

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Entertainment Value

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“I am fun.”

(“And I have a lot of spare time”)

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Informational Value

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“I am smart.”

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“I am righteous.”

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Social Bridging

The Goal:Changing opinions and buying decisions

through the sharing of contentby others who accept your value


i.e. , making “advocates”

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Social Bridging

The Method:Use social media

not as a broadcast medium, but as a place to identify, empower, and

reproduce advocates

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Social Bridging

The Mission:To locate likely advocates,

arm them with valuable content,and ensure sharing mechanisms are in


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This is not a “one and done” proposition, advocates represent an ongoing relationship that must be

actively maintained.

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Social Bridging

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Identify – Empower –

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Applying the Theory

So now what?

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Creating Effective Social Programs


r Behavior

StrategyTools & Content

• Motivation

• Needs/Wants

• Influencers

• Products

• Basedon Behavior

• Framework for managing influencers

• Intersecting behavior with messages at the right place and time

• Programs and campaigns

• Infrastructure

• Engaging content

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Buying Behavior

• Motivation– Whose Problem is It?– Aspirin or Vitamin?– Risk/Reward

• Needs/Wants– Form/Function– Price

• Decision Making– Influencers vs. DMs– Evidence/Information– References– Peer Advice

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Where are these communities?How do they operate?How do you intersect?

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Content Generation

• Which Audience?– Technical/Non-technical

• Match the Motivation– Does it affect their “In Box”?

• Shareable Value– Transactional– Entertaining– Useful Information

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Ask yourself, and ask key customers: “Would you share this?” “Why?”Be honest…

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Sharing Systems and Technologies

E-mail– The Original Social Network– Embedded sharing mechanisms (e.g. influencer widgets)

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Sharing Systems and Technologies

Social Media:– Inherent Mechanism

( e.g. Facebook)– Adjunctive Mechanisms

(e.g. Facebook Connect API)– Share This– Ad Buys

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Sharing Systems and Technologies

Other Community Environments:– Company Micro-sites – 3rd Party Promotion Sharing Sites (e.g. coupon sites)– Partners

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Example Framework

Can Moe grow?

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TGI McScratch


Food Drinkery

Retail Dining

• Target: Young Family/Upwardly Mobile

• Locations: 123

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• Existing Contact Base: 86,000 email addresses

• Goal: Increase repeat visits 20%, increase per-cover revenues 25%

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TGI McScratchy‘s

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Loyal Occasional

Rarely Never Been

• Core Population• Reach through Loyalty programs• Incentivize Sharing

and Word of Mouth• Create Social Bridge to…

Reach through Social Bridging

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Main Objective

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Loyal Occasional

Rarely Never Been

Shifting the population…

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Bridging Methods

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Active Loyal




Never Been

Inside the existing TMGFD base, email is the connection and sharing method.

Outside the TMGFD base, the connection and sharing method is via social mechanisms.

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Tactical Overview

Social Media buysdrive other outsidemembers to join

300K+email base

Facebook Sharing allows members to recruit others through social “bridging”. Facebook Connect on amicro-site or landing page amplifies it.

Email with engaging primary offer and sharing mechanisms.

Join Join Acquire

Facebook portal delivers valuable content, builds loyalty

Sharing extends reach and drives acquisition of base. Promotion drives base to Facebook

Size and loyalty of community drives more “Loyal” and “Active Loyal” transactions

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copyright r2integrated, LLC 2009 – confidential and proprietary