By Samantha

Suess Ville

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Page 1: Suess Ville

By Samantha

Page 2: Suess Ville

Everything You Will Need to Make a

Super Axe Hacker What you will need:

• 1 Silinsky code key • 4 cog-toothed Katchet grip

tires • 4 Superstitious sharp axes • 2 Powerful Wickerson

headlights• 1 Tinker button board 200,

supplied with 4 batteries lasting a year.

• 4 pieces of very stretchy and powerful Watsit brothers elastic rope

• 1 dandelion wood trailer • 1 steel Friston mini car• 4 smooth Ram tires • Determination, courage and 9


Tools you will need:

• 1 Clawson drill

• 1 large packet of Ping-Pong nails

• 2 large pots of Lava Glue

• 1 Echoley Hammer

• 1 Jig Saw

Page 3: Suess Ville

How to Make a Super Axe Hacker

1) Start by unpacking the Friston mini car and Dandelion trailer. You will need to unpack everything you need, in a large space. Such as, near the dump. This is to ensure if the Super Axe Hacker happens to blow up, you will be ready for it.

2) Fetch your four large Kachet grip tires as well as your Clawson drill. Drill the tires onto the axel of the dandelion trailer. There will be a couple of lava sparks once you’ve finished the drilling. Do not worry about them or they will worry you. A lot.

3) Next unpack the ram tires, and once again the Clawson drill. Drill the ram tires onto the Friston mini car, again, there will be Lava Sparks. (Leave them alone.)

4) Collect your Wickerson headlights and ten Ping-pong nails. You will also need your Clawson drill, jig-saw, and Echoly hammer. Very very carefully unpack the Wickerson headlights. Carefully? You might as well ask. If Wickerson lights are ever dropped, they will cause a SUPER-NOVA explosion of rocks, lava, fire and ash. Wowzer! So once you have unpacked the lights, you needs to carefully place the tips of the Ping-Pong nails into the holes around the tips of the headlights. Then grab your Clawson drill, and cautiously drill slowly, until only exactly three centimeters left of the nail is showing. Then saw off the excess.

Lava Spark

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How to Make a Super Axe Hacker (continu

How to Make a Super Axe HackerOnce you have drilled the ping-pong nails onto both lights, to ensure they are on

properly give them a little twist. If they move, you will need to drill the lights onto the Friston car a little more. If they don’t move, get ready for step five.

5) Now to glue on the Tinker Button Board 200. Fetch your Lava glue, you will need one pot. Also get four nails, your Tinker Button Board and drill. Spread a thick layer of Lava glue onto the bottom of the Button Board, then carefully place it onto the hollow rectangular space on the dashboard, marked TINKER. Then wipe any excess glue that has squelched out of the sides of the Tinker Board 200 with a dirty rag. Next drill some nails into the four corners of the board, then your all set.

6) Now to glue on the Silinsky code key. You will need the same tools as you needed to stick on the button board. (Except for drills and nails.) Start by spreading a thick layer of glue onto the back of the Code Key. Then stick it onto the plae of the dashboard marked: KEY. Once again, wipe excess glue with a dirty rag. (Preferably the same one as you used for the Tinker Button Board 200.) Now fetch your Echoley Hammer and lightly pat the code key around the edges. WARNING!

Once you have finished using the rag (s), (which is now) flush it down the toilet. URGENT!

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How to Make a Super Axe Hacker (continued)

7) Superstitious sharp axes. They are sharpest and shiniest axes in Suess Ville. Watsit brothers elastic rope. This brand and type of rope are the craziest, wriggliest pieces of rope in Suess Ville. This makes these two pieces of equipment a fabulous pair.

Now, lets start with the rope. Fetch your lava glue, and put a large dollup of it onto the end of your rope. Then quickly race to your Dandelion wood trailer. On the trailers sides you will find two holes on each side. Carefully stick the rope through one of the holes, and hold the rope there. Do this to the following three ropes.

WARNING!These ropes wriggle around like crazy! If you are not careful, the piece of rope

will jump out at you and squirt out its insides at you! This could give you a serious asthma attack, and you will have to be taken to hospital straight

away. Call this number for a refund: Y Do U Need A Refund

Now for the axes. WARNING! If you so much as look at these axes, they will give you a paper cut. Ouch.

When handling the superstitious axes you must wear gloves, and building goggles. To make sure you do wear these accessories we have enclosed

some especially for you. The gloves are very very thick and the goggles are very very hard.

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How to Make a Super Axe Hacker (continued)

First you need to pull on your gloves and slip on your goggles. Now very very very carefully pick up your first axe. Even when you are wearing your goggles, that will not prevent you entirely from getting hurt. You will just feel a tiny ping or pinch on your skin. So, where were we? Oh yes, once you have picked up your first axe, place it infront of a piece of Watsit Brothers Elastic rope. (On the trailer.) Then something amazing will happen. A tube will shoot out of the ensd of the axe and a tube will also shoot out of the end of the rope. Wowzer!

Do this to the following axes three axes.

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Now, this procedure is finally done.